#you have no idea how excited i was when i saw this ask..........
naturesapphic · 2 days
hiiii! i saw this tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZMhRHTLpn/ and had an idea:
as bills have trouble sleeping, she'd found herself seeking for comfort and help to it with reader? like cuddling close and listening to her heart beat to self soothe. R waking up to help her out after a nightmare and stuff like that 🥺 it just seemed soooo adorable and fluffy
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Billie eilish x fem!reader
Warnings: Billie having insomnia, fluff, nightmares, hurt/comfort
Billie could never fall asleep easily, and if she did, she wouldn’t sleep long due to her nightmares. Her nightmares were very intense and scary. When she would wake up from them, she would always write or draw them into her notebook and then tell you all about it in the morning since you weren’t with her that night. Even without nightmares, Billie didn’t sleep well and she always slept late. Her sleep schedule was all over the place for years and that’s how it’s has been since.
Tonight you were over at Billie’s for a little sleepover she had planned for the two of you. You were excited to spend the night with your girlfriend and have some quality alone time with her. Y’all were watching the office when both of y’all fell asleep. You woke up to the sound of rustling and whimpering beside you. Waking up, you see Billie tossing and turning, making noises in her sleep. You immediately pulled Billie into your arms and gently tried to wake her up without frightening her. A few minutes of gently trying to wake her up from her nightmare, her eyes shot open, looking around frantically.
“Hey hey bils it’s okay. It’s me.” You say gently as you rub her back, calming her down. “Y-yn?” She whimpers as she looks up, her brown hair covering her face. You put some of it behind her ear and wiped away the sweat that was glistening on her face, along with tears. “Yes it’s me baby. I’m right here.” You whispered and she hugged you tight making your heart hurt, knowing that the nightmare must have been awful. “Why don’t I turn back on the office. Is that okay baby?” You asked her and she nodded against your shoulder. You smiled and turned it back on.
As the night went on, you and Billie continued watching the office until she was tired enough to try and go back to sleep. Billie placed her head on your chest and placed her ear where your heart is. You wrap your arms tight around her, pulling her to you as close as you can. You want her to feel safe and protected and that’s how she felt right now. Billie eventually went to sleep to the beating of your heart and with you playing with her hair. Being in your arms will always be Billie’s comfort.
A/n: thank you for the request @dandelions4us ! I hope you enjoy it and I hope everyone else does too! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all :)
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lost-in-fandoms · 3 days
Having big thoughts about Daniel being a photographer and Max being still a F1 driver kajgkajgksjjg. Maybe Daniel needs the money so he takes a job being a F1 photographer and it's not his passion exactly but it pays well. He is going to take pictures of cars going vroom, travel everywhere and being paid for it (so he can take pics of what he really loves. What it is? I don't know).
But he didn't know Max. Like, he was aware that Max was F1 world champion??? But he didn't expect Max to be so breathtakingly beautiful. So maybe he has a little crisis about it. Idksugid. I have to go to sleep but ESIIIIII DANIEL BEING A PHOTOGRAPHER 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
Hello lovely I miss you!!! I have been having big thoughts about this since I saw your ask last night, but I only have this little thing to offer. Might revisit in the future because I love this idea very much <3
Daniel doesn't exactly know how he finds out about the job offer. He thinks maybe Blake mentioned it to him, having heard about it from a friend of a friend, but it's not really important.
It wouldn't be a bad gig: being able to travel the world, mingling with famous people, filling his portfolio, and getting paid for it. Sure, cars and millionaires aren't exactly his preferred subjects, but he can look past it for that kind of salary and perks.
So he goes over his CV, trying to make himself sound more professional than he feels, and sends it. You miss every chance you don't take and all that.
He's not expecting to be called back, to be honest. Even fattening his portfolio with all the people photos he has, good or less good, he knows it's mostly wildlife and nature, not exactly what a formula 1 team might look for, and yet, two weeks later, he wakes up to an email with three suggested dates for an online interview and a we'd be excited to offer you a position as soon as possible.
And three weeks after that, he's stepping on a plane, flight fully paid and brain already adding up his new salary to the savings in his bank account.
The scanner beeps when Daniel puts his pass against it, a thrill of excitement traveling down his spine at the small sound, and then he finds himself in the paddock.
