#yes its funny because it's gay. so am i. that joke was made to be funny to me.
razette-moved · 3 months
Okay, so I just realized they keep saying 10,000 meters above sea level.
When I lived in montana we took the Bear Tooth Highway a couple of times-- Always going up, mind you. It's a BEAUTIFUL view.
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At the bottom of the canyon there is Cooke City, Montana, not shown here. The highway going up to the top is a bunch of switchbacks. Going up keeps you on the INSIDE of the curves and away from the ledge. Can't decide if you could pay me to drive down instead. There are guard rails in most places. most.
The last time we went up we stopped at a rest stop that let you feed the chipmunks. You really shouldn't feed the wild life, but that was extremely out of our control. I can only report that they were SO FAT and SO cute. Like imagine what size you think a chipmunk ought to be? About a small handful. One of them there was like the size of the body of a grey squirrel. About 3x the size of regular little chipmunk. Adorable.
The view at the top is sparse, but also quite beautiful. I can only handle about 10 minutes of looking around however. The top is 10,947 feet above sea level and the air is real thin up there. I get a headache* and fall asleep almost immediately. I wont wake up again for like ages.
Whiiich also means I actually haven't seen much of the actual top of Beartooth which is actually really disappointing.
When we stopped inside the park it was a the first gift shop. On our way in I heard a guy tell his buddy my favourite joke ever. It's one of those happened to a friend of a friend jokes, but it's now been nearly a decade I can hardly remember the joke or if it actually happened to someone. I'll try my hand at it anyway. if you recognize it please tell the better version.
A man is on a trip with his friend over a brutally hot summer and when they stop he gets himself an ice cream cone. His buddy comes back from the bathroom and says, "Looking good, man, can I get a lick?" and the man, of course, responds, "No way!" His friend shrugs, "Yeah yeah, no worries. Can I get a lick of your ice cream instead?" The man stares at him a moment and then hands the cone over.
We had already passed the two of them, but weren't out of ear shot when I cackled much to the tellers satisfaction.
Anyway, the sky islands are twice the peak of the Beartooth pass, or over 6miles above our sea level. For more perspective, there are only 14 mountain peaks in the world at 5miles or higher above our sea level. wild.
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drchucktingle · 2 years
favorite author i have never read
hey there buckaroos thank you for all the DEEP DISCUSSIONS we are having a great time here on tumblr. thought today i could make a post that is slightly more difficult its not all sunshine days ahead and requires a little introspection. LOOK AT US we have all arrived here together through trust and love and i think we can keep this going. chuck made this post on other platforms years ago and i think it was said very well then and led to some good discussion, so i am going to repost here. okay lets go deep bud here we go:
i would like to spend moment today talking about common joke i hear online (and even too my face at conventions). this is jokerman way i hear ALL the dang time: 'chuck tingle is my favorite author i have never read' or less jokerman way but of ‘i have never read his books but i love chuck tingle'.
first of all, THANK YOU buds. this is not way of call out post to make you feel bad, i appreciate your way and understand you are trying to support. this is not attack on your message and from bottom of chucks heart THANK YOU.
BUT i have to say something about this. please consider what you are saying when you post this. would you send this as message to STEPHEN KING or NEIL GAIMAN or NK JEMISIN? i doubt this. it would seem VERY RUDE to message other authors. just imagine trotting up to a writer and saying ‘i would NEVER read your books haha’ but it is sent to chuck all the dang time.
obvious reason buds say it to chuck is that i am queer author with a unique way. yes i write in realm of wild fantasy and erotic pairings, but by saying ‘i have never read chuck BUT' you are really saying 'i am posting my support of this but PLEASE DONT THINK I AM REALLY INTERESTED IN THIS PERSONALLY.' there are similar distasteful jokes that i will not repeat involving saying 'no bud on bud pounds' after a sentence that works in similar way.
is sexual art really that bad? is queer art really that embarrassing? is unusual outsider art really that funny?
it is one thing if your preferred pound is not one of chucks tinglers, that is TOTALLY FINE BUD, but if you are an adult i would say 'is it REALLY that scary to read a book about a way of sex that is not yours? is it that difficult to think that something that seems silly to you could actually MOVE YOU in an important way? do you HAVE to disconnect yourself from lgtbqia art with a 'but i don't read this myself?'
keep in mind, there are gay tinglers, there are asexual tinglers, there are trans tinglers, there are select your own timeline tinglers, there are horror tinglers. TINGLERS FOR EVERY TASTE. the thing that buds are often REALLY saying with ‘favorite author i have never read’ is ‘this is WEIRD and dont be confused because im NOT WEIRD IM COOL DONT THINK I ACTUALLY LIKE THIS’. funny enough even the proudly fun and wild and unique buckaroos will STILL say this line, maybe without taking time to think of what it means or how rude it is?
WHY would you never read a chuck book? because my way is queer? because it is neurodivergent? even if that is not there reason or even if YOUR ARE ALSO PERSONALLY QUEER AND NEURODIVERGENT TOO, think about what the joke is IMPLYING.
is sincerely enjoying something thats kind of unusual that difficult? do we really have to slather it in irony and ‘so bad its good?’ before reposting?
in closing as man name of chuck i will say you can still make this joke if you want buckaroos i know you are just having a good time proving love in your own way. i am not upset with you bud and i appreciate your support in any way you give it. there are some buckaroos who just CANT AFFORD tinglers and that is an important way i understand as well. obviously this conversation does not apply to those buds. but for the rest of us trotting along, MAYBE think about what you are really saying with this jokerman way first, and MAYBE try cracking open a tingler because you might be surprised. its not that scary bud. thank you for listening
being sincere is VERY COOL and VERY PUNK ROCK. i encourage all buckaroos out there to give it a try.
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veryintricaterituals · 10 months
We need to talk about queer representation in What We Do In The Shadows
I'm just going to say it: for a show that claims to have great queer representation I sure haven't seen a gay couple in five seasons.
(The closest they've come is with Freddy and we all saw how that turned out)
Okay, I've been thinking about this for a while and I honestly don't love the discourse but fuck it. We need to talk about queer love and queer representation on wwdits and how it's not great.
Let me begin by saying that I love this show, I do, it's my favorite and I adore it and I am not going to stop watching it. But the internet holding it it as the be all, end all of queer representation needs to stop. We need to take off our heartshapped glasses for a second and think critically.
Now I'm not saying it's homophobic because it's clearly not, but a beacon of queer representation and love it is not.
Yes, it has its moments and when they come they are incredible (Guillermo's coming out episode my beloved). But if we stop and think about it for a second it becomes clear that same sex love in the show it's not treated with the same respect that straight love gets. And it's time to aknowledge that as a fandom.
It's 2023 and we don't need to be living off scraps or jokes made at our expense anymore. The times of Supernatural or Sherlock are done. But in wwdits we are, a lot of the time, the butt of the joke and not always in a good way. I'm begging you to think for a second about why the jokes are supposed to be funny, think of Laszlo and Nandor, or Laszlo and the Baron, or Nandor's guy wives... the joke IS that it's gay, there's nothing else.
And you know what? That could be FINE or it would be if they commited and treated gay love with a little bit of respect but they don't, not really. Show me queer love, stop just talking about it and SHOW it.
Or at the very least when you do show some semblance of it (looking at the season five finale, season three finale and a lot of other moments) don't immediately undermine it with articles about the power of friendship, it's the least you can do. We are just asking to be more than a joke.
It's like a reverse of what happened in Supernatural where after so many homophobic jokes it just turned kind of gay, it feels like after so many gay jokes with zero commitment behind them wwdits is starting to feel kind of hurtful.
I'm not saying they should have Nandor and Guillermo get together (though they should), I'm saying that after five seasons we should at the very least have seen a couple of the same sex treated with the same respect and love they've shown Laszlo and Nadja, Sean and Charmaine, or hell even Colin and Evie.
All I'm asking is for the show to make us more than just a joke or they're just going to end up circlying around and not looking great, and after five seasons it's starting to happen and I'm worried it's going to leave me with a bitter taste in my mouth by the end.
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kerubimcrepin · 6 months
Live-read: "Les Dessous de Dofus" - part 4
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Yes, this is funny, because they both take themselves so seriously. But also, the fact that Kerubim talked to the king, implies that he's doing this weird fucking superhero thing to patrol the streets at night to calm his own nerves.
Kerubim's responses to stress are very fascinating becase they're usually "it'll solve itself" and "if I don't solve it right now I will lose my fucking mind", and usually, the more serious things go into category 1, and the more random, non-threatening things go into category 2.
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I would give actual money to know if Kerubim says "tu" or "vous" here. And there IS a right answer to pick between the two.
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Actually, I am not going to pay for that. At least in part because I can't, due to being in a country that isn't a part of SWIFT.
