#you deserve to be rescued
creampuffqueen · 19 hours
here we fucking go again. another natural disaster in the southern us where non-southerners are acting stupid. what’s new?
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teaboot · 7 months
you have some really evil, selfish and toxic ideas irt whos allowed to have friends, you know? i see pop psy people like you all the time making lists of things that are clear and obvious trauma induced behaviour, and then immediately flip to how if you have a friend who ever behaves like this they are evil and need to be cut off, theyre not allowed to have support systems to get better! you really hate bad victims, huh? if someone isn't demure and cowering and self effacing in their symptoms they don't deserve anyone? i got assaulted and when my friend group threw me out on my ass and called me too fucked up for acting erratic and strange in the aftermath and being unable to communicate why they used your posts to justify it. its sick that people like you will look at someone uncontrollably acting out their ptsd and go wow you aren't doing this nice enough to be tolerated! people like you talk so much about compassion but when it comes to people in actual crisis you don't give a shit. no, theyre acting too problematic. just cut them off! no one should help their friends!
original post
Please allow me to take this opportunity to make some things clear.
First, you do not know me. You do not know anything about me. You do not know where I've been, where I'm going, or where I am. All that you believe that you know is extrapolated from information I have volunteered to share. Information that is, by clear and honest choice, edited for both safety and personal security. Remember this.
Second, and I say this in the kindest of ways, because I have had to learn this lesson myself:
Nobody Owes You Shit.
Have you ever saved someone from drowning?
I have.
Do you know that a drowning person struggling to get air will instinctively drag you under them?
It's hard to save people in the water. It takes specific skills and knowledge that not everybody has. Not everyone can save a drowning person without drowning in the process.
The lifeguard needs energy, and strength, and expertise, and persistence.
The swimmer needs self-restraint, and composure, and the desire to be helped, and the ability to do what they can to facilitate their own rescue.
I believe in kindness, and generosity, and compassion. I believe in trying persistently, and in giving the benefit of the doubt wherever possible. I believe that people are good, and small, and trying. And I believe that I can give all the energy I have inside of me to help someone and still come up short.
So you're drowning? I'm sorry. That must be terrifying. That must be miserable. You must be experiencing the worst moments of your life. I hope someone nearby knows how to help you. I hope they have a raft you can climb into, or a rope for you to grab, or a float you can cling to. I hope things get better. I'll call for help, and give you what I can to get you to shore.
But don't you dare drag me under water and curse me for saving myself.
Now get out of my fucking inbox.
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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pre-marination doobles. dont ask me questions
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raisedbythetv89 · 9 months
I genuinely don’t understand how people can watch the body swap episode and enjoy seeing Faith inhabit Buffy’s body and WORSE objectifying (Faith)Buffy being like “omg she’s so hot she slayed so hard I love Buffy in black leather”
Not only is SMG’s FRIGHTENING thinness even more apparent in Faith’s traditional wardrobe showcasing just how much she is practically skin and bone due to her being under immense stress and being so overworked which always just tears at my heart in so many ways but we are witnessing the WORST violation of Buffy’s body and autonomy!!!! I’m genuinely just sick the entire episode.
Bad enough she almost gets Buffy killed and finally gets her wish of (temporarily) stealing Buffy’s life which she has wanted to do since her arrival in season 3 (only to STILL not understand Buffy’s perspective until she does it again in a far less invasive way in season 7 after Buffy allowed her back into her home and she still never properly apologizes she’s like hehe turns our your life is actually pretty miserable and I don’t want it because I can’t handle the stress and constant pressure you’re under…. Oops!🙃) but unlike when Willow takes Buffy’s free will and autonomy away (where she at least still retains all the memories after the fact of everything that happened so she doesn’t have to wonder and can process them when she’s ready) Buffy has ZERO CLUE what all Faith allows to happen to her body while she’s not in it. And Faith isn’t unaware or passive about the power she holds and the things she can do to Buffy’s body in the position she’s in - she literally tells Riley, BEGS HIM - to do all of the nastiest things he’s ever wanted to do “to this body” she WANTS Riley to do things to Buffy’s body Buffy herself WOULD. NOT. ALLOW. it is one of THE MOST insidious lines in the entire series to me because not only is that an absolutely stomach churning, bone-chilling thing to say but then after the fact when angel asks what Faith did to upset Buffy so much she’s like “I slept with her boyfriend” like UMMMM WHAT??? EXCUSE ME???? That is literally the absolute LEAST of your crimes bitch be so fucking for real. This horrific violation is minimized down to oh well Buffy is just insecure about sex and especially sex in comparison to Faith like GROSS GROSSSSSSS. The entire thing is SO DISGUSTING and misogynistic AND it is part of why I genuinely do not give A FUCK about the events of seeing red as far as my love of spuffy goes because while that was absolutely the most traumatizing to watch not only was it so completely out of left field and out of character that it just doesn’t make sense in the narrative and is so obviously joss whedon coming over the loud speaker and going “women who enjoy sex with men I don’t approve of should and always will be punished” but it is the ONLY time someone hurts her in this way and PROPERLY APOLOGIZES AND MAKES THE PROPER AMENDS!!!!
