#you do not have to buy anything taylor sells
fitsinthepalm · 7 months
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finelinefae · 5 months
you & I (prince!h)
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synopsis: harry is a royal in love with a serving girl
word count: 5.7k
contains: fluff , nothing crazy I don’t think
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Y/N was a simple serving girl. An orphan by the age of twelve after her mother and father died of influenza, she learnt to live alone and did so graciously. She knew that there was no point in arguing with the forces of life and so she spent much of her time doing small jobs in order to buy a small something to eat in the evenings and keep a roof over her head.
"Y/N, where have you been?" Maria looked at her wide eyed with hands on her hips as she wiped the sweat from her brow.
After a long time of searching for a permanent job, Y/N met Maria at a local market in the town centre of the village. She was at her worst, begging for scraps of food or something that would stop her stomach from rumbling for at least a little while. Maria was kind enough to offer her a tangerine and a job at the Duke's mansion where she would be a serving girl for as long as she could.
She didn't earn a lot but it was enough to get by and she even managed to save up enough to buy a little cottage home outside the town where she had her very own vegetable patch and an apple tree in the front garden.
"I'm sorry Maria, I came across a stall at the market and they were selling fresh loaves of bread. I thought it would be perfect to serve for the Duke with his breakfast." She placed the brown bag on the kitchen counter and took out the loaf of bread.
"Y/N my darling," Maria shook her head, she was use to the girls antics and couldn't help but let it slide. Maria was unmarried and couldn't have any children of her own so, in her eyes, Y/N was a gift sent from heaven and she cared for her as a mother would for her own child. "Pequeña soñadora." (Little dreamer) She wiped the dirt from Y/N's cheek and kissed her forehead.
Y/N grinned and grabbed her apron off of the pegs where the other servants would hang up their aprons as well. She sat on the bench close to the back door where she replaced her small, battered, brown pumps with black, lace up shoes which has a small heel to them.
She grabbed the trays of food which would be served to the Duke for his breakfast. "And what mood is the Duke in today Anthony?" Y/N leaned over and smiled, Anthony was the Duke's servant and was always giving updates on how the Duke was acting.
"The usual my sweet," He says, "Make sure you put a few more raspberries on his pancakes, might do the trick in cheering him up." Y/N nods and carries the tray to the dining hall, Ariana and Taylor following behind her.
They two double doors creek loudly as they're opened by the doorman. Y/N curtsies in front of the Duke and Duchess, keeping her head down as she brings them their breakfast. "Your breakfast my Lord." Y/N speaks, clearly.
"Thank you Y/N." The Duke addresses her and awaits for his plate of breakfast to land in front of him. Y/N takes the plate of raspberries and pours a few more onto his pancakes just like Anthony told him too.
Suddenly, the double doors open again and the sound of clicking shoes against the marble flooring catches Y/N's attention. She looks up as she reaches to grab the pot of tea and makes eye contact with a set of piercing, green eyes.
"Good morning father, sorry I'm late." Harry Styles, son of the Duke, a Marquess, enters the room and sits down in his usual spot opposite his mother.
"And what is your excuse this time boy?" The Duke responded, Y/N's body temperature changing from being so close to the Marquess.
"It was a perfect morning for hunting, took Banksy out with me and went out into the forest." Y/N pours tea into the Duke's mug before walking over to Harry, her pulse raising with every step she took.
"Did you catch anything?" The Duke feasted on his breakfast as he spoke, food getting caught in his greying moustache.
As Y/N poured the tea, her heart hammered against her chest when she felt Harry move his hand to brush against hers. She had a steady hand but was close to pouring the hot tea all over him.
She looked down at Harry who was still looking at his father, pretending the interaction didn't happen but she knew exactly what he meant by it.
"Will that be anything more my Lord?" Y/N asks, it was usual protocol.
The Duke says nothing and waves her off, giving her the signal to leave. Y/N leaves the dining room but doesn't hesitate to turn back and glance over at Harry who's already smiling right back at her.
Breakfast was over and Y/N was given a five minute window before she had to help make lunch. She reached for her coat and wrapped it around herself, looking over her shoulder before walking outside through the back door.
Once she had reached her destination, she looked around and was elated to see the head of brown curls walking towards her. His lean, long legs walking hastily knowing she had such a short amount of time to talk.
Without a moments hesitation, he picked her up and spun her around in his arms, a giggle eliciting from her lips. "Oh my beautiful girl." He grins, happiness apparent in his appearance. "How has it been just little under twenty four hours since I last saw you yet I have missed you ever so much?"
Y/N bites her lip, she could already feel her cheeks aching from a want to smile at his words. "I missed you too Harry." She leans forward and pecks his cheek but he shakes his head, leaning into her and placing his lips onto hers.
"I'd die happy, right here with you." He pulls away and looks at her so deeply into her eyes.
Y/N frowns, her mind was always plagued over the fact that her love with Harry was forbidden. She was a mere serving girl in a house that belonged to Harry's father and would soon belong to him.
"What's wrong baby?" Harry rubs his thumb under eye, feeling her skin beneath his touch.
Y/N nuzzles her cheek against his hand, "Do you ever wonder what life would be like outside these walls?" She murmurs, admitting her desires all of a sudden.
"What do you mean?" He looks at her confused.
"Harry you know there is no possibility for us to be together within this kingdom. Your father is a royal and you are too, as much as you hate to admit it," The more she spoke, the more Harry grew frustrated by her words because as much as he detested the true state of their relationship, he also knew it was true. "But out there my love, there is so much for us, so much we can do. I've seen it."
Harry knew of Y/N's past, she had told him once on a night she would never forget. The night they had their first kiss under the stars in the garden that she adored spending so much time in.
"What are you suggesting?" He knew what she was suggesting but he also knew his little love was so full of dreams and it hurt him knowing she had no way of reaching them considering her class.
She felt her lips turn downwards slightly but she tried to smile, her expression bittersweet knowing she was off in one of her daydreams again. "I'm not suggesting anything Harry, it's merely a dream I have. I know your duty lies here with the Duke and you will live out your life in this mansion where you will marry a rich, beautiful woman and have plenty of children who you will pass the name down to. Whilst I, a poor serving girl, will be at your side until my last dying day."
She tried to pull away from him, the words upsetting her no matter how true they were. She felt Harry grip onto her arm softly, not wanting to hurt her but wanting her to stay. "My sweet girl what on Earth are you talking such nonsense for?" He spoke, "You know I've never wanted to be Duke and the only beautiful woman I will marry is you. You and I will have plenty of children which we will pass our name down to and we will be at each others side for eternity, long after death."
Y/N smiled at his words, imagining the life she could have if his words ever came to life, but they couldn't. "Harry-"
"Baby," He interrupted her, "run away with me."
Her lips parted in shock at what he was suggesting. She shook her head in much disbelief.
"You have no idea what you are saying." She speaks as if she wasn't suggesting it a few minutes ago.
"Oh I know exactly what I'm saying," He smiles, cheekily and pulls her into his embrace.
She looks up at him, resting her head on his shoulder as she whispers into his ear, "The life you'll live Harry, it's nothing like it is here. There are no servants waiting on you and serving you three meals a day. We may not know if we'll even get breakfast let alone supper and we'll have to run away from the village. You'll be missing and the Duke will have no one to give his title to, the Styles name ending with him. Think about this."
"My love I have spent many nights thinking about this, I spend all my nights dreaming of a life with you where we don't have to sneak around to be together. We can live somewhere far away where I can touch you," He runs his fingers down her arm and goosebumps arise, "Feel you," He whispers so close into her ear and digs his fingers into her waist and she gasps but doesn't halt his actions, "Worship you." He kisses the spot under her ear.
"You'd give it all up for me?" She wonders, in awe of the man she was falling in love with.
"I'd give up my life for you." His lips brush against hers, moving in closer to get a kiss from her.
"Y/N?" Maria called from the kitchen.
Y/N pulls away from him, knowing her five minutes were up and she had no choice but to go back and help the other servants. "Your leaving already?" Harry sighs, holding onto her hand so tightly she couldn't let go.
"Lunch is soon to come around so I have to help out in the kitchen." She wished she had more time to spend with him. "Are you still coming over tonight?" She had been excited about tonight considering she and Harry had been planning it for the last two weeks. He was planning on coming to her cottage since the Duke was leaving after lunch for formal duties at the crown court. He wouldn't be back until the morning which gave Harry much opportunity to sneak away and visit her in her little cottage.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world baby." He kisses her passionately before she can leave.
"I love you Harry." She whispers.
"I love you more and don't forget about what I said." He calls after her as she runs back to the kitchens.
She walks in through the back door in a daze, holding her hands to her heart and looking up at the ceiling. Being with Harry always felt like a dream.
She could feel someones eyes on her and looked forward to see Maria glaring at her. She shook her head after they made eye contact, "Estas entrando en aguas peligrosas pequeña soñadora." (You’re entering dangerous waters, little dreamer)
Y/N bit her lip and brushed her off. She knew what she was doing by being with Harry but she wouldn't give him up. She had done that far too much throughout her life and she wanted to be selfish just this once.
Lunch came about quicker than expected and the kitchen was already starting to get hectic as the servants plated up the food for each member of the family. Y/N was preparing the wine which she was going to serve and listened as Maria spoke to the other servants.
Anthony came in to alert everybody that the family were already waiting for their food and everyone picked up the trays of food. Y/N smiled, feeling giddy about seeing Harry after the conversation they had this morning.
The doors opened and she could already see him sat in his usual seat beside his father and opposite his mother. Y/N realised they had caught them mid conversation, her ears perking up to hear what they were talking about.
"Harry, are you prepared for the ball this Saturday night?" The duchess asked, a smile overcoming her features.
"In all honesty mother, it's barely crossed my mind." Harry sighs, his eyes glued to Y/N as she pours the wine in the duchess' glass.
"Well I've had Gerald go to the town to buy your garments. We need to looking spectacular since it's the perfect opportunity to find you a bride."
A loud thud catches the family's attention, their eyes diverting to Y/N who's picking up the jug of wine she had dropped on the floor. "I'm so s-sorry My Lord and Lady." She curtsies, apologising to them profusely.
"It's perfectly alright dear." The duchess places a hand on her to calm her down.
She ignored Harry's eyes on her as she got back to serving the wine. "I've already told you mother, I will do no such thing as finding a bride." He speaks.
"Nonsense Harry," It was the Duke's turn to speak, "We all agreed you would find a bride before the sixth month which is vastly approaching."
Y/N could feel her heart slowly breaking, Harry had never mentioned any of this to her. The sixth month was only a month away which meant they had little to no time in finding a bride.
"You cannot force me to marry father." You could hear the tension in Harry's voice as he tried to control his anger.
The Duke scoffs, "I think you'll find that I can because I am your father and above that the Duke. You are a Marquees Harry, you will be taking my title and carrying on the bloodline so, yes, I can force you to marry."
The servants were trying to go about their business knowing of the rise in tension in the room but Y/N couldn't ignore what was going on. Harry was going to find a bride and he didn't tell her of the short amount of time he had to find one.
"You and mother have always said to marry for love - I cannot force myself to fall in love with somebody." The Duke ignores Harry's words so he looks to his mother for help but she shakes her head, trying to stop him from angering the Duke even further.
Harry looks over at Y/N again, he knew she was hearing every word the family was saying and his heart felt heavy when he noticed the glassy look in her eyes as she kept her head down to avoid him.
Unable to control his rage, he hits his closed fist against the table, the entire thing shaking and startling everyone around him. "I have done so much for both of you, taken part in every duty you have signed me up to when you both know I'd rather die than keep my title. The least you could do is accommodate my one desire of refusing to marry someone I do not love." He spits, eyes filled with fury at both his parents.