Anyway, yeah, he does in fact use tu for Atcham here.
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I love him so much, its insane.
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If I said that this exchange between Bad Portrayal of Gay People and the boufbowl guy implies, through parallels ("he's a god" "no he isn't, he goes to toilet", "umm well actually--") that Joris's feelings for Khan are of romantic nature (a childhood celebrity crush.) I feel like everyone would say I'm insane and urge me to get my head checked.
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[shaking head at luis telling keke his wonderful figure is bad] i would treat him right. babygirl
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"He must have drank a glass of water... Silly accident." I love you so much, Luis.
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Atcham learns intersectionality.
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I understand that the joke is probably that this thing shows random things, but somehow, if this thing does, to some degree, show people's wishes, — Joris's reflection being buff and covered in boufbowl stuff, and Kerubim's having a frilly dress with an umbrella while making soup, fits together in a very beautiful way.
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He's such a beautiful artist.
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(guy who's insane voice) do you think that Atcham would like to be a good person and is haunted by the fact that, simply by existing in opposition to Kerubim he is expected to perform atrocities? Or do you think that to him, being the catboy Joker, is the only way he can be taken seriously and not belittled all the time, which is a good price to pay?
Do you think he actually has strong beliefs? Would do horrible things for love? Does he feel good about the warcrimes he commits in Waven, together with Kerubim and Jo——
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Even while disguised, Kerubim can make him so angry it makes him look stupid.
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And here's the cat from the beginning of the comic. Yeah he's 10. Yeah Atcham framed him. It's insane.
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God, please, let this say cunt in french too. 🙏
No, I won't check it this time. I don't want to be disappointed.
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One of the three most beautiful Krosmoz characters, everybody.
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dizzeeflower · 2 years
I guarantee you there is one manifestation of disability that almost everyone on this planet has actively laughed at and made fun of. yes, even you
can you guess what it is?
it's something there are constant gags about in media, something people mention in passing as a joke
something that if it presented itself in a public space i guarantee in most situations would be openly and loudly mocked (and if not humour, most people would at least express disgust)
don't believe me, do you?
✨ incontinence ✨
yep, it's incontinence. (get your giggles out now folks)
I am partially incontinent due to a fun cocktail of mental and physical disabilities and i know for a fact this is where people will stop reading, have a little laugh, and move on thinking this isn't worth the read anymore
but please, if you want to be a true disability ally, stick around and listen.
5% of the world population is estimated to be incontinent to some degree. 1 in 20 people (and no, that is not just elderly people)
so yea when you're in the grocery store, or at the gay bar, or seeing your college theatre's rendition of Grease - chances are there's a good handful of people in the crowd who struggle with incontinence.
it might be just someone who has minimal stress incontinence - something very common in people who have been pregnant - or someone who has adhd and forgets to go to the bathroom, missing the cues from their body that they are desperate, or yea it could be the 85 yr old grandma who wears diapers.
the point is, all of these people deserve respect for their bodies. everyone does. and this includes bodies that malfunction sometimes.
'omg thats so funny im gonna pee myself' 'reddit boys can go piss in ur little baby diapers' - great comeback bestie, but can we move on from them now? im gonna be honest these don't offend me personally, but it's worth being aware of where the humour of these comments comes from. its rooted in ableism
but something that does offend me and something that genuinely triggers me to have panic attacks and can push me into an anxious depressive state for days at a time, is when a character wetting themself is used as the butt of a joke on screen.
i'm thinking season one of stranger things. yeah, most of us know the scene right? when eleven forces a bully to pee his pants in front of the whole school? yep, triggers my ptsd right good that one does. and my siblings ptsd. and im sure many many many more ppl with incontinence (or even ppl without it who had the unfortunate experience of an accident in school)
if you found it funny, i dont care at this point. keep doing you. i dont blame you, okay? but i just want to ask that you reconsider WHY you laughed. 'because he pissed himself' okay but WHY is that funny? 'older kids and adults arent supposed to piss themselves' yea well it happens sometimes to most people at least once, and to 1 in 20 people much more often than that. so WHY is that funny?
keep asking why why why... and if in the end you can't think of WHY, then maybe there isnt a reason for you to laugh at it except that you've been taught to by osmosis. because everyone else laughs
dont give up here, because this is where i want you to really think. is it worth it?
is it worth laughing at something just because everyone else is, and risk 5% of the population going into a self conscious spiral, a panic attack because of your mocking, making them think they will never be accepted?
obviously u making a "im gonna piss myself" comment while laughing does not put 1 in 20 ppl into a panic attack, but u get where im coming from now i hope
so if you're still reading, im guessing you want to reconsider some of your behaviours and comments about this subject. thank you! now that you've realised where these jokes are rooted, you're going to start noticing a lot more often just how much this disability is mocked in society.
but what else can you do to help?
consider sticking up for us because understandably incontinent people dont tend to stick up for themselves lest it out us as incontinent. because admitting that is still met with laughter and disgust. help us jumpstart the incontinence acceptance by speaking up for the silent minority whenever an incontinence joke comes up in class/family gatherings/general conversation (this is my opinion, any other incontinent folks are v welcome to challenge this if u would rather ppl didnt for whatever reason!)
another thing you can do is - you won't like this - dont call ppl disgusting for buying adult diapers with silly animal characters on. unpopular opinion here on tumblr dot com, i know
but listen: incontinence products are disability aids! pullups, incontinence pads/pants, adult diapers, these are all disability aids. not products of k!nk, not things to snigger at in the pharmacy.
and would you complain about someone putting hello kitty stickers on their walking cane? would you think it gross for someone to doodle little stars and affirmations on their wheelchair armrest? is it wrong if someone wants pink hearing aids instead of a nude coloured ones? no?
then don't laugh if someone wants lil hearts on their pullups, and don't fake gag if you happen to see purple patterned adult diapers on ur dash. sometimes humans just like to decorate their bodies and extensions of their bodies. this is just that. and lets be real, plain white nappies just aren't the vibe sometimes
~ while we're at it, ppl with stoma bags are beautiful and deserve to wear whatever they want to feel comfortable and handsome as hell 😘 ~
and let me address the elephant in the room. yeah, some people have a f3tish for this stuff (just like anything can be made into a f3tish). whatever. if ur against that stuff then idc pls dont talk abt it in the tags and comments. anyway it is NOT an excuse to find actual disabled ppl disgusting for needing these aids.
and heres the funny thing: you usually can't tell if someone uses diapers for a f3tish or for their disability, or possibly both!
so you're gonna have to not attack random ppl on the internet bc you don't know what their life is like (what a shocking new hot take)
if a 46 yr old balding man with a beer belly and chest hair who isn't visibly disabled mentions he uses diapers, don't assume he's a creep and its a k!nk. it might be, sure, but it might be a condition or disability that you have no right to comment on or judge him for.
so if youre squicked by it just block and move on, don't send anon hate, dont make a post about how these types of people make you sick. you might just lose a valued mutual who was secretly incontinent and thinks you hate them for it now (whether this is right or wrong, its often how these things come across)
(btw if anyone fuckin talks abt k!nk on this post im going to scream directly in ur ear :) make ur own posts and don't bring any f3tish discussion onto mine)
had to get that out of the way unfortunately because this is a condition that is so unfortunately overrepresented by the f3tish side. i wouldnt have to talk abt k!nk on many other posts about disabilty aids but this one unfortunately was necessary
it's exhausting
imagine having a disability that requires aids thats almost EVERYONE winces at, laughs at, mocks loudly. and then to come on tumblr, the place that is meant to be full of acceptance from strangers in similar circumstances, queer and disabled and poc - but the moment your aid is brought up in discussion its seen as something disgusting and the property of freaks and creeps and people who are evil and want to do children harm
it's exhausting, like i said
i dont have much else to add honestly, im shit at writing cohesive posts (especially when im physically shaking with anxiety bc woohoo announcing to possibly thousands of ppl that im incontinent) but if anything i just hope you will question yourself if you laugh at this stuff in future
im going to go back into my little anxiety hibernation hole and never open up about this condition again ✌🏼
as for the incontinent population, we’re pretty silent about this condition so it’s easy to forget abt us. but please just keep us in mind and stick up for us when u can
— for clarity: incontinence is not ALWAYS a disability, it is a condition that can affect ppl on a sliding scale. for some it is a mild inconvenience, for some it severely impacts daily life. for some it is the only physical condition their body experiences, for some it is a symptom of a predetermined mental or physical disability such as generalized anxiety disorder or paraplegia. whether or not it is considered a disability, acceptance of ALL incontinence is a good step to eradicating this source of ableism —
no one has to reblog this but pls consider it if this has opened ur eyes a lil and u wanna open some more
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lunarriviera · 8 months
no one, literally no one:
so funny story, instead of doing work i was trawling the depths of a tumblr tag, as one does, and i began to uncover a vast conspiracy a bunch of thirst traps of 金世佳 jin shijia, so i investigated further.
yes, these are actually him and so here they are, because if i had to be exposed to all this selfie game so too do you. explanation of one of them to follow. trust me, you will want the explanation.
