#you also don't have to post everything you draw... don't be afraid to do studies in case they look bad
hoofpeet · 3 months
14 year old artists listen to me right now (gripping you by the shoulders) STOP caring about your "internet presence" right naow. Draw slower and stop trying to boil your art down to an acceptable marketable brand
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jeonginsleftcheek · 5 months
Cuddling with Stray Kids
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: fluff, suggestive
a/n: mentions of sex, mentions of anxiety, this is just my opinion, not proofread, hope you enjoy!🤍
additional notes: i have 12 things in my drafts and they're all over the place but i wanted to post something
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I feel like Chan gives the best and biggest hugs so you will probably be drowning in his arms with your face buried in his chest or neck. It's probably late at night when you cuddle, and first you talk about your day and complain about your work or studies. Chan will listen to you and throw in a few quips here and there as he holds you and caresses your hair. Then you ask him about his day and he'll talk about his members and funny things they did or said. As it gets later, you both get quieter and Chan's favorite thing is when you put your leg around him and pull him even closer, leaning in and leaving kisses everywhere on his face. Every time you do that it makes him blush, no matter how long you've been together. Even though he usually says he can't sleep, he will fall asleep first in your arms because he feels relaxed and safe. Then you can admire his beautiful face before you drift off to sleep too.
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I feel like Minho would also love facing you and talking to you while cuddling, but he would love to bury his face in your chest and leave little kisses everywhere. Most of the times he will also leave small bites and nibbles and you always warn him not to start anything cause you really want to take some rest. He always smirks and leaves a few more kisses on your neck. I think he would also love pressing his lips into yours, as his hand slides under your shirt and rests on your back. He would draw little patterns on your skin and his hand would always without a doubt slide down to grip your ass. Can you blame him though, you're hot and he loves you, he just can't help himself.
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Changbin would love it if you lay on his chest. He would put his arms around you and caress your hair and face. The sound of his heartbeat will always calm you down, any anxiety of the day will be wiped away as soon as you feel his big arms wrap around you. He would kiss your hair and forehead gently and ask you if you were okay and if you had a good day. You would talk with him but your eyelids would get heavy, it's hard not to fall asleep when he's touching you so gently like he's afraid to disturb you. His presence is calming to you and you feel so loved and safe.
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Hyunjin would love to be the big spoon and he'd hold you so close to him and so tightly that you think he might want to merge into you. His face would be buried in your hair, he just loves to inhale your sweet shampoo because it calms him down. His hands would be roaming around your body, and he would squeeze you gently a few times. But, Hyunjin can't help himself being this close to you while your perfect ass is pushed up against his middle so cuddling sessions almost always end with lazy sex.
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I think Jisung would love being both the big and the little spoon. If he's the little spoon, he'd love it if you held him real tight and also hold his hands at the same time. But, if he was the big spoon, I feel like he'd just grab and hold your boob. Nothing sexual, he just finds it relaxing to hold it and squeeze it like it's a stress ball. On some days, I feel like he wouldn't stop yapping while you cuddle and you would be playfully annoyed at him, so he would annoy you even more on purpose. He'd probably start talking nonsense or he'd start singing with an annoying voice. You would smack his butt and he'd just laugh because he enjoys teasing you. On other days, when he's really tired and in his head, he'd be quiet and he'd let you talk about everything and anything because the sound of your voice calms him down.
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I think Felix would love to rest his head on your chest or tummy. This boy will be clinging to you like a koala, limbs all wrapped around you so you don't ever think of escaping. He would nuzzle his face in your chest or neck, and if he's laying on your tummy he will bury his face there and leave kisses on your skin. His hands will be all over you as will his lips, he can't help it, he adores you. I think cuddling sessions with him can go either way. Either he's falling asleep as you caress him or because he's a horny little thing he will end up with his face buried between your legs.
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Okay so, I feel like Seungmin would love facing you while cuddling. Even though he's shy and it's hard to maintain eye contact for him, he loves the way you look at him, the admiration in your eyes. He loves the way your eyes crinkle when you smile at him, and the way you caress his cheek and hair. He would hold your waist and run his fingertips on your skin gently. If it's late at night, he'd probably sing you a gentle lullaby, especially if you had a bad day. He'd sing for you whenever anyways. I feel like he'd also love to exchange a few gentle kisses before both of you drift off together, holding onto each other tightly.
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I feel like he'd be the most restless out of everyone while cuddling. He would love to spoon you, but after some time he would just start feeling jittery so he would play with your hair, poke your cheek or start tickling you. Your cuddling session would probably turn into play wrestling, as you both tried to tickle and annoy each other. When you're both almost breathless Jeongin will lean down to kiss you and let's just say that you're not going to sleep soon.
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poemsfor-her · 1 year
GLOW UP QUIDE 𖹭⠀࣭⠀ֹ⠀͡꒱
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— When you think of the word "glow up" , your mind automatically thinks of changing your appearence, right? For me the beauty is in our soul. If you think nasty and degrading thoughts of yourself that can be damaging in so many ways.
let's get some things clear here:
First of all, beauty standards always change, as trends come and go, and you will never be enough "pretty" for someone; because beauty is subjective and you might be the dream person for someone and for someone not. which is ok! there are so many beautiful flowers. i personally perfer tulips and peonies, but someone might prefer roses or sunflowers. that doesn't make a flower less beautiful because every flower is beautiful in it's own way.
— do you know yourself? we spend so much time trying to know others, but do we even know ourselves? go on pinterest and find some questions to ask yourself. here are some:
1. what qualities do i like about myself?
2. what qualities of others do i admire?
3. what am i scared of?
4. what would i like my mornings to look like?
5. who inspires me?
if someone asks me any of these questions i would answer them all in a second, because i know myself.
— SHADOW WORK. Grab a pen and a journal, go on pinterest and search "shadow work prompts". I Personally, don't know much about this subject, but i know it's talked about by many people i look up to. It helped them heal from trauma.
some videos i suggest you watch that helped me so much in changing my mindset:
why you'll never be pretty enough - zoe unlimited.
you don't need to glow up, our obssesion with glow up culture needs to STOP.
what type of pretty you are.
— I suggest watching every commentary video of zoeunlimited. Her videos changed my views on various topics.
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— you are perfect just the way you are. embrace yourself. there is only one you in this world. many women look the same to me these days and it's a tiring and sad thing. Everyone is following the standard that is going to probably change in a month. As Hwasa said "I am my own beauty standard" and thank you Hwasa for that!
Embrace your features, look for makeup that suits your face shape and eyes. I know that eyeliner doesn't work with my eyes so i don't apply it. I also know that a lot of bronzer doesn't suit me.
Wear whatever you like and don't be afraid to express yourself.
