#yolonda Ross
darlingshane · 5 months
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Julian & Lizzy in Episode 7 AMERICAN GIGOLO (2022)
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lucy-sky · 2 years
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@giftober 2022 | Day #24: “A duo / Dynamic”
“Man, you might just be my best friend, you know that?”
“If that’s the case, you can pay for dinner, friend.”
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xothemedia · 9 months
The Chi 1x1 | Pilot
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xxxbbeee · 2 years
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Julian & Lizzy
51 notes · View notes
ladyantiheroine · 2 years
Maybe I Just Like Seeing You Smile
Characters: Julian Kaye, Lizzy   Fandom: American Gigolo Rating: R for language, graphic sexual content, smut Word Count: 7,713 Prompt: Julian and Lizzy have chemistry and I’m here to resolve it.
Read it on my AO3 at @afterhourscafe: 
Chapter 1: Late Fees
Lizzy gave the door one last knock.
“Julian,” she said. “I know you’re in there. I saw you come home.”
She’d been standing outside his door for several minutes. She’d caught a glimpse of him coming up the steps half an hour ago. Based on the way he carried himself, quickly fumbling for his keys in his pocket, he was trying to slip inside before she saw him. But she saw him, and she knew he was late on his payment.
Finally, she heard footsteps on the other side and the knob turned. The door swung open to reveal Julian’s uncharacteristically bashful face.
Lizzy felt a little spark in her chest. Julian had been living in her complex for a while, but she still felt an electric kick every time she saw him. He was a handsome man, the kind of sharp handsome that almost hurt to look at. Raven hair, a strong Roman nose, and brown eyes that reminded Lizzy of a baby deer.
Julian gave her a small smile. Perfect white teeth.
“Heeeey, Lizzy,” he said. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Lizzy crossed her arms and gave him a look.
“Don’t play dumb with me, Julian,” she said. “You know why I’m here. Your rent for this month was due two and a half weeks ago. I’ve already been generous with the late fees, but I’m starting to get impatient. This isn’t a homeless shelter or a charity house. You’re not the only one who needs money.”
Julian was quiet for a second. Lizzy could see his thoughts rushing through his head, scrabbling for an explanation. She had heard plenty of excuses from previous tenets, none of them very convincing. She waited for which he would choose.
Instead, Julian held open the door.
“Could you come in for a sec?” he asked.
Lizzy raised an eyebrow but obliged. She stepped in through the door and Julian shut it behind her. He turned to face her.
“Listen,” he said. “I have the money. Well, I will. Tonight.”
“Tonight?” Lizzy asked. “What’s tonight?”
“I’m…getting paid tonight,” he said. He ran his tongue along his lip, a gesture that made Lizzy stare at his mouth just a little too long. “Listen, Lizzy, I know I’ve been bad on this. But I promise, I swear on my life, if you can wait until tomorrow morning, I’ll have it for you. Everything I owe you, plus late fees.”
Lizzy sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Julian…” she said. “I’m not accepting any more excuses. I might have to—”
“I’ve been getting back on my feet the last few weeks,” he said.
Lizzy looked at him.
“What do you mean?”
Julian bit his bottom lip.
“I’ve had a…change in employment, recently,” he said.
Lizzy couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
“Change in employment?” she said.
Julian shoved his thumbs into his pockets and shrugged.
“I’m not a dishwasher anymore,” he said.
“You just told me you’d have the money for me tomorrow. And now you’re telling me you don’t even have a job anymore?”
“I do have a job,” Julian assured her. “I’m just not a dishwasher.”
“Then what are you now?”
Julian didn’t answer her. A long silence stretched between them while he looked at the floor. Lizzy narrowed her eyes.
“Julian,” she said. “How are you paying your rent?”
He pursed his lips and looked at her.
“I’m…” he said. He sighed and scratched the back of his head. “I’m back in the business, Lizzy.”
It took her a moment to remember. But then she recalled the article in the paper, the conversation they had right as he was moving in.
“Julian,” she said. “I told you, you can’t be doing that business in my building.”
“I know,” he said. “And I’m not doing it in your building. I have a strict rule with my clients. They decide the location. I never tell them my address so they can’t bring me back here. I either see them at their place or a hotel.” Julian lifted his hands in surrender. “You can ask the neighbors, put a camera by my door. I swear to god Lizzy, I’ve never brought anyone around here.”
Lizzy looked at him for a long moment. She had seen him come and go from his apartment. True, she’d never seen him with anyone. And on top of that, the walls of this building were paper thin. She lived right above him and heard every noise he made. The sound of his occasional snoring. The creak of his bed. Him turning on facets and moving pots in the kitchen. The sound of water and faint humming while he was in the shower…
Lizzy quickly shook the thoughts from her head.
“You said you weren’t doing that anymore,” she said.
“I know,” Julian said. “But…with everything that’s happened…” He trailed off for a moment. “I don’t know what else to do. I don’t want to be a dishwasher forever.” He pursed his lips. “So, I thought I’d go back to doing the one thing I know I’m good at. Something that will pay way better than working in that kitchen ever will.”
Lizzy thought back on the last two months. She heard everything about the mess that was Julian Kaye’s life. The Strattons, their kidnapped son, two murders. It was the kind of stuff Lizzy only knew from movies and shows. To think it was all happening with the strange new man living right below her.
She had to admit, she felt bad for him. But still, she had her own bills to pay and she didn’t need trouble knocking on her door.
Julian looked at her with begging, pleading eyes.
“Please, Lizzy,” he said. “I know I’m behind on payments. But I’ve got another gig tonight. It’s at a hotel on the other side of town. It’s my first real big one. It’ll be enough to pay off all my missing payments and anything else you need from me. Just give me until tomorrow morning, I promise. And if I don’t have it, you can evict me on the spot.”
