#yes matthews dog is a fairchild
purplebass · 11 months
The Element of Surprise - Matthtober 2023
Hi all! A little late, but here's my entry fic for @matthtober-2023 💙 It is Matthew's POV of the Thomastair fic where they have to dogsit Oscar. We see where Matthew went and who he met in Paris and there's a bit of Thomastair and Matthew and Alastair banter in this fic.
“There you are. I was worried you’d forgotten,” Matthew chirped at the two people outside his apartment door, not bothering to let them in. “I’m quite late for the train,” he added. “I thought I said nine, and it’s past nine –” 
“You said half past nine, Fairchild,” Alastair argued. “Well, according to my clock, it is ten minutes after nine. We are on time.”
Matthew shrugged nonchalantly and grabbed his luggage with one hand and his dog Oscar with the other. “If you say so.”
“I’m not saying so, the clock is saying so,” Alastair said. “And you said so in your three fire messages. Too bad I’ve thrown them into the fire, or I would’ve showed you the evidence.”
“I didn’t know you paid attention while I talked.”
Alastair raised his eyebrows and sighed. He was about to reply to Matthew, but Thomas interjected. “Come on, you’ll lose the train if you keep arguing about the time,” he patted Matthew’s shoulder, and he finally went out of his apartment, passing in between his friends with his dog on a leather leash.
Thomas and Alastair looked at each other, and followed him outside. The air was crisp, the street still bore the signs of the storm that had bothered the city the night before. Matthew stopped in front of a hansom cab and told the driver to wait, and turned to his dog.
“Oscar. Your father is going to Paris for a few days,” he cooed. “Unfortunately, I can’t take you with me, because Angel forbid dogs can’t attend fashion shows.” Alastair grumbled in the background, said something like “I thought you were late,” but Matthew ignored him. “So I have to leave you with these handsome chaps. You know them both. There is Thomas, who is your friend already. And there’s Alastair,” he took a pause, “who might be your friend. Do not ruin his carpets if you don’t like him, but you can totally eat his ties –”
“Matthew,” Alastair said gravely. “Give me the dog and leave.”
Matthew smiled at his dog and then he turned to his friends. “See, Oscar? Alastair is already brimming with excitement to take you out and clean after you do your business.”
Alastair rolled his eyes as Matthew finally passed the leash to him. Oscar observed Alastair and smelled his pants, then turned to his owner when he greeted them one last time and got into the cab. 
Matthew didn’t like to leave Oscar, but he knew that at least the dog would stay with people he trusted. Yes, even Carstairs. To an outsider they may look like a cat and a dog not getting along, but it was just a farce. He knew Oscar would have fun.
The train to Paris was delayed, and Matthew found himself in the city of lights a few hours later than planned. He couldn’t attend the first salon show he had booked because of this, but never mind. There was more than one show. He couldn’t complain to anyone, though, because this city was always in a rush, and people seemed annoyed by small talk. Time was money.
Time was precious indeed, and Matthew had to change his suit as soon as he entered his lavish room at the hotel where he was staying, because he didn’t want to smell like the train. He eventually made it to the Palace of Versailles where the second event was going to happen. This one, unlike the others, featured a fashion show with models. It was a smart way to let the customers see all the looks and then see in detail those that caught their eye.
Matthew walked briskly to his front seat with a brochure in hand, but instead of reading the program, he used it to fan himself. 
“Quite different from London, right?”
In the time Matthew turned his blonde waves toward the voice who had just spoken, he realized to whom it belonged. “Must be the position,” he offered the woman a pleased grin. “We are more South after all. Maybe the perturbation that worried our country last night will head here next.”
“It would be hilarious if it did,” she said, exchanging smiles. “One of the shows I have to attend is in an Italian garden. Imagine the rain falling suddenly and drenching the poor posh people who came from everywhere just to buy clothes.”
“I would like to see that,” Matthew laughed softly. “I never thought we would be meeting here.”
“Esme, the name is Esme,” she blurted cheerfully. “I did. I know you like fashion.”
Matthew nodded. “Yes, I do remember you, Esme,” he replied. “We often frequent the same circles, you see. And now even fashion circles. Out of my friends, only Anna likes fashion. Ah, and probably Alastair,” he sighed. “But they are so boring when it comes to clothes. They do not go out of their black comfort zone.”
Esme smiled again, and she blushed. “I never thought you paid attention to me,” she mumbled, moving her gaze to the guests who were searching for a seat. “I wouldn’t consider myself part of a fashion circle, not at all.”
“Then are you here out of curiosity? Paris is one of the pillars of women’s fashion, after all.”
“I’m here because of my mother,” she explained. “You see, this seat was hers. She had another event she had to attend, but didn’t want to waste the opportunity to take a peek into the new trends.”
“Oh, so she sent you in her stead. Clever.”
“Yes,” she nodded. “She also told me to order the gowns I think are good for her, but I…”
“I remember your mother,” Matthew said. “I could help you, if you want? And maybe suggest something you can order for yourself.”
Esme’s smile widened, and the pink on her cheeks deepened. “Yes, I would love that.”
Matthew exchanged the grin, and the conversation quieted because the orchestra had just started playing. The show was about to begin.
A few days later, Matthew was exhausted even if he didn’t do much aside from examining and choosing new suits and ties and shoes to add to his wardrobe. Picking out fashion items was tiring, but it was fun, especially when you weren’t alone. 
He ended up meeting Esme Hardcastle at every other show he had booked, and the two resorted to spending time together because they both came by themselves. Matthew didn’t mind being alone, because he could always find company if he desired. But being with someone he knew, even if barely, was better. Somehow, it made him more comfortable when he was traveling. It was like having a piece of your home country with yourself. 
He had to admit, Esme was a cheerful and bright woman. She liked to talk about different topics, but she enjoyed it when people inquired about her family tree project. 
“How should I write you on the family tree?” she had asked him. 
“Just write my name and surname? I’m too young to think about marriage,” he chuckled.
“I never mentioned marriage.”
“No, but you told me you asked people about their plans. Whether they will get married soon, whether they have kids,” he had shrugged. “I don’t plan on either of those things,” he smiled. “At least for the time being.”
“You’re a dog dad,” she nodded and scribbled something on her notebook. “Noted.”
Matthew thought Esme was disappointed, but he never had time to ask her because the day after he went back to London. He was sure they would have chances to speak again. 
As he thought about what he did with Esme during those days, he decided to get Oscar from Cornwall Gardens on the way back from the station. For some reason, her last words to him stuck. She had called him dog dad, and he knew it was true. He sent a fire message to Thomas to make sure they were home, so he could embrace his dog.  
“I thought you were in Paris,” Thomas answered the door. “I mean, I thought you would be back tomorrow morning.”
“They canceled a show due to the bad weather,” he explained, letting himself in. “How did it go? Was Oscar good?”
“I believe you’ll have to see for yourself,” Thomas said. 
“What? Did he break a vase? Did he tear one of Alastair’s shirts apart?”
Thomas led him to the living room. “Even better,” he lowered his voice as he opened the door. 
Matthew frowned, wondering what Oscar could’ve done, until he saw the scene. Oscar was perched on the sofa, sleeping quietly. This wouldn’t have been weird at all, but what made Matthew gasp in surprise was on who Oscar was leaning. His head was on Alastair’s leg, and he was resting as well, one hand on the dog’s back. But he wasn’t jealous, just amused.
“What in the world,” he muttered. “Oscar!” he called, and the dog instantly raised his head and left the sofa to come to him, flapping his tail happily. “Yes, yes, I missed you too,” he stroked his fur.
“You are early,” Alastair grunted from the sofa, rubbing his sleepy eyes. 
“I believe in the element of surprise,” Matthew declared. “And perhaps you do too.”
“Well, I don’t, but what can I do?” he scoffed, but he was grinning. “Is it really shocking that Oscar likes me?”
Matthew shrugged, a smile tugging at his lips. “I might leave Oscar here more often.”
“He’s welcome to sleep on my leg whenever he wants,” Alastair admitted, and Oscar barked. “I do think he agrees.”
“Did you meet someone interesting in France?” Thomas wondered, and Matthew’s mind went back to Esme.
“You wouldn’t believe…” he began, and he told them about his Parisian experience. He would send a fire message to Esme, at least to see if she returned home safely. But not today, tomorrow. Today he would be a dog dad and spend the remaining time of the day with Oscar.
This story is called "element of surprise" because Matthew is surprised of finding Esme in Paris and getting along with her but at the same time, he's amused that Oscar likes Alastair so much. I hope you can tell that Matthew and Alastair are joking, they like to banter like that. lol.
Also: fashion shows/weeks in Paris as we know them weren't a thing until the 1970's, but bear with me. I do believe there might have been fashion expositions where rich people like Matthew would go check the new trends
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edwinspaynes · 1 month
Can you tell me more about this Matthew guy? He seems cool
Allow me to introduce to you the love of my life
*****trumpets play******
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Matthew is this scrunkly little artsy-fartsy boy from the early 1900s. He has an obsession with Oscar Wilde that runs so deep that his dog is named after him. He's into art, and fashion, and scandal, and poetry, and adventure.
Sadly, though, he is a Shadowhunter, a half-angel demon slayer. So he is not in an environment that nurtures his passions - it is an 'arid warrior culture,' as he once calls it.
His entire life, he deeply hates himself. His internal monologue, even in the short stories when he is a child, is sad. But he is committed to being a ray of sunshine and making everyone else around him happy and comfortable. He's a natural caregiver to his father and to his friends. Mother Hen Fairchild my beloved.
But also, he has a dark secret.
One day, he is tricked into feeding his mother poison. He is convinced by a boy at school that he's the illegitimate child of his mom and his mom's best friend/political partner. (He later blows up the dorms and is expelled from the school.) A faerie tells him that it's a truth serum, so he puts it into his mother's scone. And she almost dies, but it fine, but miscarries because of the poison.
Matthew then turns to alcohol.
He was always a party boy, but it took on a bit of an edge at this point. He's sneaking out with Anna (his butch lesbian bohemian cousin) and going to salons and Hells like he used to but he's getting excessively drunk.
His sense of humor is wonderful. He's such a force, a bright-burning presence.
I adore all his scenes, and I also love how casually bisexual he is with his little green carnation and his totally normalized talk about dating both women and men to his friends. (Also, btw, the Shadowhunters for all their faults were a pretty queer-safe community in the 1900s. They have their own government, it was legal.)
I also love how passionate he is about the arts and the theatre. He and I share a love of stories and of travel, and we have similar senses of humour. It's funny because we always almost have the same stupid thoughts. He does all the things I would do if I were extremely privileged, completely unmedicated, and slightly more unhinged. He's 1000% the best disaster bipolar rep out there. Like me, he is a blond bipolar bisexual bitch.
But yeah idk. He's just so special to me and has been since. Like. 2014. Lol.
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skyofstorms · 1 year
The Muse Headspace
I could probably design images for each one in time, but for now, here's the masterlist of masterlists when it comes to my muses. Like...every single muse I've used [save a few novel muses] are on this list. Beware, my friends. It's a nightmare - 257 muses listed with fc and species [Canon or lore based mues are in bold]. Yes, there are some repeat faceclaims, I don't wanna hear it. @forwardlion, I want you to know this is your fault.
