#I am making an adventure forward video and it will come out soon I have a couple more drawings to make
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a-really-cool-blog-name · 5 months ago
Did somebody ask for adventure forward head canons that may or may not interfere with the actual canon because I haven't played the games in a while?
No? Screw you, you're getting them anyway.
Warning ⚠️ I am cringe, but I am free so I feel like that makes up for it.
Also I say head cannons but like halfway through I derail into my AU of what crown of shadows and vein reveal would be like so I still think it's really interesting but I'm very biased.
("I hate celesteal!" I say, before making a bunch of head cannons around him.) I really like celesteal as a character I hate him as a person but I really love him as a character
Do not expect this to be arranged well it will not be. This is not chronological this is not even like grouping a character altogether this is really messy, I'm just getting all my ideas out.
The two different canceled sequels are both different timelines (that I may or may not make crossover in my head) and I have different ideas for how each of them would go so I will refer to them as crown of shadows (COS) and Vain revival (VR) to specify when it is only for one of the versions.
Anshine and Stratosfear are happily married.
I don't know if this is cannon or not but Sheldon definitely made Miobot. And also accidentally made him sentient, oops, sure hope that doesn't come back causing both of you to get forcefully ascended to a higher existence.
Celesteal admire humans a lot mostly because he can't figure out where they keep coming from (he does not know how reproduction works) and he can't figure out how to make one.
VR! The shard saver is his closest attempt to a human looking mostly correct but having the little quirk of her having pink blood and also thinking it is normal for a person to not remember the first 15 years of their life (She does not know she is not human at first) The shard savior is also the only one of his creations that he considers to be his child.
It took Celesteal a couple hundred years to figure out how to make a sentient being at that point he was kind of already cuckoo bananas.
Yawgate was one of his earlier creations and often accompanied him to where he needed to go because Yawgate does the portaling.
The pure points did not learn how to speak English properly they were just imbued with that knowledge shortly after they were made. Unfortunately they are all British because of this. (Celesteal thinks that accent is the most quote on quote "cool" and therefore he speaks in it)
Celesteal refers to everyone using they/them most of the time because he does not know how genders work at all.
The first Star Savior is a 39-year-old closeted gay man named Stefan. (I accidentally stole that name from a fanfiction like 2 years ago, oops)
Mason is a 40-year-old and is also a closeted gay man. The main reason he became the mayor is because his father was the mayor and his father is now dead. The hat wears is his father's. He is also really tired of the may or may not jokes, yes he has heard it before it lost its funny factor since he was a child and heard it from people saying that to his father. Stefan doesn't think it's lost it's funny factor and still makes those jokes.
Mason and Stefan are childhood best friends and may or may not (Haha get it) have feelings for each other. Unfortunately, that issue won't be resolved for another 300 years. (Talk about a slow burn)
The second Star savior is a 28-year-old man named Nicholas (I also stole that name from the same fanfiction I read 2 years ago accidentally, oops) who has served in the military. His only remaining family members are his aunt, who he has a rough relationship with and his cousin who he has a fine relationship with, but he hasn't talked to since before he joined the military.
Anshine is really bad at naming things like "if he had a Dalmatian he would name it spot" type of bad at naming things.
Stratosfear for a brief period of time forgot his own strength because he didn't really have to do stuff like opening jars when he had to play the role of the star steeler and he's kind of been trapped for 300 years so not a lot of time to get used to how strong you are with objects and stuff.
Stratosfear is immune to poison and venom because he himself can make poisonous stuff if he really wanted to. He can also make red metal into any shape he wants, he just thinks scorpions are cool and so has a bunch of metal shapes in the shape of the scorpion tail, that is one of the very few things he got to choose for himself in that time loop.
Evon has somehow managed to in all her years of being a cashier, which is two, meet every single pre-point and not realize it. Evon goes by Eve. Whett is Eve's boss. Whett and Randall are friends.
Eve lives with her roommate Rose who has very obvious feelings for her and Eve is oblivious. (Would really be a shame if something were to happen to Eve which caused Rose to never be able to properly tell her her feelings, ha. On a completely unrelated note Rose is actually one of Nick's ancestors so maybe that's a good thing because he literally wouldn't exist if they were together oops. This just in, woman (me) who can't handle tragedy made another tragedy.)
Umbra may or may not be in a cult?? It's really unclear to an outsider if it's a cult or just a really dedicated group of people to studying the Moon. She does have powers from this because I think that's cool.
If Cynosura had a nickel for every time he has been brutally transformed he would have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice.
He got cursed by a weird gem thing that was in his backyard when he was like twelve. Given the fact that he's already cursed he can't be cursed again so he goes out looking for those items to stop anyone else from being cursed. (Yes, he has ice powers I thought it would be cool for his pre point to also have them, shut up.)
Cynosura and Umbra used to be friends before Cynosura's cursing and then became penpals because they couldn't see each other in person they recently have started talking in person again. I feel it is important to mention that Umbra literally couldn't care less that he was cursed, she's more mad he didn't talk to her in person for that whole time. (They're like in their thirties I don't know the exact ages)
(Wow sure hope Umbra doesn't see something she's not supposed to see and go to run off to tell him and drag him down with her to be higher being of existence forcefully accidentally because she couldn't keep it to herself) (also Celesteal gets Cynosura pointified Midway through talking about how they probably shouldn't know this and how one of them might get hurt because he quote unquote "thought it would be really funny" Umbra tried to punch him in the face, to little success.)
Despair is an orphan and is also distinctly not human. (He's not exactly sure how to say what he is in English so he just goes with what everybody else calls him, a demon.) he also chose that name when he was an edgy teenager, his friends call him Dee because it's kind of hard to take the name Despair seriously. Despair still finds the name cool even though he is going to be twenty soon.
Cynosura offered him a place to stay shortly after he lost his parents at like 10ish. He takes up this offer randomly and then randomly leaves. They consider each other to kind of be like Uncle and nephew.
Eve, Despair, and Laoin are all friends.
Laoin is part dragon because I think that's cool.
Funny random thing I thought of, Laoin is friends with Trussy (I don't like that name that much I kind of want to change it but I don't know to what) who is friends with Sheldon And Laoin is also friends with Despair who is friends with Cynosura so when Cynosura needed house repairs once Despair mentioned that to Laoin who mentioned it to Trussy who then paired up with Sheldon to help fix Cynosura house while not knowing him directly at all.
Ixol gets pointified last and only gets pointified because his entire friend group mysteriously disappeared and he managed to -in his grief- figure out almost everything he had a board with red string across it and everything he was like one pin away from figuring out the identity of Stratosfear, I am serious. He figured out that the points probably where his friends because it's a little suspicious that each time one of his friends disappears there's a new guy with their exact personality who doesn't remember their past, this happened to him like four times. Cyalm when he realized what Despair had figured out was shocked and really impressed because he proceeded to do that and then never do anything like that ever again.
Yawgate is not supposed to let the pure points into other pure points dimensions but he does it anyway behind Celesteal's back because he feels really bad that they wouldn't be able to see each other any other way. (Celestial doesn't really care that much, he knows Yawgates doing it he just feels like it's not worth his time to stop it. Yawgate doesn't know that Celesteal knows about that) Only reason he didn't visit Stratosfear for that whole time is because Celestial specifically blocked off that pocket dimension.
Morword is surprisingly optimistic for seeing an infinite number of alternative timelines that the future could go into many of which includes people she cares about dying. But she chooses to specifically not think about that.
Pasless is one of the only people who knows about the infinite amount of timelines cause unlike the rest of them there is only one him and he is just split apart infinitely, he does a surprisingly good job at keeping the different parts of him separate and not letting anyone else know that he is constantly doing that. He talks to Morword about it occasionally though. Morword doesn't let him know how much it bothers her that those infinite number of timelines that she sees do actually happen in a different timeline.
That whole speech Morword and Pasless gave about how "you control the future but can someone else control the past and if so would we know" was incredibly pre-planned, they practice that for like a month straight once Morword saw that someone was going to see them.
(Yes, I am a sucker for them considering themselves siblings, how did you know?)
Stratosfear has PTSD.
The Red x did not have a name he consistently went by until someone else decided to name him (I want the first star savior to name him but I am not sure if that directly goes against the canon) and then once he realized he could change his name he went ballistic with changing his name. Like, come on he did it thrice.
Blueband is one of the few humans the Red x personally likes blueband is very loyal to the Red x and as a reward for his good behavior he gets to be pointified and keep his memories (he's the red guy who tried and failed to guard the elemental points) he's a little upset that he can't wear his hat anymore due to the horns. When blue bands pointified form I forgot his name and I don't care enough to look it up see stratosfear he exclusively refers to him as the star stealer, this annoys Stratosfear greatly.
VR! The shard savior is a 20 year old (or at least she thinks she is) named Charlotte (hooray I didn't steal that name form that fanfiction I read 2 years ago) who, as previously established, thinks it is completely normal to not remember the first 15 years of your life and is Celesteal's favorite creation. (She does not know this)
VR! Verfection (Yes, he is a pointified version of the second Star saver, he has lost all of his memories.) is best friends with the Voxier. (Their friendship is the poster child for extrovert adopts introvert) Verfection is one of the very few people that Voxier actually cares about and makes them actually want to exist and not return to the nothingness he (supposedly) came from.
VR! Verfection and Charlie freaking hate each other.
COS! Arrolin and Ixol freaking die. And on a completely unrelated note Compale loses one of his legs. (They're not supposed to be able to lose those but voixer managed to anyway) You see the joke is that it's not unrelated Ixol dies so Compale won't, haha. (This just in woman (me) who, once again, can't handle tragedies has made another tragedy.)
Still COS! Ixol also had the ability to see ghosts and was able to see Arrolin's ghost she was happy about this, Ixol was not. Ixol could always see ghosts, he just thinks he's really lost at this time, he already knew he was probably insane this was just the tipping point for him to actually realize it. Once Ixol is dead he also becomes a ghost and realizes he probably should have told the others before he kicked the bucket.
Also COS! geez I have a lot of head cannons for COS! Said crown of shadows is a corrupting force that corrupts the user and when in a room with only one person will attempt to attach itself to said person's head. Voixer would have without the crown of shadows never tried to actually kill the points just try to figure out a method to go back to the void it's only the crown of shadows that gave him the idea of killing the characters in the story to also kill himself to end the story. Not that the rest of the points will ever know this except for Nicholas.
You know what I'm just going to tell you when it's not COS! Anymore okay?: Oopsie Daisy, Nick, you killed the guy who the crown was on and you were the only person in the room, guess what the crown is going to try to do. That's right! Force itself on your head. So Nick any actively crumbling building thing starts getting pointified, uh-oh. Luckily for him he's in an actively crumbling building (a sentence that has probably been said exactly once) and the rubble knocks the crown of his head, (Yay!) it also cuts off his arm (Not yay!) because he is not fully point yet and he does not get the neat ability to regrow his limbs until after one of his limb is already gone.
He wakes up surprisingly okay for just being under a crumbling building, he's also a point now and actively missing an arm and there's also this evil crown trying to get on his head so in his panic he tries it to stuff it in his bag, this somehow works in stopping it.
A little meme based off of that:
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He's going to go by verfection now because he feels a little weird in breaking tradition of choosing a new name when you become a point. He also got the ability to see ghosts, get haunted by your dead friends, idiot. Surprisingly this is good for Verfection's mental health because that means he can't completely isolate himself. Voixer doesn't directly haunt him because he feels a little still messed up in the head and also feels guilt, a lot of guilt, and shame, quite a bit of shame.
Verfection just went back to living at his house because he didn't tell anyone where he lived. Verfection is not doing well because even though he got the crown off soon enough that he didn't go completely mad he still isn't doing great mentally and feels a lot of guilt because he got the memories of Voixer and now feels like he killed someone who didn't deserve it. He's mostly just trying to keep the crown safe to stop anyone else from getting it put on their heads. Surprisingly putting it in a bag still is working. Just for safe measures he locked it in a specific room that no one is meant to go into as well as putting it in a safe in said room. He still has not told his friends he's alive because he feels a lot of guilt and a lot of emotions right now.
Also Signol just loses her memory again, don't worry she'll get it all back when they managed to figure out how symbol breaking works in the crown of shadows timeline which I haven't figured out how they're going to figure that out but I know they will figure it out.
VR! Verfection was actually a scrapped idea that Celesteal had he scrapped it because he thought it was too similar to the first star savior's fate. However those scrapped ideas came out whenever the world started literally breaking.
None of them know how points work (except celesteal for obvious reasons) exactly they mostly got it figured out but sometimes they'll just figure out something completely new about how they work for instance,
Okay after this point I'm just going to specify when the vein reveal section is done: There would be a boss fight between Stratosfear and Anshine in which they would fuse and then not figure out how to defuse until after they were uncorrupted. After Celesteal was brought back he revealed but that's just a thing they can do and I've always been able to do he just never mentioned it before.
Despite the fact that Yawgate is on the side of "we need to bring celesteal back or else the world will literally end", it is important to know he is one of celesteal's top five biggest haters. Probably being biggest hater number two or three. He was often threatened with being erased from existence by him and over time him threatening to do that to people that you love and actually doing it at least once causes you to dislike a person over time.
In the final fight of "we shouldn't bring back an evil dictator who literally locked up a guy for 300 years cause he thought it'd be funny I guess" vs "okay but we literally need to bring him back or else the world will literally end we hate him too" Verfection accidentally cuts Charlie's arm off which simultaneously makes Verfection's symbol break due to the intensity of it all and causes Charlie to realize that she is indeed not human because her arm is bleeding pink and is shattering into shards that are actively rebuilding themselves in front of her. All of the same time celesteal is actively getting remade from the shards collected.
Celesteal did not intend to come back after being killed he did not think that the world would just shatter into pieces, he thought it would be more like a crown of shadows if anything. When he does come back he's like "Oh. Oh. I messed up didn't I? I made a miscalculation somewhere... :D Hiiiii Charlie! <3 My favorite creation! How are you doing? Oh, you've grown so much! What are they feeding you around here?" And everyone's just kind of standing there like "what".
I definitely forgot some of my head cannons (I have a lot) but this post is getting so like incredibly long I think I'm good with ending it here.
Ending notes:
"Why do half of the pre points know each other? It's not very realis-"
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫 I don't care. And they all live in pretty close vicinity just because that's easier for me. And by pretty close I mean no one is more than like a city away.
"Where are the elemental points? You barely mentioned them."
Shut up they're still there I just forgot their names and I don't have a lot of ideas for them all I know is blue bands pointified form I forgot his name was supposed to be guarding them, he failed at guarding them. They all want the crown of shadows because it is immensely powerful even though it's a corrupting Force I don't know what happens next I haven't thought about them nearly as much as the others.
I also have several au's including the previously established vein reveal and crown of shadows au's I explained above and several others including "pathetic loser villain OC makes Nicholas have a bad time" (ASK ME ABOUT HIM PLEASE) and "what if Verfection was a pure point" and other various ideas.
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doctor-badadvice · 1 year ago
Let's talk about Fast Forward for a bit.
Specifically I want to talk about the main theme of that season: why? Why did the art style deteriorate so much? Why did the writing get so bad? Why did this come out before season 5 but also supposedly happens after season 5 and at the same time only occasionally acknowledges its events? Why is there a kid now? Why am I watching this when I only really care about maybe three episodes at best?
Because I was bored. But let's go with order.
I'm going to say it now, I'm still going to claim there is no season 6 in Ba Sing Se. But at the same time, it isn't all that bad actually?
Here's the thing. FF was inevitable for many reasons. TMNT, with its aliens and magic, has the potential to go on forever. However, at some point "turtle fatigue" will set in. In the 80s, this happened around season 7 which yeah, it's about 150 episodes in. For the 2003 show it happens around season 5 but this doesn't mean the higher-ups will try stupid changes to bring back the old glory.
Moreover, the show brought it upon itself. The main culprits, so to speak, are the writing's insistence on portraying consequences as much as possible (see: Leo's scarred shell for instance), as well as season 4 with its funny gory shift (see: that one episode where Baxter watches his own body fall apart which wow).
So it isn't unexpected that the higher-ups and especially the toy maker went "Kids, could you lighten up a little?" and messed up everything that was good about the show.
So this is basically why I don’t like FF. Five seasons are a long commitment. You have to sit through the ninja tribunal arc which is boring as hell, then have to be really patient and accept that there are just dragons now for some reason. Then FF comes up and it has nothing of what you previously enjoyed. The style is different, too flat and kinda clunky and ugly in some spots, nothing that happened before matters and now Cody is there.
Remember networks, kids don't want to watch other kids go on adventures in their place and it doesn't get better with age. But you do you.
So I despised FF but after rewatching the season on its own, I have to make amends in some spots.
The general impression when you watch FF on its own, without the better stuff still fresh in mind and with something to do during the dull parts, is that of good background noise.
It takes many steps backwards. The turtles are suddenly less competent at fighting where it's convenient, their personalities are more one dimensional depending on the plot and they're kinda shitty to each other for no reason. They really suffer from that serial effect where the reset button is hit as soon as the credits roll. They used to go out to murder the Shredder knowing they might die and now it's "Today Mikey really wants a new video game and next episode we're going to a fancy party with the kid dressed in the dumbest suits ever and a silly happens :)"
Splinter also gets sidetracked a lot and he's more there to occasionally call the turtles whippersnappers but again, there isn't much of a reason for him to step in anymore.
And this brings me to the villains. I feel like the turtles only work as well as their villains. They work when they're getting into a fight with a local street gang, or trying to kick an alien empire out of the planet before everyone dies. They work when the Shredder actually does something meaningful and generally speaking are going against someone actually dangerous.
The first five seasons had Shredder, the Foot, Hun, the Triceratons and Bishop. FF has an annoying wrestler whose main priority is property damage, a gang of netrunners who I wish got up to more interesting things than scalping and quoting the Matrix, literal evil twins from the tv trope literal evil twins, and the idiots in charge.
The idiots in charge are of course beloved uncle Darius and Sh'Okanabo.
These two really are something. Darius is essentially that guy from the first Iron Man movie. He's the acting CEO because the owner is a literal child. He smiles and preaches big keeping up the facade of benevolent company of the shiny Earth utopia but he has a dark secret which is that he's making guns and a mecha suit for himself and Cody takes several episodes to realize this for some reason.
You'd think Darius would stop being a threat the moment his dark deeds are uncovered since his whole thing is "evil capitalist guy is evil". But no, he's gonna go higher, he's going to ally with Shittibobo because he needs new genetically modified minions he can badmouth while fucking around all day in his sewers loft and we don't even get the payoff of Darius realizing that he's being fucked over by an alien during the Day of Awakening.
Plus because of how afraid FF is to explore anything heavier than Mikey insisting they go out to achieve explosive diarrhea from questionable junk food, even the fact that Darius is an abusive father figure for Cody has no real importance because Cody is only allowed to look sad on screen for five seconds. Remove Darius and the overall season arc remains the same.
What about the other guy? Well, Sushibooboo is the supposed big bad of the season. He's an alien who wants to kill life on Earth to steal resources. He's something beloved President Bishop goes out of his way to personally murder. But the only thing he achieves is to confirm that he's just offensively stupid.
Sh'Okanabo is supposedly an alien boogeyman who's so evil he just can't be real, right? Unfortunately, he's the literal cause of his own demise.
Since the turtles are more than content with babysitting Cody and going around complaining about historical accuracies like that one Futurama episode, they don't know who Sh'Okanabo is and after talking to Bishop they don't care to find out. Great. This means he can operate in the dark, grow his eggs and prepare to kill everyone, right? No way. In pure Sasalele style, he goes out of his way to attack the turtles, tell them what he’s up to and scare them enough to start to actively prepare to fight him.
And on top of that he wastes time to build a time machine because somehow Shredder had to return for one episode which in turn almost fucks up his plan entirely since his ship almost explodes.
So I still don't like FF because of the way the writing plummeted. A lot of stuff happens because it's convenient and often falls back into exquisitely 90s/2000s tropes (see: the obviously evil guy gets away with evil deeds because the parents/cops/people with power are blind and children are stupid, that one car race episode which is a repeat of the previous car race episode from earlier in the show, a female character who's only there to be a love interest and is allowed to be smart and cute because Cody likes them smart and cute, just to name a few). The turtles get dumber depending on the episode and there are some attempts at comedy like Starlee's shitty family that give out levels of second hand embarrassment not seen since Star Trek TNG.
But I don't hate this season entirely either. FF is just very mid and it makes me think that it could have worked as a standalone show for a while because you can watch it more or less. I'm just this isn't what we got in place of the actual show because it wouldn’t have lasted.
Still I did enjoy some things:
Torbin Zixx is fun. He has some interesting tricks, even though 60% of them only work because the turtles are written especially stupid in his episodes. Plus he steals Bishop's space shuttle which is glorious
I ended up liking Sterling a little towards the end. I still feel like his humor is a sanitized version of Baxter's but I like that he collects clips of the turtles getting hurt to watch to calm down and that he's actually always ready to throw hands
President Bishop is so stupid, yet brilliant (and I'm going to talk about him in a separate post because the worldbuilding is really something and I have OPINIONS)
Raph commenting that power armors are so last season while fighting Darius made me chuckle even though I won't tolerate this supersuit slander
This moment:
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th3-royalty · 2 years ago
Xiao My Beloved
Part 3 (Woo y'all waited a while for this one now at the very least I have some clue on what I would like to do for this story)
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 You're here
Okay ok okay, time to cool down not like I just met the love of my life or anything, nope not at all. Except yes! I just did! He was the one and only adeptus XIAO, the sole yaksha, conqueror of demons, protector of Liyue!! Ugh my heart hurts welp time to focus can’t just go off into fantasy land (even if I technically am in a fantasy land how does that work actually…) not the point. I need to figure out a to-do list of things since I am now stranded here and can’t rely on Aether’s kindness forever. 
Get some clothes that actually fit -do I need to have multiple sets or does cartoon logic work here? better not ask and just look-
Meet with Zhongli -wait should that be first??- figure out my situation and try to get some answers though I doubt he has any
Find a job, probably something relatively easy like clerical work, I can do that. Probably not joining the adventurer's guild. I can't stand being outdoors for too long and don’t know how to fight.
Make some friends! Good options would be Yun Jin, Xiangling, Hu Tao, and Xinyan; approach Xiangling or Hu Tao first, most likely to introduce me to the others.
Make XIAO FALL MADLY IN LOVE  maybe leave that one out for now:
For now that list should work oh wait Aethers calling me. “Hey why’d you slow down” “Oh just got a bit too into my thoughts, sorry about that.” “No worries we’re here by the way”. Wow I didn’t even notice did we really walk that far I thought we would have to camp, guess video game logic saves the day again. 
“Hey you hungry?”Aether questions “I know a place to grab a bite”, “Yeah I haven’t really eaten anything since I got here so that’d be nice” sweet if this works he may introduce me to Xiangling then I make friends in Liyue number 1. 
“Come on you two slowpokes Paimon is starving” we both rush forward, rushing past the Milleth guarding Liyue’s gates. After catching up with Paimon we start walking over to what I can only assume is Wanmin Restaurant. As we walk I take this time to look around, Liyue is just as gorgeous in person as it is in the game. I see beautiful buildings with intricate wooden designs, silk flowers and glaze lilies blooming. The sun is setting over the horizon across the sea as you can hear people chattering and the crashing of waves. The Crux seems to be docked. Beidou must be here to see Ninnuang, maybe we will meet Kazuha.  …oh we’re here
“Wanmin restaurant Paimon thinks it may be the best restaurant in Liyue!” “Maybe that hurts Paimon after all we’ve been through” Xiangling walks out of the front door there’s an actual indoor seating area, huh that’s new. “ Hello Aether, Paimon, and oh who is this?” Xiangling asks curiously. “ Hi, I’m (y/n) pleased to meet you” “Oh a new face it’s nice to meet you two”. Aether responds saying “ Ya they're new to Liyue so I decided to show them around” smooth Aether. “OH I’d love to introduce you to some new foods! Have you ever tried Liyuen cuisine?” “No I haven’t” I politely respond to Xiangling, I don’t think Chinese food counts. “Well then obviously you have to! Since you're here and all, sit down, I'll whip up something real quick for you” Xiangling rushes to the kitchen. 
After a while we finished eating “Wow that was delicious thank you Xiangling” I smiled up at her, “oh it was no trouble at all anything for a new friend! A friend of the traveler’s is a friend of mine”Xiangling quickly responds back. “I think we should head home now thanks for the meal Xiangling,” Aether says. “Anytime come back soon okay!” We wave goodbye to Xiangling as we start walking away. 
“So where are you planning to go, Aether?” I obviously know it’s the teapot but I can’t let him know that. “Oh we have a place to stay since we travel all the time, here take this talisman you’ll need it to get it.” After stating that we are all immediately transported to the teapot. It’s so beautiful inside, I gasp just taking in the wonder of it all. “Sorry for the suddenness of it. Anyway, we can stay here for the night and then meet up with a friend of mine who may have some knowledge on your situation. There’s a bedroom right over there you can stay in for the night.” I’m pretty tired so I’m gonna head to bed good night (y/n).” “Goodnight Aether, goodnight Paimon.” I start walking over to the room thinking about everything that happened today, I don’t think this is ever how I would have thought my first day in Teyvat would go. Welp time to sleep.