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"that's not an actual poster for anything," you say. "definitely not in china," you say. "it's a manip!" you say. WELL THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT TOO but it absolutely is not, it's from 2013 and it's an actual poster for a completely dreadful-looking series called 爱情公寓 iPartment (yes that is the translation) that ran for 5 seasons and over 100 episodes, with a couple of standalone movies attached.
look i do not judge, apparently after it became clear that jin shijia would never be an olympic swimmer he went to grad school in japan, and at one point was so poor that he had to choose between buying cigarettes or a bento box (he picked cigarettes). and then he came home to shanghai in 2009 and made—whatever this was. so, you wind up making a drama poster completely in the nude with a clothed man's hand on your ass. hey we've all been there. more fascinating facts about iPartment and/or its infamous poster: first of all netizens were shook:
The poster immediately caused a commotion on the Internet. Netizens reposted it frantically on Weibo, saying "Love Apartment 3 has unlimited sexual love and is becoming more and more trendy." Some netizens also found it difficult to accept this: "For a long time, Love Apartment has always followed a fresh and fresh approach, but suddenly it became so fragrant and heavy-flavored. I really couldn't accept it for a while." [mtl from the original]
it sure is fragrant alright. the director's defense? it's all about the brotherhood, man:
Director Wei Zheng responded: "This poster is just a kind of publicity for us. There is love, friendship, and brotherhood among the tenants in Love Apartment, and what this photo shows is brotherhood.”
[op having flashbacks to the supernatural fandom and jokes beginning "i don't know what you do with YOUR brothers, but"]
finally, the show apparently had several openly gay characters and it ran from 2009-2020 so that...sure is something. china, you make about as much sense as my mother and i love you the exact same way, excessively and with a lot of crying sometimes.
now i understand why jin shijia is so excited about under the skin on weibo all the time. compared to iPartment, under the skin is prestige fucking television. poor jianci tho. "i have to work with this guy. the naked poster guy. i'm an internationally famous singer and dancer, i've made wuxia, do i really need this role. for why am i doing this"
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PS in case this random deep dive into jin shijia wasn't enough for you, he also had a cameo in captain america: civil war so let that sink in
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olliethealpha · 11 months
If you didn't know, I'm bi (actually). I'm going to tell you my coming out story.
The day started out normal but then I had an idea. I texted my friend (They knew but my mom didn't, pathetic I know). it went something like, "I want to come out to my mom today," I said. "Rn?!" she said. "Yeah," I said. "Well how the fuck are you going to do that?" she said. "Help me," I said. We talked for a while, but she just told me to do it myself because it's my own problem. She was right, she's straight, she wouldn't care.
I made a TikTok video because that was my hobby. (Yep, it just gets more and more pathetic) I texted it to my mom and I waited all day. I wanted her to see it. I will link the video at the end.
My mom never saw the video and there I am, trying not to cry. I am texting my friend again. Guess what? She is in all caps "Yelling" at me to come out. Yep, I remember, "TELL HER RIGHT NOW!" she said. "I can't!" I spoke. "Just fucking tell her!" she said. "I'm sorry" I said. she just kept doing that. i just kept apologizing.
My mom was in my baby brother's room to tuck him in. I came in and saw her. I was panicking. Wow is this really about to happen?!?!?! "Mom.... I need to talk to you..." I said quietly. "Okay," she says clueless. "Um.. can we go in my room..?" i say. She looks concerned.
In my room she leans against the door and i sit on my bed. "Mom... I'm... I'm bisexual," I stutter, almost crying. i feel dizzy and scared. "Do you even know what that means?" she asks. I know I'm a child but im not stupid "Erm- yes.. It means I like boys.. but i like girls too.." I say (And yes, i was trying to mimic Nick) My mom sits on the bed with me. Shee gives a whole speech about how my mind could change. Friends she had that thought they were gay but married boys. I didn't remind her that i wasnt gay. I'm bi, actually. (i really wish i had said that line). She even told me it could be a phase because its POPULAR?! Ha. funny joke. I knew she was reffering to Heartstopper. I know damn well if my classmates knew i watched it i would get bullied (more).
after she left i told my friend that i told mom. I tell her how it went. I put my phone away and i try to sleep but i just lie awake and sob.
The next morning my mom was cooking breakfast and i came into the kitchen to say good morning to her but she immediately starts talking about it again. SHE LOOKED THROUGH MY PHONE?!?! She was talking about my texts with my friend about it. I was so mad! Lesson learned, when speaking about something private, speak Spanish).
I'm still friends with that girl but i never told her how bad it hurt. If i do she might leave. Oh well its fine ig.
Link to the video: https://www.tiktok.com/@maskedyt1234/video/7272823142530190634?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7292529370877478430
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dearfuturehusbandblog · 5 months
Honestly, WTF
Dear Future Husband,
Have you ever wanted to just scream at your mother "OMIGOD! SHUT THE FFFF UP!!!!!!"?
Cuz if you haven't I don't know if you'd ever actually understand me.
I went to a shiva call last night with MotherLivelyHeart and one of the sons of the deceased is a man in his mid 50s, who has been divorced multiple times.
He's a funny guy. He seems nice enough in general. His job is something minimum wage (I assume based on the description) that he has been doing for a long time despite having the background and knowledge to do something more with his life. (I know, who am I to talk, right?)
Well, right before we left he asked my mother about her husband (spoiler: she doesn't have one) and he asked me about my age and situation (spoiler: mid-30s, not married). And he then asked why I'm not married (spoiler: just read this blog). I told him that everything happens in its right time.
While I was saying that he (as a cross-talker from a family of cross-talkers) asked something like "you're just not ready?"
And MotherLivelyHeart, she should live and be well, started going off about how "SHE IS READY! She's BEEN ready! She just needs to get married already and MOVE OUT!"
Except she went on longer than that about all her kids and our situations and how it breaks her heart and all that crap. Like, OMIGOD SHUT UP. THIS DUDE DOES NOT NEED TO HEAR THIS, NOBODY NEEDS TO HEAR THIS! STOP ASSUMING YOU KNOW WHAT I AM AND AM NOT READY FOR! STOP TALKING ABOUT MY SITUATION WITH A TOTAL STRANGER, AND OMIGOD JUST SHUT UP!
(Also, I guess she's already forgotten how much I actually do for her and how much help she needs on a constant basis because of how much pain she's in all the time, but whatever.)
So anyway, then this man said to me "I know a guy. He's a doctor." But considering all the jokes he'd been cracking earlier, I kinda' thought he was kidding in that old NY Jew kind of way "I knowa gai, he'sa dakta'." You know what I mean?
My mom then cracked some quip about all Jews being doctors, he laughed, and we left.
Well, on the way home, my mother says to me "You know he's been divorced multiple times, right?"
And that seemed kind of out of left field so I was like "Uh... Yeeeah?"
And then she said, "I think he's interested in you."
So I said, "No, he said he knows a guy. He's a doctor."
And she said, "Oh, I didn't catch that."
I was like, "What? I thought that's why you made that joke about all Jews being doctors."
And she said, "No, I just heard him say the word doctor and thought it was apropos."
Like, what?
But either way... what the hell was she trying to get at there??? I think he's interested in you. Like, ok... and?
Was she trying to tell me I'm oblivious to guys' interest in me? (spoiler: I'm not)
Was she trying to gauge if I was interested in him? (spoiler: I'm not)
Was she trying to tell me I shouldn't be interested in him? (spoiler: I'M NOT)
Did she think I WAS interested in him!?!?!? (spoiler: I'M NOT)
I left that entire interaction so confused.
It's been hours and I still have no idea what she intended to say with any of that.
Regardless, dear future husband, you are not he and he is not you. For I would never marry a man old enough to be my own father.
Cuz ew. Just ew.
For the record - yes, I am an agist.
Because ew. Just ew.
Ps - absolutely no shade to anyone who does date way out of their age range because everyone has different tastes and different life experiences that color their tastes. My taste is "not someone young enough to be my child or old enough to be my parent."
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happy pride mont
Well I guess I could share some drawings since usually I just dogpile everything I want to say into 1 post and don’t necessarily have room for the art which is sad.
So I decided for pride month I’ll just dogpile some of my art that I haven’t shown here relating to my favorites from hxh kind of being like those 60 color packs of crayons.
I draw kind of like a crazy guy and I have a fair bit of art so I’ll make a cut off line to not clog...
