#chog au
ok so im making sonic and ratchet's blogs rn, please do tell me if the urls are dumb or if you have better names!!! for sonic, ive gone for chog-with-a-blog and for ratchet im still not sure
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rabbithaver · 4 months
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my darling son silver the head chog hanging out next to me on the couch while i work on my Elder Scrolls AU for my werewolf OC
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kamenrideryeets · 2 years
Screw it, Actor AU Glitch Trio
Starline's actor is the most iconic actor to be new to the Sonic franchise in a long time, the series was the starmaker for a lot of the other characters. While he’s kinda goofy and the dad friend IRL, he gets deep into character, and he deliberately tried to play Starline to become both the most hated character in the history of the franchise (but admits he couldn't top Locke) and a high-ranking Tailblr Sexyman, finding the culture hilarious. His British accent is fake, and he ad-libs most of his lines.
Surge is an up-and-coming young actress and long-time Sonic fan who joined production for two reasons: 1. she never got to play a villain before and 2. she was supported and coached in the role by her uncle, who previously played Scourge in Archie. She has a variety ShrewTube channel, which features interviews with other actors and behind-the-scenes footage - "The final Sonic vs Surge fight but there’s no special effects" is her most viewed video by far - in conjunction with the occasional gaming stream. She was allowed to keep the Dynamo Cage prop by the producers as a treat.
Kit's actor is the best friend of Tails’ current actor. Kit is his second big role, after previously playing the lead in the Hedgeflix series October. While he almost always plays the quiet kid, he actually has the most surreal sense of humor you’ve ever seen, regularly sending “Dili Chog” memes to the other actors. He’s also the biggest fan of Surge’s actor and still can’t believe he was chosen to be her sidekick (and, as he insists, brother.) Blooper reels for Imposter Syndrome largely consist of him flubbing up his lines (sometimes on purpose.)
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edwinspaynes · 5 months
feel free to just not if you don't feel like answering this but i've like got two different AUs in the works where for one reason or the other grace ends up not living with tatiana (in one because tatiana wouldn't be in a position where she could get hold of a shadowhunter child, in the other because tatiana doesn't have the same motives and wouldn't be interested) and i'm wondering if you think grace would still be as vicious given a different history.
i recognize we look at her through different lenses these days but i also think we can both see the merricat blackwood in her, hence why i'm asking you.
I definitely do not think Grace would be at all vicious if she had a different history. I do believe Grace is intrinsically a good person: she's kind to animals, she wants to mitigate the damage to Cordelia/James's relationship in ChoT, and she does try to take the bracelet away from James in ChoG. I think those are little flashes of what she would be if she weren't in an impossible position, and I think she would actually be a really kind person if not for Tatiana.
I also think that she will eventually get there in the canon world, too. She just needs to heal and focus on relearning how to tap into the kindness inside her.
(Sorry for the late reply, I didn't think I could respond in a cohesive way yesterday, lol.)
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purplebass · 2 years
I think a better point for chot would be Kit being alive but in a coma and not waking up until some months, which would have paralleled the chog sotuation and also Grace would have visited him in the infirmary like he did with her in the silent city
This would've surely been a better outcome for that. After all, we got no funeral scene. For all we know, Kit could've still woken up after a long coma while everyone was at the picnic in the epilogue, but the reader doesn't know if he's truly okay or not, and we find out in a future novella - because I'm sure and I hope she's going to write some. Killing him was too convenient.
I have an AU idea about this that I could add to the list of prompts to write and has the potential to be a multi-chapter. Kit wakes up while Grace is visiting him. He is a bit shook, but he fell into a coma in CoG too so he's used to play "dead". Kit manages to make Grace laugh, and it seems like everything is fine. Gabrily and Anna are fire-messaged first to see Kit and they rejoice, but the Silent Brothers think they should keep Kit under observation because he's still too weak to go back home. To make the time pass, Grace takes her current research to him and they discuss it. Kit is proud of her and if she wants, he will join her once he's able to stand on his feet, as he still feels tired and he mostly sleeps in the morning. Then something turns the situation around. It turns out the poison in the knife was vampire blood mixed with blood of a powerful demon and while Kit was in a coma, it infected his own and made him start turning into a vampire, but no one realizes it at first until the vampirism signs start to manifest. And instead of being scared, Kit is interested because it means he has more time to do his research and to study vampires as well.
Of course, I could still write this without Kit turning into a downworlder, if you want. XD
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themimsyborogove · 11 months
trick or treat my good sir 💪
In the Halloween spirit, here are some of the notes I drafted in October 2019 thinking I would have a 2020 Halloween fic for my Warlock Squad Ghostbusters AU. Then Covid happened and I just couldn’t do the haunted hospital plot anymore. Even without Covid, a lot of stuff would have changed after ChoG and TLBotW came out
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Wessa baby AU (part 2)
A/N: This is an AU where James and Lucie have a younger sister (Ella) and it takes place after chapter 20 in Chog. Hope you enjoy! If you like Ella, I posted another fanfiction a couple days ago called Wessa baby
James awoke in the dead of night to a creaking at the door. He saw Ella peak her head in and look at James. He smiled and beckoned her to come in. She shuffled her way in and stood beside James. He grunted through the pain as he lifted her and wedged her in-between himself and Matthew.
Ella buried her face in his shirt and clung onto him, as though he was going to disappear and leave her alone. James winced from the bruises but hugged her with one of his arms regardless.
“Is it scary? Fighting demons?”
“Only a little.”
“The scary part is having to wear that horrendous gear.” said Matthew, sleep still thick on his tongue.
James pushed Matthew away with his foot.
“Don’t listen to him Ellie, he speaks nonsense.”
Matthew was about to retort when they heard the door open once more. They all looked up at once. James was ready for him Mam to tell them to quiet down or maybe something terrible— like his grandfather Belial—to come bursting through the door and kill them. Instead, it was something much worse.
“I am fifty different levels of appalled! Betrayed by my very own brethren!” said Lucie, closing to door behind her and plopped down on the bed beside Matthew.
She crossed her arms over her chest and snagged a pillow.
“How come no one thought to inviting me?” she demanded.
“Because Luce, we are discussing topics unfit for a lady such as yourself.”
Lucie punched Matthew in the arm.
“You deserve that.”
Lucie and Matthew continued their bickering, while James watched, amused. Ella was resting in the crook of his arm, her tiny body pressing against his. James felt a surge of guilt for having left her alone earlier. No doubt she must have been scared when her parents began calling people and searching all over him and Lucie. He hugged her tighter and fought the urge to whisper that he was sorry.
“Whatever, Math.” Lucie said, “Just know that Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Henry are immensely fond of me and I could tell them you were being exceptionally rude to me and have them ground you for life.”
“I’ve done much worse.”
“Like what?”
Matthew fell silent.
“What’s this? None of my children sleeping in their own beds?” Will said, bursting into the room.
“We’re having a sleepover!” Ella protested.
“Ella, honey, your siblings are very tired and need to sleep.” said Tessa, trailing behind Will.
“But I miss them!” said Ella, grabbing Matthew’s and James’ arms.
“I know, bach, but you can see them tomorrow, once they are all well rested.” Tessa came over to them and sat down on the bed.
James kissed Ella on the forehead. “We can talk tomorrow, alright?”
Ella frowned but nodded. She gave James another squeeze and held out her hands so that Tessa could lift her up.
“Let’s go, Lulu.” Will said gently. “You too, Math.”
“But I’m not your son!”
“You are my son’s parabatai, you are as good as mine.”
Matthew looked like he was about to protest.
“Or you could go back to you actual home. With your dear brother.”
Matthew grunted, rolling off the bed and falling onto his cot on the floor. Everybody knew he was going to go back to his old spot on his bed once everybody left, but they didn’t want Ella to feel like she was being left out of anything. She did not yet understand parabatai, and how their bonds worked. How a parabatai was more than just a good friend.
Tessa handed a half asleep Ella to Will and put her hand on the side of James’ face.
“Are you feeling alright, Jamie?”
James nodded. “All I feel is a dull ache. Now I know how it’s like to be an old man like papa.”
Will shook his head and pretended to look mad. Tessa laughed and kissed James’ forehead.
“Goodnight, Matthew bach.” she called out to Matthew.
“Goodnight, Aunt Tessa.” James could have sworn he held a crack in Matthew’s voice.
Tessa shared a look with James, who just shook his head. It was most likely from lack of sleep. Surely Matthew felt loved, didn’t he?
Tessa got up and put her arm around Lucie’s shoulders and they walked out. James watched as Ella—who had already fallen asleep and was drooling on Will’s shoulder—and Papa followed behind. After the door closed, James turned to ask Matthew about his strange response, only to find him asleep.
James closed his eyes and tried to sleep. But all he could think about was Cordelia and how perfectly she fit into his arms. How she kissed his hair before they were interrupted by the Mandikhor.
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astriefer · 3 years
Don't Fall Asleep During the Movie
summary: "I'm happy when you're happy"
words: 5771
Warning: Lots of physical affection of all types, swearing, ask to tag
"I brought a surprise," Thomas announced, holding the so-called surprise behind his back.
Alastair glanced between his boyfriend's face to his chest, as if looking through him at the present. "What is it?"
"It's a surprise," Thomas tried to hold the amusement away from his voice. "I'm not supposed to just tell you what it is."
"I may have my own suspicions what it could be," Alastair pushed away a dark strand of hair off his face as he let Thomas inside the Carstair's house. Thomas turned around so Alastair wouldn't see what it is, despite it being wrapped in paper and clearly wider than his shoulders. He walked toward the familiar drawing-room as Alastair closed the door and then followed inside.
Date night - or afternoon, to be exact - was a blessing from above. They were tired, and a bit on the edge, and wanted nothing else but to spend time with each other to calm their nerves. Dutiful enough students as they were, they spent weeks studying for exams throughout the last term. Thomas was positive he met his professor more than he met his partner.
The decore was fierce but welcoming - from the swords and stars flooring to the Damask wallpaper and Persian books lining the walls. If Thomas put his mind to expound how he felt in the little space, he'd choose warm. Sona certainly had a great taste for ornamentation. The long talks and cuddles he and Alastair shared in this room supplied a slight tint of tenderness to this place as well. Not that he'd tell Sona that.
