#you build your own bubble of happiness that no-one except you should be able to enter
shidouryusm · 11 months
I just realised today marks exactly one year since my breakup.
I'm so so so proud for growing into myself in this one year. I have strengthened my boundaries, I have become more firm in asserting what I want from a partner and won't be settling for anything less. Most importantly, I have realised my own worth, my own importance so so much more than last year. I discovered what I genuinely like, I went out a lot with my friends even on countless self dates, I read books about self-worth and productive habits, I worked and studied hard, I travelled, I just became a relatively more happier person than I was, from 2021 infact.
Last year Sami would not make the choices this year's sami made. As much as I was hurt emotionally and it took me a fair chunk of month to recover, I'm glad I experienced it in order to realise how much I was depriving myself of my own potential and how much I, as an individual, am so much interesting with my own set of goals and likings. As well as realising I am also an individual who has things to work on before getting with someone else. My idea of dating has drastically shifted and honestly I don't think it would have happened if I were to be in that relationship still.
It wasn't abusive nor it was degrading or demeaning to me but I was unknowingly being treated as a much much less priority in the name of "work" and "space". Now I am very sharp about these sugarcoated distancing and disrespect and won't tolerate it otherwise.
I've grown. I am thriving. I am happy.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 7 months
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a/n: Hello, my fabulous Readers! It's been a hot second since I last wrote a fic. And I can honestly say, that I've been distracted by the whole Chris Drama and Fiasco. But that doesn't mean that I haven't been writing fics. I actually have a few lined up, that are definite WIPs, so stay tuned. In the meantime, I hope y'all will enjoy this fic.
Which I'm happy to dedicate to @cutedisneygrl, Happiest Birthday to you, girl! Thank you for always lending an ear, and also happily sharing your fics with us. You're awesome, and I hope you enjoy this fic. Sorry if it's a little late.
And to @royalwriteroftheuniverse, for being one of the best friends, I could ask for on here. You're one of the best, and honestly, you both deserve the best. ❤❤❤❤❤
Yes, this will be a thing now. Some of my fics will be dedicated to my friends, family, or even the fans like me, who are writing this. 😆🥺 So, without further ado, enjoy this fic. Hopefully it isn't too cringey.
Steve Rogers x civilian!Reader
Requested: Yes
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WARNINGS: None really... No mention of Y/n, Steve is a big softie, Y/n is kind of sad for most of the fic, food(?), feelings of loneliness...
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I'm using this gif, because it's the one with my most favorite button-up, that Steve wears in the entire MCU. Feel free to comment what's your most favorite Steve casual wear in the entire MCU.
*Y/F/C/D = Your Favorite Cold Drink
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The clock continued to tic the hours away, as you laid on your bed. Trying to will it to move faster, and end the long day. Time always seemed slow during the tough days. Even longer lately, what with Steve being out on seemingly endless weeks of missions.
You really couldn’t complain, considering that that is his job. And it was all for the good of the future. Your future, together. Steve has been open about building a safe and happy future. And being able to secure it, one bad guy at a time.
You chuckle at the thought. Remembering the night Steve said those very words to you...
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You had called an hour before, needing to vent. Your work day was one of the worst you’ve had in a while, and Steve, hearing the frustration, and weariness in your voice, took it upon himself to try and make it better. He arranged the pillows to frame your bed, pulled the curtains closed, put the lamp on its dimmest setting, grabbed the comfiest blankets, and made a little love nest for you two love birds.
He nervously looked over every little detail. Fluffing up the pillows, smoothing down the bed sheets, pulling at the curtains, double and triple checking everything. Luckily, you announcing your arrival, broke his intense focus.
Steve rushed off. Tripping and stumbling on his own feet, regaining balance, and taking another look around, before stumbling once more, and finally hopping down to you. Not that you were having any of it. Immediately assuming that Steve had prepared something romantically sexy. Which, in Steve’s opinion, was sweet but nothing romantically sexy about his plans.
But at Steve’s insistence, and puppy dog eyes, you were, albeit begrudgingly on your part, lead upstairs to your converted room.
“You sounded so sad on the phone earlier, I wanted to do something special. Try and make your day a little bit better.”
You smiled as tears slowly filled your eyes. Jumping into Steve’s arms, as he picks you up, and puts you on the bed, to rid you of your work clothes. Slipping you into your favorite button-up of his.
You’d stay in the love nest for hours. Snuggled into the love of your life, except for the few times, he’d get up to get food and water. Insisting that he should get them, not wanting you to get up and leave your little bubble.
Few minutes into your meal of a shared bowl of chocolate covered fruits, Steve’s phone rang. Causing him to step out, to answer it. Not coming back until a few minutes later. His expression crestfallen, but trying his best to keep up a mask of happiness so as to not drag your already down mood. Ofcouse,you knew him well.
“They’re calling you away on another mission?” You asked, after a few minutes of silence.
“Yes. But it’s a necessary evil, if I want to build our future.” Steve sighed, giving you a weary smile.
“And I do want to build it, one bad guy at a time.” He continued, taking both of your hands in his.
“Are you proposing to me right now, Rogers?” You laughed.
“Believe me, Doll. When I propose, you’ll know...” Steve smiled.
“Well, until then, I’ll take a few of your shirts. But even after you ask, you might never get them back.” You declared teasingly, grabbing a strawberry and running off, as Steve gave chase.
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You sigh and get up out of bed, deciding to go down to your living room to watch a rom-com with your over-sized stuffed bear. But not before grabbing your favorite button-up shirt, that Steve left at the foot of your bed just before he drove off to the compound for his mission, a few days ago. You pressed it to your nose, inhaling the comforting scent of aftershave and wood, something that was uniquely Steve. And changed into it, buttoning up most of it, and leaving some undone.
You made your way down the stairs and into your kitchen, grabbing some leftovers stored in tupperwares, in your fridge, and preparing to heat them in your microwave. You stepped into your living room, turning on the TV. and arranging the throw pillows, blanket, and your bear, so that your couch has prime comfiness, all before the microwave dinged to signal that your dinner is warm.
You quickly grabbed it, utensils, and Y/F/C/D from the kitchen, carefully carrying them in your arms, and using your elbow to turn off the light in your kitchen. Leaving your living room lamp, and your TV as your only remaining light source. Creating some sort of ambiance that allowed for optimal comfort once you wrapped your shoulders in your blanket, placed your bear on your lap, and pressed play on your movie, before grabbing your food and settling in for the night.
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A few hours later, the roar of a Harley can be heard in the distance. A bit toned down, due to Steve knowing that most, if not all of the residents of his neighborhood were soundly and safely tucked in their beds.
The mission was shorter than expected, and for that he silently thanked God. Because he was able to come home to the woman he loved sooner than anticipated, and will be able to surprise her with the best gift he could ever give her. Him.
He shut off the engine, as soon as he arrived and parked on the driveway. Removing his helmet, grabbing his things that he had strapped to the back of his motorcycle, and grabbing his keys to unlock the front door.
The first thing he noticed was the TV was on (hard not to when he noticed the dim glow coming from the living room). The one thing he didn’t expect as he was reaching for the remote was the sight of you holding your bear, the very over-sized bear that he had won for you at the Fair last month, close to you, one of your cozy blankets draped over your shoulders, and the collar of his button-up peaking from under the blanket.
He chuckled at the adorable sight, but sighed softly. Knowing you well enough, that you had a rough day, just by needing any semblance of him near, and needing every aspect of your cozy cocoon in order to feel better. He knew what was needed, and it was something he definitely needed for himself too.
And so, he put his bag and shield down to the side of the recliner to the right of the TV, out of the way, so that none of you would trip on it the next morning. Removed his leather jacket, and placed it on the arm of the couch by your feet, before kneeling down by you, to get on the proper position to be able to pick you up, and carry you bridal style. Hopefully without fully rousing you from your sleep.
You were half awake as Steve slowly made his way up the stairs, to your shared room. The blanket still wrapped around your body, essentially wrapping you up in a burrito. You felt the need to find more warmth and comfort from the solid wall of muscle that you were resting against. And so snuggled needily into it, much to Steve’s amusement.
And that is why he decided to remove his shoes, before going into bed with you a minute later. Not wanting you to spend even a minute without your human teddy bear. He could change and take a shower in the morning, he just knew you both needed the other near.
“I’ve got you, Doll... And I’m not going anywhere...”
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a/n: Hope y'all enjoyed it. I'm kind of nervous uploading this, and I'm also worried that it's cringey. Love y'all, Bookies! Stay sane, especially with things coming up in the Fandom soon.
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kittyt-hexxed · 2 years
Book Two of Hexed - The Fury of Zaun (Vi x POC!Reader) - Ch.17
Next Upload Date: January 22nd
Act 2: Chapter Seventeen - Smoke on the Water
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Word Count: 7.5k
Warnings: Explosions, Murder, Beating Up someone for Revenge, Blood, Bruises, Tying someone up, Dying Teenager, Family Reunions
Summary: The first place to suffer Zaun’s wrath is the one place that No Zaunite should be. Vi struggles to come to terms with her upcoming life changes, and gets an interesting surprise. And, the Undercity may be a tough place but not everyone living there is heartless.
Author Note: Only one chapter instead of two because I’m very sick. But, hopefully your holidays are better than mine! I’m sending love to anyone who may not being having a happy one.
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The atmosphere for tonight seems fitting for what’s about to happen. Lightning strikes the air while thick, black clouds block the moonlight from showing through. It was also rapidly cooling down with winter approaching, so there was a deep chill out on the water. You knew that Janna was angry from what she heard, and it seems like even she was joining the mission. Huge waves were hitting the island Stillwater was on and you pitied any ships out on the water. They’d be begging for Janna’s mercy.
“That’s the target.” Heather puts a hand on her hip, “That stupid old rock.”
“You ready to have some real fun, Magpie?” You smirk underneath your mask, nudging her, “With no more shimmer refineries and Silco goons to beat up, you must be bored.”
“Definitely.” Heather giggles, “I know everyone else is feeling the same way. Being able to get back into the action is exciting.” She motions to the group waiting for Ekko’s cue. They’re all talking and moving around with jitters. The Firelights and Furies were teaming up to do this takedown properly since your brother was very good with time. He demanded to come with you, and you had planned on dragging him along anyway. But, it was nice to have him with you on his own. Your friends in the Firelights all requested to join, and who were you to tell them no?
“Fishbones can’t wait to make that building go BOOM!” Jinx laughs, skipping over to you, “I definitely feel the same way! What about you, My Lady?” She throws her arms around you.
“I can’t wait to watch it crumble into the sea.” You smile darkly.
“I’m feeling good about this. We’ve got twenty minutes before the next ship is due to pass the building.” Ekko looks up from his watch, “It’s time to start.” The group's energy immediately sparks up, excited muttering filling the air as you all approach the edge of the Sun Gate. This was the first official act to prepare for the war. People who’ve been locked up unjustly will be getting their freedom and the Hold will be no more.
“Would you like to do the honors, Owl?” You ask your brother.
“Lady Janna, please bring in the fog so we may approach undercover.” Ekko requests. A harsh wind kicks up as a thick fog glides in over the water. Your visibility of the place disappears as the fog becomes as thick as The Gray. No Enforcers on patrol will be able to see you coming. You snap your fingers and a little blue light appears in front of everyone. You had already told them about the plan, but you’ll remind them on the way in. That way everyone has it fresh in their minds.
“Five seconds.” Ekko holds his stopwatch, “Four, three, two, one. GO!” You launch yourself off the edge of the Gate, picking up momentum from the fall, before the chemtech kicks in. You rocket forward into the fog, losing visibility except for the lights that everyone is following. You could feel your anger bubbling beneath your skin ready to burst forth, and the loud screeching of the wings felt like it was expressing your feelings for you. The cry of death Jinx so lovingly calls it.
“Remember, there are forty floors. Take control of the alarm room. Then, we’ll move through the building and kill every Enforcer in sight. Once the people are evacuated from your floor, plant the explosives and continue forward. As long as you keep the time in mind, you should be done in time.” You explain the plan once more, getting confirmation calls back.
“It’s night so all of the inmates are sleeping in their cells.” Heather continues, “Kill the ones that need to be killed first, then wake the others. You must give the all-clear for your floors.”
“I’ll be blowing that baby sky-high once I’m given the all-clear! So, you better make sure your butts are out of there by the end of the twenty minutes if you don’t want to end up in pieces!” Jinx laughs. You see the building coming into view so you straighten up, the wings folding in before your feet hit the ground and you duck into a roll. You spring up onto your feet and you’re sprinting to the large doors with Sevika and Jinx in front of you. They smirk at each other, Jinx’s eyes flashing pink as they whip her Chompers out and yank the pins out with their teeth. ‘The two of them have been bonding very well.’ You think in amusement. The chompers go flying and you signal a warning for the impending explosions, but don’t stop running. Multicolored smoke fills the air as the doors are blown off their hinges, not built to withstand the corrosive chemicals Jinx used in these bombs.
Surprised exclamations come from inside and you use the smoke screen to your advantage. An unsuspecting Enforcer gets his throat sliced with your fans as you dash past him. The others would be taking care of the ones on this level so you didn’t bother going out of your way to take any down. If they were on the way to your destination, then you gleefully sliced into them. Your personal target is the Warden, a man Vi and Caitlyn had told you about when they first arrived at the Grotto. You whistle to get Jinx’s attention and she follows you down the hall to the Warden’s sleeping quarters. More Enforcers are sliced or shot to death, except for the one Jinx stuck a Chomper on. The two of you pause outside his door, listening to see if the commotion had woken him up. The sound of snoring is the only thing you hear and you motion to the door with your head. Jinx smirks, taking a few steps back before lifting her leg and kicking the door in.
“What the fuck?!” The Warden shouts in alarm, scrambling out of his bed in a deliriously tired state.
“Surprise!” You hear Jinx cackle as she rushes toward him with a bundle of rope in her hands. You observe the room as the Warden fights to get Jinx away from him. A pile of letters sits on the desk and you take the time to go through them, raising an eyebrow at some of the illegal correspondence. ‘Is this stuff you can use against Piltover?’ Umbra questions curiously. ‘It should be. Only the Warden has access to this room. This would be where he’d hide the things he doesn’t want anyone to see.’ You drop those letters into a rift and something in the corner of your eyes catches your attention. The silver figure at the top had been glinting in the light coming in from the hallway. ‘This is his staff.’ You casually pick it up, rolling it in your hand and noting that the top of it matches some old marks on Vi’s body. A growl leaves your lips and you whirl around to face the Warden.
“Hello, Warden.” You take slow, measured steps toward him, “A lovely night, isn’t it? The perfect night to blow up a building.” Jinx had tied him up quite skillfully, making sure he couldn’t move any part but his head. You were itching to drive your fans into his stomach but you couldn’t. He wasn’t going to die by your hands.
“Who are you?! How’d you get in here?!” He shouts, struggling in his restraints, “Take off those stupid masks!”
“We’re no one special.” You shrug, resting the end of the staff against his chest, “Well, actually… we’re the nightmares that will torture you for the rest of your short life. You see, we’re here on behalf of a friend. You’ve made a very bad decision, Warden. We’d like to have a chat with you.” You tap the staff against his chest, taking a step back and handing it to Jinx. She had begged to be involved in this. You had said no at first, too blinded by your rage to realize that it would only make sense for her to do it. That changed after you calmed down and you decided to give her the first go.
“Don’t cha worry, this’ll only hurt ya a lot, toots!” Jinx chirps darkly, letting go of the death grip she had on her mind, “This is for my sister!” She snarls and brings the metal end of the staff down on him. You lean against the wall and watch as Jinx hits him. The occasional call from the others comes in through the comms and you keep track of the progress. It seems like everyone is doing really well and you’re not needed for any assistance. Five minutes pass before you call Jinx, and she has to force herself to stop. Her hands tremble with the staff clutched so tightly you’re surprised it hasn’t snapped.
“Can I cut in, Crow?” You hold your hand out for the staff and she gives it to you after a pause.
“Be my guest.” Jinx hums, “He’s still conscious.” You stare at him, hearing Vi's words repeat over and over in your head. You were going to make sure it hurt him to even breathe. With an angry yell, you slam it into his ribs. Your mind went hazy as you repeatedly hit him, knowing that he had caused your love so much pain. Umbra had to warn you to stop right as Jinx grabbed your wrist. The Warden was barely conscious at this point, face swollen and bloody, as you angrily took ragged breaths.
“Ten-minute warning!” Ekko’s voice sounds, “You should be starting your final floor now!”
“He deserves what’s coming to him.” Jinx hisses, “Letting him live is not a mercy.” You nod in agreement, too upset to say anything as the two of you grab him and push him into a rift. You knew that she wanted to kill him as much as you did, but that would allow him to get away with what he’s done. And, as angry as you were, neither of you could allow that.
“Every second of it.” You agree, finally finding your voice, “I’m going to start rigging the floor. You’ve got this, Crow?” You put a hand on her shoulder.
“I’d rather do this alone.” She looks at you, cracking her knuckles, “I want to get artistic with it.”
“Have fun.” You chuckle, watching her step into the rift, “See ya in ten for the grand finale!” You call right before it closes. You hum to yourself trying to ease the tumultuous mix of anger and glee that was in you. You carefully place the bombs in place, making sure to stick them in the weak points of the structure. Chrissy had given you a copy of the blueprints for Stillwater Hold a week ago. Thanks to Zara breaking it down and explaining it properly, everyone knows where all of the support beams are for each floor. This place was going to crumble like a piece of wet paper and you were looking forward to it.
Time passed a lot faster than you thought it would and soon the official all-clear came through. You knew they would be moving away from the building so you continued where you were going. Instead of using a rift, you took the elevator down, watching as the counter rolled up to forty. You take a deep breath as the gate opens and you walk down the hallway, taking in the line painted on the floor. You pause in front of the last cell and hold your hand out, the metal of the bars warps and bends, ripping open to give you a view of the inside.
“Solitary?” You pause in the middle of braiding her hair.
“Yeah. The cell is on the bottom floor. Forty. I was in there more than my original cell, so it ended up being my assigned place in solitary. They even carved my inmate number into the bars.” Vi chuckles, leaning her head back to look up at you, “One of the walls has a dent in it because I was always punching it. There are doodles in the concrete after that one time I managed to sneak a pen down there… then, there are the bloodstains…” She sighs.
Your hands tremble as your firelight illuminates the cell, showing everything Vi mentioned to you. You swallow hard, crouching down at a large bloodstain in the cement, and run your fingertips over it. A sharp gasp leaves your lips as a wave of pain and grief washes over you. The sound of Vi’s scream rattles in your ears and you fall over in shock. You grit your teeth and your fists clench so tightly that you think you might break your fingers. You stand up and place the last of your bombs right in the middle of the room.
‘The rage you’re feeling right now would be enough to ignite these bombs.’ Umbra says dryly. You chuckle, feeling anything but amused as you step out of the cell and straight into a rift. She was right. All you can feel right now is rage. You knew what Vi was talking about was horrible, but to see it? To see the cell that she spent the majority of the last six years in? To feel the emotions stuck to the room like a bad odor. ‘I’m going to burn Piltover to the ground.’ You growl. You drop through the sky, seeing the glow of the other wings hanging around a safe distance from Stillwater. Your wings activate, slowly descending until you’re in line with the others and you greet them.
“My surveillance is done.” You say to Jinx who does a little dance.
“Alright, everyone! You have ten seconds!” Jinx shouts, slamming her hand down on a glowing button, “Get ready for the fireworks!” She throws her arms up. Not even a second later, there’s a loud boom and the building gets blown apart. You all shout in joy as more explosions sound and then the fireworks go off in the sky to signify the war starting. Various colors of smoke fill the air and you watch as Stillwater Hold crumbles into the ground.
“Piltover will no longer be able to imprison our people.” Sevika says and even though her voice modifier makes her sound emotionless, you all knew how liberating this felt. Zaun was able to handle its own. Always has been. The fact that Piltover didn’t allow that and shoehorned everyone into Stillwater Prison regardless of a petty crime or not was disgusting. With the Dredge being cleared through, there’d be more than enough space for any new residents.
“I used to wish I could use my winds to knock it down. I couldn’t. Not with Zaunites inside.” Janna’s voice sounds out around you, “Thank you for freeing our people from Piltover’s grasp. I can now breathe a little easier.”
“This is only the beginning.” You say, watching the smoke mix in a beautiful display of anarchy, “We’re going to do what they did to us. Put them in a hole they can’t get out of without our help.”
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The current weather is perfectly describing the way Vi is feeling. A harsh wind is blowing, whistling through the breezeway of the Sun Gate, and complimenting the crashing waves. Vi had seated herself on the railing with her back to the support and let her legs dangle over each side as she watched the water. Cassandra had her sit down yesterday and create a schedule that included etiquette lessons, her Enforcer duties, and meetings with the Council. Vi hadn’t said much, not wanting her mouth to get her in trouble. Then she’d be stuck with more etiquette lessons and it would've been more trouble than it was worth. After that, Vi went up to her room and thought through everything that happened with Y/n. There was something that was bothering her, but she couldn’t place her finger on it. She was angry and upset, but it didn’t feel like it was entirely her emotions.
“Hey, Vi!” Kevin comes over, waving enthusiastically, “I didn’t expect to see you out here this late at night! Are you in the doghouse with the Sheriff?” She frowns slightly, not really in the mood to talk but the kid was always nice to her despite her prickly demeanor. He liked to hang around her when he knew she was on duty, and she never questioned why.
“No, I came out here on my own. I find it easier to think during this time, and I didn’t want to go to sleep.” Vi shrugs, “So, here I am.”
“You know, that’s why I prefer the night shift. Nothing really happens at night, and it’s just a time I can enjoy the relatively quiet evening.” He leans against the support across from her, “The other Enforcers like that they can just goof around with each other.”
“Yeah. The past few nights I’ve been out here, I’ve overheard them cracking jokes and playing some stupid game.” Vi glances down the breezeway, seeing vacant spots where the others are supposed to be, “You all seem content.” Kevin lets out a heavy sigh that catches Vi’s attention. The guy was always very cheerful around her. It was unusual to hear him be so upset.
“Sometimes I think being an Enforcer is too easy for what we’re supposed to be doing.” He raps his knuckles against the railing, clearly agitated. ‘I guess I’m not the only one in a contemplative mood.’ Vi observes him as he fidgets. The Enforcers were too relaxed around her since she was supposed to be in Caitlyn’s pocket. She found it interesting, considering the fact that a vast majority of people in Zaun are terrified of her. ‘Piltovens don’t know when they’re in danger, do they?’
“And what’s that?” Vi spits, glaring out at the distant figure of Stillwater Hold in the distance. She wished that building would disappear. Every time she was forced to patrol this gate, it taunted her about all of her failures. The marks on her body from that place could fade, but the painful memories wouldn’t.
“Maintaining the order and safety of the people, enforcing the laws, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities.” Comes his robotic answer, “But… there’s been nothing since I joined. You’d think there’d be issues in the night but there’s nothing.”
“You want there to be conflict?” Vi narrows her eyes at him.
“No, but it’s so annoying seeing the others act like it’s not even a job. They do whatever they want and don’t even patrol or do their other assignments. I just wish there was something that made them realize it’s not some cushy free time.”
“Careful what you wish for.” Vi snorts, watching as thick fog rolls in and hides Stillwater from her vision, “You never know if that one is the one to come true.” A loud, eerie screeching noise fills the air that makes Vi’s adrenaline spike. She snaps into awareness, looking around her for the source of the sound but she can’t see anything. ‘The fog is too thick. All I can see is the damned light coming from the Hold.’ She scoffs but her body doesn’t relax. There could be a threat out here and without being able to see it makes her extremely uncomfortable.
“What the fuck was that?!” Kevin shouts and Vi shushes him. She listens intently, trying to find out if she can hear something else or if that noise repeats itself. The crashing of the waves and occasional lightning strike is all her ears can pick up. ‘That’s unsettling.’ Vi frowns. ‘I haven’t heard anything like that before. Maybe it’s a bird call?’
“Whatever it was, it’s gone now.” Vi shrugs, “So, you were complaining?”
“I’m not complaining. I’m just frustrated.” Kevin huffs, turning to look at her, “Besides, what made you join the Enforcers? Someone mentioned you’re supposed to be helping with the Jinx problem, but you’re never with the squads that go into Zaun.” Vi bites her tongue to keep herself from snapping at him. ‘He doesn’t know that he’s talking about my sister. Relax, Vi. Don’t let your temper get the better of you.’ She takes a deep breath and looks back out to the fog.
“Sorry, kid. That’s something way above your rank.” Vi snorts at the irony of her words, “But if you must know, I’m here to protect someone. Not for any heroic shit or whatnot.”
“From Jinx?” Kevin presses.
“Keep asking questions and we’ll find out how long it takes before you hit the water.” Vi says dully and Kevin’s jaw drops. They fall into silence for a while and Vi didn’t care that he was there as long as he was quiet. Her mind wanders to the conversation she had with Tobias in the evening. He made it a point to bring her a cup of coffee when he didn’t see her in the library. The first time he did it, he asked that she keep it a secret because he wasn’t supposed to be drinking coffee. It gave him too much energy. It has slowly become something she looked forward to, especially when she found out that his favorite brand was her mother’s favorite. Vi had cried when she realized it, the loss of her mother stinging harder now that she needed a nurturing hand. Yesterday evening, he told her how he had come to appreciate her presence. It made him feel less lonely, and he had earnestly told her that her sister was more than welcome to stay with them. Vi didn’t know how to take it. He had no clue who he was inviting over, but his words were genuine. That was an appalling thing to Vi. Tobias was so kind and Cassandra was… not. She couldn’t wrap her head around it.
An explosion sounds, jolting Vi out of her thoughts and she nearly falls onto the breezeway with how fast she jumps up onto the railing. The fog had been thinned out by whatever exploded and was rapidly fading away as more explosions went off. They were clearly at a distance from how muted it was, but the fact that she can hear it meant it was a big one. It wasn’t long before the fog had given away to show her a view of the bay and Stillwater Hold. Or, where Stillwater used to be. The bright light that used to be there was gone and although it was nighttime, she was supposed to be able to see the building clearly from the Sun Gate. It wasn’t there.
“HOLY SHIT! SOUND THE ALARM!” Kevin screams and Vi can hear him running to the others, “STILLWATER HAS BEEN BLOWN UP! GUYS! GUYS!”
Vi is frozen where she is. Multicolored smoke rises into the night sky in a mixture of yellow, green, pink, and blue. It was so vibrant it was hard to miss, especially as fireworks burst in a silent display. ‘The prison is… gone.’ She thinks in disbelief. The colored smoke could only point to the one person she knew that used it. ‘Powder… What have you… Why would you…?’ Vi’s feet carry her down and away from the railing in her haze. She starts running, sprinting down the breezeway, down the stairs, and towards the launch point that was used for Stillwater. Her gaze kept leading back to the smoke in the sky whenever she could see it. It was like a message from her sister. But why?
Vi stops suddenly when she reaches the launch point. She can clearly see the smoke in the distance, undeniable proof that it’s coming from Stillwater. But, on the end of the dock is a sight she never expected to see. A group of Enforcers is standing there in shock as they gaze up at the Warden of Stillwater, tied up and dangling from some poles. She slowly moves closer, taking note of the familiar oil pastel doodles that depict the man as a monster. Words were written all around, calling out the man as corrupt and an abuser of power. Vi can feel too many emotions flood her body, forcing her to sink her nails into the palm of her hand to ground herself. Seeing the man who abused her like this, who allowed others to beat her until she was unconscious… she was completely and utterly gleeful about it.
She chuckles as she stops at the front of the crowd, her lips twisting into a feral smirk. A flash of white in the corner of her eye has her turning to see a piece of paper falling toward her. She almost wrote it off as trash before she remembered that it’s not common in Piltover. Vi catches it and sees her Hellhound symbol on the front which prompts her to open it. ‘To my slug-eating crab, I hope you like this gift!’ Her heart constricts in her chest and she hurriedly stuffs it into her pocket before anyone notices. ‘I’ll finish reading this when I get somewhere private.’
“Yeah, I’ll leave this one to you guys…” Vi laughs, backing away from her little sister’s masterpiece, “That’s some amazing rigging work though. So, good luck getting him down!” She waves and starts walking back up the dock. None of them even acknowledge her, too appalled by the sight to do more than stare. Vi can hear shouting and the pounding of boots as more Enforcers rush this way. ‘Did she… blow up Stillwater for… me?’ Vi thinks in surprise, glancing at the pocket the note was shoved into. ‘There’s only one way to find out.’
“Vi!” Caitlyn’s voice makes her stop in her tracks. Vi sighs heavily, not wanting Caitlyn to ruin the joyous mood she’s in, before plastering a smile on her face. She whirls around to see Caitlyn marching over to her with a sight frown on her face. The normally put-together woman was hurriedly tying her hair up, most likely woken up by the news. Vi was impressed with how quickly she made it down here, considering she’d have to run all the way from her mansion.
