#curly hxh
crstn-art · 8 months
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the worst most chaotique boat ride ive had the pleasure to be on
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nendracula · 1 year
friend captioned the text as pariging so i had to do what i had to do
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nerdy-boy · 3 days
We need more Curly fanart, I think he deserves it.
Please give him more attention. 🙏
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s0ftand0nly · 3 days
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All of these were really hard to do
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killuaisaprincess · 10 months
“C-Can we do this again?”
Gon raises an eyebrow, a grin growing on his face.
“Are you asking me to carry you to the plum tree?”
He teases.
Killua pulls his hood up, turning away and sticking his nose up in the air.
“N-No! Jerk!”
Killua tangles his fingers in his robe, looking back shyly.
“Fine! M-Maybe…”
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justxaxbit · 2 years
A shout out to Togashi for drawing the hair down on his characters that usually wear it up
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scun-gilli · 2 months
TRT Winged Wingmen Character Descriptions
OKAY. Work is finally over (at 10pm....kill meeee) I apologize for the excessive amount of reference links and how freaking long this is.
Here are detailed descriptions of the Morningstar brothers.
We will start with the oldest and go down.
Hair color: White
Hair style: When he was younger, it was super long (like Sephiroth lol) but during the current story, it is short and neatly combed back. Think Connor from DBH
Skin color: PALE. LIKE A GHOST (or me lol)
Features: He looks kind of androgynous. Similar again to Connor from DBH but slightly softer. He has four white wings that come from the side of his head (around the temples) and fold over each other to hide his eyes when he's not actively using his magic. He is pretty thin and lanky. Two white wings
Eye color: He has four eyes (stacked like Stolas) That have black pupils and dark purple sclera (the sclera look similar to a starry sky with the milky way)
Magic color: Very celestial, like the milky way (like stolas)
Height: Super tall, like Sera or Valentino
Fighting style: He is TRASH at close quarters fighting or even with weapons, but he is an extremely powerful magic user.
Known abilities: [these are the ones we know of now ;)] Prophetic vision, warding, true vision (He can see the past, the true nature of souls, the prophecies written into reality and the red threads of fate)
Duty: His job is of course on the royal counsel as an advisor using his visions and conducting the thread ceremonies.
Clothing: On a day to day basis, he wears something similar to this (in fact, this is pretty close to how I imagine him in general) But in his typical white/purple/blue (more star motifs lol) tones. Also, the capelet is not present unless it's for formal occasions. Also knee high boots because I am a sucker for men in tall boots.
Hair color: blonde
Hair style: Shoulder length, typically pulled back into a half up bun hairstyle. Like this
Skin color: Also Pale like Luci.
Features: Face wise, he basically looks like Luci (without the animal features), maybe slightly sharper than luce but they overall look really similar. He is a muscle daddy, broad shoulders and abs, the whole thing. Two white wings
Eye color: Blue (now just the right one) the left eye socket is now covered with bandages but he'll eventually get an eyepatch thing.
Magic color: Gold or blue. Takes the form of little bolts of electricity (kinda like Vox ig)
Height: Still tall but not as freakishly tall as Uriel. I would say a little taller than Al.
Fighting style: Dude is a beast. Works best in hand to hand or weapon based combat (that he infuses with magic). He prefers to use his chains (think Kurapika from HxH kinda chains) or he has a sword like Luci's.
Known abilities: [these are the ones we know of now ;)] summoning weaponry (like the chains), electricity based magical pulses, being sexy, smithing (creating the armor and weapons like the armor he made for Al), battle strategy, teaching (like at the KA), convincing Al to take care of himself when needed XD
Duty: His job is the general of the royal army, writing the curriculum for the students at the knight academy and training the new knights at the academy (like he does with Al)
Clothing: He is a lot more casual than his brothers. On the daily, its usually something like a white dress shirt (no tie, only for formal occasions) and slacks OR a black turtleneck with slacks. When he is fancy, like this or something similar. He also frequently wears a cloak (like in the picture) When actively training cadets, he is in clothes he can easily move in (T-shirts/sleeveless shirts and pants) If left to his own devices, he would be dressing in sweatpants all the time.
