#you are all talented musk oxs
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kickitupanotchbug · 6 years ago
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newtonsheffield · 4 years ago
i would like to indulge you...
write a hc about anything you want ,,, anything or anyone; mark and janet, kathony, the bridgerton bunch, whistledown themselves.
go absolutely wild with creativity and have fun cause you’re a great writer.
I feel like every single one of these in indulging me tbh, as well as taking the burden off my friends who would usually have to hear about this all!
This may not be what you’d expect but today, Ladies, we’re talking about a beautiful tropical fish, a noble and poetic, land mermaid, a beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk-ox: Edwina Sheffield. 
Edwina Sheffield was about 14 when she realised that people treated her older sister just a little differently than her. And truly, she had no idea why. Kate at 19, was Edwina’s favourite person. She’d left for university last year but still called her everyday, checking in, helping her with what she could over the phone, and coming home every few months her smile bright, her hug warm, and a  “I’m here to spring you Eddie, get your coat.” 
and they’d spend the whole day in the city. Visiting museums, going to the park, Kate would sit for hours and listen to all of Edwina’s problems, listen to her talk about philosophy and whatever else she wanted. And Kate was beautiful (though Edwina was sure she had no idea) and smart and funny in a very sly sort of way that often left people dumbfounded. But people seemed to fixate on Edwina in an uncomfortable sort of way, their eyes often sliding right over Kate, who kept a smile on her face the entire time as Edwina was introduced and their parents friends said
“My Goodness isn’t she beautiful!” in that gushing sort of way that made Edwina blush, furiously. And she hated it, Hated that Kate seemed to spend her entire life being Edwina Sheffield’s sister, when the thing she was proudest of was that She was Kate Sheffield’s sister.
Kate’s first boyfriend (though it hadn’t lasted long), Mark, had been a friend of hers from university. And Kate had brought him home for the weekend. Edwina had been 15 and his eyes had practically bulged when he’d seen her, looking between Edwina and Kate with a slightly startled expression on his face.  “THIS is your sister?” He’d said, his mouth falling open a little. And Kate had sighed, a little resignedly and said  “Yes, Edwina.” And Edwina had caught Mark’s eyes tracking her across the house more than once that afternoon, bewilderment etched on his face, as he quietly looked between their parents and Edwina and then Kate, almost as though he was trying to place all of their features into her face, shaking his head. By the end of the weekend, Kate had sighed and whispered to Eddie as she left, “It’s not going to work out with Mark I don’t think.” And Edwina had bitten her lip and frowned wondering why he couldn’t see how excellent her sister was.  “I’m sorry, Katie.” she’d said, and Kate had shrugged and said  “It is what it is.” and Edwina had wished for a moment that Kate could see herself the way Edwina did.
Unfortunately it only got worse when Edwina became a model. Edwina wasn’t a vain person, but she knew she was a beautiful woman, and modelling was fun! And it gave her the opportunity to raise awareness for charities and influence the world on her tiny platform. But she hated the shadow it seemed to cast over Kate. She heard again and again as Kate introduced herself as  “Kate Sheffield.” And people’s eyes widened in surprise regarding her carefully before saying  “Edwina’s Sister?” in a very incredulous tone and Kate smiled brightly every time in a way that looked natural to everyone but Edwina and said  “That’s right!” 
“I really am sorry, Katie.” Edwina always said in the car home and Kate smiled  “Don’t be, I’m very proud to be your sister.” And Edwina’s heart ached when she responded  “I’m even more proud to be your sister, you know.” and Kate always tutted in a choked little voice. “I’m not sure why.”
The very first time it happened, Edwina was at a gala for some children’s charity. Edwina had tried to beg Kate to attend. Kate had refused only for Anthony to turn around, his lower lip pouting a little and say  “What if I ask you, Kate?” his voice a little gravely, a crooked grin on his face. Kate had attempted to look stern for a second before sighing and saying  “Fine.” in a clipped tone that was certainly a very good attempt at being unaffected. Edwina had grinned at Anthony and given him a high five in thanks over the head of a scowling Kate.  