"One sec," Alastair told his boyfriend and dashed up the stairs. Thomas observed him as he climbed the last of steps and vanished from view. He flopped on a regal blue armchair and relished in the scent of Rose petal tea and Persian treats. Delicately, he rested the present on the table, precisely in the middle. He adjusted it several times until it was exactly how he wanted it. It could be an odd sight - him putting something so gently with his big hands. He had half expected it to break down at the slightest touch.
"I hope it's not a hedgehog," he heard from the stairs. Turning around to see his boyfriend, Thomas was granted a nice surprise himself.
"I..." Thomas was not sure what happened to his vocal cords. Perhaps they, too, needed time to appreciate Alastair's looks. a line appeared in said man's forehead.
"It's just, um, wow." He gestured helplessly to the wide, dark material on Alastair's body. A shirt he was sure got lost weeks ago. "Okay."
"What?" Alastair huffed. "It's big and comfy. I like watching movies with it."
"You regularly watch movies with it?" Thomas's eyes were wide and round as plates. If he checked his reflection in a mirror, he'd probably be welcomed with a dumbfounding look. Alastair stayed quiet on his part, his cheek flaming, and Thomas opened his arms wide. Alastair stared at him a little, considering, before pretending to be annoyed and striding toward the fair-haired man. He did not hesitate for a second, enveloping the shorter man into a hug.
As they hugged he leaned over to kiss his boyfriend, but just as he did, Alastair slipped away. The dark-haired man's gaze fell on the table and he examined the paper-wrapped item suspiciously. "What is it?"
"Not a hedgehog, that I can promise you." Thomas retorted, answering his previous question.
He gestured with a wide arc of his hand. Thomas's shirt was so enormous it reached the middle of his thighs and left a lot of spare fabric for the arms. "Good. It has no airways and I was afraid you choked a little hedgehog - or any animal - to death."
Thomas made a sad noise. "It almost happened. Just once! And we were at school back then!"
"Point still stands." Alastair insisted. He picked the surprise up and shook it a little. "It's a bit heavy."
Thomas sent his boyfriend a mischievous smile, drawing near him. He tapped on the oddly shaped surprise, relieved they took off the previous subject. "Are you all set?"
Eyes riveted on the oddly-shaped gift, Alastair nodded, and despite his attempt to hide it, the British boy could see he was curious. With contained pleasure, Thomas told him, "You can open it."
Before long, the wrapping paper was on the floor and Alastair lifted a small electric device. He inspected the device, and his expression turned into wonderment as he came to a realization.
"Is it..."
"Where did you get it?"
"A gay never tells his secrets."
"Bloody hell, Thomas," Alastair stared at him wide-eyed, which made Thomas crack a smile. He tried to keep his expression natural, but it was hard with how cute Alastair looked. He wasn't inclined to tell Alastair his sister, Barbara, gave it to him temporarily for the sake of the movie date. He was a little ashamed to admit it cost him ten of his sister's favorite cakes. More so since he told her he would figure it out on his own when she wanted to explain it to him, excusing himself quickly because he was already late to their date.
"Tom," Alastair repeated, "Where in the hell of this world and others did you find a projector?"
Thomas smiled. "I thought we could use it to watch a movie, it's mobile and the screen would be bigger than your laptop. Speaking of that, I can connect it to your laptop or my phone- " he trailed off and rubbed the back of his neck, looking at his boyfriend in the eye. "Do you like it?"
Alastair stared at him before imitating his large smirk from earlier. He moved closer to him and kissed his lips. "What are we waiting for?"
As it turned out, they were waiting for the realization of how to turn on the projector to strike Thomas. They were in the living room, Thomas fiddling with the electric device.
Alastair played with the extra fabric of the sleeves, flapping it back and forth in boredom. "We can just use the-"
"No, no," Thomas insisted. "I can make it work."
After botching with the projector for some time - "We really can just watch the movie on my laptop," Alastair gave up - Thomas drew back with a blissful smirk. "Got it!"
Alastair looked at the projector askance, phone at hand. Thomas raised his arm to the air in triumph. "I told you it will be no problem."
"Fine," Alastair conceded. "Now, movie?"
Thomas seated himself on the settee and downloaded a movie - Alastair urged Thomas to watch this one, an old one from 1930 he exclaimed to not see yet. Thomas doubted that (Alastair was an expert when it came to old films) but spoke nothing about it since it made Alastair content. The latter went upstairs without an explanation, and Thomas had nothing to do so he opened his chat with Barbara, blaming her for not teaching him how to use the projector despite the fact he dismissed her offer to explain earlier. It wasn't her fault, yet a part of him felt mildly proud as he wrote, I managed on my own even though you abandoned me to be humiliated in front of my bf.
Alastair emerged from the stairs for the second time since Thomas came over that day. He held a speaker in a hand each and explained without seeing his boyfriend's wondering countenance. "Cordelia's. We need to also hear the movie, don't we?"
"There were sound films back then?"
"Yeah," he replied, "It couldn't be done for the whole film, and there were many problems that got fixed later. But I like it whether it has sound or not, and we've seen even older ones so I don't think it's a problem."
"Oh," Thomas nodded. "I didn't know we need speakers."
"Thankfully, I'm at your rescue." he prided himself, connecting the speakers smoothly.
"Is there something you aren't good at?" then the tall boy smirked with realization. "You searched it online right now, didn't you?"
"No," Alastair refused to look at him. He set on the couch, pushing his legs against his chest and looping his arms around them. He avoided Thomas's gaze. "Maybe."
"That's a very old movie, I would have expected it to be just black and white either way. I probably wouldn't have noticed if it had or hadn't any Soundtrack."
"Understandable, but yet, how dare you?" Alastair stuck his lower lip out and feigned hurt in his voice. "After all the time we've been watching films together?"
Thomas got startled and swiped his neck in his boyfriend's direction. "You sound like a guy from some teen drama."
"Joke on you, I fit the role perfectly," Alastair countered. "And It's not my fault the human race gets excited by flashing lights and exploding sounds effects."
"The rest of humanity simply prefer movies with color and sound, it's easier to understand what's going on this way."
"Well, the rest of humanity isn't capable of understanding the beauty in those movies. I rest my case."
He ducked his head in mock surrender. "You clearly the superior when it comes to ancient movies and understanding humanity."
"Are you making fun of me or complimenting me?"
Thomas bit his inner cheek. "Maybe both."
"They use color and sound but back then you truly needed the talent to express what's going on." Alastair's eyes glinted like shiny obsidian, excitement clear on his face. "It makes them so damn better than modern ones."
"The rest of humanity just doesn't have a good taste in movies, then," Thomas joked, and Alastair nodded. "They do not."
"I wasn't serious."
"And I cannot see untruth here." He turned to look at the screen displayed in front of them. Thomas went to make popcorn, and as he returned Alastair spoke up. "You gave this thing so much attention earlier, I started to get a little jealous here." he pointed at the projector.
Thomas laughed as he fell on the couch next to Alastair, limply laying his hand on the back of the sofa. "Yes, it was a fair fight, I must admit."
"Well, I won, so obviously I'm better."
"Comparing yourself to an inanimate object is quite odd."
"Not hugging your boyfriend when you having a movie night is quite odd."
Thomas obeyed with no protest, starting the movie.
At a certain scene in the movie, Alastair's nails dug into his skin. Thomas knew that if he checked, there would be marks left. Nevertheless, he wrapped his arm around his side, trapping Alastair between his chest and arm. "Are you half a cat?"
The dark-skinned man turned to look at Thomas, tilting up his head. It wasn't comfortable but he kept his eyes on Thomas. "No. I'm half Persian."
Thomas made a surprised laugh, spared him a bemused look, at turned his attention back to the movie.
Thomas's phone buzzed once, twice, twenty times. He apologized to Alastair and pulled out his phone, seeing he received multiple messages in his private chats with James, Christopher, and Matthew. All of them asked him to enter the group chat. He clicked on the group chat of the thieves (including some honorary thieves such as Anna, Cordelia, and Lucie). The photo of the chat was one taken during one of their outdoors shenanigans, portraying Lucie, Thomas, and Matthew. The three used Lucie's strands of brown hair to feign mustaches on their faces.
He remembered fondly James taking the photo, barely holding back his laughter from how fitting it looked while Anna was straight out cracking on the floor. As he browsed through 126 messages from the last five minutes, he figured out what his friends were chaotic about. He exhaled, exasperated, and wrote a reply while Alastair glanced at him. The Spanish boy became very proficient throughout the years when it came to exasperated sighs.
Thomas: (17:54) THIS is why you interrupt me in the middle of my date??
Kit: (17:54) U never know until U know
Math: (17:54) They're right Tom!
Lucie: (17:55) @Thomas_Lightwood I want to hear everything later about your date! exhaustively!!
Jamie: (17:55) Lucie, what were we talking about yesterday?
Lucie: (17:55) Not to steal Christopher's lemon tarts. You're no fun, btw.
Kit: (17:55) WAIT
Kit: (17:55) IT WAS U?
Math: (17:56) Thomas, this is the top important stuff we need ur help with! Be a good giant and help ur darling besties
Thomas: (17:56) Darlings from hell, you mean.
Math: (17:56) same thing ;)
Anna: (17:56) Kit stop sulking
Kit: (17:56) How do you know I'm sulking?
Anna: (17:57) older sister superpowers
Kit: (17:57) My precious lemon tarts...
Thomas: I thought it might be something important, you guys!!
Lucie: U shouldn't have so high expectations, it's on u
Lucie: @KitTheCat I'll insert a new character named after u in my next chapter of The Beautiful Cordelia as an apology
James: Just to kill him the next one?
Matthew: Sry not sry but you chose the wrong friends if you thought we wouldn't drag you to argue what pizza type is better~
Matthew: choose n if u write classic pizza Ill come to ur bf's home and do unruly stuff
Cordelia: NOPE YOU WON'T.
Lucie was writing a retort as Thomas sighed out loud and Alastair peeked at his boyfriend's phone and read the latest messages. He reached his hand and Thomas looked at him in bewilderment. The half-Persian man rolled his eyes and grabbed Thomas's phone, then started to type on the screen.
"What are you doing?" Thomas asked.
Thomas fought the urge to roll his eyes. Alastair really was rubbing off on him. When he finished his message, Alastair pressed sent then returned the phone to its rightful owner. His hazel-colored eyes swiftly read Alastair's message: It's Alastair. Thomas is too nice to say it, so I will. Piss off and let us have our date.
