lalalaugenbrot · 11 months
Mad Men: without context
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dollfat · 6 months
those meme redraws of the like, dom woman and sub man leg poses just reinforces what the manospheare op believes about relationships.
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panuccispizza · 9 months
where is the multiculturalism of space colonization
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yuri-for-businesswomen · 11 months
the alternative to the nordic model is not liberalisation, its restriction appropriate to the issues. here are some ideas.
id obligation: sex buyers need to id themselves before buying sex. its illegal to buy sex without doing so and prostitutes can report them if they dont.
sex buyer registry: to buy sex, men have to get registered. they need to do regular health checkups. they are not allowed to buy sex if they were ever charged for violent or sexual offences. people are allowed to search the sex buyer registry, for example to see if their daughters teacher or their husband is on it.
compulsive verification: nobody is allowed to make a profile on any website facilitating prostitution without id verification. buying sex from an unverified prostitute is illegal and sex buyers can get reported and sanctioned for it.
reporting fee: every prostitute who reports a sex buyer who doesnt comply with the rules gets a fee to encourage women to do that. doesnt matter what citizenship they have, they get paid for reporting and then another fee if the sex buyer can get charged. once youve been reported youre not allowed to buy sex anymore and if you do you can get jailed.
special forces: prostitutes can report sex buyers to forces that are specialised on this. they have a sensitivity training and are working with social workers too.
hold sex buyers accountable. you want „safe prostitution“? then why the fuck arent you advocating for anything in this direction. the sex buyers are the issue. i swear to god prostitution advocates are so lazy.
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mueritos · 2 years
Dont feel like answering this question if you arent comfortable but I need some advice,, my sibling came out as trans recently and although I am very supportive of them, they chose a Japanese name as their new name and like. I dont know how to explain that as white people we should not be choosing non-white names for ourselves.
Mmm, yea, it is a bit weird. Actually it's a lot weird. I would just be upfront about it. There is intention here from your sibling to claim their trans identity with a new name that is unique, but their form of being unique is just distancing themselves from their whiteness. Be upfront, let them know you fully support their transition and their ability to choose a new name, but that their new name can come across to MANY bipoc and bipoc trans people as offensive. Names are not aesthetics, and many non-english names may have specific histories tied to them that can be culturally insensitive if removed. Tell them that names do not exist in a vacuum, and just because they found the name to be cool, it's not right to randomly call yourself a name from another language to be different. If you're like nordic, german, french, but have little ties to it but want to celebrate it, that would be cool to have a name from those languages, but definitely not one from a cultural and racial group you do not belong to. It's just a bit too weird. Hope this helped, and good luck!
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plantwriting · 4 months
Howdy!! Questions from not from US set!
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
7. three words from your native language that you like the most?
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?
Yay questions!!!
4. So im not 100% sure its finnish by origin but basically just a soup called kesäkeitto or summer soup. SPECIFICALLY my grandma’s recipe (which is special because she uses oatmilk and a shit ton of cream cheese) its just a pretty basic soup in a milk broth with a lot of vegetables :) but since im again not sure if its finnish 100% im also adding in: fazer chocolate. Fazerin sininen milk chocolate. Its so good. Its so simple but so good.
7. Hmm i think koivu (birch, i just think its a pretty word not sure why) lohikäärme (dragon, i like it because the literal translation just means salmonsnake and i find that funny), and. Hmmmm. Sure let me be Stereotypical and Very Basic for a second, sisu (like the ability to persist through hardship and do difficult things)
16. There’s really only two stereotypes that I hate, and those are when people group us in with sweden (fuck sweden bastards colonized us and now i have to learn their stupid language in school) and the whole “happiest country in the world those nordics just have it all figured out” when like. Yeah weve got a lot of things better than in other places but also the finnish politics rn are hell the like far right party is one of the most popular ones and theyre cutting financial aid to like everyone and its just. Things arent perfect in any country please dont act like they are. Stereotypes i agree with uh i think that we really like nature? Like theres other stereotypes i agree with but those arent fun ones while yeah we do typically really value nature and our forests and stuff :)
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the-lost-kemetic · 1 year
hi! im a black person and i dont really know what practices arent christian or wiccan based, and i wanted to know if you did! i didnt really know how to word this lol
Hi Anon! So here's a small list of open practices that aren't Wiccan or Christian based. Please be aware that there are certain sects that might be, but in general they aren't.