Abigail Phantomhive | Claire Holt | Demon
Abraham Greenfeld | Keiynan Lonsdale | Human
Adam Milligan/Winchester | Jake Abel | Human
Ahn Taehui | Lim Sejun | Banshee/Demon Hybrid
Akali Tethi | Aeri Uchinaga | Human
Akello Caine | Jussie Smollet | Leopard Shifter
Aleksi Holland | Harry Shum Jr. | Mage
Alexander Lightwood | Matthew Daddario | Nephilim
Alexian Holloway | Alberto Rosende | Human
Aliceon Hartigay | Katie Cassidy | Polykinetic [Pyro, Techno, Terra, Cryo]
Alistair Hypanile | Hayden Christensen | Katagarian Tiger
Alizair Hollis | Dominic Sherwood | Arcadian Wolf
Allison Argent | Crystal Reed | Human/Raven Spirit
Amelie Rayne | Rambo Suicide | Water Elemental
Amelyra Shanarra | Summer Glau | Witch
Amy Waterford "Sailor Mercury" | Nicole Gale Anderson | Senshi
Anabel Lightwood-Bane | Arden Cho | Nephilim/Warlock Hybrid
Andrea Kattalakis | Gemma Arterton | White Tiger Shifter
Andrei Cruz | Jeremy Renner | Black Panther Shifter
Anneliese Romanova | Vanessa Kirby | Dhampir
Annabelle Brunelli | Jacqueline MacInnes Wood | Human
Annika Mitchell | Bully Suicide | Ocelot Shifter
Anthony Stark | Robert Downey Jr. | Human
Ares | Manu Bennett | God
Armand Tempest | Brian Krause | Owl Shifter
Artemis Crescent | Kwon Ji-yong | Mauian
Ashelina Logan | Malese Jow | Werewolf
Asmodeus | Godfrey Gao | Greater Demon
Audrey Briarose | Sarah Jeffery | Psychic
Aziraphale | Michael Sheen | Angel
Baelfire "Neal Cassidy" | Michael Raymond-James | Human
Belinda Oriella-Curani | Taylor Momsen | Succubus
Belladonna Trumpet | Miranda Kerr | Pegasus
Bellek Mosely | Ian Bohen | Phoenix
Brady Johannsen | Chris Pratt | Psychic
Bradley Harrison | Anthony Mackie | Jaguar Shifter
Bruce Banner | Mark Ruffalo | Gamma Enhanced Human
Bruni | Osaki Shotaro | Elemental
Caleb Danvers | Steven Strait | Warlock
Camael | Jensen Ackles | Angel
Camryn Adelaide | Glitz Suicide | Poly Shifter
Carrie Devereaux | Radeo Suicide "Chelsea Vitorio" | Human
Cassidy Merlyn | Dakota Fanning | Vampire
Castiel | Misha Collins | Angel
Catarina Loss | Sophia Walker | Warlock
Cassandra Rogers | Chloe Moretz | Human
Ceannaire Mellark | Daniel Sharman | Fenrir
Cerberus | JR Bourne | Three Headed Demon Dog
Chae Nari | Lee Chae-yeon | Feline Shifter [Rusty Spotted Cat]
Charlie Goodwin | Jesse Labelle | Wolf Shifter
Chelsea Barton | Scarlett Johannsen | Witch
Chezna Lumiere-Conriocht | Devon Shigaki | Werewolf
Chinami Kennedy | Heo Yoorim | Human
Cho Sorren | Choi Seung Cheol | Psychic/Red Panda Shifter Hybrid
Choi Byeol-Dal | Roseanne Park | Forest Nymph
Choi Byeol-Jageun | Lee Felix | Rainbow Nymph
Choi Subin | Jeong Yunho | Poly Feline Shifter [Serval, Siamese, Marbled Cat]
Christopher Argent | JR Bourne | Human
Ciel Phantomhive | Jeonghan | Demon
Clarissa Fairchild | Katherine McNamara | Nephilim
Clark Morrigan | James Marsters | Warlock
Claudia Hale | Lyndsy Fonseca | Werewolf
Cleossandra Reid | Candice Swanepoel | Angel
Clinton Barton | Jeremy Renner | Human
Cora Hale | Adelaide Kane | Werewolf
Coraline Basilik | Kristyna Panochova | Fenrir
Crimson Macabre | Reita | Dragon
Damien DeLuna | Tyler Hoechlin | Vampire
Daniel Cross | Keahu Kahuanui | Werewolf
Daniel Mahaelani | Keahu Kahuanui | Druid
Darius Talbot | John Boyega | Human
Demetrius Beltre | Charlie Carver | Griffon
Demkos Florian | Tyler Posey | Human
Derek Hale | Tyler Hoechlin | Werewolf
Desmond McKnight | Alex O'Loughlin | Wolf Shifter
Dionysus | Darren Criss | God
Dokuno Kokoro | Uruha | Snake Shifter [King Cobra]
Dominique Brady | Alona Tal | Druid
Druid Harrington | Shane West | Human
Eden Tryphist | Elsa Hosk | Human
Elijah Mikaelson | Daniel Gillies | Vampire
Elijah Roanoke | Stephen Amell | Siren/Incubus Hybrid
Elise Macabre | Kwon Yuri | Dragon
Elliot Erso | Joseph Morgan | Fox Shifter
Emile Hargreaves | Kellan Lutz | Witch
Emilea Curani | Charlize Theron | Faunis
Eros | Adam Lambert | God
Esmerelda Logan | Emeraude Logan | Human
Evelyn Queen | Sofia Carson | Witch
Ezekiel | Jeffrey Donovan | Angel
Fang Blackwater | Alex Meraz | Fox shifter
Fenrick Kelos | Josh Duhamel | Thunderbird
Fenris Conriocht | Zac Efron | Werewolf
Finn Storm | John Boyega | Human
Fiorin Basilik | Cody Christian | Psychic
Fury Peltier | Jackson Rathbone | Katagarian Wolf
Grif | Jason Momoa | Human
Hades | Ian Bohen/Cheyenne Jackson* | God
Hak Jiwoon | Kim Hongjoong | Nogitsune
Harry Hook | Thomas Doherty | Feline Shifter [black Maine Coone]
Hayley Marshalls | Phoebe Tonkin | Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid
Heather DeRoya | Emily Van Camp | Banshee/Demon Hybrid
Hera | Meghan Markle | Goddess
Hope Dracul | Daniela Ruah | Vampire/Angel Hybrid
Hwang Beongae | Momo Hirai | Pheonix
Hwang Seungki | Kim Youngjo | Kitsune Tribrid
Hwang Taeyang | Wong Yuk-hei | Phoenix
Ian Logan | Ian Somerhalder | Werewolf
Isabelle Gautier | Jill Wagner | Human/Succubus Hybrid
Isabelle Lightwood | Emeraude Toubia | Nephilim
James Barnes | Sebastian Stan | Cybernetically Enhanced Human
Jameson Morgan | Liam Hemsworth | Witch
Jasmine Estrella | Dali Suicide | Bunny Shifter
Jason Carter | Sebastian Stan | Dragon
Jasper Hale/Cullen | Jackson Rathbone | Vampire
Jasper Kallihan | Joseph Morgan | Warlock
Jayden McNamara | Jake Johnson | Dark Fae
Jefferson Hatter/Barnes | Sebastian Stan | Magically Inclined Human
Jessica Hawkblue | Claudia Kim | Warlock
Jin Galeon | Jennifer Lawrence | Human/Vampire Hybrid
Jocelyn Celine Herondale | Holland Roden | Nephilim
Jonathan Herondale | Dominic Sherwood | Nephilim
Jonathan Herondale Jr. (JR) | Will Tudor | Nephilmi
Jordan Kyle | Chai Hensen | Werewolf
Joseph Dixon | Nicholas Hoult | Technokinetic
Julian Moore | Colin O'Donaghue | Human
Kaina Red | Son Ga-In | Dragon
Kallin Elijah | Willa Holland | Hellhound
Kane Lancaster | Robert Downey Jr | Demon
Kang Kija | Kang Min-hee | Thunder Kitsune
Kataigida Parthenopaeus | Tom Ellis/Dylan O'Brien | Demigod
Katherine Elysia | Taissa Farmiga | Fae
Kevin Hawkblue | Ruki | Weretiger
Kim Jeongwon | Han Jisung | Sugar Glider Shifter
Kim Seonyul | Moon Taeil | Siren
Kiniko Hajime | Cho Kyu-hyun | Vampire
Kira Yukimura | Arden Cho | Thunder Kitsune
Kirishima Kyung-jae | Nakamoto Yuta | Witch/Siren Hybrid
Kirishima Touka | Kim Jiu | Ghoul
Kol Mikaelson | Daniel Sharman | Vampire/Witch*
Kole Winston | Tyler Hoechlin | Fae
Konstantin Udinov | Riker Lynch | Demon/Witch Hybrid
Kouga Hajime | Han Groo | Vampire
Krigare Storm | Joseph Morgan | Imp
Kuradei Phantom | Jung Seung-bo | Umbrakinetic/Wolf Shifter Hybrid
Kwon Yuri | Moon Byul-yi | Sensitive
Kyo Sohma | N/A | Cursed Human
Kyle Artmen | Jay Ryan | Jaguar Shifter
Kyrian Stone | Jonathan Rhys Myers | Psychic/Siren Hybrid
Laura Hale | Meghan Ory | Werewolf
Lee Hajun | Kim Jong-in | Warlock
Lee Minji | Kang Seul-gi | Psychic
Lee Sanghoon | Kim Dong Young | Monarch
Lestat DeMyre | Dave Salmoni | Elf
Lim Eunjin | Jung Wooyoung | Incubus
Loki Laufeyson | Tom Huddleston | God
Lucien Callihan | Ian Bohen | Human
Lucien Hoijer | Matthew Davis | Griffon
Lucifer Morningstar | Sebastian Roche | Angel
Lucille Quinnzel | Ashley Benson | Human
Luke Garroway | Isaiah Mustafa | Werewolf
Lydia Branwell | Stephanie Bennett | Nephilim
Macaria | Meghan Ory | Goddess
Margaret Leigh | Jakhara Smith | Psychic
Magnus Bane | Harry Shum Jr. | Warlock
Maia Roberts | Alisha Wainwright | Werewolf
Malia Hale | Shelley Hennig | Werecoyote
Malika Udinov | Clair Holt | Demon/Witch Hybrid
Marcellus Gerard | Charles Michael Davis | Vampire
Markus Ducaine | Steven Strait | Werelion
Maryssa Dixon-Bennett | Selena Gomez | Druid
Matthew Bennett | Jake Abel | Werepanther
Maxine Owens | Griffin Ramsey | Demigoddess
Melanie Barnes | Alexandra Daddario | Genetically Enhanced Human
Merrick Bennett/Hadriel | Jake Abel | Werepanther/Angel
Mia Mosely | Adelaide Kane | Phoenix
Michael Caboose | Jake Johnson | Human
Michael Hartford | Ian Cohen | Human
Michaelis Moon | Lee Teuk | Dragon/Human Hybrid
Mieczyslaw Stilinski | Dylan O'Brien | Human/Spark
Mikabane House | Meagan Tandy | Red Panda Shifter
Mila Martinez | Katherine Mcnamara | Psychic
Miles Brunelli | Matt Cohen | Vampire
Momiji Sohma | N/A | Cursed Human
Moon Eukyung | Jeon So-yeon | Demigoddess
Moon Heechul | Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul | Snake Shifter
Moon Kona | Park Jisung | Ice Nymph/Snake Shifter
Morgan Lovec | Norman Reedus | Imp
Morgana Krajick | Zoe Saldana | Angel
Morriginya Branwen | Cho Seo Young | Semblance Gifted Human
Nam Arwen | Chonnasorn Sajakul | Elf/Werewolf Hybrid
Natalee Grybyx | Maggie Q | Seer
Natasha Romanov | Scarlett Johannsen | Enhanced Human
Nataliya “Nekome” Dashwood | Ashley Greene | Cheshire
Nevinovat Fata | Crystal Reed | Hawk Shifter
Nicholas Hightower | Gavin Free | Cat Shifter [Russian Blue]
Niklaus Mikaelson | Joseph Morgan | Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid
Niklaus Udinov | Sam Pettyfer | Demon/Witch Hybrid
Nikolai Buchannon | Hunter Hayes | Human
Nikolaia Udinov | Chris Hemsworth | Witch
Padme Amidala | Natalie Portman | Human
Park Sungjin | Kim Geonhak | Kitsune/Vampire Hybrid
Persephone | Holland Roden | Goddess
Peter Hale | Ian Bohen/Michael Fjordbak | Werewolf
Peter Parker | Andrew Garfield/Tom Holland | Genetically Enhanced Human
Qrow Branwen | Lee Donghae | Magic Gifted Human
Quinton Macklemore | Dylan O'Brien | Werewolf
Ragnor Fell | Tom Hiddleston | Warlock
Rebecca Daniels | Holland Roden | Human
Reno Akujin | N/A | Mako Enhanced Human
Rex Coltin | Chris Evans | Snake Shifter [Diamondback]
Reyna Wingyr | Grace Park | Fenrir
Ryan Macklemore | Dylan O'Brien | Werewolf
Ryn Hollings "Sailor Chibi Moon" | Bella Thorne | Senshi
Ryuu Kyosuke | Lee Taemin | Dragon
Sainika Winston | Mackenzie Foy | Fae
Sebastian Mills | Cody Christian | Hellhound
Sebastian Morgenstern | Will Tudor | Demon-blooded Nephilim
Serena James | Kristin Kruek | Phoenix
Shane Westfield | Nick Groff | Psychic
Shin Chan Young | Lee Dae-Hee | Seer
Siobhan Conriocht | Penellope Mitchell | Werewolf
Snow White "Mary Margaret Blanchard" | Ginnifer Goodwin | Human
Son Jin | Lee Dong Hyuck | Ice Nymph
Son Minho | Kim Chan Young | Naga
Spencer Todd | Shemar Moore | Human
Steven Rogers | Chris Evans | Genetically Enhanced Human
Sun Kyujin | Lee Siyeon | Witch
Sun Seoyun | Park Seonghwa | Cursed Vampire
Sun Wukong | Yanan | Faunis
T'Khani Ekundayo | Chadwick Boseman | Ghost
Tarael Lightwood-Bane | Brant Daugherty | Nephilim/Warlock Hybrid
Tatiana Novak | Hannah Marks | Angel/Human Hybrid
Terra Riley | Nina Dobrev | Kitsune/Werewolf Hybrid
Thor Odinson | Chris Hemsworth | God
Tigerlilly Sikari | Elizabeth Loaiza | Seer/Weretiger Hybrid
Tristan Royans | Nick Bateman | Fire Kitsune/Human Hybrid
Tsukinora Kitoai | Jay Park | Werelynx
Tykeisha Caine | Taraji P Henson | Demon/Leopard Shifter Hybrid
Valerie Wilson | Shay Mitchell | Human
Valora Lovelace | Genevieve Padalecki | Cheetah Shifter
Vanessa Choi | Kim Hyo Yeon | Psychic
Victor Rivera | Devon Sawa | Human
Victoria Mosely | Crystal Reed | Phoenix
Vio Curani | N/A | Demon
Vishal Malik | Taylor Lautner | Nephilim
Wanda Maximoff | Elizabeth Olsen | Mutant
Weiss Schnee | N/A | Semblance Gifted Human
William "Spike" Pratt | James Marsters | Vampire
Xavier Rybolt | David Castro | Demon
Xavier Remmington | Sinqua Walls | Poly Shifter [Jaguar, Doberman, Wolf]
Yoo Daeshim | Kang Yeosang | Tribrid/Demigod
Yoo Jangmi | Jeon Ji Woo | Snow Leopard Shifter
Yukihara Arashi | Minatozaki Sana | Fae/Siren Hybrid
Yura Rybolt | Lee Ga-hyeon | Human
Zacariah Morgan | Jeffrey Dean Morgan | Witch/Seer
Zane Hertzfeld | Rasmus Ledin | Seer/Vampire Hybrid
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The Merry Thieves (but mostly Matthew) Fic
A/N: Another fic for the second day in a row because finals week is starting on Monday and I’m a top tier procrastinator. 