Lizzy gave Julian a long look.
“Are you staying over with her?” Lizzy asked.
“Are you spending the night with your client? At the hotel.”
Julian shook his head.
“No,” he said. “This one wants it quick and dirty.” He couldn’t resist a small quirk in the corner of his lips. “I’ll be home right as it’s getting dark.”
Lizzy nodded.
“Get the money to me tonight when you come back,” she said. “And you’re off the hook.”
Julian released a sigh of relief.
“Thank you, Lizzy,” he said. “You’re a saint.”
“I want it in cash,” she said. “Bring it right to my door.”
Julian gave her a small smile.
“Will do.”
He held open the door for her as she stepped out. Lizzy could feel his eyes watching her until she was out of sight. She heard his apartment door shut and she made her way upstairs to her place.
Julian Kaye was a strange man. From the moment he stumbled in front of her porch, too impeccably dressed to be homeless, she knew he was unusual. And that was before the shit show that was the last few months, with the murder and the cops and all the other trouble that circled Julian like a bloodhound.
And of course, there was the elephant in the room: His profession. The world’s oldest, in fact.
Lizzy had to admit, he was definitely attractive enough to be a hooker. From day one Lizzy found herself staring just a little too long at his face, his broad shoulders. The way her ears drank the sound of his deep, husky voice. The curious way her eyes lingered on the buttons of his shirt, imagining what she’d discover if she just plucked a few down…
Lizzy quickly shook the image from her head as she unlocked her apartment door. Landladies lusting after their tenets was questionable at best. Besides, now was not a time for such wandering thoughts. Devilishly handsome or not, Julian still had rent to pay.
Chapter 2: Pay Up Front
Julian came back right when he said he would. Right as the sky was turning a deep evening blue, Lizzy heard footsteps coming up the front steps of her building. She sat up from the couch where she was watching TV and sauntered over to the door. She opened her door just in time to see Julian.
He smiled at her and held up a crisp white envelope.
“Two months rent in cash,” he said. “Presented in the finest envelope for her ladyship.”
Lizzy gave him a look, though she had to resist smirking. She swiped the envelope from his hands and tore it open. Inside was a considerable wad of one-hundred-dollar bills. She counted each of them. All his late rent, every last cent.
Lizzy looked up at him.
“Okay,” she said. She slid the wad back into the envelope and stuffed it under her arm. “You’re off the hook.”
Julian grinned.
“Pleasure doing business,” he said.
“But you better not be late next time. Now that you’re getting paid better, I don’t want to see any more late payments.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Lizzy stepped back into her apartment and started to close the door. But then she was stopped by a strong hand clasping the top. Julian stood in the gap in the door.
“Not so fast,” Julian said. “You mind if we talk for a second?”
In truth, Lizzy did mind. But she found that letting people speak usually made them leave faster, so she decided to hear him out. She leaned against the door frame.
“Okay?” she said. “Talk about what?”
Julian shoved his hands in his pockets. He was definitely dressed for an evening out. A nice dark suit and tie. But the first thing Lizzy noticed was a bright spot of red on his neck. The undeniable smear of red lipstick.
Julian leaned forward to glance into her apartment.
“Do you mind if I ask what you’re doing in here?” he asked.
Lizzy paused. Why would he care?”
“Watching TV,” she said.
“What’cha watching?”
“Haven’t decided yet.” Lizzy gave him a look. “Is that what you wanted to talk about? You want to watch TV with me?”
Julian shook his head.
“No,” he said. “The opposite, actually. I wanted to know if you had any plans for the evening.” Something crossed his eyes. “Since you don’t even know what to watch on Netflix, I’m assuming you’re not exactly busy.”
He was right there. Lizzy shrugged.
“I like my me time,” she said.
“Yeah, I get that,” Julian said. He leaned forward on his feet. “But I was wondering if instead, you’d like to get a drink with me.”
Lizzy looked at him for a moment.
“You mean…like a date?”
Julian chuckled and dipped his hands into his pockets.
“Doesn’t have to be,” he said. “But…I’d definitely prefer it that way.”
Lizzy narrowed her eyes and gave him a look. This man was fresh from a rent-paying job, still smeared with lipstick and smelling of a woman’s perfume. Was this his attempt to apologize for the late rent?
“You’ve already paid your debt, Julian,” she said. “You don’t need to do anything else for me.”
Julian’s face dropped.
“It’s not about the rent,” he said. “It’s about how it’s Los Angeles on a Friday and it would be sinful for someone like yourself to stay in.”
Lizzy looked at Julian for a long second.
“Have you been drinking tonight?” she asked.
Julian barked out a laugh and shook his head.
“No, I haven’t,” he said. “I had one glass of champagne at the lady’s hotel room, but that’s it. I like being as close to sober as I can on the job.” There was a slight gleam in his eye. “Helps me focus on the task at hand.”
Lizzy felt a strange heat rush to her face. She rolled his offer around in her head. She was still suspicious if this wasn’t just a build-up to another job for him. Maybe he thought if he could lower her defenses, he could get some cash out of her.
Then again, the idea of spending another Friday night bored at home didn’t appeal to her much either. Plus, who turns down a free drink?
“Give me a minute to get dressed,” she said. She glanced down at her baggy t-shirt and long pajama bottoms. “I’ll be ready in thirty minutes or so.”
Julian smiled.
“I’ll be ready when you are,” he said.
Julian turned and started making his way toward the stairs.
“Julian,” Lizzy said.
He immediately paused and turned.
“Yeah?” he said.
Lizzy tapped her neck with one finger.
“Wash that before we leave,” she said.
Julian gave her a confused look then turned to look at his reflection in the window glass. He pressed his fingers over the lipstick stain.
“Oh,” he said. He looked at her, a gleam in his eye. “My bad.”
