#you dont see them hanging that much in canon but its implied they do and a LOT
basu-shokikita · 8 months
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Constantly pondering over the fact that Skwisgaar was the only member that knew about Toki's fear of bicentennial quarters.
Not only because it inevitably denotes they're close enough for Toki to disclose his fears and phobias, but also because, like, how what else have they talked about? It's heavily hinted that Toki is scared of quarters because they remind him of the entrance to the punishment hole.
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So, does Skwisgaar know about what Toki's parents did to him? Did Toki open up about his childhood to Skwisgaar? And does that mean Skwisgaar also opened up about his own childhood to Toki? Are they aware of each other's respective traumas?
Related to this, when Toki further talks about his past, they all look kind of angry/disgusted by it, while Skwisgaar seems worried instead. And by God, when Skwisgaar looks disgusted he doesn't mask it, but that doesn't seem the case here. If anything, he looks rather pitying than grossed out.
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I just wonder how much these two know about each other...
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yikesharringrove · 1 year
thinking thoughts about billys self medicating and about steve trying to get nancy to slow down at the party and how steve genuinely probably could have helped billy if given the chance (like i dont think its my harringrove riddled brain talking, i fr think steve would have helped)
Three times have I tried to answer this and I’ve written something and then tumblr shits itself and I lose so PLEASE let’s try this again.
What strikes about Steve is that he literally NEVER in the whole show tries to get Nancy to do anything like drink or smoke or whatever.
In season 1, he offers Nancy and Barb a beer, and that’s when Barb, feeling clearly left out, decides to try shotgunning, gets hurt, etc. after that, Steve doesn’t try to get her to drink or anything. He’s smoking nearly the whole time and doesn’t offer it to her or gets her to try it, anything.
He’s also very respectful of her sexual boundaries. In the studying scene, he starts pushing his luck by suggesting they strip study, and he does go for the buttons on her shirt when theyre kissing, but she pushes him away, and he goes. At his house, he turns around so she can change. Clearly, they’re in his room and he’s wanting something to happen, but he lets her make the decision. She tells him to turn around.
ANYWAY season 2. The whole reason he wants to go to the party is to be “stupid teenagers”. In that library scene, he doesn’t say, let’s get shitfaced ass drunk. He says he wants to go to a stupid party and wear the costumes they had worked on and dance and be stupid.
Nancy starts drinking and it’s very 10 Things I Hate About You and he is immediately on the question, because this isn’t like her.
He knows she’s only drinking because she’s upset, and he tries to get in between that, because he knows this is past her boundaries, even if she made the choice to do it on her own.
(She’s clearly interested in drinking and things bc if she weren’t, she would’ve told Murray to fuck off when he made her a drink later in the season)
Even in season3, we get the joke about marijuana, but we never see Steve in a scene where it’s even implied he’s high, unlike season 4 Jonathan, but I digress.
ANYWAY canon Steve isn’t really a substance user.
Now, Billy.
In season 2, he is smoking in all but two scenes. He’s drinking like mad at the party, but he’s also just fucking pounding a beer in the middle of the day on like a random Saturday. So, clearly his boundaries around substance are not as clear as Nancy’s. BUT it’s interesting to think about what those interactions could’ve looked like.
I think there is a certain level of substance use Billy would bring out in Steve. There is not a single doubt in my mind that Steve starts smoking again when he and Billy hang out more, even if he is only smoking occasionally. But, at Steve’s little season 1 party, he had five people there, and some beer. There was no hard liquor that we saw, and everyone was shown to only really have 1-2. They literally went to school the next morning. Like. These bitches were not guzzling hard alcohol.
Some of those behaviors would natural rub off on Billy. Having a beer while hanging out instead of something harder. Only having a few instead of a case. Eventually, he starts having them less frequently (read: stops drinking by himself midday while working out like a weirdo).
Steve’s biggest personality trait is how much he fucking cares.
Everything he’s ever done, is because he cares about Nancy, or Dustin, or Robin. Sometimes, in canon, we (myself SO included) inflate that a bit, but even bitchy season 1 breaking the camera Steve, did so because he cared about Nancy, and about the violating pictures of her that Jonathan took. Even the little moments of him giving Carol is meatloaf in season 1, because Tommy squished hers around, mans CARES.
So OF COURSE that care would extend to Billy. And sometimes, it’s more subtle. Sometimes he’s outright trying to pry a bottle out of Billy’s hand and telling him to tone it down. But it’s all because Steve’s Harrington’s #1 Thing is caring about people.
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notbangoose · 11 months
Instead of both being experiments, I think it would be really funny if the goldfinchduo were just mindwiped scientist from the federation.
Not really a theory or anything, just a au of mine. Though I do have to say, with what I know from the character lore (fandom osmosis due to being Jaiden Pov), it feels more fitting to me than project bluebird. That is, with Jaiden having implied to have helped cucurucho in the past and Foolish being an immortal being. Anyways--
Foolish disguises himself as a normal human and decides to hang with these group of scientists he found on some deserted island out of boredom
The Federation is still in its early stages, still small, but very much starting to turn more unethical.
Though through the weird human and animal experiments, he befriends a scientist going under the alias Bluebird
She's just another human scientist that helps create assets for the federation, having made some of the helpers on the island (I have conflicting headcanons on whether the federation workers are body horror nightmares or robots but I'm bad at articulating them so)
He thinks the bear guys are rad as hell and she thinks Foolish is a nice dude to talk to, fast friends
Though eventually, the federation gets more... federation-y and Bluebird starts to realize that things are kind of fucked up (she found the children in the basement/j)
"I dont think we're good people"
"Well yeah I'm pretty sure you guys go hand in hand with some of the other cults I've been in-- maybe with just more labcoats"
Anyways, as things progressed they eventually get mindwiped for 'perfection' and get seperated
Foolish somehow gets off the island (back in normal totem shark form), though memory erased. While he gradually gets his pre-island memories back, he doesn't remember being a fed worker. Also Bad found him, Foolish just pretended to know him until the amnesia went away.
Bluebird gets bluebirded (Also my headcanon that the federation birds are basically uncanny valley freaks to any actual avians plays into this-- think a wolf seeing a dog, a being like you but dulled)
Currently, they have a weird deja vu feeling about the other, but they dont know why
They're kindred spirits either way
Also in this au the Feds don't realize that Foolish is their ex employee until before the point in canon where he gets (re)hired by them to arrest Pac and Mike
Im really bad at explaining the fics my mind creates so ill try my best to draw them out sometime
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bobbys-not-that-small · 9 months
LW&Co Series Commentary - Ep 8: "Not The Eternal"
Here's the rewatch commentary that no one asked for! Take a shot every time I say "erasure". Context: my 2nd time watching the show, but first time post reading the books
Part: one, two, three, four & five, six, seven, eight
The last part!! Hope these weren’t too completely out-of-context, but it’s just an excuse for you to rewatch the show ;)
They really used the hell out of the ghost lamps for cinematic shots huh? Also it's literally probably the same single prop for all of them, so where's its credits then?
They must be FREEZING, at night, dripping wet, Lucy's literally in a dress with no jacket
"This doesn't feel like winning" oof really giving those death-wish Lockwood TEG vibes
Also just want to point out here in the last installment Lockwood's funny rectangular tie
OH MY GOSH YEAH little Lockwood pre LW&Co and George but also post-Jess?? BOY NEEDS A HUG
Why is it always "I forgive you" and never "Grenadier Guard or Policeman?"
Joplin's glittery silver scarf looks a bit like a silver net - wonder if it offers any ghost protection?
Joplin: "I need you" - exactly what George just needs one of the others to say to him 😭
I love that it's implied that Kipps is really really good at tailing people without them noticing (I guess this is book canon too, Mr fence-painter extraordinaire)
The catafalque is sooooo creepy but also kind of cool
YESS KIPPS but also no wonder he's terrified, he's starting to lose his sight (oops, beat George to it!)
Lucy: "stop glowing so much! that was to the skull btw" Lockwood: " yeah no kidding, I got that one"
In the first shot where Kat and Bobby square up to fight Lockwood, you can't see Bobby's rapier so it looks like he's just brought his fists to a swordfight hahaha
He does look suitably smol in that bit though, I approve (anyway he's not THAT small after all)
Winkman's so funny "wait guys before we fight them I need to take off my jacket so I can fight them in my tank top and be all cool”
Kipps hun, ru crying?
Oh wait guys, pay attention, we're about to be ROBBED of the no glasses George looking moment
ALSO Joplin and George glasses-less fight erasure
Oof good evil lighting on Lou (Joplin)
The Lucy/George friendship is the best (see La Belle Dame from TEG)
Lockwood's responses are literally me every time the Golden Blade shows up. He's just a less iconic version of Sir Rupert Gale - where's the unbearable aftershave and gaudy tweed suit? *Lockwood voice* BoRiNg!
Lol Kipps in the bag
I don't like the artistic choice of the "looking into the bone glass" SFX, but I do think it's cool to have Lucy falling and hanging from the skull
George saves the day obviously
Kipps: "...guys.... nice wholesome moment... still in the bag here..."