Hair color: light brown
Hair style: Pretty long and curly (ringlets about past the chest). He usually braids it to keep it back or will put it in a ponytail (now with assistance or magic)
Skin color: tan and with a lot of freckles (he is a sunshine boy that loves to garden and he looks like it)
Features: He looks a lot more feminine than his brothers, softer features. dimpled cheeks. Two white wings. Only one arm on the right side.
Eye color: Golden (with little flecks of green)
Magic color: Gold
Height: As tall as Alastor (who became my scale for some reason)
Fighting style: Fighting is NOT his strong suit, but when he has to, he prefers long range weapons (like spears or bows)
Known abilities: [these are the ones we know of now ;)] Extremely potent healing magic, can diagnose illnesses, green thumb, well versed in all forms of medicine (including holistic), he's well versed in nutrition and can basically find a tea for any ailment ever, he can also calm souls around him using magic.
Duty: His job is, of course, the healer. He studies medicine from all realms (he and Belphegor will get along for sure), he teaches other healers and he plants herbs and other medicinal plants anywhere he is allowed XD
Clothing: Raphael will dress both masculine and feminine. He's very fluid about it. He prefers simple clothing that he can garden in (or if he is actively healing, he wants something that is out of his way) He usually wears a cloak over his clothes (Especially after his injury in the war) but underneath I imagine something like this or this (without overcoat) I can't find a reference for his formal outfits to save my life but it would be super flowy and in earth tones. I am not too happy about the clothing reference but I am eepy and struggling to find something cute. Hell, I may make an outfit reference board at some point, but I am sweepy.
Hair color: Dark brown
Hair style: Kept fairly short, basically a big mop of brown curls. He likes to braid beads and other accessories into his hair.
Skin color: tan like Raphael
Features: He has rounder features. (for some reason Wybie from Coraline comes up) two white wings.
Eye color: Bright green
Magic color: Green
Height: Shorter than Al but taller than Luci.
Fighting style: He can fight but really prefers not to. When he does fight, he's not half bad. He uses brass knuckles or his magic. He is a very strong magic user (not quite as much as Luci or Uri but still really strong)
Known abilities: [these are the ones we know of now ;)] Can detect magic influences and can even trace it's sources, Very fast (can quickly travel between realms and is the fastest flyer), He can speak basically any language and is pretty good at reading people when he puts his mind to it.
Duty: His job is the ambassador between realms. His job is to not only be the communicator between powers but he also escorts souls into heaven for meetings with the king. He is also the voice of father, meaning that father can speak through him when needed.
Clothing: He is a huge fan of being casual (like Mike) When he is able to, he's the big sweaters and floppy pants type of guy. He also really likes jewelry. (like bohemian style. almost hippie?) But when he needs to be formal he wears something more traditional, similar to this but in greens (and is usually disheveled in some way) I am not that pleased with this clothing reference either, but I repeat, papa is EEPY.
Annnnnd we are done!!! Thank you for reading this far XD I may update this after I sleep but I will let you know if I do. This is what we are working with so far.
I can also do descriptions of Al and Luci (like outfit inspos and what headcanons I adhere to for the fic. I just wanted to focus on the bros for now)
Here you go @elkaseltzer! Thank you for your interest in knowing about the winged wingmen. This is also for @i-genuinely-dunno who requested the descriptions as well. Huge thanks to my girl, Yuzu, on X for the help with these XD
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rainyrindou · 22 days
5 + 14 + 22 + 37
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hehe hiiii mino this silly image made me giggle
5. what made you start your blog?
ummm i originally started THIS blog in 2019? i think. for hunterxhunter content. i was fucking obsessed with chrollo. i was super shy though and didn’t make any content or interact w ppl until i got into haikyuu and started posting art on a side blog…but it was tr that got me posting art regularly and interacting w/ ppl!! and here we are :D shoutout 2019 hxh fandom.