“Cupcake!” Vi says cheerfully, “What can I do for you?” Caitlyn grabs Vi by her bicep and yanks her onto a secluded area of the docks.
“If you wanted to kiss me in private, you could have just asked.” Vi teases her, making Caitlyn quickly let her arm go.
“We need to chat.” Caitlyn says sternly, crossing her hands over her chest. Vi’s hand twitches slightly before an amused smile flicks onto her face. That was another word that had a different meaning in Zaun than in Piltover.
“You don’t have the hands for stabbing.” Vi pats her shoulder in fake sympathy.
“...What?” Caitlyn’s voice goes up in pitch as her face twists in confusion.
“No worries, I won’t get in your way.” Vi puts her hands up in surrender and slowly backs away, “I’ll see you when the boats get here, Cupcake!” She hurriedly walks away as Caitlyn shouts out her name. By this point, she should understand Vi’s tactics to get away from her, but it continued to work every time. ‘Sorry, Cait, but I have a note from my sister to read before we go to see the damage done. Normally I wouldn’t want to go back there, but… Powder did this.’ Vi finds a quiet area and gets comfortable, tugging the note from her pocket. Her Hellhound symbol was something she hadn’t seen in a long time. The sight of the demon dog made something in her ache.
To my slug-eating crab, I hope you like this gift! We weren’t going to do it so soon, but you know how convincing anger can be! Don’t worry, no innocent people were harmed in the explosion. But, are you proud of me?! It’s my biggest BOOM, yet! Hahaha! This is my way of telling you that… no monster is going to get you as long as I’m here. That’s my job! With Love, Your Slug Monster!
Vi flinches when a tear hits the paper. She hurriedly wipes her tears away, but more start falling as she does. The few times she’s seen her sister since being released from Stillwater Hold have been… not so great. To see that Powder still cares about her after everything that has happened is some good news she desperately needed.
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The sound of laughter and happy chatter greets you and your team as you approach the Temple. A group of children is playing with a bouncy ball out front while some acolytes watch them and talk. After blowing up Stillwater Hold, your group broke apart and got to work. Half went back to Zaun to talk with the people freed from the Hold and the others waited for the ships to come in. You had returned to Zaun and addressed the people you freed. You were direct about why they had been released but told them that they had a choice. They could remain in Zaun and prepare for war or they could leave for another country. They all chose to stay. Fue had come back in high spirits, rambling about how fun the raids were. It was challenging yet fun to sneak around the Enforcers out on the water. Landon had remained as a lookout - making you feel nostalgic about that role - while everyone else rushed the ships. The haul this time around was much greater than the last and everyone was feeling very proud of it.
“Lady Hexxit! Ekko!” One of the acolytes grins widely when she sees you, “Welcome to the Temple!” The children gasp when they realize who you are and excitedly run over to greet you. You laugh, place your box on the ground, and crouch down to hug the children. They zip around, giving hugs to everyone and asking what you’ve brought them this time. It warmed your heart to hear them cheer when Ekko said it was more food and clothes.
“Good morning.” You greet the acolytes as the children run back to their games, “We’re here to drop off some gifts. Is the Priestess in today?”
“Yes, she’s in the middle of a blessing so please be respectful if you’d like to go in during this time.” Another acolyte responds, “Lady Janna has granted us her presence as well.”
“We will be respectful, as always. Thank you, ladies.” You nod your head and they bow, opening the doors with welcoming smiles. You’re immediately greeted by another acolyte who leads your group through the temple. Although this wasn’t your first time coming through, this was just how they treated their guests. No guest was to feel unwelcomed as long as they weren’t there to cause harm. You’re being led past the blessing chamber when you pause by the door. Laying across an altar table is a teenager no older than sixteen, dozens of black candles surrounding him as the Priestess waves her staff over him. Off to the side is Janna, her staff clenched in her hand as a frown darkens her face.
“He has Lung Blight.” The acolyte says softly, “He’s an orphan we’ve been looking after. Parents died of the same sickness recently. Lady Janna tries to guide the air through his lungs, but they are weak and failing him.”
“Just like Ty.” Heather mutters. You glance behind you to see everyone gazing into the chamber with sad expressions. People were still dying, and although you were making progress on cleaning the air, it felt like it was going too slow.
“He doesn’t have long left, I’m afraid. This blessing is for his safe passage into the afterlife.” The acolyte sighs, shaking his head, “It never gets easy.”
“Could you save him?” Jinx steps forward, nudging you, “You brought me back to life. Maybe you can… heal his lungs?” She questions.
“I-I don’t know. I don’t even know how I brought you back, flower. I don’t know if I can heal him.” You frown and turn back to the sight. You gasp softly when Janna suddenly appears in front of you, grabbing your wrist with a pleading gaze.
“Please, my sweet breeze. Please, try to save him. I cannot watch another one of my people die.” Janna begs you, her eyes shining with unshed tears.
“Lady Janna, I-”
“I shall assist you with my magic. Please. I witnessed you bring Jinx back to life. I believe that you can do this.” Janna says passionately, making your heart clench.
“Okay. I’ll give it a try.” You nod. With those words, Sevika takes your box and Janna leads you into the chamber. The Priestess looks up, giving you a curious look and you give her a soft smile. You can hear the boy’s raspy breathing as you get closer and it makes your heart clench with sadness. The memories of Ty flash into your mind.
“Hello there.” You greet him, his eyes widening when he sees you, “I may be able to help you breathe again, but I will only attempt to do so with your permission.”
“H-How- can you- do- that?” He struggles to speak.
“I have magic.” You whisper, letting a flame flicker to life at your fingertips, “Do you wish to have a chance at life once more? I can’t guarantee you won’t get sick again, but-”
“Yes!” He gasps out, grabbing your hand, “Pl- ease!” You squeeze his hand and nod.
“You don’t mind, Priestess?” You double-check with her.
“Please.” She motions to the teenager, “Do whatever you can.” Janna walks around to the other side of the altar and grabs your other hand. There’s a quiet understanding between the two of you as she places her hand on his chest.
“Close your eyes and do your best to relax.” You instruct him. He stares at you for a moment before closing his eyes and allowing his body to relax. You take a deep breath and allow your eyes to slip shut as well. ‘Dig deep, Y/n. You’ve got this. You can do this. Whatever you did before… do it again.’ You feel your mind sink deeper, focusing on your heartbeat and then the feeling of their hands in yours. A cool energy washes over you from your left hand, like a refreshing breeze on a hot day. It travels through you and feeds your magic, soothing it and allowing you to focus on pushing it into the teenager. Another wave of energy flows into you, making you gasp as it burns your nerves like electricity. You’ve got this. Somewhere deep inside of you recognizes it as the Arcane. As your magic enters his body, an image of it appears in your mind and you can see that his lungs are almost dead. A stream of your magic fills his lungs and you watch in awe as it begins to heal the damage. Your eyes flutter open, the low candlelight stinging your eyes for a moment before you gaze at the boy. His chest was rising steadily with no signs of a struggle and you realize that he is asleep.
“You did it!” The Priestess gasps, her hands flying up to her mouth. Janna grins widely, appearing next to you and sweeping you into a tight hug. You can hear the others cheering in the background as your mind starts to process what you did. ‘I did it… I… did it.’ You feel tears sting your eyes as Janna puts you down. ‘Thank you for your belief in me.’ You think, hoping the Arcane heard you. You glance at your friends, catching sight of your guest nervously fidgeting in the back. ‘Right, one last thing before we start sorting through the supplies.’ You hold your hand out towards the group and beckon the man forward. His eyes widen as the group steps aside for him, revealing him to the other women in the room.
“Dad?” You hear the Priestess whisper in disbelief.
“Marigold...” The old man breathes out, walking into the chamber in awe, “Look at you… you’re- you’ve… grown.”
“Dad!” The Priestess shouts, running forward to embrace her father, “But, how are you here? Y-You were sent to Stillwater for life!” She wipes her tears away, glancing around the area at all of you. A wide grin crosses your face as the others do the same, happy to reunite the loving woman with her only parent. She shared her heartbreaking story about her father working hard to raise her on his own when she had gotten into some trouble. At the time, she wasn’t a fighter but her friends had begged her to join them as a scout in case something went wrong. They were jumped early in the morning by a group of Pilties who had thought it would be fun to rough up some Zaunites. She pleaded with them that she didn’t want to fight, but they didn’t care. Her father had saved their lives, but it ended with him being sent away to Stillwater for the crippling injuries he gave the Piltoven teenagers.
“Your friends surprised us in the middle of the night, telling us that they were freeing us and the dead Enforcers were quite convincing.” He chuckles.
“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have snuck out that night-!”
“-Don’t apologize. I’m your father. I would do it all over again if it meant that you survived to see another day.” He shakes his head, “I’m here now, and I’d love to hear about how you got into such a prestigious position.”
“Of course!” She nods, then turns to you, “Thank you. Thank you for bringing my father home. I-I could never repay you for this.”
“How about helping us distribute more food and clothing?” You smile sweetly, “There’s suddenly more people who will need assistance.”
“Let’s get to work then.” She nods. You all leave the room while some acolytes tend to the teenager. You were still in shock that you managed to do that. Both times you’ve done magic like that you were either guided or in a very distressed state. You had thought those two times might’ve been a stroke of luck or even something you couldn’t do on your own. You even tried to redo something like that when Auvern had broken her wrist, but nothing happened. To know that you can still do it brings you some relief.
After a few hours of work, Ekko grabs you and the two of you change before heading up to Piltover. You had quietly discussed the progress on cleaning up the pollution in the Undercity and learned that they had run into a snag with the systems they were trying to create. With the two of you being so busy with other projects, there was no way you’d be able to assist with it. That’s when Zara suggested approaching Viktor and Sky once more. They hadn’t taken you up on your invitation to live at the Grotto or the Rapids, but you continuously kept in touch. You planned to go and see them in their lab today as Y/n and Ekko Pyre as a way to have free access to them… without scaring them every time.
So, you and your brother went for a stroll through Piltover. There was a bit of an issue getting into the city since Enforcers were guarding the entrance, but you got through without killing anyone. The IDs your uncle had given you proved extremely useful in that circumstance. You and Ekko tried hard not to smile when you heard people talking about the tragic explosion of Stillwater Hold. You hadn’t heard anyone mention Jinx’s name, so you assume that they were still keeping her a secret from the citizens. Their excuse for the explosion at the Councilor’s Building was that an experimental device had gone wrong. You found it ridiculous that the people accepted that, but you had to give credit for the quick thinking. It wasn’t hard to find the location of Jayce and Viktor’s shared lab. Their lab was in the heart of the city, so you picked up some fruit smoothies - then had to fight your brother over getting to drink your OWN - and headed inside.
“Good afternoon!” You’re greeted by Sky whose eyes widen when she looks up from her desk, “Oh! Y/n, Ekko, you’re here!” She gets up from the desk and rushes over to hug you.
“Hey, Sky!” Ekko chuckles, “We’ve brought food and drinks for our hardworking friends.” He lifts the bag which has sandwiches from Molina's, the butcher cafe in Zaun that you knew they loved.
“Thank you.” Sky smiles, accepting the two drinks from you, “Vik’s in his lab, so I can take you there.” She leads you down the hall and into an elevator.
“How are the two of you?” You playfully nudge her, “Any new relationship information we should know?”
“Not yet.” Sky laughs, stepping out of the elevator. The rest of the journey is quiet, as you don’t want to talk about anything too sensitive where it can be heard. Sky knocks on the door to Viktor’s lab and it slides open with a soft woosh. Viktor brightens up when he sees his fiancee and then grins when he sees you and Ekko.
“If it isn’t two of my favorite inventors!” Viktor says happily, accepting the drink from Sky, “Impressive work on Stillwater by the way. I overheard Jayce muttering about how it’s irreparable and I thought he was going to pop a blood vessel.”
“We had some inside help.” Ekko smiles slyly, “Now, we brought some food to eat, so take a break from whatever you’re doing.” He reaches into the bag and tosses a sandwich to him. Viktor catches it, smiling at the sticker on it that said Molina’s when he sees it. The four of you take a seat on the floor away from his work and enjoy a nice lunch. You talk about what happened with Stillwater and the process that you went through. They tell you that no official statement has been reached, but Jayce has been running around all morning. It won’t be long before they’re releasing a detailed statement on what happened.
“So, Viktor. Sky. I wanted to extend another invitation to you two about staying with us in Zaun. We’d love to have you back home, especially because we need someone with your expertise.” You state, tucking your trash back into the paper bag.
“What do you mean you need our expertise?” Viktor furrows his brow.
“We’ve run into a snag with the purification process on a machine being created to assist in cleaning up Zaun. The only person we know who can help is you.” Ekko responds, “We need you.”
“Can I… we… get back to you on that?” Viktor hesitates, sharing a glance with Sky, “We’re trying to get things settled here without causing any issues.”
“Of course. You could just show up at our front door if need be.” You shrug.
“Thank you.” Sky says sincerely, “We really appreciate how welcoming you’ve been.”
“Sky, you’re-” Ekko gets cut off as the door opens. You all look up to see the Man of Progress himself walking into the room. He gives you and your brother a curious look before turning to Viktor.
“The Council needs you to sit in on this meeting about Stillwater.” Jayce says, “And, who are your friends?”
“Jayce, this is Heiress and Heir Pyre. They’re friends of mine that I met a while ago during Progress Day.” Viktor introduces you to him. Jayce’s eyes nearly pop out of his head at that and you can see how fast he’s thinking.
“It’s nice to meet you, Heiress and Heir Pyre.” He reaches out to shake your hands and you begrudgingly do, “Actually, would you like to come to the Council meeting? We could use your expertise and perspective.” You blink in surprise. ‘Did someone talk to him about me? Either way, this is not something I should be passing up.’ You and Ekko share a glance and he nods at you. He signals to you that you should be the one to go while he hangs back to talk with Sky. You nod at him before addressing Jayce.
“If the Council would be okay with that, but my brother has a prior meeting with Sky.” You answer, making Jayce nod.
“Meet me in the lobby in five minutes.” Jayce says before exiting the room.
“Does he talk to you like that all the time?” Ekko questions, appalled.
“Yes.” Viktor and Sky chorus.
“Can I strangle him?” Ekko asks seriously.
“Only after I do it.” Sky huffs, crossing her arms.
“Please don’t strangle him. He, unfortunately, writes my checks.” Viktor sighs, standing up and stretching. You do the same and clean up the mess of the food wrappers on the floor. You weren’t expecting to waltz into a Council meeting but here you were. It looks like your new identity is already getting you into places you’ve never been before.
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aajjks · 10 months
you let him walk away and although your feelings are hurt, you don't chase after him or anything. after a few minutes, you go back inside to bid jungkook's mother goodbye before you and your mother are gone for good. although ji-ae is smiling, jungkook is visibly hurt and it confuses his mother because she thought he would've felt better had he got to hold you one last time. after jungkook's 31st birthday, you don't travel to korea again and remain in your little bubble up north where you're happy and better off without jeon jungkook in your life.
truth is, jungkook wanted you to stay and you know it too but the two of you are better off without each other.
maybe some soulmates are better apart than together and it just so happens that the two of you are that pair that--
*knock* *knock*
"oh, hello yerin. how can i help you?"
"hi, i was coming by to ask if you wanted to sign this card for y/n. her mother passed away"
another four years pass and your mother had unfortunately passed away after fighting a long battle of lupus. one moment you were laughing with her and the next, she was out cold in her sleep. it was you who found her laying there and you've been going through it on your own. yerin doesn't expect jungkook to go up and see you but she knows that your mother was fond of jungkook, so she guessed it would be okay to share the sad news with him except he was at the building and not in his penthouse.
"oh my God! is-is she okay? well, i'm sure she's not okay but how is she holding up?"
"not so good. i'm heading up to switzerland soon but i was hoping you and jungkook could sign this card to send your condolences"
"well, jungkook isn't here but i can sign it for him if that's okay
"sure" says yerin while handing ji-ae the handmade card with a touching message on the front. she signs for both her and jungkook and when she was finished, yerin thanks ji-ae and heads off to catch her flight to you. meanwhile, ji-ae rings jungkook's phone, and after three rings he picks up.
"hi kookie, it's important and it's about y/n. maybe i shouldn't tell you this while you're at work. yeah, i'll tell you when you get home" but jungkook insists his mother tell him the matter with you.
"jungkook...her mother passed away. yerin is giving her a card i signed for you so you don’t have to go up there”
He doesn’t know what to say to his mother, that can’t be true. Your mother- no… eunji was perfectly healthy the last time he saw her.
“M-Ma… how’s yn doing???” He knows that you’re probably very devastated by the loss, Jungkook is at a loss for words himself, his mother is very upset, he can tell by her somber voice but all he cares about right now is you.
He should’ve been with you through this.
“Umm I think we should go to Switzerland and pay our respects to her… a-and I think yn needs us!” He says, no matter what he feels towards you right now, he needs to be with you at such a time of tragedy.
Him and his mother take the next flight and are on their way to see you. All through the flight his mind is stuck on you, Jungkook knows how much you always loved your mother.
And how much you were attached to her, you must be broken, he feels so bad.
Jungkook and Ji-ae are now in Switzerland and as beautiful as it is… it soo feels so… somber. “Did you confirm the address with yerin?” Jungkook and Jiae are on their way to see you.
And his heart is heavy with grief.
His mother nods and after a few hours of the drive, they are right infront of your house. “Mama…. She respects you a lot… I hope your presence will be able to comfort her a bit..” he says, fixing his long coat and he gives a look to his mother.
And then they’re both knocking at your door.
“U-Ummm yn? I-It’s Jungkook.”
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
Obey Me Brothers + Little Affections
AN: Keep thinking about the little things each brother would do to express affection. Some warm fluffy stuff because we all need it. Enjoy!!
The hair drying one on Lucifer’s sparked this entire thing thanks
- Washing and drying your hair. You know if you get your hair washed at a hairdressers and they just. Go to town with a towel drying your hair? He finds it hilarious and loves doing that. You’ll hear him chuckle, unable to see him because your face is covered by the towel. He’s softer towards the end but initially when trying to get most of the excess water his only concern is not actually hurting you. He’s also genuinely trying to help, just having a little fun with it at the same time.
- Continuing on from this, Lucifer will ruffle your hair. If it doesn’t really upset you, he loves to make a mess of it, and he grins at you, your hair sticking out every which way.
- The second his brothers aren’t around, he seems to canonically love holding your hand under the guise of keeping track of you or comforting you. Its partially true - the MC gets into trouble easily, so its good to keep a hand on them. However, the comforting affect goes both ways.
- Sharing information with you implies a close bond (or at the very least, a strong curiosity, like when he hints at where Mammon’s card is / when he talks about the album) and it means Luci cares about you a lot. He likes to talk about his interests and introduce you to things he cares a lot about. A lot of the time this comes in the form of music, because it’s something he’s able to enjoy whilst still doing his work.
- Doing origami or other paper crafts together? Really relaxes him. It’s so peacefully intimate and cosy. You sit together at his desk, work documents hidden out of sight for now, and make whatever you can out of colourful little bits of paper. He likes making flowers, although he’d never say it out loud, but he makes you countless crowns with paper flowers of all different kinds. You walk in one day when he’s taking a break from work and he’s got paper cranes lining the entire length of his desk. He calls you over and puts one on your head for absolutely no reason before acting like it never happened.
- If no one else is around and he’s feeling a bit daft, he’ll sweep you up into his arms with no warning and just hold you like that, staring directly into your eyes with a daring and loving smile on his face. This happens most when it’s late at night and all the coffee he’s had is starting to wear off and he feels a little more relaxed and open. He’ll carry you to his room to cuddle, too, if you don’t have anywhere else you need to be. Just pray none of his brothers encounter you two because he’ll set you down on your feet immediately and he won’t help you up if you fall.
[[Other Brothers under the read more]]
- Fist bumps!!! He passes you and holds his fist out, and pouts if you don’t immediately bump your hand into his. Do the snail or turkey thing once and he falls in love with it. Lucifer, tired and stressed after a lot of work, decides for once to go along with giving him a fist bump because he’s too tired and no one else is around, and Mammon does the snail thing. The look on Luci’s face is worth everything that happened after. But when its you, Mammon just smiles and beams at you. He’s really happy.
- Sitting so close together that you can’t possibly move without disturbing the other. Sides fully pressed together even if he doesn’t have an arm around you or your hand in his. He likes the constant contact, it’s healing. So heavily invested in whatever you’re watching that the two of you simply don’t realise how close you are until the episode ends and you realise you’re leaning your full weight against him and his face is red but he’s smiling so softly you can’t bring yourself to move.
- You’ll have to start the habit, but, tackle hugs. You see him in the distance somewhere and sprint over and tackle him full force. He’ll act mad at first, especially if he trips and falls over or he’d been talking with someone else, but he holds onto you tightly and his face is beautifully flushed. After a while he’ll do it too, although he’s a lot gentler, but if you hear him call your name you need to turn around quickly and hold your arms out. He’ll lift you up into the air and twirl you around once or twice before just, going on with his day as normal. You hear his laughter as he walks away, bright and bubbly and confident, exactly as he should be.
- The absence of insults is important for Mammon. He’ll tolerate it if it’s every now and then but he’ll really notice if you’re always kind to him, he pays attention and holds tightly on to every compliment you give him. When he feels low he finds you and holds you in his arms, fingers playing with the loops in your jeans, as he recites off every nice thing you’ve said to him, hoping you’ll reaffirm them. Did you mean it when you said he was one of the most caring people you’d ever met? When you said his eyes made you feel at home?
- He likes feeding the crows with you. It’s something he does without telling anyone, but one day he takes you out along with him and the crows take a liking to you instantly. He likes how you look with his crows standing proud and confident on your arm, your hair a mess from their flapping wings as you laugh and try to get the last bits of food out from the bag.
- If you style his hair and put random accessories in it - anything from silly plastic hair clips to flowers to feathers - he’ll keep them in all day. He doesn’t care who sees because his MC spent their time doing this for him, and he’s happy to tell anyone who dares criticise him.
- He’s awkward with any affection at first, but he actually builds up to quick tight hugs when he’s really happy. If he’s incredibly excited - just won tickets for something, or some idol liked his comments - expect to be tackled in a hug. He gets flustered after, but if you hold tightly onto him he won’t let go immediately.
- If they even vaguely relate to his own interests, Levi will try hard to be invested in anything you really enjoy. For example, he’ll watch your favourite shows with you or try and read things you enjoy, etc.
- At the same time, Levi will share his interests with you. It’s not something he can really avoid doing as it’s ingrained in him to ramble about his special interests, but it will come in seemingly smaller forms - for example, he’ll hand you his headphones one day, blushing, and ask what you think of this song, or he’ll show you a paragraph in a TSL book that has particularly good rhythm or evokes a lot of emotion. If he lends you his books or DVDs it’s practically a proposal.
- You two have full conversations with Henry as he swims about in his tank. About silly and pointless things or very serious topics, from jokingly scolding him to venting about the future and about school and such. It warms Levi’s heart.
- Horn pats. When he’s in his demon form, pull him down to your level and pat his horns. He’s so flustered he can’t move the first few times, but one day he’ll start coming up to you and asking you if you want to do it. He likes being able to be in his demon form, and likes that you’re comfortable with him even when he doesn’t look as human.
- When he’s very comfortable with you, he likes to wrap you up in surprise hugs and laughs if you try to squirm your way out of his grip, a brilliant mischievous glow in his eyes, any self-consciousness long forgotten.
- I’ve said this before on another post but Satan likes to pet your hair and run his thumbs over your palms, pressing into them gently like he’s touching the pads on the paws of a cat. He traces circles and presses kisses into your palm and over each finger tip and knuckle, like it’s his own form of worship.
- It takes a long time to build up the confidence to do so but I can see him like. Playfully nipping at your skin if he presses light kisses against your shoulders or neck. If it makes you laugh or blush he smiles against your skin.
- If you fall asleep somewhere he’s the first person to go get a blanket to throw over you - he’d rather just let you sleep if you’re somewhere safe instead of disturbing you to lift you elsewhere, and risking waking you up. Occasionally he’ll kneel down beside you and stay there with a book until you wake up, and he’s fallen asleep like that once or twice.
- Just. Talking. Laying down together and going from topic to topic, saying whatever crosses your minds with no filters and no judgement. Letting time pass by with the comfort of the other, laying on your back in the planetarium or library or in his room, wherever there aren’t books piled up. No responsibilities except to listen to the other, and every now and then you laugh and he feels like maybe this could be home.
- Sharing things, whatever it is. Food, clothes, jewellery. Taking a necklace off and putting it on him because “this would go so well with your outfit,” or holding out your fork and telling him to try some of your food, it tastes heavenly. Perfume, as well, is a must - he wants the two of you to smell the same.
- Like Mammon, he likes to have some kind of contact with you at all time - holding hands, an arm across your shoulders, anything. But the main point of contact he truly adores is if he has his hands on the skin of your stomach or back, even in the most innocent way possible. If his arms are around you and you’re comfortable with it, he’ll tuck his hands under your shirt and trace shapes against your hips, stomach, back, lower ribcage. Wherever he can. It’s something he’ll do absentmindedly without everything thinking about it, and it recharges him when he’s low on energy.
- He actually really likes working alongside you, whether it’s school work or something related to a part time job, or a potential business idea. He’s smarter than anyone would give him credit for and he loves how you look when you’re deep in thought, trying to solve something, and how your eyes light up as you figure it all out. He’s not one to just give you the answer to things, so if he knows something and you don’t he likes to hint at it like it’s a game. When you guess the answer right he presses a kiss to the tip of your nose and beams at you.
- Late night phone calls where you talk about whatever’s keeping you awake. He doesn’t mind who’s calling who, he wants to ramble or listen to you at any given moment and he’ll give up his sleep if it means you can get something that’s bothering you off your chest. Similarly, there is no greater comfort for him than getting to complain to you about something or other, something that’s genuinely bothering him and that’s stuck in his head. He feels like it only disappears when you take a hold of it for him for a little bit.
- Sharing food, obviously, means a lot to him. Feed him bites of your food, give him anything you don’t want, and he’ll love it. He especially loves if you share food that’s important to you in some way, and you’ll find him giving you little bites of his food too the closer you two get. It means a lot to him when people embrace the fact that he eats so much, instead of scolding him for it or making jokes about it.
- He really likes holding hands. Your hands are so small in his and yet you trust him not to injure them as you pull him along. He feels possessive sometimes but isn’t outwardly affectionate enough to do anything about it, and the last thing he wants is to make you uncomfortable. It’s the perfect thing for him.
- Stacking random things on the other. Sitting cross-legged in a park, pulling daisies out of the lawn that’s about to be mowed anyway and gently placing them into each other’s hair, on the other’s shoulders and laps. If you’re laying in his bed he’ll take random light objects off his night stand and place them on top of you. There’s no purpose and no intention, and yet it makes him smile and gives him butterflies, and he laughs if you glare jokingly up at him but let him continue.
- Run your hands through his hair, down the sides of his face, under his jaw. Anywhere. He melts in an instant, mouth slightly open as you poke his cheeks or tickle his neck and shoulders with feather light touches.
- Nap. On. Him. Any time, any where. Snuggle up to him, lean your head against his shoulder or bury your face into his neck or lay down on his lap and just rest. He blushes every time and it takes him a second to recover. Sometimes he’ll angle himself so he can lean against you two and he’ll fall asleep as well.
- He likes those kind of monkey hugs where you wrap your entire body around him and he can bury his face in your neck and hold on as tight as he wants. He’ll walk around like that until you get to the attic and he can throw you into his pile of pillows and blankets, and he flops down on top of you and clings onto you again, trying to hide his face because he’s smiling so wide his cheeks hurt.
- He loves playful, back and forth banter. He’ll tease you constantly, loves if you pout at him, loves it more if you retort with something and keep it running for a while before the two of you start laughing.
- Being childish. He’ll stick out his tongue at you or pull a sudden face and he expects you to do it back immediately. If you don’t he’ll poke and tickle you, telling you how disappointed and hurt he is.
- Headbumps! But not too hard. Gently bump your head against his shoulder to get his attention and he’ll pat it. Bonus points if you nuzzle into his hands then - he’s hard to fluster but you can hear him swallow as he starts to go red. You’ll immediately have all of his attention to yourself.
- Belphie is the king of silent conversations. The tiniest gestures, nods, tilts of the head. He can pick up on all of them, knows exactly what you’re trying to say without you saying it, to the point where sometimes you won’t even realise you’re not talking aloud.
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typical-simplelove · 2 years
Can you do Bucky Barnes with Prompt #91 #67
And do it where Bucky wants to start a family, but the reader just questions and is like "are you sure you ready?" Because he knows about his trauma, but Bucky just talks about how he wants to start a family with her, because he wants to hold a little her... basically just giving off reasons about why he wants a baby with her.