(A/N sorry for the lack of Xiao in this chapter I really just wanted to set up the next part, so this is really just filler, it's going somewhere I swear)
Taglist: @swivy123, (If you wish to be added to my taglist lemme know!)
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spacedhead · 2 years ago
homestuck reread #5: a5a2 part 1
we have finally made it out of the troll session and into the troll - human hybrid adventure that the rest of the comic will be. until more shenanigans ensue that is
look at this.... it reminds me of someone i know...... i love these two together theyre so awesome. john is sort of like if tavros had self respect
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that gif of the troll guys smile slowly fading away
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ahahahaah this is so awesome
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there have been a ton of narrative parallels in the comic so far but this one is so much more obvious than the others. maybe because it happened right after
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john is now vriska coded. sweeeeet
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this is so funny. bro does not care at alllll
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dave why do you call women crazy. do you think thats chill
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what could they be referring to.......?
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baby daveee
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cool panel. he is in the pipes
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okay so right now there is a ton of shit happening. theres a bunch of daves running around his planet making fucking bank and hes also working with terezi. john is talking to vriska about getting jade in. rose is talking to kanaya about how they arent actually gonna win the game so she wants answers. jade is..... asleep. again. whats new. but she will have more to do soon im sure. and the panels are getting way cooler! look
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my sons are having a meeting about GIRLS.... half of yall arent even into girls 😹😹😹
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its so funny how often he fumbles. like he wants SO BADLY to come off like this hyper aggressive badass leader guy who takes no shit from anyone but just. every conversation is him utterly embarrassing himself in front of people he values the opinion of. and you know what? he is all the more the based for that. we salute you karkat
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i think this one is a game!!!
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that was a game alright i walked around as karkat and talked to all the trolls then did the same thing as terezi and vriska . was fun got some cool easter eggs. also some "demon" destroyed prospit so now karkat is saying that no prospit dreamers are allowed to go to sleep
this shit zoomed in GODDAMN it scared me
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look at her fucking stance. she looks like shes ready to do a cart wheel or something
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this art is so good man
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man. him too huh. maybe its the noses. or the shading
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welp. its the beginning of the end here now. i cant even remember what makes him become... what he becomes. i just remember that this was a part of it, i think?
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is this bars?
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REAL.... dave does not miss
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poor davesprite :( one day you will become half cat troll and work out all of your personal issues
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heres a really cool panel to end this part on
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i feel like my commentary was lackluster in this one... mostly because im just enjoying reading. taking it all in . i think the comic has really hit its stride at this point (hehe stride) and i am looking forward to revisiting whats coming up next :p
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the-good-projxct · 10 months ago
March 29th, 2024
5:42pm pseudo watching the two popes with Munene on the couch. I'm early today. 
Gøod Friday. Wow, I should have launched the podcast today. That would have been great marketing but alas, I do not know about religious holidays until they arrive. It is nice to have a long weekend but all my weekends are long. I am on a long holiday. I finished my job application today though. It feels kinda weird to be thinking about a job and working while I planned to be chilling till August. Gøod ting is my job/this job does not start until August. I will be living my best life until then. TBH, my best life right now is cuddling, watching movies, spending time with HIM and spending time with fam. I was craving pizza last night and today I want Aunty Bome’s wet fry chicken. Anyway, food is life. Where is Amirah and/or Zaneta when I want a foodie adventure? Honestly, there are some foods I will miss. I guess it’s like I cannot wait to travel  so I can eat an authentic poke bowl again, proper fried chicken hehe no I want jollibee's in Asia. The food scene in Kenya is cool for sure, I have barely explored it and I am already looking forward to traveling to eat more food. Oohh I want to go to India and try a bhang lassi and then also eat to my he(art)s content. I wanna go to Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Iran, Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, Seychelles, Madagascar, Brazil, Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, Dominican, Jamaica, Haiti, Barbados, Bermuda, Sri Lanka, and soooo many more. Mostly I want to eat and see nature and seek God in all these places. Maybe I should drop everything and seek wander lust. Travel the world for a few years. Bruh, I need bank and a passport for that. Soon come. Soon come. I will get there. Anyway, travel is on my mind. And like I said yesterday, I have been away from Karen and family since Tuesday and I am missing them so I decided to go back on Sunday so I can spend Sunday and Monday with Sweetie Banana and gang. I am so happy I am not the codependent partner I was in my yute anymore because I get to move and spend time with the LOML … AND my family. Sometimes we have complex conversations and I have to remind myself that we are on the same team instead of anti. I used to see those videos of being on the same team and I would just scroll by but I get it now. Love is a choice. I am choosing HIM. I am choosing US. For Love, culture, Ancestry, Art, collective Gøod and God. It is bigger than us two but it is also all about and all for us two. Legacy is crazy. Legacy with your best friend is crazier. Legacy with your childhood bestie is craziest. So here we GO! I kinda feel like I don’t socialize with friends or like I havent put an effort into making friends. I have just been here a month and I am really focused on family time and creating a family. I know over time I will be out and about more and I will make friends. This reminds me of when I moved back to PEI from Toronto. My only friends were my siblings, Viktor and Dorcas. Over a few years, I had friends galore. So I know it is a matter of time as I am a Gøod friend. But also I know I am focused on family and healing family dynamics and creating a family as those things are so tied into why I came back home. I am grateful for this time to BE. I am grateful for this time of WE. I am knowing myself. I am created as creator creating. I am. I am. I am. Life is Gøod. I am Gøod. Being is Gøod. Ase. Ase. Ase.
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jordanincambodia · 1 year ago
អរគុណច្រេីន (Arkun jraun. Many thanks!)
Kicking off a fun month of November, the adventure continues... this has been an amazing month of learning about WASH, discipleship, and fellowship. I have so much to be thankful for, and just one more month of work in the country of កម្ពុជា (kom-pu-jie) before I head back to the U.S. for Christmas. Happy soon Thanksgiving to all!
Speaking of being thankful, I'll give you all one more thing to be thankful for and let the pictures and videos on this blog post speak for themselves. And for those rare few of you who actually like hearing me ramble on and on about life, I'll include some thoughts at the bottom ;)
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Wowly Wow!!! I'm in a little bit of a daze from just how much has been going on, but I'll summarize a few of the big events for you.
EMI: Continuing to work and prepare for the upcoming Groundwater Practicum, an event EMI Cambodia is hosting where water engineering professionals from the U.S. and Australia are coming to speak and educate about water quality, treatment, contaminants, drilling wells, and so on. Our WASH team objectives are to 1) learn more about groundwater and treatment from these experts, 2) help and empower other local NGOs in groundwater, and 3) provide opportunities for local students to learn and earn a certificate for completing the practicum.
I helped with installing some flow gauges at Hope International, a private Christian school. We hope to measure the water usage at the school to both aid them and also prepare the flow gauge devices for use in other applications if we want to track water usage for projects we've set up.
Also, I led worship for our office on Friday! We sang 4 songs (2 English and 2 Khmer), and what's even greater is I sang on-key most of the time. The nice thing about leading worship in the office is the crowd sings louder than the leader- so even if the leader just mumbles the words on rhythm, everyone sings with no problem.
Every Nation Church Cambodia: This month, I attended a church discipleship class held by local missionaries. Of course, I have had amazing training in discipleship in my time at Dawn Christian Academy and California Baptist University, but there is always something new to learn. Plus, I was able to put in some great input on questions from other students in the class, questions like:
What do I do when I share the gospel and people point out my flaws?
How should I react when I share the gospel and my friend rejects the gospel?
For the sake of keeping this post short, just ask me if you are curious about how I helped answer these questions. There are tons of gospel sharing conversations caused by members of this church as I am so excited about it.
I also have continued to help with kids' ministry and participated in a meeting about discussing our ministry's effectiveness in making disciples, teaching the gospel, and better ways we can work to reach our entire community through the kids' ministry.
Overall: October was an incredible month of growth and making many new friends while developing current relationships. I also was so excited to have my sister Hannah and brother-in-law Tim visit from the U.S.! It was great seeing family and familiar faces. Hard to believe that in only one more month, I'll be back to celebrate Christmas with everyone. WAHOO!
Thank you for staying tuned for yet another update. I'm truly grateful for the support everyone has shown me before and throughout the trip, checking in on me and praying for me. Your support has been invaluable and kept me going even when things were hard. Please don't stop yet though! Next up this month, I have several things to look forward to doing and achieving:
Last 5 weeks of working in the office before heading back.
The Groundwater Practicum
Siem Reap Half Marathon
Company retreat in December right before I leave.
Preah-Ong bratien po neak teang-os knea!
God bless you all!
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digital-corruption · 3 years ago
A little something something for all you out there playing the refresh game. 🤭
Unrecognisable Part 8
5 am and there we stood at the front of the shadiest motel I had ever seen.
“Jake,” I whispered. “They charge by the hour.”
“Yeah, and they don’t ask questions or ask for ID,” he commented. “You’re up to date on all of your vaccinations aren’t you?”
“You ask that now!? After our adventures in the sewers?” I exclaimed.
He laughed, “At least you can relax all those achy muscles with a nice massage.”
The old woman returned to the front desk and handed Jake two keys, “Room 69.”
“Charming,” he smirked as he took the keys.
I rolled my eyes, “Is there any other room available?”
“No, you want room or not?” the woman frowned at me.
“It’s perfect,” Jake shook his head and ushered me away.
“I swear you slipped her a 20 to give you that room number,” I frowned at him as I started going up the narrow stairs.
“No, that was pure luck. It’s like the universe is sending us a sign,” he teased.
As we went up the three flights of stairs, we stepped around some of the other pleasant residents of the motel. Most were passed out or too drugged to care that we were there. One guy saw me walking up and stepped forward to make a move on me, but stopped when he saw Jake come up from behind. I glanced back and saw Jake was giving him a stone cold, death glare. To be honest, even I was intimidated by it. I guess that’s the difference between a normal person and one who wouldn’t hesitate to kill.
We continued down the hall, which only became seedier as we went on. There was shouting and yelling. A woman burst out of one room, presumably a hooker by how she was dressed. Her make up was smeared, her lip split and bruised. Jake put a hand on my shoulder to push me to the side just as a large man barged out after the woman.
“Shouldn’t we help her?” I whispered.
“No, it’s their business,” he urged me on.
I turned away and moved on with a sigh. There was a shriek in the distance behind us that caused me to jump. I tried my best to shut it out. Finally we got to room 69, which was lovingly graffitied as “the fuck room”. Jake unlocked the door for me so I could enter first.
Of course the room was dark, red and velvet, like a cheap porno, with one king sized bed, fitted of course with a coin operated vibrating bed. Strangely though, it seemed cleaner than the halls we walked through. A bizarre marketing technique I am sure.
Jake closed the door behind us and engaged the dead bolt. “Now I know I said I would get onto your video situation first.”
“You need to check on our pursuers first?” I asked as I put our bags down on the floor.
“Precisely. I need to gauge how much distance we have between us and them,” he pulled his mask away from his face. “Why don’t you try to get some sleep?”
I nodded, “As soon as you can...”
“It will be like they never existed by the time I am done with them,” he promised.
“Honestly, I don’t know if I can sleep just yet,” I admitted.
Jake pulled out his wallet, handed me a 20 and a room key, “There’s a vending machine at the end hall. Well, two, but the other one doesn’t dispense anything edible. At least not the last time I was here. Anyway, why don’t you get us some snacks.”
“Thank you,” I nodded as I took the money from him. “What do you want?
“Hmm, get me something that looks somewhat nutritional,” he shrugged. “Or just some chips.”
I smiled, “I’ll try to find you something.”
I disengaged the deadbolt, but Jake stopped me before I could open the door, “It goes without saying, but keep your head down and don’t interact with anyone.”
“Yes sir,” I teased.
“Now you’re obedient?” he smirked and leaned into me. “Is it the room?”
“Oh yeah, 100% the room,” I said sarcastically. “Cause you take me to all the best places.”
“Well I do try to impress,” he joked.
Jake put a hand to my cheek to turn me to him so he could kiss me tenderly.
“Jake,” I whispered. “We talked about this.”
“Yeah, but I decided I don’t care anymore,” he kissed me again, but this time it was longer and more passionate.
“Fuck,” I mumbled to myself.
“He doesn’t know where you are, does he?” Jake whispered in my ear.
“No,” I looked away ashamed.
“What kind of relationship is that? You can’t even be honest with him,” he nibbled at my ear.
“You’re one to talk,” I shook my head.
Jake paused for a moment, then brought his mouth right up ear. I could feel his breath on my skin as he spoke, “Samuel, but don’t ever call me that. I don't want to hear that name again, especially not from your lips.”
As Jake pulled away, I looked at him in bewilderment, “You trust me with that?”
“You never made me regret it before, so please don't start now,” he said sincerely.
Ah crap, I thought to myself as I threw my arms around his neck and pressed my lips against his. He pushed me back against the wall as he deepened the kiss, his tongue forcing its way in to find mine. His hands drifted down to my waist to press me into him. I could feel his fingers sneaking under my shirt. Everything was so heated and intense, that I nearly forgot where we were and why we were even there.
I pushed him back, gasping for breath, but rather than take a hint to stop, he went for my neck. “Jake, mmmh, you have to stop. You have to check on our pursuers.”
Jake pulled away and looked at me with such lustful eyes that I wouldn't have been able to resist him if he had continued. Thankfully though, he saw reason.
“A few minutes is all I need,” he conceded.
“And the videos,” I insisted.
“It'll take me a bit longer, but if it gives you comfort in knowing they’re gone, I will do it,” he promised.
“Then, maybe we see where the mood takes us?” I bit my lip. I felt like I was going to regret those words, but I was prepared to let that be a problem for another day.
Jake grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me in for one more deep, passionate kiss. He gave my bottom lip a small tug as he moved away. He definitely had a way of making it so unbearably hard to breakaway, but I managed to pull enough willpower to turn and leave the room, albeit with the largest and dumbest grin on my face. At least the hall was mostly empty and quiet now so no one could see my embarrassment. There was a woman about my age listening to her head phones while seated on the floor next to the vending machines. As I approached, she nodded off, dropping her unlocked phone to the ground. I stared at it for a moment, then looked around to see if anyone was watching. As there was absolutely no one, I decided to was safe for to pick it up for just one little phone call.
“Hello?” my boyfriend answered the phone with a yawn.
“It’s me,” I said, gritting my teeth. “You have some explaining to do.”
“Um, what?” he responded confused. “MC?”
“Yeah, those videos of us. PornHub really?” I tried to keep my volume down.
“What videos?” he asked innocently.
“Don't pay dumb, you know what I'm talking about!” I hissed into the phone.
“I really don't, but you know what I do know? That your aunt is fine and that you haven't seen her in months,” I could tell he was trying to control his anger. “I also know that you lied to me and you went to Europe to meet up with an old flame. Yeah, I had a lovely evening talking with some agents here. I know all about your little trip. But no, tell me about these videos. I’m dying to hear all about them.”
“Look, I don’t have time to explain everything right now. It is a long, complicated story and I only lied to you because I knew you would’ve tried to stop me,” I explained. “But , those videos have been up for months, so don’t act so innocent!”
“Wait, let me get this straight. There’s videos of us having sex on the Internet?” he questioned. “Like the shady, hidden camera type? The ones that are used to blackmail, manipulate and intimidate?”
“Yes...” I didn’t like where his line of questioning was going.
“Gee, let me think, what type of person would do something like that?” he mocked as my blood ran cold. “Oh yes... a hacker. Are you even sure they’re real?”
My throat grew tight, preventing me from even forming words. I struggled to even swallow. I nearly dropped the phone as my hands started sweating and shaking.
“These days they can insert just about anyone into questionable sex videos for a quick buck. You honestly fell for that?” he sounded surprised. “Just what have you gotten yourself into, MC?”
“Are you suggesting he broke into your apartment and planted a hidden camera?” I questioned.
“He doesn’t have to does he? Or has it been that long that you’ve forgotten my computer faces the bed?” he pointed out.
“No... he wouldn’t,” I mumbled.
“He wouldn’t? So wait, we’ve been together a year tomorrow, and by the way, great anniversary celebration,” he laid down the guilt heavily. “But we've been together a year tomorrow and you would believe a career scammer over me!?”
“I have to…,” I cleared my throat. “I will call you later.”
“I don’t know, MC. I don’t think you should,” he sighed. “This has been such a wake up call.”
I hung up, not wanting to hear another word. My boyfriend I would deal with later. Right now, I needed to have a word with my hacker.
A/N: Aaaaand see you all in a few days after I finish episode 10! 😉
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zeydaan-isabella · 2 years ago
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T'ana to the Cerritos - Zeydaan
Story by AxiomTF- Zeydaan/Isabella finding a replica starfleet badge, though ending up running into a strange failsafe. Seeming to find their reality was an elaborate holodeck prank by a certain captain's daughter- T'ana has to find her bearings again as she settles back onto the Cerritos.
Isabella is currently moping around the kitchen, making themselves a sandwich as they softly hum to themselves – it had been a very long day. With little to do, and not a whole lot to look forward to a good while, life was feeling pretty dull for the Fay Dragon as of late, and they were looking for something – anything, to break up the monotony. They take little nibbles out of the sandwich post-preparation, pacing around the kitchen as they try and make the meal last for a while.  This was no good, no good at all.  They couldn’t stay like this for a moment more, they were craving adventure! Some action! Though of course, this was easier said than done, as not a great deal came to mind for them to actually do, especially with the little amount of money they currently had stored for such an occasion. Whatever they decided to do, it would have to be something small scale or cheap. Isabella finishes her food, throwing a small amount of leftover bread crust into the bin before taking a seat at their dining table. With their chin resting upon their hand, they spend a brief moment thinking of possibilities for some fun, though they could have never known that at that very moment, an opportunity for adventure had come directly to them instead.  Sitting upon the kitchen table, lies a small metallic badge. It’s in the approximate shape of an arrow, with curved edges and a sleek, futuristic design to it. Though thanks to their plentiful knowledge of pop culture iconography, Isabella knew what this shape was already – it was the insignia of Starfleet. Specifically, this was a communicator that crew would wear on their uniforms. They reach out and pick it up, inspecting it closely. It had a decent amount of weight to it, and from that, they could quickly deduce that this was no cheap plastic replica, and that some real care had gone into the creation of this badge. “Where on earth did you come from?” Isabella asks out loud to no one in particular, glancing around the room to double check that they were in fact alone. They did have a friend over for a little bit two days ago… maybe they had left it as a gift for them, and they simply had missed it until just now? That was the only logical explanation that came to mind, though instead of pondering this mystery any further, something far more exciting came into their mind… What if they could engage in some simple make-believe? Instead of being stuck at home, Isabella could instead be in space, aboard a starship! Doing her duties, exploring the galaxy… and perhaps recording all of their thoughts in some kind of log too? Yes, that’s exactly it! They could try out doing some solo roleplay! Isabella’s wings flutter a little with glee, as they grab their laptop and boot it up on the dining table. Various scenarios race through their mind, almost overloaded with possibilities regarding what they could now try out and overstimulated after having finally thought of something to end their boredom. They grab the badge and fix it to their top, then proceeding to lean over and click their mouse to start recording themselves... “Ahem – this is Doctor Isabella of the U.S.S… erm… thingy. I, uh… am about to run some routine tests on our systems in the medlab to make sure that everything is running up to speed! We’re expecting to arrive at our destination soon… erm, I suppose that we’ll have to prepare to keep the crew healthy and fit for that… and, um… I-I don’t really have much else to say at the moment, so I guess that I’ll sign off for now! I’ll provide an update in the morning, once the ship has arrived.” They end the video, smiling to themselves as they rewatch the video before putting the device back into their pocket – it was quite an amateur attempt at acting the role of a doctor out, but Isabella was sure that they’d pick it up soon, with a bit of practice of course. It was getting rather late now, and seeing the sun setting on the horizon, Isabella figures that it would be best to continue this in the morning. Having a fun idea for tomorrow all planned out, Isabella decides to head to bed, turning the lights off as they head up the stairs. However, as they ascend the stairs, something… strange starts to happen. Isabella’s pupils start to shift, going from a circular shape into feline slits whilst their iris and sclera merge together into a soft, yellow tone. They don’t notice this however – there was no sensation coming from this change, and even if there was, the Fey Dragon was simply feeling too sleepy to even register it. Arriving at the top of the stairs, they head down the hallway, scratching the back of their head which had started to sprout new blonde hairs all over their scalp, gradually replacing their old pink ones as they simultaneously start to miniaturise. By the time they reach the door of their bedroom, they have unknowingly adopted a new style. The follicles are quite thick and densely packed together, getting automatically styled into a rather messy cut as if some unseen, amateur hairdresser was tending to Isabella’s new head of hair. Taking off their clothing and throwing it into a heap beside their bed, their nose shifts to become a soft pink colour. It’s slightly damp to the touch, and yet another feline feature upon Isabella’s rapidly morphing face. Clambering into bed, they close their eyes, and try to drift off to sleep, though after a few minutes pass by, they find this rather hard to do. Everything seemed too loud – the rustling of leaves outside of their room had become much rowdier, and it took a good while for their brain to subconsciously tune them out. Evidently, this was merely a side effect of their ears transforming. They had become much more sensitive to sound, and as they are traveling upwards to the top of their head, they also begin sprouting ginger fur all over. They push through this unwanted noise, and at last, they drift off. Their sleep is dreamless and deep, but the world around was never to be the same again – not that they’d notice this however… Their eyes opened slowly, though the rays of sunshine that usually greeted them in the morning were now strangely absent. Not only that, but those ambient noises that kept them awake for longer than expected were now gone, and instead replaced with the sound of a deep humming noise. Of course, this noise never went away though – Isabella was on a starship of course, and the subtle sound of the engines purring was constant. Now that they think about it, it was strange that they even stopped to consider this. Sitting up in bed, they stretch and yawn, their body having undergone even more changes in their sleep. Their once yellow skin and been covered in a layer of fur, and much like that which had grown all over their new ears, it was a desaturated ginger colour. Dense and short, it hid the skin beneath it, with some sections of their body having longer fur, all of which looked scraggly and unkept, much like their hairstyle. Some weight loss had occurred, too. Isabella’s body and shrunk in stature slightly, body fat having been shed off of her frame, and consequently leaving them with a lean, scraggy look more befitting of someone older than themselves. Their chest had diminished in size to a small degree, also baring new fangs within their mouth. Their once large wings had been reduced in size to nothing but small bumps upon their furry back, and soon, not even these would remain, as each passing minute had resulted in them getting minimized more and more, like a balloon slowly deflating. Wiping their eyes, they swing their legs out from the bed and start to get dressed into their uniform. It was their usual Starfleet one, with their signature light blue lab coat going over the top of it, though despite this, it seemed strangely foreign to them. It was as if by wearing it, they were stealing it from a stranger. The Doctor chalks this thought up to them having worn this same look for so long, and that their brain might’ve been subconsciously telling them to shake their style up a bit. They don’t bother to style or groom themselves before leaving, and they didn’t have time for a shower either – this cat had a job to do. They pick up their equipment, and head out of their quarters. Whilst striding down the hallway, their tail is the next target for these changes, as it shrinks and slenderises over the course of around half a minute. The many halls of the starship are like a labyrinth, and as they walk to their destination, they tap their communicator, wanting to record another log on the way there.  “This is Doctor… uh… I… a-anyways, I’ve been feeling sort of unusual this morning. Everything seems rather out of place and unfamiliar to me, not to mention the fact I’m feeling sort of… spaced out right now. Did I drink too much yesterday or something? I can’t remember much of anything at all… it’s all… quite muddled up. Anyways, I’m going to do my daily shift now, and I’ll report back later this evening. Maybe I just need to work and apply myself to something… hopefully that’ll set me straight again.” They note that their voice was uncharacteristically dry and mature sounding, having a different accent to boot. They cough, their throat feeling scratchy as their words come out sounding rough and coarse, though they didn’t think much of it, doubting soon after if it had simply always sounded that way. And come to think of it, they felt more like a ‘she’ now as well – it just seemed far more natural. What didn’t feel natural however, was how they were feeling so lost in these corridors. They lived and worked here, right? Then how could she get lost like this so easily? This surely should be routine for her, though the ship felt so unknown to her this morning. It took them much longer than usual to arrive at the medbay for her shift, having taken many wrong turns and spent some time wandering around on the wrong floor. In the end, she ended up having to ask the ship’s AI for directions, which of course it provided straight away. Being the chief medical officer, she felt a bit embarrassed by this, though she sure as hell wasn’t going to embarrass herself even more by asking a fellow crewmate instead. Upon entering the medbay, she finds it rather desolate; no one else is here aside from her, when she recalls what today was – most of the crew were down in the hanger doing drills. “Ugh, this is going to suck.” she mutters under her own breath, as her brow furrows with thicker eyebrows than what she once had a moment ago. It was most likely going to be a day of working alone. Sitting down at her desk, her hands start to make unpleasant cracking noises, her fingernails turning into claws. From within her shoes, new claws appear upon her feet too, coupled with some padding on her soles.  She went to work, answering messages that she had been sent by others and working on a cure for a rather nasty but contained virus that had been discovered by crew on an away mission recently. It’s hard work, though as she gets lost in this, any memory of what she had been before starts to sink into the recesses of T’Ana’s mind. It’s almost as if she’s been put into an autopilot mode, coasting through her work whilst not taking much of it in either. After some hours of working, her head starts to lean down, as they decide they had earned a short nap… After an hour, she awakens again and takes a look around. The feline alien felt strangely befuddled about her surroundings, or about what she had just been doing a moment ago. She could see that she was sitting at her desk… tricorder in hand… computer switched on too. Pondering for a moment, she formulates an answer, that being – “Ah shit, did I doze off or something? I feel like crap.” she says out load, rubbing her eyes and blinking a couple of times.  She felt totally exhausted, and as she checks the time, she figures that it’s about time to make another log entry. She never was fond of doing these, though it helped sometimes to get your thoughts and feelings out of your head, even if that sentiment sounded dumb to T’Ana. “Doctor T’Ana here. Log… eh, who gives a shit. Ugh, I hate having to make these things… does anyone here even look over these? Ugh. Nevertheless, I’ve completed my shift, and everything seems to be in order. I had a feeling earlier that something wasn’t right with our scanners, though that doesn’t seem to be the case. I’ll do a more thorough check tomorrow at 0600. I don’t know… maybe I’m just imaging things… either that, or I need a break. Healing phaser burns and resetting bones all day, every day really does a number on you out after a while.” She minimizes the computer, the LCARS system shutting down as the screen returns to its offline state once more. “Lights off.” she says out loud, as the computer obeys her wishes and shrouds the medbay in darkness. It had been a long, productive day, and as the cat lady cracks her back, hands simultaneously held around her waist, she lets out a long sigh. She gives her furry cheek a scratch, purring softly as she does so, whilst making her way down the long, futuristic hallway and towards her quarters, this time with less of a delay. She had earned a good night’s sleep, and was certainly ready for it. Though one thing was for certain – this job never got boring, and for as long as she is the chief medical officer, she was sure to never have a dull moment whilst serving aboard a Federation starship, and venturing out into the unknown.