14. what's something you've always wanted to do but maybe been too scared to do?
mmm i kinda just do whatever i want all the time. i think my best answer for this is like…setting boundaries LOL. i’m getting better and it depends who it is, but i’ve not always been great at telling people no or disagreeing with them. i don’t really like to argue. shrugs
22. say 3 things about someone you love
the someone I love is mr. venus— and saying just 3 things is so hard 😭 but ima try my best. 1. he is genuinely the funniest man I’ve ever met. most of the content in my notes app is funny shit he’s said. i would post it all if it didn’t come off as annoying. he loves attention he would eat it up if y’all liked him. 2. has the most beautiful curly, long, chocolate brown hair and eyes to match with lashes that look like extensions. PISSES ME OFF !!! /pos 3. his anime gf is nami from one piece !! :D
37. share a secret
ummm one time i backed my car into a fence by the dunkin’ donuts drive thru…this was like 3-4 years ago. and i just. drove thru and ordered and didn’t say anything and the fence is still broken to this day. i don’t feel like explaining how i got into that position but just know it was very stupid. i’m a good driver i swear it was a moment of weakness and no one was injured 😭
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whatevermakesyoubreak · 2 months
whenever i’m writing about lira’s hair (my hxh oc), i just picture a more modern version of alicent hightower’s hair from house of the dragon. ESPECIALLY in the driftmark episode.
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> ummm like hello?? helloooo?? this is LIRA’S HAIR 100%. tbh just seeing alicent’s hair helped me create lira’s appearance when i was first coming up with sic infit. but yeah, this is it. especially the top row sheeeeesh 🥵
> also, i may or may not have given Lira curly hair on purpose because i want to write a cute fluffy scene where illumi is fascinated by how her hair maintains its shape even if he stretches it out. since everyone in his family has straight hair, i feel like he would be like oooh ⚫️👄⚫️ upon seeing his girl’s curly hair & be playing with it constantly (with her permission) kinda akin to a cat with one of those spring toys 😭
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lightfeltmemories · 10 months
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phantom troupe
episode one: phantom troupe and romance | least toxic to most toxic trouble trio: sharing an s/o
black!fem!reader finds out feitan's hair is naturally curly hxh theory: is feitan a p3d0phile? BUNNY (contains non-con) soft feitan headcanons
HIDDEN (contains stalking and yandere content)
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crstn-art · 28 days
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who invited the gamer
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makeshiftstory · 5 months
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So I realized there has been a weird trend when it comes to whatever characters in other media that I like, they almost always end up being an absolute Turbo Garbage Gremlin (Envy FMA and Little My to name the many gremlins in this grouping) as Curly had put it. There are only a few characters that are genuinely sweet that I adore (Kurama YYH and Melody HxH being among the very few). Though, at this moment and this reflects it, there is another character I like but still have no clue if they're going to be a Turbo Garbage Gremlin or a Sweet in the Blorbo category. Another question to everyone out there, do you too categorize your Blorbos? If so, what do you categorize them as?
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nerdy-boy · 5 days
The only nerd I'll ever love if I'm being honest. 😔💕
Bbg you can talk to me about anything. Tell me what goes on in your brain.