Kemetism (Ancient Egyptian religion)
Hellenism (Ancient Greece religion)
Heathenry (Ancient Nordic religion)
Irish paganism (to my knowledge, someone please correct me if this is wrong)
This certainly isn't all of them, but it's a good start to do some research and such! Feel free to come back if you feel like there's more!
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bridgyrose · 1 year
Thoughts a Nordic Winter au?
“You cant keep doing this to yourself,” Weiss said as she rubbed a little lotion onto Nora’s back, unconsciously following the electricity scars that ran down her skin. “I know you made a promise to him-” 
“And I have to keep him safe!” Nora sighed and tried to relax as her muscles tightened from the cold lotion. “Ren needs me too.” 
“He does, but that doesnt mean you have to drop everything for him. He can take care of himself too.” 
“Yeah but-” 
“No buts. He, Yang, and Ruby will be fine.” 
“What if they arent though? Ren is all I had for a while and if I lose him… then… where does that leave me?” 
“WIth your girlfriend.” Weiss sighed and pulled her hand away from Nora’s back and gently turned her around. A small smile crossed her lips as she put a hand to her girlfriend’s cheek. “But you need to calm down and relax. I know you’re a maiden now and letting your emotions run wild isnt going to help anyone. You need to trust that Ren will be okay and that our friends will come back safe.”
“Is that why you didnt go with Ruby?” Nora asked. “Because you trust her?” 
“That… and other things.” Weiss sighed and looked over at her computer, spreadsheet after spreadsheet pulled up from data on the SDC and how her father had been running the company on the screen. “I’m in charge of the SDC, I have you I need to stick by while we figure out how to help you with your powers, Atlas has its own problems… I’ve had to stop with huntressing for now until everything is settled.” 
“You say that like staying with me is hurting you.” 
“Its not. Its… this is all a bump in the road, but we’ll get through this.” Weiss kissed Nora and stood up. “In the morning we can do more training and tests. I… I think I know a way to help hold back your power for a bit until you can get used to it.” 
Nora winced and rubbed her wrists. “Not going to be like last time and those bracelets you had me wear, right?” 
“No, not this time. I need some time to go over my father’s notes and I can let you know more in the morning, okay?” 
“Good. Now get some rest. You need to let yourself heal.” 
Nora rolled her eyes and smiled a bit. “Who knew you cared so much.” 
“I’ve always cared. Even if it never looks like it, I always care about you.”
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tastesoftamriel · 2 years
Hey tal, 100% agree that if you captioned english castles with "high rock" and such literally no one would bat an eye. Or celtic brooches. Or Roman swords. No one cares if its European + nordic history.
Try not to let people dig into your skin, so many people take offence on behalf of things that arent even remotely offensive for some reason atm. You're going a lovely job with your worldbuilding :) have a good day <3
Thank you dear anon! I hope you have a great day too! ~Tal
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losnordiquitos · 2 years
I also thinks it fucking stupid and weird if you ship iceland with the other nordics i dont care if ypu ~"age him up"~ or they "arent actually related" or whatver. you are fucking weirdo. i think you are a fucking weirdo. and if you dont but are friends with people who do or are ~*neutral*~ to it i think you are little pathethic cunt with no spine.
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trickstarbrave · 2 years
after playing morrowind (im not finished i am just too exhausted to play rn) i am just overwhelmed with the desire to take a hammer to skyrim, rip it up, and build smth new
i dont hate the setting of skyrim. i dont hate the main ideas behind it. i just think it was done dirty by oversimplification of the plot progression. the way it is structured and written feels like it presumed the player is a lazy moron incapable of thinking things through or making choices. there is rarely ever 2 ways to solve a problem. not to mention it is mostly annoying dungeon crawling with little justification. just go to this nordic tomb and get this thing. only exceptions are thieves guild and dark brotherhood missions only because it would make less than 0 sense. but the mages college? main story? BARDS COLLEGE? dungeon crawling baby hope you arent fucking sick of draugar by now bc you’ll be seeing a bunch of them. most of the time in morrowind i wasn’t in random dungeons or caves. people sent me to track down other people, solve problems for them. you can wipe out a mine or you can extort money from the owner. you can talk your way out of problems. in some sections you can kill ppl annoying you who wont name you horator.
some suggestions i have to make skyrim feel more alive and complex (under the cut bc i wrote too much) based on now other elder scrolls games so i know these things arent impossible or never occurred to anyone at bethesda:
>reputation and disposition should come back. why are these random ppl answering all my questions? if im a nobody except named dragonborn by some monks in a monastery no one really does to, why does anyone give a shit i say stop the civil war?
