#inspired by annoying twitter convos
sporkberries · 1 year
i guess the stage I'm at with metal gear dudebros is that they aren't even worth arguing with. It's not a matter of up to interpretation(except for like otasune). To deny the queer relationships in metal gear is to pointedly and purposefully deny the text, which isn't even particularly subtle. If these relationships were heterosexual there would be no argument, it's just blatant homophobia. I'm not theorizing or just "trying to make my gay ship canon". If they want to ignore the text thats their problem.
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loki-ioki · 8 months
(responding to the tag fave female characters post) weird to say, but it makes me feel better im not thr only one in "big fan of geeta but can never trust anyone else to not shit on her" club :')
As it is, we get a lot in subtext, more than most champions! Girlboss is flawed but gives her 100% to loving her region. The dlc social link confirmation that she trusts the PC and Nemona to carry her torch of inspiration and love hit me so hard in the feels
i mainly use twitter so i CONSTANTLY see people shitting on her and it's so annoying and disheartening. or always putting her in bait tweets with two SUPER popular champions (like leon & cynthia) and being like "pick the worst one 🤪" and it makes me so fucking mad. I love Cynthia but it's not fair to Geeta at all.
i don't like geeka at all (no hate tho, i just don't find it interesting/like it more one-sided on Rika's part) but i trust them to deal with her more than most other people lol.
but YES the dlc little convos with her that i've seen (haven't unlocked her yet in my game bc i'm lazy) are SOO CUTE OR SWEET. the little details they added to her are just. OUGHH GOD I LOVE HER SO MUCH. her being a little absent minded & having glimmets in her hair constantly are. so cute. AND HER PASSING HER TORCH TO THE MC OR NEMONA ONE DAY YES. my own personal hc for her (tho i think it's.. semi? popular? idk) is that Nemona is her sister and it just makes that interaction all the sweeter to me.
ANYWHO. sorry to ramble LOL but i just love her. her design, her personality, all of it. she's wonderful to me
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folklauerate · 2 years
A Misunderstanding
inspired by a little Twitter convo with @rosycheeked and @grantairesbottle @journeymanfive lol. here's some plain ol fluff written during a lunch break.
"So," she said, twirling her hair around her finger. "Do you do the pick up often?"
"Not usually, no," Simon said affably. "I'm usually in charge of the drop off."
"Oh, you poor thing," the woman pouted, putting a hand on his forearm. "I'm so sorry."
"Pick up isn't that bad," Simon said, chuckling nervously. He felt as though there was something he was missing when--
"How long is it since your wife passed away?" The woman asked, her words dripping with barely contained glee.
He understood now.
Though he technically swung both ways, it had been years since Simon had been so blatantly been hit on by a woman. This was most likely due to the fact that he was lucky enough to have a life that only contained what brought him joy, and seeing as that list blissfully, happily, and staunchly contained not a single heteronormative thing, he hadn't been exposed to the sorts of situations that would easily facilitate a woman hitting on him--or mistaking him for straight.
That second part was usually owed to--
--speak of the devil.
"Ant," he said, turning to face his husband with a relived smile on his face. "Hello, love."
They shared a quick peck on the lips before Anthony turned to the blonde woman standing next to Simon, her jaw dropped.
"Hello, Cressida," Anthony said, a thin smile on gracing his lips. "I see you've finally meet my partner, Simon."
"Oh--um, yes," she said, hastily affixing her face with a fake little smile. "Your partner! Yes. I--sorry. I must have--"
"Misunderstood?" Anthony asked. "Yes, I suppose you must have. Now if you'll excuse us, I think I see our daughter."
Simon offered her a little wave of goodbye as Anthony tugged his hand, pulling him closer to the entrance of the school.
"Annoying woman," Anthony muttered, rolling his eyes. "Keeps asking me the most pointed questions about my wife every pick up."
"And you never corrected her?" Simon asked, laughing.
"Well, at first I didn't catch on," Anthony said. "And I'm rather used to using gender neutral pronouns, so I don't think she caught on either, daft as she is. But I sussed it out last week, and then you offered to come to pick up today and--"
"You got to fix it in the most obvious way possible," Simon said.
"Exactly," Anthony said, turning to him with a smile. Simon felt his husband's fingers tug at his shirt, needy little thing that he was, but he was happy to oblige, bending down slightly to press his lips against his when--
The shriek caught both of their attention, the two of them turning around and barely having time to react before a pair of arms grabbed their legs, holding on tight.
"You're both here," Amelia said, her voice mildly muffled as her face was pressed firmly against Anthony's pants. "Daddy said it in the car but I didn't believe him, you're here you're here--"
The rest was lost in laughter as Simon picked her up, swinging her around. At five, she might have been getting a little too old, but heaven help the person that tried to tell her fathers that.
Anthony gamely swung her little backpack over his own shoulder, pressing kisses to her cheeks in hello, as Simon tightened his arms around their daughter, pressing his nose against her hair and breathing in her familiar scent, all sweetness and joy.
"Stop," she giggled, swatting at him lightly. "Your face is scratchy."
"I'm ever so sorry, Miss Amelia Bedelia," Simon nuzzled her nose lightly. "Will you forgive me?"
"Maybe," she said, putting a hand on either side of his face and squeezing lightly. Amelia called him Squishy Cheek Daddy when the mood struck her. "Maybe if we can get ice cream..."
Anthony let out a laugh as Simon scoffed in surprise.
"You had ice cream for dessert last night!" He said, raising his brow.
Their daughter gave him a look.
"Come on, Bridgerton," His husband said, tugging on his arm. "I think our little girl deserves some ice cream, don't you? She's clearly had a very long day."
"Yes," Amelia nodded sagely. "I have."
Well, there was little else to say to that, what with Amelia's wide, gray eyes looking at him pleadingly, and his husband's gentle hand through tucked through his.
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beca-mitchell · 5 years
could you recommend some fame aus for bechloe? you seem like a fountain of knowledge when it comes to bechloe fics. btw i hope you feel better soon!
AHHH!! One of my absolute favourite genres…I got so excited about this so forgive me for this sprawl of recs.
So if I may, I’ll start with two of my own:
show me where my armor ends
by me (7 chapters, 19,495 words, complete)
Summary: Beca and Chloe are both famous in their own right: Beca is an up and coming musician. Chloe is an adored movie and television actress. They meet one day, by chance, and find themselves very attracted to each other.
Notes: you can see my peripherals/edits on tumblr. :D This was one of my favourite fics to write and I hope to revisit this universe one day…for now, enjoy this. :)
hockey player shooting his shot at anna k but it’s bechloe
by me (tumblr post, 1k-ish words, complete)
Summary: self-explanatory. remember that hockey player shooting his shot at Anna Kendrick on twitter? this is that, but Bechloe. Really short.
now to get into fame aus, i consider a rather wide range of fics to fall within this genre. sometimes just one of them is famous, sometimes both of them are, and sometimes i like the fics that explore Beca’s life post-PP3, so i’ll include one of as well in case you want to read them.
mix the bourgeoisie and the rebel (we got the gift of melody)
by mooosicaldreamz (64,302 words, 6 chapters, complete)
Summary: Beca is an up and coming producer, Chloe Beale is pop’s newest princess. This is the story of how they fall in love.
