#you don't want an emergency dental bill
ericlare · 10 months
just curious cus i heard t increases muscle mass and fat redistribution. I know it doesn't change bone structure but still...
how do you deal with your tmj cus mine is killing me! :L mine is not painful per say but it does feel like I have a knot in my jaw and my ears are clogged all the time (especially in the morning)
So true, tmj pain comes from the muscles so T has gotta be doing something in there 😆
If you're anything like me, this is gonna be sad news, but. You have to wear a night guard. Every night. I know they suck, they're uncomfortable and kinda gross in the morning. But the longer you go without consistently wearing one, the worse the TMJ is gonna get, and some of those changes are gonna be irreversible.
Even if you don't realize it, you 100% are grinding/clenching your teeth at night. That's what's making your ears feel clogged, and it's going to get exponentially worse if you don't get on top of it. I'm talking intense jaw/ear pain, and even the risk of breaking your teeth.
Get some of these moldable mouth guards. Most drugstores will have them and they're generally pretty inexpensive, especially compared to the cost of the dental work you're protecting yourself from needing:
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Very very important note about these!!! Do NOT use the ones that just cover your molars!!!! BAD PRODUCT, EVIL BAD, should be illegal to advertise as a TMJ product!!! If you use these, you're only going to be training your jaw muscles to clench down HARDER:
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Like, bite your tongue with just your front teeth, and then bite your tongue using your back teeth. Feel how your jaw muscles are so much more activated when you bite using your back teeth? Evil
What my dentist suggested was using one of those moldable mouth guards and cutting it off at the red line, so that it's only covering your front teeth:
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Your jaw is going to be much more relaxed, and your molars won't touch each other at all. I also find it fits a bit more comfortably this way, so, hey
Other than that, regularly massaging your jaw is about all I've got in terms of advice 😭 The mouth guard is something that will prevent your TMJ from progressing to something much more serious, and that will help a lot with managing where it is now. Massage, try to relax, etc. If it gets real bad I'd see a doctor about it, they'll give you much more in-depth advice and maybe even prescribe a muscle relaxer.
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turing-tested · 10 months
I currently have $85 in my bank account bc the unemployment that I was supposed to have gotten 4 weeks ago is seemingly on permanent hold so I thought I'd offer my services: if you need help changing your name, gender marker, or getting started on HRT, I can help with that!
for $25 I'll find any forms you need, write up the process and make any phonecalls necessary!
if you want to go on HRT, live in the US, and need help figuring out what your options are or with making an appointment to get started, it's $15 as well.
i lost my job following a dental emergency, so following that I still have a) work I will need done, and b) bills, food, and other life necessities I need to pay for. if you don't need my services, considering donating to cover someone else getting access to these services I provide, or just donating in general!
dm me if you're interested, or want to make a donation on behalf of someone else. any amount helps. thank you so much in advance.
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dykeopathy · 1 year
fucking christ i didn't want to have to ebeg again but here we are
hi! my name is charlotte, or red. i am a disabled bisexual trans jewish system living in st louis, missouri, and i am engaged to another disabled bisexual trans system who also lives here. you know the drill, don't tag with risky tags and only donate if you're financially able (and don't feel bad if you can't!), but please reblog.
on top of the current political situation surrounding trans healthcare, i was in a bad car accident yesterday during a storm and our car has been totalled and my phone was shattered, and i had to go to the er (less than a week from when i had to go for an allergic reaction) where i had the worst medical experience of my life. we are a one car household and i rely on that vehicle for my job. our gas bill is also unexpectedly high, and i need to take my cat to the vet for a dental cleaning.
my mother is going to be helping pay for a new car and possibly repairs to my phone, and our emergency savings will also go towards this situation, but we are going to need help with things like paying groceries, feeding our cats, rent, bills, and more, as i will not be able to get tips from delivery driving which provide a significant part of my fiance's and my income. i'm going to try to raise $750, with a stretch goal of $1000. it's big, but anything we don't use on our immediate survival will be going straight into our savings to try to rebuild.
my pypl dot me is @/redactedarachnid, my vnmo is @/fagdykes, my fiance's pypl is @/gillibeann02, and its vnmo is theroyalratbot. (please ignore his deadname.)
thank you.
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ufoend · 2 years
∆ please help us
we can not afford any of our basic needs
i usually try to keep this as light as possible, but i have put this off for long enough that i have to post this. me and my partner desperately need help. we are just two gay people trying to make it alone here with absolutely no support system. *remaking because the first post died
who we are: im j (or jet), im 24 year old trans guy whose had this account since 2014. i married my partner in 2018, we even met on tumblr when we were younger, we've been together for years. my partner is disabled (diagnosed with autism and seizure disorder and others)
what we need: basic needs, help with vet care, dental emergency assistance and general support. our cat had an emergency surgery two years ago that means he needs to be on a prescription diet (hills urinary food) for his entire life. the vet suddenly said we need to bring him in again to get his prescription renewed and we cant order any more food for him until then, which he will not survive without, and he is not allowed to eat any alternative food without risking his life. we have less than half of a 8 lb bag of it which will not last him through the next month. with the vet, food, and ubers to get to the vet and to the only place they sell the food = 200
to try to summarize our situation, we were kicked out by family and made officially homeless for the first time last year. this is right after we moved across states (wa to az) to support my partners family upon their request, only to be subjected to abuse and kicked out directly due to homophobia in an unfamiliar state after a few months. this left both of us and all of our animals entirely homeless. we luckily have an apartment now but our situation isnt stable. we lost all of our belongings at this time, everything we had built, and have not been able to replace them as we have very fixed income. my partner is especially affected by this situation, as it was traumatizing, and they have just had to power through trauma after trauma because of poverty, more than i can say.