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landinoandco · 4 years ago
Our Love is a Game
Lando Norris x Reader
Request from @jamieeboulos
Warnings: pinch of fluff, cute ending because they are the best
Word count: 2.7 k
Requests are open :)
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It all started with a phone number, an innocent exchange that would subsequently change the world you knew; mostly for the better. When you had met Lando, as far as you were concerned you had just met a 21 year old who lived in London and had a passion for cars. How wrong you were. It was only when things started to get serious that he sat you down and explained everything that came with being a formula one driver; more importantly the fandom that he was involved in. 
You had always been a private person and admittedly this piece of information almost broke your relationship but after some time to think you had decided that he was worth it all. You both decided it was a better idea to keep your relationship as quiet as possible - you took every precaution to make sure you stayed a stranger to the fans.
For the past 2 years, you thought you had managed to stay clear of the cameras, the photos and the twitch streams but it wasn’t until a fan-made compilation caused your world to spiral out of control. 
You and Lando were out for a run, it was a part of your morning routine - a great way to start the day and it was time that you two could escape the motor sport world and act like a normal couple without worrying about who might be watching. It was time you both valued and appreciated. On this particular morning, Lando had decided to add to his Instagram story, a short video of his morning adventures - the mist still hanging around the trees as you ran under a heavily graffitied bridge, the early birds song chirping animatedly. At the time you didn’t think much of it as you were too busy tying your hair back up to notice. 
It wasn’t until you got home and looked at his story that your heart stopped, rushing over to the kitchen island you placed your phone down and ran your fingers through your hair. It was a blink and you’ll miss it moment but in the corner of his video - the last millisecond before it ended - there was a flash of a purple top (the purple top you had been wearing) and a swish of brown hair as you chucked it back up into a ponytail. 
“Lando.” You called out, trying to keep your voice as calm as you could. You didn’t know why it had affected you so much - or why you were so desperate to keep your identity a secret. It wasn’t like you wanted to hide your relationship; you were the happiest you ever had been, everyday was exciting and offered new prospects - it was more that you were so used to being in this bubble with Lando, the idea of it bursting seemed rather unappealing. Usually you didn’t care for how others saw you but seeing some of the words that people used to describe him, it would be enough to trouble even the thickest of skins. 
Lando’s close proximity broke your thoughts as he stared down at your phone, pausing on the flash of brown and purple. “I am so sorry, love.” He almost whispered, his eyes widening at his carelessness. He picked your phone up to take a closer look. 
“It will be alright, won’t it? I mean, it’s a blink and you’ll miss it.” You had said, more to reassure yourself than Lando. He didn’t answer, anxiety building in the pit of his stomach because he knew exactly what he had started. 
The fan-made compilation didn’t go viral until a few hours later - as it turns out that flash of purple was the perfect cherry on top of an unappetising cake. Lando was sat on stream - not that this was out of the ordinary and Max had decided to join him, leaving you alone to rewatch Friends for the umpteenth time. 
The pair were sat reacting to videos on YouTube when a clip of a seal swimming into a shoal of fish started playing - the amusing part was that they kept quickly dispersing away from the seal in question. Unsurprisingly, they laughed and Lando spluttered: “This is me trying to find a girlfriend.” What the fans didn’t know was the apparent irony of that sentence and this was what caused the major meltdown; whilst Lando and Max were busy crying with laughter - that chat had filled up with the same link and references to the video you would be redirected through. 
Max was the first to stop laughing, tapping Lando on the shoulder as he pointed at the chat. Hundreds of the same message filled the screen: “That’s not what this compilation shows.” “Lando, what are you hiding from us?” “Lando and Max laughing knowing very well he has a girlfriend.” 
“Chat what on earth are you waffling on about.” Max chuckled uneasily, looking at Lando out of the corner of his eye. Lando sat with a forced smile, his nostrils flaring as he continued through the comments. He could only let out a tense laugh as he swallowed thickly - his throat feeling suddenly dry. You were still sitting, completely engrossed and unaware that Lando Norris was now trending on twitter. 
Max had come up with an excuse to end the stream not long after, Lando uncharacteristically quiet. His thoughts were with you in the other room, had you seen it? Did you know? How would you react? He felt as though he had lost all control, like he had failed you entirely - all he wanted to do was protect you yet he was the one to screw it up. 
“Hey,” Max nudged his shoulder, “It was bound to happen at some point. Let’s go and see if she’s seen it - if not then -” He took a deep breath, “We will watch it together. We need to know what we are working with here.” Lando nodded, unable to reply, his body went into automatic pilot mode and too quickly he was standing facing you. 
Pausing the tv, you looked at Lando - his jaw tightened and facial expressions set as though he had just seen a ghost. “Is everything ok?” You asked apprehensively. 
“There’s something you need to see.” Max reached for his phone, pushing Lando onto the sofa. You offered your arm to Lando, pulling him into a hug. Max pulled up the video and pressed play. A tense atmosphere held the room hostage - breath restricted and gazes fixed onto the tiny screen in front of you. 
It started with a clip from this year’s Goodwood - Lando preparing to drive his last hill climb - you remembered it well, a McLaren hat placed on your head mainly to cover your identity; knowing that there would be more than a few fans around. The clip moved to 3 separate stills - all of you in your McLaren hat. One with your back to the camera, you hand placed around Lando’s waist, the other two a side profile as you spoke to Max. 
The reaction was immediate, you slapped your hand to your mouth, Lando looked horror-struck and Max was watching you carefully. 
The video moved on, this time a clip from the quadrant video where Niran trains like Lando for 24 hours - Lando and Niran were in the kitchen preparing to eat their breakfast when once again the video moved to stills. This time they were of your reflection in the oven - holding the camera. You had thought at the time, if you were behind the camera it would stop every chance of you accidentally being caught on camera. Apparently not. 
The video had moved on again, this time to stills of Lando arriving on track - of course there was no way for you to get on track without being photographed and you were fine with that because you would just arrive after Lando either with Jon or Charlotte. Photos of you arriving with Jon and Charlotte flashed up - with them you were just another member of staff but put with those other stills and it really did yell out that you and Lando were romantically involved. Finally the flash of purple from Lando’s story. The game was up. 
“Oh my-” You stuttered as the video came to an end. Fortunately your Instagram hadn’t been shown but judged by how skilled you knew the fans to be - it would only be a matter of time. “I feel sick.” You admitted, wiping your hands across your face. Lando still hadn’t said a word, staring blankly at the floor. Max was the first to come up with something logical, turning to you and Lando. 
“It will blow over.” He started, “The fans will soon lose interest and move onto the next big headline. We just need to ignore anything we see regarding the subject.” He moved his attention to you. “Maybe avoid social media for a few days. Let everyone cool down -” Sensing your means to interrupt, he held his hand up. “I know you shouldn’t have to and I know none of this is fair but unfortunately people have no boundaries and believe because it’s on social media it is their business. If they were in our situation, I’m pretty sure they would be the first to complain. Let’s just go along with it for now. It will give you time to think about what to do next.” 
Lando cleared his throat, pulling you closer into him. “I’ve failed you. All I wanted to do was protect you.” At this, Max got up and left. 
Shaking your head, you pressed your lips to his forehead. “You could never. Think about how long we kept it secret for. Besides, until we announce or admit anything - it isn’t confirmed.” You offered, trying to soothe his worries. He nodded, still not convinced. 
“Our love is like a game and it’s not a game I enjoy playing.” He croaked, lacing your fingers together. 
“I know, Lando, I know. Let’s let everything calm down and then we can think about what our next step is.” 
Weeks later and it was the night before you were due to leave for your summer holiday. You would be spending it with Lando and some of his friends and family. Due to the current pandemic, it had been so long since you had been away - even if it was a bigger group of you going; you were still looking forward to spending that quality time with Lando. 
Max had decided to take himself and Tom off to the streaming room - leaving you and Lando to sort out the remaining items you needed for your time away. 
“I have a present for you.” He said suddenly, his hands behind his back. You beamed, taking a step closer to him. He shook his head, “If you want it - “ He pointed at his lips. 
Rolling your eyes, you pecked his lips then held out your hands like a child. Lando chuckled, “Close your eyes.” Hands still outstretched and eyes closed, you waited for Lando to present you with your surprise. He grasped your left wrist and attached something to it - “No peeking.” He added. A moment or two later, he dropped his hold of your wrist and said: “You can open them now.” You could hear the smile on his lips. You opened your eyes and looked straight to your wrist - he had given you a pink watch. You furrowed your eyebrows and looked up at him, his eyes twinkled as he then pointed to the orange watch on his wrist. 
“Watches?” You asked, confusion laced your tone. 
Nodding, he said, “We all have matching watches but in different colours - they are for our holiday away.” 
You gave him a lopsided grin and wrapped your arms around his neck, “I love it. Thank you.” 
In the streaming room, Max was having to ignore the majority of the comments because they were all asking the same thing: “Who was the girl from the compilation.” He was trying his hardest to keep moving off the topic, instead showing off the watches - it had been his idea, blue for him, orange for Lando, a child’s watch for Tom and a pink watch for you. He had listed off all of the colours and said who they belonged to: “And then pink-” He paused, mentally face palming. He looked over to Tom for assistance - he hadn’t meant to say pink at all. “And pink is for someone.” He cursed his poor excuse but as if by magic - Lando walked through the door. 
Distracting the stream from his slip up. 
Croatia was a dream come true, the hot summer sun on your back and the time to just relax and recharge. Days spent with Lando sunbathing on the boat or stuck in a tense game of Uno. Not being the only female was brilliant as well - as they got to go off and not feel guilty about leaving you on your own. 
Currently, you and Lando were standing in each other's arms - the afternoon drawing into the evening as the sun began to set. You had your arms around his neck and his arms were around your waist, sighing contentedly you broke the silence: “This is nice.” He pressed his lips into your hair, a sign that he agreed with your statement. In that moment, it was just you and him - everyone seemed to disappear from around you and all worries vanished. It was the simple yet affectionate moments that had always meant the most to you. You felt as though you could relax every muscle in your body, listening to his steady heartbeat - you wished for this moment to never end, to forever be in his arms and to not worry about who sees you there. 
Ever since that compilation had been made, the thought had been on your mind a lot. Were you ready to go public with Lando? At the end of the day you were both happy and surely that was the most important thing. 
Later that night, you were sitting eating your meal when a phone was handed to you, displayed on it was a picture of you and Lando - in each other’s arms. 
Instantly you knew what this meant, looking at Lando you were met with the same expression. He did as well. 
You and Lando had decided it was time to announce your relationship, there was no point sneaking around anymore if people knew and were looking out for you. You had agreed that the best way to do it was if you joined him in a stream, that way they got to know you a bit more for who you were. 
“Is it ok to feel as nervous as I am?” You asked him, pulling up a chair beside him. He was setting up the stream, two mugs of tea placed in front of you. It seemed completely unnatural to sit facing the camera. 
“I mean, this is kind of a big deal so yes I would say, it’s completely natural for you to feel nervous.” He reached for your hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of it. Nodding, you took a deep breath. 
“Ok. I’m ready.” You said, your heart beating at a million miles an hour. The corners of his lips turned up, leaning in to leave you a kiss on the lips. 
“I love you and I’m so proud of you.” He admitted quietly, as though you were the only person in the world, his eyes flickered with complete adoration. 
“I love you too. Now, shall we start it?” 
Lando went to press the start stream button but paused. He turned back to face you, his eyes wide and offered an apologetic smile. 
“What did you do?” You asked, a smile toying at your lips as you had an idea of what it might have been. 
“Stream, meet my girlfriend.” 
He had already started it...
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kpopfanfictrash · 4 years ago
Raise the Barre (Ch. 8)
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: Jimin / Reader
Rating: 18+ (Eventual Smut)
Genre: Enemies to Lovers / Dance Academy!AU
Warnings: underage drinking, angst, hoseok’s bare abs
Word Count: 10,705
Summary: You and Park Jimin have been rivals for as long as you’ve known one another; ever since he tripped you in the front row of your first dance convention. When you graduate from high school and enter Russet Ballet Academy, you tell yourself you’re leaving all past quarrels behind. The main problem with this though, is that your past seems determined not to leave you alone.
Worse still, the obstacles you face while out in the real world might prove more challenging than anything your enemy has to offer.  
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“Okay, even you have to admit this is too soon.” Finn stared, appalled at the chalkboard. “It’s not even Halloween!”
Laughing a little, you looped your arm around his to drag him towards the back. Plopping down in a chair, you placed your order number in the center of the table. Seating himself across the table from you, Finn began to undo his coat.
“Come on.” He grinned, brown hair flopping when he leaned forward. “Admit it – this is too early for holiday drinks.”
“Okay, maybe it’s a little early,” you acquiesced. “But Halloween is tomorrow! They probably just put up the holiday drinks so they don’t have to do it on Sunday.”
“Laziness!” he cried, jabbing a finger in the air.
Shaking your head, you smiled when Namjoon, the barista, placed a pumpkin soy latte before you.
“Thanks!” you said, pulling this towards you.
“No problem,” he said, flashing his dimples before he turned to leave.
Taking a long, slow sip of your drink, you groaned. “Oh my god. This is it. This is heaven.”
Finn laughed. “Is that seriously your first pumpkin drink of the season?” Sadly, he shook his head. “I remember our senior year, you dragged me out of bed at 7:00 AM on a Saturday just to get the first pumpkin drink of the year.”
“I know,” you sighed. “But I’ve needed the extra caffeine jolt each morning. Sweet drinks just don’t cut it anymore.”
“Ah, the first step in addiction.” Finn nodded sagely.
Smiling, you settled back in your seat as he took the first sip of his black coffee. It had been two weeks since your fight at the club and since then, Finn had been on his best behavior. For about a week, things between you had been awkward but slowly, your relationship was returning to normal.
Seated in the corner of your favorite coffee shop, you drank from your cup and glanced around the room. This was what you’d pictured when you imagined you and Finn living in the city together. Coffee dates, going on new adventures and continuing your relationship where it had left off.
Of course, this morning was only possible because Miss Britt’s ballet class had been cancelled. A contemporary master class had been scheduled for the afternoon, but your day before then was free – something you’d immediately taken advantage of by calling Finn. It was becoming easier to fit each other into your schedules, more like second nature, but things were still tense whenever things didn’t line up.
None of this was eased by the burgeoning whatever-it-was you’d shoved to the back of your mind regarding Jimin. Since the day of Mr. Vlad’s ballet class, you’d managed to keep your emotions in check, but were constantly on the lookout for dangerous situations. You and Jimin were professionals, obviously, but you were also only human. It was reasonable to have subconscious wants and desires, but these weren’t important unless you chose to act upon them.
You didn’t tell Finn about it because honestly, there was nothing to tell. Okay, so you’d felt an errant spark one day during a lift. Big deal. Finn had been your boyfriend for over two years – it would take more than that to threaten your relationship. A relationship which, frankly, had been getting stronger as of late. Telling him something as inconsequential as a spark you had with Jimin would only take you further down the wrong path.
“Are you sure you’re okay with us doing separate things tomorrow?” Finn interrupted your thoughts. His brow furrowed. “It is Halloween, after all.”
“Ah, yes.” You nodded. “Halloween, the internationally known couple’s holiday.”
He laughed. “Okay, point made – but still.”
“It’s fine,” you assured him. This was something you’d already been over. “It just makes sense like this! Your friends are going to that off-campus party and I promised Noelle I’d go to this club thing with her.”
“Right, of course.” Finn grinned. “I’m bummed I’ll miss seeing you as the Powerpuff girls, though. Who’s going to be the third one, again?”
“Well, I’m Blossom – obviously.”
“Of course.” He nodded. “Miss Responsibility.”
A twinge of annoyance went through you, but you pushed it aside. You didn’t think you were always the responsible one but admittedly, you’d been more on edge than usual lately.
“Anyways,” you continued with a roll of your eyes. “I’m Blossom, Noelle is Buttercup and Irene is going as Bubbles. It’ll be fun! Aside from the whole club part, of course.”
“It does sound fun,” Finn admitted, a tad mournful. “Meanwhile, I’ve been roped into the classic college bro costume of Ghostbusters.”
“Oh, come on! That is classic! You’ll be super cute in your… suit? Cargo pants? What do Ghostbusters wear again?”
“Knowing Ben, something tragic from Party City. Pray for me.”
“I’ll light candles.”
Finn grinned, sipping his coffee again and your conversation slipped naturally to other topics.
Halloween fell on a Saturday this year, which meant every college campus was gearing up for some epic parties. Noelle had managed to snag tickets to a club fancy enough to require an RSVP. Apparently, said brother she missed was a DJ and could get tickets to a lot of things if Noelle bothered to ask.
A bunch of people from Russet were going, which made you excited. There hadn’t been many parties with your classmates so far this semester. Despite technically being in college, your classmates were all under the same intense pressure, only made worse by constant early morning ballet.
This week though, even your teachers seemed to have decided you needed a break. Aside from the master class you had this afternoon, there were zero Russet classes until Monday morning. The break in schedule meant you could actually go out – and drink – if you so decided. You and Noelle were planning on attending a ballet class tomorrow, but your entire day after would be free.
You’d originally planned on seeing Finn during the day, but then he’d been invited to a Halloween darty (day party) starting at noon. Despite not seeing Finn on Halloween, you weren’t feeling stressed. It was only one holiday and not even a couple’s one, as you’d said.
After coffee, you kissed Finn goodbye and headed to class at Danley Hall. The atmosphere was different as soon as you entered the classroom – all of the students were buzzing, excited by the prospect of the weekend ahead. The excitement only grew when coupled with the fact that today’s class was contemporary.
For nearly two months, your training had been mostly ballet. This was the foundation of all western dance, and where most dance students were expected to start. Finally though, you were being given a chance to show off. Today’s teacher, Luna Jordan, was a well-known contemporary choreographer across the globe.
You’d done a master class with her once back in high school and honestly couldn’t wait to learn from her again. She wasn’t alone, though, you noticed as you walked in – an unfamiliar, dark-haired guy stood beside her, stretching lithely before the room’s mirror.
“Holy shit,” Noelle whispered as she came to a stop. “That’s Jeon Jungkook.”
Startled, you looked twice and saw she was right. You hadn’t recognized him without his bevy of followers, but Jeon Jungkook was known in the dance world. A child prodigy, he’d been on America’s Got Talent at age eleven and finished in second place. Following this, his family had moved to LA and he’d been in high demand for movies, music videos and performances ever since.
You remembered hearing he worked with Luna Jordan, but the thought hadn’t crossed your mind before now that he might be here.
Noelle cocked her head to one side. “He’s hot.”
“Noelle,” you hissed, trying to shush her.
“What!” A devious grin spread across her face. “Am I supposed to be blind, as well as mute?”
“Well, no, but –”
“Alright, everyone!” Miss Luna clapped her hands together. “I know everyone is excited for the weekend, but we unfortunately have an hour and a half together before then. Everyone spread out for warm-ups!”
A few people laughed, spreading out on the floor as class began. Noelle wriggled her eyebrows, pulling you towards the front in order to get the best spot. Hiding a smile, you ducked your head and settled beside her into a stretch.
Noelle was nearly as excited as you were for the opportunity to dance contemporary. Most of your classmates knew this to be your forte – you caught glances from the corner of your eye while you warmed up, trying not to let their attention get to your head.
Jimin was also near the front, although on the opposite side. You suspected your class was equally excited to see him perform – as talented as Jimin was at ballet, there was a reason you hadn’t thought he’d be at Russet this fall. Jimin’s strength in jazz and contemporary was unparalleled. You would’ve thought he’d gone to LA to become a dancer like Jungkook.
Speaking of whom – Jungkook really was attractive; that much couldn’t be denied. He had dark, wavy hair pulled into a bun and cheekbones sharp enough to cut glass. When he glanced up from his stretch, his gaze somehow found yours and he smiled.
Eyes widening, you stared until you caught sight of Jimin behind him. Glancing between the two of you, Jimin’s expression soured before he looked away. Lips parting, you felt the sudden urge to say something, but there was too much distance between you.
“You ready?” Miss Luna called, an upbeat pop song blasting from the stereo. “Let’s go!”
She launched into isolations, leaving the rest of the class to follow. Warm-ups passed quickly and before you knew it, you were gathered at center to learn the combination. Miss Luna’s style was right up your alley. The steps came easily and, once you’d learned the whole chorus, she left you alone to practice.
You were helping Ari with a difficult move when you caught sight of Sabrina as you turned. She’d positioned herself near the back, which had to be a first. Usually, Sabrina was front and center to allow for maximum receipt of teacher praise.
The decision to stand near the back could’ve been strategy – sometimes, dancers did that at conventions. Conventions were giant weekends of competition with teachers from all over the globe who taught master classes to hundreds of dancers in hotel ballrooms and convention centers. Space at the front tended to be limited, so some stayed at the back, where there was more room to dance and be seen. You had a greater likelihood to capture the teacher’s attention when you had the room to do incredible leaps.
Sabrina’s decision didn’t seem strategic, though. While you watched, Sabrina stumbled transitioning from one move to the next. A brief twinge of pity went through you.
It was easy enough to spot ballerinas dancing anything but ballet. Although ballet was the root of modern westernized dance, it could be hard to translate into other styles. Ballet was more rigid than contemporary, jazz or hip-hop. In ballet, each position was defined, individual style was limited, and dancers were expected to all look the same. Standing out in the corps de ballet was equally frowned upon as missing an entrance.
Not that ballet wasn’t important to all dance styles, mind you. Even hip-hop dancers took ballet to improve their balance, core strength and general understanding of the body. There was an element of individuality in other dance styles, though, which lacked in ballet. Contemporary and hip-hop dancers were expected to have relentless technique all while creating their own, unique flair.
Just looking at Sabrina you could clearly see the holes. She was trying so hard to emulate the moves of Miss Luna, she was kind of missing the point. When Miss Luna did a certain flick of the wrist, it wasn’t a defined part of the choreography, but rather an individual choice.
Without thinking, you took a step forward – only to stop. Sabrina wouldn’t want your help; she’d already made that abundantly clear. Besides, you knew her friend Katie to be a contemporary dancer. She could help Sabrina and yet, when you looked, you saw Katie practicing near the front with Jungkook.
Jungkook obviously knew the steps, since this was probably the tenth time he’d learned the combination. Dance teachers often did that – selected a dancer to attend classes with them, traveling to different cities to demonstrate the combination and help when they weren’t free.
Before you could decide whether to help Sabrina, Miss Luna clapped her hands again.
“Let’s do groups!” she declared. “I’ll count you off into groups of four, and each group will showcase. Sound good?”
