#you don't want to die with your child only 10 years old
rainintheevening · 2 months
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Caspian IX & Caspian X
There was a time / I used to look into my father's eyes / In a happy home / I was a king, I had a golden throne / Those days are gone ... I remember how it all changed / My father said / Don't you worry, don't you worry child / See Heaven's got a plan for you /Don't you worry / Don't you worry now
- 'Don't You Worry Child' cover by Kurt Schneider & Sam Tsui
For @an-angels-fury because this song has been making me feel things.
#you are king of a hard people#you are one of the few to take your throne in peace from your father before you#for kinslaying runs in your bloodline#and your son is born#at the cost of your beloved's life#but you love him all the more for the part of her that lives on in his eyes#and you name him after yourself you give him your name so he will be the tenth and there is something special about that you think#he is destined for much good you think#and you will raise him different you tell yourself#he too will take the crown in peace when you die honorably#you dream of stars and a lion and you hear the nursemaid's tales sitting with your boy and you begin to wonder#your brother dismisses the nursemaid without your permission#'the boy is too old he does not need her anymore' miraz says#'i will teach him to be a strong warrior as a telmarine should be'#your little brother has his good moments. he is a powerful soldier. he has more time to teach the boy than you.#you allow it#you regret this later when your son's arm is broken and your brother is the reason why#but your son begs to continue his training#so you allow it#he has a way of looking at you with his big brown eyes#your heart beats unsteady in your chest like it hasn't since you were a boy#you don't want to die with your child only 10 years old#you want to see him for so much longer#you are not ready#the boy knows you are ill and insists on sleeping with you most nights#death comes quiet in the night and leaves the boy alone#you are caspian#you are named after your father and your father will not wake#caspian x#narnia
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raconteur-wanpi · 1 month
OK, but really, I'm genuinely so sad this fandom doesn't talk enough about Vinsmoke Reiju. She's legitimately one of my absolute favorite characters in the entire story and a lot of people don't see how absolutely tragic she is.
Just. She had to stay behind. She had to stay behind so Sanji can be free, she could never join him. She can only live her dreams of escaping her horrible, horrible family vicariously through him, the only person left in that household she loved. And she had to let him go. Because if she left, an army would follow behind her to get her back; she's a "success" after all. And also because she had already deemed herself a monster. After Sora died, Sanji was all Reiju had left. And then she was alone. Stuck with them for 13 years. Stuck with the wolves. The only way to survive being to mould herself after them.
From the beginning, it was never slip up, never make a mistake, always be perfect or you're next. Pretend to laugh at the misery of the only person in your family you haven't lost hope in, knowing that he might hate you forever after this, feeling like a coward. But you're a child. A mere child, a little 10-year-old girl, and you're scared. And she already saw herself as unworthy of that freedom at that age. She's not like Sanji, she was born to play the role of a monster. Even with her intact emotions, she's still trained soldier. She has the symbol of Germa tattooed on her, how could she ever escape it? She has blood on her hands; not because of her own choices, but because of the commands she's physically incapable of disobeying. She looks at him and tells him he looks so much like their mother, but she denies to accept that so does she.
She's the firstborn, dad's perfect little girl, his first success, his obedient property. The man who she grew to hate so much, when she found out he was going to be assassinated, she didn't warn him, because she hoped it would actually happen. Even if it meant throwing her own life away as well. When she saw him beg for his life she just, rightfully, felt no guilt or remorse. Just anger and satisfaction, even as she herself was about to die, something that seemed she wanted happen. But when he got attacked later on, she showed concern, because unlike Sanji, to her he still is, dad. He's dad, who held you and called you his wonderful child. He's dad, who raised you and showed pride in you. He's dad, who potentially put some sort of authority chip in your brain and forced you to stain your hands in blood. He's the man who killed your mother. She hates him. She wants him dead. She can't stop seeing him as family, and shows concern when he's hurt. It's more complex than how her brother sees him, and it's visceral and real and upsetting.
She had to stay behind. And after all of that, she had to relive the goodbye to the only person left in her family whom she ever loved. God. I hope she gets to see Sanji again. I hope she escapes. I hope one day she finally gets to taste his cooking. She never got the chance to do that, didn't she?
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lemon-russ · 12 days
True Son of Horus
-holds up frying pan as shield- look, I'm just as much a victim to these sad things as you guys, I wake up with terrible ideas and they just appear on my phone. If I don't share I think I will face 100 years of curses. I don't make the rules (I do make the rules)
It's super short
Taglist: @sleepyfan-blog @undeaddream @scriberye, and thanks for dividers @squishyowl
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Horus x F!Reader (Sort of)
CW: Death, Sad, very sad, mentions of blood and wounds, Loss of an adult child
Song: Youth- Glass Animals
Fly Feel your mother at your side Don't you know you got my eyes? I'll make you fly You'll be happy all the time I know you can make it right
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Legion mother.
Thats what they'd taken to calling you, once upon a time. Their gene father's wife, their Legion Mother.
Then you'd became a real mother. You'd raised your boy and he became the pride of the Luna Wolves. The apple of his Father's eye. 
You wish you knew then. You would have run. Fought. Cried, screamed, escaped. Oh, you had loved Horus. But if you only knew what he would do.
He stands over the body of his brother, The Great Angel, as his own Father confronts him about his treachery.
You didn't know of course. He didn't tell you anything important. It was always don't fret over it my love. Always placating you, pampering you, hushing you. And you let him, because things were so easy.
You can't hear what Horus is rambling about through the ringing in your ears. Your vision tunnels as you scoot forward on your knees over the hard, textured metal floor of The Vengeful Spirit.
Your shaking hands brush the cold, pale cheek of the boy you made with your own body, so many years ago. Forgotten by his father now, left aside in a pile of other corpses of forgotten sons. But those were Sons of Horus in name only. Gene Sons.
This is The son of Horus. The son of the Legion Mother. Your son. Forgotten, eyes wide and staring at nothing.
With trembling hands you lift his head into your lap. You hear the conflict nearby escalate, but again cannot hear the words. You close your son's eyes. There, he's sleeping now. You can't kill an Astartes afterall. They are strong and fast and heal so quickly. That's how Horus convinced you to let your baby boy be modified at the tender age of 10. He will be strong, invincible, immortal, he'd told you.
Yes, he will heal. He just needed his eyes closed so he can rest and heal. He's sleeping. He's sleeping. He's slee-
You don't realize your lips are moving, repeating the phrase aloud until someone touches your shoulder. You yank away. They want you to abandon your baby boy at a time like this? When he needs to rest on his mothers lap and heal? Just like when he was small and got a flu- something he hadn't had to worry about in decades thanks to his geneseed implant- he use to come to your side and lay in your lap, seeking the healing warmth of his mother's embrace. You'd pet his hair like you did now, murmur lullabies to help him sleep, just like you do now. He's so peaceful. You'll need to get him a bandage for the head wound, it looked like a nasty one, but that is alright, you will mend him just like when he had a scraped knee-
The hand on your shoulder starts pulling harder, tearing you from your sleeping boy. 
Through the echoing ringing of your ears you hear a new sound over the shouting of Horus and his father. A wet, screeching sound like a metal sheet being torn in half, or almost what your old planets tales might call a banshee's wail. It was not good to hear the cry of the banshee, it means someone you know or yourself will die soon. You worry for your sleeping baby boy in the back of your shattering mind.
A hand clasps over your mouth and the wailing muffles. 
"Please, Legion Mother, we have to go now-" and insistent voice urges you. Was that Levi? He's your son's best friend, and a good boy, you've known him nigh most his life. He was a neophyte with your son.
"Levi, he's so tired, we have to take him to his bed-" you say, trying to crawl back to the motionless form.
Levi picks you up, and the banshee starts wailing again in the echos of your ringing ears.
