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kericyoga · 6 years ago
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#springintoinversions - Day 4 - #bowandarrowlegs . The Sanskrit word “samskara” refers to energetic patterns in our lives. The patterns can be physical, mental, or emotional. Samskaras are not necessarily good or bad. Yoga is the practice of becoming more aware of these patterns, keeping the ones that are useful and discarding or changing the ones that are not. . Some of my samskaras: (1) My left shoulder is bigger, stronger, and less mobile than my right shoulder. (2) My lower back is bigger and stronger on the right side. (3) My balance is better on my right leg. (4) I think too much about the aches and pains in my body. (5) I really don’t like to push myself very much. (6) I love shifting my perspective and seeing things from a slightly different point of view. (7) I want to share yoga with everyone who is interested in learning from me. . What are your samskaras? . Hosted by @bohemian_heart @erika_yoga_and_unicorns @yogi.jodie @zenbeeni @yoga_liza. Sponsored by @aloyoga and @alo.moves. . #inversion #inversionjunkie #funkypincha #funkypinchamayurasana #yogafit #yogastrong #yogamuscles #yogadude #yogamen #yogainspiration #samskaras #bettereveryday #practice #yogapractice #yogaaddict #yogachallenge #yogalife #yogalove #yogastudent #yoga4life #yogafun #itsallyoga (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvNfV5Ijeyo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=z411dx1poqgq
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nbyoga-blog · 6 years ago
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After a squats session at the gym, these stretches and strengthers were a perfect warm down! . Day 3 of #YogaBodyMoves : #glutebridge #dwipadapitham #ardhamatsyendrasana #halflordofthefishespose . Hosts: 🤸‍♀️ @yogameg.uk 🤸‍♀️ @annecyogagirl 🤸‍♀️ @trachoy.yoga . Sponsors: 🎁 @lotuscrafts_meditation 🎁 @vayumudra 🎁 @wavyogawheel 🎁 @anjaliclothing 🎁 @atmasofferings 🎁 @ubefit_uk . #igyogachallenge #yogachallenge #decemberyogachallenge #asana #muscles #yogamuscles #yoga #stretch #fitwomen #gymshorts #yogastrength #strength #yogastretch #goodhealth #yogaflow #bromleyyoga #sevenoaksyoga #yogawithme #benddontbreak #yogatime #practicemakesprogress #glutes #legdayworkout #legday https://www.instagram.com/p/BrVEgpxAhjD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19klvewlj1u8n
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namastestudiomt · 5 years ago
Harder or Better?
After meeting with a private lesson student a few weeks in a row, she looked over at me and said, “You were nice to me for the first few weeks. It’s so much harder now!” I smiled and jokingly told her that was just the way I like it. But silently, I scanned through what we had done. It wasn’t wildly complicated—I hadn’t planned for her to be overwhelmed or exhausted. The series we had done was a progression for her but not a knock your socks off change. It occurred to me, more than likely it wasn’t harder so much as she was getting better at it.
I’ve always heard from distance runners or triathlete friends of mine that once you get started, it gets easier. You’re able to run, bike, swim longer with more ease and less stress. This makes good sense—we’re human, we adapt. So, what had I stumbled on with my student who experienced her movement practice as harder after investing in it for a number of weeks?
It’s often said in Yoga, “The more you know, the tougher it is.” Feeling more precisely in the body can boost the sensation of effort, of contraction and demand on certain muscle groups that have been under-active due to habitual firing patterns. When we train in a more somatic fashion or, as I call it, a sensation-based practice (being hypersensitive to the way our bodies feel as they move and being guided by that sensation as a way to incorporate deep exploration in our practices) we are attuned to movement in a whole new way.
Many of us reserve this type of endeavor for after an injury or when we’re nudged by pain. When we cannot do the activities we love due to discomfort, we are inspired to unearth the cause that is hampering us. Pain sets the stage for a deeper, less predictable practice where sensations keep us alert and pilot us toward new patterns. Sensing the body on this level tunes us into the exertions of certain muscles and activates them in altered ways that garners our attention.