Lucy: "this is not how you die" Lockwood: "how do you know?" Lucy: "because... we won't let you" IS THE HESISTATION BECAUSE SHE'S JUST SEEN THAT VISION OF FROZEN GHOST TOUCHED LOCKWOOD?!?!?! DONT HURT ME LIKE THAT
Kipps, my burnt out early 20s beloved <3
Stupid time to point this out but I kind of hate-love the little trouser stirrups of the Fittes uniforms
Barnes: "you guys are being suspiciously compliant but for once I'm going to ignore it"
Obviously the room! And Lockwood in orange socks (or are they pink? I guess I’ll never know)
K bye, hope you enjoyed!
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lowkeiloki · 1 year
man the owl house finale left me with such a sense of peace and happiness that i havent felt in forever when finishing a show
all the characters i love got a happy ending, they're all where they wanted to be and where they fought to get, belos got a painful, pathetic sendoff he deserved, everything is just perfect
but most importantly, so many shows feel the need to end with all the characters splitting up and going their own seperate ways leaving you wonder if theyll ever see each other again, but in the owl house everyone is still here. all of luz's friends and family from another dimension are right next door, everyone on the boiling isle is hanging out and in contact, all the ships we were teased to were at the very least implied to be canon, heck even the collector was right at the end mentioned/implied to visit at least semi regularly
i can leave the show knowing that all the characters and relationships theyve build i grew to love are still there, still hanging out, going on cute little dates, studying together, having movie nights, telling stories from their world... they're still here, i wont be there to watch them anymore, but they're still here
and im okay, im okay that the show is over, i wish it wasnt cut short so early and we got more of it, but the ending left me perfectly satisfied
oh on another note its even more meanimgful that all the characters that got happy ending are queer, poc, disabled and/or neurodivergent, we dont get much representation in media and when we do, the characters are often either villainized or killed off
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quixoticrobotic · 1 year
who's a pair of atop the fourth wall characters you'd like to see get more screentime together?
literally all of them??????? which like i understand why we dont get that, obviously, thats a ridiculous demand. like logistically its not very doable i know this. i basically play with all the characters like dolls in my head i dont expect a ton casual slice of life character driven stuff from this show
but that being said...
off the top of my head
Mark and Linkara but like with them acting like friends and goofing around and mark actually getting to act like a teenager whos found family is a bunch of goofballs, rather than that weird dynamic where mark is just like the embodiment of patience and kindness and wisdom despite being a teenager talking to like, the first adult he ever felt safe around. like i wish the partnerfriends dynamic was a little more balanced??? like mark still has to have like thoughts and feelings and problems??? his best friend is right there!!!
Jaeris and LITERALLY EVERY REMEMBER OF THE COMICREW. like i guess its implied off-screen but like it really feels like they forgot the "to" in "enemies to mutual respect to friends" like. theres so much potential like i cant even type it all up but like.
ok so jaeris is bitter and cynical and frankly jealous that this comic book geek has ALL HIS LIL FRIENDS and ooooh cool wow thats so great you know what the power of friendship and kindness has done for jaeris? FUCKING NOTHING! and like Jaeris going from being like kinda disgusted by this group he kinda sees as like saccharine to the point of cringe like "goody two shoes and his bands of weird losers who like him" to having this big support system other other humans who he feels safe around LIKE PLEASE
nimue and eliza. like!!!! its canon nimue was the first member of the comicrew eliza really trusted that is canon! also like I know nimue just isn't very outwardly emotional and i love that for her! i think her characterization is really great! but like i'd like to see her when she's like. actually just kinda chillin, by nimue standards. and eliza is just always a really compelling and very funny character and just. i want them to hang out. also femslash
Mark and 90s Dude! smells like teen spirit and a literal teen spirit! they both have transmasc swag and i want them to goof off and be pals!
tbh i wish the characters just mentioned each other more? it would help a to to make these characters feel like friends and allies who actually like each other. also it'd make it feel like the characters all have lives. like have linksano mention the romantic partners he canonically has like have him mention the fact that he went on a date, have linkara casually ask nimue if erin can still make it to bad movie night or if shes busy, have characters ask linkara how mark is doing since THE WHOLE COMICREW KNOWS MARK EXISTS, have harvey mention playing pokemon cards with linksano, LET JAERIS TALK ABOUT HIS WIFE, just like little offhanded comments that make it feel like they interact with each other
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nicegaai · 9 months
sorry i want to ramble about fan fiction and i dont want to bothr people in dms
ok chapter 8 is getting its third googledoc draft because part of me does want to do as much of this as possible before the end of the year, especially while i still have so much free time.
thank you to past me for writing up the scene by scene breakdown. that DOES make this much easier to continue on. HOWEVER. why did i leave so much open ended. thats making this much harder. like
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everything was left like this. and then when i add dialogue it changes the course of the scene pretty dramatically. ive spent like an hour today trying to iron out one scene i thought i had THE MOST polished up already. like. Carsex Scene was supposed to be my ease-in easy bit. HOW DO WRITERS DO THIS? im NOT cut out for this kind of work.
well this past year has given me a lot of respect for people who can write. ahhhhh
oh yeah also i cant find the whole first scene for this chapter. i wrote it a while ago and i have NO idea what happened to it. fml i guess
i think if i started rambling on about the plot it might get me into Real Writing Mode but im struggling to do this. thats what im trying to accomplish here with this textpost but it isnt workign yet HELP
ok no i can do this.
first scene i have dennor being cute togehter. unfortunately i havent figured out the whole second half of the scene. my notes are like "they talk about their relationship" and like ok i know this is necessary and ive been putting off them doing this for like 4 chapters but i dont know what to do with that. they should have a talk about the state of their relationship but i have discarded drafts of like mads confessing his love to sig which is no longer canon. i had a version where there was a subplot about them breaking up. now i just want them to have the polyamory talk, bcz someone has to and im not making sufin do it. but tbh i could leave it implied. and just put that off until the fic is over bc i dont care I JUST DONT CARE i dont feel like it
next was more sufin moments i think given some time i could make this bit really good. i love sufin. i love them being together this part is fine actually i just need to start it and the inspiration will come
next umm lets see. OH ACTUALLY this one is funny. im really into this scene even though i can sense it getting really really long. whenever i get into fleshing this scene out im goign to enjoy it. its denice and dennor having awkward boyfriend-sharing interactions. and nor is like sooo how are those wet dreams going lol and ice is like . well youre definitely not in them lol uhhhhhhh. jk he doesnt say this but he thinks it. his life is so hard u guize
the next bit .................. im trying to shoehorn in some norfin. im trying to set up that they should be besties and hang out more. because its true and right. unfortunately this "scene" is 2 lines long bc i wasnt sure what to do with it. could i drop it? yes. but for plot reasons I DONT WANT TOOOO. but what is the scene about? nothing, but i gotta fit in 2 important plot points and so i shall. maybe they will even do a sex. WHO KNOWS! NOT ME
next bit is another one that could get real long if i let it. i love the densu nation and i need their crumbs. i need them to hang out. IS IT PLOT IMPORTANT? maybe not. but TO ME i think it is CHARACTER IMPORTANT. theres some foreshadowing. actually maybe 2 layers of foreshadowing that begin here. and also they are playing videos game and being children about it and i love them
next bittttttttt emil feels like a fifth wheel and gets in his emotions about it :( this scene im feeling ok about even though its vague so far. its a good starting point. i can do something with this
next bit UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH AUUUUUUUUGHHHHH i dotn want to write this one. hm. actually i didnt realize i felt that strongly about this scene. i dont know if its because it sucks narratively, or its just not fun enough... writing emil at school with his friends is just not fun for me in general. i love hk and liech but this is just not my thinggg. it doesnt help that i ended the scene with saying "ughh something happens and plans fall through and i dont know how lol" like what am i supposed to do with that. but i think this scene will end up being important. a whole sideplot rides on this. if i deleted it, it might get confusing at the end. maybe i can just simplify it? eventually. maybe ill cut it out in the end anyway.
oh and then the last scene is the carsex scene. epicballs, i skipped ahead and im working on this first.
ew actually now that ive typed this all up, it sounds like a hell of a lot of work. what am i doingggg. im such a slow writer T_T what AM i doing
step 1 i need to stop editing as i go and just slam down some vibes in the goog doc. i got good at this for a while but ive lost that mojo. i need to revive her *looks at time* maybe tomorrow or something. or for a couple hours >_> if im very good at time management tonight
if anyone is reading this hi
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jyushi-thoughts · 3 years
I really like the pony-matsus you drew!! Especially how they're all blank flanks cuz their neets it fits so well! Though, what do you think their cutiemarks would look like?
haha thank you!
honestly i never even watched much of mlp but i know that their cutiemarks are associated with their talent, or what their job is. sooo what are the matsus GOOD at anyway?
Like, the obvious thing for Jyushi would be baseball, but he just LIKES baseball  he isn’t good at it. He doesn’t even know the rules! He just likes the exciting parts like running the bases and screaming HOME RUUUN even if he hasn’t actually hit one. Thats why I love the silly doofus.
I could say his talent is cheering people up but is that a good thing? He kinda does that to his own detriment, like when Oso kicked him but he was like “HAHA IM FIIIINE HAPPY HAPPY!” Or when he let his selfishness get the better of him with little Eitarou’s girlfriend. Though talents can be self defeating in real life too.. tho i dont think the actual mlp show would ever go that deep with it lol. the concept of destiny in kids media is kinda messed up when you think about it too hard right? but im getting off track.