The Perks of Having a Gal Pal
by cheeky_geek_m0nkey (6,212 words, 3 chapters, complete)
Summary: Beca is a famous musician/producer (really, we all knew it was going to happen), and Chloe’s America’s sweetheart as the host of a reality dance show. After four years at Barden denying that they were hopelessly in love, Beca’s having a hard time accepting the media’s refusal to acknowledge their relationship.
am i hallucinating? (why do you look hella famous?)
by gnarleyquinn & prettylittlesestras (4,655 words, complete)
Summary: “Tinder?” Emily says with a pop of her eyebrows, “I thought you didn’t like dating apps?” (the tinder au that nobody asked for)
Notes: Chloe is an international pop star and Beca is very gay. Author’s tags not mine.
The Camera Flashes (make it look like a dream)
by Gohandinhand (3,308 words, complete)
Summary: One year, two actresses, Disney’s first ever lesbian movie, and a lot of media speculation.
Have Your Cake
by @aliciameade (Rated M/E, 7,137 words, complete, triple treble)
Summary: “I want you.” Beca grins and pulls her close, words spilling out without thinking. “I want you…and her.”
Fully inspired by/based on S1E4 of The L Word Generation Q and Alice, Nat, and Gigi.
Notes: yes i included this bc smut
irresistible force, a paradox
by sam_kom_trashkru (5,896 words, complete)
Summary: Beca isn’t entirely sure what her neighbor does for a living that requires enthusiastically knocking at her door at three o’clock in the morning for a pound of sugar, but either way, she’s annoyed.
Or: Chloe Beale is the latest YouTube sensation sweeping the nation who is hopelessly gay for a neighbor she’s pretty sure doesn’t know she exists.
The DJ and the Babysitter
by Snowflake19 (48,157 words, 14 chapters, ongoing/incomplete)
Summary: Beca is famous, but always managed to keep her identity a secret for the sake of her daughter. Chloe is a little strapped for cash, and babysitting seems a decent enough way to remedy that.
notes: a new fic but this writer is quickly becoming one of my faves. and they update fairly consistently!! big recommend. it’s such a sweet fic. :)
If You Don’t Expect Too Much From Me (You Might Not Be Let Down)
by @punportunist (96,265 words, 23 chapters, complete) 
Summary: A lot of the fandom interprets bechloe as if Beca is the oblivious one and Chloe is the pining one. The roles are reversed here.
Notes: I included this because I really enjoyed/enjoy this fic and I think it is worth mentioning. It is a post PP3 fic that explores what their lives become before and after Beca’s fame skyrockets…fame isn’t necessarily a central focal point but i liked the mentions of it and beca’s occasional reflections on it.
also based on a convo w/ @aliciameade…we are learning that people aren’t tagging their fics with ‘fame au’ on AO3 so it might be hard to find. this list definitely isn’t comprehensive and I know I’m missing some especially some that are lost to ff.net which I don’t frequent as much anymore…but I hope it’s a good jump-off point.
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bisluthq · 3 years
"The Twitter pics? I want to do like a roundup because if I posted them all I’d “waste” a lot of asks and hit post limit." what twitter pics? and no just random convos you were having that I added my 2 cents in about why she hasnt bought a home in london and another ask about her having kids
Oh then it wasn’t planned. I get a lot of asks and I miss some sometimes 🤷🏻‍♀️ if I miss it resend them tbh or DM me if you really want to talk about something. I rarely post Harry asks because the conversations they inspire often annoy me but I’m in like DMs with two Harries specifically because I like talking about him.
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hardtchill · 4 years
So, is your beef about the attention AM is getting with her or the media? If it's the latter, then it'd be so inspiring if you would call them out by name here and on the bird app. That way we can create a convo about the how the media attention in women's sports is still an issue and some players get hyped up because of their name and past stats and achievements while good, hardworking players are overlooked. It'd get people talking and maybe bring change, who knows?
I get what you mean and yes i’m mostly annoyed by the media. Although i would admire it if Alex would acknowledge this like other players have. She is not required to do that but as a player who gets this much attention while her teammates never do i wish she would speak out about that.
I do want to mention a couple things.
1) I don’t have a Twitter account and i’m not about to make one. I’m pretty sure that the angry anons in my inbox are Twitter stans and i’m not about to give them another place where they can yell at me. I also very much doubt i would reach anybody.
2) If i want to call out the media that give Alex attention when other players should get it, i would never be done. It’s literally every single journalist and newspaper that does this.
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The opposite of your last post for the ask meme! Like 1, 5, 9..
thank you lol sorry it took me a minute to get to posting these answers......i also skipped a couple that got asked previously via answering all primes lol
1: What inspires you?
hm well just basic stuff like “being in a good mood” lol or “being hyped up by friends” or “having reason to be particularly excited about something” which is all like, factors that Contribute Energy......learning about stuff / trying something and discovering like oh i’m Into this thing, or that for whatever reason something turns out to be more within reach / doable than i might’ve thought, like, hey i wanna get on this maybe.......~creatively~ it’s great to like, see other ppl’s art, and while i’ve sure been Inspired by professional artists, overall i’m more like, influenced and motivated by seeing the styles / specific works of Online Randos like me.......i also Draw to create [self-indulgent (usually fairly) niche fanart which is also probably gay and is all the time of characters i like] so like, the Stuff I Wanna Make Fanart Of (which has Whatever characters i specifically would like to draw lol) is sure directly Inspiring in that way. i’d say i never had that experience of like, ppl being kids and seeing some [distributed work in a certain art medium] like oh i want to make my own [distributed work in a certain art medium] as in like, i wanna publish a book, i wanna make movies, etc, but i guess i Did b/c i was like elementary school age in the early-to-mid 00s and experienced some instances of online fanart like :o :o wow damn ppl can do that?? just be a rando drawing fanart and sharing it w/ other people online???? and today i am living that dream, so good for me lol. and also i’d like to shoutout marge simpson anime, which is a particular piece of Online Art (technically fanart even lol) which was like, unusually Motivating as a single work of art lol, i made a notes app fanart like immediately and then a way more “painterly” piece of fanart that was v directly inspired by it lol.......and i was sure Drawing It Up last last winter when bmc 3.0 was impending / happening, b/c i got into like Just in the dec before, so that was Fresh, and then bam the Content is happening concurrently and as soon as we even just learned that jeremy has glasses i immediately spent like honestly 25 consecutive hours making fanart for that exact Inspiration. we didn’t even know abt the hello kitty shoes yet!!! and naturally im not out here for stats or clout but it is Inspiring when ppl enjoy the stuff i make and let me know one way or another. [tag comments that express enthusiasm in any way.....Appreciated]
9: Do you trust people easily, or do people have to earn your trust?
i have to say i am wary! that’s in part just like, a default anxiety defensive mode lol. but it takes me a hot minute (aka weeks....or months.....) to realize when someone like, would like to be friends or something, so while i can be Friendly and Outgoing w/ people like, immediately, i’m not picking up relationships left and right that are close enough that i’d particularly talk about “trust” or whatever. i’m not necessarily Distrustful either lol, it’s more just like, again re: the constant wariness thing. it is not unlike a cat lmao i vibe with them lol i Get that [approach]....and there’s been times i’ve been like “hmm i sure do Not vibe with this person ever and am not comfortable around them / interacting with them to any extent beyond occasional casual interactions that i don’t super enjoy. that’s me being overly anxious and failing to be personable i guess!!” and then that person Does give that reason down the line like oh, actually, that eternal uneasiness was warranted :/ damb
21: How does someone become friends with you?
