#yoga wheel stretches
htlifestyle · 2 years
3 Ways To Use The Yoga Wheel | Yoga For The Soul | HT Lifestyle
Are you bored of practicing the same yoga routine? Are you looking to make it more exciting? My recommendation is to add PROPS!! The yoga wheel is a great prop to develop stability and strength and provides balance to supplement your practice. The yoga wheel is a great prop to get that added stretch. It helps you intensify your existing stretch as well. It helps with deepening our backbends too. It gives you the needed support and safety while getting your muscles familiar with the movements and absorbs the burden from sensitive body parts when you are balancing. So today in Yoga for the Soul, we will discuss the 3 ways to inculcate a yoga wheel in your yoga routine.
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leserattevirginie · 8 months
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angryrdpanda · 8 months
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hiddenworldofmary · 9 months
every day i sit in the worst ways possible and every day i wonder why my body hurts
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rockerfemme · 9 months
im like if a lazy girl with a chronic wrist injury suddenly decided she wanted to improve her strength and flexibility and started trying to learn cartwheels and handstands
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wyfy-meltdown · 4 months
✧.*✿ Mami Tomoe Headcanons! ✿*⁠.⁠✧
(These are just for fun!)
✿ When Mami and Kyoko were magical girl partners, they went to the arcade every friday evening and then went to Mami's house for tea
✿ Mami loves comedy sitcoms
✿ Mami always gets lots of love letters and chocolates on Valentine's Day, but she's never properly dated anyone
✿ Rebellion-Mami would cook and bake many different things while trying to find Bebe's favorite food
✿ Mami's very fashionable, and especially loves long skirts
✿ Mami works part-time at a tea shop, and wants to open her own tea shop as an adult
✿ Mami used to be in her school's gardening club and still gardens for fun
✿ Ever since her accident, Mami has been afraid of any and all wheeled vehicles (cars, trains, bikes, ect) and so walks everywhere
✿ Mami's favorite flowers are daffodils and daisies since she think's they're "happy flowers"
✿ Mami loves to show off and impress people
✿ Mami wakes up at around 6:00 am every day (morning person), stretches and does yoga for a bit, and then has breakfast and tea
✿ Mami has a pet bird she got from her parents several years ago
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paperweight91 · 11 months
Dream a Little Dream of Me Part 2
Summary: Your mission with Captain Rogers doesn’t exactly go to plan.
Warnings: Death (not major character), no others really.
A/N: this part has been reworked a couple times to get it to flow better. Please let me know what you think!!
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You awoke the next morning to the buzzing of your alarm. Today was the day, your mission with Captain America. You purposely set your alarm early so you could go get a workout in before the briefing and getting ready to leave. Rolling out of bed you pulled on a pair of comfy yoga pants and a sports bra with a tank over top.
You stopped in the kitchen on the way down to the gym to grab a protein bar and some water, saying a quick “Good Morning” to Bucky before slipping out of the room. When you arrived at the gym you were surprised to see Steve and Sam running on the treadmills. You gave them a short wave then put your earbuds in to start your pre-workout stretches.
You sighed as you shifted and felt the bruises still left on your hip. How could you have done that yourself? No, not the time to think about that. Focus! You wrapped up your stretches and made your way over to the furthest treadmill from Steve and Sam. Sam raised an eyebrow at you, but said nothing.
As you programmed in your usual pre-mission run you felt eyes on you. You looked up to see Steve staring at you. He hadn’t noticed that you saw him looking at you yet. The look on his face was different from what you were used to. Not the fierce anger, or the sneering scoff. You weren’t sure what to make of it really. You shrugged it off and continued with your workout.
After showering and grabbing a quick bite to eat you met Steve in the briefing room. He was already suited up, and ready to go. You hoped this would be a quick in and out mission.
“So glad you could finally make it to the briefing,” his tone set you on edge. If anything you were early, what was he trying to do? You scoff but take a seat across from him at the table. Not willing to give him the satisfaction of arguing.
Steve ran down the mission details. It was fairly straight forward: release the hostages and grab any Intel. No kill mission, unless of course yours or the hostages lives were in danger.
You nodded along as you scanned through the tablet with the additional information. The hope was you both would be in and out before anyone even noticed you were there.
“This is a mission I would generally do on my own, but I think this will be good practice to see how you work with your teammates.” God he was such an ass!
“Right,” you replied, keeping your voice even, and trying but failing to keep the edge out. “So how do you want to split this? Or are we working through this whole thing together?”
“I think it’s best if we don’t split up unless necessary. Go suit up, we're wheels up in twenty.” You nod, surprised to find yourself agreeing with Captain “stick-up-his-butt.” Not knowing each other well enough meant splitting up was much riskier than sticking together, even if you could complete the mission quicker.