i also have severe and painful dental problems that are not covered by medicaid in az and i have no way to afford. this includes wisdom teeth, root canals, and many cavities that will turn into that crazy expensive treatment if i don't fix it. some may remember my post about this (+this) showing the work i need. i cant keep ignoring it, because they are worried about two of the cavities becoming root canals, and i want to prevent another infection, but thats at least 250 each i also lost a cap and need to replace it to save the tooth, but that's at least 600.
we are still not going to be able to afford rent in future months because our EBT was delayed last month and i had to spend money we don't have, and without student loan forgiveness, my partner will not have loans anymore so we are in serious jeopardy even affording rent, let alone bills. our pets (2 cats 1 small dog) also desperately need vaccinations, which is dangerous to keep going this overdue without with their health problems. our dog has also been limping for the past week and he needs to be seen when that is ever possible, at least 65 plus ubers.
any donations would go first to the vet appointment and cat food, then the other needs in order of priority. will keep updating this, i know its a lot and i really don't expect anything as i know it's well over 1000 for it all, i am begging for help with any of this.
we are both students, we are trying to work towards stability, while being stuck here. i do everything i can to bring in money to support us on my own. we make 200 less than rent is monthly. i am in school to become a caseworker so i am aware of a lot of resources in my area, and have applied for everything, but we can not do this alone which is why i have to ask for help. i am so sorry for having to do this but i appreciate any support that i do have because of this website. you guys literally save my life. helping out other poor people and getting helped out on here has been the most compassion ive ever been a part of. dollars, even pennies, worth of donations has kept my cat safe, has affected me in real ways. it actually matters to us, no matter the amount.
thank you anyone who reblogs, donates anything at all, or reaches out
p*ypal email (best): [email protected]
v*nmo: @tobler707
c*shapp: $tobler707
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copperbadge · 8 months
Radio Free Monday
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Radio Free Monday!
Ways to Give:
dryadgurrl has had to move house suddenly and unexpectedly after almost a decade in their home; they were laid off in January and haven't been able to find unemployment especially since most gig economy jobs require a car, and after being given notice they needed to vacate their home, the expense of moving ate up the rest of their savings. They're in stable housing but don't have enough to cover both bills and groceries; you can read more and reblog here or support the fundraiser here.
Anon linked to a fundraiser for ladyyatexel/Xel, who needs to raise about $700 to pay rent on the 15th; Xel is currently unemployed and needs funding for medication in addition. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here; Xel is also offering commissions (available at the tumblr link) and selling buttons and prints through an KoFi shop.
mid-nighttiger linked to a fundraiser for a friend, Katherine, a cosplayer (501st and Rebel Legion, among others) who was in a serious car accident and has had a gofundme set up for her medical expenses; you can read more and reblog Mid-Nighttiger's post here or support the fundraiser here.
shrewreadings linked to a fundraiser for artist and wildfire management student katy-l-wood, who caught COVID and needs some help to pay this week's bills; you can purchase from their shop here or support the fundraiser here.
chingaderita's partner's family house recently caught fire and completely burned, killing his grandmother and causing extensive property loss; they're raising funds in part to help support their partner, who is understandably in a bad place emotionally and isn't sure his jobs will take him back after taking time to deal with this, and they're also in need of money for medications. You can read more, reblog, and support the fundraiser here.
Yvette is a disabled single parent displaced from her home by flooding, and her cat Yumi has had to undergo $4K in emergency surgery; she is recovering well, but needs follow-up care that is difficult to afford on top of the surgery costs, even after help from a friend. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
Recurring Needs:
rilee16 is raising funds to cover utilities after having to use bill money to cover rent and late fees; Rilee also needs to be able to pay for medication. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
gwydion's very elderly car broke down in late October; the repair, to a cooling hose, has cheap parts but expensive labor, and ate most of zir budget for the month. Ze can't do without a car, being disabled, but can't afford to replace it either; ze's raising $280 to help cover bills and the repair. You can give via PayPal here.
gwydion linked to a fundraiser for Squirrel, a good friend who has recently lost his job and needs to raise about $800 to cover bills and food; Squirrel has had a lot of interviews and believes he will have an offer but won't start work until December. You can give via paypal here.
gwydion linked to a fundraiser for a friend, whose dog Rosie needs medical care, dental work, and special food; you can read more and give here at gofundme.
And this has been Radio Free Monday! Thank you for your time. You can post items for my attention at the Radio Free Monday submissions form. If you're new to fundraising, you may want to check out my guide to fundraising here.
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toastling · 19 days
I just love disability pay.
For those who don't know, I recently underwent surgery, and have been out of work since January in the lead-up to said surgery dealing with multiple infections and abscesses and healing in preparation. When I got put on temporary disability, I was told I'm good through June 31st and can call if I ever needed an extension. But on Friday near the end of the business, day I get an e-mail saying actually I'm only good until the 16th, and also, if I need an extension, I have until the 11th to call them and let them know to get the paperwork e-mailed. I figure "Okay, that's fine, they've been operational 7 days a week for any questions or corrections these last 6 months", except, for extensions specifically, they only operate on week days. Now mind you they only told me any of this in a single e-mail at the last possible second at the end of a Friday, so, there was no chance I could call them and get the paperwork sent over to have my doctor fill out over the weekend. The 11th is Tuesday. Since they won't handle this particular thing on weekends, I have Monday and Monday alone to call up, get the paperwork, send that paperwork to my doctor, and then send it back to them for approval. There is almost No chance that the last two steps are going to be completed in the span of Monday alone, especially since the surgeon in charge of my case is only in the office near me on Tuesdays, and only before noon, which means I'm going to have to try and get said paperwork to him to be filled out on a day he isn't even in town and insist it's rushed as fast as possible or I'll miss the deadline I didn't know I had until yesterday. It's like, incredibly obvious it's set up this way intentionally because America really doesn't want you to stay alive if you're disabled, even only temporarily, but Jesus Christ dude.
