#yes there is a good timeline for those who didnt know
doomednarrative · 2 years
Sawtuals I may indulge you in some posting about the Good Jigsquad Timeline later cause I'm thinkin about one specific event from it again
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stopthisshitplease · 1 month
What I would chance about the last season of The Umbrella Academy because the last season was a disgrace for the humanity and lost of all our hopes. (#1)
- Luther's jobs were in a bar for so long so it doesnt really made sense on why he was a pole dancer. I feel like after looking less hairy and buffy he would try to socialize more. Maybe hes that one barista who is overly talkative but so done with people. We could see some Karens absulutely wailing at him. And Sloaine. Shes with him. BECAUSE WHERE IS SHE???? But Luther begin a 'dancer' was really funny af sooo
- Diego wouldnt become a mailman thing. He was trying to be a police in the first season and tried to save Kennedy in the second. He would try to be a police again. Yk the Police Academy and all that. The CIA thing was good but if he cant get in the legal way he is getting in another way. You cannot stop him as he was a literal vigilante.
- Allison, Claire and Raymond lives together now! She wouldnt overwork herself, She is finally with her daughter and her husband now. She would work a small but stable job so she can provide and have time for her family. (Keep in mind that Raymond isnt from this timeline so hes still learning about the future) And yes Klaus does visit her time to time so he can babysit Claire, even thought its more like Claire babysitting Klaus.
- Klaus is eighter a psychiatrist or has a 9-5 job while is studying in community Collage. Eighter way he is helping drug addicts, homeless people, LGBT+ people, angsty teenagers in his own way. People know him as a friendly weirdo but they all like him! Hes not doing well financially tho. Güven that he doesnt have a stable job experiance.
-Five working in CIA doesnt make a lot of sense. For all the means he probably swore wouldnt work anything like that at all. He lives in the countryside now. And is a farmer! He tells the other people who lives close to him that he inherited the place by his dead father (haha) and the others learned the hard way to not pity him.. The boy maybe cant travel now but he is sure manically dangerous!
- Ben... Agh Ben. Not sure about him. He is obviously an asshole. But in the season he was more open. He was getting better. He doesnt have a lot relationship with the other siblings so I dont think he wants to hang out with them at all. But I dont think he would be a criminal (minus minor law breakings but who is counting?) Maybe he teaches martial arts? But a really competitive teacher and his students always go to home with bruises. He swears its a part of training. The parents are not amused. His yelp revievs sure is something!
- Victor wouldnt have a thing with every woman come on.. He loves Sissy too much for that. And his relationships never ended good. Him having his own place is nice but he strictly never dates. He adapted to the powerless life better that the others given that he didnt have them for a long time. But he still felt like the little kid who was locked up again time to time. Would be kinda cool if he and Allison bonded over it. (Allison couldnt talk for a year remember?)
- Lila wouldnt be a stay at home mom. She would still be on the 'book club' but her, a stay at home mom??? She has insane abilities in physical power, she would maybe be a coach. And for her AND Diego having three kids bespite begin scared to have one?? Nope those babies are poof! Gone!AND NO SHE DID NOT CHEAT.
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funnyscienceman · 19 days
Ok but like WHYY did ubisoft have to insist with the one game a year thing. Why couldnt they let syndicate cook in the oven more. Why do they have THREE queer men in the same game and not do ANYTHING with them!!!
Like yes, yes, i get it, i get wanting to for once make a story in a fun setting where you dont have to think about real life prejudice and hardships and bigotry and just have characters be silly, i love that too. I do! And id be all for that if doing it just didnt waste a potentially banger study of the characters and the setting ;-;
Like god i go back and forth on this constantly. I already love syndicate as it is, i think it's fun and neat and the happy gaming vibes about it is core to its identity, it's just that simultaneous to that, three queer men in the same game!!!
like GOD im still miffed that there are only, like, two or three fics about this, and so far i havent found any discussion or anything of it, but oh my god how different all three of them are from each other. You could do so much just with having any of them in the same room — and they are often enough in the same room (jacob and either ned or roth at a time), but nothing's really done there!
we have roth who sees fcking nothing wrong with getting kids hurt, because he doesnt actually care about anyone or anything, he's just some fucking joker wannabe that yeah, sure, probably has some anger and resentment at society because he's a gay man in his 40s or 50s by now, but jesus fucking christ retaliation against homophobia does not equal rampant needless unproductive violence roth!!!
then we have ned, who — i mean he doesnt ever give his opinion on whether kids deserve any respect or anything but considering in every other department he's pretty much just Some Guy, it'd be fair to assume he also has the extremely average stance of 'dont fcking kill kids and dont blow up buildings for no good reason??' in the grand scheme of the templar-assassin stuff he has just about as much relevance as roth: roth was just the boss of the blighters, ned just finances the fryes by virtue of them working for him. He probably doesnt even know about it, and tbh i dont even know if he'd care??? But like i imagine roth doesnt care in the way of 'as long as you dont get in my way, it's all set dressing,' ned i imagine would be smth like 'are yall fckin serious? are you kidding me rn? i have to skirt around transphobes on a daily basis, now youre telling me there's a secret society on top of that with even worse ideas?? What the fuck???'
like uh, not caring about it as in 'I cant deal with this rn i need a nap'
then there's jacob, who's the youngest out of these guys btw, fckin 21 good god he should be at the club not trying to disassemble systemic oppression— ANYWAY
(ned is 27-28 over the course of the game, btw; we dont actually have a solid timeline for anything, just the year, so tbh jacob could've also been 20 and not 21 yet during the game. both he and ned have late birthdays, just a month apart)
so, yknow, being extremely early 20-somethings, both frye twins just take a train to london completely on impulse and dive headfirst into undoing the templars that've had an iron grip over the city for basically as long as they've been alive, yknow, as you do; and throughout the game jacob has to deal with goddamn daddy issues and fighting with his sister and insecurity and trying to be an assassin — and that's a lot for a guy to handle!! Especially one who's still just a couple years out of being a teenager! That's a fucking lot and if the devs are right, then he hasnt even realized that he's bi yet! Not until roth fucking kisses him while jacob's got a knife in his throat for the aforementioned indiscriminate, unproductive violence!
i mean, granted, yeah there were gay undertones during sequence 8, but i have to admit my bias here because i honest to god cannot take those missions seriously. Roth fucking preaches this and that about freedom and whatnot and then im plopped into the mission and it's the most rule-heavy shit ive ever seen in my short life as an assassin's creed player. Like what the hell, those missions were atrocious. Apprently i need to detonate the bombs a specific way, i cant just shoot them from a distance, i have to hold a button crouching down right next to the bombs, and then run the hell away! I have to avoid THIS and THAT while kidnapping xyz! Like there's freddy's apprehend missions and then there's THIS.
at least with ned's missions all you have to do is get the shit and go… i'm still salty that ubisoft cut his questline because they fucking insist on releasing a game a year >:((
my battery's dying. All these guys are different flavors of queer on top of just being pretty different and pretty similar in various ways, and there's just… barely anything about it. Ned especially, since he's just a quest giver whose screentime totals to, like, 2-5 minutes. I just wish they really did more with the setting; not just the queerness and these three specifically, but like, evie, henry, the class conflict — like there are shreds of it, seeds, but there's not much before you kill starrick and credits roll :((
idk. im just gonna refresh ao3 again cjemddjekjx
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nomeniko · 4 months
hi :D for the ask game What do you wish more people understood about kazui? Which trial 2 MV do you enjoy the most, and why?
thank you for the ask i would grovel at ur feet in gratitude i hope the sun shines down and makes the light dance for u and you only today
1. if anything ive seen a few theories of kazui possibly revealing himself to be a two faced manipulator of sorts due to his self proclaimed liarness…. like ‘ohh u cant trust what he says he cld be trying to make himself look pitiable to the audience to get voted inno’ sort of theories which is. no he wont do that???
