#IM A BUM 🤗 !
jrueships · 8 days
This is lowkey a stupid ass question but is your username jrue ships like different ships involving jrue or is it jrue’s hips 😭😭😭
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yes !
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goldfades · 1 month
last day of school today!! just gotta survive today and hopefully my mom actually picks me up before choir cause if not i probably WILL skip it cause i am not trying to go to that bum ass class on the last day of school??? 🤗🤗 but anyway last day of officially being a middle schooler and im gonna have to go to high school which actually terrifies me cause my high school literally has like 5 different buildings 😢😢
- 🕷️
SO HOW WAS IT BABE????? no high school is gonna b so much fun i promise 🥰
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exactlysizzlingdonut · 2 months
guys I genuinely have a problem
every time I have a crush (A REAL CRUSH) on a guy I go absolutely bonkers… like I will find out everything I can abt him
call it background research but damn I go into a state of pure psychosis, the other day I had to put down my phone and reevaluate my life decisions because I’m doing this for a man?? for a MAN????? HUH?
anyways I like him sooooo much he’s the cutest prettiest most handsome boy ever I don’t want anyone else but him. I only have eyes for him frfr I’ve even got a whole tt folder and saved insta reels I’m gonna send him when we get together 😆😆
also I’ve only talked to him 4 times I c him nearly everyday so im like. fucking delusional but GAWED…. will post an update hopefully soon abt him us🤞🤞🤞🤞
gonna try talk to him fr this week maybe if I c him,,,, NO BALLS! today he wasn’t at yhe usual place so was bummed but it’s okay… that sounds so bad but I assure you I AM JOT A STALKER IRL. we go same gym
how is everyone btw? 🤗🤗
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seobstarr · 9 months
OKAY so i was thinking of this one at school randomly and i was like … 😰😰😰. but anywayz, you take a korean class in school bc foreign language is mandatory (lame) and u take it with ur bffl shota, the problem your failed the class MISERABLY 😓 then shota’s friend WHOS also like the most people’s person EVER (jongseob 🫵😍) swoops in and is like “omg ur failing this class ❓ im fluent in korean lemme help ‼️” and then BOOM you have a crush on him but then he sees ur “i miss my man” messages with shota and is like 😦😦😦?????? and then with some manipulation and delusion and some bum ass matchmaking u and jongseob fall in love and happily ever after 🤗
(pls tell me if this sounds crazy. 😭)
crazy, but crazy GOOD 🫡 I adore see language barrier troupes like it’s so cute seeing them communicate only through different psychical affections and what not I FEEL LIKE U GOT A REAL GOOD SMAU IDEA I WOULD 10/10 READ AND REBLOG!!!
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saetoshis · 2 years
WAHH YAY I'M GLAD !! kinda bummed today so i wanna jus relax n focus on other ppl's/my selfship stuff cuz it's comforting 🤗🤗
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veethewriter · 3 years
Hi! I hope you’re doing well 🤗💞 May I request a matchup? Thank you !
sexuality/pronouns: heterosexual female, she/her
fandom: obey me and mha please !
general/appearance: 18, scorpio, 5’4”, southeast asian, layered medium-length black hair, (tad bit hooded) dark brown eyes that apparently appear as if I have eyeliner on + long & thick eyelashes (if people were to talk ((positively)) about my appearance, it would mostly be about my eyes), light-medium olive skin, medium sized pouty lips (or that i just appear to not smile often 😭😭 “you should smile more” “you look prettier when you smile”), (apparently) thick thighs, soft hands w/ long fingers, (again, apparently) appears as if I’m rich and/or i make things look expensive, overall softer features
personality: I’m pretty quiet at first meeting, introverted (i def need my time alone, and s p a c e), but I’m silly, teasing, sarcastic, and quite loud when it comes to my friends. Trying out different things/exploring stuff is a pretty big thing to me which results into me acting more child-like (i love learning/cus im a student ((of life)), carefree/go with the flow, and passionate. When it comes to my (life) goals, that default “passionate” approach seem to manifest into me being serious/intense and perfectionistic. Preferring to finish an objective (a project for example) in one sitting rather than taking quite a bit of breaks in between. Despite my child-like nature, it would be amazing if my partner respects my wishes and supports my goals without them being too bummed if I can’t make too much time with them because of it for example (I’m quite goal-oriented i suppose).