When it comes to exercising, ALWAYS DO IT FOR YOURSELF. Think of it as: "My body deserves to be healthy"
strech when you wake up, do yoga, workout or go for a walk/run. whatever you like!
eat healthy but don't pressure yourself too much. have it balanced. you can eat a healthy meal but that doesn't mean you can't eat a cake. BALANCE IS EVERYTHING.
my favorite fitness youtubers:
lily sabri
yoga with bird
mady morrison
emi wong
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— if you follow my posts you know how much i respect and talk about education and it's importance. As my favorite saying goes "BEAUTY IS DANGEROUS, BUT INTELLIGENCE IS LETHAL." I stand by this!!!! READ BOOKS, FOCUS ON YOUR STUDYING, WRITE, PAINT, LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE AND DRAW.
here are some book suggestions:
i who have never known men
the great gatsby
the prophet
my body
the art of war
search some famous musicians or artists and get to know their work. i seriously find this so attractive.
watch documentaries.
watch news, read articles and just generally know what is happening in the world.
get to know your country's history.
watch some iconic movies.
beauty fades, but knowledge always stays.
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that's it! if you have some questions send me an ask ♡
with love, t
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fainthedcherry · 5 months
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When I was a child in 2013, visiting Nickelodeon's site and finding a treasure-trove of Spongebob, Winx and TMNT flash games was like magic to me. BUT MAN. The TMNT flash games are one of the best ever to me I've played in my life. (on an aesthetic stand-point! Turtle Tactics and Dark Horizons are so awesome man, legendary flash games to me.)
Since I am utterly autistic about 4 green alien turtles and their rat dad...Here we are again. With me posting OC cringe 2016 me would've killed myself over :V (cry about it 11 yo/ me, afraid of cringe culture back then, it's DEAD NOW)
Gonna sneak-post my redo of that ancient drawing I did of Alex 2 years ago, for the base-post : D
2 years ago, I used flashpoint to replay it for the first time in years and I remember crying of glee LOL (I still play Dark Horizons and turtle tactis to this day btw). I played Dark Horizons and Turtle Tactics and also TMNT: Throw Back (NO I DID NOT NAME THIS LIKE A MEME THIS IS ITS NAME. I STILL BURST INTO LAUGHTER LIKE A CHILD OVER THE NAME AGING POORLY DUE TO INTERNET LINGO)
I am enthralled by the designs and art of Dark Horizons, it's why I made this drawing. The game just..Speaks to me on so many levels. IT'S JUST SO PLEASING TO SEE ALL THE ARTWORK I EXTRACTED. As far to my knowledge- it never got released, so I might make a post of just a few favourites I liked from the game. :D
I just wonder if I can post those in the first place, it's after all, not my artwork, from a flash game, and TMNT, so yeah, legal IP and stuff. I unfortunately don't know who the artist if of the flash games, but if I can find that out via googling or digging for credits in the game or the files, I'll see if I can credit them, so that posting will be fairly accredited!!
I studied the in-game sprites for a good few hours back then, and did my best to replicate it to the best of my abilities!! I think Mushu maybe could've been done better looking back at it, but I think it was the best that I could do back then. :D Plus, I remember being really happy, excited and proud of this piece, as it reflected something, my childhood self always wanted: For Alex to like.."fake" being an official character LOL. I had sooo many dreams where Alex was hanging out with the turtles and Ninjago and throwing in Power Rangers for good measure, just...Everything I liked as a child, I somehow connected in my dreams via either "OH YEAH THE RAINBOW FAIRY!" or "OH YEAH SUDDENLY PORTAL AND MY MARY-SUES JUST BRAVE IT WHILST THE OFFICIAL CHARACTERS DRAMATICALLY TELL THEM NOT TO GO"
^I had vivid and....Creative dreams as a child to say the least, sometimes even Darth Vader and Eggman appeared as the bad guys, despite TMNT and Power Rangers and Ninjago w/ the snakes and lord Garmadon or however you spell him (I never checked + I'm German so ofc his name might be different in english)- I- do I have to go on about the dreams I FULLY remember I had, as a 6-9 yo/, until I told myself at 10 how embarassing my dreams are and stopped doing so? I DIGRESS. I..Need to be more professional in these, instead of such pure fandom trash oml, I feel bad for whoever actually has to read through my blatant autistic interests as a child and thinking "wtf is he on about" dfgklfdg
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petricorah · 1 year
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Thanks for the ask, @strrwbrrryjam ! i'm flattered that you think I do a good job of that, because I'm still learning! (and I also struggle heavily with proportions. I have to resize my heads and arms so, so much...)
I'm afraid I don't have any secrets. I think the answer is to just practice, over and over again. But specifically, this is what I try to focus on as I'm learning:
quick practices - 30 second to 5 minute studies that help with getting a full scope of the shape and energy of the body, not meant to be perfect
studies - deep dives into certain anatomical structures (videos linked below)
Below the cut is how I use references go from this to this:
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Use a bunch of references! Pictures you take, stock images, from shows--practice real people. Even if your style is heavily stylized, it all starts from an understanding of anatomy.
How I Use a Reference When I Struggle With Proportions:
The first step I take while looking at a reference is to just draw a very loose sketch with a line of action that goes then entire length of the piece, and I try to section it out. I find if I don't think about the body as a whole, and just start drawing a head, the head will be way bigger than the rest of the image. So my first step is just really boxy and basic, just to get all appendages on paper. My first pass could look like this:
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Okay, not bad. But the right arm is going way too far down--the forearm is really long. The head is too big for the style I want, and the left arm is at a 90 degree angle, unlike the picture. But, I have the general scope of everything on the page, so it's easier to adjust and look at the full picture!
Then, I try to focus on landmarks. I look at where certain body parts fall in the reference. For instance, Blackbeard's right elbow doesn't reach his belt, so his elbow shouldn't be near his waist. I can tell that his left arm is closer to being straight than at a right angle, and I can see that his head isn't as big on his shoulders as I have. I can also look at the negative space and see that the gaps between his right arm need to be smaller. So my next pass might look like this:
(I don't usually draw on the reference image, and I just "draw" the lines in my mind, but the for sake of things...)
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Now it's looking a bit closer!
The next is the harder part. It's making things shapes, and is closer to the lineart stage. I try to follow curves, separate the chest from the torso, get the angle of the shoulders and head, etc. I have some video links at the end that explain this step much more in def.
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You may notice that the head angle is a bit different than the image, and the shoulders are a bit lower. Sometimes, following a reference image completely either doesn't fit your style or, in some cases, the more accurate drawing following a reference can actually look "wrong" (anatomically) when drawn. Figure out what works best for you, and for the message you're trying to get across in the piece!
[sliiiight flashing in timelapse]
And here is the final timelapse, with a little refining and polishing of the anatomy. Not everything is completely accurate to the reference image, but I've created a believable image in the likeness.
I hope this helped! This was a quick and dirty post of something I'm still learning. Here are some youtube tutorial artists, resources, and books that I use to learn!
-ModerndayJames has lots of videos on creating shapes and understanding anatomy, and placing people in perspective. He has a lot of free videos, and then some cheap ones on gumroad that go more into it.
-Proko has lots of videos on anatomy!
Practice Resources:
-Pose Maniacs - figures in different poses. You can move the camera around to see different angles.
-QuickPoses has images for figure drawing and quick gesture drawing! You can even have different timers.
