#yes to answer ur question
plead-au · 6 months
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a compilation of recent PLE:AD AU-related drawings. sorted by oldest to latest
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jewishregulus · 3 months
um do you like jegulus ? :3
this is maybe the funniest ask i’ve ever received in my life i can’t believe someone has had to ask me this . i need to do better ………
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o-sachi · 4 days
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I commissioned art from the most amazing artist ever @marushato <3 Thank u twin u did my bowlcut king justice ily 5ever
All for the low low price of [redacted] 😲
(okay enough drawing back to nasty thoughts bonk bonkbonk)
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bonyfish · 5 months
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In our D&D game last Sunday, Dagger was overwhelmed by a sort of beaver hivemind--what our DM referred to as the "Gestalt Beaver Consciousness"--and was heroically rescued by Rhys, our party's barbarian, swooping in at an opportune moment.
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vigilskeep · 2 months
truly forgot there was that much lore. i was like “i’ll scrape a fact or two together” and i forgot i had to explain whatever the hell queen hekkata and cal’s mother had going on. sorry.
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annymaght · 6 months
Don't know if you take asks, if not you're free to ignore this but-
I've been thinking about this for a few days. If sammy and yaz live in the ranch together they might not be having the most chill of lives. I mean they're in a ranch with a bunch of cattle (the ranch was big enough to supply Jurassic World with meat so we're talking a lot of cattle) so no doubt it draws attention. I can imagine some herbivores gathering near the ranch but even if they don't the cattle alone will still draw a bunch of carnivores. So unless they've found some way to fortify the ranch those girls must be fighting theropods every other day.
I've been thinking about this a lot actually too
When the dinosaurs were first released I imagined that they would stick to the forests first, avoiding human contact as much as possible.
But over time they would start to get more confident and seek larger prey, and the first places they would go to would be rural settlements (i.e Sammy's ranch), where they would start to pick off the animals, and maybe humans! So I reckon Sammy's ranch would be one of the first places any of the dinosaurs would go to.
I hope they're not having too much of a difficult time but these are the campers we are talking about lol.
And yes they would have to fortify the shit out of it to protect it as much as possible otherwise the cattle and reindeer are just easy pickings 🥲
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sleepinglionhearts · 5 months
No no get started on the whole "new adult" thing, I desperately want to hear
Ok, so here's the thing about New Adult:
It's a genre that's been emerging lately in the catalogs I view when doing frontlists (essentially just pre-orders for upcoming titles) for the book store and I'd been wondering what the hell it was. I'd noticed it was especially common in the descriptors for the romance books, but it was often the ones with that sort of sexy-but-not-full-blown-erotica kind of book that also tended to have the sort of description full of fanfic trope terms and "for fans of [usually a Young Adult title]" or "like [popular title] combined with [other popular title]!!" <- and here it's important to note that the popular titles don't always sound like they would mesh well.
And finally, FINALLY, one of these books is highlighted by the sales rep who works with us and she's got a little blurb about it and I get my first useful description of what "New Adult" is:
"Imagine the golden age of YA - The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Mortal Instruments - but aged up and spicy."
Which would explain why they're not-quite-erotica type books, you see, we're not straight up PORN we're just ✨️spicy✨️
Nevermind that a lot of these books do have sex in them, but whatever, it's SPICY because that's what's popular to say on BookTok!
Oh. Right. Yeah. BookTok also gets mentioned a lot in listings for this sort of title.
And yes, this includes the Court of... books by Sarah J Maas and things like The Infatuated Fae books by Jeaneane O'Riley. In fact, I'm pretty sure O'Riley was described as a "BookTok darling" in the contributor bio part of the listing, but don't quote me on that, I'd have to look at the listing again.
Anyway, these are some of the biggest offenders regarding that whole "we will describe this with fanfic buzz terms and BookTok girlies will eat it up :)" issue.