yknow i was like “didn’t i Also answer this one previously” but it turned out the question i was thinking of, which i Had answered, was “how does someone become important to you” lmao.....same diff
tbh it’s kind of an arduous process lmao like. first of all i am Bad about initiating shit, and a lot of times will like, be wary of Directly Interacting with people for a while b/c i am also Bad At not being too passive / unwilling to assert anything so like, if someone’s regularly interacting with me but i’m not into it / Eventually Realize i’m not into it, it’s that thing again where my main strat is [v gradually sidle away] lol and just find it difficult to extricate myself from interactions / relationships and so that plays into me really feeling like i have to have some real confidence that i’d get on with / vibe with someone Before i start significantly interacting with / getting involved with them which....is also difficult natch lol like. can’t rly get a great feel for what someone’s like w/o talking to them.......but then if i Distance myself at all at any point will that be taken as rejection or whatever.......and then anyways say i Am talking to someone, then it’s like, also i’m just not fantastic at casual conversation always and that stage where you don’t know someone too well and talking is mostly a Polite Ritual and it’s like oh god don’t mess up, respond Normally lmaoo......i am nervous. and i also have a tendency to just naturally try to make an interaction go smoothly than immediately prioritize / feel comfortable busting out My Personality lmao.....so then even if ppl are responding well enough it’s like ah jeez i know we’re all performing always but have i shown them What I’m Actually Like to any significant degree, am i just masking it up / mirroring the crap out of how they talk?? and also it then takes me quite a while to put together “if someone keeps talking to you / choosing to interact with you for like, weeks, it probably means they want to / are interested in doing so” lol.........and then i’ll take ages more of trying to consciously Be More Myself without *also* feeling like this is too much of an act lol, and gradually picking up like oh they’re still not like, annoyed or disinterested or something..............what i am trying to say is it sure takes a minute lol
also when i Am attempting sometimes to like [initiate interaction] with people my version of being Active is still not all that active lmao i will be like [occasional Like] or [even more occasional reply] or [tag comments or no comments coz it’s twitter and im rt-ing stuff] and it’s like oh wow if we’re not having more regular interaction i suppose i’ve failed or something?? does this mean anything further lol, did i do anything.....but welp gotta have that perspective that Not Necessarily lol and i’m not the only person in the world who might not make friends or even friendly acquaintances easily / at the drop of a hat and u can’t necessarily read way into shit that hasn’t Actually been communicated to you.......naturally though it is easier to have some ~perspective~ and Serenity about all this sort of thing when you do already have some Friends lmao........been feeling (and consciously nudging myself towards feeling) More Chill about say like, friendly acquaintances i have who aren’t raring to interact with me on the reg.......ppl i’ll go months or half a year or more between having a convo with and then we’ll be like trading dm’s for a couple days and then it’s back to not really talking, and that Is What It Is, not necessarily a tragedy, and really it feels “rude” to acknowledge to myself like oh i’m not sure that me and whomever even Vibe well enough that *i’d* be raring to talk all the time either, but hey, it’s also true, i don’t have to be Validated by ppl who know me having me in their friend circles in any significant way......i be out here on the peripheral / outer orbits and i can appreciate that for what it is, even if, again, easier to be more Cool with that when i’m not Only in ppl’s periphery...........i appreciate the pal i have who like, 99% of how we Communicate is occasionally sending each other pics of our cats, not very intimate but also back when i was offline for months on end they eventually went out of their way to find someone to get in touch with to verify i hadn’t like died or anything lol........i appreciate the Gestures of Caring that ppl have and do extend, even if we do not actually talk regularly. 
and like also i’m bad at like. idk the main way i talk is again, At Some Length and often about real specific shit lol so im like woop aware that many ppl are not into that, or they might be down for having an exchange like that for a day and then they’re done.........not at all like wholly Against more lol Conversational conversations but i gotta say that’s more of a struggle lmao..........so let’s say befriending me takes some Patience. i kinda operate on [cat] rules. jellicle
25: How do you stop yourself from going back to toxic people?
i absolutely am Refraining from launching off on a ted talk of a tangent that is also me being the [the guy about to throw down a card on the pile on the table and that card pile is like “any conversation” and the guy is labeled “me” and the One Card about to be played is labeled “it’s capitalism” or smthing like that and also it’s all in spanish].jpg.......
anyways idk just try to keep things in perspective, right......i generally am pretty Passive about gradually sidling away from relationships that are bad and so by the time i Have exited them it’s pretty overdue lmao and i get to be quite confident that it was The Right Thing........and just when looking back on stuff it’s like, well if you remember the Good or “Not That Bad(tm)” parts maybe consciously think about the whole of it And specifically the Bad parts / the reasons for peacing out.......also the other day i was mulling over some standard [conflicted / complicated feelings about having cut certain ppl out entirely] and it also occurred to me that a lot of the [conflicted] feeling part came from sympathy for them, whereas from the perspective of Entirely My Own Feelings On The Matter minus that “how do/would they feel about it” consideration, the thought of never interacting w/ these ppl is like. fine with me lol........stuff like this is always Complicated and Individual and there’s certainly no like, one-stop simple Guide To Navigating All This Kind Of Thing, Cmon It’s Easy........another consideration i saw the other day via a graphic on twitter, which is probably most relevant re: say, controlling / abusive Partners, was how like, to think about how someone is acting if they’re saying you should Take Them Back b/c they’ve Changed their behavior, but to pay attention to if they’re trying to guilt you into it / justifying or downplaying their previous behavior / shifting blame and otherwise manifesting the inherently harmful and controlling patterns that are supposed to be gone now........anyways yeah complicated stuff and also just p.s. (and what would’ve been the jumping off point for the It’s-Capitalism tangential essay lol) ppl shouldn’t be blamed if they do choose to let someone back in their life like oh now they’re responsible for bringing their mistreatment upon themself.....no better than blaming someone for, say, having a harmful / controlling romantic partner in the first place like oh well they should’ve known better than to have gotten involved with this person..........ppl are in control of their own abusive behavior and shouldn’t be considered Forces Of Nature no matter how intransigent they are
33: Do you have someone you know you can always rely on?
tbt question 9 lol there’s defo some people that i do trust! love it....
45: Do you consider yourself creative?
another #tbt to question 1 lol.......i mean Yes i am creative in ways but like, who Isn’t, really.......think sometimes “creativity” means “do you like, do Art things” which, yes i do, but then within that there’s art that’s deemed more ~creative~ or w/e......not to mention that i don’t think something has to be definitively labeled an Art to be creative. like, for example, Science and Art aren’t opposites / the antithesis of each other, and anytime defines ~science~ as like, people just memorizing and outputting Facts and Numbers and considers this a distinction from Being An Artist.....wild and i Will fight you lmao. i tell you i can v much remember times i have had to completely disengage to keep from losing my cool at people arguing about “why i respect science but could only be an artist :’|” or “why Art is actually harder than Science and also we’re the underdogs b/c society values science so much more :’|” like.....mf...........anyways scientific pursuits may certainly have a different Methodology (see: scientific method) than art but lbr it still requires creativity and science and art are friends you fucking fools................and then also just zooming in on the Art-Making business here, i also like, have never had any interest in coming up with Original stories / characters and the like, and i don’t enjoy trying and it just really is not my thing, and it’s Funny or something when people wanna say that creative fanworks have value b/c they let ppl cut their teeth for what really matters, inevitably making their own original content(tm)......that isn’t inevitable for me lol and certainly is nothing i aim to do ever, and when there’s the suggestion that if you’re Good enough at ur medium you gotta manifest some of that original the character do not steal shit.........anyways i’m not pressed to claim i am an Artist(tm) or Creative(tm) lol like i guess technically i am both but i have no professional aspirations and my brain does not Do [generate original content] so it’s all like, i’m just out here.........s/o to this time i was trying to do my fuckin thing drawing on a tablet in a cafe and some random annoying guy is trying to talk and i happen to mention like “lol i don’t exactly call myself an artist really” and Guy goes “OH REALLY??? WHAT’S WRONG WITH ARTISTS? WHAT’S YOUR ISSUE WITH ART” like please cool it lmao but god p sure it was a guy who was just. very Around and very annoying in general
49: Do you feel like you’re a good person?