The room is filled with an eerie silence with nothing but Harry's heavy breathing as the servants stand away from the table to one side, keeping their heads down.
Finally the Duke looks up at Harry, "You will be at the ball this Saturday night boy." Harry doesn't bother staying to hear the rest, he stands up and storms out of the room. The Duchess turns to the servants and apologises in a flustered state at the actions of her son.
Lunch was over before it had even begun and the servants had no choice but to clear up the plates which were still loaded with uneaten food. "Unbelievable." Ariana muttered under her breath, it was never fun when they had slaved away in the kitchen only for their food to go un-eaten.
Y/N was too far in her own head to respond, trying to mentally heal the heartbreak she was feeling after the whole ordeal at lunch. She carried the cups away with her and left the room to deliver them to the kitchen.
As she was about to turn the corner, she felt a tug on the end of her dress and was startled to see Harry, sympathy in his eyes. She could tell by the look on his face that he wanted her to follow him and, as much as she tried to fight herself, she followed him.
Harry pulled her into a vacant room that wasn't often used regularly. Y/N stood with her arms crossed waiting for him to talk. He paced back and forth and Y/N made no effort to calm him down even though she could see the torment across his features.
He finally looks at her, "Can I kiss you please?"
Y/N doesn't get the chance to say anything before he walks over and cups her face in his hands, kissing her lips. Y/N melted into him like she did every time. No matter what was going on between them, he never failed to make her feel so wanted and that was something she never often felt growing up.
But she couldn't deny the incessant reminder in her head that even though she was wanted now by him, she may not be in the future. After Saturday night he could make someone feel the exact same way and she refused to put herself in a situation like that.
"Harry," She pulled away, "Don't come over tonight." She hadn't even realised she had started crying until she wiped away a stray tear from her face.
She forced herself out of his embrace and turned away from him. She could hear him calling her name from behind. However, she knew Harry was stubborn so she had no choice but to be the one to walk away.
It was for the best. They had both always known that their relationship was doomed from the very beginning and now was the time to accept that.
Y/N walked home in the dark after a hard day at work. She carried a whicker basket with a loaf of bread inside that Maria had kindly sneaked her after supper was served in the evening. Considering the day she had, she was glad to have a little something to look forward to.
At the sight of her tiny cottage, her shoulders relaxed. She was so happy to finally be at home and away from everywhere else where she had time to think to herself. She immediately walked to the kitchen to heat up the loaf of bread and prepare a vegetable broth to have for dinner.
As she was about to add in her chopped carrots, a knock sounded at the door. Her eyebrows furrowed when she tries to this of who could be here at this time of day. She walked to the front door and held her ear to it in hopes it would give her an idea of who was there but it was impossible to make out any sound.
"Y/N it's me." Her breath caught in her throat when he spoke, her mind dividing her opinion of whether or not to open it for him. "I just want to talk to you, I-I want to explain everything and I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but you have to believe me when I tell you all of this is what my father wanted... All I want is you."
Y/N was holding onto the door knob as she listened to him speak until one choice outweighed the other and she opened the door to reveal a sad looking Harry. He was a disheveled mess, his hair all over the place like he'd been running his fingers through it over and over in frustration.
Despite the flash of guilt that came to her, she stood her ground, crossing her arms and glaring at him. Harry couldn't help but grin as she tried her best to look angry, he knew she wouldn't hurt a fly. "You're so cute." He says, not caring how angry she was. He was always going to compliment her no matter what mood she was in.
"Did you follow me?" Y/N wondered, he had never been to her home before which was why tonight was so exciting for them.
"Maybe or maybe I asked Maria." He shrugged. "Can I please come in?"
Y/N wanted to keep him outside so he wouldn't think she'd forgive him so easily for not telling her about the deal Harry had with his parents but she was cold and tired and her soup was still on the stove. So, she moved to the side and allowed him entry.
Harry's face softened and he thanked her as he passed by. Y/N released a sigh and lead the way to the kitchen where she walked to the stove and went back to making her soup. "Your home is perfect, exactly how I thought it would be." Harry speaks, admiring the simplicity and cosiness of the home, wishing he had something remotely similar.
"Exactly how you thought it would be?" She wonders, smiling to herself since her back was to him.
"Mhm," He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, she couldn't help but sink into him. "Soft and pink." He murmured, "I'm sorry Y/N. I know I should have told you about the whole thing with my mother and father but I never thought it mattered when my plan has always been to run away with you."
Y/N turned around in his embrace and looked at him confused, "What are you talking about?"
"Baby, since the day I met you you had me wrapped around this tiny little finger," He held up Y/N's hand and pressed a kiss to her fingertips before placing it to his cheek so he could feel her soft skin, "I've always had dreams of running away with you, living a life of simplicity with just the two of us and maybe a few little ones too." He placed his hand on her belly and butterflies swarmed under his touch.
"You're crazy, you heard what your father said Harry. Maria likes to call me a little dreamer but she has yet to meet you," She pushed him away and turned back around to take the soup off of the stove.
"Why do you act like this isn't something you dream of as well." Harry was starting to get annoyed with people telling him that what he desired wasn't achievable.
"Of course I have dreamt of running away with you many times and-"
"The let's do it," He steps in front of her, picking up both of her hands in his, "Let's leave this place and be together."
She could see the true desperation in his eyes and she wanted nothing more than to say yes, "W-we can't."
Harry stepped away, "Why? Why can't we?"
Y/N looked at him and felt the flood gates fall open, tears running down her cheeks, "Because I am in love with you Harry." She confesses, having never confessed it before, "I am so in love with you my heart could burst and it's that exact reason I have no choice but to give you what's best. Maybe in another life, where class wasn't important and being poor was no longer a cause of death, we could be together but I love you so much and I want nothing more than for you to have everything you need."
Harry was speechless. "Y/N," He reached for her, pulling her into his chest as she cried. He touched her so delicately, looking into her eyes and seeing the love and heartbreak twirling around together in an achingly beautiful dance. "I love you too."
She sobbed even harder and kissed him on the lips, "Thank you for loving me so strongly my love but you have to understand, I don't want to be the next Duke. Not because of you or anyone else, it's a feeling I've had for as long as I can remember. My whole life I've been told what to do by my father and mother but you were the only person who saw me as something other than a Marquees. You've been the only thing I've needed to know I need to take control over my own life and so I need you to run away with me. Please, Y/N."
Y/N had been fighting hard for so long, knowing what was best for him and knowing how many problems this would cause if she were to say yes. She was tossing between her mind and heart but her heart was always going to win, it always did. "When?" She whispers.
Harry exhaled, feeling an overwhelming sense of relief. He kissed her so fiercely, harder than he had ever done before. They were finally going to get what they had both dreamt of, "Tonight. I've already told Maria and she's asked her husband to get us as far away from here as possible."
"You spoke to Maria about this?" Y/N was surprised Maria knew this was happening and even more surprised she was willing to give them money for their escape.
"It was the only way for me to know where you lived." Harry confessed. "You'll have to leave all this behind but we'll find a home and make it ours."
Y/N's heart warms. The soup was long forgotten about now as she ran about packing a small bag of her most valuable possessions to take with her.
Harry nodded in reassurance at her and lead her outside where he already had a horse waiting for them. It would be their main source of transport until they could got to the harbour where a boat would be waiting to take them away.
"Are you sure of this Harry?" She wanted to double check before they carried out the life changing decision.
"I've never been so sure of anything in my life." Harry says and helps her onto the horse. She glances back at her cottage. It was bittersweet leaving it behind, it was the first home she purchased in her whole twenty three years of living after being homeless but now she was going to be living somewhere new with Harry and money wasn't something she had to worry about for the time being considering Harry had bought a few valuables of his own for them to sell in order to start their new life.
They reached the harbour just as the sun was starting to rise. Y/N jumped off the horse and ran over to Maria who was arguing with her husband over something to do with the safety of the boat. Maria opened her arms when she noticed Y/N running towards her, "mi pequeño soñador." Maria teared up, "Be safe my love and don't forget to write to me."
Y/N nodded, crying with Maria who had been the only person before Harry who had always been there for her. Maria's husband was going to be taking them to the next border so they would be far enough to find somewhere to hide away.
"Baby," Harry reached out for Y/N's hand as he stood on the boat waiting for her.
"Thank you Maria for everything." Y/N cried and took Harry's hand, glancing back at Maria.
She waved to her as the boat began to sail away. She was sat in-between Harry's legs with her back against his chest, "I love you." He whispered, kissing her cheek.
"I love you too." Y/N responded, looking out at the sunrise feeling excited for her bran new life.
. . .
Four Years Later.
The sun shone through the window as it began to rise. Y/N felt the warmth from the sun rays hit her bare back as she lay in bed in the softest, white sheets. Harry ran a finger up and down her spine as he watched her sleep.
He pressed his lips to her bare shoulder and up her neck, "Are you hungry sweet girl?" He whispered.
Y/N smiled and nodded her head, slowly opening her eyes and meeting his green ones. Before Y/N had the chance to reply, the door to their bedroom creaked open and in waddled a their little baby.
"Mmmmaama!" Marie squealed, wearing nothing but a pullover around her waist. She was three years old but looked a year younger, she was born pre-mature and since Y/N was already quite small, Marie was tiny.
Harry's head fell onto Y/N's bare chest as he let out a groan, wanting time with his beautiful wife which was very rare considering they had a very clingy toddler.
"Dada no!" Marie tried to crawl onto the bed, clinging onto the blankets in a tight fist to try and pull herself onto the bed.
"C'mere Ri Ri," Harry chuckled, picking her up and placing her between Harry and Y/N.
"Maaamaaa!" Marie squealed and reached for her mother.
"Good morning little dove." Y/N kissed her chubby cheeks.
Harry smiled, he loved watching his girls interact together. "Hey Ri Ri, wanna come with dada to pick some fruit from the garden?"
Marie squealed, not really understanding what her father had said but agreed with him anyway. "Let's go cherry, let mama get dressed." He kissed Y/N on the forehead before grabbing the baby.
This was their life now.
They had ran away together four years ago and it was the best decision either of them could have made. For a while, both Y/N and Harry struggled to make a life for themselves. They were staying in a small hut as Harry went to work on a farm whilst Y/N worked at a local food shop.
They were so close to giving up in that moment but Harry was prepared to keep his promise of the life they both desired. They ended up travelling further down south after saving up enough money to buy a permeant place to live where they found a small cottage.
After a while, Harry had found a job on a job which gave him enough money to get by. Y/N also had a small job working three days a week at a hat shop but a year later she fell pregnant with Marie so for now she was only working twice a week.
There was no word on what happened to the Duke after Harry's disappearance. Both Y/N and Harry tried their best to avoid any talk of the Duke and Duchess but it didn't stop them from hearing rumours in their local town.
Y/N got dressed into one of her favourite dresses Harry had bought her for her birthday two years ago. She put on her boots to go outside where she saw Harry, wearing nothing but black trousers and boots as he held Marie who was now dressed into something besides her pullover.
She walked over to them and pressed her hand to Harry's bare back, catching his attention. Marie was picking apples off of the apple tree that had even planted in their back garden before they had bought the house.
Marie held up the apple to Harry, "That looks perfect Ri Ri," She giggled and put the apple in the brown basket.
"Marie decided we were going to have pancakes with fruit for breakfast." Harry updated Y/N.
"Oh that sounds wonderful." Y/N kissed Marie and then stood on her tiptoes to kiss Harry.
"You look beautiful." Harry says, his compliments never failing to make her blush. "Can we have another baby?"