I think his mark would be a sunflower with a goofy smile. His talent is sharing his energy with others.  :D
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Choro’s talent i know for SURE right away. He’s a good planner. He doesn’t follow through on them, but if making plans was his ONLY job he’d be good at it! So his mark will be a quill pen with a checkmark. a very worriedly drawn checkmark...
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Ichi’s cutiemark is his fragile heart. HA you thought it’d be something with the cats right? But it’s not like he even takes the cats home he just hangs out with them cuz he’s scared of people. I think Ichi would be one of those ponies who’s got more of a nebulous concept for a talent that could mean a lot of things. Most people wouldn’t say being sensitive is a good thing, but it can be right? I think it is. Ichi would probably resent it though.
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Oso I legit can’t think of anything right away BUT I’ve thought of the perfect pony NAME for him!!! Osoi = slow, matsu = pine... His name in equestria would be Pokey Pine!!! cmon it’s adorable it sounds like pinky pie.  I think his talent is being a good big brother even tho he’s a dumbass. It should suit their personality too so I’ll make it a deck of cards. His whole sense of self is based on being one of the pack. (plus gambling influenced it)
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Karamatsu's would be pretty straight forward honestly. Something about sewing. It’s implied he MAKES all that “perfecto fashion” he wears and he’s clearly good at it. If he had the drive to DO anything with it that’s a pretty decent talent right there! Not much introspection to do about this guy really, he’s pretty uh... fake on the surface on purpose lol. I wanna see more of the REAL him. (The fandom tends to characterize him as being super depressed secretly and I dont really see that... was exclusivematsu this season the REAL kara? is his motive deep down just to be pissed off at everybody? who knows man i didnt get a lot of the choices made in s3 but im ranting again)
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poor Totty gets so misunderstood in the way the fandom characterizes him as some unfeeling devil like how the brothers tease him. he IS a cruel little prick but its barely more than the others lets be real. I think Totty is the most clever of the group and has a sweet heart deep down. He’d get a personality based one like Ichimatsu. A candy heart wrapped in plastic.
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I also wanna explain the one I gave Homura too! She’s always associated with the ocean, whether it’s a tragic moment or the silly dolphin thing. But I feel like she’d get her mark RIGHT after saving Jyushi and he makes her laugh with the water trick. (While he’s still passed out too so he never realizes she got it because of him. it’s sweet) It’s supposed to mean like, there’s always sunshine after the storm, that kinda thing.
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YAY PONIES. lmao again I was never even a huge mlp fan I just went wild with ponies lately! Analyzing characters in this stupid show is a lot of fun. You get to really take liberties with the loose canon!
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benryphobic · 3 years
tell me ur thoughts on... Darnry
💐 Who tends to worry the most?
Darnold. He has anxiety! He's very uncomfortable with sudden change, too, so anything extreme happening out of his schedule makes him freak out
💋 Who is the most physically affectionate?
Benry. he gives his *friends* kisses, man. he would give Darnold so much physical affection it would be annoying (sometimes)
⛈ Do they enjoy dancing?
They do! Darnold dances like an old man, just kinda swaying side to side, while benry dances like a teenage girl. they have really different tastes in music, but can come together with dancing to r&b!
🌹⛈Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?
Darnold has the most nightmares. Mostly about being terrified and trapped. Benry helps him by just kinda playing games with him, cos neither of them are too good at talking about feelings
🌺 Do they go to sleep at the same time as each other?
They do initially, bc Benry just. never slept. he doesn't need to. But then Benry started to appreciate the fine art of being able to cuddle and doze with a comfy body in his arms
⚡ What are their nicknames for each other?
I can't really think of anything but benry probably calls him like. D. Arnold. as a bit. otherwise i can't see them using any nicknames
🍃 What do they do when the other is stressed?
play video games....if that doesn't work, then they just talk about nothing. if it gets really bad, benry uses sweet voice for him, but thats not super often. darnold helps benry by just being his friend (homosexual)
🌻 How do they spend time if the other is gone?
Darnold does his science shit, goes back to school to become a professor, plays video games etc etc. benry plays video games, listens to music, probably makes his own music, talks to his friends, etc
🎮 Do they have a favourite video game they enjoy playing together?
team fortress 2.....they both go medic and do this
💍 Would they ever get married?
probably! no big wedding or anything, but they would get a little dressed up
✨ Who proposes?
benry! he does it very casually but very heartfelt
👑 Who is the meme lover?
darnold laughs at minion memes and cat memes. benry does not go on the internet.
📚 Who likes to read?
Darnold! he's fascinated with his field of study, but also in a lot of different things. he reads a lot to calm down and as a hobby
🎩 Who bothers the other person while the other person reads?
haha benry. if benry needs attention (which is often) he'll bother darnold like an immature child.
🌼 How do their personalities complement each other?
i think both are very matter of fact while saying the craziest shit. the difference is you can kinda tell when benry is joking (unless youre gordon) , while you cannot tell at All when Darnold is. Plus i kinda see them both as quiet people, maybe ambiverts at most, so they just kinda chill most of the time. theyre absurd in different ways, and its great :)
🔥 Who will punch someone out if they are rude to their partner?
neither? i think benry would shoot someone just for picking their nose
💀 What would they dress up as, for Halloween?
oooohghuhghhhhh the cheesiest costumes ever. the first year theyre dating they go as a medic and solider duo, but years after theyd do like. cishet costumes bc they both think its funny (harley quinn and joker, Frankenstein and the bride of frakenstein, jack and sally, etc) they still really like dressing up as video game characters tho, so they do that too to mix it up
🌈 What are their favourite colours?
darnold likes green! benry........does not have a favorite
🌹 Who is the hopeless romantic?
Neither! Darnold is a man of science, a man of work. he was very happy being single, benry just kinda added a new dynamic in his life that he very much enjoyed. benry is just....not a romantic. if he has a crush on someone he's like "well.....lol" and usually pursues like a 5 year old
🎭 Who is the dramatic one?
benry. he sounds like he's eternally pouting
🎈 Who makes jokes during inappropriate times?
benry, duh. hes kind of a dick. darnold cannot take him to funerals
💝 What do they love about each other the most?
the sick gamer strats. idk this is a weird question cos when u love someone, i feel like u love....all of them? or at least a lot of them. theres not really a favorite trait. they just go "yo this is nice as fuck" when u spend time with each other and like. cuddle.
👓 Who googles everything?
darnold uses Google as a research engine for his work and hobbies
🌙 How do they comfort each other when they are helpless to do anything about the situation?
they r there for each other. if its truly helpless, i think that's enough.
🍂 What is an inside joke they have?
pyro airpoof.....whether or not Darnolds potions are g fuel bc Powerade is kinda close to Gatorade
💟 What do you think makes them perfect for one another?
i dont think theyre perfect for one another! benrys an annoying jackass, Darnold is a nice man. but i think if benry got a huge loser crush, hed feel the need not to pull on darnolds metaphorical pigtails. its respect
🌷 Are you nervous to talk about your OTP? Why?
kinda nervous! but only bc i have trouble thinking about their dynamic. my favorite genre of romance is just.....dudes that hang out and kiss. i also don't want it to sound like knock off frenrey. Darnold is the only one who seemed a little annoyed by benry too, in a very different, polite way, but i find it difficult to differentiate the dynamic. Darnold is a little bit of a straight man to the straight man. not to say he isnt absurd. but id find it reallt funny for benry to do some crazy shit and Darnold to go "uhm. ok."
Is your OTP Oc x Canon?
hmm difficult question. hlvrai characterization in general is making an oc and hoping it adheres to Canon. just by shipping darnold and benry im basically making some sort of oc x oc for myself, since their characterizations don't imply theyd ever end up in a romantic relationship
🎵 What's a song (or songs) that remind you of your OTP?
i need more songs for my darnrey playlist 😩😩😩😩
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chaoticpanenergy · 5 years
things i loved about the new sanders aside
-thomas: oh yeah the sanders asides will be really short lil mini-episodes sanders aside #1: *is fully 20 minutes long* fanders: *are blessed*
-all the fanfic writers are now canonically correct about logan being really good at helping virgil calm down when he’s panicking and i adore it
-remus no 
-the weird viking bit at the start?????? incredible.“rEEXAMINE YOUR CULTURAL BIASES!!!!”
-roman BLATANTLY rigging the vote and everyone letting him get away with it anyway bc they love him <3
-baby Anna: I lOVE YOU, Olaf!!!!!! Patton, tearing up: i aLSO LOVE YOU, OLAF!!!!!!!!!!!
-the genuine UTTER JOY in each Side’s voice when they all chorus “JOAN!!!!!!” ????? they love thomas’s friends so much????????? i cannot Handle this???????????