is he a liar? to a degree yes—liar not in the sense that what he says are direct falsities, but more like hes built much of his character to constantly disguise his true intentions/feelings as a defense mechanism. the lies he says are less of words from a schemer and more of redirections from someone who is, all in all, an insecure adult scared of what will happen if he isnt able to meet peoples expectations of him
as much as he calls himself a liar hes mad honest about where he thinks his capabilities lie, which is to say he doesnt believe in his capabilities at all lol. when amane asks him for help with her studies, he turns her down after some consideration bc he doesnt believe himself to be smart enough to help (despite having graduated from a university; sports degree or not credit shld be given where credit is due). when he talks to shidou post ktk attack, he refuses to admit doing any of the work in taking care of the situation and instead puts all the praise onto shidou. even his physical strength and skill (which is arguably the one part of him he does acknowledge and take some sort of belief in) is something he treats as less of something that he has achieved himself and more of an obligation of his—like, hes strong bc to him he HAS to be, bc it is expected of him to protect those who need protecting. he does want to protect others, sure, but much of that wanting comes frm how ingrained it is in him that thats what hes good for, thats what his strength is for (his timeline w/ yuno on her bday says as much nyway)
the way i see it, that self deprication of his plays back into his obsession with meeting the expectations placed onto him, or at least lessening the disappointment of others by lessening those expectations in the first place. if u tell someone that u didnt go to the right university, that u didnt do much to help anyway, that u were born so fundamentally wrong as a person that everything is bound to go to shit as long as ur there (he basically said this to es in his t1 vd im not even kidding), wouldnt that ensure the safety that youre less likely to ruin someone elses confidence in you? less likely to ruin bc in the small chance that u still fuck up, theres not much left to ruin at that point
in the end ig what i wish more ppl understood abt kazui is that hes a liar yes, but not a manipulator. he lies to stay safe, not to be a sadist or whatever. you cant take what he says at face value (in much the same way u cant do the same for any other prisoner tbh), but that does not mean u shldnt take anything he says srsly at all!!!
2. ok this one i have to give a bit of thought, mostly bc i cant pick just one
if the standards were which t2 mv do i enjoy for its direction music n visual wise, purge march takes the cake so quickly. the music itself is so bomb (which like, i cant even find a logical explanation as to why… its just so good to listen to) n the mv itself does such a great job at creating the right atmosphere, both in its flashy theatrics and the subtle uncanniness under it. mayb i have a slight bias bc tpm was the whole reason i got into milgram in the first place, but i stand by it idccc
aesthetic wise, def all knowing and all agony. the horror elements r genuinely disturbing, but not so overbearing that it overwrites the pop style that milgram has going on. i luove the use of amber for blood, plus the filters that remind me of found footage u usually see show up in asian horror movies. i think i was actually terrified the first time i watched the mv
symbolic wise, its cat always and forever god bless. it takes advantage of its aesthetics to hint at subtle secrets so well that it makes me giddy as hell. the use of colors as a part of the set, the transitions frm scene to scene having its own part in making the story, n honestly making the bg more blank than usual readjusts the focus of the mv on what matters p well. i cant mention every detail rn or else id be here all day
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kookblurx · 1 year
1920 - jjk [chpt 2. ]
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→ SUMMARY: a photo of a beautiful smiling boy; an old tree in your grandparents garden ... and a feeling of sadness. all those things are connected to each other ...
→ GENRE: time travel au; changing fate au; rencarnation au; university au; death; sickness; historical setting; trigger topics; smut; dirty talk; switching between present and the past.
→ chapt. 1 / chapt. 3
→ RATING: 18+
→ NOTE: thank you for blowing up the first chapter with so many reblogs and welcome to all new followers. also if there are any creative people among us, feel free to design a header for this story. i will try to include every pic in the next chapters + linking your account. ( no must! ). Also please enjoy the second chapter <3 DISCLAIMER; this is a piece of art, not many events will be historically correctly.
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The Past:
as you fell down into the grass again the boy looked at you more than confused; probably because of the strange clothes you were wearing. he never saw a woman wear pants before, at least not such weird ones. you on the other hand looked wide eyes up to him as he scanned your whole appearance. yes right now you didnt looked really good as your hair was standig in various directions. still that wasnt a reason to stare at you like this. you crumpled the photo up with your hand before putting it in the back pocket of your jeans. seems like you are stuck here now for a while, at least until you would manage to go back. the wind and the weird voice was gone also the force which pushed you through the tree. wait, of course the tree. you were quick back onto your feed before running to the tree again. from behind you could heard the footsteps of the boy following you. he must think you are crazy as your hands searched for something "unusal" on the tree trunk. there was nothing. the wood felt strong and didnt budged against your pushing or pulling.
"what the hell ...? how?"
your mind was still in denial that you really fell right through it. this must be a joke from your grandparents, for sure. you probably forgot to water the plants or something, before running into the library.
"are you okay? you look .. restless" from behind you could feel a hand on your shoulder. "yes, yes im fine ... just a little bit confused i think?" "maybe i can help you with that? are you looking for something?"
as you turned around; your eyes became a bit puffy and started to burn. normally you didnt cried that easily but now you were stuck in a place you didnt knew.
"what year do we have ..?" your question left the boy speechless for a second "uh .. 1920 why are you asking?"
1920 ... the same date as on the photo. this cant be possible. there is no way you just travelled back in time, standing in front of a boy who should be dead. was this a sign? a sign that you were the one who should help him from his fate? for a moment you just stood there, thinking about the possibilities. changing fate can be fatal, for this timeline and for your own. what would change if you were able to save him? something must change.
"jungkook! Jungkook where are you?!"
another voice from a young man starteled you. how many of them were here? at least you figured something out, the boy in front of you was, indeed, jungkook. the one, the voice of the woman called out for inside your mind. while you were deep in thoughts; jungkook turned around to wave at his friend. that said friend panted a bit as he climbed up the hill.
"what the hell are you doing up here? the others are looking everywhere for you" with a heavy sigh the boy ran his hand through his hair. "uh well ... i found her here. i dont know who she is but ... she seems lost"
as jungkook mentioned you, you finally came back to your senses. scanning the area you noticed that the two of you werent alone anymore. upon seeing the other boy, your heart suddenly stopped again. thats not possible. he cant be here too.
"yo, you. whats your name?"
lifting one of his eyebrows the boy looked at you, waiting for an answer ... which didnt came. instead you took a few steps forward, cupping his cheeks between your hands. the stranger jumped immediately because of the sudden touch. no wonder; they lived in a time were woman werent so straight forward. both of his cheeks grew red as he looked helpless to jungkook. instead of helping him, jungkook just stood there laughing at his friend. you squinted your eyes a bit, they really looked alike. the same eyes, the same confused expression hence even the hair is the same.
"whats your name?" now you were the one asking the question. still a bit lost the boy looked at you "m-me? ... im jimin, park jimin"
slowly you let go of his cheeks. this isnt a coincidence, if you are really back in 1920 there was a high chance that this person is your crush's ancestor. at least thats what is probably happening here.
"okay alright this is crazy but .. i will play along for now. im y/n ... you are jimin and you are jungkook right?" jimin widened his eyes; he looked at you like you just killed someone "hold on; dont speak so informal with him." slightly confused you looked over at jungkook, he didnt looked like a prince or someone else from the royal family "what do you mean?" "you must be new around here ... but in front of you stands Jeon Jungkook. The berserk ... the one who won every single war for our holy land!" jimin must really think highly of jungkook as he stretched his arms out.
a war hero. you tucked this information away into the corner of your mind. if you ever came back home you would check his name in your grandparent library. to be honest on the first glance jungkook didnt looked like an berserker, more like a normal farm boy. his features on his face were soft and he had a beautiful smile. nothing which screamed "berserker" into someones face. but who knows how war heroes really looked like in this time. your gaze went back to the tree as the two boys started to quarrel with each other. somehow you already missed your family, they must be worried sick about your dissapearance. the picture suddenly felt really heavy as another wind came up ... and there it was again... the faint voice:
"you must save him... you must save him for your future"
"... what?" you turned around but no one was there.
jungkook and jimin were gone .. and right in front of you were your grandparents mansion again. what is going on here? did you really just relieved a memory snippet of this place?
"this isnt funny anymore! come out!" you screamed at the tree right in front of you.
first there was silence and then out of nowhere small little hands appeared on the tree trunk. a small head popped out behind it. for a moment you believed that you totally lost your mind now. it was a little fairy, smaller than your thumb. shyly she flew into your direction, fidgeting with her fingers.
"did you pushed me through the tree?" she nodded. "... please tell me what is going on? where are jungkook and jimin?" slowly the little fairy opened her mouth "i needed to bring you back in order ... to explain everything to you. if they would had saw me ... they would declared you as a witch."
this whole thing became more and more complicated. "okay so ... what is going on here?" the fairy suddenly had a serious expression on her face "listen to me. my power is limited .. in order to let you travel back ... i need you to find trigger points to certain events in the past. they are all hidden inside this mansion ... with every object or info you can find ... you will be able to stay there longer"
your head started to hurt. why you? why is it so important that you are the one.