yeah i think i’m alright but really what is the use in like considering there 2 be achievable Good or Bad Person Statuses for everyone........let’s say it’s an ongoing, active state to be in the process of consciously choosing to be Good and working towards Better. especially considering that We Live In A Society which tries to teach everyone and continuously imbues our existence with Bad Messages about how to perceive and engage with other people, and being A Good Person is a lifelong effort and it’s unhelpful to feel that if you’re already Good or well-intentioned enough you can just dust off your hands and be like “well my work here is done” and be unprepared to examine your beliefs/actions or deal with the might-as-well-assume-it’s-an-inevitability that even if u have some noble-ass beliefs you’ll fail to live up to them at some point/s.......so like yeah lol again i feel like i am a pretty good person but can always be better and ought to be aware of / willing to work on that at any point
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losangeleslovesyou · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
DROP 6: I don't mind being alone. I quite enjoy my own company actually. However choosing to be alone is different from being forced to be alone and that's where the difficulty comes in. You're stuck with yourself, 24 hours of the day, 7 days of the week. There are only so many naps I can take in a day. So this is what happens when the world stops. 2018 was a shit year, to say the least. 2019 was probably the best year of my life. I was doing what I loved and I was on a high. I'm a workaholic. Always have been, probably always will be. Practicing stillness is a challenge. I'm also a creature of habit. If you know me, you know my comfort lies in my red and black scarf around my head, my hot water bottle, a sofa, and a blanket. I'm content. I think about how this time in isolation has impacted my mental health and has brought to light how much I suppress things that I feel super intensely. I hate crying. I feel weak when I cry. I've cried a lot over the past month. Feeling over and underwhelmed somehow. Feeling like I don't have anything valuable to offer because the state of the world is so fucked, what can I ACTUALLY contribute. Nothing really matters and no one really cares. All that self-doubt shit I never imagined thinking. I think about my mum, and how much I want to do and give to her, but I can't do that if there's a fucking pandemic happening and I'm locked up, can I? She doesn't ask for much. All she asks is that I look after myself and do what makes me happy. I started working on an EP early April, with a plan to finish it by the end of the month. Around mid-April I got disheartened and started getting in my own way. That self-doubt shit again. "This isn't good enough, people won't like this, its shit, the mix is trash," everything negative under the sun. My neighbour told me to turn the music down one day, he's working from home. He clearly wasn't as tolerant as Mary. I'd never seen him before, he just moved in next door. I said ok, I asked what his hours were (trying to compromise). "9:30am - 6:30pm", he said. He was cool with the noise after that time. I said ok. He asked if I was playing drums ha. Nah nigga that's that bass. (Osiris' bass that is, I was working on a song to one of his beats, Track 5). I explained what I was working on and he said "ah so this is actually your work too?". I said yes but I wasn't really in the mood for big big convo so I wrapped it up, apologising again for the noise, and then politely kept it moving. Well this is annoying. I like to work on music during the day, I like sunlight. Especially the way it hits through my windows in my living room, makes me feel inspired to be productive. That didn't matter though, because I was already giving up on the EP anyway. I woke up one morning after a hard couple of days feeling sad, low and depressed. Checked my twitter timeline and saw some beautiful photographs somebody had taken, portraits they were. It instantly hit me. I've always known my creativity has no boundaries or limitations and will always stretch way beyond music. Photography is another medium and outlet for me to express myself. It's an instantaneous art form. That's what I love. When I first started, I used to immediately review each shot I'd taken, craving perfection. Deleting on the spot the ones I didn't like. A friend noticed I kept doing that, he's a painter and takes photos also. He told me don't focus on deleting, focus on taking more. After serious procrastination I decided to stop being a lil bitch and cry baby and knuckle down on the EP. I gassed myself up, There's no one else here, I'm alone, I had to. It started to feel good. I started to get really excited, wheeling myself up, spudding myself. I had to. Then I completed it. and when? End of the month just as I'd set out too. Things come full circle in the end don't they? The middle feels like growing pains, self-doubt is a bitch and the only way out is through. Thank you for being the lights that you are. You're all needed, valued, appreciated, and loved. Not just by me of course and I am sure I can speak on behalf of everyone you hold dear in your lives close to you. This is a turbulent time but we don't fold. We don't come from that. We will always be fine. Simbi x Little Simz Drop 6 Age 101 May 6, 2020 1. might bang, might 2. not one life, might live 3. damn right 4. you should call mum 5. where's my lighter ft. alewya
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kickmag · 4 years
Little Simz Announces New EP Drop 6
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Little Simz announces her new EP Drop 6 that will be released next Wednesday. The London rapper has been making music during the quarantine and she released a statement about the EP:
I don't mind being alone. I quite enjoy my own company actually. However choosing to be alone is different from being forced to be alone and that's where the difficulty comes in. You're stuck with yourself, 24 hours of the day, 7 days of the week. There are only so many naps I can take in a day. So this is what happens when the world stops. 2018 was a shit year, to say the least. 2019 was probably the best year of my life. I was doing what I loved and I was on a high. I'm a workaholic. Always have been, probably always will be. Practicing stillness is a challenge. I'm also a creature of habit. If you know me, you know my comfort lies in my red and black scarf around my head, my hot water bottle, a sofa, and a blanket. I'm content. I think about how this time in isolation has impacted my mental health and has brought to light how much I suppress things that I feel super intensely. I hate crying. I feel weak when I cry. I've cried a lot over the past month. Feeling over and underwhelmed somehow. Feeling like I don't have anything valuable to offer because the state of the world is so fucked, what can I ACTUALLY contribute. Nothing really matters and no one really cares. All that self-doubt shit I never imagined thinking. I think about my mum, and how much I want to do and give to her, but I can't do that if there's a fucking pandemic happening and I'm locked up, can I? She doesn't ask for much. All she asks is that I look after myself and do what makes me happy.
I started working on an EP early April, with a plan to finish it by the end of the month. Around mid-April I got disheartened and started getting in my own way. That self-doubt shit again. "This isn't good enough, people won't like this, its shit, the mix is trash," everything negative under the sun. My neighbour told me to turn the music down one day, he's working from home. He clearly wasn't as tolerant as Mary. I'd never seen him before, he just moved in next door. I said ok, I asked what his hours were (trying to compromise). "9:30am - 6:30pm", he said. He was cool with the noise after that time. I said ok. He asked if I was playing drums ha. Nah nigga that's that bass. (Osiris' bass that is, I was working on a song to one of his beats, Track 5). I explained what I was working on and he said "ah so this is actually your work too?". I said yes but I wasn't really in the mood for big big convo so I wrapped it up, apologising again for the noise, and then politely kept it moving. Well this is annoying. I like to work on music during the day, I like sunlight. Especially the way it hits through my windows in my living room, makes me feel inspired to be productive. That didn't matter though, because I was already giving up on the EP anyway.
I woke up one morning after a hard couple of days feeling sad, low and depressed. Checked my twitter timeline and saw some beautiful photographs somebody had taken, portraits they were. It instantly hit me. I've always known my creativity has no boundaries or limitations and will always stretch way beyond music. Photography is another medium and outlet for me to express myself. It's an instantaneous art form. That's what I love. When I first started, I used to immediately review each shot I'd taken, craving perfection. Deleting on the spot the ones I didn't like. A friend noticed I kept doing that, he's a painter and takes photos also. He told me don't focus on deleting, focus on taking more.