He caught a glimpse of replies as well -James writing 'rude' and Matthew sending the devil emoji. Christopher was typing but Alastair didn't let Thomas dwell on the chat and rather pressed the button on the side of his phone and the screen went black.
"You don't seem regretful," Thomas noted. He slipped back into a more prosperous position, this time wrapping his arms around the shorter man.
"Obviously," Alastair laughed, and the sound tore a smile on Thomas's face inadvertently. "You need to feel remorse to be regretful."
"Even if the result is Matthew coming over and interrupting our date?"
"He wouldn't dare," Alastair promised. "Risa would kick him out if he even thought of making a mess."
His boyfriend suddenly felt like he was being watched, and spotted Risa appearing from the corridor. She glanced at the two of them with a grave expression before proceeding to the kitchen. Thomas wondered whether the elderly aunt of Alastair knew they spoke about her. Admitting only to himself, he was slightly creeped out. "This woman has supernatural powers, I swear."
"Wouldn't be surprised," the dark-haired boy agreed. "Remember the time all you four came here in the middle of the night to lift Cordelia's spirits when she told James about our father?"
Thomas winced as if he ate something spoiled. "Yes." he conceded. It was not the best of nights for them. They stole his uncle Gabriel's car - "it runs in the family," James told him as he turned on the engine - and tried to sneak into the Carstairs house. Unfortunate for them, Risa somehow awakened and spared no steps at ensuring the 'intruder' would regret and rue their choice for the rest of their days. It involved some very pointed kitchen knives, tea, and books. It didn't sound scary when he told others, but all four of them knew a true fright that night. Someone could have gotten hurt if not for Ms. Carstairs waking up and helping them, and scolding them as well. That night on, they never came to the Carstairs house unannounced.
"You really deserved it, though." the boy mused.
"Thanks for the warm words," He replied dryly.
"You welcome," Receiving a brilliant smile from Alastair made Thomas eager to make it occur again. It also swept him off his feet and involved the appearance of a warm feeling he could never quite name. But back to the topic, he was not giving up the light banter.
"Matthew swears he managed to climb to the third floor once, to talk with Cordelia. So we thoughts we could do it again."
"All of you, unnoticed?" Alastair's special look made him slightly nervous to admit that, er, yes, all four of them. He spilled it out of his lips and Alastair made a dramatic huff.
"Your friends are morons," Alastair noted.
"I'm around them, doesn't it mean you consider me a moron too?"
"Hmpf," Alastair turned his head to Thomas. "No. Luckily for you, I am your saving grace. My boyfriend can't be a moron."
"Huh, so Jamie and Math and kit-"
"Christopher is not included. They have some real smarts inside their head."
"And you sure you didn't like them chiefly because of me?"
Alastair shoved his hand into Thomas's cheek, making the latter chuckle. "Not everything's about you, Lightwood."
"Whatever you say," Thomas grinned at him. "I still got to choose the next movie."
"What's this for?" Thomas didn't complain and indulged in the offered hug. He wrapped his arms around the smaller body, taking in his scent and comfortable pressure against him.
"You're too hugable," his dark-haired boyfriend countered back.
"Same can be said about you, Mi Cielo."
He made a small noise. "Not the same. You're warm and huge and your smell is nice."
"You like my smell?" Thomas pulled away to look at Alastair, who groaned.
"Don't make it weird, Lightwood."
"Haha," He moved his hands to Alastair's waist, squeezing lightly. "I don't give a damn about weird, we're both weird." He tightened his grip and tugged him closer. The fair-haired boy pulled his boyfriend to sit on his lap, firmly close to one another. They could feel each other's warmth radiate from the clothes.
In the past, Alastair would stay away from anything even slightly close to 'weird'. In an effort to fit in, he tried to get rid of the layers of his 'weirdness', as Thomas called it. Liking musicals, talking in his mother tongue, his dark features. Anything that'd shove him into the spotlight and harden his attempt to fit in. Now he celebrated it. Because this is what made him Alastair Carstairs and not someone else. If he patted himself on the shoulder for that, Alastair would say he earned it.
"Yeah, we're both weird."
Thomas nodded in agreement. "Yes, but classic weird."
Alastair glared at his boyfriend. "How is that make anything better?" His boyfriend shrugged, then a bzz! sent him to check his phone. Ignoring Alastair's scowl from being on the phone again, he smiled brightly. Curiously, Alastair inquired, "What is it?"
"My mother sent me a new recipe and asked if I want to bake it together."
"Ugh, you're such a nerd," the dark-haired boy rolled his eyes.
"You're a nerd too though!" Thomas lifted his arms like he was on a roller coaster at high speed. It was out of frustration, but the sight was amusing still.
"Yes, but you're a baking nerd."
"And? You're a theatre nerd." He let his hands fall to his sides, before relocating again to rest around Alastait's middle part.
"But on levels of nerdiness, baking nerd is inferior to theatre nerd." Alastair insisted.
"Um," Thomas pressed his forefinger on his chin. "Nope."
"You can't just 'nope' it. That's a fact."
"It is very much not!" Thomas cried.
They compromised on even levels of coolness in the end, much to Alastair's dismay. His boyfriend played with his fingers absentmindedly, and Thomas felt contact and relaxed more than he had for days. Exams season has been taking a toll on him, and he fell to his bed exhausted almost every night, managing only to send Alastair a poor ' G'night' message before drifting off to sleep.
He knew it was hard on Alastair, perhaps even greater than for him. The stress caused by studies and exams was weighing on him worse, sometimes, causing him to have more bad days with neither his sister, mother nor Thomas succeeding to lift his spirits. The harrowing homelife Alastair was used to improved immensely, but the scars were stubborn and he still reacted badly when he felt things were out of his control. Thomas had struggled too, struggling to ask for help due to his fear of becoming a burden. It's something he's been working on, and one he believed he had progressed in.
He recalled a day he was buried under work and struggled to ask his roommate to do as simply as to buy groceries instead of him. If he was sick on a school day, he felt ashamed and unwilling to ask someone to take care of him. But it was something he put work in changing, and Alastair had been working on his own struggles too.
That's why he was so giddy to see Alastair, tranquil and comfortable, playing with his fingers as the movie got to its end. A couple of times Alastair found him staring, and despite Alastair's 'what?'s and his own furious flush, he couldn't take his eyes off his boyfriend.
"I'm glad the exam session is over," Thomas confessed and dipped the back of his head in the soft material of the settee.
"So am I," Alastair agreed.
"We could do things couples do again, instead of drowning in assignments."
The dark-haired nodded. "Like cooking in the kitchen and getting covered in flour, or listening to music with the same headphones."
"Like stargazing on a rooftop," Thomas's Hazel eyes glinted, "Or wearing your partner's hoodies-" he cut off and blushed deeply. Alastair, as the menace he is, wasted no time to tease Thomas.
"Do you suggest I should steal more of your hoodies?" The amusement was evident on his boyfriend's face.
"I mean, er, I have no refrain, I just came up with ideas, although I do need the shirt you're wearing back eventually -"
Alastair shut his boyfriend up with a kiss. "I can arrange that," he said, grinning when they pulled away. Thomas managed to change into an even deeper shade of red. Alastair laughed at that. "Not that you can fit into my hoodies, you're too enormous for that. So I guess it's up to me to save our relationship from being without any clothing thefts."
"You look cute in my shirt," Thomas declared, tilting his head to the side with a smile, cheeks burning as his eyes darted to the enormous top Alastair was wearing.
"I-" his boyfriend abruptly stooped, and Thomas gave him a quizzical look. He grimaced. "You take that back. I'm not cute."
"You're fucking adorable," he stood his ground, and miraculously avoided the pillow thrown at him by Alastair, who twisted in his place on his lap for that.
"Take," he tried again, Thomas defending himself with his hands and starting to laugh. "That," he launched again, flying the pillow straight into Thomas's cackling face. "Back," Alastair stopped with a satisfied smile when Thomas raised his hands in surrender.
"Okay, okay." He made sure to cross his fingers before he muttered, "You're not cute."
"Thank you very much." Alastair flopped into the seat next to him, cuddling Thomas's side. His smile didn't leave for several minutes until Thomas casually started talking.
"You know," he said cautiously, "I thought 'bout something."
"What is it?" Alastair turned to look at him.
Thomas understood they shouldn't be nervous because they've done that before, anyway. "What about a double date?"
His boyfriend furrowed his brow. "Us, Genie, and Kami?"
"No." Thomas returned. "Us. your sister and Jamie."
Alastair's expression immoderately darkened. "I cannot manage a double date with my sister and James," Alastair sniffed. "They are sickeningly soppy."
He wanted to go out with Thomas. He's anticipated him to suggest it and imagined them going for long walks and eating in restaurants, talking so long they closed down the restaurant. Perhaps, going to the zoo and pointing out all the animals that caught their eyes, arguing about whether they should be safer there than in the open. Eating ice cream so cold they'd have a brain freeze, cuddling together at Thomas's room and talking about anything and nothing.
He certainly did not imagine enduring the pain in the arse that is a double date with his sister and Herondale. Was it someone he could get along with, be it, but why see his younger sister making heart eyes at James Herondale?
Thomas raised an eyebrow, "And what are we?"
"They are being mawkish," Alastair scoffed. "Our relationship is clearly mature."
For the sake of the banter, he replied, "Saying you, who's sprawled all over me on the sofa and fought with me for 5 minutes whether to put sprinkles on the popcorn or not."
Alastair twisted in his place and raised a finger toward him. "That's things adults do. Simply not in public."
"Yeah, yeah," Thomas rolled his eyes. "Old cold reputation. You can't be seen being amicable."
Alastair scrunched his nose, and Thomas, like always, found it adorable. " That, and I can't stand seeing her staring like a lovesick fool at your little friend."
"Knew it. You are just afraid to see how lovesick fools we are looking in people's eyes when in public."
"Why do I date you again?"
"Why wouldn't you let it go?" Alastair complained, making a face at Thomas.
"For how long would you postpone it? After we graduate? After your sister gets married?"