Lizzy watched Julian disappear down the stairs before returning inside, a strange warmth sitting in her stomach.
Chapter 3: Drinks For Two
Once she was dressed, Lizzy stood in front of the mirror. She didn’t go out very much. Not as much as she used to. The only evening wear she had left was a small black dress and some matching heels. The last time she wore them was at the gallery visit. The one she neglected to show up to because of, ironically enough, Julian.
She spun around and looked at her reflection. It had been a long time since she went on a date with anyone. Not since her ex and, well, that didn’t exactly work out. It felt like she had to retrain herself on how to dress and act for these kinds of things.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Julian was perfectly punctual. Lizzy felt nervous all of sudden. She and Julain had become decent friends since he arrived. They’d gone out to lunch, walked along the beach, hung out like friends did. But this was a date, and for some reason that left Lizzy with a titter in her stomach.
She approached the door and found Julian waiting for her when she opened it. He’d changed into a new suit. Black blazer, red shirt, black tie. Notably, the red lipstick stain was gone and Lizzy could smell the woman’s perfume replaced with an oaky musk.
“You clean up nice,” Lizzy said.
Julian chuckled, his eyes draping her up and down.
“Not as well as you,” he said. He offered her his arm. “Shall we?”
Lizzy grinned and took his arm. In minutes they were breezing down the highway towards a bar that, according to Julian, ha adjust opened the week before. A jazzy-looking place that called itself The Golden Hearth. Julian parked the car up front and sauntered around to the other side to hold open the door for her.
“After you, my lady,” Julian said with a dramatic sweep of his arm.
Lizzy chuckled and rolled her eyes.
“None of that,” she said. “You sound like Batman’s butler.”
“Alfred Pennyworth?”
“That his name?”
“Yep. Read a lot of comics as a kid.”
Lizzy took Julian’s arm and he guided her inside. He got a seat for both of them at the bar and a bartender in a waistcoat greeted them.
“Welcome to The Golden Hearth,” he said. “What can I get you two?”
Julian turned to Lizzy for her answer.
“I’ll just have a jack and coke,” she said.
Julain turned to the bartender.
“Two jack and cokes, please,” he said.
The bartender nodded and went off to prepare their drink. A few minutes later he returned with their glasses. Julian took his and held it up.
“To Liz,” he said. “The world’s most patient and generous landlady.”
Lizzy smirked and lifted her glass.
“To Julian,” she said. “Lord have mercy on his soul, because I won’t.”
Julian chuckled and they clinked their glasses together. Lizzy took a long sip from her drink. It tasted as expensive as the rest of this place looked.
Julian, apparently having mind-reading powers, set his drink down.
“I’m paying tonight,” he said. “Don’t worry about it.”
Lizzy nodded and took a longer sip of her drink. The whiskey started to take its effect quickly, enough for her to ask her next question.
“How much do you get paid?” she asked.
Julian looked at her and set his drink down.
“Man, Lizzy,” he said. “Ever heard the saying, ‘never ask a man his salary or a woman her—'” He stopped when he saw her face. “It depends on the client. I charge differently depending on time, location, whether or not I’m spending the night.” He shrugged. “I’m nothing if not negotiable.” He gave her a grin. “Why do you ask?”
Lizzy shrugged.
“No reason, really,” she said.
The two of them were quiet for a moment.
“Be honest with me, Lizzy,” Julian said. “Does what I do…bother you?”
Lizzy sipped her drink and then set it down.
“Does what bother me?”
“What I do to pay my rent.”
She thought about it for a moment, then shrugged.
“Not really,” she said. “I’ve met people who’ve done worse things to pay rent.” She leaned in closer to me. “I once had an old tenet who got arrested for cooking crystal meth in his room. The police showed up. Whole commotion.”
“Damn,” Julian said.
“As long as you don’t bring the cops around to my building, I won’t complain.”
“I can promise you that will not happen. I’m done with seeing the police for quite a while now.”
Julian took another look sip from his whiskey. All around them, people were drinking and chattering without a care. And yet, Lizzy and Julian’s little corner of the bar felt snug and private.
“Lizzy,” Julian said. “I have a confession to make.”
Lizzy lifted her eyes to his.
“Hm?” she said.
Julian pursed his lips.
“I lied,” he said. “About rent. Kind of.”
Lizzy raised an eyebrow.
“What do you you ‘kind of lied’ about rent?” she asked.
“Well, maybe not outright lied, but…I miscommunicated the situation.” He straightened in his seat. “I’ve had the rent money ready for a while. Pretty much since the investigation ended.”
“So…you could’ve paid me this whole time,” Lizzy said. “And you didn’t because…”
Then, uncharacteristically, Julian blushed. It was such a strange thing to see on the face of a man who normally had such shameless bravado that it nearly threw Lizzy off.
“I…” Julian started. “I’ve been wanting to ask you out for a while. But I’ve been chickening out. I needed a reason for you to come knocking on my door. Give myself a reason to…treat you to something.”
“And you thought making me come after your late rent was the best way to do that?”
Julian bit his lip.
“I’ve had better thought-out plans,” he said. “I haven’t asked a girl out since high school. And most clients come to me first. I’m…actually kind of a novice at this normal dating thing.”
Julian’s face was red as cherries. It was cute. But there was a question sitting on Lizzy’s tongue.
Lizzy pursed her lips and nodded. There was a question sitting on her tongue, one who hesitated to ask.
“And what about that blonde Stratton woman?” she asked. “Her name was…Michelle, I think?”
Julian didn’t answer for a second. He pursed his lips and released a small, sad sigh.
“Michelle and I…didn’t exactly work out,” he said. He took a long sip from his glass. “I spoke with her after…everything started to sizzle down.”
Somewhere on the other side of the bar, a lounge singer’s voice breezed over the crowd. Along with the smoky, jazz tune from a saxophone and piano.