Morpho Series. There used to be the one on "Fat and Skin Folds" that was a free PDF download that was on tumblr for a while, but I don't believe the books are that expensive.
Taco's Books, published by Lezhin. This is heavily anime styled, but talks a lot about anatomy, and is a great resource!
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misslavenderlady · 8 months
My Baby Bats 💜🦇
This post is in honor of @hypocriticaltypwriter and her own baby bats. This part is about The Lost Boys themselves. There will be a part two with Michael and Star!
So some of you know I love the Sims 4. Back in 2022 I made The Lost Boys in the game because ya girl is obsessed. I also made:
The Emersons
Star and Laddie
Thorn and Nanook
The Frog Brothers
The cave
Grandpa's House
The comic book store
The boardwalk
And....I just so happened to put myself in the game with them. There was no official "story" at first. I just wanted to smooch my boys so bad, and seeing as I don't have any digital art programs (I used to draw but I'm sooooo rusty), the Sims was the perfect way to go about it. 🥰
My sim self had a daughter with each of the boys (because I too wanted to have a gang of Lost Girls lol). I named each girl after the actor their fathers play.
Pictures and story below~
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David's Daughter - Kira (the closest I could get to Kiefer)
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She admires her father more than anything in the world. She wants to be a good leader and an even better protector of her sisters. Kira never backs down from a fight, often having moments in childhood where she beat up bullies that were harassing her sisters. But she doesn't use her brawn though. She's as smart as a whip, using patience and strategy to navigate life. Always studying her surroundings and knowing what to say or do for her next step. She's a mysterious girl and never reveals what she's thinking or feeling. As far as Kira is concerned, she needs to be on her guard should something happen to her father and she needs to take over as head vampire. That being said, she's very sensitive deep down, and is incredibly close to her parents, never wanting to be away from them for too long. The anxiety overwhelms her. David worries about the pressure she puts on herself.
Dwayne's Daughter - Billie
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Billie is a gentle and kind girl. She's quite shy, often keeping to herself whenever she's around someone outside of the family. As a little girl, she would often hide behind her father, too scared to even say hi to new people. Dwayne was incredibly patient with her, and eventually found a way for her to socialize without getting out of her comfort zone. He introduced her to animals and wildlife in the Santa Carla mountains, showing her the hidden beauties of the world. She loves animals so much, and likes to spend time caring for stray cats and dogs she sees on the streets. Billie also inherited her mother's love of writing, and enjoys poetry most. It helps her navigate life and the feelings she has.
Marko's Daughter - Alex
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A little artist like her father, Alex has an eye for the most fascinating curiosities around her. She's a jack of all trades, enjoying everything from photography, to sketching, to painting, to jewelry making. She has so many ideas, and her dad is more than happy to support her vision. She's also a little troublemaker like Marko, often going out to spray graffiti on the walls of various Santa Carla buildings. She's not afraid of causing some mischief if it means expressing herself. Alex also has a fondness of spooky stuff. She has a crystal ball, a collection of candles, tarot cards, and has a planchet earring that she uses whenever she wants to break out the ouija board. She's loves playing fun, witchy games with her sisters during sleepovers. Stuff like Bloody Mary and Light as a Feather, Stuff as a board.
Paul's Daughter - Brooke
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Oh she's definitely her father's daughter. Brooke is a little wild child, always eager for an adventure. She's got plenty of energy to burn, dancing and running and jumping off furniture. She loves to stay up late and play video games or have dance parties with her sisters. Above all, her biggest passion is music. Growing up she listened to her father play guitar a lot, and immediately got inspired. He was more than happy to teach her, and ever since then, she's had a dream of becoming a rock star. She's got the energy and the beautiful singing voice for it after all.
Here are some pics of the baby bats:
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I'm gonna reblog this post with more baby bat pics from when the girls were little. Stay tuned!
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catprinx · 18 days
I know art is all about practice and trying out new things and not being afraid of using references, but do you have any advice for newer artists about areas to focus time on? Especially for learning digital art/colouring? I've always loved your art style so any advice you have would be valuable.
hi anon!!! Thank you for the kind words :)
There's no one good answer to this because art is about a lot of things. So rather than give you clear-cut actionable items to do, like a checklist, I'll just write down my own philosophies about art exploration. I've also been thinking a lot about this in terms of my own improvement.
(Also for everyone reading this I am by NO MEANS a teacher so take everything I say with a grain of salt. I'm simply someone that just enjoys thinking about art)
I think art is a lot about the combination of technical skill + visual language + concept.
Practicing technical skill, as you said, involves using reference and doing studies. I think an important thing to remember is you need to know what you're trying to learn. Here's a good example the former is a traditional still life of grapes, the artist probably intended to make a piece with a good composition and an impressive rendering technique. While the latter is definitely more of a value/color study. I'm certain this artist could have gone into detail rendering those grapes but being realistic isn't their intention/style. So when you're doing your studies I think simply asking "what do I want to work on?/what am I trying to communicate" can be helpful.
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If your goal is working on color specifically I think it would be important to practice values, hues, and temperature control. Those things are the basis of color and after that you can play with more stylistic color. In the end my advice is to do a lot of studies, and look at a lot of art! Doing these studies digitally is just a matter or practicing and familiarizing yourself with the art programs (it takes time). If you have an artist you like you can probably look at their work and breakdown what you like about it. For example the narumitsu art I was working on here is kind of a study of @/rei_17's art (from twitter). I love her use of non-local colors and colors that are very close in value but the depth comes from the hue/temperature shifts in color. It's so masterful to me!!! So, now that I know what I'm looking at it becomes easier to break down and put it into practice for my own art.
Visual language usually refers to "style". To me, it can mean a lot of different things but for the sake of this long ass text post let's say it's just about "art style". My tip is to...copy! Copy what you like and figure out what it is you like about it. I feel like your hand will guide you towards your own art style in the end. I don't view myself as someone with a particularly interesting or unique art style but I can breakdown my influences a little. I'm someone who grew up with anime/shoujo influence but also copied a lot of popular tumblr styles back in the day lmao. I want my anatomy to "feel" correct even though it's rarely realistic and I don't really exaggerate form too much because I don't have a preference for it. I'm someone who values drawing speed and clarity of form over details. And all those things added up are the reasons I draw like I do. You can totally make a style by more intentionally riffing off others, and you can also develop a style just by doing your own thing. Your art will always have an identity of its own even if you don't know it at the time!!!
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Concept is just your idea/intentions/narrative etc. I really think concept can be anything you want. Some people can go really in-depth with their concept with studying and research and etc, and other people can make something visually interesting simply by going "I want to draw a cute girl". Everyone is different! I wouldn't take concept advice from me personally because I don't make original illustrations. Fanart is easier to work with because usually you're interpreting someone's existing narrative and you can churn out something cool from that. Maybe my advice is draw more fanart???
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walrus150915 · 1 year
Have you guys seen my other post talking about how Ambrosius n Ballister would look when they're middle aged?