“Matthew, get your mutt!” Charles said.
“Oscar, stop.” Matthew said, sarcastically, with a halfhearted wave of his hand.
Matthew looked up from his book. “Oscar, please refrain from showering dear Charles with love; he’s allergic to affection.”
Oscar kept trying to play with Charles.
“Will you look at that, he still hasn’t given up on you. At least somebody still cares about you.”
Charles glowered. 
“Good morning, boys.” Charlotte said, rolling Henry in.
Oscar moved on from Charles to jump and try to lick Henry’s face. 
“Oscar. Down.” Matthew said. Oscar reluctantly followed suit and walked over to Matthew, sitting at his feet. 
Charles stared at him, hard.
“What?” Matthew asked innocently. He hooked his fingers around Oscar’s collar and held him back as Charlotte sat down beside him. 
“Mama, can you tell Matthew to take his dog out of the breakfast parlor? It’s unhygienic.”
“We let you stay in the breakfast parlor.” Matthew retorted.
Charlotte scratched Oscar behind the ear. “Matthew, you know he can’t stay here. At least not when we’re having breakfast.”
Matthew frowned. “We’re not even having breakfast.”
“Well, I guess he can stay here for now,” Charlotte said.
Charles didn’t argue with his Mother. 
“I have to go back to Idris for the trial.” Charlotte continued. 
Oscar chose that moment to leap forward, catching Matthew off guard. Matthew was pulled to his heels and had to lean back to get Oscar to stay in beside him. 
“Yes, it’s quite urgent. You boys will be staying with your father in London, though.”
Matthew wouldn’t have had a problem staying with Henry at London; he loved his father. Having to stay with Charles though… Matthew would be spending a lot of time at the institute, that’s for sure.
“Are you going to the Paris Institute, Charles?” Matthew asked innocently using the face that parents seemed to adore (all of the mothers seemed to find it extremely charming, though he hated wasting it on Charles). 
“No. I’m staying here to help Mother.”
“With what?”
“With matters in London.”
“What matters in London? It’s perfectly safe here.”
Charles scowled. 
Charlotte and Henry weren’t paying attention to their brawl; they were talking about something else.
This was going to be a long breakfast.
Hours later, Oscar was jumping around The Merry Thieves, occasionally bowing his front legs in front of one of them, to get them to play. When Oscar came close to James, he dropped his book and faced the dog, on his hands and knees. He growled and Oscar’s tail began wagging so hard, James was afraid it would fall off. James flinched intentionally and Oscar went crazy. He spun in quick circles and played with Jamie, until Oscar backed into Matthew, who threw his arms around him. 
Matthew fell back with Oscar still in his arms. Oscar squirmed, trying to play with Matthew instead of cuddling. Matthew only hugged him harder.
“Stop moving, I’m trying to love you!” Matthew said.
Oscar turned his head and licked Matthew’s face. Matthew instantly let go and moved his hands to Oscar’s muzzle, laughing hysterically. 
“Get away, your breath smells ghastly!” 
Christopher was trying to break open a nut with his teeth.
“Kit, you’re not a nutcracker. You’re going to break your teeth.” Thomas said, reaching out to grab Kit’s hand and pull it away from his face. 
“Kit, you should join the ballet. You’re lean and would look absolutely capital in tights! Besides, think of the ladies you could meet.” Matthew said, winking.
“I think I’ll pass,” said Kit.
Matthew propped himself up on his fist and rubbed Oscar’s belly vigorously. Since Oscar’s legs were sticking up, his joints bended and relaxed, his legs flew in random directions.
“Nobody appreciates art these days,” Matthew said with a frown.
“Uh oh, have you been reading Oscar Wilde again?”
“Jamie, when is he not reading Oscar Wilde?” Thomas said. 
“Don’t make fun of me for being cultured.”
James snorted.
Thomas ruffled Oscar’s fur. “It’s not being cultured if you are reading the same thing over and over again.”
“Thomas!” Matthew said, holding up a hand on his heart, “why are you trying to expose me?”
“The handkerchief.”
Matthew paled. “What?”
“The handkerchief, Matthew.” Thomas was not happy.
“Kit! How is Aunt Cecily?” James said, trying to change the subject
“Umm, she’s fine?”
“That’s great!” Everybody was silent for a moment. “Because, I haven’t seen much of her this past week… and that’s…”
“Can we please stop talking about Kit’s mom?”
“Yes, this is getting strange.” Kit said.
“Fine. Let’s talk about something interesting.” James said.
“I’m working on this new experi—”
“NO!” Thomas, Matthew and James all said at once. The moment Kit began talking about his experiments, he didn’t stop.
“It’s okay, Kit.”
“Yes, we probably won’t even understand the half of it. You should really save your science talk for Uncle Henry.”
Kit shrugged with indifference and cleaned his glasses.
The Merry Thieves began doing their own activities; not together, but enjoying each other’s presence.
Thomas leaned back and laid in the sun, James read against a tree truck, Matthew cuddled Oscar and Christopher was making a building of some sorts with pebbles. Kit sighed. 
“I’m glad Alex isn’t here. He always knocks my rock towers down.”
Matthew snorted. “That’s rude.”
“I think so too.”
“Children are like that.” said Thomas. “Maybe he wants to help.”
“But he’s not helping.” Christopher pointed out.
“Well, yes, but that’s because he doesn’t know how to. He’s trying to understand the world.  You could say he’s like a scientist, in a way. He wants to know what happens if he knocks down your rock tower.”
Christopher looked down at his rock tower and pressed his lips together. It was quite impressive he managed to balance them in such a way. He didn’t stack them the easy way (flat side to flat side) but an almost impossible way, where he found the smallest balance point between each rock.
“Can we go to the institute?” Kit said suddenly, changing the subject
“Why?” Thomas asked.
“Lucie’s fun.”
“I agree, let’s go.”
Kit and Thomas stood up.
“Um, all right then.” James said. He turned to tell Matthew to come.
Matthew looked wistfully at Kit’s pile of rocks. 
“Isn’t it beautiful?”
“The rocks?”
“The world always feels like it’s turning too fast. These rocks are proof that it’s moving at just the right speed. It’s calming. Grounding, almost.”
“Are you alright, Math?” James said, getting down beside him and putting a hand on his parabatai’s shoulder. 
Matthew shook his head, as though he were coming out of a trance. “What? Oh, yes, I’m quite alright.”
“Are you sure?” James said, looking into his eyes.
Matthew laughed, but his heart wasn’t in it. “You worry too much.”
James looked at him. 
“Yes, of course I’m okay.” Matthew said solemnly. 
He got up to his feet and extended a hand towards James.
“Let’s go, Jamie.” 
James reluctantly took his hand and let Matthew hoist him to his feet. They put an arm around each other.
“Wait for us, you uncivilized heathens!” He yelled at Thomas and Kit, who were running with Oscar. 
“Aren’t all Shadowhunters technically heathens?” asked James.
Matthew smiled. “I would have called them ‘demon spawns’ but you are proof of how sensible demon spawns can be.”
James laughed and patted Matthew’s back. “Let’s go before you get philosophical.”
“Onward!” Matthew said, loudly.
Here’s a video of the rock balancing Kit was doing because tell me this is not the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
Tagging: @livvyheronstairs @celias @hitheresomeoneusingthus @tsccreatorsnet
If you want to be tagged in any of my fics (either a specific ship/character or all of them) you can DM me, and I’ll make sure to tag you!
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tthicctae · 7 years
i am so emotionally invested in matthew's dog now it's not funny anymore
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mortalfaerie · 3 years
To Fake An Engagement (M.F.)
part 1/?
matthew farichild x (fem) reader
word count: 2118
synopsis: reader has had a crush on matthew for years, but has never acted on it. after a night of drinking at the devil’s tavern, reader and matthew jokingly exchange family rings, a gesture of engagement. at least, she thought it was a joke. no coi spoilers.
If there was one good thing that James and Cordelia’s faux engagement had afforded your friends, it was the ability to stay out as long as you liked, feigning to help with wedding preparations or attending social events with the young couple.
In truth, most of those nights were spent you would have all longed to have spent it anyway: in the rooms above The Devil’s Tavern, idling away the time with cards, experiments, and telling stories. This was how you intended to spend this night, seated at the table in the center of the room, playing poker for hairpins with The Merry Thieves, Cordelia, and Lucie. Not having poker chips on hand, and not equally having enough coins to play for real money, Cordelia had scoffed and begun to pull out the ridiculous amount of hairpins that held up her locks- intended for a night of festivities in society- and placed them on the table. 
“Well, that will have to be at least thirty.” She said, nodding at the pile.
“Ah, well, I’ll contribute as well.” Lucie had agreed amiably, and discarded twenty or so pins to the pile. The rest of the group looked to you, your hair still contained in its chingon. 
“Oh, well, sure.” You conceded, and discarded your hairpins to the table, and idly ran your fingers through your hair, trying to smooth it out. “But I am sticking you all with the blame if it is horribly knotted by the end of the night.” You stated, jokingly.
From beside you at the table, Matthew gave you an appraising look. “Seems well enough to me.”
You gave an eye roll, as you often did, and let your hair fall over your shoulder between you and conceal the blush. It was fairly common knowledge to at least a few members of the group that you had a crush on Matthew, for better or for worse, since your family had come to London two years ago. Of course, Matthew, who had long been your friend, had appeared to be infatuated at different times, with everyone except you. You had resigned yourself, complaining to Lucie that it was hopeless, but she of course had denied it, not wanting to see you upset. Now, he seemed to be bewitched by Cordelia.
You all knew that Cordelia and James’ marriage was fake. In some ways, you thought it was rather funny. That said, Matthew seemed eternally bittersweet at the thought of it. A marriage was a marriage, was indeed a marriage, whether fake or not.  
You played cards and laughed, exchanging drinks at intervals, and nipped a bit of Matthew’s brandy while whispering about Christopher’s strategy and Thomas’ lack of proper poker face. After a game, when unsurprisingly, Lucie took the lot of hairpins, you talked idly with your friends as Lucie gloated.
“So, what will we do once James and Cordelia marry, and we can no longer feign that we have very important wedding business on dull nights?” Thomas asked the group.
“Ah, well, we could create another marriage blanc among the group, y’know?” James laughed, not noticing the slight wince Cordelia gave at the reminder. 
Lucie laughed. “Well, I am not volunteering myself as the bride. I have many things I yet need to do before marrying, blanc ou non.”
Matthew, who had been studying his glass of brandy for the past few minutes in an odd quiet, looked up and said humorously “Well, that leaves us with Y/N,” and, turning to you, asked “So do you accept such a nomination?”
You laughed, feeling your cheeks flush rapidly. “Oh, my, well I don’t see anybody proposing to me?” you reasoned, and took a brisk sip of your drink. 
“Ah, but you can have your pick!” James said, poking a finger about the table. “You could choose to be Y/N Lightwood,” he gestured to Christopher and Thomas, the latter of the two punching him playfully in the shoulder to dissuade him, but he concluded, “Or you could be Y/N Fairchild!”
The group roared in approval at the suggestion, and though it was all a joke, you couldn’t lie that you enjoyed the sound of it. 
“Oh, come now, we still have months before you marry.” You laughed. 
“And so months to plan our next deception of the Enclave.” Christopher nodded. He, probably more than the rest, loved the idea of deceiving the Enclave. 
“Certainly more time to plan than we had.” Cordelia said, with a half smile.
“Shall you accept petitions of marriage in the meantime?” Lucy asked, a sparkle of mischief in her eyes. “I think it would be most romantic, and surely, the most diplomatic means to decide.”
Mathew, in response, snorted. “Oh, Lucie, you’re beginning to sound like Charles.”
Lucie’s face screwed up in momentary dissatisfaction. “Oh, by the Angel, I should hope not.”
You smiled. “All the same, I rather like the idea of you all presenting why I should marry you, and not the others.” 
“Hm, well,” Thomas began, carrying on the ruse you seem to have created at the table. “Well, Lightwood is a good name, and you would never want for comfortable conversation.”
Christopher nodded enthusiastically at Thomas, and added “And Aunt Sophie would love Y/N.”
“Oi! Conjecture!” James said accusingly. “You can’t advocate for someone else.”
Christopher raised his hands in mock surrender. “Alright! I-” he began, but then paused. The group laughed in response. “Uh. Okay, well, you would always be entertained.” he decided, and gave a toothy smile. 
You nodded to him obligingly, and then turned to Matthew, expecting him to contribute. He started when you looked at him.
“Hm? Oh! Yes, my petition.” He said, setting down his glass. “Though I am certain to be an eternal bachelor, I could assure that you would always be fashionably dressed,” he said, considering. “Your bed would always be warm, if by me or by Oscar,” he added with a smile. You laughed in response, he knew you loved Oscar. You had always wanted a dog of your own, but your parents would never oblige you. “You would be the Consul’s daughter, I should add, and Fairchild is also a good name,” and he gave you an indulgent smile and thumbed your nose as he concluded, “And I must say, our children would be beautiful indeed.” 
You flushed even redder than you had before, and the group whooped at your shock. 
Cordelia shook her head. “Matthew, nobody said anything about children. It would be another blanc marriage, after all.”
He sketched a bow to her and answered, “I will not apologize for having a flair for the dramatic.”
“Mm, well then,” James interjected, eyes shining. “Your verdict, Y/N?”