-Logan having iced coffee and then making a face every time he sips it (and also it still being almost entirely full at the end of the whole movie) which like Definitely implies that he hates coffee but thinks he should drink it for the Aesthetic (also Logan why are you intaking caffeine in the evening you should know better stop that ur doing the “self care for everyone else and not me” thing u deserve love)
-“Nope nope I’m an adult that’s not funny” -remus no
-“The ONLY explanation for it is that that’s just his Evil Plotting Face™️” side note dOES THIS MEAN ROMAN HASNT SEEN THAT ONE TUMBLR POST SAYING THE TROLLS ARE EVIL???????
-i love that roman is now canonically That Person who makes snarky comments throughout the entire film while everyone else is trying to enjoy it but will also wax poetic about its virtues at you for 8 hours if you make the slightest critique, it’s so annoying and extra and relatable and very him
-Roman pointing out the footprints behind Elsa as she sings that there’s “not a footprint to be seen” and Logan’s shock and horror and agreement as he realizes roman’s point (also SAME HA IM SO GLAD THEY POINTED THAT OUT IT’S ALWAYS BUGGED ME)
-vague Angsty Patton Hints as he sings along to “don’t let them in, don’t let them see”??????
-“she really shouldn’t let go of any more of her clothing, that’s for sure..... she’ll,, freeze to death” Logan your Gay is showing that was a hastily constructed excuse of a reason, you of all people would definitely have immediately recognized that her ice powers in all likelihood make her completely immune to cold 
-the WAY TOO EXTENDED metaphor about the bridge that at the end of a solid like 2 minutes or however long we learn Logan has been taking literally this whole time 😂😂😂
-Roman: “We need to make like Elsa and—“ Patton: “Let it go!” Roman: “—Lie low in our kingdom of isolation, come ON Patton, don’t go for the low-hanging fruit!!” what a drama queen i love him
-Remus NO
-Logan being SO IRRITATED with Roman’s admittedly annoying movie-watching style 😂
-“Oh, sweet frank iero—“
-virgil: “Just think about it—“ thomas: “Like I have a choice!”
-the small detail of Logan not letting Virgil’s worried comments count for the “5 things you can see” etc and only counting the serious ones that he says <3 <3 <3
-roman: “Yeah, just take it from frozen’s most inspirational song: Fixer Upper!!! [weird metaphor]” thomas: “Thank you Roman, that’s.......barely applicable”
-Logan at the end revealing he was keeping a list of elsa’s powers -“creating fabric from....... ice, I guess??????” -patton’s “yeah, all checks out!!” -logan’s further, incredibly detailed, analysis of what she could theoretically do with those powers
-Virgil’s “what if your soulmate was at the party” comment sending Roman into instant flustered gay panic
-Roman: WE’RE GONNA REWRITE FROZEN ONE!!!!!! Logan: Oh!!!!! Are we gonna [fix it but in loganese]???? Roman: “no! .......yes. ........I don’t know what you’re asking?? WE’RE GONNA MAKE IT BETTER!!!”
-Roman, scoffing at the idea that anyone but him could create perfection: ‘Instant classic’ doesn’t mean ‘flawless flick!’ Logan, SO EAGER to be helpful and back roman up, what an adorable lil underappreciated nerd, i adore him: oH!!! It’s true!!!! Those two phrases are not synonymous!!!!!!1!
-“hans gets a PROPER Disney villain song” Roman r u sure u don’t have just a tiny crush on hans lol
-everything????? this was incredible i loved it send tweet
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urmomsstuntdouble · 4 years
ok not sure how comprehensible this post is gonna be but! regarding the languages discussion, here are my thoughts about the anglo americans. be warned this post is long as fuck, but thank you so much if you do read all of it, and i’d love to hear your thoughts about it as well! 
so i just wanna start with alfred’s name- alfred. i think he may be named after alfred the great of wessex, who may or may not have been the first king of england. he wasn’t technically the king of a unified england that we’d think of it as today- he was the king of wessex, as his title implies, but there was a point at which he was “in charge” or however you want to put it of most of present day southern england. anyway this presents the first of his issues with his identity. he’s permanently tied to britain beyond just his culture and most common language- his name is a reminder of who he “belongs to.” of course most people don’t know that and they just think it’s a little odd that this 19yo miles morales type is called alfred but eh, what are you gonna do. 
then you have the fact that there’s no official language in the US, which makes things a little harder for him. he’s never sure what language he’s supposed to be speaking in, as the human representative of america. he thinks it should be english, seeing as that is the lingua franca, but there’s times when he just doesn’t vibe with english as a language. i mentioned before that he struggles with keeping his (spanish) dialects straight (which @cupofkey summed up as immigrant-kid-syndrome and that’s exactly it), although its not limited to just spanish. he also has a hard time keeping other shit in line, to the extent where his thoughts are a messy jumble of languages, concepts, images, and feelings. this is most evident when he’s nervous, because his accent will get super thick and he’ll start just saying the words that pop into his mind, even if they’re in another language or straight up not words at all. the only peson who can understand him when he’s doing this is canada. both of them are countries of immigrants, although they are different in who immigrated and when, so they dont have the exact same nervous tick language, but it’s close enough that they can communicate well. it’s sort of like a more global version of europanto? might sound something like this to an outside observer, but again, more global (also for the video they dont start talking until 1:17). 
america and canada also have a sort of inextricable bond because of the first nations people. the first tribe that comes to mind are the members of the okanagan national alliance, which straddles the present day border of british columbia and washington state (this is also something america shares with mexico). it’s caused a lot of pain between them personally, and with the okanagan nation. just as the border itself is vague- though the us-canada border is more respected than the okanagan borders- the parts of their identities are also vague. they feel bits and pieces of themselves ebbing and flowing, and matt and fred have gotten into arguments about it because they struggle to define their identities and they just want to be able to explain themselves to themselves. but you know that often winds up causing friction with the okanagan nations, because whatever issues with identity regarding their indigenous people fred and matt are having. they’ve got it worse, only in a sort of..negative image. like whereas fred and matt feel it on the fringes of themselves, making it so they cant tell where they end and other nations begin, the okanagan nations feel themselves being slowly eroded. none of them want each other to suffer, though, because the okanagan people can be americans and canadians and okanagans all at the same time. 
this also applies with the american border with mexico, seeing as there’s some areas in the southwestern us where spanish is spoken more than english. when he’s down there, freddie finds it easier to communicate than when he’s speaking english. chicano is his language just as much as english is- he just sort of became able to speak it when the west was colonized, and he already knew spanish for business purposes, so there ya go. there are some issues with that though because the spanish in the west is primarily from mexico and central america, whereas the east is more from the caribbean- like how miami has a large cuban minority. so he’s got a weird sort of chicano english too, because it’s no longer “pure” chicano. pure is a very loose term there because there is of course variation within southwestern chicano speakers. angelinos don’t have the same chicano as nuevomexicanos. anyway i think he’d get it mixed up with spanish proper or spanglish a lot because of the similar phonetic rules. i’m not sure about any indigenous tribes who have land that straddles the us-mexico border, but that’s probably not alfred’s biggest worry with That Border. actually no i think he might purposefully talk in an aggressively chicano dialect whenever someone in the government wants to talk to him about the ice concentration camps. like he usually doesn’t try that hard to keep the wrong language out of his mouth but he will go Full Chicano, just to make them uncomfortable and to try to get the point across that he can literally feel the physical pain of the people trapped at the border in those camps. but this also causes some tension with the countries of origins of those people, seeing as they can also feel that pain. there’s quite a lot of discourse between america, mexico, guatemala, honduras, and el salvador about that, because none of them quite know what to do. they argue again about whose pain it is and how they should, as nation personifications, deal with it.
another thing that he struggles with where matt is concerned is with his indigenous languages. the languages of his northernmost people are the most at risk and endangered, and some are actually in the process of dying. he hates that, because as much as he wants to act like he speaks just SCE and quebecois, he doesn’t. he knows all of his people’s languages, and it makes him feel like he’s losing his identity a little bit when his indigenous languages start fading away. the worst part about this is that he doesn’t even always know it’s happening until the fading feeling kicks in, so sometimes he’ll just make a point of going up to the northwestern territories and try to hang out with the oldest inuit people he can find to try and have a chat. and it’s ROUGH communicating at first but when he can get back into it he feels more solid and defined. i think this isn’t unique to him, and that the other countries in the americas do this too, but bc of the way civil rights work in canada, it’s a little different for him. because indigenous canadians are recognized as a certain class of citizen, indigenous canadian governments have a collective legal bargaining power and could theoretically ask for legal protections from the ottowa government for their languages. however, this doesn’t apply to the northwest territories, so that’s why matt goes there specifically to talk to old ass indigenous people. their languages aren’t protected legally in the same way that french and quebecois are, so he sort of takes it upon himself as mr canada to do preserve the languages and history. it’s especially sad when a language dies out forever, because then he’s one of very few people who still speak it and if he wants anyone else to know about it he’d have to teach them. but since the language is dead, there’s no one for him to get help from. the people who once spoke it are gone or use other languages now, and it’s all very weight of the world on his shoulders. i think this makes him very sad, because of the weirdly smug left wing anti-american nature of canadian nationalism. like he understands exactly the sort of pressure freddie is under but also has a cultural pressure to not say anything about it or even offer to help. 
