#you heard about a power couple who fights together but what about a power couple who looks out for others together?
manawari · 1 year
Count on me (ch. 1)
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Things packed — check. Bags ready — check. Clean apartment — check. Everything was completed. All that was left for her to do was leave the building and make her way to the bus station. Lee Ju-hee was going to come back to Busan to be with her family. And she was going to end her career in the hunting field for good.
The Double Dungeon incident was one thing, but the dungeon involved with Kang Tae-shik was the last straw. Ju-hee realized she could no longer handle seeing people fight for their lives. She wished to be at peace.
Live the way a person should.
Ju-hee knew gates were not for her, though she joined our of obligation because she was awakened and the fate of innocent people had weighted on her shoulders. She remembered witnessing her cousin get killed by beasts, which the memory still haunted her to this day, and told herself to not let the same way happen to others.
Ju-hee shook her head and took a deep breath. She reached for her backpack to sling it over her shoulder and pressed her thumb to pull the handle up and walked to the exit. She shut the door behind her and turned around when she suddenly met two people clad in suits.
"Hello. Are you Ms. Lee Ju-hee?" One of them asked.
She blinked, though she answered reluctantly. "Uh, yes. That is me."
"My name is Ahn Sang-min," the man introduced himself with a cordial smile. "We are from the White Tiger Guild. The Guild Master wishes to speak with you, if you do not mind."
White Tiger Guild? Guild Master? Ju-hee was bewildered. Nonetheless, she went with the two men who worked for the White Tiger Guild, one of the four most powerful guilds in the country.
She was silent during the whole ride. At this point, she was supposed to be at the station where there would be bus that was taking her to Busan, but it seemed her plans got twisted because of the fact that an S-Rank wanted to meet her.
When the car pulled into the front of the building, Ju-hee was then escorted by Ahn Sang-min and was told to leave her things on the car. She obliged and only brought along a handbag where it contained her phone and wallet. It was her first time to set foot into a building of a guild. It even made her heartbeat increase. Surely, she hadn't done anything to capture his attention. . .
The doors of the elevator parted when they arrived at the right floor. Ju-hee followed Sang-min out and walked across the hallway; clutching on the leather strap of her bag to cope with the increasing trepidation, the ginger glanced at the older man in front of her, sensing a pleasing vibe from him. She always thought that those who worked in the four biggest guilds were strict, but she found herself comfortable with this one.
Sang-min reached out to the door handle and twisted it to push the door open, unfolding the sight of the guild master's office. He stood aside and gestured her in. Ju-hee drew a lungful of air and stepped inside where she was greeted by the sight of a man with a white shirt whose sleeves were rolled up to present his muscular arms and had orange hair spiking in various angels, along with trimmed sideburns.
It was the Guild Master Baek Yoon-ho.
He was studying the piece of paper in his hand when he noticed a new presence in his office. He looked up and met her with his fiery eyes. Ju-hee felt strangely intimidated, or perhaps this was her first ever encounter with an S-Rank hunter upfront.
"You must be the B-Rank healer," began Baek Yoon-ho.
"I— I am!" Ju-hee stammered. "Is. . . Is there something you wish to tell me, Mr. Baek?"
The guild master set the paper down and placed his hands down on the desk. His face formed into an amicable countenance. "I'm offering you to have a contract with my guild."
" . . . Pardon?"
"I've heard about your skills as a healer, as well as you're one of the hunters who had been involved with the Double Dungeon incident. And lastly, I have heard about another incident in a dungeon where you've encountered an assassin?" He explained. "Is the latter correct?"
Ju-hee nodded. "Yes, Mr. Baek."
"In that case, I'm sure you had gone through such a tough time in those dungeons, so I decided to recruit you and become a healer in the White Tiger Guild." The guild master said. "The guild will look after you as much as you look after the hunters."
Ju-hee's grip around her bag clenched. Me? Going into dungeons again? No way!
No, she was supposed to come home to Busan. She told herself that she would no longer get involved with monsters. She told herself that she would be having a new life where it didn't have to involve terror.
I can't do this.
"No," she said. "I'm afraid I cannot join the guild, Mr. Baek."
Yoon-ho blinked. "You won't?"
"My last dungeon encounters had wounded me enough. I don't think I can bear going through another one." Ju-hee explained. "I hope you understand, Mr. Baek. Hunting is not for me anymore."
"Why not give it one last chance, Ms. Lee? I believe you can handle this one as you will no longer have to go through difficult situations." Yoon-ho said. "You will notice the difference between your past dungeons and the dungeons you will enter once you become a part of my guild. Trust me, not everything will be the same."
"With all due respect, how can you be sure? Every time I think about gates, I see my teammates dying. How can you assure me that I won't see the same thing happen in front of me?" Ju-hee said. She was aware that she was losing her formal tone, but she didn't think she was able to resist anymore. "I even thought I was going to die. So tell me, Mr. Baek, is my life going to change for the better if I accept your offer? Will I still able to experience the brighter side of life if I work in this building?"
At first, Baek Yoon-ho was silent. Ju-hee stared at him in bravado this time as she waited for his response. So once the S-Rank cleared his throat, he opened his mouth. "I understand what you are feeling, Ms. Lee. But I wish to ask you something— are you certain that you are prepared to turn your back on everything? You know, not every hunter is lucky enough to be approached by a guild master into their guild."
"I'll ask you this one before I can answer your question, Mr. Baek," Ju-hee continued. "Can you name a single thing I will gain if I accept? Yes, I am quite flattered to be approached by an S-Rank, but I wish to know the result."
"You will find new courage, Ms. Lee. You won't have to feel an extreme fear in the gates when my hunters are known for looking out for one another, and I might even assign you to a suitable party." Yoon-ho answered. "Is my answer adequate for you, Ms. Lee?"
"And if something bad happens to me?"
He interlocked his fingers together. "You are free to go. I will hold myself accountable for whatever it is that might happen to you. And if you'd like, I won't hand a contract to you in case you've changed your mind."
Partially, Ju-hee was surprised that Yoon-ho was easy to negotiate something with, for all she thought that guild masters tend to be cold when things wouldn't go on their way. Nonetheless, she should be glad that she didn't have to end up arguing him just to accept her terms. Since Yoon-ho was willing to hold on to his word, Ju-hee thought she should do her part in return.
I'm sorry. Her hands loosened on their grip.
"When. . . When do I start, Mr. Baek?" Ju-hee asked.
"How does tomorrow sound for you?"
She nodded. "I will be here tomorrow."
Farewell to her plans. . .
Farewell to the bus she would not get to ride to go to Busan where her family lived. Farewell to her supposed surprise that she was going to stay with them for good. Farewell to the new life she aimed to have.
Because in this unexpected twist, her new life was to continue being a healer while now working under one of the most powerful guilds by an equally powerful hunter.
Ju-hee wasn't sure what she should react. Her emotions were in shambles, scattered in her mind as she struggled which one to pick. She wondered if she truly made the right decision to accept instead of fighting for what she wished to have. Sure, working on a magnificent guild like White Tiger must've been a dream among many, but there was something inside of Ju-hee that she couldn't seem to grasp.
She didn't think she had the right to consider herself lucky. Rather, she was only seeing this as her last shot of entering the gates, so if she almost faced death again, that was now the final straw.
Ju-hee wanted to give up. Courage had become a dangerous thing for her.
At this, nothing seemed to excite her anymore as she woke up and stared at the date on her phone bluntly. First day at the White Tiger Guild. Ju-hee managed to get up from her bed and got dressed in her hunting attire, which was the same outfit she wore in the C-Rank dungeon. She made her hair into a French braid and once she was done, she was ready to go.
Ju-hee took a cab to the building. However, when she told the driver where she was going, he was quite shocked. It must be because she worked in such a pristine guild. She wondered if other hunters felt the same. To work in a prominent guild meant higher salary, as well as an exchange for risking one's life.
But at least that was something she must look forward to. Ju-hee would probably be able send more money to her family once she got her payment.
The taxi dropped her off in front of the building and drove away the second she shoved the door shut. The healer made her way to the entrance where the employees were already busy with their work while chattering harmoniously. Ju-hee decided to look around and caught a familiar face across the floor.
"Mr. Ahn!" She called and strode toward the man.
Ahn Sang-min turned away from his employee and met her eyes. "Ms. Lee Ju-hee. Such a pleasant day to see you."
"Likewise. And, may I ask for a little assistance?" Ju-hee waited him to nod before proceeding with her question. "Do you know which floor should I go?"
"Ah. The hunters are located in the fifth floor." Ahn Sang-min replied.
Ju-hee moved her hands to her front and bent forward. "Thank you, Mr. Ahn!"
Sang-min chuckled. "Alright, I bid you good luck with your first day at the guild."
Ju-hee nodded and flashed him a brief smile before heading to the elevator. She managed to accelerate her pace before the doors were completely shut, which she ended her chest heaving at the run. Looking around, it seemed everyone else was an employee, and not a single hunter was seen.
It can't be that I'm late, aren't I? Ju-hee shook her head. The guild master didn't mention any specific time, but as long as she arrived early.
Her fingers tapped on her lap as she watched the number at the corner. Once the number four became five, the elevator stopped and the doors were hauled aside to give way. Ju-hee entered a new floor and began to walk around. Everything was clean and quite bland due to the walls being painted in beige and the floor not having a single mark.
Do hunters not stay here for a long time? She wondered. Ju-hee let out a groan. In hindsight, she should've asked Ahn Sang-min which room she would enter once she arrived in the fifth floor, so that way, she might've—
"You're here already."
"Eek!" Ju-hee yelped. She spun around and was met with the owner of the voice. "M— Mr. Baek!"
"Call me 'Guild Master' now," said Yoon-ho. "You're working in my guild, after all."
"Right! Guild Master Baek!" Ju-hee cleared her throat as she regained her composure. "I. . . I don't know which room or hall am I supposed to go."
Yoon-ho let out a chuckle. "My apologies. I was about to tell you the major things yesterday, but you immediately left."
Ju-hee flushed. "I'm very sorry, Mr— Guild Master Baek. I didn't know our conversation wasn't done yet."
"It's alright. Now that you're here, I'll take you to the party you'll be hunting with from now on." Yoon-ho gestured her to follow him. "I already told them that they'll be having am official healer."
"They don't have a healer?" Ju-hee raised an eyebrow.
"Yes. But a few months ago, they used to have one until the healer decided to quit." Yoon-ho answered. "Sometimes, there's a healer who accompanies them, but he only joins depending on his availability as he's not a permanent member of the guild."
"Why? Not being a permanent member, I mean."
The corner of Yoon-ho's mouth twitched. "That's just how he is."
Ju-hee's lips slightly parted. She didn't know that there were hunters who could be like that despite being involved in big guilds. Perhaps Yoon-ho must've tried to recruit the healer, who kept refusing until he gave up.
Yoon-ho eventually led her to a hall where it was filled with cacophonous prattles, particularly from the hunters who wore armors. The largest one was boasting about how shiny his new armor was and even showed his broad sword. Some were in awe while others seemed to be disinterested.
The S-Rank hunter cleared his throat. "Hunters!"
The hunters instantly stopped and turned to their guild master. Ju-hee suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder.
"I'd like to introduce you to a new addition of our guild. Lee Ju-hee, a B-Rank healer." Yoon-ho declared. "She will be with you all from now on."
"Aw. . . " One of the hunters whined. "Do we even need to have a healer? We've already conquered dungeons on our own and none of us have left severe wounds since our last healer resigned."
"Quit complaining. Have you forgotten how important a healer is?" Yoon-ho glared. For a second, Ju-hee caught his eyes glow and his aura changed. "I don't want to hear any objections, got it? Make the newbie feel welcomed. You will be summoned to conquer a gate in five minutes."
"Yes, Guild Master!"
A small wave of shivers ran down Ju-hee's spine as Yoon-ho walked past her. Is this how strong an S-Rank's aura can be? She knew that such hunters were very powerful, but it seemed the true feeling was different when somebody actually encountered one.
Ju-hee looked over and saw a young woman, partly around her age, with emerald green eyes. She had raven black hair and was fair-skinned. She had a feather-like ornament on the side of her head that curved past the top of her head and wore a white shirt with poofed sleeves and a pair of golden wing-shaped pauldrons on her shoulders, black leggings, and a pair of knee-high white boots. She also had a short yellow staff on her hand.
"Hi?" The new healer of White Tiger Guild said.
"I'm Park Hee-jin!" The hunter said her name. "Please to meet you, Ms. Lee."
Ju-hee let out a smile. "Call me Ju-hee."
"Okay," Hee-jin smiled back. "It had been a while since our guild had a new recruit. What made you apply for the guild?"
"I didn't. Guild Master was the one who offered me a place."
The hunter widened her eyes. "That's amazing. . . "
Ju-hee chuckled.
" . . . We usually encounter C-Rank and B-Rank dungeons. Sometimes it's an A-Rank, but that doesn't happen often, so you don't have to worry about anything much." Hee-jin said as they headed toward the gate. "Just trust your instincts, Healer Lee. We won't let you get burt and you won't let any of us suffer from wounds."
Ju-hee nodded. "Got it, Hee-jin."
Park Hee-jin was the only person she had conversed with ever since she showed up. She was a mage, which explained the staff she carried, and was also a B-Rank just like her. It was quite nice to meet someone who was in the same rank as her. And not only that, Hee-jin was kind and friendly, the most welcoming hunter out of the group whereas the others hardly bat an eye on her.
Ju-hee found her hands clenching, as if bracing herself, when she walked inside of the gate. It had not been less than a week since that debacle happened. And it had not been less than a week since she said goodbye to her friend, whom she informed about her returning to Busan, either. The strong smell of mana felt like it was yesterday. The stone ground, the thick walls, and the tunnels and holes around the dungeon, lurking whatever creatures waiting to attack the raid.
You can do this, Ju-hee! The healer encouraged herself. It's too late to turn back now. . .
The hunters were in vigilance. Ju-hee walked close by and made sure to not be separated from them. It seemed to her that she was the only one who was showing signs of dread because despite being alerted, her fellow hunters were relaxed, which made her feel ashamed of herself since she had gone through dungeons before.
"Halt!" Kim Chul, the raid leader, brought his fist up. "I think I saw some movements. Be prepared or else you'll be toasted and no one is going to help you."
Hee-jin rolled her eyes. "No need to repeat the same sentence every time we go on gates."
"Ms. Park, as this group's leader, I must remind you all, especially when we've got a newbie." Kim Chul shot a glance at their healer. "Stay back as possible, would ya?"
Ju-hee could only do was wish the ground to swallow her. Hee-jin had briefed her about the hunters in their party, and said that the most arrogant of them all was Kim Chul, who was often on his high horse and believed he was better than the rest of them. So, Ju-hee would have to tell herself to not listen to him.
"Where did you see it?" A hunter asked.
"Somewhere over there." Kim Chul pointed at the hole that was larger than the rest. He brought out his shield and unsheathed his sword. "We'll attack in three, two, o—"
Everyone's eyes diverted to the owner of the scream and spotted a hunter, whose leg had caught up on a claw that came from the nearby hole. Another hunter rushed up and ripped the hand apart. Screeches resonated from the darkness and that was when the monsters appeared — a bunch of goblins with long claws and thin frames, yet were swift to jump out of their hiding spots.
Ju-hee felt her breath clog on her throat. The others immediately got into battle.
Ju-hee snapped out and whirled her head to the wounded hunter. She instantly knew what she must do, so she took off toward him and avoided getting attacked. Suddenly, she caught a claw reaching out to her, but a strike of yellow light clashed with the monster. It came from Hee-jin.
"Go, Healer Lee!" The mage exclaimed and faced another goblin with her staff to eliminate it.
The healer managed to get to the wounded hunter and found the nails were still intact on the flesh. Ju-hee's breath quivered at the sight of blood.
Yet, she shook her head and spoke. "First, I'll have to remove the claw."
"Just do what you have to do!" The hunter seethed. "Is it necessary to let me know?!"
Ju-hee gritted her teeth in a growl and grabbed the claw and pulled it out, causing the hunter to cry in agony.
"Shit! That's painful!"
That is why I have to inform you! Instead of speaking the words in her mind, Ju-hee hovered her hands over the streaming ichor and summoned her powers to mend the flesh together. She never got any complaints when healing someone before, and perhaps since the group must've gotten used to not having a healer in a few months, which was why.
But it was not like Ju-hee was going to tolerating such a behavior.
Being the only healer among them, she must do her best. Just like her previous raids.
The raid was a success. They managed to kill all the monsters and faced the dungeon boss, which was obviously killed by Kim Chul and few of his close comrades. There were four injured hunters in the process, but were then healed by Ju-hee, who had to run in the middle of the fight. And thankfully, Hee-jin was there to assist her. It was still exhausting, but the amount of relief was threefold when the raid was finished.
Hee-jin yawned as she stretched her arms above her head. "That was strenuous. I'm feeling quite thirsty. How are you feeling, Healer Lee?"
"I'm good. I don't see any difference between this one and my old raids." Ju-hee said. "You also fought well, Hee-jin."
Hee-jin chuckled. "That was nothing!"
"What are you going to do after this?" The healer asked. "Do you go back to the guild and wait for another call?"
"Yes. And while there's no call, we can do whatever we want." Hee-jin said. "Say, what do you do to spend your free time?"
Ju-hee bit her cheek. "I don't think I have any. It's my first time working in a guild."
"That's fair." Hee-jin nodded.
"What about you?"
"Sometimes, I train. And other times—" Hee-jin suddenly paused as if she saw something in front of her. "Guild Master Baek!"
Ju-hee looked up and saw the master of her guild. Baek Yoon-ho stood in front of them with one of his hands tucked in his pocket. He faced the two young women with a genuine visage and spoke;
"How was the raid?"
"It was successful, Guild Master," answered Hee-jin.
"Glad to know," Yoon-ho nodded. He turned to the healer. "How did you feel, Ju-hee?"
Ju-hee pursed her lips at first. "Well, it was very challenging and some hunters had complained about speeding the healing process even though they had terrible wounds."
"Idiots," Yoon-ho grumbled and sighed. "Don't mind them. If they keep on complaining, then feel free to let them be. And oh!" He glanced down on his pocket and pulled out a folded envelope to hand it to her. "Here's your paycheck."
"A— already?" Ju-hee widened her eyes.
Yoon-ho let out a grin. "It's your first day, right? I thought this will do to reward you for your hard work."
Hee-jin gasped. "Take it, Ju-hee! It's not often that our guild master is generous."
The S-Rank cleared his throat.
"Sorry, Mr. Baek."
Ju-hee stared at the envelope for a few moments before taking it. The amount of money weighted quite a ton in her hands. Yes, she was looking forward to the salary, but she did not expect that she would receive it earlier than she thought.
"Th— thank you, Guild Master Baek!" Ju-hee tucked the envelope to her chest and bent down in gratitude. "I promise to never fail you."
Yoon-ho let out a chuckle and placed his hand over her head to pat it. "I know you won't."
Ju-hee smiled at her guild master's words. To think this was how big his faith was in her. . . It was almost unbelievable for a powerful hunter like him to recruit her by himself. At this, it made her want to remain working in the guild.
Two days had passed since she had joined the White Tiger Guild. Hee-jin was still the only person she was closest to while the rest were too stubborn for her to deal with. It seemed they were not used to having a healer yet. Even in minor wounds, they refused to be aided by her. Ju-hee ended up letting them run with unhealed wounds.
They were more handful than the previous hunters she used to raid with.
Han Chi-yul had probably retired after that incident. Ju-hee wanted to see him, but she was nervous to see his reaction since she told him that she was going to retire as well. But perhaps some other time. . .
As usual, she arrived in the building early. When she got inside, Ahn Sang-min called her name.
"Ms. Lee!" He strode toward her, waving some papers in his hand. "Do you mind doing me a favor? I have a dire emergency at the hospital today. My niece is sick."
She nodded. "What is it, Mr. Ahn?"
"I want you to hand these to Mr. Baek," he handed her the papers. "And if he asks, tell him that I was needed somewhere and that was why I didn't have time to inform him."
"No worries! I got you, Mr. Ahn." Ju-hee smiled and took the reports.
Sang-min reciprocated the smile. "You are a kind person, Ms. Lee."
With that, the two exchanged their farewell and Ju-hee made her way to the elevator. Yoon-ho was probably in his office. She speculated that he would only join raids if the gate was an A-Rank or a dungeon that needed emergency. She remembered it was the White Tiger Guild who had gone into the double dungeon after the hunters had contacted the association.
And knowing she was now working in the guild itself, it was quite a coincidence for her.