Y/N laughed but he was completely serious about it, "Harry-"
"Let me put a baby in you." He pouted, "It'll be fun!"
"Fifteen minutes for nine months of pain? Sounds like fun to me," Her pregnancy with Marie was really difficult and swore her off having kids for the rest of her life.
“You know it’s a lot longer than fifteen minutes thank you very much.” He pinches her sides, "I won't force you because I know it's your body, m’love but just know whenever your ready I'll be right here to fulfil your wishes." He smirked and Y/N nudged him.
"Mamaa look!" Marie held out her chubby hand that was full of raspberries.
"Wow dove! Can mama try one?" She crouched down and opened her mouth for Marie to place a raspberry. "Delicious." She hummed and Marie giggled.
Y/N stood up and looked to Harry, "Maybe we can have another baby."
Harry grins, "I'll call Estella." He says, referring to Marie's babysitter.
He wraps one arm around Y/N's waist as they both stand and watch Marie picking berries in the home they dreamt of having together. He kissed her forehead, "I'm glad you ran away with me." He speaks softly into her ear, happy with the life he finally got to choose.
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back2bluesidex · 10 months
Afterglow - JHS
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Pairing: Husband!HoseokX Wife!Reader
A follow-up drabble of Girl Crush
Theme: Angst, arranged marriage au, hurt to comfort au, little bit of fluff
Wordcount: 1.6k+
Request: "Afterglow with hoseok. Where the reader and hoseok had a fight, and hoseok walked out, which left the reader thinking about the argument. thank uu💓"
Summary: Hoseok looks at you, smiles at you, and makes conversations with you unlike Yoongi. Hoseok’s eyes are full of warmth and adoration for you unlike Yoongi. Hoseok feels for you, unlike Yoongi.
Based on Afterglow by Taylor Swift.
Warnings: angst, reader was previously divorced, argument, some annoying aunties, mentions of divorce, past relationship, broken marriage, that's all
Minors are not allowed in this blog!!
A/N: You guys are really persistent. Most of you wanted a follow up of Girl Crush. But I had 0 mind of doing so. So, I turned this request in a drabble and made it into the part 2. Hope you guys like it. And no more parts will be added to this.
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If there are 100 people in this room right now, then 80 of them want to be at your place, in your shoes. But you would sign your soul to the devil to be anyone else other than yourself. 
You are not being cocky, neither ignorant… you just can’t take it anymore. 
Being rich doesn’t mean you are the happiest person in the world, but quite the opposite. At least in your case.  
Being rich means losing your right of loving a person and being loved by them as you are nothing but a pawn that is to be exchanged at the right time through the right deal. 
Being rich also means you will be traded again and again even if you are a worn out, old, rugged piece because there would be someone always trying to buy you at the lowest possible price. 
That’s how you landed on your second arranged marriage (as if the first one had not broken you enough), your second husband and this is the second time you feel like you are falling and breaking, crushing your soul, exhausting your emotions to its extent. 
Three years ago you got married to Min Yoongi, someone you loved and someone who loved someone else. 
It’s been two years since you divorced Yoongi. It’s been two years since you walked out of his home with a broken heart.  
Yes, your love life certainly didn’t gain anything out of your and Yoongi’s broken marriage but your father gained what he was promised with.
For a year, you tended your broken heart, your insecurities, you made yourself believe in the fact that you indeed deserved to be loved. Just because your first husband didn’t love you, doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. 
Just when you were at the peak of your healing, your father decided to sell you off once again. This time to a larger empire, holding more power, more wealth and endless benefits for your company.  
“It’s only been a year since my divorce, appa! How can you sell me off once again?” You had cried, screamed at your father for the very first time in 27 years of your life.
“Dal, Mr. Jung made the proposition. He said you have caught his son’s eyes! How could I say no?” he reasoned. 
You didn’t say anything more that night. For once you contemplated running away somewhere far from all of this. But your rationality didn’t allow you to leave your old father embarrassed and helpless. So you stayed.  
And, this is how you ended up here, tugged at the side of Jung Hoseok, your husband. 
Hoseok looks up at you with apologetic eyes and you know he is sorry. 
This is one of the thousands of differences you have found between your married life with Yoongi and your married life with Hoseok. 
Hoseok looks at you, smiles at you, and makes conversations with you unlike Yoongi. Hoseok’s eyes are full of warmth and adoration for you unlike Yoongi. 
Hoseok feels for you, unlike Yoongi. 
But the question is do you feel anything for him? You don’t know. 
Or maybe you do but you are way too afraid to start feeling again, to start loving again. 
“But darling, why her? She divorced her previous husband within a year!” Mrs. Lee, one of the shareholders of Jung Group of Companies, exclaims in her high-pitched voice. Even though she’s trying to keep her voice as low as possible, or at least pretending to do so, you can hear her clearly.   
The hold of your drink goes tight. Mr. Kang is complementing how good you are looking tonight but you can barely hear anything. All you can hear are the taunts that the old snitch is throwing at you. 
“Mrs. Lee, it’s business.” you hear Hoseok saying and all of a sudden everything around you turns dark. 
You whip your head to meet Hoseok’s eyes but he is avoiding looking at you. 
Within seconds your vision starts blurring. So, the impromptu dates, the youtube recipes, the sweet gifts, that luxurious honeymoon, those late night beers.. Everything was for business? 
You were wrong the entire time you thought you had seen love in Hoseok’s eyes? 
All.. all of it was business?
Or was it pity? 
Hoseok knows everything about Yoongi and you. Is that why he treated you kindly?
Your life feels like a lie and once again.. You see your hopes crumbling down like a house made of cards. 
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“Why?” you throw your purse on the couch and stand abruptly in the middle of the living room. 
Tears stream down your face. You successfully suppressed your anger for the better part of the night but it is impossible to do so anymore. Since you and your so-called husband are alone now, he better answer your questions. 
The tremble in your voice hints Hoseok that you are crying. He takes long strides and reaches where you are. 
Placing a hand on your shoulders, he turns you around and murmurs, “Y/N? What-” 
He tries to wipe your tears away but you swat his hand, “why were you always so kind to me? Why? Because it’s business or is it because you pity me?” 
“Y/N.. No. it’s not what you think. I told her-”  Hoseok tries to hold your trembling form with both of his hands but you push him away as harshly as possible. 
“You told her because it’s true. All of those gifts and dates and dinners.. Everything, everything was a lie!” screaming at the top of your lungs, you break down. 
Hoseok runs towards you, tries to hold you in his embrace. 
“Don’t.. Don’t fucking touch me!” you seethe through anger. Hoseok retreats. 
“Okay, I won’t.” He replies calmly but you can see his eyes filling bit by bit, “but just so you know, you were never business for me. Mrs. Lee only shut up because I said what she wanted to hear and she is not a family or a friend so I would have to explain the truth to her.” 
“No- don’t. Don’t lie!” your voice comes out harsher than you intended to.
“You think I am lying because I said something insignificant to someone insignificant just today but what about everything I did to make you realize how I feel for you?” Hoseok’s voice trembles. And it hurts you but you are hurt as well. 
“You don’t feel anything for me. And you, too, should know that I don’t and won’t feel anything for you.” your heart breaks at the lie you throw at your husband but the way tears run down his face.. It instantly makes you feel like a criminal. 
“Is that so?” he asks, sniffing once, “then.. I should leave you alone.” 
Before you can register what’s happening, you hear Hoseok walking out of the door and shutting it loudly enough to signify his departure. 
And then you start wailing, loudly. Your cries fill the empty space of your apartment as you realize you are all alone once again. 
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Staring at the moon always brings you solace but tonight it doesn’t. Your mind keeps playing whatever happened a few hours ago and how hoseok left the house. 
He has always been so kind to you, from the very first day you two met at a charity gala, some five or six years back. You didn’t really acknowledge his presence much as you were always busy admiring Yoongi from afar. 
You remember Hoseok once saying that he looked at you while you looked at Yoongi. You were not sure what he tried to mean but that was the first time your heart took an erratic pace in a while.  
A phone suddenly starts vibrating, pulling you out of your thoughts. But it’s not yours. Your eyes find the glowing object near by the door. It’s Hoseok’s phone, which he probably dropped on his way out. 
When you reach the object and pick it up, the screen glows again. There are a couple of notifications, which you clear for seeing the background. 
It’s a photo from your honeymoon. The photographer ajussi forced you to stand closer and place a sweet kiss on Hoseok’s cheeks. He blushed hard that time. 
Sobs start spilling from your throat as soon as you realize what you have done, what you have lost. 
You blew things out of proportion, you put him in jail for something he didn't do. You unloaded all of your insecurities on the man who only loved you.
Clutching his phone on your chest, you start crying again. It’s you who burned things down. It’s you who hurt Hoseok. And now you have lost him, really lost him. 
The door clicks open, forcing you to look up from your crouched position. 
“Y/N..” it’s him, it’s your man, it’s your husband, Jung Hoseok. 
He walks towards you but then remembering something he takes a step back. 
His eyes are red. You know he has been crying just like you.
“I- I forgot my phone-” 
Before he could end his sentence, you leaped at him. You hold him tightly in your embrace. Hiding your face in his chest, you cry, cry and cry. Hoseok holds you back and starts sobbing with you. 
“I love you. I fucking love you so much that it hurts, Y/N. It hurts when you don’t understand, when you turn blind eye.” He says as he strokes your hair softly. 
“I- I was afraid, Hoseok. What if I was wrong again. What if- what if you didn’t-”
“I always did, Y/N. I have loved you for a long time. I loved you when you were a bachelor and I loved you when you got married. I loved you when you divorced him. And I loved you when we took vows. I still love you and I always will.”   
“I love you too, Hoseok.” you finally confess and it feels euphoric. You must have found utopia where the person you love, loves you back. 
Hoseok leans down, seals your lips with his and now you know… You have found your forever. You have found your afterglow. 
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ist4rgirlo · 1 year
─ 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 - 𝐜.𝐟 : 𝐈𝐈
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Summary: Now that your life has turned upside down, are you still willing to put your siblings' feelings first? Or would you rather fight for your feelings and do what makes you happy regardless of the consequences that might result in the future?
Prev ; Next || Conrad Fisher x fem!reader || My blog
Warnings: S2 SPOILERS! panic attacks (lmk if i missed anything!)
Belly's Pov
Me and Jeremiah decided to go to Aunt Julia's house — just to try to talk to her, maybe we can do something — maybe we can stop her from trying to sell the house.
We even decided to buy her flowers as an offering. As we arrived to her house, I took a deep breath and decided to hop out of the car —Jeremiah following behind me. I walked towards the door with Jeremiah beside me before ringing the door bell.
Aunt Julia opened the door before saying "Can I help you?" she asked. Jeremiah walked towards her and hugged her "Hey Aunt Julia" he said smiling — before pulling away. "Uh uhm Conrad told me you were here"
Aunt Julia looked at Jeremiah "Oh Jeremiah" she paused "and you are?" referring to me "I am Belly, Belly Conklin. Laurel Park’s daughter, Susannah's bestfriend" I told her smiling gently — giving her the flowers that I was holding.
"Oh wow, it's been so long" she said, scratching her forehead. "Uhm, we just wanted to say hi and maybe talk a little bit" Jeremiah chuckled before looking at her and smiling.
"Look uhm if its about the house, I'm sorry. It's decided" Aunt Julia said — smiling gently. Jeremiah's mouth frowned.
"Uhm we're actually doing an open house tomorrow."
"You.. you have to know how much that house means to Jeremiah and Conrad. That was their place, how-how can you let go of such a-a magical place?" I asked Aunt Julia.