67. "I want to start a family of our own" and 91. "Are you sure you're ready?" with Bucky Barnes
Claudia's Debut Season of Heartfirst Writing
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Sunday brunches at your parents' house were one of the biggest traditions your family practiced. It was one of the reasons why, after college, you moved back home. Well, relatively back home. Within a two-hour radius of your parents so that you could drive home on Sundays.
When you first started dating Bucky, you'd leave early on Sunday mornings and return in the evening with leftovers. You'd share the stories of playing with your nieces and nephews and relay stories your aunts and uncles told. It was one of the best days of the week. You know that he wanted to join you, but he never asked. Even after he met your parents, Bucky never asked or forced you to bring him. As much as you wanted to bring Bucky with you, you weren't going to ask. Given everything he's been through in his life, you were going to let Bucky dictate if he would go with you.
Slowly, Bucky warmed himself up to go with you to Sunday brunch, and on a Wednesday in a cafe, while on a small date, Bucky finally asked if he could join you. A wide smile emerged on your face, so on the following Sunday, Bucky joined you in the car.
From there, Bucky always had a spot at the table during brunch.
One particular afternoon, however, had Bucky's gears spinning. He spent the majority of the brunches talking with your cousins and aunts and uncles. Sometimes you were there, but most of the time, you were with your young cousins and nieces and nephews. He always watched you from his peripheral. This one day, though, sent Bucky into a daze.
He wanted to have children with you.
You were so good with children, and you always had a different smile on your face when you played with them. Your laugh was lighter, and you were just so happy around kids. He wanted to be able to give you that kind of happiness all the time. Mostly, though, he wanted to build something with you. He wanted to build a family with you.
The thought of starting a family with you sat in his brain for the rest of the day, and as you were driving home, Bucky decided to broach the topic with you.
Gripping the steering wheel tightly, Bucky says, "I want to start a family with you."
Shocked, you whip your head towards Bucky. "Come again?"
He chuckles, nervously. "I'm serious. I want to take the next step, and I want to build something with you. I want to have our own little ones running around at brunch, and I want to create our own little bubble of happiness, love, and joy."
Taking in his words, you nod but don't say anything. Bucky's life story is coursing through your mind. How would you explain to your little kid why their father had a metal arm? How would you explain why their father was born in the early twentieth century? What would happen if what Hydra did to his brain wasn't really gone? What happened if another Thanos-like threat appeared and Bucky had to go fight and didn't come home? What if...?
"Are you sure you're ready?" you ask, shakily. "You know, given everything you've gone through?"
"I am ready; I want to be ready, and I think I am," Bucky tells you. "I've never been more sure of anything except for the fact that I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
You took in his words. Despite all your fears, you know that Bucky would make an amazing father, and you wouldn't want to have children with anyone else.
"I think I'm ready, too."
Bucky glances over at you for a second, a wide smile on his face. "Well, then we should get started once we get home."
It would all work out because it was you and Bucky, together.
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oh-katsuki · 3 years
Jealousy (Connie x Reader)
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phases of love collab | masterlist
Pairing: Connie x Reader
Summary: You take Sasha’s place. 
Content Warnings: Implied aot ending spoilers, smut, angst, character death (reader), some fluff, romantic sex, slight cockwarming, drugs / alcohol
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: This hurt me to write so I hope it hurts to read. Thank you so much to @dande-lion​ and @eremiie who beta-read this and gave me so many suggestions because I didn’t like the way I worded it. I would not have been able to be happy with this without you, ILYSM
For @mikaberries​ collab! Thanks for letting me participate!
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Connie’d never loved like this before. He can’t recall a single time in his life that he’s felt so truly connected to someone, so deeply ingrained in someone else’s being that he doesn’t know who he’d be without them. 
Connie had you wrapped in his body, dick buried in you so deep and legs intertwined so gently. His delicate fingers sunk into your skin as one wrapped around your waist, the other around your head. There was nothing rough about tonight, nothing exemplary or particularly outstanding except for the fact that he was hopelessly in love with you. 
Connie was infatuated with you. He couldn’t get close enough, couldn’t feel enough of your skin against his as he fucked himself up into you with steady flicks of his hips. You felt so good around him, hips grinding to meet his with gentle moans. He wishes he could have this moment forever, wrap it up and keep it in his pocket so he can feel it whenever he needs to. The way your gummy walls hugged him or how you breathed in low and deep sighs with each of his thrusts. 
“So beautiful…” He exhaled against your skin, pulling back to take the hand from your head and run his thumb along the plump skin of your cheek. 
You gave him a lazy smile, eyebrows furrowed together in focus and pleasure as he leaned in to kiss you. It was delicate at first, pumping into you slowly, keeping up his sluggish pace. Connie was taking you in, appreciating the feel of your lips on his and the way you tasted like sweat and sex and something akin to cinnamon. 
Connie wasn’t working towards a goal, arm wrapped lazily around your body, sticky with sweat while he admired your feel.That was the best way to put it— he was simply letting you both admire each other’s feeling, whispering sweet nothings, he just wanted to love you. So he fucked into you languidly, mind clouded over and head spinning. 
He could remember clearly every moment like this he’d had with you and he was about to lock away this one with the first time he saw you, your first kiss, your first time. He doesn’t know why this moment in particular strikes him so deeply, but the way you look and your cunt fluttering around him has his heart swelling with love and pride. 
You’re his. 
There was nothing to be discontent with, no doubt seeded in his heart about another man, no jealousy bubbling in his gut. You were only his and he knew it, he could feel it in the desperate little sighs of his name as you came closer to your high, heat building in your stomach as the candle beside the bed dimmed as it burned through its wick. 
The two of you had been like this for hours, Connie unwilling to let you go until he’d felt you come undone around him so much that he’s all you think about— you’re all he thinks about. He was already all you thought about though, already taking up the most space in your mind even when you weren’t creaming around him. Still, you couldn’t complain, so wrapped in his smell and feel that you let him keep rutting his hips into you, arms looped around his body and fingers digging into the muscles of his back. 
But it’s true, Connie’s love for you was incredible and you felt it with every stroke of his big hand against you, in the way your skin buzzed as if it were whispering its own sweet words between his. Words of praise whispered over the pillow, lips brushing past each other’s ear to mumble quiet “I love you’s” that rattle through each other's bodies like coins down a well. 
When you finally came undone in a steady rise, like water bubbling delicately over the edge of a too-full container, you whimpered, teeth sinking into the muscle of his shoulder. Your legs trembled as he held you tightly, slowing his movements and letting you bury your face into him, looking for anything to ground you as your body rolled. 
Connie loved your voice, the whine of his name that spilled from your lips and the way your cunt clenched around him, pillowy and soft. He loved you and with that profound knowledge, soon met his own high with a stutter of his hips, cumming deep into you as he buried himself to the hilt. 
You stayed like that for a while, wrapped in each other, Connie unmoving within you as you panted against each other before your breathing fell into an even rhythm. How was he supposed to let you go? How could he be expected to pull out and let you pad to the toilet. It would only be a few minutes but he found himself dreading the moment you stirred in his arms. He’d let you meld yourself to him like this if it were possible. 
“You know that I’ve got to get up.” You chuckled into his chest, turning your head to glance to the nightstand. “And I’d like to get up before that candle burns through and I have to stumble through the dark.” 
It was growing dim, nearing the end of its life span as it casted a low light across the bedroom. Connie’s desk was faintly illuminated in the corner but you were focused on the way the light danced over his features, displaying the apples of his cheeks that rounded with his smile. 
“I know,” he sighed, pulling you closer, “just don’t wanna let you go right now.” 
“You big baby, it’s only a few minutes.” You say, peeling yourself from him and pulling him out of you gently. 
He was soft already, but the act itself was intimate and you could feel the way he started to spill out of you as you moved to the other side of the room, wrapping a robe around yourself before leaving the bedroom. 
Connie watched you as you left, admiring your hips and your figure as you receded into the darkness. How had he gotten so lucky? He somehow managed to snag the girl the entire regiment was crazy for, and– as you both moved through the ranks– managed to fall so irrevocably in love with you that he’s forgotten who he was without you. 
Still, he wouldn’t trade it for the world, wouldn’t trade you for the world. 
He was deep in thought by the time you returned to bed, discarding the robe and snuggling up beside his naked figure. 
Of all the things that had changed recently, you hadn’t. You remained the woman he loved more than anything, still smiling. He remembers the way you’d joke with your friends and squad, evenings spent laughing at a pub with all of the captains after your promotion. 
Every major event of his life had been spent with you and you both had made it out clean, more appreciative of the love you shared. Connie cherished every part of you, every fleeting moment with you. 
And he was certain that he’d do it for the rest of his life. 
They’d suspected that Eren had gone awol. That he’d gone off on his own. Connie should have stopped him, they could have talked some sense into him before he fled to Marley, attacking a congregation of world leaders and forcing the Scout Regiments hand. 
You both had separated so quickly, each moving away from each other in your own individual squadrons without so much as a stay safe. You both always did. Connie couldn’t have imagined that you’d be one of the six who didn’t make it home. 
He couldn’t have guessed that the child would sneak aboard the ship and point the rifle toward Sasha’s chest. But Connie could have predicted the way you jumped in front of her, moving before you had time to think to shield his best friend from the shot. 
Connie would never forget the look in your eyes as your blood seeped and pooled onto the cold floor of the airship, his warm hands pressed to your cooling chest, covered in a thick layer of your blood. You looked content, the same look you’d flash at him before any expedition. You were at peace and you smiled up at him. A far too pleased smile for someone who was slipping from Connie’s hands faster than he could process— faster than he wanted you to. How could you be smiling? He was losing you. 
 It was like you to take a shot for a friend. You always put your comrades before yourself like that.
You and Sasha were both brave that way, the only difference being that today, Sasha would return home to her lover and you would not. Your body would stay in the morgue for the night before they placed you six feet below the ground in a graveyard not far from where you lived. 
How is it that you could be so close so far away at the same time?  He’d never get to feel your body against his again, never hear your laugh that rings like chimes on a spring day, and looking at your grave after the funeral procession, he could only think about how quickly your blood had cooled on the floor of the airship. Connie stared at the fresh dirt under the headstone, trying to bring anything but your lifeless eyes to mind. He tried to think of your smile, of the crinkle in your eye whenever he’d say something stupid, but instead he was reminded of the uncharacteristically stiff way your body laid in the airship and the wan tone of your skin as your precious years drained from your face. 
As time passed jealousy bled into Connie’s life. Slowly at first, in the waning hours of the morning when he’d be awake and full of drink. He found himself thinking about you constantly, your picture flashing through his mind with startling clarity. 
He’d wake up in the middle of the night, grabbing at the sheets beside him– searching for you, wondering in his half asleep state where you’d gone, only to be reminded that this time you weren’t coming back to bed. You’d no longer take your trips to the bathroom and you were much farther away than a few minutes. Instead, he was reminded that he’d have to spend a lifetime without you. 
A lifetime without your presence. How unfathomable. So he buried himself in drink, in alcohol, in fighting a war he no longer had a reason to fight. It was bearable that way, his days without you. He was occupied. Working until his hands shook and his feet ached, then drinking to quell the pain. It was all he knew in those following days, working for a peace you’d never know, drinking to forget your time together, sleeping in hopes that he’d see you in another world. But the next world wasn’t for him. Life mercilessly kept him alive, despite his carelessness in the fight.
When the war finally ended and things came to a quiet halt, everything became harder. Eldia rebuilt its streets, patching up the wounds that battle had left on it, and with the power of the titans gone, Eldians were negotiating their terms of peace and fighting the good fight to total freedom. Connie found it difficult now to focus on anything but your absence. 
He’d move down the cobbled streets of Marley and be reminded of you at every turn, reminded of something you’d never get to see. He thought of your plans for the future and the way you’d agreed to marry him once peace finally came, but peace came and went without you. 
The summer months in Marley were the most beautiful. They brought couples and children and laughter. You’d have loved them. In between peace negotiations, Connie would let himself wander through the streets. Why he even bothered to go outside? He had no clue, but he still did it everyday without fail, wandering until he ended up in the same place he always did. He’d find a seat in the park and watch the couples, listening to the way the ocean sounded as it beat against the shore. 
It was supposed to make him feel better, supposed to remind him that things were okay now. But all he felt was unimaginable rage. A rage that grew brighter with each gust of wind and each rustle of leaves. Each happy chuckle of passing couples and each aimless laughter of stumbling children. Connie was jealous, perpetually and undeniably. 
He was jealous of the time the two of you never got. Jealous of the people who would spend their lifetimes with their lovers and get to cradle their children. Jealous of his own time, the years he had left ticking by slowly and twisting the knife in his gut with each turn of the month on a calendar. He was jealous of Marco who was no doubt with you now, jealous of Erwin and Miche and anyone they’d ever lost because they were with you.
Why did everyone else get so much time? What made them so different from you? Connie couldn’t understand a world where someone else deserved to survive to see the end when you didn’t, where people other than the two of you got enough time to live out their lives. 
Connie didn’t have that luxury and you surely didn’t either. 
The weight piled on, the greed, disgust, and envy weighed on his shoulders like boulders. A person can only take so much, can only struggle for so long under such a profound feeling. 
It was the day the negotiations were finished, the day the war came to a true end and Eldians were no longer discriminated against legally, that he broke. 
He fell to his knees in his temporary apartment after getting home and seeing the bare walls, the ones that lacked pictures because he’d never gotten to take any of you. You would have loved today, would have pulled him into the living room to dance or even invited all of your remaining friends to your shared apartment to celebrate. Connie could practically hear you telling him to appreciate the day, your voice chiming like bells in the recesses of his mind. It was haunting. 
“Fuck!” He shouted, slamming his fist onto the counter and collapsing to the floor as sobs wracked through his body. 
His friends had followed him to his apartment, worried for him. They had been for a while and today was the breaking point, watching him sway down the steps of the courthouse without so much as a word. They could hear him crying through the walls, hear the guttural cries that seemed to push through him so angrily. 
Connie’s stomach was twisting in painful knots, it was years of being tired, years of missing you crumbling all at once in a crescendo of anger and unimaginable grief. He was sick, his heart wrenched in his chest, hammering against his ribcage, something your heart could no longer do. 
It was sickening, how his bones wracked and how his shoulder shook with every shuddering sob. His own walls were finally let down and his veiled emotions crashed over him appallingly fast. How did he carry around this weight, this grief, for so long? 
Connie couldn’t pick his head up from his hands when his friends came in, ushering themselves past the entrance to crouch on the floor with him, Jean’s arm bracing his frame and helping to keep him upright. They let him cry like that for a long while, letting the sounds echo through an apartment that should have had you in it. 
They all missed you, but they had already done their mourning. In doing so, they’d left Connie behind to fend for himself. Left him alone like you had. 
“She’s watching from somewhere, Connie.” Jean’s voice piped up, low and reassuring.
“Y’know-” Connie choked out, sniffling. “Everyone talks so much about this a-afterlife.”
Another sob wracks through him. 
“About his place where the dead go once they’ve finished their time here.” He was shouting now, voice rising. 
“I just wish that maybe there was some fucking proof that she’s still there.” His fists balled up against the floor. This time Connie doesn’t try to stop the cries to talk, he pauses to let himself sob before speaking again. “Because right now I can’t find a single reason to believe she’s out there and I don’t know what I’d do if I never got to see her again.”
“How the fuck am I supposed to move on? How do I carry this weight? How can I keep taking steps forward when she’s not at the end?” Connie’s eyes snap up to Jean, his hand coming to grab his wrist. 
His eyes were pleading, crying for an answer, something, somebody to tell him that there was something to look forward to. That you would be at the end of this stupid game called life. His  voice came up from the deepest recesses of his body. Eyebrows pulled up in anguish, eyes glassy with tears that refused to let up as he peered into his best friend’s eyes. Connie knew he couldn’t answer, knew that there was no one secret to getting through this, that he’d have to power through on his own. But he was so angry, so exhausted from fighting. 
“Why did it have to be her!” He gasps, eyes going wide as realization courses through his shaking body. “Why didn’t she get more time, why didn’t she get to fucking see today?! Why was it me? _____ would have known what to say today, would have had the perfect words. I’ve never had them, never had anything to say.” 
Connie inhaled deeply, blinking until limpid tears decorated the fabric of his uniform. “I need her here. I need her.” 
That was the last thing he said that night, letting himself cry on the floor in the company of his friends who tried in vain to calm him. He raged against fate, body heaving in tremendous sobs that left his chest feeling emptier than before, inhaling in great pulls because with each cry he could feel the water flooding his lungs. Invading, violating, and wretched with every wail. Everything served as a reminder for his jealousy, ugly and painful in its existence. 
Connie knows you’d have hated this. 
Could you see him right now? Were you watching in the months to come as he hit his lowest low before slowly starting to pick himself back up, finally formally forgiving Gabi even though he hadn’t blamed her for a long while. 
It took a long time for him to gain that semblance of normalcy and once he returned to Eldia from overseas, he went straight to your grave, finally able to face your name scrawled on the headstone once again. Connie hadn’t expected it, but with time the jealousy faded into a dull ache. He spent hours in the graveyard that day, staying with you until the sun had long set over the horizon and the air nipped at his skin. Connie would take any time he could have with you, even if it was like this. And as he sat there talking about the newfound peace, he hoped you could hear him. 
He was filled with regrets about you. He wishes he had made you laugh more or studied the way you threw your head back in a smile because after so many years the memory had faded to little more than a silhouette. Connie wished he had taken pictures of you, kissed you on the day he met you, married you. But he couldn’t.
Connie wondered if you were watching him all the time. Did you watch his healing, the way he picked himself back up after being shattered and broken for so long. Maybe he’d glued part of you to him when he patched himself up, maybe he still gets to carry some of you with him in the corner of his heart he knows is reserved for you.
Did you see the day he met her? The woman he’d marry one day. She’d caught his eye because she reminded him so much of you, especially in her smile. Connie couldn’t help but think you’d had something to do with it, some cosmic influence that led her to him. 
He thought of you on his wedding day as his bride moved down the aisle, radiant in her beauty. Connie loved her the way he loved you, deeply and honestly. He thought of you the day his first child was born and on every day after that because he saw you in every part of his little girl. He saw you in the way she laughed and the way she ate, the way she stood up after scraping her knee to keep running. 
Connie told his wife about you, about the love he lost, and his daughter thought of you as family, despite never meeting you. Your name fell from his family’s lips so often that it was like you’d never left this world in the first place. 
He healed, Finally, time began moving again and that sickening envy slipped from his veins like melting ice. He was no longer jealous. 
He still goes to your grave, every Sunday. He brings his family and sits his daughter on his lap to tell stories about you, about every aspect of you. Partly because he wants her to know, but also so that he can remember. It’s like a prayer, uttering your name as they sit in the grass that had long grown over the dirt with such reverence, such adoration. 
The wind moves through the trees, shaking leaves from their late summer bloom and Connie swears he can hear you laughing, deep and rich and so like you. 
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taglist: @namrekcaivel , @mikaberries , @kyuhos , @veroyktv , @honeyzawa , @erenstellar , @female-titan , @kiyoobi , @pancakesv , @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein , @lazyezstudy , @jeanbabygirl , @peachysimp , @shisoaya , @shekeepsitsweet , @babybottlepop96 
please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from my taglist! 
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btsmosphere · 3 years
Breathe Again | KTH
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~summary: everything in your world has changed. everything, that is, except the boy who still believes there are spirits in the forest. ~pairing: taehyung x reader ~word count: 16.6k ~my neighbour totoro au, artist!taehyung, fashion designer!reader, childhood friends to lovers, comfort, fluff, slight angst, slow burn, totoro just wants them to be together ~rating: pg13 ~warnings: mentions of burnout, mentions of a toxic work environment, a skipped meal, a tiny bit of blood, being outside in bad weather, heights?
~a/n: hi everyone, long time no see! welcome to my first fic since my hiatus!! this is for the ghibli collab which is being run by @birbdae​💞 this one is for anyone who likes ghibli films, wants some comforting boyfriend vibes from tae or just vaguely chaotic totoro content💜this one turned kinda long, but I hope I’ve captured the ghibli vibes well! I would love to hear if you read this and what you think! come chat with me💖
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Taking you over familiar roads, the bus bumped gently against uneven ground. But you didn’t so much as blink, cheek resting against the glass which rattled slightly in its pane.
You knew this place.
Something about returning down these roads stirred memories within you, though they tugged more at your body than your mind. The haze of smiles and childish laughter these streets made you recall felt alien to you.
But you knew that if you were to set your feet down in the earth here, they would be able to take you home even with your eyes closed. Your hands have memorised the shapes of the leaves in the forest and the wind would push your hair back like an old friend.
You knew this place, and it knew you.
That’s what you were afraid of.
It was as if a tape was being rewound: taking you whizzing back through the exact route you had ridden out of your hometown when you left so many years ago.
Who would remember you? More importantly, who would remember your goals, the way you had rushed away to the city at the first chance to pursue your goals as a fashion designer.
You hoped they wouldn’t ask. After all, you didn’t know the answers yourself.
Of course, there was the possibility that the town you were coming back to would have changed. There were always new buildings going up in the city, roads closed and the crowds still crawling around like ants. Always moving, never slowing.
But the moment you turned away from thanking the bus driver and settled your feet on the soil, you knew there was no question of this place being unrecognisable. Grass still tufted through at the edges of the road; there was the stream that had always run here, still bubbling merrily and bouncing the odd fleck of light through the grasses it nestled between.
Rumbling into life again behind you, the bus trundled on its way.
First stopping to take a deep breath, you turned after it, feet falling in the shallow furrows made by the tyre marks. As predicted, you gave barely a thought for the direction, your legs easily remembering their way down the short road to reach the market square.
As you moved past the first houses, you parted ways with the stream. It wasn’t long after that the road opened into the square and you finally saw another living being.
Though it wasn’t a big town by any stretch, there were always people around during the day. Luckily it wasn’t market day today, which you were thankful for because the whole town would have been out, and you may well have been caught up for hours by all the people wanting to talk to you.
As it was, three ladies cried out at you from a front doorstep where they were chatting. Hurriedly shooting them a smile, you waved, hoping that would deter them. In the end, you were only waylaid by a couple of questions – how long would you be staying? how’s the big city? – that you could brush off with noncommittal answers.
In that time, you had attracted the gazes of an older couple strolling hand in hand nearby. Gripping the strap of your backpack tighter, you bobbed your head in greeting and scurried past.
Grabbing your phone from your pocket, you picked up the pace. Shooting a quick message to let your aunt know you had arrived kept you occupied with an excuse to avoid a few more staring faces. Perhaps they would think you rude, antisocial, to be walking with your head down and staring at your device instead, but it was comforting in a way. A remnant of your city life, where everyone was wrapped up in technology.
Having braved the main square, you lowered your phone again. Forcing a steady exhale from your mouth, you pressed further through the mercifully empty streets leading away.
The squeak of a bicycle wheel was all the warning you received for the next person you would pass on your journey. Preparing a smile in a hurry, you found yourself staring across at a man you recognised coming around the corner.
Kim Taehyung hadn’t changed much, face lighting up in his trademark rectangular grin as he saw you. He had grown into his handsome features in the time you had been away, and you found your smile wasn’t entirely fake as he slowed on the other side of the street.
Simple white t shirt hanging from his frame, he was wheeling a bike beside him, dusty bags slung over the top. He fit right in with this place.
He was just opening his mouth when you gulped back your faltering smile, ducking your head again and continuing on your way.
With your feet carrying you slightly faster now, you garbled greetings and smalltalk to the other villagers you crossed paths with. The path sloped downhill as you approached the edge of the town, where houses fell away to make space for the rice fields and farmland. From your road, you could look across the flat terraces that stretched, glittering, to the horizon.
Approaching your own place at last, you had to admit you were glad to see Mei lean out of her window to greet you. The old woman had lived there as long as you could remember, and always had a kind word to say.
But though you returned her wave with genuine care, you didn’t stay to talk, instead pressing the keys into the disused lock of your front door. Reluctant from its neglect, it resisted, grating around slowly until finally caving, releasing the door with a groan.
The last time you had seen the inside of this house was many years ago now. Your aunt had raised you here, but had now moved in with her new partner; rather than selling, she had kept the place for you, ‘in case you ever want to come back or visit’.
Sliding the door aside with only a few snags, you stood in the doorway, unmoving.
For a brief moment, a familiar yet long-forgotten feeling had fallen over you. With a blink, the notion that a flurry of movement had greeted you from the shadows slipped away easily.
Dust bunnies, Mei always used to say.
Tugging vigorously at dust sheets that covered the windows, you let light stream into the room, at last allowing you to pull the door closed. Despite all that still required attention, you slumped against it.
Sniffing, you swiped a hand across your cheek. Surely it was just the dust irritating you.
While something inside you felt… different, relieved, to be back here, a larger part of you resisted that. This was only a temporary waystation. There was no use getting settled here again. This was no longer where you belonged…
If only you had found that in the city. That was supposed to be where you would thrive, forge your life amongst the unforgiving glare of neon billboards and buzzing traffic.
You resented the feeling of ease that crept over you now you were back. Resented the people that were content here, fitting fluidly with the meandering of village life. Like Kim Taehyung: he had grown up here with you, but unlike you he had remained right at home, never erring.
You had tried so hard, forever persistent that the world would bend to your will. That you were destined for greater things than this unremarkable town.
Yet now you even found yourself envious of those who stayed here.
They seemed happy.
A low buzz shot through your thoughts, drawing your attention to your illuminated phone screen.
With a dispassioned sigh, you pushed yourself to your feet. You ought to shift some dust from this place in time for your aunt to come for dinner.
Luckily, the house was empty, the few furnishings shoved away in cupboards. After fishing a broom from somewhere, you swept, and had just pulled the last cushion from the cupboard when you heard the familiar call of your name.
Hurrying forwards and plastering a smile on your face, you tugged the door open to help her; her arms were bursting with food. Still, you were surprised by the urge you got to hug her. After depositing all the ingredients in the small kitchen, you gladly returned her tight embrace.
“My darling,” she squeezed you tight, “it’s been so long.”
“I missed you, auntie,” you admitted.
Perhaps you had sounded a little too forlorn because she quickly drew you back to study your face.
“How have you been? Feeding yourself well enough?”
You let out a sound halfway between a giggle and a shriek as she grabbed at your cheek, a gesture that seemed far too familiar.
Brushing her off, you didn’t have time to dwell on the sensation her affections had stirred in you, as more voices drifted from the front room.
Of course, she had invited some friends.
By the time you had greeted each woman, dodged questions and laughed at your aunt and her girlfriend bickering from the kitchen, a steaming bowl was pressed into your hands and everyone gathered to eat. This was a scene you were so familiar with, a sight so common in your childhood, but now…
You shifted, eyes trained on your bowl as Mei told a story of your five-year-old self.
Why was everyone still the same? So nice to you, so comfortable with each other just like always? Your life, your career was seemingly spiralling off course and that guilt still sat heavy on your bones.
How could you retreat back here, accept all this? You should still be working. Not giving up. But you couldn’t bring yourself to do that either.
The same feeling lingered even through the clinking of dishes as your guests chipped in to help clear away, and remained in the following silence and dark as you flattened out your futon, curling up in isolation.
You wouldn’t allow this to feel right.
Even as sleep finally ensnared you in its claws just to spit you out the next morning, you continued to tell yourself what you should want. You should be missing your job, you should be missing the city. And though your heart wasn’t in it, you wouldn’t allow yourself to think otherwise.
The sun was high in the sky the next day when you found yourself staring at the blank page of your sketchbook.
I still want to design. Right?
Okay, so, let’s make a design. Design something. Just one thing. Just one idea, so I know I can still do it. I want to know that this is still the right thing.
I can do it.
Your eyes ran down your watercolour palette, each colour stained with others and hollowed in the middle with use. The small pot of water you had prepared sat too, remaining clear as your pen hovered over the paper.
Some time later, it clattered onto the tabletop.
That blank page stared at you for the rest of the day. Your contest continued even as you slurped at the instant noodles you had made. Every time your thoughts strayed outside, they would be tethered right back again.
There was no point running from your struggle. You would go out as soon as you had managed something productive. For now, the packets of food you had brought in your bag from the city would tide you over.
But as certain as you were that you would achieve something, the next day stretched out in exactly the same way.
It was on the third day that a knock at your door broke through your otherwise deserted world inside this room.
Without a second thought to the depressing dinner you were halfway through, you stood up. Only for a moment you hesitated, before conceding that this wasn’t the city, and it was more usual to have visitors here.
Padding across the floor, you pushed the door aside.
“Y/N! Hi!”
You blinked in the beaming face of Kim Taehyung that greeted you.
“Taehyung!” you returned in genuine surprise, “um, come in…”
Stepping back as you remembered your manners, you cast a look around the room. Unfortunately you hadn’t yet disposed of the slowly growing pile of torn ramen packets on the table, but it was too late.