"Don't be silly," Alastair grumbled and wrinkled his nose. His mouth was twisted downsides. Despite being on natural terms with Herondale, he was not nearly a 'friend'. Cordelia and Thomas wanted them to, of course. Yet he fitted more the category of someone Alastair'd like to pretend didn't exist. If he didn't know better, he would feel a sting of guilt for his disinterest. But he did, and he had no appetite for a perfectly polite, fake, James that was presented for him. Not agitated to spend time with him, Alastair shook his head harshly.
Thomas looked determined, and he knew it meant he was doomed. When Thomas was truly stubborn about something, not a single thing could possibly stop him. Curse Lightwood's tenaciousness. He offered more ideas they could do for dates, all failing to convince Thomas to give up on it.
Despondent to escape his fate, Alastair remarked, "We could have your car, drive around the city, I'll take care and make something to eat," he hoped it'll persuade Thomas. "Just the two of us. All day. Don't you find it much nicer?"
Thomas observed his boyfriend with squinted eyes for a couple of seconds. "Nice try," he commented. "But it won't work."
"What with-" Alastair continued a moment later with a shrug. He ran out of ideas. "Alright, I dunno."
"You give up?"
Alastair didn't answer, just got off Thomas's lap and made some distance between them. He crossed his arms and turned his face away. There were a few moments he felt Thomas just stare at him.
Thomas tugged his - Thomas's own - hoodie lightly. When Alastair still didn't reply, He asked softly, sadly, "Are you mad?"
Alastair sighed. "Let's not ruin a perfectly fine movie night," he decided.
"It's such a dull nickname," muttered Alastair dryly. "Can we talk about how Persian is the superior language when comes to endearments?"
"And dramatics," Thomas added, making Alastair hide his smirk.
"And dramatics."
"So no babe? You haven't protested until now." He left the other conversation, but Alastair knew he'd talk about it later. Thomas mused, and he made a little pout that made Alastair's heart race a little bit faster. He jumped from 'I am angry with you' to 'you're my light and happiness' real quick, he had to admit to himself.
"Okay, babe is not so awful." Alastair conceded. "I just like it when you call me in other names, as well."
Thomas smirked. Closing the distance between them again, he put his hand in Alastair's and squeezed. "Is that true, ātashé del-am?" He batted his lashes, with a sly smirk on his face.
Alastair made a sound deep from his throat. "You're impossible."
It was getting dark, and Alastair knew his family will return soon. They put another movie to play and kept quiet for the first half of the movie. Alastair considered it a feat.
He trailed a path on Alastair's ear, brushing his fingers against his earlobe and helix piercing. The Spanish boy knew his boyfriend loved it when he did it.
He pecked his lips and lolled in the settee. His boyfriend was so beautiful. Alastair stopped the movie - not a too long one, as all old movies were rather short.
He shifted, leaning his hands on Thomas's shoulders as he turned to face him. "What was that for?"
"Um," Thomas murmured.
"It's not my fault, alright? my boyfriend is outstanding", Thomas mumbled and his eyes wandered off from Alastair's eyes to somewhere lower on his face. On another occasion, he might've been mad to get to stop the movie. But he felt a great need to kiss Thomas, so he did.
It took them some time to return to watching the movie. Alastair was snugged into Thomas, once again resting on his lap and against his chest. Thomas's arms were wrapped around him lazily, his chin on Alastair's shoulders.
"So..." Alastair turned to look at Thomas. "We'll have the double date?"
"No." There was no true resistance in his voice.
"I may or may not have settled it already."
Thomas apologized, and Alastair couldn't get mad at those puppy eyes for long. He didn't like his partner didn't ask him first, not at all. But he wanted to enjoy the movie, so he let it slide for now.
The rest of the movie passed calmly. Alastair took Thomas's arm captive, caressing his inked tattoo lightly. It made Thomas hard to concentrate on the movie, although he tried.
"I really like you," Thomas confessed.
"I suppose it's the case since we're dating for almost a year." Alastair quipped. Then, in a quieter tone, "We haven't had a real date in weeks. I'm glad we got to have this."
Thomas laughed softly. "I'm happy when you're happy."
It was silent for a couple of minutes before he felt Thomas looking at him and turned his gaze at him. Their faces were close, and Thomas rested his chin on Alastair's shoulder prior to that. he could see the dreamy look in his eyes. Chuckling, he wondered out loud, "What?"
Thomas shyly conceded, "We haven't had a date in weeks, and I can't tell you how much I missed it. I want to spend as much time with you as I can. I love you."
His voice was soft, like warm pudding, and it made Alastair dizzy for a moment. He gaped at his boyfriend, with a small gentle whisper, "Sheeren-am," out of his otherwise shocked expression. Thomas smiled brilliantly at him.
He felt his face stretch to mimic Thomas's, and he could only let out what everyone would say in this situation: "Don't fall asleep during the movie."
They fell asleep during the movie.
They must have zoned out, for the next time Thomas opened his eyes it was dark outside. He groaned quietly, moving in his place on the settee, freezing when he felt a comforting weight against him. It took him a moment to understand what he saw. A smile crept up his face, as he took in the sleeping form of his lover. They've slept in the same bed before, finding the presence of the other soothing and comforting. It brought them comfort of the kind they never knew they sought.
Alastair, asleep, basically on him, wasn't so startling to him. What was weird, the realization dawned on him, was the blanket wrapped around them.
Had Alastair gotten it? he didn't feel him move at all. He checked the clock and stared in amazement at the little needle pointing it was already 10:30 pm. He was supposed to be home by ten.
And the dark-haired boy said his mother would be home by 10 pm.
He tried to move as little as possible, grabbing his phone that was tossed next to them on the couch. He texted his parents, who called him while he was asleep. He sent them a message not to worry about him, which was replied to after mere seconds with a relieved yet disappointed reply from his mother. He sighed to himself and caught in the corner of his eyes a movement. Alastair stirred, and Thomas stopped in his tracks.
He didn't want to wake the boy, who admitted to him was struggling to sleep well at night. Long moments passed, but Alastair must have been exhausted before because he didn't open his starless-night brilliant eyes. He was still in a deep slumber and the Spanish boy exhaled. He slowly put his phone down after he sent his mother where he would stay the night, still looking at Alastair, worried every movement of his would make the other boy awaken.
He was fixed on Alastair, so much so he never noticed the figure leaning against the doorframe on the side of the room. Not until she made a low chuckle. Thomas swiftly threw his head toward the woman, taking in Sona's smiling face. It wasn't a broad smile - but a small, kind one, that fitted her motherly expression. His eyes widened and his cheeks felt warm as he smiled weakly and sleepily at his partner's mother.
Sona's eyebrows raised up a bit, but the pleasant smile remained. She glanced at Alastair and then back at Thomas. Then, unexpectedly, she pressed a finger against her lips, eyes sparkling with amusement. Thomas got the message, and he couldn't help the grin that tugged at the sides of his mouth. He nodded and adjusted the blanket, sinking back into the Settee and the warmth of Alastair next to him. Cuddled against Alastair, he heard Sona's soft singing echoing in the house, accompanying him as he dove back into blissful dreams.
Taglist (tell me if you want to be added or removed!): @ary-es @writeordie-4 @justanormaldemon @life-through-the-eyes-of @hidethebreakables @tessherongraystairs @cordelia-in-the-right-skin-tone @take-the-train @pink-party-dino <3
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Herongraystairs Family Social Media Au
Part 2
So hi I’m back to posting and I took the feedback into consideration and decided to do more messages because the Herongraystairs family group chat is a lot of fun lmao. I hope you all enjoy it! ❤️
Tagging: @christopherlightwood @carstairstessa @zoyanazyalenskiy @fair-but-wilde-child @daisyherxndale @bridgestocksariadne @bookish-bacillaria @matthewfaichild @magnuslightwood-bane @tessagraycarstairs @jesse-blaxkthorn @hazel-grace-levesque @living-in-the-never @immyownghostwriter @tofeelawake @marlsmckinnon47 @jesseblackthorns @fairchild-squad @lily-chen-deserves-better - sorry if I forgot anyone! ❤️ (Also if you want to be added to the tag list just let me know!)
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julemmaes · 4 years
your favourite prompt for Fairondale please?
“If you want to leave, we can leave.” / “I don’t want to ruin your party.” / “You could never ruin anything.”
Matthew Fairchild and Lucie Herondale modern au
I’m sorry this took so long but I had other things to do and it’s kinda short, but nice, I guess. I really hope you enjoy it.
Word count: 1,728
Lucie couldn't bear it anymore.
She took another sip from the red plastic cup she was holding in her hand, faking a grimace so that if her friends were watching her, they would think she was drinking alcohol and not what was actually sparkling water. She wasn't in the right mood to drink and she certainly didn't want to have overprotective guys asking her why she had that long face.
That's why she had been pretending to be having fun for the last two hours at a party organized by Matthew in honor of the reunion of the group.
By the time everyone had gone off to college it had become difficult for them to get together every weekend as they were used to in high school and, although both James and Matthew were still around, most of the time they had too much to do or were busy with work, so she often found herself alone with Cordelia. Not that she minded spending time with her best friend, but she missed the close-knit group they used to have.
Christopher had moved to the other side of the world with Grace right after graduation and they rarely saw him around five times a year during major holidays like Christmas and various birthdays, which is why neither of them was there that night. Thomas had returned to Spain right after high school for a while and had came back when the distance was starting to create big problems in his relationship with Alastair, who had stayed in London with his siblings. The two of them had stayed in England for a year before moving permanently to Paris with Kia.
Anna and Ariadne, on the other hand, were travelling the world. They had visited almost all of South America and Lucie knew that they would soon begin to travel in Asia, starting in India. They sent her a postcard from each city they visited, with a detailed description of the people there, so that she could introduce characters from different countries in each of her books.
James and Cordelia, fortunately for her, had never left London, but had moved out of the city in search of a quieter, more isolated place, and Matthew, who had just come out of a long period of rehabilitation, had decided to follow them. It was not difficult to visit them, but the trip from the city to the countryside was long and Lucie could not afford to do so every weekend.
She heard her brother and her best friend in the next room while they were playing beer pong with Thomas and someone she couldn't recognize. Cordelia had just made the winning shot and James was lifting her up in the air holding her by her hips, while Thomas and his partner dropped the last remaining glass of beer with an amused grimace on their lips.
From the way he was swinging and from the grip on the other's shoulder, Lucie realized that he was completely wasted. She smiled sincerely when she caught Thomas' eyes and he sent a little grin her way. With all he had done in the last few years, a little fun was what he deserved.