"got it but .. why me? what does this have to do with me?" the fairy bit down on her bottom lip "i cant tell you ... you need to discover it for yourself what your role is ... the only thing i need to tell you is .. that you MUST save him. please." saving a war hero ... of course its not an easy task considering all the battlefields he needs to go. "fine but how?" "you need to look into his death more. no source documented what really happened... but your grandparents have a grand collection of books. find out what happened ... so you ...will be ... able to ... go"
with every word the fairy faded away more and more until you were back alone on the hill. your hand reached into your back pocket, grabbing the picture again. the only info you had was the year, the place ... his name and what he was.
"great .."
with a heavy sight you walked down from the hill, the first direction will be your laptop. maybe some history nerd already researched those events back then. according to jimin, jungkook was pretty famous ... so there must be some kind of records, right?
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littleseasalt · 9 months
ok, i worked out fueled by grief over qforever, had breakfast and took a shower so now im more recomposed to be sappy about forever like kia did on her profile despite the fact that i did not sleep at all this night. full text under the cut to not clog the tag and YES I AM GONNA TAG THIS TEXT BECAUSE WE DROVE THE FOREVER BUS I FEEL LIKE WE'RE ALLOWED TO DO THIS IF WE WANT TO 🗣️🗣️
The qsmp is my first direct experience with mcrp and this kind of smp. Previously, my only contact with stuff like this had been dealing with Dream stans on twitter so uh. Not a good light. Before the qsmp i really had a negative view on mcyt and its fans in general (specially when it comes to shipping because i didnt really understood at the time). Then, suddenly on my twitter I saw a commotion about brazilians joining a gringo minecraft series, and that kinda make me go "? interesting", but I didn't really thought much. Then, my uruguayan friend send me the brazilians announcement when it happened, asking me if I knew those streamers.
Now! Fun fact! Unlike 95% of the brazilians in this fandom, these people were, in fact, not my childhood. I knew who Cellbit, Felps and Tazercraft were, of course, they were/are famous as hell. But, at the time they were at the peak of brazilian mcyt, my side of mcyt was the opposite of theirs (I was a rezendeevil fan. long story one day we need to put all the gringos up to brazilian mcyt lore), and previously I had only watched the old guard of brazilian mcyt (venom extreme kind of stuff). FUN FACT! I HAD NO FUCKING IDEA WHO FOREVER WAS! I had literally never heard of that man before and it just seemed so random to me, a random ass guy put along Cellbit, Felps and Tazercraft FEKWGFOIKWRRE
Now, due to them not being my childhood, I didn't really care about the qsmp. Like, oh, cool, brazilians are joining. But that was it to me, I had no interest in watching it at all. Then, the brazilians first day happened while I was sleeping, and my tl was FLOODING with videos about it. I saw fun clips of Cellbit, Felps and Tazercraft and found them funny, but that was it. After that I was just gonna ignore whenever it showed up on my timeline, block tags if necessary.
...And then I started seeing clips of Forever and Philza. And it was the most HILARIOUS stuff I had seen through the week. It was their interactions that made me be ok with the qsmp constantly showing up on my timeline, and it was their interactions that made me be somewhat more okay with mcrp.
So, fast foward a month. By then, I was used to qsmp clips showing up to me and some tweets about it, and then regret arc and guapoduo happened. This made me actually get interested in actively keeping up with the qsmp instead of just waiting for stuff to show up at my timeline. After a few days, I decided I'd hope on a qsmp stream just to see how things are.
This is the fun part: I was meant to be a Cellbit main, considering how it was regret and guapoduo what motivated me to watch a qsmp stream. But when I decided to hop on, Cellbit wasn't streaming but Forever was, and I was like "oh its the philza guy right? yeah im okay watching him" and decided to hop on. I think the first stream of his I watched was the one where he set up the Jaiden stasis chamber at the ordo.
And honestly, at first I tried really hard to keep up with Cellbits pov whenever Cellbit was streaming at the same time as Forever, but it just got harder. I don't know exactly what called me into Forever's pov at the time- maybe it was his relationship with Richas, maybe it was the way Forever was handling rp at the time, which had (and when he's not 100% loreing, still has) a thin layer of meta that just aligned with my current views on mcrp at the time. But Forever ended up being the pov I grew most attached and used to. I'd watch tazercraft during afternoons, sure, and I love them! But the moment Forever would open stream I'd come over running to him. I'd watch Cellbit when Forever wasn't on, but between the two, I'd always pick Forever.
And honestly, as a main Forever pov with a private twitter account and a tumblr lurker at the time BOY it was hard. my man was getting hate for some stupid shit and elections arc is a whole can of worms im not gonna open right now. But I'd never expected to grew so attached to a minecraft pov and to actually keep up with a streamer before- after 2016 I kinda just fell out of keeping up with youtubers/streamers.
And then we have the happy pills arc. This arc CHANGED my brain chemistry. But the pre happy pills arc stream, the one with the clock, I think that's the marking point for me. Because I cried when he wrote the letter to Richas, and let me tell you something, I don't cry easily watching media. The only times I had previously cried were:
Opening up KH3 and hearing dearly beloved for the first time (I had spent MY WHOLE LIFE SINCE 2013 waiting for KH3)
"Unsaid Emily" from Julie and the Phantoms (I have issues with my mom.)
Super Sonic in Sonic 2 movie ( Im a big sonic fan lmao)
So the fact that I cried with that letter SHOCKED ME. Never in a million years I'd have thought I would be crying over minecraft rp. And then in the next day he pulls the rug from underneath out of his viewers feets with the happy pills arc, surprising EVERYONE. The happy pills arc is still my favorite qsmp arc of them all and I hold it very close to my heart.
I think it's kinda funny that I kinda had the same evolution towards rp as Forever did- at the beginning the thought rp was cringe and said he'd only play normal minecraft in the qsmp, and now he delivered us two AMAZING arcs full of rp (I'm never getting over him smiling and crying to richarlystone and the black make up with the bleached hair, what the fuck)
I think I just fried my no sleep brain after writing all this cause Idk what else to write LOL. I appreciate cc!forever a lot for all he has brought to the table in the qsmp, for how he started as "haha funny brazilian man with his antics screaming and being funny obsessed over philza" and ended with one of the most tragic qsmp characters ever. I appreciate cc!forever for changing my view towards mcrp.
And also thank quackity for inviting forever to the qsmp and thank philza for having a urahara skin LMAO things would have gone very different for me if it wasnt for them.
I'll be keeping up with stonkscraft 3, but whenever forever comes back to the qsmp I'll be ready with my arms open to embrace what this man brings to the qsmp <3
also I WAS NOT KIDDING WHEN I SAID MY GRIEF OVER QFOREVER SERVED AS A FUEL FOR MY WORK OUT. i never progressed so much weight before (my leg press is insane wtf) and never did such a well done cardio on a >leg day< before what the actual shit
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thedeafprophet · 5 months
2, 9, 21 Alex?
2. Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child?
Yes, yes, and yes.
I dont think Alex neccesarily tends to plants often in his day to day - and quite frankly, it wouldnt occur to him to dedicate time to it. He'd probably brush it off as a bit of a silly hobby and not get the point... but in alternative timeline where Alex was able to settle down with a garden? I think it'd wel.. grow on him lol. And for the matter if someone asked him to do it, he could take care of a plant for someone else.
Alex would be good with pets, though he's not particularly inclined to the more loud and energy intensive animals. He is a cat himself afterall, so not too keen on dogs. But in general, yea, he can take care of a pet. Its so keenly important to picture Alex taking care of a bunch of rescued kittens who he dotes on and cares for.... grumpy man covered in a pile of kittens.
and well... we all know Alex is Dad Man. which is very complicated for him, given his past. Without the forced nature of light fingers, I don't know if he wouldve allowed himself too - certainly not as soon. Alex was always terrified of turning out like his father, worried that he'd risk lashing out at any potential kids.
Of course, the fear was unfounded. He doesn't understand, how anyone could treat kids poorly.
9. Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
No, not particularly. Not at all really. Alex tends to be far more on the low empathy side of autism, struggles to empathize with people already and objects dont fair much better. Things are just.... things.