This new awareness of activation can make exercises feel more difficult because the muscles that were hiding in the background now have to get on board to balance movement patterns. One of the first tasks of balancing muscle activity is to figure out where the body is experiencing tightness or lack of mobility.
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In classes I teach, I often instruct students to mobilize one area while drawing stability from another area—bringing balance to life in the body. Simply laying on your back in savasana, pulling the abs in and gently lift the shoulders, then and adding toe taps to an extended arm without lowering the angle of the shoulders as you stabilize the pelvis will absolutely make the abdominal work harder. More bang for your movement buck!
As another example, a couple of my students like to add a little backbend to Warrior One pose. The extension of the lumbar spine in this pose feels right to many students because our human structure has natural mobility in this part of the spine. Yet, stabilizing the spine in this area can make the back leg’s gluteus maximus light up with contraction. The neutral spine may wake the opening in the same side hip flexors, while the abductor muscles must engage to stabilize the femur bone in the hip socket. All of these potentially new sensations translate into making the pose more challenging (this is a GOOD thing) and they are improving the function and balance of the movement, which is why you’re on your mat to begin with.
Mindful execution of movement is a whole new experience for most of us. Identifying where we’re tight and working to mobilize that area while creating stability in another body part is challenging yet so gratifying. The payoff is especially exciting when these efforts support the ways we want to move without all the introspection—in our everyday lives engaging in the activities we love.
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quackspot · 6 years ago
Hnng,, yoga x muscle,,
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legend says that all of muscle’s kids end up buff
anwyays she’s a wrestler and m proud of her dfsskjglksjd 
(don’t request more ship kids yet!! i’ve got like 4 more to draw and if you send a request before I do them i’ll just delete it)
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coach-rich-thurman · 8 years ago
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A version of #ustrasana (camel pose) know as #ardhaustrasana (half camel pose) for #SpringBackBends 🍀 #TBT . . . . . . #yoga #yogafam #fitfam #wod #bodyweight #fitstagram #exercisevideo #yogamen #yogavideos #mobility #mobilityexercises #exercisetips #yogadad #yogalife #blackyogis #exercisevideo #yogamuscle #throwbackthursday #fitfluential #sfyoga #kettlebells #sgyoga #personaltrainer #muscle #yogapose #workoutvideos #fitnessvideos #blackyogasuperstars #yogamenofcolor
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edwincourtenay · 6 years ago
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Here’s the second of my practice pieces - experimenting with the balance of colour and light, movement and stillness. Balance is key on the spiritual path - balance between spiritual practice and mundane necessity - balance between grounding and reaching towards the heavens - balance in mind, heart, body and spirit. The need of the physical balanced with the needs of the soul - the middle path, the middle road is always the hardest to navigate but always the one channel that provides the greatest rewards. This is why such practices as tai chi, yoga and meditation are key - they provide us with the balance we need in order to be in this world with one foot in the other. Balance is they key! Huge thanks to most talented @kericyoga for allowing me to use him as inspiration for this art! #ipssissimus #edwincourtenay #ascension #spiritlightgallery #yoga #yogamuscle #bodybuilding #muscle #masculine #strongman #taichi #meditation #balance #equilibrium #spirit #psychic #magick #wicca #pagan #power #light #enlightenment https://www.instagram.com/edwincourtenay/p/BqGQY0cgXQG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ej6tk738fkos
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kiaramanna-blog · 7 years ago
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Blessed with fluidity and flow. 🖤 _ Feeling quite rotten today so did a slow, much needed flow of curiosity, exploration, discovery and opening. _ This is yoga. It is not about self-improvement, it is about self-acceptance. And as much as my mind would love me to push myself today, that would not be treating my body with the dignity and love it deserves. 🌸 _ Wishing everyone a Saturday full of self-love and ease 🌱 . . . . . #thisisyoga#namaste#flowoverforce#selflovesaturday#inhabityourbodywithdignity#fluidityandfeel#feelingeasy#bendsoyoudontbreak#selfacceptance#selfdiscovery#activerestday#yogamuscle#southafricanyogi#southafricanfoodblogger#yogablogger#yogaforrunners#gentleness#outinnature#fitnessblogger#wholeheartedhealth#wellnessblogger#mentalhealth (at Pretoria, South Africa)
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cryptidmads · 6 years ago
can i chime in?