Btw so I dont jumpscare you the art is of Izunavi and Giuliano, Shalnark and Chrollo, & Muherr and hehe a not canon character (In that order)
Hehe i just have some portraits of Izu for fun here not necessarily ship or anything related but I just wanted to share them Since I made them a while ago and he looks very nice:
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Ok but it gets a little gay here so urm: Happy pride moth:
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I made this one because I wanted them to have a happy life that I knew they could never have!!!!!!
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just a funny little drawing for fun that I stayed up a little too late making 1 time because these guys just kind of carry me away..
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On valentines day I was having a rlly bad time a really bad day and everything and then I made these guys and everything was better 
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I made this one in ms paint and it makes me so happy man... I have it as my background screen on my computer rn i didn’t intend for this drawing to bang so hard but also I kind of drew it intending for it to be like the only house that’s not on fire yet because that’s a song that’s perfect for these guys hear me out
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I made that one at like 2 am and yes it was to this song and to me it is objectively about these guys
I guess it could be a projection bc i just wanted to squeeze that guy bc hes just so funny and silly and I love these guys and giuliano is just like me for real so it’s fine 
I care about them a lot man I even made an article on the shipping wiki for them because I uhhh I uh help I urm
I have... another one that I ALSO made an article for... and it brings me extreme distress as well as extreme joy
we have our 2nd place to Shalkuro :100:
I have a lot of art for it I’ll make a post for it one day I swear and it will be insane in length because I really need help man ... If izugiuli is my comfort ship this is the REASON why I need comfort
proceeds to show harmless nice little drawings:
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I saw that trend everywhere so this is a rlly recent drawing but I made them with the barbie and ken because I... well come on... its literally perfect okay
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gooberish little drawing because i was bored
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shalkuro as teens ig comfort (I relentlessly got called gay for this one Stop jules bullying 2023) 
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Im a little crazy so maybe I did make another omori hxh au and a lot of it is Shalnark in the au or Shalnark and Chrollo
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Redraw of the sticker because hehe
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THIS IS BASED OFF OF AN UNFINISHED FIC I HAVE thats not necessarily ship related but also is but also you can interpret it any way you want and imo it’s so cute
I’ll finish it one day.
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Another ms paint art but it’s inspired off of bad apple for actually no reason other than that I think it would look cool and I went through 5 stages of hell trying to draw this but I made it out fine
God I want to talk so much about Shalkuro since Shalnark is ALSO just like me for real and I actually haven’t before on this account and it’s kind of my soundboard for talking abt whatever relating to hxh but I really think I should save it for a post of it’s own..
Anyways onto the next one its a little funny thing
I shipped my self insert with Muherr as a joke ok but now its kinda funny and I like it and I actually rlly like these drawings i made for it
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dont ask why he looks drunk its a long story
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I had to make this it was honestly too funny for me not too and I love it so much EXCEPT for the fact that I realized that my self insert looks so much like pariston in here
Im supposed to have dark hair but I just didnt feel like coloring it in there bc the lineart looked good enough to me
but yeah muherr x jules otp forever /j
hapy pride month whoever or whatever you are whether your gay or not!!!!
dont forget to have fun and be a kind neighborly person like me 
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trenchcoatsbi · 8 months
Hi :)
I am here to be gay about Racer :)
so get this out of the way because oh my goodness it's funny to me, after the strike was settled, every newsie who could come had a party in (uhhh forgetting the name. uh the dinner we gathered at :thumbs up:), and Racer quite literally pulled me on top of a table to dance with me. um, he also accidentally pushed me off. fell right onto Sniper. poor kid, he was so over his head but oh my goodness get a better family. I did and will hold thatg over Racer;s head forever :D
Umm so while I may be aro now, in the past I wasn't and this leads to... an interesting combo of feelings. for instance, I remember kissing Racer in alleyways a few times. so now when I remember this in part I feel a bit weird at the idea of kissing somebody but oh my goodness so so so many butterflies. i cannot believe we had the guts to do that /pos
also during king of new york, Racer was up on a table and did (mostly retorical) do the whole 'aint I pretty, it's my city' line. However while most people were having good fun I was sitting in my chair, staring at Racer like he was the center of the universe and was narrowly avoiding saying 'yes. yes you are.' out loud.
genuninally how was Spot the only person who had a vauge idea something was going on and he just covered for us. he didn't know but he knew there was something between us and he did not give a fuck.
me and Racer did almost everything together. When I tayed at the abandoned lodging house, we slept on the same bunk. we made it so that we had the same selling areas, when i didn't stay at the lodging house and I saw Racer on the streets I pretty much just bolted towards him and didn't let go. when we would go get food, we always knew what the other person wanted.
oh. during Once and for all, just while we were getting ready to take the papers and run around the city, Racer and I held hands in front of the others. Nobody talked about it, but it filled me with a lot of comfort. We had already planned it so that we'd be only a street or two from each other, so that if we got worried and nervous we could go get reasuacne that we aren't alone. we did that a lot during the strike actually. any time we could, we'd hold hands. it meant that we weren't alone, no matter how hard things got.
My Racer... I love him so much. and now he has joined the ranks of Mari and Skizz, having at least one ask dedicated to rambling about him. - Voidling Anon
sorry i took a sec rereading this cause geez about half way through my brain decided to just start throwinf tomatoes at me like I just told an awful joke. but augh thats your guy fr! rghghagh i know with noncanons its always iffy on if you’ll ever find your folk but that’s all so fucking sweet mate. i really hope ya find him and all the other people who you miss one day
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isabelguerra · 2 years
sexuality hcs for the main cast? :D
NO idea what brought this on but yeah sure! unless stated otherwise my work usually writes everyone bi by default, even if they haven’t realized it yet, but it can be really fun to play with different interpretations too. honestly its not something i think about often or keep too rigid, sometimes it depends on what kind of story im writing and what messages i want to convey. but sometimes we stay silly
- isabel max johnny violet are bi
- isaac dimitri stephen are gay
- ollie tends to flip between ‘future bear’ and ‘token straight friend’ it usually depends which is funnier in context
- lisa and suzy being lesbians has always been a constant in my brain
- if im feeling REALLY indulgent ill spice max up with some lesbianism. hit him with the dyke beam
- ed usually isnt cis to me so whatever goes on there tends to switch up a lot. i dont try to name it i just focus on feeling it. when ed IS cis i think him being the token straight friend is pretty funny. like hes the really enthusiastic type but means well.
- RJ is similar to ed. sometimes i like them as a lesbian. sometimes i like them not interested in anyone. sometimes i like shipping them w ed. sometimes other ppl. theyre a really fun character to write actually
- jeff is gay but he doesn’t realize for a long long time. where everyone else is a bit more comfortable with themselves hes still got a lot of low self esteem and internalized stuff going on, not in a constantly sad way but like he’ll be the type to think ‘man i wish *I* could marry my best friend! too bad im straight haha’ or like when theyre teens he kisses cody and has a crisis over liking it before thinking ‘wait! what am i worrying about! codys gay, yeah, so maybe it meant something to him, but im not gay so that means i dont have anything to worry about. i should focus on supporting my good friend. its totally cool if he kisses me because im straight so its like a pass!’ he is wrong and he is gay
- whenever i write izjo its always bi. if anything their bisexuality makes a bigger spectacle out of how they like an opposing gender rather than liking their own which i always get a huge kick out of bc its as if i got so accustomed to being around gay people irl and online that sga became the norm and i had to remind myself that mf couples exist and its an option and its okay. there are a couple works ive never posted where this is actually like THE central theme
- i joke bc i like making fun of izjo but from testimonies/talks/essays ive heard/watched/read this is actually a very common experience among bi ppl
- like when ur young and just learning how to exist and be confident as an lgbt person and taking such wild pride and comfort in your sga that u forget your oga. maybe even feel a little weird about it. confusion and nervousness. dare i say shame.
- im flipping the script…… of COURSE youre gay what are you TALKING about… what youre going to feel confused repressed nervous and weirdly guilty over is liking a BOY. or like yes son we know you like boys we live in mayview. but youve never liked a girl before and you dont know how to and it terrifies you. and then sometimes it has absolutely no significance at all and it’s just normal. again it depends on the themes and what i want to get out of my brain. that post thats like ‘no gay pairing written by a straight person will ever be as unhinged as a straight pairing written by a gay person’ etc. is it bc i want to write a casual+ comfortable gay existence bc ive seen so many bad u happy ones? is it bc i enjoy exploring societal dynamics by reframing them in the perceived norm? is it yuri? is it yuri.
- i just reread the phrase ‘youve never liked a girl before and you dont know how to and it terrifies you’ and im thinking i made it yuri. is johnny my puppet. have i been using johnny as a puppet this whole time to work out my feelings towards liking women. izjo is bi because i write johnny like a gay girl who just happens to just be a boy.