It wasn’t really a question so much as an announcement. The rest of the class nodded, waiting while Miss Luna counted you off. You ended up in the same group as Irene, Paulo and a few others. Jimin and Noelle were in the group two, while Sabrina was in the group after theirs.
Jogging off to the side, you waited while the first group took center. You were part of group four, which meant you’d be amongst the last to dance on the floor. When the music began, you closed your eyes and began to mark the combination. You tried not to focus on what anyone else was doing, but this became difficult once Noelle’s group stepped up.
Noelle had trained in jazz and contemporary, although she’d stopped in high school to focus mainly on ballet. Still, her artistry shone in her movement. She could definitely stand to loosen up a bit but was still one of the best in the bunch. You found yourself smiling when she landed a turn, silently cheering her on from the side.
While you were watching, Jimin cut across your vision.
Dropping to the ground, he rolled and arched as his forehead brushed wood. His quality of movement was breathtaking and for a moment, you felt like you were back in high school.
Suddenly returned to those dimmed auditoriums, you watched Jimin take the stage like an otherworldly being. His body seemed to move before your mind could comprehend. Barely did he finish one move before he was starting another, the steps flowing endlessly together like unhindered water. Although you knew the combination and knew how you would dance it, watching Jimin perform was a different experience entirely.
Ballet required dancers to stay on the beat but in contemporary, they were expected to lag. Extensions were all the more breathtaking when they clung to the last second, seeming as though the dancer might not make it before they caught up. Jimin was an expert in this, knowing exactly when to hang precariously over the edge and when to pull back.
Watching him dance, that pesky, strange something bloomed in your chest again.
Squashing this quickly, you looked away and resumed marking the combo. The end of the song was improvisation though and, unable to stop yourself, you found your attention drifting to Jimin again. He was ridiculously beautiful – you nearly didn’t hear when Miss Luna called for them to stop. As she turned off the music, she applauded the group while they walked from the floor.
Breathing heavily, Noelle came to a stop alongside you and – somewhat guiltily, since you hadn’t been watching – you gave her a high-five.
“That was awesome!” you said with a grin. “You definitely stood out in the group.”
Noelle snort-laughed. “Not with Jimin up there, but that’s okay. This is his specialty – and yours,” she added with a wink. “I’m psyched for group four.”
“Ah,” you groaned, rubbing your neck. “Too much pressure.”
Noelle laughed, shaking her head as group three took the floor. Both of you fell silent to watch, your curious gaze finding Sabrina in the back. Sabrina looked almost nervous; an emotion which seemed out of place on her features. It made her look almost human.
As soon as the music began, you stifled a wince. Sabrina stood out from the group, and not in a good way. She had the combination down but moved with a woodenness you would’ve expected from someone half her age. It was enough for you to glance at Miss Luna, wondering if she had noticed.
“Wow,” Noelle whispered, looking almost gleeful. “Sabrina is terrible.”
“Noelle!” you whisper-laughed.
“What? After everything she’s done? After everything she’s said?” Noelle’s gaze narrowed. “Sabrina deserves this.”
Despite privately agreeing, you couldn’t help but feel bad as Sabrina continued. Not wanting to watch any longer, you turned towards the front and resumed marking the combo. As soon as Miss Luna cut the music and polite clapping ensued, you turned back around.
It was time for group four. A shaky, sick feeling entered your stomach as you walked to center. So many eyes were on you, but it had been so long since you danced contemporary. You couldn’t help but wonder if you were as good as people seemed to imagine. Surrounded by so many dancers at Russet, surely your own talent would pale in comparison.
As soon as the music began though, everything faded. Insecurities slipping away, a lightness entered your chest as, eyes falling shut, you slowly inhaled.
Taking a step forward, you opened your eyes and began.
To you, dance had several phases. The first was learning, where you memorized each step and put them in order. The second was understanding, where your muscle memory began to take over and the combination felt smoother. The final phase, performance, was when you thought not of the steps, and were free to just dance.
This was your favorite phrase. In this phase, your mind separated from your body, leaving you only with sweat and emotion. Dance was the only art form composed solely of the body. An odd combination of physical strength and artistic beauty, it was both a testament to human capability and human emotion.
Losing yourself in the music, you ebbed and flowed through the combination until the choreography ended and improvisation began. Finally, you let go and held nothing back. Raw, unbridled passion poured out as you lost sight of yourself, so consumed by the movement.
When the song finally finished and you came to a stop, you were panting for breath. Glancing up, the first person you saw was Jimin.
He stood off to one side, leaning casually against the rungs of the barre, but his expression was anything but. Focused on you, his gaze had turned dark in a way which made you catch your breath.
Miss Luna clapped both hands once again, returning your attention to her. Blinking, Jimin shook his head and in your peripheral, you saw him straighten.
“Very good!” Miss Luna scanned the group. “I know our time is nearly at and end, but why don’t we have a few students come out and demonstrate?”
Again, this was fairly common in master classes. After learning the combination, teachers would often single out students to perform as examples. It wasn’t always the students with the best technique who got chosen. Oftentimes, it was as much for passion and performance quality.
Taking a step forward, Miss Luna began to call out names. You were one of the first – setting your water down, you jogged back to center. Jimin was the next person called, then Noelle, much to your excitement. Jungkook was also instructed to join on the floor.
Turning the lights halfway down, Miss Luna pressed play and let you improvise until the combination began. Jungkook started dancing and honestly, he was beautiful, but you couldn’t linger on him for long. 
Catching sight of Jimin again, you were once more transported to earlier times. This wasn’t the first time you’d been called out together. Oftentimes, this had happened at conventions but back then, your mind had been too clouded to see him for who he was.
You’d always wanted to beat him in high school, but now, you were consumed by the oddest desire to see him do well.
Glancing up, Jimin caught your gaze and he smiled – but then, the combination began.
By the time you were finished, you could hardly catch your breath but somehow, you felt the most alive you’d been in ages. Back in your own element, surrounded by some of the most amazing dancers in the world – this was what you’d imagined when you came to Russet.
People around the room clapped, some of them begrudgingly. You got the impression many of your classmates weren’t used to not being chosen. As you walked from the floor, you saw surprisingly, Sabrina wasn’t amongst them.
Instead, Sabrina simply looked tired – as though she’d tried her best and it hadn’t been enough. You knew that look. You sympathized with that look.
The look lingered in the back of your mind while you packed up your things and listened to Noelle discuss Halloween tomorrow. When she mentioned Ari had decided to visit her family this weekend, an idea began to form in your mind.
“Wait,” you interrupted, looking up. “Ari can’t come tomorrow?”
Noelle shook her head. “Her brother just turned eighteen, so her whole family is having a party or something.”
“So… her ticket is free, then?”
“Yes…” Noelle paused. “Why? Y/N, what are you planning?”
“Okay. Hear me out,” you said as you shrugged on your coat. It was cold enough now for the coat to be necessary.
Noelle sighed, slinging her bag over her shoulder. “Alright, I’m listening.”
Glancing away, you saw Sabrina packing her things on the other side of the room. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you returned to Noelle.
“What if we invited Sabrina?”
Noelle snorted. “Pass.”
“Noelle,” you laughed, reaching out for her arm. “Come on! Do you really think she’s doing anything for Halloween?”
“Probably not. And that’s her own fault.”
“Maybe,” you said, glancing at Sabrina once more. “But how could it hurt? We have an extra ticket, there’ll be tons of people tomorrow night. She’ll probably say no – at least this way, you can claim a write-off on your way into heaven!”
Noelle upper lip twitched. “Oh, is that how write-offs work?”
“Well, I can only assume.”
Finally, she laughed. “Ugh, fine. You can invite her – but only because it’s Halloween, and Halloween is a time for peace. And slutty costumes.”
“Thanks, babe,” you said, squeezing her waist in a one-armed hug.
Sighing exaggeratedly, Noelle waved aside your thanks. Hiking your bag higher, you began to make your way across the room. As you closed in on Sabrina, you began to rethink your choice. It had been nearly a month since anything bad had happened between you but still, you found yourself feeling wary. As tough as you pretended to be, rejection hurt you just as much as the next person.
Still, dancing with Jimin had been a reminder of just how bitter your relationship used to be. If that relationship could change, you had to imagine things with Sabrina could, too.
Coming to a stop at her bag, you waited for her to look up. When she finally did, her brow wrinkled in confusion.
“What?” Sabrina asked, sounding defensive. “What do you want, Y/N?”
You couldn’t really blame her for her suspicion. Had your situations been reversed, you would’ve been equally distrustful. It was likely Sabrina thought you were coming over to gloat, or say something to do with class today. Another twinge of pity went through you as Sabrina zipped her bag shut to stand.
“I just wanted to know what you were doing tomorrow,” you said, trying to smile. “Noelle has an extra ticket to a Halloween party, and we thought you might like to come.”
Sabrina stared. “What?”
“Tomorrow is Halloween,” you said, a bit slower. “You know – when we were kids, it was all about costumes and candy. Now, it’s about costumes and booze?”
Sabrina failed to crack a smile. “And you want… me to come to this party?”
Something about the way she said this made you sad, as though she genuinely thought this might be a joke. As though at any moment, someone might jump out and yell SIKE.
“Yeah,” you said, softening a little. “Look – it’s not a big deal if you can’t make it. A bunch of our class is going though, so we thought of you.”
Sabrina hesitated, then glanced at the door. “Okay,” she said, looking back. “Okay, yeah. I’ll come.”
Stifling your surprise, you nodded. “Great. I’ll text you where to meet us tomorrow before the club. Wear a costume,” you added before walking away. “Noelle said it’s required.”
“Alright,” Sabrina said, so quiet you almost missed it.
Walking away, you were nearly at the door when Jungkook popped up before you. Flashing a smile, he fixed a loose strand of hair away from his face. Feet fumbling to a stop, you could only stare.
“Y/N, right?” he said, sounding shy.
Unable to find the words, you blinked in response. The way Jungkook danced had been so confident, you’d only assumed this to be his off-floor persona, as well. Hearing him sound shy was unexpected. 
Also – you hadn’t expected him to know your name.
“I… yeah, that’s me.” Shaking your head, you smiled. “Jungkook, right?”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “I just wanted to say I’m such a big fan of your dancing. It was great to take class with you today.”
Without meaning to, a laugh escaped your lips. Jungkook stared at you, baffled until you quickly waved him off.
“Oh, no – no! Sorry,” you said. “I’m not laughing at you! I’m just laughing at the ridiculousness of you saying you’re a fan of me.”
Some of Jungkook’s wariness disappeared, and a small smile played across his lips.
“Well, I am.” His grin widened. “I used to assist on the convention circuit, too and I remember you being called out all the time. You and Jimin,” he added, glancing across the room.
You looked, too and saw Jimin still packing his things. His back was stiff, pointedly not looking in your direction. Lingering on him a moment, you returned to Jungkook.
“Still,” you said with a laugh. “It’s a bit of a stretch to say we took class together when you’re the teacher’s assistant.”
“True.” Jungkook paused. “Well, next time you’re in LA, let’s fix that. Let me know if you’re ever in town and we can take a class together.”
Despite yourself, your brows raised. It was harmless, but Jungkook was definitely flirting with you. He was attractive, sure and seemed nice, but he lived in LA and you had a boyfriend. You should probably leave before things had the chance to go any further. The last thing you needed was another complication. Adjusting your bag, you gave Jungkook a small smile.
“Sounds like a plan,” you said before turning away.
Jungkook chuckled from behind. “Bye, Y/N.”
As you joined Noelle at the door, she stared over your shoulder.
“What?” you said, coming to a stop.
Noelle’s gaze moved to yours in disbelief. “How?” she demanded as you exited class. “How do you have all these men just… tripping over themselves for you?”
Heat rising to your face, you shook your head. “That’s – I,” you sputtered. “You’re being ridiculous!”
“Am I?” Noelle grinned. “First Jimin, now Jungkook… and all this while having a boyfriend.” 
“I… you... Jimin is not tripping over himself for me!”
Both her brows shot way, way up. “Is that the only part of the sentence you took objection to?”
“Shut up,” you groaned and shoved her in the side.
Noelle laughed but nodded. “Alright, fine! I’ll stop. Did Sabrina say she’ll come?”
“She did.”
“Great. I still don’t like her,” Noelle said, pushing open the door. “But I guess you’re right, I have an extra ticket. It’s nice to be nice.”
You laughed, pulling your coat tighter as you walked outside. “You’re a saint.”
While you walked, your phone dinged and pulling this from your pocket, you saw a notification on Instagram. Jeon_Jungkook97 has followed you.
Shaking your head, you returned this to your jacket as you continued. While it was nice of Jungkook to compliment your dancing, his approval didn’t mean as much as certain other peoples had. This realization stuck in your mind, making you wonder about Noelle’s teasing jibe.
She had said Jimin flirted with you, but that wasn’t true – was it? You would have known if Jimin were flirting. It was hard to pick out though, since Jimin was friendly with everyone. That was just who he was; as he’d said earlier, he liked to be liked. A note of uncertainty entered your thoughts though, recalling the ballet class with your chest pressed to his. Shoving this away, you forced yourself to focus on the upcoming weekend.
Halloween was a night for fun, for letting loose and enjoying yourself with your friends. You refused to let the night be spoiled by any lingering feelings – either from you, or towards you.
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The next night was perfect Halloween weather.
Chilly, but not cold enough to risk snow falling. There were several Halloweens from childhood you could recall trick-or-treating with a winter coat flung over your costume because the temperature had dropped below freezing.
You, Noelle and Irene showed up to Paulo’s house around 8:00 PM, shivering a little while you stood on his doorstep. Paulo was one of the few freshmen who lived off-campus, having known several upperclassmen before he came to Russet. The brownstone he lived in was cute, with window boxes you imagined hosted flowers in the summer.
Tugging your pink and black minidress down, you adjusted your bow as Paulo opened the door.
Blinking, he took in your costumes. “The Powerpuff girls!” He cheered, raising an arm overhead. “Try not to take down any of the villains upstairs, yeah?”
“No promises,” said Irene, flicking hair over her shoulder.
Entering the house, you heard thumping bass from an apartment upstairs. Paulo lived on the third floor and as you climbed the steps, the music grew louder. It took Paulo two tries to shove open the door – “warped wood,” he explained – but once you were inside, you saw familiar faces.
“The Powerpuff girls!” Jasmine cried, jumping up from the couch. “Finally! Thank god – can you take down Eamon? He came here dressed as a potato, or something.”
“It’s an avocado!” Eamon shouted from the kitchen. He was dressed in a round, green costume with a halo overhead. “I’m ‘holy guacamole’ – get it?” he said, pointing at the halo.
Jasmine stared at him a moment. “That’s terrible. Worse than mine,” she said with a wave down her body. “I’ve been Princess Jasmine for the past five Halloweens. It’s easy to remember and I already have the outfit.”
Laughing, you shrugged off your coat and added this to a pile on the couch. “It’s a classic,” you agreed as you turned.
Noelle had managed to procure at least twenty tickets to the party tonight, so a lot of your freshman Russet class was in attendance. Including Sabrina, who stood in the corner, talking to Louis over cups of red punch. She looked up when you entered, pausing before she gave a small wave. Surprised by the gesture, you did the same.
“No.” Noelle groaned, coming to a stop alongside you. When you looked, you saw she’d already removed her coat. “Tell me Sabrina didn’t come to this party dressed as a ballerina.”
“We did invite her at the last minute,” you laughed. “Hard to find a good Halloween costume in a day.”
“Hey,” Noelle argued. “There’s no we here. You were the one who invited her, and you’ll be the one to accept the consequences should your social experiment fail.”
“Done,” you agreed. “Speaking of social experiments though, I’m ready to get drunk tonight. Where’s the alcohol?”
“Kitchen!” Irene called, brushing past. “Or – that’s where Brian disappeared to when we entered, so I can only assume.”
Telling Noelle you’d be back with drinks, you wound through the room towards where Irene had pointed. The kitchen was tiny, on par with most city apartments. There was only room enough for one or two people, so you were lucky it was deserted when you entered.
Surveying the counter, you found the usual party staples. A bowl of red punch, a bunch of beer and various liquor bottles with chasers. Skipping over the communal punch bowl, you reached for a bottle of diet coke and coconut rum.
“Oh,” a voice said as they entered the kitchen. “Sorry – I didn’t know you were in here.”
Glancing up, you saw Jimin and froze.
He’d dyed his hair black – that was the first thing you noticed. Jimin’s hair was no longer blonde, but completely dark. His outfit confused you at first – a frilly, white blouse with slicked-back hair and dark trousers – until you saw his bright red contacts and the dribble of blood at his mouth.
“A vampire,” you said, finally recovering your voice. Scanning his body, you frowned. “Where are the teeth, though?”
Jimin blinked, his gaze jerking up from your waist.
“Huh?” he said, sounding a bit strangled.
Cheeks heating a little – your dress was pretty short – you repeated yourself. “The teeth,” you said, pointing at your own lips. “Don’t vampires have fangs?”
“Oh, right.” Jimin dug around in his pocket – fuck, were his trousers tight – to produce twin fangs. “I took them off when I got here. They’re really hard to talk in.”
“Go on then, Park,” you said with a grin. “Put them in.”
“One second.” Twisting to face the wall, Jimin popped them in his mouth. Turning around, he bared his teeth. “Sexy?”
With the teeth in though, the word came out more like shex-shie and you burst into laughter. “So sexy,” you agreed, reaching past him for a cup.
Jimin stiffened when your arm brushed his front. Unbidden, you thought about what Noelle had said – Jimin had been flirting with you. Pulling away, you resumed making your drinks and tried not to look in his direction.
Even so, you remained aware of his presence. Jimin inched his way behind you, reaching for the whiskey on the other side. His arm brushed your elbow as he went, right knee nudging yours in an intimate gesture.
Glancing up from the counter, you accidentally caught his gaze. Despite your earlier joking, he did look sexy. Devastatingly so. Even the blood-red contacts weren’t enough to deter the shiver which ran down your spine.
Shaking yourself free from your trance, you grabbed both cups and pulled back. 
“So, what’re you drinking?” you asked. 
You decided it was best to steer the conversation away from how sexy Park Jimin was or was not.
Seemingly oblivious to your inner turmoil, Jimin poured whiskey into his cup. “Whiskey and coke. Can you pass me that bottle?”
“Sure,” you said, leaping at the chance to prevent him from walking past you again. “Here you go.”
Pushing this forward, you watched Jimin pour both drinks all the way to the brim. He paused near the end, staring into the depths before he looked up. He seemed to be warring with something, debating whether or not to speak whatever was on his mind.
“So…” He paused. “Do you know Jungkook, or something?”
You blinked. “Jungkook…?”
“You know, Miss Luna’s assistant. Jeon Jungkook.”
“Oh! Jungkook. No, I don’t really know him.”
“You were talking to him at the end of class, though?”
Hearing the curiosity in his voice, both your brows raised. “And?”
“And nothing,” Jimin said, sounding uncomfortable. “I just… I didn’t know you knew him, that’s all.”
“I mean, I don’t.” You paused. “But even if I did, what does it matter?”
“It doesn’t.” His cheeks began to redden. “It’s just – ah, never mind. We don’t have that great a history, that’s all. He’s kind of the reason I’m at Russet this year.”
You stared at Jimin a moment. “Wow, what a tragedy,” you said, stifling a laugh. “To have been forced to attend one of the most prestigious dance institutions in the world.”
His upper lip twitched. “It’s not that. I was deciding between attending Russet and accepting a job offer out west. I was asked to join this pop star on tour… anyways, Jungkook’s never liked me much. It’s a long story.” Jimin’s brow furrowed. “My offer was rescinded at the last minute. The artist never said why, but I always got the feeling he had something to do with it.”
You stared at Jimin a moment, unsure how to respond. Jungkook hadn’t seemed like that kind of person, but you supposed you’d only talked to him for a few minutes. If that was true, what happened to Jimin sucked and yet, the next words from your mouth nearly had you face-palming.
“And here I thought I was your biggest rival, Park,” you said.
Jimin’s eyes widened. “Are you… jealous, Y/N?”
He sounded almost pleased by the notion, which sent a different kind of shiver down your spine.
“Not at all,” you said quickly, turning back to your drinks.
Jimin made a soft tsk-ing sound, as though he didn’t believe you.
“That sucks,” you continued, determined to change the subject. “I’m sorry that happened to you.”
“Yeah. Maybe it was all for the best, though. Things happen for a reason, right?”
Looking up, you caught Jimin’s stare. He didn’t look immediately away and you got the oddest sensation he meant more than what he said. Hastily, you pushed this feeling aside, clutching your drinks as you entered the main room. Jimin followed close behind, two cups in his hands.
“When did you get here?” you asked. “Been here long?”
Jimin shook his head. “Nah. Hoseok and I got here like, ten minutes ago. He should be around here somewhere, he –”
You looked up just in time to see Hoseok, Jimin’s roommate, barreling towards you.
“It’s been so long!” Crushing you to his chest, Hoseok wrapped you in a hug. “Hope Jimin isn’t boring you to death,” he stage-whispered before he pulled away.
“Just for that.” Jimin arched a brow. “Both these drinks are for me.”
“No – wait, wait. I’m sorry!” Hoseok pouted. “Hand over the drink, Park. It’s been the longest fucking week.”
Jimin grinned and relented, handing Hoseok his cup as you laughed. Hoseok was a newer friend, but he was close to Jimin, so he’d gradually bled into your latest gatherings. Despite not being on the ballet track, most of the dancers at Russet knew of him. Hoseok had that way about him.
Glancing down at your outfit, Hoseok held up a finger. “Let me guess – Blossom,” he said, turning to scan the room. “Which means… aha! Irene is Bubbles and Noelle is Buttercup. Makes sense.”
“And you are…” Pausing, you squinted at his outfit. “Someone at the spa?”
“Sure.” Hoseok shrugged. “Honestly, I just wanted to wear a bathrobe.”
Said bathrobe was paired with only boxers, the front of the robe open to display his toned abs. The costume didn’t surprise you, based on past interactions with Hoseok.
Casually, he twirled the robe tie in a circle. “Impressive, no?” Hoseok glanced away. “Whoa, wait – they have beer pong? See you all later!”
Hurrying off, he left you alone with Jimin. Shaking your head, you glanced in his direction and saw Jimin down his whole drink. Arching a brow, you were about to ask why when Irene called your names from across the room.
“Y/N!” She waved her hands. “Jimin! Get over here, you two – we need more for flip cup!”
You found yourself pulled in this direction despite your insistence you didn’t do well under pressure. Jimin ended up at the other end of the table and you lost sight of him when you started to play, paired with Jasmine for a partner.
By the end of the first round, you discovered you weren’t as horrible a player as you’d imagined. Then someone suggested mixed drinks for the second round, and things became fuzzier. There were more people present than just current students of Russet. One of Paulo’s roommates knew Seokjin, so you saw him in the room, along with Sana.
You chatted with both over the course of the evening, in addition to a guy who’d recently debuted on Broadway, Kim Taehyung. Apparently, there was already buzz around him for a Tony. Taehyung was nice, but it was sometime during this conversation you realized how tipsy you were. Apparently, not drinking for several months and then going ham made for very low tolerance.
Collapsing onto the couch, you joined Irene and Brian’s conversation. In the corner of your eye, you caught sight of Noelle – a terrible flip cup player, she’d roped Hoseok into giving her private lessons, but these seemed to be going terribly. Or perhaps very well, given how much the two of them were laughing.
You completely forgot about Jimin until you spotted him across the room talking to Sabrina. Seeing them together, you straightened. Both seemed fairly comfortable, which struck you as odd. Since that morning in Jimin’s dorm, you hadn’t really seen them hang out together.
Despite this, Jimin was laughing at something Sabrina had said. Tearing your gaze away, you forced yourself to focus on the conversation at hand. It didn’t matter who Jimin spoke to, or even who he decided to go home with tonight. He was your dance partner and friend, nothing more and besides – you had a boyfriend.
Blinking, you reached into your clutch and pulled out your phone. To your disappointment, you’d gotten no texts from Finn since this morning. You assumed he was still at his party but didn’t know for sure. Shooting him a text, hey, you waited for a response and when you got none, returned your phone to your purse.
Across the room, you heard Noelle yell your name. “Y/N!” She cupped her mouth with both hands. “We need another person for flip cup!”
Laughing, you pushed yourself from the couch and were immediately roped into your fourth game of the night. The night blurred again after that, turning into a pleasant hum of conversation and booze. At some point, Ubers were called to bring you to the club. As you rushed downstairs, you realized you forgot your coat as soon as you stepped outside.
Shivering violently, you rubbed your arms and cursed yourself for poor foresight.
“Y/N?” Jimin came to a stop alongside you. “Hey, where’s your coat?”
“Inside,” you said through chattering teeth. “I-it’s fine, though. I’m fine!”
Jimin gave you a look. “Where’s Paulo?” he said, glancing around. “I’ll grab him, we can get your coat before we go –”
“The Uber’s already here, though,” you argued, grabbing his sleeve to drag him towards the curb. “I’ll be fine from here to the club!”
