#you control time and yet you're constantly running out of it......everyone forgets you and your actions continuously
heros-shade-fanclub · 4 months
i've always adhered to the idea that termina isn't a real place but rather a representation of link himself. and it makes me unwell if i think about it too much. to be quite honest with you
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slvttyj3sss · 1 year
original short story, possibly a bit sinister at the end.
when someone misses you, most of the time they mean it. I get random messages form random numbers all the time. Saying things like 'i realised i hadn't love you in a while, i'm glad it ended, but i'm sorry...' was one of them, they're always addressed to Jess, but only specifically her, i wonder what she's like.
Then there are others along the lines of ' i miss you sissy i'm scared to forget you. Iove you.' and, 'thank you''s. a lot of thank you's. You feel emotionless. Gone. You're gone. You can look in the mirror but even she's not going to know who you are.
'Just give up' is the sentence that constantly runs through your mind. You feel like at this point that's what you should do. But if you do, would it end badly? Should someone else control you?
If you had the option of not having to worry about just living your life, would you choose that option? You'd lose yourself and at that point there'd be no point.
You continue reciving messages form unknown numbers, millions of different unknown numbers. And it's killing you. The fact that you don't know who's sending you these messages is killing you.
Messages stack up on your phone. You leave them unread.
'Thank you for being here again, I missed you when apart.'
'You loved me but i didn't always feel loved'
Who were these people. was it the same person, with hundreds of different numbers? At this point you wanted to give up. Just commit. But these messages were keeping you grounded. At peace.
'I wish I would have asked sooner. I wish I wasn't so afraid.'
I wish. I WISH! I wish, I wish, I WISH! These were the only words running through your mind. Were they ever going to leave? You needed an escape and t this point you were willing to just throw your phone out of a window.
You decided to type a random number into your phone, their name popped up. Oscar. You started typing, You sent an array of things.
'I wish you weren't so confusing'
'I always find myself thinking about you, revisiting a place where i felt seen.'
'i want you to heal and i want to forgive you but i'm not able to just yet. I miss you sometimes.'
were just a few of them. You never felt bad sending random messages.
And then there were others.
'i hate everything you did to me.'
'Why'd you do that to me?'
'i think about you a lot, i wish you did too'
You. You... Who are you, and what have you become, i mean look at you. You're such a joke, seriously. If you could see yourself how everyone else sees you i'm sure you'd understand why we all look at you the way we do, right? You're a joke, i mean, you can't do anything right so why continue, ey?
but you should, and you know it bothers you. JUST QUIT.
maybe you weren't going to escape. maybe the title was a hoax. AND AS REALISATION SUNK IN YOU WERE ALREADY TOO FAR GONE.
your never going to escape from the darkness now...
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desertgremlin · 2 years
Also, agree what you said about Alicent. She is so flawed and sympathetic. I loved when Rhaenys called her out on her hypocrisy. Like, she suffered so much because of the society she is in and instead of going against it or just not participating, she actively upholds it. And I'm just like, why? What are you getting out of this? Because your power here is an illusion, unfortunately. And it's clear Rhaenyra is trying to eek out whatever sort of agency and happiness she can because she knew from the jump how this world was. And Alicent resents her for realizing that and taking action! And that's valid but it's also like, you waster your energy hating your best friend (who also suffered and whose legitimacy as heir is threatened because of your offspring) instead of using your position as queen to sway your husband, father, and the rest of society to see things differently. I get that she is a product of the place and time she is in but it's also like, girl you are clearly up in your feelings and you are taking it on on the wrong person. Before Rhaenyra omitted the truth about her virtue, you had your own secrets. So it's funny to watch Alicent be so righteous and angry. She had every right to be but I'm also like, you make me laugh. You're response is to punish yourself and other women constantly. She is so convinced of the power of men and its disheartening. What would it have looked like if she supported Rhaenyra? Gained power through joining with her? But that would never happen. She was so convinced that Rhae would kill her own siblings (again, ironic because of what her own children do) and that Luke and Jace being Harwin's boys were such an affront that everyone (Viserys was fine with it and Rhae could legitimize them when she became queen, problem solved) that she can't step back and see how the whole thing is a farce. It is a game. And she sees how harmful it is and yet the only way she can survive and keep some sort of sanity is to play.
And don't fucking get me started on Otto. Like, let's not forget Alicent is his daughter and while she is a victim, she is still nobel, a royal, and reeps many benefits in the position she is in. And Otto knows that. He made sure of it and she had to pay a huge price to be where she is unfortunately. That's exactly why he uses her. He is greedy and opportunistic and isn't content with what he has, which really is a lot. He is the second most powerful man in the realm. And that's not enough for him. It was clear he was never fond of Rhaenyra-like, look at how he treats his own daughter. If he barely respects Alicent, how would he feel about the woman who would inherit the throne? She is a threat to him! He cant control her and he hates that. He can't stand that a woman would be above him and she would certainly replace him as hand when she became queen and he knew that (while Aegon wouldn't). It has nothing to do with tradition. That's the excuse. It's that he cannot fathom a woman being more powerful than he is and being better at running the show. But he would never say that.
Firstly, love Rhaenys. She's probably one of my faves.
Secondly, yeah the Hightowers are a whole thing. I was so glad when Viserys booted Otto out and so annoyed when he came back like!! C'mon. If he was using his Hand powers to manipulate things to his liking before, you know he's going to do it again.
I can't remember where I read it but someone mentioned how part of Alicent's resentment as well is probably over Rhaenyra's boys and how they're not at all like her own shitty sons. She's the queen but the reality of it is not great and from her POV, Rhaenyra's got this great life where she's free and gets everything she wants and everyone loves her. You're right, Alicent should redirect her resentment towards her dad since he's why she got in that position in the first place.
I feel a little bad for her because the men around her always take her wants a step too far for their own gain like when Larys murdered Harwin 'for Alicent' but mostly because he'd become Lord of Harrenhal and when Alicent mentioned Viserys 'dying wish' only to find out nearly the entire council had already been planning to install Aegon as king for a while behind her back. And she isn't (usually) one to jump at murder as the first resort (like she was horrified about what happened to Harwin and she wanted to give Rhaenyra a better way to concede the throne) but these men get into her head!! The men push and prod Alicent to make the decisions they want made and she's so self-righteous and insane sometimes, don't get me wrong but I hate it for her when she's just, like, one person vs all these guys who think they know better.
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madstwd · 3 years
Better Late than Never
Rick Grimes x Reader
Warnings: angst
Words: 2.7k
Season: 9 but flashbacks to others
Summary: 3 times Rick tried to kiss you and the time he actually did...
Hope you enjoy this one! ~ Mads :))
“RICK” He heard your shouts break him from his dazed view of the road ahead, he stumbled about losing his horse as he saw the bridge ahead of him. Your face came into view as he watched you running at him. “Oh my god” he heard you mutter as you looked at his side he was clutching, his face was pale and sweaty as he struggled to keep his distance from the herd behind him. “Come on, you're going to make it” he felt you lifted his arm, draping it over your shoulder, taking most of his weight as you both made your way to the bridge. He didn’t want you to be here, he wanted you to be safe, with the others. He chuckled at how you have been here from the start and now might be here until the end. He regrets not telling you sooner, how he felt, he smiled as he thought of the beginning of your close relationship with him…
You met Rick on his way to Atlanta looking for his family, walking down the abandoned highway, you were confused when you saw a horse coming from behind you, a sheriff promising to protect you whilst he searched for his family. You were alone, everyone you knew was dead, yet you promised to help him survive to see his family alive or dead. You didn’t expect to actually find them though, after helping a group leave a department store, you were granted safety until both you and Rick moved on to continue your search. Something about Rick made you feel safe and calm, not alone even. You were able to forget your family’s deaths for once whilst you engaged in a conversation with him. You watched him reunite with his family, he looked over his wife’s shoulders giving you the biggest grin whilst tears of happiness fell from his face, you nodded allowing him to focus his attention on his wife and son.
Having no where else to go, you decided to stick around, everyone was welcoming and kind. Rick's son looks up to you like a friend, constantly thanking you for being with his dad and bringing him home. Rick couldn’t be more thankful for you, helping him not give up to reach his family. Staying with him as you looked up at the stars wondering who else was out there. He appreciated the company, having someone to comfort him in his worries or fears of not achieving his goal. Yet even if he couldn’t find his family he was just as content within himself to have found you. His feelings didn’t start to form until later on the arrival at the farm. Unlike Lori, you out your full trust in him, letting him think out his plan verbally without further confusing or stressing him. He also liked how you did the same for everyone else, admiring the fact most people came to you for comfort, hell even Daryl let you get close to talk to him. He loved Lori but was confused by all the mood swings with him during this time, it was almost like she was guilty of something but blamed him for it. The night after Shane broke the lock to the barn and Hershel threatened to kick them away of the farm, he sat in the hayloft alone. Wondering where he went wrong with controlling everyone at camp, why they didn’t listen to him, broke the only rule they were given. He heard the soft patting of footsteps climb up the ladder, “I want to be alone,Lori” He stated his eyes not leaving the darkening sky in front of him. “Not lori” you chuckled. He turned around quickly, muttering a small apology at his assumption. “Do you still want me to leave?” You asked, now standing next to him. He sighed and shook his head. You sat next to him, neither of you saying a word just looking at the sunset. You could see the others digging graves for all the walkers that were put down that day. “It wasn’t your fault” you stated, not breaking eye contact from the landscape in front of you. Rick only nodded “she was right next to us, I left her in that creak” he sighed, “I was meant to keep hope alive and protect everyone and I failed” Your hand softly hovered over his before firmly grasping it. “Yes, but she didn’t wait for you to get back, being a leader is hard. Even more so when others don’t listen to you” you stated, bringing your attention to his profile. He chuckled, turning to you slightly giving you a small smile, “you always find the light in the situation, never give up hope. How do you do it?” He questioned. You shrugged your shoulders, drawing your attention back to the sunset, “I find something to hold onto and never give up. Before it was just being alive for the ones I lost, and now its to protect this group” you said. The sunset shon on your eyes, allowing the colour in them to pop. Rick smiled softly as he looked at your features, the soft orange glow landing on your cheeks that were slightly red from the chill of the night. You turned back to Rick, his cheeks blushing as he got caught staring at you. You smiled sweetly. Rick's hand landed on your cheek, rubbing softly. Both of you drawing in close, you could feel his breath on your face. “RICK” you heard someone shout, both of you shook out of your trance. Rick swiftly got up and began to run back to the house where a small group was gathered. You stayed put, too awkward and ashamed of even thinking someone who tried to find their family so hard would kiss you.