What's more, I've been making an entire third less what I should have been this entire 6 month period, forced to get by on $100 a week, because the way they calculate disability in my state is based on my prior 4 weeks of work before going on medical leave.
But as it happens, since I was chronically ill and was getting sicker than ever more often than before, I'd just missed an entire month of work just before the infection and abscess that took me out pre-surgery these past 6 months.
I'd only been back to work for 3 weeks by the time I was forced to go on leave again, and because I'd been out for so long before that and my schedule is created 3 weeks in advance, my manager had to finagle things a lot to squeeze me onto the schedule at all for those 3 weeks, so I was working WAY fewer hours than I normally did, meaning I was making less money than I normally would. And because I didn't reach that 4 week benchmark, that is what my disability pay was calculated off of, not what I actually, normally make in a week.
I've kind of just Let That Go this entire time because I live with my family still, so thankfully I've been able to get by on 100 a week by focusing solely on the most essential stuff, namely my personal groceries, and my family has been carrying me with any other expenses along the way, including medical ones (my surgery and bowel infections have been covered by my insurance 100%, but my dental emergencies which have also been going on continuously since January have not), but man, the combination of all this is just. Incredibly frustrating.
It should not be this difficult to have surgery and not, under ordinary circumstances, end up on the street during recovery because I can't work for X amount of months, but, you know, greatest country on Earth and all that. God bless the American healthcare and social safety net systems.
As an aside though, for anybody with more experience being on temporary disability pay than me - do you think it would be possible for me to appeal and get the money I *should* have been making this entire time this late into my claim? Because with the dental bills in particular, it would be nice if I could get the last 24 weeks of that missing third of my rightful pay to get back in the black with my dentist.
I was told it's NY state regulations, the whole prior 4 weeks of work calculation thing, but I do have extenuating circumstances there that impacted my paycheck. But like, would that even matter to these people?
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lizardlaw974 · 11 months
Emergency Commissions open!
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So, after a year of not using any vacation/sick days and covering for double the labor at my job, I found out that 3 of 5 days I asked off for my health won't be paid, a week before rent is due, bills are due, and a major dental surgery
I'll be missing $450 out of my paycheck
I currently have some slots open for illustration and animation work, you can apply via the form listed here, my discord at LizardLaw974, or my ko-fi listed here. If you want to help via other means, my ko-fi doubles as a tip jar;
Commission Prices/Form: https://forms.gle/naRqY2h7rfxB1js46
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lizardlaw974
I'm so sorry I ask for help so much. I wish my job had benefits, or at least would explain why after working my tail off with no break (even being forced to go in sick) that I don't have all the days covered. But this is a significant loss of money that I can't afford to lose ;;
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annekewrites · 7 months
"You're doing great! You're a real trooper!"
TMI medical/dental/etc. stuff and things that were traumatic for me adjacent to that beyond cut, jsyk.
Okay. So what you need to know for background sake is that I have not had ANY non-urgent/emergency medical anything done since...considerably before covid started, for Reasons that look like this, as I think of them:
Phone anxiety from hell - I can override it for work or in a real emergency but it's one of the worst mental spoon drains. Probably related to the days when phone calls not from family or my very closest friends were 90% bill collectors and 9% other stuff I really didn't want to deal with.
Fear of committing to an appointment, not being able to keep it for whatever reason, and then getting dropped by the practice - this happened to me once with the only endodontist who would take my insurance without, like, a six-month wait.
Multiple awful experiences taking kids to appointments and them not getting appropriate care, including but not limited to the time my son's former primary care doc wanted to prescribe estrogen-containing birth control pills to deal with menstrual dysphoria, the time we got kicked out of the ER with my daughter, and the time the other ER threatened to call CPS on us because we were supposedly letting our preteen kids drink hard liquor and watch porn (NO????????) instead of dealing with the reason we were there.
Multiple awful experiences my husband has had, including the time he had a hypertensive crisis but as soon as they heard he was on psych meds they assumed he was also using illegal drugs and possibly committing DV (no???), the time the "Wellness Management Clinic" told him to crash diet AND divorce me if I refused to crash diet with him, and the time the primary care doc's record office confused the Vicodin he got with his wisdom teeth extraction with an ongoing daily prescription.
The horrible unethical therapist I had 15ish years ago, yikes.
I'm a fat woman with adult-diagnosed ADHD, and my last primary care doc was all "you don't really need Strattera because your ADHD isn't that bad, you got to this appointment on time just fine!" (CLEARLY this woman had never heard of Appointment Mode. Sigh.)
Thanks to the above, I'm afraid of being seen as "doctor-shopping" or drug-seeking, as well as just getting yelled at for being fat and not having been to the doctor in way too long.
So yeah. I get my shots, I go to urgent care when something obvious needs urgent care (possible strep, the stress fractured foot earlier this year), but I haven't had regular anything done in way too long.
I figured the first step in dealing with this was to get back in therapy. So I found a practice that would book new patients online, and there I selected a therapist who is queer and a parent, because (as I said to them) "there's a whole lot I just won't have to explain!" And I wrote on my intake form that one of the big things I wanted to work on was my medical anxiety, because it is actively causing Problems.