You quickly don your suit, and race to the Quinjet. Hoping to beat Steve there, if only for the satisfaction of being there first. You’re not sure who’s looking out for you today, but by some miracle you manage to make it there before Steve. You drop your duffle of supplies in the back and grab a seat. As soon as you sit you feel that slight wave of dizziness crash over you. No, no not now!
You shake your head and the feeling passes. Thankfully, it’s then that Steve climbs up the steps of the Quinjet. He nods to you before taking his seat in the cockpit.
The trip is quiet, letting you run through the information over and over in your mind. It was Steve’s voice that drew you out of your thoughts. “What are you doing?”
He was looking back at you, intrigued. At least he’s not annoyed. “Just running through all the intel, making sure I have everything memorized. I hate going into places blind.” You picked up the tablet to go over the layout of the building for the 10th time. “You suspect they’re keeping the hostages on the lowest level, right?”
Steve nodded, it looked like you were closing in on the location. He was definitely descending. “Do you have an ETA once we land?” You were nervous, and had trouble keeping the warble out of your normally confident demeanour.
Steve nodded as he guided the Quinjet closer to the ground. “It’ll likely take us thirty minutes on foot once we land. You have your supplies?” Was he being nice?
You nodded even though he wasn’t looking at you, going through your mental checklist of all the weapons and gadgets you were bringing with you. Nothing crazy or flashy, but enough to protect yourself and definitely enough to download any Intel you could find quickly. You ran your hands over each item you had equipped to your suit. Physically checking that everything was in its place as Steve finally landed the Quinjet.
There was enough cover that you could likely be back before anyone noticed a rogue Quinjet, but still Steve turned on Tony’s tech that made the jet near invisible unless of course you knew what you were looking for. You walked side by side with Steve as you approached what appeared to be an abandoned hospital.
Your mouth twisted as you looked over the place, “Are you sure this is the right place, Captain?” There were no vehicles or any signs of life. No smoke from an errant fire, nothing. This whole situation was starting to feel off.
Steve hummed, “Doesn’t look very promising does it?” You shook your head in response. “We’re here, let’s check it out and if there’s nothing we can regroup back in the Quinjet.”
Together you scoped out the building, and found a hidden entryway. Once inside, the mission seemed slightly more promising. Steve tapped his ear then pointed down the long hallway, indicating he could hear something you couldn’t. Damn super soldier hearing. Your pulse picked up as you realized this was likely the group that was holding the hostages. You needed to find a way to gain access to them without alerting this group to your presence.
Suddenly a thought occurred to you, the fire routes. That was going to be your easiest way to navigate any hostages out of this situation. You pointed to the map across the hall, Steve’s eyes followed and he nodded. As quietly as you both could, you entered into the fire stairwell and made your way down to the lowest level.
Upon opening the door to the hallway the first thing you noticed was the smell. It smelt like that one time your mission had gone sideways in Brazil, turning your three day mission into a month long stay. When you had returned home everything in your fridge was so rotten you had been worried you would never get the smell out. Except this was worse. It was stronger, more pungent and definitely was more than some rotten food left in a fridge for a month.
Steve preceded you around the corner, his shield held high in anticipation of an enemy. Until he suddenly deflated infront of you. You walked around him to see what had changed his demeanour so quickly, and gasped at the sight in front of you. Bodies. Dead bodies. There was no telling how long they had been there. A while judging by the smell. You let out a whimper as your eyes scanned the faces. Women, men, children. They had taken all of these people from their lives, just to what, kill them?
Steve’s hand on your shoulder stopped you from moving. You had started walking towards the bodies, searching for any sign of life. You shook his hand off, and started walking forward again. It was a whisper of your name off Steve’s lips that stopped you in your tracks.
“It’s too late, they’re gone.” He said, voice wavering on the last syllable.
A choked sob left your mouth before you could stop it. The knowledge that you were too late, too much for you to bear. You raised your hand in front of your mouth. The sight in front of you triggering a memory, or is it a dream?
Before you can react any further Steve starts pulling you away. “C’mon,” me mumbles, “let’s get the intel and get out of here.” You stumble as he pulls you, still caught between the sight in front of you and the distant memory pulling at the edges of your brain. You fall into him and he holds you close. “I’m sorry,” you murmur into his chest, knowing he’ll still hear you. “I don’t know why it’s so bad this time, can I-could I have just a minute to…” you trail off, not quite sure what you’re asking for.