He stumbled to the ground, almost taking you with him. “Don’t give up on me now, we are almost there” you cried. You were becoming exhausted carrying him, trying to keep a good pace away from the hoard. “Please, Judith needs you, I need you”
He groaned as he stood up, your pleas were enough to keep him going, ending to get you to safety even if he didn’t live. You were always stubborn but loyal, helping him with Lori, hell he wouldn’t have a daughter if it wasn’t for you, he rents how he acted towards you after her death. Blaming you for it. “I’m sorry” he muttered, Rick felt you shake your head, “tell me when we are safe” you whispered, trying to hide your voice breaking. However after Lori's death his love for you began to flourish at a fast pace, he remembers the regret for not telling you before you got ill, or ignoring you as he dealt with the governor's threats..
After the farm fell, Rick became cold. After killing his friend and now trying to keep his family alive, adding Lori’s pregnancy into the mix. The time you both talked was when he was on watch with you. His mood became better when you both found the prison, but quickly deflated when you came out of the cell block holding his daughter and blood coating your arms, showing the signs his wife was now dead. He blamed you, you knew it. Saw it in his eyes when he noticed the child in your arms, his son clutching to your leg as you both stumbled out of that block. His cries broke your heart. In the time you knew there was nothing else you could do to help her, she wanted nothing but the child to live. You promised to watch over the family for her, her last request you weren’t about to break. Maggie and Glenn comforted you through the pain and guilt you had. Each day you watched Rick as he pulled away from the group and his own family, trying to protect them from the Governor's threats. Once the threat of the governor was put to rest by his disappearance you focused on helping Rick heal, building the friendship you had with him . You Helped him with the farm, teach Carl how to grow crops or help the live animals you three had attempted to catch. The day being a fond memory as you, Carl, Rick and Maggie all showed up at the gates with piglets in your arms and covered in mud the simple task turned into a nightmare. Rick’s smile caused yours to become wider that day, hoping he was finally moving on from Lori and being himself again. However a few months later you became one of the few to have fallen sick. Rick visits you everyday talking through the glass as he watches your appearance get worse each day. “Remember what I said a few weeks into finding you” he questioned, you shook your head in response causing you to groan in pain from the action. “I said if I didn’t find my family at least I had you” he stated, his voice slightly cracking, you gave him a weak smile. Leaning your forehead against the glass separating you two. “I mean it, I lost her, I-I can’t loose you” he sighed, placing his head against the glass as well. You smiled, letting out a small chuckle which quickly turned into a cough attack, you allowed Glenn and Sasha lead you back to the cell you all sat in together. He was relieved that Daryl came back with Medication, allowing you to get better. But good things never last, the prison fell and he lost you and Judith. You on the other had found Michonne, both leaving the destruction of the prison behind hoping to find shelter or someone you knew. It wasn’t long until you both found a small town, deciding to go house to house looking for supplies that might have been left behind, you looked up seeing a walker hanging out of a bathroom window and a can of chocolate porridge on the roof. You nudged Michonne's arm pointing in the direction of the walker. Her eyes widened before you both ran to the house, making sure it was clear you walked to the bathroom door, seeing a poorly written note about a shoe. You both began to laugh, now knowing Carl was at least nearby. You both began to search for a sign looking for which house he could be held up in. When you found it, you ran to the door, knocking. You heard voices before seeing Rick's face pop up in the glass window, you let out a choked sob thinking you had lost him. You heard some more talking before the door was opened. You dropped everything and ran to Rick, clinging to him. “I found you” he whispered into your hair. You nodded into his neck, both pulling back looking at each other’s blood stained faces. His hand rested on your cheek again, one on your waist holding close. Lost in each other’s eyes, “we need to close the door again” Michonne's voice broke your trance. You both cleared your throats awkwardly pulling away from each other. Rick and MIchonne closed and secured the door as you hugged and greeted Carl. “Found your shoe” you laughed, Carl grinned at you. Glancing between You and Rick his smile grew wider. “Thank you” he said, putting the shoe back on.
The bridge was now in view, he could hear your pants as you tried to keep him up right. He could hear your calls to the others as you approached, calling for help. “Rick, please help. I can’t lose you come on” you cried out. The shouts from others were heard in the distance as you both started to reach the bridge. You could see them gathering across the other side of you as you finally made it to the bridge, you continued to try and drag Rick away but he stumbled to the floor dragging you down with him. He looked at you blankly as you scrambled to your feet to drag him up, your cries becoming a blur with the groans coming closer behind you. “Please rick, get up” you cried, tears now streaming down your face. He frowned remembering the last time you were crying like this was when Glenn and Abraham died.
You watched Rick rise and fall as a leader again, seeing how he would go to no extent to make sure you and Carl were safe with how he dealt with the Claimers and terminus. Seeing how he kept hope you would all find a new place to keep safe, even though you kept loosing people, first it was bob, then Beth and tyreese. Watching him fight through everything to keep Alexandria alive. Joining in his side taking down an entire herd whilst his son was getting surgery on his eye. It was the events after that he needed to be there for you. Negan. Killing two people you cared deeply for. Glenn sat next to you as the man beat the guy who saved your dumbass in the beginning, watching him say his final words whilst grasping your hand tightly. You broke further watching your other friend being dragged away. Rick leading you away from the body of Glen, helping you in the truck. When you arrived back to your home you went straight to your room, where you just staring at the wall. Your friend is gone, just like that. His blood covered you, just like what happened with Lori. Rick stood at the entrance of the door, watching the tears fall down your cheeks. He sighed knowing he caused the pain from making the wrong choices. He silently sat next to you, taking your hand in his. You turned and leant your head on his shoulder, your cries became louder. He adjusted his position so you could now cry on his chest as he leant back against the wall. “They didn’t deserve this” you wailed, Rick just pulled you closer, the tears forming in his own eyes. “We need to get Daryl back, he’s suffering there, we can’t-“ Rick silenced, drawing our attention to his face. “We will, I promise” he said. You sighed deeply, nodded your head, you never doubted Rick, put your trust in him right from the start. He gave you hope, something to live for, something to fight for. You leant in closer to his face, foreheads touching as you both silently breathed as one. Judith's cries caught Rick's attention as he slowly got up to attend to her. He turned around and watched as you laid down, crying into your pillow for Glenn and Abraham.
He looked at your face, cupping it with his bloody hands as you both knelt on the floor. “Rick i love you, you have to get up please” you cried. His eyes widened at your claim. All this time and you felt the same, “Rick please, we have to move” you screamed at him. You stood up, shooting any othe the walkers getting close, arrows flying getting any others further back. His family was here, he found them. He just needs to tell you, he has to let you know. He struggled to stand up, slowly walking over you. Hand tightly clutched to his side. You turned to him , trusting Daryl to keep the walkers away from you. “I love you too” he spoke, you turned to him, you weren’t crying anymore just sobbing. “I knew it for so long, I should have Told you soone-“ he was cut off by you pressing your lips to his. Your tears make his cheeks wet, mixing with the blood on his face. “I love you too” you cried. He smiled at you before turning to look at the bridge. He walked over, aiming his pistol at the explosives knocked over by the walkers. You ran to him but it was too late as the explosion had already gone off, blowing you backwards. The bridge is no longer there. Rick is no longer there. You stood looking for him. But he was gone. You looked over at Daryl before collapsing on your knees, you couldn’t save him. His last moments he told you how he felt, he loved you.
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dumbcoffeebee · 3 years
Cooking Headcannons~
Lil blurbs of what I think it'd be like cooking with / how well I think the BNHA characters cook~
my god this is so long I'm sorry
not great but not bad
a mess
no literally he keeps putting the knives in the sink and needing to get new ones every 5 minutes
somehow does everything really fast
horrible with anything more complex than a knife
once forgot to put the lid on the food processor
food went everywhere
it was insane
saying that, he knows like every knife skill in the book and more
everyone is baffled at how he's both so chaotic yet so in control of every single thing
his secret is that he binged cooking shows
like the pioneer woman
she reminds him of Inko <3
gets freaked out by Gordon Ramsay when he yells
says he acts too much like Kacchan when they were in middle school for comfort
and he's correct
forgets to set timers for literally anything
he's burned and undercooked so many things it seems almost impossible
somehow most of his food is pretty alright actually
if you're cooking with him tho
oh god
get ready to be running around at the speed of light trying to make sure nothing is burning and is cooking well as he's putting all of his focus into the one thing when there's like five components to the dish
constantly asks for your approval on everything
it's cute tho
either just straight up does not talk or is rambling for days about like- chemical alterations & science in food or food history or smth random like that
like the history of cheese
"did you know that the first cheese made was goat cheese in the Neolithic era? It'sreallyfascinatingthat-"
"Izuku, as much as I enjoy your ramblings and interesting facts, I really do, the water is boiling over and the pasta isn't nearly done resting."
cue chaos
as we see in the show he's extremely efficient & a good cook
you'd think he'd be impatient
but no
he understands how certain techniques work & why
so he's actually just super focused & gets pissed when people interrupt him
also he has to be the best at everything so ofc he can make an awesome five-course meal
bc yk he's Bakugou
if you ask to cook with him he'd think you're not being serious
but if you keep asking him he'd make sure you know how to do whatever it is you're doing and just let you go at it
if he's letting you cook w/ him he probably trusts you enough to know you wouldn't screw it up on purpose
if you do make a mistake he'd probably want to get angry
but he'd take you aside later to teach you how to do it
not aggressively so, he'd demonstrate first slowly since he understands you're just trying to learn and that it takes time
he gets that bc it took him years to figure out different cooking terms and how to properly execute them
lots of years combined with burned and failed experiments
patience too, obviously. cooking is one of the only things he'd taught himself how to be patient with
if you were holding something like a knife the wrong way he'd gently take your hand and position it in the correct way
"you're gonna cut yourself if you keep holding it like that, dumbass."