"Legion Mother, enough! We have to leave now-" he damands, clamping a hand back over your mouth as he throws you over his shoulder.
You reach out as your sleeping boy grows farther and farther from you. Distantly you hear shouting, and metal on metal. Levi turns a corner and your son is torn from your eyeline. 
You'd go back.
You'd warn yourself.
You would find the day you sobbed and held the tiny, distinctly human baby in your arms and you'd tell yourself to run. Horus hides things. Horus wanted to make your baby into a wepon. Horus would fight his own father over the corpse of his brother, yards from where his own flesh and blood son lay lifeless sleeping on the cold metal ground of a warship.
Your baby boy. You'd have gone back and told yourself they would take your baby boy, and you'd have to watch. 
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novembermorgon · 5 months
ok now I need to know about your lannister oc and her targaryen sons uwu
yes siree!!!!
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get used to her because despite my boltonposting shes the only one ive been putting in any sort of work writing for . <3
her name is myrielle lannister :-) she's around during the dunk and egg era born aboutttt 192 ac ..? daughter of damon lannister and cerissa brax (one year younger than tybolt and one year older than gerold) - she's honestly just kind of awful sorry . spoiled and vain and selfish like a high school mean girl who goes to nursing school but if you put her in the place of the only daughter of an unbelievably wealthy medieval lord that's given her anything she could ever ask for . while tybolt is heir and the golden boy myrielle ends up being the favourite exclusively off the idea of being a good daughter who smiles politely and sits and looks pretty when they're meeting with this lord or the other . she has a pretty strained relationship with tybolt when they're younger but when they get past being 10 and insulting your sibling over every little thing they end up being really close .
her relationship with gerold on the other hand iiiis . weird . i think they're a little bit too similar in that they like to plot and scheme a little bit and she never really knows what to make of him . they're kind of at odds and while she always has some sense of loyalty to him by virtue of them being family she's never very fond of him, especially after tybolt and his daughter die (which she'd probably believe he's got some hand in).
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when you really get into it grrm is notably not very good at telling us exactly what year things happen in this part of the timeline nor is he very in depth with a lot of these targs so a lot of this is going to be headcanon + assumptions etc don't get mad if you're the number one dunk and egg lorehead...
when she's 11 years old she goes to king's landing with tybolt and their father and she ends up engaged to aerion targaryen - which neither of them are suuuper enthused by . aerion because he's a little bit of a child emperor esque horrorshow of a son that holds fast to the idea of the targ legacy and traditions and from what we know about him he'd prefer to marry a sister. myrielle on the other hand finds herself at court and very quickly realizes that She wants to be important and She wants to be special and She wants to be queen so she has a bit of a period where she resents aerion for being a second son of a fourth son (!) and kind of goes well i shouldve married valarr or matarys or even daeron more out of a childish belief that she's owed something that stems from being raised the way she was. her and aerion end up bickering a lot but eventually settle into some kind of acceptance and eventually a fondness for each other in the way only two freaks of nature can . <3
at court she meets odessa dayne (oc + art by chloe), who's betrothed to valarr - they become bestiesss and form a very weird very complicated vaguely homosexual relationship that i don't know how to summarize but i think in some way myrielle ends up wishing she could be odessa's husband . doesn't know how to put words to her feelings that are so different from what she should feel (attraction to a woman) that she ends up kind of taking on a role of makeshift caretaker in the way a husband would - especially when valarr dies later on and odessa is kind of left in the dust at court in favor of her son. myrielle in my mind of much much more fond of her than odessa is of her by virtue of being the kind of person who makes up a complex made up version of their relationship in her mind .
she marries aerion around 208 and instead of being sent off to lys in 209 after the tourney of ashford meadow he's kind of put on house arrest a bit - aerion, myrielle and odessa end up in dorne when the great spring sickness hits (odessa has family business and myrielle + aerion end up tagging along because they have nothing better to do) . valarr dies in 209 and myrielle's dad dies in 210 right before myrielle gives birth to twins anddd well i'll cut the timeline off there for now . sorry anon i could go on for way too long .
she has twin sons with aerion in 210, one of which like in canon aerion insists they name maegor (kid on the left in the first img) and to match she names the other aenys (kid on the right) . funny . by this time given that odessa had a surviving son with valarr she ends up becoming a bit jealous . my son/s should rule etc even if they're like number 234923 in line . raises them to be resentful and ambitious which works for aenys who becomes exactly like she wants but not maegor who ends up being very gentle and kind and trusting . get it.. its funny because theyre like their namesakes but reversed
when she gets a little older myrielle more actively pursues the idea of being queen because these targs just will not stop dying. by the time maekar becomes king she begins to make more and more attempts at convincing aerion to get rid of daeron in advance and really really pushes hard for him to consider himself heir and because he's kind of batshit it works . a strong sense of entitlement between the both of them and a belief that he'd do a better job than daeron when the time comes (very doubtful).
errr.. well in an ideal world in her mind they kill daeron and maekar dies and aerion is crowned after which she also ends up killing him when she gets sick of him or he gets a little older and less nice to look at and one of their sons gets the throne. errr . of course it doesn't end that well . but that's about what i have so far we'll get more in depth one day . <3
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loonylooly · 1 year
at this point i'm wondering what sarah is thinking when writing her love interests, like ok it's clear she finds them hot but like....are they good people
UTM lap dance shenanigans
throwing Feyre into danger constantly (Weaver, destroying cauldron, getting the book from Adriata, etc etc)
Still not doing jack shit about wing clippings in Illyria?? Emerie is right there, Rhysand, go enforce your damn laws
Insulting his wife's sister constantly
Almost killed his wife's sister cause she dared give her important medical information
Locked Lucien (MY BOY!!) in the house of wind
Locked Nesta in the house of wind
Didn't give Mor any warning that time he made her face her abusers and she cried i think (ngl i forgot most of it)
Ignoring Hewn City even tho...Kier is like the only bad guy we've seen from there?? Surely there's decent people in Hewn City, don't gotta make everyone suffer
Nesta windhaven kidnapping intervention so she stops spending Rhys' money (if it was really about her own sake, they would've put a stop to it much earlier)
Seemingly alienates everyone in Feyre's life that could and would stand up to Rhys for Feyre's sake. Lucien? Nah, shoo. Nesta? Nah, shoo. Weird thought but Tarquin? Yeah, makes her steal his book.
And last but DEFINITELY not least; demon baby wife death
Barely ever stands up for Nesta in the IC
Aids in kidnapping Nesta to Windhaven so she stops spending whysand's money
Laughs at Nesta when she falls down the stairs
Aids in punishing Nesta for daring to tell Feyre important medical info
Constantly going agaisnt Nesta's wishes and trying to "save her" when she doesn't want him to
That one time Azriel asked Nesta if Cass had pushed her down the stairs...Like are we gonna ignore that?? Personally I'd have a quarter life crisis if my closest friend, who is like my sibling and has known me most of our lives, seriously entertained the idea that i would physically assault the girl I like
general aggressiveness all of ACOSF
aids in bulldozing Nesta's apartment
Rowan goddamn Whitehorn (Who I've yet to see people bashing him somehow,,, HoF rowan was like if ACOSF cassian had a horrific murder baby
Left his pregnant mate alone during a war cause he wanted to prove himself....like..idk man if i had the choice between war and taking care of my pregnant wife i'd pick the wife (did he know she was pregnant? i've kind of forgotten by now)
Rowan's kid would've been hundreds of years older than Aelin.....just think abt that
Literally everything he did to Aelin during training in HoF
Their argument where he PUNCHED HER IN THE FACE
Threatened to whip Aelin...I repeat....Threatened to whip Aelin, an ex-slave....
Told Aelin it'd be better if she died 10 years ago (unprovoked?? bitch you met her like 2 weeks ago just cause she's getting on your nerves doesn't mean you gotta wish DEATH upon her)
Literally was relieved to find out she was only 19 because if she was a few years older she could've been THE CHILD OF HIS BEST FRIEND.