Jimin sighed but gave in, following when you rushed to the grey SUV. Irene had claimed the front seat, so you and Jimin pulled open the middle door – Noelle and Hoseok were crowding behind you, so you and Jimin ended up together in the backseat.
Collapsed in a heap, you giggled as Jimin tried to squish himself in a corner. “Sorry,” he said, trying – and failing – to keep his knees separate.
“Jimin.” You snorted. “Are we going to go through this again? Your hands have been in way more inappropriate places than that this semester.”
Jimin’s lips parted, shocked, but you were already hoisting yourself over the middle seat. Draping your arms next to Noelle, you begged her to play your favorite song on the radio. Had you been more sober, you might’ve recognized your position to be precarious – perched on the edge of your seat, your ass hovered inches away from Jimin’s face.
Plopping back down, you glanced sideways at Jimin and found him frozen. Suddenly, you realized the visual he’d had.
“Um, so what happened to the teeth?” you blurted, determined to change the subject.
Jimin blinked and managed to meet your gaze. “Casualty of flip cup,” he said. “One of them fell out during the game and I couldn’t find where it rolled.”
“Well, that’s okay. You can just be one of those vampires who blend in with normal humans. You know, the kind whose fangs only come out when they want to bite someone.”
“That’s true.” Jimin arched a brow. “Lucky for you, I’m not hungry.”
“Lucky for me? Lucky for you,” you retorted. “My blood is about half alcohol right now. If you drank my blood, you’d be a very silly vampire.”
The idea of a silly vampire made you laugh – even more so when you pictured said vampire as Jimin. He seemed much too coherent for your liking right now.
“A silly vampire, huh?” Jimin looked on, amused. “Damn, Y/N – when was the last time you went out? Your tolerance is shit.”
“I know,” you sighed. “I haven’t drunk much this semester. Too much dance, too little time. I think the last time I went out was –”
“We’re here!” squealed Noelle, throwing open the door.
A blast of cold air hit you and you shivered, wishing you’d worn your coat. Jimin’s gaze remained steady on yours.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he said lowly. “I can give you, uh…”
“Your shirt?” you said dryly, lifting a brow as you brushed past. “Then you’d be shirtless, Park. Let’s think this through.”
Jimin chuckled before he followed suit, although you cursed as soon as you left the car. He was correct. It was freezing, even with your alcohol-induced blanket.
“Come on!” you yelped, following Noelle towards the entrance.
Bypassing the line, Noelle walked straight towards the bouncer and showed him her phone. He nodded and waved her past, counting your friend group who followed. Not everyone from Paulo’s place had gone to the club, but enough for you to make quite the entrance.
“Y/N!” Noelle doubled back to link arms with you. “Come on – this way! That guy’s going to show us to our table.”
“Table?” you asked her, wide-eyed.
Tables in a club on Halloween night were ridiculously expensive, but it seemed Noelle had downplayed her brother’s connections. Your group was led right to the front of the upper balcony, getting a coveted spot overlooking the dance floor below.
This was undeniably the coolest club you’d been in. Not that you’d been in many, mind you, but this one had to take the cake. A half-circle of tables took up the top floor, with twin staircases descending to the main room below. Most of the lower floor was for dancing, although you saw additional tables pushed to the sides. Fluorescent bars and dance platforms were dotted throughout and above all was the DJ booth, blasting the latest songs.
“Whoa,” you breathed.
Noelle grinned, squeezing your arm to pull you into the booth. As soon as you settled in, Jasmine leapt up and clapped her hands.
“I want to be in one of those!” she said, pointing to a glowing cage at the center of the dance floor.
“Oo, me too!” Irene leapt up to join her.
“Me, three!” said Paulo, clambering out of the booth.
“Awesome.” Irene beamed and glanced your way. “What about you, Y/N? You in?”
The idea was tempting for a moment, but then Finn flashed through your mind. You highly doubted he’d be on board with you gyrating for a room full of strangers without him. Somewhat dejectedly, you plopped back on the bench.
“That’s okay,” you sighed. “I think I’m going to stay here for a while. I’ll join you later!”
Irene frowned but nodded, following the rest when they left for the stairs. About half the group went, clearing out the table while you stared at the dance floor.
Jimin slid into the bench alongside you. “You don’t want to dance?”
Startled, you glanced in his direction. While you watched, Jimin began to undo his cuffs, casually rolling the sleeves of his shirt. His hair, which had been slicked back at the start of the night, was starting to fall. Several dark strands hung over his forehead, although this only seemed to make the look more appealing.
“No,” you said, crossing your legs. “I just… don’t really feel like it.”
“Is this the whole hating clubs thing again?”
“Kind of.” You laughed. “I don’t know. Club dancing isn’t like normal dancing, you know?”
“It is when you’re at the club with all dancers,” Jimin pointed out, nodding towards the floor.
Following his gaze, you saw Jasmine dancing full-out in a lit-up cage. She wasn’t so much gyrating as she was creating choreography on the fly. The mere mortals around her looked on in awe. Fighting a smile, you returned to Jimin.
“Okay, that does look like fun,” you admitted. “The last time I was at a club was with Finn.”
Jimin blinked. “Sorry – what?”
“In the cab,” you said, leaning closer in order to be heard. “You asked me when I last went out. It was that night… um, the night you came and picked me up.”
Jimin stared at you a moment, as though contemplating something important. Abruptly, he stood and held out a hand. You blinked at this like he’d offered a football.
“What are you doing?” you said, glancing up.
“Taking you down to the dance floor.” Jimin retracted said hand. “Come on, Y/N! You don’t have to give out dry lap dances, or whatever.”
“Hey!” In disbelief, your mouth fell open. “You said you’d forget all about that!”
His smile turned impish. “Seriously, we can just do the sprinkler, or something. It’ll be fun!”
“The sprinkler?” Starting to laugh, you stood. “Was that really the first move you thought of?”
“Nah. My go-to move is the criss-cross, but I figured this was more your speed.”
Snorting, you shoved him in the arm before following Jimin to the dance floor. It didn’t take you long to spot your other friends, clustered near the front and around the DJ booth.
“Y/N!” Noelle cheered, breaking off from the pack. “You made it!”
She nearly spilled her drink while she danced, catching herself just in time as she spun around. You grinned, entering the circle with Jimin by your side. He did, in fact, pull out the criss-cross – Hoseok joined in and soon, there was a Fortnite dance battle between them. You truly haven’t lived until you’ve seen a TikTok dance-off between two semi-professional dancers.
This ended with both declaring mutual defeat, and Hoseok disappearing to buy the next round. Noelle shimmied her way over to Jasmine, accepting the hand given to stand on the platform.
You laughed at their ridiculous dance moves, choosing instead to stay on the ground. The crowd around you had thinned since you’d joined. Eamon disappeared a few minutes later, saying something about needing a drink upstairs. Before long, Irene had joined Jasmine and Noelle on the platform, leaving you alone with Jimin on the floor.
Under other circumstances, you might have felt uncomfortable, but Jimin was so good at putting you at ease. Determined to keep you in the present, he came up with more and more complicated dance moves which had you snorting with laughter.
On a particularly flamboyant spin, Jimin accidentally smacked the drink from someone’s grasp. Blue vodka splattered everywhere, drenching its owner – a burly man in leather who snarled in frustration.
Looking up, he met your gaze and his eyes narrowed.
“Shit. Run!” you blurted out.
Grabbing Jimin by the arm, you dragged him into the crowd.
“No, wait – let me apologize!” Jimin tried to twist around. “I can pay for his drink! I can –”
Once there was suitable distance between you and the guy, you came to a stop. Laughing so hard you nearly fell over, you turned sideways to face him.
Bodies pressed against you from every side but rather than feel claustrophobic, all you could think about was Jimin before you. His hair had become thoroughly mussed during the night and you fought the sudden desire to smooth it down.
Although your breath came hard, the club around you seemed to slow. The music somehow had narrowed to pinpricks, a heady thump of bass while everything dulled.
What you should’ve done was taken a step back – but you didn’t.
Instead, your gaze drifted across his face. Jimin stared back, something intense to his gaze you couldn’t quite name. Breath caught in your throat, his eyes dropped to your lips.
Before you could react, someone bumped into you from behind, sending you careening forward. Jimin caught you easily, one arm around your waist and your chest pressed to his. You could feel every hard line of his body, his thigh wedged between your legs while you grasped at his arms. Heart thudding traitorously against your ribcage, you tried to ignore the emotions which followed.
It was impossible. 
The song playing was slower, sexier than the one which had inspired the dance-off. Without meaning to, your weight subtly shifted. This caused your hips to move against his as Jimin quietly sucked in a breath. The effect this had on him was instantaneous. His grip on you tightened, gaze heady with desire and something more. Before you could second-guess what you were doing, you moved your hips again – this time, on purpose.
Jimin’s eyes darkened. Without looking away, his grip on you tightened as he slowly dragged you up his thigh. Suddenly breathless, your hands gripped him tighter while your eyes fluttered shut. The heat of his body on yours, the faint smell of cologne and sweat, the tension in his limbs and the knowledge of what he could do to you – it all left your head spinning.
“Y/N,” Jimin murmured, low in your ear.
You weren’t used to him saying your name like that.
You were used to him saying your name in every other way, but not that. Sharp with dancer’s critique, brusque with instruction, light with teasing – but not like something heavy was lodged in his throat. Maybe his heart.
Panicked, your eyes flew open.
What were you doing? This wasn’t some random stranger and this sure as hell wasn’t your boyfriend. This was Jimin. Stumbling backwards, you broke from his hold. Jimin seemed equally stunned, staring at you on the dance floor.
“I have to go,” you blurted and whirled around.
Shoving into the crowd, you heard Jimin emit a soft groan. Despite this, he didn’t immediately pursue, for which you were grateful. Stumbling through strangers, strobe lights flashed brightly overhead. You squeezed between someone dressed as a go-go and another person dressed as a werewolf. Skidding to a stop on the edge of the floor, you scanned the room and saw no one from Russet.
When you glanced over your shoulder, you saw Jimin now followed. Panicking again, you began to move. Beside one of the bars, you spotted a hallway labeled restrooms. Heading in this direction, you quickly disappeared inside the door marked women.
Once inside, you locked yourself in a stall, lowered the lid and sat down. Head in hands, you slowly exhaled. You were a coward; that much was clear. Jimin was probably out there looking for you right now, but you’d rather hide in a bathroom than face him.
The fluorescent lighting overhead was too bright – it made you feel overexposed. After a long moment, you fished around in your purse and pulled out your phone. Flipping to your thread with Finn, you saw he’d sent no response since your text. Complete and utter silence.
Heart cracking a little, you slid this in your bag and stared at the door. This wasn’t how things were supposed to go. When you imagined you and Finn at college, you’d always pictured you together, attending the same parties and sharing the same adventures. Tonight though, had proven to be anything but that. Finn hadn’t once glanced at his phone judging by the unread mark next to your text.
Dimly, you wondered why you weren’t more upset about this. It should bother you that Finn hadn’t called or even texted throughout the day. Sure, he was out with friends, but so were you and you’d reached out – as soon as you thought this, your heart sank.
You weren’t sure you could call Jimin a friend after what had just happened.
Sure, you’d only danced, and it had only been for a second but still, guilt bloomed behind your ribcage. The idea of Finn doing the same thing with anyone else made your heart twist. You wouldn’t feel that way if what you’d done wasn’t wrong.
Groaning out loud, you lowered your head to your hands. After several minutes, you felt calm enough to stand and pretend-flush the toilet. As you exited the stall, you walked to the sink and began washing your hands. Staring at yourself in the mirror, a million things ran through your mind.
Clearly, the situation with Jimin was worse than you’d thought. The spark you’d felt kept returning, no matter how much you tried to ignore it. Maybe the only solution was to find a new partner. The very idea made your heart sink, but you couldn’t deny things had gotten out of hand.
Before you could seriously consider the option, the door to the bathroom flung open and banged against the wall. Sabrina stormed in, wiping both eyes with the heel of her hand. You froze, staring at her in the mirror but she didn’t seem to notice your presence.
When she finally lowered her hands and took a deep breath, she saw you and froze.
For a moment, you both only stared at each other and then – you coughed. Awkwardly, you began to dry your hands.
“Are you okay?” you asked, tentative.
Sabrina stiffened. “I’m fine,” she muttered, walking to the sink.
You watched her wash her hands, struggling and failing to control her expression. Sabrina’s hair was a mess and you stared, wondering where she’d been. You hadn’t seen her since you’d entered the club, but had assumed she’d stayed on the second floor.
“Are you sure?” you pressed, remembering your night at the other club. “You know, you can –”
“Will you… just stop.” Sabrina closed her eyes. “Will you … stop pretending like we’re friends, or something?”
Struck with disbelief, you could only stare. “I… are you serious?”
“Wow.” You shook your head. “Just wow.”
Her lips tightened and finally, she whirled around. “What?” Sabrina demanded. “What is it?”
The look in her eyes was familiar. Her frustrated, angry look was mirrored in your expression, but you found you didn’t care. Sabrina was clearly going through something, but her rudeness to you was the final straw. Tired from Finn, Jimin and the constant pressure you were both under, something about Sabrina’s words made you break.
“Why are you always such a… such a bitch,” you blurted, hurling the word like a knife. “What did I ever do to you? Why do you always act like you hate me so much?”
Sabrina’s upper lip curled. “Why do you always think this is about you, Y/N? Maybe I just wanted one second of peace and instead, here you are. Like always.”
“Here I am, in the public restroom of a club we’re all at?”
“No. Here you are in my life,” she snapped, pushing herself from the sink. “People won’t talk to me? It’s because you’ve run your mouth about things you think I’ve done. I’m falling in the class ranks? It’s because you’re after my spot. Jimin doesn’t want to be my partner? It’s because of his feelings for you. I’m sick of turning around and always seeing you there!”
“Okay, but none of those things – I, Jimin doesn’t have feelings for me,” you sputtered.
Sabrina gave you a look. “Oh, please, Y/N.” Her laughter was harsh. “Why else would he turn me down?”
“Um, maybe because he’s a decent human being? Unlike yourself.”
“Great, yeah.” Sabrina glared. “Make me the bad guy again.”
“I’m not the one doing that,” you huffed. “You are. You want to blame me because no one wants to be your friend? Maybe try reaching out first. Maybe don’t talk shit about people behind their backs. And I’m improving because I’m taking extra lessons. No thanks to you, of course.”
“Don’t try and make me feel bad because I didn’t have time to give you lessons.”
“I’m not trying to make you feel bad. I’m trying to explain why I’m improving and you’re not.”
Sabrina bristled. “Are you saying I don’t work hard, too?”
“No.” Mirthless, you laughed. “I know you work hard – maybe even as hard as I do. But you know what the big difference is between you and me?” you said, drawing yourself to your full height.
Sabrina’s eyes glimmered while she stared you down. Still, she retained her aloofness when she said, “What? What’s the big secret?”
“You think everyone’s out to get you,” you said, stepping closer. “You think not asking for help makes you stronger, but it’s the exact opposite. At least I’ve improved since the start of the year. What have you done?”
Not waiting for an answer, you pushed past Sabrina and walked out the door.
Shoving it wide, you entered the hallway. Dance music flooded your senses and you winced, remembering where you were and what you’d been doing. Luckily, Jimin was nowhere in sight. He must not have seen where you’d disappeared to.
Shoulders slumping, you pulled out your phone and dialed a number. Walking to the front, you concentrated on breathing while you waited for them to pick up. Coming to a stop beside coat check, you didn’t leave the club – a lesson you’d learned the hard way.
Noelle answered on the third ring. “Babe?” she yelled, barely audible over the din. “What’s going on? Where are you?”
“Are you…” Closing your eyes, you paused. “Can we leave?”
Noelle paused, then muffled her phone with one hand. “Irene!” you heard her yell. “You good to get a ride home for these people? Okay, cool. Bye!” Her phone became un-muffled. “Where are you, babe?”
After explaining your location, you hung up and hugged yourself with both arms. Noelle burst into view a few moments later, scanning the crowd like a mom on a mission. When she saw you, she rushed over – and you promptly burst into tears.
“Oh, no!” Pulling you into a hug, Noelle began to rub your back. “No, no, babe! Don’t cry! What’s going on? Do I need to kick someone’s ass?”
Hearing Jimin’s words said by Noelle only made you cry harder. Wisely sensing this to be a problem not easily solved, Noelle continued rubbing your back while walking towards the exit.
The two of you went outside and, as luck would have it, saw a group of people arriving at the club. Noelle snagged their taxi, helping you in the backseat and giving the driver your address. As you settled against her, your head on her shoulder, Noelle kept rubbing your arm and waited for the tears to stop.
You weren’t really sure why you were crying.
Of course, Sabrina was terrible, as was the situation with Jimin, but it was more than that. Dancing with Jimin hadn’t caused problems in your relationship with Finn. There had been problems in your relationship Finn and so, feelings had crept in which led you to dance with Jimin.
More than that though, you couldn’t help but notice Noelle had come to your aid much faster than Finn ever had. Even Jimin had dropped everything when you asked, and he was someone you’d once called your enemy. Noelle had been having fun, but she’d cut her night short because you were upset. This knowledge crushed you and for the very first time, you realized your relationship with Finn might be unfixable.
Curled up on the backseat, you let yourself cry a bit more. You could be calm and rational in the morning, you decided but for now, you just felt defeated.
When you finally climbed into bed at your dorm at night, you looked at your phone and saw Finn still hadn’t texted.
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Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! 😊 New chapters of Raise the Barre are posted weekly; dates are listed on the series Master List. Requests for updates will be deleted.
© kpopfanfictrash, 2020. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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tarosin · 4 years ago
the great adventures of y/n tubbo jack niki and wilbur - racing across the sea
requested: yes/no
part 8 of the great adventures series
warning: cursing, anxiety about the sea
ever since the argument you and tubbo had become inseparable, he practically lived with you and your parents at this point, and your community was loving it. everytime one of you would stream, tens of thousands of people would tune into your stream to see what madness was going on and today was no different. the pair of you decided to stream a laugh and the stream ends challenge. safe to say you ended up changing the rules several times, you even made ranboo join the stream so you could have extra lives. not long after the stream ended you, ranboo, and tubbo practically dominated the twitter trending page. today however was tubbos last day at yours and shortly after you ended stream, the pair of you headed out to the train station so you could make sure your best friend made it onto the train safely. after you said your goodbyes, you decided to facetime jack on your way home to discuss vlog ideas, and just to talk to him, as you had been rather busy this past week going over plans with ranboo, tubbo, and all of your parents about the uk trip that was happening pretty soon.
a few days later, it was finally time to go film the vlog. you couldn’t exactly lie, you weren’t exactly looking forward to this, as you were told it had something to do with the sea and boats which oddly enough didn’t mix very well with your fear of the deep sea. you had no idea what’s down there and you didn’t want to find out, but hey at least you’d be with tubbo.
your parents offered to drive you there so you didnt have any additional stress from having to get a train then a taxi, this allowed you to have a pretty quiet journey to meet up with your friends. you sat in the back of the car on facetime with tommy who was the only one who knew about your fear and was rather confused as the why you would agree to do such a thing
“i’ll never understand what goes through your mind, you’ve got this though! you’re going to be completely okay, plus you never know it might help you get over your fear, you did tell me you had been working on getting over it.”
“I suppose you’re right, it can’t be too bad. I mean I love the sea. I just don’t like what’s deep down, you feel me?”
“i understand mate, but you need to remember jack wouldn’t put you in danger. as much as he acts like he would, and even if you do fall off the boat or some how end up in the water, you won’t automatically end up at the bottom of the sea. just try to enjoy yourself, yeah?”
“call me when you get home you can tell me all about what happened, afterwards we can record a minecraft mod video.”
“of course, boss man.”
“you hang out with tubbo too much, you should hang out with me a lot more.”
the car pulled into the car park and within a minute of the car stopping tubbo was at the window shouting your name.
“right tommy, i should probably go, ill see you later bud!”
you said goodbye to your parents as tubbo opened your car door for you.
“what a gentleman, thank you, tubbo.”
“anything for you, now let’s go. jack began filming the intro and i really want the hat hes wearing.”
“you’re ridiculous.”
he stood with his arms crossed shaking his head, pretending to be offended before walking off with you not far behind him.
you stood with niki and wilbur as tubbo went off filming some of the intro with jack. the three of you stood talking about how you have all been and discussing more plans for your meetup.
“y/n, go control your friend, he’s stealing a hat!”
you ran up behind tubbo and stole the hat from him, putting it on your own head.
“why have you got the hat now?”
“i am now captain!”
“but i wanted to be captain!”
you and tubbo stood arguing back and forth over who was captain, ignoring jack trying to get the pair of you to stop.
“you have 5 seconds to stop arguing or you’re being separated 5...4...3...2...1 right.”
“jack no!”
jack pulled you aside claiming he has something really important to ask you.
“so did you bring something valuable?”
“yeah i did actually, i brought tubbo and the necklace tommy gave me for my birthday last year.”
tubbo overhearing the conversation walked over telling you both that he also brought a valuable item, in fact it was a family heirloom.
“i brought an urn.”
“why would you do that tubbo? what the fuck-“
“you two do realise if either of you lose it had to go in the sea?”
“poor grandma.”
“aye about that you will have to pry that necklace out of my hands in order to throw it in the sea!”
the three of you went up to wilbur and niki where wilbur stole the hat you stole from tubbo, and you were told that you were all about to race to the isle of wight.
it was unfortunately time to board the boat, you sat next to tubbo, so that you felt like you had some sort of control with what was about to happen. the others sat making jokes about what was going on whilst you were trying to get control of your breathing. as you all set sail, you thought you were doing a good job of hiding the fact you were potentially about to have a panic attack as no one seemed to notice, or so you thought. considering the fact tubbo was your best friend, he instantly noticed something was wrong and wrapped an arm around you, and decided that distracting you would be a lot better than making you focus on what was currently happening.
“hey y/n, i have an amazing idea for when ranboos in the uk. a 4 month sleep over.”
before you had time to fully process what was going on, all you could hear was wilbur now claiming to be captain then going on to tell you why portsmouth is called portsmouth. you couldnt help but laugh at the random things he was coming up with since he put the captains hat on.
“that is a cinema..i’ve been in this industry for a while now, isn’t that right?”
it was silent for a while until niki tried to steal the captains hat, but was unfortunately unsuccessful .
“maybe next time niki.”
“thank you for believing in me, y/n.”
you pointed out a castle which ended up with wilbur talking about how the planned executions there .
“are they dead?”
“...tubbo of course they’re dead. what kind of question was that?”
the other boat began getting closer to the boat you were all currently in, indicating that it was almost time for you all to split up into two groups.
“my boat is going much faster.”
“that is a sign of pollution.”
“wow jack you’re polluting the world, i hope you’re happy!”
the ride was pretty chill until jack asked what he had lost in the past.
“past relationships.”
“the love or host.”
“laugh you lose streams.”
“the waterslide races from when we went to the water park.”
you and tubbo continued listening things that jack had lost.
“okay. so i’ve lost a few things.”
jack looked towards the other boat.
“however, you two are about to lose each other.”
“excuse you?”
“no, y/n is mine!”
eventually wilbur had enough and picked tubbo up and took him to the other boat with him.
you and niki sat laughing as jack and wilbur bickered about who was going to win the boat race. whilst jack was distracted, you felt niki tap your arm and told you to look over to the other boat where tubbo was reaching his arm out to you so you could quickly swap boats.
you quickly got into the boat and sat next to your best friend, tubbo knew you were still slightly nervous, so made it so you would be sat in between him and wilbur so you would feel a lot more comfortable. a few minutes later, your boat began to set off and all you could hear was a mixture of tubbos laughter and jacks yelling getting quieter the further you went.
you turned to face wilbur who pointed towards a building before announcing that it definitely belonged to the the three of you, and was renaming it reddit gold.
“reddit..reddit gold, are you serious?” you said through your laughter, the three of you sat together taking turns narrating what was happening .
“go on, y/n.”
“if this capsizes, were all drowning.”
“cheerful as awful.”
“do you think sharks are beneath us?”
“i’m not even answering that question.”
you looked over your shoulder to see that niki and jack were catching up to you all.
“i hope they don’t overtake us, otherwise it’s bye bye tubbo.”
“and grandma.”
“excuse you, tubbo?”
“he’s claiming that he brought an urn with him and if we lose our valuable item gets chucked into the sea.”
a little while later jacks boat was next to yours and you and wilbur started to shout how it was like romeo and juliet.
“y/n, you studied this at gcse a while back, yell some quotes.”
“tubbo i didn’t listen to the teachers.”
“do it!”
wilbur continued to talk to the others whilst you and tubbo sat bickering about William Shakespeare .
“tubbo my favourite character was benvolio and he fucked off halfway through.”
“what do you mean he fucked off?”