sharp words but gentle in practice
uses the correct tool for literally everything
doesn't mind doing dishes tho
he'd be really organized and efficient with everything
neatly handwritten recipes
the girls probably watch him cook
the boys too for that matter
it's like a cooking show but in the dorms and the host yells a lot
everything in the dorms' pantry would be labeled
he bought a labelling machine specifically for that purpose bc he "got tired of shit being in random ass places"
Iida really appreciates it too
he knows the perfect temperature for literally every meat and fish & how it's to be prepared and the exact way it should be cooked
keeps a journal for new recipes and info on food
has a section dedicated to everyone's favorite foods and how to make them in the back
started it when one of the girls asked him to make one of their comfort foods bc she was on her period (probably Mina)
now it's become a thing & he'll research what it is & how to make it if he doesn't already know
only Deku knows but let's be real he has dirt on literally everyone
anyway Bakugou probably owns/owned and knows how to use every professional cooking tool known to man
doesn't use them tho bc he can, and I quote, "do it himself without relying on any damned tool to do something that he can do faster and better."
probably used his own explosions to cook/substitute grill something when he wasn't allowed near the grill when he was a kid
that grosses him out now whenever Mitsuki tells the story of when she found him doing that with mushrooms out of the store container a few at a time and eating them whole with some pepper
in his defense he thought it was pretty good & admittedly thinks it was kind of smart now- still weirds him out that he did that multiple times tho
will do it when he's in his feels as a means of comfort food now
one time Sero and Kiri walked in on him doing that on his floor leaning against his bed in his sad hoodie w/ the pepper grinder from downstairs
they slowly walked out & asked him about it later
he tells them to fuck off
k I'm stopping myself here for blasty boy even though I could go on for days
horrible in the kitchen
have you seen this kid
he's a rich kid
he doesn't know how to cook
Fuyumi taught him how to make soba tho
he won't use the stove bc the fire that isn't his freaks him out too much so he ends up just nuking shit in the microwave until Fuyumi guided him through how to safely use a stovetop
that woman is the sole reason this kid knows how to do literally anything in the kitchen
it's not a lack of confidence or skill
he just genuinely doesn't know how to do it
mans is suffering here
if you asked him how to juice a lemon he'd have an idea of how to do it
he just.. can't
you come back to see half the counter and most of his arms and torso covered in lemon juice
somehow there's like 1 teaspoon of juice in the pitcher and he's gone through eight lemons and an oddly yellow orange
"I know what it should be.. but idk how to do it."
You look on the counterspace to his right and lo and behold, there's a juicer on top of a pile of seemingly discarded kitchen appliances
"Roki- you were so close. You were this close"
"Oh. I was of the idea that that was for crushing meats."
He was so close yet so far
It's ok though- he figures things out between you and Fuyumi teaching him and watching Bakugou
0/10 worse than Todoroki istg
can't cook for nothin
yk what he can do tho?
this boy can bake
specifically bread I feel like, but baking in general.
mostly non-desert dishes though
except for cakes bc they're quite similar to bread & they don't have to be crazy sweet
doesn't make much of a mess, it's all pretty contained to one area of counter (somehow)
in general, solid baker but terrible cook
I just get the vibes that he straight up is a mess and just has fun while doing it
it's not even a matter of if the dish is good or not, he just likes the process of cooking it
despite that, it usually comes out pretty well
has probably shocked himself multiple times with electric kitchen appliances
or sent them into malfunction
usually when he was younger tho it doesn't happen so much anymore only when he gets freaked out
has shorted the stove & by extension the entire dorm building like twice
he'll cook for himself and it's fine but the second he's cooking for more than one person, especially if it's you, he's a mess and can't keep track of anything
the pressure of trying to impress people just gets to him :|
it gets slightly better if you help out tho so you can keep him focused
he definitely cooks with music on
he says it helps it taste better
it probably does tbh
he'd start singing too but I'll do singing headcannons later that's another post on it's own
freaks out if something catches on fire
lord help him if something gets burned or ruined in any way
he won't give up- he'd just criticize the hell out of it while you're eating
it makes him sad that he can't get certain things right away
but it's ok bc he slowly gets better and he's really proud of that
but like he'll just cook whenever bc it's fun or he's bored
like some poor shmuck will wake up at 2:30 in the morning to the sound of Denki singing to himself w/ music on after he drops a pan or smth
(jirou or shoji probably since they have the best hearing)
they're like wtf is happening
so they walk downstairs and they just find denki jamming out to his music making mac & cheese
and they just slowly walk away
he doesn't even notice until they bring it up like four days later
also you cannot tell me dark shadow wouldnt fuck with him so hard
6/10 she's probably pretty well versed in food
but only like certain kinds
so she would pick up on stuff from bakugou cooking
can make amazing pasta & knows her way around most things
has made things float on accident & will only realize if someone points it out to her
like there'll be two pans, a bowl & the cinnamon just floating there n someones like uhh-
she probably uses a lot of spices bc she knows she doesn't know how to do a lot of things so she focuses more on perfecting certain dishes
hates doing the dishes bc the wet food grosses her tf out & would wear those long yellow gloves so she can't feel it
insists that everyone rinse their plates to some capacity so much that its just habit for everyone now
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carbonateddelusion · 3 years
Had anyone asked you this? Top 5 most and least dateable ocs pls
nobody has yet!!!!! thanka you :]
Top 5 most dateable OCs:
Jade is such a loving, patient person that it would be insane to NOT have her top the list. She's confident, reassuring, affectionate, and most importantly, stands her ground. She'll give you some leeway, especially if you're struggling with something, but the moment you cross that line she WILL let you know and hold you accountable. Jade's the biggest proponent of tough love; you WILL learn and you WILL prosper and you WILL love yourself. She also owns a bar, so she's a #girlboss
Mac's all-around a sweet guy. He's a great person to goof off with, and while he isn't the most in touch with emotions, he'll gladly be a shoulder to cry on. He's a ride-or-die kind of dude, and despite how chill he looks, there's an intense loyalty there. He's a little shy though! Mac can be THE most outgoing person... as long as he's with his best friend.
Coda's laid back but perpetually busy. It's either working at the cafe or trying to take care of their kid. Being a a single parent is pretty goddamn rough. As a partner, he's a great cuddlebug, and isn't shy to open up to you. But despite his ability to conceal it, he's prone to stress and may close off a little while he's going through it. They're very patient, like Jade, however. They have all the time in the world for your problems; they just shut down before you can try to address theirs.
Green's love ensures that you'll never have to work another day in your life. Unless you want to, of course! He's aloof, cordial, and cheerful, always up for a long, long conversation or two, and has the power (and bank account) to give you everything you've ever wanted. But he's also chronically ill and therefore often bedridden or on house arrest, and when he isn't, he's busy attending to his Corporate Business or raising his duckling son. You also might feel a little condescended to sometimes. He means well, but he was raised to think of anybody with less than Musk levels of money as an inferior being; this translates into him almost treating you like a rare, amusing thing to enjoy. Despite this, he loves fervently and without restraint. And you bet he has a lot of it to give after being cooped up in his home for so long.
Minato's just your run-of-the-mill young adult trying to scrape by on chump change to support themself and their perpetually absent mom. They can be kind of brash and shy, but they're extremely accepting and friendly once you make it known that you lack bad intent. They're easily excited, cuddly, self-sufficent, and a little forgetful. Being so busy, things just... slip their mind sometimes. As long as you don't mind a forgotten date or two, they have oodles of love to give. As long as you don't mind the smell of sweaty fox.
Top 5 least dateable OCs:
80s Jack is.. the kind of person you're warned about. By everyone. He's obsessive, possessive, sado-masochistic, demanding, mean-spirited, easily angered, insensitive, abusive in pretty much any way you can imagine, and will control your life, on top of his numerous mental and emotional issues. Don't let him in.
Lucas is sweet, bubbly, wealthy, snuggly, empathetic, mindful.... if he's interested in you, and if it's you, it's ONLY you. He's also a stalker! He's CONSTANTLY worried about his partner's safety, but opts to have his security to watch over them instead because of his blindness. To everybody that isn't his partner, he's unsettlingly cold.
Sane Jack will chew you up and spit you out the moment you stop being useful to him. But if he really, truly has a connection to you, you'll have a lifetime friend and watchdog. It's a tossup whether he'll latch on to you or get bored of you. He's impulsive, prideful, and paranoid, but also loyal, humorous, the life of the party, (arguably) well-meaning, and very soft under that thick skin. If you can manage to open him up, there's a scared little boy who brings knocked out teeth and scars to show-and-tell waiting for you, arms open for a hug.
Edgar loves. He loves very, very, very passionately. He's emotionally sensitive and empathetic, attentive, romantic, well-spoken, intelligent, and sweet. He's also extremely depressed, terribly jealous, self-sacrificing to the point of self harm, refuses to let you help him, unstable, and secretive. He will rip himself limb from limb to make you happy and safe. He will pull teeth and sell his soul just to see you smile. He also comes pre-packaged with a host of traumas. Good luck!
M.Edgar will not even entertain the concept of falling in love with someone- if he were to, he'd think he's ill. He's withdrawn, busy, blunt, and vainglorious, but securing his affection will have you want for nothing. Deep down he's touch-starved and full of just as much love as his non-M!-self. You just have to dig a little.
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
Yandere Charcter Encyclopedia
A list of some requested charcters and the types of yandere’s they would be. I might open requests for a part two later idk yet. 
Twisted Wonderland
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Vil Schoenheit is  controlling and possessive.
You need to be the BEST!
It's more so this lovesick notion that Vil seems to be "in love with" rather than you as a person. No one knows exactly why Vil chose you as his dearly significant other and Vil has never given any inkling as to why he favors you above everybody else. It's a paradox, an unsolvable mystery. But the truth is Vil fell in love with you, not for your looks, nor your personality, heck you didn't even really do some outstanding gesture that pulled at his heartstrings, no, instead you did nothing. Confusing, I know but let me explain, you were a nobody. No breathtaking looks, no fantastic personality, no influential family. There was NOTHING special about you! This means you had the potential to be something special, something extraordinary and the only person in the universe who could raise you to such levels was nonother than the head of Pomfiore, Vil Schoenheit!