Alastair was talking to other people a few feet away from the ping pong table and occasionally glanced in the direction of his boyfriend.
Lucie sighed. She wondered who he had left Kia with that night. Probably her Aunt Sophie. She loved the boy as if he had been Thomas' son, which, in a way, was true. Both James and Thomas had helped the Carstairs so much after Sona's death and had all actively participated in raising the child, but after they had moved to France, Kia had begun to see Thomas as a full-time parent and very often poeple had mistaken the child for the adopted son of the two boys.
Taking one last look at her friends, Lucie sighed again and moved to another room, quieter and with fewer people. She looked around, watching the couples who preferred to talk rather than dance and get shit-faced.
She headed for the stairs, knowing exactly where to go. She would lock herself in Matthew's room for a moment and just sleep for a few minutes. She didn't want to ask Thomas and Alastair, with whom she'd come to the party, to go back home so soon.
She went up the last step and closed her eyes and stood still at the top of the stairs, thinking how tiring the day after would be. She had to finish reviewing the book and send it to her publisher. She had managed to make it to the deadline without losing all her hair and without biting her nails to the bone and this she considered a great achievement.
She leaned against the wall yawning and dragged herself to the last door on the left down the hall. She entered without knocking and breathed a sigh of relief when she found it empty and dark, except for the light coming from under the door of the adjacent bathroom. She could hear the water from the sink running, but there was no sound or noise to suggest that there was more than one person behind the door.
She sat on the edge of the bed and dropped back onto the mattress at the same time as the bathroom door opened. Lucie turned her head to the person in question and smiled tiredly when she met Matthew's surprised look.
The boy turned off the bathroom light, closing the door behind him and leaning against it. He raised an eyebrow, confused as he found her on his bed. "Lu, are you drunk?"
He broke away from the door, taking a few steps to reach her and sat down next to her, placing his hand on her knee. The contact made Lucie shudder. Although she was wearing heavy black jeans, she still felt the warmth of his skin.
She closed her eyes, shaking her head and waving the glass, "Nope." She answered popping the P, "This is just water. I'm not in the mood to celebrate tonight."
Matthew looked at her with a hint of worry in his eyes. Normally she would be with the others playing silly games that included all kinds of alcohol, and when he hadn't seen her with Cordelia before, he didn't worry much, thinking she was with someone else.
"When did you come in?" he asked, lying next to her.
Lucie yawned again, "Like less than a minute ago."
Matthew turned his head to her and in a hesitant tone asked, "What's wrong?"
She remained silent so long that Matthew doubted that she was still awake, but then a lonely tear fell on her temple and his heart tightened in his chest. "Lucie..."
"It's all right, Math. It's just stress." she answered immediately as she passed the back of her hand over her eyes. She pulled herself up, finishing up the water in the glass.
Matthew followed her and sat down and put his hand on the small of her back, "You wanna talk about it?"
Lucie shook her head, her eyes still shiny, but more alert than before.
"If you want to leave, we can leave." he whispered to her, massaging her back with his thumb.
She took a deep breath, passing her hand over her face. "I don't want to ruin your party."
Matthew chuckled, "You could never ruin anything."
The look she gave him made him choke on his laugh. His eyes darted to her lips for a second, and if Lucie had noticed, she didn't show it. They had been in this situation for years. Years spent wondering if every partner the other had was just a distraction or if it was because they were trying to move on.
"All right, take me for a ride," she said, standing up and cleaning her jeans from something that wasn't there. "But please don't put tsum tsum music because I might get sick and throw up in your precious car."
Matthew put his hand on his heart, "I solemnly swear that I will not put anything on the radio that is not to your liking in this special adventure we are about to embark on."
Lucie laughed and felt better already. It was easy to laugh with him, to feel lighter and freer and not crushed by all the deadlines and orders of her bosses.
Matthew looked at her with a dazzling smile and offered his hand, pulling her towards his bedroom window. She frowned, "What are you doing?"
"I'm not going to hear your brother insulting us in every language in the world because we're running away on the one night we're all together." he smiled over his shoulder.
Lucie, having understood what he was going to do, shook her head, "Uh uh, I'm not going to get down the gutter." She took her hand out of his grasp and squeezed her fist, hoping not to let that feeling go away. Matthew's eyes found Lucie's lips again and her mouth dried up. She swallowed and and the movement did not go unnoticed to the boy.
His eyes immediately found hers, "Do you trust me?"
"Of course."
"Then you'll come down this stupid gutter."
Lucie snorted, "All right, but you go first."
Matthew started to climb out of the window and as she kept her gaze fixed on him, she grinned, backing away. "Where are you going?" the blond asked, falsely alarmed.
Lucie did not answer, leaving the room, and walked quietly down the stairs to the front door. She opened it wide with nonchalace, and came out into the stinging air of the English countryside, finding a sullen Matthew in front of her. She reached out to him, disheveled him and then tied their arms together.
Matthew leaned over her, kissing her cheek. Lucie blushed, clutching herself in her sweater, and then turned to him.
Matthew's green eyes glowed with the emotion of what was waiting for them that night and Lucie felt something pull her towards the boy, a tug inside of her chest.
They looked at each other and burst out laughing, heading towards his car.
Whatever would happen in the next few hours, when they returned home the next morning, it would not be the same Lucie and Matthew as before.
tsc tag list
@queenofthemoon22 @tyherondaletrash @clara-sm @can-god-strike-me-down @tessaherongraystairs @idontgetit-whydoihavetosaymyname @jamescordelias @grxceblqckthxrn @thecerridwen @stitch-kiss @alastairlightwxod @ahiretsinging @allofmywonders @tremendousheadachecollector @tlh-tea @taco-taco-belle @city-of-fae @ifeelfreewithoutmyshoes @thomascarstairsx @alastaircarstairsx @fair-y-child @matthew-herondale @thomaslightwoodx @abigneignenn @imherongraystairstrash @rednailpolishqueen @herondamnn @parababitch-herondale @silent-nerd
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my-angel-daisy · 5 years
daisy chains
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summary: james and cordelia are not lovers, well, that’s how cordelia sees it.
word count: 5.8k
cordelia winced, she watched lucie collapse on the stairs of the institute from exhaustion. they were both covered in blood, their own and otherwise, disheveled and distraught. cordelia was tempted to follow her parabatai’s example or jump in front of her to soften her blow but she couldn’t.
the grand entrance door opened and william herondale ran down to his daughter. he took her in his arms and lifted her as he exchanged a frightened look with cordelia, he had questions, ones she didn’t know how to start answering. tessa herondale also made her way down with forced composure as she ran to the jolly group.
there was a silence as she scanned her eyes to assess the situation as she always did. “lucie will be alright my love” she told her husband as she took lucie's pulse, she began encouraging him up the stairs and they reached inside. cordelia had never seen mr herondale so fragile and vulnerable but then again one would be with their limp child in their arms.
“there aren’t any serious wounds mr and mrs herondale, she will just need some rest” cordelia only whispered this but it startled both of them. as she said this her parabatai began to stir and regain consciousness. perfect timing as always.
from there on, everything seemed to blur for cordelia, lucie got attended to and since neither has serious injuries she began to explain the evening to her family. 
cordelia felt numb, she didn’t acknowledge the cloth bridget was dabbing at the slice on her collarbone to shoulder, nor the breathless animated voice of lucie as she told everything. tessa was quizzing lucie’s recollection for any signs of dark or powerful magic but they didn’t recall anything. 
the arberg’s had disappeared two weeks previously, they were an acclaimed member of the clave so their vanishing had set all the shadowhunters on alert but it didn’t directly impact anyone at the institute. lucie and cordelia had been investigating a string of murders of werewolves and didn’t see the connection with the powerful warlock, theo conall until it was too late.
perhaps they were both lead into a trap or conall had simply been multitasking to the highest extreme but when lucie and cordelia visited his residence to ask about some fair folk connected to the moon children he was acquainted with, they didn’t expect to hear the shrill screams of amelia arberg.
the trained servants and friends protecting him were effective, dedicated and loyal. their blood shed as lucie and cordelia made their way towards amelia who couldn’t have been more than 5 years old. cordelia wasn’t unfamiliar to battles, they had become as natural to her as a ball dance but seeing the child amidst it all was unsettling for her nerves.
her strokes were slopier, her punches not as accurate as usual, all because her eyes kept going back to the child. once they had soaked the mansion with blue and red blood, cordelia stepped over the purple mix and grabbed the little.
conall had escaped but one problem at a time. here was a missing child trembling with terror and as cordelia followed her eyes, there they were, her parents, disembodied and on display for their child to see all. 
cordelia and lucie walked a great distance to find a coach with amelia hanging from cordelia's side. amelia was here, desperately clinging to cordelia’s side on the couch. her cries aren’t as loud as they were before, they are tired, hitched dry tears of a child that can’t stop crying. some of the blood on cordelia has transferred onto her tiny hands and bright red, strained cheeks. cordelia had made no effort to comfort her, she was still a lifeless statue staring at the floor of the institute drawing room.
she began to register there were other people there, too many of them. will herondale has a cool composure about him as he called for amelia’s nearest relatives to be contacted immediately, for the enclave to assemble at conall’s manor to judge the crime scene and with a quick nod to lucie, he left.
cordelia saw lucie drop to her chair with a whine and her brother was at her side telling her to go rest or eat, bombarding her with worried statements. tessa herondale was knelt in front of her trying to stroke amelia’s hair and soothe her into releasing her grip on cordelia to no avail. matthew and james rose in unison as they declared they would go and help mr herondale. cordelia wasn’t sure with one of them spoke but they left too.
the room felt colder even though a mighty fire was blazing in the fireplace. as the night sunk in, cordelia left amelia to tessa’s gentle care. she bathed herself, and tried her best to forget the paralyzing face amelia had given her when she first noticed her in the manor. she shouldn’t be so shocked and unnerved, she was a shadowhunter and disturbing scenes like those are to be expected but how she had never thought she would experience a mission like that so soon.
a knock on her door presented matthew who had returned as all business with the clave had been settled and the hunt for conall had been taken over by an elite team of senior shadowhunters. “amelia's uncle has come to collect her, lucie is already receiving his thanks and she insisted that you wouldn’t want to join but i thought i’d ask just the same” he declared in his relaxed manner. “no thank you matthew, lucie was right, i don’t want to join at all” he nodded and told her that dinner will be served to her and lucie in their room and left with an encouraging and pitying smile.