Next, while bringing my son to get dental work done and noticing that he seemed very comfortable with that practice, I decided "since I'm in the waiting room anyway, let's get me in and get this party started, I know there is a mess in my mouth." And I've had the botched-root-canal tooth pulled, which was apparently a challenged, and half of my mouth has had the periodontal deep clean with the other half to be done in two weeks, plus a couple of fillings and prep and temp crowns for a bridge to fill in where a tooth was pulled before.
And the whole time I keep hearing that I'm doing great! And that's helping so so much tbh when I expect to just be yelled at and treated with scorn and that's...not what is happening. It makes me feel like maybe I can go to the actual doctor and have it not be awful, too?
I'm trying.
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ungalobrando · 1 year
Why you should quit purging not tomorrow, not now, but yesterday.
CW - Some hard truths about living with this kind of ED/addiction. Forcing yourself to throw up, medical issues and dental problems included.
I never see anyone talking about this ED very openly, so I figured it's time to change that. From the viewpoint of someone who's trying their best to recover, but sucks at it.
My resolution for 2023 is to stop purging entirely, and this most was mostly made for myself, but feel free to use it for your own recovery if it helps you.
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° It's highly addictive. I mean it, you'll be addicted to it before you know it. At the beginning you might say how? It's gross, and painful, and you hate it, but take it from me. I'm almost 5 years into it, trying to get myself to stop, and I struggle after every meal, even if it wasn't high in calories or whatsoever. There's always that thought in the back of my head, telling me that I simply could purge and I'd feel better. It's a struggle to force myself to stay near my family or friends after eating, or at least go for a walk until the urge passes.
° You will not lose weight. Your body is smart. If what you ate doesn't actually make you sick because it's bad or poisonous, your stomach will try to hold onto your food if possible. You will have to bring up great effort to expel it, it will be painful, you could bleed, you could get horribly dizzy, you will most likely cry, and even then? You usually only bring up only half of what you ate. Maximum. Regularly forcing yourself to throw up after meals slows down your metabolism. Your body desperately clings to everything it can get, like it's afraid to lose nutrients because of your habit. There's a good chance you will GAIN weight. And your cheeks become puffy from it.
° It ruins your throat and stomach. I developed Barrett Syndrome and GERD. I get stomach cramps and heartburn after almost every meal. There aren't many things that I can eat without experiencing pain for hours afterwards. Liquids hardly stay down which makes drinking water pure torture. If I have soup before bed, there's a good chance I could suffocate on it in my sleep because my esophagus simply doesn't close properly. I don't dare to leave the house without my hot bottle and my heartburn meds. It's NOT a fun life, AND it makes me want to purge EVEN MORE to cope with the pain.
° It ruins your teeth. The risks to your stomach and esophagus aren't enough to turn you off? What about your teeth, then? Do you like cavities? Do you like chipped teeth? Do you like painful, exposed roots? Inflamed roots without cavities? Inflames gums and sores? Root canals? Getting your teeth pulled? High dentist bills? Potential cancer? Your stomach acid isn't supposed to come out of your mouth unless it's an emergency for your body. Eating a few too many calories is NOT an emergency. After you purged, you should rinse your mouth with plenty of water, wait for half an hour, and then brush your teeth and use mouthwash if you can. Brushing your teeth immediately rubs in the stomach acids.
° It ruins your hands and nails. Well, it depends if you use your hands or prefer to shove objects down your throat. I usually want it fast, and I don't care about consequences in the moment, so my hands have to suffer. My knuckles are often sore from how hard I'm biting them, two of my fingernails are short and brittle, and the skin between those two fingers is extremely dry, no matter what I do. I often get inflamed nail beds. Oh, and even if you don't use your fingers, you can watch the object you use suffer from the consequences, too. Until one day, it falls apart in your hands.
° People smell it. No matter how much you wash your hands, no matter how well you rinse your mouth, food and stomach acid have a distinct smell and the people around you WILL smell it. The scent of vomit clings to your clothes and hair. It lingers in the air, and the next person who comes into the bathroom will KNOW. Do you want to carry the delicious smell of throw up with you? Do you want everyone to know that you shove your fingers down your throat? Your ED probably says YES, but ask yourself, do you really, REALLY want to be the person who always smells like vomit?
° You deserve better. A bit of a cheesy way to end this, but... would you want to KNOW, every time your best friend goes to the bathroom after eating? Would you want to know that your child throws up your lovingly prepared meals because they feel unworthy of them? Would you want to hear your parent throwing up every day and wondering when you'll have to start doing that, too? Do you want to count calories in the elder's home? Or ask your nurse how many calories are in your hospital food? Don't you think your life has so much more to offer than this?
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rametarin · 1 year
That Fujoshi has read too many bad romance novels. I'm not meaning to imply anything by this question but why not just tell your mom that you got a paycut and then squirrel away $50 or $100 a week under your mattress or in a new bank account? I imagine that you've thought of this already since you're pretty smart but I honestly can't think of why this idea wouldn't work. By the way, thanks for the response to my Alice in Wonderland math ask.
Because, had I a job, she'd be up my ass screaming about looking at my tax returns and insisting to "help" with my taxes. Under the usual threat of homelessness and police if she doesn't get her way.
I can't afford to leave with no buffer of cash to help me recover from the inevitable crash, and a few too many health issues to really risk it. so I don't.
It is impossible to keep any money from her because just as a course of living here she demands absolute involvement in anything I do that involves income, and then demands "her share."
Hell. I save holiday cards from a grandmother. I squirrel away that cash. But she knows that. And she considers that to be her money that I'm allowed to hold. I know this, because I purchased two books off the internet. She absolutely freaked out about this and then, lo and behold, she came at me the next week putting on a performance of how she was "overdrawn and needed money."