- i got distracted anyway spender is meterosexual
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dankusner · 17 days
Sedaris — Audience with the Pope
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An Audience with the Pope: David Sedaris on a surprisingly fashion-forward outing in Rome.
Personal History
The Hem of His Garment
I thought that the e-mailed invitation was spam.
“Nice try, Russia,” I said to my laptop screen.
But the Pope really did want to meet with comics and humorists.
By David Sedaris September 2, 2024
If you were to say to me, “You can be in a room with either Chris Rock or the Pope,” I’d say, “Chris Rock, please.”
Nothing against the Pope, but he’s never made me laugh.
Neither has he come up with a viable solution to America’s gun problem the way Chris Rock has, saying that the firearms themselves can be unregulated but that every bullet should cost five thousand dollars.
“O.K.,” you’d continue. “Julia Louis-Dreyfus or the Pope?”
“Oh, no question,” I’d tell you. “The cursing on ‘Veep’ amounted to poetry, so Julia Louis-Dreyfus.”
“Stephen Merchant or—”
“Stephen Merchant.”
The same goes for Stephen Colbert, Mike Birbiglia, Tig Notaro, Conan O’Brien, Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon, Ramy Youssef, and Jim Gaffigan—most of whom I know or have met at one time or another.
The crazy thing is that I didn’t have to choose between any of the above and the Pope.
For reasons I will never quite understand, I got to be in a room with all of them—plus a hundred or so others who had also been summoned, without much advance notice, to the Vatican on a late-spring morning in June, when Rome was hot but not so hot that all you could talk about was how hot it was.
Like everyone I spoke to the night before our papal audience, when, minus Jimmy Fallon, the American contingent gathered for dinner, I’d initially thought that my invitation—which was sent by e-mail—was spam.
“Right,” I said to the screen of my laptop.
“Nice try, Russia.”
I didn’t click on the attachment until Stephen Colbert assured me that it was legitimate, and that the Pope really did want to meet with comics and humorists from around the world in three days’ time, and at six-forty-five in the morning.
The invitation made it sound like there’d be a dialogue, as if the Pope had questions or needed to ask us a favor, something along the lines of “Do you think you could maybe give the pedophilia stuff a rest?”
Everyone’s got a Catholic-clergy joke up their sleeve, perhaps one they heard at a party.
Mine is:
A cop stops a car two priests are riding in.
“I’m looking for a couple of child molesters,” he tells them.
The priests look at each other.
“We’ll do it!” they say.
Substitute rabbis or Baptist ministers for priests, and you’ll get nothing.
I mean, the Catholic Church earned those laughs, and every time its senior clerics look away, or quietly send an offending clergyman to the back bench, it’s making this scandal larger than its ministry, at least to an outsider such as myself.
“Can you help me turn this around?” I imagined the Pope asking.
“How can we get back to the sex-starved-nun jokes we all so enjoyed in the past?”
This is a man who had just been caught using an Italian word that translated to “faggotry” for the second time in three weeks.
After our visit, which was covered by seemingly every news organization on Earth, the gaffe would be brought up again and again, especially in comment sections, by people convinced that, had they been invited to the Vatican, they’d have stayed home in protest, or perhaps would have attended and then caused a scene, most likely one involving paint.
It didn’t bother me, though.
When I heard that the Pope had said “faggotry,” I laughed, in large part because it’s a funny word.
Then, too, it’s not something you’d call a person—it’s not like “Shut up, fag.”
Rather, it connotes behavior:
“Take your faggotry outside, please.”
Pope Francis can’t preside over same-sex marriages, but he created a firestorm within his Church by blessing gay people about to be married.
“If they accept the Lord and have good will, who am I to judge them?” he asked, in 2013.
Then, yes, he said “faggotry,” but he apologized for it.
Both times.
I don’t think that he’s a homophobe so much as an eighty-seven-year-old.
(“I said what again? Really?”)
My feeling is that if you want a church that is a hundred per cent gay-friendly, go join one—there are plenty to be had—or start your own.
“Yes, but I want Our Lady of Sorrows to celebrate Pride Month,” I can hear someone whining.
It’s like going to Burger King and demanding a Big Mac.
If you want a Big Mac, go across the street to McDonald’s.
Also, I wasn’t bothered by the Pope’s use of “faggotry” because I’m not queer; I’m gay.
The difference is that queer people are offended by just about everything.
Gay people just wonder what they’ll wear to the Vatican at the crack of dawn, and what the proper etiquette is.
“If he holds out his hand, you can opt to kiss his ring!” my friend Leslie, who was brought up Catholic, wrote when I told her I was going.
I was raised in the Greek Orthodox Church.
There, we kissed the priest’s hand when receiving Communion, though twice I moved up a few inches and kissed his watch instead, just to see how he’d react.
“Actually, no,” another friend wrote. “This Pope hates having his ring kissed, so if he holds out his hand, just shake it.”
I was in Sussex when my invitation arrived.
It was eight-thirty in the morning, and by lunchtime I had my plane ticket and had booked a hotel within walking distance of the Vatican, which, like the city-states of San Marino and Monaco, is its own separate country, and could thus be added to a list I have on my computer titled “Countries I Have Been To.”
The Vatican would be my sixtieth.
There’s another list on my computer titled “Stars I Have Seen.”
People don’t count if they are onstage in a concert or a play.
They have to be at large, or at an occasion we were both invited to.
According to an online article my travel agent sent, one that referred to my fellow Vatican invitees as “yucksters,” I’d soon be adding two American comedians, a British one, and an actress, also American, to my list.
“Plus the Pope,” Hugh reminded me when I told him that I was definitely going.
“Oh, right,” I said, the way I might have had he said, “Plus Sully Sullenberger.”
I guess I’d been limiting my list to entertainers and people who aren’t in show business but dazzle nevertheless, like Ann Richards, the late governor of Texas.
If I don’t see the Pope as dazzling, I suppose it’s because I’m not religious in any way.
On my deathbed, I’ll likely cover my bases and beg for forgiveness, but not until I’m coughing up blood, or see Hugh reaching for the plug of my respirator.
Does that make me an agnostic or a flat-out atheist?
I do believe there was someone named Jesus who was a revolutionary, but I don’t think he was God’s son, or that he was resurrected.
It was a shame that I was invited to the Vatican, actually—like sending me to the U.S. Open when I’ve never watched a football game in my life.
I thought of the millions of people in the world who’d give anything to meet the Pope and realized that I knew only two of them:
my friend Ewan’s cleaning lady and Stephen Colbert, who’s so Catholic he taught Sunday school.
The dress code on the invitation was daytime formal, which I was told amounted to shined shoes and a suit.
The only one I had at my fingertips was bought nine years earlier, when I was invited to Buckingham Palace.
The late Queen hosted tea parties every summer for do-gooders of one stripe or another, and I was included on account of all the rubbish I’d collected by the sides of British roads.
She and I didn’t meet, but I saw her—she was standing within hearing range, close enough for me to comprehend how truly tiny she was.
Her feet were the size of hot-dog buns.
We’d been told to leave our phones and cameras at home, but everyone around me had snuck one in, and they were all going bananas.
Me, I’m just not a picture person.
Am I glad other people have cameras?
Like at the dinner Stephen Colbert arranged the night before our papal audience.
I look at the photos of the assembled guests and wonder, What was I doing there?
Why not Garrison Keillor, Tina Fey, or Donald Glover, to name just three of a thousand more qualified people?
It was like a reproduction of “The Last Supper” with one of the disciples replaced by Snoopy.
“Does anyone have a favorite God joke?” Colbert asked as our final course was served.
“It doesn’t have to be your own.”
“Unfortunately, you’re still out of the woods.”
For most of the evening, I’d sat across from Whoopi Goldberg, who had no appetite and passed me all her plates after just a bite or two.
That meant double servings of four separate pasta dishes, two steaks served on rafts of eggplant, four rich smothered dumplings, two tomato salads, and two cherry-and-goat-cheese pavlovas, plus all the food I snatched from the plate of Jim Gaffigan’s youngest son, who was seated to my right.
Now my pants no longer fit, and my watchband was cutting off the circulation in my left hand.
Even my throat was swollen.
I cleared it before taking the floor.
“So God tells Adam, ‘I’m going to make you a wife, a helpmate, the most beautiful woman who ever lived. She’ll be terrific in bed, enthusiastic, and uncomplaining. But it’ll cost you.’
“Adam asks, ‘How much?’
“ ‘An eye, an elbow, a collarbone, and your left ball.’
“Adam thinks for a minute, then asks, ‘What can I get for a rib?’ ”
The polite but underwhelming response I got from people who tell jokes for a living—who fill stadiums—should have taught me a lesson.
Instead, I told another one.
“What’s the worst part of having sex with Jesus?
“He’s always wanting to come into your heart.”
Thank God Colbert told a joke as well.