After serious procrastination, I decided to stop being a lil bitch and cry baby and knuckle down on the EP. I gassed myself up, There's no one else here, I'm alone, I had to. It started to feel good. I started to get really excited, wheeling myself up, spudding myself. I had to. Then I completed it. and when? End of the month just as I'd set out too. Things come full circle, in the end, don't they? The middle feels like growing pains, self-doubt is a bitch and the only way out is through. Thank you for being the lights that you are. You're all needed, valued, appreciated, and loved. Not just by me of course and I am sure I can speak on behalf of everyone you hold dear in your lives close to you.
This is a turbulent time but we don't fold. We don't come from that. We will always be fine.
Simbi x                                                   
Drop 6 
1. might bang, might 
2. not one life, might live
3. damn right
4. you should call mum
5. where's my lighter ft. alewya
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winedownwithcoffee · 6 years
I know people don't like everyone that is fine. But when I see a so called S fan jump in a convo with someone hating on S saying she's done nothing since S18, she's being left in the dust and why never won and people need to accept that just pisses me off. The S fan was like yeah she was good James season and like Josh MMY and Freestyle. She just doesn't seem inspired at all and just there to be there. Not first time they've done this and then tweet Sharna kissing her ass. So annoying.
LOL twitter is like the cliques in high school. You have to be in with the in crowd
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witch-apologist · 3 years
no bc im on the verge of leaving this fandom tbh. there are so many racist bow erasers and ableist and racist catra demonizers and on top of that i get told by other black ppl that i have internalized antiblackness bc I still love the show bc of the sow incident last year. (thats mostly on twitter but still) i still have mixed feelings about that whole thing but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong to love the show and all of the convos about breaking the cycle of abuse it’s brought. idk man
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Yeah I totally get you. I can't really comment on the Sow part except that its kind of impossible to avoid problematicism in media and its about critical consumption that inspires progress. As for the rest of them my best advice is just block them. I cannot stress this enough, block them. I know it was really hard for a while for me to block anyone who wasn't just being mask off complete piece of shit because I was taught that blocking is a last resort for the worst of the worst. Its not. Block everyone the moment they say something that you know is disingenuous, the moment you come across a take that just sickens you, hell depending on what bothers you and makes it hard for you to keep engaging block people who even slightly annoy you. You don't owe anyone your interaction or you seeing their shit in the tags. I'm finally working to get over the compulsive need to shoot down every dumbass argument I see. Now I only do it if its entertaining to me to rip an argument to shreds. We don't have to put up with that that annoys/bothers us. We can let them rot in their echo chambers.
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wildgrave · 7 years
what do u love about ur friends
idk which one of ya sneaky bastards sent this but i’m not gonna complain b/c i will take any possible opportunity to gush about my friends.
update: this got entirely out of hand and i just wrote about like... everyone i talk to. if u talk just ctrl + f ur name (but don’t feel bad if you’re not in here b/c i’m doing this off the top of my head and can’t remember everyone!! also a lot of these are hs friends who don’t have tumblrs but u asked anon so)
i honestly love them all for different reasons tho!! i’m not going to tag everyone but: thanh is great for a straightforward answer & we have the same awful sense of humor which is basically 8 years of memes to reference (also she says no romo a lot which i find rly funny for some reason??). hannah is super loving and supportive and always looking out for me. jessie is wry and clever and honestly has every reason to get annoyed at me 24/7 but somehow doesn’t. whitten i talk to every day and is super rational about my problems which is helpful when i need solutions (also dank memes). gaby is great b/c we both have a lot of the same interests (feminism, art, fashion, shit-talking ppl, etc) and gets riled up about my problems which is great when i need someone to get angry with. colette also gets angry, usually angrier than me, about my problems and is the best person to offer to beat boys up (b/c i know if she gets drunk enough she will fight anyone). kathleen is great b/c we always end up doing something ridiculous and it’s fun and makes a good story. brooke is the fucking funniest person i have ever met and thinks she’s punk rock but is secretly boujee as fuck. amber also thinks she’s punk rock, but has the softest, purest heart of gold of anyone i’ve ever met (also she comes up with the most ridiculously hilarious ways to proposition me). claire and i can talk about absolutely anything and send each other close ups of pimples but also take nudes of eachother and honestly if thats not true friendship then what is?? sofie is honestly brilliant and always has clever comments to make and i’m lowkey in love with her to this day and i mean, if you’re not a little in love with your friends wyd?? mila is so sweet and i can have fun with her doing anything, like we don’t even need to go anywhere we can just have philosophical talks on my bed and it’s chill. sammy and i have only chilled irl once but she’s really quiet and nice but occasionally makes rly snarky comments about straight ppl which are hilarious. lucy is never on skype but when she is we have a fuckin field day and she’s so petty but like... in a funny way? i’ve only hung out with andie once (which i’m trying to change before she goes back to vegas) but she’s so into musical theatre and i love reading her tweets about it b/c i love how passionate she is! dylan makes awful decisions on the daily like... blowjob competition? rly dyn? and it’s so funny to hear about and he gives ridiculous but funny advice and is super australian and always says “bruv” which is super funny to me. jenna i’m p sure is going to be running the world in two years (also holy shit she’s graduating college?? my bb girl is growing up :’)). adja is so funny b/c i thought she was super by the rules in hs but now she’s a wild child. aidan (as in the senior in hs, not the one my age) sends me #relatable memes and even tho we don’t talk often it gets deep as shit when we do (but i lowkey don’t trust him b/c of his opinions of iron fist smh). allie is in my race & ethnicity class and is just nice all around and we DM eachother on twitter sometimes like ‘what was that awful presentation in class’). nick from polisci is so knowledgeable about politics but makes the issues funny w/o being offensive and shannon (also from polisci) dresses rly cute and we have fun conversations & the three of us have a funny group chat for our presentation. quinn is such a wannabe edgelord but is honestly so pure and a good friend. asmaa is the sweetest possible person and we always tease quinn together. ricky continously gives me a hard time about everything but in a funny way and patiently explains WoW lore to me. JT is also fun to play WoW with and makes me feel like a baby b/c he’s and old man. rebecca’s steadfast belief in drarry makes me smile and i love her writing. harri is one of my many wives and her snapchats are amazing (as are her boobs). kinzie i rarely talk to but i can still hit up sometimes like whats up bitch today i had sex while listening to wtnv. cassie, becca, and eleanor are all rly cool and super pretty and nice to chill with and i love their art and photography and general personalities. georgie gave me the sweetest poem and letter last summer when i was feeling down and we have similar aspirations and i’d love to work with her in my career sometime! marko and henry are married istg but anyway marko is such a genuine, honest person and henry is an amazing writer and i loved english with him and it’d make me happy if we were closer. lena is my protege and i am an awful mentor b/c i never see her since i graduated but she is my child. layla is the baddest bitch i have ever met, her nails are always amazing and we can be catty together and blast nicki minaj. sarah is so funny b/c everyone thinks she’s reserved and studious and stuff (and she kinda is) but once you get to know her she is the sassiest person you will ever meet. my sister and i fight sometimes over me stealing her clothes constantly but we bond over how our parents drive us up the wall and also she cooks a lot which means i can steal food. the entire volstovic cycle fandom (dani, scarlett, anna, crystal, etc) are