#yes eliza get his dick
enniewritesathing · 2 years
Eliza Pancakes, please stop calling about if you should raw dog Try for Baby with Bob.
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yrobdtsrv-rei · 22 days
All Subtext I Could Find for Hamilton and Laurens' Relationship in Hamilton: The Musical
Since you guys asked for it, here it is!!
By the way, I've only gotten these details via being hyperfocused/staring at Laurens and Hamilton mostly throughout the musical's Act 1. Also overanalyzing their actions.
Again, Lin could've made this relationship more explicit, but he chose not to. They could've had a song, a SINGULAR SONG, but nothing? Just some light subtext that could be interpreted as platonic? Okay. I'll play your game.
If the ship was better intergrated in the story, maybe if there was a song explaining their relationship, or, literally anything Laurens-centric, I'd gurantee Laurens wouldn't be as UwU turtle boy twinkified by the fandom, honestly.
Because there's barely any OFFICIAL lams content in the musical to nimble on, I shall provide it myself by overanalyzing content. That is what I (try to) do best, after all. And this ship has been taking over my brain.
Also if there was any subtext that I missed, do let me know! I shall reblog if there's any more.
Alexander Hamilton
- When the cast are giving Hamilton his stuff, and Laurens gives his bag, a mild gay stare is at large.
(Detail!: Eliza gives him his coat, Angelica gives him his book, Laurens gives him his bag. Very specific character choices, I've gotta say)
(Side note: I've seen someone say Laurens mouths "Me? I loved him", but I don't exactly know if that's true or not, since he's in the dark)
My Shot
- (ESPECIALLY NOTICEABLE IN THE PRO-SHOT) Laurens checks him out a bit as Hamilton sings "These New York City streets get colder, I shoulder (...)"
- When Laurens sings his verse "You, and I, do or die (...)" he touches Hamilton's shoulder and gay-ass staring ensues.
- "Laurens I like you a lot"
(Laurens giggles a bit and acts embarrassed at that lol)
- Laurens says "Let's get this guy infront of a crowd" SO INTIMATELY like... compared to the studio album.... 🏳️‍🌈 (?)
- Just before Laurens shouts "Everybody sing!" He and Hamilton had a little shoulder-to-shoulder moment
Story of Tonight
- The gays do gays. That's all I have to say. You all know about the amount of gay stares and shoulder touches in this song.
- Also how they walk away together??
Right Hand Man
- During the final "Here comes the general!" Laurens and Hamilton do the "handshake thing", only noticed it just now.
- After Hamilton tells Eliza "Swear to God you'll never feel so (...)" He and Laurens fucking come in CLOSE and Laurens congratulates him. And then gazes at him from afar before clapping then leaving. Jealous much?
- God, lemme just say, when Laurens and Angelica come down the aisle during the wedding they look so miserable...
- Laurens is like "Alright, alright, stop kissing infront of me mfs!!!"
- During the rewind part, Angelica, Laurens, and Eliza momentarily all stay in the light AT THE SAME TIME, the light Angelica was standing in.
(Side note: I am of the opinion that John Laurens should've sang Satisfied, yet I know that Satisfied was sort-of meant to be a female solo)
(2nd side note: Laurens could've gotten batshit drunk because his lover is getting married)
Story of Tonight (Reprise)
- When Laurens sings "But I've seen wonders great and small" he points at Hamilton. Didn't know Alex had such a small dick.
- Laurens clinging onto Hamilton and staring mindlessly at that man during the entire beginning portion of the song before Burr came in
- Also when they sing "Something you will never see again" Laurens gives Hamilton a sorta "I know I'm gonna die later lol" glance.
Stay Alive
- When Laurens sings "And everyday's a test of our camraderie and bravery" they do the "handshake thing" (which i think is a metaphor for queerness, or something like that)
- The transition from Stay Alive to Ten Duel Commandments ("Laurens, do not throw away your shot"), do I even need to say anything? ALSO THEY WERE IN A PINK LIGHT. (While yes, it is light, it classifies as pink)
CORRECTION: it was a purple pink-ish light, my bad
Ten Duel Commandments
- Of course, the bitches are gay af.
- Burr and Lee have a normal handshake during the seconds part, but Laurens and Hamilton do the "handshake thing" instead
Meet Me Inside
- During the beginning, the two share a hug and gazing. Also, "I'm satisfied!" being said by Laurens.
Laurens' Interlude / Tomorrow There'll Be More of Us
- Dead gay staring/pining ensues. Also, the fact that in the final version, Eliza doesn't even specify the letter came from South Carolina, yet Hamilton immediately assumes it's from Laurens...
Thank you for hearing my rambling, I have joined the fandom late, yes.
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hold-him-down · 1 year
Leo Tells a Story
TW: references to whipping, references to institutionalized slavery
Notes: somewhere around the 2 year mark
✥ ✥ ✥ 
“I don’t think I’m getting out of here before midnight,” Luke grumbles from the other end of the line. Rob Bennett can practically hear the frown lines deepening as he pictures his guilt-laden younger brother considering all the possible ways to excuse himself from the late session on the senate floor.
There’s unrest, though. Last week, a new bill had been introduced allowing for broader use of corporal punishment on the private level, and when the public got ahold of it, protests immediately began. Luke had been held in emergency sessions almost every day since, but seldom had they taken him past sunset. 