The lift brought her to the right floor and Ju-hee walked across the hallway. It was always empty. Hunters and other employees hardly came here unless it was urgent matters. She finally reached the door where the office was located and moved her hand to the knob, twisting it gently to let herself in.
She didn't know if it was a good idea to come without knocking or if she should've just waited for his answer. But it was too late for her now, Ju-hee had already stepped inside and started to amble to the desk.
And all of a sudden, she was greeted by a laughter.
The guild master seemed to have a visitor. Ju-hee saw a man who was seated on one of the chairs in front of the desk. Yoon-ho had a broad grin on his face while he listened to his guest's chatter.
Must be a friend of his. She thought and took a step backward. Maybe I should—
"Mr. Lee!" Her guild master noticed her presence. "What brings you here?"
Ju-hee clutched on the papers in her hands and cleared her throat. "Mr. Ahn had asked me to bring these to you because he got an emergency at the hospital."
"I understand," nodded Yoon-ho and took the papers she had handed to him. "Thank you."
"New employee, hyung?"
Ju-hee turned to look at the man. He looked rather young, judging by his slightly spiked hair that was swept to the back and narrowed to the back of his neck; he wore a jacket above a red hoodie and also a shirt and a pair of washed out jeans. His face was genuine.
"No, she's the new healer of our guild. Byung-gyu, this is Lee Ju-hee." Yoon-ho said. "Ju-hee, this is Min Byung-gyu, a close friend of mine."
Byung-gyu's eyes met her blue ones and he smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you, new healer."
Ju-hee saw his outstretched hand toward her. She took it and let out a small smile. "Thank you, Mr. Min."
"Now that you are familiar with each other, do you have to be elsewhere, Ju-hee?" Yoon-ho spoke.
"Yes! So I'll, uh—" Ju-hee dipped her head. "I shall be going ahead, Guild Master."
Once she received a nod, the healer walked out of the office.
"Alright! Wait here for a moment, everyone." Kim Chul declared as he and the rest of the hunters were gathered in front of the gate. "Guild Master said that someone is going to join us in today's raid."
Ju-hee's eyes lit up in curiosity. She turned to Hee-jin and leaned closer to ask. "Do you know who it is?"
The corner of Hee-jin's mouth was tugged into a grin. "You'll be surprised if I tell you."
"Come on. It wouldn't hurt to tell me." Ju-hee grumbled.
"Fine. He's another healer like you, but a much higher rank."
"Nope! More than tha—"
"I'm here! Sorry to keep you all waiting!"
Ju-hee turned her head and saw someone coming toward them. The person went past her, though she still managed to get a glimpse of the healer. He wore a green armor with a brown hood and a mace in his hand, but if it wasn't for his spiked black that was swept to the back, Ju-hee would've seen him as a stranger. But when she saw his face, her eyes widened.
"Min Byung-gyu?!" She failed to resist her gasp.
"You know him?" Hee-jin looked at her in bewilderment.
"Uh, yeah! I saw him at Guild Master's office. But I didn't know he's a healer." Ju-hee remembered Yoon-ho mentioning someone who was not a permanent member of the guild, yet only participated based on the vacancy of his schedule.
. . . And she did not expect that she had already encountered the freelance healer.
Hee-jin chuckled. "Yeah, Min Byung-gyu is a healer. An S-Rank healer."
"S-Rank? Healers can be S-Ranks too?" Ju-hee widened her eyes.
"Well, not everyone. Byung-gyu is the only S-Rank healer in our country. But the reason why he's not as well known as the rest is because he doesn't like the idea of being famous."
"Ohh," Ju-hee nodded in understood. "Okay."
An S-Rank healer, huh?
And so, the raid began.
Now discovering that he was a powerful healer, Ju-hee sensed a different aura from him. Even if she stood a few feet away from him, as it was for easy access to aiding the hunters, she could already feel how strong he was for a healer. It was almost unbelievable for her to meet a person who had been awakened to be an S-Rank healer. Ju-hee was quite intrigued to see him in action.
She spotted one hunter, who had a bleeding arm while still trying to fight the beasts. Ju-hee's hands clenched. Hee-jin was not nearby to assist her through the battle. The B-Rank mage was occupied with eliminating the monsters as they kept pouncing at her. Ju-hee knew she must do what she needed to do rather than linger in fear.
You should not stay like this, Ju-hee. She pursed her lips.
Mustering every courage she had, Ju-hee rushed into the battle field. The way her heart was racing felt as if she was being attacked as well. She witnessed the bleeding hunter stabbed the monster before collapsing on his knees at the immense pain he had been holding in his shoulder.
Ju-hee managed to reach him in time and placed her hand on his upper arm to keep him from getting up further and moved her hand in front of the fresh wound. It was deeper than she thought. The flesh soon closed the crease between them to stop the blood from oozing out, but before it could complete its recovery, Ju-hee caught something from the corner of her eye. Her yelp caused her hand to jerk away and stared in utmost horror at the murderous gaze of the beast.
The size of a big cat, russet-furred, and blazing yellow eyes. It was hissing to the point its sputum was dripping from the thick fangs.
It was about to leap at her when the next thing Ju-hee knew, a spurt of blood rose from its body. It was a mace. And it was a weapon who belonged to none other than—
"Are you alright, Ms. Lee?" Byung-gyu asked her.
Ju-hee widened her eyes. She looked between the bloodied corpse and the mace in his hand. "Did you just—"
"Killed it? Yeah." Byung-gyu lifted his mace. Another monster screeched behind him, so he immediately smashed it on the head once it pounced up. His lips turned into a grin. "You can never be too sure that nothing will attack you while healing."
"You learned how to fight?"
"I figured I had to since—"
"Healer Min! Someone had lost a hand!"
"—and that's my call." Byung-gyu swung his mace to rest it on his shoulder. He glanced at her and said. "Finish healing the hunter and I'll divert the monsters' attention so you won't have to worry about getting attacked."
Ju-hee nodded, albeit reluctantly. "Okay."
As she returned to her task, the healer also watched the S-Rank rush into the midst of battle. So composed, so bravely. Ju-hee suddenly felt a tinge of envy at Byung-gyu for being able to do one thing she could not do. Even when she was newly awakened, Ju-hee was terrified whenever she saw monsters up close and had to deal with her accelerating heartbeat when rushing to someone.
But, who was she kidding? Byung-gyu was an S-Rank. His mentality was stronger than hers.
Not to mention, he could fight.
Ju-hee remembered someone telling her that she was capable of being a hunter too, yet she refused and took on the healer path. In that way, she was able to save someone instead of fighting alongside them.
She had healed over four hunters, one of which was Hee-jin, whom she had also given an earful for charging at a larger beast on her own. Kim Chul was hurt in the process too, but was healed by Byung-gyu afterward. And miraculously, nobody died. The dungeon boss was killed when all of the hunters banded together, also with the help of Byung-gyu, who also possessed the power to summon a spell book that had abilities to give hunters additional strengths.
Ju-hee practically slacked when she had gotten out of the gate. She could barely feel her bones and saw a nearby stack of plywood. She immediately headed toward it and plopped down, panting as her fingers clutched against her lap, clawing at the material of her leggings. This was the first time she had gotten to face the beasts closer than her last raids in the guild.
Especially that werewolf.
Her heartbeat accelerated at the memory. It was almost as if she saw the beast through the eyes of her deceased cousin.
There was no doubt that her initial thought was dying.
"Are you okay, Ms. Healer?"
She looked up and saw Byung-gyu, who was carrying a tumbler in his hand. "M— Mr. Min!"
"You look quite tired and still shocked at the same time," he said as he joined her on the spot. "Did something bad happen in the raid?"
Ju-hee shook her head. "Not at all."
"Want some water?" Byung-gyu twisted the cap of his bottle and offered it to her. "You might be thirsty after doing all that run and using your energy to heal."
"Thank you, Healer Min." Ju-hee accepted it and moved the edge of the bottle to her mouth, careful not to touch it with her lips. The liquid streamed across her tongue, it was cold and refreshing, and there was also a slight touch a pineapple in the water.
"It tastes sweet, doesn't it?"
Ju-hee snapped back to reality and moved the bottle away from her, realizing she might drink it all if he hadn't spoken. She cleared her throat and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
Byung-gyu grinned. "I casted a small spell on the water that will help you gain your energy back, hence the pineapple taste."
"I— I see," nodded Ju-hee and handed the container back to him. "Thank you, Healer Min. I feel no longer as exhausted as I was before."
"Never doubt an S-Rank healer!" Byung-gyu winked and took a sip on his water. "So, Healer Lee, how did you become part of the White Tiger Guild?"
"Well, Guild Master was the one who recruited me. I was about to go to the bus station when two employees came for me and took me to the guild." Ju-hee explained. "However, I wasn't going to accept his offer already."
Curiosity lit up in his eyes. "What made you accept it then?"
"He said that I would find new courage if I work in his guild," she answered.
"Woah, I'd never thought hyung would say words like that to someone. Your skills must've impressed him a lot." Byung-gyu chuckled. "But if he said that you'd find new courage, then trust him. Yoon-ho hyung knows when someone has potential and he doesn't want that potential to go away."
"You and Guild Master are sure close with each other." Ju-hee commented.
"Yeah, we've known each other for quite a long time. He said that if I officially become a part of the guild, White Tiger will be on par with the Hunters Guild for having two S-Ranks." Byung-gyu replied.
"Then why haven't you become a permanent healer?"
He shrugged. "Being a permanent healer in a guild means I'm fully committed to raiding gates, but I don't want that. I still like the idea of living as a normal person."
Ju-hee smiled. Despite his level of powers, he wished to not lose touch of the average side of him, which amazed her. "I admire the way your mind works, Healer Min. If I wasn't recruited in the guild, I would've been living a normal life by now." She murmured.
"Well, do not be distraught by the change of events, Healer Lee." Byung-gyu said. He got up and shoved his free hand into his pocket, looking down at her with a grin. "Maybe your journey in the hunting field is not done yet, or that hyung's intuition is true."
"You really believe that?" Ju-hee blinked. "But. . . I was so afraid in the entire time!"
"Yeah, and that's fine. I was scared too when I first began to conquer dungeons." He told her. "Trust in yourself that you'll get through the same way healers believe in hunters that they'll survive — it worked well on me as I got used to the gates."
"Oh. . . Okay." Ju-hee said.
Byung-gyu put two fingers on his forehead and saluted before walking away. Ju-hee remained on her spot while her mind replayed his words — was her journey in being a healer was truly not finished? To think, she had been through so much, especially the Double Dungeon that had wrecked a quarter of her spirit, and yet. . . She was still standing.
She witnessed deaths, from which she had also failed to heal, and a lot of severe wounds in the hunters around her. Being healer had been the hardest task in her life. For her whole life, Ju-hee had never shared her struggles with someone.
And once she did, it was none other than the strongest healer in the country.
However, she didn't feel the same intimidation as she did when meeting Baek Yoon-ho. Rather, she felt like she was talking to someone in the same level as her. Perhaps that explained Byung-gyu's mindset about not wanting himself to the dungeons a lot — he had no sense of inferiority.
A small smile gradually formed on her lips.
"Healer Lee! It's time to head back to the building!"
"Okay!" Ju-hee stood up and rushed across the area to join her group, who were preparing to get inside of the van. She briefly saw Byung-gyu climb inside before she made her way to the second row where she ended up sitting next to Hee-jin.
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star-girl69 · 8 months
I Did Something Bad
Clarisse La Rue x Fem!Demigod!Reader
synopsis: you somehow become the target of a deadly vendetta, and it ends in an overnight stay in the infirmary, a lot of blood, and a lot of your scary girlfriend being her scary self.
a/n: save me clarisse “touch her and die” la rue save me save me save me save me save me save me… this is a completely self indulgent fic and no i will not apologize. love y’all!!!!!
inspired by an ask @nvirskies sent me
I Did Something Bad - Taylor Swift
warnings: not proofread, VERY VIOLENT AND GRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS OF Y/N GETTING INJURED!!!!! BLOOD!!!!! WOUNDS!!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, anyways…. DANNNNNYYYYYY MY BABY!!!!! HES BACK!!!!!, ares cabin bonding time <3, FOUND FAMILY, y/n is crazy too, insane power couple who are insane together!!, y’all know what’s going on…… protective clarisse, possessive clarisse, insane clarisse, murderous clarisse, again clarisse gets a bit too into capture the flag, swearing, attempted murder!, LOTS of violence, kissing, clarisse hates talking about her feelings but she will do it for y/n, tell me if i missed anything!!
Clarisse loves capture the flag.
It’s the one place where she really gets to be in her element. That’s where she prefers to be- in the moment, hard and fast, a flurry of swords and adrenaline and the feeling of someone surrendering.
Of course, Clarisse is never the one surrendering. You don’t think you’ve ever seen someone surrender to her.
Clarisse loves capture the flag.
And that love is also shared by her equally violently-minded siblings, which is why you’re sitting on her lap in the middle of the Ares cabin, listening to everyone scream and shout about tactics and plans and things that are just general boring.
Clarisse, of course, listens to everything. Silently humming to herself, drumming her fingers against your stomach, rolling her eyes and scoffing silently at some of her siblings ideas.
They all shout out ideas, but everyone knows that Clarisse has the final say.
You should probably be preparing with your own cabin- but this is just so much fun.
The tension in the room rises significantly after Nelson shuts down another one of Carrie’s ideas. Carrie has a mind made for the strategy of battle, where Nelson is all tough war and pain.
Clarisse likes to brag that she’s the perfect mix of both.
“I’m bored,” you huff, leaning back into your girlfriend. “Can they start punching each other again? Or something entertaining?”
She laughs and wraps her arms around your waist, kissing your shoulder. “You’re so violent,” she mumbles. “I’m supposed to be the violent one.”
“I jus’ think it’s really funny,” you shrug. “Like, can you blame me? It’s objectively funny.”
Danny, your favorite of Clarisse’s siblings, skitters through his older siblings and throws himself onto the couch next to you.
“Did they start fighting yet?” he asks, practically bouncing in his seat.
“No,” you sigh, dramatically.
Clarisse puts her arm around his shoulder, and you know she feels ridiculously proud over the fact that she’s the favorite of the most lovable member of the Ares cabin, and the fact you’re literally draped over her.
Not your fault she’s so comfy.
“Hey, how you feelin’ about tomorrow?” you ask Danny.
His face hardens. “I’m gonna fuck a bitch up.”
“Oh, my Gods,” you mutter, listening to Clarisse chuckle and pat his back.
“Hell yeah,” she smiles.
“Good!” you say after a second, feeling slightly disturbed over the 11 year-old’s colorful language. But, who are you to stop him?
Clarisse sighs after a moment, and you look up to see Carrie and Nelson finally at each other’s throats. Besides for the fact it’s just so funny when the siblings fight, they should get all of the anger out now so they can work as a team tomorrow.
“Well, no, Nelson, we aren’t gonna fucking ‘kill them with kindness,’ because that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“Hey, fuckers,” Clarisse says, but they’re too absorbed in the fight to hear her.
You scramble off of her, climbing over Danny, watching in amazement as he opens the bag of pretzels he did not have in his hand a second ago- stuffing one in his mouth and holding it out to you.
These pretzels might have been buried in between the couch cushions. But they’re sealed, so who cares.
“You know what, fuck you, Carrie!” Nelson shouts, pushing her back.
“Askin’ for it,” she laughs, winding up and punching him straight in the face.
You can’t feel bad for the crunch, because Nelson should have know Carrie was gonna punch him- he could have at least put in an effort to stop her. Instead, he just stood there and took it.
“Oh,” Matty winces, sliding next to you. Why the hell are random things just appearing? Did he come out of the cushions too? Probably, seeing as he’s always falling asleep. “Askin’ for it,” he mumbles, shaking his head.
Nelson recovers from the hit and jabs at Carrie- but she stands there, hand on her hip, completely still.
Clarisse catches his arm.
He’s breathing out heavily, and the room goes pretty much silent- except for you, Danny and Matty chomping on pretzels in the corner of the couch.
“You’re fuckin’ embarrassing, Nelson.”
He pulls himself away from her and huffs, heading to the bathroom to deal with his bright red cheek.
Clarisse sighs heavily.
“Gods, can’t have one night without someone punching someone.”
Carrie looks around the room with a smug smile, scoffing when Clarisse shoulders her as she walks past. She lays down in your waiting arms, kissing your hand as you wrap them around her.
“Gettin’ on my nerves,” she mumbles, closing her eyes and leaning into you.
“I know,” you soothe, turning around and making a silly face to Danny at her dramatics.
Nelson is obviously still angry the next day. His helmet doesn’t cover all of the nasty bruise on his cheek, a sickening purple against his tan skin.
Him and Carrie swap glares across the the throngs of red helmets.
“Okay, Carrie, stop,” you huff. “He might actually kill you. You’re the one who got a punch in- let it go.”
She turns to glare at you, now.
“Tell him to stop staring at me.”
“Well, you can help by looking away first.”
“Fine,” she mumbles, putting her helmet on and tightening her grip on her sword. Chiron made his usual speech around 10 minutes ago, and Clarisse has finally finished updating everyone- more like yelling incoherently at everyone- about their positions.
But you have a similar strategy.
The blue team has the brains of the Athena Cabin, but the red team has all the brute strength.
Clarisse huffs, walking over to you and Carrie.
“Okay, ready?” she asks, reaching over to tighten the straps of your armor- even through they’re perfectly fine- by habit.
Carrie let’s out a deep breath. “Yes. Very ready to fuckin’ pummel those blue shits and pretend they’re Nelson.”
“That’s the spirit!” you smile, slapping her shoulder. She rolls her eyes and steps away from you, smiling slightly.
Danny and Matty walk over, and your little band is complete. You hunt in the woods just south of the flag, deterring a lot of hopefuls. The older campers know to come up with sneakier ways to get by, but Clarisse is otherwise confident in those she placed by the flag to really protect it.
You strike out into an offensive stance, pointing the end of your blade straight at Danny- and he quickly counters with his own impeccable stance.
“Oh, yeah, they don’t stand a chance,” you smile, and he returns it.
You take your normal routes through the woods.
With the added weight of you and Danny, the group is not as stealthy as they could be- but Clarisse is a secret teddy bear who doesn’t like to be away from you for long, and Danny is too young to be set loose, left to watch the big kids work, occasionally jumping in for a few swings.
Leaves crunch under your feet in the otherwise silent forest. You’ve already come across a few stragglers, and before you could even raise your sword the Ares siblings had disarmed them. Your heart squeezed seeing the absolutely heartbroken look on Danny’s face- he was promised that this time he could really fight.
And after you pulled Clarisse off to the side and reminded her of her deal- Danny was leading the group, with you and Clarisse behind him.
He marches tall and proud, sword pointed out, even though Clarisse scolds him and says his arm will get tired- he’s young and doesn’t listen to his half-sibling.
You smile, watching him, admiring how carefree he is. The walk continues mostly in a stealthy silence- Clarisse, Carrie and Matty has mastered the art of walking silently- so your cover is lost by you and Danny.
Of course, whenever you try to convince Clarisse that maybe you should go somewhere else- she looks at you like you’ve suddenly turned into a female Minotaur.
Clarisse, her hand in yours right now, has a hard time understanding the concept that she can’t be with you all the time. That you might get hurt, that she can’t always stop it.
It’s sweet how constantly concerned she is over you, it makes your stomach twist so good.
She squeezes your hand, bringing you out of your reverie. Voices.
“Danny,” you whisper, almost silently, kicking the back of his leg. When he turns around, frown on his face, you point towards the direction of the voices- and now footsteps.
You all stop in your tracks.
Danny practically jumps up in down, you smile wide, and Clarisse signals to Carrie and Matty, urging you and Danny closer to the action.
When they come into the clearing, a few Hermes kids dressed in blue bandanas, swords in their hands. They’re all strong, you’ve seen them around- recognize them vaguely as potentials that lost to Clarisse in ugly sparring matches.
The siblings have disappeared into the trees.
So it’s just you, unsuspecting, and Danny.
You can see the triumphant looks on their faces.
Except for one of them.
Nicky, maybe? You don’t care enough about him to know his name. But there’s something more in his eyes that you notice immediately, something similar to the passion Clarisse gets in her eyes at the mention of this game.
Danny jumps forward, sword swinging just the way his blood knows, the way his siblings have taught him meticulously.
They seem momentarily surprised at the force his small body can produce, quickly countering with their own jabs, swords clashing together. The other focuses on you.
You’re not worried, you know the siblings are just letting the two of you have your moments before they really come in and you can sit back and watch Clarisse fight. Muscles rippling, sick smile on her face, spear glowing with electricity.
