#muherr hxh
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crstn-art · 11 months ago
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my ability to draw cool things just instantly funnels into my faves my bad
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s0ftand0nly · 6 months ago
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All of these were really hard to do
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mercenaryboy · 7 months ago
Pretty elf boy, coming through!
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giuliano-fan-account · 2 years ago
happy pride mont
Well I guess I could share some drawings since usually I just dogpile everything I want to say into 1 post and don’t necessarily have room for the art which is sad.
So I decided for pride month I’ll just dogpile some of my art that I haven’t shown here relating to my favorites from hxh kind of being like those 60 color packs of crayons.
I draw kind of like a crazy guy and I have a fair bit of art so I’ll make a cut off line to not clog...
Btw so I dont jumpscare you the art is of Izunavi and Giuliano, Shalnark and Chrollo, & Muherr and hehe a not canon character (In that order)
Hehe i just have some portraits of Izu for fun here not necessarily ship or anything related but I just wanted to share them Since I made them a while ago and he looks very nice:
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Ok but it gets a little gay here so urm: Happy pride moth:
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I made this one because I wanted them to have a happy life that I knew they could never have!!!!!!
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just a funny little drawing for fun that I stayed up a little too late making 1 time because these guys just kind of carry me away..
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On valentines day I was having a rlly bad time a really bad day and everything and then I made these guys and everything was better 
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I made this one in ms paint and it makes me so happy man... I have it as my background screen on my computer rn i didn’t intend for this drawing to bang so hard but also I kind of drew it intending for it to be like the only house that’s not on fire yet because that’s a song that’s perfect for these guys hear me out
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I made that one at like 2 am and yes it was to this song and to me it is objectively about these guys
I guess it could be a projection bc i just wanted to squeeze that guy bc hes just so funny and silly and I love these guys and giuliano is just like me for real so it’s fine 
I care about them a lot man I even made an article on the shipping wiki for them because I uhhh I uh help I urm
I have... another one that I ALSO made an article for... and it brings me extreme distress as well as extreme joy
we have our 2nd place to Shalkuro :100:
I have a lot of art for it I’ll make a post for it one day I swear and it will be insane in length because I really need help man ... If izugiuli is my comfort ship this is the REASON why I need comfort
proceeds to show harmless nice little drawings:
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I saw that trend everywhere so this is a rlly recent drawing but I made them with the barbie and ken because I... well come on... its literally perfect okay
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gooberish little drawing because i was bored
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shalkuro as teens ig comfort (I relentlessly got called gay for this one Stop jules bullying 2023) 
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Im a little crazy so maybe I did make another omori hxh au and a lot of it is Shalnark in the au or Shalnark and Chrollo
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Redraw of the sticker because hehe
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THIS IS BASED OFF OF AN UNFINISHED FIC I HAVE thats not necessarily ship related but also is but also you can interpret it any way you want and imo it’s so cute
I’ll finish it one day.
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Another ms paint art but it’s inspired off of bad apple for actually no reason other than that I think it would look cool and I went through 5 stages of hell trying to draw this but I made it out fine
God I want to talk so much about Shalkuro since Shalnark is ALSO just like me for real and I actually haven’t before on this account and it’s kind of my soundboard for talking abt whatever relating to hxh but I really think I should save it for a post of it’s own..
Anyways onto the next one its a little funny thing
I shipped my self insert with Muherr as a joke ok but now its kinda funny and I like it and I actually rlly like these drawings i made for it
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dont ask why he looks drunk its a long story
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I had to make this it was honestly too funny for me not too and I love it so much EXCEPT for the fact that I realized that my self insert looks so much like pariston in here
Im supposed to have dark hair but I just didnt feel like coloring it in there bc the lineart looked good enough to me
but yeah muherr x jules otp forever /j
hapy pride month whoever or whatever you are whether your gay or not!!!!
dont forget to have fun and be a kind neighborly person like me 
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promoxie · 2 years ago
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kampflesben · 11 months ago
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I wanted to try one of these and it was absolute suffering 👍🏻 thanks to the people that sent me prompts still 😘
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marosii · 11 months ago
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Must be Muherr on the brain
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arcaladiwoompa · 11 months ago
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Muherr: Why are we doing this again?