You feel Steve nod his head as he holds you close. This isn’t a position you ever expected to find yourself in. Showing Steve this vulnerability, but there was no way you could continue this mission without getting your head back in the game. His large paw-like hands ran up and down your arms in a soothing gesture, it was then you realized your heart was racing and you were crying. He guided you both back to the stairwell, away from the sight and horrific smell.
“Feeling better?” His voice was a murmur into the top of your head. You nodded, and shyly looked up at him. “I’m sorry Captain, I don’t, I’ve never been this emotional on a mission before. I-I promise it won’t happen again.” You can barely look him in the eye as you take a step back, and decide to focus instead on the chin strap for his helmet.
Steve opened his mouth to respond when suddenly a wave of dizziness unlike anything before hit you. You felt like your skin was burning and your head spun until you couldn’t tell up from down. “S-Steve…help…I’m…”
It was all you could get out before passing out, feeling the warmth of strong arms briefly before the world went black.
You felt your skin start burning again as you came too. This time from cold. Except for how you normally woke up here in the clothes you had begged, borrowed and stolen, you were still in your stealth suit. Not only that you felt the strong arms of Steve Rogers wrapped around you holding you tight.
Before you can untangle yourself you see the flurry of movement up ahead. Curtis. You jump to your feat Steve doing the same. He looked around confused, then stared at you shocked.
“Sweetheart,” Curtis looked like he had seen a ghost when he saw you. “How? Where? What’s going on?” You’d never seen him so flustered. But you were also confused, what was he talking about?
“I think I have the same questions as you. Captain Rogers.” He held out his hand for Curtis to shake. Curtis looked at him like he had the plague before begrudgingly shaking his hand. “Is there somewhere private we can talk here?”
Curtis nodded and lead you both back to where he and Gilliam would plan the rebellion. There wasn’t much privacy in the tail, and this was the closest you ever really got.
You sat atop an overturned crate shakily as Steve stood beside you. His arms were crossed and as you looked up at him you could see his no nonsense Captain America face was on. You hugged yourself trying to figure out where to start.
“Start from the beginning.” Curtis’ voice shocked you. You must have said that out loud.
“I-I don’t know what’s going on. Ever since I was a kid I remember dreaming of this place. It wasn’t every night, but most nights…I always hated this dream.” You looked straight at Curtis. His face was always easy to read. For a man who said so little you could always tell the emotions right from his face. He looked confused, and a little hurt if you were honest with yourself.
Although you spoke to Curtis it was Steve who responded to you, he said your name barely above whisper, “I don’t think this is a dream, maybe it never was…” he trailed off as he looked around. Turning his attention to Curtis he spoke next, “where are we?”
“This is Snowpiercer, a train built to house the remnants of humanity after the planet became too cold to be habitable. I’ve been here for 19 years. I wasn’t able to afford a ticket at the time, none of us in the tail were.” Curtis still looked confused as he turned his attention to you. “I remember when we boarded you were there. Alone. You seemed so small, and scared that day, like you had no idea what was going on…you didn’t did you?”
You nodded as you took in a steadying breath. You remembered it vividly, the first time you dreamt of the train. You had come home from school to find the house empty, your parents still at work. You had done some homework and made yourself a snack before finding yourself asleep in bed before they even got home.
You remembered the biting frost of the air. The people begging to be let on the train. The dizziness that surrounded you as you stood on the platform, looking around helplessly. You remembered a young man, a few years older than you, making sure you got on the train with a flash of blue eyes.
“None of it was a dream?” Your voice shakes, along with your shoulders. Your head starts to pound as all the memories of both your lives rush through you all at once.
The pile of bodies on the mission, it was so similar to before you had the protein blocks. People just started dieing from hunger. No way to help, nothing you could do, but just wait until they removed the bodies.
“No sweetheart.” Curtis sinks in front of you to wrap himself around you. “I was so scared one minute you were right there in front of me. In my arms. And the next, you were just gone, like you had never been here in the first place. That was days ago. No one has seen you since.”
You sob into his shoulder. It’s too much. You look up to see Steve standing behind Curtis now. His Captain America facade is gone, and his face showing more concern then you’ve ever seen him direct towards you before.
“You didn’t know this was happening? The SHIELD screening didn’t pick up on it?” You shake your head no to both of his questions trying to gather yourself. You cling to Curtis, your safety in the tail. Here you always felt weak, not like in the Avengers compound. Home. A tiny voice whispers in your head.
Steve nods once before starting to pace, “we have to figure out a way out of here. These people, they look like they’re malnourished, and freezing we have to get them to safety.”
Curtis snorts and stands to his full height. He stands equal to Steve in height and build. You never noticed before, but they are almost carbon copies, besides Curtis’ dark hair and beard. They could almost be the same person.