interests/hobbies: im sure theres more but from the top of my head.. trying/exploring different/new things, anything creatively inclined (drawing, painting, photo/video editing, fashion, architecture, etc.), dancing, swimming, occult (divination, spirituality, astrology, manifestation...), analyses (i love when things are well-thought out and given meaning/has meaning when it comes to characters, shows, art/design, branding...), mystery & investigatory shows/games/stories. 🥴🔍
dislikes: when people gang up on someone without hearing them out first (yeah i root for the underdog, i try to be understanding of both parties but most especially the one that’s being accused) and honestly... being told what to do 💀💀 (but its not like i would refuse to do every thing i was ordered to yk, like i understand that i should comply in a bunch of cases..... especially that I’m not exactly one to stand up and prefer to be a leader..but it doesn’t mean i like it LMAOOO)
Thank you so much again whether you get to do this or not ! Have a nice rest of your day 💓
Of course!! For obey me I match you with Satan.
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Satan doesn't mind giving you alone time, mostly because he needs it to sometimes so he understands when you need it. Satan would definitely let you lend books he thinks you would like (his books are basically his babies so take care of them lol). Satan isn't that demanding of you, they only time he gets really bossy or ticked off is after he's had a fight with his brothers.
He never takes it out on you, at least if you don't catch him before he can make it to his room. Satan does spend a lot of time with you, even if it is just him reading in the room while you do something else. He supports and helps you in whatever you do, because he wants you to be successful.
He rarely shows physical affection, so you might have to be the one to start that (it will make him blush a lot and hide his face). For a date he'll probably take you to see a new crime documentary or movie. For gifts he'll probably get you one of those crime solving games, where you solve the case or he'll get you some drawing stuff for you.
For mha I match you with shoto!
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Now your gonna have to help this boy with learning about emotions completely because he does not understand them at all. Though he does understand if you wanna be alone, just tell hi and he'll leave you alone for a couple of hours before coming back to check on you. This man blushes even with just holding your hand (he doesn't get a lot of affection from his family after all).
Shoto loves to try your hobbies with you and will even spoil you but getting you things that will help you with your hobbies. Shoto for the life of him can't tell when your being sarcastic, so you have to tell this boy you are. After a while of dating, you'll just start finding random gifts around your house from him.
For a first date shoto would take you to an escape room or he would take you on a walk around the park to just talk and hang out. For gifts he would get you some photo editing equipment and a new camera to take photos with. Shoto loves supporting you whenever he can, especially f you support what he does also.
Nope you like it! ❤❤
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1995lahaine · 3 years
Whatever people say I am thats what Im not and Blonde by Frank Ocean for the album thingy 🤗
OKAY 2 of my fav albums tbh. so whatever people say i am:
fake tales of san francisco. first am song i ever heard <3
riot van. this is what all the ausnz soft rock bands wish they sounded like
dancing shoes. truly such a good song
red light indicates doors are secured
mardy bum
when the sun goes down. overrated but good
perhaps vampires is a bit strong but...
when the sun goes down. overrated!
you probably couldn't see for the lights but you were staring right at me
from the ritz to the rubble
still take you home. sonically great the lyrics just don't do it for me
a certain romance. sounds like it's trying to do britpop at the verses and alex turner you are not britpop
the view from the afternoon. i don't think it's that bad but it is probably the worst on the album for me
pink + white. my fav frank song
facebook story + be yourself. they're so funny fuck it i love them i love frank for putting these in his long awaited album it's so fucking funny
godspeed. the table is prepared for you <3
nikes. sonically it's so cool and unique i love this song
white ferrari
solo. in hell in hell there's heaven!!!!!
seigfried. it's like thought of consciousness writing with this gorgeous and haunting background of course i love it
close to you. it's another kinda new/experimental sound for frank and i really like it, i think it's the perfect length and a great bridging song
good guy. the sound of it is really cool, calls back to the voicemail of be yourself and serves as an answer to it. it's so cool he's so smart....
futura free. it almost feels wrong to rank it alongside all the rest of the songs because it's SO unique it's almost not a song it's almost. a microcosm of the album. it's almost not really there with the rest of them. it captures everything inside the album in such a cool and interesting way, it's so nice, it's soooo comforting. okay.