Every day he spends hours making sure you look perfect, a face painted in just the right ways to make others believe you had the features of an angel sent from above. Posture so straight, shoulders pulled back to make others think you were the long lost heiress to some fallen family. Never once did you speak out of place or with a tone harboring too many emotions, every word that left your mouth was so well thought out and prepared that others could only suspect you were some sort of genius.
You were nothing, that's what made Vil notice you in the first place, that's what made him mold you into the perfect someone. Whatever you are now is only thanks to your darling, caring lover...never forget that. 
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Rook Hunt is delusional.
Rook's brain is an incredibly messed up place and it only gets worst the longer he's around you. You are a little rabbit, nimble and sweet and he is the hunter that wants to stick a bow right through your beating heart, a lovely pair you two make, wouldn't you agree? But the more he stalks you, following you around like a second shadow. The more he realizes that he doesn't want you simply for the thrill of a small chase...oh no, he wants to keep you. Put you in a golden cage and throw away the key. You're not some rare catch like le roi des lions or a breathtaking sight like le roi des poisons. No instead you're simple, you aren't a game of nither wit nor strength, you are simply a game of love. Because you love him already don't you? You know he's been following you and doesn't do anything about it because you want him to catch you, right? You want the greatest hunter to hit you with his cupid's arrow so you can fall into his awaiting arms, right where you belong!
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Azul is manipulative (were you guys seriously expecting something else?) 
Azul is all calculations and deals, all wit and talk. He's got guts to go up against just about anyone he meets and he’s smart enough to turn them into a fish out of water. So maybe it was his confidence that let’s you slip away with lax deals, bending the rules for a helpless little angelfish such as yourself. He doesn't notice that he has feelings for you, not until you stroll into the VIP room of the Mostro Lounge looking for your "dearest friend Azul", all to simply ask him for a contract to make the lousy excuse of an Ignyhide dorm leader fall in love with you. It's then and there that Azul decides it's time to toughen up the rules, tighten the noose around your pretty little neck. You don't even notice until you're rejected by Idia and some strang red string is dragging you into Azul's waiting embrace. 
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Kalim is delusional and obsessive.
To Kalim, this is just another heart-filled game. You belong to him and he belongs to you, it's simple! The two of you are so in love...it's just you're a little shy when it comes to admitting it! That's okay, Kalim knows a few drinks from the land of hot sands that will loosen your tongue and if that fails there's always Jamil's hypnosis magic that can make you confess! Look, no matter how you go about it, Kalim is just all so convinced that you love him that it doesn't matter what you really think!
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Ruggie is manipulative (Lord have mercy on you people the day I finally muster up the courage to write Savancalw yandere  headcanons)
Oh sure, male hyenas are passive when it comes to females everyone knows that! But whilst Ruggie does follow -albeit loosely- the reserved yet desperate routines of hyena courtship, he leans more towards suffocating his chosen mate with his presence rather than showing a desperate side of himself. He's always circling his chosen darling, stalking them down the halls, trailing after them all over campus, he never leaves them alone. Any confrontations from his darling will lead to an immediate sob story. Something about how he could smell food in your bag and didn't have any money to buy his own meal or maybe about how he never met a girl as cute as you in slums so he had no idea how to approach you properly. Of course, this is all a hoax, he just needs you to drop your guard, to look him in the eyes with your sad, heart-throbbing orbs, then it's game over, you're all his. "Hey, what's with the dull face? come on, laugh with me skskksks~".
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Jack is a protective.
It's only natural really, wolves are overprotective when it comes to their pack members and sure maybe you aren't really a part of his pack per se. But that doesn't mean he's just going to leave you to fend for yourself. You're all so small and frail, you could never hold your own against anyone! Let alone all the mages in NRC. But Jack can, he can protect you and defend himself, it's not a problem. He's very likely torn on whether or not to actually kidnap his darling. On one hand, he doesn't want you to hate him for stealing you away from your friends, he wouldn't want to play the role of the big bad wolf in your story. But on the other hand, poor Jack just isn't lucid enough to fully understand that whisking you away is wrong. In the end, you probably just wind up in his room locked away, or better yet, protected from all the horrors of the outside world.
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Deuce is an obsessive 
He just wants to be around you all the time. It's mostly some deep routed paranoia that at any fleeting moment you'll somehow abandon him finding refuge with either Cater or Ace. Maybe you find their lazy stupid mannerisms amusing, is that it? If you want lazy, he can be lazy too! Or maybe you want to be with Riddle? Do you like guys who are mean spirited and quick to anger? He can yell! He can yell so much better than Riddle can! Deuce will do anything, anything at all to get you to stay with him. Even if some of his tactics are a little more painful and involve some broken bones. 
Hypnosis Mic
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Jakurai  is possessive and protective 
He's overbearing to put it simply, constantly hovering around you, ghosting his fingers over your flesh, or leaving lingering kisses on any patch of exposed skin. First and foremost Jakurai is a doctor, so it's his nature to be nurturing, sure you can accept that much. But what he does to you isn't nurturing in any way shape or form! Juakurai isn't above using sedatives and other forms of medications to keep you compliant, that's not what a good doctor should do, you're both lucid enough to know that. But to Ill-Doc you leave him no other choice, you're constantly disobeying him, trying to find some underhanded way to leave him. So what else can the poor man do! He needs to keep his only escape from the tedious loneliness he's been cursed with, safe!
kamigami no asobi
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Balder is possessive and obsessive
He can't help it, there's just something so radiant and sparkling inside of you, something that he can't let get tainted by the darkness that rests within others. You're always walking on thin ice around him, chewing every single word before conversing, calculating every single step before daring to make the slightest move. One wrong look or miscalculated word could get him to spiral into a fit madness, and this time there won't be anyone to save you. But that's only if you do the wrong thing! Just keep playing the role of the loving, adoring girlfriend and there won't be any further...complications. If you simply show him how much you love him, Balder can become all so sickly sweet. A perfect doting boyfriend, constantly sharing his precious meat with you and dressing you up in prettiest lavish gowns from Asgard. 
Obey me
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Asmodeus is sneaky 
The avatar of lust is used to swift meaningless relationships, too caught up in the passion and pleasure to really care about the other person. But with his darling things are different. Oh sure, the lust and sexual tension is still there, always hovering around the air like a thick unbreakable fog. Accept this time there's something else, a sort of jealous aroma blowing through the dense mist. It's intoxicating, making Asmoudaus crave only his little darling, he only wants to look at them, touch them, kiss only them! It's almost like he's addicted to every itty bitty detail about his newfound lover. Will Asmodeus get bored of the relationship over time? Absolutely! But will he ever actually leave his darling to their own devices? Hell no! Asmodeus may have the right to cheat on his darling but they can NEVER so much as think about another man other than him! HE.OWNS.THEM! Their body, mind, soul, it all belongs to him!
Black Butler
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Snake is Jealous  (I haven't written for black butler since, like, sixth grade) 
Snake does love you, this is an evident fact, he never once leaves your side. It's suffocating sure, but it's only because the scaled boy is so paranoid that you might run away with someone else, someone normal. His snakes (mostly Emily) are always chaining the two of you together, constantly curling around your skin so you won't get any ideas to escape. Lord forbid you so much as look at another man, that'll make the white-haired snake charmer go into a fit of pure utter rage. normally Snake won't punish you, but when his jealousy gets too much to keep inside he'll let it out by screaming at you. Asking you if you find him repulsive if you wish to leave him for someone who looks normal. This will than lead to him crushing you in his arms, begging you not to leave him! Overall Snake is one of the tamer yandere of the  Phantomhive residence, a real blessing in disguise. 
mystic messenger
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Saeyoung is obsessive 
It's really all just a small accident, this was never really meant to happen, he wasn't meant to fall in love with you. Saeyoung probably just came across your profile whilst on the web, scrolling through some database or another. like I said, IT.WAS.AN.ACCIDENT...and yet all so many times accidents can lead to something...more. Saeyoung doesn't know what particular thing it was about you that caught his attention, maybe it was your cute face or some little odd, out of place detail in your bio. Either way, it has the red-haired hacker surfing through every site just to learn more about you. Picking the internet apart just to find out some small fragments of your personal life. It's become a sort of hobby -addiction-  of his, stalking your every move through trackers and reverse cameras. One day he might even gather the courage to speak to you in person, but for now, he's content watching your pretty face from behind a screen. 
Code Realize
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Impey is Obessasive and clingy
It's your smile, right from the get-go, Impey was enthralled by your cheerful smile. It makes his heart skip a beat, his palms grow sweaty, and his breath hitches in his throat. He just adores that pearly white grin. He's constantly pestering you, poking your cheek, and asking you to smile for him just once more. "Just a small smile, please~". His clinginess is mostly due to the fear of losing you or more so having you stolen from him. That's why he never let's go of your hand and is constantly locking you in his room. "I'm the only one that deserves to see that smile" it's such a childish phrase, primarily when it's accompanied by his renowned pout. Of course, things start to go downhill when you outright refuse to smile. Choosing instead to cry and scream, begging someone to save you from this mad man. Impey is borderline delusional if he thinks you'll ever smile for him again, after the stunt he's pulled.
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Dangerous Love (Pt. 11 of 13)
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Pairing: Bruce Wayne (Batman) X Harley Quinn's sister!Reader
Word count: 3K
Summary: You're Harley Quinn's sister, Havoc, one of the many villain's of Gotham. But you've been caught, and has been tortured constantly for an year in Belle Reve. But when your think your life can't be anything else than the nightmare you find yourself into, Bruce Wayne, the Batman, takes you in for a project. He has a program to rehabilitate villains, and you're his lab rat. But soon enough confusing feelings start getting in the way. You know falling for Bruce is stupid. But can you keep your heart under control?