No issue with marrying the cousin of his best friend's child....Imagine if he hadn't met Aelin first.. If he'd met Aedion first, Aelin would've always been the relative of his friend's son to him
FOR THE RECORD i hate all of the SJM age gaps but rowan and aelin's specifically irks me because Aelin LITERALLY CALLS HIM OLD throughout the WHOLE SERIES
Literally tells Aelin he doesn't care about what she's been through and that she is nothing to him after she confronts him for leaving her
Puts Luca in danger by sticking him on to a frozen lake with a monster inside where he'll DIE if Aelin can't save him
Funnily enough, some of the only seemingly decent person guys in SJM 1. Are completely forgotten about in the books or 2. SJM had to make them violently unlikeable
Like we've got:
Tarquin, seemed like a pretty good guy, rightfully pissed that the IC stole his family heirloom, shows up like twice in the books (LET HIM COME BACK SARAH I LOVE HIM)
Tamlin, was pretty decent in book 1, was made violently unlikeable in book 2 onwards
Chaol, very strong morals, generally a good person, loves his wife, made violently unlikeable and boring in late CoM, HoF, and QoS (ToD is one of my favorite books in the series, will praise ToD till the day I die, my boy EARNED his own book)
Aedion, seemed like a good person, strong morals, spent years trading his dignity for the sake of Terrasen, loved his cousin above all else, made violently unlikable in KoA (even tho I think he was justified in being angry about it, i'd be SO pissed)
Sartaq, good guy, strong morals, Nesryn's chapters were some of my favorites in ToD, Sartaq is one of my favorite SJM love interests, i'll never forgive author lady for forgetting about him in KoA (tho i guess she forgot about everyone from ToD? Yrene and Chaol are the only important ones, she barely even mentions Nesryn even though Nesryn's BEEN an integral part of the gang since QoS, giving her the Suki from ATLA treatment)
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fraumagdagoebbels · 5 months
Mrs. Goebbels said to the children: "Children, don't be afraid, the doctor will now give you an injection that all children and soldiers will now receive." With these words she left the room.
8:40 p.m. (on May 1st). After 10 minutes, Ms. Goebbels, accompanied by me, went into the children's room, where she stayed for about five minutes and placed a crushed ampoule of cyanide in each child's mouth. (Each glass ampoule contained 1.5 cm high 3 cyanide.) When we returned to the anteroom, she said: "Now it's all over."
Then I went with her down to Goebbels' study, where we found him pacing up and down the room in a very nervous state. As she entered the study, Mrs. Goebbels said: "It's over with the children, now we have to think about ourselves." Goebbels replied: "We have to hurry, because we have very little time." Then Mrs. Goebbels said: "Here in the We don't want to die in the bunker," and Goebbels added: "It's clear, we're going out into the garden." His wife replied: "Not into the garden, but to Wilhelmsplatz, where you have worked all your life." (Wilhelmsplatz is located between the Reich Propaganda Ministry building and the Reich Chancellery.) During the course of the conversation, Goebbels thanked me for making her fate easier, then he said goodbye to me, wishing me success in life and a happy return home.
Words of Dr. Helmut Kunz where he recounted the situation in the Führer's bunker before and after the murder of the children. He was arrested after the war and interrogated about the fate of the Goebbels family.
On May 2, 1945, in the center of Berlin, on the Wilhelmsplatz, lieutenant colonels and majors in the presence of Berlin residents - Germans Lange, Wilhelm, the chef of the Reich Chancellery, and Schneider, Karl, the garage master of the Reich. Office - at 5 pm someone discovered the charred corpses of a man and a woman. They were Joseph and Magda Goebbels. Two pistols Walther no. 1 (damaged by fire) lay at the head of the two bodies.
A singed gold cigarette case was discovered on the Frau Goebbels' body, a gold NSDAP party badge and a singed gold brooch were discovered on the body. In addition, when the cigarette case found with the woman's body was examined, the monogram “Adolf Hitler - 29. X. 34” in German was discovered on the inside of a lid; As Voß explained, the case had been used by Magda for the last three weeks. Voß recognized the charred female corpse as Magda Goebbels and justified his statement with the information that the female corpse was the corpse of Goebbels' wife due to its stature (a little over medium size) and because of the NSDAP's gold party badge. (Magda was the only German woman to wear this badge; it was presented to her by Hitler three days before his suicide.)
On May 3, 1945, the corpses of children were discovered. Children's corpses lying on beds in a separate room in the bunker of the Reich Chancellery. They were dressed in white nightgowns, the girls had ribbons in their hair.
To identify the bodies on site, the prisoners of war - the personal representative of Grand Admiral Dönitz in the Führer's headquarters, Vice Admiral Voß, Hans-Erich, born 1897, the garage master of the Reich Chancellery, Schneider, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm and the cook of the Reich Chancellery, Lange, Wilhelm – who knew Goebbels, his wife and children personally well. Vice Admiral Voß, Lange and Schneider clearly identified the corpses - during interrogation and when the corpses were presented - as Goebbels, his wife and children... On May 1st. J. saw Voss Goebbels for the last time at 8:30 p.m. in the air raid shelter where Hitler's headquarters was housed. Goebbels explained in a conversation with Voß that family would follow Hitler's example, they would end their lives by suicide.
When viewing the children's bodies, Voß identified all of them as Goebbels' children, as he had seen them several times; One of the girls, Goebbels' daughter Heide, who was four years old, had been to Voß's apartment several times with her parents.
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mineral-vulture · 2 months
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The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions
You know, for Go Rush (and Sevens) being the lighter and sillier Yugioh series in tone it really does have moments of sorrow.
OKAY I wanna talk about Sevens and Go Rush and how both series have this weird underlying of tragedy in it. So uh spoilers for both series below. Oh and it will be long.
My boyfriend @siromany and I watched Go Rush first because we were fascinated that one out of the three protags (I will die on the hill that Yuamu and Yuhi are protags along with Yudias) is an alien. We were watching it and wondering the series' connection to Sevens especially when we would see shots of Yuga. We did eventually figure out it was in the past. After we watched the episode where Yuga, Yuamu, and Yuhi go to the future as cats seeing the time period where Yuga came from we discussed the possible turmoil that Yuga feels. At this point what we knew about him was that he made rush duels in his time, somehow ended up on the past, and had to make rush duels to help prevent the valgerian's war. Seeing one of his friends inform him that the game he created, rush duels, also went through the same thing like in the real yugioh meta. Overly complicated, unfriendly to new players, and pushing out children who are the main demographic from the game. We both felt sadden for him finding this info out but it seemed like he was able to take it in a "Well that just means someone else has to come by and fix it again" sort of positive view. Not long after watching that episode I suggested we watch Sevens since this series is going to have more references and connections to it. That and there is context we are missing. So we did just that and I will say I am glad we watched it the way we did because it gave a unique perspective on both series. Watching Sevens we were able to see how the Go Rush counterparts are inversions to how each dynamic was different which was super cool. When we were getting to the ending of Sevens both of us felt the pain of knowing what was going to happen to Yuga. We kept thinking back to the Go Rush episode where he returns to his time and now that episode is more painful with full context.
Returning to Go Rush and watching Yuga's journey it truly sunk in that him going back to the present for a bit only to be told that what he did in the past did not change the present but in fact CAUSED what all happened was NOT good for Yuga to find out. Yugioh in 7 out of 8 series has always had the theme of going against destiny and being able to fight against it, Vrains being the exception, and how the main characters can prove the antagonists wrong in some way. Sevens and Go Rush seem to have more of the theme of "You can fight against destiny but there is a consequence to it and you may not like what that is". I vaguely know there are people who don't really sympathize with what Yuga did in the later half of Go Rush which like I can kind of get. However lets put ourselves in Yuga's position, shall we?