That isnt to say he isn't attached to things (goodness knows why else he stays in that apartment) but like, emotionally he's not big on the whole empathizing with objects things. Would not understand the concept.
21. What would it take for them to break up with someone? What would be the last straw?
Gee. I Wonder Who This Could Be About
The thing is like Alex is so heavily aro-spec that the scenarios of him dating in the first place are very, very minimal. and in those situations its so complex that a final straw really..... isn't qite so clear cut.
The thing with Fires is that Alex is already breaking so many morals being with it in the first place - its not like he activly chose to pursue it or develop feelings for it. He still hates so much about it... and yet.
He did briefly try to 'break up' with it as it went but that didnt end up working lmao
and i mean... lets be real. at a certain point would fires 'let' a break up happen? I mean certainly it could do somethin to push the dynamic past the point of no return, but well, such paths would be far, far more complicated then simply being able to walk away from the relationship.
Ask Game From Here
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crguang · 4 days
ok honestly im kinda done w genshin atp, like the story is okay, the whitewashing tho is pissing me off tho, um idk, i like the game play, and also i gotta get to sneznaya or wtv when that comes out. and did u just not like the sumeru characters bc more of them are men.../j i still dont have yelan or arle very sad...they're like top 10 genshin characters for me, i was too broke to pull for them when they were running
ALSO that's not what i meant abt natasha, like as a character shes good and i like her, and her story is good, i dont dislike her, what i meant is that i cant be attracted to her, like idk...bc all the stuff u listed i should like her, so like idk. i dont skip story, i did her sq, so maybe it is just the fact that shes a doctor, like that was how she was presented at first and i just cant look past it ok... my mom was a doctor so i just cant...my mommy issues strike again, and i just dont rlly like doctors in general havent had good experiences w them before, so i cant be attracted to one...idk, like ik shes like way more than that. and i did get a few adds for her so its prob that as well that kind messed with my perception of her at the beginning, the only hsr adds i every got continously was kafkas trailer.
tbh i shouldve realized i liked women when i saw kafka dragging her fingers across a wall wish i was that wall with like her voice in the background and that was what made me decide to play the game. they know what they're doing...
speaking of which i got her other two messages, shes ridiculous, like i cant believe she can just go to a movie theater like that, and her checking up on you...i did scream. shes pathetic... honestly her being into phycological thrillers makes sm sense, so she was def seeing one of those. and i think shes exposing herself bc of both of the reasons you listed (also like it being on a burner acc incase she gets rejected...i obviously wasnt mean to her tho).
honestly im just shy sat okay...thats why im an anon, but it is funny, since we're all reading ur smut, and thirsting over everyone together.
i did sleep i promise, i dont really like taking medicine, again doctor stuff, but i'll been taking some melatonin bc last night it took be 3 and a half hours to sleep and ive been drinking tea and stuff, but ill be going to sleep after this. wish me luck.
i also wanted to last until snezhnaya like i remember a few years ago when the first fatui trailer dropped after inazuma and my entire timeline went crazyyyy, people who didn’t play the game anymore got back into it just for the fatui like they really united everyone… but since the characters and stories dont do anything for me now i personally never feel like playing. and yes i actually was so bored with sumeru because im not interested in men at all dhfjgkgk but also the whitewashing there pissed me off and how they nerfed dehya and made her a horrible standard character was so annoying like i didnt pull for a single sumeru character 😭 arle/yelan is an insane duo, my yelan is great cause shes been my main for years so she doesn’t need anyone but adding arle is just cheating fr. look at my favs beefing (clorinde was there for the friendship points😪)
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i thought you disliked nat because you said your friend thought you disliked her bc she was a doctor, but it makes sense if you’ve had bad experiences with healthcare professionals and are reminded of them when you see doctors. personally i love when people who work in healthcare actually care about the patients they have because it’s quite literally life saving and sooo many of them dont give a fuck, that’s why i adore natasha a lot. it’s totally fine if you’re not attracted to her, you don’t have to be!
kafka’s trailer changed my brain chemistry and i can recite it by heart from how often ive watched it. they definitely knew what they were doing especially with these shots like can i please be that guy… i’ll take the bullet too idgaf. AND YES THE MOVIE THEATER SHES SUCH A LOSERRR, THE “my life is an action movie btw lol haha” when the tb says they like action films is so ridiculous. i need to look up her other answers but when she said the action movies lacked immersion i pat myself on the back for writing that she likes psychological thrillers over horror or any other genre like i know her for real… im literally inside her head.
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im glad youre sleeping even if it takes a little while!! hopefully your internal clock stops messing woth you and allows you to get some good rest
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actualbird · 2 years
//CN... theories? spoilers? i'm not sure which one this is.
People are saying that Marius' third solo SSR is hinting towards the existence of a "darker" marius, per se, and that this could be the angst in the prologue.
From what I can tell, those comments are saying that the Marius illustration (with shattering glass) is from a dream. A dream that apparently, both of us are in. The game hinted towards Marius having had that dream for a long time. (desperately trying to avoid spoilers as i say this)
I'm planning to watch this card soon, but I'm just thinking. The prologue. Painting of crying Rosa. Marius' disappearance.
The implication of a darker Marius also comes with the implication that he's falling more and more in love with us, but in the growing obsession way.
And wouldn't that be something worth crying over?
Just the potential of watching him, knowing him before, knowing him this whole time, and knowing he wasn't like this before but being completely unable to stop him. and the guilt of the thought that "Marius wasn't like this before he met me, so if he never met me, this probably wouldn't have happened."
The possibility of this deeply obsessive marius, this marius who wouldn't let us go makes me vibrate in excitement but at the same time, NOOOOOOOOO LET HIM GO BACK TO THE INNOCENT BABY HE WAS.
irt the most beautiful tot illustration ever
first off, anon bless u for giving so much information with minimal amounts of spoilers. ive been Very curious about this card, specifically this illustration's context, ever since i saw it! but as far as i know there arent any full translations out so i will patiently wait for that so i can eat it up all in one go ahsjfhavkj, so this is Much Appreciated :DDD
second off,
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i mentioned this in a previous response that im not too big on theorizing nor on checking out other theories (just a personal thing idk, my brain isnt big enough for theories HAHA) BUUUUTT
he concept of a darker marius is SO interesting to think about because....hell, hes already talked about that himself
he mentions in it main story 7.1, that if he didnt get lucky with the life he got, if he didnt get lucky with a family that truly loved and cared about him, if his life were worse or crueler or sharper, marius told mc that he could see himself succumbing to the same kind of darkness jun had succumbed to.
this is already something hes outright admitted: his heart is good and hopeful now, but if things get worse, hes scared of what he might be pushed to do.
additionally, marius' darkness manifesting as over obsession is SO GOOD to me because YES. EXACTLY. THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE to me for 2 slightly different but nonetheless connected reasons:
reason 1
it's like The Obsessed Artist trope but...with a twist. the traditional Obsessed Artist is one that meets their self destruction on an impossible journey to perfect their creative craft. with a darker marius, i think it's more of him meeting his self destruction in perfecting himself and his love/relationship.
if life gets terrible and horrible and bad, he would want to keep this part of his life beautiful, unknowingly destroying himself and everything that made his relationship beautiful. which loops back in nicely with the crying painting of mc in the intro: it's a beautiful picture, but shes in pain
and as the artist of that image, marius created that.
reason 2
even without thinking of a darker timeline, the roots for over-obsession are already within our current wonderful marius whom we love so much:
so many people have betrayed him already in his life, which causes trust issues and difficulties
so many people have already left his life (his mom passing away and giann still being missing), which causes intense abandonment issues and the fear of people leaving.
with those already in place (and already things he struggles with normally) it makes a lot of sense for a dark!marius to go the route of over-obsession. if life gets terrible and horrible and bad, he stops trusting new people completely, may even to an extent stop trusting the people who are already on his side. but the people on his side cant leave, he wont let them, he cant be left alone and hes going to make sure they stay.
like, all the pieces are there. while im not into theorizing, this is great food for thought for aus or fic or just understanding deeper what exactly marius was so afraid of succumbing to, when he told mc back in main story 7 about how fear of becoming somebody like jun if his circumstances were worse....
....very interesting to think about, all in all. also painful, btw. dont forget the pain. JHVKJSVFJKHSDF
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chifuyusgangshirt · 2 years
The implication that
1: taiju must not have been an abusive asshole?? If all the sibs are cool now?