He comes at you and your swords clash together, the force of it making your teeth ring- Gods, he’s strong. He pulls back and you do the same thing a few more times, neither of you able to get the upper hand- until he finally seems to realize his height advantage.
He swings his sword down on you, pressing down hard- and with gravity on his side you have to put all of your focus into stopping that downward sword.
You don’t see his foot coming out to kick you back.
You only feel it, boot in your chest, wind knocked out of you, groaning as you slam into the ground.
“Fuck,” you breathe, tasting blood in your mouth.
“Y/N!” Danny shouts, and that’s when you see his sword coming down on you again. He does it on purpose, that much is sword, the strategic placing of his sword slicing through the top of your arm.
He doesn’t mean to kill you. He means to hurt you.
His purpose isn’t winning the game, you realize as the blade tears through skin, his purpose is to hurt you. That’s what you saw in his eyes.
Delight that his prey was right in front of him.
The realization washes over you like a wave- but like the real ocean, another one comes- an overwhelming feeling of pain, blooming outward like a flower.
He bites his lip in concentration, standing over you as his blade sinks into the dirt. He smiles wide, hitting his target.
You scream.
It’s a quick stop. The clearing is filled with the sound of your screams, swords stopping in midair- everyone realizing simultaneously that you’re really hurt. That this boy hurt you on purpose.
Something cuts through the air, wind in your ears, swiftly burying itself through Nicky’s armor and into his side.
You’ve realized in the last day that men are stupid. First, it was Nelson not expecting to get punched, and now it was Nicky not prepared for a retaliation after hurting you.
The thick armor slowed down the spear, so it unfortunately stabs his side and falls right out.
He yells in pain, ripping off his armor, revealing a small cut. Nothing compared to yours, but you can faintly recognize the fire in his eyes before Matty is leaning over you and Carrie is wrapping a bandana above the pain in your arm.
You hear the sounds of something happening, someone fighting, skin on skin.
You hear all of this, you see all of it, but all you can feel is the burning, burning cut in your arm. It feels like he cut it off. Your mind is hazy, you know blood is gushing, you never knew something could hurt this bad.
You faintly realize you bit your tongue when you went down. Blood spurts from your mouth when you cough, when you groan in pain, when you say her name like a prayer over and over again.
“Clarisse,” you moan, legs twisting around, trying to get away from the pain that you can’t escape from. “Clarisse, Clarisse, please, Clar…”
Matty pulls your head into his lap.
You can tell it’s bad, you can see the queasy look on his face. You clench your fist- the one you can feel, at least- to keep from screaming, heels digging into the dirt. You’re still trying to get away. But you can’t. You can’t get away from this all consuming pain.
“It’s okay,” Danny whispers, suddenly appearing next to you. He voice shakes, he doesn’t know, he can’t tell you anything reassuring.
“Can you go find someone, Danny? One of the Apollo kids, anyone?”
He ignores Carrie, starring at you for a second longer.
“Y/N,” he mumbles, his voice quiet, finally able to act like the young boy he is.
“You can go,” you breathe, somehow finding the strength to make him believe you’re okay. “Go help me, okay?”
His little footsteps disappear into the woods faster than you’ve ever heard him run, even when they have his favorite brownies for dessert.
You let out a sob.
“D-did he cut it off?” you moan. “It feels like he cut it off, please tell me he didn’t… he didn’t cut my arm off…”
“Oh, fuck, no,” Carrie breathes, pressing down agains the wound to try and stop the blood from gushing out- but it doesn’t really help. It’s just too much. “I mean, it’s deep and it’s nasty, but you’ve still got an arm, don’t worry.”
She laughs, awkwardly, nervously. You can feel even more of your arm drifting away, blood pouring out onto the ground.
“Hey, hey, no,” Matty mutters, lightly hitting your face.
“Can’t fall asleep, Y/N,” Carrie says, nervously. “Sit up against Matty, come on, huh?” you lean against Matty, head clearing now that there’s fresh air in your system.
Your eyes focus on Clarisse.
Except she’s not anywhere near you, she’s 10 feet away, punching Nicky so hard you’re surprised he’s still standing.
Carrie cringes. “Okay, maybe don’t look at that.”
But you’re sort of entranced by her. She’s not outwardly angry, her face reveals nothing- just a mask of hard, unrelenting focus. It should scare you, how much concentration she puts into her deadly punches, blood flying with each hit she lands. Her knuckles are red, his face is a mess, but it’s exhilarating to know she would do this for you.
A sickening crack rents the air. “My fucking nose, fuck, fuck, screw you, you fucking bitch! Fuck-”
The smallest smile creeps it way onto her face. She wipes her mouth, leaving blood on her lips- but she doesn’t seem to notice.
“I can keep going!” she shouts back, grabbing his shirt. “You wanna do that shit? I’m only getting started. I’m gonna throw you around, then I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you.”
“Wait! Wait, okay, wait, shit,” he breathes, holding his hands up in surrender. Blood pours from his nose, down to her hand bunched in his shirt. He’s taller than her, yet he’s surrendering.
“You’re pathetic,” she hisses, pushing him back. He hits the ground with a groan, trying to grab for a rock, a sword, anything to defend himself against Clarisse and her fury.
Clarisse loves capture the flag.
One of the reasons why she does is because she gets to let out all her anger. She looks at you, but not in your eyes- she looks at the wound on your arm. You can see the red pouring out of the corner of your eye- but you choose to ignore it, instead focusing on the way the fire inside of her gets relit at the sight of your blood. She has plenty reason to be angry now.
She grabs her spear, sauntering over to him, laughing at the way he can’t even try to get up.
“So fuckin’ stupid,” she smiles, tilting her head. Then the tip of her spear is pointing right at his neck, she’s standing over him the way he did to you. “How’s it feel?” she smiles.
He coughs, hissing in pain.
“I’m scared, Clarisse, okay? You got your fucking revenge, but it wasn’t me.”
She laughs, loud and boisterous. “I just saw you cut her, dumbass. I really should kill you, just as a favor to the world.”
“Paid me,” he coughs. “Drachmas, in exchange for hurting your girlfriend-”
She presses the blade against his throat, he yells out.
He stays silent.
“Who?!” she yells, kicking his stomach.
“Nelson!” he screams. “Nelson! Nelson paid me, please, Clarisse-”
She moves the blade away, and he hisses- she probably just barely drew blood.
“I’m not done yet,” she whispers, deadly promise dripping from her words. She turns around, fades out of focus for a second, and then she’s right next to you.
Her hands are cupping your face, she looks sick, seeing you like this up close- but all she does is kiss your forehead. Like you, she doesn’t want to look at your flesh and blood.
“I’m here, I’m here, oh, fuck. Gods, what the fuck,” she mumbles, looking very pointedly away from the wound, finally seeing how bad it is up close.
“I know,” she whispers, smoothing your hair back. “I know, baby, I know, but it’s gonna be okay.”
Danny runs into the clearing, shouting “just over here” while healers follow him, immediately groaning at the smell of blood, the sight of it.
Clarisse switches places with Matty, holding you against her, kissing your head again and again, muttering about how brave you are.
You almost laugh at the odd looks the Apollo kids give her, unused to seeing the big bad Clarisse so soft. But they just don’t know her like you do. She doesn’t love them like she loves you.
One of them starts to clean the blood, and your eyes drift shut as the other starts to mend your skin back together.
You wake up with familiar curly hair in your face.
You spit it out, groaning, mouth feeling fuzzy, everything feelings fuzzy.
“Clarisse?” you mumble, eyes not even open, but you wake up with that hair in your mouth everyday, and you’ve memorized the weight of her arm around your waist.
She sits up immediately, jumping out of bed, standing up and fixing her messy hair like someone’s gonna be there.
“Um, hello? I was speaking, crazy girl.”
“Oh, thank Gods,” she mumbles, blowing hair out of her face and sitting back down. “Thought we got caught.”
You look at her, then your surroundings-
“Oh, holy shit,” she says, staring at you like a deer in headlights. “Wait, you’re awake. You’re awake!”
She throws her arms around you, burying her face into your neck, reverberating with the sound of your laughter.
“You make it sound like I’ve been in a coma for 10 years.” Your heart drops. “Have I… been asleep for a while?”
“Um,” she says, softly, biting her lip as she extricated herself from your neck. “Capture the flag was yesterday, so… no.”
“So you’re just being dramatic?”
“Possibly,” she smiles. “It’s not my fault you’ve taken over my entire brain.” She shows her bruised knuckles, split open, already starting to scab. “I said not to fix ‘em up. They don’t hurt that bad, and they look fucking cool.”
You grab her hands, relieved it’s only been a day, kissing the rough scabs. She blushes, although she tries her best not to, breathing in deeply.
“How are you feeling, baby?”
You look towards your totally healed arm, finally realizing that you know have full control of your hands, unlike yesterday. It’s wrapped in a bandage for precautions, but it feels totally healed.
“All good,” you smile.
“You gotta take it real easy for the next week or so, yeah?” she fusses, brushing hair behind your ear. “So you call me, or one of my siblings, anyone to help you with anything. No lifting heavy stuff, don’t do anything too fast- you might tear the healing.”
“I don’t suppose you’ll carry me around like a princess?” you giggle, laying back, inviting her into your arms. She gets back under the covers, head against your chest so she can hear your heartbeat.
“That’s not a bad idea, actually. Practical. Very safe.”
You hit her shoulder. “I’m joking.”
“Eh, I’ll change your mind.”
You smile, running your hands through her hair, enjoying the early mornings with her warmth against you, soft sunlight peeking through windows.
She sits up after a moment, laying her head back on the pillow, arm back around your waist. She just sits there for a moment, you can feel her admiring you. Clarisse doesn’t look at you. She traces your face with her eyes, imagining it was her hands, her lips, she admires you like she sees a reverence in your eyes that has nothing to do with your godly parent.
“Can you promise me something?” she asks, whispering softly, even though you’re the only two people around.
“What?” you say, staring at the ceiling, feeling like you might fall back asleep.
“Don’t get hurt. Like, ever again, please.”
You smile. “Okay, baby,” you mumble.
“I’m serious,” she smiles, nudging your cheek with her nose. “I… I was really scared. And I don’t like to feel that way, especially when it comes to you. I was angry, too. I was so fuckin’ angry I’m surprised I didn’t kill him. You can’t get hurt like that, not again, you just gotta let me protect you. Or else I might actually kill someone, Y/N.”
“I know,” you mumble. “I watched you.”
“Did I scare you?” she asks, voice soft. There’s no hint of your loving, smiley Clarisse in this bed right now. She’s worried, as if she could ever scare you.
“No,” you say, honestly. “It’s sweet how far you’re willing to go for me.”
“Yeah,” she mumbles. “You better like it. Do you know what I got for that? Eight months no dessert. Five months cleaning the fuckin’ stables.”
You barely hide your laugh. “Oh, my Gods, are you serious?”
“Yes,” she grumbles. “But, I’ve decided it’s fine. You’re my loving girlfriend, right? You can sit there all pretty so I have something to look at when I’m cleaning. And you’ll share your dessert with me, won’t you?”
“Yeah,” you mumble, turning your head. “I will.”
“I really love you. My perfect pretty princess,” she jokes, smiling lopsidedly, and you return it. “You’ll let me protect you, and maybe I can get some decent sleep at night, huh?”
When she presses her hand to your face and her lips to yours, you think nothing could possible ruin this moment. It’s just you and her, and everything that’s beautiful.
“You always protect me, Clar,” you smile.
She smiles, lips grazing yours. This is your Clarisse. The one who smiles just for you, who puts her rough hand softly against your face. This is your Clarisse, the one who would do anything for you, the one who wants to carry you around, the one who wants to protect you and hold you and never let anyone fuck with her baby.
The door slams open, someone is laughing boisterously, another person is groaning in pain, and a familiar voice is shouting your names.
“Clarisse! Y/N! Clarisse, Clarisse! Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!” Danny shouts, dragging out the last syllable of your name. He jumps onto the bed by your feet, even when Clarisse frowns, looking at you like a puppy dog who’s just brought a dead bird to your doorstep.
And as you look at the scene behind you, Nelson being laid on another bed, Carrie being helped into the corner- laughing hysterically, knuckles split open.
Nelson’s face is practically unrecognizable.
You suppose Danny really did bring something unsavory like a dead bird, dropping it right at your feet.
“So, we all woke up right?”
Your eyes whip to Danny, shocked as he know launches into a story about Carrie waking up to Nelson saying he hadn’t been called to the Big House yet, maybe he would get away from it- but swiftly received punishment in the form of Carrie’s fists. With Clarisse in your bed, no one had the guts to stop them, and they fought for what must have been 10 minutes- Nelson very obviously losing.
“And, now we’re here,” Danny sighs, breathing out after his long and embellished rant. “But you’re awake, Y/N!”
He looks at your skeptically- specifically, at your arm.
“Can I hug you?”
“Oh,” you smile, your heart twisting with such a fondness for this wonderful little kid. “Of course you can, Danny,” you smile, opening your arms wide.
“Yes, just be careful,” Clarisse cautions, her arm around your waist. “Watch the arm, huh?”
“He’s just a baby, Clarisse,” you mumble, breath messing his hair.
“He’s 11.”
“Baby,” you reinforce, squeezing him tighter.
“Y/N… you’re crushing me,” he groans.
“Oops,” you say, letting him go. “You’re just too cute,” you coo.
Clarisse scoffs from next to you. You smile, kissing her cheek. “You’re beautiful. Scary, dangerous. Not cute, though.”
She hums. “Yeah, you’re right.”
Carrie walks over, sporting her split knuckles, also opting to let them heal naturally like Clarisse. She shows them off with a wide smile, even as Nelson screams in the background when they reset his nose.
Matty rubs his temples.
You smile, looking around at your very dysfunctional, very awkward, but loving family-adjacent.
“Hey, did we end up winning the game?” you ask.
Clarisse snorts. “Oh, nah. Without us, they were lost. Who cares, though?”
“Yeah, I liked beating Nelson up much more than I would have liked winning,” Carrie smiles.
“Next time,” Danny starts, “Can I lead again?”
Clarisse squints at him. “…Maybe.”
You wink at him, nodding subtly.
“Okay!” he smiles.
Clarisse kisses your forehead.
“I love you, pretty baby,” she mumbles.
You smile. “I love you too, scary baby.”
clarisse when she sees y/n get hurt: oh so the only natural response to to THROW A FUCKING SPEAR AT SOMEONE
appreciation for the fact she threw it from like really far away and just tore through his armor likkkkeeee
nelson and nicky sitting in the infirmary together hugging each other terrified clarisse and carrie are going to come back for more
nicky does not sleep at night anymore SHE SAID SHE WASNT DONE
shout out to my baby danny he carried this fic fr
shoutout to y/n for getting WRECKED so we could have this beautiful moment w clarisse
shoutout to matty for being his beautiful self
shoutout to carrie for being her violent self
and finally shoutout to clarisse for being overprotective and insane
clarisse after she actually convinced y/n to let her carry her around everywhere: 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
bitch is so happy…
@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008 @liballer @heyimadison @nvirskies @pnsteblnme @mar2ss @restellsss @ravisinghs-wife @marsconer @evangelinexo @randomhoex @luvrrish @rebecca37 @saltair-and-palemoonlight @ace-spades-1
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huskyweebo · 7 months
Kings accidental consort. PT. 1 [ ? ]
Tysm to this blog for inspiring me to make an RadioApple fanfic!
“ So do you Agree on the terms. “ Lucifer affirmed, folding his arms as if saying to not agree. He and Alastor were on the patio; the only quiet place in the now bustling hotel,
“ yes yes, “ The radio demon said somewhat dismissively, “ I would only act as a parent to dear Charlie when you are not here, “ he repeated.
A sudden, odd thought came to Lucifer, “ just like divorced dads, “ he heard in his head, making him snicker slightly, Alastor tilted his head and narrowed his eyes, “ what seems to be hilarious your Majesty, surely not our agreement “ he proceeded to hold out his hand, Lucifer grasped it.
“ oh nothing, I was just thinking that this deal seems like we act like a sort of divorced couple, and how it would be funny if we were actually, truly married “ they shook hands, around them powerful rays of light signaled a deal being made by an Overlord and King.
Downstairs Charlie and Vaggie were heading to their room after letting Angel handle the new guests for a break. Suddenly, the lights darkened around them and Green light was seen, both girls knew that all too well.
“ I’m sorry but who is making a deal with Alastor? “ Charlie asked. Vaggie raised an eyebrow
“ wait didn’t your dad go up with Alastor a couple minutes ago? … oh shit, “ Vaggie muttered, she grabbed Charlie’s hand and rushed up the stairs leading to the patio where Lucifer had said he will be. The was a lot of commotion behind the closed doors, Charlie kicked it open and ready to fight.
“ -re you shitting me! What is this?! This is your fault sinner ! “ Lucifer yelled once Charlie smashed the door open, her father appeared to be wearing a wedding dress, and blushing profusely. Vaggie burst out laughing.
“ well I wasn’t the one who made a frivolous joke about being married, am I ? “ Alastor said. he seemed frustrated, but he still held his smile. He himself was wearing a black tuxedo and holding a bouquet of flowers.
As they argued, both of their hands flared around. Charlie stayed quiet, not wanting to intervene but suddenly noticed wedding bands on each of their clawed hands, putting two and two together, she gasped loudly. She started squealing making both men stop yelling to look at her,
“ oh my gosh, oh my gosh, Vaggie!! Alastor is officially my Father!! They have Ringsss! “ she said shaking her girlfriend, Tears fell from her eyes.
“ ok easy on the sparkles Hon, “ Vaggie said while being shook, she turned to the males with a questioning look,
“ did you guys seriously get married? “ Charlie ran to hug Alastor, “ NEW DAD ! “ she yelled while sobbing madly,
“ What is this? Dear this isn’t for long, His Highness messed up a deal we were making and ended up like this, “ Charlie was peeled off of his body, and her face told them she was hugely disappointed.
“ what but what kind of deal can you botch that badly to- “
“ WELL TIME TO BREAK THIS MARRIGE “ Lucifer interrupted, snapping his fingers.
The wedding garments disappeared for both, Alastor brushed his clothes, “ There you go, the deal should be of- why do I still have another ring. “ Lucifer stretched out his hand in front of him, on top of his old wedding ring that Lilith gave him, there was still the new one. Alastor looked down, he still had his on aswell.
“ Now this is particularly “ he said off handly, “ I thought you had it covered your majesty, “
“ well I do, give me a second “ Lucifer growled,
20 minutes later and everyone was in the palace with Lucifer running everywhere and looking through all the books he can find, he was muttering under his breath frantically similarly to how Charlie did when she was in a panic,
“ HOW IS THERE NOTHING ABOUT STUPID DEAL BREAKS IN THIS SHITHOLE “ Lucifer yelled out from another room and a book could be seen thrown.
“ hmmm “ Alastor hummed through his smile, he enjoyed the little one running around with tarnish, but he knew the fun couldn’t last. He he assured Charlie then went through his shadow and to where Lucifer was.
“ Your highness what seems to be the problem? “ he asked knowing full well the answer to his own question. Lucifer looked like a complete mess: both his horns and wings were out and he wore a crazed expression,
“ well, funny thing, well um- “ he stammered, then flew up and took another book out of a shelf instead of answering him.
Alastor waited for him to come down, he was like a prissy baby and currently, he knew not that Alastor could hear him from down below. The king cursed him out and his past living self. The book he previously had in his hand fell with a slam right next to Alastor, Lucifer cursed even more and flew higher, deep into the high rise library, Alastor went to pick up the book but immediately dropped it when it burned his skin through his gloves.
It was a holy book, ‘ Deals With The Unholy ‘ it was called. All around Alastor was holy books similar to that.
Finally, Lucifer calmed down slightly and flew back to where Alastor was, he was panting heavily.
“ finally calmed down? “ the Sinner rejoiced, his smiled sickened Lucifer, “ I see you don’t got this handled, “ the King rolled his eyes,
“ looks like apparently once a deal is made it can never be broken until it ends, but we never put a deadline, so it’s not possible… but I swear I had saw something about breaking a deal somewhere! “ he said with a pout, Alastor laughed slightly.
“ well I suggest we go ahead and tell our daughter that becuase she is currently worried about you. “ Alastor said smoothly,
“ she worried about me ? “ Lucifer said excitedly, then clearing his throat embarrassed when he saw Alastors face.
“ what do you mean, ‘ our duaghter ‘ she’s my duaghter not yours “ he growled. Alastor laughed,
“ Well this ring says otherwise, so until we find out a way to break this frivolous deal, we are officially married so she is indeed my duaghter. “ Lucifer narrowed his eyes but didn’t say anything, “ go along now darling, please tend to OUR daughter “ The short king muttered angerly as he left, not waiting for him.