You are a 10 year old child who has been thrust into the past after trying to protect your creation from a man who wanted it destroyed. A creation that was made from joy and love of duel monsters. Trying to bring the game back to the demographic it was made for, children. Making rush duels simple to understand but also fun to play. You a stranded in a place that is both familiar and unfamiliar and you need to find a way back home. But you are stopped by a man and his crew who are demanding you to create rush duels. You don't want to do this, you know this could affect the past. But you overhear that his man's species have been fighting in a big war for a long time and that the conflict has not ceased. Dueling from your experience has brought people closer and you can communicate through to people's hearts to make them understand (a common yugioh staple about dueling) and while you may not know why this guy wants rush duels to exist or how he knows of them, you have hope that maybe this could help stop strife. Maybe making them this early wouldn't be so bad? That and maybe making it early that could mean you could change the past of dueling and therefore the future of it for the better. You not just do such but along the way meet the ancestors of people who look similar to your friends. But they aren't the same people which logically makes sense but doesn't hurt any less. They remind you of home, a place that now you have kind of given up going back to. But hey, chin up! Rush Duels ending up saving the Velgearian and ending their war! That's great, you DID have a positive impact! Making Rush duels in the past was for the better.
Wait, now these two random guys have created Maximums by turning people into cards? Uh, that is a lot worse than how they were originally made. You get turned into card and two whole years pass while you are in that state. But no worries, you know you can trust you ancestors and their Velgearian friend to solve this. It'll all be fine. You then get sent back to the present just for a bit to observe your friends. But going back you are told by one of them that Dueling became complicated and out of the reach of kids. What you did in the past didn't change it. In fact, YOU caused the same cycle to happen. You try to ignore that thought and tell yourself that it can be fixed, you can change this. You head back to the past promising you will return home...hopefully. unbeknownst to you, your presence is creating a rift between two best friends because of their feelings for you. Feelings you are unaware of because at this point you are a 12 year old boy. One of them is the ancestor of the six ceos of Goha company, a company that in the future creates duel monsters, while the other is the ancestor of the Mutsuba company that deals with construction and is of now the owner of the city. Where you came from the town was called Goha city, not Mutsuba, the descendant of Mutsuba talked about how her family lost power and how Goha took over everything. In the past both companies were super close but then everything fell...and that falling is happening before you but you aren't even aware of it. But well at least the Maximum situation has been sol-oh a prototype of the Velgearian species is causing issues? Great, okay that can be solved. While it does get solved...you find out that the Velgearian are dying and fast. They are being wiped out, but why? You thought they were immortal, what could possibly be causing their extinction? They are using their energy while rush dueling which is shortening their lifespan. The thing you created to help them is what is going to end them. You are responsible for their demise. But then you find out that proto-Velgearian was trying to find a way to stop this. That he was looking into a way to revive the Velgearian but that research stopped. Your friends are trying to complete his goal but you begin to put the pieces together and realize what is being made, Monster Reborn.
The card that began the domino effect of the destruction of Rush Duels in your time. A card that alters the memories of others. The card that caused strife between siblings where they decided to destroy rush duels along with each other. It is now sinking in how everything is repeating itself and how this could be your fault. You have to, no, you NEED to stop this. Even if it means hurting those you care about. Even if they see you as their enemy and you are alone, you have to do this. You have to destroy what you love, you have to become the person you tried stopping before coming here. You now understand why he was trying to stop you those years ago. What other option is there? You can't tell them why making this card would be bad because your Velgearian friend wants his comrades back. He won't listen. No one will listen. The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few as they say. You fight your ancestors tooth and nail only for the card to be used and now all three of you can see each other's memories. Your ancestors now know what all will happen. You loose against them and the card is now unleashed. You couldn't stopped it. Your duel caused a rift in reality to open where now you can go home but you are leaving behind a road of the damage you have caused. Made worse with the fact that Monster Reborn can't even revive the Velgearian which is why the proto-Velgearian stopped his research. Making the card was pointless, and trying to stop it was utterly pointless. Your fighting to change the future only caused it to happen. You have to live with that. But not just you, but your ancestors too.
I know this is the goofy card game show but what the fuck. I didn't expect Yuga to become one of the most tragic yugioh protags. Watching his desperation of trying to stop the pain that is going to happen in his time and in turn having to destroy the very thing he loves was just heartbreaking. Anyway, I hope whoever reads this enjoyed my ramblings on Sevens and Go Rush. That and I hope people who weren't sympathetic to Yuga try to at least understand my perspective and such. Though I tend to like tragic characters a lot so maybe that is why I am sympathetic to him.
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kiame-sama · 2 years
i need some yandere platonic relationships going on rn, any fandom you want to do! preferably either hxh or mha, any character
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- You are somewhat of an older sibling to them and they both had to learn what that role means to them.
- Killua has older siblings, but they are nothing like you. His siblings hurt him, berate him, manipulate him, control him, you don't. The way you treat him is kindly and with such honest affection which he never received from his family. You proved to Killua that you really did have his wellbeing in mind most- if not all- the time.
- Gon had no siblings and one concrete family member in his life, he is going to enjoy having someone fuss over him and watch out for him. They are both young boys going into adolescence and they are going to have terrible ideas that are going to need a referee. Even if you aren't as physically strong as Killua or Gon, they actually enjoy having you be so soft and affectionate towards them. They both find it funny when you go 'protective parent' mode and chew out some adult giving them trouble.
- They will not tolerate you being taken or leaving the newly formed family group. You are the older sibling, just keep giving the unconditional love you provide and they will do all they can to keep you with them. Killua does not appreciate cat-calling so if someone tries harassing you, they will die. Gon will make sure others don't get too close to you and no romantic interests are allowed.
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- When you came into his life as his dear little child, he was taken by surprise. You were an infant left in a bundle in a dumpster with a note, saying you were a monster. All might had been patrolling for villains when he heard your soft cries, aghast to find an infant left in such a way. It was the dead of night and he just wanted to make sure you were alright so he did as any good hero would and took you home for the evening.
- When he went to give you a bath was when he finally saw what the note was talking about. You had two short and stubby horns on your head, a forked tail, and two bat-looking wings on your shoulder blades. Naturally these were also small and fragile, you were an infant after all. The way you held to his fingers with your tiny hands gave All Might new purpose, to make a world that you could grow up safely in. He knows how some quirks are vilified from the start, and he couldn't let that happen to you.
- Going to school was something that didn't happen until you were around 9-10 years old. This is because your quirk was empowered by your emotions, so you truly did become dangerous when upset. All Might had trusted private tutors and mentors to help get your quirk under control. Only when you could somewhat control it were you allowed to go to school, and even then, you were dropped off by Sir Nighteye.
- All Might is very protective of you because you will be constantly targeted if word gets to the wrong person. You were set on becoming a hero and it almost gave him a heart attack when you first told him. The thought of you getting hurt or being hunted by villains made him want to lock you in your room to keep you safe. He struggles to find a way to keep you from becoming a hero or ever being targeted.
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- You are the light of your papa's life, and he will go out of his way to protect and train you. Much like your father Gojo, you inherited Infinity, so he was thrilled to know you would never be hurt. It did irritate him to know he couldn't put you in infinity because you could escape, but he would make sure you were so adored that you wouldn't need to be put in there.
- He is going to absolutely manipulate you into adoring him and always wanting to be with your papa. Everything he does is to make sure you don't leave him and you become a strong curse user like him. You are his child, after all.
- There will be plenty of teasing from him about if you have a crush when you are a little kid, but he will forbid you from dating unless he approves of the person you are going to be dating. His rules are simple; he can tease and bother you, no one else can. He won't tolerate a child or an adult upsetting you, but he will always poke fun and be a nuisance to you.