Yea okay nvm I drew them together as old men yaoi again bc it's very funny
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Ambrosius, you old rascal!👀
I love depicting older queer people being in love and living a calm cozy life with their families bc idk man... It makes me hopeful for the future
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Ft. their kid Aquila and their kid-family friend-aunt-uncle-grandparent Nimona being annoyed with them (and I mean- wouldn't you be?)
By the way this post is framed I guess you could tell where I'm going with this
Headcanon time for the Boldheart household when Nimona is 1030yo, Ambrosius and Ballister are in their late 40s and their kid is a tween
- Nimona is a free traveler. She's done so many round-the-world trips that Magellan may choke from jealousy while burning in hell
- No matter where she is tho, she always comes back to Ballister and always shares new things she's seen and new friends she's made - people and animals alike. YES SHE HAS A TON OF FRIENDS SHE ALWAYS WANTED BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT SHE DESERVES!!! MY BABY😭
- She always makes her comeback a surprise: jumps from the roof on Bal's head, flies dramatically, knocks on the door to pretend she's a deliveryman or a postman
- Ballister works as an engineer bc the raw SKILL this fella used to build an arm WHILE having one is unmatched. "If you're good at something, you gotta proceed to get a career in this field, otherwise you're just wasting your potential" © my Asian mom (jk don't do this. I'm no professional artist but I draw bc it's my hobby)
- He probably worked on the deconstruction of the wall. The symbolism would be great + it'd make sense for his character!
- My man is overworking because of course he does. Nimona tries her best to slap it out of him but this man is a workaholic and nothing can fix it I'm afraid
- I have no idea what Ambrosius's job is. Sry😭
- I know it must be something artsy and something which doesn't bring much money. Ambrosius is BLOOMING at work tho. He's doing something he likes! Not something his parents made him do! And he's enjoying it! Knowing he'll get back home to his kid and husband and Nimona and hug them all sweetly!!
- Aquila is mostly B-student who's described as "Your child studies well, Mr Boldheart, but they need to be more active and social in the class"
- Aquila doesn't have much friends outside of their family. Their parents and Nimona are worried about it more than they are
- Nimona made it her undertaking to make sure Aquila doesn't feel the way she used to in a situation like this
- When she's in the mood, Nimona takes Aquila to school by using her powers. It's pretty much the norm for Aquila to arrive to school on the horse or on the back of an eagle or on the rhino lol
If we've started with Goldenheart, I guess we could also continue with them? (a tiny bit of spice under the cut)
- They're still disgustingly in love. Like it's cringy how in love they are
- They try to keep the sparkle alive no matter how repetitive their routine gets
- Slow dancing (which is actually just cuddling and rocking side to side together) in the kitchen? Kissing each other before and after work? Having romantic dinners from time to time? Yea that's their kinda stuff
- That sparkle also includes trying out new things in bed. They don't have as much energy as they used to tho😭 Instead of going two or even three rounds like they used to they'd rather just sleep WJJSSJJAJJWEJSJS
- [seahorse dad Bal since trans!Ballister headcanon is one of my favorites] Ambrosius's worshipping of Ballister's body increased 100x after Aquila was born bc THIS FELLOW MAN whom he loves VERY MUCH beared THEIR CHILD in his body for 9 months, how's that not amazing? A thing this man has for competence of his husband is insaneeeee
- I feel like their love life has only got better as the time went on
- As all parents do, these two learnt how to do everything very quietly
- Nimona could finally sleep calmly thank the creator they had a kid who made them learn
Okay I'm done with spice. Let's talk sweet (aka random ig)
- Bal cracks his joints a lot (grandpa LLLLL)
- Aquila DOES NOT have it good on Father's day
- Nimona teases Ballister for getting older (as a joke) but she's kinda worried about him, since he does get grey hair, wrinkles n stuff and. Uh. She doesn't. So-
- Aquila is trilingual so real of them
- Yea the Boldheart household is multilingual. One could say something in English and the other would answer in Urdu no problem
I think that's about it. I blogged this earlier than planned bc I pressed the wrong button but I hope you enjoy this whiplash of my brainrot nevertheless
Heading to school rn. See ya when I come up with new things to talk abt wfvbhhnj!!!
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khayalli · 7 months
How do you art. My ability has left me and a block has taken its place
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(This is my second time trying to do this, tumblr I will blow you up PERSONALLY)
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First off I am giving the biggest hugs!!! Art blocks suck and I'm sorry to hear that it's bringing you down :(
I think the best thing to do is figure out what's causing your artblock. Everything I'm about to ramble about is personal experience so if it doesn't apply throw me another ask or DM! I'm always happy to talk to people!
In my experience, artblock usually comes from a very mental place. Creative have a bad habit of equating their worth to what they create/the quality of what they create.
You are more than content!!! Your art is a wonderful thing about you, but it's not your entire worth as a person. So if you fail, or you suck, that doesn't mean that you as a person fail/suck. So if that's in your noggin, start niggling that little bitch out. Yeet it into the sun!!!!! She's useless and adds nothing to the conversation!!!!!!!!
Don't be afraid to create bad art, either. I can't express to you how many aborted files I have in my folder because I thought "it's not good enough. Scrap it"
But my biggest leaps of progress come from me being like "this sucks, but I'm going to finish it anyway" you learn WAY more with bad art than you will with good. Analyse and deconstruct after you've finished creating, not during. Have fun while you're doing it. Fuck around and find out. Get manic with it. Cackle into the abyss. Create with the joy of a 5 year old that has no idea what notes/reblogs are and just loves this silly purple guy.
Ability fluctuates as your eyes get better at spotting what's good/bad. Your art probably isn't bad. Your eyes are just much keener now at picking these things up! Your hands just haven't gotten the memo yet.
SO! Here are some actionable ways you can break art block, or at least create a little bit:
Make art that sucks and learn to be uncomfortable with it. Find joy in shitty art. I'm a lot happier now that I do this!
Finish it or post it anyway!
Speak to your creative friends, or fandom friends! A lot of my inspo comes from them because they inspire me all the time. Bouncing ideas off eachother helps a lot with idea generation, and staying excited about it.
Prompt generators and those expression memes! They take the thinking part out and you can concentrate on just drawing
Art trades, or even collaborations! Having someone else there always adds more motivation
Pose studies, a lot of my stuff is just pose studies that I warped into hot turtle men. It's another one where I don't have to think, just create.
Writing down those ideas you get at 3am so that when you're stuck you can go look at a list
I hope this helps a little. This sort of thing is hard to deal with, and I understand how frustrating it is when you want to draw but you just can't seem to (I went a year without picking up a pen, shudders). I promise that with gentle effort and genuine kindness to yourself, it can get better! I'm rooting for you!!!