Alastor waited for him to close the door. The sound of a Wendigo could be heard from him.
he held his hand with his wedding band out, from it, sparks came from it and suddenly a book appeared in his hand. He reading for a brief moment before shutting and burning it.
“ A slight mishap that I could use, maybe being married isn’t such a bad thing “ Alastor started laughing, he continued on as he went through the shadows…
TBC [ ? ]
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
𝙁𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙇𝙞𝙣𝙚 | 🔞 Main Work
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He's one of the best, no race too tough to handle, every track a new challenge he takes on- especially when it's you who's waiting at the finish line for him.
Tags/Warnings: Racer!Jungkook, established relationship, romance, suggestive themes, heavy flirting, adult content, mentions of online hate, only minor angst, they're a power couple, this MC is now my spirit animal, smut
Length: ~5k words
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A/N: I know nothing about actual car racing. Pls don't take it too seriously, thanks haha 💗
"But be real here-" A fellow driver asks, sitting down at the side now to pick up a water bottle. "-I always wondered, are you like, actually a couple?" He asks, taking a sip of his water, replenishing what he's sweat out during the training session with Jungkook and the other drivers.
Jungkook sighs to himself, before he gets into a sitting position, tapping the timer on his phone to a stop. He gets these questions a lot- whether or not you're in if for the right reasons, how good your pussy must be to have him put up with your annoying attitude all the time, or how someone like him isn't hooking up with models and actresses left and right. He's not sure why it's such an outrageous thing apparently to have a stable relationship, but somehow, if he just went by what magazines and online gossip-blogs report, it's apparently absolutely unthinkable to be in a normal loving relationship in his position.
But he is. And he intends to keep it that way for as long as you'll have him.
He loves you, dearly so. Your 'bad habits' and flaws are just as endearing to him as the rest of you, mainly because you were also there when he was just starting out, bank account almost always empty at every end of the month, rent barely being paid. You stayed even when he was at his lowest, you cheered him on when he won his first major race, and you consistently keep supporting him at every event you can. And to him, you're prettier than any model he could ever come across anyways.
"We're an actual couple indeed." Jungkook affirms, locking his phone before he screws open a plastic bottle of water himself.
"But like, isn't it a bit disappointing sometimes?" Jake asks him. "Like, I heard you never go to afterparties, and if you do it's always with her. You could have anyone, man." He laughs.
"You'll get there too, maybe." Jungkook chuckles simply, when the door opens, and familiar jingles of jewelry make him smile to turn around- and there you are, meeting his eyes with a smile, as he instantly moves to stand up.
"I bought you all your favorite snacks, and there's like, one of those electrolyte drinks there too." You say after pecking his lips with your strawberry flavored lipbalm, putting the white plastic bag into his hands. "You're not overdoing it, right?" You ask, and he grins, shaking his head.
"I'm almost finished anyways. You wanna wait up here? We can go back to the hotel together then." He asks you, gently pulling your hair out of your long earrings where some of it had gotten tangled. You let him, and wait for him to lean back as a sign that he's finished, before you answer.
"If it's not too much of a bother? There's already a bunch of paparazzi outside, I think someone might've leaked your location online.." You tell him, and he grows serious at that.
"Then you'll wait. I don't want you going back to the hotel alone if they're outside." He tells you now, not giving you another option. He remembers the last time you almost got mobbed at the airport, simply because you flew out the country a day after he did- and of course it created rumors and the wildest theories as to why that might've been the case. It's what happens to him constantly due to his status as the 'hottest race driver of his generation'.
One magazine reported that you apparently have been spotted fighting by someone at a restaurant, and that that could explain why you had sunglasses on during the airport walk- because you two probably broke up, and your eyes must've been swollen from crying. In reality, you always wore shades or shielded your eyes, because you're sensitive to the camera lights and the masses of people make you anxious, so you always try and blur them out somewhat.
Another online forum speculated that you two definitely broke up, and that it was long coming, because the hate must've gotten to you finally. That there's just no way you both could've ever worked out, and that it was just pushed by your parents so you'd have the most comfortable life imaginable. Your father allegedly introduced you to Jungkook at a press conference, which made Jungkook laugh.
True, your parents know each other- but only because you're a couple, and obviously became closer over the years of dating. It didn't make sense that you both just became a couple so you'd have it easy, when he's mentioned multiple times that you both have been dating for way longer than the span of his career.
And then, that one gossip site that pushed the narrative that he cheated on you at the last afterparty. That there's images from the event where he can be seen with a woman with long dark hair that's definitely not you, and that you most likely found out and kicked him out- and just flew out to start a new life in a different country.
That one made him angry.
The woman he'd been seen with was Mingyu's mother- his best friend whom he'd helped out the burning wreck of his car after he'd crashed into the side barriers. She'd simply been there to thank him, and he'd hugged her just as a way of reassuring her that he'd always be there for any of his teammates, no matter what. And that specific website constantly stirred up cheating allegations- either at him, or you, it didn't matter. Clearly edited photos, alleged video evidence that didn't even show you both at all, it was stupid, really.
He's lucky that you don't instantly believe anything you see. Up until now, you always confronted him first if there was anything you were concerned about. And you trusted him, just as much as he trusted you.
Finishing up his workout, he takes the towel you offer with a thanks, deciding to ignore Jake's stares at your tits for now, since it doesn't appear to bother you at all. And honestly, he can understand. They do look great.
And they feel even better- but that's only for him to know.
The moment you both exit the gym they're all there- and he instantly moves you slightly behind him to properly shield you from anyone trying to reach out to you, which has happened often enough before to make him now hyperaware of it. But you somehow make it into the car waiting to take him back to the hotel without anything happening- though the questions hurled at you both from every side do annoy him to high heavens.
Jungkook are you still together?
Jungkook did you both talk things out?
Jungkook did you really cheat on her?
"Jungkook." You ask him, and he moves his head to you now. "I asked you if we wanted to take a bath at the hotel? The tub is huge!" You beam at him, and at the sight of you all genuinely happy and carefree, he smiles, nodding, before he takes your hand to hold.
As long as you're still there, everything's fine.
"Oh god-" You breath out, hand in his hair while he's gripping your thighs over his shoulders to keep them open.
Your panties are still hanging from one of your ankles, toes curled as he licks and swallows over your core, orgasm rapidly approaching you as he places a teasing kiss to your sensitive pearl. He moves around with ease, slips out of his pants rather quickly before he pushes your legs towards you once more, aligning himself with your entrance after lubing himself up shamelessly with your arousal he's gathered with his hand.
He doesn't need to rid you of any clothes- he's done that already.
You always joke that the secret to your happy relationship is back-breaking sex and good cooking- but sometimes, you actually believe it.
It's his main way of relieving stress- he's told you as much before. And he also enjoys the more romantic and sensual aspects of it, the closeness to you, and the knowledge that it's something special just between the two of you. It's always a little playful, unserious, light and relaxing, especially afterwards- the shared afterglow you both experience always something special where you both reconnect and bond once more. It's like you grow closer every time you're together like this.
Even though, according to him, that's impossible.
"Gonna.. wanna take you to the movies..!" He grits out, leaning back while while he holds your legs by the backs of your knees, thrusting his hips steadily into you. "Ah, fuck.."
"Can I- can I choose?" you giggle in pleasure, hands over your head grabbing the pillows while he watches your chest swing in the rhythm of his pace.
"Hm, I don't know.." He mumbles, leaning over you now after letting go of your legs to peck your cheek. "What do you wanna watch?" He wonders, before mouthing at your neck.
"Right now?" You hum dreamily, closing your eyes at the sensations of it all. "Wanna watch you." You say, and he chuckles against your skin, hands next to your head steadying him as he slows down a bit to a more sensual rhythm, though he presses himself deeper at the same time, making you arch your back as your legs hook together over his back.
"You're so cute." He teases, one of his hands moving to run over your chest, playfully smacking one of them once to earn a squeak from you- and laughter from him.
"Kook-!" You whine, and he mimics your tone a little, before his hand moves over your body between your legs where you're currently connected, fingers toying around with you. "Yes-!" You beg, thighs pressing together against his body, before you reach your high, muscles twitching from the feeling, while he becomes a bit more erratic now with your core clenching around his length.
He cums a little afterwards, pulling out before he spills his seed over your lower abdomen, the sight always doing something to him.
"You know, I really wanna go to that premiere that I was invited to with you." He says after taking a deep breath and running a hand through his hair, getting up after leaning over you to peck your lips twice- because once is never really enough for him.
"Heh, you know I'll always be at your side if you want me there." You sing-song, stretching your limbs while he turns on the water in the bathtub, door open to be able to hear you. "So, if you wanna take me, of course I'll be your arm-candy!" You chirp, and he smiles as he returns with some babywipes in his hands to wipe down your skin.
"I always want you at my side." He tells you gently, careful with the rather cold wipes on your skin. "And I'm glad you're still willing to put up with me and this whole thing." He shrugs, throwing the tissues away in the trashcan.
"Why wouldn't I?" You wonder up at him as he hooks his hands underneath your back and legs to carry you into the bathroom of the hotel room you're staying at, to help you into the tub.
"Why would you?" He sighs, getting into the tub as well, unscrewing the small bottle of soap offered by the hotel to pour it into the water. "I sometimes really wonder how.. strong you must be to just constantly put up with all the things said about you and me." He says, pulling you closer to him as the bubbles form with the water pouring in. "…I was really scared, you know." He mumbles onto your skin before he kisses your shoulder.
"Of what?" You ask, unsure.
"When the rumor spread of me cheating. I always.. get worried you might become doubtful of me when things like these are said." He admits to you, before you turn around in his arms, his hands immediately on your hips.
"I'm not worried though." You simply tell him, running your hands through his hair before they settle around his neck. "I trust you." You shrug, and he moves his hands up to hold your cheeks, pulling you closer to kiss you until you giggle, pushing against his pecks to get him away. "Kook no-" You laugh, but he whines.
"But I want to love my girlfriend!" He complains.
"You just did!" You argue back, and he plays with his lip rings for a second.
"But you deserve more." He purrs, trying a little more.
"And my pussy needs a break!" You respond back, making him laugh. This is why he loves you so much- why he loves your relationship so much. Living with you is easy, it's relaxing, it's light and it takes his mind off of all the worries he has.
Because when he's with you, it's like none of it matters. He can just fall into your arms and trust you to catch him every single time.
And you do. Just like right now, as you kiss him until the water cools down, and the bubbles are all gone.
Something he's never really told you is the amount of people trying to get to you- through him of all people.
Mainly because everyone still somewhat believes the most common rumor that you're just a sugar baby kind of situation- that you're up for anyone, as long as the numbers fit your standards. It's infuriating really, makes his blood boil because what else does he have to do to make people take you both seriously? It's not even just the fact that they apparently don't take him seriously as your partner- but that they really think you'd be someone to use others for money, just because you're not the quiet sweet person in the background who they can bully around.
But he has a plan. Foolproof, really, and he's wanted to do that this year anyways.
"I need my good-luck-kiss.." He teases, keeping you close to him.
"Well if we had enough time I'd give you the whole good-luck-menu, but you gotta go get ready now." You giggle while he bites at your neck.
"Not yet.." He complains, already in his overalls, helmet on the bench close by. You're hiding behind a corner like schoolkids attempting not to get caught skipping class, and he admits that you both do this a lot. He just can't get enough, and today especially, he just wants to make sure the cameras can see his marks on you, and know that they're his. "Will you watch the race?" He asks, and you giggle.
"Of course. I always do." You promise, and he grins, before he pecks your lips one last time, finally getting ready.
You're standing in the VIP spots, watching closely how he starts the race, seemingly a bit behind. But he's pushy, he always is, competitiveness not letting him lose without a fight. And fighting he does, quickly catching up as he squeezes past several other competitors, making your pulse rise quite a bit. Truth be told, you always worry- especially after his friend's last accident that you witnessed that day. The race had been interrupted because of it, and had been decided to be re-started at a later date once Mingyu had fully recovered.
He only sustained minor injuries, cracked a rib and a minor concussion, but nothing else. But the sight of the car will stay in your head for quite a while.
You have nightmares, sometimes. Of Jungkook being in a wreck like that, flames swallowing his broken body whole, and you can't do anything to save him. That's most likely the biggest reason you're always a little on edge whenever he drives. You know he's a good driver, of course he is- but still. You can't help but worry.
Not that you'll ever tell him. He doesn't need about something stupid like that.
It's not even half an hour in, and a black flag is waved at a blue car lagging behind. There's smoke coming from the back wheels- so he's asked to leave the tracks and drive into his pit box, which he promptly does to get his vehicle inspected. It seems to be a more serious issue however- because the announcer suddenly explains that the racer named Jake Pitcher won't return to the tracks.
Time passes by, and the race goes on without much interruption. Everyone follows the rules, flags are waved left and right to navigate things happening, and your eyes occasionally lose sight of the mainly red and black hyundai Jungkook is driving, though you always find him again at the very top, leading the race. It's after the second pit stop that a driver in a sky-blue Toyota is becoming visibly more aggressive, especially towards Jungkook.
It's alright to be a bit pushy, you've learned that that's the norm- but this guy is putting other drivers in danger with just how close he's pressing himself against Jungkook's back and another's side.
But this is the sport. It's an aggressive one, and the rules about how to race are pretty grey.
Someone crashes, a yellow and green racecar you've seen earlier. The vehicle spins on the ground in donuts a few times before it comes to a stop on the grass, and the team is visibly running around to sort things out. It's announced that the driver is awake and alert, and doesn't seem injured- and the car is towed safely away, one lane closed until everything is cleared once more, caution in place for now causing everyone to slow down a little until the track is cleared again.
Jungkook had crashed before. Multiple times, even. He's cracked ribs, bruised his body, broken bones. Never anything too serious- but enough to remind you every time how dangerous his career is. You hate that side of it, and sometimes you really wish he would just call it quits- but you also understand that he's passionate about this, that this is his dream.
You'll always remember his worst crash- the way his car had flown through the air rolling around like it was nothing but a toy, front wheels almost pulled off entirely- and your fear inside your bones as it took him ages it felt like to climb out of the wreck, surprisingly unscathed, only bruised badly in some spots.
He was on a stretcher that day, a safety precaution even though he turned out mostly fine. You remember not even having the energy to scold him in hospital, crying at his side for hours it felt like until he'd managed to calm you down enough, his laugh teasing as he'd helped you wipe off your ruined makeup before going back to the hotel later to sleep- your body even clingier than ever before.
It's his fourth pit stop. Things are looking good- this time the car seems to be holding up a lot better than last time when he only made the third place, and the commenters seem to recognize that too. Jungkook is the only one bringing a car of his type on the track after all- it's basically the talk of town every time he participates. He went from being a joke to a true competitor nowadays- finally being taken seriously on the tracks, and you know Jungkook relishes in the feeling of it.
He loves to win, after all. Even if it's just the respect of others.
Suddenly, something happens in the front. The toyota pushes too hard, too far to the side, and it breaks the current leader completely into the barriers as the car loses control, dragging several cars with him- And as your eyes search for the familiar red and black car with white font written all over it, you find it.
There's a lot of smoke, several cars unable to continue, a driver exits his own on the grassy spot in the middle, throwing his helmet in frustration. Jungkook's car is scratched, badly, a slight crack in front, but he's still driving- seemingly having escaped with nothing but some minor damage. He's slowed down just like everyone else now, entire track under major caution as the damage to a lot of other car's is being inspected, several people now left out with their cars damaged too hard to compete any longer.
Jungkook seems just a bit out of breath from the shock from what you can see on the screens, now in the pit box where tape is placed over a break in the front over the scratches, car being refueled and inspected just to make sure. He gives a thumbs up when asked if he's alright- a nod given to other questions. According to a commenter, he's asking for any serious injuries in other drivers- but there are none, so he's reassured that everyone's alright and up walking around.
Caution is lifted, green flag waved. The fight is back on, speed increasing as they once more go back full force, pushing and mixing up the order in which they're making their way towards the finish line.
It's the last stretch now, and things are getting clearly heated on the tracks. From clear pushing to forceful passing, scratches and bumps can probably be found on every car after this race is done. There's a fight happening now, and Jungkook is not backing down from anyone- now doubling down, and pressing himself towards the front. He's not as impolite as some other drivers further back, but he still bites, clearly so- currently passing another car, the white flag waved as he presses himself against his competitor.
One round left.
You can practically feel the tension now, pulse racing just as quickly as his car drives as he pushes himself further and further up front. He's in second place. That's most likely the spot he'll make.
It's almost in the last second it seems like when he manages to outrun the Chevrolet he's been pushing against next to- the black and white checkered flag waved, Jungkook's name being called as everyone cheers.
He made it. His team cheers- but you're frozen in time.
Because this is also a win for you, every singe time. Your prize is the fact that he's unscathed, that he's okay, that nothing happened. Fireworks light up the sky, when suddenly, he turns the car, covers the track in white smoke from his wheels, a full on spin one of his by now signature winning gestures.
His team runs towards him, pulls down the window gate to congratulate him as he climbs out, pulling his gloves off before he takes off his helmet and climbs on the roof of his car, clearly excited over the win. The interview is easy, as he answers questions thanks his team, before he becomes nervous, visibly, shaking his hands a little. "You still seem rather emotional from the race!" The interviewer jokes, and Jungkook nods, before he runs a hand over his face, bracing himself it seems like.
"Yeah that too, but uh- I made myself a little challenge too, you know?" He laughs. "I promised myself if I won this race, I'd.. do something I've been chickening out of for quite a while now." He explains, and you become a bit nervous now, unsure what he's trying to say. You're making your way down now to where his team is too, now closer and in sight as Jungkook grins to himself.. almost shy?
A member of his crew gives him something, and you become suspicious when he walks towards you now, because that stupid grin he has on his face just spells trouble in bold capital letters.
"You put up with so much shit, you know?" Jungkook tells you over the sound of people cheering and the commentator telling the crowd what's happening- everyone now curious. "You really do- and I don't think there's anyone out here in this world that can really love me like you do." He offers, and you laugh to yourself. "Don't laugh! I'm serious!" He complains, making some crewmembers laugh. "Either way, I might've won the race, but do you know what prize I'd really like instead?" He wonders, before he moves to drop to one knee.
"You, as my wife." He tells you, slightly dirty black box containing a ring.
And suddenly, the world seems to quiet down entirely as you nod, watching in fascination as he puts the ring on your finger in front of thousands.
"Jungkook you're speeding!" You whine as he laughs in the driver's seat, sunglasses shielding his eyes from the weather.
"Babe I'm actually way below the limit, what're you talking about?" He chuckles, always a little amused by the irony of your fear of him driving- him, a professional racecar driver. "It's an RV, not a racecar. Relax a bit." He says, taking your hand to kiss the back of it before he continues to hold it.
He's taking some time off- spending a vacation in europe with you, having rented an RV for some quality camping that he's always wanted to do with you. Now that his relationship status had been officially upgraded so to speak, rumors have died down- the thrill seemingly left now that he's made it more than clear that he's taking it seriously with you, even though he always has.
"Still, can't you drive a bit slower?" You worry, and he shakes his head.
"No can do darling. But we only have half an hour to go anyways, so we're almost there." He tells you.
"Half an hour can feel like a lifetime though.." You pout quietly, and at that, he runs his thumb over the back of your hand.
"Were you scared when they all crashed?" He asks, and you nod.
"I searched for your car right away. You can't believe how I felt when I saw you come through that cloud of smoke and car-parts almost unharmed." You whine. "I hate that I'm always so scared. I don't want you to feel bad when you drive-" You worry, and he laughs.
"You're not making me feel bad, don't worry." He shakes his head. "I can understand how hard that must be to watch though. Just like I said, I'll never understand how you put up with me and my shit." He offers, and you shrug.
"I don't know either." You huff. "You constantly bully me." You complain.
"I don't bully you!" Jungkook argues scandalized.
"You constantly make fun of my height, and you laugh when I'm scared, and you slap my ass in front of everyone no matter who!" You say, and he shrugs.
"It's a nice ass, what can I say?" He defends himself, making you glare at him. "Hey come on, you can't possibly blame me, you slap my ass too!" He argues back to you.
"That's cause you deserve it!" You respond.
"And you don't?" He wonders.
"Absolutely not. I'm an angel!" You state, and he laughs theatrically.
"You might get down on your knees regularly but you're not a saint-" He jokes, making you roll your eyes. "-see? And a brat too.!" He teases.
"Yeah well if you're not nice to me I won't suck your dick for the entire trip." You threaten. "Not even once." You state, making him pout playfully.
"Not even the tip?"