- The clans are aghast that Gojo had an illegitimate child but they are going to look past that because of your curse ability and value to the clans. Some believe that you will be just as bad or worse in behavior as Gojo and some believe there is still time to make you an appropriate member of the clan.
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xxthefairywitchxx · 4 months
Hyper Specific Poll Time
Is it too late for this? Has this trend died? Don't care, I remembered some shit I think would be fun to have in one of these...Some of these are so long I need to have the full sentences underneath. I'm a yapper with details, what can I say?
1*(Slight edit) When I say >3 I mean less than three years old, not less than three popcorn kernels. I don't know how many popcorn kernels were in my ears
3*Recently had to remove a LOZ wall tapestry only to find underneath a smaller, hidden Homestuck Kankri Vantis picture taped to the wall
4*As a six-eight year old, had to drag a very small baby cousin(10-14m small) out of a fire ant hill so they wouldn't die cause the adults weren't paying attention
5*Got incredibly attached to a cheery, sunshine anime protag when your depression was worsening, only to realize as an adult their character ark is becoming depressed
6*Once traded smutty art commissions(plural) of a woman and her husband for shiny pokemon(plural)
7*Once put up with a guy who sent you a dick pick long enough to get a version exclusive of a pokemon, then blocked him
8*Recently was being gunned for by an actual demonology cult because you happened to know some shit about demons
9*In high school had a class with your elementary school's ex-best friend's girlfriend and had a huge gay crush on her and melted when she gave you a decorative key
10*Unable to comfortably drink from a can unless you 1000% have a safe cover for it cause when you were a child you took a drink from your soda and got a mouth full of roach
Reblog for reach if you wanna
Also if you want more details about any of them, feel free to ask
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vivixrocks · 11 days
Guys, your money will go to save my family😔🇵🇸
Hello, I'm Eslam from Gaza, a mother of two girls, Hanaa, 5 years old, and Alma, 1 year old. My house, my car, and my husband's job were destroyed. I lost 11 people from my family in GAZA'S GENOCIDE and I cannot bear to lose more.
Imagine that my 5-year-old daughter surprised me by saying that she feels that she will soon die from a missile that will tear her apart.
Is it fair that my daughter dies while she is still dreaming of life?
Please donate any amount you can to save my daughter from extermination.
🍉‼️If you have $10 and you don't donate i you are participating in the extermination of my children‼️🍉.
🇵🇸🍉 https://gofund.me/a2ccf744 🍉🇵🇸
I hope that one day, your child, every child in Palestine will only think of the memories of fear and pain as something in the past and forever in the past. Tell Hanaa to dream of life no matter what, I struggled similar feelings and still do, wanting to do it, but always hold on to even the tiniest happiest moments. "I want to experience this again." , "I want to eat this again." Even if you are close to death hold on to life.
This family is also vetted.
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allyallyorange · 3 months
I don’t think you know genuinely how much you adventure time Hongjoong means to me. What’s his full story like in his head?
what’s his canon event pre and post ateez?
what haunts him? with his magic, is their anything that can genuinely make him terrifying?
He seems distant from the rest of ateez, does he show he cares? Do they know? or is he trying to prevent that?
what’s the thing that Mingi so special to him :>
just your adventure time Hongjoong. I’d read their biography.
Ok I can give some details off the top of my head!
He's the younger brother of the current Demon King at the time of the main story. Despite being a prince, he really never cared for taking on responsibilities and learning how to be in charge since he was the younger sibling, he likely would never have to be in charge ever. He was pretty spoiled and self absorbed, because not only is he a prince but he's the prince of what is essentially Hell. He never really "cared" for anyone. Affection and love and such weren't really openly showed in his family either, except for with himself and his older brother, who he's always had a good relationship with. They have friendly competitions with each other. Before he meets Mingi he had a pretty much entirely carefree life. About as much angst as a rebellious teen. Wanting his parent's approval but not wanting to have anything to do with running their realm.
Post canon he takes over as Demon King, he couldn't bring himself to kill his brother (the royal Demons cannot typically be killed. They live to 10000 and die, unless they are killed by other royal blood), despite everything, his brother is only this way because they don't care about others in Hell. Hongjoong has learned to care, and he cares about his brother too. So while Hongjoong needs to learn how to run the kingdom, he essentially has his brother in a cage, and he asks his advice on things related to being a King. It's a very complicated relationship because of course, The Demon King killed Seonghwa. And Hongjoong really liked Seonghwa, and he'd been under the impression he'd have several years to get to know Seonghwa better, so he feels lost when suddenly the other isn't around. Hongjoong has also never felt sad about someone dying before, so it's a lot of confusing feelings. Yeosang disagrees with the decision to keep Joong's brother alive, so their relationship stays at least a little strained for probably ever, though Yeo tries to understand.
Incasing Mingi in a crystal prison haunts him.
On that note, Mingi is special to him because Hongjoong had never felt real affection for anyone before. Or at least he never understood it. He likes his bandmates, he likes his brother, but if one of his bandmates were to disappear Hongjoong would replace them, in his mind, he's very far above them, as the Demon Prince. His brother and him were friendly, but not friends. Then he meets Mingi, who is like 10 years old, and lost and innocent. Mingi has no magic, Mingi is so small, he's basically useless. He would rank so far below Joong in his mind there was no reason he should've wasted time helping the kid get home. But for some reason he wanted to, maybe he was bored that day and just wanted something to do. Mingi was so endearing, the kid had a terrible sense of direction, and so did Hongjoong, so it took a really long time to find their way back to Mingi's village. In that time the kid went on and on about everything and nothing. Things he liked, things he hated. He fidgeted with Hongjoong's bracelets when he'd decided to cling to Joong's wrists while they walked. Mingi didn't know that Hongjoong was someone "special". He talked to Hongjoong like no one else ever had, he wasn't afraid of him, he'd even bluntly insulted the Demon's pointed ears and teeth, saying they looked funny. Mingi was just interesting to Hongjoong at first. He'd also never interacted with a mortal child before so it was very new to him. He keeps visiting Mingi and the kid is just so loud and bouncy, and then shy and quiet its hard for Hongjoong to keep up. Mingi clings onto Hongjoong, hugging him, tugging on his clothing, snagging his accessories, etc. No one has done that to Hongjoong before, and it's endearing. When Mingi gets cursed, Hongjoong takes care of him for several years until Mingi decides he'd rather be frozen forever than cause more damage. At some point in their years together, Mingi had said Hongjoong felt like an older brother to him, and Hongjoong decided that in turn, Mingi feels like a younger brother to him. Imprisoning Mingi was so hard for Hongjoong because it felt like saying goodbye to the only person in the world he'd come to genuinely care about. It didn't help that Mingi was clearly so afraid during the process. Even during the main story line, when they're both adults, Hongjoong still see's Mingi as a sweet 10 year old kid that showed him how to feel.
Hongjoong's powers include: soul sucking, body/mind manipulation, transformation (into his demon form. he might have another, larger, scarier, form that he almost never uses) and he can use dark magic. He knows like ancient spells that are not written in most spell books wizards like Wooyoung would have access to. (the crystal prison spell for example is not something that just anyone knows) Hongjoong needs a book to cast spells cus he can't remember the incantations (cus he never cared to study them). He's honestly not that great at magic like this, Wooyoung is better at dark magic than he is. The most useful power to himself is just that he cannot die unless someone in his bloodline kills him or he gets super duper old.
He is a bit distant to the others for a while, but he grows fond of them over time. He becomes quite close with Wooyoung, because Wooyoung is always being sent to Joong's shack for breaking house rules. Hongjoong, also becomes close with Jongho, as they spend time where it's just Joong, Hwa, Mingi, and Jongho. For months Seonghwa makes him feel nervous, so he tends to put distance between them, they have a push and pull relationship. Closer to the end of the main story he's more openly showing he actually likes the others. He's gotten closer to everyone, and he enjoys hanging out and playing around with them. It's not that he was trying to seem like he didn't care in the beginning, he just like. actually didn't really care that much when the other half of the guys show up. He just needs a little bit of time to get used to them!