"I remember her calling it that" Aunt Julia paused "But i-it's not personal" Jeremiah looked at her — brows furrowed "I bet" Jeremiah smiled sarcastically.
"I'm sorry, I have to go back to work" Aunt Julia said before closing the door. I looked at Jeremiah — I place my hand on his shoulder and patted it. We walked towards the car and drove off.
"I'm sorry, Jere" Jeremiah looked at me "It's okay, we cant really change someone's mind" he said — placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Where'd you guys go?" Conrad asked — his hair wet, he was wearing a surf suit. "We went to Aunt Julia's house" Jeremiah sighed.
Conrad face started to fill with hope "H-how did it go?" I looked at him "She's sure about this, Conrad. I don't think we can change her mind." I said -- he nodded before saying "Ofcourse"
It seems like the news that we were here in Cousins have spread fast as Taylor and Steven are on the way here. Apparently, me and Taylor were bad at lying thats why Steven knew about it immediately.
I hoped that Y/N was with them but Steven said no. He tried to push her to go but she said she need to do much more important things, I just miss her. We all thought that this news would make her come here but we were wrong.
Conrad and Jeremiah decided to talk to their dad. “Dad should be calling soon” Conrad said, informing Jeremiah.
“Do you guys want to talk to him alone?” I asked — not wanting them to be weirded out that I was there. “I-I can wait upstairs.”
As Jeremiah sat down, Conrad looked at me before saying “You helped me and J get this far. Plus its your house as much as it is ours” he smiled gently. I sat down as the phone started to ring.
We did everything, everything to save the house. Nothing is working, their dad is just letting it go. He just kept on sayong that it was legally Aunt Julia’s — it seemed like he never cared for it, for the house.
As the call ended, Taylor and Steven arrived to the house, surprising Conrad and Jeremiah. They were confused about why we looked down — I forgot to tell them that the house is on sale.
“We’re losing the house” Jeremiah said, sighing. “They’re putting it up for sale”
“Oh Cinderbelly” Taylor said as I stood up to hug her.
Conrad’s Pov
Here I was again, looking for her. Trying to see if she came with Steven and Taylor but no. She hasn’t even responded to my text. Maybe she’s busy.
I walked towards Jeremiah, sitting down beside him. “Hey” I said, patting his shoulder.
“You know, I thought I could convince dad. I thought we could” He sighed.
I nodded and sighed “I thought so too.” chuckling a little bit.
“It’s just.. it feels like everything is slipping away and-and the house is the only thing - the last thing tying us together” It was true, it did feel like it — we didn’t expect that we’d get together like this, that we’d be complete because of this reason.
“We’re not giving up, Jere” I looked at him shaking my head “We’re going to do something about it, I don’t have a plan. Not yet but I’ll do everything, we’ll figure ig out together.” I told Jeremiah. He nodded.
“I-I just hope she’s here, she’s the only one missing Connie” Jeremiah said — referring to Y/N. She just made everything less worse for everyone, I hope she was here too.
“Me too, Jere. Me too” I paused “You know, we should hang out tomorrow. Just all of us staying here for open house, that’d be a good plan” I chuckled
Jeremiah chuckled then nodded “Yeah we should definitely do that”
As me and Jeremiah got done talking we went inside the house and decided to hang out with the rest. They all sat down in their own places. “So what do you guys want to watch?” I asked.
“We should do… this one” Belly said — holding up mom’s favorite movie. I smiled taking it from her hands as I walked towards the tv — i mouthed a “thank you” to Belly.
After that, I went and sat the down on the other couch until I looked at my phone — recieving a text. I felt my chest tighten, I need to get out of the house. I stood up from my seat and went straight to the beach.
It was happening again, It attacked me again. I couldn’t breathe, it felt like someone was choking me. I pulled out my phone again — looking if the text was real, it was, I got in but what about Jeremiah, I can’t.
My mind filled with worried, with anxiety, not until another text popped up. It was like a coincidence, the text — my breathing is okay now, my heart is beating at a normal pace. The text was from the one that I have been waiting for.
She responded, it was from Y/N. She was going to come here, she’s coming here to Cousin. We’re complete now.
taglist : @maybankslover @urmomisafinewoman @user3729107491 @melllinaa @anthgoldenhrry @arunabrak @amj2277 @whoisalexa @remuslupinwifee @gulphulp @layanderson @astrvalee @goldenmoonbeam @podiumprincess @johannelis2302nely @silcintilla @smw-96 @apollo3475 @drikawinchester @fangirl-kimora @sanjanapm @milyswrld @scysuxx @starkeylover @fallingforel @mysticalstarlightflower @ifilwtmfc
the next part is here !! hope everyone likes it :)) lmk if y’all have requests and if you guys want to get tagged <3
love lots !!
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sitpwgs · 5 months
I truly can’t pinpoint when/what exactly changed about Taylor’s fans/fandom but the last few years (especially the midnights release) has really soured things for me and it’s honestly quite disappointing as someone who genuinely enjoys her music and thinks she’s a great artists. how did we get to the point of not even being able to voice an opinion about taylor without being crucified online. or if heaven forbid you dislike a song/album or enjoy the work of one of her exes (john mayer, the 1975, calvin harris, etc)
i’ve always been very fascinated/intrigued by the relationship between celebrities and their fans. and i think it’s really interesting to look back and think about how taylor built her fanbase by making herself as palatable/relatable/approachable as possible. like secret sessions, t party/loft 89/rep room, swiftmas, lover diaries, etc — all of which allow for fan interaction — but also relies on people getting noticed which then in turn encourages people to be as vocal? extra? whatever it is. which then feeds into the "who is a bigger / better fan" competition. i'm speaking from personal experience here, as someone who has liked her since debut — but i think a lot of this is also rooted in how much of the world hated taylor swift prior to ... i want to say folklore, really — like it was deeply uncool to like taylor swift, to be a swiftie, etc. and because a lot of that early criticism was rooted so much in misogyny, i think fans felt the need to (over the years) defend her — and i was one of those! i still am, when i feel like people are criticizing her unfairly. but i think that lends into the "taylor swift has never done anything wrong, and she's perfect and if you disagree then you're against us and you're a fake fan" mentality.
and then i think there's an element of ... not necessarily a superiority complex, but a something among fans who have met taylor. it's a genius marketing move, intentions aside. taylor's music is very personal — and taylor's marketing, and persona is very personal, in a way that other artists prior to taylor weren't, i think. relatability sells. you can see it in the way that people talk about her, and her music. which is very different from the way people talk about other artists — and obviously there isn't anyone else out there with the amount of fame/popularity as her, but you don't see the same amount of fanfiction-writing personal-life-speculating-projection onto other artists' lyrics as you do with taylor. and i think that when someone is that vulnerable with their thoughts, it makes it easy for people to think that they know them personally.
and i think that — as much as i love taylor — it's important to talk about her white woman feminism mentality. and i think that also seeps into how her fanbase interacts with her. the ginny & georgia "joke" is what comes to mind the quickest, but there are countless instances of taylor's white woman feminism — and her benefiting from it. and obviously it was in her right to call out a misogynistic comment, especially one directed at her, but not saying anything when the actress got so much hate for a line she didn't write ... made me feel a bit 🥴. it's interesting to see who taylor will choose to align herself with, i guess is all i'm saying.
i've really taken a step back from taylor — not just because the fandom is exhausting ( the amount of things i've seen about her, joe, travis, etc. is ... something! it's all projection! we do not know anything about these people other than what they choose to show us! ) but also because of her saying that she wanted to be on the right side of history and then over and over again choosing to be increasingly passive and silent. she will call herself an ally but won’t even talk about queer rights; she won’t talk about the literal genocide that’s going on. gun control, abortion rights, anything at all. it's just "go vote" but even that is incredibly passive. but she will take time to remind us to buy new variants, and to stream her music, and that her ex sucks.
i think there was a huge shift that started with folklore/evermore, just given that there weren't a lot of albums being put out during that time, the overwhelming public reception to it — a lot of people who previously didn't care for (or disliked) taylor started to like her, to give her a second chance, etc. then we get into the rerecordings era/midnights/etc., which started off with fearless and nostalgia and then became "how quickly can i put out the next thing". and bailey @placeinthisworld posted this earlier, which i fully agree with. it's about the next award, the next milestone. it's just all quantity. it's overexposure.
and then we have the joe alwyn breakup and the public response to that was also ... interesting. like i saw people crying over it, or saying that love is a lie, removing things from their playlists, acting like they were the ones who had been broken up with. which is just ... odd, given that we aren't the ones in the relationship. and now there are all these comments about being a "joe defender". and then with taylor dating travis, it feels almost like some weird american pipe dream unfulfilled fantasy for so many people — the singer and the american football player. and obviously, i want her to be happy! i don't care who she dates! but i do think the public reception about her and travis has been ... incredibly odd, and i think that the way people talk about her and travis is just ... very ... off-putting and is very rooted in some weird ... stuff. "she finally gets to be small :(((((" is such a weird thing to say. it feels like there's even more projection and self-insert-y stuff with her dating travis, which is a level i did not think was possible from her fans (and more so, the general public).
i have not felt this ... detached and impassive about a taylor release, ever, and it just makes me incredibly sad because i love her music, and am excited about the work, just not excited about the public reception, the public autopsy of her and joe's relationship, or the noise, and i know that internet spaces (and spaces in general) are what we curate, but it's also difficult when she is everywhere.
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chelseachilly · 1 year
THIS LOVE - chapter one | i can make the bad guys good for a weekend
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pairing: ben chilwell x reader
rating: T
word count: 2.5k
summary: you and ben attend your first event as a “couple” - chelsea’s annual charity gala
A/N: thanks for all your messages about the little prologue i posted last week! i’m so excited for this story and i’m glad you guys are too :) this chapter title is from blank space by taylor swift, each chapter will correspond with a 1989 lyric
previous chapter | view all chapters
You don’t know what you anticipated your life to look like after you agreed to be Ben’s fake girlfriend, but it proves very quickly to be more of a commitment than you imagined.
In the first week alone, you have to go two meetings with him and his team to discuss what your “relationship” is going to look like, what your story is, and how you’re going to sell it to the public.
His publicist also tries to get you to sign a contract and an NDA, both of which Ben insists are unnecessary.
It feels weird for you to be involved in such an elaborate lie, and Ben obviously senses your discomfort as he tells you a few times that you can back out if you want. You know that he needs this, though, or he wouldn’t have asked you in the first place, so you wouldn’t dream of it.
You end up going with a simple story that doesn’t deviate too much from the truth - you two are childhood best friends who recently realized there’s more than friendship there and decided to explore a romantic relationship. The only change you have to make to your lifestyle, according to Shreya, is attending some high-profile events as Ben’s date and behaving like a couple whenever you’re in public.
It doesn’t sound too difficult, at least apart from having to pretend you’re in love with your best friend, but it’s definitely not a small lifestyle change.
Your first appearance as a “couple” is Chelsea’s annual charity gala, which most of the boys bring their wives or girlfriends to, at which you’ll be expected to wear a fancy dress and pose for photos with him and generally behave like Ben’s girlfriend.
You’ve gone on some nice holidays and been to some fancy restaurants with Ben over the years, but this is different. That much is clear when you get to Ben’s after work on Friday to get ready for the gala he’s taking you to and find racks and racks of designer gowns in his living room.
“What’s all this?” you ask as your eyes scan the dozens of shimmering dresses.
“Oh, my stylist sent them over for you,” Ben shrugs. “I know you said you had a dress, but feel free to pick one of these if you want. It’s on me, obviously.”