"Won't even touch your balls." You respond, and he whines.
"Oh no! Anything but that!" He complains, finally driving towards the entrance of the camping spot. "What do I have to do to gain back the sacred touch of my soon-to-be-wife?" He asks, having parked the RV now, and taken off his glasses.
"..you can start by giving her a nice kiss." You tell him. "But a good one. With feelings and all- the whole menu." You demand, and at that he leans over the middle, careful not to touch anything and cause an accident, pulling you closer by your neck.
"Well-" He smiles warmly at you. "-that's easy."
"So how have you always dealt with all the hate and rumors about you both? That must've been pressuring!" A paparazzi asks you as you stand right next to your by now husband, who's just made the second place in his latest race.
"Oh, I just look at him naked to remind myself why it's all worth it in the end!" You beam happily at them, Jungkook laughing loudly next to him.
Yeah- you're really one of a kind.
And he doesn't mind spending the rest of his life with you.
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malehypnofantasy · 2 months
My husband moved us together from our beautiful Moroccan countryside life to this inhospitable and lonely American metropolis to pursue his lifelong dream. The accumulating wealth left me with lonelier times and less moment with him as his job drowned him while he decided to boarded the twins to this private boarding school where most of his friends placed their kids into. The isolation he confined me into when we started here caused me to be practically friendless and it's not like my English is that fluent. I also hated how people perceived me due to my look and background, so I eventually "resigned" from the peering public eye and never really went out unless it's very necessary. So, can you blame me when I tapped into my ancestral roots and decided to forge my own happiness?
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Hany here is just the latest addition of my growing collection, and I love how his cockiness is just so infectious everytime I phased my consciousness into him, I simply felt like I have no more worries in the world
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It's always a delight for me to just be out there, no shirt on and having the ability to move my muscles the way men can do all of the amazing tricks that their bodies can pull off.
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Hany, my cocky bachelor neighbor, is quite a tricky one to capture as he's mostly alert for most of the time. But when he knocked on my door one night with my husband nowhere in sight, clearly drunk from the way he slurred his words and the intense smell of alcohol mixed with his musk, I took that opportunity. Instead of taking him back to his unit, I phased out from my body and went straight to met his soul. The weakened and half-conscious state of the soul allowed me to simply moved him aside and planted my control over his physique. Then, from there, I use Hany's body to give my frozen body a kiss as a way to build a "connecting bridge" as my soul transferred back to my body but at the same time, our body is connected. Ever since that moment, I can simply drowse off or focused myself a bit to be able to feel what Hany is feeling or even better, controlling his body right away to do what I want him to do
It wasn't this powerful and complex at first. My earliest subject was this drained construction worker that I saw everyday working on the site a couple building from mine. I've tried to phase out a couple times before but none of it worked because I realized that the soul and/or the body managed to resist me. So, looking at the hard-working men in hard hat and hi-viz, I decided to took a leap of faith and phased out from my body. Why I selected the body in particular? For starter, I saw him smoking weed before, and not just once, so I deduced that he probably smoked his fair share of weed for the day and the cigarette in his mouth meant that he's in a sort of relaxed state.
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Other reason? Well, I heard him once in the bodega talking about his "fucked sleeping schedule" and the lack of "sex from the noisy demanding bitch" of a girlfriend who worked the same graveyard shift with him as of now, so I knew he must be stressed and mentally drained. Sounds like an easy target, and he was that easy, I slipped in and out of him for 1 month straight with no resistant
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So many firsts happened when I was inside Dezz. My first (I lost count on how many times after just 2 weeks) orgasm as a man, my first sex with a girl, my first deadlift, my first fight, just endless adventure. I also learned about building the connection during my time inside Dezz. It's simply out of pure instinct and in a the spirit of experimentation, but I tried to transfer back in a more discreet and less exhaustive manner so I booked this motel and left the door unlocked, phased into Dezz and then drove his truck to the said motel as I basically made out with myself. When our lips connected and even before Dezz cock slipped into me, I found myself staring at Dezz scruffy face right before he passed out. I ran away from that motel room, sensing something is different from that kiss, but I brushed it off and let Dezz sorted himself out back to whatever routine he's having. Later that evening, around an hour or so before the time Dezz started his shift and as I tried to get some sleep, somehow I felt this pulsating sensation from my clitoris and that's when my vision started to get glitchy for the first time. One second I saw my room and then the following second, a slender statuesque figure sat on top of a scruffy happy trail I knew belonged to Dezz. As he nutted inside his girl, I was leaking from the "ghostly" experience, but that led me to the groundbreaking "connection" that I always utilized ever since
Dezz is my first. Hany is my latest. But those two just cannot compete with Chris the Beast.....
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Oh that one is the craziest, and maybe I'll share more about my time inside of Steve and the others when I have more time. My husband is arriving soon and I need to phase out from Hany now if I wanna be safe and look more presentable to welcome my husband.
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gay-dorito-dust · 7 months
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Part 2 of this cuz I wrote too much 🦦 this is another long one with possible ooc-ness but it’s a fanfic that’s not meant to be taken seriously.
Taglist: @miraculous-panic (the og asker) and @spidernuggets @millyhelp @lanxsee @jaysgirlx @gloriousdreamerland
*knock, knock, knock*
‘Are you sure this is going to work?’ Jason said as he looked back at Dick and Damian, who was forced by the older male into helping their brother with his relationship problem, perched on the fire escape of your apartment.
Dick sighed, putting his hands on his hips. ‘Do you want to save your relationship or not?’
‘Of course I do!’ Jason snapped, not liking the accusation that he didn’t care enough about you to save something he was indirectly ruining with his secrecy; He just didn’t like the danger he could potentially drag you into just for knowing who’s under the RedHood, after all he wasn’t really a well liked figure amongst certain powerful criminals in Gotham.
‘Then you shouldn’t hesitate in making things right with them.’ Damian pipes up, much to Jason and Dick’s surprise as both of them were certain that he could’ve cared less for things he’d consider as trivial, though then again Damian had always been full of surprises and this was only one of them. ‘While your reasonings for not telling y/n are justified but in doing so. However you’ve not only made them feel as though they’re not trustworthy, but also insecure to the point that they’ve began suspecting you of cheating on them.’ Jason’s eyes downcast to the helmet within his hands and tightening his grip on it as though it had been the root of all his problems. ‘The only way to rectify this misstep is by taking the risk of danger to secure the things you love most, for there is not one life lived that didn’t come with it’s risks.’
‘Damian’s right Jason.’ Dick said softly as he helplessly watched the conflicting emotions run through his eyes and wanted nothing more then to help his brother avoid a broken heart. He had heard you from the times Jason accidentally slipped up during patrols together and immeditly knew the kind of hold you had over Jason, the type where Jason wishes he wasn’t made a vigilante so that you two could live happily together without fear of one day finding that the other was taken away.
‘I know.’ Jason said as he looked longingly at the closed bedroom window that he knew you were on the opposite side of, probably staring at the same window while reaching for his knife that he’d given you for protection, ghosting his fingers against the empty knife sheath strapped at his thigh. ‘And that’s why I need to go through with this…no matter what happens next.’ He then reached a hand to knock on the window again and taking a step back afterwards to wait for you to open it.
A couple minutes later and nothing. Not even the ruffle of a curtain and Jason’s mind naturally made him think the worst as his breath hitches in his throat and he feels a tightening in his chest. ‘They’re not answering.’ He said.
‘Give it some more time, no sane person is going to open their window to a potential stranger.’ Dick reasoned.
‘They’re not answering.’ Jason said again as he was fighting every urge to bust down the window but before he could even act on it, Damian grabbed ahold of his arm and pulled him back.
‘It’s only been five minutes, are you that paranoid that in that time someone could’ve possibly kidnapped them?’ He hissed but Jason had stopped listening to reason and tugged his arm out of Damian’s hold and puts his helmet back on and charges towards the window anyway, firmly set on the idea that somethings wrong, much to Dick and Damian’s dismay.
‘Tt. Idiot.’
Everything that happened afterwards was a blur to Jason from the moment he broke through the window of his own apartment, from the sound of glass shattering, a horrified scream and the sounds of Damian and Dick calling after him didn’t register to Jason, that was until he saw a frightened you backed up into a corner of the room, knife held out in front of you in the instance where you needed to defend yourself as tears collected in the corners of your eyes.
‘Wh-what are you doing in my apartment? I didn’t- I haven’t done anything wrong as far as I’m aware.’ You said, scared out of your wits as to why THE REDHOOD was in yours and Jason’s bedroom, guns in each of his hands as he looked at you in utter silence -which was fucking terrifying- and all you wanted to do was call out for Jason because how the fuck did RedHood know where you live if he didn’t get that information straight from Jason himself. Upon realising this fact, your fright became anger as then pushed yourself off of the wall and stood across the vigilante. ‘Jason.’ You muttered under your breath as the anger boiled your blood. ‘What did you do to MY Jason?!’ You shouted, not thinking about the consequences of fighting someone who was the better fighter out of the two of you, only caring about what had happened to Jason for RedHood to be here.
‘Woah! There’s been a misunderstanding-‘ Dick tried to calm the situation from escalation but he must’ve forgotten that he was in his NightWing attire as you looked at him with just as much fury in your eyes as there was fear and dread. ‘NightWing?’ You asked, eyes darting between the two quite frankly intimidating men, your thoughts going a million miles an hour. ‘What the fuck is going on?!’ You exclaimed. ‘If you put the knife down and stop coming to conclusions then maybe you’ll get your answers.’ Damian said from the window, genuinely done with the whole thing and wants to go home to spend quality time with Titus and Alfred the cat.
‘Fine.’ You, both mentally and emotionally exhausted, then drop the knife and sit on the bed to massage your temples. Dick then sits beside you whilst being respectful of your need for space during this time as Damian and Jason stay standing. ‘As I said before, there has been a major misunderstanding here.’ He begins. ‘Jason is fine, more than fine actually, but he’s been meaning to tell you something really important.’ He explains but your brows were immeditly raised at his as your eyes moved between him, Robin and RedHood, one of whom hadn’t spoken in a long while since bursting into your bedroom. ‘And I’m supposed to believe that sent all of you to tell me something he could’ve told me himself.’ You said, unable to find the logistics of this. ‘Isn’t that a little…excessive?’
Dick smiled, glad that you’ve finally calmed down but was starting to grow worried at Jason’s prolonged silence, he dared to glance his way and sees Jason getting ready to remove his helmet and quickly glanced back to you. ‘Then how about we let him tell you instead?’ He says and again you were left confused by this until he gave you a gesture to look at RedHood and per following his instructions, you sat there in stunned silence as RedHood removed his helmet, revealing the mop of dark hair with it’s streak of white you could easily recognise anywhere and a familiar set of eyes. ‘Hi chipmunk.’ Jason said, holding his helmet to his hip.
You wordlessly got up from the bed and moved towards Jason -who was internally screaming at how easily all this could go wrong for him- and held his face in your hands, running your thumbs against the apples of his cheeks as he melted into your touch like he always did. ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ Was all you said, too tired to be mad at anything anymore while also being happy at the fact that Jason was in fact not seeing anyone begin you back, but were conflicted about him being a vigilante as infamous as the RedHood on top of all that; It only proved to leave you even more exhausted then you already were if that was possible.
‘I just wanted to keep you safe.’ He said desperately as he held your hands to his face as his eyes pleaded with you to understand. ‘I’m not exactly well liked on the streets of Gotham and I didn’t want you to be caught in the cross fire.’
‘So all this time you weren’t meeting up with anyone behind my back?’ You said unproved and Jason looked at you as though you just grew a second head. ‘What?’ He asked, taken aback. ‘Meeting someone behind your back- no, why would i ever do something like that I love you.’ Jason then stopped when he realised what he just said. It also didn’t help that he was reminded of his brothers also being in the room, especially when he could practically hear Dick’s gasp of surprise and Damian’s mutter of it was about time Jason admitted that he loved you. Was he that obvious? He’ll have to ask them later but for now, you were all that matter and the fact that you were okay and safe was all Jason could ever ask for.
‘You love me?’ You asked.
‘More than anything.’ Jason replied. ‘Why would I look elsewhere when everything I could’ve ever want and have is standing right in front of me, even if they did try to hold me at knifepoint in the cutest pyjama set I’ve ever seen.’ He adds, making you laugh and rest your head against his chest to hide your smile.
‘I love you too you doofus,’ once again Jason could hear Dick gasp but that didn’t stop you from continuing. ‘I have for a long while and have been trying to find the perfect moment to say it, which is why I planned a movie night.’ You explained and Jason felt like a dickhead for ruining your plan but he couldn’t say he regretted this being how he found out; It was messy but it was perfect, just like the both of you.
‘I’m sorry for ruining everything chipmunk.’ He muttered against your head as he pressed a couple a kisses there.
‘Don’t be,’ you said, pressing your head further into his lips for more kisses, ‘despite giving me the fright of a lifetime, i wouldn’t change this for anything.’
You and Jason stayed like this for a while, not caring about anything outside the both of you, not even the smashed window that was causing the room to grow cold but that only gave you the perfect excuse to stay close to your six foot something body heater by the name of Jason Todd.
‘Can we go home now.’ Damian said as Dick stood up from the bed, smiling at the both of you being happy now that everything had been resolved before looking over at Damian and chuckles. ‘Alright, alright we’re leaving, happy now?’ He said as the pair of them leave through the busted window and stood out on the fire escape for a couple of moments before disappearing into the night, when they realised that they had glossed over one thing; your bedroom widow that was shattered to bits.
‘Father will have it fixed.’ Damian answered self assuringly.
‘How can you be so sure?’ Dick asked.
‘Don’t think too hard about the intricacies of it Grayson. Just know that I’ll have it dealt with.’ Damian replied and within the next day your window was mysteriously fixed, but the glass was itself was top quality and would’ve costed you an arm and a leg but was merely chump change for a certain rich billionaire.
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empressgetou · 1 year
husband poseidon x wife goddess reader
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posiedon may be called as the most fearsome god or the god of gods or the tyrant of the sea, but all these titles meant nothing when it comes to his wife. y/n would call it as a facade considering that his attitude is the complete opposite of what the gods known him for.
the king of the seas had met his better half way back when he was still a boy. whenever he would visit the library of valhalla he somehow catches her just around the corner reading quietly all alone.
days turned into weeks that turned into months of visiting the library, he never misses her innocent figure by that very corner who seems to be on her own world. then one particular day, she finally approach him making his heart skip a beat by her voice.
"excuse me, lord posiedon. i don't want to interrupt you but i wanted to borrow the book you have got there since i wanted to finish the novel i am currently reading." she asked politely. little did she know, posiedon has taken interest of what the girl has been reading these past few days and have read in advance to finish the book first.
her voice it sounds alluring, as if the sirens were to hypnotize the humans in the ocean. he thought.
he nodded in response and gave the book. well he already finished the novel might as well let her borrow it.
"it is quite a surprise that my lord has taken interest in these types novels?" she then closely leaned into his side.
"would you mind if i seat here beside you? i'd like to know what your thoughts on this right after i read."
"no, but are you comfortable being with me?"
"hmm? why shouldn't i, my lord? as long as you're not feeding me to your piranhas back at atlantis then i dont mind." she innocently giggled as if there were no rumours of the young prince going around. not that she knows about those, the young goddess is too busy to gossip with the other young ones her age.
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and with that interaction started their romance. with millions and millions of years have gone by and the gods have been happily married to each other, they are also known to be one of the most powerful couple in valhalla. with the two of them working together nothing seems to stop them. y/n being the goddess of healing and peace and poseidon being the god of the seas and waters sounded terrifying for the humans even for the gods. and with y/n's every step bringing happiness along the way there will always be poseidon following closely to him who keeps other gods or humans especially intimidated which results to y/n scolding him back at their place.
and just like any other day in the kingdom of atlantis, y/n all by herself in their very own library reading peacefully was cut off when a knock was heard.
"i'm home." said by a gentle voice.
"you're back home early, my beloved. did something happened?", y/n replied as she rose from her seat and greeted his husband with a light kiss.
"that half human happened. the gods have agreed to that filthy woman to have a fight between humanity and us gods, a ragnarok." he said full of frustration in his face.
she guided him to seat and ease his anger.
"i'm sure brunhilde has her reasons as to why she had done this, after all she is still a part of their kind."
"what made you upset?"
"i do not wish to participate in their foolish games. i am a god that is nowhere near a humans ability to reach and they dare try and compete with me? that is unacceptable!"
"you could withdraw from it if you don't wish to join them"
"the pantheon has already decided. no matter. i shall win of course those humans will not be in my way."
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currently, zeus and adam fighting in the arena with a time of 5 minutes now. y/n seated beside his husband watching from the booth with hermes and other gods. they were informed beforehand that poseidon were to battle after his brother. y/n was anxious, not because of the fight she knew his husband was capable of defeating them, it was actually her secret that she may have been keeping from his husband a little while now. he looked at her and this made poseidon think that his wife was worried about him.
with now adam defeated by zeus, poseidon stood up and y/n following him by the back door.
"i'll be back this won't take long, my love." he said while cupping her face and his voice with no trace of arrogance but rather a soft one.
"i'll cheer you on, husband. and when you are done, there is something i'd like to tell you." this made poseidon curious.
is this why she had been spacing out lately? he thought.
she then kissed him good luck and said her i love you's.
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during the battle y/n remained uneasy, kojiro sasaki is indeed a good swordsman with his skills and speed no doubt that he would've defeated a god. but not this god, posiedon managed to be much quicker to attack than sasaki's. and with that it ends as the god of the seas declared winner of the match. making it a score of 3 and the humans 0.
y/n stood up and rushed down into the doors going to the arena meeting his husband on the dimmed alley. posiedon caught by surprise his wife rushing towards him with open arms.
"i was worried about you! i glad it is over now!" she hugged him tight as if the world depends on it.
"i told you i would be back, though it did took me a while to finish." he could hear her quiet sniffles and decided to just walk off to the infirmary still holding her like a baby supporting her back with his right hand and her bottom with his other hand.
as soon as they were inside the room, he seated her beside him while the aids have come to heal the injured god.
"leave us, my wife shall take care of this." declared the god and were left to be alone with his spouse.
y/n did not hesitate and began her healing magic while doing so she could not help whether it is the perfect time to tell his husband of what she have been keeping these days. poseidon knowing his wife like the back of his hand can feel her uneasiness and decided to ask.
"there is something you wanna tell me." that made y/n taken aback a bit. no doubt that his husband would notice much sooner. she is not the type that keeps secrets after all, the goddess is more of an open book to poseidon.
"remember, i have something i'd like to tell you after you have finished your fight?" he nodded urging her to continue.
"i only found out recently and had been trying my best to keeping it for myself." she giggled.
"hera has spoke to me the other day when we were at the pantheon. she told me that eileithyia has informed her that i am with... a child." that made poseidon's world stop.
a child? he thought. they both have been trying for an offspring quiet some time now. he would always watch merfolks back at antlantis with their young ones. with their cute little fins and soft features and loud laughter's, no wonder the king of the seas would want one his own.
he pulled her towards him and hugged her tight depending his massive size into her delicate body. he would've bursted into tears if it weren't for her chuckle.
"i'm guessing you are happy with the news i brought, my love?"
"happy? no, no not just happy, dear. i am thrilled that we are finally able to have a child on our own." he looked deep into her eyes and kissed her passionately.
"thank you. this is the most precious gift that you have given me." he continued while still holding her close to his chest.
"we have been trying my husband, i'm glad that the goddess of labour has bestowed us such gift."
"although you are still horrible at keeping such secrets, i keep noticing you fidgeting from time to time." he smirked making y/n lightly smacking his chest.
"i love you, my dearest. and our child as well." he said with with full adoration while trying to hold his nonexistent baby bump.
"i love you much more, my husband."
"now, let's fix that hair of yours hmm? it does not look too good after that swordman cut if off unequally." she laughed when she noticed it, that's because his hair can and only be touched by his wife and no other beings. that is when poseidon realized his hatred with humanity once more.
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songmingisthighs · 3 months
Let Go
group : ateez
pairing : ex boyfriend!idoll!yunho × reader
genre : angst
wc : 4.3 k
tw : break up, angst, accident , dark theme (do not read if you're susceptible to dark thoughts)
a/n : i got this idea from reading @nonclassyparty's series, the 'subtle variations of heartbreak' particularly the yunho one and I'm not in a mentally good place so ofc i thought about this lmao
buy me coffee ?
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Yunho was never one to loom in the past. His motto had always been 'just keep swimming' so he made sure that whatever happened in his life, he would go with it and just face it like a man. That was why people thought Yunho was so perfect, he had no regrets. But they would be wrong. Out of all the things in the world, there was one thing he regretted the most and being back at the place where it all began stirred something in Yunho. Maybe it was a mix of nostalgia and guilt, but whatever it is, the pain was a bit addicting as it allowed him to indulge in the memory of you.