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art-of-lilith · 6 months
This is more or less a WIP of Liliths Bio in HxH as i’m debating what other trivia stuff to add :v
Name: Lilith Alecto Necroshade
Aliases: The Shadow Weaver
Age: 35
Birthday: 31st October 1987
Gender: Female
Height: 8’8
Weight: 350 pounds
Appearance: Lilith commands attention with her imposing stature, standing tall at 8’8”. Her presence is both striking and enigmatic, reflecting her dark and powerful nature. Her long, dark scarlet red hair falls in waves, reminiscent of blood-stained silk, framing her face with a big side fringe. It's partially curly in certain parts and very curly and long at the back, reaching the midpoint of her back. Her eyes, a piercing crimson, gleam with mystique and power, accentuated by subtle black markings resembling veins under her eyes. Five blood moon red spider eyes adorn her forehead, adding an otherworldly allure. Her pale anti-flash white skin contrasts starkly with her dark features. Black markings decorate her face, adding to her mysterious aura, while charcoal black tints adorn her hands and feet, with her hands having a blood-moon red tint at the ends of her fingers. Ebony black sharp demon horns grace her head, exuding a regal and formidable presence. Mandibles with black pincers tipped in blood-moon color add to her menacing appearance. Her body is adorned with various tattoos symbolizing her connection to magic and darkness, visible on her back, arms, and front. Her ears are a unique combination of demon, Gerudo, and siren styles, with black webbing between the spikes. Her lips, painted in captivating black cherry, draw attention to her enigmatic smile. Adding to her allure, subtle siren scales appear all over her skin under moonlight, while Twili markings along her arms are visible only at night. Her body features a tail inspired by Striker and Charlie from Hellaverse, with a chocolate cosmos base, a platinum blade tip, and a blood moon red heart at the center, surrounded by chocolate kisses colored spikes. Her impressive spider-leg Wyvern wings, composed of eerie black bones and dark cherry red webbing, grant her a haunting and ethereal presence. She has a stitch along her mouth and across her neck to resemble her origins and where she came from. Additionally, she possesses a long dark sienna tongue that is extremely long, as well as fangs having a combination of varied species, adding to her formidable appearance.
Personality: To her enemies she can be cold and calculative with a slight hint of cunning and sultry but when it comes to people she genuinely cares about,she is kind and protective whilst also being caring and sometimes shy when it comes to her crush but that is super rare of her. When it comes to missions or business things - she takes it very seriously and if things don't go her way well she is very hot-tempered and violent.
Affiliation: Phantom Troupe
Occupation: Occult Specialist
Parents: Circeluna (decided to rename her), Mother that helped her to learn the occult and witchcraft - Deceased (Burnt at the stake when she was 13 or older)
Her father is unknown as there is nothing she or anyone else knows about him.
Friends: Shalnark,Shizuku,Feitan and Machi
Romantic Interest: Uvogin - Crush (It will blossom into a full relationship - soon 👀)
Other: Hisoka - she genuinely gets freaked out by him and his weirdness in a way.
Pets: Shadowflight, the Raven,Serpentine, the Snake,Midnight, the Cat.
Nen Type: Specialist
Nen Abilities: Shadow Coven - this Nen ability grants her access to a wide array of mystical and occult powers, including casting curses, divining the future, manipulating elemental forces, brewing potions, and more. The source and limitations to her powers are unknown because of how little information there is about her as her files in certain authorities are scrambled or written in a text that is difficult to decipher.
Mental Abilities: She is quite cunning,able to use weak points to her advantage and due to her mothers teachings as well as her own teachings - she is well-versed in the occult and witchcraft.
Physical Abilities: She is fast,strong and flexible with very good stamina that can outwit any opponent and crush them in her path.
Spirit- 4/5
Skill- 5/5
Strength- 4/5
Nen- 5/5
Talent- 5/5
Intelligence- 5/5
Lilith's early life was marked by tragedy and persecution. Born into a small town in 1987, her mother, a talented witch, fell victim to a wave of hysteria reminiscent of the Salem Witch Trials that started in 2002. Accused of practicing dark magic and consorting with supernatural beings, she was unjustly sentenced to be burned at the stake. As a young child, Lilith had to bear witness to this horrific event, which left a lasting impact on her. But the torment didn't end there. Lilith's unique heritage and emerging powers made her a target of fear and prejudice among her peers. She was subjected to relentless bullying, enduring both physical and verbal abuse. Rocks were thrown at her, insults hurled, and she was ostracized from her community. The cruelty she experienced as a child was a catalyst for her decision to flee her hometown, seeking solace and a place where she could belong.
