#yesterday was super moon in aquarius
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strawberrystepmom · 3 months
kendy my eyes are so big rn i've been choosing birth years and times (rising signs) for blorbs for ever and curating the heavens for self ship synastry is the logical escalation 👁️ do you have all your harem's big 3 picked out?
*tents fingers and nods* i think you and i need to have a meeting of the minds one of these fine days. just staring at each other really hard. super intense eye contact. <3333 happy chewsday innit
tbh i haven't done rising signs for them bc i feel more comfortable leaving that up to my own interpretation but i will gladly show u sun, moon, venus, mars, mercury below:
gojo: sag sun, pisces moon, capricorn venus, scorpio mars (ugh devours him whole), sag mercury
hyoga: sag sun, pisces moon, capricorn venus, sag mars, sag mercury
sanemi: sag sun, pisces moon, capricorn venus, sag mars, sag mercury
umemiya: aquarius sun, aries moon, capricorn venus, pisces mars, cap mercury
kakashi: virgo sun, aries moon, scorpio venus, taurus mars, libra mercury
yami since i just did his yesterday: virgo sun, cancer moon, libra venus, virgo mars (USHGLSKDFJSL:DFJ a favorite placement), libra mercury
also....LFMAOIDFJLSJFKJDF let's not discuss the type here.
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growwithmeastrology · 2 years
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Sunday, February 19th 2023 Sun in Pisces ♓️🌊 Moon in Aquarius ♒️💨 The day starts off on the moody side here in the Atlantic with the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Saturn all in a conjunction in Aquarius, minus the Sun which just shifted into Pisces. Pour yourself an extra cup of coffee and just stay in your PJs while these energies pass as they do ease up. There’s a lovely and exotic touch to the energies today as well with the Moon sextile Jupiter, bringing on the happy vibes. The Moon trine Mars which add a little courage and passion to the air and Venus exalted in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn which is deep, intense feelings of love and is super seggsy. The next couple of days just look really, really nice! Very very late tonight into the early morning hours, the Moon entered Pisces and we’ll also have the super new moon happening that I wrote about yesterday. It doesn’t get more beautiful than these energies. Pisces is all about dreaming big and reaching for the stars. That’s exactly what I suggest you do while this energy lasts, they do get more fiery after this. Have an amazing day! ☮️💚✨ If you’d like to learn more about your energies and how the daily forecast affects you, comment below⬇️ or DM me for a free consultation. Grow With Me Astrology provides astrological roadmaps that empowers people to take control of their lives. Let me reveal to you the most powerful tool that you already possess. If you’d like to support or donate: 🅿️ PayPal or Venmo @Kamey Batiz 💲CashApp $NaliniFlor #growwithme #astrology #empowerment #loveyourself #bethechange #healing #dailyhoroscope #dailyguidance #selfcare #healingwounds #love #zodiac #sun #moon #aquarius #venusinpisces#neptuneinpisces #pisces #supermoon #newmoon https://www.instagram.com/p/Co1u4ynOsan/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aries moon jupiter venus conjunction sextile mercury mars
this is gonna sound so cheesy but
i clicked on rawbeautykristi's latest q&a video yesterday which is personally so wierd for me not because i stopped liking her just because i was no longer interested in makeup content but i was walking into the store and just thought it would be weirdly comforting
anyways she said something along the lines of, well i used to make content for other people so I was constantly changing myself and my content to fit the analytics instead of doing the things that I wanted or like and I guess that really affected her mentally so she just started saying fuck it im gonna do what I want and it's like
I got so much shit in my second house right now but im still broke as fuck but like the other side of the second house is self esteem self worth, blah blah blah
so I think this transit is trying to help me boost myself esteem at the very beginning right before saturn transits my 1st, which will effect my lessons in the following 2nd house transit because duh each cycle for any transit is always gearing you up for the next cycle it's literally a wheel moving forward what did you think them going round and round meant
sorry that was more of a dig at myself
and idk if it's the long standing chiron transit in my 2nd or saturn coming up out of my 12th house to conjunct my moon but I have been feeling like a fucking landfill just ooozing my most long term mental health problems into my 1st house of body so I gotta fucking deal with those asap it's like warning me it's the final countdown
12th house transit made me realize I need more alone time more than I thought, that I have raging adhd, and ocd(idk why but that is very horrible neurotic saturn opposite very exalted jupiter to me) and like going through therapy and putting things in my toolkit and getting medicated and finding communities of other people going through the exact same thing online(very on brand for 12th house Aquarius energy) and just finding out why my mental health as been so fucking bad my entire life
BUT because I learned that lesson during my 12th house transit, it's been unfortunately gearing me up for the 1st house transit of all the shit I didn't fix because of the 12th house discovery
my fucking teeth, the wisdom teeth are coming in, i haven't been to the dentist in years and yes I'm sorry I had horrible dental hygiene because I just couldn't understand why I couldn't do the thing
drinking excessively, like I can't do that shit anymore because it's like horrible for inflammation and I literally get a yeast rash on my stomach if I drink beer and this crazy other rash I have like is something autoimmune which is like honestly from a super high level of stress so it's like part of that mental health lesson was to just try to find ways to calm yourself down, have more alone time,
the ocd has manifested into health so I'm like obsessively worried about nutrition intake(vitamins and minerals specifically) and like joints and supplements so I think this is the final boss of saturn in my 12th transit but ehh I don't know how to deal with this one yet so c'est comme ca or whatever paramore said
which honestly after laughter was my 11th/12th house saturn transit album and this new one sounds so much like 1s/2nd house I'm pumped
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 years
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Caution: we’re in the shadow of the eclipse until May 19.