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{Justice League - DC Masterlist}
Plans For The Future
You're seated on your knees, on the floor, before the coffee table where several sheets of paper are scattered around. The possibilities for your future. You left the League in the cave to discuss their business and came up here to do this. But it's been twenty minutes since you wrote down the last option, and you're still clueless.
“Any luck?” Barry is suddenly seated across from you, the wind he makes with he's speed messing with the papers. But he quickly gathers them again.
“No,” you mutter, feeling a little defeated. Seconds later the others are here too, and as if they were told to, they sit all around the coffee table, on the floor. Expect for Bruce, who sits on the couch, his legs near you.
“Isn't there anything you would like to do?”
“I can't really picture myself doing anything.” Running a hand through your hair, you sigh.
“You were so excited about it in the cave. What changed?" Diana asks, and you notice how everyone seems focused on you. In the last week, since they got back from Washington, the League seems very interested in you. There's a lot of effort to make you feel comfortable, and engage you in their conversations.
“Am I going crazy or are you guys like... Trying to make me get used to normal human interaction again?” Crossing your arms, you have your answer by the way they all exchange a glance and then stare at Bruce. “I knew it.”
“How did you find out?”
“Well, right now everyone is literally seated around the coffee table with me. Except for this weirdo here.” You elbow Bruce's leg, making Barry and Arthur giggle. “You're planning to take me out, aren't you?”
“You're very perceptive.” He says as he moves to seat on the floor with you, an arm around your shoulders. “I've been thinking about it for a while.”
“Do you think I can deal with the real world?” You ask him in a lower voice. You haven't been on the streets yet, and you're not sure how you'll feel among the people.
“Yes, I do.”
“You know people will think Bruce Wayne has a girlfriend, right? If we go out and you do things like hold my hand...” You bet it won't take half an hour for his name to be on the headlines again, and the news channels will talk about it. The world will know about your existence, and every girl who has her eyes on Bruce will know they lost their chance. “You'll have to keep a distance.”
“(Y/N), we're dating. I won't keep that a secret so yes, people will have to find out eventually.” He places a soft kiss on your nose before his lips connect to yours.
“Uhm... We're still here...” Barry mutters, reminding you of the public.
Weird how it only took half a second for you to forget you have company. “So... Now that I know why you guys are still around, help me find something to major in.”
“Let's see what you have here.” Diana starts, and everyone takes a piece of paper or two. “Doctor?”
“Nope. That was just a joke.” Bending over the table a little, you take the paper from her hand. “Moving on.”
“Nurse," Arthur says.
“Vet.” Clark reads.
“All jokes.” Wanting something isn't enough, you have to feel like you can do it. And you don't think you can.
“If you become a nurse you could patch him up.” Arthur gestures at Bruce who nods.
“Sweetheart if this is what you want you just need to say and I'll help you.”
“Me? A nurse? No way, it's too much for me. I need something easier.” You're not saying you're stupid, but why put effort into something on which you'll probably fail? No need to hurt your feelings.
“So you don't think you're smart enough?” Clark asks and you nod.
“If you weren't smart you wouldn't have survived this long as a criminal. And wouldn't have escaped the prison twice. Or fooled the Joker so many times.” Bruce says, and you tilt your head to the side a little, thinking. It did take some brain to do this stuff, calculations, memorization, and some random knowledge.
“It looks like this is what you want,” Arthur mumbles, elbows on the coffee table.
Nurses help people, and that's the exact opposite of what you did. You never really enjoyed hurting people though, at least not normal civilians.
“Yeah... I've been thinking about being a practitioner nurse.”
“You've been doing some research on the subject then.” Wonder Woman raises an eyebrow.
“Yes. They can diagnose diseases, initiate treatments, and prescribe medications. They're more independent.” Shrugging your shoulders, you lean closer to Bruce. “But I don't know. Maybe we should keep looking into the other options.” Pretending you're not insecure is useless. Building a life is both exciting and terrifying.
“No. I guess we found what you want to do.” Bruce says and kisses your cheek. You bite back a smile, but it escapes anyway. “Anything as long as you're happy.”
“I can die in peace now,” Arthur says, and everyone turns their heads to look at him. He simply gestures at you and Bruce as if it would explain everything. “I lived enough to see Batman being soft with someone. The rest of my life will be dull.”
It took long enough for the funny comments to start. “Let the man be, Arthur. Everyone softens when they find love.” Diana adds.
“Aren't you a little too young to be dating Bruce actually?” Barry asks, shrugging his shoulders. “Just-just saying.”
“I haven't really thought about that,” you say.
“I have,” Bruce admits.
“Obviously. In this relationship you're the morals part.” You start gathering the sheets of paper, making a small pile. “I'm the impulse part.”
“Impulse part?”
“I did kiss you out of impulse. I was trying to control myself for quite a while but the thought of another suicide mission finally made me give in.” Looking at him, you smirk. “What would you do if I didn't kiss you before the mission? Were you planning to tell me about your feelings?”
“Shouldn't we discuss that in private?” He raises an eyebrow, and you give the guys a glance before looking back at Bruce.
“We don't mind. Go on.” Barry mutters, getting an annoyed stare from Diana.
“Let's give them some time." She says before getting up. The others soon follow, but Barry is the last.
“The fast one seems very curious about Batman's love life,” you say in a sassy tone when you're left alone.
“He turned the mission in Washington a nightmare the moment I mentioned you.” Bruce moves closer, caressing your cheek.
“And how was that?”
“I told them we had to make it as quick as possible because I had someone to go back to.” He places a soft kiss on your lips and you can't help but smile. You can't believe that someone was you. “Then he just wouldn't let it go. And yes, I was planning on telling you how I felt.”
“What would you do if the feeling wasn't mutual?” Wrapping your arms around his neck, you move to sit on his lap.
“I was pretty sure you felt something for me.”
“Really? I was trying so hard to hide it.”
“Miss Quinzel. Master Bruce. Dinner is served.” Alfred announces and you're just about to stand up when Bruce lifts you up with him.
“Because that will make Barry stop sassing at you,” you tell him, not even bothering to ask him to put you down. He can carry you all the way he wants. It feels funny though, and good to float like this. But the best part is how close your faces are, so you take the chance to kiss him as he takes you to the dining room.
Dinner goes on very well. The chattering is constant, and you manage to get into the conversations. You do feel like you're getting along with the League. Maybe you'll do well with other people too. If you can deal with the supers, you can deal with regular humans. It gives you hope, makes you a little more excited to go out. For dessert, you have brownies, one of your favorites, with vanilla ice cream.
“(Y/N), you said something about a suicide mission?” Barry asks after Diana gives you more details about the Washington mission. “What was that about?”
“Yeah... It was a terrorist attack in New Mexico. They mounted a base there but we never knew their plans.”
“They send you in a mission completely in the dark?” Diana furrows her eyebrows.
“We're the Suicide Squad. Well, that's what we call ourselves. The official name is Task Force X.” You move in the chair a little, but you notice you're not as uncomfortable as you were before talking about it. Bruce says you have to accept who you were in order to be free to restart. Trying to ignore it will only allow the past to haunt you. “When the soldiers can't deal with it but it's still not bad enough to call the heroes, they send us. The whole point is that it doesn't matter if we die in the process. The order is to finish the mission. We're... Spendable.”
“I never heard of anything like that,” Clark says, shrugging his shoulders.
“Nobody is supposed to know. But it doesn't matter anymore. The mission was a success and I'd be fine with it if the guards didn't beat me up on my way back here.” You say it without really noticing what it means, but by the way they exchange glances with each other, there are questions in their heads. “Some of them knew me from Belle Reve. So they knew I was going back somewhere they wouldn't be able to punish me for my crimes. They said it was a taste from home.”
“Everyone who was in that van was fired.” Bruce's voice is heavy with anger. “And I doubt they'll get any other job in Gotham.”
“If you're in prison to pay for your crimes, why did they beat you? Isn't the confinement the punishment?” Barry raises his eyebrows, and Arthur nods.
“Uhm... Yes. In any other prison, yes. But Belle Reve is different. It's like we're not on Earth anymore they... They can do pretty much anything they want. Every man and woman who acts as our guards are military or ex-military. Soldiers... And they have so much hate for us.” The memories come back in flashes of lightning, flooding your mind. The pain is still a vivid dream, the darkness is still terrorizing. “I can only speak for myself but I'm sure almost everyone who gets there tries to fight, to run away. I did. And maybe... Maybe I deserved it, maybe what they did was right.”
“(Y/N), don't you think for a second that you deserved what they did to you. Just because someone is a criminal doesn't give them the reason to treat you like an animal.” Bruce takes your hand over the table, and you smile to feel his fingers brushing against the soft skin of the back on your hand.
“They don't treat animals like they treat us.” The acknowledgment is dark and heavy, and you feel as the atmosphere gets tense. The League seems uncomfortable, perplexed.
“What the hell happens in that place?” Diana is the first to speak up after several seconds of deep silence.
“I can only tell what happened to me. By the rumors, it depends on who we are. Killercroc, for example, is left alone in a hole on the ground. Me... I always fought back.” Taking a deep breath, you revisit the endless days you spent in hell. The longest year of your life. The terror was usually suffocated by anger, burning rage, but it was always there, creeping through the walls. “I was kept in the dark. The only light source came from the small gap under the door. It had a blueish glow. My cell was open three times a day, at 10 a.m., 04 p.m., and 08 p.m. The two first were to feed me. They put a straw through my nose all the way down to my throat and fed me with some kind yogurt.” You cringe at the memory, a shiver rolling down your spine. “The last one was the shower. If you can call that a shower... They made me take my clothes off and back up into a concrete wall and blast me with water from a hose. If the weather was hot, the water was ice cold... If it was cold, the water was so hot that it burned my skin.” As you speak, Bruce moves his chair closer to you, putting an arm around your shoulders.
“You don't have to tell us anything if it makes you feel uncomfortable,” Clark says in a low voice.