You looked around the table, surprised to see they were all looking expectantly to you. “Oh, well, if I must choose,” you began, and cleared your throat. “I think I would have to take Matthew’s offer.” And apologetically, added for Christopher and Thomas, “I am sorry, I could never say no where Oscar is concerned.” 
Matthew winked at you. “And who could blame you? He is most charismatic.” He patted your hand beside him and then said, “It is decided then, after Cordelia and James have wedded, Y/N and I shall become engaged, and you may all fuss over us in turn.” 
Surprising all of you, Matthew removed his Fairchild ring and held it out to you. “Shall we?” he asked, still smiling. Your mind raced. He was drunk, of course, and you weren’t much better. Of course, it was a joke. A ruse, and you would probably return rings in the morning after a good laugh. You bit your lip consideringly, and then decided to have fun. You reached for your family ring, and placed it in his hand. He slid the Fairchild ring onto your finger, and placed a kiss to your hand. You giggled, and the group applauded and laughed.
“My bride to be.” He said to the group, gesturing to the ring on your hand.
 The next morning, when your family’s maid drew open the curtains of your room, you blocked the light with your hand and was surprised when you recognized that the ring on your hand was not yours, but Matthew’s. You couldn’t remember all of night, but you must have not returned his ring before parting. You made a mental note to return it upon seeing him later, as you were likely to see him at the park, where a picnic- this time, without daylight demons- was planned.
You were enthusiastically listening to Lucie’s latest edition of The Beautiful Cordelia alongside the Lightwoods, Anna included, and Cordelia when the Consul’s carriage arrived, and Matthew and James together exited to join you on the blanket. You had tried to find the time during conversation and food to return the ring, but it evaded you. As the afternoon pulled on, you gathered your coat in a pile and reclined against it, watching the moving clouds. You had closed your eyes a moment when abruptly, the sun disappeared above you. Your eyes flew open in shock as you reached for your dagger, but stopped when your eyes landed on Matthew, standing over you and looking down. 
“No demons, only me.” He said with a smile. As always, you rolled your eyes. “Will you take a turn about the path with me?” He asked, and offered a hand to help you up. 
You accepted it, and brushed off your skirts. You looped your arm through his and began to walk in silence. After a few minutes, you blurted out, “I expect you’ll want your ring back.”
He shot you an odd look, and answered, “I was about to offer you yours. Though, I admit, I was tempted to keep it.”
“What?” you asked, incredulously. 
“Well, it seems to be great fun to pretend to be engaged, don’t you think?” He said, looking straight ahead.
“Oh, I’m sure, but, Matthew,” you sighed, and he stopped to regard you. 
“Ah, yes, you would not want to be engaged to me.” He said, looking inexplicably through and past you. “I would not blame you. I accepted a fate as an eternal bachelor long ago.”
“No, Matthew, that’s not-” you began, but he cut you off.
“You would want to be engaged to me?” he asked, brows raised.
“Matthew, please let me finish a sentence!” you exclaimed, and he fell silent.
“Thank you.” you sighed. “I was saying, I am sure it would be great fun to pretend to be engaged, but I would want-” you gestured aimlessly. “A husband who loved me.”
He looked at you earnestly and said quietly, though you were alone, “I could love you, Y/N.”
Your heart wrenched at his words. “I would want you to love me, Matthew, not simply be able to.”
You passed a moment of silence, regarding each other, and then he said, “Will you keep the ring?”
You shook your head in disbelief, and reached to take it off, but he stopped you. “Don’t. Keep it. You can have yours in return, but keep mine. It does me good to see someone else wear it. It’s unlikely to be given to another.” and there was a loneliness to it that hurt you.
“Matthew.” you sighed, and laced your fingers in your own. “I can’t believe I’m saying this,” you began, and he met your eyes. “What if- what if, we had a deal.” you suggested.
“A deal?” he asked. You nodded. “Yes, a deal. What if I kept the ring for… a year?”
He raised an eyebrow. “You will have to explain your reasoning.”
You cleared your throat. “You say, you could love me. If I keep this ring for a year, and at the end of the year, you love me-”
“You’ll accept my offer in earnest?” he supplied. You nodded in response. 
His eyes lit up, but he nodded with a schooled expression. “Very well. A year. Keep my ring for a year.”
“I shall.” you replied. You smiled oddly, and regarded your interlaced hands. “I do quite like the Fairchild ring.”
He smiled warmly. “It is quite superior, as far as family crests are concerned.”
You nudged him playfully. “You are biased, Matthew Fairchild.”
“Perhaps I am. Am I the worse for it?” he replied.
“Oh, no more than the rest of us. We shadowhunters are terribly prideful.” you said, and looked up to him. To your surprise, he pressed a kiss to your temple. You squeezed his hand without thinking, and he smiled. “A year. A winter wedding then, or spring?”
All you could do was laugh in response, but your stomach was tied in nervous, hopeful knots.
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anarmorofwords · 3 years
Deep down I think all Matthew fans wanted Oscar to be more important because it’s so very clear Matthew loves him, and frankly as buck wild as it sounds, is the only thing he allows himself to love and be loved in return by at this point.
Also the fact that he was a GIFT from James to him like it wasn’t something he planned to give to Matthew but the moment he saw him he was like “okay Matthew would love this.”
Like was there a moment of Tessa and Will trying to break it to him he can’t have a dog and James being like “mama papa this is not my dog this is Matthew future dog.”
And then Tessa and Will being like “did you ASK Matthew or his parents if he could have a dog?”
“No. But it’ll be fine,” which of course it was, but I still find it funny that James saw a golden dog and went “oh Matthew!” I do wanna see Charlotte’s face when she comes home or henry and Matthew visit her and oh there is a dog now. And like she has that working mom guilt so she can’t like tell Matthew he can’t keep the dog he’s had for months now but she would have liked to know sooner. Sorry I have a lot of emotions about the Fairchild family and how it’s not really a black and white situation, there is love there (yes even Charles, blast him). Like totally off topic but imagine Charlotte having to leave early in the morning and just Matthew was a baby and Charles was only a little kid and she sneak into their nursery and kiss them and tell them she loved them before she left and if they woke up she try and get them back to sleep because it was still late/too early for them to be up. I just…tlh Charlotte is not tid Charlotte, tid Charlotte would not have this bad of a work life balance.
Anyway, in short, James is Oscar’s other dog dad. Cordelia is Oscar’s dog step mom. Sorry for the long ask about Matthew of all people. Have a good day/night whenever this finds you.
hi anon!!!
terribly sorry for the delay in answering, I swear I'm getting back on track with asks!!
YES YES YES. I'd take Matthew interacting with his dog over the useless romantic subplot with Cordelia anytime. I do think Oscar is a sort of therapy dog for him, and perhaps a big factor in him not doing even worse (suicidal thoughts anyone?), and I wish that would be shown more, you know?
plz James saw a running ray of sunshine and went "yeah, that's my parabatai's new buddy, sounds about right"
Perhaps working mum quilt would be a part of it, but also simply seeing how happy the dog makes Matthew... I don't think Charlotte never noticed Matthew's weird moods or times of being lost in thought and those "seeing too much" eyes. So if she thought it'll make him feel better, she would agree either way, I think.
When am I not in Fairchild family feels lately... So I feel you. And there's obviously love there, even in Charles's case (which doesn't, imo, change the fact that he's shitty and would need to work on himself a lot to get a proper redemption)
I think I've already had some asks and talked about Charlotte leaving and kissing her babies goodbye and just the TID/TLH Charlotte, but you're totally right.
Also let's be real, Henry fell in love with the dog on the spot, he wouldn't give him back.
He is and that's beautiful. Henry is the spoiling granddad ^^
what do you mean Matthew of all people?! I'm always delighted to talk about Matthew - though you'll probably make me cry, but that happens all the time anyway lol
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themostawesomehuman · 4 years
Matthew babysitting Owen Herondale
This is my first ever fluff lmao! If there’s any thing so can improve on tell me!
Tagging: @lily-chen-deserves-better @liam-h-205 @raccoon-dog-from-mercury @fieryfantasybooklover @daisyherxndale @thanatosangels @magnus-the-fabulous-entp-bane @magnus-the-maqnificent @d3monp0xx @simon-lewis-is-a-skinny-legend @brotherlipsmackariahs @mitsuhamiyamizi @immyownghostwriter @cecilyfightwood @morgnstern @bridgestocksariadne @matthewfaichild @foreverfallentoast @friendlyneighbourhoodreader @idontgetit-whydoihavetosaymyname @herondale-anxiety @insane---chaos @ginacsonka @banesbitch @fairchild-squad @zafirafox4636 @alyssaswords @banesbitch @fairchild-squad @fairchild-blackthorn @fair-but-wilde-child
“I cannot! For your father will cut my head off and shove it on a pole in front of the institute” Matthew explained, his hand resting on his forehead dramatically. It might not strictly have been the case for his dear parabatai but he was quite sure that Cordelia Herondale would not hesitate to use Cortana to slice him in half with a single blow.
“Pleases, Uncle Matthew? Please?” Owen begged, embracing Matthew from behind. Pressing his adorable little face on Matthew’s shoulder. It was hard to say no to Owen Herondale; his eyes glittering with wonder; his genuine warm smile; his face structure exactly the same as James’. Who could really say no to tiny Herondales? Someone must certainly be heartless to say no to Spawns of Perfection. James has told Matthew many times not to call his son a spawn but it is the truth and the truth shall be told. Just a ride from the Institute to his house won’t hurt, right? Matthew thought quietly to himself. He was never the one good with obeying the rules anyway. James and Cordelia often left Owen in the care of Lucie or Thomas but now that they had all made their escape, Matthew had no choice.
After a few minutes of very little persuasion Matthew sighed, “Alright, alright! Let’s go see Oscar”. Matthew stood up and grabbed his coat from a hanger as he spun around dramatically facing his nephew, “Not a word single about this to your parents, understood? Or they shall publicly execute me.” Owen nodded in silent agreement, his eyes lit up like a lightbulb.
On their way to his place, Owen only grew in excitement to see Mr. Oscar Wilde, who Matthew feared would be equally as excited. Matthew himself was extremely tired and was ready to pass out on any given opportunity. Given that if Owen was his parabatai’s son and his godson, he would have left him in a room somewhere and never looked back. During what seemed to be an unusually long ride, he kept drifting off but jerked back and hands on his blade when Owen yelped each time they hit a dump on the road.
After a fifteen ride from the Institute, they finally arrived at Matthew's flat. As the servant opened the door for them, the little boy immediately yelled for Oscar who answered his call with an enthusiastic bark. Owen’s smile brightened even more at the sound; it has been a few weeks since he met Oscar, since Oscar was an old chap with a bit of joint problems.
As soon as they entered the sitting room, Oscar greeted both Owen and Matthew with what seemed to be very wet kisses. Owen giggled as Oscar lay down next to him on the carpet so he could pat his head and give him tummy rubs. As Owen seemed to be entirely focusing on cuddling and teasing the dog, this left Matthew some room to take a bath and asked his servants for hot chocolate and some Turkish delight. He noticed earlier that Owen had barely any of Briget’s wonderful cooking as he was too busy focusing on the book he hid under the table, he was so much like his father, Matthew found it quite endearing. Cordelia had told him that Owen wasn’t allowed sugar at night but at this point, he just wanted his nephew to eat something. She could try to murder and throw his body into the Thames later when she returns.
When Matthew returned downstairs, he found Owen sitting on the floor of the sitting room gobbling down the hot chocolate and a few remaining pieces of Turkish delight. His face was covered in icing, above his mouth a hot chocolate mustache but the biggest cheerful smile on his face. He seemed content and that’s all Matthew really wanted for his dearest nephew.
“These are amazing!” Owen gestured at the plate with his little finger.
“Aren’t they?” Matthew examined a small piece before popping it in his mouth. It tasted very sweet but children seemed to like them. He wiped Owen’s face to make sure that there wasn't any remaining evidence of treats left.
As the servant cleared the room. Owen turned to Matthew and asked “do you live here by yourself?”
“Well, if you don’t count the two servants and Mr. Oscar Wilde then yes”, Matthew answered ruffling Owen’s hair playfully as Owen tried to get away.
“What about a partner? Papa has mam and aunt Lucie has uncle Jess. What about you?” Owen looked directly at Matthew, “ don’t you feel lonely?”
“Do I feel lonely?” shocked Matthew repeated the question. Loneliness was something he never really thought about. Was he lonely? Years before he remembered feeling that way, he would admit. He hated himself and there was this empty void in him that he wanted to fill. He filled it with people, spirits and other things that looking back he wasn’t proud of but as time went by, things changed. “I supposed not”, he finally answered.
“Is that why you’re not married?” Owen questioned him with a bright smile on his face. It’ll be a long time until this little boy has to answer similar questions, there’s so much more he needed to know about the world. It was shocking to think that one day Matthew or James or Cordelia will no longer have to answer every question, for there would be a time Owen would have to figure them out himself.
Matthew’s gaze softened. “Have you ever been to a Shadowhunter wedding ceremony?” he sat down opposite his nephew in front of the fireplace.
“I don’t really remember” the little boy answered, his forehead furrowed thoughtfully.
“Well, they normally asked the soon-to-be-wedded couple, ‘hast thy soul found the one you doth love?’, normally they would both say yes and the ceremony will officially begin” Matthew explained. In the past few years he has been to countless weddings. Everyone seemed to be getting married these days. Everyone except from him. “I haven’t found that person yet. My soul hasn’t and I will wait until I find them”, Matthew answered honestly and shrugged. Owen stared at him, his eyebrows rose and nodded slowly. Matthew knew that Owen didn’t really understand but it didn’t matter. Owen Herondale had so much more time to learn, he had his whole life ahead of him and tonight was only a fragment of it.