- skatingcarol (carol/skating queen) my good winter lesbians who i love so dear
- cocoabean (cocoa/red bean) cocoa,,,,, with the penguins,,,,,,, my heart
- yogamuscle (yoga/muscle) i’ve actually seen some content regarding this but not that much??? shame
- sparklewhip (sparkling/whipped cream) fashionable, classy gays
- avocandy (avocado/ice candy) gotta love the beefy lesbian power couple
Reblog with your cookie run rarepairs
My main otp is sparklime (sparkling and lime)
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kericyoga · 6 years ago
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“As you navigate through the rest of your life, be open to collaboration. Other people and other people's ideas are often better than your own. Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” - Amy Poehler ... Anyone want to collaborate with me? Not a yoga challenge. Something different. I don’t know what. I just know that I need to be challenged and inspired a little more. ... This post inspired by the amazing @heavymetalhannah13. Swipe left for her original post. #shediditbetter ... #StarWars #FuelYourForce #nerdfitness #fitnessnerd #starwarsyoga #yogafett #yogamuscles #yogastrong #yogainspiration #inspiredyogis #inspiration #collaboration #healthybody #jeditraining #flexibility #inspired #namaste #mensyoga #mindbodygram #yogaislife #yogafun (at Burbank, California) https://www.instagram.com/kericyoga/p/BsPMLwcDiT_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18bwia5anc6xl
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nbyoga-blog · 6 years ago
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Stretching and strengthening those hamstrings with Day 1 of #YogaBodyMoves and #pyramidpose and #reverseplank . Couldn’t resist either of these poses so played around with a (not so elegant!) flow between them!! Hosts: 🤸‍♀️ @yogameg.uk 🤸‍♀️ @annecyogagirl 🤸‍♀️ @trachoy.yoga . Sponsors: 🎁 @lotuscrafts_meditation 🎁 @vayumudra 🎁 @wavyogawheel 🎁 @anjaliclothing 🎁 @atmasofferings 🎁 @ubefit_uk . #igyogachallenge #yogachallenge #decemberyogachallenge #asana #muscles #yogamuscles #yoga #stretch #fitwomen #gymshorts #yogastrength #strength #yogastretch #goodhealth #yogaflow #bromleyyoga #sevenoaksyoga #yogawithme #benddontbreak #yogatime #practicemakesprogress #hamstringstretch #legday #parsvottanasana #purvottanasana https://www.instagram.com/p/BrQxq3aAMqk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3bf9kt7mhulh
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coach-rich-thurman · 8 years ago
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#quoteoftheday To learn new things one has to be open and vulnerable." -Jayesh Varma . . Day 17 of #springbackbends 🍀is #Kapotasana . . . . . #yoga #yogafam #fitfam #wod #bodyweight #fitstagram #exercisevideo #yogamen #yogavideos #mobility #mobilityexercises #exercisetips #yogadad #yogalife #blackyogis #exercisevideo #yogamuscle #fitfluential #sfyoga #kettlebells #sgyoga #personaltrainer #muscle #yogapose #workoutvideos #fitnessvideos #blackyogasuperstars #yogamenofcolor
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edwincourtenay · 7 years ago
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The Fire Element can be found at the Eastern quarter of the magic circle, it’s elementals - known as Salamanders - presided over by their chief - Djinn - and the Archangel Michael. The sword or dagger is the hallow of fire whose principle energies are cantered around passion (sexuality and sensuality as well as motivation) protection and perception - Alchemy, catalytic quickening and daring. The feminine quality of fire is surrender, as all things surrender their original shape and form to the fires flames. Fire then teaches us courage and daring do as well as knowing when to let go (and let god). Fire exists within us as the bio electric energy of our nervous system as well as the digestive heat of our body. It has long been considered the physical manifestation of spiritual