“No, it's ok... It's good to say it. To... Let it out.” Holding it inside has only screwed you up over and over again. Dealing with it alone has isolated you. And you don't want to be alone anymore. “Before or after the shower was usually when the beat me. Men, women... They didn't really mind if they were a 6ft tall man kicking me. The drugs, the... Several different kids of drugs they gave me numbed the pain, but it was worse, at least to me.” The tears are rolling down now, as you're looking at the table, holding Bruce's hand as if he's your anchor. “I knew my body was being broken, sliced, bones being fractured but I only felt the impact. It's a psychological torture they play alongside the physical one. They liked to know that I was feeling my body being hurt, but I could never feel it... The drugs never wore off, so they never treated to my wounds. I was always left there, in my cell, as the blood dried, as the darkness threatened to suffocate me but I always told myself I was Havoc. I was freaking Havoc and I did not only deserve that, but I also could deal with it. That I was used to the pain...”
“Alright, that's enough.” Bruce raises his voice, and you notice you were yelling. He pulls you close and you hide your face in the crook of his neck.
“I speak for everyone here when I say we're very sorry for everything you've been through,” Diana says, and you feel a hand on your shoulder. When you look up, you see that not only her but all the others are standing around you and Bruce. “And I'm sorry I brought up such terrible memories.”
“Thank you.” Your voice sounds terribly weak, and Bruce dries off some of the tears with his thumb. When you get up, Diana holds both your hands on hers.
“I want you to know that you have me now. To talk, to ask for help, anything.” Your eyes quickly fly through the others when they nod.
“More than Bruce's friend, you're our friend now,” Arthur says.
“So now you not only have friends but superfriends.” Barry steps ahead and pulls you into a hug. You're surprised at the sudden affection, but it feels nice. The others join you soon, and you're in the middle of a group hug.
Not for a single moment in your life you thought you'd ever had anything like this. “Guys, you know you don't have to do this,” you mutter because you can't help but think you don't deserve it, that you're not the victim. Guess you still have a lot to work on, and Bruce is right to still give you some therapy sessions.
“Of course we do. You're an incredible woman who overcame so much. And you truly seem to want to leave the past behind.”
“Clark's right. You're the proof that villains aren't too far beyond repair.” Arthur says with a smile.
“Thanks again.” You're blushing a little because you think they see you as more than what you are now. But it's good to know they believe you.
An hour later, you're on Bruce's bedroom, getting ready to sleep. You're reading about Gotham's University as Bruce brushes his teeth, getting a little confused by how complicated it seems to be accepted there.
“Bruce, all these papers... I don't know if I have them.” You complain, suddenly losing hope.
“I'll deal with them, don't worry.” He comes to the bed, sitting beside you and resting his back against the pillowy headrest. “Worry about studying.”
“And about the fact I'll be surrounded by people all the time.” You sigh, putting the tablet on the nightstand. “It's still confusing, you know. Terrifying sometimes.” You're used to making people fear you, and when that's not possible, they just hate you. Hurt you. You're not sure how you'd manage to stay in between. To be normal.
“The classes only start next semester, so you'll have some months to get used to people.” Bruce pulls you to lie down, and you lay your head on his chest. “Tomorrow we're going out.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“Yes. We'll walk around, buy you some new clothes, eat at a nice restaurant...” He caresses your hair, making it hard to keep your eyes open. “I'll be right there with you, so no need to get anxious.”
“Okay...” Noticing you're a little thirsty, you roll your eyes as you get up. “I need water. Do you want some?”
“No, thanks.”
“I'll be right back.” Crawling out of the bed, you make your way downstairs, straight to the kitchen. You hear low voices, so you walk slower, making sure you won't interrupt anything. When you get there, you see it's Diana and Barry, who's eating your ice cream. “Hey, guys,” you announce yourself.
“Hi, (Y/N),” Diana says as Barry waves with the spoon.
“You know this ice cream is mine, right?” Raising an eyebrow, you try to look mad. It apparently works because he gives an apologetic look and lowers the spoon.
“Sorry.” He mutters as you walk around the island, getting a spoon for yourself, sitting beside him and starting to eat too.
“Relax. It seems that I have to share now.” You keep the sarcastic tone, but Barry still doesn't seem to understand. “I'm joking. You can eat it, it's just ice cream.” You smile when he starts eating again. “Don't you want some, Diana?”
“No, thank you.” She raises the mug she's holding. “I usually just drink some tea before going to sleep.”
“Yeah. I just eat. I need a lot of calories.” Barry says with his mouth full of ice cream. “What about you?”
“Actually I just came to get some water. Bruce is waiting for me upstairs.” You forgot about the water, but now you feel thirsty again, so you get a glass and head to the fridge.
“You guys sleep together?” He asks.
“Barry.” Diana reprimands him, and that makes you giggle a little.
“We share the bed.” Shrugging your shoulders, you speak as you pour some cold water on the glass, closing the fridge and making your way back to where you were seated. “I have... Nightmares. They were more often before, but they still come. But when I'm with Bruce it's just... It's better.” You feel safe, secure, but you're too shy to tell them that. It's too much that you're telling about the nightmares, but it's a good sign that you're able to open up, even if it's just a little bit.
“You love Bruce, don't you?” Diana asks in a low voice.
Looking down at your half-full glass of water, you nod. Love isn't the word you use to express your feelings for Bruce, but that's just because you're way too scared to let those three words flow out. ‘I love you.’ You've been biting your tongue for quite a while now. Those words hold power, you know it, and you're scared that he doesn't feel the same way. “Don't tell him,” you beg, looking up at Diana.
“Why?” As she asks, Barry takes the ice cream and gets up, leaving the kitchen.
“Girl talk.” He mumbles on his way out. And yes, you feel a little more comfortable knowing it's just Diana.
“Because maybe it's too soon and... If he doesn't feel the same I'm afraid it'll push him away.” Your feelings for Bruce only grow, and even though being in love with someone is something new, you know how things should play out. Or you think you do. The fact that he's Batman and you're Havoc, a villain he tried to catch before, only makes everything worse.
“I know Bruce. He would never officialize a relationship if he wasn't one hundred and ten percent sure of his feelings.” She moves from her place at the table to seat across from you on the island. “And I understand that what you did before may get in the way but it only makes me even more sure about his feelings towards you. So yes, I think he loves you and there's no reason for you to be so scared.”
Taking a deep breath, you try to accept that. “How could he love me?” You inquire in a low voice because you can't help but go back, to remember who you were and what you did. You do regret it, and you do want different things now, to have a whole new life. But... Sometimes the fear of losing Bruce hits hard, and you start going back to your shell.
“Why don't you let me answer that?” His voice makes you jump, and you stand up abruptly. Your heart beats so fast that you can hear it on your ears, like drums.
“I'll get some sleep. Good night, (Y/N). Bruce.” Diana stands up and leaves the kitchen, as you stand there, looking at Bruce.
“You weren't supposed to hear any of that,” you mumble.
“But I'm glad I did. Let's head upstairs. We need to talk.” Nodding, you start following Bruce. “I need to make things clear with you, sweetheart.”
@fionanovasleftnut @glitterypinkkitty @mybabyboytony @chipster-21 @agustdpeach @yaakimoon2 @chloe-skywalker
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kz-i-co · 4 years
Incomparable: Part II
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Summary: As you feel like you and Kihyun's relationship start to develop, something or someone gets in the way.
Pairing: Yoo Kihyun/ Reader
Genre: Angst x fluff
Words: 2.6k
m.list ╫ mx masterlist
Part 1
A/N: I was thinking about this for a while now......but I might rewrite this one, so please stand by
"Hey you made it." Jooheon smiled as soon as you and Kihyun walked through the door.
"Yeah sorry I'm late. I had to speak with my professor."
"You're here that's all that matters." You couldn't help but blush.
Jooheon still gave you feelings you couldn't explain but now Kihyun was in the picture. You liked seeing his playful side and he really showed to be a caring person but how were things going to change now.
"(Y/N) come on. You need to try this cake that Gihyun made. It's amazing."
"Stop." Gihyun blushed.
"No seriously. You should be a culinary major." He continued complimenting.
"Hey thank you for bringing my canvas." You said to Gihyun.
"No problem (Y/N)." She smiled warmly.
"I love my gift. Can't believe how talented you are. You made me look dope." He smiled showing off his dimples.
"Hey dude." Wonho greeted Kihyun as he leaned against the wall on the opposite side. "What's with you?"
"W-what? Nothing." He shook off. He glanced at you still engaged with Jooheon. You were smiling and laughing and he can tell you were enjoying his company.
"You reek of jealousy."
"What would I be jealous of?" He snipped.
"Obviously the cute girl talking to Jooheon you entered with."
"It's so cute." He continued as he leaned forward to pinch his cheeks but Kihyun quickly stopped him.
"I'm not jealous. I was helping her out with Jooheon, that's all."
"If you say so."
"Hey (Y/N), if you want, there is a concert in the park tomorrow. You want to go?" Jooheon asked you. Was he asking you out? Oh no, what should you do. "I understand if you have something planned already with Kihyun."
"No, I don't have any plans tomorrow."
"Great. It will be fun."
"I'm bringing the snacks." Gihyun winked. She's going? Maybe it's not what you think.
"Hey let me get your number so I can tell you the details." Jooheon smiled and you blushed as you gave him your phone.
"Cute wallpaper." He said handing it back.
"Thank you."
"Jooheon." More people walked into the tight dorm. "Happy birthday."
"I'll be right back." He started walking away. "There's tons of food, eat up." He left you alone with your thoughts.
You looked around not sure what to do until your eyes spotted a lonely Kihyun sipping down a drink while playing on his phone.
"Hey." You greeted.
He looked up at you all flushed. You figured it was his drink taking control.
"Thanks again, for what you did."
"Why do you keep thanking me, It was my fault." He arched his eyebrows.
"It was both of our faults, but it was fun doing it." You smiled.
"If you say so."
"Are you drunk?" You leaned forward looking in his drowsy eyes.
"No." He stood up straight, denying.
"I think you are." You gave a slight giggle.
"(Y/N) were playing beer pong come on." Jooheon smiled.
"Um." You looked back at Kihyun but he was already out the door. "Wait."
"Come on (Y/N)." Gihyun continued.
You just shrugged it off hoping he was okay.
You looked around causally trying to spot Kihyun as you hung out with Jooheon and Gihyun. The more you hung out with Gihyun the more you disliked her. She had a comment for everything, and always had to one up herself for everything that came out of your mouth. Like she was competing with you.
