#you cant give him an arc like this and have him suddenly end up with someone else/alone
ghostlycleric · 3 months
Just remembered that Will wants to spend the rest of his life with Mike. Will is content with loving him silently for the rest of his days. Will is content with pushing Mike into a relationship with El and keeping both of them in his life forever. Will is content with watching the love of his life love somebody else forever. Will wants Mike in his life so bad that he doesn’t care if it hurts, if pretending his love is El’s makes him cry. He will need him forever anyway. He cares so much about both of them that he’d rather them be happy than himself.
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curiouschaosstarlight · 3 months
Honestly, I think the full extent of my existence is inherently baffling and mythical to the "I just think we need to remember that this character is horrible and irredeemable and the worst!!!" and "we just need more villains to BE villains!!!" and "people who 'woobify' villains are stupid shallow idiots!!!" crowd.
Like yeah, sure. I like most of my villains to be tragic and/or sympathetic. I like them to have the capacity to be a wet pathetic baby bean, even if I might have to force them into the role a bit.
But I also like Professor Hojo as-is and he's the ONLY reason I got into FF7, and my favorite character from FF7, and he isn't the only purely evil and terrible villain I adore as a purely evil and terrible villain.
You can have both, and it's fully possible to like both.
(And that's not getting into how often I see characters who DO have tragic backstories and actual reasons for doing terrible actions, as an explanation not an excuse mind, and then the fandom just rabidly insists that character is pure evil and malicious and can't possibly have any other reason for doing anything beyond sadistic enjoyment...)
#not important#chaotic rambles#yes im back on my bullshit again#im an avid villain enjoyer so this attitude pisses me off a lot#also sorry if me liking Hojo is a shock to anyone#honestly i refused - REFUSED - to give FF7 the time of day until my friend brought up that he existed#it's kind of irritating to have the final fantasy you grew up with overlooked and bashed#while a different one you know nothing about is praised to high heavens by everyone and their dog :\#honestly i had everything about FF7 spoiled for me years and years ago EXCEPT for Hojo#no one talks about him at all#probably for the best because otherwise getting me into FF7 would have been a hopeless venture#i've noticed that people who claim to like villains that are evil and terrible people#tend to complain HORRENDOUSLY when a villain is portrayed as anything else#and go “well i do LIKE tragic villains but not ALL THE TIME!!!”#bitch it aint all the time#stop your whining there's SO many fucking villains out there that'll never be redeemed and never be explored in any meaningful way#beyond “evil” and “insane”#especially if you're like. into comic books or horror movies or honestly most games AND most fucking anime#AND most cartoons!!!#1 piece of property comes along where everyone gets to be redeemed and suddenly#“oh it's happening ALL the time!! where's the REAL threatening villains anymore?? why's everything so soft now :((”#“why cant we just kill bad people anymore why do we have to TALK to them now”#im so sorry there's like one whole property per medium where everyone wasnt pure evil wow that must be so hard on you#im so sorry like one out of every fifty stories has exactly one character in it that gets a redemption arc#i understand...it must be such a struggle...vile villains are totally going extinct i know.......#some stories dont even have a villain? wow..... the world must be ending......
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tyran-the-tyranical · 7 months
That one line from Raphael's Second Diary will never cease to get me 🥺 LIKE MIGHT I ADD- these are his private thoughts, separate from his manipulation attempts and so he, with his full chest, admits so much in his second diary, like when he says "never have I been so attracted to mortals as I am to those infested by the tadpole." AHH, (my delusions are so real, trust)
BUT WHEN HE SAYS "They gestured to the melting hooks, suddenly glanced my way, and in their face I saw they had the best of me." look, I get the subtext behind all these quotes, but a girl can just ignore all that media literacy and take it for face value, OK? 💅 but also reading into it, he does admire Tav to a certain extent, and I have to wonder, why? Tav isn't an origin character and Tav's actions and character basically changes with every playthrough (Same with Durge, as they can change too) So I have to wonder if it's because Tav is controlled by the player, since, Raphael does end up breaking the fourth wall in his epilogue speech, so perhaps that's what he sees.
Another way to look at it is, either way, no matter what the playthrough, he sees something in Tav, something that makes them stand out much brighter than their companions (For some reason???)
To further that statement, what is the best of Raphael? I mean, if its an evil playthrough, that would be obvious, but if you're playing a good playthrough, what then? perhaps what he sees is someone he can finally use to get the crown, that's also very likely. Still though that's a very to the point (IMO) not as interesting of a reading since it's literally just his end goal for us, BUT STILL A VALID ONE, because, it is true, that's what he wants from us the most.
Also his third diary where he just straight up admits that he's being so honest with us so he can manipulate us, love that for him, "I am master here. A prince of bargains cloaked like scarlet satin. All that hidden under sublimely obvious truths that cannot be discounted." Which also makes me wonder, is Raphael actually an honest person? I mean, Korilla thinks he's at least decent, but honest? outside of helping us, if we look at Yurgir, he really fucked him over lol. Obviously, Raphael isn't what he seems, even if he's honest with us, to what extent? he says it himself, he's honest about "...sublimely obvious truths..." but what about when he says he's grown quite fond of us in his own way, HMMMM?
I wish this man got a proper story arc in the game, outside of the whole deal for the hammer and House of Hope, that's all plot related for the hammer, but a storyline about Raphael as a character? I mean yea, maybe that would whisk away some of his mystery, his intrigue, but I'm sorry- you cant just end it with him fucking himself (poorly) and trying to break Hope (making her a metaphorical symbol of hope anyway, I think....) AND LEAVE IT THERE?!?!? at the same time, I do like the ambiguity of his character, you could think of him as a cruel bastard after seeing what he's done in the House Of Hope to his debtors and Hope herself or perhaps just a Pathetic lil guy who's shit in bed lol, or maybe even soft, if you go off Korillas words and what he does for us in game he can come across as quite nice, especially after we've interacted with Mizora who's is the only other Cambion example we can go off of.
I also just think it's interesting that he sees anything in Tav/Durge at all. Ofc he says he sees the best of him (Always gotta relate back to himself lol) but that especially a mortal is what he could see himself, the best of himself, but then again he does see potential and ambition as admirable (?) or just something he appreciates, you can see that with Mol and Gortash to some extent anyway, But what ambitions does Tav have outside of just trying to survive? Like, the obvious answer is he wants us to give him the crown and we're the underdog in the story but then why does he refer to Tav so differently then? I fear this has turned into another rant again, lol.
Just a final thought here, but, if he did ever get a story arc, similar to the companions, would they give you multiple directions to take his character? i mean with Shadowheart for example, you could help her break from shar or have her fully convert into shars chosen, but even then, if you free her from shar theres the point of saving her family or freeing her from Shars (curse?) there's multiple ways for her story to end. Though, Raphael isnt a companion, so would he have something similar to idk a minor companion like Halsin or Minthara, who don't really have that much of a diversion (I think) in their endings, they don't really have the option, only really if the player decides to be evil or not, they kinda just follow them either way, it doesn't really impact their own stories. Obviously, I would prefer something with nuance but also, HE ISN'T A COMPANION 😭 and pressingly some of the companions need more work done than he does atm lol. Maybe that's me just projecting lol, once again, me wanting to have my cake and eat it too, anyway, that's me done... for now lol
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spacedlexi · 2 months
Kenny and Violet anon here YES.
Violet is upset because someone she defended against her found family of 8 years let her get taken by brainwashing adults for 2 seconds and everyone flips their lid.