More of the same emotional coldness as yesterday, so it’s still a good day to “weed” out our lives. Mercury is super busy, though - super-busy in Taurus may manifest as a one-track mind. We think we’ve hit some kind of (intellectual) dead end; or we’re told “NO” in such a definite, “and that’s final!” way that we have to be prudent and change the direction of our thoughts. With Mercury entering its retrograde zone on Tuesday, we’re more likely to “hold that thought” and try to somehow work around it.
What’s happening when:
Lunar Phase: Last Quarter Moon (turn away from, tear down old structures)
Mercury/Taurus conjunct North Node/Taurus, opposite South Node/Scorpio, 1:30 am MDT
Mercury/Taurus square Saturn/Aquarius, 7:50 am MDT
Mercury/Taurus sextile Neptune/Pisces, 4:37 pm MDT
Mercury/Taurus semi-sextile Eris/Aries, 5:56 pm MDT
Moon/Aquarius void of course, 6:33 pm MDT
Moon enters Pisces, 4:15 am MDT (Monday)
Looking ahead to Monday: spiritually antsy
Please note that MDT is six hours behind UT. All data from either Llewellyn’s 2022 Daily Planetary Guide, or the Aries Nox issue of “The Mountain Astrologer.”
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rosebrushstars · 3 years
Astrology Notes
This is my first time posting an astro observations post. Im not much of a professional, I studied astrology through books and online astrologers. BUT I think sharing what I know from observing ppl around me would help others to gain more knowledge about themselves or maybe understand something. 
Lastly, I do this because I want to. 
Gemini venus are famous for flirting but do you know they have a very good sense of fashion? Almost too good that you won’t see them looking ugly even if they r just wearing a table cloth wrapped around their body
You can check your 5H for how you feel around children. 
Aries in 5H - Impatient as eff 
(everything has a good side and a shadow side, I am a bit cynical so Im only gonna state the bad ones)
Cap in 5H - Srsly, why are they acting so childish? (cuz they are children)
Leo in 5H - play with them, get bullied by the children, feel so done but do anything for them because they’ll tell u THEY ARE BABIES UWU
The house that your Jupiter is in would show your luck
Jupiter in 10H - lucky when it comes to career
Jupiter in 12H - LAST MINUTE LUCK ( so magical sometimes)
Jupiter in 11H - Lucky with friends ( the most loved one in friend groups)
It is fun to see Aries mars and Pisces mars dating. (ofc im joking)
One is loud, one is shy.
One is overthinking about marriage , one is talking about the poster on the wall. lol
Leo venus loves to bully their partner. 
Not in the way of Scorpios. But more like a baby pouting and yelling because their partner shifted their attention to wipe off the dust on the table for one second.
Even if you have super mature placements in your natal chart, one Leo venus and boom you are a baby.
Scorpio dominant would die for spicy foods.
Scorpio loves vibrant colors so much like pink, yellow or cyan but the ones that they are comfortable to wear are RED and BLACK. 
They just like to represent themselves in RED or BLACK. But check their accessories or room color, you see those cute colors. 
Venus in 12H conjuncts ascendant do not know the fact that they are loved and ppl biased them. they think it’s just ppl casually being nice to them. 
Aquarius in personal placements are weird as eff but they are proud it.
If you are both Capricorn-Aquarius Dominant, you’re acting serious but feel awkward. (and it’s obvious to everyone)
Find a celebrity with this placement and you’ll see why. 
Sag Sun are super nice and get along with everyone until Scorpio Dominant wants a deep conversation. 
Gemini are toxic as eff and everyone hates them. 
NO NO NO Have you see a real Gemini who has gone through bad shit? 
They are so fun and loving and also not to mention their well-balanced and diverse knowledge. 
They are know-it-alls since they were born but the thing they have learnt from their dark side is when to join the conversation and when to say proper things.
I have read an astrologer’s post yesterday( im so sorry i don’t remember ur name) everyone hates Gemini until they talk all the way to your heart . (im so sorry im not a native so i don’t know if im using good eng)
Taurus or Capricorn plus Gemini placements would steal your heart without you knowing. 
You can tell who’s Aries just by looking at how they sit.
Their sitting posture says Im ready for anything, Im the best
Also it looks like they are flirting with you.
I have a soft spot for Taurus Moons. 
All three earth signs are great mentors but here’s the difference,
Taurus is super nice super patient and gives off a very stable vibe. Would take the bullet for you as a good supervisor if you make a mistake at your work. They will show you how to fix it. 
Virgo would also take the bullet for you but AFTER that, you’d get scolded for every little mistake you’d done and will not stop mentioning it just to make sure you remember it. Plus scary stares. 