2:inui's fire didnt happen so ig akane is theoretically still alive but we never see her and I guess no one is truamatized but there's less intense history for them to stay together like glue now?
3: and south, after that childhood just becomes a happy bumbling MMA fighter????
All through the magical curse resolution of dying in your (not) lover's arms is :///
Just every single bad thing was erased?? This eerie everyone-is-suddenly-friends thing is just uncomfortable. You don't have to be friends with every person in your life. Why is this the goal? I-
The taiju issue: the thing is, how would it happen any differently when Taiju was an abusive asshole even way before they timeleaped. It's one of my main issues because honestly, it takes a lot from domestic abuse survivors validation that in another timeline abuse just doesn't happen or you just need to be nice and wait until he changes - I was actually very happy that they didn't forgive taiju, especially yuzuha not because she had every right to want him out of his life. The fact he choose to go away on his own and end the situation was such a good way to approach this situation and now they are just happy?
At least give us some backstory to make it understandable :/
Inui and koko: oh this is my biggest issue. Because this just plain out didn't make any sense. They couldn't have known when, where and why the fire started not could they have saved them all so how did this just not happen? Was it all the dark impusles that affected everyone around shinichiro or what? I just-
Koko and inupis whole development, thwir history and redemption arc is destroyed with that? Their history, their love, it's all gone. Fron what I saw they weren't even working together anymore and I swear if they make koko engaged to akane I flip my shit
Why did wakui take away his scar anyway? Because you can't heal from trauma and be fully happy? Because it's only a happy end if no bad ever happend?
Weird message if you ask me
The others: Big fat yes my woman. Look, the S62 amd Izana were still in juvie, they still did all those things and while yes, people can change and especially Izana and kakucho deserve this, the haitani brothers, mochi, shion and south were introduced as people who just love violence and chaos/Gangs. Why are they all noe your friendly neighbourhood dads? Did they just decide to now that there is ko big, bad, crauy alpha male leading them? I really wanna know how this happend. I get the fact they tried to involve every character in the ending but why at the wedding? They could have made them friends that come by or show them all at their work places - that would make so much more sense
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risoria · 2 months
Dont know if that helps but there are people like me who use social media to unwind, and specifically filter out political content (i do this on tumblr in particular) because i engage in political work in my every day life. Tumblr is my stupid place to recharge. Insta is mixed. Some apps have specific purposes for me. Some of them help me stay informed but they also bring me down. People not engaging with content that they didnt follow the person for doesnt mean they dont care, if that helps. And some people are engaged in other struggles, and might not have the capacities to deal with stuff in other countries, especially if their country is not involved at all. There are many ongoing genocides and wars, meanwhile europe is shifting to the right significantly. Lots of work. Some people pick their battles. And many battles don't happen online.
thank you for your input, i value these conversations! for me personally, unfortunately they don't really help - im sorry, it's not your fault its just that we have different perspectives!
i’m the exact opposite because my previous work DID mentally destroy me completely because… no one really cared - about the suffering, and how abysmal the legislations and the actual realities were (the context is animal cruelty in the food industry but thats not the point, this goes for all politics because….. everything is politics!) - and coming to social media to unwind does help for a little WHILE, but at the end of the day i have to talk about the things weighing on me just to hear that i am not going crazy because other people feel them too… and those conversations with my small social circle and with strangers etc are more important in the long run, both for me and for our communities as a whole. You are absolutely right though that if we're being absolutely honest there are TOO many battles for any one individual to fight - so its a good thing that people do choose the ones they know the most about and that are closest to their heart. But it's also true and inescapable that people also use this as an excuse, "there's too many bad things :c" just to keep up the status quo.
I know this is different from your experience ofc! It was very kind of you to answer my ramblings btw - dont worry, i am fine now (the projects help a lot!), i’m just musing on the ironic fact that i personally dont want to post about insignificant things on my social media anymore simply because it’s too hard when they get engagement and the important posts do not. Again, i absolutely know this doesnt mean people don’t care, and sometimes people just miss posts - and also like you said, some people do their activism etc offline.
however… i’m sure you have also had the misfortune of trying to talk to anti-boycotters or rightwing politicians etc on for example twitter and thus know that shitty people exist everywhere and hearing mockery and dismissal Constantly is taxing for everyone. so when people ""choose to ignore"" things you cant actually tell if theyre just.... staying silent for whatever reason on their soc med (which is… one hell of a choice :))) and its not the right one. objectively) or if they actually don’t care at all - because how Can you know when people choose to stay silent through nine months of this?
also this is just a tangent, but there's also the fact that yes some people just do in fact simply not see the same posts on their timeline, but at the end of the day we all curate our own timelines and its Very free to look up the specific blogs you want to follow that raises awareness etc! again, this is with the assumption that you aren't an activist / work with politics or charities offline ofc, because not that many people do - i don't, for example, but my goal and dream is to start doing it but... i have to piece my brain back together first...
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jane-crow · 11 months
ummm oc ranting???
get ready this is going to be a fucking lot/srs ALSO TW JUST TO BE SAFE: mention of puk1ng b100d/coughing b100d
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(first one is hisan. the one with wings second one is clax the one with a flower crown- also when my husband sees this i wasnt sure if i should put the redesigns so i didnt just for the time being- apologies)
(clax shit) trauma. so much trauma- but anywayanyway going away from childhood- xey meet this god- his (the gods) name is phantom :D and throughout the aus (yes thats important) hes a well known god SPEIFICALLY for his spell book AND GUESS WHAT FELLAS??? yeah clax is somesomehow a decadent from phantom- like zey have god blood basically
so clax gets his spell book and is very good with it and uses it against the universe destroyer basically-her names hisan and yes she does have a design- let me fetch it heheh
(hisan) the reason why (basically) everyone hates hisan- is because she basically tortures clax- often
they are baically evil bitches who want to rule the multiverse- and hisan is basically one of the most powerful
sad fact!: hisan used to be friends with clax when he was younger
basically by shaking her hand it bounded them together forever- yeah dont ask to much
anand naturally hisan has powers-
she can make you relive truama,give you nightmares andand- well those are the MAIN ones
she can possess you to
and she has these red strings she can summon so ykkk- slay hours
clax also basically cannot sleep because of the nightmares hisan gives to zem- clax is basically running on coffee 24/7
sooo- what does clax exactly do?
well- zey protect the multiverses so hisan cant control every living human-
hisan also has minions she sends after clax!
at one point hisan had a war with clax. i think it was like- 10,000 of her minions vs clax. all at once. yeah clax had fun.
and one random thing i guess? uh- hisan can kill clax but clax cant kill her- BASICALLY MEANS hisan can kill clax and live BUT clax cant kill her and live- if clax kills hisan then they both die
clax has god blood- as of rn clax is a demi-god and not a god
only because once the gods feel zer ready then clax has to fight the five gods (4+phantom) and if he wins HURRAY GOD CLAX if he loses he stays a demi-god
bbuuuttt clax has a spell issue-
he can only use four powerful based spells (like- if he was to blow up a building or something ig?) at once
at one point he got hit with an axe to protect one of the aus and um it affected zer magic basically
IF he uses more than four? ||he coughs blood/pukes blood||
hes kind of immortal in a way? like- the axe SHOULD have killed zem but didnt THAT was because zer a demi-god and arent- technically very human so yeaaahhh-
and zer life span is extentedlike age wise- zey dont know how long that is but its longer than a normal humans length
and due to trauma reasons zey do NOT want to live longer than zey need to- bro is ready to hit that restart life button
and now an au segment :] basically- think of this as the undertale aus- clax in different timlines but as different people because otherwise none of this will make sense at all
ok SOOOO there wwas this au called "adventurer!au" who was the one who found clax/the og au in this case
and they both co-owned the "au house" together rather than just having one of them own it and advent was a bit of a uh- posessive friend when it came to clax
aadvent made this one invention that could basically reset timelines- or at least the day anyway
basically advent just used that to talk to clax and shit way to much- SO MUCH SO clax eventually became aware AND WAS VERY PISSED
so zey confronted adveadvent about this and banished them from the au household
clax hates to speak of them at all
ANNNDDD at one point
clax used a time seeing spell to see what else advent had done throughout the timeline resets and advent had actually killed one of the aus
so yeaahh-
clax is now the owner and is happy about it
yeah ummm- thats basically it?