“Can you do me a favor?” Luke asks now. Rob nods, although Luke won’t see it.
“You want me to stop by your place?” he asks, pizza in one hand and a stuffed animal in the other. He lobs it into Eliza’s bedroom, empty now for the next week. “You know he’s probably up to his ears in Moby Dick or something equally enthralling.” 
And he thinks it’s probably true, but still, lately his visits to Luke’s house have been a good opportunity to build something good in the shit storm that is brewing.
✥ ✥ ✥ 
Rob’s first thought when he walks into his brother’s townhouse and finds Leo laying on the floor, an obscenely fat book resting open on his chest, his eyes closed but his fingers fisted: Leo is drunk?
Rob’s second thought, immediately after: That doesn’t sound like the Leo he has come to know and love.
“Hi,” Leo says (mumbles?) then, but he doesn’t move. And then, he adds, “I don’t feel good,” and a few pieces fall into place.
With a smile of equal parts fondness and sympathy, Rob drops to a kneel beside him, plucking the book off his chest and dog-earing the page before setting it to the side. Leo squints up at him, his eyes just slightly unfocused, and rolls over with a groan. He pushes himself up onto the sofa, Rob kind-of-sort-of shadowing the movements while trying not to be too obvious.
“Did you at least take the good drugs?” Rob says, hand hovering just over Leo’s shoulder blades. He can never quite pinpoint what the right move here is, but he’s pretty sure at this point that hovering is exactly what his brother would do, so he rolls with it.
Leo folds himself in half, his head between his knees, the curve of his spine visible through his shirt. Rob nudges him, offering a sympathetic smile as Leo’s eyes meet his. “Leo?”
“I don’t know,” Leo says. “Aspirin?” he continues. His arm curls under his knees and he draws his body in tighter. And then, as if on cue, he adds, “Luke said I could. I thought it would help.”
Rob picks the discarded bill bottle from the coffee table, rotating it in his hands. “Aspirin fucks with you?” 
Leo nods, a miserable sound coming from him, but he rights himself then, staring at the bottle in Rob’s hand. “Only when I chase it with tequila.”
For a moment, Rob freezes, gauging the likelihood that Leo is fucking with him. Uncertainty colors his generally pretty casual demeanor. Would he be shocked if Leo finally said fuck it and tapped into his probably-moronic twenty-five-year-old instincts to dull the ache of what he suspected was near constant discomfort? Yes, he decides. He would be. Still–
“Leo,” Rob says, uncapping Leo’s bottle of water and tilting it toward him. He pauses. “I don’t say this to freak you out, but are you fucking with me right now?”
Leo laughs out a breath but nods into his knees, then stretches his back and rights himself, planting his feet on the floor. He takes the water and clears his throat, wincing as he does. “Sorry,” Leo says. And then, he adds, “Yes. Most drugs mess with me.”
“That doesn’t make a lot of medical sense,” Rob says as he sits, setting the bottle back down. “Was it always that way?”
Leo shakes his head. “It got worse after the… – training– started. I don’t know, they made me take a lot. Sometimes I think they were trying to make me sick. Sometimes they would bet on how sick I would get.” He sucks in a deep breath and Rob nods, trying to keep the open fury from registering on his face. “I think it started then. Some Pavlovian thing.”
“Yeah, that’ll do it,” he replies distantly. They’re silent as the news begins a broadcast of the Senate meeting. There’s no sound, but Luke’s speaking… emphatically, with a banner of updates running beneath him.
“Luke said your back’s been giving you trouble?” Rob asks minutes later, eying the way Leo holds himself now.
“My neck,” Leo corrects. “Usually it’s okay, I don’t… I must have just slept wrong.”
“You’re too young to have neck pains from sleeping wrong. Luke making you sleep on the floor again?” he asks with a smile. Leo’s eyes are still on the TV, his expression devoid of any real emotion, but there’s something there. Rob gives him a moment before he says, gentler now, “Can I take a look?”
Leo, for his part, mostly looks tired. “It just hurts sometimes,” he says, bowing his head. He puts his hands over his ears, locking his fingers around his head, and Rob recognizes the gesture for what it is: bracing himself, holding himself still, doing what he needs to do.
Rob is light in his touch, asking Leo to move when he needs to, pinpointing the pressure points. Leo’s jumpy, because Leo’s always jumpy, but there’s also an alarming amount of tension along the muscles.
Maybe he did sleep wrong. Maybe he pulled something. Maybe he carries a lot of tension generally, and it wears him down.
But for Leo Evans to willfully open that pill bottle–
“How often does it hurt?” Rob asks, guiding Leo’s chin up and gently pressing along his spine.
Leo swallows. “Not often,” he replies. “Not usually.”
As Rob releases him, Leo adds, “It’s not a big deal,” and then, he amends: “I don’t want to make a big deal out of it.”
“Okay,” Rob says lightly. “It can be a small ticket item. But–” he takes a breath “–if I only have half the story, I will feel… very sad.”
Leo lifts his head, raising his eyebrows. “You’ll feel... sad?” Leo repeats, with just a hint of, maybe teasing, behind his tone? 
“Very,” Rob says, holding his eye contact for a second longer than he needed to. Sometimes, in these moments, Rob is reminded that Leo can hold his own. That he’s not this broken person everyone thinks he is. That he doesn’t need to be handled with kid gloves the way his parents handle him, that he doesn’t need the protection Luke constantly seeks to provide. 