"I'm going to use the restroom." You told Jooheon as he nodded. You had to get away from Gihyun and her constant chatting. The closer you traveled down the hall, you heard loud music of people singing along and the loud chaos of people cheering.
"Bang bang bang!" You turned the corner seeing a crowd in the hang out as two figures were singing along to the tv as it layered lyrics down the screen as they stood on the couch.
This can't be good this late at night.
You got closer about to head down the other hall until the familiar voice got you off guard. Kihyun? Oh no.
"Yeojadeureun get low. Danggyeora BANG BANG BANG- Hey (Y/N)!" Kihyun made eye contact with you. "Come up here."
You just shook your head.
"What the fuck is going on?" The RN came in as you were quick to get Jooheon.
"Um Jooheon." You started but you could feel a sudden presence behind you.
"Jooheon you said you were gonna keep this party out of control."
"What are you talking about?" He looked at the RN.
"Your friends are drunk and causing a ruckus. Please just send everyone back to their rooms before we get into trouble." She left in a rush.
You followed Jooheon back out to the hangout as everyone was already gone. "Sorry Jooheon." A boy with blonde hair spoke.
"Minhyuk, where is Kihyun?" He pointed to a figure laying on the floor against the wall.
"Shit." Jooheon mumbled concerned for his friend. "Kihyun doesn't do this, ever. I've seen him drunk before but not this bad."
"I'll help clean up Jooheon." Gihyun said sweetly.
"I'll take Kihyun to his room." It was your turn to speak.
"You sure?" He asked.
"Yeah." You smiled and was already on the move.
"Okay, let's go." You grabbed his hands trying to pull him up. "Let's get you to bed."
"I can sleep here." He said pulling you down to lay on the floor. He wrapped his arms around you, cuddling you cutely. Okay maybe Kihyun was the cutest drunk ever.
"Kihyun, we need to lay in our beds not the floor." You giggled.
"My bed is like a hour away. I'll just stay here." He whispered.
"This floor is disgusting." You whined. "How about my bed? It's closer."
He hummed in agreement but still chose not to move. "Kihyun." You whispered closer to you but he bumped his head against yours causing you both to winch away.
"Who are you?"
"(Y/N)." You giggled some more. But he just looked at you trying to be proven correct.
"I wished you like me instead."
You immediately felt that punch in the gut feeling. The short time you knew him, he wasn't very keen on sharing but he liked you, it was confirmed.
He didn't deserve you by the way you look at it. You used him for his friend and continued to like his friend. It wasn't that you didn't feel anything for him but you couldn't forget about the other.
"Let's go. For real this time." You continued to help him back to your bed.
Once you finally settled him down, your friend must of slept somewhere since she was no where to be found. You attempted to sleep in her bed until Kihyun's clingy ass forced you in your own bed with him. He was definitely not what you expected when he drinks.
The next morning, you woke from Kihyun quickly getting up alerted.
"Sorry (Y/N) I'm gonna be late for my showcase."
"What showcase?" You asked yawning.
"My photography course. I'll see you later."
You got ready as the day was starting and quickly made your way out of the dorm.
"Hey (Y/N)." Jooheon smiled as he approached you with Gihyun.
"The concert got cancelled, on the count of rain...." He began. "But did you want to do something anyway?"
"Umm....okay." You shrugged.
"We're so happy we bumped into you. We were just thinking what we should do." Gihyun spoke with that annoying fake tone. "It's funny, we were just talking about you and how amazing your artwork is."
"How long have you been painting?" She continued.
"About 12 years." You said clearly uncomfortable with her as Jooheon just nodded along.
"Wow. You and Kihyun are so artistic. Probably why you make such a great pair."
"Thanks....technically we're not a pair."
"Not yet, at least." She giggled as you tried not to roll your eyes.
"Well it was nice talking to you guys, I'm gonna run." You waved goodbye as you continued to get your morning coffee you were urging for.
"(Y/N)! Wait up!" Jooheon ran after you.
"Wait, so you and Kihyun aren't together?" He asked confused.
"No, we're just friends. We've only met recently for tutoring."
"Oh okay.....Look I know Gihyun wants to do something but you busy right now? We can do something just the two of us?" Oh no. Why were you still feeling flustered when Kihyun is the one you should like.
"Um....no, I'm just getting coffee." You smiled.
"Mind if I join you?" His tone was sweet.
"No." Yes. Why was this happening now?
"I'm sorry that Gihyun is constantly clinging on to me." He laughed. "I mean, she's great and all but I don't want to hang out with her 24/7. I need a break."
"Well, she likes you." You laughed.
"Ha no."
"Yes. I thought you guys were together at first."
"I guess we were both wrong." He smiled with a slight blush warming his cheeks.
"How long have you and Kihyun been friends?"
"We met our third year of high school." Jooheon opened the door for you.
"Did he ever sing at all?" You couldn't help but wondered about the boy that was slowly taking your heart.
"Sure, I mean no more then the average person, but it wasn't something he showed interest in." You ordered your drinks and sat down.
"Well he should." He smiled at your response.
You knocked on Kihyun's door and answered it, dressed all neat and formal. "Hey." You began confused. "How was your showcase?"
"Fine." He shrugged. You followed him into the dorm as he was setting up his portfolio.
"Do you remember anything from last night?" You couldn't help but wonder.
"Not really."
"Just want to say that you are a very cute drunk." You laughed.
"Great, you saw a side I probably didn't want you to see." He rolled his eyes.
"Nah, I liked it." You bit your lip. "Very clingy, I should add."
"Is something wrong?" You asked from his silence.
"Nothing, I'm just wondering why you aren't with Jooheon right now." He began.
"Well....I was with him before, but it was just coffee."
"Ah...so he asked you out, like you wanted?" He laughed like nothing was different.
"It was just coffee, I wouldn't really call it a date." You looked at him confused. "Why are we talking about this?"
"Well....it turns out that Jooheon likes you. I guess you got your wish."
"He likes me? How do you even know that?"
"Because he told me." He finally looked at you, putting his work down. "I guess we're done here."
"But what about yesterday?"
"We can forget about that. We just got caught up in the moment."
You shrugged confused. "Kihyun-"
"It's okay (Y/N), Jooheon likes you. That's great." Sure he was right, you should be happy but why weren't you. Seeing Jooheon early, still gave you all those old feelings but now everything was different. "You don't owe me anything (Y/N). It was the deal remember."
"I don't understand-"
"You like him and now he likes you. It's what you wanted."
"Did something happen between you two?" You continued to ask from the sudden change in his behavior. He was acting the way you first met him.
"No, he was just asking about you. I'm sorry I really need to finish this."
"But Kihyun." You were at a loss of words.
"(Y/N)." He gave you a look you didn't quite understand. He was clearly hurt and trying to push you away.
You couldn't stop thinking about Kihyun. Why was he lying to you? What happened this morning?
You quickly rushed through the door. "Where were you all day?" Your friend asked.
"Oh um....The concert in the park."
"Wasn't that cancelled?" She arched her eyebrows.
"Yeah." You sighed. "I was with Jooheon and his side dish Gihyun, who clearly can't take a hint."
"Still competing with that girl?" She laughed.
"I really don't think I want to. I think I'm ready to move on."
"Don't tell me its because of Kihyun?"
"Why not?"
"Nothing, I just thought you were into Jooheon." She smiled. "I was confused because everyone is saying you're with Kihyun. Remember you both mysteriously walked in covered in paint."
"We were just goofing off." You said hiding the truth. Not that you knew yourself. You didn't know where things stood now. You felt something with that kiss and you sensed he did too. But now Jooheon was interested and Kihyun was acting like he supports it. You feel like everything is all mixed up now and you didn't know what to do.
"Sure. You've guys been attached lately."
"I don't know what to do." You sighed siting on the bed. "I like Jooheon but now since Kihyun and I kissed, I'm having mixed feelings."
"Excuse me! You kissed?" She looked at you baffled that you completely forgot to even mention it.
"I thought I told you."
"You certainly had not! When?"
"Yesterday. I was cleaning the art room and he came and helped me and then we started dancing and it just happened."
"So now what are you going to do?" She asked. "You don't want to string on two guys."
"I'm not." You whined. "Kihyun doesn't even like me, at least that's what he said."
"It's hard, if you're making it hard."
"Are you going to go talk to him?" Sowon asked as you gathered your belongs since class was almost over.
"Talk to who?"
"Kihyun dummy."
"Why would I do that?" You kept asking.
"Because you like him."
"How many times do I have to tell you?"
"I'm not an idiot (Y/N), you've fallen for him hard, and it seems like he thinks you and Jooheon can be all happy together but that's probably because he doesn't know that you like him back."
"Kihyun hates me. It's no use."
"Then maybe staring at him the whole class should be stopped." She smirked.
"You know what.....whatever." You got up.
"It's true." She laughed. "You and Kihyun sitting in a tree...."
"Please shut up, he's right there."
Then class started piling out. "Hey Kihyun (Y/N) wants to ask you something."
He looked at you with no mood in his expression and continued leaving with the class.
"I told you. He hates me."
"So......go kiss and make up with him."
"Kihyun please wait." You caught up with him and pulled him into an empty classroom.
"What do you want, trouble in paradise?"
"Why did you lie to me?"
"I didn't lie."
"You told Jooheon I liked him? He told me last night."
"That wasn't a lie." He arched his eyebrows.
"You said you weren't gonna say anything."
"I was just trying to speed up the process, it was getting exhausting."
"I want the truth. We seemed fine and all of a sudden you're being your old jerk self again." You folded your arms.
"He asked about you." He shrugged.
"Like how?"
"He said he liked you, what more information do you need?"
"So what?"
"You like Jooheon, why are you questioning this?" He sounded offended.
"Maybe I changed my mind." You shrugged.
"Well then I can't help you there."
"Why are you acting like such an idiot. Yes I liked Jooheon but it changed once we started hanging out and now things feel different."
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" He looked at you puzzled. You nodded confirming. "You're choosing me over him?"
"Why are you acting so surprised. I'm the one that should be surprised. You have been such a jerk to me. Who knew." He finally smiled.