Capricorn will tell the boss what you did exactly and would take the responsibility as a supervisor. But you won’t get scolded like Virgo would do to u. You would get an example of work they did and they will show you how they fixed your mistake. Fine I’ll do it myself vibe
Have you ever met an Cancer-Taurus Dominant person?
You are lucky if you’ve met one.
Super Nice Gentlemen.
Caring Independent Ladies.
If a Cancer cries because a guy bullies them, here’s what the others would do,
Aries would punch the dude who makes them cry.
Taurus would sooth them with gentle words. 
Gemini would make jokes to make them laugh and curse the bully at the same time. 
Leo would help Aries punching the bully.
Virgo would act like they’re trying to knock off the fight but not really. they’d be probably happy with the bully getting punched.
Libra is the only one who wants to talk things over but too afraid to tell Aries and Leo to stop.
Scorpio is tired of Cancer crying and the bullshit happening in front of them so they would probably be drawing a plan to make sure the bully learn the lesson.(not gonna discuss the details)
Sag is the bully. JK JK 
Capricorn would call the police. 
Aquarius is on the same page with Libra and manage to get Leo out of the fight. (nobody can’t stop Aries though)
Pisces would cry with cancer cuz they got bullied in the past also.
Hey Universe, 
Finally im writing. u see?
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dwlrmoon · 3 years
Astrological Analysis: I.M "Duality"
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An astrological analysis of I.M's solo album "Duality" & how his astrological placements manifest through the songs. Changkyun said that he poured his entire soul into this album, so I thought it'll be really cool to dissect the songs in the astrological lens because I'm in love with his artistry.
Observed & analyzed through western tropical astrology; we are missing information due to lack of confirmed birth time, so I can only deliver using the traditional 7 planets (mainly the personal chart) without a house system.
Having the album entitled "Duality" with songs expressing this topic (esp. the title track) reminds me of his Aquarius placements, mainly the Sun. I.M has his Sun in detriment, meaning that his Sun is "weak" or uncomfortable in that sign. As the sister sign of Leo, Aquarius symbolizes celebrities, fame, the star in tarot, as well as hopes & dreams. Aquarius can represent notoriety & infamy while simultaneously having the stereotype of the loner or outsider, not wanting to be perceived or "understood."
Using traditional rulership, Aquarius is ruled by Saturn who also rules Capricorn. If Capricorn rules authorities & conformities, Aquarius is the rebellious younger sibling refusing to conform & rather revolt, deviating from the norm. I.M placed his artistry in precedence; convincing SSE to use God Damn as the title track despite the profanity requiring him to release this album digitally in addition to him creating the tracks in his own style that may or may not be in line with k-pop or Monsta X.
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In true I.M fashion the song & MV are very concupiscent, & since I already talked about the duality that is expressed through this song, let's talk about the MV specifically. Pisces rules escapism & addiction & his Pisces Venus was very on brand to go with alcohol as the imagery of getting high to hide from his frustrations. This piece is highly self-reflective & he encourages listeners to read between the lines, it's quite Saturnian in nature. I also love how the lyrics have that duality of hating & loving whoever/whatever that is ruining/comforting him—I really associate this with his Martian Moon (him assigning Misbehave as the song that represents him is so... Aries Moon).
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No more taming 'bout my color I swing 'till I get, what’s the problem? Problem I ain't follow simply what I see I go follow what I need 'Cause I see that I'm loyal Imma go on my speed, even I'm slow
The 1st verse reminds me a lot of his Saturnian + Martian energy—no more wanting to be someone he's not, doing his own thing without care of what others may think. However, the last 2 lines really highlight the fixed modality of his Aquarius: I love that he says he's loyal even if he goes on his speed which can be slow; he doesn't care as long as he gets there.
I don't celebrate 'till I make it till the end Ain't time for the 'hol up' You want me be a shade but I'm made for a big wave Ain't time for the 'hol up'
This song has a lot of Saturnian themes esp. the chorus. It reminds us that Saturn rules time—he doesn't succumb to the challenges & distractions or "hold ups," rather focusing on his goal & only celebrating once he reaches the mountaintop. Saturn is karmic, it takes its sweet time to give you your rewards that you must work laboriously for. He knows he's made for something bigger (Aquarius), & with his perseverance (fixed), determination & passion (Aquarius Mars + Aries Moon), he will be rewarded despite all the struggles (Saturn).
Don't call me, I'm drivin' I just wanna keep on ballin’ Even though when you are hatin’ Woah Grab me when I'm fallin’ 'Cause I make myself so lonely You know that I'm howlin'
However, Saturn can be extremely isolating & Aquarius is akin to the underdog. Of course we don't know where his placements are, but his Pisces Venus contributes to that isolation. He feels lonely & he knows that, but he inevitable makes himself lonely which Aquarius natives can do when they develop that mentality of me v.s. the world sometimes. Keep in mind that Aquarius rules community yet the outsider, showcasing that wanting to be alone while wanting someone to be there for him. Saturn is burden & he's a lone wolf used to being alone carrying all that burden himself.
