#you can never go wrong with chest floof
glazedcroissant · 4 months
well your elfilin is adorable and just plain snuggly looking but I gotta admit that I wonder how fecto Elfilis would look in your style, if that’s okay to ask (and I’m not putting foot in mouth here)
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And here we are
this one was surprisingly fun to work on! Fecto Elfilis' design is really cool. lots of fun shapes and colors. thank you for the ask!
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Nonhuman AU Trey
Ironically this baker is a type of cinnamon bear, but you wouldn't be able to tell since like his siblings he inherited his dad's green fur, though he is a lighter shade. It's more obvious if you take a look at his mother.
Said siblings climb around on everything, including Trey himself. He likes swinging them around when they hang onto his strong arms and... would be willing to do the same for you if asked.
He’s taller and has more muscle than his human counterpart, but also a bit more squish. Has some very thick dark claws, and human hands with some dark padding on the palm and fingertips. He has a little tail that isn't that noticeable given its size. Sharp teeth and noticeable canines.
Very interested in your little dull human teeth and small mouth.
Fur is fluffy and he has a lot of it. Arms, legs chest, underarms, floof happy trail, above his tail and the same shade of green as his hair. Now bear fur texture is shaggy and thick, but unlike regular bears whose fur is rough, dirty looking, and stiff due to dirt, leaves, tree sap, and old food, Trey takes very good care of his fur so it's great for burying your face in. Similar to other beasts he can and will use it to lure you in for cuddles and to give him scritches.
Like dogs, bears lose some of their soft, dense insulating underfur as well as some of their coarse outer guard hairs when temperatures climb. By late summer, they can look quite scruffy. However, as the weather cools and they layer on fat for hibernation, their underfur and guard hairs grow back. He is very not pleased when his fur gets scruffy in those hot months and how much he ends up shedding. Don’t worry, it won’t get in the goodies he bakes, in a world full of magic where the majority of the population are types of fur-having beasts, they know how to make sure everything stays sanitary. 
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He very much appreciates you helping with brushing him out and unlike certain other guys, isn't a tsundere about asking, of course, he offers something yummy in return and will insist even if you say you're just fine with helping him out. It's totally because he just wants to pay you back and not because he wants to show off how good his baking skills are and how he can keep you fed.
Tbh even before you start dating you might end up gaining a pound or two because of him.
He’s too domesticated to hibernate but isn't opposed to taking naps when he can and can sleep pretty hard...unfortunately certain members of his dorm like to cause trouble and he ends up getting disturbed often.
Poor tired bear waking up all of a sudden and fur a mess because AceDeuce broke something and now Riddle is screaming.
The guy likes puns and dad jokes so if you think he isn't going to make any bear ones you're wrong.
Bear hugs. Human Trey already gives those warm comforting hugs, but bear beastman Trey? You will never feel more warm and secure in a hug. He smells like baked goods and has a comforting underlying musk. Loves how big and protective holding you makes him feel, you can't see it with your face smooched into his chest, but he has a very self-satisfied look on his face if you say anything about feeling safe with him.
Please scratch his back for him, his fur is thick, and it's hard to reach. You might even catch him doing this when he thinks no one is looking. He makes funny noises when you find a good spot. Is perfectly fine lying down with you sitting on his back and going to town on him with those nibble little monkey hands.
Speaking of noises, bears make a lot of them, and I don't just mean the growls they're known for.
Grunts are often used by mother bears to communicate with their cubs and can signal to cubs to climb trees for safety or to follow her. Now unlike regular male bears, bear beastmen are involved with their kids and do the same thing. Though admittedly Trey has a habit of doing this with you and his siblings when something goes down, though he doesn't expect you to climb up a tree, just get behind him. Though he can easily get you up there himself if need be.
Huffing is a warning to get away, teeth clicking is a warning but also a fear/stress response, and similar to humans, bears whimper when they are in distress or fear. It’s a sound that indicates submission or vulnerability. Hmm getting him to whimper because of submission though...
Adorably they snort when surprised or experiencing mild alarm but also when investigating a new scent or object. It makes me want to try sneaking up on him so he does it but I'm sure those adorable ears would hear me before I have the chance.
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But also...Trey unintentionally does it the first time he gives the cute new human some sniff sniffs.
Bear mating strategies vary by species/breeds, with some relying on scent-marking and vocalizations to attract mates, while others engage in physical displays of strength and dominance. Male bears may engage in fierce battles with rivals for the opportunity to mate with a female.
Trey isn't the type to act outright aggressively but he's not against using his stature to intimidate and to be a sneak to get between you and the other guys. He's good at always finding an excuse. Needs you for taste testing, being his little helper for baking, or helping with the mountain of tasks he has on his plate as Riddles right pawed man.
Female bears are pretty selective with mates, size, and strength are two big parts of attraction for them, so he's going to keep finding ways to show off his strength and draw attention to how much bigger he is than you. Catch this guy carrying around huge sacks of flour like it's nothing and playfully teasing you when you try and fail to lift a bag.
...Trey really likes teasing you. Oh, the feelings it gives him when you look up at him all flustered or even all huffy from his comments. He can't help but want to see how far he can take it, but he needs to keep a level head. Can get pretty horny grip about it though.
Regular bears follow females to assess their receptiveness, regularly sniffing areas where the female has sat and the female herself when possible. Couples often play and rest together during courtship. They also engage in various pre-mating rituals, such as nuzzling, and pawing at each other. 
...no, he isn't going to sniff your seat like some weirdo. I mean, yeah, giving some sniff sniffs is acceptable in this society but not to that extent. He gonna sniff the hoodie you borrowed tho. You're totally going to get sniffed during hugs or when he's looming. He gets growly when his trailing after you/interactions gets interrupted, especially when the territorial part of his brain kicks in and certain other guys are nearby.
Oh, he has so much fun playfully chasing you around. Especially when he catches you, wrapping his arms around you before lifting you into the air...maybe giving your shoulder a little nibble if he's feeling extra playful. Don't worry, he knows how to be gentle with his teeth.
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Don't expect to outrun him though, a bear can run 35mp and catch a horse.
The guy is great for napping and resting on and will encourage you to do so. He's going to want to turn your room in Ramshackle into a proper den for you two to rest and be away from the others.
Bear mating and junk info below. ⬇️
Mating season begins in May and lasts until early July. Mating mainly occurs during June.
Brown bears, American black bears, Asiatic black bears, sloth bears, giant pandas, polar bears, and spectacled bears all generally breed between spring and early summer.
A male bear recognizes an estrous female by her scent. He then walks behind her, shadowing her movements like he has a laser sight affixed to her rump. It’s certainly not uncommon to see a male following a female for hours and hours, he is biding his time until she's willing. Now I'm not saying he's going to stalk you but he's sure as hell going to want to stick close, especially if you have a mating scent...and pay a lot of attention to your butt. God, forbid you sit on his lap or bend over in front of him. As much as he enjoys the view, he's going to make sure to block it from others, just another reason for wanting to stick close to your back.
Male testosterone levels peak, not coincidentally, in June as well so he's definitely going to start getting some of that strong musk during that time.
Outside of the mating season, male bears pose real threats to smaller females (sometimes, albeit very rarely, killing them) so the close, persistent proximity of a large male is usually alarming at first. Eventually, hormones and habituation to the male overcome her initial trepidation.
With the bear beastmen females/the one the male is interested in don't need to worry as much about that, but Trey is def going to do a lot to show you that he's safe for you to be around and that you can be comfortable around him, he's very good at it too.
Alright so...bears have a penis bone, along with certain primates, rodents, shrews, hedgehogs, dogs, walruses, seals, sea lions, and raccoons.
It allows him to stay hard for longer, though with regular bears the actual mating process is typically brief, lasting only a few minutes, but can occur multiple times over a few hours or several days.
After mating some males have been shown to make intense tongue-clicking vocalizations and prevent the female from leaving, perhaps to give his sperm time to fertilize her eggs before she met another male. I'm picturing Trey getting pretty clingy after sex and using his great aftercare and cuddle skills to keep you from leaving and making that noise when you try to get up to use the bathroom.
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carcarcraziiv2 · 10 months
Heartsteel Sett Boyfriend HCs
~Sett is love, Sett is LIFE. Don't get me wrong, I am barking and on all fours for all of these men but Sett holds a special place in my little heart~
P.S. Asks are open! I am open to requests! P.S.S. I am also open to other League characters, Arcane AU, etc. Just hmu :3
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TW: Floof. So much floof. Pet names. You get the picture right? As always, enter at your own risk!
Sett is a l o v e r. PDA overload. Hugs? Always, without question, is up for that. Kisses? You bet your ass he will. Any second, no matter where you are, you could lean in for one and he will squeeze you up against him, and kiss you like his life depends on it. If anyone appears to be giving you some extra attention that he doesn't like, all this big guy has to do is walk up next to you (as if he isn't there already lol) and usually the person doing the thing is smart enough to know better than to continue. "Hey baby, come here. What, can't I kiss you? Let me kiss you. That's my good b/g."
Sett is second only to Ezreal in his joking capabilities. This man can JOKE, and although he is trying to joke with and or at you, he unfortunately tends to make a fool of himself because he is a massive dork. If you pull jokes on him, he doesn't really get upset or offended, but he will pretend to be. His goofy demeanor means he will put a hand to his chest acting all flabbergasted, then tackle you into a hug or onto the bed while calling you a dork. "Haha! You're so funny, but you know I've got skin of steel baby. Oh, you meant it? Yeah right! Comere!"
Sett is an absolute SUCKER for attention. He will eat it up, and if you aren't paying attention to him? You might as well be. He will pester you, throw you over his shoulder, basically DEMAND your attention. Since this is just how he is, you never have to be desperate for his attention either. If for some reason you do feel neglected, he will feel very bad about it. He will make it up to you no matter what that means. "I'm sorry I've been at the gym so much this week, band stuff has just been stressing me out. Hey, I have an idea! Why don't you go with me?!"
Kisses, hugs, and everything fun= SETT. He is a fiend. He is insatiable. He will grab you up and kiss you, no matter where you are. His kisses can be goofy, fun, or downright sensual. Sometimes, when Sett is feeling serious for once, he will take his time with you. Touching you sweetly- he is so strong sometimes he is scared he will hurt you by accident. But man, it's all worth it as soon as his lips touch yours. Sett grabs your wrist, pulling you flush against him. You have to tilt your head to see him, and as he gazes back down at you he tilts his head and studies your face. "You're everything, baby. Everything." He leans down, kissing you gently, before releasing your lips and hugging you even closer.
Sett doesn't like arguing. He gets so pent up sometimes, you fear for the guy he goes up against at his boxing matches. Most of the time, when it's petty little arguments, he will figure out some way to get your mind off of it. Every once in awhile when you actually feel upset about the situation, Sett will take his time to sit down and talk it out with you. He will grab your hands, nod while you explain your side, and carefully display his own. By the end of it, the two of you are usually kissing... and by the end of that- well... "I get where you're coming from, baby. I just think we could have approached the situation differently, is all. Promise you're not mad at me? Thank the Gods. Come on, I wanna make it up to you in the bedroom hehe," He says, grabbing you by the waist and tugging you toward your room.
Sett will be very sad when you leave, or when he has to leave. He is like a little puppy dog who cries when you go (although he doesn't actually cry). He will pout, however, and his irresistible face almost makes you quit everything and stay home just to appease him. When he leaves, he will ask you a thousand questions trying to egg on a reason to stay, but you know he has to get to band practice so that Yone doesn't come pounding down your door, so you usually just give him a reason to be excited to come home later. "I miss you already, baby! Please don't make me go. Nah, look Yone loves me! He won't be that mad... Comeonnnn. Fine, but later we are getting dinner, and you are going to be desert."
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My thoughts on Spy x Family Chapter 82
Needless to say, (some real serious) manga spoilers alert
Oh, boy, I'm gasping for air. I'm panicking, and I've not panicked this much about Spy x Family since Anya's last hijack incident (which my heart has not recovered yet). Mr. Endo, may you, please, pay my cardiologist bill? I'm not joking, I'm hyperventilating, and my chest is TU DUM, TU DUM.
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The mole was discovered! Poor guy (or not, who knows?). I wonder what SSS will do to him. How far will the organization go? I believe we won't even know.
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I'm seriously nervous for him. Twillight is used to things getting on his way, with minimum complications and this situation is definitely not it. Of course, he could figure things could go bad, since It's a really risky operation, however, I feel his frustration in not getting much time to secure the real wheeler.
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Damn, my heart is not surviving till the end of this chapter.
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Our man got ✨ The Skills ✨ Still, all this shooting is getting me pretty nervous. I'm immediately getting my anxiety meds. Endo, what the actual f-
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Yeah, Twilight is The Man! Still, my hands are trembling and so is my apprehensive cardiac organ. This is sure to be qualified as torture.
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He is quite wise disguising as Yuri. Haha, got it? I'm not okay, Christ.
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Damn, Yuri is very intelligent, as well. The brains had to go to one of the Briar's, am I right? (Poor Yor, I love you, It's not personal. Bad comedy is my coping mechanism when I'm nervous. I'm so sorry!)
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He is right about that. Twilight is nervous. And I wonder why. Maybe because there's more on this game than before? He is a father. A husband. He worries. He is not the same he was before, as much as he tries to convince himself that he is not attached to his fake family dynamics.
I can clearly imagine his thoughts racing. He's thinking about Anya, about Yor, about WISE, while trying to run and get these thoughts away from him in order to not commit mistakes, like leaving a footprint behind. Just saying.
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Oh Yuri, you are so sweet, in a way. And you know absolutely nothing.
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The panic™  on his face. Poor Yuri, I'm truly divided right here. See? I'm calmer, not panicking at all, this is certainly my clonazepam working.
Quick (but important) writer's note here, I'm actually diagnosed with intense anxiety and use prescribed medication, I joke about it, cause It's better to laugh than cry on the reality of my condition, however, never use anxiolytic/benzodiazepines drugs without valid prescription and conscience, it might cause long-term dependency and tolerance. My Pharmacy academic self felt the need to point this out. Moving on!
By the way, have you noticed the "waver"? Twilight is hesitating, deeply, which makes him more prone to aiming wrong. Haha, ha… I'm okay, I swear 😰
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Okay, two theories. I'm okay, I swear, my blood pressure is just fine.
Theory number 1. Twilight gets Yuri shot on some of his limbs, probably one of his legs, so our spy can buy time, run to encounter the others Wise's agents and hide. Gladly, he can aim just on the spot when no much damage is made to Yuri, even though the spy is extremely nervous. Twillight was totally not expecting to find him on that corner, and he knows that doing something so serious like UNALIVING HER WIFE'S BROTHER will tear her apart. Why else he would waver? He is the best spy of Westalis. He doesn't hesitate, but this is different.
Theory number 2. Which I believe is less likely, but still possible, Yuri gets our incredible Spy shot on some area of his body where the disguise falls off, and he realizes Twillight and Loid are the same person, but he does nothing about it, at least not for a while. Making him and the spy share this major secret for a while, due to numerous reasons, but mainly to protect Yor and take her out of her position as Loid's wife safely. But as I said, I find unlikely to Yuri shoot TwiTwi, even though the latter is quite nervous and might not dodge the shot. Besides the fact Loid has his arm aimed at Yuri first, while Yuri has his arm sideways, which gives Twilight an advantage in time.
Be sure to talk to me in the comments, I would love to hear what you guys think. Moving on to the last past of the chapter.
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Lady Yor! Our grownup baby! She is still with the same outfit and hair down, so I assume it's late at night or afternoon, maybe Anya is already home or at a sleepover with Becky? Not sure.
Our poor girl is nervous due to Yuri filling her thoughts with the possibility of Loid cheating (which is dumb as floof, because he is a loyal boy) but still, even sober, Yor is worried. She cares about this family so much it probably hurts and confuses her. Her face on the left gave me chills, so much is going through her mind, almost if she senses something is wrong.
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So. Much. Blood. I'm. Nervous. I. Can't. Breath. Properly. What. Was. This? Whose blood is this? (Not Yor's, I assume). I always count the days till the next chapter, but for this one, I'll be in severe mental pain until its release date. My mind racing like Yor's, wondering if Loid will come home late or come home at all.
I keep imagining scenarios where one of the boys gets shoot and the aftermath of that, Loid or Yuri at the hospital or being held by their organizations in order to get intel from them, Yor drying with worry, there are so many possibilities. This arc has been the most intense so far, for me, at least. I don't know how I will cope till June 26th.
What do you guys thinking? If my heart survived until now, yours will! Make sure to like, reblog and support my work here on Tumblr, I really appreciate it. Now I will rest, cause that chapter was (hell) difficult 🌹 (this post will be reviewed soon, so if you encounter any grammar or spelling mistakes, forgive my bilingual mess self)
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pwurrz · 1 year
nu carnival boys as cats based purely on vibes with some pictures
eiden is just your average tabby cat but that’s ok, there’s nothing wrong with a good ol fashioned tabby. pretty talkative and has a loud purr. he’s also pretty good at a lot of different things and you wonder where this fairly young cat learned to ice fish like a champ. everyone else seems to love him to a certain degree. some of the cats almost never leave his side and some of the more emotionally constipated cats stare at him with envy but you can bet he’ll bring out a side of a cat you’ve never seen before. that’s just another one of his amazing skills.
yakumo is an oriental shorthair. big ears, pretty angular face, expressive eyes. he’s not fluffy at all but that’s ok because he’s soft. is very shy and hesitant to let people pet him so you never know how soft he is until 3 months after you meet him and he randomly decides to rub against your leg. (he’s actually a serpent disguised as a cat but that doesn’t matter because you’ll never see him as a snake anyways)
edmond is a pretty long haired cat with pretty blue eyes. you think of a pretty cat and whatever pops into your head, that’s edmond. tail isn’t overly fluffy but it still has some floof to it. very soft and well groomed. you mention that you’re impressed and he preens for the rest of the day.
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olivine is a ragdoll. big, soft, squishy, perfect tummy to bury your face into after a long hard day. pretty chill and likes to go with the flow. very good babysitter. extra fluffy chest so when he’s frazzled he can kinda look like a lion. is very nice to all of the other cats and can be seen cuddling and grooming them from time to time.
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kuya is.. also some pretty long haired cat except you can’t tell what breed he is. you’re not even sure if you’ve seen a cat like this before. it’s useless to ask him, because he would not answer you even if he could. because it doesn’t matter, because he’s not actually a cat. he’s a fox. tail is fluffier than edmond’s and that’s to help confuse you with his prettiness and whimsy.