>much like the nerevarine, people don’t believe you are dragonborn right off the bat. hell, even if they DO, that doesn’t make you THE dragonborn. many dragonborns have exists. you claiming to be one more so makes you a potential problem for politics--the empire could be weary of you trying to drum up support to overthrow the empire, something they DONT NEED. the monks meanwhile ask you to do a VARIETY of spiritual tasks before they will begin training you. gather artifacts not just in tombs. go to various locations around the world. after every shout they teach you they don’t just give you a tutorial but then set you on a clear task to use it. maybe i need to go find a fox that is an avatar of lorkhan, or travel to that tree to speak to kyne. and even after they name you dragonborn, see above, not everyone is going to agree with their judgement or necessarily care. but also if you DO prove yourself, you could gain a lot of respect and reputation around various factions. this would also incentivize exploring instead of just fast traveling to your next dungeon.
>a dragon cult that isn’t undead as an overworld faction. im sick and tired of all dragons being mindless killing machines with few exceptions. im sick of all the dragon cultists being basically zombies and liches. if theyre a real threat, they should have a bigger presence. dragons taking over towns and small settlements where there are acting priests or priests in training. cultists taking people captive. draugar waking from their tombs and wandering into town to kill people. make them a third player in the ‘civil war’. maybe some dragons ruling these towns dont even kill you on sight--to them you are a weak little baby dragon who poses no threat. the soul of a human in a weak, fragile body who does not understand what true power you could attain, a pitiful creature who doesn’t even know flight or the full extent of their knowledge. they are sentient beings with their own culture and ideas after all. and the cultists could have a very real motivations for joining like being fed up with both the empire AND stormcloaks, or not wanting to be the next helgen.
>i actually liked morrowind’s dialogue system ngl. i understand the limitations of a fully verse voice cast, but they already reuse voices and dialogue. i wish we could just ask more conversation topics and get more varied answers. weird responses from npcs made interacting with characters more memorable and enjoyable than a basic stupid fetch quest. caius being like “uhhh you’re starting to scare me” when i questioned him about my weird dreams made it feel like we were actually having a conversation and i was asking questions not just “this is scripted dialogue and i am basically a story prop with no thoughts or feelings” like i often get in skyrim (with a few exceptions)
>more weird shit. frankly we just need more weird shit in skyrim. i wanna see funny in jokes or weird things that add depth. there is no scamp serving drinks or a sheogorath cultist that only meows. no woman on the side of the road who fell in love with the rogue that robbed her and begs me to reunite them. i want more intentionally weird things. no necrophiliac saying “im not a necrophiliac BUT what is the punishment if you were one lol”. no town based off of lovecraft’s work in the middle of nowhere. the elder scrolls series used to have SO MANY weird things in it and frankly those were the best parts.
>the blades should be introduced later. I think, as annoying as it might be, you should only be contacted by Delphine when you have enough reputation in the world. she’s supposed to be a cautious woman. why leave a note like that in a random tomb and then have you do a test AFTER revealing she’s a blade basically. she holds the key to moving forward, only after you do various tasks for her that you then realize only after the fact was gathering up various blades members who are in hiding. i know the network is being hunted down, but i think there should be more than like. 2. give us some people pretending to be crazy skooma junkies, or people who have integrated themselves into various jarls’ courts. she seems like a random innkeeper with a penchant for archaeology and might have secrets of the dragons you’re looking for, asking you to deliver mail in exchange for some information, but in reality you’re contacting her allies she hasn’t been able to speak with out of fear because by this point she thinks you won’t be killed by the thalmor very easily or are a plant for them.
>breaking into the thalmor embassy should just be redone or have multiple ways of going about it tbh. i can also be the most stealthy person alive literally invisible yet the thalmor just fucking know i am a spy and they have captured my accomplice so it doesnt matter if i hack and slash my way out of there or not. so it just feels like a lazy way of trying to be interesting while giving you basically nothing they couldnt have done another way. all you learn is esbern is alive and the thalmor have manipulated ulfric against his will for their own agenda and dont know shit about dragons. why would they EVEN KNOW ABOUT THE DRAGONS I DONT GET IT. it doesnt make the thamlor seem more intimidating, doesn’t teach us anything about their goals, nothing.