“I realized that Michelle and I were just weight holding each other back,” Julian continued. “We both concluded that whatever was between us fizzled out. And having a kid together didn’t exactly change that.” He shrugged. “She’s staying with her husband. And they’re going to raise Colin together.”
Julian twirled his wine glasses absentmindedly. Lizzy could tell his mind was playing memories that hurt to watch and something sunk in her chest.
“I’m sorry, Julian,” Lizzy said.
“Don’t be,” he said. He sighed and lifted his eyes back to hers. “Honestly, it feels like a relief. Like I’ve had weights tied to my ankles and now I can walk free without them. I’m sure Michelle feels the same way about me.” He took a sip of his wine. “It’s sad, but…a part of me always knew it would end eventually. I’m just happy to get some closure. Put a nice, solid period at the end of that sentence.”
Lizzy crossed her arms and gazed down at her empty plate.
“So, now what?” she asked.
She looked at Julian, who was drumming his knuckles on the table. Lizzy never noticed what lovely hands he had.
“Well, that’s kind of why I’m here,” Julian said. “Michelle is in the past now. And lately, I’ve been thinking about what’s next.”
He pushed his glass aside, crossed his arms, and leaned forward.
“I’m starting over,” he said. “And for the last few days, I’ve been thinking about what to do next. Been thinking about who I’ve got left.” He pursed his lips. “And I realized, now that the storm has passed…I’ve just been thinking about you a lot.”
“Me?” Lizzy said.
He looked at her like it was a strange question.
“Well…yeah,” he said. “You’ve been my friend since I came into town. You didn’t judge me when you…learned what I do.” He shrugged and took another sip of his drink. The glass was empty now except for chunks of half-melted ice. “I like talking to you. I like hanging out with you. Whenever I think back on the last few months, all the chaos that’s been going on…the only happy moments I can really think of are the ones between us two.”
Lizzy’s mind flickered over all the time that had passed since Julian Kaye moved into her building. Smoking on the front porch. Getting ice cream by the beach. Taking long walks through town talking about whatever weighed on their minds.
“I told you at the precinct that you may be the best friend I have,” Julian said. “And I think I mean that even more now. A lot has happened. I don’t have many people left in my circle.” He gave her a look. “I hope I can still include you.”
Lizzy pursed her lips and swirled the ice around in her glass.
“Of course, I am, Julian,” she said.
Julian cocked his head. “But…?”
“I consider you a friend,” Lizzy said. She brought her eyes to his again. “But I’m not really the type to go on dates with friends. And I suspect you may be the same.”
A strange pink flush crossed Julian’s face and he dropped his eyes.
“You got me there,” he said with a grin.
Lizzy took a long sip of her drink. The coke sparkled on her tongue and the bittersweet taste of whiskey filled her mouth. She could feel it already taking its effect. She felt lighter, like a feather on the breeze, the kind of dangerous lightness that made you start talking without meaning to.
“Julian,” Lizzy said. “If it means anything, I think you may be my best friend too.” She shrugged. “I don’t exactly get out much. Most of my friends…they’ve got their own lives. I’ll admit, I like having you around.”
Julian smiled, but there was something in his eyes.
“But…?” he repeated.
Lizzy sighed. She lifted her glass to her lips to take another sip but realized hers was out too. No more whiskey to make this easier.
“I’m not easy to love,” she said. She set her glass down. “I told you, I’ve been married twice, divorced twice. I told you my ex-husband owned the building before me, right?”
“Yeah, you did,” Julian said. “And I know both those guys must have been pretty dense to walk away from a woman like you.”
Julian leaned forward and moved his hand across the bar counter to her. He gently laced his fingers with hers. Lizzy was suddenly met with strange ease, and not the kind coming from the alcohol.
“I’m not afraid of baggage, Lizzy,” he told her. “I’m the king of baggage. I’m not afraid of anyone else’s.”
Lizzy smirked.
“You do have experience with trouble.”
“And trust me, you’re the least troublesome person I’ve met.”
Lizzy looked down at their hands together. Julian had lovely hands. Long, slender fingers and warm flesh. She met his eyes.
“You really think I’m the kind of woman someone ‘starts over’ with?” he asked.
Julian held her gaze, his eyes intense in a way that shook her a little.
“Yeah,” he said. “I do.”
Lizzy looked at him for a moment. She chuckled and dropped her eyes.
“You’re good at flattery, Julian,” she said.
“I’m not flattering you,” he said.
“So then what are you buttering me up for?”
“I’m doing no such thing.”
“Then what’s all this for?”
Julian shrugged. “Maybe I just like seeing you smile.”
Lizzy stared at him as he turned to the bartender.
“Excuse me,” he said. “Can we order from the dessert menu at the bar?”
“Sure thing, sir,” the bartender said. “What do you want?”
“Two strawberry sundaes, please.”
The bartender nodded and went off to get their orders. Lizzy turned and looked at Julian.
“What’s this for?” she asked.
Julian gave her a small, naughty grin.
“Strawberry is favorite, right?” he said. “You told me after you picked me up from the precinct. When you and I got ice cream cones at the beach.”
It took Lizzy a second to remember, but slowly she recalled sitting at a picnic table in the sane scooping ice cream with a plastic spoon. Julian had told her all the mayhem that had been happening to him. She told him he shouldn’t trust anyone in this town.
And then he said, “I trust you, Lizzy.”
The memory made her feel oddly warm. She’d almost forgotten about that part of the conversation entirely. But not Julian.
The waiter brought them two small sundaes in glass cups. Scoops of pink strawberry ice cream with a nice chocolate drizzle and cherries on top.
“Looks delicious,” Lizzy said.
“Tastes better,” Julian said.