(Sorry for how much I rambled on, this is something I'm very passionate about and in the trenches with also)
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taikk0 · 2 years
im crying ive been lurking your blog today after being curious enough to check your tumblr after constant watching of your videos on youtube and always thought how professional and clean your animations look and thought you were like oh idk 20+
then i stumble a post of you saying you're 15 and i 😭 💗 WHAT DO YOU USE TO ANIMATE PLEASE ANY TIPS FOR LIL OL 19 YR OLD THATS CURRENTLY NOT GOING TO COLLEGE BECAUSE OF WORK AND WANTING TO PRACTICE MY CRAFT BEFORE GOING AT IT *kneels and slowly merges with floor like melted plastic*
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but fr tho I'm flattered I can't believe someone would assume I'm at that level already 5 years in advance thank you 😭😭
as for what I use to animate I use Krita!! here is a tutorial I used to learn how to set it up + how Krita's animation feature worked:
Though this tutorial covers a lot of useful information and an animation tutorial, I do urge you to learn about the software itself in your own time. (VERY IMPORTANT TIP: if you don't understand how something works, or if you want to do something in the program but have no idea how regarding the tools it has to offer, it doesn't hurt to do your own research! I learned that the hard way unfortunately, and I hope other artists don't suffer the same fate. REMEMBER! DON'T BE AFRAID TO GOOGLE!)
and with animation tips I do have a few things I'd be happy to share
I made this playlist to help my boyfriend get into animation. What's special about this playlist is that I made it not just about how to make individual drawings move, but also videos that explain how and why individual design philosophies and decisions are made and how you can learn to use them to your advantage. I also added some videos in here that cover shot composition and storyboarding, since I figured that most animators strive for skill in more than one field. This playlist is still a work in progress and I'm obviously bound to add more in the future, but just know that most of the videos put on here are either videos that I think are REALLY helpful as an animator who wishes they had that kind of help in their beginner years, or videos that DID help me in my beginner years way back when.
The playlist is a bit short but quality over quantity amirite? Next up is a playlist that helped spark my love for animation and pushed me to pursue it myself: the Skribble Kibble series!
Not everything in this playlist is an animation tutorial, but I highly recommend it for someone with an untrained eye. This series has inspired me not only because it covered animation; a medium that I was already interested in, but also awakened my love for analysis when it came to visual mediums. what it does great, what it does poorly, what makes something unique, and what makes something the way that it is, and explaining WHY.
Animation Tip : Learn to observe! not just in life, but in other animated media as well. ask yourself questions, and break things down. try it out yourself and experiment! heck, go frame by frame if you have to! learn to learn!
which brings me to my next source: FramebyFrame
This account has been AMAZING. It's informative and presents visual guides. It's a great place to start when you want to train yourself to analyze animation in the moment. I always think of it as some sort of game, They always play the animation first before they show the breakdown, try to spot as many cool animation tricks as you can, and see how many are mentioned! They also recently did a breakdown on RotTMNT which I find to be super neat :]
Mikyomix's Personal Animator Tips (Great or Unhelpful? You Decide!):
wanted to make this it's own section because I had no idea how to properly fit this all in so it goes in here
Study first! I know this sounds super lame but I promise you it will save you so much suffering. It's better to already have a grasp on animation and its fundamentals before you actually start animating. I've gone into the pitfall of having really crap animation skills, feeling bad over it not looking right, going into a pit spiral of self-doubt, while simultaneously not putting in the effort to learn why it didn't look right and how to fix it. It took me a good while to sit down and actually learn everything before I officially started and had more confidence in myself to fix my mistakes and learn from past projects. I already mentioned it earlier, but again, don't be afraid to take notes and whatever information you find to be useful!
Pick your animated projects wisely! Listen, I know it's tempting to do that music video you always dreamed about with your not-so-simply-designed OC. But personally, I advise steering away from large-scale projects and animations that require more than your current skill level if you're a beginner. I know it sounds harsh, and I'm not telling you to give up on your dreams or anything, but just know that animations like that might be more than you bargained for, and could result in burnout and a final product you might not be proud of. You could easily tire yourself out if you're a beginner learning as you go, and I understand that many people actually advise it for the learning experience, but in my personal experience, it didn't really end well. LOTS of unfinished projects, time sunken in on something that I no longer wanted to finish, bad memories associated with the project, etc. Of course, everyone is different and you might not experience the same things I did, but just be aware of the cons. Instead, I highly recommend you-
-Design and create at your own personal convenience! If you're a beginner, I advise you to go simple. I know not everyone is interested in the bouncing ball or the flour sack, but there's no rulebook that says you're prohibited from designing a simple character to animate! Not everyone starts out the same way, and that's completely valid, I first started animating my furry OC's and I'm sure other young animators started in a similar way, animating the things they want! though there was one thing that I did keep in mind, and that was I designed my OC's to be easy to draw over and over again. easier for me to animate, and easier for me to draw them consistently. So if you're first starting out, don't be afraid to simplify! remove minute details if you have to. You can figure it out later no pressure! Just animate things because you want to, not because you have to. and that includes the tiny details that would be difficult to keep track of as a beginner. This is a bit of a smaller point that didn't need its own thing, but while you're at it, learn effective character design! not just for aesthetics and narrative purpose, but also for functionality.
Remember that you are not obligated to practice the old-fashioned way! Not everyone finds animation exercises fun, and that's okay. But whatever you choose to do, putting everything you learned into practice, IT STILL COUNTS AS PRACTICE. Every little animation you make counts no matter how short or unfinished it is, and your efforts deserve to be praised. why? because you're learning little by little and it is still very valuable! despite how small and minute or large and noticeable the improvement in animation quality is, you're still making strides in learning to be a better animator than you were before. Don't listen to what those old geezers say, you do you! animation is supposed to be a labor of love and passion. and being forced to do something under the obligation that its "industry standard" is frankly, baloney.
Animation Stuff (THE JUICE.): shorter stuff that also deserves their own section
12 FPS is great for beginners
Ease-in's and ease-out's are your BEST FRIEND
Timing Charts. you might not be inclined to write them properly, but it's useful if you're jotting things down. use them.
Don't be afraid to mix tweeting with frame-by-frame. Sleepykinq tweening isn't the only form of tweening + tweening is great if you want to keep something consistent. Though if you want to go frame-by-frame with the convenience of tweening but without the visual integrity of tweening, tween on one layer as a guide and animate on top, so it's still frame-by-frame.
Unlimited layers? use them. Is a certain part of rough inbetweening giving you trouble? make another layer and animate it on there if you don't want to mess with the main roughs, then merge it down.
More frames does not equal smoother animation, it risks making it look slower. work with the FPS, not against it
Name your layers. save the tears.
Anyways, PHEW that was long. Sorry about that, I just have a lot to say about animation. I'm not NEARLY qualified enough to actually teach animation, nor am I linguistically intelligent enough to get the points I want across (I think). But I really hope that you and a few other people found this to be helpful.
I wish you the best of luck ^^
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dolls-self-ships · 8 months
Do you have any advice for drawing in the Aardman style?
alright so I'm literally in the bathtub writing this so if you would like some visuals let me know but basically- take everything you know about facial human anatomy (ok well maybe not EVERYTHING) and throw it out the window. First you're gonna want to identify the classic "aardman face" (which I actually have a sketch of and will post to this later). Expressions are often vacant, awkward, and a bit silly, but it's all part of the charm. Avoid the urge to make everything super stretchy and expressive (this is particularly hard for me bc I have put blood sweat tears and years into trying to adopt the "expressive fluid" style to my art), remember these characters are made out of plastacine, they actually look closer to how a real human face emotes than how, say, a d*sney or p*xar at character does (not as exaggerated, more grounded in reality).