And then his mouth works ahead of his brain and he says, “Will you tell me why your neck hurts, as seldom as it may?” And if he planned out his words, he might phrase it as less of a demand, but it’s there, and it lingers. “I promise it’ll stay between us, if that’s what you want.”
Leo whistles out a sharp breath, and his eyes meet Rob’s, and his expression shifts. He glances at the TV, where Luke continues to absolutely dominate the senate floor, and turns it off.
“I don’t think I’m really supposed to talk about it,” he says, after a prolonged pause. 
Rob goes to the bar and pours himself a glass of scotch, offering one to Leo. Unsurprisingly, he shakes his head.
When Rob returns, he takes a slow drink, then sets it to the side. 
Every muscle in Leo’s body is tense, his fight or flight response laid out in front of them, and just as Rob considers the exact words he needs to speak to let him off the hook, Leo’s hands ball into fists at his side and he takes a deep breath. 
Leo tells Rob the story then, unexpected in its own right, about the day– one of the days, maybe– that he was tortured just for the sake of being tortured. Complete with a fucking… presentation, and doctors, and video cameras. He recounts it with a detached precision that rattles Rob, the feeling of the whip slicing into his muscles, the feeling of fingers pressing into wounds, the sleepless nights that followed and the uncertainty of when it would happen again. 
When he finishes, Rob’s holding his cup so tightly his fingers are white. He takes a breath, forcibly loosening his muscles, and swallows. He waits until he’s sure he can speak calmly to speak at all, so keenly aware that Leo’s waiting, and that Leo doesn’t do well with Big Feelings, although nothing in his immediate expression or posture gives it away. 
Leo shrugs then, not for the first time that evening. 
“So that’s why it hurts sometimes,” he says softly, his eyes glued to Rob’s fingers, his grip on that glass a preview of what will one day be his grip on the neck of whoever was in charge of that fucking site. 
He takes a breath, the new knowledge settling into him, working its way through his nervous system and penetrating the core of who he is. He thinks of all the ways he’ll get the site shut down, of all the ways he’ll get the whole fucking system shut down; he thinks of what Luke will say when he tells him, and in almost the same instant that he remembers, Leo says-
“You can’t tell him.” 
And Rob swallows, setting his empty glass on a magazine on the table. Leo’s waiting for him to speak, but he doesn’t know where to begin. The medical concerns with an experimental torture device slicing into Leo’s neck and causing what is probably irreparable damage. The mental scars that he’s always known run so deep in this boy, but maybe he still doesn’t fucking get how deep. The absolute blind rage that he can’t contain enough to even push out the simplest of words.
“It’s illegal,” is all Rob can come up with, what could be full minutes later. 
“It doesn’t matter,” Leo replies. “It doesn’t matter if it’s legal or not; I don’t think anyone cares about the legality of anything happening in those sites.” Leo’s expression is almost completely devoid of emotion, a perfect mask trained into him by some asshole in some white room somewhere, but Rob knows there’s turmoil behind them. 
“It matters, Leo. It all fucking matters. You matter. Your suffering matters. Your personhood fucking–” He doesn’t clock the aggression in his own tone, the volume of his voice, the fury behind his eyes, until he looks at Leo. He swallows back his anger. He’ll find the video. He’ll find the video, or Luke will, and things will change. They have to.
He can hear the key turning in the lock, he sees Leo’s eye land on the door behind him, and he swallows back whatever pieces of the rage that he can in time for his brother to step into the living room. 
taglist: @whump-cravings, @afabulousmrtake, @crystalquartzwhump, @maracujatangerine, @pumpkin-spice-whump, @distinctlywhumpthing, @thecyrulik, @highwaywhump, @batfacedliar-yetagain, @finder-of-rings, @dont-touch-my-soup, @skyhawkwolf, @suspicious-whumping-egg, @also-finder-of-rings, @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump, @prodigal-zoe, @peachy-panic, @melancholy-in-the-morning, @urban-dark, @nicolepascaline, @quietly-by-myself, @pigeonwhumps, @whump-blog,  @seasaltandcopper, @angstyaches, @i-msonotcreative, @mylifeisonthebookshelf, @anonintrovert, @whump-world, @squishablesunbeam, @considerablecolors, @whumpcereal, @whumperfully, 
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cdyssey · 11 months
The Fall of the House of Usher (1.01 Reactions)
Starting this show because everything I’ve seen about Tamerlane Usher specifically convinced me that there was a new overworked cringefail girlflop out there for me to adopt like a feral, little kitten.
“If pain and suffering were like the kiss of Jesus, then he kissed the loving fuck out of my mother.” AKWJEJEJW
OH, the actor who plays teen Madeline was young Shirley in HOHH.
These poor kids are burying their mother in a wooden box. 😭 Also, Bruce Greenwood’s voice is so stately and complicated, churching and churning like gravel. His voiceover as he recites “For Annie” is perfect.
Lol, it’s not a Poe story if someone wasn’t buried alive.
The shadow of Eliza moving in the background behind Dupin aughdnehshs. The way the dialogue makes you pay attention to what’s behind him so you can’t miss that ghost.
“That day was the last day we were all in the same place.”
And then the text flashing two weeks later is effective too. Six people dead within two weeks.