It's still early, so it's not as crowded as it will for sure become later, but it still makes him think of the savannah, people milling around minding their business, swayed from time to time by the sudden arrival of a celebrity or a driver, circles forming and breaking, flocks in the grass.
It settles his mind to think about this as another wildlife shoot, as if this wasn't a stepping stone towards his dream, but the open door to it already, and he makes himself smile by taking a picture of Lewis Hamilton like he would of a leopard, half hidden behind a plant, light catching his earring like a fleeting spot. Even the cars have something animal about them, growling engines and opening wings, wheels pushing the ground like running deer.
The Red Bull hospitality building (a waterhole, his brain suggests) welcomes him with air conditioning and handshakes, both from people he's met already the one time he has gone to the factory, and from strangers, too many names being thrown at him to try and remember them.
And then there's Max Verstappen.
Daniel hadn't met him at the factory. He knows who he is, obviously. Even if formula 1 isn't his preferred flavor of motorsport, he is not completely clueless about it, and he had brushed up his knowledge before coming here, just to try and make sure he doesn't embarrass himself. And yet, it is different to meet him in person.
Daniel had watched two videos of him to prepare himself: one about his racing, and one interview. The racing had been incredible. The interview had been so awkward and stiff Daniel had spent several minutes looking at the ceiling, trying to think about how to justify his yet-to-be-shot photos being shit without saying your driver is the worst model I've ever seen.
He doesn't look bad, of course he doesn't, he is actually quite handsome, but there's such a stiffness and coldness around him, one that screams rude entitled bastard from a mile away, and Daniel does not work well with that. He has actually been wondering if he had been chosen, with his warm toned photos and his soft focus, just to try and soften his edges a little.
So he's not surprised by the firmness of the handshake, or the quick Max as an answer to Daniel's hello I'm Daniel, it's great to meet you!, both exactly what he had been expecting, but then Max smiles and suddenly Daniel's fingers are itching for his camera.
Max's eyes crinkle when he smiles.
His cheeks bunch up, plush lips stretching wide, the freckle Daniel had already noticed almost disappearing, and suddenly it's prairie crocus in the alpine tundra, color and spring impossibly breaking the cold.
Daniel wants to capture the wrinkles by his eyes in golden light, wants to steal the sparkle in the blue, frame it like sunshine on the ocean, wants to take the blush on his cheek and print it, press his fingertips to every magnified pore. He can't wait to see him put on his helmet, wants to see the arch of his nose framed by the visor.
Suddenly, from mostly neutral bystander, he's turned into avid fan, desperately wishing Max wins, to shoot him through champagne drops.
Maybe this job will be his easiest one yet, after all.
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jezabelle9299 · 2 days
Intimidating S.R x FEM! reader
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Overture-While you're cataloging a new collection in the archives, a young Spencer Reid wanders down in search of an art print stored in a different archive.
Inspired by the opening of season 2 episode 14 'The Big Game', when Gideon visits the Smithsonian to look at Havell's Audubon paintings. (We're going to pretend this isn't the episode Reid gets kidnapped in) Later piece is inspired by any of the many times prostitutes flirt with Reid throughout the early seasons. I looked at a few maps and online catalogs of the museums current collections to kinda figure out how long it would take to walk there, and what pieces are stored where, but it might not be 100% accurate so don't hold me to it.
Cws- Brief mentions of robbery and prostitution (separate occasions)
A/N- This has been bouncing around my brain like a DVD menu screen, I'm so excited about it. I'm a museum studies major so I'm making this girl live all of my dreams.
Your favorite part of the job by far, was cataloging the new pieces. Whether they were from other museums or private collections, unpacking those boxes let you indulge in a bit of nosiness everytime. This particular collection was from a recently closed exhibit, so you were doing the overnight shift. No one else was in this part of the museum, and your boss was doing a showing of some prints to a collections enthusiast so you had the place to yourself. 
You threw on some headphones and got to work, once you finished this you could go home. You’d just cataloged and packed the first half of the pieces, but as you were about to start on the rest, you saw something move out of the corner of your eye. Archives were a slightly creepy place to be at night anyway, the shelves looming over you, and the underground structure providing little light outside of your small workspace, but that was definitely unusual. When you finally turned around, there was a full-on stranger walking towards you. He was about your age, but he definitely didn’t work here, you would’ve remembered 
“Jesus! Walk louder! I didn’t hear you come down here.” 
“I called out twice to try and see if there was anyone down here.”