Another thing I'd like to mention is that I don't copy the aardman style to an exact t, I still incorpeerate my personal tastes and how I like to draw into it (making the eyes a little more spaced, giving the chickens more wing-like hands instead of just actual humanoid hands), so don't be afraid to add your own little flavour/flare to it! That's the beauty of art is that no two people are ever going to be able to draw the same art style in the exact same way, so might as well have fun with it.
But, as a general rule for aardman, focus more on the essence of the character rather than how "aesthetically pleasing" they look. They mostly have goofy little round eyes, curved mouths (actually really similar to how smiles are drawn in Steven universe, think of the bean shape), and larger hands (I love them hehe).
I also advise just looking at behind the scenes of aardman and studying the way the figurines look, how they're moved from frame to frame, etc. Just really look at them and try your best to translate it into paper, at the end of the day it really comes down to practicing! Or just scribbling until you feel like you've made something good, that's what I do sometimes.
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elshells · 2 years
Welcome, Traveler!
Hello! Ella here, it's nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I've only been on Tumblr for a couple of years, but I've been sharing original stories online since 2018, and writing for fun even before that. Mainly, I dabble in science fiction, fantasy, horror, and everything in between. If you read or write within these genres, we'll get along great. And even if you don't, hit me up! I'm always looking for another good read, and I'm pretty easy to please.
In the writeblr community, I welcome asks/tag games and am always looking for an excuse to talk about my beloved characters. Granted, it takes me forever and a day to respond to literally anything, but I'd love to get to know you and your WIPs!
If I'm not writing, I'll hop on to see what y'all are up to, and sometimes I'll chime in with whatever's on my mind. Usually late at night when I should be asleep. As one does. You know how it goes around here. And if I happen to say anything hilarious, there's a 60% chance it was unintentional. I rarely think I'm funny in real life.
The bottom line is, if you enjoy my WIPs or just wanna be friends, please don't be shy to reach out! I'm often afraid to make the first move, but no matter how I end up on your feed, I hope I can make you smile!
* * *
—‌Currently pursuing a degree in English creative writing and gender sexuality, and race studies, with minors in publishing and printing arts and music performance. So, naturally, I can be a busy gal.
—‌My dream is to be a published author (looking into the indie route), with the goal to debut before I graduate. I also have aspirations to be an actor in community theatre and/or voiceover work; we'll see how that goes!
—‌I've played the flute for almost ten years, and am slowly learning piano and guitar. Eventually I'd love to learn my way around a drum set as well, if I ever find the time, money, and discipline. Maybe I'll even write my own music one day, who knows?
—‌I love to swim, do yoga, and I rode horses for several years. Beyond that, I'm pretty much hopeless at sports, especially the ones that involve throwing around a ball.
—‌Occasionally I'll find the motivation to make some doodles. I haven't been that dedicated to the craft lately, so I've lost a lot of my mojo, but I hope to get back into drawing some day and maybe share some of my art!
—‌As a teenager, I volunteered at my local zoo and aquarium—‌and I would still love to go back one day—‌but for now, I work as a lifeguard and swim instructor.
—‌PFP is my current DND character, a tiefling bard named Enyo. If you're interested in learning more about her, check out this post (which includes a full-body artistic interpretation!)
—‌Like I mentioned before, I'm here to make friends! I'll talk to anyone about anything, as long as the conversation stays friendly, safe, and respectful. I won't tolerate hate in any form.
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If you enjoy a chapter, please consider letting me know by reblogging and leaving a comment! I welcome anything you have to say, so long as you're kind to me, yourself, and others. Useful and constructive criticism is always encouraged if you catch something I didn't, so feel free to share any feedback, opinions, or questions you have. I'm always looking to improve and I appreciate all the support I can get!
THE HARMONT HEROES SERIES —‌A fusion of science fiction and urban fantasy told through the dual POV of two sisters on opposite ends of society. This saga features mystery and intrigue, thrills and chills, and an array of LGBTQ+ characters. -BOOK ONE: Agent Ace -BOOK TWO: TBA -BOOK THREE: TBA -BOOK FOUR: TBA
EMBR OF THE EARTH (Standalone)—‌In the far, unknown future, the world is overrun by human survivors, robot scouts, and hostile, alienesque creatures that came from nowhere. A ragtag group of teens choose to leave the safety of their satellite and return to Earth, determined to discover what happened to planet and if there's a way to save it. -ON INDEFINITE HIATUS -The current draft is still available on Wattpad; read it here.
ENCORE (Standalone) —‌An eighteen-year-old girl is rescued from a deserted island as the lone survivor with an unbelievable story. Twelve years later, the girl, now a struggling musician who's still tortured by the past, is given an opportunity to go back in time to save the others. But with such high stakes to succeed, the price may be too much to pay. -A twist on the Final Girl trope in classic horror. -COMING TO TUMBLR SOON! Get started with the first five chapters here.
Am I a poet? I don't know, you tell me!
Water Nymphs
Alley Cat
Sea Urchin
* * *
Wattpad: @ persephonehale
AO3: @ elshells *In the meantime, thanks for saying hi!*
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Meet all the guys that you can ask questions, and who will be role-playing them in responses!
(All copy pasted from discord, everything under cut!)
Violet(Vi, V):
-Draws well (I had to)
-Actually wears her glasses
-Very silly, acts like normal V but sometimes actually genuinely happy and nice
-Totally isn’t the cause behind the bite marks on the landing pod chairs
-Aroace & lesbian flag
-Does the Dino arm thing
-Basically just a fucking cat (purrs, meows, and all that jazz)
-A broken headlight cause yummy yummy (same with crack in tail Vial and screen)
-Acts like a silly cat
-Most of the time unaware of surroundings
==> @conniewoof
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:!Stars intro!:
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- half snow leopard (somehow)
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- slightly talker than the average drone
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- workaholic
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- thinks her scars r cool
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- their pawpads and ear stars r rlly squishy :3 and if u squish her ear stars they make a squeak sound GEHE
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- she's practically a nightlight coz of how glowy they are.. but whenever she goes to sleep they stop glowing lolz
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- rlly likes bugs and studys them nonstop
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- loves analog horror n scary stuff in general,, they just find the concept of it all rlly interesting
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- gets distracted by anything cats would💀
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- rlly likes video games and can defo kick ass in them
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- has a scary ass zombie drone/solver form
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- her nose twitches when she cries shrug emoji
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- her tail (elliot) is actually pretty sentient, meaning he can communicate with beeps and boops (even though star can only understand them clearly)
==> @strbrypancakesxd
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《☆ Nathan ☆》
<-- ADHD -->
☆▪︎▪︎ Pansexual, Transmasc ▪︎▪︎☆
==> This little man PURRS. He is a dog at heart but he PURRS.(his favorite thing to do)
==> Hehe silly feathered wings(that could still kill a man)
==> Would unironically bark at someone if they annoyed him somehow
==> Is the sweetest guy but oh my goodness does he hold a grudge
==> "Haha oh biscuts that knife right by my heart really hurts- Do you want that back?"