I’m sorry. I can’t take madeline’s bangs seriously. QKQKWMDNWN what. why
obsessed with how hot all of the usher children are. I’m sure they’re all human cesspools and everything, but they’re sure serving cunt in the courtroom
really appreciate the gravitas carl lumbly is bringing to auggie—whether it’s his righteous rage in the trial or his various reactions to Roderick in the living room. In the latter especially, he gets to embody so many complicated emotions: his disgust at roderick, his horror at what happened to the usher family, his reluctant curiosity as roderick goes on and on…
“I don’t think it can be true. If it is true, it’s Perry.” AQokqqkoqsk. Henry Thomas is wonderful.
Oh, god yeah. Tamerlane Usher is gonna do it for me. Love when women are ambitious and horrible and definitely have intergenerational trauma that they repress under a paper thin veneer of being put together: “I don’t give a shit about the world. I care about what my dad thinks.”
“Fuck Blippi.”
T’Nia Miller. Audhehwngnrnwjjwjejw.
“We just have to keep it away from Perry or it’ll end up in some co-ed’s drink.” ALL of the siblings have bagged on Perry so far. This line is so eurgh, though. Says a lot about who Perry is before we meet him in earnest.
Usher being so casually queer is wonderful.
the sibling introductions are doing a nice job of shading their definitely fatal flaws, lol.
PLUTO!! love a good black cat
“Hannity knows which side his dick is buttered on. He’ll be friendly.” GOD WKWNENSNSKN
“I want you to start with Perry obviously, but I don’t think he’s clever enough to keep it off TikTok.” AAfjwkwoama
Kate Siegel can murder me. Love the white hair.
The difference between present day Madeline and Roderick and their teenage counterparts is stark. They were jaded, yes, but they weren’t cold and callous, neglectful and disdaining.
“Freddie, marrying this woman might be the one thing you didn’t fuck up.” MAN WOQMWNWNDJJSNSSKA
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Freddie.”
Love the whole toxic family being together. <3
“Neutralized. Like dead.” WLQLQLQLQKDJNDNS. GOD
“I’ll have to sue the bloody puddle of gore in the designer shoes.” slay
“To the rest of you, happy hunting.” Fascinating and horrifying. The way the Ushers are so insular—they’re expected to defend the family, the company, with their lives, but Roderick also sees no problem with turning them against each other. Before they’re ever killed, they’re already cannibalizing themselves.
Roderick claims responsibility for all of the children’s deaths.
Carla Gugino is so hot aufhwikqlwkwkakwkw.
good on usher for playing with the incestuous vibes of the original story with Maddie and Rod. Fun and fucked up.
Madeline wearing sunglasses to the funeral is soooo Alqkqkwsmakma.
OH THE GHOSTS OF ALL SIX. SO FUCKED UP. AUOUGHDNDJS. AND THE LINE BEINg, “… the sweeping precipitancy of a fall from such a height.” YEAH
Lenore reaching out to place a hand on Roderick. 😭 also, bruce is so good in this. His agony as he looks upon all those condemning bodies and wounds is chilling
yeah okay. I’m into this show QKQMQKQKKSN
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iliveinyourwalls68 · 9 months
Elliott x y/n
Y/n was helping Elliott clean out his house when she found something… interesting. “Hey Elliott? What’s this?” She asked, frowning. Elliott’s eyes widened in panic as she opened it. She scanned the first few  pages, mouth curving into a grin. “Elliott!” She shouted. “You write Smut?” She asked. Elliott blushed as she started to read it out loud. “ Eliza moaned as Hamilton shoved his dick deeper into her throat . ‘Oh Alexander, it’s so deep-‘ she moaned as he went in even further and-“ 
“Ok that’s enough” Elliott interrupted Y/n. “Don’t read more-“ he grabbed the notebook from y/n. She was smiling mischievously.
“Hey Elliott…” she whispered.
“Yes?” Elliott asked.
“I have an idea… what if… we re-enacted what you wrote?”
 Elliott blushed. Y/n, are you sure?” She nodded, and started to strip. He did the same. Soon, they were both down to just their underwear. Y/n swallowed whilst staring at Elliott’s huge bump then slowly started to unclip her bra. But her hands were shaking, and she couldn’t do it. Suddenly, Elliott was behind her. “May I?” Y/n nodded, and he used his big hands to undo it. She shivered at his touch.he started to touch her tits. He squeezed her nipples and she moaned. He started to grind against her back. Feeling his hardness through his underwear, she thrust her hips back, before separating them to pull off both their underwear. He stared as she slid hers off, revealing her pussy. He seemed frozen in place, so Y/n reached forward and pulled off his underwear. His dick was huge, veiny, and was leaking.
“Are u this turned on for me?” She whispered, before slowly getting on her knees for him. He nodded, pupils dilating. She slowly moved closer and licked the tip. He moaned, and gently grabbed her hair. She blushed, and looked up at him through her eyelashes. “You can pull if you want…” she whispered, before going back to licking. He gently tugged a few times, before Y/n got impatient. “Come on, Elliott. Go harder. Pretend we’re in your fanfictions. Use my throat.” Elliott blushed.