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The night has become cold and now it's a meaningless fight I don't wanna waste my time on the past time Endless shot, let me head to the top I don't wanna waste my time on the past time Burn the accumulated emotions, burn Burn everything without leaving anything, burn
An Aries Moon anthem? I find that Aries placements love having fire/burning imagery if not in their songs then in their MVs. Aries is Martian, cardinal & fire by nature, which means that Aries Moons may get irritated fairly quickly—a quick temper? But they get over it super quickly, kind of like blowing off steam & then letting it go right after. The Moon rules our emotions, & I think the lyrics speak for itself here. The allusion to the fight is very Martian as well.
I'm mixed and complex, yeah I don't know myself well, eh Yesterday I couldn't empty it out, yeah I'd rather burn it, yeah The tears that fell are oil Make the flame burn higher Pour it out, no more regrets Burn it all up and high, yeah
I really enjoy I.M's introspective & intrapersonal nature; he always says he doesn't know himself well & accepts that rather than fighting it. He accepts all facets of himself, & that's very refreshing. The 2nd verse made me chuckle a little bit because the first 2 lines look Aquarius while the rest is Aries. Not to mention he has an Aquarius Mars conjunct Sun, so, more Martian energy there. Cardinal + Martian give me that attitude he portrays very well in this song—throw some more oil, let it burn more so that there'll be no regrets. Another Aries placement who wrote something like this? Yoongi.
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I could die right now, yeah I can never lie, yeah You bring me to sky Let me be yours till I die When you say goodbye, yeah Bury me on your heart, yeah Don't you say that word Could you keep it till I die? You brought me back to the real love I wanna get lost here forever
There is so much to unpack in this little song... The chorus is a mixture of Saturnian commitment & Aries headstrong, passionate reckless energy motivated by his romanticist Pisces Venus. The title itself, the whole concept of this song, is fundamentally Pisces (his DSC would be really cool to talk about here, if we had the birth time, but we don't, so).
We're childish like we were when we used to play back then I let go of rationality as if I'm drawn by the wind I don't know what this feeling is Even if I try to pretend I don't know, everything seems to be obvious, yeah I don't know, I like it the way it is I don't know me well, I don't know I guess it's not a lie that I really like you I'm happy to die right now
Verse 1 truly has my heart in a grip. He has a rational & intellectually-minded Saturnian Mercury & Sun, yet once he's in love he gets enamoured & childish, rendered completely irrational. It's giving me Aries meets Pisces—of the moment, idealistic, just overwhelming emotions taking control of his Saturnian mind, which I find funny because he has Moon square Mercury.
Things of mine might go away and shape Will just change, but don't you change When I'm low, could you make me not alone? I could die right now if we were just this crazy about each other
Pisces is sentimental & can represent past lives, that feeling of being stuck in the past? Pisces Venus is visionary & idealistic, they're more in love with the idea of love than love itself sometimes. Here we see that theme of isolation again, his Aquarius could play a role here, but his Pisces placements are also desperate to be loved. The last line, like said before, is utterly Pisces because Romeo & Juliet is known to be a Pisces type of relationship, plus with that Aries Moon... it just makes sense since Aries Moons love the rush & passion.
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Somehow I have no strength to resist I stay right where I am It's not like I'm longing for someone But I'm standing there
Personally loving how his songs gradually grow more & more Piscean? The overwhelming emotion of yearning with no one to long for is so Pisces/Jupiterian Venus in general. Like I said, they're idealistic & in love with the idea of love more than anything—not the happy kind of love either. I notice that Jupiterian Venuses play with the theme of wanting a lot, mainly because they are ruled by the planet of expansion. Distance is a huge theme in Jupiterian signs, & they idealize that.
When you step on me like it's nothing I desperately want you to come back and hug mе I deeply remember your smilе that laughed at me While I was being illuminated by you
Because Pisces placements love the idea of love & the feeling of longing for someone they can get into the habit of sacrificing themselves, hence their association with the hanged man in tarot. They are too focused on the fantasy of love to take off their rose tinted glasses.
I don't really blame you I know your days by my side Have faded away Please don't disappear, oh
The hand that held me, the eyes that captured me are all blind The scattered hands, the shining eyes are gone
I don't know what else to say here, like, I think you guys understand how these verses really depicts his Pisces Venus very well... With a Venus conjunct Saturn it can really emphasize isolation & rejection as well—this aspect feels like they are deprived of love, so they crave it desperately even if it hurts them which is a theme of Pisces. Him titling this track "withered flower" in Korean is so Pisces Venus of him overall.
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astroismypassion · 4 years
Hey so I've recently gotten super into astrology and I read a few things on your blog that were so insanely accurate and undeniable that I've really started to believe in it so thanks sm for your beautiful blog that I'm totally obsessed with
I could go on & on about things I've noticed butI'll try to keep this as short and to the point as possible
~ rekha (a bollywood actresses) lost her husband to suicide and she has her mars at 22 degrees in cap...one of my friends has his venus at 22degrees and he broke up with his girlfriend and has been heartbroken ever since and in one of the posts it said this could also mean rekindling of a childhood love or something like that so could that be a possibility for him?
Also I read that the degree in your sun could indicate an important life event.. if someone has their sun and venus in the same degree could that mean something?