But Kenny refuses to stop a train, and gets into a whole fight with Lee over it (AND REFUSES TO HELP YOU FIND A LOST LITTLE GIRL WHILE YOU’RE FIGHTING OFF AN INFECTION, where as Violet always defends you in Episode 1 regardless of whether you ignored and/or antagonized her or not), and gets mad at an 11 year old for not being able to handle helping someone in labor by herself and everybody’s like “Nah it’s okay, his family died years ago so he gets to do whatever he wants.” as if Violet didn’t witness one of the only consistent family members in her life die in front of her 💀
There’s so many comparisons I could make and one day I’ll make a Venn Diagram about all of their similarities but for now I’m glad someone pointed this out.
there are some things kenny does that have No excuse (like refusing to help bitten lee look for missing clem all because hes mad you didnt side with him enough. leaving lee to singlehandedly save himself in the pharmacy because he got scared. threatening to slap clem for blaming herself for lees death. off the top of my head). but his behavior on the train is annoying yet understandable. he doesnt want to admit his son is dying and he feels like duck dying in the first place is his fault for not saving shawn. you can convince him to stop without things getting physical
the Problem comes in when people can understand and sympathize with kennys annoying/shitty actions, but when it comes to violet (who has the same "my family is dead and its made me bitter and closed off" backstory (and her whole arc is about learning to love and care again)), suddenly all understanding goes out the window. even tho shes not even a FRACTION as annoying and shitty as kenny can get 😭😭
violet is mean to clem for the One scene where youre introduced to her (ignoring your first moment with her in the courtyard where shes smiling at clem so you already know her shitty attitude later is a lie. louis even defends her. wingman lol. and depending on what you say in response to her you can Immediately see the regret on her face LOL). but before the scene even Ends shes complimenting clem and clem loves it. then youre forced to talk to her and tenn about the twins, you have a nice card game where you can joke around with her, then she shows up at the dorm and they have a nice heart to heart about how theyre BOTH struggling with the loss of people theyve loved, and they can sympathize about both being harsher than they intend (THEY GET EACH OTHER CANONICALLY)
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and vi not being "a people person" is a huge part of her arc?? she doesnt like that shes like this 😭 but shes also better with people than she gives herself credit for and its why she makes a good leader. (and even if you pick the "came off strong" option clem is OBVIOUSLY teasing about it but vi cant tell and gets defensive ("its not like im trying to be bffs or whatever. sorry" is so "you want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid" of her)
and then after this shes never mean to clem again?? (unless you antagonize her but even then its mostly just about her standing her ground and not taking shit she doesnt deserve. which is fair). shes only mean to brody while fishing (and shes mean to brody because deep down she blames HERSELF) and the whole POINT of that scene is to try and mend their broken relationship which immediately makes vi a happier/nicer person if you do (also interesting how louis doesnt get any shit for His behavior while hunting 🤨 no hes just cool and fun). violet also apologizes for being "weird" in the dorms the previous night as well (bby girl why are you afraid that everything you do is weird 😭 she says that word a lot)
violet will Always have clems back (in EP1 and 2!!) No Matter What you do or say to her. i think people take her loyalty for granted. so if you dont save her in EP2 and expect to continue to have her unwavering loyalty in EP3? thats a You problem. she is Fucked Up mentally on that boat by lilly and her not-exactly-ex, and then gets caught in the explosion she didnt want anything to do with. AND THEN SHE APOLOGIZES because she recognizes she was WRONG
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(not her literally trying to make a joke about it to ease the tension 😭 people dont give her credit for also having a sense of humor. like louis is the only one who cracks jokes around here) but again when it comes to kenny his actions are understandable and defendable even without an apology 🙄 i literally side with kenny on Everything except the larry thing and if you dont make the right dialogue choice with him? he will not help you look for clem. because of larry 😐 i killed your son for you bro and then took care of his walker doppelganger so you didnt have to. and this isnt even touching his behavior in S2. and yet despite everything he does hes still one of the most beloved characters in the fandom 🤨
i just have to remind myself sometimes that all vi options were made 53-61% and the vi haters are a loud minority. her always being above 50% is so interesting to me because i love when choices are split perfectly 50/50. but the way the fandom talks about her (and the women in general) you wouldnt think shes technically the more popular option (and i Hate playing the popularity card its so annoying, but im only doing it bc people also say shit like "maybe if vi wasnt so mean more people would pick her" they DO pick her!!! you just got mad she was mean for 5 seconds, never payed attention to her again, and used her determinate reaction on the boat as justification for not liking her 😑) (also ignores how mean louis gets in EP2 regardless of choice?? but like kenny His actions are defendable and sympathetic and hers arent 🙄)
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chiffaust · 2 years
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pairings. t. eichi/reader.
synopsis. you were someone dearest to eichi, it really is a shame it has to end this way, but you brought your downfall upon yourself even after his warnings.
content. angst, set in place during the war arc, implied suicide? (reader), dancing w him, he "executed" reader, can be read romantically or platonically?
(n) — take this shitty eichi angst while i work my way through writers block. i shouldnt have written this since i forgot most of the things that happened in the war but i cant get my grubby hands off the angst material it gives </3
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Tension rose amongst you and the students of Yumenosaki—especially between you and Eichi, although it is probably one-sided in Eichi's part.
He knew although you were quiet; you were still stubborn. He had seen it before, watching you on stage all alone like that against powerful units of Yumenosaki.
You were truly an irrational idiot, but somehow he was enamoured by you.
And as he stands in front of you in the same stage he'd see you perform; all words disappeared one after another.
Why must you be so stubborn? Why won't you just back away when he specifically told you to stay out of his way?
He shouldn't even feel this sad, you brought this to yourself. Furthermore, he has already made up with the fact that he only views you as a tool to success; all like the others.
Sacrificing you is one step closer to it.
"We've come far, Tenshouin." You suddenly spoke, breaking him away from his train of thoughts.
"... Right. And to think that I'd be fighting against someone dearest to me too." He hung his head low, further trying to fight away the sadness soon envelopes his whole heart.
"And to think that you started off as a lonely boy too." Ah, how irritating. Must you really bring that up?
Nonetheless, he's still sad; this'll be the last time he'd ever hear you, no?
"But I never lied, Eichi."
Suddenly, you pulled him in closer, hands intertwined with one another. For one last time, you looked at him in the eyes. Just like this.
The crowds erupt into cheering at your sudden fanservice, but all of those entered and left his ears.
On this stage, it'll be the last time he would ever see you in an equal ground.
"Neither have I lied before," he suddenly swift you in, "—at least not to you." He twirled you around and dipped you onto the ground. Your lower half fallen as your hands gripped onto Eichi's hand for dear life.
"For an ill person, you sure do have a lot of energy to waste." You looked up to him, a smirk crawling up your face.
He knew that smirk; it wasn't your usual smirk, it seemed more nervous.
You were nervous.
"Fufu, I do want to give it my all fighting against you."
"But the promise we made, [Name]—it will not be broken." he said, letting go of your hand completely, the fall you faced was gentle; but you're sure after this fight your fall will be much worse.
For now, everybody's attention is on you. Every slight mistake you make, the crowds can see it—if not, the people you're about to fight against will.
Your mind wandered to his words before your performance. Right the promise. But do you even have the time to think about it now? This'll be your last time dancing on this stage, you should put in your all into it.
... But you're still going to be defeated completely to plump by that friend of yours, wouldn't you?
The thought made you stumble on your own feet; nonetheless, you had the perfect cover-up for it and continued performing as if nothing had happened.
"If we are to be separated, if we are to lose our way; I shall make sure we'll be connected, no matter how many times it takes." He whispered those words. You remember it vividly.
It was you who made that promise. From the corner, you and Eichi made eye contact. His smile still lingers, but you knew him well. He was sad that this has to happen.
If only you could just stay right there with him for a little longer. If only you were a better use to him to the point where he'd at least try and put in some effort in preventing you from doing this.
This feeling; it isn't love. It isn't hatred either, so what is it? Do you hate that man? Yes you do. But do you wish you'd just stay by his side forever? Yes you do.
Feelings are complicated, you wish you could be saved by this feeling instead.
Your performance ends and soon fine came out, dancing with grace and brilliance that you wish you'd achieve before you retire as an idol.
But you suppose you cannot get everything you want in your life.
The vote rendered to fine by a lot; a humiliating defeat for you, but you didn't care.