It was around the time he graduated from high school. Everyone was excited to go forward, most of his friends had passed the college entrance exam while some had decided to continue their family business. That was what people expected from his town which was why when Yunho announced that he was going to focus on being an idol and move to the heart of the country, people were thrilled.
One of those people was you.
You had been Yunho's rock ever since you both started dating in the 9th grade, sticking together through thick and thin, you with your studies and Yunho with his training. It was hard but you both made it work and you both became the school's power couple, the couple who will end up together no matter what. In fact, you had been the one encouraging Yunho to pursue training no matter the distance while you helped as best as you could. So you both really had gone through everything including fights because you both were tired, had doubts over the future, and bad exam results from your hakwon and his monthly evaluation. You both wet through all that and still stuck together.
So it made sense that even after you got accepted to a prestigious university in KAIST, you still made plans to be in Yunho's life. Little did you know, he wasn't planning the same.
It was one afternoon and you were scrolling through your course catalogue with your mom while discussing how to move your things to the dorm in two weeks time when there was a knock on the front door, surprising you and your mom. But it wasn't a surprise to see Yunho on the other side with a small smile on his face. You noticed that he had been rather gloomy this past couple of weeks and you thought that it was because he was sad that he was going to be separated from you. Well, in a sense he was.
"Hi Mrs. (y/l/n), can I borrow (y/n) for a while?" Yunho politely asked for permission which had become some sort of redundant request since your mom would actually be the one to encourage you two to spend more time together. Even though you lived on the same street, your mom knew that as youngsters in love, no amount of time is enough time, especially with what's just up ahead. So it didn't really surprise you when your mom practically pushed you out the door and told you to not worry about coming home late, she had even given you and Yunho some money to spend.
So you both found yourselves walking side-by-side with ice cream in your hands. You both got an ice cream cone of your favourite flavours. But not even the sweetness of the treat managed to melt the sourness off of Yunho's face. You had even tried to hold Yunho's hand as you both walked slowly from the convenience store but he was too deep in his thought to even notice. Heck, he was too deep in his thought to utter a single word.
Just as you were about to ask him what was wrong, Yunho abruptly halted his steps and turned to look at you.
"We need to break up," he stated.
For a moment you thought you heard wrong so you tried chuckling it off, "Um, what?" you asked awkwardly, feeling your heartbeat rising. Yunho sighed and stood firm, "We need to break up," he repeated, the same intonation and cadence making him seem so robotic and detached. But even then you recognize the seriousness which caused your eyebrows to furrow, "Wait, what the hell? Why? Where is this coming from?" Without wavering, Yunho looked directly into your eyes determinedly, "We are about to journey our own paths. Let's not hold each other back," and you couldn't help but get more confused, "Hold each other back? What- Where- How-," it was obvious that the logic alludes you because you had planned the perfect strategy to still maintain your relationship with Yunho while he was preparing for his debut and you for your education.
Then an idea hit you.
"Did the company ask you to break up with me?" Now it was Yunho who furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Did you tell them before we could make a plan on how to tell them?" you added.
You both were well aware that once Yunho's debut date got nearer you two would have to press pause on the relationship in a way. You both knew that it was unrealistic for an idol to be dating not because he was trying to put his fans first but more because you didn't want his dedication to stray. You knew how a relationship can cause someone to lose sight of their goal and Yunho would be sharing his goal with apparently seven other people, one whom you've grown to like as he was just like the gentle giant of a boyfriend you had. So you both were planning on telling the company together, trusting them to protect Yunho and should it come down to it, you as well.
"No, they don't even know I'm dating anyone. But you made a good point, I don't feel comfortable going through a commitment with my agency with this big of a secret weighing me down."
The words Yunho used hurt you because first, he insinuated that he WANTED the breakup not because you two should and then he was basically saying that you were in the way.
So you scoffed and crossed your arms on your chest, standing up to him, "So I'm a burden now?" Even during your previous fights with Yunho, he'd know when he'd struck a nerve and he would either take it back or explain what he actually meant. But the sigh he let out before answering you gave you the chills and not the good ones. "If you're going to act this way then yes, I think you're a burden now." You didn't know how Yunho was able to say such things to you so easily because you know for a fact that had it been you in his position, no matter the situation, you wouldn't have been able to say something with such gravity towards someone you know you live with what you can only discern as nonchalance.
If Yunho felt bad at the way you reacted to his harsh words, shoulders slumped and eyes glassy, he was doing a particularly great job at hiding it. Even as you sniffled and wiped some stray tears away, the look on Yunho's face didn't change. It wasn't like you were expecting for him to change his mind or take back his words just because you were looking so pathetic, but you didn't expect him to seem so detached either.
"Look, this was bound to happen anyways, (y/n), you know it. We had agreed that we would pause our relationship when-" "PAUSE, Yunho, not BREAK UP!" you cut him off, this time unable to hold your emotion at bay. "Well, why wait? Why do we have to wait to take a pause when I FINALLY debuted? Even then, why should we hang onto each other, hovering in uncertainties for God knows how long? I don't want to live like that, (y/n), not when I'm leaving tonight!"
As if things weren't already so abrupt and surprising for you, you were thrown with the newest revelation. The plan was for you two to leave home on the same day, preventing the other to remain in loneliness in the place you both shared so many memories with. But truly, this was a betrayal on top of more betrayal.
Considering the situation Yunho had put you in, it was hard to not believe that Yunho didn't care at all about you. In the past 10 minutes, he had hurt you more than anyone else ever did in your life and you just want to get away.
So you did.
You took a step back and sighed in defeat, looking at him for what you thought would be the last time ever, "Well then, I wish you the luck you deserve, Yunho. Truly, I hope your decision stays with you longer than you allowed me to." With that, you turned around and walked back home alone, crying the whole way, leaving Yunho in his spot to let the reality of what happened sink in. He never expected you to react well, he was breaking up with you or goodness sake, but he never expected the situation to taste so bitter in his mouth. All he could do was hope that it was truly for the best. Regret be damned.
"So how are the boys, Yunho?" his mom asked, smiling at her eldest as he slurped down his noodles. Yunho took a moment to chew his food properly before answering, "They're great. We've been so busy with work, we don't even have time to argue properly," he joked, making his parents laugh, "How's Gunho? How's the house?" The question made his mom roll her eyes, "You wouldn't have to ask if you come home! We've moved to the new neighbourhood for two years already and you barely spent two weeks in total!" because home is not home when (y/n) is not around, "Sorry mom, my schedule is very unpredictable so I can't really do anything about it." Thankfully, his dad chimed in, nodding along, "He's right honey, you know Yoo Seunghwan's son, the one working at that corporation thing, he's worked so hard that he couldn't even stay back during that school reunion! You remember that, right Yunho?" of course Yunho remembered. It was the first high school reunion and Yunho had to reject the invitation, saying that he was expected to go abroad around that time when in fact, he didn't want to face you. Not since the last time he saw you. And it wasn't even that time he broke up with you in front of the convenience store.
In all honesty, Yunho had been thinking about you nonstop these past couple of months. It had been years since Yunho saw, talked, or even heard about you. He became irrational, actively avoiding people just so he wouldn't know how much you thrived without him while he remembered the night of his debut when he cried himself to sleep and had to be consoled by San, Mingi, and Wooyoung who thought he was emotional over the achievement when in fact he was crying because he had worked so hard for the debut and that he wouldn't have been ab;e to go that far had it not been for your support but now that the moment arrived, he couldn't share it with you. It was then that he realized how badly he fucked up by breaking things off with you so coldly. You meant so much to him but he let stress get the best of him so much so that he took it out on you. He could still remember the way you looked at him and no, it wasn't that time he broke up with you in front of the convenience store.
"Do you guys know what happened to (y/n)?"
Yunho froze when he realized he had accidentally blurted out the question. He had wondered internally, of course but he didn't mean to ask it out loud. He was about to take it back when he saw the way his parents looked at each other weirdly.
"What?" He asked, curious, "Do you guys know something?" he pressed, now curious. While his dad avoided his gaze, his mom was looking at him with pity in her eyes.
"Oh my God, she got married didn't she?" Yunho choked, feeling his heart clench so painfully, thinking that he had lost you to another man. Not that it should have meant anything to Yunho considering he was the one who tossed you aside so easily.
His mom frantically tried to calm him down, disliking the distressed look on her son's face. "No, no, no, no, no, honey, no! It's nothing like that, believe me! It's just..." she trailed off, slapping his dad on the arm to make him look at her. One stern look and he sighed, relenting and nodding, "I guess he should know. It's about time," he said. Yunho stared at his parents with furrowed eyebrows, "Know about what?" he asked, but his mom only smiled sadly, "We'll take you there after this." The way they were acting and speaking made Yunho worry and he started internally blaming himself for not trying to get an update about you sooner. It would have probably been a better idea for him to still keep in touch but again, the pain of remembering that it was his fault that the whole thing even happened in the first place was more than he could bear. He was being so pathetic.
The rest of the lunch was concluded rather quickly after that and soon enough Yunho found himself in the backseat of his parents' car.
Another wave of nostalgia washed over him as he watched over the road, remembering the last time he had passed the same street which was the same day he broke up with you. The very last time he had seen you with his own two eyes, shrouded in the darkness of the night but still very much visible to his eyes.
Yunho decided not to dilly-dally, shoved everything he needed to bring into the trunk of his parent's car, and slammed the door shut. At the same time, he turned around to get back inside the house to call for his parents, he saw you slamming the door of your house and speed-walking to the other side of the road as if trying to get away in a rush. Had it been any other time, Yunho would've rushed to your side and done whatever he had to do to make you smile again. But his convictions solidified his decision and hardened his heart so instead of rushing to you, he simply turned and went on with his plan.
Yunho thought that it would be hard to decide to pretend to not care about you. Well, he was correct on that because his mind was plagued by the distraught look on your face. sure he only saw it for less than 5 seconds, but the impact was greater than he could imagine. It didn't help that the car drove in the exact same path you took and Yunho kept wondering what you might be thinking about. Pathetic.
The constant questions of you in his head halted the moment he saw a familiar figure in a familiar spot. His eyes had been so used to your figure that it just immediately recognized you sitting in the spot you both had claimed. Yunho immediately got reminded of the time you both ducked there to shield yourselves from the scorching summer sun, the time the two of you were joking around too much that you accidentally pushed each other into the deep pond, causing you both to be fished out and scolded by the authorities, and although it was a bad idea, the time you two found shelter during a harsh rain with thunders that terrified you but you told him that you felt safer because he was with you. The memories didn't help Yunho. In fact, it made him feel nauseated, almost vomiting in the car from the mixed feelings. He didn't want to admit it then but the guilt was gnawing at his insides so ruthlessly, he thought it was simply him finally experiencing a break-up and that the feeling was normal.
Almost comically, as the car's headlights illuminated your figure, you turned around and your eyes stared straight into Yunho's. Not that you knew because you were practically blinded. On the other hand, Yunho could see the redness on your face and the tears streaming down your cheeks so clearly that the pain that was already plaguing his heart increased tenfold.
"Yunho, dear, isn't that (y/n)?" His mom asked.
Time moved slowly for him and in that duration, he was able to carve the brokenhearted look on your face in his mind. But even then, Yunho only averted his gaze and softly muttered a reply to his mom, "Yeah, that's her." Sensing that he didn't want to talk about it, his parents kept quiet and drove on, allowing Yunho to his own thoughts.
"What are we doing here?" Yunho asked as he got out of the car, nervously looking around the park where he last saw you. The parking space they took was not far from your spot. Heck, he could see the tree from where he was standing.
"You remember the last time you saw (y/n)?" His mom linked her arm around Yunho's and she slowly started to lead him forward, obviously going towards the spot while his dad walked alongside him on his other side.
The night I ignored her crying at our spot. "Yeah, I broke up with her in front of the convenience store," he lied. His mom shook her head, "No, sweetie. We were driving you to move into your dorm when we passed by her, right in this park, over there by the tree," she pointed, not realizing that Yunho knew damn well what she was talking about. "Oh..." Yunho couldn't help but duck his head in shame, the closer the spot got, the harder it was for him to keep his emotions in check and it was almost impossible when his dad placed a hand on his shoulder. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to. I only suggested it because I think you deserve to know," his dad said.
Anxiety bubbled in Yunho's chest, he didn't like the way his parents were talking as if something had happened to you.
"You guys are freaking me out, what-"
His voice died in his throat the moment they arrived at the spot. What was usually a clear spot with grass under the big tree now had a small spot seemingly dedicated to something, trinkets littered the spot; small ones like beaded bracelets and bigger ones like some very familiar plushies, But on top of them all, the picture of you stood out the most to Yunho.
"What's this?" Yunho asked, voice wavering slightly as his eyes continuously scanned the area. Deep down he already knew what happened, but he didn't want to believe it. He couldn't believe it.
His mom was already tearing up the moment they got there, reliving her memories when she had heard about you. Seeing this, his father stepped up.
"I'm sorry to say this, son. (y/n)... She's gone. She died," he stated with a voice so emotional and so soft, that Yunho almost thought that he was hallucinating.
"Wh- when- How? How long ago was this?" he asked, glassy eyes finally lifted from the trinkets to look at his dad, seeking answers and hope. Though reluctant, his dad decided that he couldn't let another minute go by without letting Yunho know as he had been kept away from the information long enough.
"That day we drove you to your dorm. (y/n) had an accident."
There it was, the loud crack of his world-shattering.
You had been crying yourself since you came back from the convenience store. Heart broken, hopes shattered, it didn't help that your mom had attempted to console you. Her kind words and caring treatment only made you feel worse which was why you felt the need to escape reality, you wanted to wallow to yourself for just a while before you were told that everything was going to be okay because it wasn't. It was absolutely not okay for you and you needed to not be okay first before you could be okay again.
Despite fearing running into Yunho, you pushed past the fear and ran straight out, going to the first place you could think of where you could be safe with your feelings. You had cried so much that you couldn't even cry properly anymore, only silent tears as pain engulfed you whole. It was hard to breathe and it felt like it was hard to go on living. It wasn't just the fact that you were broken up with, it was the fact that it was Yunho who had broken up with you in such a ruthless way. As much as you hated to admit it, you couldn't help but feel like it was as if he had used you. For what, you didn't know, you no longer knew what to think because first, you thought that you and Yunho were solid but apparently that was utter bullshit, then you thought that you and Yunho had a plan but apparently, he had one of his own that he preferred, and lastly, you thought that you and Yunho could go through anything but apparently, the fact that each of you had different paths planned was enough to break everything.
As if life wasn't making such a joke out of you enough, you saw Yunho's car coming your way. The headlights blinded you and you weren't sure what was going on inside. But for some odd reason, the blinding lights were enough to numb you completely from all the senses there is. For a moment, you couldn't see anything and all you could hear was the ringing in your ear but it felt comforting.
Without you realizing it, you head moved too close to the edge of the grass and slipped into the pond. The cold rendered you inanimate and the water engulfed you completely. At first splash, reality hit that you had fallen into the pond but soon the cold water provided some pressure that felt like a hug to you. The darkness and the way the water blocked sounds other than the comforting sloshes of water pulled you into a realm of otherworldly tranquillity and in that moment you made a decision that would alter your life forever.
You decided to let go.
This time, at the same spot you mourned over your heart, Yunho found himself mourning over his love. His love that was lost. His love that HE let loose.
"They found her body in the morning, her parents thought she had gone to one of her friend's houses considering the state she was in when she left, they didn't think to worry until the police found her right here," his dad explained, he too was crying at the memory of finding out what had happened to you.
Yunho's knees buckled and he staggered to find support on the tree that held a lot of the memories you both shared. "W-why didn't I know this? She was g-gone for so long, how- how did I not know?" Yunho was stuttering, his mind working doubles trying to make sense of things. His mom crouched down next to him and grabbed his hand, "You were starting your journey, sweetie, we didn't want you to stray because of this. Also," his mom paused to look up at his dad who could only nod at her slowly, "(y/n)'s parents asked us to not tell you that early. They told us that (y/n) had did her best supporting you throughout everything, wanting nothing more than you to succeed in your own path so they don't want to jeopardize her dedication. They want to make sure her efforts paid off."
It wasn't as if Yunho had hoped to hear something that would make him feel better because he knew nothing in the world would. He had been so horrible to you that last day and he had been so horrible after that by actively not trying to get to know how you were. His pride should not have mattered to him so much so he settled with just not knowing how you were. That was not something he was supposed to do. More and more, he regretted the way he treated you that final day and how he had been so unfair to you. No amount of tears and no matter how loud he cried would make up for what he had done and he believed that your demise was his fault. Had he stopped the car that night to acknowledge you even for just a moment, maybe the situation would have been different. Maybe he wouldn't have lost you.
Lost you.
That was ironic since he was the one who pushed you away. He broke you in your final moments.
And now, Yunho was left unable to properly apologize to you for what he had done. Unable to tell you how much he hated himself for what he did. Unable to tell you how you deserved way better than him. Unable to tell you how he wanted to work, no matter how hard you would make it, just so you would accept his apology.
But now all he could accept was the bitter reality that there was nothing he could do to make things right.
All he could accept was that he had let go first.
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violetasteracademic · 3 months
I saw someone say they don't like Elriel simply because Azriel and Elain don't do it for them as a couple. They just aren't into the emo boy/flower girl dynamic. And truth be told? That's the most respectable anti take I've ever heard. Because there is no right or wrong, there's no points to argue. It's just like, hey, I see it, and I don't like it. Which is kind of how I feel about G*wynriel and E*lucien as well. So it's genuinely just a really fair and uncomplicated take.
I simply *don't like* forced proximity with the person that has already been assigned to you and eventually falling in love with them, then realizing it's for the best anyways because it will solve a bunch of conflicts as much as I *like* fuck fate and fuck politics and fuck the Gods, you are the person I want and I will burn the whole world down to be with you. If it goes against every rule, if it puts us in the front line of every danger, and tears at the very fabric of society, it still will be you for me and I'll do whatever it takes.
And that's just vibes, there's really not much more to say!
I *don't like* I was completely obsessed with two different women, but after being rejected by both of them I finally realized, thank goodness! I've had a mate this whole time! And I saved her from being r*ped by a bunch more men than just one years ago and then trained with her every day and now that I'm finally free of being in love with other women, I finally have noticed what is right in front of me as much as I *like* your mate is sleeping upstairs and if he catches us he will have every right to demand I fight to the death over you but I literally can't stop wanting you and needing you and questioning fate because I don't understand how we aren't meant to be together.
I know for a fact I won't like a G*wynriel or E*lucien book *as much* as Elriel because I have read those sorts of similar vibes or comparable plot points before, and it's just like, meh. Not for me. My least favorite trope is the guy who suddenly realizes his best gal pal is the one he should have been into all along after only going for beautiful women he thought were way out of his league. That's not romantic to me at all. But I respect that it is to others. I think it's perfectly okay to simply vibe with different things.
Do I think the books are quite clearly headed towards Elriel? Absolutely. But I think even if they weren't, I'd be crack shipping them anyways because I absolutely love what they have to offer plot, story, tone, aesthetic, style, and romance wise. They are the full package for me. Feysand was a full package for me. Nessian isn't my usual style or favorite trope or vibe, but I still enjoyed the hell out of it.
I think Sarah has given the sisters really distinct personalities and completely individual storylines. I personally still love every book. I adored ACOSF. Buuuuut I don't really need it rewritten a second time in a different font, which is what I think G*wynriel would be. Minus all of the "it's been you since the moment I laid eyes on you" swoon worthiness that I loved for Nesta and Cassian and introducing the "I can't believe I didn't notice my own mate standing right next to me and being harmed and put in mortal danger repeatedly for three years because I was in love with other women" element.
But ACOSF is polarizing. I've seen people say it is either objectively the best book Sarah has ever written, or objectively the worst.
Elain is a unique sister, with a personality and powers that could not be more different from Feyre and Nesta. Everything about her book is not going to match what we have seen in the series so far. And I think that's a GOOD thing. ACOSF was a tone shift, and I think Elain's book will be a tone shift. But I think her book is probably going to be polarizing as well. And it will likely be my favorite.
Although the fandom has gotten a bit aggressive, I think it's really cool that people found their favorite in Nesta and ACOSF in a way that is really kind of deep and specific. I think Elain and Elriel will be that for me. That's what books are supposed to do. Humanity is not one size fits all. It makes perfect sense that people locked into Nessian (or just Nesta) in a way they didn't with Feyre/Feysand. And although there's a crop of anti ic people out there now, Feysand will always be a crowd pleaser. So I'm just hoping the girlies who get it will have their chance to connect that deeply with Elriel too!