Edwina had been standing with Kate and Anthony, sipping from her champagne glass, laughing at a story Anthony had been telling about Kate when a dark haired woman had breezed up to them, saying  “Anthony if you keep hiding in the corner like a frightened Gazelle, I’ll have to tell Mum on you.” Anthony had rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around the woman saying in a bored voice, “And where is Simon tonight Daph?” Daphne Bridgerton, Edwina assumed tutted and said  “He’s been ensnared by Cressida over there and he abandoned me with Nigel Berbrooke so I’m getting my own back.” a devious smirk growing on her face as she turned towards Kate.  “Kate! Still not bored with Anthony yet?” And Kate had laughed brightly, Edwina’s heart glad for her sister’s happiness. Daphne had then turned to her and said  “And you must be Kate’s sister.” And Edwina’s heart had nearly burst for affection for Daphne Bridgerton, and smiling so widely her cheeks hurt she said  “That’s right!” And Edwina had noticed Kate’s proud little smile and thought she’d certainly need to spend much more time with the Bridgertons. 
I don’t know what this is I’m sorry
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gayforkerryeurodyne · 4 years ago
Cyberpunk as Parks & Rec quotes part 2
"Oh my god, I'm so hungover. I've never been this hungover. Are we dead?" - V after a night of Johnny in charge
“I wasn’t listening but I strongly disagree with Kerry.” - Johnny Silverhand
“The raccoon problem is under control. They have their part of the town and we have ours.” - Mayor of Night City
“If any of you need anything at all, too bad. Deal with your problems yourselves, like adults.” - Rogue Amendiares
“I am super chill all the time.” - Kerry Eurodyne 
“We need to remember what's important in life: Friends, waffles and work. Or waffles, friends, work. It doesn't matter. But work is third.” - Jackie Welles
“V, I typed your symptoms into the thing up here, and it says you could have network connectivity problems.” - Viktor Vector
“I have no idea what I’m doing, but I know I’m doing it really, really well.” - Panam Palmer 
“There’s nothing we can’t do if we work hard, never sleep, and shirk from all other responsibilities in our lives.” - Goro Takemura
“Kerry, you're a beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk-ox.” - Drunk V
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yikesharringrove · 5 years ago
Steve is always excited when Billy uses his nicknames as "princess, handsome boy, king" or calls him "mine" and Billy finds out.
So anything Leslie calls Ann in Parks and Rec, I can 100% imagine Billy calling Steve. You are a beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk ox.
Billy is a nicknamin’ kinda guy. Always has been.
Sometimes he can’t remember people’s names, so he sticks with somethin’ tried and true. Call a girl Doll or Sweet Heart, and she’s putty in your hands. Any guy will respond just fine to man or dude, any of that stupid shit.
Steve loves nicknames. It’s hard to make anything outta Steve, sometimes Tommy would call him Stevie, but that was usually when he wanted to mock him. Steve’s own parents were fans of the full name, either Steven or sometimes first and middle name, always said coldly, like he was an ugly lamp in the sitting room, not their child.
So when Steve first begins hanging out with Billy, Billy is always callin’ something new. Stevie is a classic, but Pretty Boy comes just as often. Steve preen every time something other than Steve comes outta that mouth.
Billy doesn’t notice, just keeps truckin’ along, throwing in Princess every now and then. He was in a silly mood when Mac n’ Steve first happened, and he was in love with the way Steve giggled for several minutes, whispering Mac n’ Steve to himself.
Once they started dating, the nicknames changed a little. It was my Pretty Boy, my Stevie, my Sweet Thing. Billy didn’t even notice the switch, it just came naturally to him.
Steve on the other hand noticed. Every time Billy called him his, his stomach would jolt, his cock would twitch, and his mind would go blank, in that order.