this is also why he has the most boring and basic idiolect out of perhaps the entire anglosphere- even arthur has a distinct posh dialect that he uses most of the time. matthew talks like a textbook. a very polite and anxious textbook, but a textbook all the same. and matthew williams actually kind of likes what alfred jones has going on, but canada doesn’t. canada fell into british hands after the end of the 7yr war, which happened to be the war that sparked the american revolution (speaking of which the ages for america and canada make no goddamn sense, ask me about it if you want more detailed thoughts). loyalists fled to canada, and developed a superiority complex around the idea that they weren’t ungrateful. then it was about how they weren’t slave owners- which isn’t entirely true- and in the present day, even in hetalia canon, canadians often define themselves in relation to america. that is, they are better than americans because of xyz political thing. right now, to quote the anime, it’s “our free healthcare and lack of gun crime, eh.” this also poses some difficulties for canada in terms of culture, though, because if that much of their national pride comes from being better than america, what do they have to make a name for themselves? for anglo canadians, that’s a more complicated question. for quebeckers, it’s that the’re not anglo canadians. but quebec is also annoying as fuck and canada actually has nightmares about there being a successful secession movement there, so. i don’t know what the average anglo canadian thinks of quebec seeing as im not an average anglo canadian, but i do know that i hate their accents so now matt does too, although he will respect their right to have their language protected by the ottowa government (because quebec, that’s why). 
anyway i do have one last thought and that’s that nobody will ever really know america or canada like they know each other. they struggle with a lot of the same issues regarding language, but america has just sort of given up. in some ways, matt’s jealous of him, and in others he’s so glad he’s not the united states. but they do understand each other a lot as the anglo americans, and as some of the number one destinations for immigration out of the entire world. so yeah, i dont have any specific strong conclusion ot this post, but would absolutely love to hear your thoughts about languages in the americas! shit’s wack in this neck of the woods my dudes. 
oh actually one last thing. i think america and canada struggle a bit with their identities because they dont fit into any one specific group, linguistically or otherwise. they feel a bit isolated from the rest of the world specifically due to the intensity of the melting pot effect, and even within their own countries sometimes. people will be like oh you’re too white or you’re too black or you’re too dine or too much whatever other culture, so they often feel isolated from that stuff because they are all of those things, and have a deep connection with all of it. anyway they’ll always be there for each other
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duhragonball · 4 years
Broly for the character ask. Either version, your pick.
This seems... familiar.  Well, when I was a kid I would pick both options in Choose Your Own Adventure Books to see which was better, so I’m gonna do Broly ‘18 now.
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Give me a character and I will answer:
Why I like them: I’ve got some concerns with Broly ‘18 (see below), but in general I can’t deny that they took the original version and made him a much more interesting character.   The exile from the Saiyan homeworld and Paragus’ revenge scheme are still there, but this Broly doesn’t like to fight, and he doesn’t tap into his hidden potential until well past the point where he can’t control himself.   He’s a Broly you can feel sorry for, which paves the way for a character like Cheelai to feel sorry for him.  
I do sort of like that there’s a canon-ish version of Broly that Goku can hang out with.   As a fanfic writer, I always prefer it when the source material leaves a few doors open, as opposed to just killing everybody in some scorched earth approach. 
Why I don’t: I liked the movie, but I think most of that owes to thoughtful writing, vibrant colors, and great art direction.   This could have been Dragon Ball Super: Android 13, and it still would have been a hit.   They ran with Broly because of the name recognition and to that’s fine, and they did a good job revamping the character to fit this new story, but I’m wary of character reboots in general.    Now we’ve got two Brolys and everyone’s gotta decide which one’s their favorite and who could beat who and I dunno, it becomes a whole thing.  
Like, DC Comics used to do this a lot in the 60′s and 70′s, because they basically decided that their World War II-era comics were set in a separate world from their current stuff, which meant that there had to be two Flashes and two Batmans and so on.    Which was fine for Flash, since those were two different dudes with the same powers, but the Batmen were just the same person, only one was older.   In the 70′s, they did a whole “Death of Batman” story where the old one dies, but it’s utterly meaningless, since the implication is that there’s a infinitude of other Batmen out there, including the one that appears in the monthly Batman comic.  
Of course, that’s not entirely fair, because I never had a beef with the 1986 reboot of Superman, because I wasn’t familiar enough with the older version to mind.    In the same vein, there’s a lot of fans who are totally happy with nuBroly because that’s the first one they got to know, or they just never cared much about the first one.    To each their own.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): To be clear, I did enjoy the DBS: Broly movie.   It set lofty goals and achieved them, and making a sympathetic Broly was one of its successes.   I don’t want to make it  sound like I hate the movie, but the premise still sort of irks me.   
Favorite season/movie: I guess I already covered this.    Wait, I was supposed to do a scene.  Uh... I guess the part where he beats the shit out of Frieza for an hour.
Favorite line: I don’t remember him saying a whole lot.   I guess I’ll go with that story he told about Baa’s ear, since that’s about the most talking he got to do.
Favorite outfit: He kind of only had the one.    I’ll just stick with that.
OTP: Let’s be real, because I am keeping it real.    Cheelai was the best thing about that movie.
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I do enjoy the implied romance the movie has, where it’s pretty obvious to everyone that these two are supposed to hook up at some point, but it’s never explicitly spelled out.    They rescue each other-- Cheelai saves Broly three times-- and it’s clear that they’re interested in one another on some level, but that’s as far as it goes.  
Brotp: I dunno, Leemo, I guess.  
Head Canon: I’d like to think they left Vampa soon after the end of the movie and found something better to do.   Luffasworld, for instance.  I meant to blow that planet up, but I never got around to it.    Broly could run and play there, I guess.   I think I got rid of all the robot ghosts, but it’s been a while.
Unpopular opinion: Eh, I think I already covered this.   I’m not thrilled with Broly ‘18 being so strong that nothing short of Gogeta Blue can shut him down.  
A wish: I don’t know if Funimation is interested, but if they redubbed all four Broly movies with the new VA from FighterZ, that wouldn’t break my heart at all.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: FFS, we don’t need Broly ‘32 to show up and make this even more complicated.    I can just see him, rolling up on his skateboard and asking Whis and SSJ5 Goku Magneta what the “haps” is.
5 words to best describe them: He wears a green bathmat.
My nickname for them: Broly ‘18.
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
🔥 Feelings on the canon ships of Homestuck?
Send Me a 🔥+ a Topic, and I’ll Tell You My Honest Opinion About It
god am i gonna need to go with the sequals too? just og or all ships that’re considered canon by the end? whatever i’ll just go in order in what might be the ‘canon’ ships from all three of these categories. this is gonna be fucking long so anything and everything is under the cut. also i’m SO not gonna add hiveswap that can be its own separate ask. so:
roxygen: it’s a cute ship...but the sequal vers is garbage considering how inconsiderate roxy is to john’s feelings and his house burning down like damn rox this is the guy who sat with ya as ya mourned doom rose’s death give the guy some fuckin time himself.
rosemary: also cute ship...sequal versions are fuckin godawful tho. their barely a thing in meat from wha i can gather and then there’s candy...oh CANDY kanaya deserves better fuck this sense of her sayin she’s over it idc if it was off screen, even then half the cast ate stupid pills during that time so WHY must i be surprised that this is wha happens?
dave/kat: i dun like it. in either universe. meat is just perfect gay bois who have occasional deep talks and literally do nothing else while candy they split up thanks to jade which, geez ya guys must’ve been shit to tell her to fuck off like come on. og hs wise i barely consider them canon if we only get pictures and them just being on equal footing on quadrant talk. not to mention dave implied to be crushing on jade and JOHN not karkat, idk where this couple even came from other then love triangle situation with terezi but like, that’s barely much of a reason to become canon. i’d go with em bein pale/moirails more.
jadedave: i’m guessing candy and meat i thought meat implied they were dating but may aswell. so....it sucks but thats because candy and meat suck, meat dave’s basically cheating on her i didnt hear any implication they broke up and she’s like...chill??? and then there’s candy where she literally forced him and kar to break up and dated after dirk apparently died, i do not like the implications of this whole thing. course candy dave is dead and a robot now so...anyways canon wise dave had a crush on her and if jade does like him i’d hope it’s not cause of davesprite cause despite both being dave’s they were different. it’s cute otherwise.
davepetajade: it’s...cute? i guess? idk i kinda found davepeta a bit...idk overwhelmingly overrated? like i know where their popularity came from but readin the series now after all that hype i dont really see it anyways tho it’s basically davespritejade with nepeta in the mix. and idk nothin implied much of nepeta liking jade, or talkin to her much. and davepetasprite is a mesh of both so idk. it’s a ship with cute fanon works of em hanging with outfits but that’s bout it.
janejake: i hate it. legit. this is disgusting and completely throws out jane’s character. like even in the fixed timeline the talk she had with dirk probably still happened on the god bed’s and how she acknowledged wha she thought was wrong on wantin jake’s kids and so on trickster still happened and how she also realized she might’ve overhyped jake. but lets throw it ALL out the window to force jake in an unhappy marriage in both universes and possibly force him to stay in candy due to having tavvy if i’m reading the implications right. even then jake isn’t good for jane either both got their own needs this ship would’ve been sunked in canon and WAS but the sequals are beyond it so maybe that explains it but it disgusts me.