cordelia was glad she could confide in lucie who understood her better than anyone else could. after finishing their meal, lucie lies her head on cordelia’s shoulder and rants of the catastrophe that is today. lucie was always so good with her words that it comforted her better than anything. lucie can word all the stress and anxieties of the day so perfectly that cordelia didn’t need to speak them aloud herself.
lucie left after her therapeutic rant with her parabatai to visit her parents to no doubt do more of the same and hug her mother and father who eagerly awaited all day for a private conversation with her. since cordelia’s parents were not there to do the same for her, she tried to escape her self pity by running to the library.
cordelia had always been fascinated by flowers. the way people use the plant to express their feelings in a way they can’t with words interests her. two of her favourite volumes of flower related books lay in front of her. she listlessly flipped through the scientific explanations and research for care of flowers, her eyes never left bright detailed illustrations of various species. she was enthralled by their mysteries and natural beauty. then the oak door swung open to filter even more light into the room.
it was james, he stood by the door for a few seconds as she slowly closed her books and lay them on the table, he was hesitant in his steps, cordelia didn’t understand why. nowadays he has become more distant and awkward around her. she hated it, she wished she could shake him and stop that uneasiness that always flashed in his eyes.
he made his way around to her side and grabbed the top book to flick through, he was trying to busy himself and she was impatient, she knew why he was here and what they had become to expect from each other. his golden eyes looked around the room, avoiding her. she wished he hadn’t come now, he seems so uncomfortable and bored of her even though he hadn’t even made the effort to greet her.
“james” she caved and his eyes snapped to hers. finally, she thought. she loved it when he looked at her, she never wanted to pay attention to his other facial expressions because when he looked at her, she felt she had free access to view his golden eyes. she loved the different shades that run through them as though he had trapped the heart of the sun itself in his eyes. they always burnt her own eyes to look at.
he reached for her as she ignored his worried frown. he gently grabbed her neck and pulled her head closer while simultaneously wrapping his arms around her waist. he closed his eyes, always did before their lips were even aligned, maybe he’s memorised where they’ll always be. cordelia’s hands shly stroked up his arms and rested on his shoulders.
his soft lips met hers and they exchanged gentle small pecks that deepened into long kisses. cordelia used all her composure to refrain from moaning and biting on his lips. her form was still and stiff, she didn’t want it to be that way but she was too afraid to move onto him, to ignite the kiss with a passion that james won’t reciprocate. this meant that she only let james lead as he pleased. it felt too fragile, if she were to move her hands up the back of his neck and tug at his hair like she craved to, he might snap away, she was certain he would.
they may have kissed countless times now but it somehow never felt intimate. cordelia never felt like they were lovers, contrary to what anyone looking from the outside would think. they would think they were young inexperienced lovers that are coy in their courtship. they are not lovers, there is no courtship, james isn’t shy. cordelia knew why he wanted this distance, the softness separated them, made it easier for him to pretend it was any other woman. cordelia was sure of this, it was the only explanation for why else would his kisses taste of grace blackthorn.
cordelia felt used, she had liked to think she had too much respect for herself to allow this to continue but she was lying to herself. her desperation for james herondale had gotten the best of her and she would still take this, however little it may be, it was still a bit of james.
5 minutes later and james pulled away. his swollen lips and darkened eyes lightened her heavy heart only for a moment. of course he looks beautiful, slightly panting for air and gazing at his arms still around her waist. he was the first to pull away and cordelia the one to leave, in keeping to this routine they had developed, cordelia rose and went straight for the door with no glance nor word to james.
cordelia laid in her bed and stared at the ceiling as lucie lightly snored. she didn’t want to cry about it, she had grown too tired of that. james had first kissed her 4 months back in the empty drawing room as the humming summer sun shone upon them. it had gone just the same as today, only matthew had barged in and they were forced to jump apart.
at the time, cordelia had not noticed the coldness of his fiery eyes. she had even entertained the idea of james confessing his love for her. the memory forced a sarcastic chuckle to leave her in the dark room. she waited and waited, thought he was drafting and redrafting a letter but that never came, the very next week cordelia saw him passionately latch at grace blackthorns lips in a quiet room at a ball in the institute.
but she still waited and pined for the kisses that followed even though james never spoke of them to her. he never addressed it but repeated it. everytime they were alone he held her and so sweetly planted the uniform kisses but they both parted and pretended it never happened. what good would come of it? for him to tell her what she already knows? there is no need to hear james confirm that she is a replacement for grace when he is not with his only love, cordelia didn’t think she was brave enough to bear those words spoken aloud by the only man she truly loved.
james sat on his writing desk. glaring at the paper as through it had deeply offended him. he had become confused and decided that he would write all his thoughts, however tangled and distorted, hoping that when he looked back at it with fresh eyes, they would make sense. how wrong he was. the drawer under the desk is littered with past attempts.
james had sworn his love for grace blackthorn to the world. he loves her deeper than any ocean his poets wrote about. he adored her, her clear eyes that had inspired him to become a poet himself, grace had made him try, and fail, to express his love for her in grand words and exuberant phrases. but he couldn’t find any, his sister was the one who was gifted with the pen to write her emotions in a way james could only read and enthusiastically agree with.
again, grace. he had committed himself to her. he has given her his heart to do with as she pleases. anyone who knew him was aware of her mark on him and he wore it proud, prouder than if it were a medal. so why would he so much as dare question his own loyalty to his grace. there is no other and all these letters have grace’s name for it was her he was destined to love.
deception was no use. he cannot lie to himself as convincingly as he has been lying to others recently. he had kissed cordelia. it was no accident. no heat of the moment bout of lust. he had noticed cordelia in a different way. his sister’s parabatai was not one whose beauty lashed onto you. it was gradual, first he noticed her laugh, how sweet and warm it made him feel. then her touch, something as innocent and (previously) meaningless as exchanging books made his fingers tingle. at night he would trace where she had stroked with his other hand and stare in confusion but he sure did find many other excuses to make sure it was repeated. “here take my pen daisy” “pass those to me, i will carry them for you” etc. and so gradually, the daisies sprouted in the garden of his mind, erratically and turned into a field.
they had been too much, cordelia’s pull, her soft hair, dewy skin and plump lips consumed him. how reckless, insolent, unacceptable for him to act on it. he owed her an explanation or better still an apology. he thought a love letter would suffice, so he did try, the very time he first kissed her. but it sounded pathetic, she would laugh at his face, demand the truth, how could someone so publicly dedicated to grace blackthorn write her a letter like this.
he had meant everything he said in the first one, the one under all it’s other 20 or so more revised, though less honest copies. but a letter won’t do, he has left it too late. james herondale has somehow managed to procrastinate on a love letter. but maybe the word “love” is too strong for these letters, they are confessions from a sinner unsure of his sin. he recognises the carnage he has caused but cordelia doesn’t seem to react to it, she seems indifferent, uninterested in his feelings. she leaves every time they kiss, with james confused and frustrated behind her. he never has the courage to tell her to stay.
and so the latest extract of his knotted mind he pulled onto ink. he cannot help but compare. does his adoration for cordelia touch graces? no surely not. he thinks of cordelia’s bright eyes when she talks of flowers in her garden, the beaming smile when asked about a weapon she had clearly been waiting for someone to address. james always envied the one who asked before him, he had made a note to try and beat them to it whenever he next sensed an excitement in her waiting to be unleashed. but he had not acted on it, in his own stupidity, he had kissed her instead. 
grace however giggled after they kissed. he is not ashamed to say it makes him proud to see the slightest blush crawl up her pearl white cheeks. but cordelia never giggled, never so much as smiled. this weighed on him, he should kiss her better, hold her more freely, embrace her more, show her all these words he can’t say. he shrinks when the time comes, a coward again. she strips him of his courage, his bravery and senses.
the carriage halts outside the institute, lit with lights and melodic music. cordelia was fidgeting with her gloves, which her mother didn’t fail to point out. cordelia waited for alastair to exit before following herself after her mother. she hadn’t been to the institute for a week now, she hadn’t read the invitation either and wasn’t sure what or whom welcomed such a celebration which she didn’t speak aloud to save herself the embarrassment. 
she saw the institute full of life and walked the steps that now had such a horrid memory ingrained into her steps. cordelia was still reeling, she felt uneasy and couldn’t process her experience in a way she knew she was expected to. as a shadowhunter, no one would assume it was the results of a mission that set her mouth in a frown or produced the paled expression masking her face from the sleepless nights. She found comfort in her parabatai’s letters and now, warm welcome and hug. through it all, she still has her lucie.
the institute decor was spectacular, she expected nothing less from the herondale couple and their restless desire to make others feel welcomed. these gatherings however, have become an inconvenience to cordelia. she had been overjoyed at first, of course, but as each event became repetitive — being asked about her father, her “unique” characteristics and “unconventional” charm have become exhausting. there’s only so many backhanded compliments she could take. “what a pretty dress, it works so well despite your complexion”. if the whole building was emptied save the musicians and lucie, she would never feel this way. 
it was later in the evening when she noticed james herondale. he looked breathtaking. black hair framing his structured face and glowing eyes. his lips were sliding into a grin as he listened intently to someone she didn’t recognise. she was starting, and instantly made her way to the refreshment table in hopes no one around her saw the blush she felt burning her cheeks.
she sighed to herself and felt tired. of james. she was tired of being captivated by him, of being addicted to him. she didn’t want to feel this way anymore, she knew she had repeated this argument with herself so many times before with no definitive answers. but this time, something had changed, she looked into the garden of the london institute and saw a bunch of lilies she once saw james give to grace and knew it would never be otherwise. 
cordelia was waiting for lucie in the small drawing room of the london institute on a rainy winter day. she and her parabatai were due in a boutique south for their final fittings, cordelia’s mother was to meet them there in two hours. cordelia never bought any item of clothing without her mother’s approval. this unquestioned arrangement made her feel like a child and suffocated by the control her mother demonstrated in every aspect of her life, but she knew if she were to challenge it, the consequences would be dire.
cordelia was caught up on the pitter-patter of rain and her thoughts so she didn’t notice james enter. she gave a stiff but polite greeting and resumed into her silence. she hadn’t talked to james for a month and she could physically feel the distance the time had created. 
james seemed very agitated and uncomfortable. his brows were knotted and his lips lined in a frown. although she must admit the effect was appealing, she did not like being the cause of this expression. cordelia had admittedly been avoiding him and the atmosphere in the room made it evident she was within reason. but this was for the best, she told herself, it gave her room to find someone else, someone who will love her.
they didn’t speak for some time, then suddenly in a cautionary whisper, james spoke.”cordelia” she met his eyes and was startled to see him watery eyed. “what’s the matter james? are you well? goodness what has happened?” she felt panicked. this display of emotions was rare for james.