==> PUZZLES. Do not give this man a puzzle he will try to solve it for the next week and no-one will see him
==> Took the nanite acid out of his tail at one point(it hurt like a bitch) and now has a empty stinger as a tail tip instead
==> OBSESSED with keeping his wings clean and nice looking, he literally will put aside any other responsibilities until they're perfect
Silly little Alaskan Malamute inspired guy :3
==> @staruzi002
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❦ Revel ❦
❦ Pansexual lil guy
❦ Has a weird hyperfixation on ducks, specifically lil tiny yellow ones and really loves to make random duck comments to fill a conversation.
❦ Anything that might be yellow is going to be gone in approximately 5 seconds of him spotting it
❦ Outgoing with a passion for fashion (OUJI-) and design, has a bit of sass if you by chance try to question his fashion choices. He also uses "girl" and "sis" unironically
❦ Usually passes away at the slightest compliment and will ascend with his wings into the stratosphere to hide himself
❦ Ribbons. Ribbons are the best.
❦ Don't give him any bells or things that squeak, he will indefinitely be playing with them until they break somehow and he'll go into sad lil guy mode for a week on average
❦ “Autobots! Roll out!” *rolls down an ongoing avalanche*
❦ Deathly afraid of spiders but will disintegrate an entire colony
==> @bonkadonkss
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In a mysterious alternate version of Copper-9, this fun little group all met eachother! And now they're here to answer your questions!
So ask away folks!
- No NSFW. For the love of God please none.
- Be nice to the sillies(and the roleplayers) we're just here to have fun!
- These are characters that are from an active rp server, so things might change about them as we go!
- Expect text for most of the answers(unless whoevers answering feels up to doing a doodle), that'll be how they're put most of the time!
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hey! this is chance & here’s this week’s prompt. what websites or resources do you use while you write or develop a character/story? what do you think of them and would you recommend them?
Hello!! Been fighting a war of spoons this week, so sorry for the delay with this!
Honestly it would be magical if I had 1 single source I could rely on for writer's research, but Google is generally my starting point. After that here are the places I trust the information of:
Masterclass - there are a surprising number of articles and mini interviews for free written or influenced by the professional writers in the platform. One day I'll pay for the full service if only to hear Mr. Gaiman tell me his perspective on storytelling; but the free articles are really concise and informative for structure
Save the Cat Writes a Novel (its a book but there are references all over the internet to it as well) - definitely don't feel chained to what the method lays out!! But the nuances about what should happen in certain types of beats are a great push when you get stuck!!! But it's a really rigid beat sheet that probably won't 100% adhere to what you need it to be.
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Behind the Name - actually discusses meanings and origins of cultural names!! This is a great way to get started or to help carve put a character who is a little too murky to write yet.
The Phrontistry - difficult to navigate on a time crunch since its not made for writers, but ctrl-f a key word helps. This place has lists and lists of DEAD WORDS!! Use it to name shit! Use it learn victorian and old english slang. Use it because you just like words. (By the way, a Phrontistry is "a place meant for thinking", so a Zen garden is a phrontistry!!)
My Uni Library Website - this is a privilege I know, but if you can get access to academic sources on arts and cultures it really changes the way you can respectfully draw inspiration from other cultures!!
4TheWords - this is the ADHD buster! Its down at the time I wrote this, but it's a website that gamifies writing so its not just a timer like in writing sprints, every word you type goes to "defeating a monster". You so quests like any mmo and I've legitimate written over 50k in under 30 days because brain goes into panic "it doesn't have to be good" mode and I can get stuff done! Its not totally free, but the micropurchases are actually micro snd you can earn time as well as buy it. They have to make ends meet so i can't be mad
Writer.bighugelabs.com - ive used this online typewriter for like 5+ years. Lifetime membership is 99$ and it goes to the one guy who made it keeping it running. It's got an offline mode and document history so just as long as you are careful and you preload the tab, you don't need data on your netbook/chromebook/ipad to write. It's no markdown, just words on page, it makes typewriter noises, and it looks like a dos command prompt. If you pay for it, you can customize colours, and ive used it for everything from timed exams to emails to novel chapters.
Obsidian.md - free program you can get as an app or on desktop that lets you make basically your own wiki. I've posted about it for my studies, but you can just make your own wiki about your novel, or choose to write directly into it. It supports markdown and latex-like formulae so I've literally written reports in it.
Also like,,,, don't be afraid to use the blogs of other writers! They have experience you could use. But I try to avoid posts that are "7 tips to write x y z" or "never do p q r when writing" because they just get in my head and are generally highly opinionated and are not objectively correct.
I do use, reblog, and strongly support resource and psa type posts though!! Some beautiful human has been making "ways to write [emotion]" posts on tumblr and that person I would like to kiss. They are useful information-based and example-based posts that are just like "and here are some oprions" instead of giving people who are already prone to second guessing themselves (writers) more things to fear cause them "should i even try, what if im cringe and everyone roasts my work" anxiety. ((If people are gonna roast your work, they will nitpick it apart regardless of whether you reinvented My Immortal or wrote the spiritual successor to This Is How You Lose The Time War, so like,,, please just write @me and everyone else who needs to hear that.))
I also advise at least skimming posts about demographics you are not in, especially the ones about how they want to be represented and how it's appropriate to include that in your narrative structure. If you are not in that demographic, you - by definition - cannot fully understand what it's like to be the people who are. Therefore you should to do some quality research and maybe be willing to ask questions of people to make sure you don't fall into stereotypes/virtue signaling/etc.
Finally, *inhales*: WIKIPEDIA!
Yes anyone can edit it, but you know who does??? Coffee riddled neurodivergent individuals with a passion for that one obscure thing you were shocked to find on Wikipedia.
Use the information as a primer, and then to to the sources and try to track down more specific and more "reliable" information. But Wikipedia is usually enough if you are like designing creatures and stuff like that. I don't need amphibious biology research to design an axolotl-like alien sentient lifeform.
That being said, I'm not going to stay limited to wikipedia when i go to learn about xolotl and the culture that named axolotls in order to make sure i don't just steal one animal and a naming convention but also pay some respect and homage to the spirit of the animal and related irl folklore. But finding relatable and first hand cultural sources is very case by case.
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astray-flame · 6 months
my name's amber! i go by she/her. they/them is also ok tho!!
i'm 13 and i'm an aspiring pokemon psychologist from alola!!! my favorite activity is studying pokemon behaviors... sometimes i like drawing things on the side too!!!
i originally joined rotomblr to look into that weird eebydeeby phenomenon i've been hearing about lately for a school project...
...and then. recently. i became an eeby myself. oops? i'm a charcadet now and idk how to feel about saying that
i might not post as often on weekdays!! i still have school after all...
i have a rockruff!!! she's a girl and i named her cookie and she's my sweet little baby and i love her sm
/ / OOC information under the cut.