As the clock struck nine they were back again at the London Institute with Owen fast asleep in Matthew’s arms. As Matthew lay his nephew down and covered him with the duvet, he quietly wondered what it would feel like to do the same simple gesture for his own son. Maybe someday.
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beyondtheciouds · 4 years
"You're a Shadowhunter," the fairy said, tossing her bright pink hair over her bony shoulder. The sun was still high in the sky, although Matthew's pocket watch had said it was past two when they arrived in the park twenty minutes earlier.
"Yes," Lucie said slowly.
The fairy's shrill voice was ripe with her shock. "A Shadowhunter that sees ghosts?" She said the word like she was testing the roll of her tongue.
Lucie sighed, trying to keep her patience in check. You could never be too careful when it came to the Fae. They did things their way. On their terms, especially if they were from a different batch."Yes, Lorena. We already went over this."
The fairy smiled and something about the width seemed unkind. "And you are sure about this....Miss...?"
"Heron--" Lucie began.
"Fairchild, " Matthew drawled, interupting as he steadied Lucie with his hand on her arm. "Mrs. Fairchild, my wife is the daughter-in-law to the Consul."
Lucie tried not to look stunned, but she was shaking on the inside.
The fairy looked between the two of them and Lucie wasn't sure she was buying Matthew's act. "Well, you are a vision together."
Matthew smiled big and bright while his other hand held a long, red leash with a big, yellow mutt attached. "Yes, yes we are."
Lucie blanched and Matthew beamed again, pulling her closer until their bodies were touching. The urge to shove him away was riding her nerves like a comet tail but she smiled big anyway. "So, about the Arum Lilies...do you know where I could find any besides the Shadowmarket?"
Lorena eyed Oscar suspiciously as he dug up a patch of wildflowers. She turned her bright orange eyes to Matthew, appreciating his fair, golden looks and svelte figure. The fairy was completely ignorant of Lucie's inquiry, already infatuated. "Your husband a Shadowhunter too?"
"Yes," Lucie said and sighed. She subtly rolled her eyes. This fairy was beginning to give her a headache and she still didn't understand why Matthew had begged to come along. Or why he had to bring the dog.
The fairy licked her lips. "Flowers?"
"Lilies. I don't mean to rush, but we are short on time. Where can I find the Arum Lilies?" Lucie asked as she stepped out of Matthew's hold.
"Oscar, stop that at once!" Matthew scolded the dog as he chewed on a stick. He tugged the leash and Oscar rolled over in the pile of dirt and flowers he created.
The fairy laughed and the sound was as unpleasant as the voice Lucie heard two nights before. "My dear, why do you need the Death Flower?"
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Matthew: Hello, 911? Yes, I stepped on my dog's tail, I need to be arrested immediately
911 operator: Mr Fairchild, we've talked about this
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julemmaes · 5 years
My saviour
“I’m the kid who never pays attention in class and you’re the one who always gives me the answer when the teacher calls on me” AU
A Matthew Fairchild and Lucie Herondale Modern Day School AU
Okay this is the very first time I write something like this, but I really enjoyed writing it, so if you’d like to read more (because for some insane reasons you liked my writing) let me know and feel free to send me a ship and a prompt. It could be anything from shadowhunters to acotar to tog.
If you find any mistakes in the language PLEASE LET ME KNOW, because as you can say from my bio, English is not my first language and I’d really appreciate constructive criticism.
That’s all, now go enjoy Matthew being a dork:)
Word count: 2,994
“Mr Fairchild? Perhaps you would like to be escorted to Miss Fray’s classroom? Perhaps you would draw in a more comfortable position.”
Matthew’s head snapped at the name of his favorite art teacher. He sat up straight, realizing that the gaze of twenty boys was fixed on him. He smiled at the teacher, putting the pencil on the desk and shrugging, “No Miss Wrayburn. I was listening, I am so interested in your lectures that sometimes I get lost in historical stories and I like to illustrate them.” He ended with a sly smile, resting his chin on his hands. Miss Wrayburn, noted for her severity as a history teacher, smiled in return, placing her book on the chair and crossing her arms on the chest.
“So if I asked you what happened between June 19th and 20th, 1944 in the Pacific you would be able to answer me?” She asked her and smiled at him with the same sarcasm. Matthew began to sweat: he had already brought home two very bad grades that week, if he brought a third one, his mother Charlotte would surely have sent him to a private school, and it would have been a suicide. Think Math, think. 1944, World War II, Japan, Roosevelt. His thoughts were interrupted by the small voice of the girl beside him, “The Battle of the Philippine Sea”, whispered with one hand in front of her mouth to avoid being seen by the teacher. Matthew stilled on the chair, before coughing and repeating what his classmate had just suggested. Wrayburn seemed surprised and tilting her head asked him one more question, but he had completely lost the thread.
The girl who sat next to him was beautiful. A stunning beauty. The locks of dark brown hair fell on her shoulders like waves and surrounded her delicate white face. The eyes of a pale blue were moving frantically, looking first at him and then at the blackboard, where the teacher was writing three important events of the war between the USA and Japan. He collected himself, looking again at the girl, before the teacher called him one more time, asking him to put into chronological order the battles she just wrote down. He answered quietly with the help of the girl and when Wrayburn considered it sufficient enough not to put a bad grade, going back to explain to the class, Matthew could finally bask in the beauty sitting next to him.
Her writing was so delicate and at the same time… ferocious. Yes, he was going to describe it as ferocious, as if writing were something that she did very often and gladly. Plus, she seemed to be writing down everything the teacher said, without missing a single thing. He wanted to introduce himself, but he didn’t know how to do it without disturbing her. Because she looked like the kind of student who would bite your head off if she lost the theacher’s train of thoughts.
He looked around again for the answer, as if looking at the door or at thewindow, the idea would appear in front of him. And that’s exaclty what happened.
He took a blank piece of paper and started scribbling something. The design took shape and a golden retriver appeared (which tremendously reminded Matthew of Mr Oscar Wilde, his dog) with a blonde hair like his and a sparkling green leash. Satisfied with his work he made a small cartoon over the dog that said “Pleased to meet you, I’m Matthew, but you can call me Math. Thanks for the rescue, could you help me with one last question I absolutely need to know the answer to cause my school career could be at risk if I don’t?”
He moved slightly away from the desk to see the final result and nodded smugly, bent the paper in two, before sliding it slowly towards the girl’s desk. As expected, she did not pay him much attention before the ringing of the bell and even after, as she collected all her things and put them quickly in the bag, she didn’t notice the drawing, putting it together with the rest of her notes. Matthew was about to walk to her and ask her what her name was in person, but as soon as he got up, he found himself in front of Thomas Lightwood, his lifelong best friend and the kindest person he knew. He passed him without ceremony to see if the girl was always in the class, but by now the only ones left were the two of them and the students of the next class were already entering and sitting at the desks.
He snorted taking his stuff and starting to walk next to Tom, headed to the science lab. An nudge from his friend made him turn his head in his direction, eyebrow raised as a question.
“Don’t make that face, you haven’t lost her. She’s with us in science. Has been for years actually.” he said putting his arm around him. Thomas was almost twenty centimeters taller than him, he was close to two meters, and he was huge. Last summer, he had put on more muscle mass than he liked to admit, and it had gotten even bigger.
“I wasn’t thinking I lost her, I just wanted to know her name. She saved my ass earlier, I could always buy her a coffee, you know, to thank her.” He reached his locker, trying to end the conversation, but Thomas didn’t feel the same way, “Sure, and Kit doesn’t blow up his house at least three times a week”; he giggled at his own joke before bringing a hand to scratch his neck. “Although, I have to be honest, I’d like to see you on a date with Jesse Blackthorn’s girlfriend.”
Matthew snorted posing the never-used book of history, and taking the unharmed one of science. Obviously she had a boyfriend. And of course it had to be Jesse fucking Blackthorn. Turning to Tom with a whipped dog face, he asked him if he was joking.
“Oh no, not at all. They’ve been together for a while, but like, just two years, and the fact that you don’t know they’re together is worrying. The whole school knows this.” he answered him as soon as they arrived at Thomas' locker, where the same ritual was repeated for the billionth time.
“I have to remind you that I don’t really give a shit about the people who are in this building or do I have to connect the dots for you?” Math asked leaning against the wall again. He was dead tired and they were only at the second hour. Thinking he was gonna stay in that place till four o'clock got his stomach twisted.
Thomas laughed and the conversation ended there. They saw Christopher outside the chemistry labs, tinkering with giant tomes and test tubes, while Mr Fairchild, Matthew’s father, tried to help him as much as he could without dropping anything. They didn’t have the time to get close enough that from inside the classroom someone was shouting and they both rushed to rescue anyone who had made two wrong substances react.
Tom and Math entered the biology classroom, taking place in the second-to-last row. A few minutes later the girl of history class entered. She sat down at the desk behind Matthew’s, who was about to turn around when the teacher came in, blocking his every initiative. The lesson began immediately and the boy could hear her pen running fast on the paper. He took out the necessary to draw and got lost in his world again and again and again. Until Tom hit him on the arm and he turned to his friend, asking what the hell he wanted.
“What the hell do I want? Well, Mr Fairchild, if you answer this question correctly, I might consider not failing you at my subject.” He couldn’t believe it. Not again. Matthew turned slowly to the teacher, reducing his lips to a thin line, waiting for the question that would end his life.
“If the function of ribosomes is selectively blocked in a cell, what do you immediately stop, Mr Fairchild?” Professor fade asked severely. He was ready to say that no one in that cabbage class would know the answer, but the voice of his guardian angel was as clear as light behind his back, “The translation.”
“The translation, professor.”
“Translation of what, Matthew?”
“Of RNA,”; she told him, once more.
“Of RNA, sir.” he nodded, seemed convinced of what he was saying, and sighed with relief when the lesson resumed undisturbed. He turned slightly, smiling at the girl from above his shoulder. She was staring at him and in her left hand, reaching out to him, she was holding a folded piece of paper. He took it without the teacher noticing and opened it discreetly. In the corner of his eye he saw Thomas trying to spy on what was written on the paper.
When he saw it was his drawing, his chest swelled. Next to her dog there now was a little blue bird, with her wings folded on her hips, so she looked angry. It wasn’t as pretty as his dog, and it looked like it had been drawn in a hurry, but it was very cute, and above it the inscription “What, do I have to save you again?” was clear in her perfect handwriting.
He had to refrain from laughing, because the drawing was most likely done right after the history lesson, so this would be the third time that Matthew needed to be saved.
He started drawing again, this time making a kitten trying to catch the bird from below, with the phrase “Don’t worry, this is quite simple. What’s your name?” He could have easily asked Thomas and he would have answered him in less than a second. When he put his arm back and felt that the paper was being taken from his hand, he smiled, beginning to mind his own business once again. Only when the bell announcing the end of classes rang did he realize that the only color he had used during that time was blue.
“My name is Lucie, Lucie Herondale. But you can call me Luce.” He saw a thin, pale hand appear in his field of vision, and he almost jumped out of the chair. He raised his head and shook her hand. He smiled in the only way he knew, with his dazzling charm, and when he spoke, the voice came out like a shrill sound, “I am-” he coughed several times, while Lucie giggled and there, behind her, was Thomas, eyes wide open, holding a hand to his mouth to avoid bursting into laughter, “You’re Matthew, yeah, I already know.” she smiled at him.
“Yeah, yeah. The dog. It’s mine. I thought it’d be cute and wanted to thank you for all these rescues. My mother would kill me if she found out that I didn’t study anything and I-” he was interrupted by the voice of someone who had just appeared on the classroom door. A boy as tall as him, with black hair and the eyes of a spooky, pungent green, was extending his hand toward her, while with the other one he was balancing himself on the door, “Lulu let’s go, Jamie and Grace are waiting for us in front of your locker.” He looked away from her to Matthew and vice versa a couple of times before smiling shily at the two boys.
Lucie turned to Jesse Blackthorn and with a movement of her head made him understand that she would be there in a minute.
“Of course, there’s no problem. I’d rather help people than see them fail.” she said turning to Math again, “See you in class, I guess.” She smiled at him one last time and, putting her hands in her pockets, went out, following her boyfriend into the crowded hallway.
Matthew remained with his waving hand raised in the air until Thomas' laugh awoke him from his trance. He looked at his friend, pushed him sideways to pass him, and unceremoniously he told him to fuck off.
“C’mon Math. It was ridiculous. Pathetic. Humiliating. I can laugh sometimes, right?”
“Why? With me you don’t laugh enough?” Christopher asked by appearing at Thomas' side out of nowhere.
“Jesus Kit, where did you come from?” said Thomas bringing a hand to his chest.
“From the chemistry lab, of course. By the way, Math,” he said addressing the blond one, “your father wanted to know if you’d eat at home tonight and I told him we were going out. Cause we do go, right? It is Friday and tomorrow mom and dad won’t be here, so I can go back anytime I want tonight.” Thomas was already nodding, starting to think in his little head the worst ways to risk their lives. Matthew was trying so hard not to think about Lucie Herondale, and that kept him from not being able to do so.
What an idiot he was. And that sound? Where did that voice come from? He was sure she was telling her perfect boyfriend right now how this dumb classmate who didn’t know shit had trouble controlling his fucking vocal cords.