“Point taken.” You shrugged it off, you’d never seen him before. He definitely didn’t work here, he was cute and about your age. You’d remember him. You both stood there just kind of looking at each other, not fully sure what would happen next.
“Are you going to like— rob me now? Or maybe introduce yourself?”
“Oh! Sorry, my name's Spencer Reid, I was here with a colleague. He was looking at some ornithology prints upstairs, and he told me to come down to find—well you I assume, and get the last print in the set, and ask for directions to the coffee machine?”
“Sure! Just come over here and I’ll look it up for you.” You set down your clipboard to head back to your little desk, the only one with the lamp still on. 
“So, what exactly are you looking for?”
“It’s a Robert Havell, Frigate Pelican.” You typed in the name into your system to make sure, but you knew now why your boss didn’t come to get it himself. It wasn’t in this museum, it was in the archive under the Renwick gallery, almost a mile away. 
“Alright, I can be back with it in like an hour, it’s at the gallery on 17th street. This was a split collection and it’s still in that archive. There’s a coffee machine down the hall on your left, and I can meet you back in my boss’s office.”
“An hour? Are you walking this late at night?” 
“Yep. But I’ll go as quickly as possible.”
“I can’t in good conscience let you walk that far by yourself this late at night, would it be alright if I came with you?” 
“Alright! Only if you want to though, I promise you don’t have to.”
“I want to, if that’s ok.”
“I was hoping you’d say that.” You smiled at him, and while you were grabbing your keys and ID, he went from relieved you said it was ok, to completely red at the idea of being around you alone for the next hour. He was stuck in place as you passed him and got halfway down the hall, before he started running to catch up. 
“Where exactly are we going?”
“We need to go up the elevator, through the garden, and then it’s pretty much a straight shot down 15th and through Lafayette park.”
“I thought we could get through the archives?”
“We could, but it would take longer. I get distracted easily, and it’s a nice night out anyway.”
About halfway through your walk, you’d already felt like you knew him. When you were passing through a particularly busy part of the street, someone called out to you. Well not you, they called out to Spencer. 
“Hey cutie, you’re back. I told you I’d remember you.” A woman in high heels, a fur coat, and shorts entirely too short for the chilly weather, called out for him. You didn’t place any judgment on her, but the look you gave Spencer. Shock, and trying your best to stifle laughter at his panic.
“Oh–um. Have a good night.” He rushed off, in his haste grabbing your elbow to pull you along with him. Once he’d gotten far enough away for his embarrassment to pare down, he let go of you, realizing with a whole new sense of self-consciousness that he touched you without even thinking about it. 
“That was not what it looked like. I swear– I was talking to her with my boss last week, we were doing interviews for a case; and she well– she called me cute, which is what that was about.”
“You don’t need to explain yourself to me. I would tend to agree with her anyway– you are pretty memorable.”
“I– thank you. You’re memorable too.”
You walked the rest of the way with Spencer almost trailing a half step behind you. You were so mesmerizing, he just couldn’t help it. 
By the time you finished the walk, arriving at the security booth to get back inside the archives, you already felt like you knew Spencer. 
“ID please.” The security guard spared a singular glance towards yours, and you realized you forgot to ask Spencer if he had his on him. 
“Oh I forgot they check IDs of any guests coming into the archives, you have your driver's license on you, right? Or any ID is probably fine. I didn’t even think about it.”
While you were rambling about it, Spencer pulled out his credentials, showed it to the guard as if it were nothing. Because he’s a federal agent -apparently- he didn’t need a visitor badge. 
“You’re in the FBI?”
“How on Earth did that never come up on the twenty minute walk here.” You finally got moving again towards the art storage, now trailing alongside Spencer, more focused on him than looking where you were going. 
“It did.” 
“Why did you think I was interviewing a prostitute?”
“I don’t know! I thought you were like– a lawyer or something. You’re so fancy! And nice! And you know– Young!” 
“I–you think I’m fancy?”
“You’re wearing a suit with a sweater vest at 9pm on a Saturday night.” 
“Fair enough. But no, I'm not a lawyer. I’m glad you think I’m nice though.” It was your turn for your face to heat, and for you to hide your head. 
“Of course I think you're nice.”
When you finally found what you were looking for, you started heading back. He told you about some of his interests, but mostly he wanted to know about you. All you wanted to hear about was him though, he was so interesting. 