I love each Archeron sister, and I for one love how different they are. I appreciate their stories for different reasons. But I am ACHING for Elain and Azriel to lean into their vibes and continue on their journey of questioning the system and deconstructing religion and battling the obstacles in their way. That will always be more interesting and way sexier and peak romance to me and will undoubtedly take spot number 1 in my heart.
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See How It Shines
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Summary: Spencer gets home from work to find Reader in tears over the new Hozier album.
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff and comfort
Content warnings: The masterpiece of Hozier’s Unreal Unearth, me stopping halfway to listen to the entire album, me crying to every song I reference
Word count: 1.2k
A/N: shoutout to anyone who picks up on every song reference I make. I am instantly in love with you.
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Spencer had been etched with the weight of unsolved cases and the relentless march of time, and he was forced to call it a night around six. The team had already pulled an all-nighter earlier in the week, so Hotch decided they all deserved rest. Spencer, however, wasn’t tired (he was; it was the late cups of coffee). Nevertheless, he makes it to his apartment door, skipping every other step. As Spencer turned the key in the lock, a soft melody flowed from the other side, haunting him yet drawing him in.
When the door opens with a slight creak, the music only grows. The living room was a sanctuary, bathed in the golden hues of twilight and table lamps, together casting long, ethereal shadows across the aged wooden floor. Plants adorned the walls and shelves. Since you moved in, he has never shared a space with so many simple living things.  His record player, a testament to decades of shared music between him and his mother, spun its vinyl tale. This time it was for you, as it breathed life into the album as you sat on the couch in a nest of blankets.
Ah yes, it was Hozier day. The anticipated album release of Unreal Unearth. His girlfriend highly anticipated it. She had been vibrating as the week drew to a close with five days left, then three, then one. And it was well worth the wait, considering the tears continuing to streak her face as the Irish man begged for someone to not fall away from him.
Spencer set his bag down by the door and proceeded toward the couch with caution as if he were ready to pounce like a predator on prey. Except the end resulted in a tender hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him with a puffy face and snotty nose. It was Spencer’s next instinct to grab a tissue from the end table and offer it to you. Of course, you took it. And even though the answer was obvious, he still felt the need to ask, “Are you okay?”
It was a struggle for you to inhale, so you blew your nose again. "I didn’t expect this to be a breakup album.” The album sleeve was wrapped in your arms, proving to already be a prized possession. The tracklist was organized by the layers of Dante’s hell they fell under.
Spencer gave you a small smirk before placing a kiss on your head. “Well, I’ll go ahead and get started on dinner.” It was his turn to take the culinary reins for tonight. “Do you need anything?”
“I need to know who this woman is, Spencer.” You throw your head back as Hozier hits a high note that neither of you has heard from him before. You stay there as you ask, “Who made this man feel so much pain?”
“You want to fight Hozier’s ex-girlfriend?”
“Ew, no.” Your nose scrunched. “I just want to know how. The power to make a man feel this way.”
Spencer chuckled. He had answers. And he’s happy to not reply with any of them. “I’m making chicken parmesan. That okay?”
You nodded, soon returning to singing about holding a heart like a steering wheel. But you then grabbed his hand. Your eyes are red, and Spencer is sure you’ll need drops before the end of the night. “Did a part of you die the first time I called you ‘baby,’ Spencer?”
Spencer couldn’t help but smirk as he quirked a brow. “Do what?”
“They’re song lyrics.” You let go of him.
Spencer has never fully understood the uproar that comes with Hozier. Then again, no one really flocks to Beethoven and Chopin like they used to. Plus, Vivaldi wasn’t known for belting out in the middle of his pieces and Spencer can at least admit Hozier’s belts ( well, the ones he’s heard so far) tug at him by the chest. He came back to his senses quickly when his mismatched socks landed on the cold tile. He washed his hands and opened the fridge door with his good knee.
Songs of water and knives reminded him he had chicken to wash and cut. And the familiar feeling in his own kitchen gets the tasks in Spencer’s head in order. He could feel the weight of his week slowly lift, replaced by Spencer attempting to chop to the song. It was inefficient. Some songs play shockingly fast for a breakup album. He settled for a more percussion style of noise, making each slice more deliberate as a testament to his meticulousness.
The flour and breadcrumbs sizzled in the oil that mingled with the sight of you matching the pitch of the song and humming where Hozier shouted, caressing the album sleeve like it was alive and needed your warmth. The weight of the lyrics settling in your bones caused your head to fall in shock as a long, high note carried through the whole apartment.
The album played on, weaving tales of love and loss, each one successfully targeting your core and striking effectively. And when Spencer got into the groove of his own routine in the kitchen, he listened to the lyrics as they almost guided him to autopilot, reminding him of the joys that come with his leg around you in bed, ensuring you don’t move anywhere except closer to him. And how the idea of losing that is something he does not care to dwell on for long.
He could keep it together, he thought.
Until his voice soars about the glistening of an animal’s eyes. About the force of love for someone recklessly in the middle of the street. Spencer couldn’t help but feel a lump forming in his throat. It was a visceral reaction—Spencer's sniffle. But it wasn’t unheard.
You turned your gaze toward Spencer, your eyes soft with understanding. You could hear the emotion in his breath and the slight catch in his throat. “Spencer?” You asked.
“I’m fine.”
Your lower lip quivers with a puffy smile. “You’re crying.”
“No, I’m chopping. Chopping while completely fine.” His sniffles continued to give him away (sanitary stations over pride every time).
You couldn’t help but find the situation adorable. You lazily got up from the couch, letting one of the blankets slide off with you, dragging along behind you across the wood floor and then the tile. You carefully put your hands around his waist because safety comes first. You squeeze him, and he laughs a little. For a moment, he puts his left hand on your arm, keeping it there. You noticed how his fingertips were colder than expected as you looked at the cutting board from under his arm. “So basil makes you cry? Is that it?”
Spencer laughs again, diverting his gaze from the record player and clearing his eyes from unshed tears. “Today, it apparently does. There must be some emotional properties I didn’t consider.”
“Nothing to do with an Irish man singing his heart out?”
Spencer rubs his nose on his sleeve. Fuck sanitation right now; he’s about to go through it. The snot is evident. See how it shines, indeed. “Is he really singing about roadkill?”
“Yep.” You sniffle in return as you lay your head on his back.
“I know.”
“How does he do it?”
“That I don’t know.” You held Spencer as he let the music hit him. Taking moments to turn from the food to wipe his tears.
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chongoblog · 6 months
My First Pokemon Playthrough
So I've noticed in my time of talking about Pokemon, I've told a lot of various anecdotes that are all a part of my very first time playing Pokemon. I was feeling nostalgic, so I figured I would share what I remember about this playthrough for everyone to enjoy. There may be a tangent or two in there and people who have followed me a while may have heard these before, but hey.
For context, I believe I was about 8 years old at the time, and after collecting some Pokemon cards, watching a kid play Crystal at summer camp, watching some of the anime, and generally being a pretty big fan (I even have Pokemon Yahtzee burned into my memory for some reason...), I finally got myself a Game Boy Advance with Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World, some Frogger game (after looking it up, it was Temple of the Frog), Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2, and, of course, Pokemon Sapphire.
I remember that my starter was Torchic. I don't remember why I chose that one, although I remember really liking the color red at the time (which I still do), so that was probably why.
I don't remember too much about my team or the general progress I made in most of the game, but I do remember Slateport City. For those who do not recall, in Slateport City in order to advance you need to get into the museum, which is blocked off by Team Aqua Grunts until you talk to someone in the shipyard. There are also Team Aqua grunts blocking the route ahead
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Now, my 8 year old brain for some reason concluded that the only way to get past the Team Aqua Grunts was to intimidate them with a high enough level Pokemon or something like that. So one night, while I was supposed to be asleep on a family beach vacation, I beat down more poor level 13 Pokemon than I could count. I learned later what I was actually SUPPOSED to do, which led to me finally fighting the Team Aqua Grunts.....with a level 42 Blaziken.
And since the Name Rater was in Slateport City and my starter had evolved, I figured it was only appropriate to give him the new moniker "MAGMA MAN"
The rest of the playthrough went about as normally as tearing through the game with mostly Blaziken normally would go. There were a couple exceptions though. First off, at the Weather Institute, after I saved the day from Team Aqua, they were kind enough to gift me a Castform, but my party was full, so I couldn't get it. My 8 year old self did not read this. (Remember this, it will come back later). But I managed to make my way through the game, catching Kyogre with my Master Ball and giving it the nickname "LEGENDARY"
Then we come to the Elite Four where I hit a brick wall. I don't remember my team at the time exactly, but I do remember it was MAGMA MAN which had reached about level 80 or so, LEGENDARY which was about level 48, a level 36 Pelipper, two level ~35 Tentacruels, and some other sixth Pokemon I don't recall. And for some reason, I just couldn't beat the Elite Four with this team for some weird reason. The best I could ever get to was Drake. I felt I was utterly defeated.
That's when we bring a new character into the story. A member of my friend group at the time who we'll call "John" to protect the innocent. Now John had a very "uncle who works at nintendo" type energy to him. The group used to play Gauntlet: Dark Legacy together all the time, and when I got the GBA port of it, he convinced me to trade my recently obtained copy of the Pokemon Trading Card Game Boy game for a Gameboy-Gamecube cables, only for me to learn too late that it didn't work like that, and from there, there were no backsies (but then I got ahold of a copy of Pac-Man VS and Four Swords Adventure then I learned to emulate, so who's laughing now).
Anyway, John saw that I was struggling and he decided that he wanted to help me out. You see, he had come across an incredibly powerful and rare Pokemon that couldn't be found in the wild. He had gotten it exclusive, and I had never seen it before. It was called a "Castform". Now John had Ruby version, so he decided that as much as it ached him to part with it, he figured it would be a reasonable trade to trade this powerful Castform for the slightly less powerful LEGENDARY. I agreed.
And then he moved to Ohio.
To this day, Castform is my least favorite Pokemon because of this betrayal. I was so distraught at 8 years old that I completely restarted my game of Pokemon Sapphire. I don't remember much about that second playthrough, but there's a reason why.
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This rival battle on Route 110 is somewhat infamous for being quite the sudden difficulty spike. And since I knew how to get past Team Aqua now, I didn't have an over-leveled starter to stomp my rival with ease. After losing to her about five or so times, I got frustrated and figured that whatever team I had wasn't cutting it. So I restarted again.
In my third playthrough, I made it all the way to the rival battle on Route 110. Then she stomped me repeatedly. So I restarted again.
This cycle would go on for, like, 15 resets. I didn't count, but it felt like there was hundreds. As I would keep on resetting and playing through the early-game of Pokemon Sapphire (which I had practically memorized at this point), I would start to take things a lot less seriously, sometimes picking the girl character, making my name random gibberish, etc.
Eventually, on one of these playthroughs where I started with Treecko, I actually managed to beat the Route 110 Rival Battle! And on my first try too! And thus began the epic journey of a girl named DE.
Now, I'd figured at this point that maybe only leveling up one Pokemon wasn't the best approach, so I was trying to balance my teams a bit better (I guess my rival taught me something). I was making my way through the game, and one day I'm checking out my best friend's Pokemon in Ruby, and who do I see in his box, but a Kyogre. I take a look at his name, and I can't believe it. It was LEGENDARY. John had traded it to my friend before he moved.
My friend didn't know that it was originally mine, so he offered to trade it back, which I accepted. LEGENDARY was a disobedient little bastard since I didn't have enough badges, but he got the job done. I don't remember the team I ended up using to finally beat the Elite Four, but it included my Sceptile starter, a Sableye that somehow knew only Fighting-type moves, and two Kyogres, LEGENDARY and LEGENDARY2.
And that's my first playthrough of Pokemon Sapphire. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it.
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angelmachines · 8 months
teru & socialization
i've posted about this before but something ive been thinking about a LOT is mp100's themes of loneliness (and eventual connections). i think this is an aspect of teru's character (in particular) that gets left out because it's not as explicit but i've been wanting to do a deep dive on it for a while and i finally sat down to do it. just a warning, this post is gonna be LONG.
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these two panels are from chapter 16 of the manga (which i'm using for my evidence because i. dont want to scrub through the anime LOL). initial sentiment: teru uses his powers to cheat having friends/a good social life and wouldn't have that if he tried earnestly. this is a fair interpretation of the scene. with what we know, at this point of time (as in within the teru-mob fight) teru would not be able to connect with other people earnestly, due to his mindset. which i think is a fair interpretation, HOWEVER:
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(from chapter 17 ^^) the first panel shows teru's expression to be strained and the second is visibly unhappy. this puts the first set of panels into a different context, that maybe underneath all of this, teru doesn't WANT any of this life that he's built. keep in mind that i'm analyzing this with teru's possible autistic tendencies in mind & you dont have to believe he's autistic, im not your dad, but i do find this a pretty meaningful indication of masking if he were
(note: yes, the strain can definitely be read as comp-het, and i would agree but that's not relevant so go read this post on that instead)
even if the rest of these panels show teru content with his life, i think these expressions are pretty vital to how we read his life especially because we know so little of it. think about it, if you were a kid desperate for affection because you couldn't get it anywhere else, especially not in a way that would come off as "mature" or "unaffected", wouldn't you also look for validation in your popularity? even if it aligned you with people who you consider fundamentally different to you? my point here is that teru can't not stand out-- it's in his nature-- and we are shown how he tries to blend in & receive attention in the only way possible to him; which is to say that he molds himself into something that is palatable, likeable, and superior to other people. if he's nothing, like mob, he has spent his entire life covering up for it. if he fails socially, like mob, he has to be good at everything (even if he cheats to do so) so that everyone else can look past it.
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(side note for my teru angst enjoyers: this is a panel of his mom. the mom who he hasn't seen in years. doesn't it make sense that, if he hasn't heard his mom say he's proud of him for literal years, that he would overachieve in response? not related to the autism thing i just have the teru bug. also don't be misogynistic in my notes both his parents suck we just get a singular mention of his mom)
so if teru couldn't meaningfully have friends before mob, that could very easily be because of his past mindset, right?
...except, we don't.. really... see him make other friends afterwards.
but, the awakening lab, right?
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(ok i lied to you sorry there is one anime screenshot and thats because it stood out to me while i rewatched it earlier this month. sorry.) id like to bring attention to this screenshot during the cultural festival because the awakening lab can definitely be seen as a direct contradiction of this and i'd like to point out a couple things:
1) in this scene the shiratori brothers are in another room 2) them and the other three are friends with ritsu (or at least close enough acquaintances to want to see him).
considering this is one of the only times they appear together for Fun i am more inclined to believe this is an encounter where they went together because they all would've gone separately anyway. this isn't to discount the possible bond that these characters might have, but thats the thing. we... aren't really shown that they're friends and enjoy spending time together outside of this screenshot, where two out of six of the members are not even present. not to mention that teru is still placing himself in a role separate from his peers. despite stripping the superiority away, teru is still the awakening lab's mentor, not friend. teru still views himself as fundamentally different in a context where his psychic powers don't make him that way.
...except with mob. i bring this placement of power up because where he is the awakening lab's mentor, teru declares mob to be his rival, or, in other words, teru is just like him. he is accepting that mob and him are the same. (and if we view mob from an autistic lens... so on and so forth)
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as if to hammer in that point even further-- in the summer vacation omake, teru explicitly states that "summer break is just a super long, super boring stretch of alone time." i'm not sure of the timeline here, but guessing from the hair, we're at least post season 1. which gives us explicit confirmation here that teru is spending the break alone despite his relationship to the awakening lab. his connection to mob is a lifeline here because mob is one of the only people who can intuitively understand teru's isolation without judgment
(also, on that point of teru's autistic tendencies: teru does and says a LOT of things that would raise other peoples eyebrows and doesn't seem to notice.
here we get teru actively admitting to his home life, right in front of reigen, WHO COULD CALL CHILD SERVICES ON HIM? this genuinely made me rethink this character entirely. teru's filter is... minimal. he isn't constantly volunteering information and generally minds his own business, but if you ask? Well.
teru is a social person, but to say he is proficient in understanding social situations seems... wrong. teru views his loneliness as boring because, despite being fairly open, does not actually allow himself to think about his own feelings and how they affect him. this loneliness is boring because he doesn't have enough of a reference to realize its not
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if we are taking pre-mob teru to be a version of himself who is masking, or at the very least someone who is faking a lot of stuff in a less autistic sense, the fight with mob changes teru to the point where he no longer hides himself. in the same way that mob was able to shake teru's fragile superiority complex i think the change in appearance marks the end of the self teru had built up. from this point on we see him become a lot more... Him. his appearance and his fashion choices are, presumably, completely normal to him and we get no indication that he believes otherwise despite the reactions it gets-- which is... well, i wouldn't be writing this post if i thought it was one of his most neurotypical traits.
in fact, he seems... pretty oblivious to what other people think of him. which is an interesting distinction to make considering the intelligence we Know he possesses (which is not to say that you are unintelligent if you don't pick up on social cues, just that its common for media to depict it that way.) these traits are made pointedly, even if unintentionally, separate, ESPECIALLY when you note the amount of characters who Do ruminate on or stare at teru's appearance.
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some examples. i don't even think this is all of it-- case in point.)
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belle--ofthebrawl · 2 months
Oooh, for the thing - holding them close by the hips, with either Swiss/Aeon or Cirrus/Aurora plsssss
Double whammy >:3c
“Act natural.” Aeon whispers, whirling her into his arms. The welcoming gala for the next Papa was in full ceremonial swing, which meant no one had a chance to get naked yet. She couldn't wait to slip out of the short and poofy little number she’d picked out. Aeon's blush told her it would happen sooner rather than later. “Watchers at two and five o clock.”
“Who?” She breathes, next to his skin and smiles at the goosebumps that prickle up. He's so easy.
“Swiss. And Cirrus. Lookin’ like a couple of predators.” He leads her in some half-assed waltz, keeps stepping on her toes. What clumsy, easy prey they must seem to the older ghouls.
“Okay.” She says nonchalantly. “Are we leading them on a chase? Causin’ trouble?” They turn and she spots them. Closer together now, eyes narrow. Calculating. She smiles and blows a little air kiss. It isn't returned. Her heart skips a beat.
“Are we in trouble?” She asks with a little giggle as the crowd closes around them, and the hunters vanish. “I didn't do anything. What did you do?”
“Nothing!” Aeon says nervously. His ears twitch, his obvious tell. Aurora pokes her tongue out between her lips at him and he scrunches his face as she tries to lick him.
“Tell me!” She sings breathlessly.
“Rory!” He pleads.
“Kiss me.” She demands, and he does without protest. Her little Bug was always so good at following orders, from the time they met each other fighting for food scraps in the pit. Now here, the source of Lucifer’s power on earth and he still runs to her for help getting out of hot water.
“Smoked Swiss' weed and stole one of Cir’s bras.” He mutters when they part. “I heard her coming and panicked so I hid in your room. That's why she's mad at you.”
“Aeon!” She gasps, scandalized. Still grinning wickedly when he finally looks at her again. “Nasty little thief.”
Coincidentally, her first words to him when he tried to steal a particularly meaty behemoth thigh away from her. They’d tussled until she realized he was hard and then she rode him in the blood of the dead beast. No truer friendship had there been since.
“Do you think you’ll learn your lesson this time?” She coos, turning again. She can't see the hunters anywhere. Could be a good thing. Could be a bad thing.
“Yes.” He says instantly.
“Too fast, liar.” She teases. “Ooh, do you think she'll spank us?”
She doesn't care that she's being framed. Hell knew she deserved some kind of comeuppance for her own mischief, although she was far better at concealing her tracks than Aeon.
“We’ll start with a spanking.” Comes a cold voice. "Then proceed as we see fit from there." Firm hands slide around her waist, gripping tight and wrinkling the materials of her gown. Aeon goes pale as Swiss copies Cirrus, pinching and tickling the lithe quintessence ghoul before gripping his hips just as firmly.
“Maybe we'll let you hold hands through your punishment.” Swiss adds thoughtfully. They're tugged away from each other in one stunning quick motion, ending up in their predator's arms in a showy display of strength. “I think that'd be so cute.”
“Busted!” Aurora sings cheerfully, already thrumming to her core at the way Cirrus is touching her. She doesn't need to look to know Aeon's stiffy is poking up through his dress pants; a little fear always did it for him.
“How are you so happy about all this?” Aeon hisses as they're easily hefted up over strong shoulders. Swiss even gives Aeon a pre-emptive, light-hearted smack. Cirrus is tickling the back of her thighs.