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quincy is a huge fluffy cat. always sleeping and it’s a little concerning even for a cat. you think he’s fluffy and he is, a little bit, i mean his fur is nice and soft but his size is mostly made up of muscle. doesn’t take that great of care of his fur because it’s troublesome but he never looks bad. (that’s because topper and yakumo help groom him lmao)
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garu and karu are.. just cats. like the epitome of cat™️. you don’t know what breed they are. if you had to guess you’d say domestic shorthair but that’s not really a breed. you found them dirty and hungry behind a dumpster and took them home because how could you not??? they love to eat but that’s ok because they also love to play and go outside and be active. garu is very good on a leash but karu hates the leash. it’s ok because he proves to you that he’s not gonna run off, unlike some cats. they always smell distinctly like wet cat but they make up for it by being so loveable (garu) and loyal (karu)
blade is um. is blade even a cat?? i mean you’ve heard of the myth that cats have nine lives but that’s cat seems to live through them all everyday and he always springs back like everything’s fine. on top of that he’s the most impressive jumper you’ve ever seen. decently fluffy cat, very pale blue eyes and sharp teeth like a kitten’s. he reminds you a lot of a kitten, actually. very innocent and playful and gets along with everybody.
dante is an asshole cat. he’s a pretty asshole, with long fur in the most unique colour, but he is still an asshole. you may look at him and enjoy his beauty, but do not think about touching him with your filthy hands and he will hiss and spend the rest of the day pouting. you want to believe he’s not an asshole because you can see the potential to be nice deep, deep down inside of him but then he swats your hand while you’re trying to give him expensive treats because those are the only ones he’ll eat and you give up hope. it’s a good thing he’s pretty.
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monsterfloofs · 2 years
If that’s the case, could we maybe get a mimic and/or dragon flirting with the reader, please? Have a lovely day either way!
(Okay, so. . . I wrote both, because I absolutely had a blast writing two different kinds of flirting styles, and everything goes down hill when Floofs wants to write silly flirty monsters. x'D We have Majestic and Valerian, respectively. A dragon born of duty and deep love for a place forgotten by time. . . and then there is Majestic, who is just.
I hope you enjoy!! )
Crowned Mimic (Majestic) x Anonymous Reader:
A jeweled chest made of white gold, adorned with pearls and bright pink gems. On the top sat a large crown, whether it was part of the chest, or an extra treasure left behind, it was left to the finder to decide. It was beautiful but as you know looks are well known to be deceiving. You pace in front of it, looking it over carefully. It had taken you such a long time to reach the end of this quest. All your hard work to appease a monster of a human, just to get them to give you their token word of peace to let you pass through their land. Multiple times the tasks you were given, you had felt more sympathy for the creatures you had dealt with trying to bundle your way through the dungeon. And now with this chest, in all of its brilliant light and gossamer craftmanship. There was something that didn’t add up. It feels too easy.
You kneel, staring at the chest intently,��
“Don’t scrunch up those pretty lips on my account, sweetheart.” 
Said the chest. 
If you hadn’t been suspicious it was more than it seemed before. You absolutely know now that something is deeply wrong with it. You stand up in a scramble as the top pops open slightly, revealing the faint outline of white gold glittering teeth and a pair of glowing eyes stare back at you. “Aw– Going so soon? Come’on! We were making a connection! You stare at me- I pretended to be normal!”
You pull out a weapon and stare at them in disbelief. “I– What is that supposed to even mean–”
“I was flirting with you! Sheesh! I tell you, all these people that come down here, can’t even make polite conversation. And here I was thinking, you know what I was thinking today? I said, you know what Majestic? If that snobby half-wit sends another person down here to get eaten, I am going to go with them!”
Your eyes dart to the hallway and back. Waiting for the attack that was never going to come. Tensing as shadowy hands began to sprout from the maw, instead using them to gesture and articulate as they talked.
“You’re better than this!” The mimic continues to rattle on, unaware you are eyeing the exit. “I mean come on! Look at yourself! The idiot brings you all the way down here, to eat chumps they don’t wanna deal with! And the last guy– had this great little book about self therapy, exchanged it for his life yanno? So I get to reading– And WHEW the things I learned from that thing! Pure gold– and I should know! Annnyway! To make a long story short, learning I have been used, been abused? I’m done being that jerks garbage disposal!”
The hands shift, making a pose that resembles resting a hand on their chin. “So. . . how about you get me outta this dump eh? We can go on a nice candlelit dinner, my treat~”
Dragon (Valerian) x Anonymous Reader:
“You look very handsome indeed, those clothes fit you nicely too.” The deep rumble chilled your bones, sending vibrations deep into your chest. You could feel your heart reverberating back to the sound. Strange and enrapturing. Peering back at the one eye that stared back at you, the iris like molten gold. Flecks and diamonds of orange like churning hot bubbles around a pool of brilliant yellow.
You fix your outfit and breathe deeply, mouth fixing itself into a nervous smile. 
“Well thank you, I appreciate you letting me get a change of clothes, and a place to shelter from the storm.”
The large head lifts up from its place resting on an old stone staircase to give a bark of laughter. “I should be thanking you! It’s awfully lonely on this mountain top.” 
“What. . . was this place?” You ask quietly, carefully closing the door behind you. “Ah. . .” The large creature sighed, their deep timber turning remorseful. “A civilization that has been long gone I am afraid. I dare say you would not remember, for you are so young. But this was, at one time, a bustling palace. Where dragons were protectors, wisdom keepers that whispered long forgotten knowledge to kings.” 
You watched the long dark body slither its way along the passageway far beneath you, keeping their head up to continue your conversation. “Though the people have been long gone, I still have an old standing loyalty I refuse to give up upon. Call me an old romantic.” Their eyebrows raise and you laugh. “I haven’t heard about dragons being protectors in a very long time. . . I had thought they had just been legends.” They huff, hearing down below their great tail scraping along the stones. “It was indeed a very long time ago. But we still remember.” They slide their head down, leathery wings folding back up against their back as they politely wait for you to traverse the staircase and join them.
I only did art of the mimic since this design has been in my head for longer (ง ​。꒦ິ▽꒦ິ。)ง
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And if you like what you read and wanna support me in anyway!
I have a tip jar!ヽ(*ᵔ▿ᵔ)ノ
If wanna you pop me a cuppa ko-fi, I will really appreciate it! Thank you so much for reading my silly stuff!
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charnelhouse · 3 years
🔥🔥 Char(mander) 🔥🔥
In your humble opinion, do you see our beloved Thor being able to handle spicy food? Is he the type to eat a Carolina Reaper just because he can (and he wants to show off) or is he the type who says he can eat spice but ends up with teary eyes and a sore tongue you need to kiss better.😌
Is this random? Yes. Have I been thinking about this to procrastinate from writing? Also yes.
Love you! ❤️
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A/N: Thor Odinson x F!Reader. Mentions of sex. floof. omg I took this idea and RAN. I used this gif BC it kind of lewks like he ate something spicy.
They’d been on a mission: you, Thor, Natasha, and Sam. The trip home had been peaceful enough up until Sam and Thor had started pouting about the cramped backseat.
This is dumb. Stark owns a jet.
I can fly.
There's not enough AC back here.
I could call Heimdall.
If you play the Greatest Showman soundtrack ONE more time.
What's wrong with it? I like it.
You would.
What's that supposed to mean, Wilson?
They'd fully worked themselves up into full-blown whining and only shut up once you said Nat would stop at the next restaurant.
It’s one of those barbecue joints off the highway. All wood panels and seeping smoke and the scent of oak and hickory and hot meat. Most of the tables are just picnic benches outside. Paper napkins and plastic cutlery. The sun burns the nape of your neck as you lean against Thor's heavy shoulder.
Around them is nothing but flat landscape and weighted blue sky and the crawl of an Indian summer breeze. It's kind of nice, though. It's almost normal.
The restaurant - if you can call it that - is fucking good. The food is dry-rubbed and slow-smoked as you eat pieces of brisket on top of potato salad and pickles and square-cut white bread. Sam stuffs two juicy-thick links into his mouth at once without chewing. You’re ready to tease him with a lewd comment until you glance at your boyfriend who is housing four of them.
“This is delicious,” Nat remarks as she spoons syrupy peach cobbler onto her tongue.
“Need more rice,” Sam grunts while scraping at his near-clean plate.
“Ribs,” Thor growls before standing up and going back inside. You are already sure he's going to clear out the rest of their food for the next week.
“Didn't he already eat like three racks of ribs?”
You shrug. “He’s a hungry boy.”
Nat cocks an eyebrow. “Yeah,” she smiles. “We could tell.”
You narrow your eyes. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
You grab your beer and take a heavy sip - the liquid is cold and hoppy as it slips down your throat. You wouldn't mind getting a little drunk - just enough to help you pass out in the backseat of the SUV. You'd barely gotten any sleep last night.
"We could hear you."
“The motel walls were thin,” Sam clarifies.
You choke - splashing your thin shirt with beer.
Nat presses a hand to her chest before she opens her mouth: “Oh fuck - Thor - fuck right there - right there - oh you’re SO big -”
“I did not say that!”
“Yeah,” Sam laughs. “And then Thor was all does that feel good my pretty one - i bet that feels so good - now call me daddy while I tear that ass up.”
“Okay - Thor has never asked me to call him that, Wilson.”
“Whatever - you two were getting into some kinky shit,” He stabs more meat before gesturing it at you wildly. “I was jealous.”
“Yeah - invite us next time,” Nat says.
Sam’s head snaps to Nat. “Speak for yourself, Romanoff.”
Thor bursts back out onto the patio balancing four trays. He’s in jeans and a white tank - his muscles gleaming beneath a faint coating of sweat. The other patrons watch as he moves through the tables - broad and large and golden. His blonde hair is tied up in a low ponytail and when he spots you, his lips peel back into a handsome grin. You’re stupidly in love with him.
It’s almost disgusting.
He plops down next to you - shaking the entire table. He grabs you roughly by the shoulder and kisses your cheek. He’s in a far better mood now that he’s eaten. “I have news, friends.”
“They had this sauce for the wings that they said no man can handle and I said that I’m no mortal man and they said if I eat this whole basket we get it for free!”
“We charged it all to Stark already,” Nat reminds.
Thor frowns. “Well - I’m still trying it.”
You pat his arm gently. “You do that, baby.”
The wings are bright red and you’re certain they’d burn your tastebuds off. You don’t know Asgardian food though. You don’t know if he’s used to spice or if it’ll even affect him.
“I’d be careful, man,” Sam pokes his fork into the basket with a suspicious gaze. “That shit is no joke and I grew up in Louisiana.”
“Does Asgard have spicy food?” Nat asks.
“Of course!” Thor exclaims as he sinks his teeth into a wing before speaking through a mouthful of chicken. “You know - we had nuts with spices on them and stews - and -”
He blinks a few times before his lips part - his face beginning to grow rosy. Water pools beneath his lashes as he sniffs. He drops the wing and it rolls off the table into the dusty concrete.
Both Sam and Natasha sport matching expressions. Their eyes wide as their mouths open in realization.
“Thor,” you murmur as you curl his hair back over his ear to see him better. He turns to you and he looks fucked - his nose leaking as his breath catches in his throat. He sniffs again and smears the back of his hand across his brow just as you yell: Wait! Don’t!
“Fucking hells,” he howls out as his eyes turn pink - the skin around them beginning to swell and twitch. Nat runs back into the restaurant to hopefully find milk or ice cream or anything while Sam just stares at him with a horrified expression.
Thor plants his hands on the table and there is the faint surge of power in the air - the taste of ozone and a spark of electricity around his knuckles and you can’t have him light this whole damn place up. You need to distract him or soothe him in some way. You grab him roughly by the face, your thumb sweeping through the tears that are trailing down his cheeks and catching in his beard.
You squeeze his jaw before yanking him down to you and smashing his mouth to yours. You devour his lips like that - your tongue sliding behind his teeth with frantic urgency. You’re licking at the spice and the tang and it’s all beginning to burn and it’s probably not doing shit for him, but at least it’s taking his mind off turning into a full lightning bolt in the middle of the damn state.
He moans softly and you’re not sure if it’s from you or the pain overwhelming him, but finally you have to come up for air and so you release him. Your mouth hurts - your nose stuffed full and achy with the lingering toxic venom of that stupid Carolina reaper heat.
He blinks at you stunned just as Nat rushes back to the table with a carton of ice cream and a glass of milk. She thrusts it into Thor’s hands and he chugs the whole thing - white liquid dripping into his dark beard and staining his shirt.
You snatch the ice cream from her and heave a healthy spoonful into your mouth. You’d only gotten the spice secondhand, but still - it fucking stings - feels as if you’d gotten punched in the sinuses.
“You okay, dude?” Sam asks while he quietly snags another rib from Thor’s plate.
Thor nods as he wipes at his chin. “Wasn’t - uh - too terrible,” he coughs. He turns toward you, leaning forward until his nose knocks against your own so he can clumsily kiss you. “That was so sweet of you.”
You shrug - your tongue slightly numb from the cold ice cream.
“I’ll pay you back later, my love,” he grins - wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. He picks up another wing before you smack it out of his hands.
“Eat that and you’re not putting that tongue anywhere near my vagina."
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dapandapod · 3 years
Perfect dissonance
For my darling @jaskierswolf-love who deserves all the floof in the entire world. You make my fandom experience so much brighter and i am so happy you are my friend. Thank you for being you, and I love you.
Oh and also thank you @kuripon for betareading this suppppeerrr fast. Please enoy this fluff fest and please brush your teeth.
Warnings: Floof. Toothrotting floof. Go brush your teeth.
On Ao3 here
When the thought hits him, everything stops.
Geralt is sitting by his computer, working on the latest report needed for tomorrow's presentation. It is tedious and boring and incredibly dull, to use Jaskier’s words, but it needs to get done.
 In the kitchen, he can hear his friend clattering away with pots and pans, humming and muttering and snorting at his own jokes.
It is nice to have him around again. It’s been too long since his last visit, which is the worst part about living so far apart. 
These past few days spent together was like a missing piece of him had slotted into place. How they just settled together, even if the bed is too narrow for the both of them, even if Jaskier hogs all the covers, even if Geralt’s habit of always grabbing a new mug for every cup of coffee drives Jaskier out of his mind, even then.
As Jaskier drops one of the pots on the floor and swears loudly, it hits him.
Geralt doesn’t want him to leave.
He feels himself freeze in his chair, his fingers hovering over the keys, a mix of fear and rightness swirling in his chest.
This is how they belong. This is how things should be. The two of them, together, spending their days in perfect dissonance. Geralt loves him.
Loves his grouchy morning mood and stinky feet, loves his hands as he plucks the strings on whatever kind of instrument he got his hands on this time. Loves his voice as he sings loudly to the radio or in the shower using up all the hot water.
Geralt loves him, and it is the single most frightening thought he has ever had.
The pot hits the floor with a loud bang, its contents flying everywhere. Jaskier swears loudly and angrily in all the languages he knows, and curses their mothers for good measure.
Potatoes taunt him from the floor, mocking him for getting distracted by a hoodie, of all things. Well, it is not just any hoodie, it is a stolen hoodie, and those are always the best. Especially when they smell like Geralt, which had been his undoing in this scenario.
He kneels on the floor, chasing down all of the evil potatoes and putting them back in the pot. He has just stood up again when he spots one evil little bastard hiding under the kitchen table, and Jaskier has had enough.
He puts the pot onto the counter and puts the meat back into the fridge. Then he pads into the living room, to where Geralt sits in by his computer.
Geralt seems to be lost in thought, his eyes on the screen but his gaze far away. A small frown is forming on his brow, and that is not allowed when Jaskier is here.
Jaskier needs comfort, so he lifts one of Geralt’s arms and makes room for himself in the small space between Geralt and the table. Meaning, he is sitting in Geralt’s lap and pretending he is a blanket, wrapping himself all over him and putting his full weight onto Geralt.
“The potatoes are defying me. We are ordering in.”
“I heard,” Geralt says, but he sounds a little off.
Jaskier sits back and looks at Geralt, their faces inches apart. Personal space who? But Geralt never minds his tactile nature, even if he is still learning how to return the favor.
“What’s wrong?” Jaskier asks, and Geralt’s frown deepens.
“Well, ‘nothing’ is keeping you from hugging me back, and I am way too greedy to share you with whatever is keeping you from doing that.”
That teases a smile from Geralt, and he finally actually wraps his arms around Jaskier’s hips.
“Good boy,” Jaskier says approvingly, and leans his head against the chair's backrest. That lets him nuzzle into Geralt’s hair, tightening his grip around Geralt’s shoulders. “Now tell me about that nothing that is terrorizing us.”
Geralt is silent for a moment. He usually is, when he is gathering his words, assembling them in an order he likes. Jaskier takes the time to get comfortable, his hands meeting behind Geralt’s neck and making small, loose braids.
“I like having you here,” Geralt finally says.
“I like having me here too.” Jaskier smiles, the familiar butterflies rushing up to greet him.
It is so incredibly hard to go back home every time he comes to visit, he likes sharing that too small bed, he likes finding coffee cups in the oddest of places where Geralt forgets them, he loves the absentminded way he tucks Jaskier in when he gets up early in the morning, he….
“I think I love you.”
Oh. Oh, oh, wait, hang on.
Geralt is frozen under him, every muscle stiff with the realization of what he just said. Jaskier’s heart is beating like crazy, his breath stuck in his lungs, his hands shaking with the sudden rush of adrenaline.
“Oh,” he manages, hiding in Geralt’s neck.
Where the fuck did his words go? Everything spins and everything stops and everything is  slotting together like pieces that were missing for too long.
“You don’t have to say it back,” Geralt says softly, his voice so uncertain that Jaskier aches for him.
He sits up a little straighter, angling so he can look at Geralt again.
“You call that nothing?” Jaskier jokes weakly, knocking their foreheads together, noses touching. “You really need to reevaluate a few things if that is nothing. That is the single most important thing I have ever heard in my life.”
Geralt closes his eyes and lets out a shaky breath.
“I, however, know perfectly that nothing compares to you.”
“Did you just quote Sinéad O'Connor at me?”
“Maybe. I love you though.”
“..... like that?”
“Like that. Can I kiss you?”
Jaskier presses a gentle kiss to the corner of Geralt’s mouth, and then they both draw in a shaky breath. This is new territory, uncharted, and they are about to explore it together.
“Maybe I could…stay,” Jaskier whispers.
“Maybe you could,” Geralt agrees, holding him closer, hiding his face in Jaskier’s neck.
Maybe he can. Maybe he will.
This is how they belong. This is how things should be. The two of them, together, spending their days in perfect dissonance.
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doyouknowbtsswag · 3 years
I’m not jealous of a damn dog |Technoblade|
It was a normal Tuesday morning with Technoblade holding me close to his chest sleeping. Floof ran into the room jumping on the bed. He licked both me and Technoblade's faces waking us up. I giggled at the small white dog sitting up.
He immediately ran into my lap. Techno rubbed his eyes slightly annoyed that his dog woke him up. He glared at Floof who was wagging his tail as I gently scratched his head.
"I'm going back to sleep it's 8:40, too early in my opinion," Technoblade said laying back the way he was earlier hoping you would agree but oh boy was he wrong.
"Alright! I can take Floof on a walk real quick so he can let out some energy, you know how she gets when she's hyper" I smiled at the dog in my lap.
"Whatever" Techno replied slightly annoyed but not wanting to show it.
"We will be back soon" I kissed his lips softly placing the dog on the ground so I could get up.
I got out of bed and walked to the dresser grabbing sports leggings and a regular T-shirt, then putting it on. Techno looked over the blankets. I rolled my eyes and threw a random shirt at him. He just laughed going back under the blankets.
I went to the bathroom with Floof following. I  brushed my hair and pulled it back into a ponytail. I looked down at the small dog who sat patiently at my feet. I giggled leaving the bathroom giving Techno one last kiss.
"I love you"
"Love you too" He grunted.