The first time they had sex, Billy was cooing and purring in Steve’s ear the whole time, telling him he was such a good little slut, and Princess, you feel so good for me. Steve was a mess, the mindblowing sex mixed with Billy’s dirty talk mixed with the fucking nicknames? Steve blew his load embarrassingly fast. 
Billy had begun to clue in. Took note of the way Steve’s breath would hitch, his back would arch, when he leaned over him and muttered, you’re all mine, Pretty Boy. Notice how even in Steve’s sleep, he would sigh and turn into putty if Billy whispered my perfect little Princess.
So he went ham. He hadn’t said Steve outside of a further nickname in months. Used everything he could think of, silly ones, sexy ones, sweet ones, ones he usually reserved for girls, ones he had heard in bad pornos, anything he could think of.
Steve melted every time there was something new, every time Billy brushed past him to say looking good, Doll or even when he said stupid shit like how you doin’, my precious little beach ball.
He finally asks Steve about it one night, when they’re trying to untangle themselves from the ruined sheets.
“What’s with you and nicknames?” Steve went red, embarrassed and Billy realized he probably could have worded it better. “I just mean,” he hurried, not wanting Steve to curl in on himself, insecure. “I like callin’ you nicknames, but you always get real responsive when I do it, even the bad ones.” He was, of course, referring to not even five minutes ago when he said you wanna be my good little bitch? and Steve had cum with a scream.
“I just, I like it.” He shrugged, face still flushed. “Make me feel like I’m important to you. ‘Specially when you call me, yours.” Billy scooted Steve in close, his pretty back to Billy’s front.
“Good. ‘Cause you are mine.” Steve sighed. “And you are important to me. Really fuckin’ important, Pretty Boy.”
“My parents just, they never called me anything but my full name, so when you say other stuff, I guess I just,” He shrugged, trailing off. Billy had one hand on his tummy, squeezed it a little bit.
“Keep talkin’, Silkworm.”
“Well, I just, I don’t even know. You literally just called me a fucking silkworm, probably just the first animal that came to your brain, and I have literally never felt more loved.”
“‘Do you mean, ‘good’.”
“I’m glad you feel loved. I mean, that’s why I do it. Because I love you.” They hadn’t said it before, always dancing around the words. The last time Steve had said them, heard them, it wasn’t real. The last time Billy said them, heard them, his mother had left anyway, so they hadn’t said it. Until Billy. Until Billy just said it.
Steve turned around in his arms, wanting to see what his face looked like.
“Say it again.”
“I love you, Dungeness Crab.” Steve laughed, loud and joyful.
“I love you, Bill. I love you so much.” he buried his face into Billy’s neck, giggling Dungeness Crab into the skin.
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musette22 · 4 years ago
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So not only was I spoiled by my brother this morning, but just now I also received two (2!) very very special deliveries from two people very dear to me that I wouldn’t have known if it wasn’t for fandom and this hellsite (affectionate) 💘 You guys are too good to me 🥺 
My sweet, darling @howdoyousleep3​ 🥰💖😘 You are an angel in human form and I love you endlessly. Thank you so much for your incredibly sweet (literally and figuratively) package and letter, baby girl. You’re absolutely wonderful and I’m so grateful both for this thoughtful little present and for knowing you. Now please excuse me while I go gorge myself on American candy while swooning to the smell of my scented Mountain Lodge candle which legit smells like Chris, I just know it. It’s got lumberjack Daddy written all over ittttt 😩🥵 I love it so so much and I love you so much too, bb K! ❤️
My brilliant, wonderful boo and soulmate @rainbowsandcoconut​ ❤️❤️❤️ I know you sent me your beautiful card (which made me cry by the way) and little Nisse (Danish elves omg so cool) well over a month ago and it only decided to arrive today, but I didn’t love it any less for it 🎄💖 Ditte, you are such a good friend, you’re a beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk-ox. Thank you, ox. I adore the heck out of you, I truly do, and wish you a very Merry Christmas 😘😘
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katherinewilliams221b · 5 years ago
Headcanon of the day
Honestly, with kids or not, Charlie Weasley grows to be such a supportive DAD. Doesn't matter if you hc him just with dragon babies, or adopting a teen or having a whole quidditch team under his wing, he would compliment his babes Leslie -Knope- style:
"You beautiful tropical fish. You’re smart as a whip and you’re cool under pressure.”