Also what u said about Aquarius moon women's beauty is sooo true.. Another bollywood reference but Kareena kapoor has that placement and she's widely regarded as one of the sexiest bollywood actresses
Anyway Thank you for your time and keep sharing your light ... lots of love <3
Wow, thank you truly! 
Yes!! I noticed 22 degrees Venus not just take a long time to get over the person they have been emotionally involved with, but the bitter heartbreak feelings lingers in their bodies FOR YEARS. It could be 5 years when it has happened and they would STILL feel like it was yesterday. This is even more apparents if they have Moon Chiron, Chiron Mercury (!) or Chiron Mars/Venus aspect. With Chiron Mercury especially, these guys remember the bad, the hurt IN DETAILS. Like you would think you remember bigger picture after 5 years have passed and the memory gets a little blurry? Not these guys! They would remember painful memories for decades, that’s why they are always somewhat melancholic. 
Yeah, about rekindled childhood love: that’s what I noticed, a lot of 22 degrees Venus experience either death of a partner/loved one/dear friend or another common one, lover from the past or someone they have connected with in the past becoming their partner. There’s always this past theme, because 22 degree is a Capricorn degree. They might get in long term committment or end up marrying someone they knew as a child or even like their family’s good friend. But it’s usually someone from the past that they are incredibly stuck on. But like I said, it might be even someone they met a decade ago. 
I think there that this is always possible for your friend. But the hardest lesson every Venus that is touched by Capricorn has to learn in their lifetime is LOVING WHO THEY ARE without their partner/dear friend validating them or being in a romantic relationship to get that said validation. This a huge one for this guys, because they are usually also so service oriented or like to help people out and are always there for others, but then don’t understand why they have so much trouble with romantic partnerships? 
Sun and Venus at the same degree: Venus (love, friends, relationships) will hugely affect your identitiy, ego, how you see yourself and your self esteem around the age of the degree. You might be also more charming and social when this major event happens in your life. 
Oh yes, she definitely has that Aquarius Moon peculiar beauty! But for the sex symbol, from what I gather, I think it’s more her Neptune sextile Pluto in the 0 orbit and Scorpio Mars that gives strong, alluring presence. I wouldn’t say Aquarius Moon itself is a sex symbol per se. Cara Delevigne, Thomas Brodie Sangster have Aquarius Moon and they are not known as sex symbol, but more like for their somewhat striking beauty. 
I was really nice discussinng this with you! If you have any more points, you’d like to share with me and you’re willing to, please feel free to write a message. Or if you also find any other observation true real life experience. 
Hope you are having a pleasant week,
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ok going to finish all the astro asks under a read more so if u sent one yesterday i didnt respond LOOK AT THIS !
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ok so im a pisces sun taurus rising and i’ve found that the taurus work ethic complements pisces creativity really nicely :)) those placements both indicate a more quiet nature so that might be true for you (depends on ur rising maybe) 
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ok so pisces rising can be a bit of a pushover BUT i think your sun and moon counteract that bc they’re both pretty assertive. i would say you’re quite self-reliant? and pisces rising tend to be very receptive and changeable so it maybe takes you longer to be genuine with people as well, aquarius moons value individuality but that might be directed more inwards with ur rising and sun signs. 
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hmm this is interesting bc gemini suns are very sociable and charming and quick-witted while virgo moons are major perfectionists and capricorn risings are super career-oriented. the gemini inquisitiveness and sharpness + virgo perfectionism + capricorn ambition probably means you were/are good at school? if you wanted a career in business i think you could do well bc the gemini + capricorn placements indicate to me that ur good at networking and virgo moons are very analytical which would serve you well 
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aries sun + sag rising probably means ur quite opinionated and outspoken, probably a natural optimist? libras are very adaptable and diplomatic too probably which counteracts the aries combativeness. this is a cool chart :0 
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ur probably very personable bc libra suns are very charming and connect quickly with people + pisces rising means ur very perceptive and adapt to different personalities easily. pisces risings can be pushovers but with ur sun its more likely ur just good at finding compromises? sag moon independence might bring out some of the distance in ur pisces rising. 
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capricorn suns are very mature, self-reliant, resourceful etc and gemini sun means u like working with ur hands and being creative which i think is a cool combo esp if ur interested in something artistic or otherwise hands-on like gardening or cooking. it’s like creativity in problem solving + creativity in concept at the same time. cancer moons also tend to be creative which tracks but also is the Big Feelings moon sign in maybe an overwhelming or pessimistic way. in combination w ur sun i’d say those feelings are either like very methodically dealt with or repressed. 
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wait ur chart is kinda crazy. all 3 of these placements relate to work ethic in kind of different ways? virgo suns are very methodical/practical and have a TON of mental energy that leads to anxiety. taurus moons share the first traits and bring in a little more persistence and levelheadedness that might help chill out the anxiety. i’ve talked abt capricorn risings quite a bit it’s a super interesting placement that’s extremely serious and ambitious and career-oriented? idk ur whole chart but with ur big 3 there aren’t any placements with the levity or brightness to counteract that so i would assume from this that ur quite studious and a little solemn/quiet and maybe some like... gifted kid anxiety? idk
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the most obvious trait here shared between ur sun and moon is bravery/determination which is cool, both also tend to be quite honest and the virgo rising means u might be very matter-of-fact about it. aries moons can seem domineering and virgo risings can seem cold, but scorpio secretiveness and charm probably helps in that department -- i would assume u read as distant to people but in kind of an interesting/alluring way, and at ur core ur much more opinionated than u express publicly. 