“I- but what if I hurt you?” He asked
“You won’t, I’ve been with men way bigger and rougher than you.” Y/n responded. Elliott nodded, before grabbing her hair and pulling her onto his dick. She moaned around it, and one of her hands started rubbing her pussy. She was super wet, and Elliott could tell. He started trucking her throat and making her gag. She could tell he was getting close as his thrusts got harder. Suddenly, she pulled away as best as she could with Elliott gripping her hair. “Wait.” She said, “Do you wanna… put it in?” She asked. Elliott nodded, before moving to the bed, Y/n following him.
“I’ve got condoms-“ he said,  reaching into his nightstand.
“No.” Y/n interrupted. “I’m on birth control. If you’re  ok with that-“ Elliot nodded, before grabbing Y/n and pinning her to the bed. She moaned and spread her legs, Revealing her dripping wet pussy. “Put it in” y/n groaned. Elliott lined himself up, and shoved his dick in her, holding her hips so hard she was scared they were going to bruise. 
“You're so tight…” Elliott whispered. Y/n moaned, unable to think straight. Elliott started to thrust into her. She whimpered as his duvet stretched her. He started to kiss her, and she shoved her tongue in his mouth, as they started to French kiss. After a few minutes, Elliott pulled away. “Y/n, I’m close.” He said, thrusting harder. Y/n started to grind against him, feeling him get closer and closer. “Y/n” he gasped. He started coming, filling Y/n with it. She moaned as she felt it inside her. She started to orgasm as well, but soon, too soon they were both done. 
“Well Elliott, you were good. I wouldn’t be opposed to acting out more of your fanfictions at a later date… Elliott nodded, watching Y/n get dressed, cum still dripping out of her pussy. She left, thinking about the eventful afternoon she had had.
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farfromstrange · 2 years
Foreigner's God | m.m
Matt Murdock x avenger!OFC
Chapter twenty-five: For Real This Time
Read part XXIV here ° masterlist
Summary: The Avengers head back to Matt’s apartment to get some much needed rest before continuing with their plan to stop Hydra. Even though Eliza decided not to hold grudges, the familiar environment mixed with her old friends brings her to her breaking point and she lets go of all her pent-up anger and disappointment, causing a series of revelations that no one was quite prepared for. Her and Matt’s relationship also reaches a heated breaking point and that might just be the last time.
Warnings: SMUT, unprotected sex, fingering, sad sex (yes that’s a warning), ANGST, so much angst, mentions of drug use and suicide attempt, language, hurt/comfort, brief panic attack, Matt Murdock (yes that’s a warning), also Eliza comes as her own warning too
Other characters: Team Cap, Foggy
a/n: Does it help when I said I cried too? No? Okay.
Tumblr media
The unexpected team headed to Matt’s apartment in the heart of Hell’s Kitchen. He made sure no one was following them on the road to their newest safe house. To Eliza, it was an old one. A place she had grown to love over the past couple of days. She lived with Matt and somehow got used to the domesticity of it all. She wanted it back, the carefree comfort, the emotional conversations in the middle of the night, and the sex. The mind-blowing, intimate sex they shared. She wanted to go back to two hours ago when everything was less terrible, Matt was still by her side and she could bask in the comfort of his presence without having to worry about a thing. 
That was over though, thanks to her inability to love someone the way they deserved to be loved.
To appear less suspicious, they all entered through the rooftop access door. A whole bunk of people appeared as if they had no business even being there. And the truth was, they didn’t. They weren’t supposed to be there, but they were, despite everything, and they would stay that way for as long as they deemed necessary. 
Sam was the first one to bluntly state the obvious. “Well, damn,” he said, “This place is a shithole.”
“For the first time, I agree with you, Wilson,” said Natasha. “You live here?”
Matt scoffed. “Why does everyone keep saying that?” he grumbled. 
“Because it’s true. This place sucks.”
“Why don’t we have a tour of your apartment next, Natasha? If you keep criticizing mine, yours probably looks much better, right?” 
He opened the fridge, retrieving a bottle of wine, and he didn’t waste a second breaking the cap off with his bare hands. 
Natasha circled back in surprise at his bold sarcasm. For someone who knew she didn’t like him very much, he certainly had the balls to push her further. She was almost impressed. 
“I don’t have an apartment,” she said. “I’m a fugitive. I stay where I need to stay, and my place in Budapest kind of blew up thanks to Black Widow assassins suffering from chemical subjugation ‘cause my sister brought the antidote right to my doorstep in Norway and they wanted it back to prevent more Widows to escape the dirty hands of their keeper, Dreykov, a man who is known for kidnapping little girls to turn them into world-class assassins doing all the dirty work for him.”
Matt stopped sipping his beer. His sightless eyes focused on somewhere beside her, his head slightly tilted to the side so he could listen closely to the sound of her voice. 
He regained composure. “Forget I asked,” he said.
“Wait,” Natasha’s answer caught Eliza’s attention, “What exactly happened the past few months?” she asked. 
The Black Widow shrugged. She pushed past Matt who scowled at her rough handling, opening the fridge and grabbing a beer for herself. “German piss,” she commented. “That’s disgusting.”
“You sound like this guy I know.”
“Do I? What’s he like? Drop-dead gorgeous? Badass? Superhero?”
“No, he’s just a dick.”
“Takes one to know one.”
“Okay, what the hell is your problem with me?”
“I don’t have a problem. Do you have a problem?”
“I’m gonna have a problem if you keep talking to me like that.”
“What, can’t take a little fire?”
“That’s not fire, that’s pettiness.”