“What’s going on in that empty head of yours?” Anna Lightwood. Thomas' cousin and Christopher’s sister, but also Matthew’s faithful friend, was dressed exactly like him that day, which made her pout, “Classy. But I have to say that they look better on me.” she smiled widely, taking him and Kit arm in arm, and heading for the next lesson.
Luckily, Matthew thought, we all have art together. That was his hour of leisure, even though he normally did nothing different, but at least he would get compliments from Miss Fray, or how he called her, Clary. He had met his art teacher outside the school, in fact it was he who had told her that their old teacher would retire and that there was a vacant chair. They had become close friends during a painting course and when he met her at school he had felt nothing but immense happiness.
“Our Matthew impressed some cute girl today.” said Thomas in the tone of someone who’s been around. Anna suddenly stopped in the hallway, staring at him with gaping mouth.
“And let’s hear, who would be the lucky one?” she asked, again walking. Christopher seemed interested, too, but not as much as his sister, who looked like a child on Christmas morning.
“Nobody.” answered Matthew at the same time as Thomas said, “Lucie Herondale.”
“Are you kidding? But you know he’s with Blackthorn, right?” She asked him in astonishment, as she glared him, as if he were the only fool in the world who did not know which couples were in this stupid school.
“Yes I know, and I didn’t impress, we just talked because she saved my ass a couple of times.”
They continued to speak even after entering the art lab and even during the lesson. Matthew was surprised when he noticed that the teacher pretended not to listen when she passed by them, but that she tended her ear to eavesdrop better.
The next lesson would be that of literature, without any of his friends, and thinking of having to spend a whole hour without Tom or Kit made him feel sick, but maybe today he could do it. A rest hour after all the comments and jokes Thomas made would have done him good.
He sat at the usual place and with a pleasant surprise noticed that on the other side of the class was Lucie. She was chatting with a redheaded girl who had little dark skin. Matthew remembered she was one of the newcomers and that she had a particular name, Carla… Carlotta perhaps. Consuela.
He began to stare at his hands with a thoughtful glare.
How was it possible that in all those years he had never noticed her? How was it possible that they had so many classes in common that they never spoke? He looked up once more to look at her and noticed that she had moved into the desk next to his and her friend sat right in front of her. He greeted them both with a broad smile.
“Hey Math, this is Cordelia. She’s from Paris. Cordelia, this is Matthew.” He smiled at him and Matthew’s world was once again a little happier.
“I’m actually from London, but I’ve been living in Paris for the last five years.” Cordelia explained before paying attention to Miss Loss, who had just entered. A strange fellow, Catarina Loss.
She had the skin of a cadaveric white, and the hair was of a sky blue so bright that sometimes Matthew would get lost staring at them by how much it was intense.
He heard a comment from Lucie about his memory-loss episodes and laughed silently, starting to scribble on the desk.
Twenty minutes passed before the obvious happened, “Fairchild, who wrote Songs of Innocence and Experience?” They can’t be serious, Matthew looked briefly in Lucie’s direction and she giggled before miming with her lips Wlliam Blake. Matthew almost laughed when he began to speak, but after that the teacher immediately left him alone. Cordelia also seemed amused, because she looked at him from above her shoulder smiling and returning to the reading shortly after.
He stared at Lucie, and thought that if anyone saw him they would think he was a pervert, because she turned to him, probably due to the intensity with which he was looking at her, and smiled at him.
Perhaps, to surprise her, he would start studying, so the responsibility would not fall on her alone, but in that moment, Matthew thought, it was enough to have his saviour by his side and everything would be fine.
Please leave a comment, even if you didn't like it, cause it would mean the world to me
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purplebass · 4 years
Matthew Fairchild be like “I know a spot” and takes you to his house so you can accompany his dog Oscar to his favorite potty spot
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Shadowhunters Short Story #64 part 2.
Anna grins at her brother and cousins while adjusting Benji in her arms. Their excitement is certainly infectious. 
“Yes you can come in and meet Benji if you be quiet and calm, Ariadne is asleep, she is very tired and finding it very difficult to adjust to being up all hours with Benji.” Anna firmly says, looking directly at Matthew, who is definitely the one who makes the most noise. 
“I will be good Anna, I promise!” Matthew exclaims, still bouncing on the balls of his feet with excitement. 
“Alright, come in then.” Anna says, holding the door open and letting her brother and cousins in past her. 
“I get to hold him first!” Matthew exclaims, as he and the others settle onto the couch while Anna closes and locks the door.
“No, I get to hold him first, then Daisy, then you, Kit and Tom and Alastair can decide amongst yourselves who gets to hold Benji next!” James says in an informative tone, as though this is a fact, pointing between himself, Cordelia, and the other Merry Thieves. 
“But I am Anna’s favorite cousin, so I should hold him first, besides Kit already held him when he was here earlier with his parents, so he definitely should not get to hold him first.” Thomas calmly says.
“Ha! You wish Tommy, I am Anna’s favorite cousin, right Anna?” Matthew asks in a sure tone, turning his gaze on her, his green eyes glinting with delight. 
“Lucie is my favorite cousin, where is our darling Lu anyway?” Anna asks, surprised that Lucie has not turned up with The Merry Thieves to meet Benji, she loves babies and is always pestering James and Cordelia to give her a niece or nephew, similarly to how she would pester Tessa and Will for a sibling. 
“Anna how very dare you! My beloved Lucie will not be joining us today I am afraid, she is not feeling well.” Matthew explains, going from heart-broken and mortally offended, to completely calm in just minutes. 
“Under the whether or pregnant?” Thomas teases. James’ eyes widen and Matthew quickly holds his hands up, as though surrendering to something. 
“No! Please do not attack me Jamie, I promise Lucie is not pregnant, she really is just sick, with a cold!” Matthew exclaims, remembering the time just a few months ago when Lucie had really thought she was pregnant and James had flown at Matthew in a rage when he found out. No one had ever seen Jamie so angry, especially not with his parabatia. 
“Good Lord boys are dramatic.” Anna says in an amused tone. “Here Cordelia, you may hold Benji first, and I will go put the kettle on. If these hooligans wake my wife, Daisy, you have my full permission to kill them if it will shut them up.” Anna says in a playful tone, lowering the baby into Cordelia’s arms, where he quickly settles. Cordelia grins up at Anna. 
“Yes m’am!” She laughs. She then turns her attention to Benji and strokes his little cheek, bringing her back to when her baby sister Evangeline had been born 5 years ago. “Hello little Benji, you are so adorable!” Benji wraps his hand around Cordelia’s finger and snuggles closely into her.
“He could so easily pass for Ariadne’s biological child, its’ not just his dark hair and skin color that are the same, he has the same nose and mouth shape as her too, how odd!” Matthew notices, leaning against Cordelia and stroking Benji’s tufts of hair. 
“You are seeing things Matthew, he looks nothing like Ari.” Thomas says, straining to get a proper glimpse of the baby. 
“Ari must be so happy to finally be a mother, when she was engaged to Charles I heard her telling mama that she wanted a quick wedding because she wanted to start trying for a baby as soon as they could, of course Charles Buford would have been so lucky as to have someone as lovely as Ariadne have his children, my brother is such a slime-ball, I am glad Ariadne is with Anna now, and not my know-it-all older brother.” Matthew says in an exasperated tone, rolling his eyes at the thought of his smug brother. 
“I really do not understand how Charles is your parents’ child, Henry and Charlotte are so very kind and lovely, as are you Matthew, but Charles is the complete opposite.” Cordelia says in a confused tone.
“Math has a conspiracy theory that Charles was swapped at birth with some other baby, and that his true brother is out there somewhere with some dreadfully stuck up, boring and cowardly family. He has gone so far as to ask Uncle Jem to help him prove that theory and check all the records of baby boys born in The Basilas the same day as Charles.” James says in an amused tone.
“You will not be laughing when Uncle Jem and I prove my theory right and find my real brother, who also likes Oscar Wilde- my dog and the playwright- and has an amazing sense of fashion like me, James Herondale.” Matthew says in a sure tone, just as Anna comes back in, carrying a tray with a teapot and several cups. 
“Aunt Sophie is right Matthew, you do have your mama’s over-active sense of imagination.” Anna says in a light tone, setting the tray down on the coffee table.
“Thank you! I think.” Matthew says, furrowing his brow in confusion. “Anna, I am going to be Benji’s Godfather, aren’t I?” He adds, as Cordelia passes Benji back to Anna. 
“No, but Cordelia we most certainly want you to be his Godmother.” Anna softly says. 
“M-me? A-are you sure?” Cordelia stammers, looking at Anna with wide eyes full of shock but also delight. She had never expected this, and is honored to even be considered as little Benjamin’s Godmother. 
“Absolutely, you are the most sensible one among The Merry Thieves, you and Thomas. We trust you to be a wonderful guide and influence for Benji.” Anna says, reaching over to squeeze her friend’s hand. 
“Excuse you! I am sensible!” Matthew exclaims in an offended tone. 
“As am I!” James chimes in. 
“Matthew, dear Matthew, I do love you so but you are the furthest from sensible a person could be, and I love you for it. And Jamie, my lovely baby cousin, you are quiet sensible, but not as much as Cordelia or Thomas I’m afraid, but don’t take offense boys, it simply means you will be Benji’s fun uncles that get to take him on adventures and teach him things you probably should not, while Cordelia and his Godfather are going to have to do the boring work, like teaching him about religion and helping us make sure he grows up sensible.” Anna explains gently, knowing that both Matthew and James will adore the idea of being the fun uncle, to Benji. 
“Fine, but only if I get to hold him now!” Matthew bargains. 
“Deal, come get him and watch him for me for a few minutes while I check on Ariadne.” Anna says, beckoning her cousin over.
A few minutes later Matthew is happily seated between James and Thomas, cradling little Benji and smiling like he just won all the riches in the world.
“We are going to have so much fun together Benji! I will buy you the most fashionable clothes on the market and all the books your heart could desire, especially poetry and especially Oscar Wilde, and you will love my dog who is also named Oscar Wilde. Oh, now that I come to think of it Benjamin, I wish I had of named Oscar something else, perhaps Dorian, so I could name my first son Oscar.” Matthew says, his tone turning downtrodden when he realizes what a mistake he has made. 
“Lucie would never let you name her son Oscar, she has her children’s names chosen.” James informs Matthew, which surprises him. Lucie has a running list of names on the go at all times, but Matthew thought they were simply for her characters in her stories, or maybe to have in case her parents finally gave into her pleas and had another baby. 
“She does?” Matthew asks. James nods. 
“Abigail Teresa for a girl and Sebastian William for a boy.” 
“But I want my children to have my parents names as middle names! Oh and Lucie is so stubborn she will never change her mind, I may have to brake up with her.” Matthew jokes with a solemn shake of his head.
“Let me hold him now, Fairchild, you have had him long enough.” Alastair declares, holding his arms out for little Benjamin. 
“Fine but only for a few minutes, he was having fun with me!” Matthew says, gently placing the baby in Alastair’s arms. 
“He’s asleep.” Alastair observes, adjusting Benjamin’s blankets around him. 
“Yes well he heard your boring voice and conked right out, you cannot blame the little fellow, I often think of conversations we have had when I have trouble sleeping, and it helps me drift off right away!” Matthew teases, grinning playfully at Alastair, who he is now good friends with. Alastair makes Thomas happy, and what makes Thomas happy, makes the rest of The Merry Thieves happy.
“This little one makes me want a baby.” Thomas quietly says, one arm around Alastair's waist, his chin resting on his boyfriend’s shoulder, the other reaching out to stroke Benji’s cheek. Alastair's eyes widen in shock. He and Thomas had briefly discussed having children, but agreed to wait a few more years at least, until they are older.
“I-I thought we had agreed to wait!” Alastair stammers. Thomas chuckles and kisses his cheek. 
“We did and we will, but this little one just makes me impatient. However I am sure we will be first on call as babysitters, especially seeing as you and Ariadne are such close friends.” Thomas gently says. A few years ago when Charles broke off his engagement to Ariadne, and Alastair broke off his relationship with Charles when he realized Charles would never admit to loving him or commit to him, Ariadne and Alastair found solace and comfort in another, they both knew what is was like to be attracted to the same sex in an un-accepting time, and they both knew how awful Charles could be. They took to meeting up at least once a week and have done so ever since, and now they are the very best of friends.
The Merry Thieves spend the next few hours fussing over their new nephew and bonding with him, while occasionally being scolded by Anna for being too loud and chancing waking Ariadne. 
It is just past 4 in the evening, when Ariadne pads into Benjamin’s nursery, rubbing sleep from her eyes, while Anna sits in the rocking chair, reading to her son.
“Anna, have I been asleep all day?” Ariadne asks in a tired, breathy tone, rubbing at her eyes. 
“Yes love, you clearly needed it. Did you sleep well?” Anna asks, taking her hand and drawing her down onto the ottoman beside the rocking chair. 
“Yes, wonderfully, thank you. How has our boy been?” Ariadne asks, reaching out to stroke Benji’s cheek. 
“Good as gold as usual, he has been fussed over all day. First by my parents and brothers and then The Merry Thieves came around, all apart from Lucie. Matthew adores his role as Benji’s fun uncle, and I asked Cordelia to be Benji’s Godmother.” Anna tells Ariadne, one hand laced through with hers and the other holding Benji.
“Sounds like you had a very busy day, are you not tired?” Ariadne asks in a concerned tone. Anna has not struggled to adjust to their new sleep schedule with Benjamin the way Ariadne has, but she still needs her rest and sleep, no one is invincible. 
“A bit, but as I said before Benjamin is more than worth it.” Anna says in a loving tone, her gaze returning to her son. 