Hey! Mun here. I go by she/her.
I made this blog on impulse because I thought it would be fun. I don't know much about the Pokémon RP community on Tumblr (and the fandom in general), but I'm eager (and admittedly anxious lmao) to learn!
/ / OOC messages will have blue text with two slashes at the front, like this!
Warnings, Rules, + Other Info
‼️》 This blog is a pokemon irl + sleeby (slow eeby deeby) blog!!! Which means it will contain descriptions of body horror and unreality.
》 Despite the fact that this is an eeby deeby blog, there will be quite a few regular posts that aren't necessarily related to that! This blog is a "digital diary" of sorts for Amber.
》 I have the right to not answer an ask for any reason. I always try to answer them all, though!
× Don't send out-of-character hate!!!
× No racism, homophobia, transphobia, acephobia, or ableism will be tolerated on this blog.
☆ Any kind of Pokémon rp blog can interact!! It doesn't matter to me.
× Absolutely no NSFW. Both Amber and the Mun are minors.
◇ Feel free to DM me if you have any questions for me or feel like you need my permission to do something.
☆ Pelliper mail is open! Just don't send stuff that makes everything easy for Amber. I want her to struggle with being eebied!!!
☆ I love getting interactions as they help inspire me to continue this blog!!!
☆ I'm also new to the Pokémon rp community (and rp on Tumblr in general) so I'm still learning! Please let me know if I do something wrong. I'm willing to take criticism.
☆ Some responses take longer than others! Sometimes, I go through multiple drafts to get a response I'm satisfied with.
☆ On a similar note, some asks will be saved for later and may not be responded to immediately.
☆ If you know what my main is. uh. No You Don't
☆ All art will be tagged with ".png"!
That's about it!
☆ Don't be afraid to be mean to Amber...I love writing some good old angst.
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squidbiology · 2 years
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Hello, and welcome to Squidbiology!
This blog is run by a team of scientists and friends who's goal is to provide free, easy to understand access to information regarding other sapient species! Many schools don't offer biology and history courses on other species, which can create a gap between us... one that we aim to bridge!
Though the title of the blog is squidbiology, we welcome questions on any and all sapient species. If we don't know the answer, we'll find someone who will.
Now, let's introduce you to the team! Mod Bloom Sandworm | 24 | Xe/Xir
Hi besties!!! my name's Maya, and I'm an anthropologist! Though my original focus was on worms, I've recently taken a turn towards researching Inkfish of all types, as it's just fascinating stuff. I also hope to be able to educate inkfish on each other's history to hopefully help settle some of the recent animosity! But don't worry, I've dipped my whiskers into study of any species I can find courses on, so don't be afraid to ask :P
Mod Olive Leopard shark || 23 || They/she
Heyo, my name's Maeve or Olive, and I'm an Inkfish biologist! My interest started with Inklings, but octolings are inherently a close runner up, as you can't have one without the other! Their natural evolutionary history is absolutely fascinating to me, and I can't believe it's fallen out of common knowledge.
Mod Glaze Octoling | 28 | He/she/it
Greetings. My names are Aqueduct and Celadon (you can use either), and I'm an architect, with a particular fascination for architectural history and city planning. I love looking into how different species design their buildings and cities, and how to make structures and plans that accommodate a wide variety of species.
Mod Beetle Inkling | 26 | He/they
Hi guys! My name's Connor, and I'm a linguist, though I'm also studying general sociology and biology of non-inkfish as a minor. I love learning about how different species developed language, especially based on their evolutionary history and biology! I also find it fascinating how different species can communicate back and forth even if physically incapable of speaking each other's languages... it's crazy stuff.
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So... what is this blog?
This is a Splatoon based askblog that takes place during the setting of Splatoon 3, and follows my headcanons of splatoon biology! It’s is designed so you can send in questions, which will be answered ‘in character’ by one of the members of the team that "runs" this blog. If you’re familiar with Professor Peach, it’s something sort of like that. Basically, you’re allowed to send in questions that are responded to by either , as if you were a character in the setting. You’re also welcome to send in ‘ooc’ questions as well though! I also just reblog a bunch of art and posts revolving around splatoon, as well as some memes and such. This blog is intended to be 16+ because it might contain some upsetting or potentially NSFW content, but all in a biological format (Discussions of racism and wars, art of meat/dissections, discussion of breeding behavior and anatomy, etc). Everything will be tagged generously. There won’t be any condoning of mentioned behavior, and no explicit porn or heavily NSFW images without ample tagging and warnings. If you need anything tagged that I didn’t, please let me know.
So is this a roleplay blog?
Er... not exactly. It’s more of an in-character ask blog. But if you have a similar blog, I wouldn’t be opposed to interacting.
Am I allowed to use these headcanons?
Yes, go ahead! I would be thrilled to see anyone using any of these, or even something based off of these. You’re allowed to mix and match and change anything you want for your own personal use. You’re free to make OCs or characters based on any of this stuff too! Go crazy go stupid!
Am I allowed to do fanart / fanworks of _____?
Yes!!!! You’re 100% welcome to draw (or write about, or.. whatever) any of the characters featured here, your own takes on anything or any biology, or just. Anything from or inspired by this blog! I would love to see it! If you do, please DM it to me- I don’t check my email often, and don’t see @’s! I don’t mind at all!
Who’s the mod?
Hello! My name is Rhi / Toad, and I’m the mod here behind Squidbiology! My pronouns are they/them, please. I’m 22, neurodivergent, nonbinary, and have a degree in Zoo Animal Technology, and am employed at an invertebrate zoo!
I run this blog because I think speculative biology is neat, and I love to worldbuild, especially when it comes to biology! You might recognize some of my art and ideas from my other blogs, listed below.
Main || @toadsong​ Splatoon Sideblog || @lesbian-octoling Art Sideblog || @bees-draws
If you have any questions for me, feel free to send in an ask! Please specify that it’s either directly to me or OOC however, so I know not to answer in character!
Where’s Callie/Marina/Agent 3/etc?
Unfortunately, the characters running this blog are a bunch of random college students. They're not affiliated with any of the canon characters, except maybe some of the shopkeepers in passing.
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Do not interact with this blog if you’re a bigot. This means do not interact if you’re LGBT+phobic of any kind, antisemetic, a nazi, anti-blm, pro-cop/’blue lives matter’, racist, ‘pro-ship’/pedo/MAP, etc. This includes transphobia, biphobia, and panphobia. If you’re nasty you know who you are. Get outta here!
On that note- despite the warning above, this blog will not particpiate in any political discussion or drama. I simply do not want nasty people interacting with this blog. If you want to discuss anything, at the very least, go to my main/sideblogs. The exception of this is if I reblog something from a nasty person/source- I try to do a brief check of who I reblog from, but sometimes I’m tired or lazy. If you notice content come from a questionable blog, let me know, and I’ll remove it!
Please try not to send in overly explicit or horny questions. Though this blog may discuss mature themes, such as discussions of breeding behavior and anatomy, it’s not going to be horny in nature.
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