He plucked the cherry from atop his sundae and dropped it on his tongue. Lizzy watched his lips curl around the cherry and snap it from its stem. He chewed with his mouth closed, his lips and tongue moving slowly to savor the taste. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed.
His eyes flickered to her.
“Something wrong?” he asked.
Lizzy snapped from her thoughts.
“No,” she said. “Nothing’s wrong. Why?”
“You haven’t touched your sundae. And you’re staring at me.”
Lizzy looked at her ice cream, which was already starting to melt a little. She picked up her spoon and scooped herself a bite. She released a moan before she could stop herself.
“That’s some damn good ice cream,” she said.
“I’m glad you like it,” Julian said. He moved his hand closer. “Mind if I steal your cherry?”
He held her eyes for a second.
“Sure,” Lizzy said. “Go ahead.”
Julian plucked the cherry from her bowl and she watched him chew and swallow it.
Chapter 4: Come A Little Closer
The two made it back to the complex sometime around ten. They were both undeniably exhausted from the day, but Julian didn’t seem ready to part ways just yet.
“It’s not that late,” Julian said. “My door’s open if you want to hang out a little longer.”
Lizzy smirked. She’d dated enough to know what he was doing. It was a guy’s polite way of inviting you to sex back at his place. And there was still a buzz of whiskey sparkling through her, enough that she might accept the indulgence.
“Only because I’m too tired to go upstairs to my room,” she said.
Julian held open the door for her and Lizzy stepped inside. He must have been expecting, or at least hoping, she’d come by because Julian’s apartment was meticulously clean in a way she wasn’t used to seeing in single men’s homes.
Julian shut the door behind them.
“Want something to drink?” he asked. “Doesn’t have to be alcohol, just like…some water or something? Actually, I just restocked some soda in the fridge—”
“Julian,” Lizzy said.
He paused and looked at her.
“Yeah?” he said.
Lizzy crossed her arms and pursed her lips.
“What was tonight about?” she asked.
Julian looked confused.
“What do you mean?”
“Is this to make up for the late payments? Is this an I-owe-you for later if you’re late again?”
“Lizzy, what the hell are you talking about?”
“Why did you ask me out tonight?”
“Because I like you, Lizzy. I wanted to spend time with you.”
“Julian, this kind of sweet talk might work for your clients, it’s not gonna work with me.”
“Sweet talk?” Julian crossed his arms. “What the hell are you talking about? I already told you, Lizzy, this has nothing to do with rent or money or anything.” His gaze softened. “You think I’m trying to get something out of you?”
Lizzy shrugged.
“You’re a gigolo,” she said. “Isn’t that what you do?”
Julian looked at her for a long while. He dropped his face into his hands and sound coughed from his throat. Lizzy saw a hint of a smile on his face.
“Are you…” she said. She put her hands on her hips. “Are you laughing at me?”
“Yeah, I am actually,” Julian said. He looked her right in the eye. “I’m laughing because it’s so sad.”
“What’s so sad?”
“It’s sad that you really think the only reason I’d want to go out with you is that I’m trying to get money or favors or anything from you other than your company.” He stepped closer to her. “It’s offensive. You think so lowly of me. But even worse, you think so lowly of yourself. Smart, funny, beautiful woman like yourself thinks a guy needs an ulterior motive.”
He stood so close to her that Lizzy could feel his breath on her lips, feel his body heat just under that tailored suit. It sent something skittering in her chest and down in her stomach.
Julian gently placed his hands on her hips and pulled her close. He lifted his hand to push a stray strand of hair from her face.
“Lizzy,” he said to her. “I make love to women for a living. If I want to have a nice time with a beautiful woman, I can at any time. And make some pretty good money doing it too.”
He leaned in closer to her, whispering to her like he was telling her a secret. This close, Lizzy could notice all the smaller details about him. The dark prickle of his shaven face. The crisp scent of his cologne. His minty breath warmed the space between their lips.
“Are you bringing me here just to brag?” Lizzy asked.
Julian shook his head.
“No,” he said. “I’m telling you this to say that I do this all the time as my job.” He lifted his hands to cup her face. “So when I tell you that I’m here because I want to be when I tell you I want nothing in return, I want you to know that I mean it.”
There was something in his face and voice that stirred something in Lizzy. His usual bravado, his humor, his cocky air, they were gone. Now she was looking into the face of a man here to convince her of something true.
“You asked me if I’d ever been in a real relationship,” Julian said. His thumb absently stroked her cheek. “The truth is, I have twice before. One with a girl who killed herself. Another with a woman who was never meant to be mine. All of it had only brought me trouble.”
He rubbed his hands along her arms. His hands were coarse and rough but warm, like well-used leather.
“I want to try something real, Lizzy,” he said. “No more transactions. No more sparks that die out. No more tragic endings. I want to love someone properly for once. And I’d like to do it with you. If you’ll have me.”
For a brief moment, Lizzy wondered if this was all in her head. It was a dream. Or the alcohol. But neither of them was asleep and neither of them had that much to drink. Her eyes wandered over Julian, his ruggedly handsome face that now looked more painfully sincere than she’d ever seen it before. She remember the first day she met him, how strange yet oddly lonely she seemed. Kind of like her.
“I know this is quick and sudden,” Julian kept talking. “And I don’t want you to feel any pressure—“
He was interrupted when Lizzy pressed her lips to his. Julian immediately sunk into her touch and lifted his hand to cradle the back of her head. Lizzy could still taste the whisky on his lips and she groaned.
Julian reached down and lifted Lizzy from the floor. She wrapped her legs around his waist and carried her towards the bed. He lowered her gently onto her back and pressed his lips deeper into hers.
“There’s…” Lizzy tried to collect her words through the heated haze. “Do you have any…”
Julian gave her a grin.
“I’ve got some protection in the drawer,” he said. A gleam crossed his eyes. “But…I don’t think we’ll need it.”