It was, he warned us, decades old, and one of the first he ever wrote.
But at least he wrote it.
Mine were ones people had told me at book signings.
I don’t belong here, I thought, embarrassed, for the umpteenth time that evening.
Usually, I comfort myself by remembering that everyone secretly feels out of place.
Here, though, I’m pretty sure it was just me.
That said, my fellow-guests were welcoming and, it goes without saying, terribly, terribly funny, just as they were at six-forty-five the following morning, when we met at an entrance gate near the Pope’s living quarters and were led to a magnificently frescoed room in the Apostolic Palace.
There, we joined the hundred other people who’d been invited: more international writers and comics, most of them from Italy.
I knew only one, a woman named Luciana Littizzetto, whom I’d met years earlier, in Turin.
She was the only non-Vatican representative to address the crowd that morning.
Her remarks lasted a minute or two and were in Italian, as were the Pope’s.
The assembled group stood and applauded as he entered the room and took his thronelike seat before us.
It speaks to the man’s humility that he allows every rank-and-file clergy member to outdress him.
The cardinals were resplendent in their black cassocks, which had bright-scarlet buttons and a matching sash called a fascia.
Better still were the Papal Gentlemen, who wore morning coats and white bow ties coupled with elaborate bibs, often with medals hanging off them.
The Swiss Guard looked like Renaissance-era toy soldiers in their multicolored striped outfits, standing just so with feathers in their helmets, their halberds held before them.
Even the friars in their dung-colored robes and sandals were more strikingly dressed than the Pope, who looked a bit mother-of-the-bride in a white cassock with a shawl-type thing over his shoulders.
He wore a skullcap and, around his neck, a cross on which you could have crucified the late Queen of England.
The Pope read a prepared statement of which we were each given a copy.
It amounted to: laughter makes the world go round.
His voice was soft and passionless.
At one point, he got a reaction by sticking a thumb above his ear and wagging his fingers, but, as one member of the American delegation said afterward, “we really just laughed out of politeness.”
The part that moved me took place after his address, when, row by row, we were led up the aisle and personally greeted.
The Pope remained seated and shook each of our hands.
Some people brought him gifts; others leaned in to tell him something.
I think I said, “Thanks for having me.”
Standing before him, I felt the same pity I’d felt for the Queen and would feel for anyone who has to meet people for a living.
Nothing stirred inside me the way that it did in 2015, when, rounding a corner at the White House, where I’d been invited to talk with some speechwriters, I happened upon President Obama.
For a moment, standing there with my mouth hanging open, I feared that I might spontaneously combust—with respect, with pride and awe.
The encounter with the Pope, though, was like meeting the Dalai Lama: not an inconvenience by any stretch, not uninteresting, just “Oh, hi.”
Many people, after the handshake, walked a few steps, pulled out their phones, and then took a selfie with the Pope in the background.
It was so tacky.
I said to the Italian seated to my right, “You’d think he was Santa!”
As at any good fashion show, the majority of our time was spent waiting, but the clothes we saw made it all worthwhile.
The difference, I thought, was that these outfits weren’t for sale.
Then my friend Austin wrote from the States and told me that while in Rome I had to go to Gammarelli, a bespoke tailoring business, founded in 1798, that’s been dressing the Pope and his associates for generations.
It wasn’t too far from my hotel, so late in the afternoon I went with Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who wore great clothes and was seemingly up for anything.
I’d worried on the walk over that Gammarelli wouldn’t sell to laymen.
“I’m going to tell them that my brother is a priest,” I said to her, “that he’s my same size, and I thought this might make for a good Christmas present.”
I figured they must hear that a lot, though, so when the time came I told the salesman, who was young and slender and spoke very good English, that I collect religious garments from around the world.
“He’s actually a noted historian,” Julia said.
I looked at her, like, Fuck.
If I wanted to be put on the spot like this, I’d have come with my sister Amy.
“I also study history,” the young man said. “What is your area of concentration?”
I panicked. “Sometimes I write for magazines,” I told him.
What I wanted was a black cassock.
That’s the ankle-length robe Catholic priests wear.
I wanted one because they’re slimming, they’re classic, and they’re beautifully made, at least at Gammarelli.
“We start by choosing the wool,” the young man said, handing me a book of fabric samples.
“Then we select the buttons and take your measurements.”
A Gammarelli cassock generally takes months to make and involves several fittings.
The price, which is steep, reflects the high quality of work that goes into it.
That said, it’s not as involved as a bespoke suit—there are no pants to worry about, no zippers in this case—but it is intricately pleated and lined.
I was still willing to go ahead with it and was being measured when the young man left the dressing room and returned with a cassock that was already finished but had never been collected.
Perhaps the priest who ordered it had died, or had been sent to prison.
Whatever the case, it fit me very well except for the length, which could easily be adjusted.
Next came the Roman collar.
The outfit’s fine without it, I thought, until I added it and realized, Whoa, you really need the collar.
Then came the fascia, and I got two—the classic black one and a scarlet model that a cardinal would wear.
“Is it against the law to dress like a priest?” I whispered to Julia as I did up the last of the thirty-three buttons, each of which symbolizes a year of Jesus’ life and leaves you wishing he’d been crucified at twelve, especially if, like me, you’re developing arthritis in your fingers.
I loved the idea of wearing my cassock on the street.
Then I imagined myself walking along and being approached by a person in distress or, worse yet, by another priest asking me if I’d heard the news about Father O’Shea or Archbishop DiMaggio.
“A cardiac arrest, not two minutes into the Eucharist!”
What does one say in that situation?
“Oh, sorry, I honestly just liked the robe. It takes ten pounds off!”
The next day at the airport, awaiting my flight back to London, I saw a priest wearing the very outfit I had beside me in my suitcase.
He was heavyset and bearded, his black hair gathered in a short ponytail.
What’s it like to know that you can never marry or even date someone?, I wondered. More than that, what’s it like to have faith?
To look at a solid argument against your God and say with absolute conviction, “I think I prefer it my way, thank you.”
My Greek grandmother was like that—kept a crucifix the size of a hand mirror in her bedroom and kissed it until her lips wore the plating off Jesus’ stomach.
Cried when she saw Billy Graham on TV, even though she didn’t understand what he was saying. “Jesus blessie,” she’d whisper, crossing herself whenever we passed a church, any church.
Tie two sticks together and her eyes would water.
My father had maybe a third of her faith, and his children, for whatever reason, none.
I wanted to tell the priest at the airport that I had just met his boss, the Pope, that I’d shaken his hand and been given a rosary in a leather pouch.
Without seeming creepy, I then wanted to ask what he was wearing beneath his cassock—underwear and a T-shirt?
Cutoff shorts?
Dress slacks?
Is it every man for himself, or are there rules?
I hated to think I was missing something.
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swaglord-3000 · 7 months
haey gang btw im not back i think idk i just remembered tumble existed so that's fun1! i have autism . in love w . mushroomhead its a big giant hyperfixation for me actually i am a numetal blaster yep NUMETAL NATION RISE UP official new special interest added to my list : slipknot . also maybe mushroomhead not going to lie because its kinda crazy how obsessed i am bcos why im out here doing deep dives on facebook. FACEBOOK. AND MYSPCACE. MY . SPACE. (using wayback machine) every other day bro. like im not kidding. im out here listening to side project bands i can now flex that i listen to and am a fan of a handful of bands that have under 100 monthly listeners on spotify .
my priv twt on my private twitter all my mooties day in day out just see me talking about mushroomhead n none of them know what i am talking about to them i am now their mushroomhead moot i am probably now the biggest fan of mushroomhead in Australia lowkey it makes me want to kill myself
ive discovered the excess of yaoi faggotry that hides behind the scenes of mushroomhead and its a little crazy how they are all gay for each other like fym they all go out on boy dates w each other fym jmann n dr f have almost kissed fym jmann n church have almost kissed fym shmotz n rick had sex (real ones know haha just a little funny thing im referencing for any mushroomhead fans out there haha the little jokes i make haha!!) like FYM SCOTT CALLS STEVE STEVIE... WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT DO YOU MEAN
the list goes on btw i have so many pictures so many videos of so much fagginess its actually insane like what the fuck why r all these (mostly) midwestern (mostly) 40-50 yr old men doing being GAY with each other why why why why are they doing that!!!!!!
by the way i am so desperately in love with rick stitch thomas its actually not okay its also lowkey like worsening my bpd and my autism like its actually kind of scary the depths i have gone to learn more ab this man its ok guys im so silly and whimsical!!