So until EVERY. SINGLE. violation of Buffy’s body is treated with the same level of outcry seeing red is by all the anti-spuffys I genuinely DO NOT CARE. I DONT CARE because I’m just so done with spuffy girlies having that thrown in our faces by the morality police who are listening to the tiny white male puritanical cop in their head.
ALSO the fact that Riley not only doesn’t think ANYTHING is off about Buffy (when Faith is doing an absolutely HORRIFIC JOB of acting like Buffy) so he not only sleeps with her BUT TELLS HER HE LOVES HER FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!??!?!?!? WHILE SHE IS LITERALLY PINNED BENEATH HIM?!?!?!?!? AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!! RILEY FINN I WILL KILL YOU IF IT IS THE LAST THING THAT I DO.
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Prompt 26
Jaskier has been recognized as the runaway viscount of lettenhove by a band of bandits. Embarrassingly, they seemed to have found him in the midst of buying a personalized gift addressed "To My Beloved." Perhaps a hairclip shaped like a dandelion, or perhaps an embroidered handkerchief, or something else dainty and delightful. The bandits drag Jaskier away for ransom, even as he tries futilely to explain that his lover will NOT be polite to them if they continue down this road. I mean, whatever fancy shmancy noblewoman whose skirt he's chasing can't be that threatening to their operation, right? They write up a ransom note, intending on sending it along with a lock of Jaskier's hair, and a few drops of his blood to show they're serious. They slice across Jaskier's wrist, but there's much much much more blood than they expected, because the man slicing his wrist is suddenly missing his head. Huh. Perhaps they've underestimated Jaskier's beloved. He did try to warn them.
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gavidaily · 1 year
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SEASON 23/24 ↳ FC Barcelona vs. Mallorca | 26.09.23
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aengelren · 1 year
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And I eat it up every single time.
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So it’s later in the evening and the cooking’s all done and Ola’s out and about in the restaurant, saying howdy to all the boys —
— and there is Jamie, nifty in blue and his ICON cap and pleasantly buzzy from all the drinks Dani mixed, and Ola doesn’t exactly corner him, but he stops by and, “Ah, you must be Jamie! I’ve heard so much about you!”
Jamie blinks a couple of times at that, trying to imagine all the times Sam might have talked to his extremly supportive dad about him, and succeeding only far too well. “Oh. Uh, yeah. I mean… I’ve, uh. I’ve tried to do better, so. But. I guess. Uh. Yeah.” And he shrugs a little, unhappily, because he really doesn’t know what to say to this gentle giant of a man whose son he terrorized for six unfortunate months a couple of years back.
Ola just looks at him, frowning but not in a nasty or angry way. Cocks his head to the side. “Yes. Samuel’s told me.”
Jamie makes a face at that but before he has time to say anything else – offer any apologies – Ola plows on: “He’s told me about his very good friend who’s been such great support to him in this last year, in spite of him not having much support of his own.” He pauses, making sure that Jamie is hearing him: “I’ve been glad to hear he has such good friends. Samuel has been very fortunate.”
“Oh.” Jamie blinks again. And again. His eyes are wide. A slight shine to them, maybe. He looks away from Ola; away from Sam, happily (and inexpertly) (but still succesfully) flirting with Simi by the bar.
And Ola puts his arm around Jamie’s shoulders and it’s warm and it’s heavy, but it doesn’t weight him down; it grounds him. “Tell me, Jamie,” Ola rumbles, as he gently guides Jaime to one of the stuffed benches by the wall. “What do you think about—“
(And if Sam looks up from his conversation with Simi and if his eyes stray to the men on the bench… he’d smile, yeah, soft and aching and pleased with the way Jamie – seemingly unconsciously – is leaning into Ola’s touch, listening and grinning and gesturing wildly as he answer whatever questions the older man asks of him. Sam sees them, and he smiles.)
