#you are fetishizing mlm or wlw
aqricus · 2 years
seeing the way the genshin fandom freaks out over straight ships tells me literally everything i need to know
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sukibenders · 3 months
"Why did they make Michael into Michaela? They took away one of the hottest men in Bridgeton now!" Okay, now it's one of the hottest women in the show. What's the issue now? Still got Francesca and Michael, in a way.
"Francesca's infertility plotline is ruined now! It was so important in the books!" Why can't she still have this particular plot, while still being with Michaela? Why is that suddenly erased now that Michael is a woman? Do you not believe that sapphic woman can't also struggle with infertility? There are multiple ways that the show can still incorporate this.
"Why are they making everyone gay now? It was fine when it was just Benedict but now-" I'm going to stop you right there. What's wrong with having more than one queer character? There are multiple straight people in the show, and in most forms of media, but you draw the line at having more than one gay/queer person? Imagine what it's like for other queer people to not be represented or to only have that one person be a vessel for the entire community. Doesn't sound very fair right? Another thing, because I see a lot of people who say this call themselves "allies", it doesn't sound very supportive when you say things like this. It doesn't instill confidence in your support for the queer community when you can't even fathom the possibility of more than one queer person on your screen without complaint. It's okay to be a little bummed out about the change, but to use rhetoric like above feels very...it leaves a sour taste in the mouth personally.
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canniba1ize · 8 months
If you're a woman who obsesses over the sexual relationship between two men, I want you out of my sight. Is that seriously controversial?
I'm not saying you can't ship Hannigram or any other MLM relationships. But wouldn't you find it odd if a man was extensively thinking about, drawing, and writing about a lesbian couple's sex life?
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I'm actually so mad right now why is this shit so normalized
(for context, the video said "would you rather have a daughter who fetishizes mlm relationships or son who fetishizes wlw relationships" and the person in the video said they would not want either because both are disgusting and people shouldn't be fetishizing sexualities A CORRECT OPINION, and here are some of the comments I saw under the video)
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hey guys can we not sexualize and fetishize the relationships people are in? These are REAL people.
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sporkberries · 1 year
i guess the stage I'm at with metal gear dudebros is that they aren't even worth arguing with. It's not a matter of up to interpretation(except for like otasune). To deny the queer relationships in metal gear is to pointedly and purposefully deny the text, which isn't even particularly subtle. If these relationships were heterosexual there would be no argument, it's just blatant homophobia. I'm not theorizing or just "trying to make my gay ship canon". If they want to ignore the text thats their problem.
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dxringred · 2 years
90% sure i once saw someone suggest a ronance scream au where robin and nancy are billy and stu as if sidney and gale aren’t right there lmao. like, the only thing you really have to change is nancy actually just being the writer/reporter for the school paper (but interning for a local news station, as an ‘easter egg’) and that’s it. (and she definitely still writes a book about it all in the sequels lmao.) and i know someone’s going to say, “well, robin would nEvEr punch nancy,” but you’re wrong, because she would 100% punch a nancy wheeler she still views as a priss under the circumstances of those movies, and also let’s not pretend that’s anywhere close to as ooc as ronance being fucking serial killers like- 
anyway, 4 movie slowburn enemies-to-lovers with lots of angst and shared trauma xoxo
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notyouralien · 2 years
To all the women who watch bl just to fetishize mlm relationships and still manage to be homophobic when it comes to queer women, sincerely from the bottom of my heart, fuck you.
They'll literally be talking about bl and then be like eww when i bring up kristen stewart (the only queer woman they know obv)
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demonio-fleurs · 8 months
one day we as a society will evolve past the need to say “this ship is only shipped by fetishizing cishet women” instead of what we actually mean, which is usually “i don’t like this ship i prefer this other ship :(((((“
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girlscience · 11 months
i hate that my brain is like this. i hate that it does this to me. i see so many people for whom their sexuality is a source of pride and community and finding their sexuality opens a whole new world to them and they become open and confident people who are more themselves than ever before. and that's amazing! i am so happy for those people!! but it has never been that for me and i despise myself for that.