"You’re beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk-ox.
"You cunning, pliable, chestnut-haired sunfish.”
"Nobody can fill your shoes, with those little tiny doll feet.
"You beautiful, naïve, sophisticated newborn baby.”
"You poetic, noble land-mermaid."
"You’re so beautiful, I mean, you’re always beautiful, but right now you’re the most beautiful, glowing, sun goddess ever.”
"You opalescent tree shark.”
"You rainbow infused space unicorn.”
"Shut your mouth. You have all the strengths.”
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let-it-raines · 6 years ago
Oh Raines, you’re so sweet and innocent and pretty. You beautiful tropical fish. You’re smart as a whip and you’re cool under pressure. You beautiful, rule-breaking moth. You beautiful spinster. [Fandom] will never lasso another heifer as fine as you, Rainey Oakley. You are such a good friend, you’re beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk-ox. Thank you, ox. You are so brilliant and kind and stupid hot. You cunning, pliable, chestnut-haired sunfish. (1/3)
Nobody can fill your shoes, Raines, with those little tiny doll feet. You’re a genius! Your brain is almost as perfect as your face. Oh, you beautiful, naïve, sophisticated newborn baby. You poetic, noble land-mermaid. You’re so beautiful, I mean, you’re always beautiful, but right now you’re the most beautiful, glowing, sun goddess ever. (2/3)
I’ve said this to you before and I know it makes you uncomfortable, but you’re thoughtful, and you’re brilliant, and your ambiguous ethnic blend perfectly represents the dream of the American Melting pot. You opalescent tree shark. You rainbow infused space unicorn. Shut your mouth. You have all the strengths. You beautiful, sassy, mannequin come to life. Oh Raines, you perfect sunflower. (3/3)
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This is the greatest message of all time. That is all. 😍
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eclecticstrology · 7 years ago
the signs as leslie knope compliments
aries: ann, you beautiful, naïve, sophisticated newborn baby
taurus: you are a beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk ox
gemini: he’s like a brilliant, sexy hummingbird
cancer: she’s as respected as mother Teresa, she’s as powerful as Stalin, and she’s as beautiful as Margaret Thatcher
leo: oh, ann perkins, you perfect sunflower
virgo: you have turned into a very beautiful, wise, and fertile government employee
libra: ann, you tricky minx
scorpio: ben, your heart’s in the right place; your heart and your butt
sagittarius: he’s got a tight, compact little body like an italian sports car
capricorn: as a candidate, i appreciate your strategic mind. but, as a woman, all i care about is your slight but powerful body
aquarius: you’re man-genius with a taut, narrow frame like a sexy elf king
pisces: ann, you cunning, pliable, chestnut-haired sunfish
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quirk-registration-office · 7 years ago
My Hero Academia with Parks and Rec quotes
MIdoriya: “I’m not crying, okay? I’m just allergic to jerks.” (Andy Dwyer)
Bakugo: “I am not a sore loser. I just prefer to win, and when I don’t I get furious.” (Ron Swanson) Bakugo 2: “I am super chill all the time!” (Leslie Knope)
Kirishima: “You are a beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk ox.” (Leslie Knope) Kirishima 2: “What I hear when I’m being yelled at is people caring really loudly at me.” (Leslie Knope)
Kaminari: “Jirou, I typed your symptoms into the thing up here, and it says you could have network connectivity problems." (Andy Dwyer)
Ashido: “Treat yo self.” (Donna Meagle)
Iida: “I have run 10 miles a day, every day, for 18 years. That’s 65 thousand miles. A third of the way to the moon. My goal is to run to the moon.” (Chris Traeger)
Yaoyorozu: “Sophisticated with a hint of slutty.” (Leslie Knope)
Aoyama: “Warning: High levels of swagger coming through.” (Tom Haverford)
Sato: “What did you put in this sugar? It's so good!” (Leslie Knope)
Mineta: “I don't want to brag, but I've got a ton of experience with women being mad at me.” (Tom Haverford)
Aizawa: "I don't even have time to tell you how wrong you are. Actually, it's gonna bug me if I don't." (Ben Wyatt)
Shinso: “There’s nothing we can’t do if we work hard, never sleep, and shirk all other responsibilities in our lives.” (Leslie Knope)
Mirio: “I made eye contact with him, and it was like staring into the sun.” (Leslie Knope)
Tamaki: “I hate talking to people.” (April Ludgate)
Shigaraki: "The only thing I'll be waving is your decapitated head on a stick in front of your weeping mother." (Leslie Knope)
Toga: “Oh my god, you got blood all over me. Thank you.” (April Ludgate)
((These were all the ones I could think of at the moment. Any other quotes you like for these or for other characters? Let me know in the replies!))