“calm daisy, i apologise, there is nothing the matter” james said as he wiped at his tears and straightened himself. cordelia felt bewildered and knew james could see it on her face because he gave a soft cuckle. “don’t stress on my accord, i'm quite well” he offered but cordelia wasn’t convinced but at the same time she didn’t want to press any further. she didn’t know if she was any longer in his confidence.
after a prolonged and painful silence, james abruptly stood and strode to stand in front of cordelia with an air of purpose. he proclaimed “cordelia. I believe I have made a catastrophic mistake and i don’t know how to fix it but i will try” he met her wide and perplexed eyes. her head tilt made it obvious, he needed to specify. “it is regarding my behaviour towards you these past months..” he whispered.
cordelia’s face snap to the floor and rigid composure in her posture as if physically shouting at him to stop without saying a word. he resumed. “I have behaved in a disgraceful manner that is disrespectful towards you… I apologise, i know i should have done so earlier but daisy.. I'm pathetically afraid of you” he saw cordelia’s brows knit and she began to glare at him. she felt herself get angry at him but unlike those other time, she didn’t try to be kind to him, she will be fair to herself.
james started fumbling with his jacket pockets and pulled neverending letters and notes. he gathered them all in a pile in one hand and gestured for cordelia to receive them. she hesitantly reached for them and let them rest on her lap, looking between the letters and james with suspicious eyes. “I've tried.. time and time again but they never turned out right so i thought that if you saw them all, maybe you could decipher my meaning” james desperately explained. “i am not lucie, daisy i don’t know how to explain these feelings i don’t understand myself and i’ve been frantically searching but finding a poem or prose by the perfect poet or artist more talented than me to encapsulate how you make my heart tremble has been impossible. i can’t find the combination of words and i have failed time and time again to physically show you yet-” he was breathlessly ranting and stopped himself when he noticed the horrified look on cordelia’s usually calm face.
he stood unsure and walked back to his seat. cordelia saw his eyes shut as he tried to control his breathing, he opened his golden eyes and set them on her. she felt her cheeks reddening and held her breath. “I do not expect you to reciprocate my…” he started again. “read them daisy, then and only then tell me what you think of me, command me as you please and I will comply without question, only… give my muddled words a chance” he bowed his head and left her.
james practically ran upstairs to his room, alarming his mother and beryl in the hallway. he began pacing around his room, trying to level his breathing and cool the heat that was burning his face. 
just when he thought he had finally found composure, he felt regret claw it’s way at him. what if she never spoke to again? that would be torturous, not to even get a reaction, if this silenced her, oh by the angel, he felt panicked. what if she was disgusted in him and she distanced herself from the institute. he sunk deep into his armchair and brooded until dinner.
james felt nauseous and his pale skin and tight lips had not gone unnoticed. “what’s the matter with you jamie? is it your repulsive suit, if so, you shouldn’t worry, nobody expects anything more from you” matthew gave a very backhanded compliment as a form of reassurance. james frowned his eyebrows “what’s wrong with it” he began self consciously running his down his jacket. that wasn’t a source of distress for him but it sure was now.
matthew chuckled and slapped james’ back. “only a joke jamie… would you like to leave, i know a better place we could go” james considered this. the lightwoods had an evening garden party that his aunt cecily and uncle gabriel had been planning for weeks. it would be rude to leave. it was beautifully decorated. the garden had been decorated by witchlights that trailed around the perimeter, creating a soft source of light that made their humble gardan look enchanted, as though you had been drawn to it by mischievous pixies.
he will stay, he needed to be here tonight. he hadn’t seen cordelia in 2 weeks and it was eating away at him every waking and sleeping moment. he had become restless. this must be how mundane purgatory was. he awaited cordelia’s sentence. will she send him to a hell without her or a paradise where they were forever side by side? he was biting at his lips and mindlessly mingled through society. he felt like he was watching himself move through a smudged mirror. he knew his friends were joking and laughed in unison with them when he didn’t hear the joke. he’s vaguely aware of grace’s presence on his left, her eyes on him but he doesn’t respond. he had ended their agreement weeks back and although this earned him quizzical looks from his family and friends, he didn’t regret it. grace would not have a problem finding suitors, she attracted eligible young men like moths to a flame. 
then he sees cordelia and everything starts to clear and she glows, shining her light on everyone around her. she is laughing at some private joke with lucie. he felt his stomach flip and instant jealousy towards lucie. his feets had already carried him towards her. james somehow kept the panic at bay. cordelia was looking at him with expectant eyes. he should say hello, yes, let’s start with that. he gave a slight bow and made his greeting, a bit less casual than usual and lucie must have noticed for her eyebrows rose. 
“cordelia” he spoke her name and a weight felt lifted from him as though he had said a prayer. “may i please have a moment of your time” he spoke low and quietly so that only she would hear. “of course” she said with a polite smile as they silently moved to a quieter area where you could hear the chirping of crickets.
when he turned to face her, he was speechless for a second. she was breathtaking, her soft curly and fiery hair made her seem ethereal. it made him feel like he was seeing an angel no mortal had any right to see. she turned her face to the floor and james realised the second had lasted longer than he thought. he opened his lips to speak but none of his speeches came forth.
she evidently had more courage and spoke. she raised her head and whispered in a way a queen announces a command. “james my mama will notice if i am gone for too long” that was not what james had expected but he understood. mrs carstairs was very particular about cordelia’s whereabouts and he didn’t want to get her in any type of trouble.
“have you read my letters?” james fiddled with the rings on his fingers and couldn’t look at her. she answered shortly that she had but didn’t elaborate. “and what are.. what do you make of them?” cordelia took a few steps away from him and turned back to him. james was terrified now, more than he ever remembered being. he saw the blade that was executing him but it was cordelia’s words.
“i think it cruel you would let me read them and i wish for us to return to the way we were before” james’ eyes widened. “cruel?.. no you must have misunderstood my letters” he tried reaching towards her but she backed away. “then what was I supposed to understand from them?” james gave a slight scoff. surely she hadn’t read them thoroughly but it’s alright, he will explain himself.
“that i love you” he said definitely. she looked hurt and recoiled. james felt sick. this was a mistake. he was hurting her and he should never have said that. she looked disgusted in him, she could never love him, he had been delusional. “love?” cordelia asked him but he didn’t know how to answer, of course it was love.
“you don’t love me james. you said so yourself in every letter. you wrote again and again how you couldn’t, how grace is your true love. we both know that is the truth. you feel nothing for me that isn’t shame at your attraction to me and you evidently have no respect for my person if you find it appropriate to send me letters with your lustful thoughts. how could you james? i have done nothing to deserve such cruelty” cordelia’s voice broke and james felt tears prick at his eyes. she was wrong, this is all wrong. he wanted to scream. wanted to tear the stupid letters until his fingers bled. how can she misunderstand him so severely.
“no daisy” he grabbed her wrist as through it was the only thing keeping him from being dragged to sea. “i love you, the only shame i feel is my behaviour towards you. i love you, i love you.. please forgive me daisy please, let us forget about them and start anew i beg you” he pleaded with her and didn’t bother to conceal the desperation in them. 
“mama had always told me to never trust what a man says but what he does.. jamie all you’ve done is conceal your feelings for me as though im a dirty secret and you have never shown any intention of courtship” cordelia had her face lowered but james could see the stream of tears on her cheek dripping to her neck. 
james dug his nails into fist as he gently entwined his fingers with cordelia’s with his other hand. she was mistaken but there was no denying it was rational how she had come to that conclusion. “i.. i know that it may seem like i don’t but i need you to give me a chance, let us start our courtship tomorrow, i have so many places i want to take you daisy. let us start fresh and i will show you and do anything you need me to do to prove my love” she was still silently crying and james felt his heart break.
he had caused this, his cowardice and selfishness had created a rift between them. he pulled her towards him and felt her struggled breath against his collarbone. he held her tightly and stroked the small of her back. 
“promise m-“ “anything” james interjected. “promise me you won’t do this again. promise me i will always know what you feel for me and will never be a replacement” cordelia’s voice was slightly hoarse from crying “i promise, i promise my angel, you have never been a replacement, i will bare all of me to you and use ‘i love you’ to greet you and punctuate all my sentences” james vowed as he kisses her palms. 
cordelia’s teary eyes were looking at him as though she had never seen him before. she lifted her hands to his neck and drew him to her. cordelia was kissing him in a way they’d never kissed before. it was hot and frantic. their bodies were pressed together and he could feel her soft and warm body all over him. she tugged at his hair and james felt a moan escape from his lips and was caught by cordelia as she gently bit at his lips. 
they heard a roar of laughter in the distance and they broke the kiss to turn back to the party. the party. they should head back. but james found it hard to move. he wanted to stay here and hold daisy all night, his daisy whose lips were wet and plump, looking up at him with dark brown eyes. “we should..” she began but didn’t continue. they were both panting and james didn’t want to be apart. but he remembered that he had a future with cordelia and he wanted it to start tonight.
he stroked her cheek and gently pushed a stray strand of curly hair back to its place. he saw her pat down her clothes and followed her lead. put his arm out, which she took. james felt a jolt at her closeness but privately smiled to himself. this is how it will be from now on. he had cordelia by his side and he will do everything in his power to make her happy.
he led her back and when cordelia turned to him to say her farewell he said “thank you for your time miss carstairs, i was wondering if you would like to join me to visit the chelsea physic garden tomorrow afternoon” he said this in an overly formal tone and he was rewarded with a grin on cordelia’s face that made her eyes shine. “i would be delighted mr herondale” she gave a pretty courtesy and went to her friends, james watched her for some time before turning to look for sona carstairs who was luckily speaking to his father. he joined them and enthusiastically talked with mrs carstairs for the rest of the night. it wouldn’t hurt to be on friendly term with cordelia’s mother who, as it turns out, was fascinating, he was sure they would be good friends. 
james’ mind was restless with anticipation that night. he must have matthew over first thing in the morning to help him dress and beryl is always good at planning picnic baskets but he must tell her that cordelia prefers raspberry jam to strawberry. he loves her, and he will show her. in time, he hoped, she may love him too. 
the end.
note: thank you to @sadtrains​ @tsctrashh​ @cordeliajamies​ @salchik​ and @fairytalejordelia​ for encouraging me to post this 
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oatzmeal · 4 years
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♛ the last hours au: characters + instagram profiles (mobile ver.) ♛
𝖏𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖘 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖆𝖑𝖊
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clizzylightwoods · 4 years
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Anna and Ariadne as Downworlders (for pride month!)
