#you have longevity
essektheylyss · 10 months
I keep lingering on the fact that Chetney says that the only thing left when he came home was toys, because on its face it's such a strange detail.
He says it as though he feels like it was an indication that his family left the one thing that was associated with him, that he cared about, that he has essentially crafted his whole identity around, which indicated to him that they were left there because the family didn't want them—and by extension, didn't want him.
But what if there was something else? What if he'd misinterpreted? What if they were trying to leave them as a point of connection, like a coded note that they were thinking about him as they fled? What if a misunderstanding left Chetney alone for his entire life, and it was entirely his fault?
It's like, god, his confession feels so concrete (in a way that Travis is very good at when talking around backstory) such that it really starkly outlines what he doesn't say. And gnomes live such long lives that, yes, you could have relatives walk in and out of your life with some regularity and spend a lot of time independent and distant without ever severing the connection, and it doesn't feel like the circumstances in the family were so bitter that the family cared so little as to simply abandon him entirely, at least not without extenuating circumstances.
I just keep thinking about it and the more I think about it the more I want to know what happened, because there's something else there—but the thing is, a large part of Chetney as a character is that sometimes you do feel such resentment for so long that by the time you even think to reconsider, things (or people) have changed or passed, and there isn't always a satisfying answer to be had.
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maskedchip · 2 years
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ooohh we’re in deep waters now my friend 
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lightkrets312 · 4 days
to the people who write summaries and wikis with thorough breakdowns of all the lore and media for a series that breaks it up into 20 different formats: you are doing fantastic work, may it remain intact and accessible well into the future, I owe you my life
to the people that decide splitting your series into 20 different media formats with critical lore in most/all of them is a good idea:
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midnightsslut · 2 years
it’s so wild to me that, despite being one of the most aggressively straightforward and radically honest artists of our time, taylor is perhaps the most deeply and frequently misunderstood
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heavenorsilverstone · 3 months
I knew that becoming an ferrari fan made me braver than the troops but I didn’t realize just how brave until I became a ferrari fan that is neither unconditional lecfosi nor carlos stan
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mercymaker · 4 months
I made a lil tumblr community for bg3 creators to share their stuff (art, gifs, edits, writing, etc.) to maybe bring more eyes to everyone's work
I wish inviting people was easier (especially on mobile), but let me know if you'd like an invite 💖
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grinchwrapsupreme · 9 months
I think what might have been better (for me) would be if they hadn't skipped ahead quite so far in the last scene and instead Alison and Mike were returning only a few years later with Mia. Still the "usual room" and still all the old decor kept around the building, but Alison walks into the room holding Mia's hand and "introduces" her to the ghosts, the idea being that she's old enough now even if she can't see them to know they're there, to know that Alison not only gives the ghosts that allowance in her life on her own terms but also perhaps that she can tell Mia stories about the funny dead people who became her family
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defiledtomb · 2 years
I am sorry for my radio silence :< I am attempting to gather my thoughts on some topics I want to address, while irl has had me in a merciless grip lately. I will be back as soon as everything stops spinning so god damn fast 😵‍💫
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fibonacci-hell · 1 year
Kenopsia: The Forever Ocean, yeah? I was curious as to "Hey, so how long have the Kraizen had to live/how long have the Vani been around, anyway" since they have a different time system from us!
So, I did the only thing I could possibly do and did all the math for it.
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Wanted to drop it here for anyone in the Keno community who might just only be on Tumblr and make a more officially organized version of this for anyone interested.
A text version is under the "keep reading" for anyone that needs it!
The Brandshock occurred some 5.3 million years ago. How long would that be to the Kraizen/Vani?
Scale for reference, straight from the Kraizen/Vani page from @JunoSaturna on Toyhouse.
Ti (crackles/ticks/seconds) = 1 Earth second, 60 BPM
Zhe (shifts/minutes) = 50 ticks
Qa (marks/hours) = 50 shifts
Tal (tallies/days) = 50 marks
Volya (frames/months) = 100 tallies
Mienze (cycles/years) = 10 frames
Metaze (murals) = 120 cycles
The Actual Math.
1 Earth Year = 31,540,000 seconds/ti.
31,540,000 ti ÷ 50 per zhe = 630,800 zhe.
630,800 zhe ÷ 50 per qa = 12,616 qa.
12,616 qa ÷ 50 per tally = 253.32 tallies (253 tallies and 16 qa).
253.32 tallies ÷ 100 per frame = 2.5332 frames (2 frames and ~53 tallies) -> 0.25332 cycles.
2.5332 frames × 5.3 million years on Earth (time since the Brandshock) = 13,425,970 frames (1,342,596 cycles/11,188.3 murals)
So, what does this say?
In their units, the Kraizen have been roaming around as the Vani for 1,342,596 cycles as of the current day, or around 11,188 murals.
A Kraizen's average lifespan is 12,000 cycles. As of current, a Vani would have lived through ~111.88 average Kraizen lifetimes.
1 cycle ≈ 3.948 Earth years. With that conversion present, 1 average Kraizen lifespan ≈ 47,376 Earth yYear.
In short? It has been a LONG TIME.