Lizzy snapped to focus and lifted her head.
“Are you…?”
Julian lifted a hand.
“I don’t mean like that,” he said
He reached a hand under her skirt and slowly peeled down her underwear.
“I told you, Lizzy,” he said. “I wanna prove to you how serious I am about you. “ He tossed her underwear on the floor. “And to prove it, I want to show you the full treatment.” He trailed his tongue along his lips. “I wanna treat you the way a woman like you should be treated.”
The realization came to Lizzy slowly and all the heat rushed down her body. Julian stripped off his blazer and then unfurled his knot from its tie. He reached for his throat and unplucked the top button of his shirt. Lizzy watched his hands work down, unbuttoning his shirt to reveal a perfectly toned torso and an assortment of tattoos. He let his shirt fall from his shoulders onto the floor and Lizzy’s hands tingled to touch him.
He pressed his lips to hers, and then slowly started kissing down. Her cheek, her neck, her collar, down between her heaving breasts until he was at her lap.
Julian moved down the bed until his knees were on the floor at the end. He spread Lizzy's thighs apart, her skirt sliding down so her pussy was exposed. Julian looked down between her legs and Lizzy swore she saw a hint of drool on his lips.
He ran his fingers along her thighs. His eyes met hers.
“Let me do this for you, Lizzy,” he said. He leaned down and planted a kiss right below her knee. He lifted his eyes to hers. “Let me do for you what I do best.”
Lizzy looked at him for a long moment. Even now, a part of her wanted to believe this was all another act. A show he put on for clients to milk money or favors from them. But she also recalled all the times she and Julian smoked on the front porch, or walked along the beach. If he wanted a favor for her, he would have by now.
And a deeper part of herself simply wanted to believe he meant it.
She dropped her head back on the pillow.
“Then do what you do best,” she said.
Julian nodded, then put his lip right below her knee again. He slowly kissed down her inner thighs, licking and caressing her flesh with his mouth. It turned Lizzy on so much that he let out a shuddering moan.
Julian chuckled into her skin.
“You like that?” he mumbled. “Does that feel good?”
It did feel good. It sent a hot shiver across Lizzy’s body as Julian’s mouth moved further down her leg. If that’s how just his kiss felt, she could only imagine—
She sucked in a breath as Julian plunged his tongue inside her.
“Fuck,” she moaned.
She reached a hand down and gripped his hair in her fingers. Julian gripped her thighs in each of his hands to hold her in place. His tongue was long and velvety and caressed right over her sweet spot with expert precision.
“Fuck,” Lizzy moaned, gripping his hair tighter. “Fuck, Julian…”
The painful tug in his hair did little to dissuade him. If anything, it only seemed to spur Julian on further as he buried his head between her legs. He wasn’t just tasting her. He was savoring her. There was a low moan in his throat as she filled up his mouth.
“Baby…” Lizzy mumbled. “Baby, I…”
Her hips bucked against his mouth. Damn, he was good at this. She couldn’t remember the last time a man did this for her. Either because it had been a long time, or because whoever did it last was nowhere near Julian Kaye’s skill level. His tongue knew exactly where to go, pleasuring her like a well-oiled fuck machine.
Several minutes passed and he didn’t waver. He never slowed down, never came up for air. He just kept going, and going and going…
“Julian,” Lizzy moaned. She could feel it. It was rising, swelling inside her. Julian must have sensed it, because he plunged his tongue deeper, licking more ferociously and moaning deep in his husky throat.
Lizzy’s hands fisted the bedsheets as pleasure ripped through her. At this point, she didn’t care if the neighbors heard them anymore. She moaned louder and louder as her body surrendered to a meltingly hot climax.
Once the heat drained out of her, Julian straightened up. His lips were shiny wet and he wiped them dry with the back of his hand. He gave her an impish smile.
“You taste fantastic,” he said.
Lizzy parted her lips to speak but her brain still felt like soup. Her eyes fluttered shut as Julian crawled back into bed with her and pulled her close to his chest.
The room was dark and warm as Lizzy drifted asleep in Julian’s arms.
Chapter 5: Morning After
A streak of sunlight spilled through the window blinds and Lizzy’s eyes fluttered open. The warmth from the sun draped across her, leaving her feeling soft and light as a feather.
Then, the quiet was interrupted by a hot, sizzling sound. The smell of something greasy filled her nose.
Lizzy sat up in bed and looked towards the kitchen area. The sight almost made her burst out laughing. Julian was standing by the stove, his back to her, wearing nothing but his black boxers and a blue chef’s apron. He heard her stir and glanced over his shoulder at her.
“Morning, sleeping beauty,” he said. “You like bacon and eggs?”
Lizzy stared at him for a moment then rubbed her eyes. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up.
“How long have you been up?” she asked.
“Long enough to get started on breakfast,” he said.
Lizzy found her dress and underwear on the floor next to the bed. She stepped back into them before sauntering over and watched Julian use a spatula to move the sizzling bacon onto a plate next to some scrambled eggs.
“Insert, ‘how do you like your eggs in the morning’ joke here,” Julian said with a smirk.
Lizzy gave him a look but she could feel a small smile sprouting on her face.
“I like mine with coffee,” she said.
Julian pushed the plate of bacon and eggs towards her then opened the upper cabinet to grab a mug. Lizzy sat t the table and ate her eggs and bacon. All the while she watched Julian prepare her a cup of joe.
“Cream and sugar?” he asked.
“Yes, cream, and two sugars.”
Lizzy watched Julian grab two Splendas and a bottle of creamer. She found herself staring at his fingers, tearing open the packets and stirring the coffee with a spoon. He brought the steaming mug over to her.
“Thanks,” Lizzy said.
She took the mug and sipped it. Damn, that was a good cup of coffee.