roseterezi: guess in meat specifically. yeah i kinda dont...care for it, like i still cant tell if rose and kanaya broke up or if she just fucked off without breaking up either one is fucked up on kan’s behalf. even then i just dont care for their kismesis it got brought up once and that was it.
jaderose: candy wise i guess even tho it was a fling. it disgusts me still mostly because of kan’s behalf on bein fucked over and both goin through a ‘surrogation’ process without her notice. like fuck this shit the jaderose fans deserve better.
roxycallie: idk if this one’s canon but it’s heavily implied callie lives with roxy least in candy. it’s cute, cant deny it even in og it was pretty cute, dont really care for candy vers tho but then again maybe their not a couple in it idk what’s canon couples anymore.
johnterezi: literally fucked in meat universe and john has kismesis feelings for her in canon. it’s...interesting, idk tho i feel like it’s one sided on john’s side.
ms paint/spade slick: i cant deny it’s cute, he’d least know how to treat a lady but god i’d hope it wouldnt be his only defining trait with her. also want ms paint to call his bullshit out pls and thanks.
dirkjake: honestly i cant tell if their STILL canon in og or not god forbid the sequals. in general though...i dont. i honestly dont really like em together much. they seem like the type to least stay friends but idk bout another relationship would be a good idea for em. maybe later down the line but otherwise canon wise they need a break.
and now for the canon one timer ships this involves any ships implied, uncomfirmed, ex-relationships, crushes, etc:
arasol: it’s cute, best ship. their quadrant was never confirmed but regardless their cute. sol tho in the sequals deserved better then to get abandoned by aradia goddamn.
fefsol: also cute, i live for both of em bein ass’s together.
erisol: oh boi this one...this was...yeah i cant even deny they wouldnt be too healthy, i like lookin at fanon ways tho for em. canon wise tho yeaaaah no these guys definietly wouldnt work.
gamtav: it’s...cute but boi gamzee needs some help i think.
gamsol: -sollux did imply he either wanted a kismesis or matesprit with him in one of the flashes- again same as gamtav.
aradia/equius: BIG NOPE nope nope nope equi that’s weird wha ya did never do it again thank fuck aradia hasnt been around him since.
karterezi: their actually kinda cute, looking back on em they could’ve worked. stupid doomed timeline bullshit.
daverezi: also kinda cute, idk tho if i got flushed for em tho i get more pale vibes but it was semi-a thing.
kanvris: it’s baaaaad kanaya deserves much better and vriska never seemed much the type for cementing into a relationship.
vristav: even worse, like i’d like to thank fuck tav one up-ed her in the end cause fuck wha he had to go through.
karmeenah: it...could be cute? maybe? only iffy part is the ages, i thought the dancestors were like sixteen tho since the kids said they were teenagers even tho they were at the time about fourteen? idk tho if eighteen is considered an adult in alternia or not tho it’s kinda implied to be? anyways tho it’s just off puttin maybe a bit tho.
meenahvris: it’s kinda cute, it was atleast, idk lookin back it does feel more unhealthy.
rufidama: baaaaaad i love rufi but he’s got some bullshit he needs worked out and damara deserves someone better.
rufihorr: just as bad as above, both deserve someone better or atleast horrus does with some therapy on it rufioh i think should just chill on relationships but it’s so obvious their not meant to be.
mitula: it’s cuuuuuute i cant deny it, ...okay fanon vers is canon is barely anything and tula does give more pale implications for tuna but with how protective she was over damara near him it’s sweet, but god do i wish canon tuna gave more feelings for tula.
kantula: it’s...creepy. like it’s so obvious the vantas bois cant communicate well but kankri’s crush feels almost pressuring on tula when he kept goin about them and goin “oh but we’re totally friends and i’m celibate so it’s okay its whatevs” like kan go to a corner give tula some air to breath.
crotuna: BIG NOPE cronus needs to learn fuckin boundaries thirsty fish bastard.
should i even add cro//eri due to the fact he literally asked an eridan out? regardless gross, ew, no, i’ll take the fanon ampora brothers anyday canon i didnt fuckin need that thx.
porrnea: it was implied to be more of a fling. idk considerin aranea’s track record i cant really say i’d trust her in many flushed quads. and porrim seems the type to have hers open and not a closed off thing so idk they got different cases.
aranea/jake: i cant deny it’s fuckin cute, i’d would’ve loved if they tried to do somethin but aranea was definietly uhhh not a good choice for jake. least she backed off when he didnt wanna be kissed but man yeah, it was cute while it lasted.
kurmeu: i cant deny the idea kur forced himself quiet due to hurting meu hurts me in a sweet way but as of rn them bein ‘pale’ and him mind controllin her when we dunno if she’s alright with this or not is...disturbing.
vristerezi: i am HIGHLY doubtful this is canon considering everything but i guess i gotta cement this. i dont see em as canon in og or sequal wise since vris is still gone in both, even then i dont like, see it, i see it but idk man i like em more pale then pail.
erifef: honestly no. both are much too different for a relationship, kinda glad they uh...got cut short cause honestly even their moirailship wasnt healthy what’s to say a matespritship would? on BOTH sides mind you.
rosejohn: thank karkat’s shipping board. anyways, i think their cute cause fuck it rose is a bi-con to me, canon wise probably wouldnt work but i’ll take fanon.
vriseri: kinda glad they got cut short of their kismesis cause boi eridan deserves a better one with how shit vriska was in breaking up with him.
johnvris: it was cute, i cant deny i’m soft over how the two talked things about vriska’s life and john’s it’s just kinda cute. it’s obvious tho canon wise with wha john went through it wont work out. would’ve loved if they became moirails tho but o well canon is god i guess.
spadePM: i dont like much of their implications, would be an unhealthy relationship regardless considerin spade’s flushed and PM’s pitch, they deserve some therapy and other people.
dadbert/momlonde: their cute i like the implications of em, sad they died though, it was cute while it lasted.
meowrails: may aswell count moirails in this shipping mess. anyways their cute, they gimmie sibling vibes course equius early into it was so...not a good moirail.
kurtuna: i guess it might be cute moirails? idk tho with kurloz’s implications it concerns me.
gamkar: as moirails...karkat was fuckin shit at his job i cant sugarcoat it. i get where it’s from he’s not gam’s lusus and shouldn’t be forced to check on him during his time of gettin high and such, i get they were kids, but god gam kinda deserved a better moirail. and then later on in the series it gets more fucked up between kar gettin stabbed by him and both in a pretty unhealthy moirailationship to the fixed timeline where gamzee is just shut into a fridge and kar doesnt fuckin care, like dude, wow. gamzee was bad yeah but damn, harsh a tad.
terezigam: as a kismesis it’s almost disgustingly unhealthy to me and honestly terezi deserved better and gamzee maaaaybe shouldn’t get a kismesis, ever, unless he can sort his shit out -the sequals tho wont do that lol-
minorly gonna count johndave in this: idk if i can see john reciprocating for dave so dave’s crush on him almost kinda hurts, especially since fixed timeline dave’s john is well, dead and our john is probably still different from his john, has angst but man i kinda dont mind it as a one sides crush it’s nice confirmation of dave bein bi atleast.
nepetajasper/jasprose: i cant see it, it’s disturbing i guess. i like em more as friends but jasprose is probably more creepy bout it.
signless/diciple: i think considerin the implications they were fuckin adorable and deserved the best.
summoner/mindfang: it’s kinda sad considerin its implied mindfang’s love for him might’ve been one sided, they could’ve been cute tho.
orphanor/mindfang: probably sounded like the best kismesis’s until he murdered dolorosa.
dolorosa/mindfang: BIG NOPE i dun like the implications.
condence/orphaner: since it’s implied orphaner had a crush on her, gonna say tho big nope considerin condence is a bitch.
condence/lord english: its hard to decipher their relationship in canon, but to cover all my bases it’s big nope to me somethin bout it makes me uncomfy despite both bein bastards.