You clapped for they had stood victorious once again, your face soften as Eichi's only grows sadder.
"It's a promise. I'll wait for you, Tenshouin." Was your last word spoken to him before you went off stage.
Why is he reacting to his victory this way? Why was he sad that you didn't win?
Should he run after you? No, he shouldn't. That's a terrible idea.
"Eichi-kun? Are you okay?" A certain teammate of his asks, voicing his concern while the other had already gone offstage.
It is just the same at the end of the day.
"No, I'm fine. Let's go, Aoba-kun." Eichi replied, a rather weak smile he flashed his teammate that didn't seem like him at all.
"If only I could prevent you from leaving." Those words lingered in Eichi's thoughts as he steals glances to the seat next to him.
You are absent again for today.
Did the others give you too much headaches lately? He doesn't know. He wish he'd know what you're thinking most of the time, really.
No matter how many times he'd convince himself you didn't came to school, he still managed to find himself walking up the stairs to the rooftop.
For the final step he took and the slam of the door; he could only respond nonchalantly with a smile.
There you were, on the rooftop—orange rays of the sunset enveloping your figure as he walks forward—forward to you.
"It's quite nostalgic, isn't it?" Eichi asks, further and further getting closer to you who stood too closely to the railing. His heart beats faster and faster with every step he took.
"We... Met like this, right?"
"Correct. It is far in the past already, so it's not a surprise to see that you've forgotten about it already."
Silence overtook the two of you.
"I like you." Your voice overlaps with his. You locked eyes with one another, eyes widen in surprise.
Oh, how you pitied one another after the sudden confession.
Your gaze falls down onto the ground and so did his for a moment.
"—and that is why I offer you a proposal," he said, reaching out a hand to you. "Join fine with me. We'll fit great together as a team."
Your eyes widen once again, falling short to his proposal.
"I see great potential hidden deep within you; we're both the same, [Name]." He started to spoke, "—our motive, our reasoning; everything."
"You want to see this school change for the better, and so do I. We can change it if we work together, I'm sure of it."
"You can win your fans back once again, if not thousands of people more—with me, nobody would even dare bother you."
"With me, you can climb up the ladder of Yumenosaki's most powerful unit and punish those who deemed you wrong! Wouldn't you like that?"
"Please don't monologue your way through this." You immediately cut him off.
"Right, sorry." He apologized, smiling sheepishly at you. "Nonetheless, what do you say? Will you take my hand in offer?" He asks, smiling softly at you.
You were silent, replying with almost to no sound to his offer, but he still wanted to believe that there's some slight chance that you'd take it; take his hand and be together with him once again.
He really enjoys your company after all.
You took his hand, but not in a way he was expecting you to. His eyes widen as he was pulled closer to you, hands intertwined with one another.
Your gaze soften at his bewildered expression. Without any warning, you whisked him away into a waltz.
"We made a promise. We'd entrust our hearts to each other in order for no one else to steal it away." You said, waltzing along with the confused Eichi.
Eichi soon hung his head low, smiling. He can never really know just what you're thinking, can he?
"That is correct—although that was nothing more but a foolish dream instead of a promise."
"Must it be a dream? Don't you wish for it to happen? You do like me, no?"
"Right. I do like you, but it'd be better if it just stays as a foolish dream of mine; one that will never come true."
"—since you're going to leave my life sooner or later..." Was all he could mumble that day. He wish he'd reminiscence those memories with you longer.
The air was colder than usual, yet the same orange-tint light illuminates you just like the other times.
"I enjoy everything we went through together." You muttered, glancing back at him with a smile on your face.
"Laughing with you, crying with you, being with you..." You trailed off, your grip on the railing only tightens, "dancing with you..."
How much longer can we last? He asks to himself, unable to move from his spot. He wasn't sure on what to do. You didn't accept his invitation to fine, so he deems you as nothing but an obstace.
He should be viewing you as such, but he simply couldn't.
He really did enjoy your company. He really did, he never wanted all of this to happen—this'll never happened if you weren't so stubborn.
It is... Truly baffling.
So for one last time, allow him to return your kind gesture—allow him to whisk you away into a waltz, all like those times you'd do for him.
Ah, why are you looking at him like that? Well, he suppose it's going to happen considering he had "executed" you, but he did tried to help you fix your reputation back.
Your trust and admiration in him already dissolved into nothingness months prior, but nonetheless, you followed. Into the waltz you two shall dance for one last time.
He couldn't help but laugh; laugh it all away, ignoring the tears that's already forming at the corner of his eyes as he dips you.
He'll really miss you.
The waltz on the rooftop signify the end—the end of your everlasting relationship with him, whatever it is you two had between each other.
And that was the last time he ever saw you inside Yumenosaki too. There was rumors speculating around your disappearance—some say you committed suicide while some say you fled to live in another country as a normal high schooler.
He knows better than to trust baseless rumors, but the former does make more sense than the latter.
He has finally gain control over Yumenosaki completely. He does wonder, if you are here would you be happy? Would you continue to stay by his side or would it all end up like this nonetheless?
You are a true enigmatic. Wherever you are, he does truly hope that you'll find your happiness once again. As for him, he is happy now. He thinks.
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troofless · 2 months
just finished reading naruto! through fandom osmosis i obviously had been spoiled on all the important plot points but it still made for an interesting read.
kakashi (from accounting?), killer bee, sakura are the goat
lesser goats are yamato (bro got thanos'd at the start of the last arc lmao), shikamaru (ofc), might guy (rip rock lee character arc ig)
sasuke getting disrespected by killer bee and madara disrespecting everyone was the best parts of the manga you feel me
sasuke kills danzo like thank fucking god and it is also the best fight engineering tbh like the guy who has been victimised by the system perpetuated by danzo is killing danzo also danzo harvested all those eyes from uchiha clan like wtf
IN A VACUUM sasuke and naruto final fight ties everything up. all things considered having this big fight right after obito->madara->kaguya+zetsu made no fucking sense
found it funny that sasuke was acting so edgy but his kill count is so low like theres this scene during orochimaru time when he stands over a 100 bodies and they're like damn sasuke you didnt kill a single one of them. and then when he met edotensei!itachi he basically did the equiv of laying down his arms so itachi could talk no jutsu him out of massacring konoha except itachi was like 'i have nothing more to say to you' like lmaoooo
also sasuke did the funniest thing ever by reviving orochimaru to get orochimaru to edo tensei the hokages to get THEM to talk no jutsu him into not massacring the village
sasuke being completely absent during pain arc and last arc (until the end) is really fucking funny like what did he even do man. walk around, kill time, sit around watching itachi genjutsu kabuto
tobirama being a hater in contrast to hashirama is the funniest thing ever and i love the dynamic
tobirama telling his brother to shut up
haha obito and kakashi shared sharingan panels :)
lee stealing neji's eyebrows meme
shikamaru's dad telling him to burn his pornos
might guy 8 gates vs ten tails madara stole rock lee's wig actually might guy just stole rock lee's whole schtick
the idea that kakashi would have murked himself after witnessing the death of almost everyone in his lives if it weren't for might guy is so funny
how tf did sasuke and naruto lie on the ground with their severed arms forming a heart shaped blood puddle and end up married not to each other
you cant tell me bkg is not based on sasuke but if like bkg didnt have a baggage of a dead brother and clan, same for aizawa with kakashi except kakashi is just cooler cos hrksh flopped
did NOT expect a prophecy and reincarnation plot point
sasuke was so annoying whenever team 7 met up with him and tried to get him to go back like they shld have just forgotten about him like sai told them to
naruto feels too much of a golden boy at the end of the madara arc when he starts to talk no jutsu obito if that makes sense. plus he gets so power upped its like an automatic win button for any fight now, anytime hes in trouble hes like 'omg kurama give me more chakra dattebayo' and suddenly hes fine
also his friendship w kurama was shoved in so abruptly like kurama literally (really) talked to him for the first time during the last arc and warmed up to him in the middle of the fight with madara(??) like cmon at least drag it out and start during the pain arc
team 7 went for like 1 mission and you expect me to believe now they wld die for sasuke
sasuke (tries to) kill sakura like at least 2 times and one of those moments happens 7 chapters before the end of the manga how are they still together