>furthermore the blades’ motivations and history should be told more clearly. after the septims they basically refused to directly serve the emperor apparently. but their spy network was still there for 170 years???? they still served in the army???? why do the thalmor wanna hunt them down if they don’t seem to like the current empire either. i know its to fuck over the empire and tie them in like previous games but the blades were already a cool intelligence gathering faction living covertly among the people to monitor various powers for the benefit of the empire and emperor. if they are a threat to the thalmor still, why have them have a fall from grace prior to this? why are they even still working for the empire? if anything they should have been using this dynasty’s imperial family as puppet rulers after the whole oblivion gates thing. see above: even if the thalmor have been hunting them i find it hard to believe there are only fucking 2 left. the blades were pervasive in the empire. most having been wiped out doesnt leave only 2 left. there should be more. enough to give them weight.
>redo the mages guild entirely. and most faction guild questlines but ESPECIALLY mages guild. bring back needing a staff. rising in ranks bc you had to do things for the guild and work at it and level up your skills. how am i archmage when i know like 5 spells? what??? i also think there should be more outposts for the college across skyrim. “but the nords hate magic” well having more mages around would certainly show that more wouldn’t it???? have there be tension still. random mages hating being assigned outside the college bc nords are assholes. preferring places close to the border or solitude where they are less in the heartland of nord pride. there being shut down mages guild buildings in some areas left abandoned.
>bigger guilds. bigger towns. i dont need daggerfall sized cities but at least oblivion or morrowind sizes. yknow. just bigger. i feel like we were allowed stuff like guild outposts bc of the town sizes. whiterun does not feel like a hub of trade. its rarely even mentioned despite it being a key point of the civil war both sides want for that reason.
>more settlements and places. vvardenfell is smaller than skyrim. why is there more shit to do. more places to be with more variety and interest. fix that too
>civil war needs to be redone in the fact there is frankly nothing to do. use the camps and outposts. have us clear out bandits to make a new base. negotiate trade. escort caravans that carry supply. take out smuggling operations. spy on the other side using their armor. we have bits of this with taking out agents and stealing papers but i want More. also ideally have different play-styles incorporated into it like you can be an archer, or steal and gather intelligence, or even just different ways to solve the same problems. maybe you threaten someone selling supplies to the other side, or kill them, or destroy their business, or convince them not to. you burn enemy fields so their troops have less food in a really fucked up battle system, or you can refuse those orders if you find them morally repugnant and either get punished for it or have to find a work around through another commanding officer who gives you an alternative. consciously make the choice to just follow orders or think through your actions and refuse. war is ugly and some sides will do anything to win. wouldnt it be interesting to fight dirty one playthrough and the next choose to try and only fight fair and just?
>i know some characters must die because the plot has demanded it. but frankly i feel it is overused sometimes. mages guild, companions, etc. you are promoted bc everyone else died or whatever. can i save them even if i like them as characters? no. nothing i can do can change that for them, even if them being alive could very well be possible and interesting. exception to this is the woman abt to be murdered in markarth when you walk in. why CANT i save skjor if i am fast enough. why cant my choices effect if the arch mage dies or not. it doesnt matter what i do or how fast i do it, they die, so whats the point of trying to do it different ways or try harder. see above for how you always get caught along with your accomplice when breaking into the embassy. it just robs the player of agency. their choices, performance, play style, and skills don’t matter. they will always be arbitrarily rewarded or punished in the linear narrative the devs have decided to make things as simple as possible bc every day people cant make choices and think things through or accept consequences of their actions they might have to live with. they cant want to craft their own narrative, it needs to be as simple as possible, people only like simple things.
if i think of more i can add more but most of these things have core issues behind them that i think if addressed could fix large swaths of issues.
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misty-wisp · 2 years
Slides into your ask box
Okay so you said you were interested so prepare for this whack ass story.
So basically, the two characters shown are named Rift and Enhet (which can mean Unity in some translations into Nordic languages. See what I did there?).
Rift is a creature called a Luft, which are creatures that in the area this takes place in were considered urban legend and behind an event that nearly ended the world 100 years before this takes place that I wont get into because its a long story. Basically, shes known as one of the only remaining living Lufts and is sadly held accountable with them, despite her not even beng alive at that point.
Around the mid point/nearing the climax, its revealed that shes not actually a Luft, but I wont explain how or why because spoilers galore. And along with not actually being a Luft, there was a sort of clone made of her designed to try and kill her and replace Rift.
She and a friend manage to stop this plan from falling through, but in the process let out the other fake Luft on accident before she really had a fully developed personality or anything, leaving her to basically create her own.