energy in our reality - it’s presence sitting at the heart of every major religious act and ritual accentuating the practice by anchoring the presence of the Divine. Candle magic is very probably the only existing branch of witchcraft and magical practice that almost all of us have practised with the blowing out of candles on a birthday cake and making a wish. Finally then we have the kundalini fire - cooled like a serpent at the base of our spine released either by the soul or yogic practice and rising up the spine awakening the chakras and leading us to enlightenment. Fire - a powerful element of light, warmth, protection, life and destruction! A special thank you to @seanphelpsyoga for allowing me to create this image using his picture. #angel #archangel #ipssissimus #edwincourtenay #ascendedmasters #ascension #elements #element #fire #transformation #protection #psychicprotection #psychic #wicca #witchcraft #pagan #magick #south #spiritual #yoga #yogamuscle #seanphelpsyoga #seanphelps #kundalini #surrender
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annabennettyoga · 10 years ago
#journeytohandstand day 6: handstand push-ups. @beachyogagirl @kinoyoga @aloyoga PS- check out that tiny bit of hang time I got (by accident) the first time I kicked up!!! #handstand #pushups #handstandpushups #strongyogi #yogamuscles #yogastate #yogaeverydamnday #hyperlapse (at Yoga State: East Lansing Studio)
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yogaracheal · 10 years ago
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kericyoga · 7 years ago
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#WeAreAnusara - Day 5 - #FifthPrinciple #OrganicEnergy ... Organic Energy is the action of stretching, lengthening, and expanding from the center outwards in all directions. Organic Energy (a) flows from the Focal Point out through the periphery of the pose, (b) expands the extremities out away from the midline, and (c) flows from the core lines out through the surface of the body. ... In this variation of #vasisthasana, I expand front the focal point (core of the pelvis) out through my feet, hands and head. I also expand from the midline of my body, rooting my arm and leg into the ground on one side, while stretching up towards the sky on the other. And most subtly, I expand from the core lines (bones) through the muscles and out through the skin. I take up as much space as possible, expanding my energy beyond the pose, imagining my spirit merging with The One Big Spirit. ... With my co-hosts @ej_merlin and @sunandmoon_asana. ... #yogastrong #instayoga #igyoga #yogaart #yogamotivation #yogainstructor #yogateacher #yogajourney #yogalover #yogapose #yogaguy #yogabody #yogamuscles #yogaover40 #yogaover45 #yogagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BmSg6aZHHYF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8dx8jed4qdqd
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nbyoga-blog · 6 years ago
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Quads- I love ‘em!!! 🔥 . Particularly stretching of the quads: as a horse rider my thighs are strong in certain movements and weak in others, but can also be tight, so alternating between strengthening and stretching of the quads was fab. Day 2 of #YogaBodyMoves and #utkatasana and #ustrasana (#chairpose and #camelpose ) . Wearing @gym.attitude 💙 . Hosts: 🤸‍♀️ @yogameg.uk 🤸‍♀️ @annecyogagirl 🤸‍♀️ @trachoy.yoga . Sponsors: 🎁 @lotuscrafts_meditation 🎁 @vayumudra 🎁 @wavyogawheel 🎁 @anjaliclothing 🎁 @atmasofferings 🎁 @ubefit_uk . #igyogachallenge #yogachallenge #decemberyogachallenge #asana #muscles #yogamuscles #yoga #stretch #fitwomen #yogastrength #strength #yogastretch #goodhealth #yogaflow #bromleyyoga #sevenoaksyoga #yogawithme #benddontbreak #yogatime #practicemakesprogress #quadstretch #legdayworkout https://www.instagram.com/p/BrSF3irgl81/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rfg08gcijljc
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