Basho: You gotta live life to the fullest!
Muherr: Must I?
Created as a ten card reward for Elmarc on the Greed Island HxH server! Happy Hunting! (The prompt was Basho adventures, bonus for Basho and Muherr on the Black Whale.)
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sullenhighstar · 3 years ago
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Dark continent trio
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evilnumnum · 3 years ago
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Doodles page 🥰🥰
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mysterypond · 3 years ago
Ging Ship Tierlist
This is 100% just my rambling and my opinion so sorry if you disagree with my list!
Pariston x Ging- Look, if you’ve spent more than 2 minutes on my blog you know I’m obsessed with them. They have a lot of the characteristics in ships I like. Opposites attract (although they do think they’re similar to some extent), the semi-rival tension, needing to “keep an eye” on each other, the random sexual tension every time Ging speaks to him…. it’s perfect lmao.
Cheadle x Ging- Oh I think they definitey have some unresolved history with a messy breakup. I like to think at least one of them still has feelings for the other but doesn’t quite know how to bring it up and go about it. So there’s this underlying tension that won’t go away. But that doesn’t mean they can’t rekindle it….
Mizaistom x Ging- Okay I have a very niche specific brainrot for this ship, but I think they work well in the opposites attract area as well. Ging’s undefined by rules and Mizai lives by some. They’re both hotheaded although Mizai tends to pick his battles a lot more often than Ging does, so they both definitely know how to speak their minds.
Kite x Ging- Kite speaks so fondly of him that I can’t help but ship them. What really sold it for me was many years ago when someone made a joke about how the “accompany” card sent Gon and Killua to Kite- Gon’s “other parent” and while I don’t think Kite is legitimately his other dad, I liked the idea of Kite being someone who was so important to Ging that he’d trust him with his son. I also like the little cat and mouse game they play, I think it fits with their personalities.
Cluck x Ging- literally only on the list because their ship name is “gluck” and I think that’s hilarious. However the more I thought about it the more it fit. They could get along on a ruins mission with Cluck being a botanical hunter, since plant life in the area can tell a lot about the environments of the present and past. On a funnier note I have a running gag joke of defining their relationship as “they hooked up at a zodiac party ONCE and now have an immature level of tension because Cluck is embarrassed”. I also hc that she’s taller than him lol she gets a manlet bf.
Beans x Ging- Go watch the Gingbeans amvs on youtube.
Muherr x Ging- ��Do you know him?” “Sure.” Muherr is heartbroken. Not even an excited “yeah! he’s great” or anythint. A sure.
Ging x Gon’s Unnamed Mother- Only because we don’t know anything about her, and I like the ambiguity of the pregnancy stone theory. It’s not canon but it’s not not canon.
Leorio x Ging- Okay I’ve seen fanart of this like, twice, and read that one fanfic where they fake-marry so Leorio can adopt Gon and while the concept is humorous I… I can’t lmao. Leorio would never. Not even to “adopt” Gon, haha.
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crstn-art · 6 months ago
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who invited the gamer
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gotheil · 3 years ago
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saw this and it reminded me of these three
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mercenaryboy · 6 months ago
Do Muherr fans even exist? I've rarely... in which I mean, never met a Muherr fan and I mean like an actual fan, one who searches throughout the whole internet for any Muherr content.
Like do y'all exist? Where are you guys? Please give my man here some attention.
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giuliano-fan-account · 2 years ago
Antarctica Dark Continent
Wow ok so I discovered that I really think that Antarctica is neat and so cool and it reminds me so much of the Dark continent and today I will explain that (mostly text bc I havent made many drawings lol) 
I was watching Life in the freezer by David Attenborough and they were going over a brief history of the exploration of the continent and it just kind of clicked in my mind.