“he literally disappeared.”
wilbur was genuinely questioning what he was listening to he slowly turned around and tried to catch your attention; however you were currently in the middle of a debate about why benvolio disappeared, which was that last thing you expected to be doing on the boat. eventually your debate died down and you looked up to see wilbur shaking his head at you both, clearly confused as to why you spent 5 minutes arguing about romeo and juliet. an idea came to wilburs mind as he started laughing and pointing at the sea.
“drink some seawater, tubbo.”
you looked away as tubbo reached into the water trying to hold as much water as he could before bringing it to his lips and drinking the seawater.
“tubbo did you really just-“
“more tubbo!”
tubbo did the same as before, however this time brought his hands towards your face.
“drink it, y/n!”
“yeah, y/n, you can help desalinate it.”
“how wonderful, i’ll pass though.”
tubbo looked at you pretending to be upset and lifted his hands towards you again, this time you gave in and drank some of the water.
“thanks, tubbo, I can now only taste salt.”
jack noticed what you and tubbo were doing and looked at wilbur confused.
“im making them drink seawater!”
“what’s it like?”
“salt.. a lot of salt!”
you checked your phone as you kept receiving multiple messages from tommy trying to get your attention, forgetting that you were currently on a boat with the others. you looked up from your phone to see tubbo drinking more seawater.
you had no idea what was going on for jack and niki, but it sounded a lot like they lost hope as jack yelled asking if there was room for him on the boat while tubbo sat flipping him off in response to his question. jack continued to yell at the three of you however none of you could hear what he was yelling, so you kind of sat just nodding your head in agreement to what he was saying. wilbur pointed out that he could see the finishing line and how it looked like you were all going to make it. you looked over to see jack and niki recreating that one scene from titanic tubbo looked at you smiling, trying not to laugh.
“absolutely not one of us, if not both of us, would end up in the sea.”
the boat began to go significantly faster. at the start you were unsure how to feel, however a few minutes into it you began laughing enjoying how fast you were going.
“woahhh we’re turning!”
the boat did a loop before going straight on as fast as it could go.
“y/n, tubbo, we’re going. we’re going.”
you ended up passing another boat you and tubbo instantly waved to everyone on the boat a few people waved back .
“they don’t wanna wave.”
“they know their boat is bigger than ours.”
“they could easily ram us and kill us all.”
“hopefully they decide against doing that.”
the boat began weaving resulting in you, tubbo, and wilbur constantly crashing into each other, not that any of you cared you were all having the time of your lives. you pointed at a boat which was cutting off the boat jack and niki were in .
“we’ve got this in the bag boys, victory is ours!”
your boat slowed down so it could dock.
“i think we’ve won!”
“we won”!
“holy shit we won! tubbo doesn’t have to go in the sea now!”
everyone got out of the boat so you could all wait for jack and niki to reach the dock, as the two of them approached you all tubbo began to sing.
“we are the champions my friend!”
“i have to go into the fucking water!”
you pulled niki into a hug.
“jack you cruel man.”
“did you not have fun niki..we had a great time.”
you let go of niki and stood behind tubbo placing your head on his shoulder whilst jack explained to wilbur what was going to happen if they lost.
“oh, I thought we got to decide who was thrown into the water.”
“no no no no no no!”
“well i think considering we won..”
after a small discussion as a team, you all instantly agreed that jack should be thrown into the water, you all stood on the boat as niki argued that he cant throw her into the water. a couple seconds later wilbur walks towards jack handing him the camera before picking him up.
“are you ready?”
“i don’t think the bits that funny will, i don’t think the bits that funny!”
you all screamed and laughed as jack was thrown into the water. jack complained about the temperature of the sea as he climbed back onto the boat only to be pushed off again by you and tubbo.
“that’s revenge for trying to put us on separate boats!”
you spent the rest of the day together just hanging together as a group before you said your goodbyes.
the ride back home was you excitedly explaining what your boat ride was like to your parents, once you got home you ran upstairs to your room then called tommy on discord
“how was it then?”
“tommy it was so cool, honestly i wish you could have come with us.”
“i mean you’re coming with me george and wilbur to a water course next week, you don’t have a choice.”
“oh okay, it’s a good job i’d love to be there then, tom, also what mod are we playing just so i can check i have it ready.”
the two of you spent a good hour talking before getting ready to film a video with charlie and jschlatt for tommys youtube channel.
@l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @c1loudee
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anvoo · 2 years ago
20.02.2023 - Midday update.
I haven't been doing so great the past 2 weeks. I really shut myself down and in, and just became completely isolated from both the outer and my inner world.
I became numb to everything and just carried on going day by day.
But a mind isn't like a faucet that you can just turn on or off as you please. It seems more like a river that flows, and when you put a dam on it for so long, eventually it breaks.
It went a bit like that for me today. Talking to Cat was the CATalyst (hehe), and I got a healthy dose of reality-check. All the things I've been avoiding, holding in, and trying not to think about broke free and hit me simultaneously.
I'm reminded of the things I've been procrastinating on, the work I didn't do, and the friends and people I've ignored; that brought in a huge, overwhelming wave of self-hate and disappointment. But hey, I went to do the laundry and took the opportunity to think and reflect. I did a lot of work on that front, and I treated myself to some nice iced tea on the way back, so I think I did well there.
It's important that I am focused, and disciplined and work on the things that I want to work on, it really is. But I also need to learn not to crush myself with overwhelming expectations or repercussions.
"Adventure Time" is a cartoon I have deeply loved since I was a kid. I practically grew up on it. Recently I rewatched a video on youtube that explained "Adventure Time" as a cartoon, and how it portrayed the process of maturing emotionally of its characters. 10 Seasons - 10 years, the characters grew as people, learning valuable lessons meanwhile, and I find myself relating a lot to some of it, and growing alongside them.
Something that is stressed heavily via the development of the characters in it is that: "We all have things to work on, but it's important to accept that we won't be perfect, and that's ok."
That's what I'm trying to go for right now. Pushing myself enough so that I could work on my goals and move forward, but not crushing under the weight of my own expectations and self-hate.
I think I did ok today. I'm proud of myself for wanting to move forward, for being able to reflect and self-regulate my emotions, and for being able to make sense of everything. I'm proud of the progress I've made, and my own growth as a person. I'm proud of myself for reaching out to people, trusting them, and being willing to ask for help or open up. I'm happy I have the support of many people that care about me, and I care about them too.
I think you did well today, too. It's ok to not be ok sometimes, just a part of life. Learn from it, let it run its course, then bump yourself out. Trust the process, and I know you will do good. Resistance training in everything, right? Go for it man.
Thank you. Trust the process. But also take part in that process! Try your best!
Give it your all, and I promise you the results will come so soon. See the results of you zoning out for 2 weeks? xD Came right away!
I hate you xD But that's true. I reap what I sow, and most of the time it comes way sooner and when I least expect it, so sow good things!
Do it man. I love you, and I'm around!
Love you too.
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CROW : Oh, see that huge tree? That was one of landmarks! EMMA : The compass seems to be working fine as well. Seems like we're headed in the right direction. Departing from Maden Castle, we were making our way through a dense forest, toward the ruins, with Crow in the lead. CROW : I’m seeing footprints here and there. We’re not the only explorers heading to the ruins.
CINIS : As expected of an esteemed explorer like yourself. You seem a natural at this kind of thing.
Through the headset, I can hear the voice of Cinis back in his castle.
CROW : Yeah, just leave it to me! Gotta say it again, this outfit looks awesome!
*FLASHBACK* CROW : I finished getting dressed like you said. EMMA : What are you wearing? CINIS : Well done, let the adventure begin! MIKAGE : Why do I gotta go...
CINIS : These clothes are samples of the gaming gear we’re developing. EVAN : Gaming gear? CINIS : Clothes made specifically for fully immersing yourself in video games. The clothes were sent to the Demon King by the telegraph engineer of the Mechanics' Guild, with a note saying, "I want you to test these." EMMA : But, this isn't a game. This is a genuine exploration? CINIS : I was asked to monitor the communication function of the outfit, which is still in it’s prototype stage and can be used to communicate remotely with other players. CROW : I see. So with with these devices, you can still help solve the riddle without needing to come to the ruin.
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CINIS : Yes. I am joining you remotely from my magical castle, my illustrious servants!
CROW : It's so durable and easy to move around in, it'd be a real shame to only use these things for playing games! CINIS : "Hmmm, okay. I'll let the developer know." MIKAGE : ...I still don't get why I'm here... EVAN : Same... MIKOTO : A foolish statement, Mikage! It is only natural for a vassal to follow his Lord!
MIKAGE : Mikoto-Sama has an overwhelming presence no matter what he wears... Could you move away from me a little? I’m getting dizzy. MIKOTO : Kuhahaha, don't praise me so! CROW : Evan looks damn good too, doesn't he? I think this gear’s really gonna help us out! EVAN : I didn't dress like this because I wanted to! Welck insisted on it! WELCK : It's nice to have everyone together♪ Like an expedition! EMMA : (Welck has been alone all his life, so I guess he’s really enjoying this...) WELCK : Whoa, what's that? Look at that strange mushroom!
CROW : That is a poisonous mushroom, so be careful. I remember eating one with Itsuki once. We were laughing for three whole days straight!
EVAN : It was stupid.
WELCK : What!? How could such a cute little thing be so scary and dangerous?
EMMA : (This is kind of relaxing, actually...)
While I was smiling at Welck’s enthusiastic curiosity, Mikage unexpectedly threw a kunai into the grass.
MIKAGE : You can't be too carefree, it's dangerous.
Mikage carefully parts the grass, showing us his prey.
MIKAGE : See, he’s a big one, too.
EMMA : A snake!?
CROW : That's a white-bellied black snake, isn't it? It’s bite causes your body to go numb, and leaves you paralyzed for days. MIKAGE : Yeah. We don't want to have to deal with that. MIKOTO : Oh, you have behaved well as a vassal, slaughtering those who oppose me! I commend you! MIKAGE : Well, Mikoto-Sama, it’s not like you could actually get bitten if you didn’t materialize. CINIS : Servants, to clarify, has anyone been bitten? EMMA : No, everything is fine. CINIS : Good... That’s good... EMMA : What's up?
CINIS : Nothing... I was just thinking about how much fun you all seem to be having... EMMA : (He sounds so lonely...) EMMA : Once we get inside the ruins, we’ll be needing your help. I’m looking forward to working with you then, okay? CROW : Yeah. We’re counting on you! CINIS : Of course. I'll show you why I'm the Demon King.
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MIKAGE : Hey. Since we're all just hanging out, can I ask what the point of this whole thing is? I want to get this done and go back home as soon as possible.
CROW : What exactly are we looking for in the ruins? The atmosphere and architecture suggests the ruins belong to the ancient dynasty of Daten. CINIS : Few documents remain concerning the ancient dynasties of Daten, and many remain a mystery. In fact, to this day, no one is even sure if the ancient dynasty itself ever even existed. MIKAGE : This sounds like another tedious tale.... EVAN : You guys seem to be excited, but don't you think it's odd? The ruins are located close to the capital. So why were they only discovered now?
EMMA : Hmmm. From what I heard from the federation, the roads are so well maintained that very few people will actually risk taking a path as dangerous as this... And they believe what few have, failed to find it because of just how deep it is into the forest. MIKAGE : I hate to agree with the twinkly fairy over there, but it does seem really suspicious... EVAN : Don't you start, tsun tsun! EMMA : Yeah, Crow and I were talking about how there must have been another reason why we never found it before...
CROW : But well, that's part of what makes it so intriguing and worth exploring. CINIS : Hmmm. Agreed. MIKOTO : What’s that? I see something! WELCK : Oh, that's...... CROW : Those are the ruins we’re looking for!
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softluci · 4 years ago
hello yes can i just say i l o v e d your gen z hcs and may i acquire more
for starters, i am not religious, but i am PRAYING you don’t think i was ignoring your ask. i’ve been thinking about it since i got it, it’s just that i’m a college student with worms for brains, so hopefully you understand. this is something that i’ve had on my mind for a long time [i’ve been at this on and off for months], and it most definitely can be associated with/attributed to gen z. 
for a fleeting, wonderful period of time, there was a trend on tiktok that went, “buss it, buss it…” are you familiar? 
that should be enough of a summary, right? ah—for future reference, “o7” is like a saluting emote, for anyone who might not know. reader is g/n as usual, enjoy!
[a/n: so because this is so long, this part is going to be, like, the lore, and then the actual headcanons will be right here]
the two things most corrosive to the human spirit are easily named—capitalism and boredom. while it would be easier and less taxing to explain the former, the latter was the problem at hand. it’s not that there was nothing to do in the devildom—quite the opposite, actually—it was just that you wanted some time to yourself every now and again. the trouble with trying to take time for yourself in a completely new location, the residents of which are always enamored with you in one way or another, is that there isn’t anything to do. the house was full of adventures for you to take—the trap door under the rug in the library, the other trap door under the dining room table, the small door behind the couch in the living room, and whatever other poorly hidden doors your seven roommates thought you didn’t know about. 
trouble was, you didn’t want to leave your room. you, intelligent creature that you are, knew that the chances of you running into mammon or satan or beel or asmo were all too high, and even higher were the chances of you agreeing to spend time with them if they asked, and you knew they would. what were you to do? 
you stared at your ceiling from your bed, d.d.d. resting on your stomach as you let your mind wander. your d.d.d. was full of things for you to do, the devildom’s ethernet at your fingertips, but you weren’t interested in finding new things right now. you wanted something familiar, like—like your phone. 
what was the point of lucifer taking your phone, anyway? it’s not like you could use it—being here rendered it a useless brick of glass and metal, so it wouldn’t have been a big deal if you still had it. it was funny, though, that you couldn’t use your actual phone when it was still possible to access the human internet from down here. 
at least, you assumed so. 
how else would levi be able to keep up with his human idols, get tickets for their shows—the works, you know? luckily, you were fully capable of asking. 
d.d.d. now in your hand, you rolled onto your stomach and found your messages with levi, nails clacking against the glass as you tried to reach him.
hey, you texted, can you help me with something?
his reply came faster than you expected: ?? what do you need 
how do i access human websites and apps, you asked, rolling onto your side. you know how to, right?
lololol, it’s not possible :p
a grunt, more aggravated than you’d care to admit, escaped from the back of your throat.
don’t lie. 
a few minutes passed with no response, and you wondered if you were too harsh. 
“he’s a sensitive guy,” you mumbled, inhaling deeply. “i probably came on too strong or something.” 
just as you started typing out an apology and a, “forget i ever said anything,” you got a response. 
a vpn and a proxy site. 
a smile crept onto your face as air came out of your nose, the closest thing to a laugh you could muster. 
can you set it up for me? 
after another few minutes of no response, you sit up, wondering how you could’ve possibly fucked up a second time, your d.d.d. buzzed. 
levi sent you a file and a link, with a host of instructions. 
click on the file and it’ll take you to the vpn you need to download. don’t worry about bugs or anything, i made it myself. 
you let out a low whistle, flopping onto your back once more. 
“this guy gets up to more than i thought,” you said, eyebrows raised. “someone get this man some physical affection.” 
you continued to read, growing more fond of him with each sentence.
once you install it, pick the country whose network you want access to. from there, you’ll have a list of that country’s most used applications available for you. again, don’t worry about bugs. 
what’s the link for? you asked, excitement getting the better of you. 
for when you download internet applications. it’s added security, paste the link in before you search anything or you’ll trigger the firewall alarm. 
you blinked. 
you’ll trigger the what? 
i’ll trigger the fucking What? 
levi’s response was the fastest one yet: the Fucking Firewall Alarm. barbatos’ design. he has no idea i know how to bypass it. just do what i said. don’t try to solve any potential issues on your own, come to me for everything.
roger that o7, you replied, thanks levi ^_^
yeah, yeah. come to my room for a hxh binge tomorrow night.
you snorted. what a fucking nerd—in the greatest way possible. 
of course bestie :] ily
ily2 normie -_- 
in his room, unbeknownst to you, levi felt like he made a mistake of some kind. it’s not that he didn’t trust you, it’s just that you had a tendency to end up in undesirable situations, even if it wasn’t always on purpose. he was probably just worried over nothing, or so he tried to tell himself, but whatever. this isn’t even about him.
you sat up once more, this time leaning against your pillows as you started setting everything up. everything went so quickly that you barely wondered if all of this—subverting hell’s firewall, personally designed by a man eerily similar to a 2D crush from when you were in middle school—was worth accessing a few silly apps from the human world. 
a few minutes later, your d.d.d. now a much, much cooler copy of your phone, any and all thoughts of regret and hesitation were absent from your mind. 
your first order of business on your upgraded d.d.d. was logging into your tiktok account, however surprising it was that you even remembered the password. you put your headphones in and adjusted your volume, going back into the dumpster fire that is your for-you page with open arms. 
after around half an hour of stifled laughter and small, offended gasps from being targeted by the algorithm, you came across a rare dancing video. the person on your screen was in casual clothes, making minor, silly dance movements as the music dwindled, only for them to drop into a squat in time with the music, suddenly dolled up. you shot forward, taken aback by their transformation and by their dancing post beat drop. did you watch it on a loop for a few minutes? well, that’s nobody’s business but yours. you clicked on the sound in hopes of finding similar videos, and much to your relief, there were plenty. about ten videos in, a smile still on your face, you got an idea. 
you slipped your headphones out, arbitrarily looking around your room, before whispering to yourself, “i could—i could do that. i could totally do that.” 
and you were right. you had nice clothes and makeup from various shopping occasions with asmo. your room had led strips, courtesy of levi ordering the wrong ones and being so kind as to give them to you. you could do it. 
levi was the only person you’d spoken to since you retreated to your room a few hours ago, and the lights have been off the entire time, which meant that if you worked quietly enough, everyone else had reason enough to assume you were asleep. good! how could you possibly explain what you were doing getting all dolled up at, like, 11:00 on a wednesday night? you couldn’t, even a little bit—not in a way that convinced anyone, anyway. 
come midnight, you were sitting cross legged on your bed, watching your final product. not to be vain or anything, but you were looking very respectfully at yourself. since when could you move like that, anyway? the wonders of being alone, you supposed. 
you didn’t post it publicly, electing to save it as a draft just so it would save to your d.d.d. maybe you’d post it once you were back in the human world, when your friends wouldn’t swarm your comments asking where the fuck you were. 
yeah, lucifer told you, “everything was taken care of,” but regardless of whether or not you believed him, you knew it wasn’t a good idea to risk finding out if he missed something. 
boredom creeping up on you again, you elected to go through the messages on your d.d.d. it would be better to make yourself laugh before you were fully bored again, right? you stood up and stretched, opening the group text with the adults. luke doesn’t know about it; he thinks the one with everyone is the main one, and everyone lets him think that so he feels included. 
walking around your room in small circles, you scrolled up to the older conversations and read through them, rolling your eyes and chuckling to yourself. very rarely did they talk about anything of importance. it was mostly diavolo, barbatos, and simeon making quips and jokes at lucifer’s expense for everyone to see. it was gold in its purest form. 
you contemplated sending one of the many cursed things sitting in your camera roll, just to keep them on their toes, but just after opening your gallery, you resigned not to, figuring it would be best to leave him alone. 
you stretched again, the hold on your d.d.d. a bit looser this time. it nearly slipped out of your hands, but you caught it, tossing it onto your bed. as soon as you resigned to start getting ready for bed, you turned back around and picked it up. 
there was no rhyme or reason to your actions; if someone in that moment were to ask you why you did it, you would’ve said, “just ‘cause.”
human intuition is a wonderful thing.
your d.d.d. was still on, still open to the group chat. you’d sent something, evidently a second ago, as indicated by the time stamp. the thumbnail was of you, in casual clothing—the casual clothing you were wearing before you got dolled up, actually. huh. 
the weight of your mistake came crashing down on you in full force, a chill sinking into your skin and running up your spine.
you were suddenly acutely aware of the concept of time, how it was of the essence and you had absolutely none to waste.
what were you to do? it wouldn’t be long before your favorite person saw it. you had to do something. 
you could say nothing. you could tell the truth and say it was an accident and that you were embarrassed, but that was even worse than saying nothing because it meant you were set to be the target of teasing you didn’t even wanna try to imagine. you could say it was an accident and be confident about it, telling them, “enjoy!” but that was a dangerous game to play, and you knew it. 
well, i do admire you for taking time to think, but, unfortunately, there was a checkmark next to your message. oh, a number as well—eleven. you just can’t catch a break. what were they all doing up at this time, anyway? it was a school night🤨. 
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bratkook · 5 years ago
girls in bikinis. (m) kth.
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pairing: taehyung x reader genre: smut, pwp word count: 5.3k warnings: exhibitionism, unprotected sex, partially clothed sex, fingering, spanking, dirty talk, creampie, he fucks her in roller skates okay and its light and playful author’s note: this came to me as i washed my dishes and listened to this song by poppy and idk what possessed me to write this when i have 2471819 other wips i should be focusing on but i hope u enjoy it lmaooo
As the sun beats down on Taehyung, beads of sweat trickling down his neck while he cruises on his long board along the concrete path right on the beach, he doesn’t think he regrets encouraging your new hobby more than he does right now
You see when you first voiced your desire to learn to roller skate Taehyung had found it endearing, even going as far as purchasing the skates for you as a surprise because you had been so excited watching videos online of other girls gliding around.
When you finally got them and slipped them on, stumbling around like a baby deer discovering they had legs, he thought it would be an adorable hobby. Seeing you bundled up with your knee pads, matching elbow pads ready to catch your fall and a helmet strapped tightly under your chin.
It all screamed cute.
But your determination had set it, constantly practicing out on the sidewalk or in the shoddy parking lot of your apartment complex, not caring how many times you bruised your tailbone with your nasty falls until they slowly minimized.
Soon enough Taehyung had stopped providing you ice packs and comforting words when you took a tumble and instead he had begun to watch in awe as your strides got more confident, no longer afraid to apply pressure onto your toe stops when you caught some speed, mixing in some cool spins as you skated around him in circles.
With that added confidence came the fact that you no longer needed to be wrapped up in safety gear as extensively as you used to be which is what landed him in this situation, watching you glide along beside him with the skimpiest outfit on.
This no longer screamed cute, no this entire thing was currently shouting sexy in his head so loud it was a surprise no one around him could hear it.
Taehyung swallows down a groan when you push out so you’re ahead of him now, the scrape of your wheels mixing in with his own. His eyes trail up your body, seeing how your legs glimmer in the sun thanks to the body oil you had lathered on before you, making your entire body look like its glowing.
The expanse of your legs are out for the world to see and he’s almost positive if you bent over just slightly he’d catch a peak of the underwear you currently had on because these black cut off shorts were purely for aesthetic purposes.
Its not until you whirl around on your skates, gliding backwards with your arms and head bobbing along to the music you had blasting from your phone in your back pocket, that his eyes zero in on your tits. Taehyung can’t hold the groan back this time, not with the way he sees them bounce and jiggle with each stride of your legs, only being caged in by the tiniest triangle bikini top you had so graciously slipped on.
He knew you did this on purpose, did this just for him, color coordinating your orange top to match the suede of your skates and passing it off as a cute notion. Taehyung had gotten drunk a few nights ago, and with the added alcohol came the slip of his tongue, confessing how hot he thought you looked as you rolled around and how much hotter you’d look if you did it in just your underwear.
You, being ever the people pleaser, weren’t going to let him down. Of course you weren’t clad in your bra and panties but this was definitely second best and when you catch his dazed out expression it proves you right.
His foot mindlessly keeps pushing himself forward, coming back onto his board robotically to continue the glide while you shimmy your chest at him tauntingly.
“My eyes are up here.” You quip teasingly, your hand coming up to rake through your hair as you shoot him a dazzling smile. Thats when he finally blinks out of his daze, meeting your eyes with a cheeky smile on his own face.
“Oh I know,” he shrugs, rocking on his board as he glides side to side, his wheels kissing the edge of the path each way as he does so, “prefer staring at your tits though.”
A snort leaves you at his comment, swirling back around to face forward, slowing your pace down until you’re once again right beside him. You turn your head to look at him, smirking when you see him staring at you already, “Figured, that’s kind of why I wore this.”
“Ah,” he sighs out, his hand reaching forward to grab your own in a sweet notion as he matches your speed, “so I fell into your trap?”
The soft laugh you let out makes the horniness that's clouding his brain clear up, paired with the fact that he can no longer see the way your boobs bounce with every crack on the floor, he has a moment to cleanse his impure thoughts. 
“Yeah, it’s all going according to plan.”
Taehyung laughs fully at that now, his eyes crinkling up as he smiles, his ash blonde hair being fluffed up from the wind and the speed at which he pushes off the floor, “Oh yeah?”
A small hum is your only response, mimicking his movements and pushing forward once more to make room for bikers approaching you, once again giving him the glorious view of your ass and legs. 
“And how does this plan of yours end exactly?”
You spin around once more, the action smooth and nothing at all compared to the way you struggled months ago, your hand still grasping his own as he helps guide you from any oncoming people. There's a glint in your eye that he can’t pinpoint but he knows its trouble, it usually always is with you. 