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@bansidheking replied to your post
“so like who do i have to kill to get a gmd webcomic”
[laser eyes activate]
gmd, or the glassmaker’s dragon, is a campaign for cmwge, or chuubos marvelous wish-granting engine, a tatterpig i have vowed to never shut up about. the glass-maker’s dragon is about: well, once there was a rider of the apocalypse and a glassmaker, and one convinced the other to make a dragon, and it raged and would have destroyed the world, except it broke instead. and we’re all dealing with that
gmd features 8 sample characters, each of which is presented with several possible variations. these are so charming that everyone loves them and talks about them all the time, and usually plays as them or one of the variations. they are:
chuubo (no last name), who built a machine in his shed that grants wishes. pretty straightforward. you can see and interact with his daydreams. he wished a) everything would be ok b) for some ice cream c) that he could have his ice cream and eat it (or some variation on the joke i dont recall exactly). if chuubo is a girl she’s usually called shokyou instead. i forgot to mention chuubo can turn into a giant snake but it will NOT help
seizhi schwan, chuubo’s best friend! seizhi is really good at being a best friend! chuubo wished for a best friend and there seizhi was! seizhi doesnt have imposter syndrome about this or the fact that the wish-granting engine basically grabbed a shapeless eldritch blob out of nowhere and turned it into a best friend! its fine!
leonardo da montreal, the nightmare scientist. this one time the sun died but leo ripped his heart out to replace it, and now he cant experience friendship or love. (that is to say, he can totally experience friendship and love, as long as he loudly declares that NO THIS IS JUST RIVALRY BEHAVIOR) oh yeah he’s chuubos rival and he has an incomparable nightmare engine and lots of horrible biomechanical nightmare inventions. we all love him very much. the girl version is dulcinea da montreal and the robot version is leo VII and the necromancer version is leonardo d’avignon
rinley yatskaya, the troublemaker. rinley’s a kid of one of the shrine families around town, they’re a storyteller and they’re named after a legendary ancestor and they like to make trouble. rinley’s name is rinley no matter what which led to a lot of gender talk so now theyre canonically nb i think. rinley is also rinley no matter what family theyre from but the default is friends with cats as well as the talking fortitude rats, some of the other families are not so nice. anyways rinley has a power where they can do retroactively do stuff offscreen and i love them
miramie, the... dream witch? is that her appellation? shes very tired and she hangs out in this professors archive and she appears in dreams sometimes wearing a mask. and i dont remember whether or not its supposed to be obvious that shes the rider who tried to destroy the world, but she kinda broke with it and shes retired and sad now. she has some connection to chuubo that is maybe romantic?
jasper, the child of the sun. ok remember how the sun died well she was also an angel and jasper is her kid but jasper isnt an angel. you see the sun got shot down by Death and death is also jaspers dad its really complicated. anyways jasper is sort of nebulously implied to be on track to take her moms place in some way, there are a lot of portents and miracles, however the more important thing is jasper has a power that lets her eat Anything. no matter size or substance or scale. also she can grow multiple limbs to take care of problems
natalia, whose epithet i dont remember. natalia is new to town she crossed the lake which connects to uhhh dont worry about that but shes from russia. she underwent hardcore soviet training in either ice skating or kung fu or psychic powers or all three. she can be superhumanly good at anything except processing emotions
principal entropy ii. entropy runs horizon academy, a hereditary job he took over from his dad. entropy also moonlights as the angel of fortitude, a vigilante on a motorbike who mostly helps old ladies cross the road since there isnt much crime in fortitude. e2′s hands are always bleeding and that blood can mutate you so watch out. he uses it to make hall monitors. principal entropy is like just barely old enough to be out of school himself he is not qualified to be a principal. he is exactly old enough to lament hes too old for this when the other gmd kids get him caught up in their bullshit
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
as soon as i saw that a hunter x hunter musical from the year 2002 starring the OG 99 VAs existed, i knew i has to see this...so i set out and watched the nightmare of zoldyck (i would later find out that theres ANOTHER musical, which i plan to watch too)
luckily its all on youtube subbed! in 360 quality...oh hell yes lmao
ok i logically knew this was gonna be a musical but seeing the characters singing is like. a lot. THIS IS SO STRANGE 
musical illumi is played by a woman which is interesting. shes got a good voice 
i think they just panned to killua but it was so pixelated that i legitimately could not tell hvbadjkfbjkdsf
i have no idea whats going on vhbajdfhhajsdf theres a bunch of people falling over on stage...i think theyre dying? who are yall 
oh shit backup dancers?
lmao illumi killed the backup dancers rip.
oh that IS killua lol. s/o to the 3 pixels that are visible 
is this gonna be the zoldyck arc but a musical? lmao
OH WAIT IS THAT KURAPIKA AND LEORIO? i cant even tell lmaoooo
i can 100% tell these are fan subs lmaooo i love bad fan subs SO MUCH it makes a viewing experience even better
this is p much just a musical version of the manga/anime so far lmao i love it 
the way theyre spelling zoldyck is. a lot 
is every character gonna get an intro song. how much of this musical is singing and how much of it is dialogue cause theres defs a range w/musicals 
lmao i love gon leorio and kurapikas interactions even here, they rlly feel like two parents being dragged around by their energetic kid 
i cant even see the set at all so im just gonna assume theres like, the gate and all that behind them, but it all just looks like a dark wall to me lmao
i love singing exposition 
HISOKAS IN THIS???????????????????? oh my lorddddd 
OH i see now in the description that hes played by the 99 VA too lmao i love it 
wow musical hisoka rlly b like [writes himself into the zoldyck family arc]
oh here we go w/the song introducing the zoldycks 
damn grandpa got mad flips 
this is. wild 
its especially wild that alluka isnt here bc she like...didnt even exist yet at this point in the story 
zoldyck family sitcom wow 
i see the gon/killua romance is still going strong in the musical 
oh so they did all the training and goin thru the door stuff offscreen lol
this is actually doing a pretty good job expanding on the canon stuff from this arc lol so props. espec w/showing more of killua being scared of illumi 
oooh this is interesting actually, this is like....an AU where illumi is present during this arc, and how that would change things. And Also They Sing 
the zoldycks are so fucked up lmao 
also i feel like theres some ‘early adaptation’ character weirdness going on, like w/the grandpa, who seems much less intense here than in the anime (at least after seeing him in the yorknew arc), and milluki, who seems like a gag character here lmao
oh my god lmao is hisoka here to visit illumi?
the hilarious irony of illumi telling killua that assassins cant have friends, then going to hang out with his good buddy hisoka
kurapika is the only one here with a brain cell (for now) 
ah yes hisoka and illumi doing their nasty murder flirting thing 
HISOKA IS SO NASTYYYY I HATE HIM tho his actor is very good and smarmy
OH its canary!! is there uh. blackface goin on there. i cant actually tell, what with there being only 3 pixels present at any given time
really love how half of this is just the regular arc but with the characters singing abt stuff during it 
the lady playing killuas mom has a rlly good screeching voice jesus lmao 
ohh i love musical fighting so much
the sound fx on kurapikas sticks are cracking me up
butlers got mad cartwheels
oh theyre doing the coin thing! this is so out of order lmao
oh my god i love that theyre doing like, sick dance moves while coin flipping
ah the zoldyck messenger hawk makes an appearance. i love that thats canon and real
the 12 yr old gay romance is REAL even here 
the subs seems to be translated very literally, especially in the songs, so its honestly not clear what theyre even singing about vbsjkdjhfskjfd
gon and killua singing about each other is adorable tbh. also i love how silva asks killua abt his friends and killua is like yeah i made some friends. and then only talks abt gon ahjsduhfabhskdf gayboy 
ok so the zoldyck arc is like, ending, but theres still an hr of musical left so whats even gonna happen lmao. also where did hisoka go
oh no the audio and video arent synced anymore huvbhjadfbhjsakdf
oooh they asked canary to come w/them, thats cool
theyre having a party??? hvbajdsfbhasjkdf
oh shit??? what did zeburo just do to killua??? WHATS GOING ONNN lol this is UNCHARTED TERRITORY 
omggg all their formal outfits....everyone cheering wildly at kurapika is cute 
the fact that both killua and gon are taller than kurapika in this is rlly funny 
the idea that the zoldycks are also highly trained ballroom dancers is super hilarious to think about, even moreso when you consider how isolationist they are 
seriously grandpas got mad flips
also i love leorios outfit 
this feels like a filler arc tbh. and i dont mean that in a bad way!
leorio trying to get kurapika to go to the hot springs with him lmaoooo
hisokas stage presence is fantastic gotta say 
damnnnn dad zoldycks got mad flips too. guess it runs in the family 
props to the actors for managing to keep their wigs on while flipping around like that 
its so fuckgin funny thats hisoka just introduces himself as illumis friend, when this whole arc is all about how assassins Cannot Have Friends 
so hisoka is just here trying to get family approval too huh
gon miming a fishing trip was adorable and realistic...sometimes u get skunked and It Just Be Like That
leorio is rlly tryin to shoot his shot w/kurapika and kp is just Not Realizing huh vbjsdufjbsaukjf
wow leorio breakin the fourth wall like that lmao 
wow so illumi hacked killua. rude 
hisoka and illumi are lowkey hilarious in this 
leorio is rlly sending every signal possible to kurapika and kp is like. No 
leorio: killua is a scary murder baby, but also im adopting him 
kurapika singing abt how weird it is having friends after dedicating their life to Revenge(tm) is v on brand 
no wonder illumi didnt wanna tell him abt his evil plan lmaoooo he fucked up even telling hisoka that much clearly 
the zoldyck siblings just staring at hisoka in confusion bc How The Fuck Did This Clown Get In Our House hvbhjdksfnjksdf
you can tell the subs are off when the audience is cracking up but you dont even see a joke there lmao
oh my goddd hisoka using bungee gum to make everyone dance is. hilarious 
oh my god synchronized dancing 
HVBSHDJFBJDSKFHBSJ illumi doing a dance routine independent of hisoka and hisoka being like ????? vhbjsdkhfjkjsdnfkj THIS IS HILARIOUS
supremely funny to me how illumi makes such a big point abt assassins not having friends, yet hisoka is announcing himself as illumis friend w/every given opportunity hvbhajdkdfhjskf
this feels so filler arc i love it. thats so charming to me since the 2011 anime doesnt have any filler (from what i can tell?) 