I chuckled walking into the kitchen grabbing Floof's leash and my keys. I put my sneakers on which were by the door.
"Come here Floof" I kneeled down connecting the leash to his collar. I stood up and walked to the door unlocking it. When Floof and I walked out the door I locked it even though we live on the 3rd floor of the apartment building doesn't mean someone won't rob it.
Floof and I walked to the elevator. I pressed the first-floor button because the ground floor went to the parking garage. When we reached the floor we wanted, Floof and I walked out of the building walking to the park.
Techno couldn't sleep, after sleeping with you for 2 years it became unusual to sleep by himself.
"Stupid dog" he grumbled getting out of bed, he was tired but he got bored of just laying around.
Floof was a dog who lived off of attention. Techno knew that when he decided to take the dog but he wasn't prepared for him to constantly take you 'Away from him' he called it. He would never admit it though his pride wouldn't let him.
He didn't know why it was bothering him more than it usually did. Maybe it was because Floof has been a little more clingy to you this week making it hard to spend time with you. He adores Floof so much but sometimes he wishes he didn't live with him.
Techno walked to the kitchen only wearing pajama pants. He opened the fridge grabbing the orange juice container. As he went to grab a cup he accidentally stepped onto water, he looked down seeing a small water trail from Floof's water bowl. Probably some water that ended up on his fur.
Techno groaned looking at the ceiling getting more and more agitated. He grabbed a cup after a minute of contemplating his life. He poured orange juice into the cup sitting down on one of the stools. He placed the cup down on the island table and looked at the time. It had been 10 minutes since you left with Floof. You usually walked Floof with him for about fifteen minutes.
"Five more minutes" Techno sighed standing up leaving the almost empty cup where he was sitting. He walked to his Pc and started up Minecraft clicking on Hypixel to grind on Skyblock.
After 10 minutes you came back through the door Floof wagging his tail walking in the house now released from her leash.
"I'm home" I announced closing the door behind me. I walked into the very small but suitable office seeing Techno playing Hypixel.
I wrapped my arms around his neck placing my chin on his head watching him kill different types of spiders in the spider den.
Techno leaned back looking up at me pouting ever so slightly. I raised my eyebrow staring at him.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing" He mumbled looking back to his game. "Why aren't you with Floof?" He added with a hint of annoyance.
"He’s sleeping I took him to the dog park"
"I'm surprised you aren't cuddling with him "
"Are you jealous?" I asked giggling
"No, I'm not jealous of a damn dog"
"Your not good at lying Tech"
"Fine, you've been more time with the dog than me this week" He refused to make eye contact with you too embarrassed that he admitted it.
"Awwww" I teased him
"Shut up" He mumbles his face red
"I'll make sure to spend more time with you maybe play on our private Minecraft world?"
"That's fine" He replies clicking out of Hypixel. "But I want to cuddle because we didn't get to this morning"
"Sounds good to me" I smiled.
Techno stood up and picked me up walking to the room. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Floof was sleeping on his dog bed in the other room. Techno laid me down as he went under the blankets. He wrapped his arms around me and I smiled kissing his cheek.
"You don't have to be jealous of a dog, I'll always be here"
"Yeah yeah," He rolled his eyes letting a small smile appear on his face.
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sonder-paradise · 3 years
BSD Characters Getting Cold
This is such a dumbass concept but due to the amount of angst I’ve seen on tumblr atm I need floof :’D
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Osamu Dazai
This mf is needy
I feel as though I’ve said a fundamental fact
Well cause it is
During winter or just a cold random cold day, he will not hesitate to whine abt it to you
If he’s a work with you then obviously he won’t be working
He’ll obviously be at your side and trying to get you to hold him
Or Vice versa
He’s not a picky person just a needy one (°▽°)
Complains that he needs the warmth of his loved one or he shall perish _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
“Belladonna, pleaseee! I’m freezing right now!” (´;Д;`)
Man rlly just wants your hands in his n o w
At home, he’ll bundle under the covers or drag you into bed fo cuddle
There’s no exceptions o(`ω´ )o
Every time you think you’re safe and can walk around, he’ll pick up back up and snatch you away
Loves bury his face into the crook of your neck
He might be needy but he’s also affectionate
Sure he could have just got another coat or something
But that would be wrong to neglect his natural heat source
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Chuuya Nakahara
Unlike his troublesome partner, Chuuya would rather get sick than admit he’s cold
He’s gone through literal hell and back so why would he be affected by something as stupid as cold?
Someone teach him how to wear his damn coat properly
He would never admit it to your face
Literally would get blue in the face while telling it to your face
You would have to drag the words out of him or just eventually give up and hold his hand or him
He does appreciate when you figure it out and insist on doing it without him instigating it
Once he’s comfortable and warmer, he’ll probably insist that this is something that you want
Chuuya, darling, we know you don’t want to admit this but please-
“Just so we’re clear, I’m only doing this because you’re the one that’s cold.” ( ̄^ ̄)
Whatever helps you sleep at night
But he is grateful that the cold is out and away
Cant say that he’s one for the cold weather since he prob gets cold easily
So when handling your Chuuya, please remember to use great care ♪( ´▽`)
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Ryunosuke Akutagawa
All I wanna say is that this man prob sneezes like a kitten
That’s it
That’s the whole post now
Nah I’m just kidding
Aku prob likes bundling up when it’s cold
He lived in the cold all the time as a bb so he’s prob not as affected by it but it’s still cute
He makes sure that you’re warm too
He insists that you wear his coat even if he’s freezing instead
“Do you need to go back inside?”
“Aren’t you colder than me?”
Gin sometimes buys or cooks him something warm so he shares with you
He won’t instigate cuddling even if it’s cold so you’ll have to insist on it first
Aku getting cold is actually more rare and one would think
He does shiver like a leaf tho
And it’s adorable ∩^ω^∩
Make him some warm tea and cuddle with him for a little bit and he’ll feel better ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Aku will definitely try and get closer to you or try to hold your hand
It’s mostly as a sign that he’s looking for warmth and you happen to be next to him
Never sure if he’s coughing because he’s colder or he’s just dying like usual
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Atsushi Nakajima
He would be such a mf trooper about being cold
He doesn’t want to burden you by admitting that he’s cold
So he just puts up with it until he ends up getting a cold (-.-)
I’m willing to bet that he doesn’t get cold that much either
But he does get all sleepy when it gets cold
He also has a habit of curling up into himself when it does get cold
Nothing too extreme depending on what he’s doing of course
If he’s working at his desk, he’ll hug his legs to his chest
If he’s outside walking around, he’ll wrap his arms around himself
But when he’s with you or by himself, he likes warming himself back up by curling up underneath blankets
Of course he’ll politely ask you if you wanted to join him
“I’m going to take a nap now... Wanna join me?” (*´∇`*)
But sometimes you’ll just slide in after him
Adores holding you while it’s cold
Plus I reckon his body heat is warmer than normal so he’s a great person to have around during the cold season (〃ω〃)
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Dream SMP Recap (June 2/2021) - Self-Care and Reconciliation
Fundy tries some speedy self-care to follow Quackity’s directions of “finding himself.”
Foolish finds out about the supreme fridge and isn’t pleased. 
Antfrost seeks out Foolish, Bad and Puffy to find peace and make amends after what happened with the Egg. 
Captain Puffy
- Phil works on the basement some more
- Tubbo works on his outpost
- Tubbo comes over to the Arctic and visits Phil in his basement to “spy” on him 
- They go to Tubbo’s outpost and Tubbo asks if Phil would like to make a TNT canon with him. Phil sees Las Nevadas 
- Tubbo’s a changed person since he tried to kill Phil’s friend, and now he and Phil are on good terms!
- Tubbo and Phil start attempting to wrangle a Ghast together for the outpost
- A few days ago, Quackity told Fundy that he could have a plot of land in Las Nevadas under certain circumstances, and Fundy has a choice to join the nation or not
- When he and Quackity spoke, Quackity said that this plot of land can be his if Fundy can find himself. Fundy needs to fix what’s broken
- Living in the middle of nowhere away from other people isn’t good, so today, Fundy wants to take care of himself and become a better person
- Fundy’s snow fox is outside, but Fundy decides to let him roam for the time being
- Fundy goes outside and creates a board with signs: 
Healthy diet! fish, steak, vegetables, fruit, dary, grains
Take care of himself. be able to cut down tree fast
mine diamonds
be able to accept therapy say “im okay with therapy”
good friends, get 3 people to say im a friend
take care of pet :)
learn to count
- He sets up a timer to do these eight things, and once it starts, he immediately runs off to fix his diet
- Fundy fetches some cod from the sea and spots Tubbo’s outpost in the distance. Curious, he goes over -- if someone lives there, that can go towards his friend goal
- Seeing that Tubbo isn’t online, Fundy messages Phil instead. He asks if they are friends, and Phil just asks what he wants. After a lot more pressing, Phil says they are friends! Fundy is his grandson, after all
- Phil asks if Fundy is safe. Fundy is overjoyed that he cares about his safety, and counts that as two friends! Fundy says he should come by to play cards sometimes, and Phil likes the idea
- To himself, Fundy whispers: “You are a friend and you are appreciated and worth something. You are cool. You are special. You are loved.” 
He counts this as the final friend, and has now completed one goal!
- He creates a small patch of dirt and plants wheat, then goes mining for diamonds
- Fundy chops some trees and returns to his house
- On his bed, he psyches himself up and musters up the courage to say something
Fundy: “I...accept...and am okay...with...”
(he struggles to say the last word)
Fundy: “I accept and am okay with...therapy. I accept and am okay with THERAPY!”
- He then goes outside and learns to count by killing zombies
- After that, he has to go find his pet snow fox. He asks a nearby Enderman where he is
- Fundy and the Enderman go searching together
- Fundy can’t find the fox. He keeps searching around the forest, until he comes back towards his house and finally finds the fox sleeping on a nearby hill
- With all his other goals done, there is only one remaining: sleep.
- He goes to his bed, hesitates...
...and sleeps.
(This is a set up for next stream)
- Foolish returns to his summer home from Las Nevadas and finds the WAR sign, confused. He then notices the disappearance of the supreme fridge
- He reads the war note left in the chest for Ponk and is outraged. That fridge was his gift! Of all the buildings that have been built here, the fridge was the one thing he allowed
- There will be consequences, but as Foolish will be gone for a bit, he can’t do anything now. 
- Foolish begins to go through the stages of grief, mourning the fridge, before leaving a note:
You destroyed my fridge. It was my gift from Ponk. The one structure that was built for me on this server was destroyed. Once I go through the 5 stages of grief...I will then add on a bonus stage.......REVENGE
- He kills one of the L’Sandburg citizen llamas to send a message
- Foolish goes to the main area and visits Eret’s fortress, noticing the totem statue Eret made in mourning. He changes the sign to simply say “in honor of Foolish” instead
- While working on his pyramid some more at the summer home, Foolish notices Antfrost just over the hill. Ant comes over, seeking to apologize for killing Foolish
Foolish: Listen Ant. From the very start I blamed the egg. And I don’t believe the REAL Antfrost killed me. Nice to see some blue eyes as well
Ant: but we didn’t listen to your warnings, we had our chances and we betrayed you and our friends. I wouldn’t blame you if you killed me right here
- Foolish doesn’t. He tells Ant that he’s moving on. 
- Ant asks if there’s any way to make it up to him, and Foolish says he could use some help gathering sand (Antfrost finds sand tasty, but Foolish doesn’t eat sand. It has too many calories)
- The two gather sand together
Foolish: I hold nothing against you
Ant: thank you
Foolish: Honestly I think the banquet has changed me for the better
Ant: how so
Foolish: It has given me new found strength. Basically from here on out...I’ll be less timid to take action
Ant: well at least something good came out of it
Foolish: So how about you Antfrost, what’s next for the old sly cat
Ant: I need to talk to Puffy and Bad and Sam and everyone I’ve wronged
- Ant asks if Foolish has seen Puffy anywhere, whether there’s something he can give her as a peace offering. She likes llamas
- Foolish thanks Ant for his help. Ant says if Foolish needs anything, to let him know. Foolish looks forward to happier times
- Puffy comes on later and finds the book Foolish left in the chest. She reads it, but she still thinks getting rid of the fridge was better for the aesthetic, and she had to get back at Ponk
- She writes another letter, this time to Foolish, titled “To my sharkyson”:
Dear Foolish!
It was not my intention to make you sad or angry! I didn’t know you cared so much for the fridge as well. it was kinda ugly and it stood out so much from the rest of the builds! But I assure you I’m not allied with Bad, my whole goal behind L’llamaburg was to keep an eye on Bad so he didn’t build any further on your land or cause you more problems.
Once Bad was gone I fully intended to disband l’llamaburg and tear it down!
Sorry for any sadness I may of caused.. you don’t need a fridge though to be reminded of how Supreme you are!
- Ant is at the animal sanctuary. Everything’s been destroyed, but at least Floof is still alive
- He saves Asshole the fish from suffocating out of the water and puts the fish back in the aquarium
- Ant goes looking for Bad. They need to talk
- They meet at the Community House. Bad hasn’t seen Ant in a while, he hasn’t been around. Bad asks if Ant is okay, and Ant doesn’t know. He died
- Ant asks what happened. Bad says things didn’t work out according to plan. Ant remembers Quackity coming in at the Banquet...
Ant: “Bad, what did we do? I killed Foolish...”
- Bad says stuff happens and he doesn’t think anyone would blame Ant
Ant: “Bad, I killed him! What do you mean you don’t think anyone blames -- Bad, we’re monsters! Do you know what we did?”
Bad: “W-well, I try not to think about it!”
Ant: “Well you can’t just ignore -- you can’t act like we didn’t do -- Bad, I killed Foolish, we were gonna kill E-- oh my god, Eret’s on the server too.”
- Bad thinks it’s fine, Foolish will recover and Puffy killed Ant but it was one for one. Ant remembers all the horrible things he said to Puffy before he killed Foolish and asks where Bad went afterwards
- Bad had no choice but to run. He couldn’t save Ant, they were outnumbered
Ant: “...Do you not feel bad about anything? Bad, we’re...we’re mon-- we did horrible things!”
Bad: “Well I mean, yeah, you did do some horrible stuff...”
Ant: “No, YOU! You did some horrible stuff! Who pushed Skeppy into lava, Bad? Who betrayed their friends? We betrayed Sam, Bad!”
Bad: “Okay, we did some horrible stuff -- hey, no! Okay, but -- there were good reasons at the time, or we felt like there was!”
Ant: “No! No no, Bad, we let the Egg control us! No! Did the Egg give you what it promised?”
Bad: “No, ‘cause...we never completed the plan...whatever it was. Ant, I can’t remember exactly...it’s not -- look, it’s -- I don’t know...”
- Ant asks if he’s talked to Sam and Puffy yet. Bad’s trying not to think about it, but Ant says they can’t ignore this. They’re friends, they should make amends
- Ant asks if Bad’s been back down there, but Bad’s steered clear. Ant is feeling normal again
Ant: “I...Bad, do you not...We’re fucked up! We did horrible things! Our friends tried to stop us, and we didn’t listen! We didn’t do anything!”
Bad: “There’s a lot of ‘we’ going on here...”
- Bad points out Ant didn’t really say anything. Ant accuses him of blaming him
Bad: “No, I’m just saying that...if the collar fits!”
- Ant says they both did horrible things, they dragged Hannah in, Punz too and Ponk. Bad hasn’t checked up on those three since. It doesn’t seem like Bad feels bad. Ant’s been gone because he felt ashamed
- If there’s anybody that they’ve hurt the most, it’s Sam. They were the Badlands
- Bad says they were brainwashed. He knows it’s not an excuse, that they should still own up to it even if they weren’t fully to blame
- They both killed one person each. Ant accuses Bad of putting the blame on him again and says that Bad killing Skeppy was worse because they’re platonic soulmates
- Ant wants an apology for letting him die and leaving him. Bad didn’t do anything, he just watched Ant die. Bad was caught off guard. On the other hand, maybe it was a good thing that Ant died, since otherwise they would’ve killed more people
- Ant says they should own up. Bad apologizes for letting Puffy kill Ant. He should have protected Ant, not just from Puffy but from the Egg too. Ant forgives Bad and says sorry for not protecting Bad from the Egg either
- Seeing as Puffy’s online, Ant suggests they go look for her. Bad says he’ll talk to Puffy later. Ant asks about Skeppy -- Bad talked to Skeppy right after what happened, but he hasn’t seen Skeppy since. They had a bit of a confrontation
- Ant wonders if Sam will forgive them. The Badlands wouldn’t be the same without him. He leaves Bad
- Puffy comes down the Prime Path and meets Antfrost face-to-face. The two have a bit of an awkward greeting
- Puffy reminds him of what happened. He doesn’t know how to apologize, but he says sorry. For saying awful things, for killing Foolish. He doesn’t expect her to forgive him, but he apologizes for what he did
- Puffy says it wasn’t right that she killed him, even though she was acting defensively, and she apologizes as well. Ant didn’t deserve to die either, he was blinded by the Egg. She holds Bad more to blame -- Antfrost talked to him recently
- Puffy forgives Ant. She asks how Bad handled it, and Antfrost says Bad is full of guilt and is hoping he can just forget about it
- Bad hasn’t apologized to Puffy, but Ant says he’ll get around to talking to everyone. Puffy made a burner Twitter account to hate on Badboyhalo and if she doesn’t get an apology, she might have to use it
- About L’Sandburg, Ant says he was there for like five minutes, but he doesn’t know what’s been happening since
Puffy: “Ant, you have to be your own person, Ant. He always uses you as his little pet to do things for you, and you murdered a man now because of it, because of Bad.”
Bad uses Antfrost to do things. Why didn’t Bad kill Foolish himself? Why was Antfrost thrown under the bus?
- She tells Ant that he needs to stand up for himself. She had to watch so many “RIP that pussy” and “Why’d you have to kill my cat” edits, it was the worst timing
- Puffy messages Bad asking if he’s apologized to Ant. They spot Bad nearby and walk over to confront him. He’s selling arrows
- Bad says he said sorry for letting Ant die, but Ant wants an apology for Bad making him do everything. Bad says they were both just following the Egg’s orders, that Ant had a grudge against Foolish -- but Ant says he didn’t, that Bad said he had to kill people
- Bad says sorry, but the Egg just wanted it that way. They accuse him of making excuses. Bad apologizes to Antfrost for making him kill Foolish, and the two hug
- Bad and Skeppy had a disagreement after the Red Banquet, and he has to check up with him to make sure he’s okay
- Bad says sorry to Puffy for what they did while under the Egg’s influence. Puffy was told that they were turning a new leaf, letting bygones be bygones so many times that if she took a shot every time she was told that, she would get alcohol poisoning
- Bad says sorry for everything to both of them, from the bottom of his heart. Puffy accepts to be the bigger person. They’ve always been a trio, always been friends, and now that the Egg’s no longer here, she’ll let it slide
- They do a group hug
- After some chatting, Puffy accuses Bad of having a Wattpad account to write Skephalo fanfiction and they continue talking about Skeppy’s merch boxes
- Michael joins the call! They all hang out together
- Later on, Eret and Foolish join in as well! 