“And how do you expect to do that? There’s nowhere to go outside of the train. We’ll all freeze to death the moment the doors open. Not to mention, the disabled and the children. The only way to ‘save us’ is to help us rebel against the front. To take the train.” Curtis gestures around as he speaks to show the state of the tail.
You nod then stop. “Wait if this is real, and I brought us here,” you gesture between yourself and Steve, “couldn’t I just bring everyone else back?” You stumble as you get to your feet feeling the gnawing hunger in your stomach. The dizziness you always felt here is a constant buzz behind your eyes.
Curtis immediately pulls you close with an arm around your waist. “Careful Sweetness, can’t have you hurting yourself.” He murmured into your crown.
“Before we do anything I need to have a look at you.” Steve pointedly looked at you, and you nodded. How do you explain everything here? How you always felt unwell here. “Can you give us a minute?” He asked Curtis.
Curtis hesitated looking at you first, before nodding and leaving you and Steve, closing the curtain behind him. Steve stood before you his hands on his hips. He was scowling at the floor trying to put his thoughts together. You swayed on your feet again, but there was no Curtis here to catch you now. Steve quickly lowered both of you to the floor pulling you close to him.
“I need you to tell me everything, I’m blind here. And you look like you are getting sicker and sicker by the second. Is it always like this?” You had already been vulnerable with Steve once today, might as well spill everything you knew about the tail and yourself here.
“I’m weak here, vulnerable,” you started shakily, the dizziness was coming in waves. It felt like they were crushing you every time you got a gasp of fresh air. “Curtis has always protected me. I always thought it was my brains way of letting me be vulnerable, you know? Like a coping mechanism for what we do. A place where someone looked after me, rather than…” you trailed off as visions of the corpses you saw with Steve floated into your mind.
Steve didn’t say anything, simply rubbing your arm and nodding. He urged you to continue with a small smile, “I don’t know much, but we have nothing here, very little food and no exposure to the rest of the train. Curtis and Gilliam have been planning, I don’t know exactly what, but it’s going to be big. A rebellion. They have a plan, a way for us to take the train and reclaim some of our dignity if nothing else.”
Steve hummed as he processed your words. Before he could respond Curtis was pulling the curtain behind you open. “You two should try and sleep, they're going to be coming by with protein block rations soon. I’ll make sure you both get some.”
You smiled up at Curtis and he offered you his hand to pull you to your feet. You let him pull you into his chest, and you nuzzled into him. Although you only had rationed showers in the tail, Curtis’ scent had always meant safety, and you gulped down his scent like you would never smell it again.
He walked you and Steve over to your cubby. Steve watched as Curtis gingerly helped you into the cubby, then leaned in to kiss your forehead. There was a dusting of pink on his cheeks when he pulled back enough to allow Steve to climb in behind you. He made sure to leave his shield on his back, in case of any more unexpected departures.
Surprisingly Steve cuddled himself up to your back. An arm thrown around your waist and his face buried in the back of your neck. “I hate the cold,” he whispered. It was so quiet you weren’t sure you even heard him correctly. “How can you stand it here?”
You snorted a short laugh, “I mean normally I’m wearing way more than just a stealth suit…” you trailed off. Steve had never been this open with you. This whole day, it was like you had been with a totally different person, more like Curtis. Not to mention this was the most physical contact you had had in, god how long had it been?
“So are you and Curtis…?” Steve let his question trail off. You felt heat raise in your face at his words. What were you and Curtis?
“I don’t know. I didn’t even know he was real until twenty minutes ago, I thought he was figment of my imagination. He’s - he’s a good man, and a strong leader. He wants to protect us all.” You knew that didn’t really answer Steve’s question but you also didn’t have an answer. None of this was supposed to be real!
Steve simply nodded and tucked himself as close he could. You could feel him shivering from the cold of the tail section. The guilt began then. It was your fault Steve was here, your fault he was likely reliving a terrible moment, the moment he thought he was going to die. You slowly turned yourself over so you were facing him. Steve only looked at you curiously, not sure what you were doing. You reached for him and he let you pull him close offering your warmth and comfort as best you could.
It was then you felt the crash of dizziness, much like it had hit you at the hospital. “Steve…ugh I think…” your vision was narrowing, but you made sure to keep a firm grasp on him. Not willing to leave Steve behind in what would likely be his worst nightmare. Before the blackness took you over completely you felt him grip you tightly.
And then nothing.
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kaedahana · 1 year
I'll make you sweat, give you no rest.
