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oddzano-blog · 1 month ago
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roystory4 · 3 months ago
i've been following you for years and deeply respect the grind + how dedicated you are to your guys but i'm just dropping in to say that the way you draw tua's body reminds me so much of my boyfriend's and it's very lovely to see them rendered in the same light i see him (hotsexy, among other things) even though other than that they don't look very much alike. i've basically never seen other art or even photos where the body type is so specifically like his :) very wonderful
omg weely……. hehe ty for sharing!!! i am always very honored/charmed when ppl share that the way i draw tua makes them happy…
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altruistic-meme · 2 months ago
hi hi bestie!
i have come to ask. since i've seen it on your blog so much, what is bsd?
i'm trying to look for new fandoms/content for 2025 and i'm curious
-miels 💜✨
bsd stands for Bungo Stray Dogs! it's an anime/manga series :D it is, as you can probably guess, my current biggest fixation for the last like nearly a year ksdfhsdkhf
but!! it's super fun!! how to explain it... i guess more or less, it's set up as a detective anime where some people have superpowers (called special abilities, or just ablities, usually)! a whole lot of shit happens, the mafia is very involved, as of now in the series the world is currently in crisis and my favorite character is halfway across the planet just hanging out in France :)
but it is a lot... darker? more serious?? in a lot of places??? it covers a lot of more difficult topics (like war, abuse, and the cycle of abuse among others) although not always in serious ways (see: Dazai, who is well-known for constantly talking about suicide, and the fact that it is almost always played comedically)
one of my favorite things to mention with it is that bsd and My Hero Academia aired very very close to each other!! and while mha got super popular, bsd didn't get half as much attention. but when you have 2 superpower animes release so close to each other, it sort of makes sense that the one that's first 5 minutes is composed of "orphan who is actively starving to death gets scolded by man for saving him from killing himself" ISN'T the one that went big in mainstream.
OH ALSO!!! most of the characters in the show are based off of real authors!! and their abilities are named for those author's works. Dazai Osamu is a real author who wrote books such as No Longer Human, The Setting Sun, and Flowers of Buffoonery. Nakahara Chuuya was a real poet, and For the Tainted Sorrow is one of his poems! there are also American authors who show up (F. Scott Fitzgerald, Lousia May Alcott, Mark Twain, etc) and some others :3
now, both the anime and the manga are incomplete, and the anime caught up to the manga in the last season so it'll probably be a good bit of time until we get another season (unless they decide to stray from the manga, but tbh i don't see them doing that). BUT the manga releases chapters monthly usually :D AND there is a lot of "side" content, such as light novels and side-mangas, that are also still coming out (if you saw me screaming about Stormbringer, it's a LN that's getting a manga now!)
i am RAMBLING SO SO MUCH SORRY. as you can perhaps see, i am very excited about this silly little show. i also would love for you to watch it and tell me your thoughts or even to like. watch it with you if you'd want bc i so bad want to have more people to scream to about this show. 👍
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genderfeel · 3 months ago
im so sorry you missed out on nick cartell because that man is phenomenal
i liked rehberger's suicide though (fly system issues(?) nonwithstanding i just got a railing hop lmao) would you wanna talk more about that? i like seeing other peoples perspectives but its okay if not!