- A while after, they all go over to Ponk’s stairway to heaven to finally destroy it
(The build dates back to at least early July, possibly June, of 2020)
Upcoming events remain the same.
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tennessoui · 3 years
I’m obsessed with all your fics and you but the a/b/o fic with a pregnant obiwan is killing me I love the floof so much
so happy you like the roadtrip au as it's one of my favorites too!!!
have about 2k more because youre awesome <3
(squick: a/b/o)
They’re somewhere in eastern Ohio when Anakin clears his throat and turns down the music. Obi-Wan’s back in the front seat with him, munching on a stick of beef jerky he’d never in a million years eat if it hadn’t been the most appetizing thing in that last gas station. Obi-Wan hates these cravings, can’t make sense of them at all, seeing as he hasn’t even eaten beef in fifteen years.
Anakin had just laughed and bought five different flavors, just to make sure Obi-Wan had something he liked.
All the rest of the food is in the back on his nest, which makes Obi-Wan a little grumpy because the only thing that should be on his nest is him and Anakin, but it’s not like there’s anywhere else for the food to go. Obi-Wan needs all the room in his seat to stretch out his legs, and if they put the food in the trunk then they’d have to stop every hour or so for Obi-Wan to get out and get it, which wouldn’t work at all, because Anakin doesn’t like it when Obi-Wan leaves the car, even if it’s just to walk around the side of the car to the trunk.
So the food is in his nest and Obi-Wan is coping with that intrusion fairly well. There’d only been some light pouting about it before Anakin had offered to keep it beneath his feet, but that would be too dangerous to even really consider, and Obi-Wan had shut up. His alpha would just be stupid enough to try it, too, if he thought that’s what he really wanted.
But. Obi-Wan’s munching on a long piece of beef jerky like it’s a carrot, and he’s thinking about what sort of things he should be eating for the sake of the baby, when Anakin turns down the music and clears his throat.
At first, Obi-Wan thinks this is because this is his music hour, and Anakin is just tired of listening to it.
But the alpha is tapping nervous beats on the steering wheel, not in time with the song at all, and it makes Obi-Wan pay attention.
“So you never told me what this alpha was like,” Anakin says, staring straight ahead. “This...uh.”
“Set,” Obi-Wan supplies.
Anakin’s proud jaw flexes and he purses his lips as he changes lanes. No one’s coming from behind them and they’re not about to pass anyone, but Obi-Wan’s a terrible driver, so he’ll give Anakin the benefit of the doubt.
“Right,” the alpha says. “Set. You never told me what Set was like.”
Obi-Wan takes a bite of his jerky so he doesn’t have to respond right away.
The truth is, he doesn’t particularly remember what Set had been like, other than surprisingly eager to get into his pants. He’d smelt vaguely like leather and rain, but what in Seattle didn’t smell vaguely like rain?
He’d looked like Anakin in the low light of the bar. He’d had the same jaunt to his nose, the same thick eyebrows. Almost--but not quite--the same color of hair. He’d been an alpha who looked like Anakin but looked at Obi-Wan the way Anakin never would.
And that had made Obi-Wan indefensibly weak.
“Ah,” he says instead of saying any of this. “I…”
“Never mind,” Anakin decides just as suddenly as he’d spoken. “You don’t have to tell me. If you don’t want to.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to…” Obi-Wan trails off, unsure of how to continue. Anakin’s tense on the other side of the car, and his scent is heavy and everywhere. “It’s just that we didn’t....ah.” He clears his throat and looks out the passenger window. “We didn’t talk much.”
The car swerves just slightly. Anakin must be tired. They’ve been on the road for nine hours, with the frequent stops calculated in.
“I think we should stop soon for the night,” Obi-Wan proposes when Anakin makes no move to say anything else.
“You didn’t talk much?” is the alpha’s reply. The tone is unreadable.
Obi-Wan blinks, his hands finding their way to his belly as he looks over at his alpha. Unreadable usually means angry when it comes to Anakin, but Obi-Wan doesn’t understand why.
“You just...what, you just saw him across the room making drinks and that was enough? Skilled with his hands, was he?”
Obi-Wan inhales sharply. They’ve been friends for so many years that they’re comfortable enough around each other to make jokes about their sexual preferences and partners. But this isn’t a joke. This has teeth and Obi-Wan’s already feeling sensitive. “I just...I was lonely,” he mutters, turning his body away from the alpha. “He reminded me of something, I don’t know. He was sweet. And clever and he made it clear what he wanted.”
Anakin draws in a breath, but Obi-Wan doesn’t particularly want to hear anything else. “I want to be done for the day now,” he tells the alpha as a blue sign with the next exit’s hotel options flash by them. “Please stop at the next exit.”
For a second, Obi-Wan isn’t sure if Anakin will, but the alpha surprises him by slowing down and taking the exit.
It’s nothing special, the motel they find. Feeling a little bit angry and childish about it, Obi-Wan demands that Anakin stay in the car while he goes and gets them a room. His alpha’s nostrils flare as the tendons in his neck stand out, but he agrees.
Good. He can stink up the car with his pheromones while Obi-Wan gets things done. Typical alphas.
Despite what Anakin seems to think will happen if he lets Obi-Wan out of his sight for longer than five minutes, the attendant at the hotel gives him no trouble at all.
“And would you like a single or a double?” the woman asks, staring at her computer. Obi-Wan falters.
He wants to say double, because he thinks it’s necessary to reestablish lines and boundaries between himself and his al--the alpha. He doesn’t want to take advantage of Anakin, feels awful just thinking about it. He wants to say double, because they’re just two friends taking a road trip together. They can afford two separate beds.
He wants to say double.
“A single should be fine,” is what his mouth says instead.
The woman hums agreeably and keys two cards with the information. He finishes the transaction feeling as if he’s underwater. What has he done? The woman hands him the cards and he walks out of the lobby in a daze.
His alpha is already mad at him for reasons he doesn’t really understand. How mad will he be when he finds out that Obi-Wan couldn’t control his omega side again, and now he has to spend the night pressed up against him? Sure, they’ve done that before, for weeks now. But this is different. Anakin can’t just leave if he decides Obi-Wan’s become too clingy. He’d have to sleep in the car if he needed to go.
The thought pulls a distressed keen out of Obi-Wan’s throat, and he doesn’t have time to banish his anxiety from his scent before Anakin’s there. The man hadn’t even been waiting in the car where he’d left him. He’d been leaning against one of the pillars of the hotel’s entrance. Obi-Wan has the ridiculous mental image of Anakin slowly slinking closer while Obi-Wan was inside, getting out of the car to lean against the door, then moving to lean against the trunk, then to one of the columns that holds up the ceiling of the drive-in entrance. Then to the entrance itself when Obi-Wan was taking too long.
The thought makes him more distressed. Anakin is such a good, protective friend, and Obi-Wan is still taking advantage of it.
Anakin is quick to wrap his arms around Obi-Wan and pull him into his chest in the shade behind one of the potted plants just outside the sliding double doors. He sniffs at his neck and then runs his hands up and down his sides as if he’s afraid someone had pulled a knife on the pregnant omega in the ten minutes he’d been inside.
“What’s wrong, what happened,” Anakin murmurs, resting his hands on Obi-Wan’s tummy. “Did someone say something? Are you alright? Omega, Obi, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Obi-Wan sniffles, holding out the keys to their room. “They were…”
And then he lies. It’s about protecting himself, his child, he thinks. If Anakin leaves now, who will protect them both? He needs the alpha. More than that, he needs Anakin.
“They were out of double rooms,” he hears himself say. He grips at Anakin’s shirt with both of his hands and turns his wet eyes upward. He needs to keep Anakin looking at him and not at the mostly deserted parking lot. And Anakin’s the type of alpha who would drop anything to help a distressed omega. That’s always been Obi-Wan’s experience, at least.
“Are you…” Anakin furrows his brow and strokes over Obi-Wan’s tummy again. He’s had a fascination with it since the beginning of the pregnancy. “Are you upset you have to share a bed with me?”
“No!” Obi-Wan gasps, offended that that’s even the conclusion Anakin has drawn. “Of course not! I just...I’m sorry you don’t get the choice….” He falls silent when Anakin pushes his thumb against his lips.
“Obi, it’s alright, baby,” he murmurs. “I don’t mind, I really don’t. We’ve shared beds for years now. Why would this be any different?”
Obi-Wan pouts against Anakin’s finger, and the alpha graciously removes it. “Because...you wouldn’t be able to leave and sleep somewhere else if I’m…” he wants to say too much, but he doesn’t know how to phrase it in a way that won’t make Anakin say something he doesn’t mean out of sympathy for him,
“Didn’t we go over this already?” Anakin murmurs, petting his hair and making Obi-Wan look him in the eyes. “I’m not leaving you, Omega.”
It feels as if Anakin’s slipped in a bit of Alpha command, what with the way Obi-Wan’s body reacts to this. But what would the command even be?
“Let’s go get our stuff for the night, yeah?” his alpha says. “We can get the bed all set up in a nice nest, take a nap, and then find somewhere to eat. Are you craving anything in particular?”
Obi-Wan thinks about it as Anakin grabs his hand and leads him back to the car. Anakin takes out both their suitcases, but won’t even let Obi-Wan wheel one in.
He’s given the bag of snacks to carry instead, along with Anakin’s college sweatshirt.
“Pancakes,” he decides. “I really want pancakes.”
“Then that’s that,” Anakin smiles down at him. “Nest, then nap, then pancakes for the omega.”
“And the baby,” Obi-Wan says, framing his stomach with both hands.
Something dark flashes across Anakin’s eyes, but it’s gone before he can get a read on it. It hadn’t been anger though, he knows that for sure.
“And the baby,” Anakin agrees.
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What if... Family Portrait
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(Excuse me while I DIE because the art deity @cacodaemonia​ was so incredibly kind to create a What-If version of the Fearsome Four pic that Davarax took before he was ripped away from them. Well, here you have the Devoted Dad, Mama Bear, and their Fearsome Five! The cuteness, the adorableness, the PERFECTION is killing me! Davarax’ and Dulcy’s smiles (his slightly slanted grin and her big happy one, aaaah) and their hair (I worship the floof!) and their eyes (So kind, how??) and their armour (sessayh!) and... *flails* All of it!! And sweet, adorable, big eyed Corin, still a little more timid than his rambunctious siblings... PERFECT, I SAY! And to think this is what Corin could have had... Well, in the What-if, this is what he does have!)
A hundred years ago, I promised Davarax’ POV when Dulcy was kidnapped. Apologies for the unforgivably long wait, but I hope the fact that it was meant to be four pages and ended up closer to thirteen can make up for it a little?
What If... we saw it through Davarax’ eyes?
Davarax lowers Zurf to the floor with his grip on his wrist instead of slamming him to the ground like he usually does after managing to flip him over. Letting go, he then backs up, lifts his hands into the air to acknowledge the roar of approval from the other seven Mandalorians present in the training room and nods at the mix of praise aimed his way and the mockery flying Zurf’s way.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Belitz calls out, gesturing for everyone to settle down while he walks towards Davarax. “What was that, Davarax?”
Grinning, Davarax starts backing towards the exit. “That? That I believe was a win.”
“Since when do you coddle your opponent?” Belitz demands to know and follows, trailing after the scent of possible juicy news like a Corellian hound. “What’s up with you?”
“I’m not allowed to be in a good mood?” Davarax drawls, still grinning, still backing up.
“I’ve experienced you in a good mood.” Belitz states. “This is not you in a good mood. You in a good mood is merely spraining bones instead of breaking them. This? This is something else. What happened?”
Davarax snorts amused. He will die before he tells them anything.
“It’s that woman, isn’t it? The outsider.” Pagyle shouts from the other side of the room. Her voice soaked with glee. “She’s got you soft.”
Finally reaching the exit, Davarax does an extravagant bow. “I win. I leave. See you tomorrow, losers.” And then he flees, laughing out loud at the wave of questions and suggestive howling that follows him.
They are right and they are wrong. Wrong, because Davarax ‘is’ in a good mood. Extremely good mood. Honestly, he’s drunk on happiness. And his sparring partners are right, because he does owe the glow in his chest and the smile on his lips to Dulsissia.
Davarax can’t stop himself from bringing up the memory of her looking at him with open affection, the sensation of her fingers braiding with his, as well as the lazy bliss of just having her close and feeling her breathe. And that was just the memories from last night.
He’s never felt anything like this for anyone before. He’s never met anyone like her before.
Over a year with him on a different planet and yet Dulsissia had waited for him. Davarax doubts she knows how much her messages had helped him through that year. She has no idea how many times he replayed those holos during the moments when the darkness curled up in his chest from missing her and his other three kids so much he could barely breathe. How he dreaded what he would come back home to. Every day he woke up thinking that would be the day he learned he’d lost her.
Davarax had believed her when Dulsissia said she’d wait, but life happens and he wouldn’t have blamed her if she had found someone else… but she didn’t. She kept the children safe, handled life in the Covert like she’d grown up there and welcomed him back like she had missed him every bit as much as he’d missed her. If anything, it seems like her feelings for him were even stronger.
It gives him hope. Maybe one day, please let it happen, he’ll be able to defeat the demons from her past, rebuild the trust Macero Valentis had shattered, and take his helmet off for her.
Davarax’ happiness lasts until there is a knock on his door, hours later as he’s about to get ready for the day’s training session with the children, and he opens it to find Corin and Din looking up at him with almost identical anxious facial expressions.
“Is… Is my mom here?” Corin asks in a thin voice.
Davarax frowns. “No?” It’s late afternoon, a time she usually spends with her son, and he hasn’t seen her since she left his room last night. “Why are you asking?”
Corin fidgets. “Me and Din were working on a project with Barthor. Mom was supposed to come pick me up, but she never showed. A-and when we went back to my room, she wasn’t there either.”
Unease instantly coils around Davarax’ heart. There is no way Dulsissia would forget picking up Corin. She wouldn’t. If something came up, something so serious it couldn’t wait, she would have asked Davarax or someone else to bring a message to Corin and make sure he was okay.
Something is wrong.
Corin and Din already look horribly nervous and as Davarax doesn’t want to upset them further he keeps his thoughts to himself. He clears his throat and tries to sound calm. “Okay, listen…” Davarax tries to think and not just react. “I’ll ask around. She probably got caught up in something.” He considers his options and gestures the boys inside. “You two wait here. Okay?”
Sniffling, Corin seems to be very much aware of the seriousness of the situation and simply stands there, head lowered, until Din places his arm around him and leads him into the room.
Davarax takes a step out but pauses to look back at the boys. “And, uh, don’t touch the weapons.” While he trusts them, he also can’t ignore the fact that there are explosives in his room strong enough to send them all to Mandalore That Was.
Din nods. Corin merely sniffles again.
Davarax rushes towards the people he knows Dulcy has the most contact with. Decco hasn’t seen her all day, neither had the next one he asks, but then he gets his first lead.
“I think she went above?” Ayah says, shrugging. “I saw her walking down the hallway with that basket of hers this morning.”
This makes the unease grow stronger. Davarax stalks towards the stairs and enters the city above to set course to where he knows she usually sets up her little stand to sell her cookies.
The sun is shining over Nevarro, the HUD lists the temperatures uncomfortably high, so it shouldn’t be surprising that few people are walking around, but it still fuels Davarax’ unease and makes him wonder if something had scared people indoors. He pauses for half a second when he turns the corner and sees she’s not there. Dulcy is not in her spot. There’s not a single soul in the street. His heart drops. Cold sweat starts to break out at the back of his neck. She’s not there! But, his eyes focuses on the ground, but there is ‘something’ there…
Walking over, Davarax kneels down. He reaches down and brushes some sand away so he can pick up what had caught his attention.
It’s a piece of a cookie.
Staring at it, Davarax swallows down his ever increasing sense of doom and forces himself to look around on the ground. He sees more pieces. Like someone had dropped a bag of them on the ground and then stepped on it. His heartbeats feel like punches inside his chest. Fear. Raw fear. What had happened here?
“Are you looking for the nice cookie lady?” A voice asks.
Davarax looks up and sees a scruffy mercenary standing a small distance away, leaning against the wall next to him and munching away on a cookie with the few teeth he has left. Davarax stands up and drops the piece he had been holding. “Yes. Have you seen her?”
The mercenary nods, chewing thoughtfully. “She was her earlier.”
“Did you see where she went?” Davarax asks.
“The Imp took her away.” A different voice replies. It’s another mercenary. She has a small bag of Dulcy’s cookies hanging from her belt, next to grenades and what looks like small bones. She has more teeth than the other guy. A lot more teeth. Sharp ones.
“What Imp?” Davarax presses on, refusing to acknowledge how panic is starting to set in. He’d told Dulcy she was safe. He’d told her not to be afraid of going into the city because they’d know if Valentis showed up. Had Macero Valentis taken her away?
“An officer.” The first mercenary replies. “He had a whole bunch of those stormtroopers with him. Nothing we could do.” A slight frown settles between his eyebrows. “Seemed like she knew him.”
Davarax closes his eyes, forces himself to stay calm despite being horrified and enraged at the same time, then he exhales and opens them again. “Did you see where they were going?”
“The army base.” The second mercenary informs him. “I hope you find her. She’s nice.”
Thanking them, Davarax heads below again and finds the one responsible for supervising the information coming in about the Imperial movement on the planet. It is another test of his willpower when he learns that he wasn’t warned because he’d told them to keep an eye out for someone who asked around about Dulcy and Corin or the arrival of a man by the name of Macero Valentis. No one had asked around about Dulcy and Corin,  and Davarax had said nothing about a Vecon Valentis. They also inform Davarax that Vecon Valentis’ ship had left in a hurry hours ago.
Seething, Davarax barely resists unleashing his anger on these idiots, who probably weren’t too concerned about the safety of an outsider, and he stalks off to the one with the power to do something about this nightmare.
His sister.
Stepping into the Forge, smacking his hand on the button to close the door, Davarax does not kneel down. His heart his thumping like crazy. Dulcy is okay. Yeah, she’s okay. Dulcy is tough. She can handle herself until he can get to her. Please let her be okay. She has to be. Davarax yanks off his helmet. “The Imps got Dulcy.”
His sister pauses in her work, the golden helmet turns and her expressionless t-visor looks at him. “I was just informed.”
Davarax takes a step forward. “We have to go after them.”
There is a moment of silence and then she lowers her hammer and sets it aside. “No.”
Blinking, Davarax did not expect that answer. Okay, she had not been thrilled about Dulcy from the second he’d brought her home, finding her weak and whimsical, but he’d taken it for granted that she’d resent Imps taking someone under her protection. “Why not?”
“She’s an outsider.” His sister replies. Her voice is as emotionless as her helmet. “She’s not a Mandalorian. She’s not a Foundling. She’s not of this Covert. I will not risk the lives of our people for her. That is not the Way.”
Now Davarax is the one who needs a moment of silence and then he finds his voice again. “What about her son?”
“The boy is your Foundling.” Is the flat reply. “According to your reports, he shows promise as a fighter.”
Davarax nods thoughtfully, knowing there is no way he can change her mind. She’s not someone who changes her mind. He should know. “I will make arrangements that he’ll be taken care of if I don’t return.” He turns to leave.
“Where are you going?” Now there is a hint of sharpness in her voice.