.. "How much?" I asked.
"Oh, how much do you have?" was her ominous reply.
I knew what this was when she said that, immediately.
I offered her $200 dollars.
Her response immediately was, "What? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. What?"
So I said it louder. "Two. Hundred. Dollars."
Again she feigned not being able to hear me and asked me to repeat- it was obvious by this point this wasn't an issue of "old bitch can't hear you" it was a dressed up "raise your offer."
She just sort of stood there aghast, started crying and screamed, "GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND MOVE OUT!!" Which is absolutely something you do after someone offers you $200 to help with a little "oopsie doopsie" bill she may've "overlooked."
Later on she came at me again and demanded I hand over all my savings, or consequences. She was absolutely pissed off that I'd DARE spend any of my emergency funds on anything but her, and wanted to collect that money and choice from me so I couldn't spend it on anything else again. She didn't want "a little money", she wanted over a thousand dollars I'd saved over 10 years.
Then later when I had a dental issue and needed the tooth filled, I asked her for that money back. She stonewalled. Told me instead to get a job (where she could then extract all my cash on penalty of leaving me homeless unless I cimplied) and pay for it myself, after taking what little savings I had.
Short of walk out immediately with nothing and nowhere to go but massive amounts of debt just to exist, and a ditch, I don't really have anything I can do. I really do not want a homeless shelter to be my one and only option. I put up with this bullshit solely because of the singular opportunity to try and study and learn my way out of poverty. The only problem is since she retired she has become an absolute attention demon that wants interaction with me as often as she can get it, and has a tyrant's view of engagement- someone that thinks you're engaged in a conversation with them from the minute they speak to you to the next minute they want your attention again, does not respect if you're doing something else.
I want you to imagine how painful it is to try and do math around someone that has the power to coerce you to get up and do some menial task, not because the task needs doing, but because they want to see you get up and make it your priority and do it.
And why? What is the point of interrupting someone whom is busy with something else? Repeatedly? Spacing out every intrusion and intervention to effectively play keep away with the person and what they're doing?
Oh. Because it's an authoritative way to distract and intervene. Because suddenly you manipulate the value of their time and absorb priority from them, so no matter how precious their time is, you're gobbling up that precious attention and seizing priority from them. It took me a while to really hash out why she is so obsessive about choosing the most inopportune times to want my attention and labor, but after testing it, she only really wanted that attention and action as distractions sandwiched between anything else I was trying to do- she didn't want this intense amount of attention between periods of unscheduled activity or inaction. It was only when I was trying to save time for myself that she decided, "no you ain't" and reserving and overruling that reserved time and space for herself.
So all my studies and practice are done with her thinking I'm just some bedroom NEET she "allows" to waste time playing videogames. If she thought I was actually learning anything I could use as an occupation, she'd be as antagonistic and time stealing as she was when I was trying to learn medical transcription.
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blue-kyber · 7 months
It's scary how relevant this is to my immediate struggles at rock bottom: in debt, was threatened by my roommate tonight that she'd kick me out if I couldn't pay past due rent caused by financial hardship that hit me like a brick, an emergency dental procedure I went through this afternoon to get two root canals and three fillings due to a bad infection that had the potential to kill me, and put myself into more debt. I
already suffer from depression and loneliness. For the past couple of years, I've taken antidepressants. For the past year, I've been on ADHD medication for a diagnosis I got a year ago, and I've been talking to a therapist. I had to go through finding help on my own alone because no one was going to help me, and I knew if I didn't, I'd lose. I'd lose everything.
I was denied a credit card by my bank yesterday even though my credit is good, and they won't tell me why. I have to wait to get a letter from them in the mail.
On top of that, this dental procedure terrified me. I'm afraid of the dentist due to a lifetime of traumatic experiences with dentists and orthodontists. While in the chair on nitrous (the last time I didn't have that and was traumatised by my first root canal completely awake), I had to imagine someone there with me so I wouldn't feel alone and could get through it. I'm still upset by that as I type this.
I'm trying so hard with my new job to catch up on overdue bills, but my roommate seems to think I can put money for savings. I told her I can't. Everything goes to rent, bills, gas, food, and trying to have some kind of enjoyment in life - like getting a coffee, or a new shirt that I usually end up returning.
I have a plan to get myself out, but I need time.
On top of that, I'm alone. I have no family here, and no friends that I can go to when I really need emotional support like a hug. Just a simple hug. That's all. I don't remember the last time someone hugged me long enough to pull the pain out.
I just started this job a month ago. I'm nowhere near getting out of this hole that just got deeper, and she goes and threatens me with eviction when I had a breakdown in front of her from stress. That's something I never do if front of people. She was blind to my obvious distress that I can't hold it together anymore. Not a kind word, not an 'I see you're trying,' not a hug. Nothing but accusations, 'but's, 'you need to's, and threats.
In a time when I'm faced with losing everything and need emotional support to bolster me so I can keep going, she threatens me with homelessness. I'm not trying hard enough. The song ADHD people hear all their lives, "just do better. just try harder." I want at least a little sympathy and understanding to keep me going, and my outstretched hand in the form of tears got slapped aside.
I want to scream. I want to cry. I want to curl up. I want to stop. I want to go out into the ocean and not come back.
But I can't. I'm terrified right now, but I can't. I have to keep putting on a happy face, smiling like it's ok, keep putting one foot in front of the other, keep going and keep trying.
I just don't know what I'm going to do right now. I don't know what my next step is. I have a long term plan, but I don't know how to survive the short term long enough to get there. And doing it alone...it's like being given an anvil and told to run through knee deep mud.