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ok u escaped the virgo moon which IMO is the most detrimental placement for a virgo in ur big 3 but probably still a lot of anxiety. pisces moons are super empathetic and sensitive which in combo with virgo sun.... well it presents a lot like rejection-sensitive dysphoria LMFAO <- obviously not diagnosing u but that’s the best way i can describe it. 
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wickedhawtwexler · 3 years
i was tagged by @commanderogerss <3
name/nickname: morgan or moe
gender: cis lady
star sign: aquarius sun + moon and cancer rising. dunno what this means beyond "girl is kinda weird"
height: 5'3"
time: 8:37pm
birthday: january 21st
fav band: paramore is my #1 band forever, i also love abba, electric light orchestra, and bear's den
fav solo artist: hozier, city and colour, and dermot kennedy
song stuck in my head: i've had the sopranos theme in my head since that whole banjolele conversation yesterday lmao
last movie: across the universe (2007)
last show: the x-files
when i created this blog: 2009 buuuut i wasn't super active until like late 2010 / early 2011
what i post: mostly just tv shows i like and art i think is cool!
last thing i googled: "30 minute timer" i was doing my own writing sprint for camp nanowrimo lol
other blogs: i have a writing blog @writeous and a nyc blog @myfuturehomenewyork which has literally 7k followers despite the fact i rarely post lmao
do i get asks: sometimes! not super often
following: 390 but there are definitely a ton of inactive blogs i've gotta go thru and unfollow
why i chose my URL: i just think cosima niehaus and dana scully are neat
lucky number: 6 and 21
followers: 1573 but again. tons of these blogs are inactive because i have been here ~*~ literally forever ~*~
average hours of sleep: about 8
instruments: piano, guitar, bass guitar, banjo, ukulele, and i also can play trumpet & trombone but i live in an apartment complex so my skills are more theoretical at this point
what am i wearing: cute lil pink sleep shorts and a sweatshirt that says "me? wrong? never"
dream job: unrealistic dream: novelist and singer-songerwiter. realistic dream: data scientist/visualization programmer who works 45 hrs or less a week and has lots of time for writing and music
fav food: sandwiches. any kind. i am very passionate about bread.
nationality: 'murican. ethnicity-wise i'm mostly german with some dutch, polish, and british/irish
fav song: my fave song of all time is careful by paramore, but my current fave is that's all by genesis
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: the sims 2 (i would like to own a cowplant), scott pilgrim vs. the world (i think it'd be neat to have video game graphics pop up when i do things), and the princess bride (no real reason, just vibes)
iiiii am gonna tag @fleabog @sunflwrseeds-scully @ivydecoherent @captain-mayabishop @falling-forever-in-a-hole @poolsidescientist (if y'all want to obviously!!!) and if anyone else wants to do this we can pretend i tagged you too <3
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offtopicoverload · 4 years
Any random galaxy thoughts you wanna share? 🧠🧠🧠
so ive been trying to figure out how to answer this for like two days now, and ive got nothing, so im just gonna ramble incoherently about literally whatever comes to mind, but i think thats what you signed up for anyway, so this is on you
im replaying blades rn and nias just the besttttt. i wish more female lis got her treatment, cuz she really wasn't sidelined, like shes fucking there ya know? 