The dress you were going to wear is nothing compared to any of these, but you figure if you’re going to be a believable football WAG you need to dress the part.
“You know, I really don’t like you spending money on me,” you sigh.
“I know,” Ben chuckles - you’ve made that quite clear over the years. “But you’re giving up your Friday night to go to a stupid posh gala with me that I know you’ll hate, so let me buy you a stupid posh dress.”
“Fine,” you smile, standing on your tiptoes to quickly peck his cheek before going to browse your options.
After selecting a dress, you head upstairs to get ready in the guest bedroom that’s yours whenever you crash here.
You take your time doing your hair and makeup before slipping into the shiny silver gown you picked out. It’s made out of a silky material and there’s a slit up the leg, but it’s still modest enough for the gala. You trust that Ben’s stylist would’ve picked clothing suitable for the event, even though it’s fancier than anything you would typically wear.
Just as you’re struggling with the zipper at the back, there’s a knock on the door accompanied by Ben’s voice asking if you’re ready.
“Yeah, can you zip me up?” you shout back, giving him permission to enter.
As Ben walks in, you turn to face him, taking in the rare sight of him in a suit. The traditional black suit he has on is perfectly tailored and, you have to admit, he cleans up nice.
He blinks a couple times at the sight of you, his eyes scanning the gown you picked out.
“What is it?” you ask, suddenly feeling a bit insecure. “Is the dress alright?”
“What?” Ben asks, seeming a bit dazed for a moment. “Oh, um, yeah! No, it’s great. You look great. I’m just so used to seeing you in scrubs or joggers.”
You smirk, crossing your arms. “That’s a nice way to call me a slob.”
“I’m trying to compliment you, dummy,” Ben replies, rolling his eyes as he walks over to you.
You turn around so he finish doing up the dress, which he does quickly and easily. You try not to think about how many girls’ dresses he’s helped zip up, and how many more he’s taken off.
“Alright,” Ben says, gently patting your arm as he finishes. “Good to go? The car’s waiting out front.”
“Yep, ready.”
You slip on the shoes that accompany the dress, a similar shade of silver, and grip onto the railing as you descend Ben’s spiral staircase in the slightly precarious heels.
You both climb into the back of the sleek SUV waiting out front to take you to the hotel in Chelsea where the gala is being held. Your nerves begin to settle in on the drive as you realize that this is actually happening, and you’re going to have to put on a show in front of hundreds of people and cameras in just a few minutes.
“Hey, you okay?” Ben asks, looking up from his phone with a concerned gaze in your direction.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” you say with a forced smile. He obviously doesn’t believe you - he knows you too well for that - and continues to glare at you, waiting for the truth. “I just…do you really think this is believable?”
Ben frowns. “What do you mean?”
“Like, us as a couple,” you sigh. “I mean, how many footballers do you know that are dating a nurse? Or anyone that isn’t a size zero model for that matter?”
You both know it’s unlike you to talk yourself down, as you’re generally fairly confident, but you can’t help but feel insecure about walking into a room filled with beautiful women who are a lot more comfortable in this world than you are.
Ben, to his credit, looks genuinely appalled.
“Hey, don’t talk about my best friend like that,” he jests, poking you in the ribs. “You look amazing. They’ll all be wondering how I landed you, not the other way around.”
You can’t help but blush a bit, shoving Ben’s chest lightly.
“Save it for the cameras, Benji,” you say with a slight eye roll, though your smile betrays you.
He grimaces slightly at the nickname that he hates but begrudgingly allows you and only you to call him.
“Also, let’s be honest, you save lives for a living and I kick a ball around,” he points out. “The whole point of this is that you’re helping my image, remember?”
“That’s true, I guess I am out of your league,” you tease, making Ben stick his tongue out at you like he would when you were kids.
You pull up to the hotel soon after, and you brace yourself as the driver opens the door for you. The flashing lights of the cameras are blinding the moment you’re exposed to them, making you squint slightly.
Ben steps out first before offering you a hand to help you out of the car, waiting until your feet are securely on the ground before letting go.
“You ready?” he asks, gesturing with his head to the red carpet that awaits you.
You glance over at the carpet, which is lined with more paparazzi. Thankfully, you recognize some of Ben’s teammates immediately, which makes you feel a bit more at ease.
“Yeah,” you nod, taking Ben’s outstretched arm.
As you make your way into the carpet, you can feel your heart racing. The paps are calling out Ben’s name, wanting him to look in their direction, and it’s all a bit overwhelming.
Your train of thought is immediately paused as Ben slides his arm around your waist, settling it low on your hip. It’s much more intimate than any way he’s touched you before, but Shreya’s words from your meeting a few days prior echo in your mind.
You need to act like a couple. It needs to seem natural.
It definitely feels a bit strange having your friend touch you like this, but once you’re over the initial surprise, you actually find Ben’s arm around you to be incredibly grounding. You lean into his touch as you smile for the cameras, trying to look the part of the supportive girlfriend.
“You’re doing great,” Ben murmurs softly in your ear. “Almost done.”
You pose for a few more photos before he leads you toward the entrance. You know you’ll have to keep up appearances for the rest of the evening, but you’re glad the most public part of it is over.
As you enter the stunning ballroom, filled with many familiar faces of Chelsea’s players and staff, Ben’s arm remains around your waist.
“So, who here actually knows about our…arrangement?” you ask quietly as you move through the room.
You had both already informed your close friends and family about the situation to avoid any confused texts when the photos of you and Ben acting as a couple made their way online.
You know Ben told his best mates, like Tom, Harvey, Anish, Madders, and obviously Mason, who had come to be a close friend of yours over the years he and Ben were together at Chelsea too. You just aren’t sure if he told anyone at the club.
“Just Reece,” Ben says. “He asked if I was bringing a date and I figured since he knows you, it would make sense to tell him the truth.”
While you’re friendly with a lot of Ben’s teammates, you haven’t spent much time with most of them and they likely don’t know the extent of your friendship with Ben and wouldn’t bat an eye at the two of you now “dating.” You’ve known Reece for years, though, and he would definitely be confused by this sudden change.
“Okay,” you murmur, “so we have to act like a couple all night, basically?”
“Basically,” Ben says with a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry, I know it’s weird. But we don’t really have to do anything special, I’ll just tell people you’re my girlfriend if anyone asks.”
“Oh, so we don’t have to go up on the stage and make out?” you mutter sarcastically. “What a relief.”
Ben chuckles and nudges you in the arm.
“I think no kissing is probably a good ground rule,” Ben suggests. “Sorry if the touching and stuff out there was too much.”
“No, it’s fine, if we’re gonna do this we have to sell it,” you shrug. “But I agree, there’s no amount of money you could possibly earn from improving your brand that would be worth kissing you. It’s too gross.”
Ben rolls his eyes. “Could you at least lower your voice? Don’t really need people hearing my girlfriend say kissing me is gross.“
You laugh as Ben grabs two champagne flutes from a server and passes you one, which you clink against his before taking a sip. You definitely need some alcohol to get through this whole evening of pretending to be Ben’s girlfriend.
As you find your seats, you’re relieved to see that you’re sitting with Reece and his girlfriend Mia, meaning you won’t have to talk about your fake relationship all through dinner.
“Hey, it’s the happy couple,” Reece jokes as Ben pulls out a chair for you to sit next to Mia. “You look nice, Y/N.“
“Thanks, Reece,” you say as you hug Mia. “It’s nice to see you guys. This event is way too posh for me.”
“I know how you feel,” Mia smiles. “It felt weird the first time I came to one of these. And obviously it’s even weirder for you, with this whole…situation.”
“Yeah,” Reece says, lowering his voice a bit to ensure only the three of you can hear. “How the hell did Chilly get you to agree to this? Does he have blackmail on you or something?”
“Well, I do have some pretty embarrassing drunken Snapchat videos-“ Ben begins to say, but your glare cuts him off and he shakes his head and laughs. “Nah, mate. She’s just the fucking best.”
Your heart skips a beat at that, but you don’t have too much time to think about why before Ben and Reece have changed the subject to football.
A photographer comes around to take photos of each table, and Ben rests his arm on the back of your chair and leaves it there afterward as the four of you continue to chat.
Ben and Reece eventually go to get you guys another round of drinks before the entertainment begins - though the boys will have to stick to water for the rest of the night unless they want to hear about it from Poch at training on Monday.
“You know, you two actually make a convincing couple,” Mia says with a wink when you two are alone at the table.
“Yeah, right,” you chuckle, fiddling with a cocktail napkin. “I’m glad you think it’s believable, though. The sooner we improve Ben’s image, the sooner we can stop doing this.”
Mia nods, though she still looks a bit uncertain. “Right, well, he owes you big time. There’s a lot of scrutiny that comes with being in the public eye. You’ll be taking on all the risk of dating a footballer without any of the reward. That’s really generous of you.”
Honestly, you hadn’t thought too much about how all of this might impact you. You just knew that Ben needed your help.
Although you’re a bit tempted to check Twitter and see if people have already begun to talk about you, you decide you’ll deal with that later and just try to enjoy your evening for now.
Your anxieties do ease significantly when Ben returns to the table with your favourite drink in hand and a smile on his face.
“You good?” he asks softly, leaning in close so only you can hear.
You nod, returning his smile. “Just a bit nervous still.”
“You’re doing amazing,” Ben says sincerely. “But I know this isn’t how you would want to spend your Friday night, so thank you.”
“For the millionth time, it’s no big deal,” you insist. “This isn’t so bad, anyways. I’m just overthinking everything like always.”
“Well, I want you to tell me if any of this gets to be too much, at any point, and that’ll be the end of it,” he says firmly. “Okay?“
You nod, meeting his soft gaze and feeling your worries melt away even more.
As the lights dim and the musical entertainment for the evening begins, Ben’s arm once again finds its way to the back of your chair and his hand loosely plays with a strand of your hair.
It’s too dark for anyone but you to notice, but for some reason, you don’t bother pointing that out to him.
A/N: let me know what you think so far! hoping to have the next chap out soon :)
tag list: @lunamelona @kathb59 @captainwans​ @amandaaa1025 @bbygrlllllll (let me know if you would like to be added!)
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Hi! I hope you're doing all right!
I used to be a huge swiftie until The Eras Tour get to my country on November during a heatwave. Of course, the weather and the issues about all the logistics from the very first night of her concert weren't Taylor's fault.
The thing that happened here was that a swiftie passed away during The Eras Tour in here 'cause of the weather and the stadium didn't allow people to bring water bottles inside, they could only buy water from the stadium. It was sold out, a lot of swifties needed medical attention that night, they couldn't reach to the place where they were selling water bottles, anyway.
Taylor made a post in her Instagram about the swiftie which passed away and she said something similar to: "I won't be able to speak about it on stage 'cause it brings me a lot of pain". And... that was it? She never spoke one single word about that girl, it was just that one story (that, of course, would disappear later) and she moved on.
The Eras Tour kept going here for a few more days in here and then Taylor left to the USA again to take a break. During this time, we, swifties, figured out Ana's family (the girl that passed away) had a lot of trouble to get her body back home for the funeral, Ana wasn't from the state where the first night of the tour happened and her family couldn't afford to transport her body. Guess who had to help her family with money? Yes, we, swifties. Her family reached out us online and asked for help.
That made me really angry at Taylor 'cause during the week Ana's relatives had to ask for help to get her back home, we read news about Taylor becoming a billionarie. I can't tell you what got broken inside of me as a swiftie that day, but I simply couldn't see Taylor as *that* Taylor anymore.
At the last night of The Eras Tour, Taylor invited Ana's family to attend the stadium, took a picture with them and still, not a single word about a swiftie, a fan of hers even on the last night.