#i want so badly to say 'I AM [insert sexuality here]' 'IM OUT AND IM PROUD!'#i want to find local community and go to the gay bars#and meet people and make friends and kiss girls and all these things i see online or in fanfic#(listen i have been reading a huge amount of griddlehark and there is a lot of modern aus that i desperately desire)#but my brain thinks i am lying about all of it and whenever i say no i'm not lying it sets about convincing me i am#i think about women and it instantly goes okay but men though. what if you thought about them instead#and then it's all i can think of even though i don't want to#i think about dating a woman and it says actually. think about dating a man#i say i don't want men and it says that's rude and mean and you never know what could happen#and you don't believe there is some magical difference between men and women they are all just people so you are a hypocrite#if you leave men out and honestly you don't find men repulsive and there have been men you thought were attractive even if you can't figure#out of it was attractive like sex or attractive like marble statues#and you say you like body hair on women but it weirds you out on men but it's the exact same thing so you have to like it on both#and you read so much mlm fic and so little wlw so you think men are hot cause you've thought some of the mlm stuff was hot#so obviously you want to have sex with men#even if all the men who have actually hit on you irl made you uncomfortable#you didn't actually stop it from happening and honestly you really wanted it to happen and you just wanted them to force it on you#cause you are a evil gross freak who fetishizes#nevermind. this is spiraling.#and is just turning into a way for me to hurt myself more with this
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bitchypuppystarlight · 3 months
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chaos-an0n · 2 months
RWBY and Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss are the same thing and here’s why
Interesting concept, terrible execution
What the fuck is Worldbuilding
People behind the show are revealed to be terrible people
Cult-like fanbase that dislikes criticism
Popular in Japan
Double standards when it comes towards the villains (Neo/Adam) (Valentino/Stella)
People working on the show are being mistreated and underpaid
Overpriced/Low Quality Merch
Surprisingly racist if you looked hard enough
Surprisingly sexist if you looked hard enough
Rewrites have done better
Writer's Pets (Stolas & Jaune) that get more focus than the actual main characters
WLW (RWBY) & MLM (HH/HB) relationships are fetishize by the writers
MLM (RWBY) & WLW (HH/HB) relationships are either ignored or have the least developed chemistry
Claims to be "indie" when it's not (RT used to be part of Warner Bros & Hazbin Hotel is on Amazon Prime)
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dynastyscans · 6 days
2016 dashboard simulator
mutual 1: (100x100 icon of character they kin making a sad face) ccan i get some asks ?? jjsut saw one of my triggers and i dotn feel so good,,,
mutual 3: This is serious. If you're of voting age and reading this, you NEED to go out and vote for Hillary. If Tr*mp gets elected he will literally kill all LGBTQ people.
mutual 4: lmfao @ mutual 3 saying "lgbtq" lgbt is the full acronym why would you put the fucking q slur in it faggot #q slur tw ///
mutual 5: (100x100 smug nagito komaeda icon) LMAOOO someone who thinks they're me tried to follow me AND they're white and kin outside their race. get fucked
mutual 6: everyone block and report mutual 2 for s*xualizing shrek who is literally a character from a CHILDREN'S movie, and for using p*d*ph*l*c inc*st terms like "d*ddy". it doesn't matter if it's a "joke", mutual 2. it's p*d*ph*l*a.
mutual 7: dare i say trump is asexual? hes so brave and so fucking orange...
mutual 8: hhey guys can i id as naruto or is he japanese coded or smth i dont want to accidentally be racist im white so like i dont wanna step out of line,, #lms if you read
mutual 9: reminder that if you like yaoi or yuri you are literally homophobic and racist! idgaf if you're mlm and like yaoi or wlw and like yuri, you are fetishizing and sexualizing mlm/wlw. pee your pants
mutual 10: lol my ex just "came out" as asexual #cringe
mutual 11: reminder that you need to worship every lesbian you meet and lick their feet you literally owe it to lesbians everywhere. non-lesbians can reblog but don't fucking comment. nsfw blogs fuck off i'm literally a 17 year old minor.
mutual 12: just made a gore blog mutuals lms for the url !!
mutual 13: OwO what's this???? hewwo??? h-hewwo??? owo... muwutuaws... anyone hewe....
mutual 14: just had to block a mutual for this so friendly fucking reminder that the rainbow flag is only for gay men. if you are a lesbian or bisexual use your own fucking flag its not a "community flag" gay men dont have any other flag so stop taking whats ours and fuck off
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oodlesofoddnoodles · 1 year
why i believe mlm-centric media is more popular then any wlw-centric media
(DISCLAIMER!!! I am not in ANYWAY discrediting any of the media i use as an example, i personally enjoy almost all of the shows mentioned and am merely trying to prove a point, i am glad we are at a point in society with ANY LGBTQ+ representation and I hope we only further it from this point on)
okay, so i’ve been thinking about this for the past couple of days, some examples of what i mean are as follows
Media that features mlm relationships (Heartstopper, Young Royals, Red, White & Royal Blue), is almost always in a “realistic” scenario. (i’m not saying that YR and RWRB are realistic, however it is not set in a fantasy setting)
Media that features wlw relationships (First Kill, I Am Not Okay With This), are almost always in “fantasy” type settings.