Hey, that makes a lot of sense since they are both lands at least previously shrouded in obscurity and have been seen as inhabitable.
As we know, Antarctica has had a couple of successful expeditions (I’m currently doing my own research because.) and has had its fair share of history. Its geographical history is like no other due to the nature of how it is and it’s So Freaking Interesting.
If The Dark Continent has parallels with expeditions on Antarctica, then maybe some predictions or inferences could be made on the expeditions to the Dark continent before.
(cutoff line bc I ramble)
Greed is absolutely prevalent in Antarctic exploration, with several different nations rushing in to claim their own part of the newly discovered land, and people coming down to hunt and endanger animals even in horribly inadequate conditions, and I’m sure Togashi will want to do something with that with the Dark Continent. 
The Dark Continent obviously isn’t frozen all over and most definitely has human like intelligence on it, but it is still as if not more treacherous than the environment of Antarctica.
On our earth, Antarctica sticks out as an alien land mass as opposed to all other familiar continents, and that can also be said to how people in the hunter x hunter world view The Dark Continent.
God and I just love these parallels Uurrgh.
I also Just wanted to make an Antarctica Muherr concept, so... hehe
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I love the elf man. I want to make an au thing where Beyond’s team is going on a voyage to Antarctica rather than the Dark Continent, and of course Ging is there, too. 
Beyond’s team could also work like how Antarctic science and research teams function in real life. They have many different roles that are relied on that would be fun to assign to each of Beyond’s team because I really like them. 
Comparing the history of Antarctica and its exploration also brings up some questions and speculation for what Dark Continent exploration has been like and will be like.
Originally, our frozen continent was considered a fable or a myth from 650 CE to maybe somewhere in the 18th century when it came to light that Antarctica was a REAL place! 
The Dark Continent was originally considered a “Lunatic’s Ramblings”, and up until recently it’s existence was not common knowledge at all, and I imagine that it wasn’t much different for Antarctica.
While there are a ton of people going to the supposed new continent, the Hunter Association is a much smaller portion of people among all of the passengers, and I think they will explore the Continent much like Antarctica with difficulty with Beyond’s team, of course.
Maps and globes and basically everything would have to have been changed in the mainland due to this new knowledge, and in real life the world map has seen its fair share of changes.
In Hunter x Hunter it’s been said that the Dark Continent had previous voyages and that probably would have been to do with curiosity with the shape of the earth and how big it really was.
On earth it’s pretty easy to see how it’s a globe, but Imagine how confused people in Hunter x Hunter are because really they never had gone all the way 360, and who knows if somebody ever will (Don? Where Is My crazy little Ancient Freecss Lunatic guy :heart_emoji:)
Explorers going mysteriously missing would lead to even more curiosity, as mentioned in the beginning of this arc “Pandora’s Box.” I feel like that’s going to be important. 
I want to know the voyagers in history going on these missions like. God I know Togashi is introducing new characters left and right and going to one plotpoint to another like there’s no tomorrow but gosh. Once we really get into the thick of the Dark Continent part, maybe there could be flashbacks of all other 5 voyages that aid to be some sort of gradual foreshadowing of an event the characters are going have to go through.  
I also just really like hxh lore ok Its so fun and and gosh and geez and like they they it was a totally different time and man wow
But anyways yea I just thought that all was cool haha get it?
Even though I hate the cold, I just love Antarctica because it’s so mystical and stuff and how obscure its is... Plus it makes my head go “ DarkContinent “ Repeatedly, and you know how much I love that.
Anyways, make sure to make the most of of whatever you’re doing if you can, cause it always makes stuff better if you try to look at things more positively even if it’s hard!
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More Antarctic Muherr
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promoxie · 2 years ago
This mans has got his shoes up on the gd table what kinda UNCIVILIZED
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