all amazing creators of things and honestly an inspiration. rimsha is the hardest working person i have ever met and i love hearing about her succeed. brady is my fellow gay (tho tbh 90% of the ppl on this list are gay b/c we flock together) and i love him for his snarkiness. all the boys i sat at lunch with in high school (garrison, rex, arun, etc) are such memes but i didn’t realize how cool they were until we graduated and now i’m like, damn i should’ve paid them more attention even tho i saw them every day. my boyfriend is my friend and he’s the most politically active person i have ever met, and he’s such a dweeb, and he makes me smile whenever we’re together (even when i’m trying to be angry at him). feihong acts like a fuckboy but is pretty dang cool if i’m being honest; he’s rly dedicated to what he does. carly and i don’t talk but i appreciate her paintings and selfies and funny tweets from afar. morgan and i were at a fidlar concert once together and we both couldn’t survive the mosh pit (also her instagram captions are fuckin hilarious am i right or am i right?). kelly is a goddamn klepto but we always have fun together drinking coffee and talking about pens and i love and support her art and she does the same for mine. charlotte is chill and i miss just hanging out in her basement b/c she’s such a gemini but in a good way. the ppl i sit with on campus (sumaiya, alex, zuri, etc) are always having interesting convos and share food and it’s a good time. my cousin and her husband (nat and ron) are the most punk ppl in their 30s and they introduced me to the punk scene and i miss them b/c they moved back to kansas. shakey’s photography on insta makes me feel pensive and i want to go to philly just to meet her. miki i’m not super tight with but her writing is a+ and makes me cry and i love rping with her. rina is such a cool mutual and her art is dope. lea is also a cool chic and i love her hair and want her to bake my wedding cake. mousse is so nice to everyone. ellie and i only talk like twice a year at family parties but we can always dive back in and pick up where we left off. the ppl i party w (other aidan, jakob, justin, etc) are dumbasses (i use that term endearingly) but i’m 98% sure they’ve all carried me to the toilet when i’ve been puking my guts out at a party. marley was that friend that ended up going to yale and no one was surprised so i admire her success but also she was always kind to me and always asked how i was doing with my mental illnesses. renee and maria and i bonded over ib art and sga and generally being over-worked by our sponsor. alanna was another one of my proteges who i need to keep up with better b/c she’s badass and funny and has the best eyebrows ever. i don’t talk to sidney anymore but we went thru so much together and supported eachother a lot a few years ago and i still love em for that. eddie is such a dweeb, everytime i see him (which is a surprising amount considering he lives in miami) we act like nothing has changed and go at eachothers throats. rachel m & galen have both grown so so much since i met them and i’m proud of them. rachel s is so fun to talk about hoe things with and laugh at eachother. marco has the best finsta of anyone ever. danny and i talk over snapchat every so often (like every month or so) and we have the weirdest convos like?? let’s name your imaginary lizard. zamzam (from my creative writing class last semester) was super fun to hang out with when she came over and actually everyone in that class (xander, leah, olivia, will, etc) were excellent writers and hilarious and we all bonded. victor is such a bro honestly he’s funny and is very attentive (actually listens) and is fun sober or not. sandra i’ve known since i was a baby and never really talked to until recently but she’s so nice to talk to about small things. alyssa i stalk obsessively on goodreads b/c who else can read that much, istg girl you’re a cyborg (but like a pretty one). rp buds that i haven’t mentioned so far (mario, mackenzie, etc) i value a lot for their companionship and writing. there are tons of ppl from hs that i wish i had gotten to know better when i was there (julia, drea, tina, both erins, bridget, etc). 
and yeah there are more ppl but those are mostly ppl i talk to at parties or dm occasionally or wish i was friends with but admire from afar. anyway. this got long. I JUST LOVE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!
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dontperishyet · 8 years
For: Merritt, @literarymerritt
Pairings: TanaEnno
Rating: G
Summary: 2K words. Sweet and Fluffy AF. A gloomy Ennoshita, a spontaneous visit from Tanaka, and a confession scene. I was inspired by one of @sonofaquiznak​ wonderful HCs.
 Merritt, my twin (lol), I hope you like this! Thank you for all the wonderful twitter convos and blessed friendship!  
Read on Ao3
Ennoshita knew he should be ecstatic—after beating Wakunan and Seijou, Karasuno was rightfully moving to the finals. He was even given the chance to play.  
But he wasn’t happy in the least.
Instead, he felt frustrated with himself, and helpless. It’s not like he wasn’t already aware that he had a long way to go until he could properly fill in Daichi’s shoes. It wasn’t really a surprise to him…it was just that being on the heated court while shouldering the hefty expectations of his teammates made something exceedingly clear: he wasn’t good enough. And though he reminded himself everyday of this very fact, that he needed to work harder to be who the team needed him to be and that Daichi was expecting him to step up to the plate, he couldn’t deny how hurt he was by those sighs of relief that his teammates let out when they saw Daichi return. It was painful.
He knew he was being dramatic, that he just needed to get over it and focus on improving. But even though it was already 11 pm, hours after the game, he couldn’t stop thinking about it. After all, dwelling on things was a well-known bad habit of his. He needed a distraction, or maybe someone to talk to. Ennoshita sat up in bed, his back resting against the backboard and he reached for his cellphone on the nightstand. He unlocked his phone and seeing that he had a new text message, hastily went to check it. There was really only one idiot that ever texted him this late at night.
From: Tanaka
Please give me the answer to #4 in the math homework. m(_ _)m I swear I’ll give you half my fortune when I get rich one day.
Ennoshita chuckled to himself and his lips pulled up into a wide smile that only Tanaka’s silly antics could achieve. This is exactly what he needed. Tanaka’s energy, charm, and even plain stupidity at times always managed to make Ennoshita forget about his negative thoughts. At first he just enjoyed being with that bald-headed firecracker, hoping that his positive energy would somehow rub off. But once he started thinking about him even when they were apart, and when those thoughts often turned into shameful, sweat-drenched dreams…things got a bit complicated. But, it would be fine if he could continue to play it off. It’s not like the feelings would ever be reciprocated. All he had to do was endure it until his breath no longer quickened when Tanaka was too close and until his mind forgot what it felt like to have Tanaka’s hand on his back.  
To: Tanaka
Yeah, that’s as likely as you actually passing math class without me cramming half the year with you. NO.
Yes, just like always. He had the act of the good, nagging friend down to the T. After this, Tanaka would insistently beg again, sending multiple pleading messages one after another, and eventually Ennoshita would give in. Tanaka would thank him, telling him he loved him (of course only in the way that bros do), and Ennoshita would sink into bed feeling just a bit more empty than he did moments before. As if every ‘I love you, man’ embedded itself into his chest and then burrowed deeper, leaving a hole in their wake.
And this would have been like any other night if Ennoshita hadn’t decided to pass the time until Tanaka’s barrage of messages by looking at their shared image history. Blame fate, impatience, or plain clumsiness, but when he hit the info button on the top right of his screen his tapped again, mistakenly hitting the call button. And then, well, panic ensued.
It was already ringing. He couldn’t possibly hang up or Tanaka would just call back. But what if Tanaka wasn’t near his phone anymore. Crap, he’d see the missed call. But he could just ignore him if he called—
“Yo, what’s up?”
"Uh..." Ennoshita twisted the edge of his cover around his index finger and he wracked his head for an excuse. “It was a butt dial, sorry. "
"Oh, it was?” Tanaka sounded deflated for a split second, but the dip in his voice was so quick Ennoshita questioned if it was his own delusions. “But now that you already called me, let’s talk.”
“Don’t you have homework you need to be doing?”
“Yup…I gave up. Are you done with yours?”
“Ages ago. Because I actually want to pass on to the next grade.”
Tanaka chuckled, “Oh come on, I’ll pass one way or another.”