anyways if anyone care to know my fave mrhers are . rick , scott, steve, church, shmotz, diablo, ryan, dan, tommy, benis, gravy, waylon, jmann, joe (gaal)
i was going to like do my main favies but i felt bad leaving some people out so its like. KIND OF? IN ORDER hang on let me order them actualy
rick, scott, shmotz, steve, dan, tommy, church, ryan, gravy, benis, diablo, waylon, j, joe
ok order still a bit scuffed but just know that like . all those guys r my fave ok. but esp like . rick n scott n shmotz n steve n dan n tommy n church i love those guys a lot the most too
any other mrh fans out there followed diablo n then he followed u back or was that just me and i had a main character moment also does anyone know why scott is fucking counting down on his facebook bcos week or smth ago he was like.. 30 days!!!!!! n then a couple days ago he was like 20 days!!!!!! and i don't know what he means by that but then like October last year he was like on his facebook he was like be patient... its all coming together.... N I WAS LIKE HUH1?!?!!?!!? WHAT ....
idk if its a new album because i feel like w j quitting touring n rick doing his nightmare Cleveland (ALSO YES. J IS NOT COMING BACK SHUT THE FUCK UP HOLY SHIT. he quit touring. that's that. he's not on hiatus not coming back he quit touring. . but i think rick is coming back because he's been very adamant in saying that he hasn't quit he still very much wants to come back n misses the band) . anyways i just feel like its too soon n whatnot but idk MAYBE IM WRONG.
i know that there IS. or HAS. been new music made because rick has said like last year or something that he heard some of the new music eventho he's been out of the loop which btw is worrying bcos i love rick and i don't want him to lose his footing in the band and suddenly he's just out of it eventho he is kind of very much in skinnys pocket and is like skinnys #1 goon in mrh sorry any delusional people but its kinda canon .
bt man whenever the album comes out im just so excited for it because i love scott so much and i hope he stays for a really long time because i love him and steve together on vocals i think tey sound so great together and play off each other so well and im so excited to hear scott on an mrh album because he's so great in ventana and I've been listening to a lot of resist lately and he also sounds so good in that too and idk i love scott im very excited to see more of him in mushroomhead!!
also does anyone have any ida if the entirety of the vol 2 dvd is on the internet because I've been searching high and low but i cant find any vol 2 rips except for the mushroomhead fooling around vids on youtube but that is of course not the whole movie and . I NEED. THE WHOLE MOVIE. PLEASE GOD PLEASE DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE I CAN FIND IT ON THE INTERNET PLEASE GOD PLEAAASSEEEE
anyways thank u nad oodbye !!! mushroomhead fans please talk to me on twitter @/_swaglord3000 or on my priv which im way more active on and i actually talk ab mrh exclusively on there LAWL anyways my priv is @/auggie_swaglord
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cavetownsavedollie · 8 months
If you didn't know, I'm bi (actually). I'm going to tell you my coming out story.
The day started out normal but then I had an idea. I texted my friend (They knew but my mom didn't, pathetic I know). it went something like, "I want to come out to my mom today," I said. "Rn?!" she said. "Yeah," I said. "Well how the fuck are you going to do that?" she said. "Help me," I said. We talked for a while, but she just told me to do it myself because it's my own problem. She was right, she's straight, she wouldn't care.
I made a TikTok video because that was my hobby. (Yep, it just gets more and more pathetic) I texted it to my mom and I waited all day. I wanted her to see it. I will link the video at the end.
My mom never saw the video and there I am, trying not to cry. I am texting my friend again. Guess what? She is in all caps "Yelling" at me to come out. Yep, I remember, "TELL HER RIGHT NOW!" she said. "I can't!" I spoke. "Just fucking tell her!" she said. "I'm sorry" I said. she just kept doing that. i just kept apologizing.
My mom was in my baby brother's room to tuck him in. I came in and saw her. I was panicking. Wow is this really about to happen?!?!?! "Mom.... I need to talk to you..." I said quietly. "Okay," she says clueless. "Um.. can we go in my room..?" i say. She looks concerned.
In my room she leans against the door and i sit on my bed. "Mom... I'm... I'm bisexual," I stutter, almost crying. i feel dizzy and scared. "Do you even know what that means?" she asks. I know I'm a child but im not stupid "Erm- yes.. It means I like boys.. but i like girls too.." I say (And yes, i was trying to mimic Nick) My mom sits on the bed with me. Shee gives a whole speech about how my mind could change. Friends she had that thought they were gay but married boys. I didn't remind her that i wasnt gay. I'm bi, actually. (i really wish i had said that line). She even told me it could be a phase because its POPULAR?! Ha. funny joke. I knew she was reffering to Heartstopper. I know damn well if my classmates knew i watched it i would get bullied (more).
after she left i told my friend that i told mom. I tell her how it went. I put my phone away and i try to sleep but i just lie awake and sob.
The next morning my mom was cooking breakfast and i came into the kitchen to say good morning to her but she immediately starts talking about it again. SHE LOOKED THROUGH MY PHONE?!?! She was talking about my texts with my friend about it. I was so mad! Lesson learned, when speaking about something private, speak Spanish).
I'm still friends with that girl but i never told her how bad it hurt. If i do she might leave. Oh well its fine ig.
Link to the video: https://www.tiktok.com/@maskedyt1234/video/7272823142530190634?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7292529370877478430
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drowninginredink · 8 months
If ur not up for your blog to become a discussion hub you can delete this ask but notthatalex' analogy of "but for some reason, people are really scared to roast you, excluding you entirely from that dynamic" I don't think quite makes sense. Within a friend group there Will be healthy boundaries. So therefore there should be some too when we joke to an audience. People roast and joke their friends because they know each other, have given the ok and know they dont hold ill will - if that isn't the case there's a clear problem that should be ideally addressed! Comedians like the ones in Smosh have a platform which I think is ok to demand it to be used responsibly. There's a difference in making a joke where the punchline is "get it ? it's a gay guy, that's funny on its own" and making a joke that happens to include gay guys/their experience for example. Also as much as we want them to, jokes can't exist in a political void. It's already been well documented that memes, jokes, comedy can be absolutely used as a propaganda tool and that some "jokes" are actually meant to represent the creator's political stance. A good example from not too long ago is Sacha Baron Cohen who lately appeared in the news for his Zionist beliefs, while he's built his career around making fun of "arabs" that people have been giving him the benefit of the doubt for for years saying it's "satire".
I mean my intention was never to be a discussion hub, but only because I never expected anyone to care enough about what I have to say to send me asks. So sure, let's do this!
But yeah, I would say I'm a bit more in favor of restricting comedians than Alex, but I think what you're saying is kind of misreading him. He made it pretty clear that there are good jokes and bad jokes you can make about anything. And my biggest opinion is, aside from the fact that yes, "I'm a gay guy and that's funny on its own" is problematic... It's also not funny. If you ask me, the biggest thing that makes something funny is surprise. And bigoted jokes are hacky. They're not creative. "Haha this group is bad/weird" is a thing we've all heard before. It's not unfunny when my family makes a joke about Chinese people eating dogs because it's racist, even though it very much is, it's unfunny because I've heard that joke a million times.
But I think the friendship example is actually perfect because roasting a friend requires knowledge of said friend beyond hacky stereotypes, so it's going to have to go beyond easy bigoted jokes. Again, I do agree with Alex in the sense that you can joke about anything, but you've got to do it well. And again, bigoted jokes just aren't funny. They're all overplayed. The only reason people find them funny is because they agree with them.
And yeah, it does suck to be the person in the friendgroup who feels like they're being treated with kid gloves. It's all about knowing people's lines. I know seeing the TNTL roasts of Angela made me so uncomfortable at first because I basically am Angela and the particular points they were hitting are things I'm super sensitive about. So if I were her, I would have felt like absolute shit. And then I saw her say how much that made her happy because she felt seen, and how it meant so much to her. And that's made me actually really embrace that view of it and encourage my friends to roast me like that. Because you know what? This is who I am, and I do want you all to see me in my cringe glory. Because being cringe is a good thing. So like, to me, that's what Alex is saying. You've got to know the lines, but imagine how it'd look if they never went after Angela.
Also I don't exactly keep up with Cohen, but I have seen... Whatever the name of that movie was over my brother's shoulder and needless to say, it was a yikes and I don't know how we let anyone who made it say he was at all progressive. I mean, to be fair, of course it was a yikes. If my dad likes a thing, that's always a red flag.