“You should go rest for an hour now, let me take Benji. You rest and Benji and I will make dinner and then wake you when it is ready, we have not had a proper meal since we adopted him, now is as good a time as any to start eating meals again, and it will help us both with our energy.” Ariadne says. 
“Are you sure?” Anna asks, both wanting to lie down and rest for a while, and also wanting to let Ariadne rest as much as possible. Ariadne smiles softly and kisses Anna’s cheek. 
“I am sure love, you need your rest and I want some quality time with my boy.” 
When Anna goes into the bedroom, Ariadne pulls out one of her heavy winter shawls, and fastens it into a sling across her chest, where she can lay Benji so that he can be close to her but she can also have both her hands free. 
As Ariadne moves around the kitchen, preparing dinner for her family, she quietly hums an old Indian lullaby she seems to remember someone (Likely her birth mother) singing to her when she was very small, before she was adopted. At this moment, her heart could not possibly be more full, she gets to wake up next to and live a wonderful life with the love of her life, her amazing Anna, she does not have to hide who she is anymore or bare a man’s touch, her parents are extremely loving, caring and supportive, she has more friends than she ever thought she would, and she has a beautiful and wonderful baby boy, who makes her heart soar with happiness every time she looks at his gorgeous little face.
At one stage, all 3 people in this little family were lost in someway. Anna had been lost in her grapple with her sexuality and gender for years, then she had been lost in her grapple with love and trusting someone with her heart, Ariadne had been lost from a family at a very young age, before she was taken in by The Bridgestocks, and she too was lost in the struggle of being a woman exclusively attracted to women, and little Benji had been lost from his birth family too.
Now, together, the 3 of them are found and a family, the most perfect family one could ask for.
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fedyorivans-moved · 4 years
Congrats ash!!!! I love your blog sm 🥰🥰 Could I have ✏️ for Mr. Oscar Wilde Fairchild (ofc)?
Aaaahhhh yes! He is the best boy!!!
My headcanons for Mr. Oscar Wilde:
- One day when Matthew was having one fo his self-destructive episodes and was about to drink himself sick Mr. Oscar Wilde jumped on top of him and knocked the glass to the ground like the protective boy he is. 
-  Mr. Oscar Wilde has developed the keen sense to leave the room whenever he smells something burning in the direction of a certain lavender eyed person. 
- He has a long scar on his belly from protecting Matthew one night on a patrol. Needless to say, the Silent Brothers were very confused to get a notice that they needed to come and help save a dog (they weren’t surprised however that it was Jem that was sent for), and Matthew stayed by Mr. Oscar Wilde’s side until he was healed. 
- When James found him the first thing he gave to the poor, starving dog was rice. Mr. Oscar Wilde is now in love with rice and begs for it at least twice a day.
I hope you liked these! Thank you so much for celebrating with me! 
Come celebrate with me! 
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aratilightwood · 5 years
Characters from ‘the shadowhunter chronicles’ answer the web’s most searched questions.
Part one
aka, a Q&A with various different characters of the series.
Inspired by: Wired
Q: Does Charlotte Fairchild put career before men?
A: Yes, I mean, who doesn’t? Wait, don’t tell my husband.
Q: How does Charlotte Fairchild govern an entire institute?
A: Patience and at least two glasses of wine, a day.
Q: Who would win in a boxing ring, Benedict Lightwood or Charlotte Fairchild?
A: I’ve already humiliated him, and now you want me to strip him of his masculinity?
Q: How many of Henry Branwell’s inventions failed?
A: The one’s I attempted before or after my marriage? There’s too many I can count.
Q: Does Henry Branwell have natural red hair?
A: No, please don’t tell my wife. It’s the only interesting thing about me.
Q: What’s the brand name of Henry’s Branwell’s glasses?
A: No one too famous or expensive because they’ve broken many times.
Q: Does Will Herondale have demon pox?
A: What kind of absurd accusation is this? I can’t believe - wait, did Gabriel search this?
Q: Is Will Herondale cursed?
A: In a literal sense? No. In a metaphorical sense? Yes.
Q: Is Will Herondale a bitch for Jem Carstairs?
A: No - I mean yes - actually no - you’ll have to ask him.
Q: Is Jem Carstairs’ only role in life to nurture Will Herondale?
A: Honestly, if there’s anyone else who could do a better job, I’m all ears.
Q: Is Jem Carstairs advertising his violin teaching lessons?
A: No - is this something people want?
Q: How is Jem Carstairs so beautiful?
A: Am I? You’d have to ask my parents that question.
Q: Who is Tessa Gray?
A: As per my existential crisis, I cannot answer this accurately. Am I a warlock? Am I a shadowhunter? Who knows?
Q: Who is Tessa Gray’s fictional crush?
A: Heathcliff. No. Fitzwilliam Darcy. No. Will Herondale. Wait, what was the question?
Q: Does Tessa Gray prefer Jem Carstairs over Will Herondale?
A: I refuse to choose between the two epic loves of my life.
Q: What’s Jessamine Lovelace’s clothing line?
A: A more serious question: would you be able to afford me?
Q: Who’s Jessamine Lovelace’s husband?
A: Pipsqueak Nathaniel Gray. Wait, no, I’m not even married.
Q: Isn’t Jessamine Lovelace too old to have a doll house?
A: You’re jealous I haven’t kept a doll size human of you. Besides, baby Jessie needs a home.
Q: Why does Gabriel Lightwood always look miserable?
A: When life gives you lemons, you throw them at your father.
Q: Is Gabriel Lightwood better looking than Gideon Lightwood?
A: Yes, I think there should be a pole to prove this is true.
Q: Has Gabriel Lightwood finally mastered knife throwing?
A: Only when I picture Will Herondale’s face on the target.
Q: Why does Gideon Lightwood hate scones?
A: The crumbly texture is an unpleasant contrast to sponge cake, although my wife would disagree.
Q: Is Gideon Lightwood’s resting stoic face a common occurrence?
A: Only when I’m exasperated by the stupidity of others.
Q: What does Gideon Lightwood think is the best way to propose?
A: A candlelit dinner on the beach in the sunset. But if that fails, try announcing your intentions in front of your whole family.
Q: What is James Herondale’s choice of weapon?
A: A spoon. It scares the ducks away, and that’s why it seems to be father’s favourite too.
Q: What colour are James Herondale’s eyes?
A: The same shade as marmalade, although calling them golden seems to be more fancy.
Q: Who’s James Herondale’s best friend?
A: Thomas. No. Matthew. No. Mother, yes definitely, mother.
Q: What’s Cordelia Carstiars’ hobby?
A: Defeating my brother in a sparring match. He can be so pitiful.
Q: Will Cordelia Carstairs inherit Cortana?
A: Yes, I have strived to prove I’m the only one worthy of it.
Q: Is Cordelia Carstairs in love with someone?
A: Only James Herondale for the past century. Wait, he isn’t watching this, is he?
Q: Is Lucie Herondale taking writing requests?
A: I mean, if your stories are as exciting as Anna Lightwood’s, sure, why not?
Q: Is Lucie Herondale afraid of ducks?
A: According to my father? Yes. Truthfully? No.
Q: What’s Lucie Herondale’s favourite language?
A: English. No. Welsh. No. Farsi, yes. That sound about right.
Q: Did Matthew Fairchild set the shadowhunter academy on fire?
A: Erm... it was an accident?
Q: Who are three people Matthew Fairchild would invite to dinner?
A: Oscar Wilde (no, not my dog), Mozart and Van Gogh.
Q: Does Matthew Fairchild know how to cook anything other than scones?
A: Does tea count? It’s nothing too complicated.
Q: Does Thomas Lightwood know he’s a cinnamon roll?
A: When did people start comparing each other to food? Also, yes.
Q: How tall is Thomas Lightwood?
A: I don’t know my exact height, although I’m a hobbit compared to my sisters.
Q: Is Thomas Lightwood a typical mother’s boy?
A: No - wait, did my mother search this?
Q: Are any of Christopher Lightwood’s inventions successful?
A: Does a device that flies into the air and slices through expensive curtains, count?
Q: What is Christopher Lightwood’s biggest dream?
A: To let one day go by where none of my clothes become ruined by an experiment.
Q: Who does Christopher Lightwood admire most?
A: Henry Branwell. He’s the Merlin to my apprentice.
Q: Who has better style? Anna Lightwood or Magnus Bane?
A: Marbas Grain? Who is he, my tailor?
Q: What’s Anna Lightwood’s favourite pass time?
A: Slaying the hearts of pretty girls on a weekly basis, if not everyday.
Q: What’s one of Anna Lightwood’s talents?
A: I have a high tolerance of wine and can drink three glasses in a single sit-in, does that count?
Q: Why did Alastair Carstairs dye his hair blonde?
A: I was trying to impersonate Cinderella, does it not look good?
Q: Why does Alastair Carstairs hate James Herondale?
A: I’m secretly jealous of his golden eyes even though I might say otherwise.
Q: Why is Alastair Carstairs afraid of beds?
A: It’s not the bed that’s the problem, it’s the sister-sized monster hiding underneath.
I will be posting part two some time this week, or the beginning of next week.
It actually depends on how long it takes me.
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galbinuscarnation · 6 years
The Last of the Real Ones
Chapter 4
James walked into his parents guest room after that exhausting ordeal. He apologized for his tardiness, but they reassured him that he was an adult and didn't need to apologize about a non existent curfew. His mother had kindly pulled him aside, since she noticed he seemed more like how he acted when he had first come home a few months ago. He told her it was only a bad day but he could see in her eyes her worry for him and couldn’t bear it any longer. He informed her he was going to sleep without supper and did just that.
He collapsed onto the mattress, burrowing his face into the pillow. His mind wandered back to his absurd afternoon, how going out to lunch with Lucie launched him on a chain of events no one would anticipate. James curled up, closing his eyes, and conjured up the image of Matthew holding his adorable dog, but tensed at remembering Thomas’ presence. He had already confessed to Matthew about Grace, and even teared up in front of Anna, but she was like an older sister. Thomas, he hardly knew these days, their lives moved in different circles and they never had any real opportunity the older they became. It seemed that Matthew, once again, was flawless at maintaining a relationship with James’ own extended family better than he ever could… whatever that relationship might be. James rolled over and groaned, covering his face in his hands. He wasn't getting to sleep like this, he decided, and reached into his bag on the floor to pull out his novel. He read late into the night, finally drifting off with his glasses crooked on his nose and book laid open on his chest.
The next morning James rose, his book collapsing off of him as he adjusted his glasses. He could hear the sounds of his family, and glanced outside to find it was fairly early in the morning. He sighed and trudged out of the room to the flight of stairs leading down to the ground floor towards the kitchen. Lucie was there shoving toast in her mouth and smearing jam all over her face. She perked up at her brother’s arrival and swallowed, wiping her face.
“Jamie!” She greeted, and James went to the coffee machine to brew a strong cup, he sensed he would need it at Lucie’s expectant stare.
“Morning,” he answered and sat across from her as he waited. Lucie continued chewing on her toast, having the decency to wait for James’ cup to be ready. Once he got up and went back to sip on the black drink she pushed her plate away.
“I heard a lot happened yesterday…” She began and James grunted and affirmative, since he was still sipping. “I’m sorry you got caught up in that.”
“Why do you keep apologizing for things you haven’t done?” James sighed.
“I feel… responsible. You were only there because you had lunch with me, you only met Matthew because of me.” Lucie explained. James stared at his coffee at the mention of Matthew. He was now rested, and thinking more clearly from caffeine, as realized he was over analyzing the situation yesterday. Matthew hadn’t meant any harm, it was James that awkwardly retreated from the situation, misinterpreting Matthew’s actions as something more. More what? James hadn’t a clue but he blindly followed Matthew home with a faint hope of establishing a friendship, and becoming panicked when it turned out Thomas was there as well.
“I still fail to see how any of that warrants an apology from you.” James reiterated.
“Because… well… you know I’m friends with Matthew, but if you aren’t comfortable with it I will stop.” Lucie told him. James shook his head and gave Lucie an exasperated look.
“Lucie, don’t do something so rash for my sake. Matthew is one of the kindest friends you’ve made,” He sighed and took a gulp of coffee.
“You still think Matthew is kind?” Lucie’s eyes were wide with confusion. James nodded.
“Of course. He’s a bit theatrical and overbearing but overall he has a kind heart.”
“Wow, okay.” Lucie leaned closer to James, and her sudden scrutiny made him lean back.
“Matthew called me last night, he asked me for your number. He said he really messed up and wanted to talk to you if you’d let him. I told him I’d talk to you about it first.” Lucie explained. “I don't know what happened but I thought it had to do with why mum and dad were worried when I came home and found out you were sleeping.”
“Oh…” James brows knitted together as he contemplated what this meant. Matthew still wanted to speak to him? Matthew thinks he messed something up? James was the one who left him in the dust. “It wasn’t Matthew’s fault.”
“I can see it in your face, that something happened between you two.” Lucie pressed. “Matthew is besides himself and you aren't even assigning blame.”
“Why would he be ‘besides himself’, when he did nothing wrong?” James wondered aloud.
“Maybe you could ask him yourself,” Lucie scrawled in the journal she always had around and tore a small slip out. She slid it over to James, who peered at it to see a number.
“This… you really think I should call him?” James asked, glancing back up at Lucie warily. She gave him a smile and nod of encouragement. “... okay.” He pulled out his phone from his pajamas’ pockets and dialed the number. He waited, aware of Lucie’s eyes watching him, and the phone was picked up at the first ring.
“Hullo this most certainly is NOT Matthew Fairchild,” Matthew greeted with a hint of annoyance. James glanced at the clock, declaring the still early hour the morning.