Driven by a strong determination to embrace her true self and find her purpose, Lilith embarked on a solitary journey. She roamed the world, exploring hidden realms and studying ancient arts. Along her path, she encountered mentors who recognized her potential and nurtured her abilities. Under their guidance, she honed her skills in dark magic and necromancy, becoming a formidable practitioner. The hardships she endured, from witnessing her mother's tragic fate to enduring the persecution of her peers, shaped Lilith into a complex individual. Her experiences have instilled within her a burning desire for justice and the strength to stand against oppression. Now, as a powerful necromancer, she seeks to uncover the truth behind her mother's persecution and to protect those who suffer from prejudice and discrimination in the supernatural realm.
Amidst her descent into darkness,Lilith's path intersected with that of the Phantom Troupe. Drawn to their enigmatic leader and their mission to defy societal norms, Lilith saw an opportunity to align herself with a group that shared her desire for justice and power. With her formidable skills and unwavering determination, she proved herself to be a valuable asset to the Troupe, earning her place among their ranks as a fearsome enforcer and powerful ally. Thus, Lilith became a member of the Phantom Troupe, embracing her role as a formidable villain.
She learns others abilities and skills through observation as she is a very fast learner and can adapt to any situation.
She fears fires used in a more threaten way - this is because of her mothers passing/torture to death as she doesn’t want to die the same way she did.
She enjoys meditating in the dark and reading/listening to occult stories and learning more things about the darkness.
She is a liquor chic more than a wine chic
She does swear a lot - especially if things don't go her way.
Her language and species are unknown making her more unique to everyone else in a way.
Her birth sign is Scorpio
She is bisexual and polyamorus as she prefers her relationships to be that way however if she is drawn to only one individual - she’ll stick to them.
She can hiss like a snake and purr like a big cat - depending on which she feels like.
She has special vision that allows her to spot her target/prey which can detect heartbeats especially from fear.
She is super Voluptuous and slightly muscular - Both top and bottom heavy with thicc thighs that save lives 💅🏻
(Will draw her in her outfit soon so hope you enjoy!)
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daemonwritesstuff · 1 year
Hello again! I am here for the match up trade we spoke about; the fandoms I would like to be romantically matched up in are HXH(no Hisoka!!!!), black butler, jjba(part 4), One piece, Oran high school host club, danganronpa 2, final fantasy 7, devil man cry baby, demon slayer(I would love a demon), and blue lock. 
I am panromantic with a male lean, I don’t really care for pronouns(but I mainly use she/her), and I’m an ISTP Aquarius.
I have chin length curly blonde hair with green eyes and ivory skin tone; I’m extremely insecure about my face and body. I’m 5’5” with a mixed grunge aesthetic. I’m built strong and stocky with longer legs. I have scars on my shoulders and back that I’m not a fan of showing to people.
I am relatively an introvert and tend to keep to myself and the people I care for, I enjoy having my time alone but I enjoy having verbal and physical connectings with others. I am quite nice and enjoyable to be around but if you start off or get off on the wrong foot with me at any time it is very hard to change that. I do have a slight bit of anger issues and will lash out at those who tick me off. I protective over those I care for and will do anything to make sure they are happy, even if it means I’m not. I can also be pretty chaotic and have surges of energy; but those drop quickly
I enjoy music like grunge, rock, indie and alternative, but I will listen to most others if I’m introduced to it. I enjoy drawing both digitally and on paper along with story writing and making characters. I enjoy nature and bug anatomy(but I love staying inside all warm and comfortable on my couch). I love cooking and baking by myself and with other people and I enjoy just talking with others about what we like to each other
I dislike red meats, people who are full of themselves or wanting to be topic of conversation always, people who are loud and noise for no reason at all. I dislike being out in public for long periods of time and I dislike disloyalty in relationships.
If I were to think of my ideal partner, I want someone who is loyal to me, who will always be there for me when I need them. I want to be able to be both best friends with them and partners with them. I want someone who can keep up with me but also just cuddle with me and be there. I want someone who won’t right away trust me, but I want someone who once they will, they will be open with me so I can help them with what ever they need help with. 
Have a good day/night and just text me if you need anything!!
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Ladies, Gentleman, and Non-Bianary Pals we interrupt your day with a special trade matchup for @therapy-ghost !!