"So finding out Jooheon likes you, means nothing."
"It means nothing." You smiled back. "So um, maybe we can make it official by going out tonight?"
"I don't get you." He shook his head amused and reached to hold your hand.
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kpopfoyoseoul · 5 years
Little One; Prologue
Mafia au
Word Count: 1309
Stray Kids Chan x Reader
Story by Admin A
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Why do I even bother showing up? You thought as you walked home from yet another boring day being the secretary for a man who rarely ever shows up and cancels everything when he does. For the last two weeks though, no one had seen him at all. Every morning you dropped off any paperwork he needed to do at his home, only to return the next morning and find it untouched. A few times you considered using the spare key that you had accidentally found last week, just to make sure he was alright, but the stories of what happened to his previous secretaries once they entered kept you from doing so.
All of his previous secretaries had been fired, only to be found dead; their bodies barely recognizable, a few days later.  Every time, all the evidence pointed to the members of SKZ, a mafia lead by the elusive CB97. The first time they thought it was a coincidence but after the third the police realized the pattern. They made the mistake of making the information completely public, so now everyone has been spreading rumors that your boss is a member of the group.
You never believed them of course but weren't willing to risk your life should they be true. You would've already quit if your landlord hadn't upped the rent suddenly. Five times already this week the police had shown up at the office asking to speak to him, only to be told once again that he hasn't left his house in two weeks. 
Tonight you were late leaving the office because someone had only faxed over the ginormous packet of paperwork you needed to get signed by the start of business tomorrow three minutes before you were supposed to clock out. Your boss, Jiyong, had long ago made a rule that all work, other than his own, had to be done at the office for some reason. This of course, led you to being at the office for two hours later than normal, reading over every single word of the packet to check if it was correct and signing on the many lines that required it. By the time you finally got to leave the sun had long set and the last bus had shut down for the night, leaving you to walk the half-mile to your apartment completely in the dark, save for your phone flashlight, in the five-inch heels that your uniform requires.
As if that wasn't bad enough your phone battery was getting quite low. With at least 8 minutes left and the flashlight burning through the last 15 percent of your battery, there was no doubt that you would have to finish the walk in total darkness unless you took the shortcut through the alley. Normally you would, but at this time of night no one dared to go through there except criminals.
Your neighborhood is controlled by SKZ and everyone knows it.  Your landlord, Felix,  is a member of the inner circle. Even the police know but the group is so powerful that no one other than rookies desperate to prove themselves will ever do anything about him.  Despite being among CB97's highest ranked, Felix has never been anything other than nice to you.  He is honestly the best landlord you've ever had.  The only reason he upped the rent is to discourage all the people who tried to sign a lease without intending to ever pay.
Thinking about it now, you probably should have called him the second you realized your battery wouldn't last the whole walk.  He likely would have come to get you since he treats you like family.  At this point though, your battery won't even last long enough to get the call through.  You eventually decide to screw it, you're going through the shortcut.  Though you don't want to see anything illegal, you're well within SKZ territory.
By complete chance, the alley is empty tonight and you walk through undisturbed to your street.  It's a good thing that you took the shortcut because the second you get your door unlocked, the phone dies, plunging you into darkness for the few seconds before you switch on the light.  Locking the door, you drop everything on the couch, plug in your phone, and finally go to bed.
The next morning, you get up early, change into your uniform and head over to Jiyong's to drop off his paperwork as usual. When you get there, however, the door is ajar.  From what you can see without opening it any more, the inside is trashed.  Furniture flipped on its side, vases shattered, paintings splattered in red.  Of everything, this is what alarms you most. Without another thought you push the door open more and step inside, intent on finding your boss.
Carefully, you make your way through the mess, scanning for anything living.  At one point a cat scampers from the stairs to the kitchen but you pay it no mind. Seeing that he isn't on the ground floor, you slowly walk towards the stairs.  As you begin your ascent, voices slowly become audible.  Although you can't hear what they're saying, you can tell where they are, so you go in the opposite direction in hopes of finding your boss, preferably alive, before having to risk running into the owners of the voices.
Once you confirm that, no, your boss isn't on that side of the house, you start toward the voices, freezing as you get close enough to hear what is being said and recognize the deep voice and accent of your landlord.
"Chan, we can't find it. Maybe it's not here. It might be at his office instead, or maybe our intel was bad and he never had it to begin with."
"Keep looking, Bobby's intel has never been wrong before," replied Chan, "He has it and has hidden it somewhere in the house."
Another voice chimes in, "It took a while, but he's finally out. He just kept refusing to die."
"You're getting slow, I think we need to start you on anatomy training again," Chan teased.
"Whatever.  We need to get out of here before his secretary gets here," the last voice reminds as all three of them start walking.  At that, you snap out of your scared stupor and scramble to hide under an overturned armchair.  Apparently, you don't breathe quietly enough, since the footsteps stop right next to your hiding place.  A moment later, the chair is flung away, leaving you exposed to the three men.  The first two have pistols aimed at your head, while the third, Felix, just stares at you, surprised.
"Wait.  Chan, Jisung, don't hurt her.  She's one of my tenants and completely harmless."
"Then what do you suppose we do? We can't just let her go…"
"Yes we can.  She won't go to the police, and if she does we know where she lives!" Felix points out.
"He's right Jisung, we do know where she lives, but how about we give her an option.  Either she goes on with life as normal, forgets everything she saw or heard and be constantly monitored for the rest of her life, or she can come with us and we will take care of her needs. Either way works, she doesn't say anything to the cops.  But we did just kill her boss, didn't we?" reasons Chan.
Felix confirms, "We did.  She would have to find a new job."
"Those are the choices. Come with us and never have to work again, find a new job and be constantly monitored, or we do the same to you as we did to your boss.  Of course, I'd rather not have to hurt someone who accidentally got involved," Chan said as he turned back to face you, "so what do you say little one?"
Part One Coming Soon...
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abthepoet · 4 years
"Despite the current skirmish, in the long run, the job crisis and economy will favor big monopolistic companies, such as Amazon. The company will exert more power and control over its workers. As more people become unemployed, there will be an overflow of applicants for jobs at the giant online retailer. With a vast amount of potential job applicants, the existing and newly hired workers will have much less bargaining leverage. "
So please, allow me to summarize. This article by Forbes is basically stating we can all kiss the leverage had by the common worker goodbye once Covid19 subsides since Companies will have hundreds of thousands of the unemployed all scrambling for the same job. This article goes on to cite the gentleman who organized the Amazon Walk Out in Staten Island, Chris Smalls, has since been fired by Amazon and Amazon's PR group is intending to portray him to the media as a stupid, inarticulate, moron to be the face of all union organizers during this crisis. Effectively mocking and threatening all other workers who dare share this sentiment. The corporations keep saying they want to protect you when they only thing they're interested in protecting is a profit margin.
Corporations and monopolies are BANKING on all of us unemployed by this crisis to become groveling wage slaves just grateful to have a job, their jobs. They expect us to have no bargaining power for Basic Human Rights. They expect all the power to favor large monopolies.
In no way, shape, or form can we allow this to happen. We can not watch our economy collapse as billionaires try to harass us back into their brick and mortar so we can keep churning out profits to power their summer vacations. and of those profits we see pennies. we work sick, injured, during times of grief and loss, All Just to provide Basic Human Needs each and every one of us was born needing. Let us not forget the entire reason this economy is so frail in the first place is because of the gross inequalities that deny you a living wage and health care, but keep billionaires bailed out.
We can never allow the model of Capitalism to tear our species apart again. It makes us compete with each other for access to basic resources like food, clothing, and shelther. Capitalism legit has people out here doing Shipt and Instacart, spreading the virus and exposing themselves to it for simple food money. The people with paid leave and work from home jobs arent the ones out there delivering groceries right now, its the already vulnerable, no health care having, paycheck to paycheck living poor bastards out there in a pandemic.
but history teaches us they've always let the poor make up the front lines. You're not essential, you're disposable. They know you can't afford to stay home. They know you're too scared to stay home because your government has conveniently given no moratorium on rent.
The fear they instill in you by threatening the security of your family and shelther is intentional. It ensures you stay stuck in survival mode and look out for yourself alone. You can't contemplate the situation and its inequality if you can't even feed yourself enough food to think straight. You can't risk helping someone else if you're afraid you'll lose too.
and I must address the poor, disenfranchised people who defend billionaires. I keep hearing people put themselves down while gassing up billionaires. For example, "I can't hate on a billionaire who just worked harder than me." First of all, I find this internalized poverty mentality to be similar to the concept of internalized homophobia. . . Our culture teaches us to look at poor people like dirt: like failures of their own merit. They tell us the capitalist American dream can be met by anyone, unfettered by circumstance. But this is simply not the case.
For example, Jeff Bezos was able to attend Princeton University: an Ivy League school with a rich history of elitism. Lets just consider the financial status his family had to have just to send him there for four full years. Which means his adolescence and childhood were most likely not characterized by poverty, a huge determining factor in childhood development and success. Which means he may have had access to tutors, better schools, early technology, clean clothes, and consistent hot meals. Even with a scholarship, it's Princeton University, it's not a cheap school to attend. Consider the benefits of being an Alumni of Princeton. Think of all the powerful people in business that are now part of your network, all just for being a Princeton Alum. These Ivy League connections no doubt proved useful throughout Bezos' career.
Yet the average, paycheck to paycheck worker has this belief that they too can be a billionaire if they had just worked like Jeff Bezos. If they would've had his motivation. Or his drive. If they could just be more like Jeff that would solve everything. But it won't. Because this is a rigged game of Monopoly where you start out with far less and are expected to play the exact same game. How are you going to win a game that favors property owners when you can't even pay the Utilities you just landed on? That $200 you got for passing Go, the same $200 everyone gets, doesn't feel very equal when the other players started out with a few grand, and you are forced to spend the only $200 you have to pay rent to the property you just landed on. Which means by your next roll, you'll be mortgaging yourself into debt with whatever crappy properties you were able to buy.
We are at a crossroads in human history. If we don't figure out how to unite instead of constantly competing with one another and judging then the corporations and the politicians will continue to run this country into the ground for the sake of greed.
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