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mtndw-whteout · 5 months
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atlas is this kanon in the listless universe
how da heck did u figure out the end of my stori ‼️⁉️ literally spoilers man
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tobyislame · 1 year
Does Toby like cheese?
a burning question i see . tbh in my canon hes lactose intolerant but still consumes dairy as one with lactose intolerance does, just deals with the consequences later like a champ (set up camp in the bathroom clothes OFF toes CURLED sweat DRIPPING veins BULGING)
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hungry-hyena · 3 months
Will Graham vs. Cass Cain solving the same murder
ok this got a bit wordy but hear me out. apologies if it's not very coherent
I'm picturing this. cass is minding her own business in civvies among the public (wherever the setting) when she notices the active crime scene. curiosity and her strong sense of duty drive her forward to peek, along with the many other bystanders, over the police line.
she blends with the crowd and looks around. for clues and any indication of what might've happened to the victim. only her eyes land on will who is deep in the mindset of the killer reconstructing the murder. she doesn't have the context of what he's doing. she reads him, and all she sees is the killer.
will is in the lead of solving the case. cass thinks will is the murderer and on the inside at the FBI. she is stalking him for evidence.
seeing him Interact with others makes things less cut and dry. she realises that he's not the killer, just very easily takes in the perspectives of others. still she's been doing her due diligence investigating the murder all the while. considering how close he is to the case, she decides to keep following him. she tells herself it's curiosity but really it's concern. he doesn't seem well.
will gets very close to solving the murder. too close in fact. an altercation occurs with the lead suspect and black bat intervenes before blood can be spilt. the killer is apprehended by black bat and taken by authorities.
tldr: will solves the crime. cass arrests the perpetrator. cass would've solved it sooner but she thought will was the killer at first and stalked him.
thanks for the ask!! :)
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skellydun · 6 months
I'm a different anon from the 24 year old anon looking for resume stuff. I'm a 29 year old anon! And I love my resume! But finding a (new) job is hard.
In your experience, how long does it usually take from posting a job to actually filling the role? I've applied a few places and I'm wondering how long I should wait before giving up on hearing back from them.
Also, are applications preferred from 3rd party sites or direct from the company website? Or both?
hi 29 year old anon! so you might not like my answer but it honestly depends.
how complex is the position? an office clerk might be easier to fill than a chemical operator which is easier to fill than a senior financial analyst which is easier to fill than the VP of communications. those timelines to fill might be shorter / longer with more complex requirements meaning the recruiter has to take longer to view each resume / be pickier with who they present. the recruiter might have 7 openings or 27. every company operates differently, but in my opinion I'd give it 2 weeks (excluding weekends and if you apply at 9pm then count the next day as day one). they might reach out afterwards if they had interviews with their first round of selections and none of the hiring managers liked them. the thing a lot of people don't know is that you probably won't get dispositioned until the end of the process. you might laugh that it's 3 months later and you're getting an email. unfortunately not every recruiter takes the time to disposition every candidate once they're not selected. also from my experience from where you apply doesn't matter. my ats tells me, but it doesn't...make me like you more if you apply from our company site? just if you do a quick apply via LinkedIn or Indeed make sure your resume / page is updated and ready to be viewed. i will say that sometimes a company's site is a more reliable site to view jobs bc some job sites just farm for job postings and they might not be active anymore or a company could be using that weeks allowance to heavily promote certain jobs on indeed vs others so. again all my opinion! do with that what you will! which is probably nothing bc i really didn't answer much lol
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sen-ya · 7 months
i just saw your header and it baffles me so much because WHAT IS THAT but more importantly WHY IS IT SO GOOD😭
The only explanation for pwease no steppy is doflamingo boiled down to his bare essentials
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jrueships · 3 months
This is lowkey a stupid ass question but is your username jrue ships like different ships involving jrue or is it jrue’s hips 😭😭😭
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yes !
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whichwoods · 1 year
In lsts is Aemond obsessed with Lucerys scent??? I was rereading it and the man is always munching on Luke's scent glands, I found it deliciously possesive and also rather adorable!!!
obsessed with luke's scent, obsessed with luke in general, only the gods can say!! the crook of luke's neck definitely clears that boy's top five favorite places to be, though
the area on the neck and around the scent glands is also fairly sensitive, so it's easy to leave marks :)) or maybe he's practicing for something? who knows!!
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liixnt · 5 months
the masculine urge to make a magnet renscar drawing
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phanyu · 1 month
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sorry to be the type of person to bring screenshots from twitter to discuss but this poll i saw is boggling my mind a little because like. what would possess you to not just say yes 😭
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