how the fuck did naruto say 'wow... sasuke and i really r compatible... wind exists to boost fire...' with a straight face like cmon
pencil holder neji :( it felt like he rly just died to further the naruhina plot point like why
obito obsessing an unhealthy amount over dead rin like ig its consistent
how is infinite tsukuyomi even a paradise like bro you could genjutsu yourself to the same effect if that even makes any sense and it wouldn't be any diff + what happens if the chakra used to sustain tsukuyomi runs out anyway what im saying is that sasuke was more onto something with the whole destroying and building anew that what obito and madara were on
rip sakura. girl was like 'i can fight with you two now' w kaguya and then instantly had to be saved by naruto (this also happened with sai 'i am part of team 7 too you know!' like rip)
TALKING ABOUT WHICH they're literally in the final fight against kaguya who transports them into the lava and sasuke saves naruto with his summoned hawk but doesn't give a shit about sakura (and kakashi) and naruto has to point out WHERES SAKURA and turns out kakashi saved sakura (and obito) with his quick thinking and reflexes like what the fuck sasuke this was ur future wife what was kishimoto thinking
also sasuke right after that states that only naruto and sasuke can seal kaguya meaning if they die its game over meaning everyone else was second priority (so basically just abandon kakashi and sakura)
wait in retrospect literally after that sakura and obito go on to save sasuke via tping to where he is like????/ sasuke you kinda suck ass methinks
naruto and sasuke going from tag teaming to ripping off each others arm is the stupidest segue ever
why the fuck did kishimoto feel the need to do the thing where a side character goes 'i can help now!! we can pitch in to support!! we are not weak anymore!!' and then get instantly bodied so they need to be bailed out by naruto
anyway it just goes to show writing climaxes and final battles r hard i guess. the only good 'fighting' mangas that had these r like. fma. chihayafuru (except i forgot how the fight ended). (bnhas kinda sucked for me cos i feel nothing for shiggy) (bleach final arc kinda sucked ass in general and ichigo shld have just ended after losing his powers as closure). oh but konosuba is pretty good tho (konosuba is just good fullstop lmao the ln is so tight in mixing plot points disguised as filler)
anyway if kishi or whoever did a rewrite of itachi pov id be down bc imagine being that guy who massacred his entire village for his brother and then spent years rogue in an organization and then died and then edo tensei'd to disrespect kabuto and then have the best talk no jutsu in the manga w naruto and sasuke which he could have used before he died on sasuke
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bonefall · 1 year
Your talk about Briarlight's mobility device is super cool, so i wanted to ask for your opinion, if a cat was missing a single back leg (amputated at the heel), would a mobility device be helpful? I'm assuming no, i've seen cats with only two legs hopping around, which leads to question #2.
The character in question got injured and their leg needed to be removed, a Cinderpaw situation of sorts. The clan begins pushing the use of the mobility device on them, parallel to irl people pushing the use of prosthetics to make amputees look 'normal'. Paired with a severe case of gifted kid syndrome, where their missing leg made training difficult and they begin to burn out because they're suddenly struggling, they get shoved/shove themself into the cleric role. They're miserable about this; They loved being a warrior, but simple training they used to breeze right past suddenly became difficult, so they've resigned themself to picking leaves and chewing herbs.
I'm mostly worried that it will be read the wrong way. The character COULD complete their training, they arent lesser than anyone else, but the gifted kid syndrome hit at the same time, along with a mild dose of peer pressure and internal ableism. It IS a case of 'disabled characters go in the square hole medicine cat den!', and thats the whole point because I wanted to explore the ableism in that situation. They just think that if they can't get something right in the first few tries, they cant get it right ever, so they resigned themself to the metaphorical square hole.
I'm just worried though that by trying to comment on it by adding it to the story that im instead encouraging it. Any advice is 100% appreciated, it's just a thin line and im super worried about walking it. Anyways sorry for invading your ask box i just really wanted to ask for second opinions and i have absolutely no one else to turn to.
A mobility device would not be useful, nope! I'm planning a "mobility device that is just for everyone else's comfort" with Thunder Storm too, though that arc is ending with Thunder pulling it off (and then finding out that Tall Shadow exiled Bumble and flipping his fuzzy little lid)
I think what you need most is clarity of your message, and confidence. You know WHAT you want to say about this-- so start thinking about how to show it. How do you impart this to your audience?
The cat in question doesn't need to realize it. They can have friends, mentors, family, other people who come to the right conclusion. Set up their Gifted Kid problems early, and SHOW that they give up and do as they're told when they struggle with something.
You seem to be doing well by establishing that Examplepaw doesn't like the cleric den, and so this was NOT the right choice for them. In my opinion, that's something that muddies Jayfeather's arc in-canon. He's forced into it but ends up just... fine with it and good at it. The fact Jay was pushed there against his will doesn't actually result in negative consequences.
And people argue, "ah, well, authorial statements say ACTUALLY he ALWAYS would have liked it but he felt like he was fitting a stereotype by going in there so actually it's good that they did an abelism because he wouldn't know what's best for him" and like... they don't see the problem in that lmao. Don't Be Like Them People.
But anyway, that's enough advice rambling on my part. @The Audience, if you guys have advice for this anon, feel free to RB it with commentary or reply to it, especially if you have experience with burnout and physical disability
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a-dream-bookmark · 5 months
a dream bookmark presents: APR 2024
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farewell (noun)
an act of parting or of marking someone's departure.
Welcome to A Adieu Bookmark, our April 2024 recommendations list with a theme around farewell fics. From the start of the month, we have compiled a list of fics the community has given and prepared to give to you. We would like to provide our biggest appreciation to the people contributing to the making of this list. Thank you so much and we will announce the theme for May 2024 soon!
Do you want to know more about us? Check this out!
The list is below the cut!
|| the sun that always burns series by @ja3yun | requested by @writingmochi
This fic has dark/mature themes
Pairing: jake x reader
Genre: sexual content/smut (mdni), fluff, angst, friends to lovers to ex, afab reader
Synopsis: you and jake's high school relationship blossomed into a romance filled with hope and promise. However, as time went on, jake's long-term expectations began to weigh heavily on you, who struggled to meet them. your paths eventually lead you in separate directions, each experiencing different aspects of life and ultimately moving on from your past love. unexpectedly, fate intervened and you both reunite after years apart. the reunion allows you to rediscover your feelings for each other, but also forces you to navigate the complexities of your past and present.
What they said about the fic: farewell plays a huge part in the turning point in this story and what i love about it is how it is set right in the epicentre of the series that you have this curve that creates a perfect arc of a story
|| ghost of you by @sungbeam | requested by Anonymous
This fic has dark/mature themes
Pairing: nonidol!ji changmin x bff!fem!reader 
Genre: childhood friends au, you are literally dead./major character death, mentions of a car accident, implied past bullying, swearing, fluff, comedy as a coping mechanism, angst, comfort/hurt, grief and survivor’s guilt, so much crying that you might get tired, just telling you now it is not meant to be a romantic plot but there r hints bc i’m a sucker, i’m not religious but ur a ghost(?), getting over one’s best friend’s death is not easy folks so that’s why y/n goes ghost B)
Synopsis: after the death of his best friend, changmin’s been left to grieve and wallow. but when you suddenly come back to him in the form of a ghost, he realizes that this might be his chance to right some wrongs. (aka; changmin has seven days with your ghost to figure out why you’ve been returned to the land of the living.)
|| 01.24 by @zchnlswrld | requested by Anonymous
Pairing: idol!san x f!reader 
Genre: angst
What they said about the fic: A real tear jerker if you ask me :(
|| break up sex and yearning duology by @whatudowhennooneseesyou | requested by @whatudowhennooneseesyou
This fic has dark/mature themes
Pairing: seoonghwa x reader
Genre: angst with no happy ending, smut on both parts, possessive!hwa
What they said about the fic: I wrote this after witnessing a couple who loved each other break-up b/c the man wanted children and the female didn't. It's an angst piece about an issue u cant negotiate
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raveneira · 2 years
Continuing from my other post, for those who may be curious if this finally means Im giving up on KawaSara and the possibility that it could become canon...my answer is no, Im not.