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kiss-my-freckle · 5 years ago
Imposters, false identites, fake deaths Seasons 1 & 2
It would take too long for me to list every alias Red, Liz, and Tom has ever used. So yeah ... add all of those in if you feel like making up your own list. General Ludd has his aliases taped to the wall of his storage unit. If I’ve missed any for seasons 1 & 2, feel free to add.
Ranko Zamani aka  Sacha M. Chacko: 1x1
Cooper: Ranko Zamani’s been dead for six years. He’s a non–existent threat. Red: Then a dead man just stepped off United 283 from Munich to Dulles.
Donald Ressler acting as The Courier: 1x5
Ressler: Is this what you need to see? You want to watch me bleed, see if I react? I’ve already lost the only thing in this world I’ve ever loved. I have nothing in this world, except this job. Dechambou: Impressive. Except for one mistake. If the Iranian is dead, the real Courier would have killed me too. Which makes me wonder - Who the hell are you?
Gina Zanetakos aka Shubie Hartwell: 1x6 Liz: According to Reddington, her real name is Gina Zanetakos. Nearly a year ago, she reached out to him as Shubie Hartwell. She wanted Red to broker a deal to assassinate a supreme court judge who was the swing vote in a case that could have cost her corporate clients billions.
Nathaniel Wolff, multiple identities: 1x8
Ressler: But we’ve got Nathaniel Wolff’s fingerprints all over the place. Two different people, both with the exact same print? You can’t change his fingerprints. Liz: He changed his face.
Garrick & Shining Path: 1x9
Red: He liberated Mahmoud Al Azok from an Alcatraz–like CIA black site in the Bering Sea. Meera: That was Shining Path, a splinter cell. Azok has ties to a Caribbean money launderer. Red: No. That was Garrick, paid by that same Peruvian money launderer to make it appear as though Shining Path broke him out. It was Garrick.
Pytor & Catherine Madrczyk. Eric, Molly, and Annie Trettel: 1x12
Liz: You have eyes on the target? Meera: Target is dead. Hold tight while I look for his ghost.
Bobby Jonica & Aiko Tanida: 1x16
Red: Aiko Tanida died the day his brother was captured by Ressler’s task force. Anyone who tells you otherwise doesn’t know the difference between a water buffalo and a musk ox.
Ivan & Harrison Lee: 1x17
Ivan: It wasn’t me. Red: Then who was it? Ivan: I don’t know, but he’s been using my name.
Christopher Maly aka Craig Keen: 1x18
Red: Of course you can. I have a fingerprint. Benson ran it, got a name. She says the print belongs to a Craig Keen. Well, Craig Keen is an alias – a very good one at that, complete with a credit rating, school and medical records, passports with a long history - all the trimmings. What do you know about touch DNA?
Liz: I know who you are. I know about the time you did at Wasco. I know about the warrants. I know about you, Christopher Maly. Somebody provided you with an identity, a history, embedded you into my life. I want to know who, and I want to know why.