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steamy chapter ngl guys im a bit nervous writing this LOL
CHARACTER: Kaedehara Kazuha - Reader
GENRE : steamy (not too detailed)
Kazuha and you decided to hit the gym then hit it in the bathroom :>
Modern take
I think Kazuha is being out of character here but idc I HAD FUN
Both characters are in university :>
I made a playlist specifically for this chapter, so i could feel the vibes ykwim ;)
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After your class ended, you met up with Kazuha under a tree outside your school. He greeted you with a kiss on your hand and carried your bag which gesture you deeply appreciate. Your eyes immediately shifted to his figure and oh boy... he was giving your eyes a feast.
You checked him out from top to bottom. The black compression shirt hugged his body, defining his chest and abs. The grey sweatpants hang teasingly on his hips. Your mind reeled with wild thoughts. He caught you looking and smiled.
"I'm going to go to the gym, do you wish to follow my love?"
Without hesitation, you said yes as the idea of him working out creeps into your head.
His godly carved body drenched with sweat, his sweat trickling down his forehead, eyebrows furrowed, hair messy, grunts and-
"Love? Are you hearing me out?"
You snapped out of it, biting your bottom lip controlling yourself and steering back to reality.
"Huh? What?"
He chuckled and asked, "Do you have your gym attire or do you want me to drive to your place?"
"Oh, I kept a gym outfit in your car, I'll just use that one" He nods and slides his hand into yours, leading you to his car.
While in the passenger seat, your heart races when you see the veins popping out of his forearms. His muscles contract and relax as he steers the wheel. You have to use your whole willpower not to ask him to stop and fuck you dummy in the backseat.
You guys arrived at the gym and you quickly went to the bathroom to change. Putting on the black leggings and black jacket that defines your shape. You stared at the mirror, satisfied with how you looked. You went outside, searching for Kazuha who was scooping his pre-workout into his bottle. With his eyes on you, you gather your hair into a ponytail. He looks at you intensely, eyes travelling up and down your figure, never leaving it. He blows his breath out.
You decided to hop on the treadmill before you get distracted again. Putting the headphones in, letting the world drown and focusing on running. After 10 minutes, you did some dynamic stretching on the yoga mat. You feel someone's gaze on you as you stretch your hamstrings, you look around and caught the reflection of Kazuha looking at you in the mirror. You looked away, pretending to see nothing. Lowkey enjoying the attention. You intentionally made the stretching a bit dramatic.
You got into the position to do some Bulgarian split squats. Squatting down, you looked up to see Kazuha hip thrusting. Your breath stops. His eyebrows furrowed as he thrust the weight back up. You did 10 more reps before taking a break, catching your breath. You let your gaze travels to Kazuha again, still hip-thrusting. He slowly lowers the weight with his hips and thrusting it upwards. You let your imagination run wild. You can imagine being a moaning mess and bouncing on him and dripped in sweat and-
Kazuha caught your gaze but you didn't look away, instead, you kept staring. You just sit there from afar, taking in his physique. His eyes stare deep into yours. You know that he's checking you out too. And you know that he likes what he sees. He sat on the bench.
He put his elbow to his knee,hands on his chin as he smirks for a second. He got up and lifted his shirt up to reveal his glorious physique all while dabbing his chest and abs with a towel and suddenly you forgot to breathe. He took a sip of his pre workout, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. All of this while looking at you. He's playing a game. 
You stretched your arms out, letting out an innocent moan and winked before leaving to the squat rack.
You pushed the weights into the bar before someone creeps up behind you, already knowing who it is just by his musky scent.
"Let me spot you, princess" You turned to look at him, giving him a small smirk. He touseled his hair. You got into position, and he stands behind you a little too close. You squat down, your bottom almost touching his thighs and you hear him getting caught on his breath. You rose back up and ready to squat lower and he follows, his hands under the bar making sure he got you.
You see him in the reflection of the mirror, eyes shamelessly on your ass. He saw you looking and gave an innocent smile. In your last rep, you struggled to move back up. Kazuha offered to lift it up but you shook your head knowing that you were strong enough. With all the energy you could muster, you got up, a moan inevitably escaping your lips. You sighed in exhaustion. Hands on your hip as you tried catching your breath. This seemed to invoke something out of Kazuha.
He gently dabbed your face with a towel, his eyes on your lips. He glides his thumb over your lips, cupping your cheeks. "You're such a tease," he whispered lowly, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
"I can't focus on my workouts with you looking so tempting" he confessed quietly.
"How about we get our heart beat faster by doing some cardio? you and me, in the bathroom?" He breathy suggested, whispering in your ear.
You didn't say anything. You feel warmth rushing to your face and your body heats up but you were too flabbergasted to say anything.
He chuckled when you finally snapped out of it, you leaned your face close to his "You know what darling? I think that sounds like a fantastic idea." 