Realistically its not lookin good, Im mature enough to admit that, does that mean I think this is the end? no I do not, why? because in a decent mangaka’s writing this usually would be the ship killer, but Ikemoto isnt a decent mangaka, hes not even a decent artist, the bar is literally in hell with him on all fronts.
With this sequels writing literally ANYTHING is possible, it doesnt matter if theres build up to it or not because just look at Kawaki’s villain arc, he literally changed his whole mindset in a fkin DAY and no Im not kidding, go back and read 76, literally took only a day for him to make a complete 180.
Look at Sasuke back in 69, he understood Kawaki, empathized with him, took the blame on himself for failing to be the one to kill Boruto instead, said Konoha doesnt have anyone to blame except for him. Now look at 78, hes holdin a sword to Kawaki’s throat despite sensing Momoshiki TWICE and KNOWING why Kawaki is doing what hes doing, he LITERALLY swore to do the same and yet here he is, hunting down Kawaki like everyone else as if he never once thought about killing Boruto himself.
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So do I think this is the death of KawaSara? no I dont, because this sequel switches from one narrative to another on a whim whenever it wants to, so right now things look horrible for KawaSara like theres no way things could ever work out and that they just totally hate eachother now etc but when the story feels like it actually wants to bother remembering Sarada and Kawaki’s bond it will, and if Ikemoto has decided to make them canon he literally will with or without build up because the man just does not care.
So no Im not giving up on KawaSara, and no I dont think KawaSara is dead, this writing doesnt give af about logic or build up so to say 79 really killed the ship is giving this man too much credit as a writer. Nothing is consistent, and nothing STAYS consistent either. If he suddenly wants to remember KawaSaras bond he will, and if he suddenly wants to forget it he will as well, whatever he feels like in the moment is what he’ll go with.
I dont blame ppl for losing hope here, I dont blame ppl for giving up either, I completely understand your frustration and hopelessness and I do not blame you in the slightest if you just wanna call it quits here, totally understandable.
All Im saying is Im not, not because I cant take the loss, I’ve lost plenty of ships and handled it just fine, but for the principal of it.
I will never forget and never let anyone else forget how a certain fanbase cared more about seeing a harmless small fandoms ship sink than enjoying their own ship they claimed was smooth sailing
I will never forget how this supposed biggest fandom of the most popular ship was praying on our downfall CONSTANTLY simply because they couldnt STAND people shipping Sarada with anyone other than Boruto who they felt she was the property of and no one elses
I will never forget how big accounts incited hate and bitterness towards us unprovoked for no other reason than just enjoying seeing a small group of ppl suffer and be ridiculed by their followers because it was just fun hating on the little guy
I will never forget how the entire fandom turned on one big account for the simple fact that he came out that he shipped KawaSara [theres other reasons now but that was the first and still is the main reason they hate him]
I will never forget how this fanbase made that disgusting head tweet [saying they wanted teen Sarada to give Boruto oral on Kawaki’s dead decapitated body] and over 500 ppl FROM THAT FANBASE liked it and cracked similar jokes, one of which saying Boruto should give HER head instead which also got a bunch of likes
I will never forget how that fanbase was quick to accuse KawaSara fans calling us sick and disgusting over a instagram post saying they hope Kawaki R-pes Sarada only for the poster to admit to being a KawaBoru shipper and NONE of those ppl apologized
I will never forget how this fandom was so insecure and downright hateful towards KawaSara just existing that when members of their own fandom also liked/didnt mind the ship they were literally SHUNNED from the fandom to the point they had to leave it because they couldnt stand it
I will never forget how that fandom constantly vandalized the KawaSara wiki page because they couldnt stand it just existing
and I will never forget how these ppl pretended to be the victim of us this entire time and convinced majority of the fanbase of this as well because they had so many ppl already on their side branding us as the bad guys when literally all we did was try to fkin ship in peace and they just WOULD NOT let us do that.
THATS why I wont give up on the ship, not because I cant take the loss, but because I cant stand letting these ppl feel like they won because more than anything they wanna see ppl drop the ship so only Bsa exists while Kawaki is thrown to whoever is convenient but Im not gonna do that. I’ll stand with the ship whether its canon or not, if others do the same great but if not then that sucks but I understand.
I aint gonna give em the satisfaction tho, whether its endgame or not, whether things get better or worse for them, even whether the ship really is killed or not, Im not giving the ppl who’ve just nonstop been praying on harmless ships downfall the satisfaction of thinkin they finally buried us, I just wont do it.
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I feel like an ass for saying this, but outside of Sukuna and Yuuji i dont really think the other characters are interesting. Yeah MAYBE Geto but thats also just the most indeoth character gege has wrote. Otherwise everyone single other character is just overtly simple or a jackass.
I mean shit, the world building is so lackluster. Theres a lot that looks like it was written on the fly and no real thought put into it sometimes. Hell theres timess where plot devices feel like they got put on a backburner and forgotten. Shit some deaths felt unessacary (gestures to the fhcking female cats)
And noboara? Dont get me started her staying dead would have been amazing to help yuuji grow!
Nope, shes back. Its the fucking fairy tail death situation all over again.
Also, in the new chapter im NOT happy with how gege handled Yuuta. So anticlimactic...
Im just.... im really upset over this because you can tell a lot of this was halfassed and forced.
Also fuck RCT. Brings back people feom the dead but you cant bring baxk anyone else? What the fuck is going on. Im not excited for the mangas ending at all...
i feel you, anon. sorry for the late reply btw.
don't feel bad about sharing your opinions. i agree with you on them. i feel like a LOT of the characters are either underdeveloped or simply not as interesting as they could have been. i feel bad because i think gege is experiencing a lot of pressure since this is their first official and long-running series and it became really popular. i think they might not have as much experience as some other mangaka or maybe just they rush or don't fully plan things out? i'm just speculating so i hope i don't seem cruel-hearted in saying as much.
and i agree a lot of the plot seems too sudden and not fully fleshed out. i often cannot even keep track of the technical stuff and details bc new stuff is always being added and i think i've even found some contradictions and unexplained stuff that doesn't really make sense.
overall, jjk isn't as well-written as it maybe could have been, and i'm saying this objectively. i think gege loses sight of the story a lot of the time and sometimes pulls plot developments that don't make much sense as a way to speed things up.
nobara coming back could have been handled much differently for example. as much as i do agree that her death could have served yuuji's arc well, i think she deserved better than being killed off so suddenly. she shouldn't have been killed off at all. or if she was brought back sooner it wouldn't feel so fairy tale unrealistic.
and i also find yuta a bad replacement for yuuji and just kind of boring honestly. he's like gojo 2.0 in terms of character-building only gege adores him this time.
i'm also not understand the full extent of rct. maybe i'm missing something?
idk anon. you're right on a lot of this. thankfully the manga will be ending soon, and there's a chance that someone other than gege will be continuing it, so maybe better developments and more closure will be giving to us?
idk, no disrespect to gege but im honestly not sure what kind of story im reading any more.