Davarax stops, stares at the door and tries to sort out what he’s feeling. It’s like there is an imploding star inside his chest. It’s hard to breathe. “I’m going after her.”
“You are not.” That is an order.
“I am.” Davarax turns to face his sister again. He can’t lose Dulcy. He won’t. He refuses!
“You are staying here.”
“Or what?” Davarax snarls viciously, stepping forward, hands clenching and pure rage burning in his eyes.
She lifts her hands and removes her helmet. Her dark eyes and strong cheekbones, her hair that mix of brown and red, so similar to their mother she could be her twin. There is no mercy in her gaze. “You are staying here, brother. You are not going after her. She will lead you to your death.”
Davarax does not back down one inch. She was always meant to be the one to follow in their parents footsteps and he was to be her general, but this is an order he will not obey. “I love her vod. There is only one way you can stop me and you know it.” She is going to have to beat him unconscious and he will fight her with everything he’s got. “Try it!”
Her eyes narrow a tiny bit. For her, that is a huge red flag, revealing just how angry she is. Despite her detachment to most things, Davarax knows she loves him. She lets him get away with so much, stuff no other Mandalorian would dare to try under her rule, and she will knock him out if she thinks it will save his life.
But he will never forgive her if she stops him from saving Dulcy, his heart and future, and his sister must know this because she simply puts her helmet back on and turns away from him.
She won’t stop him, but he’s on his own. It hurts, but he’s not surprised.
Davarax puts his own helmet back on and walks out of the room.
Davarax is shaking. His head and his heart is in complete chaos.
He’s dreading what Dulcy is going through. Guilt is ripping him apart. She’d trusted him and now she is being brought back to the man who had almost ruined her and her son. Macero’s temper must be terrible, judging by how terrified she’d been when she thought he’d found them due to that lone stormtrooper, and Davarax can barely breathe when thinking about what the man will do to her if he gets his hands on her.
Davarax fights air into his lungs. Focus. He cannot undo what has happened, he needs to focus on what he can do. He needs his weapons and he has to explain to Corin what has happened and...
Davarax marches back to his room.
“Uncle Vecon…?” Corin goes pale as a sheet. His eyes fill up with more tears and his little frame start to tremble. “He’s… He’s going to take mom back to father. And he’s going to be sooo angry…”
“Hey.” Davarax takes a gentle hold of his shoulder and makes the boy look up at him. “Corin, listen to me, I won’t let that happen. Understand? I’m going to get your mom back. I promise you.” Corin looks up at him with complete trust despite the fear in his eyes. So young and yet painfully aware of the horrors his father is capable of. “You promise?”
Davarax nods, struggling to hide how much he wants to kill Corin’s father. The Galaxy would be a better place with one less monster in it. He pulls the boy in close and hugs him. “I promise.” And he fully intends to keep that promise. “But for me to do this, I need you to do me a huge favour.”
Nodding, Corin absently wipes a runaway tear from his face. “Okay.”
“What do you need us to do?” Din asks, ready to be Corin’s support pillar and Davarax feels a stab of pride as well as affection for the boy. His brave Foundling. Despite the horror he went through himself not too many years ago, Din doesn’t hesitate to support his friend. Like a true Mandalorian.
“I don’t know how long I’ll be gone.” Davarax doesn’t want to mention the possibility he might not come back at all. They are worried enough. “I need Corin to stay with… a friend of mine until I get back.”
Din lowers his gaze, knowing Davarax is not talking about his parents as they have made it clear they do not like outsiders and consider Corin very much as one. “I’ll… come along. Make sure he settles in.” “Thank you.” Davarax says. He’s not entirely thrilled about what he’s about to do, but it’s his least bad option out of a bunch of worse options. “Corin, let’s go by your room and pick up some stuff for a couple of days. Okay? We have to hurry.” Corin nods, meek and affable. He’s horribly pale and looks heartbreakingly shaken, but he is holding himself together despite having lost the person who means the most to him. He’s stronger than he knows, Davarax muses. One day that boy will grow up to be a powerful warrior.
They pick up some clothes and Corin’s datapad. Davarax notices a small pile of Din’s clothing lying on a chair in a corner and wonders just how much time the kid spends with Dulcy and Corin. Then they make their way down the hallway and head towards a door he really does not want to approach.
Davarax pushes the button to signal his presence. He doesn’t want to use the comm system and risk being shut down.
Sighing, Davarax pushes again. He doesn’t have time for this. Every second wasted means that Valentis guy dragging Dulcy farther and farther away and closer to her former husband.
Finally the door slides open and Davarax forces his spine straight. “I need a favour.”
A heavy silence follows before there is a slight shake of a blue helmet as if to reboot his brain before he’s able to speak. “You. You are asking Dez Vizla for a favour?”
Corin and Din exchange looks behind Davarax and he can almost hear what the kids are thinking. Why on earth would he bring Corin to Dez Vizla?
Well, Barthor’s parents would never agree to take him in. Neither would Din’s parents. And while the Saxons would say yes, he’s not entirely sure Corin would survive that. Decco’s illness causes days when she has no energy and might soon end her days all together. The Fighting Corps are constantly on the move and its members have no stability for a child. Dez Vizla may be an uptight and pompous jerk who likes to talk about himself in the third person and unfortunately treats his son like an adult instead of a child, but he rarely leaves the Covert, guards his wards with his life and will never turn his back on a Foundling in need. Plus, in his quarters, Corin will also have Paz to look after him day and night. Hopefully the stay won’t be for too long, but at least Corin will be safe and cared for.
“I need you to look after Corin for a bit.” Davarax says, trying to sound calm and confident.
Dez snorts a haughty laugh. “What?” He shakes his head again, still struggling to believe what he’s hearing. “You want… What?”
“Dulcy got snatched by Imps. They took her away.” Davarax explains in a tight voice, trying hard not to upset Corin. “I’m going to get her back.” He switches to Mando’a and hopes Corin doesn’t understand what he’s saying next. ”This is serious, Dez. I need your help. Keep him safe?”
Dez stares at him for a while, entirely still and unreadable, before he finally sighs and takes a step to the side to let Corin enter. “Get inside, boy. Now.”
Corin freezes, panics, and looks up at Davarax. As expected, he responds badly to Dez’ rough personality. Davarax is about to speak but Din beats him to it.
Din gives Corin a light nudge. “I’ll come with you. It’s okay.” He sends Dez a challenging look.
Dez snorts again, amused by the glare, and gives a nod. Fine. Din can come too.
Relieved, Davarax sees the two shuffle into the Vizla quarters and tells himself it won’t be the last time he sees them. He’s going to get Dulcy and then they will all be together again.
Davarax grabs his weapons and as many grenades and explosives as he can before he sets course for the Razor Crest. His heart is still thumping so hard he can almost feel it battering against the inside of his breastplate.
If Macero Valentis is a monster, his brother might be too. What if he has hurt Dulcy? What is she thinking about right now? Does she think Davarax has abandoned her or does she find comfort in the knowledge that he’ll come for her? Is she afraid? She’s tough, no doubt about that, but courage is not the absence of fear. Only a fool would not feel fear at times. And the mere thought of her being afraid burns Davarax’ heart like acid.
Lost in a hurricane of thoughts and emotions, Davarax doesn’t hear the voice calling out his name and is a bit startled when someone grabs him just as he’s about to step outside of the Covert. Snapping his visor over, Davarax is surprised to find Paz there.
“Is it true?” Paz says, breathless and agitated. “Dulcy’s gone? The Imps got her?”
Davarax exhales. “Yeah…” He has to gather himself and appear calm once again, not wanting to worry Paz either. “But I’m going to get her back. Don’t worry. You just make sure Corin is okay.”
Paz gulps for air as his agitation increases. “I’m coming with you.”
“What? No.” Davarax blinks when the boy bolts by him and stalks out of the Covert. “Paz! Paz, get back here.”
Marching towards the Razor Crest, Paz doesn’t slow down. “I’m coming with you!”
Davarax curses and trots after him, trying to persuade him to go back. Paz makes it all the way inside the ship’s cargo hold before Davarax loses his patience and grabs his arm.
“Paz, I don’t have time for this!” Davarax makes Paz’ visor focus on him. “Dulcy is in serious trouble. These Imps are dangerous.”
“I can fight!” Paz snaps back at him, his voice both angry and shaking.
“I know you can fight.” Davarax reassures him, a little impatiently. “But you are not coming with me. Go home, Paz. Look after Corin. And the others. Go!”
“No!” Paz shouts, but his next words are soft and broken. “She has to come back. She has to.” He struggles to keep speaking. “She’s always so nice to me. To all of us.”
“I know…” Davarax whispers. Paz had been abandoned by his birth mother all those years ago and now he is ready to rush into battle and get himself killed to avoid losing Dulcy. The only woman who had cared enough to act like an actual mother to him. “I’m going to get her back, Paz. I promise. But I have to go now.”
“I’m going with you.” Paz repeats in a stubborn reply.
Sighing, Davarax knows more words are pointless. While the helmet hides Paz’ face, he knows the boy well enough to hear in his voice and read from his body language when he’s too determined to be persuaded otherwise. “Go home, Paz.” He tightens his grip on his arm and drags him out of the ship, kicking and screaming.
Paz’ fury is frightful and Davarax is fairly certain if the boy had a weapon; he would have shot Davarax when he lifts the ramp and blocks him out of the ship. He might not forgive Davarax for this, but he will be safe and alive. And that is what Dulcy would want too.
-You and Corin are safe here, he’d told her.
She had trusted him when he’d said they’d know if there was danger nearby. He’d told her those words because he’d believed them too. He’d failed to take idiocy and dislike towards outsiders into consideration. The idiots hadn’t meant for any harm to come to her, they just didn’t put any effort into the safety of an outsider.
She’s okay. Dulcy has to be okay. Davarax will get to her long before Macero Valentis does. He will. He won’t fail her, or the children, not as long as he breathes. Davarax had given up on having a family of his own beyond what time he was allowed to spend with his treasured troublemakers and he had settled for being a provider for other families instead, but then Dulcy entered his life and everything changed.
Davarax’ hands shake as he starts up the Razor Crest, driven by red hot fury at the ones who had taken Dulcy away and cold dark despair at the thought of her surrounded by enemies.
He’s going to get her back.
Going after the Imp ship is part guessing, part experienced calculations and part luck. There is no way for Davarax to know their exact route or destination as he has no clue where Macero Valentis is currently located, but he knows which routes are most commonly used by Imps ships as he tends to avoid them like the plague and he has contacts to ask along the way.
It feels strange to deliberately enter areas where he is bound to meet Imp ships.
Constant attacks has left the Imp army jumpy so there are a couple of ships who take his presence and him scanning them the wrong way. The Razor Crest has to make a run for it several times and ends up with scorch marks on her hull, but that’s not enough to make Davarax stop.
He can’t.
Eventually Davarax manages to lock on to the one moving against the stream of Imp ships and with single-minded determination as if there is some place it needs to be and as fast as possible. He can’t be sure, but his heart tells him he’s found his prey and Davarax always trusts his instincts.
Unaware of baring his teeth like a furious beast and the muscles in his neck and shoulders tensing up, Davarax can only register one thought: the hunt has begun.
Food and sleep have become a distant memory on this trip. When did he eat or sleep last? Yesterday? The day before? He can’t remember and Davarax doesn’t care. He simply keeps pushing the Razor Crest and himself to catch up with the Imp ship before it reaches the clutches of Macero Valentis.
Eventually he does catch up with the ship.
Others tend to shake their head at Davarax’ attachment to the Razor Crest, but he knows what she’s capable of and how to us her strengths in ways that his enemies never expect. People underestimate his ship all the time and Davarax hopes they continue to do so – as it makes his victories all the more sweeter and drastically reduces the risk to his life and his ship’s safety.
When the Imp ship slows down, for whatever reason, Davarax goes for it.
Setting loose two decoys with signals meant to impersonate much larger ships than the Razor Crest, Davarax gives a powerful boost with his engine before powering down and hoping the forward momentum will bring him to where he needs to go; the landing dock on the Imp ship’s left flank.
It’s a move he’s only done twice before and he succeeded once, but Davarax decides to risk it.
Dulcy is right there. In that ship. And Macero Valentis is not, or there would have been a second ship to accompany them. There is still time to get her back.
The Razor Crest does not fail him. She slides through the darkness, under the Imp ship’s radar and drowsy attention, their arrogance brought on by them thinking themselves superior in every way can be quite helpful, and once she’s powered back up it only takes the gentlest of nudges to make her move up to where she can latch on to one of the boarding docks.
Davarax is on his feet before the attachment to the other ship is deemed secure by the Razor Crest’s sensors. Three blasters and an unseemly amount of explosives join his arsenal hidden in his armour.
It’s time to put all of his concern and anger into his weapons.
He goes for stealth at first. He needs to know where they are keeping Dulcy. And while Davarax knows he’s a skilled fighter, he’s just one man and this ship is crawling with soldiers. He needs to be clever about this and not let his anger rule him.
He’s told Din countless times to control his anger instead of letting his anger control him, and this is one of those situations where that could be the deciding factor of the outcome of the mission.
A drowsing guard is yanked around a corner and asked for information, but the guy isn’t much help and is left hidden inside a service closet. He is soon joined by two more.
It’s the fourth guard that finally gives Davarax the answers he is looking for.
Dulsissia Valentis is indeed on this ship. They are keeping Dulcy two levels below this one, in the last cell on the left side of the prison corridor. And there are plenty of guards.
There is no way he can get to her without being detected.
Davarax lets the guard fall to the floor and draws his blasters. Controlling your anger also means to know when it is time to let it loose.
It’s time.
It kind of becomes a red haze after that. Davarax makes his way through the soldiers and guards, using blasters and grenades and his flame thrower to remove them from his path, and every step brings him closer to Dulcy.
Nothing will stop him.
He plants several bombs in strategic places, aiming to injure the ship’s engines and computers as well as draw attention away from himself. Once that is in place, Davarax moves towards the door leading below and gets ready.
Davarax triggers the first two bombs. The ship shakes and groans and he heads below to face the minor army placed there to guard their precious cargo.
The first Trooper he sees standing there spins around at the sound of him and freezes with surprise.
Davarax fires his blaster and moves on to take down the next before the body has hit the floor. He triggers more bombs.
The ship’s siren starts blaring. It howls its long and loud warnings on all floors.
After that, blaster shots hits Davarax’ armour, shrapnel from enemy grenades and his own stabs at him, fists and bots do their best to hurt him, even a blade or two slices through his jacket, yet he keeps moving forward. He won’t stop unless he’s dead.
A well placed grenade takes out the light on the entire level, but instead of darkness his HUD has to adjust to the backup-lights flickering on and off as it appears the electrical system itself has taken damage.
Endless amounts of guards try to stop him. All of them visibly confused as they were under the impression that they are being invaded by a large group of enemies and all they see is one Mando. They soon are too dead to appreciate the lesson Davarax is teaching them: do not mess with a Mandalorian’s family.
Davarax removes a couple of soldiers trying to kill him with a well-aimed grenade and he turns a corner to see what he’s been looking for; the prison corridor.
“He’s here!” Someone shouts in the distance.
“Thank you for pointing out the obvious.” A voice snaps. “Don’t just stand there! Stop him!”
More soldiers rush forward to protect the owner of the voice.
Davarax removes obstacle (soldier) after obstacle (more soldiers), ignoring everything except his mission. He’s so lost in his anger and battle-haze that he’s not prepared for when he suddenly sees her there. Barely visible through the smoke and blaster shots sent his way, there is no mistaking her.
Some obnoxious Imp officer is standing next to her, his one hand grabbing her arm and the other holding a blaster muzzle to her head. The officer looks scared. She does not. Her eyes are wide with surprise, yes, but her mouth softens into the faintest of smiles. Her hair is almost as wild as Raga’s and for some weird reason she’s wearing a fancy teal dress that probably costs more than the Razor Crest.
It would have eased Davarax’ anger, soothed the fire inside him, quenched his thirst for blood, seeing her standing there… if not for the blooming bruise on her face. There is a startling discolouring of the delicate cheekbone he’d trailed light fingertips over in a wordless display of love not too long ago...
Unbridled rage explodes inside Davarax. He’s going to rip Vecon Valentis apart!
Completely indifferent to the shots fired at him, Davarax merely keeps stalking towards Dulcy and the soon-to-be-dead-Imp, killing anyone who gets in his way. He’s so angry he can barely breathe. How dare they hurt her?!
A trooper jumps out of room next to him, blaster raised, but Davarax slams his elbow into the helmet so hard it shatters. He then pulls out a vibro-blades and throws it through the air and takes down the one guard left standing next to Dulcy and the Imp officer.
The red lights are still flashing, sirens are blaring, there is thick smoke in the air, and Davarax is finally standing in front of Dulcy and Vecon Valentis. The Imp now looks downright terrified.
“Don’t, Mando.” Vecon warns. “I will shoot.”
“Not if he kills you first, Vecon.” Dulcy says. She’s keeping her gaze locked on Davarax, unfazed by Vecon’s threat and the pain of her bruised face. His brave Dulcy. His heart. His light.
Not bothering to even look at Vecon, Davarax grabs the man’s hand holding on to the blaster and squeezes and twists it until he drops the weapon with a pained yelp. He’s mesmerized by Dulcy’s complete lack of fear and solid faith in him. She even uses the moment Davarax disarms her captor to break free and spin around to stand next to Davarax instead.
“Tell Macero I’m never going back. He will never see his son again. And to leave me alone. And if he comes after me or my family again, I won’t ask nicely to be left alone. I will kill him.”
‘My family’. She said ‘my family’. It might be wishful thinking from Davarax’ side, but her choosing those words instead of just saying ‘me or my son’, it almost sounds like she means… him and the children? The anger deflates as wild hope floods Davarax instead and he glances over at the amazing woman next to him.
Dulcy is glaring at Vecon, who is bending over into an awkwardly twisted position due to the grip Davarax has on him, and she looks magnificent; beauty and fury. And there is no hesitation or trace of softness in her threat. She means it, she will kill Macero, and Davarax loves her even more.
“Tell him yourself.” Vecon sneers.
Davarax is distracted, entirely focused on Dulcy, and he pays the price. The Imp moves and a sharp pain follows as he drives a blade into Davarax’ side. Grunting, Davarax reacts instinctively; he draws his blaster and shoots.
Vecon Valentis is dead.
Dulcy doesn’t care. She seems indifferent to the man being killed and her being deprived of the chance to do it herself as payback for her bruised face. All she focuses on is getting to where the blade is planted deep in Davarax’ body. “Oh. Oh no. What-”
They have to leave. Now. The blade hasn’t done lethal damage but Davarax knows he won’t be able to fight for too long with this kind of injury. Blood-loss will weaken him. He yanks the blade out and grabs her arm to redirect her frightened gaze to his t-visor. “We have to go.”
She nods, a little stunned but ready to get out of there. Good.
Picking up Valentis’ blaster, he hands it to her. “I need you to cover my back, Dulcy. Can you do that?” Blood is seeping through his underarmor and a burning pain is spreading. No time to deal with it as more guards are on their way for sure. He needs her help if they are going to make it.
She nods again. Worried, pale, but determined. She’s got his back. Just like he knew she would.
He loves her so much.
Together, they move, battle and make it back to the Razor Crest.