Thank you for your ask!!
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scr33ch1ng · 7 months
There really is nothing on system littles. And what I mean is, despite how long I've been searching I can't find much that helps us actually raise a child. System hosts will mention it, sure, or they'll have a specific alter who is great with kids. But we don't have any of that, and I bet other systems are struggling with this too. So, I'm compiling what I've learned in the past year or so and sharing it as an attempt to help.
This is written from my experiences with my little brother, a traumatized headmate around 10 years old. This might not apply to everyone.
Traumatized children require constant reassurance. They might be easily scared or startled by anything, and hold irrational beliefs that everything will hurt them (me too buddy). They can be the most vulnerable and emotional part of a system. This makes them really important, and in a unique position. They DEMAND attention. Even if they are quiet, if they are dissatisfied, it will come back and bite you in the ass. They require patience and special consideration.
You have to make your child headmate feel safe and comfortable. This is easier said than done. It's a lot more complicated than simply buying some toys and watching cartoons. Children have emotional needs, we all do. They need to feel love and feel like they are part of a family. This is why communication is very important. Communication is different with every system, and we communicate via a variety of writings, pinterest boards, dreams, co-fronting, and more direct but vague ways of throwing emotions at each other, and asking questions and receiving a vague response. This is all to say that even if you literally can't hold a conversation, there is many ways to talk to each other.
In order to meet your littles needs you have to know them first. You can assume the basics, yes, but that will only get you so far. Children also aren't known for their excellent communication skills, so this is a process. My little benefits from a pacifier, which was easy to figure out. But it took longer to realize he also wants his own clothing, and he refuses to wear black because it's a color that is worn too frequently by other alters, and he needs to feel like his own person. This might be a bit ridiculous. A color is just a color, right? No one is going to die by wearing black. But to him it is very important, and he will be distressed if he is not wearing clothes comfortable to him.
And the way our system works is it's easy to feel another alter's distress, so there is no point in wigging a systemmate out for no reason. You want to work together to reduce stress. It makes an easier time for everybody.
Anyways. You will have to make compromises. You make compromises just by being a system. I adjusted our living space to be more "child friendly". I removed the animal bones we had on display. I don't buy decor that my child alter would find scary, even if it's a horror movie character I like, even if I think it's not that bad. If you can make your little feel comfortable even by one percent, it's worth it. I adjusted our room to feel more cheerful. I have a shelf of easily accessible toys. I decorated our house more with cute things. Fridge magnets, goodwill figurines, a printed photo of a puppy, anything to make your syskid feel like this is also their space will help .
This is all I have for today. Thanks for reading!
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Camp/Underworld Quotes #6
Koiyan, making exotic wines and meads: Be the wine experimenter they said. It'll be fun they said.
Cory, helping them bottle the wines: Wtf is a star fruit?
Koiyan, done with their pale white ass not knowing 90% of the exotic fruits they know: Questions later, bottling now.
Dionysus, seeing Koiyan make wines with ease: ...Are you sure you're not my child?
Koiyan, making rice wine on the roof: It's just the Vietnamese in me.
Other kids, getting wasted easily, looking at Koiyan: How come you're not a Dionysus kid and not drunk at this point?
Koiyan, been drinking since she was 2 years old: Experience
Other kids: How?
Koiyan: Vietnam has no legal drinking age. Kids start drinking usually at 10-12 there. My mortal step-father did.
Cory: Why rice wine?
Koiyan, taste testing the rice wine: It's what my area of Vietnam is known for.
Koiyan: When I die I want Cory to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time.
Zagreus: I'm gonna get my pilot's license. I've already got a driver's license and a cosmetology license, that's two of the big five licenses.
Koiyan: The big five licenses?
Zagreus: Driver's license, cosmetology license, pilot's license, fishing license, and… license to kill! I can't wait to get that one.
Zagreus, helping Thanatos dispose the bodies Koiyan made: You stole my Adamant Rail for this.
Koiyan: The alters wanted violence and Ares told us to help with the war.
Zagreus: What state do you live in?
Thanatos: Constant anxiety.
Cory: Denial.
Koiyan: Perfection.
Cyrilla, pointing to all of the camp: NEW YORK! WE'RE ALL IN NEW YORK LONG ISLAND.
Koiyan: I’ve become a bread crumb dealer to four crows at the lake. They pay me with a bit of everything. Like shiny things, fabric, or pens. But recently they paid me with a 20 dollar bill they found somewhere. So I decided to buy them some more expensive bread. They loved it. So they understand what to do. Give me money. I’ve probably racked up about 200 dollars at this point. Is it morally wrong though, I mean. They’re the ones who steal the money from others. Or perhaps they just have a big pile laying somewhere. Should I keep on doing this?
Cory: You sound like the start of a Batman villain.
Koiyan, now being flocked by crows: More like the crazy bird lady from Home Alone 2
Koiyan: I think you're still suffering the effects of your party last night.
Nico: All I drank was Redbull!
Koiyan: How many?
Nico: Eighteen.
Koiyan: I'm getting Will-
Cyrilla: Whose turn is it to give the pep-talk before capture the flag?
Koiyan: *sighing* Zagreus.
Zagreus, now hanging around camp and is now a camp counselor: Fuck shit up out there, but don’t die.
Cory: *wiping away a tear* So inspirational.
Cyrilla: *is hugging Koiyan*
Thanatos: Hey! It's my turn to hug Koiyan!
Thanatos: *grabs Koiyan*
Zagreus: *kicking down the door* What do you mean, "yOuR tUrN"? We agreed now is my time slot!
Cyrilla: No, It's still my turn!
Koiyan: *suffocating* Guys, I love you, but just because I'm the smallest doesn't mean you can be hugging me constantly!
Thanatos: But we need the moral support!
Cyrilla: And you're small! Which is cute!
Zagreus: If I don't hug you right now I think the depression will kick in and my body will stop functioning.
Koiyan: *close to tears* Well- I, I guess.
Koiyan, at the slightest provocation: I came into this earth screaming and covered in someone else's blood and and I'm not afraid to leave the same way.
Zagreus, knowing its her cycle: Want chocolate?
Koiyan, about to cry: Yes please.
Koiyan: *Plays Slender: The Eight Pages*
Koiyan, the only Asian in the group: *Jumps back* OH SHIT, IT'S A WHITE GUY!!!
Cyrilla: Do you mean me?
Koiyan: Not this time
Koiyan, to Cory: You're starting to forget your Spanish. You don't practice.
Cory: Lo siento. Estoy embarazada.
Koiyan: You just told me you're pregnant.
Thanatos: Congratulations Cory, you're glowing!
Cyrilla: Who's the unlucky guy?
Koiyan: Estoy rodeado de idiotas (I am surrounded by idiots)
Cory: Where's Zagreus?
Koiyan: Don't worry, I'll find them.
Koiyan, shouting: Thanatos sucks!
Zagreus, distantly: Thanatos is the best person ever! Fuck you!
Koiyan: Found them.
Thanatos, tearing up: Babe...
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jklovesfandoms · 2 years
Okay, so we all know about the (in my opinion, disgusting) theory that Noel is catfishing Mischa, right?
Have you considered, this theory/story that is my personal favorite? Even if I made it myself, lol.
Mischa Bachinski and Natalia Bolinska are two 10 year old best friends. Mischa Bachinski, a child raised by his single, sickly mother, Tamara, makes a promise to his mother who's been by his side, no matter what the world has thrown at her, that she will see him get married one day. That she will not die before she gets to watch her son have the most gorgeous wedding ceremony.
He makes a deal with his best friend since before diapers, Natalia Muruska Bolinska. They will marry each other, to make sure that Tamara at least gets that in her life. That she gets one glimmer of hope before joining her husband, and Talia's mother, in the afterlife.