im looking through my ocs birthdays cuz i wanted to include the newbies since heights worked last time, and i totally missed violet’s on the 12th, but olives is soon on the 25th, so thats fun. also love the fact that i accidentally made rue’s valentines day without even thinking about it, and she would hate that, so fun. i also dont have one for izzy cuz i dont think i can get her full chart, the site i used didnt go back far enough for like jupiter and stuff i dont think, but here's the newbies birth charts
Rowan (Second Chance) - 21 September 1999 
Sun - Virgo
Moon - Aquarius 
Mercury - Libra
Venus - Leo
Mars - Sagittarius
Jupiter - Taurus
Saturn - Taurus
Uranus - Aquarius
Neptune - Aquarius
Pluto - Sagittarius
Lilith - Sagittarius
Rising - Gemini
Briar (Late Night Lyrics) - 6 July 1996
Sun - Cancer
Moon - Pisces
Mercury - Cancer
Venus - Gemini
Mars - Gemini
Jupiter - Capricorn
Saturn - Aries
Uranus - Aquarius
Neptune - Capricorn
Pluto - Sagittarius
Lilith - Leo
Rising - Cancer
Oakley (WIP AU) - 26 March 1998
Sun - Aries
Moon - Pisces
Mercury - Aries
Venus - Aquarius
Mars - Aries
Jupiter - Pisces
Saturn - Aries
Uranus - Aquarius
Neptune - Aquarius
Pluto - Sagittarius
Lilith - Libra
Rising - Libra
Rue (Sit and Watch the Hourglass Drain) - 14 February 1992
Sun - Aquarius
Moon - Cancer
Mercury -Aquarius
Venus - Capricorn
Mars - Capricorn
Jupiter - Virgo
Saturn - Aquarius
Uranus - Capricorn
Neptune - Capricorn
Pluto - Scorpio
Lilith - Aquarius
Rising -  Scorpio
my blogs been so empty, so thank you for sending asks and stuff, idk what's going on rn but thank you, you truly are the best aries and i adore you
OH, idk if you play lovestruck, but one of my favourites, nysa, came back yesterday, so thats great, i think i want to write something for her, but it'd be pretty long, so idk. the only idea i have would be to make the time between seasons an actual jump, and to up the stakes, and im not sold on that yet. i already have a million other things to write, but who knows since im entirely unpredictable and unreliable
i think i want to try the thing where you write like everything for a fic, and start dumping out chapters, then i could trust myself not to get distracted, but ALSO, im way too impatient for that, so then were just back at square one, and its getting frustrating and stressful, especially when im not even doing the moodboard thing which was really fun while it lasted
i wanted to make one for allegra cuz ive never seen one for her, but i get why now. i have no idea what to do for her, so i might try again after doing like talia or someone, just to practice
i want to draw rainbow lips. no reason, just want to, and maybe i will
i wish i was better at art, i have this one drawing stuck in my head for months and it'd be so dope to make it, but i suck and cant work on something for very long without getting annoyed about making progress soooooo
maybe ill try traditional stuff again, i always did okay, and maybe i could draw briar or something for you ashfkjddslk
im currently playing a fun game of “am i extra depressed again or just need to get my life together OR do i need to find a new interest?”
but here's the thing. i dont want to find a new interest and abandon all this, i really like it, but litgs super dead, which is just fucking fantastic, and choices is so big and overwhelming, and lovestruck is messy as fuck, so im just hanging out here man. just fucking around
ANYWAY, i wrote a thing, but i dont even know if i can fit it into sawthd, or if itd be a good description, but ima dump it here until i figure it out cuz it kinda vibes, right?-
Do you ever wonder it would be like to to crush something so delicate in the palm of your hand, to watch the glass crack and splinter into shards, to watch them cut your skin like paper, to watch ruby red droplets glitter with the reflections and refractions, sparkle in the light or gleam in the dark? Do you ever wonder how bad it would hurt, for the fragments to slice through you so easily, like a knife cutting butter, a rock splitting waves, a bird parting clouds, a destruction so simple and easy? Do you ever wonder if it would be worth it? If the stinging cuts and splinters stuck in your skin as blood traverses the lines in your palm like water through a river would be worth it, just to watch the fragile remains of something that was once whole sparkle like tiny diamonds, just to watch a million different slivers of yourself staring back at you, just to watch the way everything falls apart, one way or another?
this isn't helping the depression thing is it asdkfjs
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plutau · 6 years
astrology mini-playlists 🌙
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aries - body & blood / clipping. | jenny / studio killers | crazy, classic, life / janelle monae | the kids from yesterday / my chemical romance | american garbage / ajj
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taurus - bittersweet genesis for him and her / kishi bashi | easy to love / ivan & alyosha | the woods / san fermin | addicted to love / florence + the machine | tea, milk & honey / oh pep!
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gemini - luminol / miracles of modern science | grace kelly / mika | lg faud / motion city soundtrack | quesadilla / walk the moon | i wanna get better / bleachers
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cancer - human / dodie | rose-colored boy / paramore | -naiads, cassadies / fleet foxes | birds and ships / billy bragg | feelings are fatal / mxmtoon
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leo - run it up / coast modern | something in the way you are / kimbra | bad ideas / tessa violet | shark smile / big thief | stillness is the move / dirty projectors
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virgo - clementine / sarah jaffe | my emotions are blinding / tennis | hold it in / jukebox the ghost | anxiete / naive thieves | wild / the japanese house
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libra - pretty girl / clairo | pink in the night / mitski | love will fuck us apart / ajj | wanna be missed / hayley kiyoko | say anything / girl in red
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scorpio - wolf / now, now | sober ii (melodrama) / lorde | power & control / marina | dark paradise / lana del rey | girl with one eye / florence + the machine
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sagittarius - sun hands / local natives | super america / bad bad hats | i miss those days / bleachers | san cristobal / mal blum | horchata / vampire weekend
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capricorn - must be nice / diners | gone / jr jr | idle worship / paramore | black sun / death cab for cutie | honey and milk / flower face
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aquarius - graffiti on a tuesday night / neat beats | fountain of youth / local natives | that’s a lifestyle / dirty projectors | how strange it is / xenia rubinos | sincerity is scary / the 1975
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pisces - humility / gorillaz | bambi / hippo campus | finders keepers / the long lost | saw you in a dream / the japanese house | space song / beach house
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ms-m-astrologer · 4 years
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
I have a suspicion about this particular jaunt of the Moon through Capricorn. While these have been undeniably nasty and cold - this one may not be quite so ugly. The reason is that the Moon will make several flowing aspects: to Merc Rx, Venus, Juno, and Vesta - as well as the usual trine to Uranus Rx and sextile to Neptune Rx. All of a sudden whatever lofty principles we used to get through these times, seem a little closer and more real. Today’s problems are more concerned with communication, as Merc and Venus tangle with each other and the Nodes. Probably not anything super serious or fraught with peril - maybe just a bit of trouble over being too stubborn and unyielding in our thoughts and ideas.