“And you guys have both,” Eliza cut in. She sounded exhausted, not just physically but mentally. “Though the latter seems to be a lot stronger. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re having a cock fight.”
“Well, I do think mine’s bigger than his,” Natasha said, sipping her beer casually.
Eliza rolled her eyes. “I doubt that,” she said.
Matt chuckled. Natasha shot him a glare.
“Don’t let it go to your head, Matthew. What you’re doing right now takes away about nine inches.”
“What?” he pouted.
That was about all of it and a little more.
“This isn’t about honor, this is about your ego. You, Nat, can’t stand the thought of someone like Daredevil caring for me ‘cause you think he spells trouble. And Matt, you’re being petty because you don’t like it that she’s stronger or smarter than you’ll ever be,” she said. “That makes you two very annoying people who should never have met. Now put your dicks away and act like normal fucking people.”
Natasha stayed quiet this time, staring guiltily down the throat of the bottle. “This beer still tastes disgusting,” she muttered.
Matt sighed, “Yeah, I know.”
“If I liked you, I’d buy you better beer.”
“If you liked me, I’d be flattered.”
“But I don’t.”
“But you don’t.”
Eliza propped her hands on her hips. Foggy noted that she looked almost like Matt when she did that, copying his stance down to even the slightest detail.
“You done?” she asked.
She handed her beer to Matt. “Now I’m done.”
He slapped the glass down on the counter, his smirk sour as he listened to her step out of the kitchen and into the living room, throwing herself down on the leather sofa.
Eliza followed her. “Can you answer my question now? About what happened the last couple of weeks?”
Natasha sighed. She propped her arm up on one of the cushions, playing with the threads that stood from the fabric. “I didn’t kill Dreykov or his daughter back then in Budapest,” she told her. “A couple of weeks ago, my sister Yelena dropped the solution to chemical subjugation in Black Widows on the doorstep of my safe house in Norway…”
“Wait, you have a sister? Why didn’t I know about that?”
“‘Cause she’s not my biological sister and more of a we were in a spy family together for three years sister.”
“Still, that is a huge deal!” she claimed.
“Yeah, not so much when you find out that I just left her behind and never checked back in with her,” Natasha said.
Eliza’s eyes widened. She had never taken her to do something like this, not when both of them knew what it was like to be abandoned.
“You had your reasons, right?”
The redhead-turned-blonde chuckled. “I find it nice you think that, but I don’t think I had. I guess I was just scared.”
“That’s a reason,” Eliza tried to tell herself. “I do shit out of fear all the time.”
“If you say so. Anyway, I returned to Budapest to find out the Red Room was still pretty much existent,” she continued the retelling. “We spent days trying to stop Dreykov and we almost died doing it, but we managed. All of the girls are safe now and no more Dreykov. No more him and no more Black Widows. They can make their own decisions now, like us.”
She nodded. “That’s nice to hear. At least something that went right.”
“Yeah… What happened to you?”
Eliza knew they would circle back to that. “Other than finding out that my whole life has been a lie concocted by the people I thought I could trust, nothing much,” she answered.
“Eliza, we told you, we were just trying to keep you safe,” said Natasha.
Their sense of a normal family reunion went straight out of the window. The hostility kicked back in.
“How can hurting me possibly keep me safe?”
Steve entered the conversation in all of his defensive nature. “If you had known about your identity earlier, Hydra might have been able to find you before we even got the chance to get ahead of them,” he said. “You remember what they did to Bucky, how they searched for him after he ran away. You remember what he told us.”
“Don’t drag Bucky in this,” she said.
“Why not? If he were here, he would tell you the exact same thing.”
“I don’t think so. Barnes the only one who truly understands what Hydra does to people like us, those they experimented on.“
“You can’t know that.”
“I do because we’re both the same person!” Eliza snapped. Her voice jumped an octave, raising the audacity. “We both went through the same hell. He’d be much better at this than you.“
“Bucky is just a super soldier with a metal arm, your powers are stronger and more unique,” Natasha shot back. “You’re extremely powerful and they could end worlds if you learned how to control them. Hydra wants your blood to recreate the powers of the Reality Stone and teach their test subjects to actually end the world. They want to make more of you and once they manage that, they will kill you.”
“You could have at least told me my father was alive and that I’m not an orphan,” she argued. “You made me believe I was alone. You made me drown in that feeling with no one there to catch me. I was so alone. You knew the one thing that could have given me at least a little bit of closure and you didn’t even consider telling me.”
“I did!” Natasha didn’t raise her voice often. She only did it when she was upset. “I considered, but Tony told me not to.”
“Since when do you listen to Tony?”
“Since the truth could have killed you! It almost did several times in the past few days. The only reason you’re still alive is that you have someone who constantly jumps in the line of fire for you.” She pointed at Matt. “He’s the only reason you’re still alive.”
Eliza shook her head. “No, we could have solved this the second you got that file. Nick surely wouldn’t have kept this from me.”
“Nick would have destroyed your file the second he got his hands on it.”
“Maybe that would have been better. Maybe you should have just erased the truth of my existence altogether because knowing I killed my mother doesn’t sit right with me.”
“Eliza, you didn’t kill your mother,” Clint said. He stepped forward carefully. “She died because the stone was slowly poisoning her. If anything, you kept her alive. She felt good up until the point she gave birth to you. You blocked the poison of the stone with your DNA because the stone is protecting you.”