“Thank you, you don’t have to-“
Nonetheless, Taehyung stepped inside to let you close the door on the cloudy day outside. If he noticed the sad state of your abode, he made no comment.
“I-I just thought I’d come by and visit you,” he smiled hopefully, “I haven’t seen you out since you came back…”
Gulping in the face of his innocent curiosity, you glanced at the floor.
“I’m sorry, I just haven’t… had the chance.”
Your excuse was weak and you knew it. Either way, Taehyung was quick to brush aside your worry.
“It’s nothing to apologise for! I thought I had just missed you and- well, I wanted to come to see you anyway. It’s been a while.”
A soft chuckle passed your lips, which curled into a sad smile. With a nod, you looked up at him.
“Yeah. It has.”
Though his face was smiling as always, it had softened as he studied you.
“Do you want to go on a walk?” he offered, “it must have been hard, being away from the countryside.”
The thought of your abandoned ramen cooling on the table behind you dissipated in an instant.
The outside was a refreshing thought, and it was as if Taehyung had opened the door to the possibility. Once there was a time you would have headed out for no reason, just for fun. That was something you had left behind, but with the welcoming boy to encourage you, you were nodding eagerly before you could form a reply.
Although the village was no longer bathed in sun, cool air rushing to meet you instead, the breeze seemed to carry some weight away from your shoulders. The route Taehyung began to tread beside you was well ingrained in your feet, but your mind was still waking up to the familiar sights.
“I always loved the view from here,” you smiled, muttering almost to yourself.
Taehyung heard you, though. There was no noise for your voice to lose itself in, except the wind that took your words on a winding path through the air.
Slowing his steps, you eased beside him as well. You had barely left your road, but being so near to the edge of the village, the swathes of rippling fields were never far from view; now they stretched out like a carpet below the higher ground your village occupied.
“What’s it like, living in the city?” Taehyung recaptured your attention.
Startled, your eyes turned to him as he remained gazing across the lush greenery, hands tucked casually into the pockets of his loose trousers. His shirt, too, billowed slightly in the playful breeze as you strolled together.
It was those words which brought you crashing back to your senses. The city had been far from your mind, chased away the moment you were reminded of nature’s sprawling cloak across the land. It had been so easy to forget…
“Busy,” was all you offered in way of reply at first. A slight sigh was whipped away by the wind before you found the words to continue. “There’s always people doing things, just like here. Only… bigger. More. They don’t have time to stop and speak to you. It’s so much brighter too…
“I like the neon signs,” you admitted, “but with them, you can barely see the stars.”
While you spoke, Taehyung’s eyes drifted back to you, listening intently. After you stopped, he left silence to settle for a moment.
“It sounds different,” he replied.
You simply hummed an affirmative, but a large smile was sliding back onto his face.
“But I bet they love you!” he grinned, face lifting in such eager happiness that it made your heart ache. Wanting so badly to return his joy, you knew you could never fake happiness that genuine.
“Not really…” you scuffed your toes against the ground, suddenly particularly interested in the way the dirt cracked around your shoes.
As such, you missed the deepening furrow of Tae’s brows, but he stayed quiet, sensing your inhale as you prepared to elaborate.
“Maybe it’s because I had always dreamed of moving there, but nothing was as easy as I imagined,” you spoke quietly, “I was so stupid thinking everything would be simple once I got a place as an intern. The company took me on, but I haven’t got any further.”
A short glance back to Tae showed his brows set in a serious line, mulling your words seriously.
“I’m sure if you keep working hard, they’ll see you,” he smiled, “you always wanted to be a designer. I know you can be.”
For a moment, his words stunned all breath in your throat. Swallowing harshly, you tore your eyes from his, roughly shaking your head.
“It’s just not going right,” you lamented, “all I’ve done since I moved there is work, I take the overtime and travel for shows at weekends, shadow where I can… I feel like I can’t do anymore. And still, nothing. Not even a commission, let alone a promotion. I haven’t headed a project team once. It’s like…” panting softly from the speed your frustrated words spilled out, you paused for a moment, shoulders slumping. “It’s like everyone else knows something I don’t.”
“That’s why you came back?”
His low tone was still light and looking back to him brought you face to face with wide, earnest eyes. Of course, he had guessed accurately. You hadn’t quite intended to spill in so much detail what was troubling you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to resent it.
Confirming his assumption with a nod, you watched Taehyung cock his head to the side before returning his gaze back across the forest.
By now you were drawing closer to where the trees huddled together at the borders of the farmland. The track was a little less well-trodden here, your feet falling between scattered grasses that pushed upwards.
“I don’t think it’s you that’s the problem,” he twisted his body around to face you, still walking towards the forest.
All you could do was blink, slightly startled at his assertion. Thankfully, he continued, pulling his hands from his pockets and spreading them to indicate the surrounding trees which you were entering.
“You’re doing everything you can, and that should be more than enough. There’s no secret to learn… well, maybe…”
“Hey!” you elbowed him as he trailed off, “do you know a secret?”
Mirroring your grin, Taehyung sighed, shaking his head at the ground. You kept your eyes trained on him, as if he might really hold some clue that would solve everything for you. Then he raised his head, fluffy strands of hair falling across his smile-brightened eyes.
“Maybe patience,” he shrugged, “I’m sure you’d get somewhere eventually… but also- maybe you should try to value your time more. There isn’t just one path you can take, and you can always change.”
“I-I guess that’s true,” you stammered.
It was something that had crossed your mind, but you had always shoved the idea away the moment you considered it. You knew what you wanted to do, and you shouldn’t give up on it. Hearing another say it, out loud, was… strangely affirming. But your eyes still fled Taehyung’s gaze, skittering about the trees stretching their hands to the sky.
“Either way,” a gentle nudge at your side brought your begrudging gaze back to your friend, “it’s good to have you back for a bit. I’ve missed you. I’m sure your aunt has, too,” he quickly added.
Grateful for his offer of turning away from the previous conversation, you relaxed a little.
“I’ve missed it here too,” you admitted, “thanks for coming over, it’s good to be out.”
For some reason, as you continued ambling through the forest, you felt no guilt creeping in about time you should be spending working. Instead, you barely felt the minutes passing as you laughed with Taehyung about various scenes from your childhoods. If anything, the small amount of guilt tugging at you was guilt for losing touch.
Eventually, you found yourself reclining in the grass at his side.
“Do you remember when you told me there were spirits in this forest?” you laughed softly.
“Hey!” he grinned back, “they are real!”
Though you giggled along with him, you sensed some defiance in the glittering of his eyes, which made you tail off. Your mouth quirked up at the corner.
“You really still believe in them?”
You didn’t miss the way his eyes strayed from your own, glancing to the grass and across the leafy landscape. But still, he responded.
“I saw them,” he murmured, bringing a fond smile to your face.
“Maybe people out in the countryside really are crazy,” you joked, flopping back to lie on the floor.
“Maybe,” came the chuckled reply.
Taehyung’s shoulder brushed against your own as he joined you on the floor.
Warmth blooming in your chest, you continued to stare across the treetops as they were brushed with the glow of the encroaching sunlight. Something within you longed to capture this moment, grab the warm-tinted clouds streaming across the sky and bring them to earth to rest beside you.
And later, you would realise that was why you had turned to design.
You picked up your paintbrush and brought colour to the white sheet at last.
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Too caught up in your seeming breakthrough, with a design almost finished on your page, you were easily busy enough to ignore the way Taehyung’s face crept into your mind. Trying to summon images of the breathtaking evening you had spent, the boy was inextricable from the memory.
The relief and liberation that had flooded you the moment you allowed yourself some respite had come from having him beside you.
Though you were a fashion designer, not a portrait artist, the flipside of the page was steadily filling with sketches of Taehyung. You hadn’t been able to capture him the exact way you wanted, his striking features escaping you, but you couldn’t hold back from trying at least.
But though you had made some progress on your creative block, you still clung to the shelter of your empty house. The hush of the village provided you with a peace of mind you hadn’t even noticed was missing while you were away.
Before you could dig yourself any more holes wondering about the fate of your career, however, exactly the person you had been hoping to see came back around.
Taehyung beamed widely from his perch on your doorstep. That wonderful smile never failed to produce a brighter grin on your own face too.
However, this time he didn’t step into your house when you made room for him. Disappointment sunk to your stomach, realising you had expected him to stay.
But his next words killed off any sadness before it could even take root within you.
“Put your shoes on,” he flashed a playful grin, “you’re coming to mine for dinner.”
“I am?” you snorted, though you were already reaching for your boots.
“Yep,” he smirked.
Folding his arms, he leaned against your doorframe while you hurriedly got ready.
“Unless you have plans?” he chuckled, “another extravagant microwave meal for one?”
Gaping, your head shot up to meet his twinkling gaze.
“You may be right,” you scoffed, finally closing the door behind you as you joined him on the street, “but that doesn’t make it nice. What would your grandma think of your manners?”
“And what would your aunt think of the way you’re eating?” he retorted.
Lips rising into a begrudging smile, you sort of fell against him in a playful nudge. The next moment, though, your eyes grew wider as he slung an arm around you, giving it a squeeze as his fingers nipped at your cheek.
“I’m joking,” he cooed, “I just want you to eat well.”
At least the sentiment was there. About an hour later you found yourself sat giggling in front of a bowl of charred remains that once were food.
“I tried,” Tae was pouting, poking around in his own bowl.
“You didn’t have to try something so fancy,” you hid more laughter behind your hand, “there’s more room for error.”
“But grandma told me exactly how to make it,” he frowned down at his dish as if it had wronged him, “I don’t know what I even did to mess it up!”
Unable to help it, a fond smile broke onto your face.
“Thank you, Taehyung.”
Your words seemed to startle him, as he immediately started spluttering about how you could thank him after he destroyed your dinner. It only served to pull more laughter from you.
“I appreciate it,” you assured him, “now how about we make something simple?”
His kitchen was stocked with fresh vegetables from the farmlands, making it easy for you to pick some and get to work. Closer to the rice fields than your house, Taehyung’s place bordered with the forest, every window giving generous views on the surrounding greenery.
Turning away from the trees outside the window, which you had somewhat lost yourself in, you found Taehyung stood proudly behind you. In his hands sat a bowl stacked with the vegetables he had chopped.
A look back at your own board showed you had made much less progress.
“Let me finish those,” he placed his bowl down and came to stand next to you. “I think you would be better off doing the cooking.”
Laughing, you agreed and let him take the knife from your fingers. Next, you began to fry your ingredients with the rice that hadn’t been a victim of Taehyung’s previous attempts.
Once he was done, Taehyung approached you, sliding the remaining vegetables into the pan. But even as they fell, sizzling, into the dish, he didn’t move away from you.
“Smells good,” he complimented.
Muttering a brief thank you, you kept your eyes on the food as you stirred it. You could almost pretend the heat in your cheeks was from the warmth of the stove and not the way he leaned closer as he smelled your cooking, such that his chest pressed up against your back, face hovering above your shoulder.
But before your resolve could wear thin enough for you to look around at him while he was in such painfully close proximity, a rumble interrupted your thoughts.
Taehyung instantly pulled away, apologies spilling from his lips. You, on the other hand, burst into laughter.
“Was that your stomach?” you cried.
“Maybe,” he mumbled, rubbing a hand across his middle.
Chuckling, you shut off the stove.
“Luckily, dinner is ready,” you grinned.
Taehyung eagerly dashed to grab plates, letting you pile them up with food.
Together, you brought your steaming meals to the front room where Tae pushed open the front door, inviting you to sit on the step.
“I guess it is kind of late,” you said after your first bite, “no wonder you were hungry.”
Proving your point, the boy beside you was already wolfing down his meal. Smiling to yourself, you dove back into your own food as you stared across the darkening valley, stars now painted in the mirror-smooth surfaces of the rice fields.
Sweet as always, Taehyung thrust a basket of the vegetables into your arms before you left – though, of course, he was walking back with you. Still, you were embarrassed to note the hint of resentment at his wonderful actions, as it meant you had one less excuse to see him again. In truth, you didn’t want to leave at all.
But you still thanked him profusely, and you meant it. His kindness warmed your heart, and guilt twisted inside you at the thought of taking his actions to mean anything further.
He probably felt sorry for you, lost as you were. Meanwhile he had found a place in the world, and he was happy here. Almost certainly he only wanted to do some good for an old friend.
But for tonight, you couldn’t help but indulge in the flutters Taehyung set off in your heart, a few more sketches joining the others before you fell into bed.
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Since you arrived, you hadn’t been very productive. You knew this, but bringing yourself to care was becoming difficult. No, you were too busy enjoying finally getting some peace and time away from the job that had been tiring you out.
But even in your time off, it seemed too much to ask of them to let you rest.
“-so I need your assessment of the project before we can move forwards…”
Your boss’ voice crackled over the line as you held your phone passively at your ear. Gulping as she rambled on about the practicality of your colleague’s design – when she was the one who had given the project to him when you really wanted it – you stared blankly at your notebook. Only one page remained filled. The simple design you had been thrilled with a couple of days ago now crumbled in your estimation.
Tell her you can’t do it. This is your time off. At least ask to be paid for it-
“Of course. I can do that,” you replied automatically.
Instant alarm bells started ringing in your head. You had to stick up for yourself before too much was loaded onto you-
“Wonderful, I’m sending them over now. Thanks a lot,” your boss spoke, line cutting off before you could so much as open your mouth.
Huffing, you flopped back onto your bed, where you had been sleeping peacefully before your ringing phone rudely awoke you. But you didn’t rest there for more than a few seconds before you were rolling yourself off and staggering over to dig out the laptop you hadn’t touched since leaving the city.
Opening up your emails, you saw the most recent one from your boss, but unfortunately your inbox was also rammed with several others you hadn’t bothered to check. You supposed you could never have expected to be completely away from work.
Resolving to check them later, you clicked on the first of the files from your boss. Already, you groaned, seeing that the plans were more extensive than you had believed over the phone.
You couldn’t deny that you accepted this too easily.
But then again, you never wanted to be seen slacking. Maybe if you did this, it would finally be noticed and you would be in line for the next promotion…
That was what you told yourself the last time too. And the time before that, and before that.
At this point, even the thought of actually being promoted didn’t fill you with the excitement it should. It was all you had worked for, and yet all you could think of was how much more work it would mean.
Attempting to shove away your heavy pile of thoughts, you focussed back on the task at hand.
Wrangling your brain into action, however, proved difficult. You realised too late that it should have been lunchtime, hurriedly trying to make yourself something while it was already halfway through the evening, sky darkening beyond your window. But even though it was getting later and you had been working all day, you had got next to nothing done.
Even the pattering of rain on your roof which began early on did little to ease the stress creeping back into its familiar residence in your brain.
Your head was spinning as you sliced up a pepper, not able to focus on the simple movement of your hands. You knew you should be looking at your work, but even as your mind hovered around the matter, you were unable to think straight as everything proved a dead end.
A sharp pinch shook you from your haze.
Hands stilling, you looked down to find a sliver of red already growing of your fingertip. Cursing, you threw down your cooking, turning to the sink.
The blood was swept away with the stream of water from your tap, showing only a miniscule cut, but your finger shook anyway. Staring down at the small line, even though it was clean now, your breath hitched in the back of your throat.
The rain, relentless on your roof, was the only sound muffling the sobs which left you as you hunched over the basin.
Letting your hand drop, you clutched onto the edge of the surface. You felt like a child; your computer was filled with demands, your head occupied with work, but you just didn’t want to.
Why couldn’t they just leave you be?
Some instinct within you had set your feet moving before your mind could catch up. Abandoning your laptop where its screen still passively illuminated a square of your desk, you were slipping shoes on, practically throwing your door aside with your sudden desperation to reach the outdoors.
The rain which immediately hit your skin hardly occurred to you. All you could manage was to breathe deeply in the saturated air.
You had succeeded in rediscovering some of the inspiration that led you to your current path; it had always been the beauty of your hometown, the countryside with its vast fields and open skies, the peace and the fury of the elements.
And maybe you had forgotten it, but now you knew it again you wanted to seize it with both hands. The pull of work only made you resent it more.
You had to escape.
And so your feet were taking you down your road, slipping on the track which had already begun turning to mud under the onslaught from the heavens.
You had barely left the glow of the last house on your street before water was running in streams down your cheeks, mingling with the salty tears that had been falling before. Hiccupping, you wrapped your arms around yourself.
Though you sniffed, you didn’t bother to wipe at your face.
But already the ruthless pelting of raindrops began to batter away the frustration that had been stirred in you. Still breathing heavily, you pressed unflinchingly on, your mind only able to focus on stepping forward through the storm.
Despite your lack of destination, your pace was rapid and soon you were stumbling between trees as you reached the forest. Here, the hammer of rain was lighter, plucking at leaves harmlessly and filling the air with the hollow chorus.
The oppressive feeling from sitting caged by your computer was fading. But now you weren’t sure whether your shaking was from your outburst or from the cold. Only, you couldn’t exactly bring yourself to care.
It wasn’t until now that your pace slowed in the least. Finally you were away from the pressing weight that had begun to crush you, even if it still remained waiting for you at home.
Weaving between trunks, your speed waned at last, allowing your fingers to trace along the wisened and cracked bark of each one. Even when you needed to blink repeatedly to gain clear sight from unshed tears and raindrops collecting on your lashes – even when your frame shook from head to toe, hair plastered against your skin – you finally felt free.
Having nature roar around you cast the demands of work, something that once loomed over you, far out of your sight.
Feet still tripping forwards, all it took was a toe catching on a root before your knees were meeting the earth.
Down here, the raindrops jostled the smaller plants that coated the forest floor. Looking up, you tried to wipe your hands, though it was fruitless against your sodden trousers.
But you paused in your motion as you caught sight of something.
Ahead of you, some tree roots twisted upwards, sculpted into a small arch. Although beyond that, you could see little, you rose slowly and stepped closer to it.
A few leftover tears leaked from your eyes, but they were indetectable as they slipped among the rainwater. Taking no notice, your eyes remained ahead as you reached the strange opening.
Ducking, you padded inside, not hurrying at all. It inspired a stiller pace for some reason.
The first thing you were aware of was the lack of rain falling on your back. Instead, the air was perfectly calm, only the distant pattering of water on leaves a reminder of the storm you had previously been in.
A few more steps and you found yourself in the centre of what appeared to be a large tree. Bark walls encircled the generous space, though it was obscured by the abundant greenery coating them decadently.
Tiredness was rapidly seeping into your bones now, and all you could think of the moss was how soft it looked, so tempting to your drooping eyes.
Exhaustion masked any shock you would otherwise have felt, then, when your eyes fell on a larger shape lying near the far wall. But this was not part of the tree, nor its foliage. Drawing nearer, you found it appeared to be furry. Enormous ears lay flat on the leafy ground where its head lay. Its round belly rose taller than you did from the ground, even though it was horizontal.
Staring through your bleary eyes, you merely chuckled at the unusual sight.
The creature inflated with each deep breath. It was sleeping.
You were sure you must be too, given what a funny dream you were having right now. But you were still so tired.
Without further thought, you let yourself tumble to the ground so you could rest, propped up against the forest creature. Indeed it was as soft as you had imagined looking at it.
Everything was peaceful as sleep embraced you at last.
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Taehyung jerked awake, the whole house seemingly clamouring in his ears.
Eyes wide, he threw off his covers, though he wasn’t sure what he expected to do. The wind was hurtling through the air outside, hitting his house like a freight train. Windows shaking in their panes, bullets of rain still spattered against the glass.
Pulling his blanket with him, Taehyung retreated towards the main room. Although he stayed back from the windows, he still looked out, watching the vague shapes of dark trees as they attempted to uproot themselves in the blustering air.
He couldn’t deny being a little unnerved by the sudden ferocity of the weather. With a calming breath, however, he reminded himself of the true form of the wind. The image of the grinning cat brought a smile stretching across his own lips as well. It had been years since he had seen it, or the spirit Totoro and their friends.
But even if he was a child then, he clutched onto those memories, trying to keep them vivid as possible.
He was about to settle down on the sofa to wait out the noise when a different shape made itself known in the window.
Doing a double take hard enough to give him whiplash, Taehyung managed to keep himself from staggering backwards in shock. Blinking determinedly, he kept his eyes fixed on the familiar form as it drew closer into the light from his porch.
Although he knew they were real, he still found himself struggling to comprehend it.
This wasn’t another dream, another memory or image on his canvas. Pushed against all the walls in his study, and his bedroom too when they overflowed the space, images of the forest spirit were strewn about his living quarters. He could never forget it but…
Why would it come back?
A moment elapsed, Totoro’s huge frame blocking out much of the view behind them as they stared blankly down at Taehyung the way they always did. The pandemonium of the wind died away.
And then Tae’s senses kicked back in, and he was sprinting to the door, hurrying into the night because there was something else.
Totoro was carrying something-
Breathless, he stood on the step, taking in the figure cradled in Totoro’s arms. It was you.
He remained still, so Totoro moved forwards, towering above him. But Taehyung could never be intimidated, knowing this gentle giant well enough. Instead, his eyes remained on you as Totoro lowered you towards him.
You were clearly asleep, eyes shut and chest rising and falling evenly. But it was how on earth you came to be so, in Totoro’s arms, and now in front Tae’s house, that had his brow furrowing deeply.
Though water no longer sat on your skin, the dampness of your hair and clothes remained. You must be freezing.
However, as Tae hurried forward a couple more steps to reach out for you, a warmth engulfed him. Recognising the forest spirit’s familiar magic, a hint of a smile returned to his face.
Though Totoro now relinquished their grip, the magic remained cocooning you, making Taehyung able to hold you in his arms as you had been rendered weightless.
Straightening to their full colossal height, Totoro backed away. Still feeling that comforting magic wrap around the two of you, Taehyung smiled as he bowed, as deeply as he could with you in his arms. Totoro gave a little bob of their own before turning away.
For a short moment, Taehyung watched the spirit amble away. But you were the priority. Unsure how long the magic would last, he backed into the door to push it open and get you both inside. Looking around in mild panic, he settled on the first place he thought of and moved through to the bedroom.
Setting you down on the futon, he pushed your wet hair away from your forehead with his palm.
Next, he hovered for a moment.
Eventually he stood back, swallowing nervously as he watched you. It was still the middle of the night, and raindrops were splattering the window again, though less harsh than before.
Of course, his concern was still unsatisfied. If Totoro had found you, that could only mean you had been in the forest. But… why? At this time of night, you should be safely tucked away inside.
Well, at least you were now.
Sighing, he turned away to retrieve the blanket he had dragged to the living room. Collecting a few more cushions for good measure, he placed them down on the closer edge of the futon. It was big enough for him to sleep here too, while still leaving some distance between you.
After depositing his bedding, Tae made one more trip to the cupboard, bringing out a duvet. Though thick, it was very light. He liked to think of it as his ‘cloud duvet’.
Seating himself, he leaned across to you to cover you with his favourite duvet, but stopped short.
The hair lying on his pillows was already drying. So too were your pyjamas.
Sighing, he shook his head lightly and continued to throw the covers across your sleeping form.
He would get his answers in the morning. Settling down himself, Taehyung turned onto his side so his back faced you. For now you were okay, Totoro had made sure of that.
But aside from what had happened to you, one thing plagued his mind the most even as he closed his eyes.
Why had Totoro brought you to him?
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Beams of light hung lazily in the air, only warded off by the thin fabric of Taehyung’s curtains. Blinking in the hazy morning, the usual hushed whisper of the forest greeted him, no trace of the furore of last night.
Except for the weight on the bed beside him.
Rubbing one hand across his face, he looked down at you. You remained nestled against the pillows, hair fanning out as the light cast it into rich colour. When his arm fell, it was perilously close to you, but he didn’t move it away.
Taehyung knew there was breakfast to be made and explanations to be had once he left the comfort of the bed.
Still, he lay unmoving, content to simply let his gaze roam your resting features. Warm light glowing against your skin showed it invitingly soft. His dark eyes traced your eyelashes where they rested, the gentle slope of your lips…
His breath hitched, a slight gasp lost in the fabric of his pillow.
At the first inclination of your lashes shifting, bringing you closer to wakefulness, he retreated, sliding out from his blanket and away to the kitchen. A puff of air left his lips as he willed his feet to fall noiselessly, leaving you to slumber.
He could easily blame the moment on his hazy awakening from sleep. He could pretend he only stayed next to you for want of staying warm in bed for a while longer.
Except he knew it would never be the truth.
You were truly breathtaking to him, painted perfectly in the dreamy morning light. All he could do was steer his thoughts away and turn them to preparing some breakfast.
And that was what roused you: the vague scent of steaming rice in the air and the odd clang of kitchenware from the other room. Rolling over as your eyelids cracked apart, you registered the indulgently soft duvet you were under, the scent of rain on the pillow.
It was already light, so you eased yourself to sit, stretching out your back with a quiet groan.
Vaguely, you remembered the sound of raindrops in the air, earth biting at your knees and a giant tree. It had certainly been a strange dream, you thought as you opened your eyes.
And paused, blinking.
This wasn’t your room. Hell, it wasn’t even your house.
From among the fluffy mountains of bedding, you slowly took in the place. Somehow, you weren’t exactly panicked by the position you found yourself, oddly comforted by the domestic sounds of cooking. You could guess where you were, and became more certain when your eyes fell on a row of assorted paintings propped against the wall.
When Taehyung poked his head into the bedroom, he found you awake and sat up. You had moved to the side of the bed, and were sitting cross legged as a hand delicately skimmed the surface of the nearest painting.
For a moment, he didn’t announce himself. Breathing deeply, his eyes rested fondly on the back of your head, ignoring the painting. He could see the artwork anytime, and he knew it well.
A vibrant green landscape of the forest, he had put Totoro and the other spirits dotted about the trees. Some were barely there, signifying how they protected the woods even though almost no one believed in them at all.
You must have sensed him, however, for you were snatching your hand back from the image and whirling around to face him.
“You alright there?” he smirked gently at your surprise.
“Yeah…” you murmured.
Noticing you chewing your lip, looking between him and the painting, Taehyung’s small smile faded a little. The confused tone you spoke with placed a light frown in its place.
“Yeah?” his low voice echoed.
Pushing himself away from the doorframe, he drew closer, hands dug into his pockets.
“That… that thing, in your drawing,” you frowned, staring right at it. “I dreamt about it.”
“Ah,” understanding dawned on Taehyung and he sat down beside you. Neither of you complained at the closeness as his leg pressed flush to your own. “That’s the forest spirit I told you about. Well, all of them are. But that’s Totoro.”
His tone had been anything but ridiculing, but still you looked around to find his expression genuine, eyes slightly creased at the corners in a vague smile.
“I-I don’t understand,” you breathed.
“You didn’t dream about them,” he leaned closer for emphasis, shifting to face you better, “it was real. Do you remember coming here?”
For a moment, you frowned, eyes escaping his as they seemed to look far away while you tried to recall. You came up empty.
“That’s because Totoro brought you to me,” Taehyung went on, patient as before, “last night, they brought you in from the storm.”
He paused for a moment, wetting his lips as he gauged your reaction before carrying on:
“Do you remember why you were out? Did you fall asleep in the forest?”
Again, that look took over your face. Your gaze fell to your hands as they played with the hem of the duvet, untangling the mass of memories from the night before.
“I think… I must have done…” you frowned, then suddenly started. “Oh crap! I remember why I left! My boss is gonna kill me-“
Panicked, Taehyung placed his hands on your knees as you carried on rambling, starting to push the blankets away in your sudden rush.
“Hey, hey, Y/N slow down, what’s going on?”
“I-I got a call from work,” you hastily explained, “they need me to approve a set of designs and I said it was fine even though-“
“I thought you took the time off work?”
“I did, I did but I said yes anyway but then I just felt so… so- argh! I was so stressed all over again and I just wanted to get out…” the clarity you lacked the night before made you cringe as you pictured yourself walking down the muddy track in just pyjamas, heading into the trees in the middle of the night. You chuckled drily, “maybe not my wisest idea.”
“No,” Taehyung had to agree, inclining his head, “but you’re here right now. Work doesn’t need you this instant.”
Pulling your lower lip between your teeth, you weren’t quite sure if he spoke the truth. Either way, you decided you didn’t much care when the boy broke into a shy grin and offered a hopeful ‘stay for breakfast?’.
He had managed to cook without mishap this time, resulting in a self-satisfied grin which you could easily tell translated into an I-told-you-so.
Happily full after his meal, Taehyung told you that he was going to do some painting, but that you were welcome to stay. From someone else, you might not be sure if they meant it or were just saying it out of politeness, but Taehyung had already offered you a set of clothes and a hot drink.
You certainly didn’t want to go yet, and you dared to hope he wanted you to stay as well.
So you accepted his offer and settled on the sofa with a steaming mug of tea and a book you had plucked at random from the shelves. Meanwhile, Taehyung turned on an old fashioned radio, which crackled softly into life in the corner before filling the atmosphere with calm music.
