#yoonmin quotes
asadfangirlbitxh · 8 months
Jimin: Could I have a quicky?
Yoong: Hyperventilating in the corner
Jin: For the last time, it's pronounced quiche
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correct-bangtannies · 2 years
Yoongi: No
Yoongi: … What did I tell you about battling your eyelashes at me?
Jimin, sadly: It only works on Namjoon
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minjizdraft · 11 months
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Jungkook: Hey, what’s up?
Yoongi: The sky.
Jungkook: No, I meant like, what are you doing?
Yoongi: Oh, Jimin.
Jimin: *highfives Yoongi* Nice!
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minyooon3012 · 4 days
Namjoon: did you change you password?
Yoongi: no
Yoongi, sipping coffee: “jimin” was too short, apparently
*Jungkook cackling in the background*
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Jimin: *arguing with someone* Fight me!
Yoongi: *behind him holding a knife*
Yoongi: *mouthing* Don't.
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shae-ot7 · 2 years
Jimin: Where are we going?
Yoongi: My place. You can sleep on the couch.
Jimin: I am not sleeping on the couch!
Yoongi: Fine, you can sleep on the stove.
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Because I belive that in the end, we are all like flowers. Someone picks us up, first, he takes care of us then, little by little he detaches the petals and lets us die. But, I to you, I would take care of you more than myself and let it flourish on my corpse.
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akookminsupporter · 4 months
Because Fandom's 'non shipper' aka so called rational 'ot7 bros believer' community likes to hype every pair except Jikook.
Jihope ✅
Vmin ✅✅✅✅
Taekook ✅
Namkook ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅
Jinkook ✅✅
Yoonmin ✅✅✅
Yoonjin ✅
Hyyh yoonkook ✅
Namgi ✅✅✅
Namhope ✅
Taegi ✅
Jikook 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗
If I didn't included any pair it's because I haven't seen them being much hyped on my tl. Other pairs like Jinmin or Taejin are acknowledged but not as hyped on tl like above.
You will see them taking shipping duo names to praise other duos or quote something they've said to/about each other or make funny sex jokes about them but when it's time for Jikook it's either ignored majority of time or they use 'Jimin and Jungkook ' or 'Jungkook and his Jimin hyung'. When others content gets released whole tl will be about that particular pair, old and new moments, yesterday it was yoonmin's day. When Joon posted those MS pic with tae every big account posted Namtae moments or something they've said to each other to show how much they appreciate that pair. But there was nothing when Jikook decided to enlist together, when some of their pics where they were sticking to each other nor when they graduated together and decided to serve rest 17 months together.
Idk probably because Jikook shatters their 'ot7 bros' belief? Or because they don't wanna see as a shipper because among all pairs only jikook does 'fanservice' ? Or their moments are charged more than their liking so posting them will make them see as a romantic delulu shipper?
I can't believe TaeJin isn't a more popular ship. There have been some… interesting moments between them, and I think Tae has made Jin nervous on a few occasions. Overall, they have many moments that could be interpreted in various ways if shippers wanted to, and I'm surprised that it's not the case.
Now that you mention it, it is true that non-jikookers rarely use the word jikook or similar to refer to Jimin and Jungkook together. And it is something they do with other pairs or even trios. Jikook definitely makes a lot of people nervous or uncomfortable although there have been many occasions where it's been hard to ignore what they do and they've (the fandom) struggled to pass it off as a friend thing, an example of that is Hickeygate. It will be interesting to see how the fandom, particularly on Twitter reacts to whatever we see in the documentary or series that Jimin and Jungkook filmed because no matter what the content is about or how much it is edited, jikook is going to be jikook.
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asadfangirlbitxh · 6 months
Yoongi: Also from now we will be picking code names to go in and surprise Jungkook
Yoongi; I will be eagle 1
Points to Hoseok: Hobi will be there been there, done that
Points to Jimin: Currently doing that
Points to Taehyung: it happened once in a dream
Points to Namjoon: If I had to choose a straight person
And finally points to Him: Hyung you will be eagle 2
Jin: Thank God
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Jimin: Oh, no! Our neighbor died!
Yoongi: Who, Ray?
Jimin: I don't think cheering is appropriate, hyung
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5and3nevermind · 4 months
Yoonmin in the D-Day Tour in the USA episode:
Right out of the gates, we get two quick shots of Jimin at the concert in Newark:
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Then we get to see Jimin’s arrival. He greets Yoongi and they hold hands briefly. They reminisce about the time they were here during the Wings tour when Jin and Tae argued right before the show.
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Yoongi teases Jimin that everyone thinks he’ll perform that night. Jimin says it’s because Yoongi keeps talking about it. Cute!
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Ok, this part…this is where Yoongi quotes a line from a romantic comedy drama (more on that here):
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Another translation
Also, it’s not in the screenshot, but the full line is “Please do it for me, my honorary rainmaker Park Jimin.”
This whole thing is pretty bold, especially by Yoongi standards. Remember how restrained he was when Jimin visited the Shadow set?
Next, we get to see Jimin cheering for Yoongi as he heads out to the stage:
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After the show:
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Another hand-hold! 🥰
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Jimin tells Yoongi what a good job he did, and Yoongi teases him saying, “Didn’t you know I was good?” Jimin finds this hilarious. “This is why I can’t compliment this guy in front of him!”
The episode goes on to show moments with Max and Halsey, and we get to see Yoongi playing guitar and singing backstage. Please go watch!
This was such a pleasant surprise! Any yoonmin moments we get to see in 2024 are precious gems.
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Jimin: Hi, sorry I’m late. I was doing a couple of things and got distracted.
Yoongi: I’m “a couple of things”.
Hobi: I’m “got distracted”.
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Jimin: I know you hate me, hyung, but-
Yoongi: Wait, what? You think I hate you?
Jimin: You always clam up when I enter the room, and you’re always watching me, and you never want to hang out with me, and you get all tense whenever I walk close to you, and you won’t talk to me in full sentences and-oh, yep, I hear it now, oh my god, you have a crush on me?!
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shae-ot7 · 2 years
Jimin: You know, I'm gonna get you on film even if it's only clips of you avoiding me!
Yoongi: Fire away! I hope shots of my ass serve you well.
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Because I think maybe in another life I would have been different. I would have been happy with my passions, my interests, my skills. But now I just want to destroy everything, because it seems that this damn life just want chaos and I don't want to give her beautiful things that she will destroy me.
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