“Yeah, well, maybe it should have killed me along with her.”
“Eliza, stop it!” Matt roared from the kitchen. “Stop talking as if your death would be convenient to everyone else.”
She sneered. “You don’t get a say in this!”
“Why? Because I told you I loved you? Because I was willing to sacrifice my life for you over and over and over again? Because I don’t care who you were, I just care about you?”
“Oh, my God.” Eliza shook her head. “You still don’t get it, do you?”
“No, I don’t.”
“None of you do. No one ever understands.”
“Enlighten me then!”
“I’m not human, Matt! And because I’m not human, I am not the person you met on that godforsaken rooftop. I am not the SHIELD Agent that took down an army of soldiers before Natasha saved me,” she said, diverting her attention to the four Avengers occupying the living room. “I am not the Avenger Tony recruited after he saw my potential during the battle of New York. And I am not the kid you wanted me to be. I’m none of those things. You wanna know what I think? I think part of you didn’t want me to find out because then you would’ve had to erase whatever perfect, golden picture you had of me and replace it with whatever this is.”
Her eyes glowed bright red. Her fingers tingled. The veins traveling up to her eyes erupted in a terrifying glow, so red it slowly faded into shades of maroon. It was the this that had been unspoken for so long, she never recognized that part of her. That was her self-control, she realized. The not-knowing, the inability to use all of her powers, and feeling like a stranger in her own body. The process of learning who she was had been disrupted and only as an adult picked up again. It wasn’t fair. 
“I have one of the most powerful elemental crystals running through my blood and no one knew until a few years ago when my father snitched up on me,” she continued.
The salt on her tongue reminded her of the almost human vulnerability she still carried inside of her, and how prone to tears she was whenever she got angry or upset. She had to hold onto the little things, as hard as it seemed. 
“The powers I have are getting worse ever every day,” she said. “Ever since I first got a taste of what they can do; if I had known before, I could have learned how to control them, but I don’t. I don’t know how. I almost killed someone with my bare hands, without having to touch them, and it’s all your fault! Not mine, not my mother’s, not my father’s, yours! You could have told me but you didn’t and the way I am right now is on you. I’m broken because of you. I took drugs to stop this indescribable ache in my chest, and then I had sex with men who only saw me as a fucktoy, and I let it happen because I wanted to feel something, anything, that didn’t remind me of this pain in my chest. The unknown possessed me, so I kept taking those pills until I was too numb to care, and when that wasn’t enough, I willingly pushed myself over the edge. The overdose was never just an accident,” she turned to Natasha, her friend’s eyes bloodshot and fighting back tears as she slapped a hand in front of her mouth, “I did it on purpose. I took the drugs, hoping I would drown in the bathtub or choke on my own vomit. I wanted my heart to stop. I wanted to die.”
She let out a strangled sob. “Eliza,” she cried quietly. “Why would you do that?”
“Because I felt lonely and useless and a stranger in my own body,” she replied with a distant shrug. 
“You could have just told me…”
She groaned. “I did! I tried to tell you, but you were all so caught up in the person you wanted me to be, you didn’t want to listen. You didn’t want to lose me, so you pretended that nothing was wrong with me until there was, and then you acted like I was this- this fragile little thing that couldn’t take care of herself. Sure, it got me the attention I wanted, but I thought it’d help me find myself and not make everything so much worse.”
“Okay, maybe we should just-” Steve prompted. 
Eliza slammed her hand down on the dining table. “No! We shouldn’t just stop. That’s what you wanted to say, right? Stop and calm down, talk about this like civilized people. Well, guess what,” she said, “I’m done talking. I’m done being your therapist, I’m done trying to fit in and I’m done being seen as the villain whenever I can’t reciprocate feelings that were sprung on me! I’m done being the golden child, the one who has to fix everything, and I’m done living for everyone but myself because I’m fucking tired of it. I’m tired and it’s all your fault. You each dug your own grave and now it’s time to lie in it.”
The milky glass of the sliding door almost broke at how hard she pulled at the handle to close it. Matt flinched at the harsh sound and even the others had a hard time keeping their composure. 
He sighed, setting down his beer bottle, and out of instinct, took fast steps toward the bedroom. He could hear her elevated heartbeat, the struggle for breath - she was trapped in a full-on panic attack and he couldn’t help her. 
“No,” Foggy said. He pressed a hand to his chest, stopping him. “If you go in there, you’re gonna make this so much worse. I’m sorry, but you’re the last person she needs right now.”
“Let me through,” he demanded. 
He shook his head. “Absolutely not. Neither of you,” he took a look around, “Is going in there. She doesn’t need to be reminded of all this.”
“Her heart is beating out of her chest and she’s barely breathing. She needs someone to ground her. I know what to do, she trusts me-“
“Not right now, she doesn’t.”
“Christ, Foggy, just let me through.”
“No, take a step back, take a breather and let me be a friend to her. You guys seem to really suck at it.”
Matt lifted his arm in defense. Foggy took a step back, making sure he wasn’t following. It took every last ounce of self-control for him not to break the door down and take her into his arms. Instead, his friend entered the bedroom, closing the door behind him, and the second he was inside, he knew he was doing a much better job than he ever could. 
“You told her you loved her and then stormed off?” Natasha piped up. He could smell the anger radiating off of her. “Are you serious right now?”