“You mean you’ll pass because you have me.” Ennoshita knew it was sly of him, and that in the end this would probably just make him feel worse, but he wanted to hear Tanaka say he needed him.
“Yeah,” Tanaka hummed, “If it weren’t for you saving my ass half the time I’d be totally lost.”
Ennoshita bit his lip and let his head roll back to hit the backboard, “…As long as you know that, we’re good. Now go do your homework. “
“Ennoshita, are you doing okay?”
“Yes, I’m doing just fine. I’d be even better if you let me go to sleep.”
Tanaka sucked his teeth, “It doesn't sound like you’re doing fine. You seem down. And you were looking a bit gloomy even though we won today."
Ennoshita closed his eyes and let the sigh that he was holding in his throat seep out, “…you noticed?”
“Duh, it was obvious. Well, at least to me it was. Wait a second.” There were some shuffling on Tanaka’s end and him screaming something to his sister. Then the sound of a door slamming, “Okay. I’m biking over to your house now. Meet me outside in 20 minutes.”
“What?!” Ennoshita sat up, “Are you an idiot? It’s already almost 11:30 pm. Go back home.”
“No, you need some cheering up and fresh air. If your parents ask just make something up. See you in twenty.” And without another word, Tanaka hung up.  
Ennoshita put his phone on his nightstand and proceeded to groan into his pillow for about ten minutes. On one hand, Tanaka was a distraction from all this crap he was feeling because of his shitty performance in the game. On the other hand, Tanaka was the cause of the remaining 45% of shitty feelings he had buzzing inside him. It was a lose-lose situation. Ennoshita slowly rubbed his temples and took a deep breath—it wasn’t the end of the world. He already knew how to handle Tanaka.
Ennoshita draped a lightweight sweater over his white t-shirt and stuffed his phone in his sweatpants. He then walked downstairs and informed his parents he was going on a walk because he was still wired up from the game (well, it was a half-truth).  They nodded, it wasn’t like this was the first time he left the house at odd hours to clear his head, and Ennoshita made his way outside.
Tanaka arrived a few minutes later, forehead sweaty and an easy smile on his lips. He patted the rack on the back of his bike. “Get on. Let’s go to the park nearby.”
Ennoshita snickered and climbed on, shoving Tanaka’s head away playfully, “Stop acting like you’re inviting me onto your motorcycle or something, you loser.”
Tanaka shrugged, “I’m working with what I got.”
It was a short ride; about eight or so quiet minutes. Ennoshita simply wrapped his arms around Tanaka’s waist and listened to the whistle of the breeze as it passed them. Once at the park, they got off the bike and walked it to a green bench near the entrance. They leaned it against the end of the bench and then took a seat next to each other.
Tanaka leaned back against the bench and faced Ennoshita, “So, why are you bummed?”
Ennoshita crossed his arms on his chest and looked forward, “It’s silly and ridiculous.”
“No, it’s not. Just talk to me. I’m sure you’ll feel better.”
Ennoshita sighed, “Fine. It’s just that…” Ennoshita turned his body to Tanaka, his right leg now hiked on the bench, “I’ll never be able to fill in Daichi’s shoes.”
“So?” Tanaka leaned towards Ennoshita, eyes narrow, “You don’t need to be another Daichi in order to be a good captain.”
“That’s the thing,” urged Ennoshita, hands bunching whatever of his sweatpants they could reach, “I don’t think I can be a good captain.”
“Yes, you can.” Tanaka replied sternly. He burned his eyes into Ennoshita’s cheek until he looked up to meet the gaze, “There isn’t anyone else in our year that is more suited to be captain.”
Ennoshita scoffed, exasperated, “Yeah, right. What the hell about me do you think makes me worthy to be a captain?”
“Everything!” Tanaka yelled, hands desperately signaling to all of Ennoshita, “Fucking everything. You’re perfect. Selfless. You are always looking after other people and worry about them. You are super smart, a great teacher, grounded, considerate, funny, beautiful, and a great volley ball player.” Tanaka huffed, eyes tracing the shape of Ennoshita’s face, “God, how fucking blind are you.”
Ennoshita sat silent for a moment, keeping hold of Tanka’s gaze as if trying to find something within it. He spoke slowly, “…you think I’m beautiful?”
Tanaka’s eyes widen and he sputtered, " I-I mean your receiving form, you know..." He then rubbed at his head aggressively and sighed, looking away with bright red ears, "But your face too…everything about you, really."
Ennoshita took a deep breath and pressed on, "...Do you like me?
Tanaka nodded, face turning back towards Ennoshita. He was beet red, but fearless, "I do. I have for a while."
Ennoshita covered his face with his hands, “I do too. But I thought you were only into girls and would find me boring."
Tanaka shook his head vigorously, pulling Ennoshita’s hands off his face and into the warm grip of his own, "No way would I find you boring. I mean, I still like girls, but I like you much more than any girl I’ve met. Also I thought you’d find me annoying and were only putting up with me."
“I doubt any normal person would be able to put up with you unless they liked you in one form or another…” Ennoshita laughed, a tiny grin gracing his lips, “What about girls you meet tomorrow? Or the day after that.”
“Hey, believe me!” Tanaka pouted, “I like you more than any of them.”
“I believed you.” Ennoshita whispered while squeezing Tanaka’s hands slightly, “Thank you.”
Tanaka gave him a toothy, carefree grin, “You don’t have to thank me, stupid. I should be the one to thank your parents for making you.” He stood up and pulled Ennoshita up with him, “Now let’s get you back home before your parents send out a search squad.”
Ennoshita laughed, a blissful warmth filling his stomach. He had forgotten all his worries of today, and would be able confront his worries of tomorrow with fortified spirit. There was a magic to Tanaka and being with him felt so effortless, welcoming, and natural. Sure, before there was always a bitter aftertaste to their time together—but not anymore. Just in case, Ennoshita occasionally pinched himself to make sure it wasn’t in an extremely involved lucid dream.
Their ride back to Ennoshita’s house was a little less quiet this time. Ennoshita yet again wrapped his arms around Tanaka’s waist and rested his forehead against his back. Tanaka hummed a few random tunes he only knew little bits of and made horrid impersonations of the singers, causing both of them to break out in bouts of laughter. Once at Ennoshita’s front door, Ennoshita hopped off and stood in front of the bike and Tanaka.
“Thanks for coming over.” Ennoshita clasped his hands behind his back, “So does this mean we are officially going out?
“No shit, Sherlock.” Tanaka raised his eyebrow, “Why would I confess to you if that weren’t the case?”
“I guess that’s true. Well…” Ennoshita leaned forward and placed a chaste, feather light kiss on Tanaka’s lips, pulling away with a mischievous smile, “Good night. See you tomorrow.”
And Ennoshita quietly walked into his house, leaving Tanaka alone to dissolve onto his bike.
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edgysocial · 8 years
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New Post has been published on http://edgysocial.com/social-media-is-wrecking-our-life-heres-how/
Social Media Is Wrecking Our Life: Here’s How
You’re reading Social Media Is Wrecking Our Life: Here’s How, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you’re enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.
It’s no secret that social media is the trendy way of keeping in touch with friends and family. Like everything good, however, social media has dangers which we consciously or subconsciously suffer from when we exceed the fair usage limits. Social media is badly sucking up our time and life — a compiled statistics by Facebook’s company IPO filings showed that Facebook users worldwide spend 10.5 billion minutes each day on the site (mobile users not included), all in all, that’s nearly 20 years we spend on Facebook each day instead of in the real world. It’s really disturbing. Americans spend an average of 4.7 hours a day on their phones texting, blabbing and what not, mainly through social networks — this is basically more than a whole day lost every week per person. Is social media really worth all that time? That stated, below are 3 ways social media is wrecking our quality of living.