Stumbling into the cockpit and over to sit down in the pilot seat, Davarax brings the engines online and detaches them from the Imp ship as quick as possible. The bombs he’d set off earlier was to confuse the troops onboard and Davarax hopes they have caused enough damage to the engines for him and Dulcy to make their escape.
The Razor Crest does a slow turn, rolling over, Dulcy buckles herself into her seat, and with a strained shake of her entire hull; the Razor Crest gives a mighty kick and races off into the darkness.
-Run, Davarax pleads the ship. -Run as fast as you can, old girl. If that beast recovers enough to come after us, we’re all dead. So I need you to run with everything you got. Run!
And, again maybe it is his wishful thinking, Davarax swears he feels the ship give an extra burst and her speed increases even more as they race towards safety.
Only after forty three minutes and seventeen seconds of pushing the engines to the limit of what they can take, plus non-stop checking the radar to see if someone has decided to chase them and finding nothing, only then does Davarax dare to ease up and let the Razor Crest slow down while he leans back and exhales.
Adrenaline and stress leaves his body while exhaustion moves in.
This is also when Dulcy unbuckles herself and appears by his side to with an anxious expression on her beautiful face and her hands hovering a little undecidedly over his torso as if she can’t decide where to touch.
Her own bruised face appears forgotten to her. Davarax feels how guilt viciously collides with the relief of having her back. He reaches out, pulls Dulcy close and hugs her tight. “Are you okay?” Her bruised face is bad enough, more than bad enough, but what if… He will never forgive himself if...
“Yes, but you’re not.” Dulcy replies, too relaxed to be lying and she tries to push him away. “You’re bleeding. You’re hurt, Davarax. I have to-”
Feeling her in his arms, alive and warm and there and forgiving him his failure, Davarax couldn’t care less about his own injuries. He can’t even feel them. All he can feel is her. All he cares about is her. The thought of letting her go after nearly losing her forever hurts. “In a moment.” Davarax’ throat is snared up so tight he has to whisper. “Please.”
And his heart shatters entirely when this incredible woman shivers, once, then wraps her arms around him and hugs him back. Davarax eases her over to sit on his lap where she curls as close to him as she can manage and he holds her as close as he dares.
He’d nearly lost her. This fact will haunt him for the rest of his life; a life he cannot imagine without her. She brought him out of his half-existence, comforted his children when he was unable to and Davarax had started to wake up in the mornings with hope instead of guilt and weariness.
Despite the ordeal she has been through, Dulsissia ignores her own hurt and says that they need to tell the Covert Macero will come for them so they can flee, but Davarax isn’t too worried. They have fought all kinds of governments before and won. He alone had taken on a Destroyer and gotten away with it today, just imagine what his entire Covert could do to a man stupid enough to challenge them.
Dulcy is not convinced, but they compromise and then her focus shifts to his injuries and that is something she will not compromise on. It’s odd to have someone care. Nice, but odd. He’s always tended to his injuries himself.
She fusses about his wounds and notes how Vecon held the blade all wrong to do fatal damage. His girl knows how to stab someone properly. His heart glows with pride.
Dulcy refuses to use the cauterizer and tries to order him out of the pilot seat. As much as he loves her authoritative voice, Davarax declines. He needs to keep an eye on the radar, just in case.
Another compromise is made and she ends up sitting on his lap while tending to his injuries.
It’s no big surprise when she asks about her son.
“Scared out of his mind that he’ll never see his mother again.” Davarax sighs, running his hand along her arm in an absent-minded caress. “When we get closer to Nevarro, I’ll try to reach him.”
“And the rest of the kids?”
That actually makes Davarax laugh a little “I had to physically wrestle Paz off the ship when he heard I was going. If he had a blaster, he would have shot me.” His hand rounds her shoulder and moves up her neck to cup the side of her face. “They’ve all been desperate to get you back. Like me.” It feels almost too good that she’s back. He did it. She’s here. He didn’t fail her again.
“I’m sorry.” Dulsissia mumbles, gently patting down the edges of a bacta patch on his stab wound. “I didn’t see him before it was too late. And then I just wanted them away from all of you.”
“Hey.” Davarax takes a gentle but firm grip on her wrist, halting her movement, making her look at his visor. “This was not your fault. This was all them. You have nothing to apologize for.”
Dulsissia doesn’t look convinced. “Maybe not. But the fact remains that without me stumbling into your life, you wouldn’t be bleeding right now.”
“Without me barging into yours, I wouldn’t be sitting here, that’s true.” Davarax replies, gently caressing her wrist. “I wouldn’t be with you. My days wouldn’t bring happy memories instead of feeling guilty all the time. I wouldn’t come home to my kids smiling instead of crying, hiding away while being terrified for their lives or without a voice because they have been screaming themselves hoarse.” His hand moves up to brush the back of his fingers across her bruised cheekbone, feeling the guilt gnaw at him again. “That’s worth more than bleeding for, cyare. That’s worth dying for.”
Closing her eyes, Dulsissia takes a hold of his hand and moves it down to press her lips to it. “Other than the love I felt for my son, I didn’t know what love was until I met you.” She shivers. “Don’t talk about dying because it feels like tempting fate and I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”
“Then, maybe, if you feel like that, would you…” Davarax says, tensing up a little. He had asked her to marry him and she had said no. It’s just… He wants them to be together, forever, so badly. He wants to be able to take his helmet off in front of her. He wants to kiss her lips and feel her hands on his face. He wants her to see his smile and how happy she makes him. He wants… What he wants doesn’t matter. As tempting as it is to ask her to at least reconsider, he won’t. He had asked and she had said no. Davarax is going to have to respect that.
Dulcy kissing his hand snaps him out of his thoughts just before she asks; “Would I what?”
Davarax exhales and lets go off his dream. He then tilts his head and tries to divert the conversation. “Would you let me compliment you on the dress? It’s lovely. And really brings out the colour of your eyes.” Vecon Valentis might have been a jerk, but looks to have had a sense of fashion.
Laughing, Dulsissia shakes her head and goes back to focus on cleaning and bandaging him up. “Thank you. I kind of like it myself. Impractical, but pretty. I was thinking about keeping it.”
“I think you should.” Davarax drawls, toying with the thin shoulder strap to distract himself as well. “Definitely.”
When Davarax finally manages to contact the children over the comm system, it’s both a relief and painful torture. Relief in that Corin gets to talk to his mother, hear her voice and know she is safe, same with the other children, but Davarax is also tortured by guilt upon hearing their distress and knowing he is to blame. He had said Dulcy was safe and she had been ripped away from them.
His heart aches the most, however, when Dulcy, his sweet Dulcy, makes sure she hears the voice of every child to reassure them all, like the amazing mother she is. It makes him want to collect every neglected child in Galaxy and bring them to her so they can feel happy again too.
In the five hours it takes for them to return to Nevarro, Davarax persuades Dulcy to return to his lap and merely drowse in his arms until they land. It feels so good to hold her. He will happily share her with the children when they get back home, but for these hours, knowing everyone is safe, he will allow himself to be selfish and savour every second where it is just the two of them.
Stepping inside the Covert, Corin is in his mother’s arms before the door has closed behind them. The boy is clinging to his mother with desperate determination, eyes squeezed tight and his entire frame shaking. Dulcy is struggling to keep from crying and she’s stroking and kissing his dark hair, his cheeks and his forehead. It’s the kind of open affection that Davarax can only dream about...
Which means he is not prepared for Din running over to wrap his arms around his waist and burying his face to his stomach with a half-choked sound. His grip is frightfully strong. Surprised and humbled by the rare display of affection, Davarax runs a gentle hand over Din’s hair. While Din has eagerly soaked up every hug and encouraging pat Davarax has given him, this is the first time he has initiated a hug. It almost feels like Din had been equally scared of losing him as Corin had been about losing his mother. That… It’s…
Glancing over at Dulcy, trying to blink away the fog that appears to be assaulting his eyes, Davarax sees Raga and Barthor have joined Corin in her embrace. It seems wrong that Din should have to settle for him so he gently ushers the boy over to Dulcy as well and loves her even more at how quickly and naturally she includes Din with the others.
It would be perfect if only… Davarax’ heart sinks as he sees Paz standing there alone, arms crossed,  older than his years. He’s not been the same since the battle at the new Covert. It’s a part of growing up as a Mandalorian, but it still hurts to witness. Yet another thing he can’t protect them from.
Lost in thought, Davarax is then again not prepared as Dulcy unleashes Corin, Raga and Barthor in his direction and they all throw themselves at him with gusto. Davarax grunts at the impact when Raga actually jumps at his chest, Barthor smacks into his left hip and Corin to his right, Din’s arms goes back around his waist, all of them grabbing a hold and hugging him. Din laughs while Davarax staggers a step backwards and tries to pet each head, support Raga to prevent the little space-monkey from falling and not dislodge any one of them at the same time.
Dulcy walks over to stand in front of Paz. “No hug?”
“Kids first.” Is the stern reply.
She simply pulls him close, hugs him even closer and whispers something. Something that has Paz relax and hug her back. That woman must surely be a Jedi witch…
But Davarax doesn’t get to linger on the sight or speculate on her magical powers as he’s quickly distracted by Raga climbing up to perch on his shoulder and he has to support her with one hand while Corin decides to hang off his other arm, using him like a swing like he’d done during their initial meeting back on that smoke-covered planet. Din actually laughs.
“Maybe we can head inside?” Davarax asks, his voice a little strained under the children enthusiastically mistaking him for a playground.
Dulcy looks over at them and smiles like the angel she is. “Yeah, let’s go.”
They walk towards Dulcy and Corin’s room. She reminds him of the need to warn the Covert about the danger of Macero Valentis, but Davarax is in no hurry to see his sister just yet. And Davarax does not believe for one second that Valentis could be a threat to the Covert. If the foolish man was to try to attack, they would eat him alive.
Inside the room there is a whirlwind of exchange of information. Dulcy is as curious about how Davarax had been able to find her as the children are about what had happened to her. Corin gently touches the bruise on his mother’s face with agonized tenderness.
“It still sucks that Davarax had to go alone.” Raga states angrily. “He even had to defy ‘her’ to do it!”
Startled, Davarax doesn’t want Dulcy to know he’d raised his voice to his sister. “It’s late.” He states, stealing their attention away from Raga’s words. “You kids should head home.”
There is nothing but disappointed faces among the children, but there is one who looks downright… depressed. “Can…” Din clears his throat, shifts his position awkwardly. “Can I stay here tonight?”
Corin nods. “He has bad dreams, mom. He dreamt the droids got you.”
Davarax’ heart clenches. He knows how tormented Din has been by the memory of how his birth parents had perished. He’s seen the raw fear in him whenever the boy sees an android. And when Dulcy sends him a pleading look, Davarax isn’t difficult to persuade. Sighing, he nods and starts to contact Din’s Mandalorian parents via his vambrace. “I’ll ask them” And they will say yes. He won’t settle for anything else. The boy needs a little cheering up after all this.
That triggers a landslide of requests to stay as well. Davarax adores those kids for how Raga meekly promises to behave and Paz finally reverting to his real age by demanding to stay if she gets to stay, yet Barthor’s quiet resignation awakens the anger in Davarax.
“My mom will never let me sleep over.” Barthor scoffs with bitter conviction.
Davarax feels his eyes narrow. “Want to bet?” Barthor is one of his kids. If Barthor wants to join the sleep-over, then Barthor will sleep over as well. He is just about to press the final button to contact Din’s parents when his beloved witch strikes again.
“How about… we all spend the night in Davarax’ room?”
Davarax’ face snaps up to stare at her. She couldn’t have surprised him more if she’d slapped him across his bare face with a fish. “Say what now?” Nobody said anything about them sleeping over in his room, with explosives in every corner and the memory of Dulcy’s soft whimpers in his bed.
Din lights up with utter delight. “Oh, can we?”
Davarax clenches his jaw, Dulcy gives him the sweetest smile of fake innocence, and he folds with a heavy sigh. As if he can deny her or these kids anything. “Just… let me talk to your parents first.”
As expected, Din’s parents give their permission without much trouble. They trust Davarax.
Davarax fears he suffers permanent hearing damage after connecting with the Saxons and quickly blurts out his question.
There is a moment of silence before Raga’s mother states: “Anything she breaks, I’m not paying for it.”
“It’ll be on me.” Davarax replies, and then she starts screaming at either her husband or her sons and he just shouts his goodbye and disconnects.
Dez is a problem because of course he is. That man thrives on being difficult, especially around Davarax. If Davarax states something obvious, Dez will disagree just because he said it.
“A sleep over? Are you kidding me? My boy has put on the helmet. He doesn’t do kid stuff like that. I will not have you make my son soft, Davarax.”
“Dez…” Davarax has to take a deep breath and not lose his temper. “It’s a sleep-over. All his friends will be here. Don’t be such a hard-ass. Let the boy have some fun.”
“We are Mandalorians. We don’t do fun. Fun doesn’t make you into a great warrior.”
“A little fun never harmed a kid. He’s a kid, Dez. Helmet or not, he’s still a kid. Let him have this.”
“He should be training.”
“He is training. Every day. That boy is dedicated and you know it. He’s among the best fighters I’ve ever seen. Let. Him. Have. This.”
They bicker back and forth for a while and eventually Davarax manages to wear down the cantankerous man by a combination of nagging and bribery. It’s worth it when he can give Paz the thumbs up to show he’s allowed to stay as well.
And yet Dez Vizla is nowhere near as frustrating as Barthor’s parents. There is no room for negotiations, no compassion or empathy, just a stubborn ‘no’. Davarax tries everything. He flatters, he tries to bride, he tries to reason with them, he even gets dangerously close to pleading, but it doesn’t work. They won’t budge. They will not allow their son to have one simple sleep-over.
And that is when Davarax turns mean. Dangerously mean.
Thirty seconds later, he can give a very surprised Barthor a thumbs up.
That is how they end up gathering all there is off mattresses and blankets and pillows and march over to Davarax’ room. After hoarding and hiding away his weaponry, Davarax helps to arrange their haul all so his kids can be comfortable before he steps up next to Dulcy. “The kids are set. You take the bed. I’ll, uh…” He scouts for where he can fit on the floor, have a good view of the door in case of danger and be close enough to the kids to keep an eye on them as well.
“You and me are sharing the bed.” Dulcy states, as if it is the most natural thing in the world and her words doesn’t hit him in the gut like she’d fired a slugthrower. “The bed is for old people. Like us.”
“I said I was sorry.” Barthor groans. “Let it go.”
“Never.” Dulcy snaps, then she sends Davarax, who can’t stop staring at her, a puzzled look. “What?”
What? She’d just said they would share a bed, a bed with sinful memories, with the kids in the room and she’s asking him ‘what’?? Davarax shakes his head and looks over at the kids again to calm his stuttering heart. She can’t be that oblivious, can she? Well, he can handle this. He can-
“And would you mind taking the armour off?” Dulcy continues to torture him. “You can, inside the Covert, right?”
Closing his eyes, wondering what he’d done wrong to deserve this sweet punishment, Davarax manages a tiny nod.
He handles it like a champ. Davarax removes his armour, settles himself on the bed closest to the door to keep an eye on it and the children to ensure they are safe. Din often has nightmares and might need calming down, though he currently looks quite comfortable between Corin and Paz. Davarax got this. He can handle this.
Dulcy curls up next to him and rests her head on his chest.
He… He’s got… got this…
After a while, Dulcy lets out a soft laugh. “You’re going to have to breathe eventually, you know.”
“No.” Davarax declares. She’s too close and too tempting for him to dare to breathe.
Dulcy giggles and that catches Corin’s attention. He pops his head up and asks what is so funny. If only he knew. Of course Davarax’ evil witch isn’t content with tormenting him solely by being this close to him. Oh no. She hoists herself up on her side and places her hand on his stomach. Her fingers dig gently into the fabric of his shirt and making it slide across his skin in a deliberate caress. “Nothing, baby. Go back to sleep”
Oh. Oh, this means war. Davarax reaches down and grabs a good handful of that divine behind of hers. He grins and savours her strangled squeak like the finest battle trophy.
Corin’s head pops up again. “Mom?”
“It’s fine, Corin.” Dulsissia takes revenge by prodding two fingers next to one of Davarax’ wounds
He jolts with a muffled grunt. Oh, she is really pushing her luck right now...
Corin’s head goes down again.
Davarax’ takes a firmer grip on her behind, hitching her abruptly closer, so she places a hand to an unharmed area on his chest to push herself away. Davarax counters by using his other hand to grab the one she has to his chest and removing it before pulling her even closer. She squirms to free herself while they both struggle to muffle their laughter. Davarax can’t believe this is happening. He wasn’t this childish even when he was a child.
Paz’ helmet comes up and he lets out a very annoyed; “SHHH!”
Davarax and Dulsissia both withdraw their hands amidst quiet laughter.
“Sorry.” Dulsissia stutters through choked giggles.
“Yeah, sorry.” Davarax adds, struggling hard to silence his own snickering.
Grunting, still very much annoyed, Paz lies back down again.
As the laughter calms and a warm peace settles in instead, Dulsissia finds Davarax’ hand. She takes it, lifts it up to hold it between their chests, and smiles as their fingers begin their slow, pointless dance of just touching and braiding and feeling like they had done that very special night.
Looking at her face, seeing the warm affection in her eyes, the flush in her cheeks and the trust in her features, Davarax considers just how lucky he is. How the smallest change in the past might have lead both him and Dulcy on very different paths. How he could have never known the happiness he’s feeling now.
Coincidence or fate, he doesn’t care, it had brought him and Dulcy together and nothing is ever going to tear them apart.
Not his sister.
Not Macero Valentis.
Not even a nightmare of a mercenary who specializes in collecting trophies...
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bizarredalek · 3 years
Thirteen x reader
Word count: 2804
Warning: uhhh cuteness overload as a warning?
Summary: The Doctor is drawn to how soft and fluffy your hair is. All she wants to do is touch it, and maybe make hers as fluffy as yours is
A/N: Who knew putting a fic on Tumblr was so confusing asdfghjkl Thank you Jenny and Elle for helping me with this ily both SO much
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The Doctor couldn't figure it out. There was just something about you. Every time you walked into a room, you'd draw her attention from whatever it was that she was doing prior, which is something that rarely happens. And then one day, it just clicked.
You had come out of the shower one day; the scent of your favourite shampoo was an exact giveaway. You were happy to be able to wash off the sweat and dirt that had clung to you for the last few adventures. Your hair was freshly blow-dried, and it looked soft. Really soft. There had been times where you would be talking with her, and she'd have to fight every urge to just run her hand through it. She wanted to know what it felt like, how soft it'd be.
There have been small instances where she had gotten to touch your hair. Moments like when you would run past, and she would feel the feather-light touch. Or when you'd come up and hug her, and all she could smell, and feel was you. Warmth surrounding her, your hair that she deemed softer than anything in the Universe would be pressed against her cheek. It took every ounce of willpower for her never to let you go and bury her face into your hair. Just one look at you melted all her stress away.