“What do you do for the FBI?” 
“Behavioral Analysis”
“Oh my god. Oh if I’d known that I would’ve changed everything I’ve done so far. That’s– I mean that’s so intimidating” And now he was laughing at you. 
“I don’t think anyone has ever described me as intimidating. Off-putting and annoying sure, but intimidating is new.” 
“You’re very intimidating. I’ve never met a guy who knew that much about historical art without even being in the field before, and now I know you could read my behavior? I must’ve come off like a total idiot like–15 times by now.”
“I don’t think so, quite the opposite actually.”
“Well thank you, but I was making a conscious effort not to make it clear I have a huge crush on you, and then you tell me you could tell anyway?” 
“You have a crush on me?”
“Well–yeah. I thought you could tell.”
“Not really.”
“Oh.” It felt like an eternity before he responded.
“I have a crush on you too, for the record.” 
“Most definitely.”
An older man came out of the building before you could walk back in.
“Reid! Where’d you go? JJ called, we need to leave for the office.” 
“Oh–um, I’ll call you? What’s your number?” You checked your lanyard and your pockets as best as you could while holding the flat-packed print. 
“I don’t have a pen or anything on me.”
“You can just tell me, I’ll remember it.”  After you said your goodbyes he disappeared again, and you went to put away the rest of the collection. Spencer called you the next morning to set up your first date, and though he never stopped amazing you, you wouldn’t describe him as intimidating anymore.
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nekkomaa · 1 day
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Warnings: Violence, inappropriate language, manipulation, toxic relationships.
Notes: I finally managed to finish this chapter without hating it!!! If you notice any errors please let me know, I know very little English and so I end up translating everything using an online translator, and you know sometimes there are errors...
Portuguese version published on Wattpad
Word counts: 1.435
The job was simple: break into the house of one of Markrov's henchmen, get any clues about their connection, and hopefully more clues about the human trafficking that had been going on for months. However, the job proved complicated when he had to deal not only with the guards but also with a woman, well, he was told that the guy had a wife, but he didn't expect her to be in the house.
The job was supposed to be simple. So why instead of just two in the car were there now three?
He actually considered the idea of killing her, leaving her in the house and making it look like some kind of ridiculous accident, just to confuse them and give them more time to act. But he felt sorry, Simon never liked killing women, he didn't even know if you were lying to them or not, but Ghost never minded killing women, not if they were involved in anything illegal.
You could well be in on it with your husband, and he wouldn't know until it was too late. Deep down your instincts tell you that you're just an ignorant woman who doesn't even know about her own husband, which would explain some of your behavior, but Ghost doesn't usually give people the benefit of the doubt, he's more of a shoot first ask questions later kind of guy.
So why is he taking you along? The only answer Ghost has come up with at the moment is that you could be of great help, a decoy perhaps. If this were a kidnapping, he could even use you as a bargaining chip, to find out how much the husband would be willing to pay to get his beautiful trophy wife back, but everyone knows that her husband wouldn't pay a penny to get you back.
As soon as they arrived at the safe house the first thing they did was tie you properly to a chair, they knew you wouldn't be able to escape even if they let you loose, not with two trained men of their size, but it was good to be safe. Ghost barely looked at you, he prefers not to memorize too many faces of people who will probably end up dead, he already has enough people to haunt his dreams, he doesn't need one more.
As soon as Ghost removed the tape from his mouth, he was ready to leave, anything not to be in the same room as you. He wasn't too surprised when you didn't scream, I mean, he realized you were a clever little thing the moment you decided to collaborate with him, maybe deep down he expected you to scream and shout at the top of your lungs even though you saw you were in the middle of nowhere and knew it wouldn't do any good, he kind of expected any reaction from you, just so he could be rude without feeling so guilty. He doesn't even know whether or not you were involved and aware of what your husband was doing.
“I thought she'd have some resistance, you know screaming and all.” Soap seemed excited by the discovery, a little too excited, but Ghost had learned to ignore strange comments and actions during his time in the army, after all, none of them had a good sanity, not even him.
“I think she understood that no one will come even if she screams.” Ghost just turned and left the room, heading for the room he would be staying in, he would leave you for Soap to deal with, meanwhile he would find out more information in other ways.
Soap appeared at the door a few minutes later, saying that you had fainted, overwhelmed by everything, Ghost just nodded and told him to try again later.