“Uh Matthew, it’s James,” he said before Matthew could hang up. There was a gasp and rustling sound and an apology towards someone named Adele, and James looked at Lucie helplessly, and she shrugged.
“So sorry Jamie! I’ve been getting non stop calls from journalists, I can't even imagine how they got my number!”
“Oh,” James chuckled with relief that Matthew wasn’t annoyed with him and noticed Lucie visibly relaxing as well. “You realize your number is listed on your website, one you supposedly designed?”
“For clients!” Matthew exclaimed and James could almost see the smile on Matthew’s face at his teasing and it was almost as if nothing had transpired yesterday. “Also Christopher helped me with that, I need to ask him how to filter out numbers on this thing.”
“Oh yes, he’s very good with that stuff.” James agreed about his eccentric cousin. “Or maybe get a new phone?”
“In this economy? I think not!” Matthew laughed. James laughed with him, momentarily forgetting his sister was still watching. She cleared her throat and pointed to the phone, as if you say ‘aren’t you going to ask?’ towards James. He flushed at remembering her presence and also cleared his throat, interrupting Matthew’s contagious laughter.
“Lucie gave me your number, she told me you wanted mine?” He formulated his question awkwardly and winced. There was a pause on the other line and he heard a sigh.
“Yes… I wanted to apologize for yesterday,” Matthew began. “It wasn’t fair to you.”
“What wasn’t fair? What are you talking about?” James wondered. There was another pause on the line.
“...oh, that you had told me what went on and then I dragged you to my flat and Thomas was there. You looked petrified and I was foolish not to realize what that had done to you until it was too late.” Matthew admitted. It was James’ turn to be silent, and he looked towards Lucie who couldn’t quite hear what Matthew had said and was staring expectantly at him. “Jamie? I’m awfully sorry, I hope it didn’t…. didn’t put a damper in our friendship...”
“Of course not…” James murmured, stunned by the word friendship. He felt a touch of queasiness, and was finding it difficult to breath. Lucie immediately noticed James sudden mood change and had gotten up to take James phone. He stubbornly held it to his ear and scoot away from her.
“James?” Matthew’s voice was laced with concern, and James realized he hadn’t sounded very reassuring at all. “You don’t have to force yourself… I… I fear I’ve been a bit a-aggressive I’ll leave you alone if that’s what you wish...” James couldn’t stand to hear Matthew stammering and unsure of himself because of his lack of communication skills.
“No!” He spoke loudly, startling Lucie and possibly Matthew’s eardrums. “No Matthew you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me so far, I don’t need space I need understanding when I colossally misinterpret a situation because I’m bloody awkward as hell. You have been nothing but patient and I’m the one who is sorry that you ever felt that you had done something wrong.”
Lucie blinked at James and nodded herself. “I’m going to… talk to Cordelia, I realized I need to call her!” She couldn’t mask her giddy smile as she patted James’ head and practically dashed out of the room to give him privacy. James covered his face in embarrassment and sincerely hoped he hadn’t scared Matthew off like how the other man though he had done yesterday.
“Jamie,” Matthew reverted back to the nickname, and James found he honestly did not mind when Matthew called him that. “You really think that?”
“Yes.” James said finally. “I do.”
“Wow, alright then.” Matthew chuckled, and there was movement. “Alright alright darling hold on.”
“Am I interrupting something?” James wondered.
“Breakfast for Adele,” Matthew informed him. “She has been eagerly awaiting her bowl of kibble!”
“Oh,” James realized that Matthew was talking about his dog. “Sorry I didn’t get to properly get acquainted with her...”
“There will be other opportunities.” Matthew assured him, and James couldn’t help but smile.
There were other opportunities indeed. Once they had cleared up the misunderstanding James was able to make plans with Matthew, and they even included spending time with his cousins. Thomas had apologized about the other day and James told him not to worry about it. James found himself spending more and more time out of the house, with visits to the salon, and to Thomas’s parents, where he and Christopher were staying during their university break. Sometimes he engaged with them about their concentrations, Christopher was always working on some kind of program, constantly engrossed in his laptop he built, but was willing to answer any curiosities James had. Thomas was on the path to being a nurse practitioner, and was currently sending applications to different offices to get field experience.
Even though James currently wasn’t pursuing any kind of degree, or career at the moment, the Lightwoods didn’t seem to mind. They didn’t have any expectations about what sort of life James was going to have, and it may have been due to the fact that they were technically on vacation and knew about what James had gone through in months past. He had assumed that his familial peers would stare at him with judgement, of a young man that wasted his time over ‘love’ instead of becoming a productive member of society. No, it seemed that when Thomas and Christopher were concerned, they had no such expectations, they simply appreciated James’ presence.
While James was enjoying time getting to know his family again, he still felt a tug in his heart to spend time with Matthew. After his lunches with Lucie, he would stop by the salon, which the crowd quickly lost interest in when more juicy celebrity gossip emerged. Sometimes Matthew was so busy that the didn’t get much of a chance to talk, but James always had a book in his hand, and would sneak glances as Matthew worked. He was always in awe at Matthew’s ability to entertain his clients while working delicately with hair. Sometimes James was so engrossed with his novels that Matthew would sit down to tell him it was time to close up and they couldn’t have him loitering around on his nice couch. Those were the nights James walked Matthew to his flat, and spent the evenings playing with Adele the french bulldog. He had even offered to watch her, since he knew Matthew had to get to the hospital and Thomas would had already gone home.
“He’s doing a lot better, but his mind has always been unique.” Matthew said one day, as he changed out of his self inflicted uniform of a dress shirt and vest with dress pants. James looked away, flushed, but then chuckled when Adele licked his face with her stinky breath.
“Usually if it’s not life threatening one is sent home even with a concussion…” James mentioned offhandedly.
“Well…” Matthew sighed, and James could see he was now dressed in stylish but casual jeans and a t-shirt. “He’s in a controlled environment, and he isn’t bedridden so they moved him to a residential wing.”
“Residential?” James paused his petting, and Adele snuggled into his chest instead.
Matthew sighed once more and sat on the couch next to James. He rubbed his legs and shook his head as if he were having a silent conversation within himself. James braced himself for the information that had been nagging at him for some weeks now. “He have severe amnesia…. They aren’t sure his mind will be as brilliant as it once was. They’re making preparations to make my mother the permanent CEO… they’re constantly monitoring his results from the hospital…some of them have different ideas though, still hoping my father can still run the company.”
“Oh…” James stared at Matthew in disbelief. “They? Who’s they?”
“The board,” Matthew rolled his eyes. “They’re constantly bothering father, as if he doesn’t have enough to deal with hardly remembering anything they want him to remember… That is why I visit in the evenings, it’s less crowded. It’s easier on father to see me then, I hope.”
It didn’t occur to James until he heard the crack in Matthew’s voice just how devastating the situation was. James had a question burning in his mind, and hesitated.
“How much does he remember?” he asked softly. Matthew’s face crumpled, and James wished he hadn’t asked. James reached out his hand, maybe to place it on Matthew’s knee in comfort, but Matthew latched onto it as if he was struggling to upright in his seat.
“He remembers Mother, recalls having Charles… but the majority of his memories of of last twenty five years were….gone…” Matthew rasped, and James gasped.
“What?” he stared at Matthew with a newfound urge to protect him from the horrors he was hearing. Matthew’s father didn’t remember his own family? He didn’t remember Matthew? He tightened his grip on Matthew’s hand and even Adele noticed her owner’s distress and perked her head up. “That’s…awful… I’m so sorry Matthew…” “Thanks,” Matthew’s voice shook and he wiped his eyes, letting go of James’ hand. “I think we’re helping him with our visits. He slowly recalling some things, random memories.” Matthew frowned and stared at the floor. “The board have been pushing to get him back into the office, they believe being immersed in the environment will trigger some knowledge he has about what his future inventions. As if they don’t have documentation of his works, and various assistants that could decipher his blueprints. They don’t care about how proud he got when he remembered that the twins were born, or how he attended Charles Buford’s high school graduation… We fear if we let him come home they’ll take it as a sign that he is well enough to go back. It’s almost as if they’ve forgotten the company’s mission...”
“Do you think that he’s ready to go back?” James asked. Matthew nodded solemnly. “What’s the company mission?”
“It’s to provide accessibility to those who need it,” Matthew laughed bitterly. “They began as a company that manufactured prosthetics, chairs, and other everyday things that were made to be more accessible. They supposedly campaign for all disabilities, but the board has completely failed to be accommodating for my father when he needs it to most.”
James nodded and lifted up Adele, offering her to Matthew. He gave James a grateful smile and held her in his arms, burying his face in her short fur. James allowed Matthew the time to steady his breathing with the comfort of his dog.
“You should probably get going if you’re going to make it in time.” James mentioned after a moment of companionable silence. “I’m so tired Jamie,” Matthew admitted, and let go of Adele, who trotted away, having received her dose of affection for the evening. He sank back on the couch and gave James a rueful smile. “Forgive me for not being the dutiful son tonight, you’re free to go home.”
“I’ll stay as long as you’ll have me,” James told Matthew, and he meant it. He would stay as long as possible, just to see Matthew’s face brighten up from his presence, instead of diving into despair about his father and his company. Matthew’s hazel eyes light up at his offer, and suddenly collapsed himself upon James' lap, his head nestled against his chest. James let out an undignified noise and stared at Matthew, who had closed his eyes and was snuggling against him. “Have you gone mad?”
“I fear I am one with Adele-kind, I require much pampering and slumber.” Matthew snickered. After the shock of being used as a pillow, James let out a resigned sigh and reached for the book he had left on the end table. He opened it up, and snuck a glance at Matthew before beginning the passage he left off on. He noticed the faint smile on Matthew’s lips, and even though he knew Matthew couldn’t see he smiled back.
James blinked himself awake, squinting at the window displaying the rising dawn. He blearily looked around, slowly realizing he was on a couch that didn’t belong to his parents, with a dog he didn’t own upon his stomach instead of Matthew…
James shot up, and Adele yawned before scampering off his disruptive body. He looked around the flat, and heard noises coming from a corner in the direction of the kitchen. The smell of coffee and food wafted to the living area and he got up, his bare feet padding on the floor. He heard Matthew whistling and saw him cooking eggs on the stove. One hand was using a spatula to mix the eggs, the other was holding a mug with a tea bag, and he sipped between whistles before noticing James. James raised a hand in greeting and Matthew grinned back. “Sleep well?”
“Yeah...actually I did.” James nodded and stepped closer to observe the cooking. He noticed that coffee was brewing on the stove with an old fashioned glass brewer. He stared in fascination at the bubbling blackness, and the steam rising out of the opening on top.
“You drink coffee, right?” Matthew asked. James nodded and leaned casually on the counter.
“Yes, usually a cup in the morning and tea throughout the day.” He told Matthew. “I like the caffeine rush.” “Traitor,” Matthew teased, “What kind of British are you?”
“My mum’s American, and my father’s Welsch technically,” James shrugged and smirked back. “I’m very well rounded.”
“So it seems,” Matthew laughed and put down his mug to transfer the eggs to a couple of dishes.
James reached for a mug Matthew had left out and poured himself his coffee.“Besides, you have the ancient coffee brewer.”
“Vintage!” Matthew corrected. “but you’re right, I drink coffee too. How can people function without it?” “Sounds like you have an addiction,” James said and Matthew pushed him with his elbow. “Shut up!” he laughed, and James couldn’t help but stare. He never seen Matthew like this, with bed head sticking out in odd places but still looked on purpose because he hadn’t showered yesterday’s product out. He was still wearing last night’s clothes, but had a thin robe over it as if he had gotten cold. His eyes were still a bit drooping from the early hour, but held a spark within them for a new day, and his body movements were relaxed and inviting. James mouth went dry, and he swallowed, suddenly feeling the need to divert his eyes before Matthew noticed his oogling. Matthew was still chuckling as he picked up the plates and brought them to the small table. “I don’t have any meat or anything at the moment, but there’s bread for toast somewhere?”
“No, you’ve done more than enough,” James voice came out rough and he coughed to mask it. “Thanks for the meal.”
Matthew came up to James with a worried knit on his brows. “Are you sick?” he asked, and placed a hand on James’ forehead. James blushed from the touch and stepped away. “You are warm…”
“I’m fine, I’m always warm.” James assured Matthew and ventured to the table. He smiled faintly at the breakfast, clutching his mug in both of his hands to hide their sudden shakiness. The set up was very domestic, James had failed to notice that the napkins and cutlery has been set earlier, and there was even a small vase as a centerpiece with a familiar green flower inside. It was all very sweet, and James could almost pretend that this was fine; spending the morning with Matthew, eating breakfast at his carefully set up table, chattering and laughing like the good friends they have become. The only problem was his heart, it ached at the familiarity of the situation, how he shared a table with someone else once upon a time. How that was a time where he was so blinded by devotion he was caught off guard when he fell through the cracks.
What he knew now, was that the fondness he was developing for Matthew was more than a new friend should be feeling. His desire to spend time with Matthew wasn’t a platonic need, it was a raw and suddenly desperate longing for more. He wanted more nights like the previous, with Matthew expressing affection without a care, but James fond himself fearful of returning it; fearful that if he extended out his hand out of the pit he’d fallen into that Matthew wouldn’t take hold. He feared that if he said something to Matthew, he would receive a pitying but kind smile from him, and be told that no, it wasn’t like that. He knew that if he experience that from Matthew that his already broken heart would snap in half and he would never recover. Everything would be fine if he didn’t pursue this, he decided, but his revelation would be in the back of his mind, dormant until the time was right.
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