A/N: thank you so much for your patience Ms. Ghost :) i hope you enjoy all your matchups as much as possible—! Let’s start this.
Songs I was listening to: Mind Brand - Maretu, Dispair Incident - Sumia, every pill - kets4eki, asteria and pedro, Tricky House - Xikers, CAKE - Itzy, Vegas - Doja Cat, STAR WALKIN’ - Lil Nas X, Congratulations - Post Malone
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Your HXH partner will be…
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In my opinion, i think the two of you would just vibe together you two got along together pretty quickly, you guys would have a lot of conversations on anything important or not they were always the best.
He can also stand your chaotic energy, though it would probably tire him out.
Even though he sees his victims as puppets he would never think that way with you at all, you made him feel something he never felt for ages, I don’t think he would do any PDA but when y’all are in a private area he will be very, very affectionate with you.
He would also listen to anything your listening to such as rock, indie, alternative music, whatever it is and even if it isn’t to his tastes he would say anything and just relax with you.
Your Black Butler partner is no other than…
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While he is a eccentric and enigmatic person while you are a nice and somewhat chaotic person you’d both be perfect for each other!
He will always giggle whenever you guys are having conversations, he’s not like laughing at you of course, it just means he enjoys having chats with you.
You guys will always be a chaotic pair, sometimes you even prank people (mostly ciel) and you guys will be laughing your asses off! There’s no doubt that this is probably his first romantic relationship he will always stay loyal to you, why wouldn’t you think he wouldn’t? There’s no other person out there like you—!
He would also admire you drawing, cooking, baking and etc, he would love to taste test with whatever you cooked! Or if you drew something and gave it to him he’ll forever treasure it and protect it with his life.
Your JJBA partner is…
Josuke Higashikata!
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This was a little bit hard for me but after some thinking I thought Josuke would be a good match for you! You guys didn’t really start off bad in my opinion, i think that he was very respecting of your angerness and decided to say hi to you and have a conversation and then it went on from there!
I think you both are very protective of each other, i also think that if he see’s anyone trying to flirt with you he’ll be boiling with jealousy, but I think you would comfort him anyways and he’ll be okay for the rest of the day :)
You guys are like the best friends to lovers troupe lol, he started falling more in love with you when he would always have conversations with you and also because of your fascinating personality.
If you’ve been out in public for to long and you ask your boyfriend, josuke, if you can go home he’ll be taking you back home without a word or complaint.
Your One Piece partner is…
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Honestly, I feel like he’s a great match for you, he’s super friendly and charismatic towards you, but by 20x more times :) he enjoys having a lot of connecting conversations with you, its probably the king enjoyable part about his day to just be able to talk to his loved one.
He is very caring towards you, you say you wanna go home? Right away!, To many people? He’ll take you to a more quieter place then! He can also vibe with your chaotic aura, he’ll probably join you if he’s in the mood.
He would also love taking you on walks through a forest to see your face light up with excitement when you see a beautiful view in nature.
He super appreciative of your caring attitude, he’s forever grateful when he’s in the arms of your care and he’ll be happy to do the same in return for all your love.
Your Ouran High School Host Club Sweetheart is…
Kyoya Ootori
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Your so lucky to have this man holy moly, super okay with your anger issues, if you even get mad at tamaki he wouldn’t complain at all.
Whenever he’s on break and everything, he loves having his conversations with you, you were also his favorite customer and somehow you started dating him?!?! what did he ever do to deserve such a caring girlfriend like you… anyways, he’s like the mother figure to the club and since your also a card taker the entire club will be begging for both of your help.
He’s someone who will be there with you no matter what happens, if something bad ever happens he’ll tell you who hurted you and will have a nice little “chat” with them :) if that’s not the case and you don’t feel like talking if that happens he’ll go and get some tea and cookies for you both pull you into a hug and let you cry on his shoulder until your ready to talk.
Your Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Partner is…
Gundham Tanaka!
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This was a little hard but I also thought of Kazuichi for you but I wasn’t sure if it was the best choice so it’ll go in my little round-ups when you finish this, but honestly, you both seem to be chill with each other!