What’s happening when:
Lunar Phase: Crescent Moon (gather and mobilize resources)
Moon/Sagittarius void of course (from yesterday)
Moon enters Capricorn, 12:44 am MDT
Sun/Libra trine Ceres/Aquarius, 7:53 am MDT
Mercury Rx/Scorpio sesquare North Node/Gemini, semi-square South Node/Sagittarius, 11:32 am MDT
Mercury Rx/Scorpio semi-square Venus/Virgo, 2:30 pm MDT
Venus/Virgo trine Pluto/Capricorn, 3:42 pm MDT
Venus/Virgo square North Node/Gemini and South Node/Sagittarius, 4:52 pm MDT
Transiting Vesta enters Virgo, 1:34 am MDT (Thursday)
Mars Rx/Aries semi-sextile Neptune Rx/Pisces, 3:10 am MDT (Thursday)
Looking ahead to Thursday: transiting Sun enters Scorpio
(Please note that MDT is six hours behind UT.)
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sugar-petals · 5 years
1] BLOOD GROUPS TOO?! WTH- ok, but how u know the blood types of the idols?? lol and yeah i know what u're talkin' about, it is some kind of crazy/nonsense energy – and is extremely weird bc my zodiac sign isn't compatible with neither Pisces or Cancer lmao (fml) –, like, I feel like every bias of mine have that "I need to be protected"/"need to be babied"/fragile vibe that subconsciously attracts me for some reason that idk, and I feel like Pisces & Cancer have that vibe, u know?
2] a small example: I started to get into SVT last week, my bias was on first sight, Jeon Wonwoo, he’s a serious guy and have a super deep voice on stage (a Taeyong 2.0 basically), then I started to see some videos of him etc and he’s literally the most fragile member of SVT + he’s babied by everyone of the group and his ideal type???
3] “Someone who can take care of me” in his words…. then I checked out their astral charts yesterday and GUESS WHAT he’s a Cancer (indeed a Taeyong 2.0 lmao), like,,,,, the only “compatibility” I think I have with those signs are my Scorpio rising and Taurus venus, bc my sun are Gemini + Aquarius moon + Saggitarius mars, like….. can America explain this please???
blood types tend to be released in idol debut profiles. compatibility works best via moon sign and venus, taurus does do well with water energy. i see you gravitate towards soft characters to spoil a lil’ :D 
as i always observe it, being drawn to a person like that indicates you were blocked from responsibility in life (toward oneself and/or others), but with the person the wish becomes fulfilled, sometimes vicariously. indirect fulfillment isn’t bad or wrong, it’s just important to see the message behind it.
e.g., i get that feeling with mark. i wanna comfort him & let my kitchen magic play. tells me — note to caro — to treat myself a little more. things go both ways, idols we like are mirrors of desired emotions. love we externalize toward them is a pointer how to handle ourselves. in your case, if you’re drawn to alleviate fragility, that could be protecting yourself, or building yourself up. 
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emporiblogger-witch · 2 years
New post by Kerenza! (From yesterday!)
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bambinidelmare · 4 years
Summer Dresses
2020/02/09 黄鶯睍睆 Kōō kenkan su⁠
Dormant creatures start to twitch. Birds start singing in the mountains⁠.
Last night, I had a dream that I had the most beautiful clothing to wear and it was the peak of Summer. I was full of joy and so happy to finally feel like I was in my own skin, enjoying my summer makes. ⁠⁠Today, I realized I have been having this same dream for the past 10 years. This year, I have committed to creating beautiful pieces for my closet, that I can enjoy when California reaches its peak, my favorite season to dress.⁠
⁠Once the weather is nice, I lean more into reading at the beach, travel, and being out in nature. I doubt I will be at my machine as much as I am now, but this year may be different.⁠ This Summer, we have hopes of finally visiting Washington state and enjoying the energy of a new state, as well as getting back to Portland as we intended to last year before things became quite out of control.
The upcoming energy of the New Moon in Aquarius propelled me to finish two garments yesterday which felt quite different (completely unheard of in my book). I am not sure about you, but I am so thankful that this retrograde is not in a water sign! Those have been quite intense for me and bring so much heavy thinking.⁠
⁠As we gear up for another rainy week I am planning on sewing a Clover Apron Dress from Sarah Kirsten as well as a few versions of the 1956 McCalls 3973, a vintage top variety, from my remnant sliver purchases (you know, the ones where it is super expensive or too cute to pass up so you buy as little as possible, not really considering what you will sew with it).⁠
For me, so much planning goes into my makes and this helps me discern sewing something out of wardrobe necessity versus excess, which causes me stress. If you need help with planning, my Garment Planning Worksheet might be just what you need!
Are you excited for Summer energy? What do you plan on sewing?
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