Later, we got some swifties saying Taylor tried to speak with Ana's family but she couldn't reach them (which, to this very day, I doubtly). A lot of swifties from my country still say this, that Taylor tried and that was enough. I have this feeling that if Taylor had, in fact, spoken to the family they wouldn't ask the fans for help. Ana only got a proper funeral after her family saying the donations raised enough money to pay for everything, they never asked for anything again, or anything more than what they really needed.
Swifties from my country got mad at the media for speaking out about how Taylor handled out the situation, now they say our media is responsible for Taylor never coming back here 'cause every other country in the world treated her as a princess and we didn't see her that way after what happened to Ana.
Her PR manager made some media from the USA (I can't recall which one now) write a love story about Taylor and Travis while we were trying to call their attention to what was happening in here and how they were dealing with it.
I can't forgive Taylor. After that day, I learned she's a character and the real one is cruel, mean and has a never ending thirsty for money, attention and fame.
Thank you so much for reading this! And thank you so much for this free and safe space!
Have a nice day!
Hello, my dear, thank you for writing in. I hope that you are well and thriving.
I cannot express enough my deepest sympathies for the loved ones and family of Ana Clara Benevides.
Taylor Swift is a coward who simply did not want the bad press to besmirch her precious "Eras Tour" that is why she did not say her name in that stupid instagram press-release.
She is now cavorting around the UK making a big show about stopping the tour to ask people if they are okay. (This happened in Scotland). The media outlets have been expressing how deeply caring Taylor Swift is about her fans.
I cannot help but to think that it is all a ruse meant to help people forget about the death in Brazil. I cannot help but to think that she is intentionally feeding the media positive stories about her checking in during the concert to rebuild her oh-so-precious reputation.
Well, not all of us are so foolish and shortsighted as to forget what happened in Rio.
She did not spare a moment of her time for the life loss in Brazil. She did care a bit about the thousands that were hospitalized due to heat-related symptoms.
I cannot in good faith support a woman who made headlines about her newly acquired billionaire status the same week Ana Clara Benevides died at her concert.
Thank you for sharing your perspective. Taylor Swift could not even spare a moment of silence for her...
Yes- the weather was not Swift's fault, but she has more money than God- she could have easily reached out and paid for transport of Ana Clara Benevides back to her home or paid for the proceedings of her funeral. She did not- she did not even say her name in that stupid press-release- claiming that "it was too painful." Bullshit- she just did not want to draw more attention to the event.
I call bullshit on her attempting to contact the family too. There is no way she just wasn't able to find them.
Frankly, the heat index was reaching 138 degrees Fahrenheit on the day of the concert. Those are undeniably unsafe conditions. If Taylor Swift was a responsible and caring person, she would have postponed the concert until a later date. It's not safe to be inside a stadium- with thousands of other excited people jumping up and down- during such an intense heat wave. The stadium basically turns into a frying pan at that point. If Taylor Swift cared, she would have heeded the weather. But she didn't, because that would mean losing out on some money.
I am disgusted with the immorality on display, with the self-centerness emanating from Taylor Swift. Shameful.
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majaloveschris · 4 months
That pic is cute but all I can see is when Chris wants to sell something he can, meaning, if people are questioning if his marriage and relationship are real yet we clearly can see he still shows affection to others while unknowingly being filmed, yet he struggles to do that with, the woman with the disappearing ring, when he’s being filmed knowingly and unknowingly, then there’s your truth people. 😎
Remember the park video when he wasn’t aware he was being recorded and his hand went in his pocket as she reached for it once she saw the lady filming them.
Remember the VF video of him seeing the camera and then pretending to be affectionate towards her.
Remember the VF video of him not knowing he’s being filmed and eyeing other women and then noticing the camera and trying to play it off.
Now we seem to have partially returned to the Chris we all came to know and love or he’s just relaxed as he’s in his element. But my thoughts are running rampant so…..let’s discuss.
If Chris was actually in this based on love and not some Hollywood pr, there’d be no questioning anything at least not to the extent it’s gone. There’d be no major plot holes. 🤭
If Chris was cool with said person in some Hollywood PR stunt, maybe things would be done more naturally like ….*cough* Taylor Swift and Travis. (Believe what ya want but I think they are PR and doing a damn good job of it) #TeamTT ❤️ 😂
Now back to Chris….if Chris was against this or the person involved regardless if he initially signed up for it or not, he would probably drag his feet if he couldn’t end things and boy would you lookie there, he’s been dragging his feet like hell even after claiming to be “married”. Meaning if Chris wanted us to believe this were legit, we wouldn’t be here discussing their bs over the past three years.
Imagine being a celeb and KNOWING people are online questioning you and your spouse’s marriage. If he truly loved or gave a damn about her, He’d have shut that down quick.
This is why I don’t bother arguing because in due time this is going to end, he’ll move on and once he’s in an actual relationship, the ones who currently think this is “real” will clearly see the stark contrast between Chris Evans in love vs Chris Evans in some Hollywood bullshit. I rest my case. 👩‍⚖️
They made a red carpet debut and all most could do was laugh. This fandom still rides for this man even when they are mad at him. Yes, this situation is stupid but man the jokes, the pure shade, the letting this girl know we aren’t buying what she’s tried and miserably failed to sell is Icing on the flipping cake!
Also…..the flag mixup will never NOT be funny. 😂 GO LIBERIA!!!! 🇱🇷
Of course, he could sell this whole thing if he wanted to, but he just doesn't want to.
That park video says more than a thousand words. The fact that he didn't want to hold her hands and put his into his pockets when he thought no one was watching says a lot. They do everything for the camera. They are always trying to be sweet and all of that, but they can't keep up the act for so long, which we could see on the VF red carpet. Yeah, they tried playing the happy newlyweds when the camera was watching, when most of the time they were just standing next to each other and talking to other people.
As you said, there are a lot of plotholes. And I know people must be tired of me always bringing the wedding ceremony's location up, but that's my favorite example. Where was it? In Cape Cod? In his Boston-area home? Were the ceremony and party at two different locations? Different outlets mention different places and locations when this should be the easiest one to get, especially since these are all coming from "sources." The same goes for everyone who was at the wedding. Nobody saw them during that one year, yet now everybody is spotting them. Why are they saying they are private when they are putting out video dumps, are at different award shows, and call the paps on themselves?
I think most of the time, when it comes to celebrity couples, especially if one of them is not that well-known, the thought of them being PR is always there, and there will always be people who think certain couples are PR. I'm sure there were couples who were solely PR, and people didn't even figure it out because they were good at selling it. Maybe because they were comfortable around each other, and even if they weren't in love, they liked each other as people or even as friends. However, to me, their fake relationship lacks everything that would make it believable. I don't really think Chris thought this through, and I don't think he is capable of selling a relationship with someone he doesn't have feelings for. I don't necessarily mean "love" (in love with someone) here, but just love (liking the person as a friend, respecting them, wanting to be around them).
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dearreader · 5 months
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hello fellow members of the tortured poets department.
today i enter into evidence my boy only breaks his favorite toys and analyze it. i’m most excited for this one as i think the running metaphor is a great one and love the details ive already seen. it’s also one of my favorite songs on the album so this was move exciting for me.
previous days: fortnight, THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT
this song is probably one of my favorites as it uses a toy metaphor for taylor. she’s already made references to youth and toys with her relationships in the past, notably on lover with inthaf being about regrowing again as a person with her muse. also on cruel summer she refers to the object of her longing as a “bad bad boy, shiny toy with a price, you know that i bought it”. with that line implying many things about that relationship and taylor letting it be something less than what she wants it to be to be with him, i also like to think about the line with the price being fame and her buying it so now she can’t have him.
BUT in this song taylor is referring to herself as the toy!! i love this metaphor for her as with her talking about not seeing herself as human and having constant metaphors about being bought and sold (dorothea) or being picked but only to suffer instead (daylight and clara bow). so her being a toy fit this metaphor, especially with how she’s been recently with eras tour AND leading up to the tour. she was everywhere and was THE hot item. and going back to 2016 being seen with you on her arm meant you were hot shit. so taylor saying “the sickest army doll, purchased at the mall/rivulets descend my plastic smile” hits you like a gut punch because even at her lowest moment ever she was still marketable and family friendly to sell. her sadness can be turned into songs or magazine titles or anything really as long as it makes money for everyone AND it references you’re losing me and could be her at the end of the relationship, having fought for years and was now battered and bruised and heartbroken. BUT if that’s how she was referring to herself back in 2016 where she was fighting for her life trying to make anything work but was chewed up and spat back out, with the added detail of her plastic smile being how taylor says she smiles in her sleep because it’s so natural to her (as we saw in the lwymmd video) it shows that she wasn’t real and was just there for others enjoyment in either playing or destroying her. and with the following line being “cause you should’ve seen me when he first saw me” not only referencing how taylor kept going back to the beginning of the relationship to justify staying so long BUT also saying “i was so worse then so it doesn’t matter how he plays with me.”
but with either affect this song has such BEAUTIFUL imagery. taylor describing him building castles for her doll self to play in only for him to destroy them (building up her expectations of their future but backing out and changing his mind so she never knew if they were in the same page of their future) or them being puzzle pieces that fit together perfect and made a beautiful picture only for him to break it. AND her saying that when you pull her string one of her automatic responses is “he runs because he loves me” which references several songs:
new romantics with “please take my hand and please leave me stranded”
you’re losing me with “now your running down the hallway/don’t you know what they all say/don’t know what you got until it’s gone” (which means that he would constantly put her back in the shelf but come running back to her again and again)
down bad with “how dare you leave me safe and stranded”. so with this automatic response saying he runs (away or toward her) because he loves her is because it’s so deeply ingrained into her from all her relationships and what he kept doing to her. she didn’t think anything was wrong because that’s what was always right.
i specifically love the outro and NEED to discuss it. just, her saying she was willing to stay with him for so long because he actually PLAYED WITH HER. and not just in a “he played with my feelings” but that he actually used her how she was designed. he loved her, built the idea of a future with her, and stole her heart and broke it! and that was more than any other person. because she actually meant something to him. and that thought was enough to keep her going until it wasn’t…
other line parallels i didn’t how to fit in but loved:
“maybe your electric touch could bring this ghost town to life”//“inescapable. not even going to try. and if i get burned? atleastwewereelectrified.”//“‘cause i knew to much, there was danger in the heat of my touch”
“and when i break, it's in a million pieces”//“stole my tortured heart/left all these broken parts”//“breaking down, I hit the floor/all the pieces of me shattered as the crowd was chanting, "more!"
“what a charming saturday/that's when she sees the littlest leaks/down in the floorboards/and she just knows she must bolt”//“i used to switch out these kens, I'd just ghost//rip the band-aid off and skip town like an asshole outlaw”//“i felt more when we played pretend/than with all the kens/'cause he took me out of my box” (AND THIS ONE I LOVE SO MUCH because we all called taylor out being like “hey girl, we know it wasn’t” and this is her saying “THIS IS WHY IT FEELS DIFFERENT!”)