A smirk growing on his face, "I'm glad you agree"
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So... how did i do? LOL
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vivid-vices · 3 months
what's a yoga wheel?
this thing:
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i'm really bendy so i have to stretch a lot and it helps :)
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meditating-dog-lover · 4 months
So in the past I followed various eating and exercise plans. Some were unrealistic and too challenging/restrictive, others I loved, and some were doable but I could not see myself doing them longterm because they weren't my favorite approach.
I've done sugar free, keto, low carb, calorie counting, clean eating, etc... Now I do intermittent fasting and eat healthy and allow myself some junk food here and there. I take supplements to fill in any dietary nutritional gaps, which helps a lot with cravings. I don't eat low carb nor low fat and I eat sugar (I'd rather eat the occasional sugary treat than to overeat sugar-free processed junk like I used to in college). Having a chocolate chip cookie or a sweet coffee drink once a week is better than drinking diet Coke and sugar free lattes daily (again like I used to in college). I also don't count calories and just fast, which feels less restrictive and don't have to worry about numbers. I do eat high calorie foods (like nuts, avocados, seeds, dark chocolate) and I still lost weight. Those foods are rich in healthy fats and minerals, so you're better off eating them in decent portions than to exclude them because they're high in calories.
I've been doing IF for 5.5 months and still feel perfectly fine and not restricted. And I've had a really busy work schedule since January, and I don't feel exhausted nor hungry during my fasting period.
To burn additional fat, I do walk a lot. I pace a lot at work, walk my dogs, and go for walks myself. Walking burns more calories than you think, and I really enjoy it as a form of cardio. I've done HIIT, boxing, and running in the past for cardio which I unfortunately did not enjoy.
The only thing that's left is to challenge my strength, posture, and flexibility. I have been doing some yoga to help with this. I've done weight lifting before, which I really didn't love. And I've done bodyweight circuits which I did enjoy, but it was fast-paced, repetitive at times, and did not include comprehensive stretching. I want to be pretty flexible and do fun poses which would be great for stretching my muscles and fixing my posture (my posture is bad and I have stiff muscles here and there, especially my calves). I also like challenging my body strength by doing bodyweight workouts, which yoga does incorporate. I want to improve my upper body strength so I can do pushups (no knees), and even wheel poses. I found a Youtube channel - Yoga with Kassandra. She includes a bunch of yoga workouts with props like blocks and bands to improve flexibility and posture, as well as strength workouts that are yoga-inspired, but quite challenging. I just did a workout which was difficult, but I managed to get through half of it and do some poses and exercises well.
I don't want a yoga routine/video with only simple stretches like downward dog and cobra. I want workouts that will challenge my flexibility and posture, as well as improve my strength and help me get a good sweat. I'm not going to do challenging workouts daily, but I want to do enough to improve my strength(especially upper body).
Again I don't want to overwhelm myself with a lot of health and fitness stuff because I'm just transitioning to and starting a new routine. The IF is new, so is the healthy eating and the supplementing. It took me 6-7 years to find an eating and workout routine that I enjoy, but still promotes overall wellness. I've been walking for over a decade and this is something I'm still doing, which is great. I just want to add in more yoga for strength, flexibility, posture, and the occasional sweat. The strength training/more challenging workouts will help me with insulin sensitivity, and the more relaxing ones will help with stress management. So it all works out on the end, something I can do and enjoy it.
I'm so happy I'm incorporating more and more healthy habits into my life. It hasn't always been easy, but I want to be healthy and happy.
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maddiviner · 2 years
Why do people try to gatekeep words????? If you burn herbs you are burning herbs whether you call it smudging or something else. If people keep this up we are not going to have any words for things left to use that are “unproblematic
First off, sorry for such a late reply. I didn’t see this. Anyways…
Did you send this to the wrong blog? You pretty much did. I’m far from knowledgeable about this. I didn’t even know cultural appropriation was a thing until like 2010 at earliest. I didn’t start to understand it until I’d broken with Thelema about five years later. I still miss a lot of the nuance of this stuff. I don’t belong to any closed culture or tradition.
I’ve read that “smudging” is more than just “burning herbs,” though? It’s like referring to a bicycle as a car, because they both involve wheels. At least from what I understand? Gah. And there’s no reason you can’t just say “I’m burning herbs?”
A lot of the time, this word appropriation (I guess you’d call it that?) seems to come from Western occultists who either don’t know the proper term for what they’re doing, dislike it, or just don’t care. Or they want to sound ‘exotic’ 🤢.