skyline to
ivy. meh. i don't really care for the sound of it. sorry ivy fans <3 lyrically i like it but as a whole i do occasionally hit that skip button
solo reprise
pretty sweet. it's not for me sorry team
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ohmyshownu · 3 years
Hiiiii it's showbebe anon!!! It's been a while but i just saw that u left ur job & wanted to check in. You're doing awesome. That job seemed really draining & there are so many better places out there!!! U got this friend!!! Also, to quote the hamilton musical (lol), "Angelica reminds you, there's someone in your corner all the way across the sea" 🥰🥰 really happy for u & always rooting for u
(Also shownu's cosmopolitan shoot...my god. He is so. Hot. But also sooooo cute, nooooooo im not strong enoughhhhh😖😖)
a;skdf showbebe T____T hellooooo my friend 🥰 thank you so much for your warm encouragement! This job certainly had its downfalls, but I’m still very grateful for the experience and the ways it helped me become stronger. I’m super excited to be starting a new chapter in a new city! I move in just a few weeks so I’m currently going thru the pain of having to pack lol. I’ve never seen hamilton but that is such a lovely quote ;;; thank you for sharing it 🥰
ahhhhhaskldjas I saw that they JUST now released the behind the scenes like a year later lollll thank u cosmo for knocking us showbebes de*d again o(-( do you have a fave look from that shoot? I really like the green jacket with the mesh shirt under,,,,,whew what a treat!
uwu I hope you’re doing swell my love!!! Is life treating you okay? If not I will run over and force it too!!! >:/ huhu if you ever need anything I’m always here for you okay? <3 Under the cut I’ve put the rest of your asks that I’ve failed to answer in a timely manner......you’re so wonderful thank you for always coming back to shout with me about shownu and to give your support T^T
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True_for_you15/status/1283376119710756866?s=19 here is sn cheesing HARD after mbb sang at the wrong time 😆
ilovejujumuch/status/1346401119866507264?s=19 sn doing a sexy dance??? Maybe??? Ppl were heralding this fansign vid as him being 30 & newly liberated lol, he's so goofy i love him🥰
jeonville/status/1345668933987127296?s=19 a ridiculously good jh cpt hook edit 👀
I hope u feel better or that these links at least briefly raise ur spirits 🤗🤗 - showbebe
HOOOOOKAY THAT JOOHEON ONE THOUGH SKDJFS he’s soooo *sweats* his stage charisma is really something else lorrrrddd i need to go lie down mister lee jooheon pls spare me OTL
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Just stopping by to say that you are wonderful! I saw u reblogged this rlly pretty jjong gifset - shinee's lucifer was the very 1st kpop song i heard & i was immediately drawn to jonghyun. Absolutely love his voice 😊
i hope ur doing ok - there is someone on ur side over in this corner of the internet!! Here's cute & elegant shownu to raise ur spirits: twt narangayo/status/1404804831022309397?s=20 - showbebe anon🤗
jonghyun’s voice is so so so beautiful~ it’s like being wrapped in a warm blanket next to a fire while drinking a cup of tea or hot chocolate 😊 soothing and comforting, but can still take your breath away with its power and sincerity. 
ahhh ballerina nunu !!! hehe cute ^-^ I love when he gets playful like that and just does whatever. Especially when whatever he’s done makes him smile and he gets those lil crinkles next to his eyes TT^TT
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Hiiiiiiii its been a while, how are you doing?? This is showbebe anon. Our lovely dude is enlisting v soon, and i was feeling a bit bummed - but super happy he'll get time off from the hecticness of idol work & happy that he plans to still post. Thought I'd just drop by and see how you're doing! Sending u cute nunu vibes: NUGOMM/status/1335249193644904459?s=19
weeps I still can’t believe he’s enlisted. I’m like okay you’ve been gone long enough now! time to come back!!!!! but same, I’m happy he’ll have a more normal schedule and can rest and eat lots! What do you think about his nunu vlogs? I feel so spoiled that we get nunu-specific content! It was so sweet that the other members insisted on going to see him off T-T jooheon didn’t want to let him go *sobs* 
ooooooooo smiling nunu thank youuu he’s so cute ;;;;; I looooved his hair from fatal love era maybe a little too much haha now he’s (nearly) bald (but still looks so dang good hello??!! that’s shownu for you--always so handsome!)
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