He honestly enjoys having conversations with you! But also, he also loves your creativity for your art! He also loves your story writing to and he also hopes you enjoy his creativity as well since I know that he would want someone who appreciates his creativity, also he’s a gentleman, there will never be a time he’s disloyal to you, that’s a nono.
He also loves your appearance, he doesn’t see a reason why you would dislike the way you look, he’ll be happy to show you that your beautiful no matter what, he’ll show you in many ways.
He’s not someone who shows any affection in public, but in private he’ll show you a lot but he’ll be super flustered and hide his face in his magenta/purple-ish scarf, also he only trusts you with his pets! thats how much he loves you :)
Your Final Fantasy 7 partner is…
Cloud Strife!
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In my opinion, it just made sense to me, let me explain why, with your polite demeanor it’ll make him slowly come out of his shell a little, not fully but a little! It’s a good process, when you also start holding conversations, he probably won’t talk a lot but if you keep doing it more he’ll start talking and then he’ll be able to have his trust with you.
Even though you both have very different personality’s it doesn’t change the fact how well you guys get along, after a lot of his tragic pasts he wasn’t really the same, but since you came along you’ve been making things a lot better for him, you would always comfort him anyway possible and he’s beyond also grateful, even if he doesn’t talk a lot or show much emotions he wants you to know that he’s always there for you, he’s also very protective of you and make sure nothing will happen.
He would also love your cooking too, honestly make him anything and when you look away the food is already gone, no he did not throw it away, he ate it like it was his last meal.
Your Devilman Crybaby partner is…
Akira Fudo!
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Honestly, I think he needed someone like you in his life, he was bullied for being a “crybaby” a lot, he would cry on anyone’s behalf, including yours, you were concerned and you wanted to help of course, he appreciates it a lot but it wouldn’t stop, but you’ll always be there for him. :)
He’s super happy that he has someone who cares for him like he would do for you to! (sometimes in questionable ways, but not all the time for you!), after some time he feels a strong sense of loyalty towards you and decides to keep it that way for you!
I think he would also like listening to rock music (he gives me the vibes kinda), so I think when you guys are hanging out there’ll be some rock music being played softly in the background while you guys are handing around.
As soon as you guys get into a romantic relationship he’ll trust you with all of his life after that, he now thinks that there’s no one else for him then you now and will make sure to keep you with him forever <3
Your Demon Slayer Matchup is…
I also thought of Douma but he does make others feel uncomfortable about themselves so I didn’t think that was a good option so I thought that Enmu would be a good match for you! Even with his sadistic behaviors, if your a demon he’ll be sure to respect you if you tell him so otherwise.
He’s absolutely in love with your appearance, he always kisses your face whenever your near him, he also loves your personality as well! it’s very dominating so I think it’s another reason why I paired you with him.
Since he’s your boyfriend, if you ever have any bad dreams he’ll always chase them away and promise you good and happy dreams whenever you have them, and thats a promise he’ll never break towards you, that’s his way of comforting you.
And lastly, Your Blue Lock Partner is no other then…
Yoichi Isagi!
His cheerful and easygoing personality was good enough to know that he would be your beloved boyfriend ^-^ his innocent habits probably don’t get on your nerves but mostly on other people, he’s also very loyal to you as well.
He will also love being your best friend too! Another best friends to lovers troupe here lol, he also loves watching you do draw, cook and anything really, he enjoys rambling about anything to you, mostly about his soccer games.
He also loves if you drive him to his games and listen to any music on the way there, and maybe you guys go get something to drink, either from a coffee shop or gas station, and y’all would just have a lot of fun anyways!
Round-ups: Gon (Hunter X Hunter), William T. Spears (Black Butler), Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club), Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy 7), Douma (Demon Slayer).
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dearestones · 2 years
Akudama Drive Matchup: Courier
Warnings: Fluff.
@siouxxiie Request: Hello!! How are you??