You knew for a fact Tae had a study in his house, but he brought his materials out into the main room anyway. Neither of you needed to say much as he set to work and you sipped your tea, going about your tasks in the mutual comfort of shared space.
He was facing the window as he worked, allowing you a view of his progress.
In the end, you became far too distracted to make it far through the book at all, too busy watching colour fill up the blank spaces. The work had already been started, with just a wash of colour occupying the canvas.
Now, you got to watch as from the blur of colours and shapes came the form of a forest. But this one was not bathed in the glory of day, the colours dark and muted instead.
Smooth brushstrokes left in their wake a body of water, glittering stars scattered within it. The limited palette of the night-time scene was fascinating to you. At last, Tae’s brush was picking out the form of the spirit again, peering from behind the trees. Your mouth curved up into a smile.
As Taehyung stood back, brush clamped in his mouth as he assessed his work so far, you scrambled to flip over a chunk of pages in your book. Burying your face in it, your cheeks burned as you realised you had been staring this whole time.
“What do you think?”
Making an effort to look as surprised as possible, you turned back to find Tae beaming at you.
“I think it’s wonderful,” you assured him, “the colours, the water… everything.”
His eyes lit up, smile only growing wider.
“Thank you! You really think so?”
At your indulgent nod, he turned back with renewed enthusiasm to complete the side of the forest which had yet to emerge from the melange of colour.
“Shall I get us lunch?” you offered not long after, noticing that you had now been there for a few hours.
Though Tae was engrossed in his painting, nose almost pressed to the canvas as he detailed some leaves in the moonlight, he graced you with an appreciative smile and a nod.
Slipping away to the kitchen, you soon reacquainted yourself with where everything lived and got to work. It wasn’t long before your limited cooking skills had done their job. A brief call to Taehyung had him emerging in the doorway with a smile on his face, taking the bowl gratefully.
Once again you settled happily on the front step, taking in the tranquil forest. It had calmed to a mere breeze since the night before, the leaves rustling, bright green in the midday sun.
“I can see why you like it here,” you commented between mouthfuls, “it must be a great place to work.”
Taehyung hummed around his mouth of food, but soon swallowed and replied, head tilted as his eyes scanned the forest.
“It inspires me.”
“So does Totoro,” you smiled. However, it couldn’t be denied that you were digging for more information after your strange encounter.
An understanding smile curved Tae’s lips and he set his chopsticks down briefly.
“You’re right,” he nodded, “for me, they’re tied together with the forest. I haven’t seen them since I was younger, but this place keeps them alive in my imagination, I suppose.”
“Wow,” you breathed, “no wonder your work is so good, hmm? You really love this place.”
As you dug back into your food, Taehyung turned his smiling eyes to you. Though you didn’t meet his gaze, he held his breath. Chewing his lip, he wondered why he couldn’t shake that feeling that had overcome him that morning.
Eventually, he forced himself back to his food, shuffling an inch or so away from you for good measure.
“I think it’s important to have a good place,” he stated, still staring at his dish when you looked around, “a place that works for you, when you need to be creative. I’m sure you can understand that.”
“Yeah,” you nodded vaguely.
But though you never disagreed, you weren’t sure you did understand. And it struck you that perhaps you should. Previously, you had only cared about what your job title could be. Never had you focussed on where you were, convinced you could continue to force out designs the way you always had…
But right now, you thought you might share Tae’s view, the motion of the leaves and the gentle sun caressing them stirring up your long lost desire to create.
And the presence of a warm figure beside you, full of support, had you wishing perhaps a little too much that you could stay.
You couldn’t delude yourself for much longer, unfortunately. Inside, Taehyung was happy to leave your dishes on the side and his brushes out as he offered to walk you home.
However, when he proposed taking you ‘the scenic way’, you dared entertain the thought that perhaps he might like having you around, too.
Though you hadn’t been here for some time and thus your sense of direction was shaky at best, you could tell that Taehyung was leading you around to the other side of town, albeit through the forest. Neither of you were in any hurry to get there, instead enjoying the dappled shade of the woodland path, reams of laughter drifting through the tree trunks as you joked together.
A subtle ache had begun in your cheeks from the constant smiling. But as Tae broke from the path, insisting on building an ‘installation art piece’, you couldn’t bring yourself to stop.
Instead, you eagerly joined Taehyung as he ran giggling through the trees, scouring the floor for twigs and stones. If anyone else had seen you, it would certainly appear childish. Especially when Taehyung encouraged you to give him a leg up so he could reach a particularly beautiful fallen leaf that was lodged in the crook of a tree branch.
It was when he leapt down again with a subtle huff that you both burst into laughter again. Through the slits your eyes became as you creased with mirth, you caught a glimpse of a broad, boxy smile that robbed you of breath in an instant.
In front of you, Taehyung was chuckling, that beautiful smile still stretching at his lips. And once again, the urge to capture this moment swelled in you. You couldn’t take your eyes from him, simply trying to commit the image to memory with the unattainable hope that it would never fade away.
As he wiped one last tear, you hurriedly turned away, cursing the intense speed your heart had reached.
“What’s your plan, Van Gogh?” you joked, hoping he couldn’t see your sudden nerves.
“Not sure,” he replied happily. Fingers catching your wrist, he tugged you further on. Striding away towards the path ahead of you, he would never see the heat blooming in your face at the contact.
Flustered, you hurried after him, only to run into his back as he stopped without warning.
“Tae? Is-?”
Poking your head from your spot behind his shoulder, you too rapidly quieted.
Though it was not long since you last saw Totoro, the memory was a haze of rain and tears. Now, though, you gulped at the sight. The spirit was waddling along the pathway, each step somehow regal with its commanding size.
With wide eyes you turned to Taehyung. His side profile showed an awed smile, a shallow breath escaping him.
When the creature turned around, you stiffened. But beside you, Taehyung simply stepped forwards, leaving you staring between him and Totoro. Bowing briefly, Tae moved even closer while you hurried to observe the same manners.
Unaffected, Totoro simply turned, continuing their ambling journey through the woods.
Frown taking over your face and unsure what to do, you looked to Tae at your side. However, his expression had split into a joyful grin that obscured his eyes within creases, and before you could even open your mouth, he was dashing to follow the spirit.
Taken by surprise, you could do nothing but follow, tripping through the undergrowth until you spilled back out onto the path.
Laughter was bubbling from your lips before you could control it. Taehyung’s giggled soon mingled with yours in the air.
On reaching the spirit’s side, you slowed somewhat. Totoro accepted your presence with barely a look your way as they kept plodding onwards. What were small steps for the creature, however, took you at a surprising pace that had a sweat breaking from your forehead after a while.
A flourish of Taehyung’s arms accompanied the first breaking of the companionable silence you had journeyed in.
Following where he gestured, your eyes lit up at the sight of glittering water.
“This was where we were going?”
“Yes! Do you remember it?”
A bounce had already entered Tae’s step, and he spun to talk to you while skipping backwards.
“Of course I do!” you nodded.
Just outside this village, the stream grew broader, creating a wide, flat brook. Countless afternoons of your childhood had been spent here, hopping over the stepping stones that lay above the water’s surface, or splashing in the shallow depths at the edges.
Despite the fuzzy heat of the evening, you found a little extra energy to race after Taehyung to the bank.
Within moments, he was kicking his shoes off and hopping into the glistening water. It only just came up to his ankles, close to the side where blades of grass drooped over, their tips disturbing the surface.
Sitting down for a breather, you also slipped off your shoes and dipped your feet in. Soothingly cool, the water brought relief against the heat you had worked up on the walk.
However, you never got much chance to rest as Taehyung stuck a hand directly under your nose. Scoffing, you took it anyway. In some small retribution, you aimed a kick in his direction once he had dragged you up, sending droplets of water showering over his legs.
Of course, you were instantly shrieking as he sent a playful, but much more powerful, wave of water back your way.
Though you were still aware of the large form of Totoro standing nearby, you were inexplicably more comfortable with their presence now. In fact, they faded to the back of your mind as you let yourself become preoccupied with the impromptu water fight that had your breathless laughs carrying over the rippling stream.
Eventually, you collapsed back onto the grassy bank, head thrown back as you breathed, heavy and exhilarated. For a moment, you simply let a gentle breeze soothe your skin.
When you looked back up, Taehyung snapped his eyes away from you so fast you were hardly sure you had caught them in the first place. Just as he turned away, a shadow fell over you.
Tipping your head back, you saw Totoro looking back down at you.
Before you could speak, let alone turn to face them, a bundle of sticks had fallen at your side, a couple rolling right up to your fingers where they rested. Picking the rough objects up, you looked back to the spirit quizzically. They were the sticks Taehyung had collected earlier, eventually carried here with him and left on the ground.
Then Totoro moved away, downstream a little.
Approaching you, Taehyung bent down to retrieve a few for himself.
“I think they want to play,” he smiled.
Totoro was watching you, almost expectantly. A smile quirked over your lips.
“I know this game!”
Side by side, you and Taehyung padded upstream a few paces, selecting a stick each.
“Three! Two! One!” he counted loudly, although you swore he dropped his stick a little before the last was called.
“Hey!” you shoved him playfully, but he was already taking off jogging towards Totoro.
You had lost sight of the slim shapes moving through the water, so you walked after him, groaning as Totoro held up the gnarled stick Taehyung had chosen.
“That’s not fair!” you tried to sound indignant, even going so far as to fold your arms, but laughter betrayed you.
Several rematches later, the sun was beginning to dip in earnest, and you had to admit it was time to get home. You were still closer to Tae’s house than yours, given the roundabout route you had taken.
As the light painted the sky darker, a few wisps of grey swirling below amber, the laughter died down at the prospect of going back home. Either way, there wasn’t much you could use as an excuse to stay here longer, so you slipped your shoes back on and began making your way over the stepping stones.
Taehyung went first, more steady on his feet while you slipped, taking a moment to get your footing on each one.
Totoro, on the other hand, simply watched you go.
Once, you turned back to give them a shy wave, but they didn’t move. Despite the muteness of the spirit, you thought it looked a little affronted at your leaving.
I’ll come back you promised silently with a smile.
Staring at the wonderful creature, you understood the fond firmness of belief Tae had described feeling about the forest spirits.
But with your eyes averted, your next step was not calculated. Suddenly there was no rock beneath your foot, leg slipping straight down the side as you whipped your attention to the front too late.
A gasp left you as Taehyung’s exclamation faded from the air, his hands steadfast around your waist. Gulping at the sudden contact, you dared to look up. Dark eyes bore right back into your own and they weren’t breaking away.
“You okay?”
When the words left his lips, you felt them as breath drifting across your own more than you heard them.
You tried to nod, afraid that your noses would touch, close as you were. Somehow, though, you couldn’t look away. The hypnotising softness within his irises had you unsteady all over again as you placed your foot carefully back on stone.
Still, his hands stayed in place. And you didn’t want them to move away.
Tentatively, you breathed in, unable to help your gaze dipping to Taehyung’s temptingly plump lips.
He can’t have missed it. But you realised too late, returning your gaze to the safer, yet still perilous, territory of his eyes. Only to find him slightly further away, adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as his eyebrows raised slightly.
Snapping your mouth closed, you stiffened as horror set in. Was he uncomfortable? Had you revealed yourself?
But still he didn’t back away-
A yelp punctuated the air, startled from your own lungs with the impact of your body against Tae’s chest. In a split second, you were landing against something firm with a large splash in the relative quiet of the evening.
Gasping as cold water covered your back, you jerked only to find a strong arm circling you in its grip. Below you, a low rumble of laughter vibrated through your body.
Eyes widening, you realised you were lying pressed flush against Taehyung.
As the grip around you loosened, taking some warmth with it, you looked into Tae’s eyes which were once again creasing with mirth. He struggled to sit it the shallow stream, eventually ending up with you straddled on his lap as his arm remained looped casually around you. Despite the water, icier now in the deepening evening, heat was flaming in your cheeks.
Eager to twist around, you laid eyes on what had caused your unfortunate impact. Totoro stood in the water, unmoving as ever although they were quite clearly the only culprit in sight.
“What-?” you spluttered.
Still laughing, Taehyung helped ease you off him, keeping your hand clasped in his own as you both clambered to your feet. Water dripped from your hair, your legs and shoes sending miniature downfalls over the stepping stones as you returned to them.
“Have we angered the spirit?” you stage whispered to Taehyung, who laughed loudly.
“Sorry Totoro, we have to go home,” Tae sent a bow towards the creature. They blinked back.
Giggling slightly, you took a tentative step onto the next boulder. No sooner had you moved than the wind suddenly picked up around you, the waves in the brook growing more prominent as chill air ensnared your damp skin.
Taehyung cursed under his breath.
“It’s freezing,” he muttered, gritting his teeth.
Subconsciously, you huddled closer to him as he looked around – first at the path ahead and over the stream, then back towards the forest. Both of you seemed to gravitate to the latter, where leaves rioted in the air above the treetops.
As you stood in the wind, Taehyung’s arm had lifted to absently hold your waist. You felt him tug lightly.
“Maybe we should go back to mine. It’s still too far to your place, we might both freeze.”
“Are you sure?” you breathed, though you wanted to agree there and then, run back to his warm bed and not move for several hours. The way your voice came shakily with the shivers that began only confirmed Tae’s plan, and he was already setting off towards the riverbank.
“Very sure. Let’s get inside.”
Not needing to be told twice, you followed hastily, only connected to Tae by your fingertips that clutched each other as he led the way.
A particularly violent gust had your shoulders hunching. You were nearly at the side of the stream, and so you kept your focus for a moment longer on the rocks in front of you, before at last your feet met the grassy floor.
But on looking up, the sight that greeted you on the bank had your mouth hanging open.
What looked like a bus was standing in front of you. Or what would have looked like a bus, if not for the fact that it was smiling.
But after the day you had had, you made no protest as Tae told you it was okay to get in, merely accepting your fate with an incredulous sigh.
Tae’s hand on the small of your back as you stepped inside didn’t go unnoticed by you, but you let it slide. It was nice to be out of the cold, so you busied yourself with getting cosy on the seats that ran down the sides of the interior.
A jolt announced your departure. Looking around, you found Totoro hadn’t joined you, but watched you leave from the bank instead.
Turning back to the scene in front of you, you were surprised to note that no wind touched your frozen skin any more, despite the fact the windows on this bus seemed to be… well, non-existent. Beside you, Tae was leaning out slightly with a giddy grin lighting up his face, hand splayed in the air.
With a smile creeping onto your own face, you resigned yourself to the unexpected journey. Folding your arms against the side, you too stared out across the sky.
The treetops were far beneath you now, your whole village visible though it looked toy-sized from here. Wisps of clouds flew close overhead while your vantage point showed the glaring sun peeking above the horizon, illuminating your face with the last of the day’s warmth.
A glance to Taehyung showed his face bathed in the glow as well, painting his skin with molten gold that danced in his eyes and streaked through his hair like brushstrokes.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away.
Mindless to the risk of him catching you, you allowed your gaze to trail along his features, cast into striking light and shade. You longed to reach out, touch his hair. It looked indulgently soft, waving in a light breeze as you travelled.
All too soon, shadows were once again flitting over his cheeks as you were brought closer to the ground.
Awed smile remaining on his parted lips, he turned his face to you. Though you swallowed, you didn’t bother to look away, simply returning a smile. If possible, his seemed to soften even more at this.
Landing was softer than leaving the ground, barely a bump letting you know you were back on the earth. Since you sat down, lethargy had crept up on you, revealing how spent you were after the day outside.
Taehyung stood while you were still blinking groggily from your position laying on your arms.
“Come on,” a low chuckled accompanied the sliding of arms around you.
You complied, finding your feet and stepping out of the bus with a yawn. Without a moment to spare, the vehicle? creature? had leapt from the ground, soon whizzing out of sight.
Until you climbed the steps to Taehyung’s house, the cool air waking you sufficiently to slip off your shoes, you hadn’t noticed that your clothes had dried.
“They never stop with the surprises,” Taehyung’s low voice chuckled, making you look up.
You had been standing just inside the doorway, ogling your sleeves as if you might blink and find them soaking wet again in an instant. Meanwhile, Tae stood in the living room, one hand dug into a pocket as his other fingers slipped open the top button of his shirt with practised ease.
Gulping at the sight, you fixed your eyes back on his.
He simply smiled. Under one arm he gathered a blanket that had been strewn on the couch, but it was his free hand he held out to you, fingers outstretched, inviting.
Grateful, you stepped closer, inhaling the comforting scent of his home. You hadn’t noticed it before, but though your clothes were dry they still gave off the odour of river water, making the aroma of paints mingled with herbs and spices more prominent by contrast as you closed the space between you.
Hand closing around the offered blanket, you broke eye contact for the first time.
“This feels like a dream,” you murmured, head shaking lightly.
A beat of silence as Tae released his grip on the soft fabric, transferring it to your fingers.
“It does,” he whispered.
Had you looked up, you would have found his eyes still trained intently on you. So close, he bit his tongue, not trusting his voice further given the way his throat closed up, lending his deep voice more gravel than usual.
Stifling a yawn, you looked around, already pulling the blanket over your shoulders. Despite the quick journey and drying off, the chill of the outside lingered a little.
“Where do you want me?” you yawned.
Tae cleared his throat before he spoke, stepping away though he left his fingers tangled loosely with your own.
“The bedroom is fine, i-if you want to, that is,” he hastened to add, “we’re both tired. Let’s get some sleep.”
While normally your manners would have you protest at least a little, you had to admit how sleepy you were becoming. It was impossible to deny that Tae had just proposed exactly what you wanted, and so you let him lead you to the bedroom, where you sunk onto the futon as he gathered some clothes from his wardrobe.
Folded beside you, you handled them with reverent fingers, slipping out of your clothes once Tae had excused himself for the bathroom.
You reversed your tasks once more before you found yourself bundled in comforting blankets, the weight next to you a steadying influence in the darkness. Though you longed to reach out for him, trace your fingertips over his skin, hold him close-
you really were just too tired.
And maybe it was testament to the security of his presence that you were unable to act on your desires, sleep claiming you strongly instead, taking you quicker than you had managed in months.
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Waking up, however, was a different story.
While the exhaustion of yesterday had muffled any thoughts beyond wanting to sleep, today your mind was overflowing even as you first blinked at the pale light.
Beside you, Taehyung still lay sleeping. You were simultaneously aware of his peaceful beauty, and the panic with which you found yourself revelling in it. It seemed you had become a little too attached to him. Maybe this had all been a mistake…
Also in the back of your mind, though rapidly elbowing its way to the forefront, was the fact you hadn’t been home for an entire day. Your phone was still there; who knew how many work calls you might have missed?
Though you couldn’t quite find it in yourself to regret turning away from it, you couldn’t shake the itching responsibility to get back and see what mess awaited.
But at the same time, that terrified you beyond belief.
Most of all, however, your mind was swimming with colours. Shapes, snippets of designs floated in your brain. You weren’t sure when the last time that had happened was. You used to dream up your designs, when you were still beginning your career, desperate to create.
And though there were many scary things waiting for you, this revelation, this newfound desire to design again, lent your limbs new strength as you rolled from the bed.
Reclaiming your clothes from last night was first up; Tae had draped them over kitchen chairs to air out, but the smell lingered a little. It didn’t bother you too much, so you dressed quickly.
It was then that the soft creaking of floorboards caught your attention. You turned just in time to see Tae emerge from the bedroom, eyes barely cracked open while his lips were puffed out in an adorable pout, clearly only half-awake.
Stopping with an arm on the doorframe, hair flopping haphazardly around his face, he squinted across at you.
“Where are you going?” his low voice still rumbled in his throat, dry with disuse this morning.
Silently moving, you quickly padded across the floor towards him. None of the curtains were open yet, the watery morning light permeating the air tentatively.
In this dim space, you had the courage to lift your palms to press against his cheeks. On meeting his big eyes that stared across at you, you swallowed.
“There’s something I have to do,” you breathed, gaze skimming down his face as he watched you. Despite his bewildered state this early in the day, he was beginning to become more alert at your words.
Slowly, his fingers lifted to wrap gently around your wrist.
“Okay,” his voice remained husky, “but… you’ll come back?”
You tore your eyes from where they had focussed, without your consent, on his lips, to return his intent stare.
“Of course I will,” you whispered, mouth turning up at the corners.
For a moment, your breathing hitched. Such close distance between you two was becoming frequent, but you were far from used to it. Your cheeks still heated up, breath shallow as you savoured the softness of his skin under your hand.
Your eyes slid closed. In the relative darkness that encapsulated you, it was easy to think wishfully, imagine leaning closer in this timeless space where no one would see…
But then the moment passed, your hand slipping inconsequentially from his lingering grip.
Bringing your hand back to your side, you squeezed a smile his way and took a step backwards.
Then another.
He remained standing there as your pace sped up, and soon you were out of the door. As it closed behind you, you swore you could have seen a large pair of eyes blinking from between the trees.
Knowing what you did now, you couldn’t write it off, but neither did you pay any more attention, feeling a strange weightlessness as you trod the path to your house.
Going the short way this time, it didn’t take you long as you walked the tracks beside the glistening rice fields and farmland. Workers were already out, having risen with the sun which had fully emerged from the trees by now. As you passed, you exchanged nods and waves, smiling and giving good greetings to all you looked up at you.
Quiet fell again once you reached your road.
A nervous chill ran through you, but there was a thrill to it.
Approaching your house, you found two figures standing outside. With a frown, you drew closer.
“Auntie?” you called, making the women turn to you, “Mei?”
Mei’s warm face formed a friendly smile while your aunt beside her gawked. Recovering from her shook, she hurried to you, grasping your hands as your received her with confusion.
“Mei told me you were at Kim Taehyung’s? Is that true?”
With a glance to the old lady, you confirmed.
“That’s a relief,” your aunt laughed, “I came around yesterday to find you gone! You even left your phone!”
She was holding it out to you. Smiling weakly, you suddenly felt the weight of her watching you. Thankfully, Mei began to walk back towards her house, lessening your audience.
Sure enough, when you powered your phone on, it was instantly lighting up, ping after ping flooding your screen with notifications, calls and messages.
A frown made your aunt’s concern clear, but even you surprised yourself with your confidence as you simply grinned back.
“I have it under control,” you assured her, and walked up your steps to the door.
Inside, you took a breath, but could put it off no more. Beyond the fear of what you were about to do, lay the images of your home, the expansive fields and forests that had always been your source of inspiration. And now, a giant, friendly forest spirit-
And a hand, resting in yours.
The dial tone filled your ears, and you took a seat. Your notebook was still atop your desk, thrown aside to make way for your laptop, sat open with its screen dead. Nor had you disposed of your instant food wrappers-
“Y/N,” a stern voice crackled through the line. Your boss. “Where are those plans I asked you for?”
Though she couldn’t see you, you brought a smile to your face, summoned to lend you confidence.
“I’m sorry,” you quickly apologised, already hearing the reprimand on her lips, “but something came up. And I… I have something to tell you.”
A sigh.
“Go on.”
“Well… I’ve been thinking. I appreciate all the opportunities I’ve had with this company, but I don’t think it’s taking me where I would like to go-“
“Y/N!” you weren’t sure you had ever heard so much emotion in your boss’ voice. Her voice rang with pure shock, “Do you mean to say-?”
“This is me, handing in my notice,” you spoke clearly, “thank you.”
Silence stretched out for longer than you could comfortably take. But, should you need to, you were ready to repeat yourself. Somewhere on the other line, you heard a muffled voice trying to get your boss’ attention, but it was soon gone again. You knew well the dismissive wave that person will have received.
“Very well,” she spoke at last.
And with that acceptance, you felt like you were floating.
There was a spring in your step even as you cleaned up the mess you had left behind, the whole time itching to get your hands on your pens and brushes.
You had quit. You had quit!
For so long, the notion would never have crossed your mind, the prospect of giving up too terrifying to consider. But you weren’t giving up, not at all. Maybe you were giving up on what you thought you wanted. Or what you had wanted, once upon a time, but now no longer fit you.
Instead of guilt or fear, you were filled with excitement. You knew what you wanted.
And you were halfway there.
This, however, was the easy part. No matter how hard it may be to rebuild your career, starting afresh, none of those obstacles scared you quite as much as the next thought to enter your mind.
But you had promised him you would come back.
And perhaps one upheaval was enough for one day, you thought as you gathered your sketchbook, your paints. You could afford to hide from your feelings for a little longer, right?
You certainly couldn’t deny them, but you were afraid to admit them. Who knew what could happen then? You dared not hope for them being returned, and concluded to let yourself enjoy time with Tae for now.
After all, you were so excited to create, an almost alien passion that you were thrilled to welcome back.
And you could think of no one better to share this joy with. Taehyung was an artist too; he would understand.
Not far from Tae’s house, back past the open farmland, a familiar shape dominated the path in front of you. The sight of Totoro brought a smile to your face, reminding you of all the magic you had discovered in this place since you returned.
What you hadn’t quite expected was for them to be waiting for you. Unsure what to do, you settled for a quick bow and a quiet ‘hello’ as you continued.
Walking past the spirit, it just watched you for an extended moment before following along behind.
Taehyung was at the kitchen window when you arrived, and saw you coming. A boxy smile lit up his face before it disappeared from the window, emerging only seconds later in the doorway, a pair of paintbrushes clutched in his hand and dripping onto the porch. The day had bloomed into gorgeous full sun, and he held his hand up to shield his eyes from it as he watched you arrive.
A glance behind you confirmed Totoro was still following.
“They were standing around outside all morning,” Tae began talking, coming down the steps to meet you, “thought they wanted me to come into the forest, but when I tried, they walked even further down that way. What do you think’s got into them?”
“Beats me,” you shrugged, “but they seem happy enough now.”
Sure enough, Totoro had retreated a little further towards the treeline, still watching you both. For a moment, you and Tae both twisted around, looking back at the creature.
“Anyway…” you laughed.
Joining in, Tae led the way back inside, wiping his brushes against his trousers.
“Did you do what you needed to?” he asked, back facing you. The art supplies in your arms hadn’t gone unnoticed, and he was pulling out a chair to place next to his own setup.
“Yeah,” you hummed, setting your things down, “I, er- I quit my job.”
Brows lifting, Tae straightened up to face you. But his mouth soon slid into a bright smirk.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” you breathed. You couldn’t keep your own beaming smile away from your face.
His eyes lingered on you for a moment longer.
“So you’re going to be around here for a while, then?”
“Yeah,” you smiled warmly, “I think I am.”
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Over the next few hours, the image you had hoped for came to life. Sitting side by side, you and Tae both went about your works in pleasureable silence. Him, hidden behind an easel and periodically popping his head around it to survey they scenery, and you, meagre sketchbook propped on a cluttered desk.
It was perfect.
And finally, your creative energy was allowed to burst forth. For the first time since you were a student, you drew. And drew. And drew.
Pages seemed to fill themselves up, and if some thoughts were still unpolished, at least they were here, proof that you had never lost your spark, the spark which the fruitless toil of your old workplace had stamped out. Maybe you had just lost your way, temporarily.
And for that short afternoon, you were able to push all other thoughts from your mind. Especially those pertaining to a certain fluffy-haired artist with a boxy smile.
But even having half your worries settled was a relief.
That night, you returned home. Though you slept easier than the last time you were in this bed, you were ashamed of how much you longed for Tae’s presence next to you. Even when you had slept silently, barely touching save for the odd brush of an arm or leg when you rolled over, it was a grounding relief to have him there.
Luckily, you hadn’t even had to ask him yesterday if you could drop by again; he had leapt on the chance to invite you himself.
So you didn’t dwell on the way you reached out when you woke up, expecting to find a warm presence under the blankets with you. Instead, you happily climbed out of bed, ready to repeat your routine from yesterday.
This time, you at least brought some snacks along from your kitchen.
Today brought a large dose of d                         ja-vu along with it. Totoro was once again waiting for you, expectant. It took you off guard, but slipped your mind once you were back at Tae’s side, happily working for the remainder of the morning.
But Totoro didn’t give up. Those large eyes blinked through the window when the two of you went to prepare food.
“Do you want attention?” you chuckled, knowing you wouldn’t receive an answer.
“What do you say?” Tae’s low voice grew closer, “fancy a break outside?”
You were prevented from replying when his breath fell across your neck, causing you to stiffen. But he simply leaned over, hooking his chin lazily on your shoulder as he dropped another spoon into the sink where you were washing up.
“Y/N?” he frowned when met with your silence, small pout forming as he drew back to look at you.
You shook yourself.
“What? Oh, yes,” you tripped over your tongue, “that sounds great. Looks like Totoro would appreciate that too.”
With a laugh, Tae wiped his hands on a cloth.
“I’ll go get changed.”
Not long later, you were surrounded by trees, bathed now in deep shade that shielded you from the midday sun. Totoro had seemingly been satisfied by your attention, as they had followed you on your walk without protest.