And then Soap was in charge of trying to get more information out of you when you were awake. Ghost felt he'd already had too much interaction with you, and let's face it, Soap was great at getting people to open up, so he was an infinitely better chance. Even though he initially failed, Ghost still believed that Jonny could achieve something.
“Why can't we have a clean safe house for once in our lives?” Soap complains as he throws himself on the bed and dust rises, he coughs a few times trying to shake the dust away in a failed attempt.
“We're in a safe house, not a vacation home Jonny. At least this one has furniture.” Ghost's voice comes out sarcastic, he doesn't take his eyes off the computer, grumbling when something doesn't go as he expects.
“How long is this going to last?” Soap rambles to himself, not really caring whether Ghost listens or not.
“Preferably as little as possible.” He answers back and lets out a strange sound, a muffled, croaking laugh. “I found something you might want to read.” Ghost passes the computer to Soap, the small print on the screen showing something interesting.
The night was colder than he thought it would be, probably because winter was approaching. Ghost stood guard in the early hours of the night, Soap was passed out on the dusty bed in the bedroom, at least this safe house had some comfort, in the last few missions the safe houses had nothing more than just the bathroom sink and the shower, of course, only cold water.
He busied himself going over the information he had about the mission. It was routine, something he was used to and something he could relate to now, if he let his mind wander to any other thought than the mission he knew he would lose himself in a spiral and Ghost couldn't let that happen. Not while he still had a mission to finish, not while he was still on that mission.
He wouldn't give you anything more than a few glances, just to make sure you were still in your sleep/fainting state. It would be tedious for anyone else to sit up half the night watching someone else, without much to occupy themselves, but Ghost doesn't really care, too used to babysitting at night to care that much.
It's actually kind of pathetic now that he thinks about it, the fact that he's watching you. A weak, untrained woman, tied to a chair and passed out. You'd never get out of that house without one of the two of you noticing, Ghost could be mistaken about you, you could be a clever little mouse playing dumb, but he still doubts you'd be able to get rid of the ropes holding you down without making a sound.
He's only awake to keep people out of the house, that's the truth. You're no danger to him. Too fearful, not even able to take the pressure of a few questions and already fainting.
Ghost remembers somewhere in the back of his mind that you're just a civilian, and as far as he knows you have every right to cry and faint out of fear and exhaustion, he sometimes forgets that people aren't like him, that most people aren't in the army.
And in a corner of his mind comes the nagging voice reminding him that for all he knows you might actually be being held in private. But again, it's just an assumption, not confirmed information. He found almost nothing about you in the files, your name was mentioned once in a file, but it was so vague that it could easily have been forgotten.
Ghost rolls his eyes at the thought and snorts, he'd rather not think about it too much, if he knew that bastard was holding you against your will he certainly wouldn't spare his fingers when he finally managed to catch the lowlife. Ghost simply hates violence against innocent, unarmed women. He also hates the memories that come with that thought.
A heavy sigh leaves his lips, he would definitely kill for a cup of tea or an alcoholic drink right now, anything to slow down his mind and relax his tense body. But well, unfortunately there's nothing in this house apart from drinking water, and if they're lucky, some kind of canned food.
The sound is very low, but it's still noticeable if you're paying attention. Ghost looks away from the window and sees you looking around, your gaze unfocused and lost, surely it would take you a few seconds to fully regain consciousness.
That's when Ghost knows it's going to be a long night. Maybe he'll wake Soap up and let him deal with it.
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star2fishmeg · 15 hours
[This ask for reference ]
Thrilling, nonnie, thrilling.
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He's the middle child, he's a cheeky shit. He didn't go to Michigan or Ohio State so he's thinking there's technically no ties for him - even if his family are huge Michigan people and that makes him one too. But he's not a student or alumni. It's all fine, he's just a dude who happens to be from Michigan. Plus, he thinks it's exciting sneaking around all the time, keeps him on his toes, gets his adrenaline rushing and he can't help himself when you're breath-taking.
You two were only supposed to meet for drinks but when you wake up with his body curled around yours, his breathing fanning your neck, your heart hammering and eyes snapping open, you've never felt fear like that in your life.
Now, you're throwing him his clothes and he's hopping around to re-dress himself, pulling on your own clothes as footsteps approach your room. Thank God you live in a house with your own room, the only issue was sneaking Jack out without your friends knowing he was even there to begin with.