So, they skim something from a closed culture (or more often, something written by an outsider about that culture). They pick a term only very vaguely related to the concept and just take it. It kind of seems like that’s what’s happening, anyways. See: that guy who labeled his rune-based stretching routine as “runic yoga,” etc? Sometimes it’s a completely unrelated concept, and they just lift the words.
Again, not part of any closed culture over here (and am white). I’m not the blog to ask. Maybe someone will reblog this and provide more context than I can. I’ll read it too, if they do. From my (current, probably pointless) perspective, the answer to the whine of buuut I don’t have a word to use waaah is just to invent your own word for what you’re doing.
Also, make that word as twee as possible, for the hell of it. That’s the kind of thing I do, anyways. I don’t know if it’s a good solution or not. It all merits further thought, for sure. Will be reading the replies if there are any.
I also want to note that this is 100% not a “free speech” thing. I don’t think anyone’s saying it should be illegal to call your sparkly bundle of lavender from the New Age shop a “smudge stick.” I’m not saying that. Nobody’s really controlling what you say or do except for you. I think people are just saying cultural appropriation’s rude and disrespectful and trying to push back against it.
Also, I bet the linguistic thing in particular makes it hard for people in closed cultures to research their own culture online and find things. I think it could be true, but I need to look into that more. Think about it. If someone lifts a term from a closed culture and it gets popular amongst other people, search engines get swamped with appropriative content. I bet then people probably can’t find what they actually need, the real information?
tl;dr ask someone else, sorry IDK enough yet! maybe someone else does?
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fitnessmantram · 9 months
Stretching Exercise for Back Pain #shorts #viral #stretching #exercise #...
Check Amazon Price :  Yoga Wheel
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curedcare · 2 years
10 yoga poses that will reduce your belly fat in winter
Although you may not realize it, obesity can have many negative effects on your body. Obesity can disrupt your sleep cycle, cause you to feel tired, and increase your risk of developing many diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and kidney stones. Experts recommend that you eat well and exercise regularly to lose belly fat. If you want a flat stomach, then you need to eat right and also exercise regularly. To tone your core, you must try the best yoga postures to reduce belly fat.
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Yoga poses can help reduce belly fat
Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar is the founder of Akshar Yoga Development Centre and spoke to CuredCare to discuss the best yoga poses for losing belly fat.
Akshar states, “Abdominal obesity can be dangerous and can also pose a risk to your health.” If you have a large stomach, you are more susceptible to developing diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Yoga asanas can help with weight loss and toning your stomach in an effective and safe way.
These are 10 yoga asanas that can help you get rid of belly fat.
1. Halasana (Plough pose)
While you are lying on your back, your palms should be next to the floor.
Raise your legs 90 degrees by engaging your core muscles.
Place your palms flat on the ground.
Your legs should be under your head.
If necessary, brace your lower back with your hands.
Take a few deep breaths and maintain your position.
For 15 to 20 seconds, keep the position.
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2. Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)
Sit down. Place your hands on either side of your head and turn your arms to the shoulder.
Take a deep breath and then lift your body up in an arch.
Your body’s weight should be evenly distributed among your four limbs.
Maintain the posture for 15–20 seconds.
3. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Deepen your breath, then lift your arms and legs and lie on your stomach.
Try to look up and lift your legs and arms as high as possible.
Maintain the posture for 15–20 seconds.
4. Santolanasana (Plank pose)
Place your hands on your stomach and lift your pelvis, knees and upper body up. Then, grab the floor with both your toes.
Check the alignment of your spine and pelvis. Place your wrists just below your shoulders and your arms straight.
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5. Vasisthasana (Side-plank pose)
Begin in Santholanasan (Plank).
To the right, lift the left hand.
Align your feet.
Repeat the process on the opposite side.
6. Ustrasana (Camel pose)
Place your hands on the yoga mat, and extend your arms upwards.
Place your hands on your feet and arch your back.
Breathe deeply and then bend your back.
7. Eka padasana (One foot pose)
Start in Samastithi. As you raise your arms and join your hands in the Pranam Salutation, keep your back straight.
As you inhale, tilt your upper body forward so that it is parallel to ground.
Keep your arms straight up to your ears.
Slowly lift your right leg behind you, while keeping it straight.
Your upper body, arms, right leg, pelvis, and upper body should be straight.
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8. Chaturanga dandasana (Low plank)
Start in a plank and lower your arms to the ground.
To maintain a 90 degree angle in your elbows, lower your head.
Your elbows and wrists should be parallel to each other. Your shoulders should be pulled in and your body should be aligned.
For ten to fifteen seconds, hold the pose.
9. Padahastasana (Standing forward bent pose)
Standing, straighten your back.
Place your hands down.
To make it easier, you can bend your knees.