Rift is reasonably upset about this new false Luft, who is nicknamed Enhet in her data files, and this is on top of finding out she was a fraud and was a faulty version of who Enhet was supposed to be.
Enhet was programmed, however, to attmept to kill Rift and make it look like an accident despite wishing no harm on her technical sister/twin. So they're consistantly trying to kill eachother passively, Rift jealous that Enhet was everything she couldnt be and Enhet simply (and in very much distress) following her programming.
Its represented in the drawing by the masks they hold and the text. If you look, "There Can Only Be One" is split between the two, "There Only One" being a reference to something in the data files for Enhet (reading "Then there, only one!" in reference to Rift's planned murder) and Enhet's reading "Can Be" to represent her lack to wish to actually kill her sister and believing they truly can coexist.
Did I mention they arent the protags? The real stars of the show are a trio of oddballs named Shedo, Arsene, and Dori-Mei and their exploration and investigation of an alternate realm made of the manifestation of the collective subconcious' emotions (I came up with this before I played a persona game, which is kind of interesting). Rift is part of the opposing group, actually. I really like her though and shes pretty important. If you want more elaboration, feel free to just ask! I could literally talk forever.
Ohhhhh my god, that's insane. i love it!!! it feels like i just got fed a mere taste of what brilliance lies in your work that sounded a lot less weird in my head uh
i think i shall wait patiently before asking for elaboration, for now...as in, it's probably better that not everything's spilled out all at once haha
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ithisatanytime · 10 months
 in other less interesting news i watch a six hour long iceberg style video about columbine, bringing me up to speed with every single woman on this fucking website, i was just never all that fascinated by the story, even though embarrassingly the documentary bowling for columbine is probably more than a little responsible for my several years long stint as a leftist. i wanted to watch it because i assumed it would be fairly in depth and i wanted to see if any information presented would challenge my view on the shootings, which basically boil down to, there was a lot of over the top bullying at columbine but ultimately both shooters were just ethnically canaanite and acting on their natural satan given impulse to kill. klebold is the only one of the two shooters with confirmed jewish ancestery which he diminishes by saying hes only a quarter jewish on from his mothers side, but not only is this not how it works, its just not true, his mother is obviously more than half jewish but even if she were, if that half is her mothers side that makes her fully jewish as well as dylan, but its all beside the point because his father is among the most obviously jewish men i have ever layed eyes upon just look him up yourself if you think im embelleshing, not only that but klebold himself has strong jewish features that only typically manifest with high so called jew admixture. the other shooter doesnt have any confirmed jewish heritage whatsoever, but hes made fun of for his looks by other students frequently, even though if you just look at a picture of him a flattering one he appears at times quite handsome, so whats different about his looks what makes him stand out at all? he was mocked for being short, he has a fleshy upper lip, and a characteristically ratlike face, these are extremely jewish features on an otherwise pure white nordic looking person. there is some hubbub made about them being nazis, but even in their own tapes eric will mention that they like hitler, and klebold responds with “but im jewish” and jokingly eric harris acts surprised to this klebold adds “only a quarter!” its all played for laughs but a lot of people intentionally or otherwise ignore the clearly humorous nature of this exchange and pretend as though its to be taken literally that eric didnt know klebold was jewish despite mountains of evidence showing eric knew and they were obviously just joking. the two also frequently wore the communist hammer and sickle, and the only real nazi stuff in the entire six hour deep dive was them shouting things like “we like hitler” and “heil hitler” clearly they were just trying to be edgy though. but lets pretend they actually read mein kampf and believed in fascism or volk or whatever, they clearly didnt but lets just pretend, who fucking cares? i already wrote about this exact phenomena where these so called jews, who are alien to us inside, will have all kinds of different political views from both sides of the aisles, far leftist, authoritarian, far right, far left, but ultimately no matter how eloquently they describe the percieved political problems the solution is always the same, kill a bunch of random people! the right wing unabomber, the left wing tranny who recently shot up that christian school, in fact ive said before that if you look into the ancestory of most of these so called white (or even nonwhite in the case of elliot rodgers and a few others) you will find they were not white at all but so called jews. all the manifestos political or social posturing and philosophizing are just window dressing at best, for justifying what ulitmately they feel like they need to do, which is strike out randomly and violently. the phenomena of mass shootings arent nearly as murky a thing to understand as the media would have you believe, they are practical and racially motivated if even only on a subconscious level. here is a parable to try to illustrate whats going on.