Natalia Muruska Bolinska never knew her mother, and has been raised by her poor father, and by Tamara. She would do anything to make Tamara, who is essentially her own mother, happy before she passes.
They know they're too young to get married, but before the time they can, Tamara changes Mischa's birth certificate, and he gets adopted. Mischa and Talia never get married, and Talia, across the sea, keeps her best friend and fiance in the know about his mother's condition. And how it's getting worse and worse by the day.
On opposite sides of the world, the two best friends and lovers save as much money as possible, since they still have a chance to get complete a long time promise.
The day before Mischa is punished by joining the choir, Tamara Bachinski passes away in her sleep. Talia breaks the news, and Mischa weeps for the loss of his mother. It may be his adopted brother's (his cousin's, as he was told to say) birthday, but the communion wine he steals isn't just to celebrate a birthday. It's to mourn a mother that he will never embrace again, and a promise he will never keep.
The next day, he is punished, by joining the choir, and his teary eyes fall upon Noel Gruber. And Mischa's grief-filled brain is finally broken by a moment of love, love that he's only felt for one other before, his beloved Talia. So that's who he talks about, he introduces himself to the choir, and introduces Talia, as if she is standing next to him, and not preparing a funeral for the only mother figure she's ever had.
After a month of pining, and feeling guilty about sharing his love between two, Mischa messages his love, not only to check in on the Ukrainian girl, but also to inform her of his discovered feelings.
'My love, there is a boy in my choir, and I'm afraid of how he's making me feel'
It takes Talia a while to respond, but she does.
'How is he making you feel?'
Mischa pauses. How can he tell his fiance about him having the same emotions for a man he met barely over a month ago, and for her? He simply rips off the bandaid.
'I fear that I am in love with him, but I feel as though I barely know him '
'That's okay, my dear. Why do you fear love? You hold much of it in your heart, so why are you holding yourself back from showing it?'
Mischa pauses. His fiance has always made him stop and think, rather than rushing in like he's always wanted to. Talia makes him pause, just like his mother did.
'Because, my love, I am engaged to you, I am saving money to move back to Ukraine and marry you, in honor of Tamara'
'I know you are. But your heart is more than big enough to love two, so why are you stopping yourself from it? I give you permission to show care, and passion, my love. Even if you don't need it from me. You need it from yourself'
Mischa almost weeps, for Talia was right. He didn't just need permission from her, but he needed permission from himself. The tears pouring down his face, while he is collapsed in on himself, on the floor of one of the cleanest men's restrooms in the Saint Cassian Catholic High School, are all the permission he needs. But he checks, for he never wishes to hurt his best friend.
'So, are you okay with me pursuing love with him?'
He didn't realize that he had been crying for 5 minutes without responding to his fiance.
'I am fine with it under two conditions. One, what is the name of the man who has gripped my love's heart as much as I have? Two, what does that man look like?'
Mischa quickly replies
'His name is Noel Gruber, and he has the one of the most angelic face I've ever seen, besides yours, and my mother's, of course. Give me a moment, I may be able to find a picture of him.'
It doesn't take long for Mischa to find a picture of Noel on the school's website. Considering there's not that many programs, and the Chamber Choir only had one singing low voice before Mischa joined, it wasn't difficult. And as soon as he finds it, he's quickly sending it to his fiance.
'This Noel, is almost more gorgeous and handsome than you are'
And his fiance would never be more right. Noel Gruber is HOT, and that was clear.
'I am very aware of that, my darling'
'I approve of him. If you'd like to invite him into our relationship, I'd fully support, and I would love to talk to him, at some point'
Mischa was shocked. His fiance approved! She allowed! She wanted to talk to his crush!
'Thank you my love, I shall keep you informed, no matter what happens. But it's getting late'
It was very late in Ukraine.
'Goodnight my love, I shall message you again, when the sun graces my eyes.'
He reacted with a heart, and shut off his phone. He slowly realizes that he's been crying on the floor of a bathroom, in a school he hates, in a country he hates, for the past 24 minutes. Slowly, Mischa lifts himself from the floor, opens the door of the stall, and sees his dark red, teary eyes, staring back at him. He stutters towards the sinks, splashing himself with the coldest water the faucet can muster, trying to cool the redness on his face. Mischa Bachinski, in his long 30 minutes in the bathroom, builds a plan.
The next day, after a night of isolation in his adopted "parents" basement, Mischa walks into the choir room with a mission, and a plan.
He arrives before most anyone else does. Father Marcus (or as Mischa calls him, behind his hearing aid, Father Bitch) hasn't arrived, due to his old age and slow movement. In fact, the only other people there are Constance and Ocean. Mischa quickly grabs a chair to sit backwards on, and waits impatiently for Noel to arrive.
Finally, the clicks of crutches start clacking down the hallway to the choir room, and Mischa hopes that Noel is following beside them. Mischa's hopes quickly become fulfilled, when the angel that is Noel Gruber opens the door for Ricky.
"Ugh, I can't believe that I can't do that history project on France! It's picking a country and summarizing their history! I know French history!" Noel complains.
Mischa knows that project, due to having history much earlier in the day. He'll write about Ukraine, and how much Canada has destroyed his country.
"Noel! Angel, I am so sorry that you can't write about France. You'd write so beautifully"
Noel, was visibly shocked. The 'Ukrainian Badboy' who talked about nothing outside of how much he hated being here, and his fiance in Ukraine, was talking to him in a way that Noel has never heard before.
"Thank you, Mischa?"
Noel is extremely confused by Mischa's odd behavior. And Mischa is almost hurt by the questioning in Noel's voice.
Before either can even think of another thought, Father Marcus comes through the door, and forces the choir to start. Mischa continues trying to show his affection to Noel, despite often talking about his beloved fiance. Noel continues to be confused, and scared that Mischa is cheating on his fiance by the near aggressive flirting. Several months go by, and Talia gets many various messages from an increasingly frustrated Mischa.
'My love, I am approaching the third month of trying to capture Noel's attention, but I am not getting any closer! What am I doing wrong?'
In Ukraine, something finally clicks for Natalia.
'My darling, do you still mention me to the choir, and call me your fiance?'
'Why of course I do! You are my fiance, and one of the loves of my life! How could I not talk about you?'
And the final puzzle piece was placed.
'Have you told Noel that he is welcome to our relationship? That I am very fine, and happy that my beloved has more than enough love for multiple people? Perhaps he believes you are trying to cheat on me with him, so he feels uncomfortable acknowledging your attempts?'
And in Uranium City, Saskatchewan, Canada, a finished puzzle set is dumped onto a certain Ukrainian.
'oh. I don't think I did. That.... Would make sense'
'I figured something like that was happening.'
'I must inform him, thank you my love'
And out in Kiev, Ukraine, a young woman named Natalia, is smiling at the innocence that her fiance still holds.
The very next day, at the Saint Cassian Chamber Choir practice, Mischa pulls Noel outside during one of the short breaks that Father Marcus only gives to give himself a break from hearing.
"Noel, I'd like to apologize for the way I have been acting over the last 3 months. It was... Inappropriate, to say the least. I owe you an explanation."
Noel was shocked, finally Mischa would explain his weird behavior over the past several months of choir, and just in time for spring break of junior year.
"Yes! Thank you, I've been needing an explanation from you! You can't use me to cheat on your fiance!"
Mischa looks near ashamed at the mention.
"Speaking of my fiance, Talia. I have been asking her for advice over the last several months, and she gave me permission to ask you this."
Noel looks very nervous for the question he's about to be asked, and Mischa looks even more nervous to ask it.
"Noel Gruber, since the day I have set eyes on you, I felt emotions that I have only felt for one other before. I have asked that one, and she wishes for happiness and love to be spread, so will you allow me to take all the pain from your soul, and in the passion factory of my heart, transform it into functional joy, by becoming my boyfriend?"