Kraizen Life Milestones in Earth Years (to the nearest whole)
Infancy/Toddler: 0-20 years
Childhood: ~20-79 years
Prepubescent Age: ~79-474 years
Kannmeta (Kraizen puberty): Occurs when around 474 years old
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wisteriagoesvroom · 1 month
is your username related to desperate housewives?
no 😭 but solid guess. erm so the lore of this account is wisteria was a generic name i picked to write… other rpf… not so long ago… but then i stumbled onto f1 fics and was like: wow party on tumblr, that’s where it’s at. and then it became wisteriagoesvroom as a joke to myself. except the joke has gone on 9 months or something now and i’m apparently still laughing 😭😭
it was meant to be a throwaway lurker account not what has effectively become my main 😭😭😭
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novelconcepts · 1 year
Honestly, I made that joke about Van’s ancient desktop, but it probably works better than new computers. And it made me think: god, Van must HATE planned obsolescence. Stuff that’s built to die? Stuff that’s built to fall apart in a matter of years just to force you to buy more? For a person whose whole deal is gripping tight to the past, to old technology that still works perfectly fine, to the idea of survival threaded through everything from the stories she tells to the machines she rents out? Yeah, dude. No wonder she hates her cell phone. Not only does it force the illusion of connection without actually granting intimacy, but it’s doomed from the minute you take the thing out of the box. For Van, the very idea has got to be offensive.
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randomnameless · 1 month
One thing I realized when it comes to the meritocracy proposed in CF/SB is that you kind of have to get rid of crested people and Nabateans. Like Dimitri is regarded as a powerful warrior due to his crest and training‚ he would dominate any physical career (‚ not to mention Hilda as well since in GW she blocks his strike). And while I don't know the exact process of getting crests‚ first gen (non-Nabatean) crest-bearers live a really long time (Willy‚ Jeralt‚ and Yuri) with no perceived (1/2)
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That's what I've been saying since day 9 lol
Crested people skew the "meritocracy" angle because, even if the game did its best to curb down the ludonarrative experience - unlike FE Jugdral where HB means an unit is better than a non HB unit - it still exists.
Flayn with her crest will always be able to heal a fractured lung by clapping in her hands, when Ignatz would need to use all of his magic because he doesn't get the "boost to healing spells" Flayn's crest gives her.
Same with extended lifespans - let it be training martially, being "wise" or even being a polyglot, by sheer virtue of having at least 200 years on "regular" humans, first gen crest bearers and nabateans would... have more knowledge than Leonie's grandma.
Jerry questioning Rhea about bby!Billy is one of those things that, even if the 10 years of lore existed and were revealed, would never be developed because it was done at the cost of that world's consistency.
As you mentioned, regardless of Jerry knowing what Sitri was or not, Jerry knows he "oddly" older than everyone else and might have the same longevity as the Elites, he should have seen people like him around (cardinals), he lived through the Alliance's birht and Nopes reveals he was around when Rhea faked the death of the "blonde archbishop who was painted by an Adrestian and loved birds".
So unless Rhea indeed called the baby "mother" - which would not match with all the later interactions she has with Billy - there is so much "weirdness" going on with Jerry and/or around him that... suddenly being afraid of Rhea and ditching everything to become a merc with a newborn is either stupid, or plot contrived.
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bladehorror · 5 months
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Yeah I'd say Direwolves are viable
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savetheghost · 4 months
i hate that i get penalized at work for doing too much work
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lynxgirlpaws · 8 months
people who only like and never reblog are being thrown in the woodchipper i am not elaborating
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Sure, time travel can lead to things getting confusing, particularly with generations retconning classic sonic into a baby sonic.
But the shift from classic to adventure was just an art direction change, not a retcon. Sonic's age and personality didn't change, only his appearance. It was an attempt to remove him from looking too cute like Hello Kitty into something more visually appropriate to aim at teens (which was always the intended audience) yet it still embodied much of the classic's tone and original direction.
But that doesn't suddenly negate the entire basic premise of the lore in this series. The original trilogy had a PLETHORA of lore accompanying it in the game manuals of the time. These manuals were necessary because game limitations back then only allow so much space to fully explain a backstory when it was more important to just dive straight into the game. It frustrates me tho because even without the manuals, you can play the games and see a clear, consistent story being told through them all. It's why this series blew my mind as a child because unlike games like Mario and such, the rich visuals, story and unique personality in Sonic was a stark contrast to what was the norm of the time!
The shift to the Adventure style didn't retcon or upset this at all. It was a natural progression and even up until 06, that storyline stayed consistent throughout. Just because a game maybe was more aimed for babies like Heroes versus a serious story like Shadow the Hedgehog, doesn't mean they're somehow "different continuities". And same for quality. A game being poorer quality then the one preceding it doesn't suddenly make it non-canon!
This is the same issue ppl have towards 06. They hate that game and act like it never happened and use the ending as an excuse except subsequent games afterwards CONSISTENTLY refer back to it. It was never forgotten and the Japanese audiences never once considered it not part of the proper timeline.
The games lore was never always a "mess." It had consistency. It had continuity. It would pick up from where a last game started off. Things Matter! There are a couple of awkward spots like "How in the world did Blaze actually end up in Sonic's dimension but got warped into a princess of the Sol Dimension?" but again, goofs in time travel/dimensional rifts like that don't mean the entire story of the series is suddenly disrupted or dismissed.
The argument that the movies or really, any western adaptation, had "no canon to work off of" is just a big lie. A lie that is so annoyingly passed around as an excuse for any western adaptations that failed to care to build off any of the lore established in the series from the beginning. You literally could even just play the games and figure things out from there!
People claim it's some kind of mess but as a kid who grew up alongside these games and played them, I never got a sense of that. Things made sense to me and it's part of why I love it so much!
Why do people insist that the original Sonic Team's incredible hard work and passionate dedication to this series mean absolutely NOTHING to them to feel inclined to claim there was no story or intentional progression? Why do we dismiss the creative brilliance of this team that made this franchise in the first place? I just don't get why some western fans do this but it seems to only come up when they want to prop up their preferred western version of Sonic, which just....
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