“Are you eating?” she asked him.
“Already had a bite or two while you were asleep,” he said.
When she was finished, Julian grabbed her plate, fork, and mug for her and set the dishes in the sink. Lizzy stood up and before she could move Julian was behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pressing kisses into her neck.
“Last night was fun,” he whispered into her skin.
Lizzy’s body suddenly felt lighter, warmer.
“Yeah,” she said. “It was.”
Lizzy’s eyes fluttered close and she leaned her back against Julian’s chest. The sun streaked through the windows and the whole room felt warm. Julian moved his mouth to the other side of her neck and kissed her there.
“I can still taste you from last night,” he whispered. “I’ve had eggs and coffee, and I still can’t wash the taste of you out.” His hand smoothed down her stomach. “I don’t think I want to get it out.”
The tip of his finger met the seam of her dress. Lizzy’s body was already starting to alight and flushing heat between her legs. Julian, ever the expert on female anatomy, must have sensed it in her.
“You mind if I…” he said, curling his fingers on her dress seam.
Lizzy felt like her mind and body were slowly melting.
“Yeah,” she mumbled. “Go ahead.”
Julian slowly lifted the short skirt of her dress. Lizzy felt a shiver when his hands trailed over her underwear until he found the seam. Wasting no time, he slid his fingers down under the fabric and inside her.
Lizzy sucked in a breath. She lifted an arm and reached back to grip Julian’s hair.
“Julian,” she breathed.
Julian used his free arm to clasp Lizzy’s waist. Her pressed his fingers deeper inside her and massaged her clit. The sensations sent waves of sharp pleasure rushing up Lizzy’s body. Julian kissed and licked along her neck.
“You’re so tense, Lizzy,” Julian mumbled. “Relax…let me take care of you..”
His voice was so sweet, a contrast to the rough pound of his fingers inside her pussy. Lizzy’s weight shifted onto him, her legs buckling beneath her, but Julian kept her upright. Lizzy tipped her head back onto his shoulder and moaned with each delicious curl of his fingers.
“I love the sounds you make,” Julian murmured in her ear. “I want to see how many ways I can make you come.”
He pushed deeper inside her and Lizzy felt it rising inside her. She moaned louder and she gripped Julian’s hair tighter. Julian could sense her body bracing and he gently pressed his teeth to her neck.
“Julian,” Lizzy moaned.
“Come on, baby, don’t resist it,” he whispered. “Let it come to you.”
The pleasure raced through Lizzy with the force of a drug. It rose inside her until nothing else in the world existed but Julain Kaye’s fingers pleasuring her pussy. By the time it slowly drained out of her, her brain and body felt like soup.
Then, just as Lizzy thought she could stand on her own two feet again, Julian suddenly dipped down and picked her up. Lizzy yelped as lifted her bridal style into his arms. She giggled as he carried her over to the bed and gently set her down.
“I’m declaring this a day off,” Julian said. “Neither of us are working today.”
Lizzy grinned and raised an eyebrow.
“Is that so?” she said.
Julian nodded and then snuggled on top of her.
“I’m not letting you leave this bed,” he mumbled into her neck. “You’re going to stay here and let me take care of you for the next twenty-four hours.”
Lizzy wrapped her arms around Julian’s neck and pulled him close. They were quiet for several minutes as Julian mindlessly kissed her along her neck.
“You still owe me an apology,” Lizzy said. “For lying about the rent thing.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Julian said. “I’m sorry. I just…needed to find a way to avoid chickening out.”
He kissed the top of her breast, then slowly worked down until his head was on her lap.
“I just thought you were trying to use sex to pay your late rent,” Lizzy said.
Julian paused and looked up at her.
“Am I using sex to pay my rent?” he said. He nuzzled his head on top of her thighs. “Or am I using late rent as an excuse to get close to you?”
Lizzy lifted her head and looked down at him.
“I’d never try to maliciously deceive you, Lizzy,” Julian continued. “But…when an opportunity comes knocking…”
He gave her an impish smile. Lizzy almost wanted to slap that smile off his face, but given Julian’s proclivities, he’d probably be into that.
She gave him a sharp grin and trailed her nails along the back of his head.
“You’re a naughty little thing, Julian Kaye,” she said.
Julian grinned and gently ran his fingers along her tender flesh.
“Yeah, I am,” he sighed into her skin. “But I can be good for you.” He lifted his gaze to hers. “If you’ll have me.”
Julian was looking at her with those brown, golden retriever eyes. Lizzy grinned and pet her hands through his hair.
“You might have yourself a deal,” she said.
Read it on my AO3 at @afterhourscafe: 
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randomrichards · 8 months
Closeted trans teen
Gets involved in ballroom scene
His mom doesn’t know
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invisible-pink-toast · 7 months
casting the older versions of the other yellowjackets
for those who still haven't been cast, and probably never will be rip :(
Jackie Taylor
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Teen Actor - Ella Purnell
1st Choice: Robin Tunney
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2nd Choice: Rebecca Gayheart
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3rd Choice: Lizzy Caplan
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Teen Actor - Nia Sondaya
1st Choice: Rutina Wesley
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2nd Choice: Zainab Jah
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3rd Choice: Yolonda Ross
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Laura Lee
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Teen Actor - Jane Widdop
1st Choice: Mae Martin*
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*maybe slightly young for the role, but makeup could make them look a little older. besides i think they look so much like an older laura lee, plus they have that youthful, kind energy
2nd Choice: Asia Kate Dillion
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Teen Actor - Alexa Barajas
1st Choice: Natalie Martinez
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2nd Choice: Cinthia Moura
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3rd Choice: Cote de Pablo
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Javi Martinez
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Teen Actor - Luciano Leroux
1st Choice: Victor Rasuk
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2nd Choice: David Castañeda
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3rd Choice: Wilmer Valderrama
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Crystal / Kristin
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Teen Actor - Nuha Jes Izman
1st Choice: Jennie Panhan
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2nd Choice: Karrueche Tran
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Coach Ben Scott
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Actor - Steven Krueger
(there's always the option to just age up steven krueger to appear late 50s/early 60s)
1st Choice: Murray Bartlett
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2nd Choice: Jeremy Sisto
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3rd Choice: Billy Crudup
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although some of them never make it out of the wilderness (and some of them probably won't) what i wouldn't give for an alternate reality episode where the plane never crashed... it would be heartbreaking but so cool!!