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lesbianyosano · 10 months
manifesting Fukufuku dying in each others arms -> I am losing it slowly anyway thoughts on the newest chapter?
this has been sitting in my askbox since september and im really sorry anwsering took so long, but ive been trying to articulate how the last few chapters/last episode made me feel and im still not sure, because there have been so many bizzare choices made by both asagiri and the ppl behind the anime i still cant wrap my head around it fully (this got stupid long sorry)
starting with fukuzawa, i made a post a while back talking abt how i was assuming he was going to die/why it'd make a lot of sense, and there were really two main reasons for that; 1. he hasnt had anything interesting to offer for the story for a while and 2. his ability actively stops other important characters (mainly atsushi and kyouka) from further developement. the first thing is now gone which im pretty happy with! i love fukuzawa a lot so it's nice to see him finally have a purpose in the main story and im excited to see where it will go (also fukufuku you will always be famous to me <3333333), but the issue of his ability is still very much here. ive seen ppl theorize that all men are equal is just him lying and there is no ability but i honest to god would hate that, bc it would seem like such a shallow twist. atsushi's conflict with the tiger is central to his character so if it suddenly got revealed that a huge reason why he's even capable of using his power is just placebo "believe in yourself" bullshit i think i'd tear my own hair out. so im still thinking fukuzawa may get killed at some point, esp with the position he's been put into now and how much he seems to not want it.
and as for the "chuuya was never a vampire" fiasco, i honestly have no words, it was so unbelievably bad. ik there's been a ton of posts about how "its actually good" bc fyodor's death was caused by his inability to trust, and dazai's belief in his allies is what put him at an advantage, which is nice yeah, but it doesnt change how fucking stupid of a plan that was. if their goal is to kill fyodor, why not do it in that flooded room? fyodor escapes solely bc chuuya gets him out but if he was concious the entire time why not just leave him there? why continue to pretend? im usually not a huge fan of getting angry over plot holes when the narrative and themes are whats more important, but this is just so blantantly stupid. it feels like asagiri just wanted a plot twist for a plot twist's sake. mersault in general is so poorly constructed as an arc (dazai communicating via his heartbeat,,,, give me a break) but at least you'd hope it would end in a way that makes you excuse all of that, and then it doesn't. i think this post sums up how i feel about this than i ever could
and the fact that its december and we are STILL behind the fucking anime asagiri be so for real. it's easy to see now that the constant half chapters and short releases were a deliberate choice to have the anime catch up which i dont love, but fine, whatever. but now??? what the point of half releases? these chapters have been ready for a long time, and there's no way asagiri and the editors and whoever else is involved arent aware of how frustrated the readers have been for years now. the only explanation i can think of is that maybe the manga will have a different arc conclusion and ctheyre trying to idk, make it seem like we're following the anime closely? idk this shit is so stupid
overall this past arc or two have been bad, there are some elements that make them enjoyable still, but there is no theme consistency and overreliance on cliff hangers (that ppl still somehow buy). it feels like there are no stakes to the story, and that's really bad. maybe it's why i was hoping for fukuzawa to be killed alongside fukuchi idk, it'd finally feel like something is changing
on a brief positive note i quite enjoyed fyodors death, weird catholic freak, ofc nikolai is cradling your arm like this. i was a little suprised to see fyodor killed just yet (bc he always needed to die for the story to be able to wrap up eventually), but given the jesus quote, he may as well come back in some way tbh
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enneadau · 2 years
Sooo… after flipping through Semestral…
Just randomly wanted to know would the VR arc have a theme about taking control of their future and destiny being a person’s choice?
Like I have no idea if it’s going to have the same main plot as the Noah arc where they are battling for control of their bodies or if you have something else wonderful planned but Honda’s birthday gave me some vibes that this had been a long conversation on everyone’s mind for a while.
It also kind of seems fitting with the whole idea that grown men are trying to take over their bodies and as an extension seem to be trying to control their future.
I’m partially asking because I was always kind of unnerved at the thought that 6 grown men could just assume that they could take control of a bunch of teenagers bodies and no one would question where these sudden personality changes came from. Where this aptitude for mathematics, science, etc. that clearly had never been there before suddenly was. Especially the lawyer who thought that the punk Katsuya/Joey would be a good body to take on.
Then as a teenager at that actual age I realized just how crazy it sounded because a good chunk of high school had passed and colleges look at those first two years too. Not to mention they would have to remember what exactly they had just been studying in class to avoid another bad grade. (And after you brought up Katsuya’s juvenile “record” making it hard for him to get into college, it makes me wonder even more what the lawyer was thinking.)
And now as a someone 2 years out of college I can’t even imagine going through college entrance testing not to mention some of the high school courses I haven’t thought about in 6-8 years. It really makes me wonder if they were just that confident in their abilities or if there was something more going on.
Of course if there is a completely different angle that you want to take on. I probably completely missed it.
Thank you again!
The themes of thinking about the future and seizing control of your fate started in Kismet when Katsuya refused to accept that Ishizu was going to kill him. It's been continued in the way that Yugi and Meisa have been frustrated in having to wait for Battle City to progress their own path.
Fantasia doesn't run exactly to the Noah plot, but there are themes of choosing who you are. You've already guessed that Senet is Yugi, though she doesn't know who she is and this will follow through with the others. Will who they are now make the same choices that they as themselves would make? Especally since, essentially Noah gives the gang retrograde amnesia, as a 'gift'. They cant be bitter about living in a virtual world if they dont remember the outside.
As they fight thier way through the world/game, they start to remember more, and have to take into account who they were. It's kind of disconcerting for the Knight Ryu to realise he's a former gang member and bully by the name of Katsuya for example.
It's hard to write well though and I honestly would be completely redrawing up the story if it wasn't for the after effects having a massive impact on the end of the Ennead DM story.
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soul-dwelling · 1 year
I kinda realised that fireforce is just soul eater without Maka - just Kid and B*S - Shinra and Arthur just getting some of the more "reasonable" and "human" parts of Maka. Like it seems that Ohkubo took the "wow Maka cant really compete with Kid and Star cause they are basically gods" and went with it
I hadn’t thought of it that way, with Maka’s analogues being Shinra and Arthur. 
But it gives me a thought, about how the arc writing for Maka could have been better in Soul Eater.
Coincidentally, my friend elliotthezubat and I fell into the three-person team approach for a re-write we’re doing of Fire Force--only I think that the three-person structure we came up with may have had more to do with evoking the idea of the Christian Trinity when it comes to a story that is already so ingrained in religion, and not ignoring that technically Fire Force did the Christian Trinity as well (Sho, Shinra, Mari). 
And I think when we had the idea, it was before Fire Force was confirmed to be a prequel to Soul Eater (in which case, our trio idea may have been pulling from the Chain Resonance structure more than I realized) but after Shinra, Sho, and Mari combined forces (itself a long diatribe I could get into about how forced that was to set up the prequel nonsense, how Spirit and Maka could resonate in the final arc of that manga, etc). 
It just sucks that Fire Force cannibalized the aspects of Maka to spread out to various characters--and, yeah, that means bringing up Tamaki again. 
Maka has a bit of her silliness (really getting into spying on Stein and others going into the Death Room) that Soul calls her out on--that maybe you can apply to someone like Arthur, which kind of fits, she herself being such an avid reader that maybe you can see some of those roleplaying aspects in her own personality. 
Maka has the levelheaded shonen protagonist qualities that get applied to Shinra. 
But then that leaves Maka’s physical appearance, and Tamaki is stuck with that--and not much else. That is a shame, not that Tamaki should be a Maka clone, but that she is made visibly into such a Maka clone--to then be the fanservice bait for the series and a pathetic commentary by Ohkubo to defend his own fanservice baiting. 
The Soul Eater manga did bother me with the sense that Maka was falling behind Black Star and Kid--but never really did anything with that. I mean, I kind of appreciate that the story didn’t: I like that Maka still kept up despite how much the text insisted that Black Star and Kid were getting more and more powerful…when it never quite came across that way, seeing as everyone was getting better at what they were doing because, you know, experience, time progression, etc. Maybe it’s not much of an ass-pull for Maka to keep up because we have believable explanations: she is now wielding a Death Scythe, she struggled to unlock the Grigori form, she still can tap into the Black Blood. If there is any flaw, it’s that the Grigori stuff really needed an arc to tease that out more--but I guess “Maka overcame Arachne’s madness” and “Medusa was targeting Buttataki for his soul perception abilities and Maka may be just as powerful” was enough foreshadowing. 