Your friend knocks on your door, calling your name and asking if you're joining them for breakfast since they baked pancakes. Jack's grinning, doing his belt up as quietly as he can but doesn't miss the opportunity to sweep you into his chest, leaving kisses over your neck as you try to wiggle from his hold.
"Y-yeah! Gimme like, five minutes!" You reply, eventually able to nudge him off and shove his shirt into his chest.
"Are you okay in there?"
You wince at Jack dropping his shoe, the thud making you both freeze like deer in headlights, shooting him an evil look in which he just keeps his shit-eating grin, "Just changing, sorry I just woke up!"
She leaves and you whip around to your, oh so helpful (secret) boyfriend. He's too happy about this, too excited with the possibility of getting caught red-handed but at least he's fully dressed now, from hat to shoes this time. He left that Yankees hat last time he'd snuck his way into your room, and it lingered in the back of your wardrobe like a parasite until you saw him again.
"Kiss before I go?" He says lowly, voice still raspy from abruptly waking up earlier.
You can't help but smile and shake your head, hands looping around his neck as he pulls you in by your hips, thumbs rubbing your hipbone. Nothing too extreme, just a warm, sweet kiss that perhaps lasted a bit longer that you two had anticipated, but it didn't stop him from biting your bottom lip.
Pulling away, you pat his chest and he gets the memo, unlocking your window and swinging a leg through. The drop from the side-porch roof wasn't too far, you'd just have to strike up enough conversation to buy him time to run.
This was the second time you've somehow snuck Jack in and out successfully. Turns out, asking your friends about how their night went riled up enough of a reaction that their groaning and complaining over each other drowned out the sound of Jack darting past the living room window and as he did before, he gave you a wink before disappearing down the street.
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strayslost · 2 years
“You have to come with me, because if I just tell you, you’re not going to believe me.” Chuuya insisted as he dragged Verlaine by the arm down the corridor of the Port Mafia’s HQ. Finally, they arrived at a dimly lit room, a large fireplace crackling along the wall. Facing away from them was someone sitting on a sofa, warning themselves by the flames.
“I brought him like you asked.” The redhead called softly before stepping out of the room.
Slowly, the guest on the sofa rose from their seat, a tall figure with long raven hair. He turned slowly, & golden eyes gazed across the room into the blond’s deep blues. Finally, a small smile lifted his mouth & he brought his hand to his chest & the dead man gave a slight bow of acknowledgment.
“It’s been a long time, Paul.” Rimbaud greeted.
Verlaine stands there, wide-eyed and face pale as if he's seen a ghost - no, that's exactly what he is seeing. There's a vulnerability to his expression that no-one has ever seen before. He looks like a child.
The stifling silence that fills the room can't be described in words, and in only a few seconds, it feels to him like an eternity passes. The face of the man before him... it's been years, but he could never forget. It's unmistakably the face of Arthur Rimbaud. But... that isn't possible...
"What... kind of trick... is this?"
The words leave his mouth, but he isn't really aware of them. He knows that Chuuya would never be so cruel as to lie to him, but maybe Chuuya's been tricked, too. Yes- that's the only explanation. This can't be real. Because Rimbaud... he's gone forever. There's no god that would grant Verlaine's wish, no-one to listen to his prayers- no chance in a world this cruel that he could ever see his partner alive again.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 6 months
I was looking at your Halloween posts of the HoM and a thought occurred. Is Ben's extreme fear of ghosts/spirits and stuff related to his experiences with Ghostfreak/Zs'skayr?
And how did such fears affect his initial meeting with Danny?
Yes it is related! Original Ben10 run always gave me an impression that beside Vilgax, Ghostfreak/Zs'skayr left probably one of the most lasting impressions on 10-year-old Ben. After all, imagine you are 10 and you can tranform into aliens, but one of them almost takes over you and nearly kills your family member. Like??? I would be having an existential and identity crisis, not to mention the nightmares about not being able to control your own body and hurting your loved ones???
And sure, he defeated Zs'skayr multiple times, but I like to think that his fear of being controlled/taken over by Zs'skayr (or anyone) left one of the deeper scars on his psyche (amongst like a bajillion of others).
So, yes, that fear and trauma did affect his first meeting with Danny >;) very badly.