Berlin & Fake Berlin: 1x21 & 1x22
Liz: The man you killed wasn’t Berlin. Red: Yes, I know.
Nora & Rowan Mills: 2x1
Liz: Nora killed Rowan because she envied her. She wanted to become her. She wanted to be the good sister, the sister who didn’t get abused by her uncle. Nora/Rowan: You’re lying. Nobody murdered Rowan! I’m Rowan!
Tom Keen & Jacob Phelps: 2x1
Liz: My husband was an impostor, a fake. Keen was never his name.
Carla Reddington aka Naomi Hyland, 2x4
Naomi: Carla Reddington was a miserable housewife married to a miserable man. That woman no longer exists.
Liz and her stand-in: 2x5 Woman: Is he out there? Liz: Yeah. I’m going out back. This is for last week. Do it one more week, and I’ll pay you double. I’ll be back in one hour.
Ace & The Mombasa Cartel: 2x6
Red: There you are - Sean Salter. You went by the name “Ace” back then. You left Animal Underground two years before the Sitka Seven killings and subsequent trials. Lucky, that. But, then - you’ve always had a talent for well-timed exits. Well, it seems - Ace, there’s still some freaks up there living in the woods, skinning people and dumping them in the Bay.
Samar & The Scimitar: 2x7
Red: Because one of The Scimitar’s little-known aliases is Walid Abu Sitta. Samar: Walid Abu Sitta is the man who ordered the bombing that killed my brother. Red: Yes. That’s why I brought this case to you.
Alan Fitch & The Decembrist: 2x8
Liz: The Decembrist. His real name is Kiryl Morozov.
Red: You’re not The Decembrist. Morozov: It was the American. It was him. They gave the order! Red: What people? Morozov: I can’t say. Red: Who is The Decembrist? Morozov: Fitch. His name is Alan Fitch.
Zoe Dantonio, Berlin's daughter: 2x8
Red: You ordered the bombing in Kursk. Then you pinned it on me. You blamed me for killing his daughter. Some years ago, a copy of this photo was left on the corpse of an associate of mine. Taking it as a warning, I traced the girl to a man they call The Stewmaker. He told me a story about the girl. She was sent to him by a man she’d never met. She was in trouble, needed to disappear. So he took her photo, put it in a locket, and sent it to her father. All those years spent searching for the man who supposedly murdered his daughter, and it was you. You sat here in this very room and pretended you had no idea who Berlin was or why he was coming for me. He was coming, Alan, because you sent him.
Tracy Solobotkin & The Deer Hunter
Tracy: All those women Whitehaven had helped, just like me - I could give them their lives back by becoming him.
Liz: You’re just like your husband. Tracy: I’m nothing like my husband! Liz: You’re exactly like him - like all the sick, psychopathic animals we lock up. Tracy: Oh, you haven’t heard a word that I’ve been saying. Liz: I’ve heard every word “I could give them back their lives.” Why don’t you just admit it? You get off on killing people. It doesn’t matter if the victim’s a scumbag or a saint - you get off just the same, just like your husband.
Vanessa Cruz: 2x18
Hernandez: They found her folded clothing at Rockaway Beach. They never found a body, but I know she was dead. She’d never abandon me.
Aram: Guys, check it out. The detectives and the lawyers may not have found anything conclusive on their own, but if you put the photos they found together - Our ghost has a face.
Liz: Our ghost has a name Vanessa Cruz. If I can find the person who brokered her -
Elizabeth Keen aka Masha Rostova: 2x20
Liz: The girl - The night of the fire, they called her - Red: Masha. You were born in Moscow.
Andropov acting as Karakurt: 2x21
Red: Now, that’s what’s interesting. He orders you to send them to Union Station, ostensibly to throw them off Karakurt’s trail. Cooper: And there he is. Red: Perhaps Agent Keen was mistaken. Cooper: And assaulted by a total stranger? That makes even less sense. It was some kind of ambush. And I sent my people right into it.