Not that you were sure how they would protest if they wanted to, but your point stands.
It was strange how accustomed you were to the spirit by now, no longer staring over your shoulder at the creature. Instead, you were preoccupied by Tae as he ran, giggling, towards a tree with the perfect low-hanging branches for climbing.
By the time you had reached him, he was dangling, sloth-style, so that he was level with your head. His grin was just as goofy upside-down, and you swatted at his soft hair as it hung off his reddening face.
“Budge up,” you grinned, trying to hoist yourself up as well.
You had succeeded in getting onto the first branch when Totoro appeared by the base of the tree. Smiling down at them, you waited for Tae to clamber up to the next bough.
The moment you looked back to him, however, you felt a strange tug, shrieking when you found no branch below your feet. Looking about wildly, your feet flailed, scrabbling for any kind of purchase.
From where he hung onto a branch, Taehyung looked down sharply in a panic, but instead found you level with him.
Wide eyes stared at one another until the same feeling clutched at Tae, stomach dropping as he was miraculously lifted from his perch.
A look behind you showed Totoro still right there, also floating. One arm was holding you, Tae’s hand clutching the other. As you blinked in mute shock at the spirit, they opened their mouth, stretching into a wide grin. Laughter floated past your lips at the sight.
Somehow, you dodged the branches crossing your path as you ascended, though they grew sparser as you carried on upwards. Unlike your journey in the bus, you could feel a breeze coursing past you now.
Gaping in disbelief, you found Tae again, reaching out to him. Your expression was mirrored on his, and he eagerly entwined your free hands, smile softening as you were brought closer in the air.
And as you floated high above the ground, you somehow felt little difference than the way you always did when Tae was beside you, hand resting in your own.
You laughed again, a sound of pure joy, forgetting the spirit carrying you as you simply watched his eyes. Among the cool breeze, you felt a slight tickle of warmth from his breath.
As you watched, his smile slowly melted from his lips, captivated instead by your stare, though he looked no less peaceful.
But just as distant hills could be revealed beyond the thinning leaves, you felt a warm hold loosening around you. You hadn’t even noticed it, but now it was retracting, you could feel the spirit’s magic clearly and panicked. In an instant, you had grabbed the nearest branch, which was surprisingly sturdy.
In your rush, your hand had slipped from Tae’s, but a shudder of the branch told you he had also caught hold of it.
The calming magic slipped away completely.
Now clutching the tree for dear life, you looked down, but Totoro was nowhere to be seen. Squeezing your eyes shut, you sucked in a deep breath. Then, with a surge of energy, you swung further onto the branch, ignoring the way it lurched, to give you a steadier sitting place.
“You alright?” you panted.
Only a grunt answered you as Tae copied your action.
As he righted himself, you caught an uneasy wobble in his expression, instinctively holding out a hand.
“Come here.”
Gladly taking it, Taehyung’s shoulders lowered, easing a bit once you were connected. Waiting for him, you shimmied a short distance to rest where the branch met the trunk. On reaching you, Tae pressed closer, shoulder up against your own.
Smiling fondly, you twisted so you could reach your arms around him loosely.
“It’s okay,” you whispered, though you had no idea what had just happened.
“Not a fan of heights,” he murmured, but his deep voice did not seem panicked.
“At least it’s pretty,” you pointed out, nudging him the smallest amount to avoid toppling.
You were right. Between picture frames formed by intertwining branches, the land stretched out in the brilliant light. The same land that had always inspired you. How could you bring yourself to be irritated at Totoro for bringing you here?
“You seem remarkably calm,” a chuckle rumbled through Tae’s chest.
“I’m not sure anything else can surprise me now.”
He smiled, turning towards you. In this position, though, you were intimately close, his nose barely an inch from your own once he had twisted to look into your eyes. Inhaling sharply, you gripped the tree trunk harder.
“Why do you think they brought us here?”
“I don’t know,” you whispered, not trusting your voice, “but they wouldn’t hurt us.”
“I know that,” Taehyung nodded, gaze dropping enough for you to deflate again.
Still holding onto each other like it was the most natural thing, you eyed the landscape for a little while longer, allowing quiet to elapse.
But this proximity wasn’t doing you any favours. Though you were sure Tae was oblivious, your heart was beating erratically, unable to forget his presence. All the thoughts that had occupied you lately were flooding in, except this time there was no escape.
You were stuck in this tree next to the man who drove you crazy any time he looked your way. The man you were dying to spend time with the moment you woke up each day. The man who accepted you, supported you, reminded you where your true passion lay.
No, you couldn’t take this.
“Hey,” a low voice brushed your earlobe, just moments before a gentle finger found your chin, bringing it up.
You had barely noticed your gaze falling from the view in front of you while you lost yourself in useless circles of thought. Now, you couldn’t look away as shining dark eyes captivated your own.
“What are you thinking about?” Taehyung asked, lips curving upwards.
Licking your lips, you tore your eyes away. This was too much for your poor heart.
“Y/N?” he ducked to catch your eyes, brow creasing.
You were too weak for this boy. As soon as you saw the slight displeasure on his face, you longed to chase it away.
You sighed.
Nearly as quiet as the breeze, you half hoped your admission would be carried away. But as you bit your tongue, daring to look up, you knew Tae had heard. His smile grew, though he tilted his head questioningly.
“What about me?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” you grinned, looking away again. This was too risky. Maybe he would buy the joke and drop it before you made a fool of yourself-
“I was thinking about you too.”
You blinked.
“You were?”
He hummed, not a trace of insincerity in his large eyes as he nodded.
“Well…” you picked subconsciously at your sleeve, “what were you thinking about?”
“Nosy,” he griped, taking a light swipe at your nose with his forefinger.
Succeeding in bringing a smile to your face as you jerked your head away with a laugh, he sighed, shuffling closer indetectably.
“I was wondering… maybe Totoro did this because of you-“ just as you gaped indignantly, he hurried on “-because of us. They put us up here… together.”
“Oh. Yeah,” you nodded, brow furrowing.
“But even if- if that’s not the case…”
Taehyung trailed off, bringing your attention back to him. He wet his lips, sucking his lower one between worrying teeth before meeting your eyes again.
“We’re alone and, well… I was wondering what it would be like to kiss you.”
That knocked all the air out of your lungs. You sucked a shaky breath, then out.
“What it would be like?” you echoed.
He nodded, gulping.
And then something snapped. Unable to stand it anymore, you slid your hand to his jaw, the next moment surging forwards, lips colliding desperately.
His arms tugged you closer instantly, pulling you against him, fingers grasping at your waist hungrily as he titled his head to meet you. And heaven, it felt amazing. His lips were as soft as they looked, leaving you lapping at them with desire as his caressed yours just as dreamily, simultaneously intense with longing pressure and gentle with reverence.
Caving to him completely, you let yourself mould to his embrace. The flowing wind around you, the rustling of the leaves were utterly driven from your mind by the maddening nudge of his tongue, prompting you to deepen the kiss.
But though your fingers still clutched his jaw desperately, you were forced to break the kiss, falling away giddy and breathless.
Tae lifted a hand to your hair as well, stroking it soothingly as he pulled you close again, foreheads touching.
“Well…” you were the first to recover your voice, “I think it would feel something like that.”
A smile burst onto his face, dominating your vision, no doubt a copy of your own ecstatic grin.
Almost immediately, a strong wind ripped through the treetops. Wiping the smile from your face, you gripped tighter to both the tree and to Taehyung.
He looked around.
Following his gaze, sure enough, you were met with two large eyes staring innocently back at you.
A beat consisted of you blinking at one another in silence, before a gasping laugh burst from your mouth. Clapping a hand over it, you met Tae’s eyes, also finding him dissolve into laughter that creased his eyes.
“Looks like you were right,” you chuckled as the warm magic began to lift you once again.
“You were just waiting for us to confess!” Tae cried.
But the wide smile on his face as he pulled you closer mid-flight showed he was far from outraged.
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That night saw you tumbling at last into the same bed as Tae again. You didn’t want to leave, and you never had to.
Over time, you moved in, your own things settling among the paintings, brushes and pots that filled Tae’s house. Your house.
Every day you would see the trees, feel the wind through your hair and the sun glowing between the forest branches – the very place where you had finally given into the love binding you.
And you drew. You drew and drew, and designed until you were making a name in your own right. People would ask you about the distinctive round creatures that commonly featured in your designs. Of course, you would always laugh, a familiar sound that you shared with your boyfriend, keeping the unofficial secret between yourselves.
The two of you knew, not only the forest spirits, but the dust bunnies and flurries of wind that snaked through the roof timbers on the coldest nights. And then, you could always be assured of a warm presence beside you, to hold you through the night.
But above all, you got to see that glorious smile every day, never fading from your life.
You could breathe again.
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Thank you for reading! If you want more, there is a follow up drabble here. Come chat with me if you enjoyed it!
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 328: Pandora’s Box of Discourse
Previously on BnHA: DEKU TOOK A BATH.
Today on BnHA: 
Also Naomasa grew a beard. Goddamn. 
please let this be a cool chapter that plays nice with my ADHD lol
(ETA: lol I feel guilty because a lot of people hated this chapter, but I’m just happy there was a lot of stuff to make fun of, and also that I have another week to work on my backlog of meta posts since the kids were MIA.)
around one month ago?? ah, okay, so we’re gonna find out what was in that Tartarus security file huh
I love that they just randomly set the place on fire
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was it necessary to do this in order to escape? no. was it a good idea to set the island they were occupying on fire while they were in the midst of still occupying it? uh. was it cinematic as fuck? fuck yeah
wow it’s a pervert!!
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that’s so great that the villains set loose this fine fellow who I’m sure is definitely not a serial rapist. truly the LoV is so noble and misunderstood. they’re just trying to free society from its chains people
oh my god??!
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SHANKED!!! oh my god I cheered for Stain before I realized what I was doing. time to have an identity crisis I guess
so he’s all “hey what’s going on.” which, while a respectable question, is something I personally would have waited to ask until I had put a bit of distance between myself and the fiery murder island. but that’s just my personal preference
Stain you really are tenacious I’ll give you that
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“what’s the point of escaping prison if you’re not gonna be smart about it” well shit. anyways yeah you’re dead right, society is in the process of collapsing and the outside world is in total chaos, good call there
oh shit
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I mean it’s not like we really expecting anything otherwise, but still. fucking brutal. I feel like these guys’ fates were decided the minute that one guy called AFO “scum” back in chapter 94. AFO is unmatched at getting long-term revenge
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ahh, was it the security footage??
fdsdfk he’s still alive??
and he’s immediately launching into an inappropriately theatrical monologue even as the darkness closes in on him fdlfksjdlk. you know, was it ever confirmed that the other guy back in chapter 297 was Seiji’s dad? I’m just saying
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very impressed that he’s still coherent enough to weigh the pros and cons before making the decision to gamble on giving this info to Stain, who at the very least has his own moral code and isn’t allied with AFO. it was definitely still a risk, but as we now know it was also the right call
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what a weird alliance. so Stain tells him that he’ll give it to a just person, and the guy is all,
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okay for real though I’m gonna need someone to run a DNA test on this guy. maybe it was some kind of cuckold situation?? the other guy had the family resemblance, but this guy absolutely 100% raised Shishikura Seiji and you are not going to convince me otherwise
anyway, so Stain is all,
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PRISON GUARD: “???? ??????? what the hell. what the fuck does that fucking mean. I’m dying here, jesus christ, whatever man fuck you”
(ETA: I kind of feel like this might have been Stain’s last appearance in the manga, given all the fanfare. there’s not really much else he can do for the story at this point, and he seems to have gotten all the character development Horikoshi was planning on giving him. so if this really is it, hasta la vista and good riddance I guess.)
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(ETA: I feel like this is meant to be evocative of that Sermon on the Mount painting, but in a really fucked up way lol.)
if it were me stumbling upon this scene I would just shake my head and walk right back into the flaming building. not getting involved in that mess. sorry not sorry. I’ll take my chances with the fire, especially given that it’s half-assed neutered BnHA fire lol
blah blah blah and so he decided to pass the info on to All Might -- HOT DAMN, HOLY SHIT
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“I really like that facial scruff thing Aizawa’s got going on, I think I’m gonna get in on that” yes sir. “also thinking of ditching the tie in favor of the bulletproof vest look. also thinking of getting totally fucking jacked.” good lord. except I’m pretty sure that’s just body armor, but also I don’t care. anyway I should probably stop staring and actually read the fucking speech bubbles here lol
“All Might first handed this information over to Nao, and then went to see Deku, and then came back to Nao” thanks for that tidy little summary Horikoshi. we are capable of piecing events together in sequential order, I just want you to know that. but thank you
“so has Deku finally gotten a bath? also, sucks that Stain saved the day, but what are you gonna do” Nao I missed you so fucking much and didn’t even realize. how am I just now realizing that you are the perfect man
for a second I was gonna ask why Tartarus’s security systems would be cut off from the outside world, and then I remembered that’s a basic security control, and then I actually got impressed by how sensible that is. like, it’s been a while since I could genuinely say that the good guys (excluding class 1-A) did something smart. not that it helped them much in the end, but still
anyway so they’re talking about how AFO was able to coordinate the attack by communicating between his horcrux self on the outside and his ugly peanut-faced self on the inside
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okay you have my attention. I am taking notes here lol please continue
ah okay so he says that prior to Jakku, the transfer of information between him and his Vestige self was only one-way. but post-Jakku when Deku was in the hospital, he was able to tell what was happening inside the OFA Radical Lisa Frank Dead People Book Club Realm when he touched him. I feel like we established that before, actually. but he didn’t talk about how it actually felt, though
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boy we already know this lol. yes AFO can talk with his horcrux self. and he can also communicate with his little bro in OFA too, let’s talk about that sometime why don’t we. what exactly does that imply, based on the rules we’ve established here
my god I cannot get over Naomasa and his fucking facial hair
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no wonder All Might was in such a hurry to leave Deku and get back here
like I have no idea what this radio waves nonsense is but my god, people
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that jawline. also so it’s a quirk, I see. except last I checked Deku didn’t have a radio waves quirk, so that doesn’t really explain his connection to AFO. but whatever, hopefully we’re at least getting closer to some kind of reveal here
(ETA: since I sometimes forget that other people’s lives don’t revolve around my theory posts, here are the two relevant links if you by chance want to know my thoughts about this.
Hagakure is still The U.A. Traitor™ regardless of whether Deku is passing information on to AFO through his psychic link, which he almost certainly is.
speaking of said psychic link, Deku is a horcrux.
just posting these now, because whenever trippy OFA stuff happens I tend to get an influx of theory asks. so hopefully this will be a bit of a time saver lol.)
-- wait, what
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THAT’S what the recording was??!? holy SHIT. I genuinely was not expecting that. y’all wiretapped his fucking telepathy. fucking quirks, man. wild
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-- oh shit wait lol, except I forgot we’re not talking about 38 days from the present, we’re talking about 38 days from the date the conversation was recorded. heh. um
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yeah that’s the face I would make too if All Fucking Might just casually told me we had eight days left until the end times
oh, pardon me. three fucking days
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r.i.p. anyone who thought we were going to have another band arc sob. I sure hope Deku is enjoying that nap
(ETA: I realize people were hoping for a longer rest period here, but given that the man warned us all the way back in chapter 306 that we were entering the final act, you can’t really blame him too much when that turns out to be true. anyway but I do recognize that we’ve reached the point in the story where this kind of discourse is going to become a weekly occurrence, simply because there’s no possible way for Horikoshi’s actual endgame to line up perfectly with the variable headcanons of millions of fans, all of whom have wildly differing and in many cases contradictory expectations which can’t possibly all be fulfilled. anyway, so I’m already bracing myself for that lol. this coming year is going to be a wild ride.)
damn, U.A. out here looking like the motherfucking United Nations
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-- is this U.A.?? I actually just realized, U.A. is four interconnected buildings, not two. wait holy shit is this Shiketsu?
wait holy SHIT
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based on the overwhelmingly powerful vibes of bureaucratic incompetence, I’m thinking this really is the (future) U.N., or whatever organization it is that deals with international hero stuff
“just let them handle it themselves I’m sure they’ll be fine” yeah okay, thanks guys. appreciate it
wait oh shit did he say that it’s not just Japan?
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soooo, what you’re telling me is that AFO is this close to bringing about the end of not just Japan, but the entire world, and you guys don’t think it’s a good idea to help the Japanese heroes stop him? so, genuine follow-up question: are you guys already planning your rich people exodus into space a la Wall-E, and that’s why you don’t give a fuck?? like, what??
omg international heroes
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these guys are from World Hoodie Mission, right? is this Horikoshi’s way of reminding me to buy tickets
(ETA: and it worked too lol.)
WHO??? WHAT???
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don’t tell me you’re introducing yet another badass new female character for me to fall in love with only to watch as you dismember them and/or blow them up, Horikoshi. I’m getting tired of playing this game my dude. don’t lie and tell me this time will be different. we’re not doing this again goddammit
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god fucking dammit lmao. [sighs and rips the previous paragraph into shreds]
on behalf of Americans I apologize for our superheroes always being Like This
I also apologize because I love her already and I’m gonna be shameless about it. so fucking shameless you guys
is her fucking hair red white and blue. it is, isn’t it
this is the volume cliffhanger, 100% lol. it will take every ounce of Horikoshi’s willpower not to put her on the volume cover. he’ll have to settle for the spine or the inner cover this time because Deku VS his class 1-a superpals takes precedence. but it will be a close thing let me tell you
tbh it’s that smile that does it for me. she’s definitely All Might’s protege. get out there and show them how it’s done girl. and maybe call Salaam and BRD and see if you can’t convince them to play hooky from their governments as well. why not. world’s ending in three days you guys. “sorry, I’m busy this weekend” ain’t gonna cut it lol
so while I am not fully caught up with Vigilantes, I have read far enough to know that there’s an American hero named Captain Celebrity whose superpower from what I recall is being a humongous douchebag. and while I haven’t read far enough to know what happens to this guy, I can’t say I’m very disappointed to learn that he’s no longer the number one hero in the U.S. (actually, didn’t they kick him out and that’s why he moved to Japan to begin with?). anyway, so my thanks to Horikoshi for having a marginally higher opinion of Americans than Furuhashi, even though we have definitely not done anything to warrant said opinion lately, and you may have inadvertently opened the door to a pandora’s box of discourse lmao
(ETA: lol I went into the tags and they don’t disappoint. “why is she dressed like a flag” because she’s an homage to Captain America and Major Victory and literally every other character on this list. again, I apologize for fictional American superheroes being Like This. “oh boy another thicc waifu to make the fanboys happy” look, tumblr fandom never seems to have a problem thirsting over Dabi or Tomura or Aizawa or Nao, lol, I’m just saying. “where is Captain Celebrity” idk, probably murdered by the exploding bee cartel, let’s just be grateful for our good fortune and try not to Beetlejuice the man.)
anyway, so let’s see if Horikoshi’s recent character development with regards to making Mineta not terrible anymore will apply to other aspects of his writing as well. I know I was making light of discourse just now, but I do think the complaints about him introducing yet another new character at the 11th hour to be cannon fodder in the final battle are absolutely valid. and again, it wouldn’t be a problem if he didn’t keep maiming/killing off his female characters one by one instead of developing them and letting them kick ass long-term. but that said, I will never complain about Horikoshi adding another female character to the series, regardless of how clumsy the attempt may be. go ahead and pander away, just give us more girl power lol
anyway so we’ll see how it goes, but I think I’m gonna be optimistic and let myself hope once again, even though I’m probably gonna regret it lol. it is what it is. she is standing on an airplane just chilling for fuck’s sake. I’m only human. anyway fingers crossed
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jayla’s cafe | sjy
↬ series: cameras & caffeine | chapter one ↬ overall pairing: cafe owner!jake x ceo!reader (all members will be featured at some point throughout the series, some are in it more than others !!) ↬ overall series genres: fluff, slight angst, jake also bakes, reader is a single mom, we fell in love when we were kids but life happened so we broke up and now we’re reconnecting because we’re adults and i don’t think i ever truly got over you au, love triangle if you squint really really hard ↬ navi: next | series masterlist ↬ warnings: none ↬ word count: 1.3k
[ series synopsis ]
↱ You were young when you fell in love with Sim Jake. How could you not when he had a smile that could light up the darkest of nights, eyes that seemed to look deep into your soul, and a bubble of happiness around him that you wanted to be a part of? He was young when he fell in love with you. How could he not when you had a warmth that could never be replicated, a spark in your eyes that he loved to see, and your own special way of calming him down? But life had other plans for you two. After high school, he wanted to move back to Australia and start a new life with you but you wanted to stay in the country and continue the life already established for you. Things changed, your views no longer aligned, and before either of you two had broken up.
Now, a few years have passed and due to medical issues, your father has decided to temporarily step down from his position as Hybe Entertainment’s CEO, leaving the position to you. Despite all the eyes watching and waiting for you to fall since you’re so young and a single mother, you’re determined to prove them all wrong. You’ve been doing fine so far, working in such a high position and stressful environment while simultaneously being able to take the time and effort to take care of your son, Heeseung. But when you get news of your ex, Jake coming back to the country and opening up a cafe you decide to pay a visit. One visit turns to two which turns to three and before you know it, Jayla’s Cafe suddenly becomes a part of your regular routine. Jake meets Heeseung, the two instantly taking a liking to each other but unbeknownst to any of you, cameras lurk in the bushes and flash when you’re unaware. What happens when photos are revealed to the public and connections are made? Connections… that might not just be baseless rumors after all.  ↲
You let out a sigh as your eyes stay settled on your laptop screen in front of you, too focused on work to be able to glance at the time and too busy to hear your office door opening. It’s only when you feel a presence next to you, a slight tug at your hand, and the sound of your son’s voice that you’re finally brought back to reality and out of the trance that work had put you in. You smile as you smoothen out Heeseung’s hair, move the chair back a little to allow him to settle on your lap. You look up at Sunghoon and smile,
“Thanks for taking care of Hee today,” you say gratefully. Of all the billions of people in the world, you couldn’t be more thankful to have Sunghoon as your best friend. He was there for you when you were pregnant, a constant source of comfort when you needed it, and now was one of the closest things that Heeseung had as a father.
“Mhm,” is all Sunghoon replies as he takes your coat for you. While the three of you head into the elevator
“Hoonie?” you say. Sunghoon stays quiet at the nickname, simply looking at you and you continue, “I’m thankful for all that you’ve done for me but you really don’t have to any of this. After all, you’re the co-CEO of Park Enterprises with Jay and you have your own life. Maybe you should go on a few dates here and there instead of always being with me and Hee, I can set you up,” you offered. Sunghoon was hurt at your implication that there were better places to be than with you but didn’t show it. Instead,
“I don’t have time to go on dates, you know this.”
“But you have time to take care of a kid for half a day?” you countered. In all the years that you’ve known Sunghoon and have been best friends, you never could really get a read on him. You wondered what he was thinking about and the thoughts running through his mind but when the elevator finally reaches the parking lot below your building,
“It’s different because you and Heeseung are actually worth spending my time on,” he replied as you got into your car. The car ride to your house was spent in silence, a normal occurrence with Sunghoon but it felt normal and was a type of silence that didn’t need to be filled. Spending time with Sunghoon was something that you did so often that it was almost a part of your routine. Like tonight, there were times when Sunghoon would pick up Heeseung and bring him to your office and the three of you would then have dinner together. Other times, you picked up Heeseung and headed to Sunghoon’s office for dinner. Occasionally, Sunghoon’s half-brother and co-CEO of Park Enterprises, Jay would eat out with you guys too. Growing up, you were all a group of five who were stuck together like glue, Jay, Sunghoon, Yeji, you, and Jake. The Park Brothers ran the family business together while Yeji chose to travel the world, much like Jake did. You hear your name being called, causing you to look at Sunghoon next to you,
“You ok? You looked so deep in thought.” You glanced behind you, looking at Heeseung now asleep in the backseat,
“Just thinking about some things is all.”
When you got to your house and started eating dinner, you couldn’t help yourself from glancing at Sunghoon every so often. You couldn’t deny that it felt nice to have a constant source of stability and comfort through him, but it wasn’t fair to him since he was spending so much time and taking so much effort to help you out given that you were a single mother and he had grown to become your best friend. The two of you were on your living room couch since he was spending the night and were watching a movie while Heeseung was asleep in his room. Suddenly, Sunghoon brought up a topic that you weren’t quite expecting him to but you weren’t surprised about it earlier.
“Jake’s back from Australia.” You set your cup of hot chocolate on the table and wrap the blanket tighter around you and lean your head on Sunghoon’s shoulder,
“I know.” It comes out mumbled as you keep your eyes on the screen, not quite wanting to talk about it but you knowing that you were going to have to face it eventually, nervousness now filled you.
“He opened up a cafe downtown, Jayla’s Cafe.”
“I know.”
“I’m going with Jay tomorrow.”
“Jake invited me too but I said I couldn’t go because of work.” It was a lie since tomorrow was your day off but Jake didn’t need to know that. Honestly, you weren’t ready to face Jake and you didn’t think you’d ever be. When you and Jake were younger, you fell in love but after high school, life happened and Jake chose to go to Australia while you decided to stay since you were learning how to take over Hybe Industries.
“You gotta tell him.”
“It’s not like I keep it a secret, like, people know I have a kid.” It was a dumb response and you knew it. Sunghoon called you out on it by saying,
“You don’t keep it a secret but you don’t actively acknowledge it either.” Sighing,
“Can we not talk about this today?” Or ever, you wanted to say.
“I know it’s not my place to tell you what to do. But he’s back now.”
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The opening day of Jayla’s Cafe went way better than Jake expected if he was being honest with himself. Whether it was due to good marketing, pure luck, or Layla’s presence in the cafe that drew in so many customers, he wasn’t going to complain about it. He was more nervous now than he was in the morning because Jay and Sunghoon would be dropping by in a few minutes. It had been years since he had seen his old friends or been a part of “high society” as most would call it due to the status and wealth you all grew up with. He missed you the most and kind of hoped that you would’ve dropped by today. But things were different now, he knew. You two weren’t the little kids who fell in love and acted on that love in your teens. You were no longer the girl who’d yell at Jake for teasing you over something dumb, you were now the CEO of Hybe Entertainment and someone that young kids could look up to and aspire to be like. He was no longer the guy who’d hold your hand or give you a hug when you cried because you didn’t need that-- him anymore.
“I was the one who decided to head back to Australia,” Jake muttered to himself in an effort to somewhat justify the years that he hadn’t seen you or anyone else except for the few times Jay would come to Australia. The bell chiming signals to Jake that someone had walked in, confirmed at the sight of Jay and Sunghoon entering inside the cafe. While you had already told him that you wouldn’t be coming, his heart still sank a little at the lack of your presence here. Greeting the guys and setting out some pastries and drinks, the three talked and caught up on things. Somewhere down the line,
“Jake, can you connect my phone to the Wi-Fi real quick?” Sunghoon asked, handing Jake his phone,
“Yeah, sure man.” Taking Sunghoon’s phone, the phone screen was still open, a mistake Sunghoon was unaware he had made. Looking at the phone screen, Jake saw a photo of you and Sunghoon which wasn’t something that was surprising to him. What did surprise him was the sight of a little boy in between you and Sunghoon, Sunghoon’s smile the brightest he’s ever seen it before. As Jake hands Sunghoon his phone back after connecting it to the Wi-Fi, he couldn’t help but wonder what the hell had happened in the years he’d been gone. But throughout the night and as the conversation went on… he couldn’t bring himself to ask.
↬ a/n:
now that tatts & cupcakes is over, meet cameras & caffeine !!
❦ written by riri ( @enhykkul​​ ) | main blog masterlist | blog navi
taglist status: open -- send an ask or comment !! ( if you comment, i respond under my main acct )​
taglist: @markleepooh | @ifvjay | @softnanaaaa | @dear-dreamie​ | @sunshineshouchan | @bloom-bloom-pow | @mykalon​ | @fairycob​ | @icywhatim​
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branded-witha-j · 3 years
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This request started one way and then took a whole other turn that I'm going to blame on the pain meds they gave me. I hope you enjoy it, anon reader. 😘💚💚💚
Something went horribly wrong. It wasn't expected and no one saw it coming despite weeks of planning. The coppers showed up as expected, but something fell through when someone didn't do their job. A post that should have been manned was left wide open and that's how the GCPD got the upperhand.
You were there, holding your own, the armored truck on its side and smoking. The bags you helped carry were heavy and you were distracted, not noticing the officer until he had you restrained. They didn't make a fuss, pulling you away from the scene as discreetly as possible, but it didn't take J long to notice your absence.
He wheeled in place, scanning the street, and that's when he saw them dragging you away, his rage palpable. They thought you were a hostage, surely a nice, rich girl like you forced to commit such heinous crimes. They had no idea that you were important to The Joker or that you were madly in love with your so-called captor.