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joesalw · 7 months
i used to like taylor the normal amount, back when she was "country", and i believed everything, i saw a young girl finally making it in the great leagues with music that I liked, and i think she deserved a lot of awards and the way she acted, for example with the whole kanye drama, i found a genuine reaction bc sure, that was crappy, but now.. i swear now every time i see her i dont find anything genuine in her persona, nothing real
i dont know what got to her, fame? hate? idk, i know the media can be awful and having everyone talking about you cant be ideal, but now i just dont believe one shit from her, i dont buy it, everything seems fake, she is not genuine
and she didnt invent any new music genres, nothing she's been making is new or as impactful as everyone is making it seem, and im sorry ... even tho i dont hate her voice, im not saying she is not talented... but she doesnt have a great voice i guess thats not a rule to be a singer these days, but she doesnt have power in her voice, i dont find emotion AT ALL, and this is about interpretation/performance, ACTING, even if you dont believe what youre singing you could be a good actor and sell it and she DOESNT,
GOOD GOD! there are many many artists that sing like shit but they have emotion and thats what makes me WANT to listen to them, maybe other people do think she is a singing angel i dont care, thats great, good for you if her music helps you in some way, i know amazing people who are big big ts fans but i can say i tried listening to her new stuff and the mediocrity is plain boring, i dont believe the emotion in her songs, thats kinda why i stopped following her, she gave me nothing
shes a pretty white woman with pretty dresses
genuineness left the building a long time ago
nothing genuine about her no more
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seeminglyranch87 · 28 days
Taylor & Travis Timeline
August 2024 - Part 3
"salt air and the rust on the door, I never needed anything more" August, T. Swift
August 20 - The Eras Tour, Wembley Stadium, London, UK N8
Guest appearance from Florence and the Machine to perform Florida!!! alongside Taylor during the TTPD era (after So High School)
The timing is everything:
"I need to forget, so take me to Florida, I've got some regrets, I'll bury them in Florida"
next stop on the Eras Tour ... Miami Florida.
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Death By A Thousand Cuts x Getaway Car with special guest Jack Antonoff (guitar) & So Long London (piano)
Taylor & Jack reenact the moment they wrote the bridge for Getaway Car (x x)
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Goodbye London Boy ... see the sweet smile when she sings "I'll find someone"(x) Here is looking at you Travis!
Taylor releases music video for I Can Do It With A Broken Heart (x) with behind the scenes footage of the Eras Tour. This MV was played at the conclusion of the show.
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This wraps up the European leg of the Eras Tour.
Taylor is the first artist to sell out 8 shows at Wembley Stadium, London surpassing Michael Jackson's record of 7 shows (x)
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Adam Sandler appears on The Tonight Show and reveals that Travis will guest appear in Happy Gilmore 2 (x).
Taylor posts to IG addressing the cancelled Vienna shows (x) and celebrating the European tour.
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August 22 - Chiefs v Bears, Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City, MO, NFL preseason
Travis arrives at Arrowhead Stadium ahead of game
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August 24 - Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce spotted in Rhode Island together with the Mahomes family, Jason & Kylie Kelce’s family, Ryan Reynolds & Blake Lively’s family, Bradley Cooper & Gigi Hadid’s family, Channing Tatum & Zoe Kravitz. (X x x x)
August 27 - Kansas City Sports Awards. Travis Kelce is awarded Polsinelli Sportsman of the Year (x). Funny moment recounting an Andy Reid interaction (x)
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It is reported that travis has purchased a share in a race horse names Swift Delivery... see Jason Kelce response via X and yes the horse is named after Taylor. (x x)
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August 28 - New Heights season 3 premiers... Ep 98 (x) with guest Adam Sandler. Travis mentions that Adam and his daughters attended the movie premier of the Eras Tour Movie, Adam admits he is intimidated by Taylor as his family adores Taylor and loves her relationship with Travis and he doesn't want to mess it up and say the wrong thing. (1:22:05) (x)
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On ESPN NFL Live, Adam Schefter asks "“How do you that know Travis Kelce didn’t buy an engagement ring?" with a knowing look... (x x)
August 29 - Chiefs celebrated the start of the season with the annual KC Chamber Kickoff Luncheon (x)
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Chris Jones says he wants to add more trophies and more Swifties to Chiefs Kingdom. Travis Kelce said, “They’re on their way” (x)
Interviewer Mitch Holthus tells the players that he loves them, Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce reply that they love him too. He responds by asking
“Do you love me more than Taylor?” “Maybe not.” Travis replies. (x x)
August 30 - KC Chiefs releases portraits from 2024 training camp(x)
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Kansas City Star article speculating about a possible engagement between Travis & Taylor (x)
Kelce and Swift have been spotted at a number of restaurants around town over the past year. One of those locations this week contacted people who had reservations for Sunday night and said someone had rented the establishment for the evening. Every preexisting reservation was being canceled. The owner told one couple the establishment would help them get another reservation and promised a gift card and drinks. Is that a confirmation that Kelce and Swift are holding an engagement party? Of course not, but with all the scuttlebutt about a special announcement coming from America’s Favorite Couple, it is something for Swifties and Chiefs fans to keep watch.
Are we expecting a possible engagement party after the first game of the season Trav & Tay? Prime Social maybe??
Go to previous update -> August 2024 part 2
Go to next update -> TBC
Return to the timeline
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lindszeppelin · 2 months
You know this fandom has entered a new level of insanity when some of of them are willing to pay 50$ for a tshirt with a print on it just cause she's the gf of the actor they're stanning. No offence but I wouldn't even pay that much if it were Austin's merch cause it's just insane, not that he'd pull shit like this. FIFTY DOLLARS for shit you can buy from shein, that will all go into the pockets of a spoilt richkid from malibu, who will just fund more of her media attention from it. I truly have no idea how these people don't see anything wrong with this. I know her view of how much things cost is skewed cause she's used to expensive things, but 50 bucks is expensive even for embroidered tshirts. Only big artists sell their merch around this price but even that is a stretch. I saw Taylor Swift sell hers at 35-45$ but she is one of the most popular artists rn. K is and will never be close to that level of fame. I suspect most of her followers are bots just by how few likes she gets compared to follower count. When I think she can't go lower, she digs herself deeper. I am so glad the gp doesn't fall for her bs though, only some impressionable fangirls. They will regret buying low quality garbage in a few years when they find it in the back of their closets.
I can’t imagine giving that nepo baby my hard earned money in this economy. $50 can be used for groceries, gas, you could donate $50. In fact, if she wanted to do some good, she should have made this merch launch partnered with a charity. I’m sure there’s one that delegates giving books to impoverished communities or kids. If she really wanted to show she cared. But that money these idiots gave her is going right into her pocket. They basically funded her next bag purchase, her next little vacation.
Dumb as fuck lol
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Agitation 3.6 Live Reactions
(This is me, writing reactions as I read, because why the fuck not. They're not complete, mature thoughts taken after I sit back and evaluate what I've read. Consider them as such)
“Think of it as a game,” Lisa said, “A high stakes variant of cops and robbers.”
Ooh this bit. I've seen it referenced a lot in the fandom discussions, but never seen the conversation reproduced or redone in fic (probably because if it happens in the AU, it happens so close to the canon version there's no need to rewrite it or anything)
“I think,” I ventured, “That it’s a little closer to real cops and robbers than the schoolyard game.” “No, no.  Hear me out.  Grown adults running around in costume?  Making up code names for themselves?  It’s ridiculous, and we know it’s ridiculous, even if we don’t admit it out loud.
ehhhhhhh, I mean... she's not wrong exactly, but it's also not ridiculous because real people are really dying. In RL, if someone went around in a costume with codenames trying to fight crime, then yeah, absolutely, that's ridiculous, even if they made actual progress somehow.
But if that same costumed weirdo could fly, or fart fire or w/e, then it's a lot harder to not take seriously.
Maybe we have some agenda or goals, but at the end of the day, we’re getting our thrills, blowing off steam and living a second life. 
yeah, Lisa, no. That's... no.
Then there’s the crazies.  The people who are fucked up in the head, maybe dangerous if there’s not something or someone to help keep them in line.  The people who take it all too seriously, or those guys you wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of, even if they didn’t have powers.  Lung, Oni Lee, Heartbreaker,” she paused.  “Bitch.”
Way to add this as an afterthought. Also, like most of the Empire 88 (if not all of it) falls into this category too. I get they've barely been mentioned yet, but Kaisar and Co are definitely crazy and taking it too seriously.
Lisa paused, “Right.  But you have to understand, ninety percent of what goes on when you’re in costume?  It’s the first group.  Adults in costumes playing full contact cops and robbers with fun-as-fuck superpowers and toys. 
And people dying, having their property destroyed (and ruining their livelihoods), being crippled or physiologically scarred for life...
Yeah. It's all fun silliness 90% of the time.
(I get that Lisa is selling this to Taylor to convince her that this is all cool, but still, does she actually believe this on some level? I get that her power probably makes her cynical but my god, Tattle-bitch, fuck off)
But what good is having a team if there’s no competition?” “Which is where we come in,” I figured out where she was going. “Exactly.  At the end of the day?  We’re not doing much harm.  Property damage, theft.  A few civilians get hurt if they don’t move out of the way fast enough.
Yeah, totally, that's the only way civilians get hurt.
I mean, if all the villains were as nice and soft as the Undersiders, or at least most of them, sure. I don't think Lisa's wrong to an extent, but the Undersiders are very much the minority, and you guys still have the ability to really fucking hurt people.
Are there readers that actually buy this? I buy Taylor buying this to an extent, given her mindset and so forth, rn, though I doubt she 100% buys it, but equally, it sometimes feels like some of the fans actually buy this mindset.
“Compared to the psychos and the monsters out there, it’s almost in the city’s interests to keep us in circulation.  Far as I see it, we’re not that much better or worse than the so called good guys.  We face more risk at the end of the day, with the possibility of jail time and physical danger, but we get a better payoff.  We just took the path that was higher risk, higher reward.”
You are better than most of the alternatives, sure, but while it's true that the heroes would have a lot lower profile without the villains (and if there were no villains the heroes might not stay heroes what with all that conflict urging or w/e of the Shards) but as far as Lisa knows, the heroes could just... you know, use their powers constructively if there weren't villains eating up their time.
So yeah, no.
“I’m not sure,” I said, carefully, “That I buy all that.”
Smart girl
“No? Then why don’t they send people like Über straight to the Birdcage after his trial, like they are with Lung?
That is a stupid question, Lisa. The Birdcage isn't just a catch all for every supervillain. It's a nightmare blackbox you shove the worst (or the alleged worst, anyway) into. It's a "Break Glass In Case of Scion" Box. It's certainly not a place you shove Uber and Leet into unless they cross lines. We don't put people into maximum security prisons just for assault and theft, usually (Which, AFAIK, is all Uber and Leet have done largely - AFAIK, they haven't killed anyone)
Sure, there’s the three strike rule, and he’ll get sent to the Birdcage eventually, but the people in charge have to maintain some plausible deniability.”
Because the US government totally wants villains running around this much for the... merchandising money? Like, there's not trusting the police, the government, etc, and there's... this.
Again, I suspect Lisa doesn't quite believe this, but still.
“But the real evidence to my ‘cops and robbers’ theory,” Lisa continued, “Is the reaction you see when someone crosses the line.  You’ve heard about it happening.  Someone finds out another cape’s secret identity, goes after the cape’s family.  Or a cape wins a fight and decides his downed opponent isn’t in a state to say no if he’s feeling lusty?  Word gets around, and the cape community goes after the fucker.  Protecting the status quo, keeping the game afloat.  Bitter enemies call a truce, everyone bands together, favors get called in and everyone does their damndest to put the asshole down.”
Or, you know, it could be that some people have standards? I mean, I get what you're saying, about protecting the game, the unwritten rules, etc, but equally, like... no? Yeah, when someone crosses a line everyone goes after them because that's like... the whole point of lines.
“Like we do with the Endbringers,” I said.  I sheathed my knife. “Holy fuck,” Lisa said, slapping the sides of the steering wheel with her hands.  I think if the van had been moving, she would have hit the brakes for emphasis.  Traffic was starting to move, though, so she started up the car and put it into gear, “Twice, you bring up the Endbringers in as many minutes.  You’re being morbid.  What’s going on?”