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holds out hands . may i hear your oc lore
since this is a sequel to this unanswered ask from my main
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ill give you my agents (and 2 related ocs) bc giving you all the ocs in one post will be really hard i have SO MANY. too many. ANYWAY sillies under cut!!!
lets start with 3 because thats where the timeline starts
heres a p old timeline drawing thingy that still holds up i think
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yeah just read through it. holds up. three is mostly the target of self projection lmao.
smore fun facts ab them:
they were team callie in the s1 final fest
they are wildly competitive
they sleep with an eyemask on bc the scrred eye glows in the dark (it bothers eight)
they value abilities over looks on gear so most their outfits are atrocious unless someone forces them to look good.
they can speak octarian
if they had a penny for every time they let an octarian who just got to inkopilis live with them theyd have two pennies. which isnt a lot but its weird it happened twice right?
which brings us to the next one which is actually an octoling oc i made back in like 2016??? def splatoon 1 era. shes been redesigned a bajillion times but the story is mostly the same. after the octavio fight she is also one of those octos who tried to get to inkopolis. this one was found by three who was like. i jave no idea what ur saying ur coming with the the old man totes knows octarian from his divorce. this n that and they teach eachother language and culture and its sweet and cool and they probabyl had some wlw stuff going on until 3 had a wholeass gender crisis
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this is her btw. the drawing on the right is more up to date. im still thinking of renaming her. ill never find a name that fits. her original name was marianna but thats too close to marina!!!!!
shes also a fashion designer! she likes to use traditional octarian or military designs in her clothes. her pieces are not meant for turf wars though. shes still in close contact with three, and they hang out a lot. she wants to get three to ask the squid sisters if they could wear some of her clothes on a splatfest. three forgets.
next up!!!!! agent 4. i have two of those. they independently became agent 4 and then unrelatedly also became college roommates.
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hash is more of a canon adjacent agent 4. poser, loser, really dramatic and really loud. kidna does whatever they want and also likes to leave graffitti on the kettles they clear. theyre also an only child. they also call marie mom jsut to annoy her. also their hairstyle is the bob in the front but the back is spiky/shaved. theyre a silly lil punk.
ikarus is a cynical asshole. and also a self centered poser whos set on looking cool for whoevers watching. he has 2 younger siblings and 1 older sister. hes from outside greater inkopolis, thinks hes better than the in city inkopolitans but behaves the exact same. he sucks i love him. he really looks up to n respects marie bc she reminds him of his elder sister. his fav brand is toni kensa
ikarus got the agent job first, n got rlly mad when they found out that theres another agent 4 bc he didnt show up enough nd marie just hired someone else. they share a uniform. they try to annoy eachother by puttinf the weirdest smelling stuff in the uniform b4 leaving it at the canyon. when talking ab em as agent 4 i like to use #4 for hash and n°4 for ikarus
the two also have a 3rd roommate
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she doesnt have a name though. and if she does i forgot it :(
the three actually make a pretty good unit in their apartement. hash and ikarus only find out theyre both agent 4 when its time for the boss fight and both of them show up to get it done with. theyre both very competitive. they end up fighting over it and hash wins. ikarus is on the truck w sheldon and marie and is yelling insults at the battlefield until marie shuts him up so she can sing.
thw three roommates also always do salmon run shifts together. if they fuck up on a wave they always blame it on the one freelancer. yes they also kiss.
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for eight i actually made this ref here recently!
theyve always been really fascinated with inklings and also were going to become an engineer before running off and landing in the metro.
they are very well spoken but also pretty shy. they try to make a good impression on people. finds it hard to trust others.
it took a while until he got used to sleeping in a bed. still sleeps with an eye open sometimes. its a habit.
theyre usualyl the one forcing three into at least okay looking clothes. oh also this tall loser likes to wear heels n platforms. hes literally taller than marina and still wears heels.
he actually started learning inklish back in octo valley from really outdated books. after coming to inkopolis hes been given a buncha annotated language books from marina (and from three, who still had the ones they used w the other octo girlie). but they still end up using some really old phrases and words that kinda leave some people perplexed.
oh also they're not THAT good at fighting (they were never a soldier) theyre smart and persistent though. still ended up severely in debt w pearl bc of the metro. pearl offered he can just work as stage crew for off the hook for a few tours or so and theyre good. he took the offer immediately bc bro barely got income to repay that all normally.
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the-acid-pear · 6 months
Okay i don't have the brain power to watch the rest of NRN NAT video but god that first half was horrendous anyway here's my "Reason You Suck" Speech for anyone who cares
Okay i actually got so railed up about this i got a headache so i need to counter argue to many of your points about Steven. Starting with something i see a lot of people not realize and is that yes, indeed, all endings ARE canon. This is pretty clearly explained by Henry in the secret tape (you get it from fishing it out the ballpit or from the dodo, both very annoying methods so i dont blame anyone from missing this) and it explains Jack's soul is one with time powers that will revert time based on regret. With this, we know not only EVERY ending and game over is canon but also something Jack remembers.
Keeping this on mind, Jack's obvious bias towards Dave compared to Steven MAKES sense, because there's no timeline where Steven is nice unless he's doing it out of being forced to do so (owing you a favor). On top of that, there's another detail: Jack DID know about Dave's backstory!
When he learned it is obviously not clear but there's to places where its implied he does, in fact, know about it: Dee's fight, obviously, and Jake's backstory. In Dee's fight she asks him for confirmation on whether this was true and he's like "yeah" meaning this isnt news for him, and in Jake's backstory he talks about this EVEN if he didnt go to the flipside or heard the tapes, meaning that at some point he had an honest heart to heart with Dave about his past and such.
Now, relating it back to Steven: I feel that they cannot even be fucking compared. I think Steven would be better compared to the other two phone guys we see making a decision like this, those being Harry (ironically the one who made Steven) and Peter. I mean, Roger and Jake are also in the same situation, but they're just following what their boss says so they cannot be counted in.
Peter for his part is an outlier, because he's the first Phone Guy we EVER see decide to not send someone to the factory (that being Jimbo), completely ignoring what this would mean for him (if anything, since we don't really know if there are consequences or not). Harry and Steven, obviously, did send their respective coworkers there, but there's a main difference: Steven was utterly remorseful about this while Harry kind of... thought genuinely this was a good idea?
Which does say a lot about how Harry views himself but it also says something about Steven: that he's a fucking coward. Which we did, in fact, know, but this reinforces it.
Steven made a choice by his own voalition, and i don't think this is even fair to compare with Dave. Dave was being abused and manipulated by his father figure and the only person who had ever been nice to him, the only person he thought he had in the world. He was regretful too but he really wanted to trust Henry because what did he have if he left? Steven on the other hand is not being "molly cuddled" by anyone but a manual.
This isnt to say Steven isnt tragic, he is! He, like everyone else, is a complex and tragic character who did unfortunately go quite unexplored, but he's also a bad person because he chooses to be so. He'd have been like Peter, he'd have broken the cycle, he'd have done anything a man aware of the weight of his actions could do, but he didn't, because he was scared!
Also i must point out this very cowardice also reflects on his own violence because to say he's not as bad as Peter is just plain bullshit. Peter was a bit more festive yes but he at least let you Pee On Slides and Gave You Warnings. Steven kicked me in the fucking springlocks because my puns were bad. That guy was brutal and cruel but also wouldnt dare to kick Jack's ass if he was out of that stupid cool cat suit.
So, to wrap this up now that my blood pressure went to safe levels again: when you look at the whole picture Jack's feelings towards Dave and Steven are not entirely unjustified. The way that tangerine goes about doing anything at all is highly questionable though but he's like everyone else just a flawed individual. And that's what makes this franchise so compelling
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Hey, my friend, I have something fun to play with say for whatever reason, like a gut feeling or just curiousity or the wind calling sonic whatever, x sonic, tails, and knuckles(knuckles gets dragged along.) Get curious about movie trio and their parents and realize that while yes they have very different pasts and experiences(x sonic found tails way earlier and doesn't know a longclaw etc.) They also share similarities( they both ended up on earth a planet on the other side of their galaxies and reallly far away from mobius and both fought knuckles because Eggman tricked knuckles etc.) And that makes the x trio wonder what if the movie universe is just a weird alternate timeline of theirs and vice versa and if that's true what if theirs a tom and Maddie in their universe and a green hills in Montana too. They don't say anything to them, obviously, but the x trio just contemplate that potentially the movie verse could have been them before leaving and heading back to the thorndyke mansion, of course tails despite everything is still a kid and wonders what being a kid with parents like then would be like before following sonic back.