Discontent and Comparison
Social platforms link you with people from all class and races. This means, there’s always a high chance of meeting new people with seemingly better income source, better body, better career, or people that are seemingly leading a better, happier life. As this is the case, you’ll most likely feel the urge to place yourself side-by-side with such social media users at a point in time, in one way or the other. While doing this comparison, however, you will, in most cases, high-rank others and downgrade yourself. This is simply because we disregard our possessions/specialties once we feel accustomed to them. This will often lead you to drool over the skills of others and make you view yourself as “uncool.” You’re not the only one sub-consciously undergoing this stress, though. Other social media users do the same and this goes on to create a cycle of depression, and it severely hurts your self-esteem in turn — A new study funded by the National Institute of health labeled social media as one of the major causes of depression. A 298 person case study at The University of Salford reported that 50% of the participants said that their “use of social networks like Facebook and Twitter makes their lives worse.” The study also reported that participants said their self-esteem suffers when they compare their accomplishments to those of their online friends. It’s easy to downgrade yourself and high-rank others based on what they display on social media. Never forget, however, everyone has things going on backstage they never share.
Soliciting attention
It’s also no secret that many celebrities today, in the likes of Justin Bieber, rose to stardom after becoming an internet sensation. Social networks make it easy to gain rapid exposure to your target audience for your various skills, products or services. This is good as it helps people to discover their special skills and creativity in order to grow and retain an audience. But then, most social media users take this to the extreme and make this media exposure a priority; they will go to any length to get it; even it means assaulting others — a new survey by Craig Newmark found that 22 percent of social network users were victims of bullying, harassment and threatening behavior in 2016. A good example is that of a father of three who got fired from his workplace after a “sexual joke” he made was spread on the social media by a female counterpart who rather found the joke annoying. It didn’t end there; the lady also lost her job when social media users turned against her in sympathy for the man. Careers destroyed in a short while — thanks to the social media. Another way this social media exposure wreck lives is the fact that social nobodies feel less complacent with themselves. Everyone feels social media fame is the way to go. This also contributes massively to the increased depression rate as stated above. Needless to say, people go as far as photoshopping their pictures for media attention — this only shows their level of lack of self-confidence. Though they may get the media attention, it’s possible that they will be hurting deeply for not looking exactly like the person in the photoshop. Yet another way the social media aids depression.
Difficulties in getting around in the offline world
There is no doubt that social media makes meeting new people whom we can end up having long-term relationships with quite easy. But then, what happens after we meet these new people? How well do couples who make the social media their journal last? Well, not so long. 24% of the respondents in a survey reported that they have missed real-time special moments, simply because they were trying to capture/document the moment for online sharing. “Live for now,” and “enjoy every moment” seems to be impossible slogans these days as everyone is either busy trying to angle for the perfect capture or brainstorming for the perfect caption to seize the media attention with. Real life relationships are suffering too. 11% of Brits in the survey confessed that their online relationships are solely about looking cool and interesting. That’s a lot of drama added to this already complex world. Sticking by our tech devices from morning to night, day in day out, for the sake of social media can heavily be linked to the increased accidents rate — National Safety Council reported that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. That and a lot more others like how a large number of persons are choosing social media interaction over face to face relationship and business engagement meetings are what social media is doing to the human race. To round things up Though, it’s a fact that social media don’t have the ability to make us do any of the above without our permission — at the very least, we are yet to see a social media network that auto-updates our moods and activities or one that auto-responds to our convos — however, it’s still a fact that these platforms make unnatural things like giving the whole world access to our lives quite irresistible. Social media has come a long way and it can not possibly be done away with at this rate. Also, if used smartly, social media can do a lot more good than harm. But then, with the above reasons and a lot of others in place, it’s only ideal for you to set boundaries for yourself to regulate who takes a peek at your life and, what is visible to the people who actually do take a peek (Tip: Don’t let them see/know too much). What is your thought on this? Do let us know through the comments section.
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back when i followed more ppl on twitter and got more random conversations showing up on my tl, there was some good stuff sometimes
one day it was a thread/convo amongst Artists talking about how when they were in school for art—presumably focusing on the comics/illustration/animation family of things where character design is going to be a thing—early enough on when they didnt have like a ton of confidence or anything and there'd be some punkass teachers who would consider it their mission to cleanse every student of having a style at all reminiscent of that gd Anime.....and everyone saying how they'd just like believe that for some reason they had to be ashamed of that and it was automatically a sign of a Bad Artist to be stylistically influenced by manga/anime and would have to be unnecessarily sweatn every detail of their art and try to force some new style so that theirs would be sufficiently purged of that wayward influence or whatever
of course everyone was also saying how they finally realized that was bullshit and embraced all their influences and worked with the style they wanted to have, not the forced style that some random teacher wanted them to adopt since, yknow, that art shit is all about aligning with one person's opinions of whats Good. like, how dare you draw artistic techniques from those comics/animation. when you should be basing urself on THESE comics/animation. lets all be clones of jack kirby and Grit T McWhiteguy and a bunch of other dudes all of whom have a largely similar style. plus like do you think these knuckleheads realize where anime/manga came from. what kind of clown would think its good or even possible for that not to influence western artists in turn. for god's sake.
so anyway it was refreshing to see a bunch of ppl saying how they ended up liking and focusing on their actual own style instead of trying to like eviscerate and be ashamed of it for these jackhole teachers shit opinions. good on them for living their revenge and all. and also it just reminds me how old and annoying it is when some rando's "art advice" includes some section thats either quasi-subtly or outright talking abt how anime will ruin your life and art or whatever like....its especially good when the person giving the advice has some crap and/or stale ass style themselves.....but also its bullshit like. "oh it has bad anatomy" like you loser...any cheaply made animation is not gonna have "realistic" anatomy. thats just something that takes ages to learn no matter what you base your drawing style on. sometimes irl anatomy looks aesthetically wrong anyways, its a whole balance when you dont intend your art to be straightforward photorealism anyways.
its just so pointless cuz all those ppl are doing is making fun of younger artists. like, good for you if that style wasnt a factor in the development of your art. but everyone is gonna have different media inspiring them, especially when there's generational differences. so being like "oh i'm seeing all this Bad Art and its that anime shit haha anime is making kids suck at art" like no you hole, you're just seeing kids drawing who are gonna be bad at art because they just fuckin started at it. and you're just making fun of younger artists who havent had the chance to form a distinctive style or develop their skill as an artist at all, which is a really good look for someone. like, shove off. plus like everyone points out, what does it even mean. anime isn't a "style" itself any more than it means anything for somebody to say "oh that looks like an american comic" or something. there's fucking decades of works by a ton of different artists in a bunch of different mediums. and then its just people whining about how their childhood influences are objectively art and yours are objectively crap, and its lazy and empty and meaningless to say "that looks like X" and consider that a valid critique, and then there's some other reason.....some other mysterious reason......why these shitheads are like "do not be influenced by this vast complex varied evolving body of work from japan, but instead be influenced by these american artists of the 70s, whichever random dudes i worship", hmmmm, i'll have to come back to that one to figure out the motivation there
anyways its bullshit theres no rules to art or even to Hints/Tips for Beginning Artists To Improve, no rules there, "purge your art of The Anime" is ridiculous and nobody should feel the need to beat themself up b/c they wanted to draw sailor moon when they were 6 or something and what if that influence haunts them to this day like.....youre fine. artists raised with a bunch of anime/manga are turning out fantastic. everyone who thinks otherwise is a shit
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