Could I request a Platonic Matchup for Any of the Akudama Characters? Okay, My name is Joey but I go by Rachel, Tori or Calypso.. I am a minor(is that ok..?) I’m like at least 5’5, I have Sholder Length-ish Curly black hair, brown eyes and I have a hour-glass body.
For my Hobbies, I really love a lot of things basically… like sketching, drawing, writing, edit, playing games(so many omg), I also play Lacrosse and Volleyball, making music on garage band(getting used to it), Reading, Being with my online/irl friends, and Playing the Piano and Harp!
For my interests/likes, enstars (switchP), rhythm games, doukyuusei, mystic messenger, twf, genshin, a silent voice, lemon demon/neil cicierega in general, eddsworld, homestuck, the goldfinch, horimiya, fnaf, heathers, sasaki and miyano, blueycapsules, hxh, saiki k, hamilton (sadly, im sorry.)
Some of my traits, I talk about my intrests a lot, Im pretty silly when I’m with someone like I’ll say stuff like hai as a joke a lot please dont take it seriously, I hate negitive mentions of my voice, comparing me to people/saying stuff like "you remind me of ____", spiders. i am very bad at comforting sorry, im fine with taking with people but i will probably be very awkward until we get to know eachother more(i hope i did that right)
Comforts, cats, hajime hinata (danganronpa), a silent voice, albedo (genshin impact), lemon demon, felix kranken (twf), bread, sharks, christmas music/christmas in general, scp 3008 (roblox game), get a snack at 4am (roblox game), hotels, and my friends!
Sorry if this is to long! I really hope it isn’t… Have a great rest of your day!!
After reading through the information given, I believe that you are best paired with Courier!
When you first meet each other, don’t worry if your’re feeling awkward and ultimately embarrass yourself in front of Courier. The man is just as emotionally constipated, but he won’t think anything of it if you stumble over your words or if you do something that is unconventional when it comes to starting acquaintanceships. It takes practice to become used to a person so you’ll eventually get it right as long as you’re persistent. 
While Courier isn’t one to hang out with too many people at a time, he finds that he’s somewhat at ease when he’s around you. As a listener, he likes it best when you rant and rave about your interests. Sometimes, you’ll catch him smirking (but never laughing because he’ll never live it down if you caught him) at the corner of his eyes. If you tease him, he might relent and tell you that you’re actually funny, but don’t expect it so soon. Courier needs some time to get used to you before he starts emoting freely.  
Courier is a man who values hard work and what a person stands for. He’ll never compare you to anyone but yourself. If he finds out that someone hurts your feelings on purpose, he’ll make it his personal mission to make sure that you’re doing well in the aftermath. He won’t go as far as to pummel the offender, but if he ever sees them again, he might say something.
It’s okay if you’re not that great at comforting people. Courier can easily relate to that. He values actions over words anyway. To those he treasures, he will do small gestures for them like cooking their favorite foods or taking them out on a ride on his motorcycle. He doesn’t expect the same in return since you’re bad at comfort, all he wants for you is that you’re doing well. 
As for your interests, Courier can’t say that he enjoys all of them, but if you ask nicely, he’ll consent to playing a few rhythm games and watching your favorite animes. However, he’ll jump at the chance for some physical exercise. You might have to teach him lacrosse, but he’ll probably thrash you at volleyball. There’s just something cathartic about spiking balls at your enemy’s side of the court with deadly precision that gets him excited. 
In return for all of your enthusiasm concerning your interests, Courier will take you around his bike, teach you how to cook, and walk you around the city to see some of the prettier sights that Kansai has to offer. (Before you ask, no, he’s not doing it because he thinks you’re a good friend. Why would you think that? He just wants to return the favor when you share the most vulnerable parts of your life to him).
Bonus: A good way to annoy Courier is to play Christmas music nonstop months before the actual Christmas date. He’ll threaten to run you over with his bike, but it’s worth it seeing the annoyed look in his eyes because he doesn’t mean it. 
To sum it all up, you and Courier have the foundations for a great, lasting friendship. Just be sure to communicate, lest there be misunderstandings!
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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