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The Chi
#Repost @shothechi
We're back August 4th with the #ParamountPlus with SHOWTIME plan.
📸: @bydvnlln
#Repost @ebonymagazine
Over the span of five seasons, we’ve seen each of them grow right before our eyes. Now, on the heels of their sixth season premiere, the talented cast of @shothechi is gracing EBONY’s second July 2023 cover!
Join us as we take a deep dive into the actors, their characters, their growth journeys throughout the series, and the emotional ties the fans have with the hit show.
Access the full July cover experience exclusively on EBONY.com, via the link in the bio. #EBONYMag
STORY BY @rondaracha
CREATIVE DIRECTOR: @inrashidasworld
VIDEO BY @megamedia
STYLIST: @alexanderjulian
MAKEUP ARTIST: @frankguyton
HAIRSTYLIST: @salonolori
GROOMER: @tiadantzler
BARBER: Jessie Roberts for @sweeneytaudstudioz
SET DESIGN: @senarosenberg / @distinctartists
#Repost @ebonymagazine
Join us in celebrating the journey of the epic series "The Chi," which first premiered in 2018. EBONY takes immense pride in featuring the extraordinary cast as our July cover stars as they embark on their sixth season. While shedding light on the harrowing effects of unbridled violence within a culturally rich environment, this series weaves a compelling narrative that humanizes its characters. In our exclusive interview, we explore the cast's evolution, while offering a glimpse of the exciting surprises that lie ahead.
Access our exclusive July cover experience at EBONY.com, via the link in bio. #EBONYMag
STORY BY @rondaracha
CREATIVE DIRECTOR: @inrashidasworld
VIDEO BY @megamedia
STYLIST: @alexanderjulian
MAKEUP ARTIST: @frankguyton
HAIRSTYLIST: @salonolori
GROOMER: @tiadantzler
BARBER: Jessie Roberts for @sweeneytaudstudioz
SET DESIGN: @senarosenberg / @distinctartists
The Chi Cast:
Emmett. Played by Jacob Latimore
Kevin. Played by Alex Hibbert
Jada. Played by Yolonda Ross
Papa. Played by Shamon Brown
Jake. Played by Michael Epps
Kiesha. Played by Birgundi Baker
Nina. Played by Tyla Abercrumbie
Douda. Played by Curtiss Cook
Victor. Played by Luke James
Dre. Played by Miriam A. Hyman
Tierra. Played by Nia Jervier
Stanley. Played by Shamon Brown
Roselyn Perry. Played by Kandi Burruss
Vic Mensa as Jamal
Carolyn Michelle Smith as Deja
Jason Weaver asRashaad “Shaad” Marshall
Iman Shumpert as Rob
L’lerrét Jazelle as Fatima
Hannaha Hall as Tiffany
Ahmad Ferguson as Bakari
Genesis Denise Hale as Maisha
Joel Steingold as Marcus St. John
Judae’a Brown as Jemma
Miriam A. Hyman as Dre
Tai Davis as Tracy Roxboro
Rolando Boyce as Darnell
Tory O. Davis as Pastor Stanley Jackson
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Black Femme Character Dependency Dark Skin Directory: Y
Y: The Characters:
Yama | Yama Winehart | Yasmin | Yolanda Kipling | Yvette | Yvonne Freeman
Y: The Entertainers
Yaani King | Yacine Diop | Yandeh Sallah | YanjuSoFine (Yanju Stephens/Adeyanju Adeleleke) | Yanna McIntosh |  Yaya Dacosta |  Yaz |  Yetide Badaki |    Yolonda Ross    |  Yusra Warsama |  Yvonne Okoro | Yvonne Orji
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rebeleden · 1 year
Watch "Saying less, loving more. Sometimes that's the way forward. #TheCHI #shorts #Showtime" on YouTube
0 notes
redrusty66 · 1 year
Scream With Me : The Bad Batch (2016)
Discussing the 2016 Dystopic Horror Film :  The Bad Batch
Starring : Suki Waterhouse, Jason Momoa, Keanu Reeves, Giovanni Ribisi, Jim Carrey, Jayda Fink, Yolonda Ross Director : Ana Lily Amirpour Writer : Ana Lily Amirpour
My Score 7.4/10
IMDB : https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4334266/
Trailer : https://youtu.be/pS-yV29YrzY
My IMDB : https://www.imdb.com/user/ur48636572 My Letterboxed : https://letterboxd.com/Redrusty66/ My Poetry : https://allpoetry.com/Redrusty66
#review #horror #dystopic #thriller #moviereview #film
0 notes
darlingshane · 5 months
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Julian & Lizzy in Ep. 1.06 AMERICAN GIGOLO (2022)
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spoilertv · 1 year
0 notes
tctmp · 1 year
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Lila & Eve: Directed by Charles Stone III. With Viola Davis, Aml Ameen, Ron Caldwell, Yolonda Ross. Two distraught mothers, whose children were gunned down in a drive-by, team up to avenge their deaths after local authorities fail to take action.
0 notes
dicasuteis · 2 years
Como o papel em ‘The Chi’ fez de Yolonda Ross uma defensora do câncer de mama
0 notes
deadlinecom · 2 years
0 notes