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10. Hastha uttanasana (Raised-arms pose)
Stretch your arms upwards and lift your hands.
To create an arch, tilt your head, neck and upper back slightly.
As you raise your upper body, keep your arms in front of your ears.
Focus your gaze up.
The stomach is the most difficult part of your body to lose weight. The yoga poses mentioned above can be helpful in reducing belly fat. They increase heart rate in the same way as aerobic exercise. This aids in calorie burn and increases metabolism.
Original Article: 10 yoga poses that will reduce your belly fat in winter
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atharvyogshala · 1 year
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What is Setu Bandhasana?
Setu bandhasana is also referred to as the setu bandha sarvangasana. Its name originates from the Sanskrit words setu meaning bridge, bandha meaning lock, and asana means pose. Hence the name setu bandhasana or the bridge pose. The name comes from the bridge-resembling posture of this asana. The pose falls under the category of basic vinyasa. Vinyasa is a yoga technique in which we transition from one pose to the next one continuously, the asanas are performed together and not alone.
The bridge pose yoga might help strengthen your back, neck, chest and legs. It might also stretch your neck, vertebral column (the bony case which protects the spine) and your upper body (thorax). The preparatory poses for setu bandhasana are bhujangasana (cobra pose), virasana (hero pose) and adho mukha svanasana (downward dog pose). The follow-up poses are eka pada setu bandha sarvangasana (single leg bridge pose), chakrasana (wheel pose) or udhava dhanurasana (upward-facing bow pose)
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bluejay-in-flight · 2 years
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alyjojo · 2 years
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Advice to Work on Yourself 🦄 in March 2023: Sagittarius
Ace of Wands - 8 Cups rev - Judgement
Regarding: 4 Swords
You’re having to deal with a repeated situation, which may be karmic in nature with Wheel of Fortune here, and relating to work. I don’t know what specifically, but there are a lot of ending cards and energies here. 4 Swords is taking a break, possibly forced, along with 2 Pentacles rev just not being able to handle everything that’s thrown at them. Some of you are losing a job, or that could be how it played out the first time you went through this cycle, because whatever this is, it’s repeated. Deja vu.
8 Cups rev shows having to come back to a situation that’s hurt you before, rocked you to your core, pulled the rug out from underneath your feet…the first time. Now when this happens again, you’re ready, you’ve been through enough to where this situation may not even stress you in the least, and you’ll have no problems confronting this head on. You’ve grown a lot wiser (and probably older) in the period between then and now. The only advice, don’t just sit idly by, speak your piece, take action, get information.
Animal Oracle: Camel 🐪
“Trust that you have the resources to get through the challenges before you.”
Sometimes it feels like you’re journeying across a vast, lifeless desert that stretches behind the horizon with no end in sight. Journeying across this seemingly barren landscape before you, your thirst for comfort and solace during these times can most readily be satisfied by looking to your inner resources. All the experiences you’ve had in your lifetime, the challenges you’ve successfully faced, and the wealth of knowledge you’ve accumulated can be called on not only to cope with any type of adversity that presents itself, but to help you move forward with courage and determination. First, identify where you want to go and then proceed slowly, steadily, and deliberately toward that objective. As you move along, cast away your fears, doubts, and hesitations whenever they arise, letting the four winds lift them up to the sun to be burned away. Ease your mind and heart, and know that all is well and you’re protected at all times. Call upon your helping spirits who have assisted you up through this point in your journey. You have what it takes, you will get through this!
Artist Oracle: FRIDA KAHLO
- Convalescence lasts a lifetime. You don’t spell painting without pain.
- Art is your most loyal companion.
- Externalize your internal world.
- Be Well-Read and Well-Rounded
- Attend a Yoga Class
- Break Your Sugar Addiction
Alice 🐇 on Death could show this previous event happening to you as a child, or less literally, it could be a part of your childhood is ending in some way, and you’re having to release it. This can be anything, family/friend related, work is here, places you used to go or things you used to do, something is ending in a way that leaves you feeling vulnerable to nostalgia. There doesn’t seem to be any choice in the matter, it’s not up to you.
Broken Heart 💔 on The Tower is the past event that came out of nowhere and pulled the rug out from under you, changed your entire life and broke your heart too. There’s a before and an after this happened time period of your life, that’s how Towers work. 8 Cups rev could show this as a person or the situation is coming back around, and this time you’ll have to face it head on.
Starfish ⭐️ on Judgement is regeneration, everything in this row shows you’re a lot stronger now than you were in the past, you’re not even stressed. You may still be cutting with your communication and quick to charge ahead & take action. You may also cut something off before it becomes an issue because you can see it coming. Either way, you’ve got this 💯
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