I'm not the kind of person that gives up easily. But dammit if I don't want to give up now.
All I've ever tried to be is the best person I can, to be kind, law-abiding, to look at the world through the eyes of others, to help people if I can, to care, to be a good person, and to use the gifts I was born with to help people have a better day. I've tried to do better, to learn from my mistakes, to grow. I try to be someone with a metaphorical outstretched hand to someone who needs one, because I know what feels like to reach out and find nothing. Over and over and over again. It hurts. I don't want other people to feel that.
Right now, in this moment in time, I just want to stop.
I don't want to die.
I want to stop.
I want to go somewhere where nothing can reach me - not money problems, or health problems, or job problems. Nothing.
I want to hand everything over to someone else for a while and just stop.
I want to go somewhere where I can heal enough to come back, take those burdens back, and keep fighting.
How the do you do that? How do you do what when you have nowhere like that to go?
I have to try to stay positive and kind. I know it'll get better.
I just wish I knew when.
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cosmosmiles · 10 months
Your Trusted Guide to Finding the Best Dentist Near Me
Finding the appropriate dentist is essential for dental health. Whether you've recently moved to a new area, experienced a dental emergency, or just need routine check-ups, having a trusted dentist near you is essential. This guide will walk you through the steps to find the best Dentist near me or in your vicinity, ensuring your smile stays bright and healthy.
Start with Local Recommendations: Foundation of your search
The journey to finding the best dentist near you begins with asking for recommendations from locals. Friends, family members, neighbours, and coworkers can provide valuable insights based on their personal experiences. Word-of-mouth referrals are often the most reliable, as they come from people who have firsthand knowledge of the dentist's services, staff, and overall patient experience.
Additionally, consider joining local community forums and social media groups where residents discuss their healthcare experiences. You may find detailed reviews and recommendations for dentists in your area. Collecting these initial recommendations will give you a list of potential dentists to consider.
Research and Check Qualifications: Putting Your Dental Health in the Hands of Experts
Once you have a list of recommended dentists, it's time to do some research. Check the qualifications and credentials of each dentist on your list. A reputable dentist should have completed dental school and hold appropriate licenses to practice in your state. You can usually verify these details on the dentist's website or by contacting your state's dental licensing board.
Don't forget to consider the dentist's specialization or areas of expertise. Some dentists focus on general dentistry, while others specialize in areas like orthodontics, periodontics, or oral surgery. Depending on your specific needs, you may want to prioritize dentists with the relevant expertise.
Click here 
Read Online Reviews: Real Patient Perspectives to Help You Make a Decision
In the digital age, online reviews are a valuable resource for assessing a dentist's reputation and patient satisfaction. Websites like Google, Yelp, and Healthgrades feature reviews from real patients, offering insights into their experiences. Pay attention to both positive and negative reviews, as they can help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of each dentist.
Look for consistent positive feedback regarding the dentist's professionalism, friendliness, cleanliness of the clinic, and the effectiveness of treatments. Conversely, be cautious of dentists with multiple negative reviews, especially if they mention issues with billing, long wait times, or poor communication.
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Consider Accessibility and Convenience: Dental Care Into Your Life Effortlessly
Accessibility and convenience are crucial factors when choosing a dentist near you. Consider the location of the dental clinic and how easy it is to get there from your home or workplace. Are there parking facilities or public transportation options available?
Furthermore, evaluate the clinic's hours of operation. Does the dentist offer evening or weekend appointments to accommodate your schedule? Dental emergencies can happen at any time, so it's important to choose a dentist who can provide timely care when needed.
Additionally, inquire about the availability of advanced technologies and services. A modern dental clinic equipped with state-of-the-art equipment can enhance your overall dental experience and treatment outcomes.
Schedule a Consultation: Having a face-to-face meeting to close the deal
After narrowing down your list based on recommendations, qualifications, reviews, and convenience, it's time to take the next step: scheduling a consultation. This is a critical phase of the selection process, as it allows you to meet the dentist in person, assess the clinic's atmosphere, and ask important questions.
During the consultation, consider the following:
- Communication: Is the dentist attentive and willing to answer your questions? Effective communication is essential for a positive patient-dentist relationship.
- Cleanliness: Take note of the clinic's cleanliness and hygiene standards. A well-maintained clinic is indicative of a dentist's commitment to patient well-being.
- Treatment Approach: Discuss your specific dental needs and ask about the dentist's treatment approach. Ensure that their recommendations align with your goals and expectations.
- Cost and Insurance: Clarify the cost of services and whether the dentist accepts your dental insurance plan. Understanding the financial aspect of dental care is crucial for planning your visits.
Your oral health is a vital component of your overall well-being, and finding the best dentist near me is a crucial step in maintaining it. By starting with local recommendations, researching qualifications, reading online reviews, considering accessibility, and scheduling a consultation, you can make an informed decision that ensures you receive top-notch dental care.
Remember that a great dentist is not only highly skilled but also attentive to your needs and concerns. Building a trusting relationship with your dentist can lead to a lifetime of healthy smiles and confident visits to the dental clinic. So, take your time, follow these steps, and rest assured that you're on your way to finding the best dentist near you for a bright and healthy smile.
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mossyinkynebulous · 11 months
Hold up, Mossy lore time because it came to me and it's slightly funny. Throwing it under a break since it's a bit of a read and I don't want to clutter my dash too much. CW for needles btw
So, my 4th grade year, I'd be like 10, I fractured my tibia at softball practice bc they were teaching us how to slide. Well my family had been planning to go on vacation to Balaxi that year, but since I was in a cast we couldn't go anymore. Our next option was to go visit my aunt in Montana, but she ended up having to get a surgery and so we just decided to go somewhere else. Our next trip destination was Arkansas. I think it was around Murfreesboro, Arkansas because we were going to go diamond hunting or something like that.