You weren't oblivious to the Doctor's distractions either. Every time you two talked, you could see her focus elsewhere. Her hands would clench by her sides like she was trying to stop herself from reaching out. It wasn’t terribly hard to figure out what was distracting the Doctor so much, she was never all that subtle. You saw the way her eyes would follow you around the room. More like she was looking at something specifically on your head. Your assumption was right one day when you bounded excitedly over to the Doctor in the console room to ask about the newest adventure you were about to take, and she remained focused on your tresses.
One night, the Doctor returned to the console room with a cup of tea in hand to see you sitting by the open front doors with your legs swinging out and a blanket wrapped around your shoulders. The Galaxy looked beautiful with you sitting in front of it, with the pinks, purples, and blues lighting your face. It took the Doctor’s breath away. Walking closer the Doctor noticed that your appearance was a little disheveled. Clothing ruffled out of place and hair sticking up at odd angles, but it wasn’t as if you had a nightmare, or something disturbed you during your sleep. It seemed more like you just rolled out of bed and came here.
She called your name softly, now standing behind you. You tilted your head up towards the voice.
“Hello Doctor,” you greeted with a smile.
“What are you doing awake?” She asked. The Doctor had settled herself beside you, her tea forgotten behind her.
“I don’t know,” you replied, sliding over to make more room in the doorway. “I just woke up and couldn’t fall back asleep, so I came here,” You turned your gaze back to outside the Tardis. “It’s very beautiful.”
The Doctor nodded. “Yeah, it is. It’s probably one of my favourite Galaxies to just drift in, other than the Milky Way of course. The clashing colours are just breathtaking.”
You nodded in agreement. The Doctor started to ramble about the stars in a speech and speed that flew over your head faster than any breeze, but you didn’t mind. She would start talking animatedly, moving her hands as she would point to different areas in space.
You thought it was cute. You could’ve listened to her talk for hours, but your earlier exhaustion crept up on you and you felt your eyes closing, falling asleep to the sound of the Doctors voice.
The Doctor noticed your head dropping a bit before you’d snap back up, your eyes threatening to shut again. Your shoulders had been slouching down and she was worried you were going to end up rolling out of the Tardis.
“You know,” she started, her voice jerking you awake to give her your full attention. “If you’re tired you should go back to bed.”
You shook her head stubbornly, but the Doctor could see how tired you were getting. She debated just carrying you to your bed as you probably wouldn’t be able to put up a very big fight or she could wait until you fell asleep before carrying you. She opted for the latter; she was quite enjoying looking at the Galaxy with you right now. She felt her hearts stop a moment later when your weight suddenly slumped against her side, your head on her shoulder.
“Doctor,” you mumbled sleepily. “Can I lay on your lap?”
Her breath hitched in her throat, her two hearts beating so fast she feared that you would be able to hear them from your place against her side. How could she deny your gentle request though? So, she nodded with soft spoken “yes”. Your eyes brightened hearing her reply.
You slid away from the Doctor to make room so you could lay down comfortably. The Doctor, however, immediately missed your warmth and had to stop herself from making a sound of protest. The warmth returned when you placed your head on her thigh, your blanket rested on top of your body. You sighed contentedly.
“Comfy?” she asked, a teasing tone in her voice.
You only replied by cuddling further into the Doctor’s warmth, pulling the blanket up so it rested just under your chin.
Not wanting to take your hands out of your blanket burrito, you tried to blow your hair out of your face The Doctor looked down in amusement at your struggle. Her hand eventually found its way to your face, gently brushing the piece of hair from your eyes behind your ear. Her eyes widened at the feel of your hair.
“It’s so soft,” she spoke softly to herself out loud unaware you were still partially awake as she brushed her hand through your hair again.
You hummed and your body fully relaxed at the Doctor’s fingers raking through your locks. “Shampoo, conditioner, and blow dry equals fluffy and soft.”
The Doctor chuckled as she continued mindlessly playing with your hair. Her nails would lightly scratch against your scalp, causing you to sigh, and then switch to brushing your hair from the base of your skull to the end. She would hit the occasional knot, but you didn’t shift at her gentle pulling and smoothing it out. Occasionally, the Doctor would stop her actions thinking that you were fast asleep with how quiet and still you were, but you proved her wrong when your face would scrunch up with a disappointed groan.
“No,” you whined.
Your glare was not all that deadly or threatening in any way. In fact, it was more adorable than anything in the Doctor’s mind. Your eyes were dazed and unfocused, and you couldn’t hold your glare together very well. It was more of a grumpy squint than anything.
The Doctor merely laughed and caved in. “Okay, okay.”
You turned your head back to its place and sighed happily when you felt her hand return. The Doctor was absolutely convinced in her mind that if you were a cat, you would be purring.
The Doctor didn’t know how long you two stayed there in the doorway. Her one leg swung outside the box while her other made sure that you didn’t accidently roll out of the Tardis, that would certainly be a rude awakening.
The Time Lord was lost in her thoughts as she ran her fingers over your scalp the action calming for both you and her, barely paying attention to the soft sigh you let out. And any tension left in your body vanished, your entire weight settled against the Doctors leg. She thought of how glad she was to have you aboard the Tardis, how you always seem to know what she was feeling and how to make her feel better again. She didn’t know what would’ve happened if she didn’t have you as a companion.
She was brought back into her thoughts when she felt your breath against her leg, you’re breathing deep and steady telling her that you had officially fallen asleep. She gently and slowly raised your head to not wake you and picked you up with one arm holding your shoulders, cradling you to her chest with your head tucked into her neck, and her other arm was underneath your knees. After confirming that you had not stirred, she carried you down the halls to your room. The Tardis was kind enough to move your room closer, so the Doctor didn’t have to go wandering the halls finding your room.
“Can you open the door for me, girl?” the Doctor said quietly, trying in everyway possible to make sure you stayed sleeping.
The Doctor smiled when the door opened and walked inside. She placed you down on your bed and smiled at the small whine you let out when she released her hold on you. The Doctor knelt by your bed and brushed your hair out of you face. She pressed her lips against your forehead, whispering a soft goodnight before leaving your room to let you sleep in peace.
Once exiting your room, the Doctor immediately had a plan form in her mind. The Tardis disapprovingly hummed down at her Thief.
“It’ll be fine!” She brushed the machine off, already heading down the hallway to put her plan into action.
That morning, you were hanging in the console room chatting with Yaz, when you heard a voice calling your name behind you. You looked down the hall to see the Doctor jogging towards you, her hair different than what it usually looks like.
“Y/N!” she said excitedly, bounding up the stair to you.
“Doctor,” you greeted with a smile. “Good morning.”
“Good morning,” she greeted back, grinning ear to ear. “Did you sleep well?”
You nodded. “I did actually. I don’t remember getting back to my room, though.”
Now that she was closer you could see her hair looked a lot more different than her usual style, almost as if she put way too much hair products in than necessary. Her hair was all… frizzy, like it was full of static. You were surprised there wasn’t anything magnetic on her.
“Doctor,” you started, unable to look away from the mess she had created on her own head. “What... what did you do?”
“Well, I was thinking on what you said last night about how you got your hair all nice and soft and I thought I’d give it a go myself!” She grinned at you.
You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling at her explanation. She just looked so cute and proud of herself with her achievement.
“It looks like you used a bit too much, Doctor,” you told her. You reached your hand up and ran your hand through her blonde locks being able to feel exactly how staticky it felt through your fingers.
The Doctor blushed under your touch. “Well, I-it’s a little bit different than when I was a man.”
You hummed in thought. “Well, why don’t I show you how to properly take care of it, and try to fix it? You looked like you used the whole bottle of shampoo.”
The Doctor ducked her head in embarrassment. “It may have been a few bottles actually.”
You laughed, reaching down to grab the Doctor’s hand to lead her away from the console room. You both waved bye to Yaz. She laughed and waved back before going off to find the others.
“Thank you,” the Doctor muttered out. You had her sit on the bathtub edge while you stood behind her. You ran your hands through her hair to see the exact amount of damage she did.
You hummed in response. “Of course! Next time maybe don’t use so much product.” You teased her.
She rolled her eyes even though you couldn’t see it. You told her the basics of hair care for women, how much shampoo and conditioner to use “The whole bottle right?” She asked.
“No! Not the entire thing! At least a tiny handful is enough,” you reached for the face moisturizer sitting on the bathroom sink.
“Moisturizer?” The Doctor asked looking at the bottle in your hand.
You shrugged. “There are a few different ways to deal with static hair, but this is the only thing I had on hand and I’m sure you wouldn’t like me rubbing a laundry detergent sheet all over your head. Moisturizer just happens to also protect your hair to minimize any.”
“Have you done this before?” She asked. She trusted you, of course, but was still curious.
“Yeah, kind of,” you replied. “I would do this for my siblings. They also would overdo it with the hair products, and I found that this works.”
The Doctor nodded and you went to work. You dabbed the cream in your hands and rubbed them together before applying it to the Doctor’s hair. The Doctor leaned her head back into your touch and sighed, she could see how you fell asleep so easily with her doing it the night before, she felt herself drifting to sleep under your touch. You smiled at her reaction. You tilted her head up to get easier access to the hair in front of her face, her eyes were closed and her breathing had steadied out. You quickly finished off the Doctor’s hair, you didn’t want to disturb the Doctor’s rest yet she just looked so adorable all relaxed. Your thumbs lightly brushed over the Doctor’s cheeks; the stress lines that had been so clearly on her face faded away with every motion.
After you finished, you leaned down and pressed your own lips down on her forehead and then to her cheek. “You’re all done now, Doctor,” you whispered, not fully wanting to break the silence.
The Doctor’s eyes fluttered open with a hum. You helped her stand and took in your work. The moisturizer worked wonders for her, it was no longer full of static, nor did it look frizzy and untidy. It looked closer to how it was before the ‘incident’.
She brushed her own hand through her hair and beamed. “It feels a lot better! Thank you!”
You gave your own smile. “You are so welcome, Doctor.”
The Doctor moved forward and wrapped you in a hug and you gasped in surprise. You’ve never really been hugged by the Doctor, so it was quite a surprise to be suddenly held in her arms. All you could feel, and smell was her. Her coat radiated warmth and she smelled like the lavender shampoo she had used earlier, and a little bit of the tea she had this morning. You were surround by everything of the Doctor and you loved it.
You knew how hard it was for the Doctor to really express herself, so you were patient. You were there for whatever she needed. Be it a travel companion, a friend or an impromptu hair stylist for a disaster.
The Doctor pulled back from the embrace. You hated how cold you felt being out of her arms. You almost went to hug her again. Almost. Instead, you held out your arm to her.
“Shall we go plan our next adventure, Doctor?” you asked.
She laughed and looped her arm through yours. “Lets,” she said.
You listened to her list of different planet names and what was on them as the two of you left the bathroom. You could never understand her when she spoke at a million miles per hour, but it was nice to see her talk about something so excitedly. She listed off places that would light sky lanterns every night or a planet that was covered in snow that when the sun shined on them it would look like the planet was covered in sparkling diamonds. They all sounded amazing, but honestly you were just happy traveling with the Doctor. It didn’t matter where you went, or when, you were just happy being with her.
She led you back towards the console room. She gestured for you to place your hand on the lever with her. “So, where do you want to go?” She asked you.
You thought for a minute. Anywhere, you said to yourself. Anywhere if it’s with you. But you knew she wouldn’t accept that, so you looked up and said, “Surprise me.” And her answering grin lit up the room, and the two of you pulled the lever down, and off into space you went.
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justreadingfics · 4 years
It’s a Deal (Chapter 7)
Chapter Summary: How you and Bucky feel about the presence of your ex-boyfriend.  
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 4.3k
Warnings:+18 only, mention to smut, overdrinking, embarrassing behavior due alcohol consumption, Natasha knows stuff, ex-boyfriend, minor jealousy, minor angst, floof, Bucky has a somewhat creep confession, but give him a break, he’s never been in love.
A/N: Another smutless one, I hope you don’t mind. Thank you to my sweet Les for having my back. The link to my masterlist, where you can find the other chapters, is on my description. Feedback is highly appreciated.
Tag list for this story is closed.  
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Your shoulder brushes against him as you walk past Bucky and he turns his body around, following you with his gaze. He takes a long sip of his drink and places a hand inside his pocket, watching as you approach your ex-boyfriend.  
He tries hard to bury deep down inside him the tug on his chest.
“Oh, fuck…”
Natasha’s curse makes him turn to her and he realizes she’s been watching him, with a dumbfounded expression he’s not used to see on her face.
She scoffs and shakes her head, seeming in an estate of disbelief, “This whole time I’d been worried with the wrong person.”
No point. Bucky sees absolutely no point in trying to make it like there isn’t  turmoil twisting inside of him. Not for Natasha, anyway, it would be to no avail. Also, he’s pretty sure there’s a kicked puppy look on his face to make it harder for him to put on any kind of façade.
“Fuck,” he sighs and run his hand harshly over his face, “What the hell is this, Natasha?” He whines, failing at trying to not sound as helpless as he does.
“You tell me, buddy.” She points at him with her glass of vodka, tilting her head with interest.
“Shit,” he exhales, looking down, before his face snaps up at her, “I’m … just weird, I’m not myself these days.” Bucky bites his lower lip as if trying to somehow refrain from spilling the words, but he just can’t, he’s dying to let it all out. He steps closer to her and lowers his voice as much as he can with the loud music beating around them, “I’ve spent almost every day of the last month with her. I have absolutely no desire to see or think of another woman and I have to restrain myself constantly, cause if I had it my way I would call her every five minutes to check in on her, and… and when I’m thinking about her - which is all the time, I fucking swear - I wonder if she’s thinking of me, and now? I mean, right now? I feel like snatching the blade right now on my ankle and shooting it right on that fella’s throat.” Finally taking a breath after his rambling, he points in your direction, before turning to see you right when you’re letting out a small laugh at something the punk has said.
“Wow…” Natasha lets out a whistle.
“A few days ago,” he turns back to his friend, “I snuck into her closet to find out the name of her perfume. And you know what I did next?  I bought a large bottle for myself, like a fucking creep,” sheer frustration plasters on his tone.     
“Oh my…,” Natasha snorts at the same time a mix of incredulity and amusement shines on her eyes, “That’s definitely creepy and it’s even worse than I imagined. The almighty Bucky Barnes, the I’m a whore and proud,” she thickens her voice playfully, moving her arms in a mimicking way, “The I don’t do romance and attachments king is a tiny lost puppy with big blue heart eyes, aww,” she inclines her head as if she’s thinking of him as exactly how she’s just described him.
Bucky tries but he can’t actually find the amusement in all of that. The fact one single woman is making him feel that way is entirely new, unpredictable and… scary as hell. He has no clue where to go from there.
Natasha seems to swiftly catch on his little inner self torment and, after letting out a deep sigh, she puts on a small smile and shakes her head, “Don’t worry Bucky, it’s probably a crush. A big one. But only a crush,” she places her hand on his arm, giving it a squeeze, “Y/n is one of my best friends and I know how delightful it is to be beside her. Maybe you’re just infatuated…”
“Maybe…” he exhales and shrugs, “I wouldn’t know… all I know is I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. Not that I remember…. but I’m pretty sure I would.” He looks at you again while you’re still talking to the Eddie guy.  
“They have history,” Natasha says in a kind voice, following your gaze.
“I know.”
“He was her first and only boyfriend.”
“I know.”
“She thought she was going to marry him.”
“Damn Nat…” he breathes out his frustration, dropping his head for a moment, before raising his downcast gaze at her again, “Yeah, I know that, too.”
“But you’re Bucky fucking Barnes,” she snaps in a more cheerful voice shaking his arm with a enthusiastic force, “Don’t forget that, buddy,” she shoots him a warning glare, “Also, I’ve never seen a brighter smile on that woman than when she’s talking about you,” she beams.   
Bucky’s heart jumps and a quick breathy smile surges on his lips before he takes in a shuddering breath, “I’m not sure what I should do, though.”
“Well, figure it out,” she lets go of his arm and taps on it, “My advice for the night if you should accept it is let it flow,” she shrugs. “Go on with your thing and see what happens. Just try not to hurt you or her on your way, though,” Nat warns.
“I’m not even sure I-Wait,” he frowns after his gaze is drawn to the spot where you are again, “Did that fucker just leave her alone?”
He instantly struts towards you, ignoring Nat’s snicker.
“Hey,” you smile, gulping down the nervousness down your throat as you approach your ex-boyfriend. The one you haven’t seen ever since he broke up with you months ago.
“Hey,” he offers you a tight but kind smile back.
You halt on your way, the awkwardness building up a barrier on your way as you’re not sure what to do next. Should you give him your hand to shake? Hug him? Do nothing at all? Not once before you had thought that moment would play out between you and Eddie.
But he seems a bit more resolved than you and shrugs, leaning forward and wrapping an arm around your shoulders, “Congratulations again,” he says, still holding you, “You’re the best and most hard working person I know, you deserve it.”
The small smile in your lips grows wider and you accept the compliment, relieved that the awkwardness seems to be tamed. While you’re so close to him after all that time, you notice he’s wearing the same perfume he’s been wearing for years, the one which would make you sneeze all the time, but you never really said anything.
“Thank you,” you lean back, sniffing discreetly to suppress the sneeze threatening to come out, “I’m happy you could make it,” you add. The fact he’s arrived all by himself grasps your interest, considering how everyone around you would tell you he was probably seeing someone else… however, if he did have someone, he wouldn’t bring them to your party, would he?
“Of course. I wouldn’t miss it,” he says with a gentle tone, but the formality is still there, you notice.  
You two engage in some small conversation and you can’t help but to take him in and realize that, just like the perfume, Eddie looks exactly the same with everything else. The same hairstyle, same grey t-shirt you gifted him on your last Christmas together, the same constant half smile while he talks… he still speaks quietly, letting out just a few small words, which has always forced you to be the one to push on the conversations…
It’s… familiar… even comfortable, you dare say. But if you’re going to be honest with your own feelings, ever since he walked away, you thought you would be yearning to feel that familiarity again, that it would lead you to a sense of… home.
Why it isn’t quite like that, though?
“You look different,” he says as the subjects of small talk seem to come to an ending point.  
You put your previous thoughts aside for later consideration.
“Oh…Different good or bad?” you ask, tilting your head with a small pull in the corner of your lips.
“I don’t know... just…different, I guess,” he frowns and quickly puts on that half smile of his.
“Oh, well… it’s been a while…“
“Yeah… I guess you’re right,” he says, regarding you with a wondering look in his eyes that makes you shift on your knees, “Listen,” he clears his throat, “I was wondering if we could meet to talk one of these days.”
“Oh,” you draw in a breath. Talking to him, having a real conversation, is something you’ve been wanting to do for a long time. It still feels like you don’t fully understand why you’re broken-up. Regardless the time it’s passed, you still feel attached to him somehow, like, no matter how exciting and new, you’re now living someone else’s life and not the one you had planned for you years ago.
“I mean,” he adds before you can give him a proper answer, “We still need to figure out what to do about the condo.”
The words are like cold water thrown at your face. There you are, thinking he wanted to talk about your relationship, but what’s really on his mind is the condo you’ve bought together. Swiftly, you work on putting a small smile on your face, “Yeah… sure, you’re right,” you nod.
“Hey! Eddie!”
Both of you look towards the female voice and your eyes fall upon a beautiful young woman you recognize as one of the members of SHIELD’s tech team. You’ve worked with her on a joined project of the two organizations before. Chloe… you believe her name is Chloe.