Karakurt acting as a news reporter: 2x22 Karakurt: How many times are we gonna go through this? That picture isn’t me. Call my office. Check my visa, check my identity. Ressler: We know you’re working for the Cabal. We know what they’re capable of. Liz: Was this the plan all along, to protect you with this identity? The Cabal has people in the government all over the world. It wouldn’t be hard for them to create a Jonas Flemming, give him a history.
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jenniejoybarrows · 6 years ago
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Amy Poehler as Leslie Knope as Rosie the Riverter. You don’t get more powerhouse than that! She represents smart girls, funny girls, strong girls, brave girls- She being Amy, Leslie, Rosie, You and me. It’s layered with the intro to @juddapatow’s Sick In The Head addressing “Why Comedy?” I intentionally layered it with “why comedy?” because I ask myself that all the time in my own pursuit of doing stand up- the anxiety, the pressure, the struggle, the fear, the highs, the lows- it requires a grit and bravery I’m not always sure I have, but like so many women before me, I’m trying to do my best to feel the fear and do it anyway. Why? Because for some reason, I love it. This one’s for the mighty girls who know how to make the world laugh. @amypoehlersmartgirls. Know your “why” and it’ll keep ya going when it gets tough. Like Rosie said, “We Can Do It!” Because as Leslie says, “you’re a beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk ox!” (at Santa Barbara, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzeQs6rnQ5r/?igshid=eck96hbu5ox3
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kristinamcclendon · 6 years ago
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‘Hoes before bros. Uteruses before duderuses. Ovaries before brovaries.’ - Leslie Knope // Wishing all my favourite women a Happy Galentine’s Day. Every year I’m incredibly grateful for an unofficial holiday that offers the opportunity to celebrate the amazing women in my life. It’s these friendships, relationships, and support systems that have seen me through occasions of joy and laughter and tears and hugs and moments both significant and inconsequential. Cheers to another year of supporting and celebrating each other. I would be utterly lost without all you beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk-oxes and poetic, noble land mermaids. (at Columbia Road Flower Market) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt1bRy7HjAK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1frg9gp6rwph1
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eesharai · 8 years ago
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PLAYLIST: “July” - Youth Lagoon
Today I’m here to celebrate the strongest people in my life. Oddly enough to be strong requires little implements. It can be something magnificent as surviving a traumatic experience, to as simple as having the energy to get out of bed in the morning.
My family are the root of my own strength. I have a mother who would give up anything for her children. A father who accepts me for who I am, and a sister who doesn’t take anyone’s bullshit. My Irish Granny has taught me how to be a powerful woman. My aunties and uncles have instilled kindness and generosity in me. My cousins never let me forget that my childhood matters.
My beautiful friends intuitively remind me everyday what strength is. There’s Ava who knows more about me than I do myself. She has gone through so much in her life and she deserves more than she is given recognition for. And for that I’ll always admire how she never fails to make others feel good about themselves.
Aoife is strong in the way she shows her love. She goes out of her way to help others. Kindness is never a chore to her. When she notices me struggling she’s the first person to offer her hand. As silly as it sounds I feel strong when I listen to her laugh. It reminds me how the little things matter most.
When Abaigh walks into the room it’s like the sun is shimmying it’s way out of the dull clouds. Her optimism works wonders in stressful situations (Abaigh’s the type of person to start dancing with you in the middle of a crisis). Everyone must cherish her huge grin because that’s where her strength lays.
School seems like the ultimate chore. Although when I walk into reg class every morning and see Aine and Kate’s beaming faces, the day seems much more endurable. They are both the living embodiment of the word “warmth.”
Oran and Shane are two of the most humble people I know. I’ll forever appreciate how they’re not afraid to outwardly show their compassion to their friends. They take me as I am and never question my intuition. (They’re also really fucking funny)
Then there’s the beautiful talented brilliant powerful musk ox, tropical cunning pliable sunfish, land mermaid that is Síofra Lee. (extra points if you get where them quotes are from) She is strong because of who she is and what she stands up for as a person. She listens to you speak and therefore makes you feel like your words are important. I’m thankful for someone as strong as Síofra in my life because she reminds me that there are endless things worth living for.