You fought and clawed to get back to him, but the cops threw you into a police van, the back empty except for you. Now that they had you in their custody, they intended to get you away from the scene, your father waiting for the phone call that you were safe.
You were a Daddy's girl, growing up privileged and rich. Things were planned out for you, your father the puppeteer. It didn't take long for you to tire of his control, a new Daddy altogether pulling your attention and keeping you captivated.
The Joker was just as rich, but dangerous and unpredictable. The night you met him at the annual Gotham Gala was the best of your life and you never looked back.
The van shifted as it pulled away from the curb, a single police car following while the others stayed behind to deal with and round up J and his crew. At least that was their plan. But the cops would fair no better, The Joker's men creating such a scene that J managed to slip away in your pursuit.
He wasn't alone, a handful of goons tagging along, and they were the ones to open fire. The tailing cruiser caught the first wave of bullets, the back tires popping and sending it into an uncontrollable spin. A row of parked cars cushioned the wreck, but the car was inoperable and left behind as the van tried to race for the station.
You were in the back, unable to hang on as a curve was taken too fast, crying out as you were thrown against the bare, metal wall. You found yourself on the floor, clutching for the bench leg that was bolted down, using it to pull yourself under for coverage as bullets ricocheted outside. You could hear shouting from the front, returning fire sounding close and making you scream as a bullet tore through the metal above you.
You rolled yourself into a ball and braced, not seeing the collision coming, but safe as the van slammed to a stop. It was no longer moving, but the shouting continued, eventually two single gun shots marking the silence.
Nothing happened, the van whining as someone cranked the engine and finally got it to start. You stayed under the bench shaking, beams of light shining through the bullet holes as the van started to move again. Even as the ride continued on for what felt like an eternity, you stayed on the floor unable to move out of some fear that The Joker had been hurt, or even worse, killed.
Eventually the van came to a stop and you held your breath, hearing the front door open, and approaching footsteps. They crunched in what sounded like gravel and stopped at the back doors. Then there was unnerving silence. You continued to hold your breath, eyes closing as the screech of metal unlocked the doors and light flooded over you. It took you a moment to open your eyes, the sunlight blotting out the figure that peered inside. You blinked, trying to clear your vision, and a hand at your ankle made you lash out. You kicked hard, snarling in anger as they avoided your booted defense and dragged you closer.
Hands groped at you, pulling you upright, and that's when you were finally able to focus. The Joker leaned over you, a gash at his forehead sending a steady stream of blood down the side of his chiseled cheek. He was bleeding, but seemed unharmed and very much alive. With a gasp, you clutched for him, anchoring your hands at his face and kissing him hard.
His metal teeth hurt against your own, but you didn't care, deepening it until you felt certain you could drown. He was the one to break the kiss, eyes darting and taking inventory. You were unharmed, maybe a little bruised, but not hurt. The relief made him purr and he pushed forward, kneeling at the metal floor and hovering over you.
You let him lay you back and didn't protest as his hands slid over your body, making sure you weren't damaged or in pain. As his exploration continued, you reached for him, pulling him on top of you, your arms and legs trapping him. He grimaced, a single droplet of blood falling on your cheek, and you couldn't stop yourself from kissing him. He tasted like blood and gunpowder and you savored it.
In the distance, you could hear approaching sirens, your moment ending almost as quickly as it had started. Surely the van could be tracked and they would be here soon, both of your hearts racing as you fled the scene. You took back alleyways, hiding in the shadows, ducking into dark doorways as police cruisers rolled past.
It was in one of these doors that J cornered you, smiling in his mischievous way. You smiled back, head tilting as he leaned in for a kiss. It was slow and deep, ending with a purr.
"Are you my girl?" You nodded to his question, feeling his hands on you, fingertips digging into your hips. You let out a gasp of surprise as he slid a hand over, cupping you and pushing you harder against the door. It creaked with your weight but held as J frantically pulled at the waistband of your leggings. You joined in, flipping his belt loose, and popping the button to pull down his zipper.
A single slam against the door made you both groan, The Joker not stopping until he was buried deep. He burned and stretched you in the most delicious way, his face burying at your neck. Another thrust of his hips made you cry out, the sound echoing around the alley and building as his movement grew frantic.
Voices yelled out nearby, causing you to tense, and a shift of your hips sent you over a dangerous edge. Your cries of pleasure bounced off the walls, dissolving into the air and mixing with the sounds of the city. The Joker had reached his end, as well, and held you in place, nuzzling at your neck until he left a purple mark with his mouth.
For a long moment, nothing else existed, the sounds of the city fading away. You relished in his touch and taste, his crimson smeared lips leaving no doubt that you belonged to him. It was a bubble of happiness that you lived in precariously, not ready for it to pop so soon.
But pop it did, and you were both on the run again, dragging your pants up with laughs and tripping away. The cop that discovered you was close, but not enough to catch you, both of you sliding out onto the crowded sidewalk, people rushing out of your way as you ran.
You felt like Bonnie and The Joker was your Clyde, hands joining as you ran, more fits of laughter falling from your lips as you veered off the sidewalk and into traffic to avoid another cop.
You didn't see it coming, so lost in your delirious happiness that the delivery truck went unnoticed. Brakes squealed as the large vehicle tried to stop, but too much weight and speed kept it coming in your direction, both of you freezing on the spot.
There was a second where you realized you were about to die, turning towards J, but feeling yourself lifted and flung in the opposite direction. You waited for the pain, but it didn't come, instead air whipping past and making your hair swirl. And then your ride was abruptly over, Batman releasing you on the far sidewalk.
Stunned to see him this close up, it took a moment for you to wheel back in search of The Joker, horror making you cry out at his still form on the road. You pulled and screamed, tearing yourself away from your savior to run to your lover.
No one tried to stop you, everyone frozen and watching as you collapsed by his side, hands shaking and touching him. You were frantic, pulling at him, screaming his name, but getting no response. He was gone, his body broken and bleeding before you like a living nightmare.
You tried to revive him, performing CPR, pushing and thumping at his chest until Batman pulled you away. His arms locked around you like a vice and carried you from the horrible scene, your pleas falling on deaf ears.
Your eyes pinched shut, your cries turning into begging, everything fading until you jolted awake in a cell you couldn't remember. The pressure around you that had once been Batman's arms was a straitjacket keeping you secure. It was an embrace you could never escape, eyes heavy and sweeping the empty, dim room.
Who knows how long you had been here, time meaning nothing. Who knows if anything was real, the pain in your heart the only reminder that something had been taken from you.
The ground vibrated but you barely noticed it, the extinguished lights above you swaying and sending dust down upon you. Your neck was stiff as you slowly looked up, the hanging light swaying back and forth. Another much harder vibration caused it to pick up momentum and you were mesmerized by it, not hearing the screams in the hallway.
A fresh explosion buckled the door, leaving a gaping hole filled with smoke. You stared at it, unable to move even if you felt the desire, a single figure stepping through as a floating silhouette. They crossed the room, kneeling before you, and a tug at the helmet they wore revealed a shock of green hair and icy blue eyes.
He smiled at you, your own lips twitching and pulling until the corners lifted and mirrored him. His laugh came next, eerie and almost mournful, but your own joining in until it was deafening and terrifying to all that could hear it.
Again you felt yourself lifted, this time in the arms you wanted more than anything, The Joker carrying you from the cell and into the fiery hallway. Bodies lay before you, framing your escape route, and J didn't let you go until he reached the getaway vehicle, slowly placing you in the backseat. Leaning down, his lips ghosted over yours, a new scar across his cheek catching your eye. His kiss was brief, a peck at your lips, and then he spoke the words you had been dying to hear for so long.
"Let's go home."
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etherealeeknow · 4 years
we have each other
• rated m for mature (along with a pinch of angst? and fluff)
• pairing: soft dom!minho x fem!reader
• wc: 1.420
• tw: arguing with minho, dirty talk, grinding, slight nipple play, explicit language, unprotected vaginal sex (remember to always stay safe!), bathtub sex, soft sex, creampie,- i think that’s all, please do tell me if you find more c:
• note: lmao i was aiming for a drabble but def got carried away while writing this- plus, this is my first smut after a decade 😂 so fingers crossed you’ll enjoy it! feedbacks are much appreciated <3 also, please kindly note that english isn’t my first language. therefore, i apologize for any mistakes.
“holysh- this better not be- fuck!” you grunt on the unpleasant sight and smell coming from your favorite sneaker as you mentally do a karate chop to whoever let their dog poo in the middle of the crosswalk. jumping on one leg, you almost make it to the sidewalk when all of a sudden, it starts raining cats and dogs. gripping onto your handbag as tightly as you can, you run with all your might while spitting out endless curses, the situation on your left shoes long forgotten as the only thing you want right now is to get under your roof.
yet, the cycle of your bad luck doesn’t stop when you get to your destination as the one and only functioning elevator in the old apartment building is out of service. “it was totally fine this morning!” you say out loud, earning nothing in return from the ignorant security who’s half asleep by his desk. sighing, you stomp your way to the stairs. the day’s gonna be longer.
once you reach the seventh floor and spot your apartment door, you feel like crying out of happiness, but it doesn’t last long as the realization hits you that you lost your key last week and haven’t gotten the chance to get a copy. “dear heavens, why are you doing this-” your sentence is cut off when the door clicks open right when you get in front of it, barely having the chance to knock; revealing the sight of minho with his poker face, shooting you a look. “don’t,” you warn without sparing a glance as you make your way inside to hurriedly grab your needs so not much damage will be done from your drenching self.
“why didn’t you pick up my calls?” silence. “i asked you a question, y/n,” you can hear the sound of his gritting teeth even when you’re back facing him. turning around, you only glare at him before heading to the bathroom, only to spin around when he calls your name again. “really, minho? you honestly expect me to return your calls after last night? did you hit your head and forget that you literally told me to fuck off?” silence. “exactly. now please, go mind your own business and let me mind my own.” swinging the bathroom door open, you’re welcomed with the view of your cramped bathroom, now all squeaky clean and filled with tealight candles- even your bathtub has been filled with bubbles. 
“min-” a tiny gasp escapes your lips when minho wraps his hands around your shoulder and his lips come in contact with your neck, kissing it softly. “h- hey, i’m all wet and sweaty,” you say, yet having no intention to stop him. “mmm, don’t care. all i want is to make you even wetter.” one by one, he unbuttons your shirt and lets it hit the floor. he draws circles around your tummy before sliding a finger in your bra, playing with your hardened nipple and making you shiver under him. “i see you’re finally cold now, huh, my hot headed baby? you want me to warm you up?” you instantly nod, sparing no time, and minho does the same—unclasping your bra while you shimmy out of your culottes and undies.
patience has always been in your virtue, but today is an exception. you miss minho so badly, his touch, his kiss, him. you want him. sure, the episode last night between the two of you leaves a certain scar somewhere on your heart, but it can’t compete with the love you have for him. you hurriedly help him undress and he chuckles, making you reddened along the process. once you look up to him, though, he’s already looking at you ever so fondly, the light in his eyes shines so bright and you just can’t take it anymore. you pull him into a kiss and feel his hand on your neck, his thumb stroking the lobule of your ear for quite some time before he bites your lower lip and you let him in to take control.
“up,” he mutters in between the kiss, tapping your foot as a signal, and you oblige; jumping slightly to wrap your legs around his waist, and you can feel the tip of his cock lightly hitting your bum. your kiss comes to a halt for quite some time when minho goes into the tub and slowly sinks down. both of you groans in satisfaction upon feeling the warm water. “i’m sorry,” minho says as his hand reaches out to caress your cheek while the other remains around your waist, pulling you even closer till there’s no more room separating you. “i didn’t mean anything i said to you last night, but that doesn’t mean i’m not at fault. i’ll fix myself for you, y/n. i know you want it as much as i do, but you’re right, things aren’t going as planned so we should take it slow for it to work out. please let me work on it with you?”
his last words come out almost in a whisper and it brings you to tears as you struggle to tell him that he doesn’t need to ask for your permission. minho has been your number one support for half of the decade. through the seemingly never ending hardships, he’s always there, so if arguing over big and small matters is what it’s gonna take for you to marry him, then so be it—because you know that at the end of the day, it’ll only strengthen your feelings for each other. feeling his eyes getting teary, minho nuzzles against your neck, out of words to say, and it softens you even more.
you take the chance to start grinding on his dick and whimper shyly, “please make love to me, minho. i need you.” that definitely brings his attention back to you and all the emotional thoughts vanish to the back of his head. unlike the usual minho who lives to tease you and could go on for hours with only sliding his cock up and down on your slit, the minho he is today only wants to give you everything you want. your moans mixing with one another when he lifts you up and guides you down by your hips, piercing through you—your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel him stretching you while he’s in the same state, already feeling on cloud nine when he feels you clenching around him. right when you’re about to ask him to move, minho pulls out of you slams back in, making you cry in pure pleasure as you begin to buck your hips against his, craving for more.
though short of breath, minho manages to chuckle at your eagerness. “baby, let me take care of you,” he says, cheeks all flushed from the heat. he proceeds to take care of the situation, going in and out of you steadily before fastening his pace. “oh my god, min- minho, ah!” you moan, partly for the ecstasy of feeling so full, but mostly because he has hit your sweet spot and the familiar knot’s finally starting to build up on your stomach. “f- faster, please, please, please-” you beg, voice now a pitch higher, yet unbothered by the possibility that the neighbors might be able to hear how minho is making you cry over his cock. 
“cum with me- ah, fuck! cum around my dick, baby-” with his desperate plea and the way he twitches in you, it only takes a few more thrusts before a wave of pleasure washes over you and you cum around him while letting out a choked moan—minho follows only a second after, both his body and voice shaking over his own climax. the room’s now only filled with your heavy breathings, but they, especially minho’s, sound like music to your ears. right when your head leaves his shoulder and you lock eyes with him, everything turns black.
“you have got to be kidding me-” you groan, this time in disbelief and annoyance, but it quickly changes into a chortle when you lay your eyes on the tealight candles surrounding you. “good thing my boyfriend has set these romantic candles for me,” you joke, making minho laugh along as he, again, pulls you towards him, wanting to be as close as possible with you. “i know, right? and at least we have each other.”
“at least we have each other.”
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lovethisletters · 3 years
Poly MC! hc for the: Demon Brothers!
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This is my first time writing anything about poly relationships! So I'm a bit nervous! I took the time to do a bit of research about the subject...however I still have a lot to learn; if you find anything that might be offensive please let me know! Just know I didn't do it with any ill intentions and I'll make sure to correct my mistakes!
Also I didn't knew if you refered to a poly MC who is in a relationship with all of the brothers or how each individual brother would react to MC coming out as poly to them and later starting a poly relationship and how they behave in said relationship...so I did the latter bc I found it to be a bit more easy to write and the first option would have been way too long and I was worried it might come off as boring because of it :c (but maybe I'll try to edit it and then upload it...some day...idk)
so...here it is!
Keys: MC = your main character name
Summary: MC comes out as poly to the Demon Brothers and how they behave in a poly relationship!
Additional notes: MC is gender neutral!
TW: small mentions or implications of jealous/possessive behavior (they're very minimal, but still...just in case)
Lucifer is probably the one you're the most nervous to talk to.
But when you finally find the courage to do so it goes...to put it mildly, a bit... weird.
He stares blankly at you like you just said to him that water is a liquid or something, he's not very...responsive.
His reaction might come off as rude, considering you spend all this time trying to figure out the "best" way to come out and talk about the possibility of starting a poly relationship.
But the reason why he's not talking much is because he's trying to avoid saying anything he might regret later, you see... he's trying to process his own feelings towards the matter.
Lucifer is someone who has lived for a long, looooooong time, so it's more likely than not that he's already experienced being in a poly relationship.
thing is...such relationship was more experimentation rather than something serious.
And now he has you...someone for who he'll be willing to die for...
He won't say it but deep down he feels like his pride has been bruised.
He just doesn't want to "share" you, you're his and his alone!
But when he looks up at you, and see just how nervous you are, waiting patiently for any kind of reaction from him.
He realizes he's thinking of you as an object and not a person and mentally kicks himself in the face for it.
Lucifer reaches for your hand and offers you a small smile.
After a long conversation where you two express your own desires and worries, you two agree and decide to give it a try.
At first... I'm not gonna lie...it would be quite... difficult...
The man is possessive and struggles to see you giving any kind of affection to any of his brothers.
However I think he genuinely wants this to work, he wants to see you happy and knows that just because you also love his brothers doesn't mean you love him any less.
So he'll sit down and talk to you whenever he feels jealous, he knows communication is key and it honestly makes him feel a bit better.
With time Lucifer comes to accept it; He loves you and he loves his brothers and it makes him happy that they all can share such bond with you.
I think he's the one who'll have a harder time adapting to a poly relationship.
I'll even go as far to say Lucifer's jealousy pales in comparison to Mammon's and I think this is due to his low self-esteem.
He won't accept it but he's jealous af when he sees you "getting cozy" with any of his brothers.
He'll even interrupt the moment by placing himself in the middle of whoever you were getting close to or think about some lame excuse to take you away.
This makes things more difficult and tense for everyone, so if Mammon continues his shenanigans expect a LOT more arguing from the brothers...(yes...more than normal...)
You'll have to sit him down and talk to him about his insecurities.
The first times he won't be very open with you, I think he might even get a bit angry if you even imply he's jealous and act all offended and walk out of the room.
Surprisingly the one who makes him understand how toxic he's being and how much this affects you is Asmo!
He'll have a serious talk with him, and just the fact of seeing his often bubbly and cheerful young bro being all serious is enough for Mammon to realize that what he's been doing and how he's been acting hurts you and his brothers.
He'll apologize...the Mammon way...
But ultimately he now makes an effort to respect whenever you're close to one of his brothers.
Just like Lucifer. Mammon will come to accept you love him and his brothers all the same.
He'll sometimes even suggest places you all can go together for a date.
Please, be patient with the avatar of greed with time he will come to accept that love exist in more than one way or form.
Surprisingly, unlike his older brothers, your favorite shut-in-otaku has an easier time adapting to a poly relationship.
Easier, however does not mean problems are inexistent...
He has a low self-esteem and sometimes might get the feeling that you're ""picking favorites""
However he won't tell you anything about it, and he'll just try to pretend like nothing is wrong.
Fortunately for you, Levi is quite easy to read so you immediately notice whenever he's feeling sad.
But all you have to do is have a little gaming session with him, and as the two of you "game" the night away he'll eventually open up to you about whatever is bothering him.
All it takes is a little reassurance and saying "I love you" to the avatar of envy from time to time and he'll be all good with you showing affection to the rest of his brothers.
Uhhhh...this is a tricky one...
You see...Satan is probably the second brother you came out to and perhaps you didn't even realized that you did because it just happened so natural.
The two of you were talking and it just slipped out of your mouth and he was like "hahaha, right?" And continued the conversation as normal.
He genuinely doesn't care, (don't get me wrong I don't mean that in a bad way) but all he knows is that he loves you and he wants you to be happy, and if expanding the love that the two of you have to his brothers makes you happy, then so be it!
However... remember I said this was tricky?
Satan has no issue with you being affectionate with his brothers...all of them except for Lucifer...
When he sees you getting close to Lucifer he won't say anything, he won't make a scene or a passive-agressive remark, he'll just excuse himself and exit the room. (Neither he will confront you about it later when the two of you are alone)He won't say anything at all; he'll just stay silent and pretend like nothing is wrong.
However you'll be able to notice Satan's true feelings whenever Lucifer has a small present or gesture with you.
Oh? Lucifer gifted you a $300,000 coat? Well, Satan will give you another coat but this one is $600,000.
Lucifer treated you to dinner at ristorante six? Well, darling... guess what? Satan will reserve the entire building just for you!
At some point he will notice how bad this makes you feel, since he's turning a relationship into a competition and that's no good...
He'll eventually take a step back and realize how childish he's being, how his behavior hurts your feelings and might have even made you feel guilty or responsible for his beef with his older brother.
Before you even decide to talk to him about it, he already knows what you're trying to say, so he'll be the one to sit you down and apologize for his wrongdoings.
You're someone who he values dearly and all that he wants is for you to be happy, so he'll be willing to make the effort to get along or at least be a little more tolerant of Lucifer.
There might be times where they still fight and stop talking to each other for long periods of time, but the two of them will take the time to let you know that this has nothing to do with you and that there's no reason for you tu feel guilty.
Because if there's something in wich both, the avatar of pride and wrath agree in... Is in how much they love you.
Asmodeus (definitely) was the first one to know about you being polyamorous.
He probably knew before you even said anything, let's be honest here...
He's probably the one who you're more comfortable talking about it.
The brothers accept you, yes...but Asmo understands you!
He knows that the world can be quite cruel to people who love differently to what our society stablish as "normal".
Whenever he expressed his liking for more than one person he was shamed or labeled as someone promiscuous who'll never be deserving of "true" love.
It happened in the celestial realm, in the human realm, and even sometimes here in the devildom.
Angels where expected to only focus in the lord and nothing else, some humans are close minded and shame whoever is different from them, and demon's often confuse love with obsession and get easily tangled up in possessive behavior, often viewing their partners as objects rather than individuals with their own goals and desires. (his brothers are the perfect example of that)
So he just knows how difficult it might have been for you to find acceptance.
So he gives it to you; acceptance, reassurance, however many times you need to.
He'll be the one to encourage you to talk with his brothers, he'll be there to support you if you ever feel nervous, and he'll be the one to call his brothers out on their bs whenever they start to show any signs of toxic behavior.
He knows in all relationships communication and trust in your partners is key to a successful relationship, so he reminds this to everyone and even goes as far as to make plans where everyone feels included.
Overall the avatar of lust is the voice of reason in this relationship, because he knows better than anyone else that love is something that can't and should never be limited by what others believe or expect "true love" should look like.
You weren't sure how Beel would react once you told him.
But still you were pleasantly surprised by Beel's reaction!
He was so accepting from the beginning and even thanked you for trusting him enough to share this with him.
He's happy that you want him to form part of this relationship.
He knows his brothers love you as much as he does and that you love them back, so he sees this as the perfect option for everyone.
He even thinks this relationship has brought everyone closer together.
Over all the avatar of gluttony is more than happy to be with you and share your affection with people he holds equally as dearly.
Belphie, much like Lucifer struggles to understand why would you want such a thing?
Is his love not enough for you?
It takes little more time for him to understand you, and learn that love doesn't just limits to one person.
He can be a bit insensitive some times, so he might accidentally say something hurtful to you about it.
And that's when Asmo has to intervene...
He'll have a talk with his younger brother and make him realize that there's more than one form of love and how his words might have hurt you.
He'll apologize...(much like Mammon) in his own way...
After thinking about it for a while, he realizes he's happy whenever you show affection to Beel, and wonders if it would be the same with the rest of his brothers.
Slowly but surely, Belphie it's more open to this new relationship.
There'll be times where he might try to monopolize your love, but he'll stop once you, Beel or Asmo call him out on it.
His favorite thing of this new relationship is whenever you spend time with him and Beel.
Please be patient with the avatar of sloth.
If you find any grammatical errors let me know! I'm trying to improve my english and that would help me so so much!
I will forever thank you if you go check out my other profile: @aileysmirnov  where I post things about my OC: edits, one-shots, imagines, art, etc. If you like Greek mythology and the bat family maybe you would get to be as fond of her as much as I am!
Anyway, thank you for reading!
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tripleaxeldiaz · 4 years
like it’s a little secret, like it’s all he has to give
for @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels <3
read on ao3
He didn’t mean for this to happen.
Well, no. He wanted it to happen, had been planning to make it happen with a lot more wooing and sweeping off of feet to get them to a perfect moment where he could tell Buck exactly how much he loves him and needs him in his life.
So he did want it to happen, of course. He just didn’t expect it to happen like it did — after a night out with the team, in the dim light of his living room, during a tipsy game of Truth or Dare like they were in high school again. Buck had said, “Dare”, and the three beers and two shots swimming in Eddie’s brain said, “I dare you to kiss me.”
And he did.
And one kiss turned into two, turned into making out on Eddie’s couch, turned into stumbling blindly toward the bedroom, turned into fingertips burning trails up backs, whispered confessions into necks, and muffled moans of yes and more and please and Eddie.
So it happened. It’s still happening.
That isn’t the problem. 
The problem is that it happened six months ago and they still haven’t told anyone.
It’s not that they don’t trust their friends or that they aren’t serious about each other. In fact, they’re probably too serious about each other, about making this the thing that sticks. The morning after their first night together, they talked for hours about their past failed relationships and insecurities, laying every, ugly part out for each other to see.
“I just want to be enough,” Eddie said, throat as raw as his insides felt. 
Buck’s hand slid up his back to scratch through his hair. “You’re more than enough for me. And I’d like to stick around and prove that to you, as long as you’ll let me.”
“Forever, ideally.”
“Forever it is.”
“I’m gonna fuck this up.”
Buck shrugged. “So will I. Maybe we give ourselves some time — fuck things up quietly before we let other people know?”
Eddie kissed Buck again, softly, soundly, relief surging through him because Buck gets it and wants to make this work and, this way, he feels like they may actually have a chance.
So that was that. Nothing really changed — Buck was still at the Diaz house more often than not, but now sleepovers meant Buck was in bed with Eddie instead of on the couch (except for the half hour before Chris woke up when Buck snuck out to the living room). They were still a dynamic duo on calls, they just also had each other after calls now too, especially bad ones. They were able to get to know each other as boyfriends instead of just best friends, figure out what they wanted and needed from a relationship, and smooth out the bumps they hit on their own, without any outside influence.
Now, they’re in a good spot. The best spot. And six months is a long time to keep quiet about something that makes Eddie so happy he could explode. But—
“They’re gonna be mad,” he says, head pillowed in Buck’s lap, absently picking at the label of his empty beer bottle. Buck hums, fingers combing through Eddie’s hair, the TV softly playing some reality show about a yacht crew.
“You don’t think they’ll be happy for us too?”
“They probably have a betting pool going on us. Then they’ll be mad and gloating.”
Buck’s hand stills on his head. “Eddie, if you don’t want to—”
Eddie scrambles up to sitting, taking both of Buck’s hands in his because he’s stopping that train of thought right now. “I do want to. I really do. I’m just—”
Eddie nods, absently placing a kiss inside Buck’s wrist as he gathers his thoughts. “I trust you. More than anything. And I trust us. I just don’t trust anything else, not yet. We’ve been in our own little world for a while, I just need to get used to that not being the case anymore.” 
Buck’s quiet for a minute before he leans forward, kissing Eddie’s forehead. “I don’t really trust anything else either. I’m happy to wait and follow your lead. As long as you know you’re stuck with me.”
Eddie kisses him quickly before laying back down, Buck’s hand automatically threading into his hair again. “You’re stuck with me, too. Even when cute, injured bikers try to steal me away—”
He feels a sharp tug on his hair. “I knew you did that on purpose!”
Buck’s jealous streak is a mile wide, Eddie’s known that since the day they met. So what if he’s exploited it a little while they’ve been sneaking around? How could he have known for sure that a little extra flirting on a call would get him blown within an inch of his life in a storage closet as soon as they got back to the station? He’d surely expected it, but…
Whatever. Sue him. His boyfriend’s hot when he’s territorial, and he’s only a man.
Eddie should have known the universe would start fucking with them almost immediately.
The team has never been shy about trying to set both of them up — there’s always a friend of a friend or a second cousin or a neighbor that would be perfect for, as Hen so lovingly puts it, “our hot and lonely coworkers”. It’s only gotten worse in the past month or so, when a team trivia night turned into a team-and-significant-others trivia night, “forcing” Buck and Eddie to pair up to even things out. Ever since, he’s been cornered almost every day by Hen and/or Chim, each with a handful of people that would love to take Eddie out to dinner, and he knows they do the same to Buck. He’s pretty sure they have a shared spreadsheet about it.
“Come on Eddie, Nick is great! He’s tall, he owns a gym, his dog is cute—”
“Chim,” Eddie cuts him off, pulling his head out of the fridge to face Chimney and Hen seated at the island. He could end it now, just tell them I don’t want to go out with your new personal trainer because I already have a boyfriend, but it’s the middle of shift and everyone is still lingering from lunch and...it’s too much right now. Over Chim’s shoulder, he can see Buck looking at him from the couch, probably thinking the same thing (because they do that a little too often). Buck just raises his eyebrows and shrugs, saying I’m following your lead. Eddie falls a little bit more in love with him.
He focuses back on Hen and Chim. “I appreciate you guys worrying about me in your own weird way, but I’m fine. Plus, I have a thing and Chris’ school Thursday night anyway.” 
He does not have a thing at Chris’ school, and he feels bad using his kid like this, but drastic times call for drastic measures.
Hen holds up her hands as Chim deflates just a little. “Fine fine,” she says. “We know you’re busy.” She looks at Chim, and they have a quick conversation with their eyebrows before he gets up and slowly walks toward Buck.