“With you fucking me.”
His brows arch up at your lewd comment, how you said it so nonchalantly, almost as if you were discussing a grocery list. His balance falters slightly as he wobbles on his feet, your hand being the saving grace that stops him from face planting onto the hot cement. That would definitely sober his filthy thoughts up just as quickly as they came, nothing like good road burn to help him stop sinning.
“Well let's go then.” He chokes out, ready to drag you to his awaiting car, maybe you’d let him defile you in his backseat if you were this horny but you shock him once more when your shoulders shrug. A playful frown on your face as you look behind you, your eyes focusing on the surrounding buildings, “Why?”
“What do you mean why, you said you want me to fuck you or am I reading this all wrong?”
Another laugh bubbles out of you, the sound sweet and angelic as if you aren’t currently thinking of him rearranging your guts in the unholiest of places 
“Oh no, I definitely want you to fuck me but why leave?”
That’s when the realization hits him, his eyes widening up as his mouth drops open when he understands just what you’re suggesting, “Here?”
A simple nod is sent his way, your smile widening when he looks around in exasperation, almost as if he can’t fathom that you’d let him do whatever he wanted to you in any location. “But we’re in public!” He hisses out, his cheeks warming up to a blush and its adorable. 
“So, I’m horny and I want you to fuck me. Are you game?”
As adventurous as Taehyung was, he'd never, ever, fooled around in public and as much as he wanted to, the fear of getting caught and possibly being thrown into jail always stopped him. But the way you look right now is making all of his logical thinking go straight into the gutter and he can’t find it in himself to care, not when he can see this whole thing play out in his mind.
With every blink of his eyes he sees flashes of you, pressed against the side of a building as you moan out his name, the feel of your oiled up skin against his fingertips as he grips into your hips and fucks you from behind, the thrill of having to keep quiet.
He feels his cock spur to life in his shorts and that is absolutely the only convincing he needs to make his feet come down with a thump, haphazardly hopping off of his board and yanking you to an abrupt stop, his hands having to catch you before you topple over from the force of it all. 
“Hell yeah I’m game, but if we get caught it’s all your fault.”
He wastes no time scooping his board up and tucking it underneath his arm as he takes off, dragging you behind him while he hauls you off the bike path and onto the crowded boardwalk. His grip on you is secure as your wheels wobble on the uneven path, his pace speeding up when your laughter reaches his ear. 
A smirk spreads onto his face as his eyes bounce along each building, determined to find a location good enough for your rendezvous. The small whispers you send him make him feel like you’re a little devil perched onto his shoulder, luring him into making the worst decisions with the best outcomes.
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“You gotta be quiet Y/N.” Taehyung whispers with a laugh, his hands placed on your ass, pushing you into the small alleyway between two buildings you had both deemed good enough for the scandalous act you were about to perform.
You have to bite your lip to prevent teasing words from slipping through, your heart was currently pounding in your chest as reality hits you, not believing just how easy it was to convince Taehyung do to anything involving sex.
It’s almost comical how he rolls you deeper into the small hiding spot, his board slipping from its spot under his arm and landing on the floor in a loud thunk. The sound echoes all around you but he can’t focus on that right now, completely ignoring the scowl you send his way after he had just shushed you into silence.
“You gotta be quiet–” You mock him, the end of your words being muffled out when he slaps his palm over your mouth, a taunting look on his face as he pushes you against the brick wall. The heels of your boots thud against the building as your back presses flush against it, the gritty texture of the wall digs into your back but any complaints you have get stuck in your throat when you see the look in his face, your breath huffing against his hand, the tiniest smile creeping onto your lips.
“Don’t worry about me baby,” he whispers out, his face inching closer to yours. His eyes sneak a side glance towards the opening of the alley way, seeing the occasional person walking past blissfully unaware that the two of you were tucked away in here, “unless you want people to see how desperate you are for my cock you need to keep that pretty mouth of yours closed okay?”
A stiff nod and a hum against his palm is all you give him, your eyes staring straight into his as he takes a moment to ogle you. His gaze trails down your neck, onto the swells of your chest covered in the tiny orange bikini, his head tilting slightly as he watches the rise and fall as you try to steady your breathing. 
“Nervous?” Taehyung teases, choosing now to remove his palm from your mouth.
“No,” you breathe out a laugh, resting onto your left toe stop as you sag against the wall, “I’m excited.”
Of course you were, this had been your plan after all. Get Taehyung so hot and bothered he’d do anything you asked and he had fallen right into your grasp, not that he had any complaints.
“You fucking minx.” He jokes, pressing his lips against yours in a hard kiss, the smell of the sunscreen he had slathered his face in invades your senses, it reminds you of summer and you know after today it’ll also remind you of this moment.
Your lips drop open as he licks his way into your mouth, groaning when his tongue slithers against yours. Your arms hook around his neck, tugging him closer as he lightly licks the roof of your mouth before pulling back with a hum.
“Gotta be quick yeah?”
“Yeah,” you sigh, letting his hands grip your sides, his thumb softly rubbing your waist on his way down to the button of your shorts, “hurry.”
The bouncing wheels of skateboarders whizzing by a few feet away has you gasping in excitement, Taehyung shooting you a wink when he catches the thrilling look on your face at the prospect of getting caught, “You got it.”
Taehyung pops the button of your shorts open, the sound reaching your ears, aiding in the small rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins. The metallic scrape of your zipper being yanked down joins the air, his long fingers dipping into the waist of them and tugging them down your legs until they catch around your knees from the way your thighs are spread out.
He eyes the tiny pastel orange panties you chose to wear, your entire outfit being carefully thought out for this exact moment and it makes him chuckle under his breath, he really had fallen right into your trap. 
His fingers toy with your underwear, following the edge of it as it curves into your inner thighs, a shiver wracking through your body at the ticklish feeling, a slight detour being taken when his thumb presses into the damp patch decorating the front of it.
A wiggle of your eyebrows is sent his way when he eyes you teasingly, “Who would’ve thought you’d get this wet just thinking about me fucking you out in the open.”
“Please, I get soaked just thinking about you doing literally anything.”
He knew that much to be true, taking pride in being the main reason your panties were ruined.
Its not until the sound of people talking reaches his ears that he remembers he needs to hurry up, the idea of being caught was definitely hot but actually getting caught wasn’t so he once again grips your hips and turns you around.
Your heavy wheels clank against the ground at the change of position, your hands gripping the rough wall to keep you steady as he moves you, the rolling of your wheels only making him laugh.
“Uh, you’re gonna have to lean on your thingy to stop from rolling.”
“My toe stop?” You tease, putting pressure on your right foot to help stabilize you as he places a palm on your back, his fingers tracing the ties of your bikini top as he pushes you forward.
“Yes you smart ass.”
With you no longer rolling back onto him he deems himself ready to continue, his palms roaming over the smooth expanse of your exposed ass. You had clearly covered your entire body in that damn oil, not leaving a single area bare of the jasmine scented liquid which Taehyung had now decided was his new favorite thing.
“Hurry up and fuck me.” You whine out, your hips jutting further back, not at all expecting the swift slap he lands on your left cheek. His large palm swats against your skin so hard it bounces off the walls, the gasp getting stuck in your throat when everything falls into silence once more, half expecting someone to peek their head in from how loud it had been but it luckily never comes. He soothes your warm skin with his palm, kneading your flesh gently as he bit his lip.
“Gotta make sure you’re ready for me baby.” He scolds, his thumb hooking around your underwear and yanking it to the side, revealing your dripping slit to him. His other hand comes forward to let his fingers trail up your folds in a teasing motion, softly tracing up and around, not being able to resist teasing you further. When his index finger glides through your slick with ease his mouth drops open in awe, forever being prideful at the effect he has on you.
The small whine spills out of your lips when he slowly dips his finger in, enjoying the way your walls pulse around the tip of it before he pushes in to the hilt, starting a slow rhythm as he pulls out and thrusts back in, quickly adding a second finger and scissoring them inside of you to properly stretch you out for his cock.
“Mm Taehyung,” you sigh out, your head falling forward to rest against the cool wall as he continues to fuck you open. Each thrust of his long fingers has you keening, more of your arousal gushing out of you in excitement, becoming more and more desperate as he continues, “fuck I’m ready please.”
He playfully hums in thought from behind you, not entirely convinced two fingers would be enough for you to adjust to him. “I don’t think you are Y/N.”
The way your pussy clamps around his third finger when you feel the tip of a prod at your entrance proves his assumption correct, but he could take care of that. He knew you body well enough, having the motions down to a science. The way he curls his fingers, alternating between spreading them out and nudging against the sweet patch inside of you, it doesn’t take long until you’re fully relaxed in his hands, your hips rocking back into him at the feeling of being so full.
“There you go sweetheart,” he coos, his eyes slipping shut for a moment as he focuses on the wet thumping every time his palm hits your ass when he thrusts into you. The softest moans fill the otherwise silent alley, your fingers desperately clutching the wall, no doubt scraping your skin but that was a problem for later on, right now all you could think about was how amazing Taehyung’s fingers felt inside your cunt.
“Fuck, nngh please Tae.” You plead, twisting your body slightly to crane your head over your shoulder, hoping the clear desperation etched onto your features was enough to have him whip his cock out and fuck you like you wanted.
Your wide eyes glimmer with unshed tears from frustration and he takes pity on you, slipping his shiny fingers out of your pussy and popping them into his mouth like second nature. As if you needed him to do more to turn you on he has to go and lick your arousal off of his digits like it was his favorite candy.
“Okay,” he murmurs out, undoing his own shorts and yanking them down just enough for his cock to spring free. The visual of it out in the open almost makes those tears pool over, his large hand wrapping around the girth of it as he lazily pumps his aching length inches away from you, “you ready?” He questions, bringing his palm to his mouth to noisily spit into it, using it to lube up his cock as he steps closer to you.
“Yes.” You breathe out, rolling your lips together as you face the wall again, your head hanging low as you wait, your pussy clenching in anticipation.
Taehyung steps in between your legs, keeping them nice and spread apart, yanking your underwear to the side to reveal your sodden folds to him once more. He licks his lips over as he guides the head of his cock towards your entrance, the slight pressure of it pressing against you has you sighing out, gritting your teeth together to keep from shouting at him to hurry up.
Finally, he eases his way inside, his bulbous head breaching your entrance, the stretch that accompanies it beating the feel of his three fingers from before. This was what you wanted, his thick cock stretching you apart and filling you up the way he knew best.
Taehyung holds in a groan when your walls tighten around him when he bottoms out, his hips fully flushed against yours, the two of you panting as he stills inside of you.
“You okay?” He whispers, his fingers moving to grip your hips once more to help ground himself as he waits for a response from you. The sound of more people approaching has your walls pulsing around him and he groans, “Fuck, of course you’re okay. You fucking love this huh?”
A small whimper of his name is all you let out, the idea of being caught in the act making the words stick to your throat, instead you push back onto him, urging him to move.
Taehyung takes the hint, a smile gracing his face as he slowly inches back, beginning to rock into you in a steady rhythm, his pace increasing every time you let a tiny moan slip out from between your grit teeth, a small reward for being vocal because he wants you to let anyone listening know it was him making you feel good.
“Answer me baby.”
The squelching sounds of his dick hammering into you fill the air, the lewd moans finally leaving you with no qualms about who could possibly hear, “Fuck, yes I love it.”
He hums in appreciation, his hips fucking into you with more force at your admission, new determination settling inside of him to get you to fall apart, not an ounce of shame remains at getting caught.
Taehyunt can’t lie, he knows he loves it too, loves the way you’re letting him claim you in public, the way your moans echo in the space you’re in, your hand gripping the wall. A squeal leaves your lips, mixed in with a breathless laugh, when he angles his hips just right.
“Such a good girl,” he grunts out, gripping your hips tighter when you squeeze him, “letting me fuck you like this. Want everyone to see that you’re mine huh?”
One of his hands curls around your front, trailing up your body until he reaches your skimpy top. He yanks the fabric of your bikini to the side, his palm squeezing a handful of your tits as he continues to thrust into you, the coolness of his palm contrasting with the warmth of your chest.
“Just yours, only yours.” You slur out, your brain turning into putty when his dick curves just right. The way his hand squeezes and tugs at your exposed nipple has your mind spinning, your body being jostled by his thrusts and in turn making the foot that remains flat on the floor roll back and forth from the force.
“Ah, baby,” he laughs as his fingers pinch your pebbled nipple, hearing a small hum in response from you, “you’re rolling again.”
Taehyung slows his thrusts, rocking in to you more calmly as you grunt in frustration, neither of you took into account how inconvenient fucking in roller skates would be.
“My calves are cramping from holding my feet like this.” You admit with a laugh, feeling Taehyung lean his head forward until it rested in the juncture of your neck, his soft breaths hitting your skin as he chuckled.
“Okay, here bring them down flat.” He guides you, holding you steady as you even out the weight on your skates, a tiny yelp escaping you when you begin to roll down on the uneven alley floor. Taehyung repositions his feet to rest right behind the skates to keep you from sliding further, an experimental thrust of his hips being sent your way to test the hold, “Better?”
When you no longer roll back, just bump forward slightly, you sigh in relief, “Yeah, so much better. C’mon keep fucking me.” You plead, your palm coming down to wrap around the hand currently groping your tits, urging him on and he listens.
“Whatever you want baby.” He mumbles against your skin, pressing a kiss to your bare shoulder as he pulls his hips back, rearing forward in a brutal pace that has you nearly shouting out. Your body hunches forward more freely now, no longer afraid of rolling away, instead your hand slides down the rough wall as you moan out his name.
His eyes catch on to the way you’re soaking his cock, leaving it slick and shiny with your arousal each time he pulls out. Taehyung feels like his mind is swimming, the whines of his name and the way you rut your hips back on him is the only anchor keeping him in the present.
He releases your nipple, trailing the hand down your front until it dips past your underwear and reaches your clit. Your reaction is instant, a loud gasp filling the air as your walls clamp down at the stimulation when he begins to rub tight circles on your sensitive nub.
“Oh god Taehyung,” you cry out, placing both hands on the wall and throwing your head back in pleasure, “you always fuck me so good.”
He grunts at your confession, the slight ego boost inflating his chest, the tiny licks of pleasure curling in his gut as he feels his release approaching, “Mm yeah? You’re creaming my cock baby, you enjoying yourself?”
Taehyung marvels at the way your back arches further, focusing on the way your ass bounces with every thrust of his hips and he can’t help himself when he delivers another harsh smack onto one of your cheeks, watching as the skin ripples and smarts at the slap.
“Ah,” you mewl, the sting of his palm sending tingles of pleasure up your spine. Your velvety walls pulse around him, always one to enjoy a little pain with your pleasure, “yes! F-fuck, I’m close Tae.”
He can tell, the way you’re sucking him in further every time he pulls out, desperate to keep him buried to the hilt, “You gonna cum like this? Gonna let everyone hear what a filthy girl you are?”
The taunting tone of his voice has your stomach tightening, the small coil of pleasure winding up inside of you with every roll of his hips, every deliberate flick of his finger against your clit. Your head turns to the side, having a clear view of the opening of the alley way, seeing the occasional person walking by. You never thought you’d enjoy the thrill of this as much as you did but the oncoming release you feel is evidence enough that you were thoroughly enjoying yourself.
“C’mon baby, let everyone hear you.” He groans out, a smile gracing his face when he hears the way you instantly do as he says, lewd moans of his name bouncing off the wall as you edge closer to your release. “Good girl.”
Your walls spasm around his cock at the praise, a few more flicks of his finger paired with his length expertly hitting your g spot every time is all it takes for your orgasm to crash over you. Your head falls forward, your mouth dropping open in a silent moan as your mind momentarily blanks, every nerve in your body lighting up as you come undone.
“Oh fuck–“ your moan dies in your throat when your body tenses up, small shocks coursing through you as he continues to roll your clit, enjoying the small twitches your body gives him.
Taehyung gasps when your walls tighten even further around him, his hand retreating from your clit to firmly grasp your hips to continue fucking you through it, seeking his own release now, grunt of pleasure escaping his open mouth and reaching your ears.
“Shit,” the rhythmic pulsing of your pussy is what sends him over, his thrusts getting sloppier until hes surging forward, his cock twitching as he pumps his hot cum inside of you, filling you up to the brim with a sigh of your name.
Your forehead rests against the cold wall as you try to catch your breath, the pounding of your heart can be felt in your ears as you come down. The breathy moans of Taehyung get closer as he tucks his chin over your shoulder, still buried deep inside of you.
“That was...so fucking hot.” He confesses, a wide smile spreading across his face when he feels your body vibrate with laughter.Carefully, he slides out of you, the both of you groaning at the loss of contact.
When Taehyung pulls away and slips his softening length back into his shorts, his eyes stay glued to the way his cum coats your folds, slowly dripping out of you. That was totally unacceptable so he gathers some of it onto his fingers and stuffs it back inside you before he readjusts your underwear to fully cover you, sliding your shorts back up your legs and helping you spin back around, readjusting your top with a grin.
“My legs feel like jello.” You admit when your balance falters, Taehyung having to grip your hips tighter to keep you from toppling over onto the gross floor.
“What can I say, my dicks just that good.”
He dodges the smack he knows is coming, a deep laughing filling the air as he ducks away from you, laughing louder when your horrible aim makes you wobble around.
“Tae!” You whine, an adorable pout on your face when he only laughs some more. Your arms cross over your chest as you stare at him with a slight scowl, “Help me.”
The smile on his face softens as he looks down at you, his hands trailing along your arms to unfold them and gently clasp his fingers around yours. “Of course I’ll help you baby.”
That satisfies you, standing up straighter now that he had a hold of you, “You think we can make it to the car without either of us face planting it?”
His eyes narrow in thought, the odds really weren’t in either of your favor but an idea pops into his mind, the curl of his lips indicating just how evil he was but you miss it, too focused on not catching your wheel on a pebble. Your legs were once again reminiscent of bambi and as much as he acted like he was unaffected, blowing his load in you had made his own legs feel boneless too.
“I mean, if we fall at least we fall together?”
Right, that seemed to be the best outcome but it was fine by you and way better than the two of you staying in this dingy alley way for much longer.
He leads you out of the alley, bending forward to pick up his discarded board before exiting the hiding spot and reentering the real world. It feels like you hadn’t seen the sunlight in ages, your eyesight spotting for a second before you adjusted to the brightness of your surroundings.
Taehyung uses that to his advantage, placing his board back on the floor as he stares at you, not yet noticing that he had let your hand go because the sun was absolutely blinding.
“I’ll race you to the car.” He shouts out, not giving you a moment to respond or argue about it before he hops onto his board and takes off, his foot pushing off the floor in a haste to win.
Your mouth drops open when you see him bolt, your brows furrowing tightly on your forehead, in disbelief that he had abandoned you after claiming he’d help you, “Asshole!” You shout after him, missing the way he smiles when the words reach his ears. With that comes the scraping of your own wheels as you take off after him, a small grimace on your face when you feel the way your ruined underwear sticks to your skin.
Soon enough you’re speeding right past him, your hair flowing behind you and the muscles on your legs flexing from the force of your pushes. Taehyung lets out another loud laugh, a change of position from earlier, this time you had fallen into his trap and everything was going according to plan. With you now a few feet ahead of him Taehyung can freely ogle at your body without a care in the world.
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lefinohohohohon · 4 years ago
DCKZ (Diluc, Childe, Kaeya, Zhongli) Idol!AU Genshin Impact
DCKZ is a fanmade k-pop group based on Genshin Impacts's character " Diluc, Childe. Kaeya, and Zhongli as an idol group in an Idol AU.
Character design belongs to @veechu (please check it out and give them love)
Some of the headcanons I used for references came from Erica's comment on "ventiffin"'s youtube video: 
Link: (195) Pov: 4NEMO & DCKZ are having a rap battle | a playlist - YouTube
and Yajle Gaite on riko's youtube playlist: (196) attending a dckz concert – a genshin playlist - YouTube
P.S Diluc & Kaeya's part is longer since their together.
Ajax or as he was known currently with his fans because of his various song covers "Tartaglia" had just finished tidying up his recording room to attend his practice session at the gym for MMA, as he was placing his spare clothes on his duffle bag, he took a quick swipe at his phone buzzing with notification at his latest cover.
A sweet genuine smile carved at Childe's face as he reads a thousand messages on his post as he was savoring the joyful and thirsty comments as well as memes about him a message from an unknown sender appeared on his screen curious, Childe tap on the email sent to him when he reads who was the sender he was both thrilled at the same time skeptical. 
'This couldn't possibly be true, can't it? No way?'
he thought to himself, eyes wide open, body shaking of nervousness and excitement. He took the hand that had covered his mouth in a shock away and took a deep breath gulping down a breath he had not noticed he was holding
"Okay, Ajax just chill. .  . just chill man, you still don't know what the message is about don't get ahead, Oh Tsaritsa what should I do?" he told himself and slowly exhaled before continuing to read the rest of the content
"Greetings, Tartaglia!
On behalf of Geo Ent. we would like to express our desire to have you as one of our new talents. Currently, Geo Ent. has been looking for new trainees for a new idol group, your recent crack cover had made the Geo ent. scout you, the company believes that with your talents and charisma you will be a great asset to Geo ent as one of its rising stars.
If you have any clarifications regarding our offer, you may call us at XXXX- XXX-XXXX  or email us with this email address at any given time and if you prefer to personally talk you may visit us at "Golden Pavilion, Liyue" we will cover your travel expense and accommodation for the duration of your stay regarding our offer. 
Thank you and we hope your decision will be in our favor. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Geo Ent.
Talent Scout Manager
A scream from his room interrupted Ajax's family, everyone looked atop the stairs as heavy footsteps hastily descend upon the living room where everyone was eating snacks, Ajax who was still ecstatic at the email he had received hugged his siblings tightly and kissed his mother on the cheek before taking Teucer his younger brother and tossing him gleefully in the air  the younger boy happily cried "higher brother, higher!" Teucer said
"Hahaha, of course, anything for my little brother" he laughed while catching Teucer.
"Hahaha, You're beaming, there must be something good, да?" Ajax's father commented as he chuckled at his son's antics when he gets excited
"My, my you seemed to be happy Ajax, did something happen?" Ajax's mother commented as she continued to watch the brothers lovingly, upon hearing his mother he threw Teucer one more time in the air before catching him and placing him down safely on the floor with their other siblings, Ajax smiled toothly at his mother before nestling down between his mother and father who sat on the sofa clasping each of their hands on his as he breathed steadying his excited heart.
"I received an email from a company" he started trying to assess his parents 
"Oh? From who? Is it a sponsorship from that brand you want?" His mother inquired knowing too well that his son was already famous to have some sponsorship from different companies.
Ajax chuckled, he knew his family will be shocked at the news he was about to tell them "Hmm, better" he teased eyeing his father this time to see his reaction
"Better, huh?" His dad started then a twinkle of surprise resurfaced on his father's eyes as he made a deduction "Don't tell me? Are you serious Ajax?" His father continued as he assumed what could be better than having sponsorship from a company
"They're hiring you? What company? No! wait! don't tell me it wouldn't be any regular company who will message you especially with what you often do. . . so it has to be-"
Before his father could even continue Ajax, answered for him "Geo Ent. invited me to be one of their new talents for an idol g-"
Before he could even say everything else, Ajax was clamored down by his siblings who were listening and his father on the sofa congratulating him.
"Congratulations son! I know you had it in you, especially since you have my face, hahaha!"
"Congratulations! Big brother!"
"Big brother will be famous soon! Will you be cosplaying as Mr. Cyclops too?"
"Big brother is talented so of course they want you to be their talent!"
"Now, now I haven't given them their answer which reminds me I have to call them now to-  uh, mom?" Ajax called after noticing that his mother standing on the other side of their house pulling what seemed to be a bunch of large travel luggage.
"Ajax, dear, do you think these pieces of luggage will be enough for your things while you stay in Liyue, or do we need to buy more?" Her mother probed and all he could Ajax do was laughed at his excited family.
"Let me call them first"
Diluc & Kaeya:
A selca here, a selca there, and of course a selca of his favorite brother should also be included in his latest insta, though Kaeya wished that Diluc would smile more at his pictures of him, he always looked aloof
"Can you please try to smile at least once, when I take your picture?" Kaeya whined mumbling that his brother's good looks are wasted with his unchanging face
"I would if you stopped placing unnecessary caption on my pictures and for the last time Kaeya, stop drinking! It's the middle of the day" Diluc retorted eyeing his brother's various drinks placed neatly all at once on the VIP lounge they are currently staying at in "Cat's tail".
'He's not going to drink all of this, is he?'
Diluc thought to himself innocently before his brows started scrunching a moment later at the possibility of it happening, after all this is Kaeya he was talking about, his self-proclaimed wine/alcohol-connoisseur brother Kaeya.