Because they're the giant fucking elephants in the room for the setting.
It was hard to talk to Lisa, as much as I liked her as a person. 
You barely know her, christ Taylor, I know you're affection starved and shit but man you dove headfirst into this.
  If I said something, would that give her the puzzle piece she needed to figure me out?
heheheheh, too late.
I was counting on this ruse continuing, whether it was because I enjoyed the temporary companionship of Brian, Lisa and Alec, or because I wanted to get Grue, Tattletale, Regent and Bitch carted off to jail and prove Armsmaster wrong.  I was aware how paradoxical those two interests were.
Sooner or later, something will have to give.
She went on, “See, I know you.  Believe it or not, I like you.  Did from the time I saw you on that roof, opposite Lung.  You know how we fear the unknown?  Well, I know stuff, that’s my whole thing, and that motherfucker is one of the very few people who can spook me.  You, Taylor, stood up to him.”
Taylor "Nah, I'd Win" Hebert
(Does she actually say that in the story, or is that just a fan thing?)
“So this guy or this girl that’s got you down in the dumps?  I say fuck them.  They don’t know you.  They don’t know what you’re capable of.”
This is true. How much does Lisa know about this? God, Lisa's power is gonna suck to work with come fic writing time, balancing what she knows and what she doesn't.
“Who uses words like doldrums, anymore?” 
Fair point :rofl:
“In twenty minutes or so, we’re going to be leaving there, tens of thousands of dollars richer, the adrenaline rush of victory pumping through our veins,” Lisa’s voice was barely above a whisper, “Now tell me.  Can you visualize that?”
"What this country needs is a short, victorious war to stem the tide of revolution."
-Vyacheslav von Plehve, Russia’s Minister of the Interior, before starting the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905
(I'm not sure if this quote is apocryphal or not, I first stumbled upon it as an epigrah in a sci-fi novel, but it makes the point)
“Liar,” she said.  Then she winked at me, “It’s okay.  An hour from now, you’ll be rolling in money and laughing about how pessimistic you were.  Promise.”
Nice to know Tattletale can be so hilariously wrong.
As I opened the car door and hopped out into the pouring rain, I managed to say the words without choking on them, “Let’s go rob a bank.”
Crime Machine Go BRRR!
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ist4rgirlo · 1 year
── 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 - 𝐜.𝐟 : 𝐈
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Summary: Now that your life has turned upside down, are you still willing to put your siblings' feelings first? Or would you rather fight for your feelings and do what makes you happy regardless of the consequences that might result in the future?
Next || Conrad Fisher x fem!reader || My blog
Warnings: S2 SPOILERS! angst, mentions of death, swearing (lmk if i missed anything!)
Belly's Pov
Susannah passed a long time ago, it's been a long time since everything went downhill. After Susannah passed, a lot of things happened.
Me and Conrad broke up -- well we decided to take a break to focus on much more important things, like me with my studies and volleyball, him with his mom and also college. We got together again but it didn't work out because we became distant.
I was fired as captain for our volleyball team, I just couldn't focus and totally chickened out -- my mind was full of Susannah and Conrad. I got into a fight with my brother, he basically called me selfish, blamed me for ruining his party, his life just because I fell in love.
My sister won't come out of her room, it felt like she was gone too. She doesn't talk to anybody besides Steven. Conrad and Jeremiah would often reach out to her but she never answers them, she shut everyone out.
We're on our way to the beach house after going to Brown, to look for Conrad. He's been missing classes and hasn't been coming home to his dorm, that's what his roommate said -- so now me and Jeremiah are headed there to find him.
That was always that we thought of that he would go to, after all it was always his safe place.
Me and Jeremiah arrived at the beach house. All the memories went back, the laughter, the pranks -- everything but it doesn't feel the same, going back here.
Back then, there was excitement, there was joy. But now -- all I felt was fear, I didn't know what to feel, I don't know what I'll say to Conrad. I don't know what to do if I went inside the beach house,
Jeremiah went inside before me. "What is it now Conrad?" I heard Jeremiah say as I walked inside the beach house.
"The house is for sale." Conrad said, as I walked in the living room -- he turned to me. "What do you mean the house is for sale" I asked, looking at both him and Jeremiah.
"What is she doing here?" Conrad asked Jeremiah, his brows furrowed.
It was weird, it felt like a knife was stabbed in my heart. I felt offended, I felt hurt. This wasn't the Conrad that I fell inlove with.
Conrad explained everything, how Aunt Julia was selling the house. Apparently, after Susannah's death, the house was passed to Aunt Julia. Conrad tried calling his dad but his dad says that the house is legally Aunt Julia's and we can't do anything about it. He also asked his dad if he can buy it but no, he doesn't have the money to do that.
It was his safe place. It was everyone's safe place, everyone loves the beach house, it was our second home. We basically grew up here. Everything in here was Susannah, is Susannah. It was a special place for all of us, it always will be.
"So this is why you haven't answering my calls or going to school?" Jeremiah crossed his arms, brows furrowing.
Conrad groaned "Fuck school! I don't care!"
"Connie you need to go back or you will fail your classes!" Jeremiah yelled at him -- trying to bring some sense in Conrad.
"How are you going to become a doctor if you fail your college classes, Conrad?" I said -- my voice filled with Concern. He was my ex but he was also my bestfriend. I still care for him.
"You have no idea what you're talking about." Conrad said, pointing at me. My brows furrowed, I looked at Jeremiah.
"Seriously?" Jeremiah asked Conrad -- defending me. "We went to Brown to check on your ass. You really don't give a shit on anyone but yourself." Jeremiah said before walking away. Conrad sighed before turning his back on.
He won't even look at me. I totally understand him, after the funeral, after our fight, we never talked again. "Sorry if me being here is weird" I paused "But just let Jeremiah help you, let us help you. This house is important to me as much as it is important to you. If Jeremiah wants to stay here then that's his decision to make, not yours"
He just looked at me before hesitating, it was like he wanted to ask me something but he couldn't, he couldn't bring himself to say it. I knew that it was about my sister. Even when we were together back then, there wasn't a time where he didn't ask me about her, I get it. She was his bestfriend.
"Look, if you're going to ask me about my sister, she's not here." I said before sitting down on the couch.
"Oh" Conrad whispered under his breath -- looking down.
"She hasn't been talking to anybody. She basically shut everyone out so I doubt that she'll come here, not after Susannah passed, but maybe you can get something out of her. After all she's your best friend." I said.
Conrad looked at me -- I smiled at him gently "I-I don"t think so, I've been texting her all this time, everyday.. but she hasn't responded to any of my texts."
"Well have you told her about the house?" I asked. Conrad shook his head no, "You should, maybe that'll make her come here, you never know" I smiled at him.
Conrad looked at me and nodded before pulling his phone out — turning around then walked towards the door.
Conrad's Pov
I would be lying if I said that I wasn't disappointed when I didn't see Y/N come in to the view. I'm not saying that I hate Belly being there, but Its just — I feel like Y/N would make it much better — make me feel better, maybe she can get some sense in me — after all, she knows me very well.
Before Belly told me that, I pulled out my phone to text Y/N. I've been messaging her everyday, wanting to know if she's okay, waiting for her response.
I know how much Mom's passing affected her, Mom was like a mother to her too, everyone knew how special their bond is — she was Mom's special girl — will always be.
I went and clicked on my message app and started to text Y/N. I told her about the beach house, hoping that it would make her come here. This house was special to her too, I know how much important it is to her. This is where we all had those happy memories, we had to make it stay that way.
I clicked sent before turning my phone off and putting it in my right pocket. I reached on my left pocket, fidgeting with the small box that contains an infinity ring. The infinity ring that I was supposed to give Y/N before we had that talk about me, Belly and her. ───────────────────────────
taglist : @maybankslover @urmomisafinewoman @user3729107491 @melllinaa @anthgoldenhrry @arunabrak @amj2277 @whoisalexa @remuslupinwifee @gulphulp @layanderson @astrvalee @goldenmoonbeam @podiumprincess @johannelis2302nely @silcintilla @smw-96 @apollo3475 @drikawinchester @fangirl-kimora @sanjanapm @milyswrld @scysuxx
hi you guys !! the sequel is finally here :)) I decided to just leave the taglist as it is, I hope that is okay for everyone but yeah ITS FINALLY HERE !!
i am so so excited for everyone to readt it :)) i am so thankful for everyone who has been giving me love recently, I appreciate all of you <3
as usual, lmk if you guys want to get tagged for the next part !! also lmk if you have any requests :))
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etherealhoneypie · 2 months
quick ramble post about nothing anyone really cares about but me!
so a straight white dude i know irl posted on his snapchat story that buying Taylor Swift on vinyl is so ridiculous and that it’s like eating raw chicken blah blah blah. why do you care so bad about something that majority women consume? don’t buy it. no one’s making you. but of course it’s going to be advertised at record stores… she sells lots of them lol. that’s quite honestly the WORST part for me about being a vinyl collector is that i buy music that is pop and feminine and not what the record store bros want you to buy. idk if this actually makes any sense to anyone else. but i started collecting vinyl back when i was 13 and it wasn’t anything other than ‘trash’ i was clearing for family members and friends of family friends. i’d stop at every flea market and junk shop, sweating in attic rooms with no ac flipping through thousands of Englebert Humperdinck records to find one or two Steely Dan and Gordon Lightfoot LPs. yet some asshole like that will see me with Midnights or folklore and write me off as not a ‘serious’ music listener. sometimes i just want to respond to people like that and be like let’s go cmon toe to toe. because to me, even if i didn’t have a big and expansive collection, who are you to judge someone’s ‘seriousness’ over a singular artist. at the end of the day i guess what im trying to say is 1. let people enjoy things and 2. if someone tells you you’re not listening to or buying records correctly i will take my vintage victrola and smash it on their head.
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startreatment · 2 months
so crazy to see posts about taylor and feel. nothing. like shit that would make me happy or excited two years ago has no effect on me whatsoever anymore. i've got so many thoughts about her just swirling around in my head and yet i cannot put them into words.
i do believe that a lot of hate she faces online comes from a place of deep-seated misogyny and disdain for successful and unapologetically ambitious women and I DO think she, in a lot of ways, is just a convenient punching bag for people. like, you can call her a cunt as a slur and people will cheer you on because they hate her guts too. a lot of them refuse to just admit they hate a woman for being annoying and inescapable, so they try to push some moral problem into the conversation, which falls apart when other pop artists get to do that same shit without being criticized.
with that being said! she just doesn't feel like a human being anymore. making another pop-record, filled to the brim with filler tracks that are begging to be pruned, reworked, perfected, because rerecording her back catalogue made her believe every idea she's ever had deserves to see the light of day. swifties buying up millions of her shitty variants that have a shitty "acoustic" song made in 5 songs by her shitty yes-man of a producer. clinging to that number one for dear life as if it means anything when you've got a rabid fanbase and 15 vinyl variants available. staying silent on such an important issue, when she could've just silently donated to a shit ton of gofundmes with her name attached to make her position known and to incentivize her dumbass fans to do the same.
it feels like i'm going crazy! she's never been a saint, i've known it for a while, but god. she's a plastic doll, singing repetitive songs that make it clear she hasn't been challenged creatively in a while, all because she knows they will sell regardless, pretending that she's not the most powerful person in media right now. i'm not praying on her downfall or anything, but i sincerely think she needs to take a pause from releasing music. recharge. get her priorities in check. stop embarrassing herself by "competing" with shitty charli xcx of all people. wah.
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