I can’t figure out how to write a story response on this so HEADS UP ON THAT!
The X trio are indeed very curious about their movie counterparts.
The X trio have a discussion about them. The thought is brought up about the Movieverse possibly being an alternate timeline by Knuckles, but Tails debunks it saying that there are far too many differences for it to be related to their universe in such a way.
Tails’ evidence:
Movie Sonic had a past guardian. He’s very energetic and talks a lot. X Sonic did not have a past guardian, and he sleeps more and is much more introverted.
Movie Tails chose to go to Earth on his own accord and was the one to save Sonic after stalking him for months. He also has a more mischievous streak. X Tails didn’t choose to come to Earth, he followed Sonic for a little bit and started painting his plane without permission, and he is normally cooped up in the lab with Chuck doing god knows what.
Movie Knuckles knew his tribe. X Knuckles didnt. But they both got manipulated by Eggman which lead to them meeting and fighting Sonic.
The trio also discover that there’s no Green Hills on their Earth. But there is a restaurant named after the state of Montana! (I love that place the food is so good)
Tom and Maddie might exist somewhere, who knows.
The three of them wonder together what it would be like to be a family and to have parents. That’s what leads to them referring to each other as ‘brother’. Knuckles takes some influence from movie Knux and starts hanging out with Sonic and Tails more.
Those little guys made more of an impact on the Xverse than they realize.
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pesterloglog · 7 months
Jade Harley, Dave Strider, Barack Obama, Davebot
Candy, page 39
JADE: i think i see another one!
DAVE: oh snap
DAVE: youre right
DAVE: another shitty liberty
DAVE: good eye jade
DAVE: yo jade
DAVE: why dont you go ahead and rig that liberty ill be right there
DAVE: i wanna check something out down here first
JADE: what is it?
DAVE: idk probably nothing
DAVE: some ancient bullshit tucked away in the fucking jungle
DAVE: doesnt hurt to be thorough
JADE: ok dave
JADE: be careful!
DAVE: yeah
JADE: i love you
DAVE: i love you too
OBAMA: Hello, Mr. Strider.
OBAMA: I’ve been waiting a long time for you to show up.
DAVE: m... mr president
DAVE: its an honor sir
OBAMA: Come on now, Dave. We can’t be having that.
OBAMA: I’m nobody’s king. I’m a democratically elected representative who took an oath to serve his country and his people. People like you, Dave.
OBAMA: If anything, I should be the one bowing.
OBAMA: Hahaha, I’m not gonna bow, man. I was just pulling your leg.
DAVE: oh ok
OBAMA: I just want to talk to you for a little while. Is that alright, or do you have somewhere you need to be?
DAVE: oh
DAVE: i...
DAVE: no
DAVE: no sir i dont have anywhere to
DAVE: i mean
DAVE: yes sir
DAVE: its MORE than alright its such an honor to...
DAVE: what i mean is
DAVE: (fuck)
DAVE: mr president what i mean is im a huge fan of yours and i hope this doesnt sound fucked up but on some level i feel like ive been waiting my whole life for this moment??
OBAMA: I know, Dave.
OBAMA: Now, you probably weren’t aware of this. But I’m familiar with the work you’ve done for your country in the past. For the whole planet, actually.
OBAMA: Before you moved it, that is.
DAVE: you...
DAVE: you knew about him?
DAVE: or i mean
DAVE: me
OBAMA: Oh, yes.
OBAMA: Most people thought I was gone. But I was keeping an eye on events.
OBAMA: Wouldn’t miss it for anything.
DAVE: where did you go
OBAMA: I was doing what you did back then, when the world needed you.
OBAMA: I was doing what you’re doing now, under the same circumstances.
OBAMA: I was answering the call.
OBAMA: I went about it in a way no one at the time could understand.
OBAMA: You see, Dave. No one can really see the big picture.
OBAMA: That’s what real leadership is all about. Looking at the big picture, seeing the long road ahead, making the hard choices for the greatest good.
OBAMA: Not just decisions that lead to a better tomorrow, or to make sure the next year is better than the last. Or even the next decade.
OBAMA: You have to think about the next century, the next millennium.
OBAMA: Sometimes, you may even have to leave people wondering if you’ve forsaken them entirely, because your real duty is to concern yourself with the final destination of the planet. To make sure it stays safe along the hard journey and ends up being the best home it can be for both the human race and the many newcomers to our world.
OBAMA: Doing the right thing often means walking a long and lonely road, Dave.
OBAMA: But I’m guessing you’ve already figured this out.
DAVE: i guess so
DAVE: if you dont mind my asking sir
DAVE: i thought you died?
DAVE: well i mean i KNOW you did where im from with the meteors and all
DAVE: but from what i know about the history of the flooded earth timeline
DAVE: you served your two terms then just
DAVE: a little after that they say you disappeared
DAVE: so... you didnt die?
OBAMA: Oh, I certainly died, Dave.
OBAMA: Just not when they say I did.
OBAMA: Like I said, I was just answering the call.
OBAMA: Other brave heroes like you stepped in to fill the void I left behind. As I knew you all would.
OBAMA: And some say the death of those heroes was in vain, or a waste, since the human race was wiped out anyway. Just like they say my supposed death was a waste, a loss that humanity couldn’t endure.
OBAMA: But they were wrong.
OBAMA: Those heroes were fighting for something. Even if all you manage to accomplish is leaving behind a legacy to inspire others in the future who need that Hope to go on. Even if one of those in the future you end up inspiring is an alternate history version of yourself, Dave.
OBAMA: Haven’t you been improved by the knowledge of what you grew up to be in my time? Can you really say you’d be what you are today without the memory of him?
OBAMA: Or the memory of me, for that matter?
DAVE: no
DAVE: but like
DAVE: thats all good and totally inspiring and all but
DAVE: sorry if this is nosy but if you didnt die when you disappeared then how did you die
OBAMA: Most of that is classified, Dave.
OBAMA: Rest assured, it was a Heroic death that took place many years after my disappearance, upon which rested the fate of Paradox Space itself.
OBAMA: There were loose ends to tie up. Baggage from my distant past. You know how it is. Troubles from your childhood tend to follow you. Even after you move into the White House. Believe me.
DAVE: heh yeah i guess so
DAVE: what happened to you as a kid
DAVE: or is that classified too
OBAMA: No, it’s not classified. Because I never even told the government about it.
OBAMA: Can’t classify what you don’t know.
DAVE: damn
OBAMA: When I was a boy living in Hawaii, on my thirteenth birthday I was visited by a mysterious stranger.
OBAMA: He was an older man with a mustache. Kind of a corny, old-fashioned, adventuring type. He tried to convince me we were related. Of course, I thought he was full of shit.
OBAMA: To this day, I’m not sure about that. Maybe he was. I didn’t think much of his tall tale at the time, but what did pique my interest was his story.
OBAMA: He was voyaging all over the Pacific looking for a mysterious island, which supposedly had all the answers he’d spent his whole life searching for.
OBAMA: During his travels, he set up outposts all over the ocean to help with his search. Such as one near where I lived as a boy. The outpost had a laboratory, an archeological dig site, a network of underground tunnels, the works.
OBAMA: One time, I snuck in there and did some exploration of my own. Somewhere in the maze of underground ruins, I found a transporter pad, just like the one that brought you here.
OBAMA: It sent me to a new realm. A place they called the Medium.
OBAMA: Others were there. Kids my age. I made friends that lasted a lifetime.
OBAMA: Over the years, I would return there now and then, when I felt I was needed.
OBAMA: I made one final trip there after serving my terms in office. As I said, I kept an eye on Earth events. But I knew I could never return. Not with the work that still needed to be done.
OBAMA: But before my Heroic death, I made sure to have my affairs in order, to fulfill certain cosmic necessities of the future. Such as our meeting here today, Dave.
DAVE: holy shit
OBAMA: I captchalogued a ghost imprint of my brain. You remember how to do that, don’t you?
OBAMA: I stored the imprint in this holographic projection device.
OBAMA: You see, Dave, it was critical that I had a chance to speak with you. But only when the time was right. Only once you had made it all this way, standing ready to defend the future of Earth C.
OBAMA: I know what you’re going through. There’s a lot to be emotional about in these trying times.