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fisherrprince · 5 months
*Shuffles closer just an inch too close* Tell me your Vanitas Thoughts(tm). Your hopes and dreams for him in relation to the series, and what your Expectations are for in to contrast
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I think I’ve talked so much abt vanitas I spat out like 29489385 words about what I think might happen and what I hope does RIGHT HERE right here I found it but TEE EL DEE AR worst case scenario: vanitas becomes mephiles (I don’t know sonic lore) and goes full evil cackling I’ve been darkness the whoooole tiiime (scarily likely but I want to BELIEVE the themes of kh remain intact about personhood). BEST case scenario to ME he and Ven have to work together to defeat Darkness because vanitas goes thru another self-identity crisis while trapped in (……….???) Sora’s? Ven’s heart? Somewhere? His heart grew too much to be dissolved back into nothing again. And he gets a wallet chain and a spiked collar. My TEMPERED expectations are something like,,, either he’s gone. we’re done with him, he’s dead. OR. He like… shows up as a villain and then either we have to beat him again or he defects at the last minute. There’s so much that has to do with having a will and making choices and friendship and and and AND on to ad infinitum in this video game. I want him here but if he’s gonna have a bad arc I want him gone. However I want him here so bad. And knowing kh none of this will happen he’s gonna like, go on a space adventure with yozora and pleakley or something
AND ALSO because you asked for Thoughts and then asked for the second thing here’s my first thought about vanitas make him meaner when you analyze him and in that vein if you want to give ME a little treat you’ll make badlands ven a little nervous prick too. People are too nice about vanitas because he’s the outcast emo kid and you all were outcast emo kids but vanitas in the actual game (not like. When you take a blorbo out of the game im of the opinion that you can do whatever you want with him and I do whatever I want all the time. Do you know how many soft sappy vani fics are in my ao3. do you know how many. I cherish each and every ONE of them) BUT IN THE GAME he hates. So so so strongly. I’ve also said this before but he’s so angry that the anger spills over. He’s vindictive and rash and desperate and a big meanie bully. AFFECTIONATE!!!!! He wants to be alive but not like this, this alive is the wrong kind of alive. He wants to crawl inside Ven’s heart and feel the warmth of the blood there. He didn’t ask to be made and if his unversed wants a big boot to hide in he’s going to give it a big boot
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S1e6 'you can stay at my place if you like' vs s2 Crowley not even telling Aziraphale he lives in his car. what the fuck happened between these two moments? well, Crowley (in Aziraphale's body) went to heaven and got traumatized by Gabriel and was probably scared shitless that they would harm Aziraphale if they would literally be living together
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arvoze · 1 year
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would you like to learn about what's in my head.
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galactic-rhea · 2 months
I'll admit that the reason why I have been doodling so much super silly things these last two days it's because i saw the most ungodly takes ever that made my eye twitch and it wasn't like just your classic ship war, it was just-
"did we watch the same thing? if so I volunterr for a comparative study between the both of us, I think researchers would find this fascinating"
Is not even a moral thing or anything, is just that I feel gasligthed because I can't see how you ended with that Conclusion(tm) and you keep explaining and I still can't see.
Is like looking at a solved math problem, and you can't just conprehend the steps, that's how it feels. And also I get a bit petty because-...idk, is a children show, is not that complex
Tbh, what makes me eye twitch is actually the,,,hmm,,,the way some people seem to be so unaware of how trauma works, I think. Because I'm quite invested in analizing trauma in fictional characters and Anakin's is like served on a silver tray, so it's baffling when I come across with people that have such a deep misunderstanding of how trauma can affect a brain cuz yeah, is fictional but you're meant to write the characters with logic.
But I'm derailing i don't even know what i'm writting anymore, but no worries, i'm mostly just baffled and confused sdfnkljgnkdjfg
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werewolfsister · 29 days
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Comuuuuuuuuuuuuuu yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy good job everybody!
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Except Servi & Ocossu you guys suck go home
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feuer-bluete · 7 months
The hard thing about a second play through of rdr2 is that I know what will happen and have to make such hard decisions as:
do I save Jack as fast as possible, even tho I know he is generally okay where he is right now
do I let Kieran live a few more happy days
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agirlking · 1 year
Legit going to fuck up the whole franchise for me if we don’t see some serious apologies to Spider by Jake and Neytiri.
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amberizedcasey · 10 months
cucurucho staring at the camera and shaking everytime a minor inconvience happened was so funny
also the eggs being like "tf u doing here?" and him being so confused HA GET FUCKED
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