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Their first encounter was full of misunderstandings and miscommunications all around (sort of like what we see happen between Rex and Ben in Heroes United but even worse) AND it didn't help that Ben was... let's just say, not in the greatest state of mind at that time and Danny didn't have the most rational and calm reactions to the situations either. Both had their own valid reasons, but it's still wasn't very good, lol.
There are also two very important extra circumstances surrounding their meeting that contributed to their reactions, that I dont want to spoil, because it would be more fun to try and tell in a story. xD
And there hopefully will be one, because Danny&Ben first meeting is one of the flashbacks that I had a lot of ideas for AND is important to the AU.
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stuck-in-the-box · 11 days
...Pete? Is that you?
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rainofthetwilight · 6 months
LEVI, HANA, HI! IT'S TARA (giftofjay in case you don't remember lol) with a temporary and hastily-made account that I'll lose access to the moment I log out buuut
كل عام وانت بألف خير، ان شاء الله يكون صايمك مقبول، وان شاء الله الشهر هاد يفرح قلبك وكله خير بركة
Annnd a bunch of flowers and balloons for my favorite Egyptian mutual 🌻🌻🌻🎈🎈🎈 (<-I was gonna give you a cookie as I normally do LMAO 😭. Then, I thought I should give a فانوس [lantern? idk] because yk, it's Ramadan, but apparently there's no emoji for that :/)
ANYWAY, AAAAAAA RAMADAN KAREEM WA MUBARAK HABIBTY!!!! :DDD <33333 حبيبتييي ربنا يحفظك شكرا شكراا 😭
،والله وحشتينيييي!! كل سنة وانت طيبة وبالف الفف خير ويارب صيامك يكون مقبول
ويا رب يكون الشهر ده مليان بالخير والفرح والهنا والسعادة ان شاء الله !!!💞💞💞
THANK YOU SM FOR THE FLOWERS AND BALLOONS TOO AAAA ILYSM!!!! /p <33 :DDD I feel so honored that I'm your fav 😭😭 more balloons and and flowers back to my fav palestinian mutual!!! (and hearts!!) :DD 💞🎈🎈🎈🌷🌷💞🌻🌻🌹🌹❤️🌻🌺🌺💐🎈🎈💞🌺🌷🌺💐🌻🌹❤️🌺🌷🌻💐🌷🌺❤️💞✊️💐🌷
(also yeah I wish there was a fanuus emoji too 😭😭 poor fanuus they forgot about your existence buddy, we have to sing wahawey ya wahawey with a nonexistent fanuus apparently 😔)
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YES YES YESSSSSS EID COOKIES!!!!! best kind of cookies to ever exist, esp coming from you <333 (also they better be butter cookies >:D)
I will await your return, tumblr user giftofjay o7 😎
this is me n you this ramadan btw <3
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and once again, RAMADAN KAREEM TARA!!! :DDD 💞💞 !!!رمضان كريم
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altruistic-meme · 4 months
Could I ask about your wip black hole time fuckery? It’s sound very interesting and it’s giving me time travel vibes and (there’s so many routes you can go from there). Anyway I’d love to know more!
blackhole time fuckery is my current biggest idea and the one i am possibly most excited for, even though it is going to take probably the MOST research. bc it is going to play a LOT with the events of Stormbringer so i am going to have to reread the book and take lots of notes ahahhhh (they say as if rereading it wasn't already in their plans)
ANYWAY so i was at work thinking about chuuya, as you do, and it hit me that i remembered reading something about the effects of blackholes on time somewhere ??? and i couldn't look it up immediately, but my brain decided to roll with it anyway and thus, blackhole time fuckery was born.
i looked it up later ofc and the effects are mostly just that it's actually gravity that can affect time by slowing it down the closer you are to a mass, so it can be a rather dramatic slow-down for blackholes since they have a very large gravitational pull, but i digress. the idea had already been born.
so you are on the right track with time travel!!! or, more specifically, i guess it's more of a time swap? there is still much to plan. but the basic premise is this:
what if, when Verlaine opened the gate that first time, it caused Chuuya to trade places with his 22 year-old self? aka what if I throw 22 year-old Chuuya mid-stormbringer while also throwing 16 year-old Chuuya into the present? and how will the poor Dazai's deal with it?? mixed levels of trust and understanding, having to face Verlaine again, an overwhelming number of smiling faces, and how the hell are they going to get back to their own times?????
gosh it's going to be so much fun to figure this all out and actually write it i am so excited.