“Because silly,” she snickers as they're taken away to their fate. “You aren't the only one who steals weed. And who do you think told Swiss in exchange for less spanks?”
“Rory!” Aeon wails.
“That's what you get for trying to frame me!” She sings. “I’ll take us both down babe.”
“I think I'll have her warm my strap.” Cirrus says to no one in particular. “Since she wants to be so mouthy.”
“We're doing whatever we want tonight, Mama.” Swiss purrs. “Eventually these troublemakers will learn their lesson.”
“Probably not.” Is Aurora's cheeky reply.
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moonydustx · 6 months
Hi!! Your writing is so good. I love it so much!!! Can i request a Five x female reader? Where the reader is smug and direct about her feelings? Thank you!! 🫶🫶🫶
Hi Hi! First, thank you for appreciating my work ❤️❤️
I tried my best to deliver and I apologize in advance if anything deviated from the proposal. I used Five from last season because his personality in these last few episodes is my favorite. Again, thanks for the request and i hope u like!
requests | the umbrella academy masterlist
What do you feel?
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x F!Reader
Warnings: fluffff, some things are a little out of canon, F!Reader is also someone with powers. She can feel others' feelings and make others feel hers through touch.
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You still remembered the first time Five crossed your eyes at Temps Comisson. The neat jacket, the formal shorts and the almost arrogant posture for just a kid. At first, you hated him.
"A new friend for you." the manager introduced you to him and the two of you barely bothered to shake hands.
"Great, a newbie." Five replied, without much patience.
"I already have my suitcase, I don't need this new one." the cynicism in your tone was clear to both of them. When you saw the manager looking at you impatiently, you turned to him. "Let's follow the rules: don't get in my way, don't meddle in my choices and please don't expect me to save you if you're standing in the grave."
"I could say the same." Five replied, extending his hand to you. "Deal."
And a few years later, here you were. Cooped up in the family of what you could call your best friend, attending a wedding taking place under the lights of the end of the world.
"What do you think, huh? Apocalyptic weddings." Five whispered as the bride and groom entered.
"First I need to find someone who can handle it." your answer came out almost automatically and you just watched Five deny it, with a smile on his lips.
The ceremony was quick, totally the opposite of dinner. The two of you chose to sit at a table alone, taking in your surroundings. The happy couples, Ali and Viktor fighting, Ben being disturbed by Klaus.
"Can you feel what they think from here?" Five asked, filling his glass.
"Sex, sex." you pointed to Luther and Diego with their respective spouses. "Guilt and grudge." you pointed at Viktor and then Allison. "And suicide." Finally, you pointed at Ben. "Look, I don't even need to go there and touch them."
"Sometimes I forget." He pointed to your hands covered in gloves. "And you, how do you feel about the world ending?"
"Relief, I guess." You lied, seeing him nod.
You both watched Klaus approach, in silence. Brother Hargreeves tried to convince them to listen to Sir Reginald, but it was in vain. You understood his hope, in trying to somehow rescue his father's good image and no matter how much he denied it, you could feel that Five wanted to be able to have that kind of hope too.
"I still don't believe him." Five said in a low tone, despite having alcohol in his blood, he still needed to remain alert.
"Me either." you imitated him, moving closer to him. The two of your heads were practically glued together as the two of you talked. "It's a shame to see Klaus so… wait a minute."
Sir Reginald's presence was present there, frightening everyone. It wasn't the spiteful version that you heard Five talk about over the years, but there was something that didn't fit there, you could feel it.
The man gave a brief speech, with a huge poem and it was clear from the looks of those around that the situation was stranger than you could imagine. Perhaps with the intention of breaking the ice hovering in the air, as soon as Hargreeves left the microphone, the dance floor was filled with music and colored lights.
"The old man is actually good at it." Five pondered, taking your attention.
"I don't know, something is wrong. He's always alert, he won't let me touch him." you responded immediately, watching him think for a few seconds.
"Any ideas what we can do?"
"I don't know if you got the memo, but we're about to die. " you turned away from Five to grab your glass. In a cynical gesture, you took your glass towards his glass, improvising a toast. "Here's to the old man's minutes of sanity."
"How can you be so frank?" He seemed indignant, drawing a laugh from your lips. "You're worse than me."
"Ah, dear Five. Try to feel what everyone else feels for a day. All the anger, all the fear. Your own feelings become a burden to you." your words silenced him, leaving space for him to just nod and for you to return to contemplating the speeches.
"I'm glad the world is ending." he stood up, extending his hand to you while his other hand held the bottle of champagne you shared. "Screw other people's feelings."
"Yeah, screw it." You accepted and stood up.
Five led you to the dance floor and even though the music was more upbeat and the dance floor was full of his brothers, he still spun you around a few times, in a kind of disconcerted waltz.
Five soon let go of you and climbed up to where the DJ table was, taking the microphone from the strange man. Without speech or prior notice, Five began to sing. The lyrics weren't the happiest of all, much less the melody, but they were familiar to you. You remembered singing it a few times in Five's presence and saying how much it reminded you of your father, who had been away from you for years.
"Would you accompany me?" your eyes moved away from Five's to Klaus, who proposed a dance. You could notice his suspicious look as he led you away.
"You like him, don't you?" Klaus asked and you just nodded, there was no point in hiding it anymore. "Well, you still have some time until the world ends."
"And if it doesn't end, what do I do next?"
"What do you mean it doesn't end?" Klaus asked, stopping turning you around. "Will you accept Dad's plan?"
"No, no, that's not it. I've seen Five end apocalypses before, I think something inside me hopes he can fix this one too. Maybe it's just the grief speaking inside me."
"Yeah, maybe."
Klaus turned you around once again and let you go, leaving you alone for just a few seconds.
"Let's get out of here?" Five's voice materialized behind you. "I need fresh air."
Before you could respond, he held your hand and led you away. It only took a few minutes for the two of you to be alone, watching the orange sky from the building's terrace.
"Can I ask you something?" You sat next to him, keeping little distance. Before you could ask, he held out the bottle of champagne he hadn't put down yet.
"Technically you already asked."
"Stop being an idiot." your shoulders collided with his. "That's it, right? I think we finally don't have the solution."
"I can almost believe you're scared." this time, you didn't deny it, you just looked away. "You know you don't need to talk, right?"
"I know, but it's frustrating. Running after saving the world all this time and not being able to. I'd rather die, I don't know, run over by a car, with an anvil falling on my head. But an apocalypse?" you laughed and watched Five do what you had done many times when you couldn't use your voice to talk. He took one of your hands and took off the glove, allowing himself to touch your skin.
"I can feel you." he replied, in a low tone. "You are afraid."
Five preferred to omit everything else he felt when he touched your skin. Fear, anguish, anxiety, love. The last one weighed on his mind, but he knew you and knew you would come out as soon as he felt comfortable. In a way, he knew that when he touched you, you would also be aware of his feelings.
"The only people who aren't scared are those who aren't paying attention."
"I think we need to drink more, to forget about this." even after just a few minutes of sitting, Five pulled you to your feet. "And this dress suits you, it's a waste to stay here while the party is going on downstairs."
Again, he dragged you downstairs, where the celebration was taking place. Whiskey, vodka, beer, everything that still contains a quantity of alcohol became part of your menu and at the end of the party, you found yourself sitting at the counter, Five standing a few meters away, tasting two different drinks. Maybe that would be the last time the two of you would party.
"Five?" you interrupted him, making him place the two bottles on the floor. "I don't want to die with regrets."
"Elucidate me on that."
"Even though The Handler always made it clear that I was too much for you, I like you." A sob caused by alcohol interrupted your train of thought. "I like it and I know that maybe I'm a little too much for your arrogance. You're also a little too much for me." You laughed, seeing him approach. "I think after these years, it's only fair for me to say that I love you."
"You think?" he laughed, fitting himself between your legs dangling from the metal counter. "You drank too much."
"You too." you responded immediately, starting to take off your gloves. "And alcohol doesn't affect my opinion. Feelings don't lie, do you want to feel?" Before the first glove could leave your hand, Five stopped you.
"I believe in you and I feel the same." he replied and in an unexpected gesture, he hugged you, putting his face in your mouth. "I've loved you for a while, it's a shame it took us so many years to realize."
"We can live that at least now." You gave space for his face to be in front of yours. "Damn, now I wish I could end this apocalypse."
His lips took yours and instead of his hands attaching themselves to your body, Five disheveledly took off your gloves and pulled your hands until they tangled around the back of his neck.
"I love you so much." he murmured between your lips, feeling almost overwhelmed by all the feeling that emanated from your hands. "Tonight, I'm yours and you're mine, fuck this apocalypse."
"Until the world ends?" you asked breathlessly.
"Until the world ends."
Your mouth tasted like alcohol, sweets and fear for the small future, but Five didn't see the problem, after all you could love each other until the world ended.
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bebe-writes-stuff · 1 month
more baji drabbles please.🙏🏼🙏🏼
Baji reacting to his s/o, who can fight
Power couple. period.
Everyone was shocked when Baji, of all people, managed to find a girlfriend—especially someone as gentle and sweet as you. It was hard to imagine someone like you by his side, considering Baji's reputation for being rough around the edges, loud, and sharp-tongued. Yet, against all odds, the two of you clicked in a way that no one saw coming.
You were always seen laughing together, eating together, and hanging out. But despite the smiles and carefree moments, something lingered in Baji's mind: What if being with him put you in danger? He was a well-known delinquent. You always seemed relaxed, and unworried when you were with him, and he chalked it up to your trust in his ability to protect you no matter what. But that wasn't the case.
The sun was beginning to set as you and Baji made your way to the Musashi Shrine. The ancient trees loomed overhead, their branches swaying gently in the evening breeze. The shrine’s stone path was familiar under your feet, where the Tokyo Manji Gang often gathered in secret. Baji walked beside you, his usual confident stride a little more subdued today. He hadn’t said much on the way here, and you knew why.
As you approached the clearing where the rest of the gang was waiting, Baji finally spoke, his voice low but firm. “You should head home, Y/N. I’ve got business with the guys, and you know how it is. I don’t want you getting mixed up in any of this.”
You looked up at him, your eyes narrowing slightly. “Baji, I’m not a little kid. I can handle myself.”
Baji sighed, running a hand through his messy black hair. “It’s not about you handling yourself, babe. I just don’t want you involved in this stuff. It’s dangerous.”
“And what about you?” you shot back, crossing your arms. “You’re in the middle of it, every day.”
“That’s different,” Baji replied, his tone softening as he reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “This is my world, not yours. Please, Y/N, just this once, go home.”
You stared at him for a long moment, weighing your options. Baji had always been overprotective, and while you appreciated his concern, it also made you more determined to know what was going on. You finally nodded, giving him a small smile. “Alright, I’ll go.”
Baji’s eyes searched yours for any hint of deception, but you kept your expression neutral. “Good,” he said, leaning down to press a quick kiss to your forehead. “I’ll come by later, okay?”
“Okay,” you replied, turning to leave. But as soon as you were out of sight, you doubled back, slipping into the thick foliage near the shrine. You crouched low, your heart pounding as you carefully moved through the trees and bushes, positioning yourself close enough to hear the meeting.
The voices of the Tokyo Manji Gang filled the air as Baji and the others began to discuss what had brought them here tonight. You recognized Mikey’s voice, cool and commanding as always, followed by Draken’s deep, steady tone.
“There’s been some trouble brewing with one of our rivals,” Mikey said, his voice serious. “They’re planning to make a move soon. We need to be ready.”
“How many are we talking about?” Baji asked, his voice hardening.
“Enough to cause problems,” Draken replied. “They’re not gonna back down easily. We’re looking at a full-on gang war if we don’t handle this right.”
Your breath caught in your throat as you listened, the weight of their words sinking in. A gang war. This was serious—more serious than anything you’d ever heard Baji talk about before.
As the meeting continued, you couldn’t tear yourself away, even though every instinct told you to run. You needed to know what was going to happen, what Baji was going to do. But as the meeting drew to a close, you knew you had to leave before anyone spotted you. You carefully backed away, slipping out of the trees and hurrying down the path back to your home.
The walk felt like a blur, your mind racing with everything you’d heard. When you finally reached your door, you barely registered the familiar surroundings of your room. All you could think about was the impending fight, and what it meant for Baji. What if something happened to him? What if he got hurt—or worse?
The next few days you were passed in a haze. You were quieter around Baji, more withdrawn, your usual lighthearted demeanor replaced by a growing sense of dread. Baji noticed, of course. “You’ve been acting weird lately,” he said one afternoon as you sat together on a park bench. “Something bothering you?”
You shook your head, forcing a smile. “No, just tired, I guess.”
But Baji wasn’t convinced. “You’re not telling me something,” he pressed, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. “If something’s wrong, you need to tell me, Y/N.”
You wanted to tell him everything, to share the burden that had been weighing on you since that night at the shrine. But you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Not when you knew it would only make things worse. So you shook your head again, leaning into his side as you whispered, “I’m fine, Baji. Really.”
He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close, but you could feel the tension in his body. He didn’t believe you, and you couldn’t blame him. The unease between you only grew as the days passed, and the date of the impending gang war loomed ever closer.
The day of the fight arrived, and you hadn’t heard a word from Baji. Not a call, not a text—nothing. You spent the entire day gripping your phone, checking it constantly, hoping for some sign that he was okay. The silence gnawed at you, each passing hour adding to the pit of dread growing in your stomach.
By the time the sun began to dip below the horizon, you couldn’t take it anymore. The fear and worry were too much to bear. Baji might have wanted to keep you out of this, but you couldn’t just sit back and wait for something to happen. Without a second thought, you pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, the thick fabric swallowing your frame as you tugged the hood low over your face.
Determined, you slipped out of your house and made a beeline for the location where the fight was supposed to take place. The streets were eerily quiet as you made your way to the outskirts of town, where an old, abandoned junkyard served as the battleground for countless brawls between rival gangs. Tonight, it would witness yet another bloody conflict.
You arrived just in time to see the fight unfold. The Tokyo Manji Gang was holding their own, but it was clear they were outnumbered. Your heart pounded in your chest as you hid among a pile of rusted cars, watching the scene play out below you. Baji was in the thick of it, his fists flying as he took down opponent after opponent, but even he was starting to tire.
Toman was winning to a certain degree until, suddenly, the tide turned. The rival gang pulled a dirty move, signaling for reinforcements. Another group of delinquents swarmed the area, overwhelming the already battered Toman members. Your breath hitched as you saw them closing in on Baji, who was now surrounded by more than fifty opponents, all threatening to jump him at once.
Your body moved on instinct before your mind could catch up. Without thinking, you sprinted down the pile of junk cars, your feet barely touching the ground as you made your way toward Baji. Just as one of the enemies tried to sneak up on him from behind, you launched yourself into the air, your foot connecting squarely with the side of his face. The force of the blow sent him crashing to the ground, unconscious.
The crowd gasped in shock, eyes widening at the sight of this mysterious figure who had appeared out of nowhere to protect Baji’s back. You stood tall, fists clenched and ready to fight, but the hood of your hoodie obscured your face, leaving them guessing who you might be.
Baji, still in the middle of knocking down several opponents at once, caught sight of you out of the corner of his eye. He was about to shout at you to get out of there when your hood slipped off, revealing your face. For a split second, time seemed to stand still.
“Y/N?!” Baji’s voice cracked with disbelief. “What the hell are you doing here?!”
“Not the time, Baji!” you yelled back, your voice firm as you took down another opponent who dared to get too close. “I’m here to protect your back, so focus on the fight!”
Baji was stunned, his mind reeling as he tried to process what was happening. You—his sweet, gentle girlfriend—were here, in the middle of a gang war, fighting off delinquents like you’d been doing it your whole life. He had so many questions, but there was no time to ask them. Right now, you were right—he needed to focus on the fight.
Side by side, the two of you fought off wave after wave of enemies. Baji’s strength and speed were unmatched, but you kept up with him, your movements precise and powerful. You weren’t just holding your own—you were dominating, knocking down anyone who came near him.
Eventually, the tide began to turn in Toman’s favor once more. The rival gang members started to retreat, unable to withstand the combined force of Baji and the mysterious fighter at his side. When the last of them had fled, leaving the junkyard littered with bodies and debris, you finally allowed yourself to relax, your chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath.
Baji turned to you, his face a mix of shock, confusion, and—if you looked closely enough—pride. “Y/N… what the hell was that?” he asked, his voice laced with disbelief. “How did you—where did you learn to fight like that?”
You gave him a tired smile, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. “It’s a long story. But first, let me take care of those cuts.”
You pulled out a small first-aid kit from your pocket—something you’d brought just in case—and began wrapping Baji’s knuckles, which were bruised and bloodied from the fight. As you worked, you explained everything. How you had followed him to the shrine, overheard the meeting, and decided that you couldn’t just sit by and do nothing. You apologized for going against his wishes, but deep down, you knew you had made the right choice.
Baji listened in silence, his eyes never leaving your face. When you finished, he let out a long sigh, running a hand through his messy hair. “Y/N, you’re unbelievable,” he said, his tone a mix of exasperation and admiration. “I wanted to keep you safe, and here you are, kicking ass like it’s nothing.”
You chuckled softly, finishing up the bandages and giving his hand a gentle squeeze. “I didn’t want you to fight alone. You’re always protecting me, Baji. This time, I wanted to protect you.”
Baji shook his head, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “You’re something else, Y/N. But… I guess I can’t be too mad. You saved my ass back there.”
“Glad I could help,” you replied, your smile matching his.
As the two of you stood there amidst the aftermath of the battle, the moonlight casting long shadows across the junkyard, you realized that this was your world now, too. You and Baji weren’t just a couple—you were a power couple, literally. No one was matched with your strength together.
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itsbenedict · 4 months
How would you make mario a villain?
Huh! Tricky one. I mean, there's tons of Newgrounds parodies about how fucked up it is that Mario goes around crushing turts all day, and there's the obvious "silent scary henchman of the image-conscious dictator" angle. Tricky to cast him as the villain rather than the muscle, though...
There's only one thing that notably motivates Mario, and that's Princess Peach. Extreme devotion, there. For him to have agency, she needs to be removed from the picture- and I think that neatly answers the motive thing, too. Peach hasn't been kidnapped, this time- there's something more permanent. But what? "She's been killed and he's out for revenge" is a little 3edgy5me, and also if Mario sets out to get revenge I think he just gets it. His antagonists have rarely put up the kind of fight that would require him to concoct a villainous scheme.
Who's the protagonist, if not Mario? What is Mario doing that requires someone else to go on an adventure opposing him? How do we make this something that Nintendo would actually consider releasing?
...Okay, what's Mario's usual M.O.? How do we make that villainous? He... goes to dangerous places, nimbly circumvents all obstacles in his way, and claims powerful, usually star-shaped magical objects, in order to rescue the princess. This time... he isn't really concerning himself with who the rightful owners of said magical objects are.
It's a Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego situation. There's been a rash of heists committed by a strange masked phantom thief, and the protagonist's job is to find out how the relics were stolen and where the culprit hid them, and get them back before their clients suffer dire consequences as a result of missing-magic-item-itis. You investigate crime scenes, pick up the phantom thief's trail, chase him down, and bop him one but good to recover the relic and save the day.
This is complicated somewhat because this phantom thief is in league with Bowser, who keeps causing trouble in ways that the phantom thief takes advantage of to get past security. The Koopa Troop often assists the phantom thief in his getaways. Why are they working together???
Flash back. Mario standard plot- Bowser has kidnapped the princess. This time, he's done it using some magic item or invention doohickey whose provenance he doesn't quite understand, which has turned Princess Peach to stone. True to form, Mario goes through several another castles and thrashes Bowser and breaks his evil doohickey, and... uh. This fails to rescue the princess. She is still a statue.
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Bowser doesn't know why she's still a statue, and both of them panic. How do they fix this?! They need to try something- find some new magic thing that'll bring her back! They've heard of the Sacred Star of Healing in one of the neighboring Kingdoms (which exist in infinite supply in the Mario universe to be adventured through precisely once and then forgotten about forever), and agree to work together to steal it and use it to restore Peach.
It doesn't work. They ditch it somewhere. They follow up on another rumor- the Golden Coin Spirit in the Treasure Kingdom or whatever, and that's a bust too. And after a couple of these, the international community is forced to call in an expert to catch this thief and bring him to justice.
So who's our protagonist? Who in the Mario universe is a famous detective who specializes in guarding star-shaped magical relics from would-be burglars? WHAT IMPROBABLY LARGE-BRAINED PENGUIN COULD POSSIBLY THWART THIS MASTER CRIMINAL?!?
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