OBAMA: Hey, why don’t we take a walk. You’ll have a chance to collect yourself. And there’s something I’d like you to see.
DAVE: mr president
DAVE: you said...
DAVE: i reminded you of the adult dave from your timeline
OBAMA: That’s right.
DAVE: so wait
DAVE: how did you know adult dave if you were from the original timeline
OBAMA: Dave, come on now.
OBAMA: Surely you must know I’m no stranger to timeline shenanigans myself.
DAVE: oh yeah
DAVE: of course what was i thinking
DAVE: anyway no offense but
DAVE: are you really sure i remind you of him
DAVE: there are a lot of times where i dont feel like im at all living up to that guys example
DAVE: a lot of times i feel like im just going along with shit
DAVE: like my buddy organizes a badass rebellion and im just like duh yeah alright
DAVE: sounds cool guess ill scout around the jungle and rig a bunch of shitty statues of liberty to explode if those are the orders
OBAMA: Rig the what to do what now?
DAVE: oh uh
DAVE: yeah maybe never mind that
DAVE: its just a stupid mission im on and tbh karkat probably just sent us on it so we dont get ourselves killed stupidly
DAVE: but compared to that guy i apparently turned out to be
DAVE: i dunno
DAVE: i feel like
DAVE: a lesser version of myself somehow
DAVE: not lesser maybe just like
DAVE: i somehow ended up as the version of me who didnt stay as true myself as i could have
DAVE: like
DAVE: i entered this world already considered a god
DAVE: already famous
DAVE: already celebrated as a genius
DAVE: what was there left to achieve
DAVE: i still did a lot of incredible and stupid shit that i guess im pretty proud of
DAVE: idk
DAVE: something feels hollow about a lot of what ive done the last bunch of years
DAVE: or i guess about a lot of stuff in general
DAVE: its not just accomplishments or stuff like that it goes deeper i think
DAVE: like karkat managed to rise to the occasion and defend his people but i hardly had anything to do with that
DAVE: it was mostly him
DAVE: hes turned into someone pretty incredible really
OBAMA: You still care a lot about Karkat, don’t you?
DAVE: uh well
DAVE: yeah?
DAVE: of course i do hes my friend
OBAMA: Are you sure that’s all he is, Dave?
DAVE: i...
DAVE: i love my wife
DAVE: jade has been the best thing that ever happened to me
DAVE: the day i decided to marry her and like
DAVE: get off the fence
DAVE: stop insulting her by acting so casual about it like our thing was no big deal
DAVE: she deserved me being all the way into it
DAVE: she deserves everything
DAVE: and
DAVE: i KNOW this is all true
DAVE: my bro died a long time ago
DAVE: fuckin hung himself for some damn reason
DAVE: for a little while i had a bro
DAVE: i could talk to him about stuff
DAVE: i did a little bit
DAVE: but i dunno if we got THAT deep into...
DAVE: whatever
OBAMA: You can always talk to me about anything, Dave.
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: thanks man
DAVE: i guess what im trying to say is
DAVE: i miss him
DAVE: a lot
OBAMA: I think Dirk would be proud if he could see how you turned out.
OBAMA: In fact, I know it.
DAVE: no
DAVE: i mean yeah i do kinda miss him too
DAVE: i try not to think about him much because
DAVE: well thats a whole thing
DAVE: what i meant was
DAVE: i miss karkat
DAVE: i think i messed up
DAVE: i didnt do the right thing a long time ago and now
DAVE: even though i love jade
DAVE: i feel like im living a lie
DAVE: i try not to even think any of this stuff but now that im letting myself not only think it but say it i feel like im panicking
DAVE: i dont know what to do
DAVE: i dont...
DAVE: mr president
DAVE: can you keep a secret
OBAMA: Yes I can, Dave.
OBAMA: These days, keeping secrets is practically all I ever do down here.
DAVE: i think
DAVE: i think im gay
OBAMA: Over the course of our lives, we all tend to believe we’re a lot of different things.
OBAMA: One year, you’re this. Another, you’re that. Later in life, you start pushing forty, and start worrying you’ve been believing the wrong thing about yourself the whole time.
OBAMA: I’ve had my share of doubts about all that, just like any other man.
OBAMA: And I’ve had plenty of the same kind of struggles as you, Dave.
DAVE: wait
DAVE: you...
OBAMA: Identity, sexuality, gender, all that stuff is about as illusory as I am, standing before you here.
OBAMA: Is this the real me? Who can really say.
OBAMA: Depends on what real means, or what I even mean when I say “me.”
OBAMA: For that matter, are you even the real you?
OBAMA: Haven’t you been asking yourself that question one way or another all your life?
DAVE: yeah
OBAMA: Believing is the key to understanding the truth underlying the words, the truth underlying the ideas they represent, and the truth underlying who we are as individuals.
OBAMA: The power of belief, the power of Hope, that’s what endows that which is intangible, ephemeral, or uncertain with a sense of reality.
OBAMA: It brings focus to the insubstantial, the mirages of the mind, the multiplicity of what is possible, of what could be, and isolates it—concentrates it—to turn it into that which is.
OBAMA: And the result of that, Dave, is what we call truth.
OBAMA: The truth of oneself can be very specific, if one wills it to be.
OBAMA: Statements such as, I am gay, I am straight, I am a man, I am a woman, these are statements about an individual that gain strength through the power of belief we invest in them.
OBAMA: But there is another more generalized truth about a person that can emerge when such conviction is absent. When the partitions of the mind dissolve, and the boundaries between everything you are now and everything you might have become begin to fade away.
DAVE: oh
DAVE: youre talking about that ultimate self stuff
OBAMA: I am indeed, Dave.
DAVE: wow
DAVE: havent heard about that in so long
DAVE: rose used to talk about it all the time
DAVE: dirk would rant about it a lot too
OBAMA: He sure did.
DAVE: wait
DAVE: you mentioned dirk earlier
DAVE: did you like
DAVE: actually KNOW him??
OBAMA: Oh... we’ve met on a few occasions.
DAVE: thats
DAVE: how is that possible
DAVE: he killed himself
OBAMA: Did he, now?
DAVE: are you saying thats not what happened
OBAMA: I’m saying you know as well as I that it’s awfully hard to pin down exactly what happened to whom, depending on which frame of reference we might be talking about.
DAVE: wow
DAVE: so like... he...
OBAMA: I learned a lot from him.
OBAMA: Met up with him as a young man, as I was just beginning to explore the wonders of my session.
OBAMA: He taught me about many things. Combat, philosophy, life, love...
DAVE: love???
DAVE: hold on are you saying
DAVE: that...
OBAMA: Now, Dave. I can’t go around disclosing everything under the sun. Plenty of this is still under the umbrella of executive privilege.
OBAMA: Loose lips sink ships, as they say.
DAVE: right right
DAVE: so... somehow he met you and uh
DAVE: trained you and stuff
DAVE: and talked about the ultimate self
DAVE: i remember my dirk would go off the deep end about that stuff sometimes
DAVE: and maybe it made him fucking snap because then he just offed himself and that was that
DAVE: but rose used to talk about it too
DAVE: probably even more
DAVE: but one day she just stopped and never mentioned it again
DAVE: do you know what like
DAVE: happened to her
OBAMA: She’s settled happily into the specific. That’s her path now.
OBAMA: All of you have embraced that life, in this safely sequestered version of planet Earth.
OBAMA: All of you until now, Dave.
OBAMA: This is why you’re here.
OBAMA: I believe you’re ready to wake up.
DAVE: ...
OBAMA: Now, look.
OBAMA: A human body, even one that’s been elevated to god tier status, cannot withstand the stresses put on it by the awesome power of the Ultimate Self.
OBAMA: You’d quickly become sick and wither away. We can’t have that.
OBAMA: So before I died, I made sure to create this brand-new body for you.
OBAMA: I have to admit, it’s some of my finest work. A real beauty.
OBAMA: It should serve you well in your new life. A life where the world will need you more than ever, Dave.
OBAMA: Not only this world, but the future of reality.
OBAMA: If this sounds confusing, don’t worry. You’ll understand everything once I help you ascend.
OBAMA: So what do you say? At the end of the day, this is a choice that belongs to you.
OBAMA: Are you ready to accept your destiny, Dave Strider?
DAVE: yes
DAVE: absolutely
DAVE: i have never been more ready for anything in my life mr president
DAVEBOT: its about fuckin time
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