Still, there is something to be said for giving believable angst for Maka to help set up the power scaling of the series, progress her character by giving her a challenge to overcome, and to justify how it is that she is keeping up with Black Star, who is becoming a god, and Kid, who practically is a god. 
Did any of this ever come up in the “Salvage” Book of Eibon arc? That would have been a more compelling approach to why Maka suddenly starts doubting herself and tells Soul to get a new meister. Maybe that would have been more impactful than “a stalker is making me jealous and worried that I don’t really resonate with Soul, and he is a Death Scythe, so I should let him go.” It also would have tied in better with Maka’s internal monologue at the end of Chapter 113. 
Maybe that could have also been set up earlier when she confronted her Clown self and really started to ask, “Was I the weak link in the Chain Resonance? Is that why Black Star ran off to Japan? Is that why I’m now seeing him dead in this delusion? Am I so pathetic that Kid is right outside and probably would survive this but I can’t get his help so I’m now facing off against my own worst enemy--myself--and will die here?”
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ABSOLUTE GEM OF A MAN I CANT EVEN EXPRESS HOW I FEEL ABOUT JIM WITHOUT SOUNDING FERAL AND CRINGE CRONGE (potential verbal appreciation post? It’ll probs be rotting in my drafts HAHSHD)
Also can we talk about how pretty Nina’s voice is when she’s serious, it really reminds me of nausicaa’s voice WHIHC IS A WIN WIN!
Really wanted to find out their real names
Johan being a menace to society (in the worst way possible) never fails to make me giggle
Adding on, Roberto is a meme of a character cos just when you think everything is going okay, he makes an appearance and suddenly you know damn well everything is not going okay anymore
wim being so adorbs <33
Eva redemption arc I mean queen was lowkey killing it throughout the series.. sometimes questionable but otherwise ily (but I HATED how she treated tenma 😒)
What was Johan and Nina’s mum doing bro- did that favouritism play a role in this outrage.. guess we’ll never know!
LUNGE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT ARC REAL?? When he said he’d buy a beer for grimmer n they can talk about this whole case 💔💔
Nah Lunge was mad funny, his only personality trait was hunting tenma down,, then half way through the series he goes “I’ve made a fatal mistake 😗” n reconsiders his life decisions. The audacity,, and I was loving it.
okay after some reflection johan saying "which one didn't she need" or stmhn like that at the end BAFFLED me. it made me really sad too
oh yeah HAHAHAHA johan being an iconic cross dresser. you can't tell me he wasn't rocking that outfit when he was with suk... also when he dressed as young anna HIS FACE WAS SO FUNNY "welcome back! :D" bro is so devious HEGHAHSDG
just thhnking about that tenma push up scene it had me giggling and swinging my feet OGH LET;S NOT FORGET WHEN HE WAS LIKE "good girl" TO NINA .... that's the stuff i want to hear frfr
on a serious note though, he's such a good father figure. this man would make the best father ever.. i've seen multiple comments saying that even johan saw him as a father figure and LORD DOES THAT MAKE ME UPSET :(((((
that nameless monster book spoke facts at the end tho, johan is such a beautiful name no joke
his hair looks so fluffy too
HAHA no how about the scream he scrumpt i was lowkey embarrassed like johan you can scream sm better than that.
idk why but he's so fine when he drops the ground- both times in the library and in the rain. i swear it's the hair and his back
yk this anime reminds me of that one tiktok sounds with the garden song that says "no matter where you are, everyone is always connected". it's quite cool to think about it holistically, but in a sense it's also so surreal, and even scary. this masterpiece is an extreme reflection of our world imo, with many elements of truth and reality. anyways i'll leave this kind of stuff for another post (draft lol). but honestly though, i really liked this series. maybe since it's older, it has that sense of authenticity?? not invalidating other anime series but idk. i really enjoyed it.
im jus reading about tenma's childhood rn :')
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m1ckeyb3rry · 29 days
That’s a good idea….will start check marking….. I’m also realizing I think part of the problem was I actually do press send sometimes but if the connection is spotty and I don’t realize I close out tumblr and then it never ends up fully loading/sending properly….
SHSHS I cant imagine that’d be comfortable with the dizziness…well uh..at least it’s over now!! Haha…..
OUUU wait that’s a good take…..it’s kinda funny I think I remember Isagi and Yuta having the same mbti too?? Not sure how accurate the typing actually is but I thought that was funny LOL but IM CRYING LMAOOOO you really said I need some spice in my life let’s switch it up
Honestly I would not be surprised if that ended up being the case like….after every single time we’ve manifested something into existence I’d be more surprised if it didn’t get manifested into reality LMAO
SHEGSHS every now and then I think about how I’m blowing up your inbox but omg another special tag I’m so honored LOL hope the ideas prove useful for when you’re in a slump!!
AHAHAHA atp trying to guess your final wc should just be a game im sure its at least mildly frustrating for you but I can’t lie every time it happens I chuckle a bit especially when you post it with that one ant meme LMFAOOA
Oh em gee very excited!! Whenever that comes out im gonna reread part 1 to refresh first LOL it’s ok we gotta give our man a break from being protag he’s been going through it LMAOAO between getting insulted by the love of his life in fwtkac the whole freaky Friday conflict and now bfb where he’s been pining since he could walk I
Gotta bless the other sectors of the fandom with your work….give them a taste of your writing then they’ll discover your blog read the Karasu fics and join Karasu nation…that’s the end goal LMAO atp you’re just overseeing all of bllknation covering every base
Hsjshsj glad it went well!! Struggle because of motion sickness I assume? Manifesting very hard that that goes away soon…
GAGAMARU AND YUKI LMAOOO ok that’s a pair I was not expecting ngl it’s ok it’s the power duo one blind one and one with super vision /j actually I feel like that’d be really funny like…since yuki is also a model he has such a refined vibe and as we know is very well mannered while gagamaru spends a lot of the time in the woods in the wilderness fighting bears or something LOL such opposite vibes
Yeah…like I get the shock factor thing but tbh to me that still doesn’t “justify it” to me LOL like it was just so sudden?? And there’s still so many holes like how’d she suddenly just appear good as new minus the one eye…no I fully agree like it was so random, not lead up not even a hint from the past what like 30 chapters?? Like they really just decided to throw her back into the ring at the last second….like we haven’t seen her since Shibuya arc and she somehow just spawned back like make it make sense…..tbh I think the “shock my readers” thing is such a gege thing to do :,) considering all the other comments we’ve heard from him LMAO but yeah the execution was not it……jjk fandom is also scary I see people getting eaten alive for “hot takes”
LMAO safe from kaiserism today…tbh I can’t see myself actually converting BUT the compass >>> the whole animal shelter dog scene was Lowk so cute I love the use of the dog’s own background in paralleling kaiser’s own situation! But that line “she’s my mother but I’m not her son” LITERARY GENIUS but also I’m crying when they talk about marriage and a wedding I’m fr just imagining ness just standing there alone on kaisers side something about the scene just seems so funny to me
- Karasu anon
tumblr is so glitchy sometimes i can’t even blame you 😔 the amount of times i’ve thought i posted something and didn’t or someone will send an ask and i just won’t get a notification for it??? same with dms and then people think i’m ignoring them but that’s not my intention at all 😭💔
yess they do have the same mbti!! and so does hiori apparently 🤔 tbh i tend to like characters who are sassier because they’re more like me so they’re easier to write/connect with (asshole karasu 🤝 asshole mira) but realistically in a relationship you can only rlly have one person like that the other needs to be nice or else it’s just stressful 😭 irl whenever i meet people who match my freak toooo well i get annoyed because like why are we only being mean to each other but when people start to get too moral abt it it’s like “oh it was never that deep” LMAOAAO there needs to be a happy medium of someone who finds it funny and can throw a jab or two out there when necessary but for the most part they’re just chilling 😩 which lowkey IS isagi (and hiori) now that i think abt it but NOOOO if i convert to isagism what will become of me