Strength can also be found in the movies you watch, the music you listen to, the books you read and the places you visit. If you feel like you’ve lost an ounce of strength I hope this reminded you that you’ve had it all along.
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goldjointogether · 6 years ago
“.... Anyway, you’re on an adventurous vibe right now because the sun is illuminating the region of your chart that rules higher learning and travel. The planets have arranged a surprising and generative month for you, you beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk ox (another Leslie Knope masterpiece). Instead of leaning into your infamous dislike of change, follow Annabel’s advice and “expect the unexpected this month.” Look out for messages from faraway places; enjoy social connections with creative people that come your way; and don’t be surprised if you get a little support as you travel, study and promote your work.” By Sarah Barnes @ man reppellar
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xoxoamandamarie · 8 years ago
Wise words from Leslie Knope
We have to remember what’s important in life: friends, waffles, and work. Or waffles, friends, work. But work has to come third.
What I hear when I’m being yelled at is people caring loudly at me.
No matter what I do, literally nothing bad can happen to me. I’m like a white male US Senator.
I am big enough to admit that I am often inspired by myself.
No I can’t, I can’t go home. I have to get ready for the Chamber of Secrets.
You are a beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk ox.
Hos before bros. Uteruses before duderuses. Ovaries before brovaries.
I need you to text me every 30 seconds saying that everything is gonna be okay.
Guys love it when you can show them you’re better than they are at something they love.
Do you have like a first date outfit I could borrow? Like, I don’t know, a pair of cargo pants?
I guess some people object to powerful depictions of awesome ladies.
I’m going to be direct and honest with you. I would like a glass of red wine and I’ll take the cheapest one you have because I can’t tell the difference.
One person’s ‘annoying’ is another person’s ‘inspiring and heroic’.
There’s nothing that we can’t do if we work hard and never sleep.
You don’t even know one thing. I didn’t even say one thing and then she asked the whole thing, and I didn’t even do it once.
There ain’t now party like a Leslie Knope party.
And no I am not singing beauty school dropout. It’s sexist, and I don’t do slow jams.
All the things make me feel a lot of feelings about myself.
Winning is every girl’s dream. But it’s my destiny. And my dream.
Hey, Leslie. It’s Leslie. Hang in there. I love you. Bye.
Why would anybody ever eat anything besides breakfast food?
One time I accidentally drank an entire bottle of vinegar. I thought it was terrible wine.
I stand behind my decision to avoid salad and other disgusting things.
Leslie, what do we do when we get this angry? We count backwards from 1,000 by sevens and we think of warm brownies.
I always carry emergency s’more rations in my car.
I just slept seven hours, which is twice as long as I usually sleep, so I’m a little disoriented.
God, I am so annoyed that he would hypothetically do that.
Oh my God, I wonder who else was born in Eagleton. Voldemort probably.
No one is more upset about this than I am. Not like it’s a competition or anything. ‘Cause if it were, I would win, but that’s neither here nor there. The point is I would win.
I am a goddess.
If I had to have a stripper’s name, it would be Equality.
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aflockofwildgeese · 6 years ago
Tumblr media
Okay I have to ask, is it voluntarily ginger because you dyed your hair, you’re naturally ginger but you’re chill with it, or is it a reference to something??
It’s because I dye my hair red! I know it’s a little bit of an odd url lol. The boring origin story for it that no one wants is that a few years ago my best friend and I were talking about YouTubers and started wondering what sort of channels we would have if we made YouTube videos. I couldn’t think of any names for my hypothetical channel, my best friend suggested Voluntarily Ginger at some point, and when I needed a tumblr url I remembered that conversation and chose that because I’m terrible at coming up with names for things and she’s good at it!
Thanks for the ask, and I hope you have a great day! :)
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