"Mischa Bachinski.... Who knew you were such a romantic? I'd love to be your boyfriend! But I'd like to talk to your fiance. Make sure that she's okay with it still?"
Mischa is nearly overjoyed, leaping into a hug that looks as aggressive as a wild bear, but for Noel, is as sweet and soft as a teddy bear.
"Of course! Of course! Talia has been begging to meet you! Oh she's going to be overjoyed!"
Father Marcus forced apart their sweet moment, by calling the choir back together, but no one noticed the two boys in the back, holding hands with each other.
Anyways, that was very long, thank you for reading, lmao. (this was originally supposed to be like 5-10 sentences.... I think I went overboard) anyways, hope you enjoyed, and watch ride the cyclone!
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dsaf-confessions · 8 months
So like after making that I think Steven's tragedy is overlooked confession I realised it isn't just him but also everyone else . Including Jack & Dave the most popular characters in this fandom
So like Dee. She was a child. I think around 6 years old. Idk but Im sure she wasn't even 10. And she also died in her birthday??. So like imagine being so young going to a pizzeria to celebrate your birthday, and then, you get killed by a pink fuck, in a place you thought was supposed to be fun and harmless children entertainment fun. And then said pink fuck, FORCES your soul in an animatronic. So like you spend decades, trying to save other children so they won't end up like you. Jesus, she tried her hardest to save other children, to help give them their happiest day that was taken away from them at such young ages. But it was a cycle of failure. She couldn't save them. She was still, a child, like them. A child that was forced to mature at such young age. Can only do much. It's so fucking tragic. I love her I rlly wanna hug her.
Peter. People seem to say that he abandoned Dee and Jack. But I don't think he did. He just moved on with his wife. That's kinda what married people do. Just because he wasn't there, doesn't mean he outright abandoned them. If he had. I don't think Jack would had run off to his place for help after his and Dee's death. Or that Henry's line about his family dying just to get away from him, and that he meant more as a phone guy than he did to his family when he was alive. Would had affected him, if he actually tried getting away from them. He feels bad for not being there for them. I don't blame him. He was a working man. He probably COULDN'T be there at Dee's party cause of work. Fazbender's is a shit ass place to work at anyway. He still blames himself. For his family falling apart. For leaving. He spent many years slaved at Freddy's while also having flashbacks/memories when he was alive. Sounds awful. His suicidal outburst in the evil route isn't talked about enough. He wanted to die. If it meant he'd see Caroline again. Oof
Even Jack and Dave's tragedies are overlooked.
Dave's backstory is so messed that it actually makes me sick in my stomach. No kidding. (Not saying it's bad or anything) So I'd prefer to not talk too much about it. Hope you understand .But in a nutshell. It's about someone who never had any kind of love growing up desperately trying to get the approval/love of the people he loves. And even considers family. So much that he's willing to take any kind of abuse, fucked up experiments, manipulation and literally killing him. To be with them. Cause he never had any love. He thinks they care for him. And that's enough for him to literally cheat death and posses his own corpse, over, and over, and over again. Just to be with them. That he was willing to murder. For them. Cause they told him he was doing good. Jesus. It's messed up.
Jack's own tragedy, and blackjack's, he lost his parents and was left as an orphan to take care of his sister at an actually young age. I think he was in his 19-20s when that happened. In fact Im sure he wasn't even old enough to drink on the state he lives in. Which I think already explains how messed up his mental health actually was. And then one day he messed up. He left Dee and that led to her death. He tried to find her, to save her. It cost him his own life. He was dead, soulless, people didn't saw him as human. They knew him as the ' scary orange man/guy'. But he made a promise. It's sad, one of the very few times he's actually acknowledged as human. Is the dsaf 3 good ending. Aka where he literally did everything for everyone knowing that in the end he couldn't pass on and get his own happiest day. And blackjack's regret. It was so strong that it gave him the power to go back in time. Just cause his guilt to turn back the clock and save Dee was that strong.
I think people should start seeing dsaf as something more than just "haha funny orange and aubergine guys have sex in Vegas". There are so many other things to it than davesport. For a series that's as much of a shitpost as dsaf. It's actually filled with angst. And so much potential only for the fandom to focus only on one part of it.
Anyway hi.
Can you guys that I like angst by now?
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arsenicalikat · 6 months
TOWL - Finale reactions and Holy Shit.
I'm pretty sure we started out with Rick thinking, Fuck, I'm going to have to kill Pearl.
It was way too easy for Michonne to break in. Like way too easy.
Beale, not really a citizen? That's a strange way to put it. They only kill for food or compulsion. Right? What does that mean? Is that a question? Beale sharing his time with Rick, sharing the weight? What the fuck does that mean?
Of course, it was in the cat. Just for Michonne.
But also, all those pictures of Gabe- it kind of sweet in a it didn't have to be that way kind of way.
Lol, Michonne Bodied that soldier.
Beale making Rick take his prosthetic off means he doesn't know how Rick will react. I wonder if someone else reacted poorly to the briefing. And his talking about killing Claimer Joe is wild.
"THe soldier in question has never been someone like you." Hmmmmmmmmm??? What does that mean? Does he want Rick as his successor?
How old is Beale? He went to Nam, twice?
Ummmmm, the teddy? like the first episode? But also shows how brutal the CRM is. Like they are moving stuff and droped a stuffed animal. It makes you wonder how they got it? Why?
Child evacuation protocol? 14 years? 1,000,000 strong hordes? Evolution of the virus? He thinks they are saving humanity. He thinks they are the ones who beat the odds.
He sacrificed Philly to save PA. Such a hardship; it's not like they could fight and save them all.
(I'm only a little sarcastic.)
Only 10% of children saved? What the fuck?
He admitted to Omaha and Campus Colony. Wow.
So, they want to take over the CRP. They want to take over the world.
The walkie going off during the meeting was kind of great. Her walking out of the meeting can be so bad.
He wants Rick as the leader. I felt like that might be coming.
Is Rick really thinking about Killing Beale in his office? That is such a bad idea. I love that Beale took the gun and the prosthetic but not his knife.
Is Beale trying to get Rick to bring in Alexandria? You know that shit isn't real.
Swear on the sword... Holy shit! You know, I don't think Rick has ever not taken a beating in a fight until now. That was the hottest freaking Rick kill ever. My god, I want to watch that over and over.
Please don't have to kill that man in the elevator. You can't leave a trail of bodies that lead to you. Bro, a blood pool? an actual trail...
I love how they came to the same decision at the same time.
ah, shit, he saw the blood. Rick always gets the shit kicked out of him before he wins. That was brutal as fuck.
"Is this yours?" "What's in it?" lol, a body.
Is Pearl going to be the big bad in the next season- I really want a next season, like so bad.
This is the shit we do.
Why the fuck did he leave his hand behind? That is such a good weapon/tool. I mean, that sets up for the comic hook hand, but man, I really liked that hand.
The balls on them to do that surrounded by all those soldiers. Holy hell. They should be pissing their selves.
It took Pearl forever to realize who Dana/Michonne was. Like, she was supposed to be smart.
But using Beale and that soldier to pull the pins? That is freaking smart. Then Pearl coming in at the absolute wrong moment is freaking wild. She just fucked herself, there is no way Michonne will let her live.
The hand-holding was sweet, though.
How the fuck did Thorne live through that?? Is he going to kill her? Like actually? Is it like Shane all over again? He has to kill her like he has to. Fuck her up, Michonne!
Get that man a gas mask, please.
They took it to the CRC/CRP. They took down the CRM. Free movement established. It's done.
Awwww! Omg! It's their babies. It's Judith. It's RJ. Rick sees his baby! "I knew it, Dad." Awwwwww.
"You're the brave man?" I lowkey hated that. "You can call me dad." Awwwww.
Believe a little longer.
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