Why do I believe there is a correlation? I think it’s because of the fetishization of LGBTQ relationships.
For example, Heartstopper.
While yes, it does have a lesbian couple as well, Tara and Darcy aren’t the main characters. I think the reason Heartstopper was such a success is because it is realistic, and straight cis women think its cute. i am in no way saying that straight-cis people can’t enjoy gay media, but it becomes alarming when their whole personality revolves around the fact they like gay couples. If you think “Oh, there aren’t people like that!” Yes there are.
Meanwhile, on the opposite end, straight cis men don’t want to watch wlw couples be cute and fall in love because “ew thats weird and gross.” so there isn’t as big of a fanbase, straight cis men aren’t the ones who make the fan-works, and even if the LGBTQ+ community does like a show, they need the most possible appeal and they won’t find that with cis straight men.
Plus, straight people don’t want to see their own gender being with each-other. The ratio of straight cis women obsessed with wlw relationships to SCW obsessed with mlm relationships is like one to ten, and we’ve already established that SCM aren’t involved in fandom as much as SCW.
another disclaimer because i can already feel people attacking me for this, this is not a call-out post, merely me stating things i’ve noticed, i don’t care what you do lol.
If you have any other points you’d like to add, let me know :)
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
i feel like "being attracted to nonbinary people" has historically been shit on because NB isn't a third gender (fair but some NB people are, or at least aren't binary at all), because you can't tell if someone's NB just by looking at them (fair but that's true of every gender ever,) or because it's inherently fetishizing (shut up lol). but that's had the effect of like. the expectation that transneutral/transother folks are all fine with being sorted into binary(-aligned) attraction & erasing abinary people from sexuality. so i wanna say: i am attracted to agender & neutrois & maverique people specifically. I think binary-unaligned people are hot as fuck in a way that is completely unrelated to binary genders or binary sexuality. i want to have genderless & gender neutral & binary-breaking sex with other nonbinary people. abinary cock and pussy and cockpussy and smoothness* is all hot and cool as hell. i love being NLN and also MLN and WLN in a way completely unrelated to being MLM/WLW.
*did you know that you can get genital nullification and keep an erogenous zone?? because you can! altersex genitalia is so cool :)
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damnfandomproblems · 3 months
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Fandom Problem #5082:
Fandoms be like, "If you don't have any wlw or mlm ships you're homophobic!!" But then turn around and say if you're straight you're not allowed to ship gay ships cause you're fetishizing them!! Like which one is it?? Either you want one or the other, you can't have both. Pick a struggle. Also, stop worrying about what fictional stuff other people consume, thanks
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derangedfujoshi · 2 months
Yall looooooove to talk shit about women, especially cishet ones, not giving the same attention to wlw stories as they do with mlm ones and call it "internalised misogyny" (let's not even go into the whole "fetishization" debacle), but when it's the last time you read/watched m/f stuff?
The amount of yall claiming other women don't like wlw bc of misogyny but then turn around and hate/scoff at the mere idea of shoujos SIMPLY for being m/f is VERY high. So what, yall have internalised misogyny as well? Cause last time I checked both wlw and mlw had Women in them so if not liking wlw makes you a woman hater so does not liking mlw and that sounds insane. "Oh but I don't like shoujos cause I'm a lesbian and are not into men" well they're straight and don't like women so??? It's easier to like mlm cause it does not involve their gender and some people don't vibe with stories that involve their gender and another they're not attracted to. If YOU can get a pass to mlw stories so can they, you hypocrite🤨
As long as they aren't clearly lesbophobic I don't see a fucking issue man, also you know what? wlw stories are mostly fucking BORING and even as a lesbian myself I find more cool shit amongst the mlm ones but /I/ am trying to change that and write my own cool wlw stories, what are YOU doing beside bitching and throwing around big words against people simply trying to enjoy themselves?
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