[ WIP list ]
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this is the first time i’ve ever sent one of these and i’m rlly nervous but i LOVEEEE UR WORKS SMMM LIKE !!!! ur writing is so amazing and it brings me sm comfort and i adore it pwidbegwisjrbe ☹️ + ur a kenjaku fan and that makes me SOO HAPPY bc i don’t see a lot of people who like kenjaku 😓 LAKALANSSJHSS keep up the fantastic work it’s always so nice to read it <3 🐑 !!!!
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 ANON!!!!!!! SWEET SWEET ANON!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohhhhh my god you’re so so cute i’m picking you up and spinning you around……
i’m really proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone!!! i know it wasn’t easy…. BUT I PROMISE I DON’T BITE 🫂🫂 i’m so happy my fics bring you comfort, it means the world to me!!! thank you for reading them 🥹🥹🥹
ANDDDDDDDDD . AND AND AND. FELLOW KENNY STAN SPOTTED WE’RE HOLDING HANDS SO TIGHTLY RN ???????? I LOVE YOU????????? i feel like i just met a long lost sibling…….. if you EVER have any kenny thoughts pls don’t hesitate to drop by ok…!!! i love talking abt them more than anything 🥺🥺 our silly little loser….. look at him go
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djcarnationsblog · 3 months
do you have any fun facts about mikey and raph in your tmnt iteration?
Fun facts about Primordials Raph and Mikey? Perfect pairing let's go-
1. These two fuck with each other THE MOST out of all the siblings. Oftentimes you can see them having an impromptu wrestling matches in the lair!
2. Raph is the sassiest out of them all and he's got a silver tongue when it comes to quick witty comebacks. He'll even blurt them out quicker than his brain can process, which sometimes gets him into trouble depending on the victim of his roasts.
3. Mikey is the team medic in this iteration! When he was younger he definitely performed pseudo-surgeries on random sewer rats she scavenged in the late night. Evil little shit.
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pumaskulls · 2 years
m,,, mayhaps,,, 🎨 + typhlosion?
multi my dear friend, you are pandering directly to me with this request so you get Two™️
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Typhlosion my goddamn beloved <3
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masonscig · 1 year
hope it's okay to slide in here and add. I do think that isn't just that f is a soft ro, a lighter route, or that people don't like friends to lovers; it is also that f has such whimsical aspects to their nature. and I can see maybe that care freeness isn't for everyone, but I think where some of the infantalization comes in isn't just because F is black (though that would make it WORSE without a doubt) but because people see that as childish. And they refuse to see F as anything beyond someone who makes smart ass remarks and gets excited over paper airplanes. (Strange since some of tumblrs' rebrand personality traits is as the gay whimsy website, but that's probably where the antiblackness kicks in) F isn't mature enough in their eyes and doesn't have any real problems (that last part I definitely DO blame Sera for)
AHH YES it's completely ok that u sent me this! i was busy this weekend so i didn't have time to properly respond but YES YOU'RE SO RIGHT
i completely agree with you – it's like all the components are there for the ideal route by people's standards, but because they see f hauville as nothing more than a kid that's tagging along ub, they're never going to give f a real shot. it's bizarre, because it's like normally, that's a lot of people's ideal routes, but since like you said, they don't think f is mature nor do they have problems (which is sooo false) they just. overlook them completely (this paragraph seems like i've said the same thing twice but i'm going to keep it anyways LMAO)
it's crazy that some see a character genuinely trying to make the best of their situation (being traumatically ripped from their home realm) by maintaining an overly positive attitude as "childish". ugh. makes me feel icky thinking about the blatantly shitty treatment of f when they have as much depth as the other three ro's
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reggies-eyeliner · 2 years
u should match u with me 🙄
yes we should definitely kiss right now 🙄
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jabbers-wild-world · 2 years
Wizardmon your opinion on your friend Gatomon?
Random Asks | Always Accepting!
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"Gatomon..?" He fidgeted a moment or two with his cloak, then with the brim of his hat, almost as if he might have been trying to avoid answering the question, but.. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Wizardmon relented. "Gatomon is a very, very dear friend. Despite all her hardships, she always found it within herself to be kind, and generous to others. I.. can't imagine my life without her, if I'm honest. I am rather fond of her.." And he was very thankful at the moment that his cloak hid most of his face, or else someone might notice he was blushing just a touch.
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