So I got my cast off a couple weeks before the trip, but was still using crutches until my parents forced my to go without them out in the park because I was babying my leg. Which I was slightly, but up to that point it still relatively hurt to walk.
Anyways, not the point. We were staying in a motel that we found the day we got to the town because the one we had booked didn't have their pool up and working, and my mom really wanted a pool. That's also not relevant, but like, bruh, it's a pool who cares.
So it's the morning before we were going to the park and my dad asked me if I had brought an epipen with us. To which I confidently answered no, but I brought a practice one.
For those that don't have an epipen or haven't seen one before, the package comes with two and a practice epipen that very clearly says practice on it and looks very distinctly different so you don't mess up in an emergency situation.
Well, my dad asked me to go grab it and double checked with me that it was a practice one. Then said something along the lines of that since I was so sure that it was a practice one to go ahead and practice.
So I took the thing and sat down on the bed beside him and went through the directions. Taking it out of the container, reading that you swing it into your outer thing so that it clicks and then hold it there for three seconds. And I followed those directions to a T. Except the last one.
What I thought had been a practice epipen had been the actual thing and so my 10 year old self, that was in now way in need of use for an epipen, jammed that thing into my leg expecting just to soreness of jamming a blunt object, only to be surprised when this thick long needle goes into my leg with the associated pain. And so in my surprise I yoinked it back out because I didn't need the medicine in my system and two that hurt and the action of pulling it out will make it stop hurting.
I vaguely remember my dad saying something about how I was supposed to leave it in for three seconds and then heckled me a bit about it. My mom, who was in the bathroom at the time, came out to know what was going on because I made a sound when the needle went in and then proceeded to heckle me about it. And we kind of joked about the thing after that and how I was preemptively ready to go.
Also, for anyone who knows how expensive those things are, because they are ridiculously overpriced, I was under really good state insurance that covered all my medical costs, basically. Like it covered my braces and the two different inhalers I took and all my other meds so we weren't paying anything for my medical/dental/optical bills. Won't go into detail about how I came under that insurance bc that's a little too personal of lore, but yeah, the state paid for it and the American healthcare system sucks.
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ufoend · 2 years
∆ please help us
we can not afford any of our basic needs
i usually try to keep this as light as possible, but i have put this off for long enough that i have to post this. me and my partner desperately need help. we are just two gay people trying to make it alone here with absolutely no support system.
who we are: im j (or jet), im 24 year old trans guy whose had this account since 2014. i married my partner in 2018, we even met on tumblr when we were younger, we've been together for years. my partner is disabled (diagnosed with autism and seizure disorder and others)
what we need: our cat had an emergency surgery two years ago that means he needs to be on a prescription diet (hills urinary food) for his entire life. the vet suddenly said we need to bring him in again to get his prescription renewed and we cant order any more food for him until then, which he will not survive without, and he is not allowed to eat any alternative food without risking his life. we have less than half of a 8 lb bag of it which will not last him through the next month. with the vet, food, and ubers to get to the vet and to the only place they sell the food = 200
to try to summarize our situation, we were kicked out by family and made officially homeless for the first time last year. this is right after we moved across states (wa to az) to support my partners family upon their request, only to be subjected to abuse and kicked out directly due to homophobia in an unfamiliar state after a few months. this left both of us and all of our animals entirely homeless. we luckily have an apartment now but our situation is still not okay. we lost all of our belongings at this time, everything, and have not been able to replace them as we have fixed income. my partner is especially affected by this situation, as it was traumatizing, and they have just had to power through trauma after trauma because of poverty, more than i can say.
i also have severe dental problems that are not covered by medicaid in az and i have no way to afford. this includes wisdom teeth, root canals, and many cavities that will turn into that crazy expensive treatment if i don't fix it. some may remember this (+this). i was only able to have a little bit of work done before we were homeless and one root canal failed. i cant keep ignoring it, because they are worried about two of the cavities becoming root canals, and i want to prevent another infection, but thats at least 250 each.
we are still not going to be able to afford rent in future months because our EBT was delayed last month and i had to spend money we don't have to afford anything, and now we are in serious jeopardy even affording rent, let alone bills. our pets (2 cats 1 small dog) also desperately need vaccinations, which is dangerous to keep going this overdue without with their health problems. our dog has also been limping for the past week and he needs to be seen when that is ever possible.
any donations would go first to the vet appointment and cat food, then the other needs in order of priority. will keep updating this, i know its a lot and i really don't expect anything, i am begging for help with any of this
we are both students, we are trying to work towards stability, while being stuck here. i do everything i can to bring in money to support us on my own. we make 200 less than rent is monthly. i am in school to become a caseworker so i am aware of a lot of resources in my area, and have applied for everything, but we can not do this alone which is why i have to ask for help. i am so sorry for having to do this but i appreciate any support that i do have because of this website. you guys literally save my life. helping out other poor people and getting helped out on here has been the most compassion ive ever been a part of. dollars, even pennies, worth of donations has kept my cat safe, has affected me in real ways. it actually matters to us, no matter the amount.
thank you anyone who reblogs, donates anything, or reaches out.
p*ypal email (best): [email protected]
v*nmo: @tobler707
c*shapp: $tobler707
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copperbadge · 8 months
Radio Free Monday
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Radio Free Monday!