oh to clarify i have seen nick cartell once before in 2023, so i haven’t missed out at all. huge fan for obvious reasons—dude is top tier. and omg sorry you had a jump malfunction. i had a beast transformation malfunction when i saw batb live and they had to stop and start over 😭😭
but honestly it’s hard for me to untangle my issues with specific suicide performances from my issues with how the suicide as a musical number is written so i’ll break the two out and try to talk about them separately and i’m so so sorry this is so long but i have to fully explain myself and the floodgates are open
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it’s also hard to articulate how i prefer actors to take the suicide without audio so i would reference this recording of clarke to see what i mean (ty claire 🥹). my issues with rehberger’s suicide are actually pretty common in the average javert performance, so i wouldn’t say he’s an outlier in that regard
there’s a tendency to play javert angry in general, but i think this is a mistake particularly because it sets up the suicide for failure. playing javert as wooden in most of his interactions is (to me) the most in-character you can get. he can be cunty or whatever but i think getting across the idea that this guy has never let himself feel anything in his life is the goal. adding maliciousness into it muddies the waters here, because what you need with javert is contrast between his inner and outer world
both stars and the suicide are windows into javert having first a crack of emotion and then a full-on break. if you don’t get that contrast, the explosion at the beginning of the suicide loses all impact. the second part of this contrast comes between the first verse and the rest of the song. obviously there are an infinite number of interesting ways to play it, but there needs to be some kind of shift at that point that makes you feel for this man for probably the first time. like, oh man this guy actually can feel things and it’s all coming too fast and hard. i need genuine emotion here to connect with. and there are soooo many emotions to play here. javert should be feeling simultaneous anger, fear, confusion, love, admiration, regret, etc. that’s what makes the piece so varied in how you can play it but also so difficult because you’re juggling all these things, but the song does allow for a lot of creativity in this regard imo
(also needs to be said but stars is written like a love song and should be played at least in part that way. bringing some of the romantic tone from stars into suicide in the way javert sings is fully essential to making this work to me, but this is suchhhh a specific thing i’m looking for. i think i’ve seen this show too much maybe)
rehberger unfortunately played it angry all the way through, never pausing to really consider all the other emotions he should be struggling through. i need to see him thinking. just didn’t get that at all from what i saw. which sucks, but i think it’s a standard way to play it because of a fundamental misunderstanding of the character. i also feel spoiled by clarke’s performance, which genuinely makes the best use of the number i’ve ever heard. it’s genuinely the most difficult number in the show to get tonally correct, but i think the way the song is also just prevents it from ever feeling “right”
so. the suicide in general. i would say musically (lyrics are a whole other rabbit hole i don’t care about right now) i think it’s wonderful right up until the final verse. the vast majority of les mis adaptions, musical included, do what i consider to be a tasteless way to depict suicide, fully on-screen and preoccupied with screaming or crying or splashing (and head cracking. hi 2012) and general spectacle. the musical digs into this and has him yelling all the way down along with silly flailing. i laugh at it like every time which is like obviously not the tone to hit here. it’s tasteless as a suicide scene and doesn’t align with the book’s very deliberately quiet and “off-screen” approach that makes it so haunting
my ideal re-staging of this scene would have javert finish the song as-is (if a little quieter near the end) and then have the orchestra go dead silent as he gets up on the railing and quietly jumps out of sight. also it’s less technically taxing and expensive to produce, which is what some productions avoid by just having him shoot himself (which i don’t actually hate entirely. could be interesting staging but maybe not the best thematically) but that’s all just a pipe dream anyway lol. there are many things i would change about this musical but i’ll take what i can get
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the-alphonze · 7 months ago
[It only takes a few hours for her to arrive. It's quite late at the moment and most of the crew is already asleep. She's creeps her way across the empty deck, poking her head into rooms until she finally reaches the one Alphonse in.
The door creaks open, a head of reddish-brown hair pokes through.]
[Alphonze is sitting on the ground against a wall in uhhhhhh a room idk I forget what they have on the ship, there’s a book next to him and some mechanical bits next to to her as well. Almost looks like he’s building, something.]
[he hears the door open and just stares at her direction. Maybe waves a little]
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stupidcalzone · 23 hours ago
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nightmareentertainment · 27 days ago
jackalope listen to me you can say faggot if you really really want to
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mizpeak · 2 months ago
what are some ideas you’ve been thinking about writing? doesn’t have to be fleshed out but I’m curious abt what’s been going thru ur head :)
eeee ty for asking!
i have two wips on the go right now: a dnf jealousy character introspection fic, and an snf fic with another special guest that i don’t want to reveal yet because it’s a surprise >:)
some ideas i’ve been thinking about recently are an snf fic where george has a girlfriend and it’s from sapnap’s pov and it’s kind of evil, dnf slice of life introspection vibes (with george being a weird little freak as a treat), eventually another somno fic, and a dnf fic that’s more plot-driven (but i have no ideas for the plot yet lol), oh and fem dnf and fem snf eventually
this is what my “ideas” doc looks like for the most part 😭 my fic ideas are always so incredibly vague
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justanechoflower · 11 months ago
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tamsong · 9 months ago
hi will you draw keefitz possiby? :3 tyty <33
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Keefe learns human rituals in order to touch the skin of other boys very heterosexually. Fitz is down with it because of course he is.