  imagine there is a group of east asians who look ALMOST exactly like the chinese, with a few minor differences that a trained eye would eventually be able to pick up on with practice. lets call these people “wapanese” now suppose these wapanese while outwardly similar to the chinese were inwardly very different in temperament, more sexually forward and pervers, more inclined to violence, had their own religion and were very insular keeping to themselves and doing everything to remian a distinct racially and culturally pure people among the much larger and almost physically indistinguishable japanese population. suppose after centuries of the wapanese living among the chinese, you have wapanese kids in chinese schools who dont even KNOW that they are wapanese because culturally they were more or less raised chinese. but they arent chinese and those differences in temperament arent cultural but genetic in origin, so as much as these wapanese kids want to fit in, they just cant, and whats more they dont want to fit in, as perverse as the wapanese seem to the comparably reserved and cool chinese, the chinese seem boring and uptight to the wapanese, there are essential intrinsic differences in these two peoples that make creating meaningful relationships next to impossible for the wapanese living isolated amongst the much bigger chinese population. he might start to feel insane, why is he so different? is there something wrong with me? but these differences again are genetic he has no hope of changing really, eventually he starts to despise “Everyone” and come up with all kinds of gibberish as to why hes special and better and deserving of life while all his peers who reject him are actually in the wrong and deserve to die. when in reality neither party is in the wrong, the wapanese is just unknowingly completley cut off from his literal family (race is literally just family, there isnt a speck of metaphor in that statment it literally is just family they are synonymous) in tribal times, or any times really but well pretend this is just strictly relevant to tribal times because its less controversial, it would behoove a man in that situation to kill the rival tribe that hes surrounded by if hes at all able, and maybe take their women for his own. its not even madness that spurs these shootings, but cold hard evolutionary truth, tribalism. now the so called jews are a special murderous people in their own right and the wapanese metaphor really doesnt cover that but you get the picture, imagine being the only woman in a world full of men, only women arent a thing in this world so no one knows what to make of you, you are just a weird incomplete man, how isolating that would be, how that isolation would eventually turn to rage and hatred. its about being funedmentally different from your peers to the point you cant even begin to relate. 
 i also want to point out that eric was made fun of for being short, while dylan was made fun of for being tall... what gives? no one bullied ryan hemsworth for being tall im sure so why dylan? its because he wasnt just tall, he had an ugly rat like face and his arms and torso were in bad porportion to one another, remember what i said about so called jews varying from dwarves to giants and that ultimately what sets them apart isnt so much extreme height or lack thereof but a body (skeleton really) that is in some way in proportional disharmony. we were made in the image of our father, and our father is beautiful, they were made not in the image of their father, but in mockery of ours.
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The Nordics Talk About Biting
Denmark: what's the difference between poisonous and venomous?
Finland: if you bite it and you die it's poisonous. if it bites you and you die it's venomous.
Iceland: what if it bites me and it dies?
Sweden: that means you're poisonous god learn to read russia
Denmark: what if it bites itself and i die?
Iceland: then it's voodoo
Sealand: what if it bites me and someone else dies?
Norway: that's correlation not causation.
Sweden: what if we bite each other and neither of us die?
Estonia: that's kinky
Finland: oh my god
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normal-horoscopes · 3 years
Just curious, but why arent nordic mythology, runes, (the thor movies/comics) considered cultural appropiation but using smudging and nativa american practises is? There are still people in scandinavia who practise the asa belief so it just confuses me and you seem like someone who could answer that
Imagine that you're from a culture of shipwrights and warriors who made their fortunes sailing the rivers and coasts of Europe, interacting with the various cultures and religions of the world, trading for their goods and selling your skills as a mercenary. Imagine that one of them asks about the pendant of Thor on your neck, expressing interest in your god. Sure! You think, you'll sell this guy a Thor pendant and tell him about your religious practices. Why not? You'll make some gold off it.
Now Imagine you're one of the myriad indigenous cultures of north america. Imagine you're a group of outsiders showed up in your country and spent several generations murdering your friends and family by slaughter and disease for your resources. Imagine they made speaking your native language illegal, and made practicing your religion punishable by death, imagine how you'd react if you found out that some of the outsiders we're practicing your religious rites without permission. You'd probably be pretty pissed.
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unleashed-salt · 4 years
I have some very not so nice toughts about pagans who try take ownership over acient european belifs and gatekeep everyone else from it when they dont have any more claim to the culture than anyone else. Ecspecially due to the whole fae/faer pronouns thing. And i will probably elaborate in this a lil later
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