Ways to Give:
fira211's sister, the single mother of a 5-year-old, has Stage 3 breast cancer and is currently unsure what insurance will cover in terms of treatment; they know at least some of the testing will not be covered but the rest may be subject to change. They're raising funds to help with treatment and other expenses; you can read more and support the fundraiser here.
inkstainedchocolateeyes linked to Ellery, who is raising funds to cover his top surgery; it's being billed in-network but he still needs about $7K for what insurance won't cover, and in addition is moving to a new apartment with all its attendant expenses. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
inkstainedchocolateeyes linked to phrawger, who is in her fifth year of fundraising for the charity Extra Life, which supports children's hospitals via game streaming. Phrawger is behind on donations due to the ongoing issues with Twitter, where she received was most of her historical pre-game donations. If she reaches $1.5K during the stream it will put her at $10K lifetime raised for Extra Life; she's also offering incentives and "enhanced" stream features for various milestones. You can watch and give at noon eastern on Saturday 11/4, running for 24 hours; you can read more and reblog here, give via Extra Life here, and join the discord to get updates here. (I usually vet all the links I share and while I did vet the first two and I'm sure the third is fine, I don't use Discord so I haven't checked that last one.)
Buy Stuff, Help Out:
bisexualbaker is offering crochet patterns of cute cats in exchange for proof of relief donations to Palestine and/or Israel; you can read more, reblog, see photos, and find out more about how to get your pattern here. (The post includes links for recommended nonprofits to donate to.)
uncle_cool is fundraising to cover future care costs for their cat, Drogo; Drogo was hit with an infection and has had to see an emergency vet. They've already covered the majority of his care bills, but will need help with further treatment expenses. Any excess above costs will be paid forward to cover care costs for other animals brought in to the emergency veterinary office. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
Recurring Needs:
just-juniper-joy is raising $390 to get through a lapse in emergency assistance; they are currently waiting for disability paperwork to go through and in the process of renewing the emergency aid in the meantime, but their county office is moving slowly, and they need to pay for medication, phone, and internet, as well as rent. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
rilee16 is raising funds after having to use rent money to pay their electric bill; their roommate, with whom they have had a number of issues, has been an ongoing issue and is also costing them money. They have caught up on October costs but now need to cover November; you can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
gwydion linked to a fundraiser for Squirrel, a good friend who has recently lost his job and needs to raise about $800 to cover bills and food this month. You can give via paypal here.
gwydion linked to a fundraiser for a friend, whose dog Rosie needs medical care, dental work, and special food; you can read more and give here at gofundme.
And this has been Radio Free Monday! Thank you for your time. You can post items for my attention at the Radio Free Monday submissions form. If you're new to fundraising, you may want to check out my guide to fundraising here.
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The Hidden Costs of Medicare Advantage Plans: What You Need to Know
As we age, our healthcare needs become more complex and expensive. After all, Medicare is a federal health insurance program primarily for people aged 65 or older. It helps cover the cost of many medical services. However, for some individuals, traditional Medicare coverage may not be enough. 
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Medicare Advantage plans, or Medicare Part C, offer an alternative way to receive Medicare benefits through private insurance companies. While these plans often come with additional benefits such as vision and dental coverage, they can also involve different costs than traditional Medicare.
In this article, we will discuss everything associated with the Medicare Advantage plan cost.
Monthly premiums
The most noticeable Medicare Advantage plan cost is the monthly premium. If you pull up a list of the plans offered in your area, their rates will be clearly shown on the summary page. 
Generally, the higher the premium, the better the coverage the policy offers — the equivalent of "you get what you pay for."
Getting a less expensive plan with less coverage is typically advisable if you're in good health and don't have many medical bills. But, a higher premium plan will likely save you money overall if you have big medical expenses most of the time because it will cover more of your costs. 
Check the plan's specifications to be sure it covers the medical expenses you anticipate incurring before choosing such a pricey option.
2. Deductibles
Deductibles are a common feature of medicare advantage programs. This sum must be paid out-of-pocket before the plan begins to pay for the relevant item. 
A high-deductible plan may be a good fit if you have an HSA or another emergency fund and small medical bills. High-deductible plans are typically less expensive than low-deductible ones. 
Just make sure you have enough money to cover your deductible for the entire year in case of a medical emergency.
3. Copays
Copays and coinsurance can make your medicare advantage plan much more expensive than you'd expect. A copay is the monetary amount that represents your portion of the cost of a specific medical expense. 
For instance, you might be required to pay a copay of $15 for visits to your primary care physician and $30 for specialty visits.
Coinsurance is similar, except it's expressed as a percentage rather than a dollar amount. For example, you might be responsible for paying 40% of the cost of any lab tests.
Copays and coinsurance can build up if you have a lot of doctor's visits, tests, and other medical expenses over a year. Remember, you are responsible for all costs until you reach your deductible; only then do copays and coinsurance start to matter. 
Calculate the copays and coinsurance based on how commonly you utilize the linked services before deciding which plan to choose for the year to determine whether it truly offers a better value.
4. Review your plan annually
Every year, you must choose a plan for the following year during the open enrollment period. Before deciding, check your current plan and compare it to others in your area, even if you want to continue with it.
Every year, Medicare Advantage plan costs might change, making it possible that your current plan is no longer the best option for you or that a new plan that is even more suitable has come into existence. Thus, it is important to take some time to research prices and coverage before enrolling in any plans. 
Understanding the Medicare Advantage plan cost is crucial to making an informed decision about your healthcare coverage. With the right knowledge and preparation, you can choose a medicare advantage plan that fits your budget and provides the necessary healthcare coverage.
Murray Talks Insurance can help you get the best Medicare Advantage plan according to your needs and budget. Visit our official website to know more. 
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