(reminder that i am taking art requests for pride month <3 just drop a line in my inbox)
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bozinkle · 3 months ago
if birds had bigger legs than the little spindly ones do you think they'd walk more? or would they still be the hoppers.
If I was a bird I would yearn to stroll and wish for bigger legs. If a bird tries to stroll now they would break their little twig legs and that's why they don't. So I guess yeah they would walk more
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oddzano-blog · 3 months ago
Не тревожься, мы ж не укусим
Don't worry, we won't bite. …I guess.
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roystory4 · 3 months ago
YES LOL nick has a vaguely “favorite teacher”-esque relationship w the atom cats, in that they think he’s a thousand years old and kind of a square about music/recreational drug use, but they also sort of revere him for it
this never made it into webh but he does talk to them about tua
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for the same reasons they get attached to tua and start calling them mom and pop
the atom cats also come up to kingsport to fix a lot of the electrical stuff around the house and set up a generator they lifted from quincy after the gunners cleared out! they will come up again in the epilogue but until then theyre just having a good time at the garage
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altruistic-meme · 21 days ago
how do you sweep mines?
HI MILO I WOULD BE DELIGHTED TO EXPLAIN!!! minesweeper is very fun to me and it gets shit on a lot bc people don't realize that it's actually pretty simple once you understand the way the game works ;;;
the only real trick to it is this: the number = how many mines are touching that space. if there is a 1, then that 1 is in contact with only 1 mine. no more, no less. if the number is 3 then that space is in contact with 3 mines. so on and so forth. that's it! that's the game! (keep in mind: this includes diagonals! every space CAN be touching 8 other spaces)
BUT i get that it can still be sort of hard to wrap your head around, SO let's do a little bit of a break down of a level of minesweeper that i completed :)
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so you've opened minesweeper and tapped the screen. the layout you get is as seen above; great, but what now?
my first step is always this: find the 1s on the corners. i find that the corners are the easiest place to start because they're the most obvious location that you will find mines. if there is a 1 sticking off of a corner, then that corner will ALWAYS be a mine.
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as you can see, every one of the untapped spaces circled has at least one 1 touching it and the 1 is touching only that untapped space. this means that the untapped space is a mine, because there are no other untapped spaces that the 1s on the corners are touching. so, we switch to our flags and we mark these spots. this is our starting point and we will build everything else off of the certainty that these seven flags are 100% mines.
next, we want to rule out any other mines we might be able to before we start clearing the board. how? here's an explanation for how i found two of them:
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the 1 i've circled is touching two untapped spaces, and one of those we've already used the corner trick to determine has a mine on it. this means that the second space cannot have a mine, because the 1 can only be touching one mine. that space is clear.
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here, the 2 above the 1 is touching three untapped spaces; the one mine we've already determined, the one clear space we've determined, and one additional space. based on the information we have, we know that the third space must have a mine.
finally, the next 2 is also only touching three untapped spaces; the space we know is clear, the space we've determined has a mine based on the previous 2, and the one above that. again, we can know that the third space has a mine because it is the only place the mine could be.
we do this to every area we can. i only found 3 during this game, but there will sometimes be more! next: you start clearing the spaces you know are safe.
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as you can see, i got trigger happy and laid a few extra flags as i went, but i was following the same process:
if there is a corner, mark the mine.
if there is a 1 that is already touching a mine, clear out every other space the 1 is touching.
if you already know where the mines are on any others, clear out around those.
just keep following that process, marking mines as you go, and eventually-
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i think it definitely takes a little bit of practice, and a lot of trial and error, but once you get it down it gets much much easier!
if you have any questions i am always happy to help :33
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genderfeel · 1 year ago
Ouh i do always love valvert gardening 🥺
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just a leetle valjean…….. wonder where he’s looking
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the-alphonze · 8 months ago
(( gryffon swings open the door of regular-non-cold storage, running over to alphonze. ))
alphonze? are you there? can y'hear me?
(( under his breath, in koalia: )) kol, liaso, sopa. sopa p'ir maso'tri, jek sopa.
[Alphonze is sitting on the ground with her head facing down, instead of her usual yellow there’s a blue light barely coming out of his eyes]
[Gryffon comes up to talk to her and he doesn’t react]
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