“So, Buck, my dear pseudo brother-in-law. How’s your Thursday—”
Buck doesn’t even look up from his book. “No. Maddie and I are having a wine night, and we’re gonna talk shit about you the entire time.”
Chim squawks at that, and Eddie does a bad job of turning his laugh into a cough. It does get them to back off for the rest of the week, though Eddie resigns himself to this vicious cycle of theirs until he can finally shake the feeling that everything he and Buck have been building will dissolve through his fingertips as soon as they let anyone else in. 
It’s vicious but predictable. Easy to follow, easy to get ahead of. It gives Eddie a little room to breathe while he sorts his head out.
Naturally, that’s when Abuela decides to get involved.
Eddie’s never been able to refuse her anything — that’s how he ended up at her house on his day off in the first place, fixing a broken dryer and tightening cabinets and anything else she happens to remember she needs while he’s here. He really doesn’t mind, and he’s happy to spend any time with her that he can, but she’s been...prying. All day. As casually as she can, but he can tell she’s fishing for something. 
“Edmundo,” she says as they sit down for lunch. “You’re telling me you can’t even remember the last time you went on a date?”
Of course he can — he and Buck haven’t been able to go on many “normal” dates since they got together, but they did manage to coordinate a weekend in Ojai a few weeks back where all they did was eat, lounge by the pool, and have sex in their much-too-fancy-for-them hotel room. 
That counts as a couple of dates, right?
He shrugs instead. “I’ve been busy. Between work and Chris, I’ve just got a lot on my plate. I don’t really have time for dating.” And I don’t think my boyfriend would be too happy about it, he thinks.
“Of course,” she says. She keeps eating like that’s the end of that, but he knows there’s something else. When she finishes, she pushes her plate aside and looks at him dead on, with that There’s no way you’re getting out of this look in her eyes. “You know, if you did want to get out there again, my friend Diana has a granddaughter around your age that just moved to LA and wants to meet some people.”
There it is.
“Abuela, I really don’t think—” 
“It doesn’t have to be a date, it can just be dinner! The two of you getting to know each other. She’s sweet, she’s beautiful, and she’s a teacher, so she’s great with kids. At the very least, she could be a good friend.” She reaches across the table and grabs his hand in both of hers. “You work too hard, Edmundo. You deserve to do something nice for yourself, and that can be as easy as going out to a nice restaurant with a pretty girl for one night.”
He should tell her. He should tell her everything, even though Buck’s not here, even though he still has a stupid voice in his head telling him that as soon as their bubble pops, the likelihood of everything going belly up will skyrocket. He doesn’t want to lead this poor girl on, but Abuela is also looking at him all sad and hopeful, because she does want him to be happy, and—
“Fine. One dinner.”
Abuela cheers, actually cheers, and hugs him tightly before getting her phone. She calls Diana to set everything up themselves, rather than giving Eddie the girl’s — Chelsea’s — number. By the time he leaves, they’re set for 8pm next Friday at an Italian place downtown, and they each have a description of what the other will be wearing. “Like a real blind date,” Abuela says, and Eddie tries not to actually kick himself for falling into this trap.
He needs to get out of this. Abuela wouldn’t give him her number (“so your first meeting will be as magical as possible”), so he’ll just have to tell her right from the start on Friday. He feels bad, but hopefully she’s as nice as he’s been told and she takes it okay. And should he tell Buck? Probably, but is it even an issue if he’s not actually going through with the date? Buck’s working an overnight on Friday, so he won’t even be around when he’s supposed to be out. He could smooth it all over himself and then really sit down and get his shit together to figure out how they’re going to tell everyone, so no more fake dates happen ever again. 
He’s got this. It’s not his best idea ever, but it’ll have to do. Everything will be totally fine.
“Eds? You home?”
Eddie scrambles to shut his bedroom door, tripping over himself in the process and landing flat on his back. That’s how Buck finds him, and his stomach drops as he watches Buck’s face switch between worry and confusion as he takes in Eddie’s button down and slacks.
“Uh, hey,” he says. Buck offers a hand to help him up. “Shouldn’t you be at work?”
“I’m on my way, just needed to grab my phone charger,” Buck says as he pulls Eddie up, checking him out again like he’s confirming that his brain isn’t playing tricks on him. “You’re awfully dressed up for your night off.”
Eddie sighs heavily through his nose. This is exactly what he was trying to avoid, and if he had left 10 minutes earlier like he meant to it would have been fine. But now Buck’s here, and he refuses to lie to him. He’s already been lying by omission enough this week.
“Abuela kinda set me up for dinner with her friend’s granddaughter,” he says quickly, panicking when Buck’s eyes go wide and his cheeks go pale. “But,” he moves closer, placing both hands firmly on Buck’s shoulders, taking it as a good sign that he doesn’t pull away, “I’m just going long enough to tell her that I’m very taken and this whole thing was a mistake. I promise, nothing was ever going to happen.” Buck does pull away then, and Eddie’s hands fall heavily back to his sides. “Buck, please—”
“I know,” he says quietly. “I know you wouldn’t do that to me. But Eds, I told you I’d follow your lead when it came to telling people about us, and if that meant fake dating other people that’s cool, I just wish you talked to me about it first. We’ve got to communicate and stuff, we’re on the same team here.”
“You’re right,” Eddie says. He slowly reaches for Buck���s hands, relieved again when he lets him. “I should have told you. It wasn’t supposed to be a big deal, and I didn’t want you to worry or think things were bad with us, because they’re not. But still. I’m sorry.” Buck doesn’t move, just stares at the floor. Eddie squeezes his hands. “Are we good?”
Buck finally looks up, and Eddie can’t get a read on his emotions like he usually can. But he squeezes his hands back and gives him a small smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “We’re good. But I should get going.” He slips out of Eddie’s hands and out the front door without another word. 
There was no yelling or accusations or anything bad, really, but Eddie still feels gutted, like every fear he had about messing up is starting to manifest like he knew they would. He should go after Buck, tell him how much he loves him, how much he trusts him, but he’s 20 minutes late now, and when he pictures Chelsea standing all by herself in a crowded restaurant looking for him, he feels a whole different wave of guilt crash inside him.
He’s going to fix this, all of this. He has to. And he’s got a 30 minute drive to think of a new plan.
The drive ends up being closer to an hour, and all Eddie does is convince himself that the next time Buck sees him, he’s going to realize that Eddie’s not good enough for him and break up with him on the spot.
The restaurant is loud and crowded, lit mainly by the low candles placed on each table. Eddie’s eyes scan the room until he spots her at the bar — emerald dress and gold heels, just like Diana had told him. He slides into the empty seat next to her, awkwardly waving to get her attention. “Chelsea?”
She looks at him with a warm smile. “Edmundo, right?”
“Eddie’s fine.” He steals himself, figures ripping the band-aid right off is probably the best thing to do. “Look, I’m really sorry—”
“That’s not a great way to start a date.”
Guilt curls tighter in his stomach and up his arms. “This has been a huge misunderstanding. I’m kind of— I’m already in a relationship, and we haven’t told anyone, and my abuela was just trying to help, and she knows I can’t say no to her, and now everything is falling apart.” He feels even worse dumping all this on a woman he’s known for three minutes, but his brain seems to be doing its own thing at the moment, he’s just along for the ride.
She looks at him for a minute, before waving the bartender over. “Well, you’re here, and you sound like you’re about to lose your mind. Have one drink with me, and tell me everything.”
So he orders a Jack on the rocks and spills his guts — tells her about Buck, about why they kept everything under wraps, his plans to fix everything, how he’s so fucking scared that once everyone knows and their little fantasy world is gone, Buck will realize that he can do better, that he deserves better, and Eddie will have to put himself back together somehow. He’s not sure exactly how long he talks, but Chelsea listens intently to every word, and Eddie actually feels better when he’s done.
She finishes the last of her gin and tonic and looks him right in the eye. “I know we just met, but can I be real with you?”
Eddie nods as he knocks back his own drink.
“Your plans suck.”
He laughs and almost shoots whiskey out of his nose. “Yeah, I think I’m starting to figure that out too.”
“Look — you love your boyfriend, right?” she asks as she hands him a napkin.
“Of course. More than anything.”
“And he loves you.”
He thinks about the way Buck looks at him, no matter where they are, like he's the only person worth looking at. How it took a little while, but now he actually feels worthy of a gaze like that. “Yeah, he does.”
She shrugs. “Then it sounds like you have nothing to worry about. You have each other — everything and everyone else is just background noise.”
It’s such a simple thing, something Eddie’s known for months now, but hearing it come from someone else gives his mind that final shove that makes everything click into place and finally stick. They do have each other, he and Buck are a team, on and off the clock. That’s not going to change, if anything because they’re both too stubborn and in too deep to let it change.
“I know you’re already a teacher, but you should seriously consider becoming a therapist if you ever switch careers.”
“Believe me, this is nothing compared to the middle school problems I deal with on a daily basis.”
He shudders at the very idea of dealing with that many 13 year olds. “I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but thanks.” Slumping back in his chair, he scrubs a hand over his face. “I don’t even know how to start fixing this.”
Chelsea hums, face scrunched as she thinks. “You said he’s at work right? With all your friends too?” Eddie nods. “Sounds like as good a time as any to tell them. And remind Buck that you're with him one hundred percent.”
Eddie’s never been one for big, romantic gestures, but she’s right, and this is for Buck. He’ll do pretty much anything for Buck.
He stands, takes some cash out of his wallet for their drinks and places it on the bar. “Thank you Chelsea, seriously. This was...weird, and not a good first impression of me, but you’re a lifesaver.”
She smiles that warm smile again, and it feels real, no trace of pity or awkwardness. “No problem, I’m happy to help. Maybe we can get coffee sometime, as friends? I didn’t get a chance to dive into my own relationship woes.”
“Deal,” he says, laughing as he hands her his phone to actually get her number. They hug goodbye, and he all but sprints out the door and back to his truck, mind already racing trying to figure out what the hell he’s going to do once he gets to the firehouse. 
If he’s honest, this “date” really couldn’t have gone any better. He hopes the rest of his night turns out just as positive, too.
The team’s in between calls when Eddie finally arrives, which is great but also does not give him a lot of time to prepare himself for whatever comes next. Rationally, he knows everything will be fine — the team will be thrilled for them, Buck will be thrilled — but there’s still that nagging voice telling him that Chelsea was wrong and that everything’s going to blow up in his face.
He shoves that voice as far away as he can and walks into the station.
There’s no plan this time beyond “find Buck”, which he does pretty quickly once he gets up to the loft. Everyone else is up here too, it seems, but he sees Buck first, curled up on the couch and watching Hen and Chim play Super Smash Bros. He has that same blank look he had on his face when he left Eddie’s earlier, and Eddie hates it. But that’s exactly what he came here to fix.
Buck double takes when he notices him at the top of the stairs, slowly unfurling himself to stand. “What are you doing here?”
A thousand thoughts fly through his head, trying to coalesce into some sweeping romantic speech that would reassure Buck of all the things Eddie’s sure he’s doubting right now. But nothing feels right, nothing even begins to scratch the surface of what Eddie’s feeling, has been feeling for the past months. Everything is fleeting and empty, pale in comparison to the technicolor love he feels every time Buck so much as looks in his direction.
Words aren’t working, but Eddie really isn’t a man of words anyway — he is, however, and man of action.
“I’m communicating,” he says, taking three long strides across the loft to Buck, grabbing his face in both of his hands, and kissing him hard. He tastes like smoke and peppermint and something fundamentally Buck that Eddie’s addicted to, and he feels a smile against his lips as Buck kisses him back in earnest. He’s not sure if it’s been seconds or years when they finally pull away from each other, but they’re both breathless and Buck is glowing and Eddie doesn’t care about anything else.
“I love you,” he says, hands still on Buck’s cheeks. “And I’m sorry. I’m always on your team, as long as you’ll let me be there.” 
Buck’s smile somehow gets even bigger. “Forever, ideally.”
Eddie’s laugh bubbles out of him as he leans back in, but stops when he hears a throat clearing somewhere to his right. He looks, and everyone — everyone, including people who were definitely downstairs when he got here — is staring at them with varying degrees of shock and excitement on their faces. Ripping the band-aid off works in his favor again.
“So,” Hen says slowly from the couch. “This is new.”
Eddie shrugs as he grabs Buck’s hand. “Not really. Unless six months old is new, I guess.”
“Six months old?”
“Closer to seven, actually,” Buck says.
There’s a clatter as Chim drops his controller and stands, arms up over his head. “That means I win!”
“Whoa, hold on, you do not—”
The loft erupts as everyone swarms Hen, talking technicalities and logistics of what was apparently a very elaborate betting pool. Buck hides his face in Eddie’s shoulder as he laughs.
“Do you think they’re actually happy for us?” Eddie asks. “Or mad that we screwed up their winnings?”
Buck looks up, resting his chin on Eddie’s shoulder. “Probably both. But I’m the real winner here.”
“And a huge cheeseball,” Eddie says.
“Better get used to it, because you’re not getting rid of me,” Buck says, winding his arms around Eddie’s waist and kissing him again.
“Forever, right?” Eddie asks as they break apart, foreheads resting together. All he sees are Buck’s eyes, sparkling blue in the light of the loft and so full of happiness — happiness because of Eddie — that he wants to drown in them.
“Yeah. Forever. No turning back now.”
Eddie likes the sound of that.
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officialgritty · 4 years
How I Would Humble NHL Players
An essay written by bigboigritty. 
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I would humble hockey players the only way I know how to, by sending them to Australia. Let’s suppose that they have decided to hold the All Star game over here (forget about it’s usual date) (forget that some players I have listed below might not be invited) (and while you're at it, please forget that Australia’s rinks are Not Good).
I think that they would suffer but in an entertaining way so it’s fine. 
First of all, their biggest concern is getting sunburnt. It would effect all of their dumb asses but I’m particularly worried about Pierre-Luc Dubois and Mitch Marner. Boys are practically translucent. Vince Dunn would be fine, he’d probably wear a shirt most of the time which is a very smart decision. 
You may wonder why I didn’t mention Nolan Patrick because I am a certified slut for him, well I don't think he would have a problem. He would spend most of the time inside and when he joins the others, I think his Virgo ass would reapply sunscreen. Maybe he would burn slightly but I don't think it'd be enough to make him uncomfortable. 
Another thing that I think they will gain from this experience is a higher pain tolerance. Now you’re probably thinking, “Zoe they are NHL players so they can handle pain.” Wrong.
Real pain is running barefoot on cement at theme parks while you race to get to the next ride. Also getting into the car and having to avoid touching every piece of metal to not get branded like a cow. Or better yet, when the heat gets so bad that there’s a black out because everyone has their air conditioning turned on.
Don’t get me wrong, I know that other countries have scary animals but I would pay to see them panic over ours. Crocodiles here can grow up to 5.2 metres / 17 feet. We have a box jellyfish season where it’s advised to avoid swimming or wear wetsuits for coverage. Funnel web spiders can survive underwater for hours by trapping air bubbles around their skin. We have several of the worlds deadliest snakes present across the country. 
Listen, I don't want anyone to get injured but the constant fear that they would have when doing anything would be enough to make me happy.
My biggest question is who would survive in the shady areas, who would survive the eshays?
Under no circumstances can you look them in the eyes or cross their path. They are not to be feared individually but in groups caution is advised. I think the players would attempt to assert dominance and that is simply not an option. You are better off to ignore the eshay.
Nolan would have no issues here if im being honest. He is big and I don't think they’d find it worth it to fuck with him. But you know who they would target? Matthew Tkachuk. “Where are you going pretty boy?” “Oi braa did we hurt your feelings ya pussy cunt?” They would make fun of his hair in particular. 
Travis Konecny would be an eshay. I don't think I need to make further comment. (So would Louis Tomlinson but I am not a 1D account and I will continue to repeat that until it’s true.)
I would also give them a few iconic tasks to get the true Australian experience. Activities for the ‘vacation’ include triathlon events, beach flags, bush walking and climbing the harbour bridge. They could attend a cricket match but they tend to like golf so unfortunately they would probably enjoy this :(
AFL is an extremely popular sport here and I think they would loose their shit when they learn the rules of this game. No protective equipment is used other than mouthguards, that's it. That’s all you get. And jumping onto other players for leverage is encouraged. I would thoroughly enjoy the fights that would break out because of this.
Another task would be to use a map to make their way to a servo for a slurpee. The catch is that they will be required to pass through multiple alleyways. Also, the season is Spring, it’s swooping season mother fuckers. Let’s see how brave you are when birds chase you down the block. Personally I don’t think any of them would pass this test, maybe McDavid because the birds may not be able to detect a heartbeat.
Australian food would disgust them, I just know it. Things that they would need to try are a Bunnings sausage sanga, fairy bread, lamingtons, baked beans on toast, Milo and Vegemite. Because I’m me I would give them no butter with their Vegemite. 
An after thought I had was money so I’m editing this to include it. Everything here is EXPENSIVE so they would need to learn how to budget. Upon doing research, Canadians would be fine but the Americans will be mad.
1000 CAD = 1019 AUD
1000 USD = 1297 AUD
Another after thought was the fact that they won’t be able to drive (or at least drive well) here. We drive on the left and not the right, same goes for walking paths too. I can sense a lot of them bumping into people.
Where I think players would live based on vibes alone:
Carter Hart and Vince Dunn: North Shore Beaches, NSW. Daddy’s money. Carter probably did Nippers whereas Vince was a skater boy. 
Travis Konecny: Darwin, NT. Would 100% live there and enjoy it. He would try to conduct crocodile tours but gets assigned to feeding the baby crocs and doing shows for little kids. 
Tyson Barrie: Perisher, NSW. One of the only ski resorts we have to offer, major friendly mountain man energy.
Nolan Patrick: Byron Bay, NSW. @antoineroussel enlightened me, steering away from my original thought of Katoomba, NSW. Byron Bay is a magnet for hippies and links rainforest to the ocean. Chris Hemsworth and his family also live there.
William Nylander: Perth, WA. I don’t know much about Perth other than they wouldn’t shut up about partying while the other states had to quarantine. For some reason, I also associate Perth with Tik Tok. 
Sidney Crosby and Connor McDavid: Melbourne CBD, VIC. These two would live in the same apartment building in the city, Connor one level above Sidney. It’s the most boring looking block of them all and Crosby would send in complaints to the landlord about McDavid pacing during the night.
Tyler Seguin: Surfers Paradise, QLD. Party central, not many people are actually from this area and he would be sure to tell absolutely everyone that he was. I also think he would get a Meter Maid tattoo, specifically on his leg. Has definitely slept on the beach before because he couldn’t find his way home.
Jamie Benn: Hobart, TAS. Tasmania is usually forgotten about. Another one with mountain man energy except he is more creepy than friendly.
Mitch Marner: Fitzroy, VIC. @antoineroussel is responsible for this one too. Hipster central, makes you question how the hell someone so young can have so much money. Would chug $45 wine and not blink an eye.
(honourable mentions include = Sammy Blais: Hobart, Tas. Once again no comment on Tasmania. TJ Oshie: Cairns, QLD. Would do reef tours. Haydn Fleury: Western Sydney, NSW. Haydn would 100% own a ute or a white holden commodore and you can’t tell me otherwise. Roman Josi: Adelaide, SA. Small town history teacher vibes.)
I have attached a handy map for those who may need it.
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In conclusion, the NHL should send their players over here to teach them some manners and while they’re at it, management should bring themselves too. Nolan Patrick could pass as an Australian if he built up a tan. (So does Nylander in this picture but we won’t talk about that.) Come over anytime baby, I’m free. 
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Servo - A service station, also known as a petrol or gas station. Example: 7/11
Theme park - An amusement park. Can be said in reference to both normal parks and water parks and usually means those in QLD. Example: Six Flags
Swooping season - August to October in Australia. When birds attack and chase humans and / or pets for getting close to their babies. Magpies are notoriously bad for this. 
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Bunnings sausage sanga - A cheap feed / meal found at the front of a hardware and gardening store called Bunnings. Made up of white bread, sausage, onion and your choice of sauce.
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Fairy bread - White bread with margarine and topped with 100s and 1000s / sprinkles. 
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Meter Maids - Women who work along the beach dressed in gold bikinis. They top up parking meters to save tourists from getting fined and will often stop for photos. 
Nippers - Surf lifesaving programs carried out for children between 5 and 14. 
Ute - A pick up truck.
Eshay - A person who partakes in drug use, graffiti, listens to EDM and targets victims in groups. Below is the typical style of an eshay. 
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Tagging a few friends so this doesn’t completely flop but feel free to ignore if it isn't your thing. I won’t be offended lmao
@scheifefe @ifiwasshawnmendesidslapmyself @d00dlebob @bowenbyram @kempe @prettyboyroope @quintonsbyfield @travisgermy @pitoftrash @kspitehockey @ballsakic @canadianheaters @bricksatlandyswindow @powerblais @brokeninsidebutnobodyknows @jamiedrysdales
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flooffybits · 4 years
At Your Corner
Idol: Kim Minji (Dreamcatcher)
Anon: my heart just broke bc i saw a pic of minji smiling but trying to hide her pain when their deja vu win got snatched by the sh*w so may i request a scenario with jiu being sad abt that but since shes in public, she needs to smile for the fans. 8th member reader who doesnt rlly show her emotions notices and just lets her kid side out like suddenly jumping in front of jiu and going "hey im a race car get on!" to make her laugh then fans coo and stuff? sry if this is a mess u can change anything tnx
A/n: this came very recently and i don’t usually work on newer requests but this fit my mood way too much that i couldn’t help BUT write it
☕buy me a coffee☕
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Standing at the corner of the room, you survey the scene and watch as your members all look exhausted after everything you’ve been through.
It’s quieter than usual, and while you usually preferred it, you hated this silence.
Once again, you were close to finally obtaining a win for your group, and yet you were just a few points too short when The Show finally released the results. You could feel as your members’ shoulders visibly fell when you were all finally off the stage and from the public eye. You had all worked so hard and believed that this comeback would finally be the one to get you a win.
The first weeks of promotions had made you start to lose hope when you had yet to obtain what your group desired, but your leader remained optimistic through it all, telling you that it wasn’t over and that you still had more chances. Yet in the end, her optimism was snuffed out as she sat by the corner, head in her hands as she struggled to pull herself together for when you all had to leave the venue and face your fans.
To make matters worse, Handong was leaving for China in a few days.
With a shaky breath, you turned away and shrugged off your stage outfit, replacing it with the shirt you previously wore, tossing on your hoodie and cap when you were done before heading out of the room, one of your managers quickly following after you as Bora’s frown deepened when she caught a glimpse of your expression.
“Come on, girls. We have to get going soon.” Minji called after she cleaned her face and dusted herself off. She watched as Yoohyeon hurried and quickly left, silently asking your remaining managers where you had gone off to before she went to find you.
With a heavy heart, the girls exited the waiting room and headed for the building exit where you and Yoohyeon were already waiting, the younger girl holding your hand while she kept her head on your shoulder, nuzzling against you for comfort whilst you held her closer to yourself with your own head down.
Minji felt a tug in her heart to see you, but when she tried to reach you, Siyeon tugged at her arm and then shook her head, knowing that there would be no getting to you at this point.
While you rarely expressed yourself, it was easy to tell when you wanted to shut everything and everyone out. You would let the girls come near you, but you wouldn’t say a single thing or react to anything they’ll say except for a nod or a shake of the head in case they ask you something.
“Unnie told me she was with Everglow before Yoohyeon unnie found her.” Gahyeon muttered softly from beside the vocalist. “She said she was trying to make them feel better because of the votes.”
It was a little after you all exited the stage when people began making comments online about miscalculations. As much as it was a possibility, you and your members decided not to look into it just so it wouldn’t further worsen your mood. You were already upset with having lost, it made you feel even worse to know that your dongsaengs were most likely receiving backlash with everything that was happening.
“It’s going to be okay.” Bora murmured, squeezing her friend’s hand as they approached you and the quiet girl. Handong offered you a small smile, but you merely nodded at her before looking to the door, hearing the shouts of fans that were waiting for you.
You lower your cap over your eyes just to avoid making further eye contact with anyone before finally leaving the venue, eyes squinting at the flashing of the cameras. Yoohyeon had let go of you to join Bora and Yubin’s side. Siyeon and Gahyeon stood closely side by side and Minji was clinging to Handong in order to comfort both of them.
And it just hurt so much more to see them forcing smiles on their faces when you knew just how terrible they all felt. You also knew that your own fans felt just as bad, seeing the tears on some of them when the winners were announced.
Right now, you felt stuck because it was usually Gahyeon and Minji who kept bright smiles on their faces. Your members were always eager to interact with fans, just like you, but this whole predicament merely took its toll on all of you.
But you refused to let this night end with them in tears.
Smiling, you waved to your fans and tried to give off the energy your members were lacking despite how it would usually be the other way around. Looking to your managers for permission, they were a little less strict this time around when they knew you just needed some space and allowed you to approach some fans.
Your members were somewhat surprised as you stepped away from them to greet everyone, thanking each of them for coming and supporting you all. Minji could feel her eyes watering at the sight of you trying your absolute best in covering for all of them, even trying to distract fans from noticing their weary state.
“Please be safe when you get home! The others are a little tired so please understand.” You tell them with a meaningful look and you were just grateful to know you had such understanding and thoughtful fans.
Even with the blinding flashes of the camera, you did your best speaking with them until your eyes landed on a few teary eyed Somnias. You felt your throat close up, but you do your best to swallow your emotions before approaching them. “Hey, why are you crying?” You asked and they turn to you with sadness swimming in their glossy eyes.
“We wanted to finally give you all a win, but we couldn’t do it.” One of them answers, your expression softening before you shook your head and opened your arms for them. Giving them both a warm hug, you patted their backs before giving them a small squeeze. “You guys did more than enough. You got us nominated, and that’s a really big thing, so thank you.” You assure them with your best smile,
“We’ll keep working harder, so please don’t be sad.”
Seeing your interaction with the fans pushed tears to Siyeon’s eyes and she had to avert her gaze while Bora wiped at the corner of her own eyes at your selflessness.
It didn’t take long before you came bounding over to your members and you sported a grin as you patted all of them, be it on the arm of back. “Come on, come on! I’m hungry, aren’t you?” You question playfully, earning a giggle from Yubin while Handong reached to pinch your cheeks.
When you turn to your leader, you smile before turning around so your back is facing her then gesture for her to hope onto your back. “Unnie, everyone is slow! Come on, you can get the food faster if you come with me.”
Minji couldn’t help but laugh at your display, her heart warming at your rare carefree personality and knowing that you were doing this for them.
So, without hesitation, she wrapped her arms around your shoulder as you crouched down before allowing you to lift her on her back, laughter bubbling from her lips as you carried her away from the rest of your members while they watched on with smiles on their faces, happy to see your leader a little better compared to earlier.
“Yah! Unnie, be careful!” Gahyeon called out when Minji squealed after you nearly tripped, but you were able to tighten your hold on her legs, securing her on your back before you decided to merely walk instead of run to the van, the older woman’s face tucked comfortably against your neck that you could feel her smiling against your skin.
You didn’t have to go out of your way to check up on her and make her feel better, but she appreciated how you still did so without anyone having to ask you to do it. As quiet as you were, she loved the way you were ready to come to their aid.
“Thank you.” You hear her whisper and you hum while shrugging your shoulders lightly. “It’s nothing, unnie.” Though despite your words, she knows that you were relieved to have her, and the others, smiling as well.
Later that night, there are articles about you and your actions for that day. Pictures of you with fans and Minji, especially, circulate everywhere, but the girls decide that staying off social media would be healthy for them as they happily ate the food that you had asked your managers to bring to the dorm.
“Do you think we should wake her up?” Yubin asked when she glanced to your shared room, but Handong shook her head and smiled after drinking some water. “Jiu unnie did say she’ll take care of Y/n, so we can wait until they’re back.”
“I don’t think I’ve seen Y/n unnie have that much energy.” Yoohyeon commented after chewing her food, Gahyeon nodding in agreement with a tiny smile on her face. “Unnie is honestly so cute. I wanted to cry when she was hugging and comforting Somnias.” The maknae pouted while Bora giggled. “That kid is really unpredicatable sometimes.”
Siyeon scoffed at her claim, chopsticks pointed in the dancer’s direction. “Speak for yourself.” That earned a smack on the arm as Handong burst into laughter, everyone else following after as they exchanged more stories, forgetting about the award show and their previous concnerns.
Meanwhile, Minji looked down at you with a fond smile as you laid on her chest, arms wrapped around her waist as she kept her own around your slightly smaller frame.
As much as she cried earlier, you were able to make her feel better. Even as you slept soundly against her, she would thank you endlessly for being in her life and picking her up whenever she was down.
Somewhere along the way, she realized that some trophy meant nothing compared to the love and support she’s received from the people who surrounded her. While it was nice to have that recognition for the group, she would pick a group that was stable and gave as much as they received any day.
As long as you were among those people, her heart was safe and sound.
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