HFJDJSSJ okay random kiyora headcanons speedrun (kaneshiro if you’re watching these are fire pls include them in the manga): he ran cross country for one year during the soccer off season and he liked it because he could listen to music during races but it wasn’t competitive enough for him so he quit, he’s lowkey fire at either knitting or crochet but no one knows (he’s not shy abt it though it’s just that no one talks to him for long enough to realize), and he got a pet umbrella cockatoo after watching the movie rio in theaters
NO I LOVE GETTING THE NOTIFICATION YOU SENT AN ASK it’s so fun to read them 🥹 and PLSS honestly it’s less frustrating and more just like 😨 whenever the word count gets crazy long because for the most part i’m just happy to be providing 😩 the only thing that worries me is when i take too long writing smth rlly long and people think i’m on hiatus 😭 like no i’m still here it’s just that this one shot is now novel length so…
okay wait genuinely multiple people have been converted to karasu nation because of me LMAOAOA especially bfb and fwtkac…honestly it’s a role i’m proud to play 🤩🙏🏻 but yes atm i need to expand my outreach/not make karasu suffer any longer he’s been through it in the miraverse as of late 😟 i’m excited for cherry tree pt2 i think it’s probably going to be shorter but very cute 🥹 which yk cute and rin don’t necessarily go together very naturally given how he is but trust i will make it work 🤩
HEAR ME OUT GAGAMARU AND YUKI / TARZAN AND JANE AU LMAOOOOO no it’s so perfect hold on i’m going to edit a screen cap of it once i’ve responded to this why does it fit uncannily well…i’ve convinced myself gagamaru and yuki besties number one bllk duo forget bachisagi or kunigiri or nagireo or tabieita or whatever 🥱 gagayuki the ONLY pair i care about (and karasu + shidou they’re cool too)
i completely agree although i’ve already seen people on all corners of the internet calling people who are dissatisfied with it brain dead or without reading comprehension/media literacy…that’s just how it’s going to be ig 😓 jjk to me has this problem where it’s simultaneously overhated AND overrated 🤔 because people do not realize there is a middle ground!! like no it’s not the worst manga ever and there are several high points + on the whole it is better written than several other animangas especially shounen ones however it is NOT peak fiction and it is definitely not the best thing to come out in recent times!! like people don’t realize you can criticize it and still not bash it/gege completely 😒 also i have to say it…a manga being popular ≠ good idk WHY that’s such a popular argument but things can be popular without being well written!! look at any number of ya dystopian novels from the 2010s for proof 😭 nobody’s denying that jjk is popular it’s just that that doesn’t automatically make it the best thing ever…i saw someone on tik tok say that a lot of jjk fans confuse hype moments/panels with good writing and i do think that that’s the case at times 🫣 but what do i know lol
tbh smth abt kaiser’s fuck ass haircut turns me off rlly bad like maybe if he still had the shaggy blond going on or if he put it in a bun more often i’d see the appeal but the rat tails are not it 😰 and LMAOAOAO PLSSS kaiser’s side at the wedding is just ness and noel noa (he was paid to be there) and both of them are just like 😐😐 the whole time HAHAHA they are not into it at all…maybe kaiser was onto smth when he said that they should just get married without any guests because imagine how awk it would be otherwise 😭
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appeypie · 2 years
alright i’m curious, what’s your cinderella hate essay
i got 2 asks for this and i dont want to disappoint The People…
also im putting this under a readmore because it got too long. im sorry for ranting about jojo's bizarre adventure. can you forgive my sins....
TLDR; cinderella (stand) is a love potion, love potions are nonconsensual and not compelling. it rips koichi of his free will, and yukako is able to manipulate him, without any pushback or consequences. there's no growth!!! araki still cannot write women!!!
also aya sucks too. cringe episode. cringe arc.
im so sorry for this incoming text wall
i think the first thing that's really important that i need to get out of the way first is that cinderella's ability IS a love potion. like straight up. and obviously love potion stories are creepy and unconsensual
when i say this, people tend to push back against the idea but its true. how else would you categorize it? koichi would not give yukako the time of day pre-cinderella, even for a second, and in the anime was even seen RUNNING AWAY FROM HER in fear when he saw her on the streets 😭.. and then, suddenly after yukako visits aya once, he is being kind to her. even worried about her. and willing to go to the cafe with her alone.
he is apparently so 'in love' with yukako that he decides to potentially GO BLIND FOR HER??? HUH??? these kids know NOTHING ABOUT EACH OTHER BTW!!! they have no common interests. in their first interactions, yukako thought he was a lying cheater who she needed to fix. and koichi literally hated her, and was terrified of her. she stressed him out so hard that he thought he killed his own stand
like, koichi is incredibly kind and forgiving, but literally nothing in their relationship changed so that he would be comfortable even being near her. its just too sudden. last time they were interacting, koichi was telling her that he hated her and complaining that she "never listens to anything [he says]". she has this pattern of ignoring his opinions and feelings... and it obviously didnt end in yukako falls in love.
also this line:
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[Image ID: a picture of diu's official manga translation. aya tsuji is saying, "you're mistaken. in his heart, i'm sure that koichi has fallen in love with you. but his rational mind is still resisting you" /.End ID]
girl "his rational mind"??? you mean the mind that isn't attracted to her in any way.. who remembers the abuse, and how unwilling to change she is 😭
the existence of this arc erases any interesting character growth that yukako could have had. she goes from telling koichi that "i will make you love me, if i can't have you, i'll just kill you, you belong to me" etc etc etc, to "ok, maybe i don't need him after all" at the end of her initial episodes. and then suddenly she regresses back to "actually i do want him" and then she gets him, with no substantial growth on her end.
she isnt kidnapping him this time which is good i guess, but she continues to ignore koichi's free will and agency by "bending fate" so that they can be together. that's just not ok to me
but i think the reason why im so reactive to yukako's situation, and not someone similar like rohan, is that irl mangakas DON'T steal your memories for manga material (i'm pretty sure). but people ARE abused by their romantic partners. yukako's abuse is cartoonish, making koichi eat paper and erasers and building him an electric chair, but its still uncomfortable (especially considering she ends up with him in the end).
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[Image ID: a cap from the jojo manga. yukako says, "and you'll thank me. you'll realize that you need me. you won't be able to go on living without me." koichi is sweating and looks shocked and angry /.End ID]
i also feel like people don't seem to take domestic abuse as seriously with women perpetrators. we girlbossify them instead. it all just feels so icky to me, i cant shake it.
everything is made worse by the fact that araki CANNOT!!! write women or f/m relationships well in early-mid era jojo. rohan, tamami and others in the koichi fanclub have clear character arcs, they get better. yukako just doesn't. or at least it isnt enough
aya tsuji is also a flop of a character as well.. i've never heard anyone talk about this, maybe just out of discomfort, but she seems like a predatory lesbian trope. there are a few scenes where she is touching yukako inappropriately or ogling her (and i know with araki's art, it's hard to remember, but she's 16!). it's honestly just so uncomfortable i hate it lol. it's a shame bc i love seeing stand users who aren't attacking the protags, and instead just use their stand for their jobs… but again. araki cant write women. at least women can actually have stands without dying now. but we are far from stone ocean... we'll get there eventually....
ok tbh i have more thoughts but i think for all of our sanity im going to end it here. also my browser glitched and deleted some of this so i wanna be done with it
listen. if you ship them thats fine, really i cant stop you, though i'd recommend thinking about the implications a little harder. yknow. maybe you could rewrite canon so its not incredibly creepy. bc araki flops sometimes and it is perfectly moral to correct him (i do it all the time!!!!!!!)
and for the people who make abuse jokes with them: you get no bitches. also tell your dad to stop calling me and sending me money, its really desperate and i already have enough boyfriends. its embarrassing
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