She’s waving at Eddie excitedly, calling him over the little group she’s with. She doesn’t seem to notice you’re standing next to him until her gaze meets yours. The wide grin on her face drops into a quick cringe before she nods in a respectful manner and shifts her look away, whispering something at one of the guys in the group.
When you set your attention back on Eddie, you tighten your lips just as you notice how the bone on his throat bobs right before his flustered eyes meet yours again.
“I-I, ahm, gotta go,” he runs his hand on the nape of his neck, “Can I call you later?”
“Yeah, sure.” Your voice comes out calm and controlled.
“It was good to see you,” he says, before placing his hand on your shoulder, “Congratulations again.”
After you give him a small nod as a thank you, keeping the tight smile on your face matching his, he walks away towards the group and the woman. The one your friends kept warning you about, apparently, given how uncomfortable he seemed to be in front of you after you saw her. As soon as he gets there, you see the two of them talking in hushed words. He keeps a safe distance from her, but his hand on her arm is where your gaze sticks on. 
You don’t have the slightest idea of what’s happening with your feelings right now. Minutes ago you were realizing the familiarity of Eddie wasn’t what you expected it to be anymore, but now, seeing him so close to someone else… a beautiful woman, to be more specific, with her long black straightened hair and fancy blue dress holding each one of her beautiful curves…It just crushes you.  A lump grows in your throat and while your gaze flicks around, you feel small… lost… picturing ways you could flee away from your own party at the same time ten years of your life flash in your mind.
The cold, yet gentle touch of metal in your elbow is what takes you out of your own head, “Hey, everything alright?” says the silky and soothing voice.
Your gaze meets Bucky’s while he stares at you with concerned eyes. Those gorgeous blue eyes of his…There’s already a bit less  turbulence inside your chest and mind. You think nothing of it, though.
“Yeah, yeah…” you smile, “He, ahm… Some friends called him. He had to go.”
Bucky just lets out a hum – which sounds more like a groan – staring over your shoulder to where the little group stands.
“He said he wants to talk…“ you start, and don’t see when Bucky’s breath hatches catches on his throat, his eyes back on you, “About the condo,” you press your lips, “He said he’ll call me.”
While your gaze gets lost ahead, you have no idea that the sadness in them pinches deep inside Bucky’s chest. If you could read Bucky’s mind at that moment, you would find out that the fact your reencounter with your ex-boyfriend hadn’t ended up in some sort of hope for reconciliation hasn’t left him sad at all, but the lost look in your eyes… makes him wanna hold you in his arms and never let go. Not before punching a douche in the face, of course.
“Oh, come on, sweetheart,” he wraps his arm around your shoulder, side hugging and pulling you closer to him, “You’re the fucking boss now and, look around, ” he gestures with his glass of whiskey to the crowded and jazzing place, ”You have a damn Stark party just for you. We’re all here to celebrate the badass motherfucker you are. You’re not just going to let anything ruin your night, will you?” The corner of his eyes crinkle as he grins at you.
You let out a small laugh, the heaviness inside you slowly slipping out of your body as you allow yourself to synchronize with Bucky’s vibe. You can always trust  the upbeat way he presents the world to you to lift whatever mood of yours up.  You look down at your empty glass and shrugs, “I might need a refill, though…or two,” you shoot him a warning look.  
Bucky’s smile stretches even wider and he lets go of your shoulders to offer his arm, nodding towards the bar, “Shall we?”
You gladly accept his suggestion by wrapping your hand around his elbow and walking with him, not even noticing that Eddie’s gaze follows you with piqued interest.
Quite a few more drinks later and after listening to Tony’s very nice and very Tony speech on his toast to honor you, you’re already fully invested in your party again. Bucky stays by your side most of the time, but you also come across with a lot of your friends from work and a few others, who are all more than happy to put you high on a pedestal for your promotion and party with you. It stings a bit when Camilla, your friend from work, tells you she heard Eddie and Chole are really together, but two or three more drinks after, you end up hitting the dance floor with a few friends by your side, not even seeing when Eddie leaves the party early, right before Chloe.
You’re happy to see that Amanda, one of Bucky’s friends you met that night in the club, has made it to the party, but you’re already too tipsy and it slips from your attention when she comments on how Bucky has been quite distant from her and the other girls for almost a month now.
If you’re going to be honest, you end up not truly noticing a lot of stuff since you’ve been drinking a great deal more than you’re used to, probably due the drill of having a kickass party thrown for you mixed with the unexpected sight of Eddie with a potential new girl - after months without seeing him. As the alcohol does its thing in your senses, you don’t notice the way Bucky looks at you, the way he holds you a little bit stronger when you’re dancing together, how he glares at the guys who tries to approach you or the fact he only leaves your side when he knows you’re comfortable and safe.
All you see and feel now is the music and the lights as you sway your hips to the beats. The party is almost coming to an end, but there’s still a small crowd of people enjoying their last moments there. The alcohol, the music and your friends, more precisely Camilla, Olivia, Amanda and Nat – the last two in the middle of a flirting contest you fail to notice, as well – are the ones around you. The buzz clouds your mind in a delicious way until your back bumps into a hard wall. Your weakened knees give in but before you hit the floor the wall wraps around you and holds you still.
Oh, you know that hard wall of muscles… You know it pretty well.
“Hey, there.” A foolish smile plasters on your lips at the same time the back of your head leans against the wall so you can see his face. His gorgeous and ungodly sexy face, “Your face is sexy,” you decide it is a very good idea to tell him that now.
“That right?” Bucky smirks, holding your gaze.
“Oh, yeah,” you clumsily turn around to face him, prompting him to grab you tighter since you stumble a bit on your toes. You curl the hand holding your glass around his neck, “And you’re big, too,” you don’t even notice but you’re a slurring mess as you speak and look to see your running hand down his broad chest, roughly probing his muscles, “Very, very big,” you exaggerate a sultry tone, the alcohol erasing any kind of subtleness or refinement in you or the notion that there are people around you, while your hand explores further down his body to say it’s not just about his muscles you’re talking about.
“Sweetheart.” Not making a big fuss about it, he gently grabs your wrist over his lower stomach to place it around his neck along with the other one, ”I’m very flattered to hear that, you’re one very nice piece of ass yourself, too,” he engages with you, keeping the playful tone.
You let out a girlish giggle, turning your face towards your friends, the trio now whispering and laughing among themselves as they watch the both of you, “He said I have a nice ass,” you shout, not realizing how loud you actually are as you lift and shake your hips, making your friends laugh harder and causing you to trip on your toes once again. But of course Bucky catches you before you fall.
“How many drinks, so far, huh?” Bucky chuckles, keeping the hold of his arms and eyes on you.
“Three or four,” you answer with nonchalance, bringing the glass to your lips as you hold yourself on his neck, only to pout when you notice it’s empty.
Your friends scoff at your lie behind you, “You can add at least ten more to that count, sweetheart,” Natasha shouts from behind you, punctuating the word sweetheart with a teasing pull on her mouth. 
You make a dismissive face only Bucky can see, “Nonsense, check out what I can do,“ You step back from Bucky with the intention to put on a yoga pose you’re sure will convince your friends of how ok and steady you are and as soon as you lift your leg, you trip again and this time Bucky is not fast enough to catch you before your ass hit the floor.
The four of them rush to help you out as tears fall down from your eyes at how much you’re laughing, holding your glass up. It’s Bucky who ends up picking you up, though.
He and your friends shower you with questions to check if you’re ok but it all falls like a blur sound to your years.
“Ok, I guess it was a bit more than three or five,” ignoring the curious eyes around your group, you laugh making an ok sign with your hands before your stomach churns and you grimace, placing your hand over it, “Oh…” your face drops.
 “Alright, come one, let’s go,” Bucky supports you with his hands and urges you to walk with him.
“Where are you taking me?” You frown, sounding almost offended as he takes your glass from you and hands it to Natasha, gently pulling you along.
“My place… let’s freshen up, come on,” Bucky patiently says, nodding at the girls to say goodbye, who just nod back, knowing you would be in good hands.  
“Ooooo, bye girls, we’re going to his place to freshen up,” you wink exaggeratedly and make air quotations with your fingers, addressing your friends as you clumsily walk away with Bucky.
“Bridal style,” you loudly announce stretching your hands and legs to the air as soon as he steps inside his living room with you in his arms.
Bucky can’t help but laugh as a snorting giggle follows your words. If he had his way he would’ve carried you from the party, but he didn’t want to attract even more attention to your state. So, on the second trip on your own feet inside the elevator he picked you up. It would be easier that way.
Bucky carefully puts you standing on the floor and, as soon as he’s convinced you can stand on your feet without stumbling or falling, he turns to shut the door, only to have you jumping on him as soon as he faces you.
“Hey, hey,” he manages to say softly, placing his hands on your hips as you shower his mouth and face with sloppy kisses which taste strongly like fancy champagne.
“What? Let’s freshen up,” you answer in a log slur, dragging your lips on anything of him you can reach.
Bucky laughs, pushing you away with a gentle yet steady touch, looking deep into your eyes, “That’s not what I meant… not when you had so much to drink, sweetheart.” He flicks his thumb on your chin.
It takes a moment or two, but realization – and disappointment- finally dawns on your face, “Oh… you meant freshen up for real…” You shut your eyes and tap your hand on your forehead.
Bucky thinks you’re too damn cute for your own good.
You focus on him again, “Are you sure, though?” You insist, shoving a finger in your mouth and tilting your hips, putting on before him the unsexist pose Bucky has ever seen.
Yet, it’s the most adorable thing and his annoying heart swells inside his chest for you as you keep your attempts of seducing him, “Yeah, I’m sure,” he nods unrelentingly, holding back a laugh and waiting to see the follow up of your shenanigans.
“But I’m horny and I wanted to suck your big dick,” you pout, crossing your arms and thumping your foot against the floor.
Bucky takes in a deep breath. He is only human and can’t help that his poor cock twitches at your bratty whine. But your glossy half open eyes and dragged voice reminds him he’s the only one sober enough to make decisions in the room and therefore, his buddy down there needs to chill, “I’ll be more than happy to allow you to do so,” he’s amused when your face light up, “But not tonight, sweetheart,” he puts his hands on your shoulders and turns you towards the kitchen, not without spotting the dirty look you give him.
“You’re no fun,” you complain, barely able to put one foot in front of the other before you stop and swirl around, trusting on his strong hold to not let you fall wearing a devilish little smirk on your face.  
Bucky cocks an eyebrow, waiting for whatever mischievous pearl will come out of your lips now.
“What if…” you start before a hiccup interrupts you, “I show you my boobies?” You offer, leaning over and pressing your breasts together through your dress, “You looove my boobies,” you wiggle your eyebrows suggestively even if your eyelids can’t even remain wide open.
“I do love your boobies,” Bucky can’t deny, not hiding his amusement.  
Apparently, that’s all you need to hear before you throw yourself on him again. Bucky swiftly catches you with a huff, but you can’t do much more than circle your arms around his neck and rest your head on him.
“Love your muscles,” you mumble quietly against him, “There are so many of them.”
“Come on, sweetheart,” Bucky tries, “As much as I love your boobies and you love my muscles, now it’s not the time. Now it’s time to get you some water, maybe a sandwich, huh? Then I can prepare you a shower and you can rest a bit and… Y/N?” Bucky calls when you’re too quiet- not even making a sex innuendo when he mentions a shower.
He listens a not so soft snore as a response and looks down to see you completely dozed, with your mouth agape against his chest. He sighs… still the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, goddammit.
“Guess we can skip right to the resting, then,” he whispers through a fond smile.
Taking you in his arms he walks towards his bedroom and places you on his bed. You only stir a bit when he gently removes your shimmery and apparently uncomfortable dress and unties your heels. He dresses you in a t-shirt of his so you can rest comfortably. He manages to make you drink a little bit of water, to which you whine graciously enough, and, after covering you with a thin blanket – because he knows you’re never really that cold at night, no matter the temperature in the room –  he moves to get up and maybe take a shower for himself.
“Bucky,” you mumble and, without opening your eyes, you move yourself to nuzzle against his metal hand sprawled on the mattress, “You’re not going to leave me, are you?”
Bucky is absolutely sure you have no idea of what that question really means to him, how it falls upon the rising tangle of feelings inside him… which is all for you. Wonderful and beautiful and special you, who came unannounced and stirred up something in him he never thought possible. Something he just doesn’t know what to do with.
Moving meticulously slowly not to pull his hand and wake you up again now that you’re deep back into slumber, he lays down beside you. For your question… he doesn’t say anything. Simply because he doesn’t know the right answer yet.
To be continued. 
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shijjii · 3 years
You're all I need
Ryan wanted to scream at his sister, he was typing a message in his phone to express his annoyance while walking
Ducks: There are approximately 1,010,300 words in the English language, but I could not string enough words together to properly express how much I want to hit you with a chair. Seen
Ryan rolled his eyes and stuffed his phone back inside his pocket. He was walking around one of the quads in U of A, alone, because his sister decided that it was more fun to flirt with someone rather than showing her brother around
He sees there was a small stage by the quad and a growing crowd, but what surprised him was the familiar floof of curly hair bouncing as he nodded at someone
It was Chad Danforth, he was talking to someone but Ryan couldn't careless to whoever he was talking to as he made his way to where the jock was
He was about to call out when someone else called Chad, he sees him turn and walk to where the person was and suddenly, he was up on the stage with a girl beside him. Chad was holding on to a guitar, he looked to the girl, slightly nodding at her and they both started
"you're all I need"
"woah" Ryan mumbled under his breath, he didn't expect the jock to start singing in front of a crowd. He sees Chad look up and for a moment, he was sure that Chad saw him and smiled as he continued to strum the guitar and sing with the girl
"to get by"
"like a sweet morning dew, I took one look at you" He was completely in awe, this was different from when they were still back in East high. It looked like he was really enjoying himself up there. Chad stopped looking at the girl and faced the crowd
"and it was plain to see, you were my destiny"
"is he looking at you?" Ryan turned to see one of the jocks smirking at someone else "that creepy fag" he furrowed his eyebrows, they made an action of gagging and saying "ew, gay"
"what's wrong with being gay?" Ryan stepped up, crossing his arms
"everything" one of them said in a tone as if that explained everything
"nothing is wrong with being gay, it is completely normal to like someone regardless of their gender" they scoff at him, shaking their head as if he just said something ridiculous
"you defending a fag?"
Ryan's thoughts were all scrambled and his mouth opened before he can even think of what he was going to say "I think I have every right to defend my boyfriend"
he sees them tighten their lips and roll their eyes, saying something along the lines "not worth it fighting a fag" walking away from him, leaving Ryan to look back to Chad who was still looking his way
"like an eagle protects his nest, for you I'll do my best" Ryan decided to move closer up front to see Chad more, and if he's correct, he sees a glint of relief in Chad's eyes as he walked up
"Stand by you like a tree, dare anybody to try and move me" now he was sure that Chad is looking at him and no one else, maybe it was the nerves getting to the jock and he just wanted to look at someone who has heard him sing and seen him dance before
Ryan smiled at Chad, who continued to sing, the crowd was singing along with the two students that were on the stage. He felt a little bit guilty that he just claimed that he's Chad's boyfriend even though they weren't, he'll just have to talk to the jock about the situation to clear out any misunderstanding between them. He didn't want to destroy their friendship.
When the two finished singing, they thanked their audience and stepped down the stage. Chad said something to his friends, giving the guitar before making his way to where Ryan was. He's aware that everyone was looking at them when Chad smiles his way
Ryan crosses his arms as Chad greeted him "hey there, stranger" he shook his head, a smile making its way on his lips
"you were good up there"
"you liked it?" The thespian nodded, still smiling at Chad "never knew you can sing like that, Wildcat" he sees the jock throw his head back and laugh, he placed his arm on Ryan's shoulders "there are so many things that you don't know about me"
they started to walk away from the crowd, he hears some of the students wolf whistle at them and someone shouting "go get it, Chadders!"
"ignore them" he sees Chad quickly flip a finger at them before moving Ryan to somewhere else
"so, you really liked the song?" he nodded at this "you have a very good voice, Chad"
Ryan didn't know where they were headed but he didn't mind, anywhere with Chad was better than anything else. They get to a quiet corner with a bench when he remembers what he just said to the homophobic asses earlier and turns to Chad with a frown
this time, the jock had a confused look on his face mixed with concern
"you okay, Ry?" asked Chad, gently patting the bench, so now they were both sitting side by side
"yeah, it's just that there were these two assholes that said everything was wrong about being gay"
"yeah and I uh, well, I stepped up and said there's nothing wrong with liking someone regardless of their gender" he sees Chad grin "but they asked me if I'm defending... A fag... And they were referring to you.." the jock nodded, his grin not disappearing
"and I said... That there's nothing wrong with defending...... My boyfriend" there was a long silence between the two of them, Ryan was making sure that he wasn't looking at Chad's face, he was scared of a lot of things, those assholes could've been wrong and that Chad wasn't gay and he'd take it offensive, he was scared of what expression the jock was making right now but then he hears him stifle a laugh
"I wasn't informed that you're my boyfriend now" Ryan gaped at him
"yes, Ry. I'm gay"
"I sang that song up there for extra credit and also for someone" the blonde sat there frozen, Chad took this as a sign to continue, running his hand through his hair
"Recently I have this friend, back then I thought she's an ass but turns out she can be nice when she wants to and she told me that her brother- the guy I've been crushing on for a couple of years now- was visiting the campus. I had to almost beg on my knees to my professor just so I can move the date of the singing when he was really here to hear it" He was still processing everything that Chad said when he felt him nudge his shoulder
"I never expected that we were boyfriends, I didn't get a message from him or anything but you're saying that the guy that I like defended me and basically said that I'm his boyfriend. This day couldn't get any better"
"wait-" Chad groans in his palms but he sees that there was a smile on his lips
"Ryan, how oblivious can you get?" the thespian shifted in his seat to get a better look at the jock who has his palms on his face now, peaking through the gaps of his fingers
"you're saying that you've liked me for a couple of years now? Since when??"
"since baseball game"
this time, it was Ryan's turn to groan. He leaned back and stared up
"you're saying we could have been making out since then?" he hears a snort
"I tried my best to tell you but you were always around Kelsi and Sharpay, then I hear that you're going to prom with Kelsi so I cried my heart out to Taylor and she devised the plan of me asking her out in front of everyone" he feels Chad shrug "we thought that you'd finally come to your senses but then Tay said she miscalculated and maybe just solidified that I'm straight"
"yeah, that was a complete miscalculation on your guys' part since I cried my heart out to Kelsi saying that I have no chance with you ever" another silence between them but this one wasn't uncomfortable. Both of them were leaning back and their pinky fingers were touching. Scared to be the first one to initiate anything intimate
"so, we're complete idiots" Chad asked, looking at Ryan with a soft smile "yeah, we are" he replied. The look from Chad gave him some courage as he moves his hands and intertwined them with the jock
There was a warm feeling in his chest as he feels Chad's fingers tangled with his, he sees him take Ryan's hand up and put a kiss on the back of his hand
"I'm your idiot, right?" he asked when Chad didn't say anything. He feels the breath on his hand when the jock chuckled "yes, you're my idiot. You're all I need"
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