He sighed exasperatedly plopping his head on the velvet backrest of the chair he is currently sitting on his back facing his brother 
"Why am I with you again?" He asked out loud asking himself more than his brother who he accompanied, he often wonders to himself what made him go along with Kaeya's wine tasting adventure despite disliking alcohol himself. 
"Because you're my big brother and you love me and despite your nagging, you wanted to make sure I enjoy what I'm doing safely- does that answer your question"
"Yeah, that's right because I care too much about you that's what big brothers do" Diluc mumbled back while patting a cat on his lap that has somehow managed to make it thru their private lounge.  Kaeya grinned all too knowingly at his brother recording their conversation live secretly to his followers on insta with the camera facing his brother's back, he's sure Diluc will kill him if he saw what he was doing but for now, while he's still alive, he'll savor his brother's words. He might be too mischievous but he sincerely appreciates Diluc's love for him despite their constant petty fights.
"Kaeya, just promise me you won't- huh?" Just as Diluc was turning to face Kaeya he noticed his brother's phone and his shit-eating grin plastered on his tanned brother leaning one arm on the velvety lounge chair suddenly he felt the want to strangle someone to death.
"Aww~ <3, mind repeating that? My followers are crying over your message" 
The cat who was sitting on Diluc's lap leaped out of the other male sensing the impending danger that is about to happen in the lounge.
"KAEYA. . . . .. . !"
"Well, that's it for now my followers! Pray that'll be alive after this! Bye!-"
 was the last word Kaeya's followers heard before the live ended.
"Please come again!" The hostess Margaret said as the two good-looking brothers left the establishment with one looking aloof once again arms crossed over his chest while the other looked scruffy following behind the older red-head male sighing
"Must you waste good alcohol? I was looking forward to tasting those!" Kaeya felt dejected after not having even a sip of any of the cocktails he ordered, he glared dagger at Diluc
"It's for your own good, I told you, too much alcohol isn't good for you" Diluc sighed not even looking at his brother as they walked to the street, he was specifically trying to find Good Hunters to order chicken skewers for Kaeya since he knew his brother is upset.
"I haven't even got a single sip! And I paid for those"
"Of course you should, you ordered them after all," Diluc said eyeing the shop across from them, he waited for Kaeya to be on his side before patting his brother's back to led him to cross the street, Kaeya huffed while walking and looking at his brother dead in the eye he can't believe he paid for nothing
"But I didn't break the glasses why did you use my card to pay for those as well?"
"To maximize your card limit so you can't pay for anymore cocktail"
"What. . .?!" Kaeya couldn't believe what he was hearing, he won't be able to drink any at all, tears started forming on his visible eye quickly and sniffing could also be heard a second later, Diluc turned to look at this brother with crocodile tears he sighed again for the nth time today
He can be so melodramatic sometimes and I'm an idiot for always indulging him
He thought brows knotted together as he waits for Kaeya to deliver his 'guilt-ridden' lines he often uses at him to get his way, his brother is too good at mind games
"H-how could you. . . I thought you love me as your younger brother maybe you really-"
". . ."
"sighs* first let's get you some chicken skewers, I know you're really upset even if you don't really show it and when we get home I'll make you some death afternoon"
"Really? Aww! Thanks Luc! You're really are the best big bro! hehehe" And as quickly as Kaeya summoned his tears as quickly as it also disappeared across his face replaced with his infamous shit-eating grin knowing he got his way again, he patted Diluc's back as he quickly makes his way towards Good Hunter to order chicken skewers, he'll order a few to eat at Good hunters and order some more to bring back at the mansion he'll have to convince Diluc as well to give him sparkling wine to make his fruity chicken skewers he's sure his brother wouldn't mind.
Just as Kaeya was placing his order, Diluc sat at one of the open tables on the veranda and waited for his brother when he noticed a bobbed-cut black-haired woman staring in their direction, Diluc paid her no mind thinking that the woman was probably one of Kaeya's follower on insta waiting for Kaeya to return to have a photo ops with his brother
"Hey, Luc! You don't mind if I ordered some chicken skewer to go, right?"
speak of the devil, Kaeya nonchalantly walked back to him all smiles this time as he took his seat parallel to his brother "Sure, whatever makes you happy. . .  by the way" Diluc leaned forward arms still crossed as he placed them atop the table "Kaeya I think that woman is one of your-"
"-She isn't" Kaeya responded strongly as he places one of his arms above the table cradling his chin on his palm looking at the counter to see if his chicken skewers are ready 
"Oh, and how do you know? You haven't even looked at her?" he rose one incredulous brow at his younger brother. It always amazes Diluc how Kaeya can be quite perceptive of things when it's convenient for him.
"Because that woman has been following us since we left the Dad's office this morning"
A look of disbelief flashed on Diluc's handsome face at the realization and knotted his brows later at his brother's words
"If she's been following us since the beginning"  Diluc emphasized, "why did you tell me only now?" He sighed closing his eyes trying to alleviate the incoming migraine he's about to have, he tapped the table with his finger waiting for Kaeya's explanation, his brother is preceptive he wouldn't be so careless especially since the two of them are well-known sons of the world-famous wine-tycoon Crepus Ragnvindr it is bond that there will be people who are after them either to do them harm or to gain something from their family.
"Relax, she doesn't look dangerous or to be more precise she isn't with someone dangerous though we'll have to verify that once she talks to us"
And just as Kaeya spoke, the woman who had been tailing them stood from her seat and politely approached them 
"Good day gentlemen, may I take some of your time?" she stated with a polite smile looking at the two brothers
Diluc only nodded in acknowledgment while Kaeya gave her his fan-service smile 
"Of course, please have a seat you must have been tired waiting for the right time to approach and talk to us, aren't you? You should have just come forward instead of stalking us, you do know that's a crime right? I can report you easily to the police but of course, that'll depend on your reasons" With a friendly facade, Kaeya warned the young woman openly of what he can do if he finds anything about her intention dangerous, the young woman was surprised and at the same time embarrassed for looking like a suspicious person, well she could understand their apprehensive behavior towards her, she was after all following them since the beginning.
She cleared her throat and offered her hand to formally introduce herself "I apologize if my action seemed suspicious to you Mr. Diluc and Mr. Kaeya it's only for my line of work. I'm Katherine by the way" 
The brother's looked at Katherine's extended hand before looking at one another assessing Katherine's words, Kaeya took her hand first smiling while Diluc just watched, his brother is better than him when it comes to conversation especially to strangers
"Yes, it's indeed suspicious for an unknown young woman to follow and even know something about us, so tell me what kind of job stalks people? I haven't read anything of that sort from the classified ads or is it that the government legalized stalking, hmm?"
Okay, Diluc takes it back, his brother is definitely not good at normal conversation Kaeya's better at interrogating he has forgotten his brother used to be in the military. He should take over before Kaeya makes the young woman even flustered as she was already.
"What my brother is trying to say is to please explain to us why were you following us, I apologize if we're a bit apprehensive with you but I guess you already know why we're like that so if you wouldn't mind, we'd like to hear your reason"
Seeing the window of opportunity to be heard, Katherine immediately blubbered the purpose of her stalking the handsome brothers forgetting the tell them about the company and whatnot.
". . . " ". . .huh?" 
was the only response of the brothers
"I-I mean, the two of you are already well-known and has a great number of fanbase on insta, the company was looking for new talents such as you two when we saw your insta stories of Mr. Diluc performing a jazz song on a piano and Mr. Kaeya's guitar cover the higher-ups decided to make an offer to the both of you that's why I was following you"
". . . I . . . see"
". . hmm"
Again, the brothers only looked at her with doubt, Katherine could already see on their heads she was being labeled as a 'scammer'
Embarrassed and unable to bear the brothers piercing doubtful gazes, Katherine hastily stood from her seat
"A-anyway, now that I have said what I needed to say, please excuse me and thank you for sparing me your time, i-if you have any doubts about my offer you can visit us at "Golden Pavillion, Liyue" though she was embarrassed, Katherine made an effort to politely offer her business card before fleeing the scene leaving the brothers confused and curious at the same time, the brothers looked at the business card left to them and looked at one another
"It's a scam," the two of them said in unison they deduced, however, the two of them were still curious, Kaeya was about to reach out to take the business card when his name was called up from the counter of Good Hunters for his chicken skewers, Diluc still looking at the business card left by Katherine gave Kaeya his card to pay for his order and take-away when Diluc was left on the table alone, he took the unique looking card and swiped his thumb on the high-quality bronze gold-like colored business card written on its front was Katherine's name and her position as a Talent Scout Manager and other contact details but nothing about the company.
"an Idol, huh" he breathed still eyeing the card, a longing gaze swept across his handsome face as recalls a childhood dream he once had to be a musical performer just like his deceased mother, he recalls his earliest memories of his mother playing the piano while he sang, his father Crepus listening to the mother-son duet with the proudest and happiest look a father could ever have and even when his mother died, Diluc continued to play for his grieving father, music made it less painful for the both of them and made it easier for them to remember the happiest time with his mother. 
The first time Diluc thought of being a musician was when he met Kaeya, compared before his brother was frail and timid not like the confident flirt and perceptive- bastard he is now. When Kaeya was first brought to their mansion at the winery his brother had trouble sleeping, being plagued with nightmares night after night, worried, and unable to bear Kaeya's suffering he took his younger brother to the music room one night and sat him comfortably with one of the chairs as he plays one of his mother's pieces hoping it will help his little brother when he finally finished playing he was surprised to find his brother sleeping soundly on the chair and since then, every night Diluc would take Kaeya to the music room and make a pillow fort together so they could sleep comfortably after Diluc finishes playing the piano and just like every night Kaeya would be asleep on his part of the bed Diluc would tuck his brother up, however, that night was different someone else has already tucked Kaeya on their self-made pillow fort
"Dad, you're home," Diluc said as he stood up from the chair and made a beeline towards his father, hugging the older male as Crepus knelt to received his son's affection.
"I wanted to come home early since I heard Kaeya was having trouble sleeping but I guess you already took care of it, huh?" Crepus chuckled as he ruffled his son's fluffy red hair"
"Of course! I'm his big brother, I need to protect him, heheh" Diluc beamed at his dad proudly with a toothy smile "Dad, I want to be a musician just like mom so I can play the pieces she composed and also help Kaeya sleep better! Kaeya needs to sleep a lot if he wants to be big as me so I'll play the piano for him every time he has a hard time sleeping"
Crepus chuckled at his son's determination and admired his reason, Diluc was always warm-hearted just like his deceased wife "Thank you Diluc, you're really a great big brother to Kaeya"
For years Crepus and Kaeya had been supportive of his dream of becoming a musician until that one fateful day of his 18th birthday, His father, Kaeya, and their acquaintances prepared a birthday party for him at one of their many branches worldwide in Angels Share located in Mondstadt he was excited not only because he's at a legal age now but because he also received a letter of acceptance to one of the prestigious music school, he knew Kaeya and his Dad will be thrilled at the news, however, everything from that day had been a nightmare for him It was the day he learned the truth about his father's health condition and Kaeya's reason why he was adamant about going to Khaenri'ah. 
That day on his 18th birthday everything changed, the father he once thought was healthy was sick and the brother he thought who wouldn't hide anything from him was keeping a secret.
"Kaeya, why didn't you tell me dad was sick! I thought there was no secret between us?! And why am I only hearing about your trip to Khaenri'ah now? What are you planning on doing in that place?! You're barely legal!"
"sigh* Just focus on becoming a musician Luc, you don't need to concern yourself with me going to Khaenri'ah as for dad's health he made me promise not to tell you because he knew you will act like this"
"To hell with how I act! I deserve to know what's happening to my family. Tell me the truth Kaeya!"
In that instant, on his 18th birthday, Diluc's dream of becoming a musician was left focusing solely on the family business, he also made sure that Kaeya will finish his military training and become an accomplished Brigadier General at such a young age just like his brother's dream. Kaeya's dream shouldn't be compromised because of his family's business, Diluc always thought Kaeya should deserve better but after 4 yrs of only serving his bastard of a brother retired from his position the moment he was back from establishing a branch in Khaenri'ah stating he missed him and the taste of wine and prefers to work as a wine-connoisseur instead. With years apart he didn't even know Kaeya started playing the guitar to fill the silent hollow covering their mansion when he stopped playing any instrument, though they weren't as close as they used to 4 yrs ago, they're trying their best to live as brothers.
He was still reminiscing about the past when he heard Kaeya's voice  near him
"Want to check it out?" his brother probed as he took his seat a platter of chicken skewers placed in front of him and another bag to take home, Diluc didn't answer and simply placed the unique looking card back at the table saying nothing
"I'm curious as well Luc, let's go" Kaeya insisted after taking a graceful bite of his skewer 
"You already said it yourself, it's a scam why bother?"
"Yeah, but I mean there is nothing we could lose by checking it out and if it's really a scam then I could just report it to the guys back at the military, I'm still a military officer you know"
"A retired military officer" Diluc corrected, Kaeya paid his comment no mind and insisted "Come on Luc, let's try it out, you've put a hold of your dream as a musician for a long time now, I've become a military officer just like my dream, Dad's health is alright and you already succeeded in opening a branch in Khaenri'ah so, what's holding you up?"
Diluc sighed, Kaeya is right everything's fine now, except for him, he guessed it's about time for him to fulfill his dream, Diluc sighed once again but this time it wasn't due to annoyance from his brother but rather he sighed of relief of finally letting himself accomplished his dream
"Fine, let's check it out" he finally answered
"Great!" Kaeya cheered "You heard him loud and clear right, dad? We'll visit Liyue soon"
What? Dad?! Since when did Kaeya had been talking to dad?
"you snake. . . " Diluc mumbled under his breath looking at his giggling brother who managed to manipulate him again, he heard their father's hearty laugh from the other end "Thank you Kaeya, make sure Diluc's wish comes true,  alright?"
"Of course, dad, anything for my big bro that's a promise" Kaeya looked at his brother adoringly as he told their father however before Kaeya could end the call, Diluc took his phone and left a clear declaration of his new dream and goal. 
"Don't worry Dad, I'll make sure to fulfill my dream- becoming a musician along with my little brother"
"what. . . ? Why am I involve in this?" Kaeya whispered over the phone
"Because I've had a different dream this time, performing with you, didn't you say you'd do anything for your big bro?" Diluc stated as a matter of factly "Or are you just saying that, maybe you never meant it and hated your big bro-"
"-Alright! Fine I'll audition with you" Kaeya couldn't believe Diluc copied his guilt-ridden strategy, he should be more careful now around his brother until now he only thought it would only work on Diluc and not back-fired at him
Over the phone, Crepus was laughing loudly at his sons' exchanged, he was happy, joyous even knowing that his two pride and joy are still getting along despite the rift that had happened between them. 
"Alright, do your best boys but just in case bring someone else with you, it'll put my heart at ease knowing you two are safe, will that be alright?"
"of course dad," the brothers said in unison, laughing at one another.
The following day at the Golden Pavillion, Katherine who was busy checking any response from the talent she had scouted was abruptly called by the receptionist because of a commotion at their company's lobby. Upon reaching the said lobby Katherine was surprised to see a lot of black-suited men guarding every corner of their building looking for anything suspicious when one of the black-suited men noticed her, the man straightforwardly asked her without reserved "Excuse me ma'am are you, Katherine?"
"uhh. .  . y-yes! Why did I do something?" Katherine asked nervously racking her brain for any memory that would warrant her for an arrest of some sort but as soon as she saw a pair of good-looking men walking her way, she recalled one of the brother's threat
"- You should have just come forward instead of stalking us, you do know that's a crime right? I can report you easily to the police but of course, that'll depend on your reasons" 
No way! Is she going to be arrested for stalking Crepus Ragnvindr's sons?!
Oh, God, I was only scouting them, I didn't mean to do anything illegal! 
Katherine silently prayed as the group of men parted to make way for the two young men, contrary to what Katherine imagined of disdain from the brothers because of her scouting, The two looked friendlier than before, the younger brother Kaeya if she remembers even smiled and waved at her calling her but she shouldn't let her guard down, compared to the older brother Diluc who looks intimidating is less of a threat compared to Kaeya.
"Oh, Ms. Katherine we were looking for you!"
"y-yes? H-how can I help you" she answered in surprise, readying herself for any possible threat the younger male may speak
"We're here to discuss your offer from last time, does it still stands?" Diluc the older brother inquired and for a moment, Katherine felt she was dreaming or is this another ploy to threaten her because they misunderstood her scouting them, she was silent for a minute or two before Kaeya probed her
"Hmm, Ms. Katherine?"
"Ah! Y-yes? I'm sorry I was spacing out" she started still frightened at her surroundings "I'm just overwhelmed with. . ." she looked around her and to the black-suited clad men in the lobby ". . . with this. I was expecting it'll only be you two to visit our building" she explained while the brothers only looked at her understanding what the young woman meant, it could really be intimidating to be surrounded by a lot of bodyguards, however, Kaeya snickered despite trying to apologize profusely at the scene they made
"pfft. . hehehe I-I . . . hehehe . . .we're so sorry if that's what you felt Ms.Katherine but you also have to understand our side, you left immediately after saying your piece without any explanation and your business card doesn't even give any hint about your company" Kaeya explained
"WHAT?!" Katherine spoke, now that she recalls she indeed forgot to tell them because of Kaeya's threat
"We sincerely thought it was a scam and just decided to check the place you mentioned, we just took some extra precautions just in case, I hope you understand, hehehe"
"I-I. . . yes alright, I understand, t-then are the both of you auditioning or just one of you?"
The brothers looked at one another, a knowing smile grazing their handsome faces as they answer Katherine in unison.
"Both of us, if you don't mind"
He was taking his usual stroll in the city trying to relieve another stressful day at work, he had no destination on mind letting his feet take him when he noticed a bunch of freshly picked Qingxin flowers being displayed in the flower shop, Zhongli seeing the flower made him stood in place, a look of longing for someone was reflected on his amber-golden eyes and for a moment he felt the wind blew gently at him swaying his long tied hair
'Oh yeah? Let's see who sings better? You may have that deep alluring voice but I can sing better than you! heh"
'I hope I can see the two of you perform soon! I wouldn't miss it for the world'
"Is it that time already?" he asked himself looking at the clear blue sky above him smiling although with a hint of melancholy, without another word Zhongli purchased a bunch of Qingxin flowers thanking Hu Tao for reminding him of his wallet and as if the wind were guiding him, Zhongli walked where ever the wind blew and before he knew where he was heading he found himself listening to a sound of a harp playing in the distant the soft melodies flowing in the air made him stop on his tracks and a vision of young woman sat with the harp playing covered his eyes
". . . Guizhong?" he mumbled one hand reaching out to the phantom image of his long-gone lover and a second later he felt himself walking towards her mirage only for him to realize his mind was playing tricks at him again. He stood in silence a prick of pain throb his chest slowly growing to his whole body, he covered his handsome stern face with his free hand and heaved a deep sigh not to recollect himself but rather to shake off the incoming tears in his eyes.
'I really love listening to your voice Zhongli, when you become famous don't forget to sing for me, okay?' 
'I'll always be by your side to support you so don't worry about me '
'you worry too much Zhongli, hehehe I may be small compared to you but I can take care of myself, just focus on your dream you made a bet with Barbatos after all'
Try as hard as he can, the emotions insides him betrayed him and a tear slowly cascaded his face at the memory of Guizhong and his time with her, he felt bittersweet at the memory. He was able to achieve what he wants but the person he wants to show his achievement was no longer with him.
How ironic but we can't all have the good things in life can't we? 
He thought as he carefully wiped the remnants of his tears across his face and composed himself again before walking once again to give the flowers to its owner. 
As Zhongli walked the pavement towards the cemetery where Guizhong's tombstone lies he noticed a smaller male sitting in front of her laughing to himself as he lifts a goblet of what seems to be a wine to the air
"I hope you're happy there dear, our beloved stern-face brutish blundering buffoon finally decided to uphold our bet, heh - though I might say it took longer but don't worry the wait is worth it so please keep watching over him, alright? He's. . . .  well, busied himself with others after you were gone can't blame him, you were precious to him" the smaller male said as if he was talking to a person, he leaned back admiring the clear blue sky a soft breeze of the wind passed as if it was agreeing to what he had said earlier about Zhongli not realizing that the male in question was just standing a couple of feet away from them his looming shadow cast over the shorter male as he approaches and a look of disdain clearly pasted on his face.
"Oh, so I'm stern-face blundering baffoon, huh? Oh, how convenient that there's stone here, you wouldn't mind me hitting you with it won't you Barbatos?" Zhongli sarcastically said tossing the pebble in his hand in the air up-down, up-down like a warning as he eyed the man
"hahaha, did I say that? I wasn't actually talking about you rather -"
"huh, save it, Barbatos" The taller man sighed "though I'm surprised to find you here I heard you are busy with your pre-debut" Zhongli threw the pebble to the ground to the relief of Barbatos and sat next to the smaller male offering the Qingxin flower and a short prayer wiping away the dust and dirt that littered her tomb 
Hello, love it's been a while since I lost visit, I hope Barbatos, Xiao, and Ganyu has been keeping you company for me
 He told her silently before he looked back at the shorter male eyeing the wine on his goblet
"Osmanthus?" Zhongli probed 
"The one and only I know you like this stuff and what better way to taste it on the day you finally accepted Geo ent.'s offer, heheh" Barbatos chuckled as he poured another goblet to Zhongli and another in a smaller cup to Guizhong's tomb.
The two men sat in silence neither tasting the wine and just relishing the peace between them before Barbatos cut the silence 
"Guizhong's case. . . it's finally closed, right?" he asked carefully, knowing it's a sensitive topic to his friend
Zhongli only nodded as he gracefully took a sip of the precious wine in his goblet
"I'm glad Guizhong finally had justice . . . she wouldn't have it if it weren't for you I'm sure she's thankful for you up there"
"I need to see to it that I closed her case, I wouldn't have peace if I allowed the criminal who wronged her not be punished" as Zhongli said that Barbatos noticed that somehow Zhongli was able to find peace- though a bit of longing hangs from his face from to time it's better than seeing his old friend looking desperate and empty
Barbatos sighed, "yeah, you've been busy. . . even becoming a lawyer heheh~ so, I guess I have to be careful with my words now, huh? or I might have a court order"  he jested knowing all his friend's activities in the past couple of years and why Zhongli only accepted the Geo ent.'s offer despite being scouted for several years
Zhongli was busy chasing and fighting the court for Guizhong's murder busy enough that his friend grew a bit distant from his relatives Xiao and Ganyu, that was the only reason why his friend became a lawyer and Barbatos doubts his friend will seriously take any more clients after this case was closed, after all, he wouldn't have accepted Geo ent.'s offer if he's serious about his law career, right? 
"Don't worry yourself, this will be the first and last case I'll handle" as if reading his mind, Zhongli responded clearing any doubt from his friend "though, if you break any contracts, I wouldn't mind suing you. .. . you still recall our bet right? A rematch who's a better singer? I'll be upholding that against you, Barbatos" Zhongli chuckled after taking another sip of the wine
"Of course I remember, heh! And it's not Barbatos call me 'Venti' now that's my screen name"
"I see. . . that's better compared to being called 'Barb' or 'atos', Xiao's also debuting with you. . . correct?" Zhongli asked remembering that his younger relative becoming close to his friend while he was busy with his law career.
"Yeah, we have 2 other members joining, you know Aether from ABYSS right? and then there's Kazuha Beidou's protege from Inazuma, You better prepare yourself Zhongli with my group we'll definitely crush you on our rematch, heheh"
Barbatos or as he would like to call himself now 'Venti' jokingly threatened his old rival to which Zhongli paid no mind and just smiled at him 
"I doubt that"
"Oh, aren't you confident? Lemme guess you're being grouped as well? I thought they offered you an exclusive solo contract?"
"They were, however, I asked them to change it mainly because I'm already old and youths prefer something more trendy and younger appearances and I believe we would lose to your group when it comes to charisma and looks" 
 Zhongli finished explaining before he felt his phone vibrated the company number of the Geo ent. flashing on his screen unexpectedly, it was too soon for them to call him regarding the other members. He stood from his seat and dusted off some of the dirt on his pants 
"I'll see you around Barba- I mean 'Venti' they're calling me"
"Don't sweat it, I'll look after Guizhong for a while before I head back and the next time we see each other it should be on stage, remember that, okay?" Venti called over as Zhongli started walking away to answer his call giving him one final look.
When he was finally out of earshot, Zhongli answered the phone the familiar voice of Katherine the talent scout manager greeted him
"Hello, Mr. Zhongli, are you available today for a meeting?"
"I am, what is the meeting all about?" he asked
"It's about your other bandmates, they're here, and we would like for you to get to know one another before proceeding with the formation of your group,"
At her answer, Zhongli saw a young woman was standing beside a plum blossom tree smiling at him the words the woman mouthed made him smile before her mirage disappeared along with the breeze.
'thank you & congratulations Zhongli . .  .'
"Mr. Zhongli?. . . will you be available sir?" 
Katherine's voice brought him back from his trance, he took a second or two before responding a smile evident in his voice.
"yes, I would love to meet them"
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