Anna and Ariadne are from The Last Hour Series by @cassandraclare . Anna is non-binary and sapphic, and Ariadne is sapphic! (They might would just be labelled as lesbians, but I used sapphic as a general term to be safe!)
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the-bee-graveyard · 2 years
The elephant in the room
The curse i actually have two sugestions
I feel like if cordelia felt threatened enough ans alastair just started randomly pulling away snd she was as uncertain in their relationship as siblings as she was in chog where she spied on alastair in fear hed betray her friends secrets, i feel she would do it and live to regret it like lilith
Or or
Other option
JAJA have elias do it
Its an au it doesnt necesarily need to stick to canon hear me out after its announce both of them cant join the night before the duel elias wants to make sure the *right* kid gets in
So he looks for a curse to make sure alastair looses
The Elias thing is perfection but if you were going to have it be Cordelia you could pull a Matthew and have her not know what the spell is actually going to do. Like maybe she thinks it’s a completely different spell.
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stxr-thxif · 2 years
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okay so im obsessed with the idea that alastair and thomas were sort of friends in the academy, even if it was just occasional moments when they were alone, and following a kind of chog timeline for this au: thomas and alastair went to school together, thomas would catch alastair alone sometimes when he wasn’t trying to be an asshole to everyone and thomas eventually wore him down enough to become friends with him (after a while), alastair never really tells thomas what’s going on with his family until he says that he’s moving and that he won’t come back. he still doesn’t say why but thomas who’s sort of picked up on the bitterness in alastair’s voice when he talks about his father has some assumptions, and it’s all really sad and difficult
so fast forward a few years, thomas and alastair have had no contact, no one knows about their old friendship and a new school year is about to start. thomas is with his friends before their first class starts and is checking the students list for all his classes to see if he has any other friends in them and he has his art and design class with an Alastair Carstairs
Without giving away basically everything, alastair is being very, very elusive about what happened and he tries to avoid thomas in class because he knows he’ll ask. he only brings up the reason why they moved to cordelia (because she’s the only other one who knows) at lunch while they sit with the girls alastair met in choir (kamala and eugenia)
the whole charles/alastair plot line would end pretty early on because i don’t want to write that for longer than i have to but im trying to figure out a way that charles would be in the school and not be in the school, like as a ta or an intern or something
thomas needs to play some sort of sport but idk which one, i thought ice hockey for a while but schools don’t have ice hockey teams, if im going for vaguely heartstopper inspired then rugby but i kind of want to save that for a sports rivals fic that i’ll never write, soccer/football or basketball work but watching the boys basketball game in my school is so horribly embarrassing i don’t think i could write that, so it might just have to be soccer which is fine, but i was so bad at soccer that ill have to have someone explain the rules to me again
i have so many ideas for little events that take place between the two of them but that’s basically what im thinking so far!! i have like two scenes written and none of them are even from the first part so when i say half baked i really really mean it (this might ALL change by the time i write it btw)
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iloveallmyocs · 3 years
the Dawn of a friendship
Ariadne didn’t know how long she had been waiting in the games room, hoping Anna would show up as was Anna’s routine in grand parties like the one of the one they were having.
Eventually, Ariadne got herself to step out of the games room and picked up the courage to scout for Anna herself. She needed to tell Anna that she had heard what Anna had said to her at the infirmary.
James Herondale’s and Cordelia Carstairs’ engagement party was one of the most luxurious parties Ariadne had attended, consisting of numerous respected members of the enclave, but it wasn’t hard to spot Anna among the crowd.
Anna was always easy to spot, the aura around her just commanded people to pay attention. It had always caught Ariadne’s attention.
But then, at that moment, what caught Ariadne’s attention was not Anna Lightwood. What caught her attention was the sight of a boy, looking around the same age as Ariadne was, storming out of the ballroom looking distraught.
Even though she didn’t know the boy at all, Ariadne felt a surge of protectiveness overpower her. The boy was heading away from a group of teenage boys. Ariadne was able to recognise the group of boys. Everybody knew the group, it consisted of the children of the most popular shadowhunters of the previous generation.
Matthew Fairchild, who looked positively furious, was part of the group. He was the Counsul’s son and so Ariadne had been acquainted with him. He was fair company, but  promiscuously quoted Oscar Wilde every five minutes or so.
As if by instinct, Ariadne found herself sprinting after the boy, only to have her path blocked by-
“Anna?” she panted, peering outside the door to catch a glimpse of the boy.
“Ari, you look healthy-” Anna began, her cool and unworried tone clashing against the mood Ariadne was in. Ariadne could no longer able to see the boy.
“Anna, please do excuse me for being impolite, but I have an important matter to attend to” said Ariadne apologetically, pushing past Anna even before she had the time to respond.
Ariadne, on any other day, would have shuddered at the thought of dismissing Anna for going after some boy she didn’t know anything about.
But there was something about the boy. No, Ariadne was not in love with him, she didn’t even know him properly. In fact, she would never love any boy, she was certain of it. No matter how many times she had been warned of the dangers of being the way she was, she was certain that no matter how hard she tried, she would never fall in love with a boy.
“Stop”, Ariadne called out when the boy was finally in her line of vision.
The boy whipped his head back to look at the source of the voice. His face wore an alarmed expression and upon closer inspection, Ariadne could see tears spilling out of his eyes.
“I’ll be with you in a moment” announced the boy, before facing the other direction and furiously wiping off his tears.
“What’s the matter?” asked Ariadne when he was done and turned towards her once more.
“Miss Bridgestock, everything is alright, just don’t mind me and return to your party. why did you come after me?”
“I just wanted to make sure everything was fine” shrugged Ariadne “It’s not at every party that Thomas Lightwood is the cause of a grown man’s tears”
The boy scoffed and later held out his hand, preparing to leave “I’m Alastair Carstairs, it was nice to-”
“Carstairs?” Ariadne interrupted .“I don’t think you should be going anywhere now, are you related to the would be bride?”
“I’m her brother” revealed Alastair, which resulted in Ariadne arching her eyebrows up in a display of disappointment.
Taking notice of Ariadne’s expression, Alastair folded his hands and struck his chin out. “Yes, I know should be in there, but just want one day to myself. Is that too much to ask? Also, stop being so judgmental, you barely know who I am or what I’ve been through”
“Then tell me about it” said Ariadne, gently nudging Alastair with her elbow.
Alastair looked perplexed. “Good lord, you’re impossible to dislike” he remarked, looking up to the sky in exasperation.
Ariadne’s eyebrows went up again. “Why would you ‘dislike’ me?” she asked, her voice full of curiosity. What would a boy whom she had never met before have against her?
“I just said that I didn’t” muttered Alastair “well, for a time I did, because of Charles”
“Charles Fairchild? The one ‘Charles’ I was engaged to?”. Ariadne had gotten somewhat of an idea of where the conversation was going, but wasn’t very confident about it and let Alastair explain it himself. Also, they were in England and in England there were as as many Charles’ as there were mice.
“Yes. Him” confirmed Alastair “I presume you already know that he likes men, don’t you? I was told that you know”
Ariadne nodded. “I know. that is why I agreed to the engagement in the first place”
“Well, the thing is, Charles and I were together at the time of your engagement” Alastair confessed, “I just broke things off with him”
“Is that why you’re upset?” asked Ariadne.
“No. I actually feel like a load has been lifted off chest, actually” said Alastair, smiling sadly. “Why I left early is because I tried to make amends with a few boys who went to the academy with me and it didn’t go well”
“What went wrong in the academy?” Ariadne inquired, feeling as though she might explode if she didn’t receive all the answers to her questions.
“You ask a lot of questions” laughed Alastair, his mind distant.
Ariadne patiently waited for him to answer.
Alastair gulped, not sure if he was making the right choice by spilling out all of his problems to his previous lover’s previous fiancée.
“I wasn’t treated right, when I first joined the academy. Well, you should know how it is” said Alastair, gesturing to Ariadne.
Of course Ariadne knew how it was. Both her overprotective parents had tried to protect her from the harsh realities of living in London while looking the way she did. And yet, she knew. 
She knew it from the way the guests arriving in her house looking for inquisitor Bridgestock always looked down upon her. Some even assumed that she was bought for money by the Bridgestocks, not as a daughter but as something else.
That was what people normally assumed of you when you were from a country that was colonised by the country you are presently residing in. 
“I more than ‘know’ how it is” retuned Ariadne.
For a moment they stood in silence, neither knowing what to say. Alastair finally broke it by asking “How do you bear it? I sometimes feel like screaming until nothing comes out, but I have my mother and Layla who are like me but you-”
“-am adopted” finished Ariadne “It does get frustrating. My parents want me to forget that I am an Indian and once had another name. they want me to forget about my birth parents, their-” Ariadne broke off bursting into tears.
“Oh god, this was supposed to be about you” sniffed Ariadne as Alastair wrapped his coat around her.
“Why don’t we go to your house and talk about it over a warm cup of tea, which  probably was imported from India, Miss Bridgestock?” he asked in a desperate attempt to cheer Ariadne up.
“Alright” Ariadne laughed, then with a solemn face face, added “call me Kamala, it is my birth name”
An AU (idk if it should be classified as an AU) instead of Lucie, Kamala chases after Alastair at the end of ChoG. I probably should have written this before Choi came out and its tag was flooded with HCs about Alastair’s and Kamala’s friendship.
@cant-think-of-anything let me know what you think (I don’t have anyone else to tag lol)
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