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brittlebonesguy · 9 months
time for season 8
NOOOO!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! lex is BACK???????? what, to haunt me? i thought i wouldnever see him again. and fucking TOM>??sexist, pervert tom? this has ruined my day. at least i know thisis the season boston rob meets his wife (amber) so that'll be fun at least. but i have a feeling this season is a stinker. ohgod and that "i'll do anything for you just to look at me" rob from the amazon season. kill me. "no body trusts anybody" boston rob says with his soon to be wife standing 2 feet away. i'm really only rooting for rupert. maybe amber, we'll see. sue you're gonna get brain parasites please. alicia is so right though, its day two who made amber and rob be in charge, richard is obnoxious shii ann say it louder! i want a season long combat between shii ann and richard, that would be funny. colby's face dropping the moment he sees jerri lol. he knows shes gonna hit on him again come merge. bye tina! sad it was you and not ethan
colby.....what does him being gay have to do with it. oh big tom how i loathe you. i actually don't want rudy voted out thanks. damn. okay bye old man. now that shii ann isnt surrounded by the worst filth possible i am liking her more. richard is crazy what was that? biting a shark back? i don't even care if sue is annoying. an enemy of tom is a friend of mine. sue, you are the love of my life. never leave. amazon rob really is just so pathetic. ah yes the classic jerri fight where she says the other person is controlling while also being controlling. she makes points but girl please. yes shii ann colby and lex are incredibly sexist and honestly please never speak to them again.
jenna we're doing this again? why did you come back. this whole thing of her leaving is so dramatic. of course tom would think that amazon rob is smarter than alicia... come on......NO ONE wants tom out? be serious. anyway bye amazon rob
this is colby's worst nightmare: jerri getting put on the same tribe as him. richard being naked on the balance beam think was.....definitely something and definitely gross. fuck YES boston rob winning against the show off with colby. jokes on you robby, i never though colby was tough. i agree that richard should go, however i feel like colby's motivation is homophobic, so actually i think he should stay. yes jerri, reject that alliance/vote. i love this shii ann and kathy alliance. FUCK YES bring jerry in the mix. richard, shii ann, kathy, and jerri? never thought i'd say this but dream alliance right there. kathy.....kathy please....don't ruin this for me. BOOOOOOOOO!!!!! i still have to deal with COLBY????? fuck you guys for getting my hopes up
yeah obviously doing a blinsdside would result in upset feelings kathy but sometimes you need to do them anyway. annoying. who gives a FUCK about LEX???? i forgot about how bug boston rob's ego is. i want shii ann to have a villian arc, and her origin story was colby making a snide comment at her. for sue's sake im glad richards gone because it was really fucked up. the victim blaming that happens with this show is crazy. i'm glad alicia is on her side. yeah im sure you're not sitting back because you suck or anything, ethan. lex they girls already had no compulsion to keep ethan and colby around, please stop patting yourself on the back. everyone being too callous about the whole situation is crazy. i agee with jenna in the splitting of the food. i take back everything i said, fuck kathy. its just the amount of "oh i know the guy and he would NEVER" blah blah.... and im sorry if something violates and humiliates you that much, then sometimes emotions come out, kathy. and its not pretty because its not suppose to be.
idk the jerri hate isn't sitting right with me... oh yay kathy got chosen to be safe...joy🙄. ethan's "some of us are heros and some of us are goats...and i'm a goat" has a completely different meaning now. colby not be annoying challenge failed. the way every cell, fiber, sinew, ligament, joint, nerve, and bone in my body LOATHES tom...if i have to see one more quirky music scene of him acting like a fucking idiot im beating jeff probst with my bare hands. actually lex there was an opportunity to get colby out last tribal, but that was jerri's idea so obvi we'll pretend that didn't happen because a woman came up with the idea. i love how petty jerri is. and yeah shii ann really should set aside her hatred for jerri and get out colby, which she won't because why would she make a move ever. she always talks about doing it but in the end she's just a floater. ethan is so dramatic no one gives a shit. "im sorry jerri to speak for you" "yeah please don't" that...is so funny. THE EVIL IS DEFEATED!!! fuck off colby NEVER come back. thank you shii ann, i take back what i said before and i hope you kick ass the rest of the season. also in defense of jerri, i have actually come around on her. she was right about the jerky, she was right about getting colby out. shes just RIGHT, not the most likable and a little annoying, but men get away with that shit all the time. case in point: ethan.
the men on the other tribe being so mad every time they lose to boston rob is so funny. idk....people making fun of rupert makes me sad. rupert's opinions about boston rob are so correct. i agree. serves boston rob right to miss horribly at the challenge. jerri don't feel too bad no one would have made those shots anyway. sometimes ethan is just so serial killer, i can see why him and lex are friends. why do the women of survivor always do this. they just trust mean implicitly. it makes no sense. "i just trust him, i don't know how to explain it" 🙄 bye ethan!! dont come back. i'm really liking shii ann as well. she's setting aside her personal opinions and seeing the bigger picture, which a lot of players don't do.
the ghandia slide of that book thing......distasteful. and now lex wolf whistling about a woman he doesn't even know. okay i know amber wins this season so im interested to see how she makes it out of this. because no way lex is like oh for sure rob i'll save your gf for a MAYBE alliance. again with this jerri hate. why can't we just vote out lex? i'm also SO SICK of lex being "in charge" and then telling people that thye're being voted out instead of just doing a blind side like hes the godfather or smth. i'll miss you jerri. why on earth does everyone think boston rob will keep his word? he literally doesn't. .......i hate tom. it's always rupert and the girlies. he refuses to play survivor unless he's got two women by his side. i wish men weren't the way they are tho.
exactly lex of course rob was gonna go back on his word. kathy......wtf. don't do that idiot. HA. thanks kathyyyyy. THE OTHER EVIL HAS BEEN DEFEATED!!!! as much as i hate him, i think lex is gonna make a funny juror.
god YES please get out big tom. ......cool rob is safe...😒 that foot shot of alicia was FOUL like back the fuck up. danm kath, i wish that worked out. shii ann is definitely going next. pagonging in an all stars season is so weak. please stir it up shii ann. i hope she gets immunity because.....its getting less interesting. when its just a majority alliance taking over and then going cannibal. i hope this challenge is a wake up call for alicia. and also i relate to her. i too would be emotional. jenna.....is annoying me. oh what a shock you're gonan give shii ann the bowl of rice, as if i didn't call that. rob is also really getting on my nerves. oh? only shii ann is obnoxious jenna? just herno one else here? miss oh im soooooo sorry alicia let me hug you even though we aren't friends and you don't want to be touched or talked to. alicia.....please just betray rob. fuck YES! shii ann got her first immunity. serves the tribe right for ousting her the way they are. its so rude. and the fact that not a single person will talk to her about game play at all is strange and telling. even though straying away from rob and aligning with shii ann is the better option for literally everyone but amber. "don't get too cocky sweetheart." honestly all of you can go fuck yourselves. 👆🏻you've been telling shii ann for days that shes leaving the first chance you guys get and are shocked when she doesn't really like you guys and tries like hell to win immunity, which everyone said "i'd be SHOCKED if she won that" assholes. she was gloating, alicia, because you guys say that she can't win anything and also SHE WAS GOING HOME TONIGHT. like....use your fucking brain. wow very original getting rid of alicia. can rob just leave already.
rupert didn't care about you not catching to fish jenna, he's upset because no one helped him gut and clean them, which all 120lbs of you could have handled. i will miss you shii ann. truly. and the truck curse still prevails. i......do not know how amber wins. and rob wins again 🙄. this game play.. consider me....bored. YYYYYYEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!! the final evil has been defeated. go fuck yourself tom if you EVER come back im personally castrating jeff probst.
jenna saying that she's taking fate into her hands by voting out rupert so they don't go to rocks when her literal only two options are vote the way shes being told or go to rocks. ........ i dislike you. oh rupert i wish you had won that immunity 🫤. jenna acting like she's gonna go to rocks....like we all know you're gonna write ruperts name and go to final three (which is as far as you'll go btw). thanks for nothing jenna. no closer to a million than if you actually let it up to chance. and the final immunity goes to rob😐. this romance is so barf. kathy.....that was brutal. i hope rob feels awful after that. "since you're so interchangeable" jenna pleasekjadkjasnkjsbf. tom just sounds fucking drunk all the time. they were absolutely ruthless. rob and amber look SO upset about it too.
cbs is just letting their star host hang out of a helicopter with harness? bold. rob dominated jeff 🤨. okay then. congrats amber! i don't care for your husband. the "you suck" in the audience while lex was talking was me actually. the booing for jerri is a little much jesus. and yet colby gets nothing but cheers? i know sexism when i see it. no seriously lex is being the biggest hypocrite there is. assholes. all the booing made jerri leave. justice for my girl. JENNA AND ETHAN??? girl.....say sike. youre dating him??????? oh so they get to go on a cruise after being voted off huh? thats pretty nice. the audience voting for another winner and i think kathy saying "its rupert!" very true. colby is a contender? 😐that the fuck were some of those sexiest survivors? ROBB??? the man who just finally understood what empathy was? the fuck. AND TOM IS A CONTENDER FOR THE MONEY???? thankfully rupert won because i would have flipped if it was any of the others. all in all this season was kind of disappointing considering it was all stars. it had its juicy moments but it got bogged down by all the people i don't like so I'm gonna give it....5.8 out of 10
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