kurapika and leorio rlly feel like killuas parents here lmaooo
this is all dramatic but kurapika keeps repeating what leorio says and its cracking me up hvbajhkdhfbjsk
i lov this fambly 
ah, even in the musical illumi is still such a manipulative bastard 
i feel like the quality just went down EVEN MORE, which i didnt think was even possible hvbhjkdsfskf. at least the audio is synced w/the video again
illumis got a good evil laugh 
this is the exact brand of dramatic angsty filler content that i was hoping for in this lmao i love it 
oooh more zoldycks 
honestly this is more how i expected the zoldyck arc to go in canon hbshjdkujfkjsfdas
dramatic gay filler angst + somewhat incorrect fansubs = perfection
the subs keep calling illumis power ‘spells’ which seems to imply that illumi is some sort of assassin wizard rather than a nen user hvbsudhfkjsdjgf
come to think of it, what point was the manga at when this musical was written? it has to be pretty early on, maybe just as nen was being introduced
gon boutta go ham on illumi...Get His Ass
gon doin the good ole reliable shounen ‘punch your friend and yell at them so they snap out of a funk’ lol
i do love how typically shounen this is. friendship speeches! but delivered by SONG!
illumis main hobby is butting in at the worst possible moments 
hisokas playing card blocked killuas hit hvbhjakdhsfjnakdsf thats like in jojo when those manga blocked dios knives 
wow the whole zoldyck squad is here
ooh forbidden zoldyck lore lmao
killua: mom u guys are lame im joining this much cooler family now. bye 
i love how hisoka is just weirdly lurking around for all this zoldyck drama lmao
silva seems like such a bro in this but i feel like hes rlly not like that in canon vhauidfhbsjhdkjfk
oh nope there he goes w/the evil laugh lmaooooo
sorry dude but leorio is his dad now 
gon sniffing zeburo hgbajkdfshbjkdfjnsjdk oh my god
oh hell yeah some synchronized main character finale dancing 
actor showcase! everyone loves kurapika which, same 
ah so the director of this musical also directed the sailor moon musicals, which i didnt know existed but of course that exists...thats funny considering the hxh mangaka is married to the sailor moon mangaka 
anyways that was fun honestly!!!! i fuckgin love musicals, and musical adaptations of non-musical source materials can be like, SO different tonally, but this honestly felt like a fun filler 
it was really interesting seeing something based on the canon from this early on - as i said above, some of the characterizations (like the zoldycks) seems a bit different than we’re used to, but others were spot on - like hisoka only showing up intermittently to sow chaos and do nothing else vhjkadhbfhkjdsfnj im assuming the yorknew arc hadnt happened at this point, but hisokas actions in this musical were hilariously similar to how he acted in the yorknew arc, so, props. 
plus it was cool to see the ‘what if’ factor w/hisoka and illumi also being there, espec illumi interacting w/killua bc its so wildly different from how killua reacts to any of his other family members - hes clearly scared of illumi, in a way he isnt w/anyone else, and that was done well here w/the scene where illumi threatens killua’s friends to get killua to listen to him
also the angst was honestly great, and there was some REALLY sweet wholesome parts that i loved. and the music wasnt half bad either!!
i think the VAs did a great job playing the characters - hisokas VA was especially great (and i really loved kurapika too). gons hair was not very similar to how it looks in the show so it was a little more obvious that he was being played by a grown woman, but still a great performance. 
anyways fun times, i love musicals and this was a fun ole 2000s filler shounen musical adaptation
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
okay im rewriting tgcf (only in my head im lazy) here are my notes on hua/lian specifically this is long bc fuck it. major spoilers obviously and same trigger warnings as the content of the book
disclaimer disclaimer disclaimer that i dont know anything about the cultural background of anything in tgcf or story tropes etc etc this is just I Think It Would Be Neat If..
there’s not really any reason to keep hc as a kid in the backstory BUT in the story in the intro (which i like narratively) it still says that it was a child who xie lian caught. it’s one of those things that got added to the legend to make xie lian seem even more noble, there are also probably a few other inaccuracies in the intro that get found out as the story progresses. in actuality hc was kind of a known troublemaker to the city guards or whatever or had been in the past. maybe his mother just passed after a long illness and his tumble off the wall was intentional. either way he’s kind of pissed at xie lian for saving him. xie lian is concerned about his health so he has to stay at the palace for a while he recovers and only interacts with xie lian a few times. there is a point where he says out loud all the things about the divide between the rich and the poor that have been illustrated by the scenes with mu qing. feng xin tells him to shut up but mq goes dead silent bc he kind of agrees but can’t say and does have his loyalty to xie lian (its a whole thing) and the resentment begins
also i think young hc’s personality is similar to his personality in the present but a bit more reserved and he’s got like this plucky streak or something. also he is unquestionably gay
anyway hc sneaks out of the palace and xie lian catches him obviously but they have a brief little heart to heart where xie lian is like “look you can go if you want here take this money food” etc and demonstrates that he has actually listened to what hc has to say and hc is like “wow no one other than my mom has ever listened to me in my life so thats what that feels like i kind of like it” and he probably is a bit awestruck by xie lian in different ways and after that is like “okay this kingdom sucks but.. that guys not so bad”
sad ironic sense that if xie lian hadnt ascended until he was older he may have actually be able to do something about the problems in the kindgom but alas we have a cycle to perpetuate
the “take me as the meaning of your life” scene still happens p much the same but xl doesnt recognize hc who is actually now at his lowest point. hc tried to find ways to make things better for people like him but he simply did not succeed (maybe his were efforts quashed by the corrupt authorities? its implied probably) and he’s more disillusioned with the kingdom and life than ever but still is holding on to those memories of xie lian as proof that it doesnt have to be like this but that thread is slipping until!! whose fucking voice is that??? thats right its the one person you ever believed was truly good and went and proved you right by ascending to the heavens at age 17!!! guess its time to stan him forever
anyway hc joins the army but legally or whatever and tbh i would have hated the flower cave scene regardless of anything i just hate any sort of s*x pollen trope or anything so thats gone (they can have a wound tending scene or something tho thats the good shit) and instead we have HL getting overwhelmed by some other demons or something together and xie lian protects hc and they both get injured very badly (maybe hc would lose a limb but im not sure how that would work once hes a ghost so thats on hold for now until i figure it out) and xl is fine but this situation ends up being part of why mq kicks hc out of the army but yes hc still ends up dying on the battlefield anyway </3
the wuming stuff is the same i think but also at some point xl is despairing and says something about that guy he saved from falling and wonders what happened to him and fire ghost wuming is like !!!!! (wait does this happen in canon? honestly it should)
in mount tong’lu i was tempted to actually have hc have a similar moment to the bamboo hat scene with the humans who are trapped in there but im not sure if i just want it to be the same as xie lian’s story... also i like the idea of hc needing to hang onto his devotion to get through his first few centuries of being a ghost so maybe he’s just inspired by xie lian’s sacrifice with the sword and the souls and thats why he claws his own eye out as a sacrifice
so this can go one of two ways from here!!! both are me projecting hardcore so take them with a grain of salt im not saying im right about the way relationships should be these a re just my thoughts <3
1. (the not fun one but it still has a happy ending) the story more or less continues the same as canon. pure and simple devotion is what carries hc through the centuries. we get to see some ghost city antics and its fun but there is nothing complicated about the devotion hc just wants to find xl and protect him. hualian eventually meet. they get along pretty well!! eventually there are cracks. when you hold someone in your mind for so long you have expectations for them that no person can meet consistently. hc thinks that since he’s seen xl during the worst time in his life that he can handle anything but it turns out that as amazing as xl is, he is also just a person and sometimes he is wrong or irrational or annoying. xl is so happy to have someone who will listen to him talk that he kind of neglects to really get to know who hc is as a person and hc is kind of like “huh i didnt expect this but im kind of hurt. i genuinely thought that i just wanted to serve and protect you but actually im my own person and this is weird” but he doesnt say anything he thinks he has to stick to his promise and it gets kind of uncomfortable!! maybe his luck goes haywire bc his faith gets rocked for the first time ever and they end up having to talk it out but their relationship is stronger for it <3
2. (i think this one is fun) hc struggles with waiting. he does it but its hard. he has doubts and when all his efforts to find xl are fruitless he starts to grow bitter and curses the day that xl saved him. his faith burns low but doesnt go out. then ghost city!! hc realizes that he can finally help people like him, even if theyre ghosts now and hes grateful for the chance to do this and grateful to xl and resigns himself to waiting. but its still hard!! he realizes that his luck is tied to his devotion and gets kind of pissed about it!!! he tries to remember all the good things about xl but its hard!!! his search becomes more about repaying a debt so he can be free than anything else, he just wants to help the common people spirits with no strings attached (this actually allows him to keep his luck bc he has the same wish as xl and thats what makes him a true believer!! is this corny? does it make sense? i dont care) and so eventually when he finds xl he’s like okay how quickly can i repay this debt/how can i keep my powers but then xie lian is... so good... and hc actually really likes him he remembers why he swore his devotion in the first place. now hes conflicted!!! dont worry they fall in love tho <3
wow this was really long if you read this hiiiii. anyway when i reread ill try to pay more attention to yin yu and he xuan for hc’s 800 years. hua cheng we’re gonna get you some friends and lore i swear to god
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