“You don’t get to judge,” Matt said. 
“I do ‘cause she’s my friend!”
“Just shut up. I can’t do this right now.” He grabbed his mask and his gloves from the kitchen counter. “I’ll be outside when you need me.” 
He disappeared through the rooftop access the same way he came in.
Foggy found Eliza on the floor, face pressed into the mattress of Matt’s bed, pathetically trying to muffle her gut-wrenching sobs. Her hands clawed at the comforter. It smelled like Matt and traces of her, and it made her cry even more. Everything was gone now. Her life lay in shambles. 
She choked on her sobs, constricting her lungs from regaining full function. She hiccuped. Too much pain in her chest applied pressure to her heart. She felt like she was having a heart attack, but she knew better. Her mind sent warning signals, causing her whole body to lock up. Fight or flight, it was as easy as that. 
Stroking her back gently, Foggy fell to his knees next to her. She flinched, her skin on fire from the lack of oxygen. “Liz, I know you’re not okay,” he said. “Can you try to breathe for me?”
She shook her head. He pulled her up by the shoulders, one of his arms wrapped tightly around her front while the other pressed down on her heart. He felt it thudding underneath his palm. 
“Feel that? I’m here.”
She sobbed. 
“I’m here. Focus on that.” Foggy tapped a steady rhythm against her skin. The other hand rubbed her shoulder, applying just a little more pressure to get her out of her head. 
She sucked in a sharp breath, still crying violently, but breathing got a little easier with the cold palm of his hand pressing into her heated skin. The temperature change knocked her senses back into high gear, and she could feel reality seep back into her bones.
“You’re not alone,” he whispered into her ear. “Not anymore. You have friends, you have Matt, you have me. I know it might not seem like it, but they love you. I know it hurts, but you heard them. You know they had to make a choice. I think they regret not telling you, but as far as I’m concerned, there was no other way. They care about you. The things they did, they did it out of love for you. Deep down, I think you know they made the right call. That doesn’t mean it’s okay how they handled it.
“You have every right to feel all of your emotions right now, as long as you get back up again and go back to being your badass self. ‘Cause I know you can survive this. You’re one of the strongest people I know, Eliza,” he told her. “If anyone can survive this, it’s you.”
His gentle, yet truthful words slowly coaxed her back into reality. Her breathing calmed, and her cries died down. She slacked in his arms, enjoying the hug he gave her. He offered her a small bubble to escape into, and she took it gladly. His arms protected her from the harsh world, even if only for a little while. 
Eliza exhaled. “Thank you,” she said. 
“Of course. That’s what friends do for each other,” said Foggy.
“I’m not used to having normal friends.”
“Well, then it’s about damn time you learned.”
“Thank you,” she nodded. “I mean it.”
He rubbed her shoulder again before releasing her. She slumped against the bed. He sat down next to her. Eliza placed her head on his shoulder, too tired, and worked up to keep her neck straight. She felt like a newborn baby with absolutely no control over her body. 
“I’m just so angry all the time,” she said quietly into the comfortable silence. “I don’t want to be mad at them, but it feels like my whole life was a lie. Eliza Bennett has always been just an alias, but knowing I could have learned about my real identity much sooner makes me feel like… like I’m a stranger? I don’t know, it doesn’t make sense. I’m angry, even when I don’t want to be, and that makes me sad. So sad, I only feel for myself, and since my emotions are something I cannot control, I have to suffer through it, even when the pain gets worse.”
“We all get angry. Life makes us angry. And someone with your level of trauma is granted that anger for as long as she wants to,” Foggy said. “Until you’re ready to work through it, which you should. You should work through it.”
“I know, I’m trying, but it’s just a lot right now.”
“You can start when this is over. Right now, be as angry as you want. We can handle it.”
“I don’t want to be angry. I want to forgive them. I want my life back.”
“You’re gonna get it back,” he reassured her. “Maybe not now or tomorrow, but soon.”
“Thank you.”
“Sure thing, Liz. Hey, have I ever told you about how my mom wanted me to become a butcher?”
She chuckled weakly. “You did mention it.”
“Yeah, but I never told you the whole story.”
“That you did not.”
“Well, I come from a family of butchers. My mom and dad own a shop here in Hell’s Kitchen, not the one you destroyed, of course. We have the freshest meat in the city. And my brother, he joined the business while I wanted to go to law school. My parents planned for me to take over the shop when they retire, but I had other plans. They pleaded for me to come back home, but I told them ‘no, I want to help people. And I want to make a shit ton of money’. And I almost had it with the internship at Landman and Zack. Of course, Matt had to wreak havoc on my plans to become rich and famous. I love him, but he’s an idiot. Starting our practice was the best and stupidest idea he’s ever had. Or what do you think?”
She didn’t answer. He peeked down to find her eyes closed. She was dead asleep. 
Foggy sighed. “Wow. Didn’t think the story would be this boring.”
He picked her up, lying her down on the bed. He shuffled the comforter aside and wrapped the blanket around her sleeping frame. She yawned, turned around, and hugged Matt’s pillow to her chest. 
“Sweet dreams.” He turned the lights off, shutting the curtains, then exited the bedroom as stealthy as he could. 
The Avengers all jumped from their seats. 
“How is she?” Natasha asked first. 
He placed a finger on his lips. “Shh. She’s finally down. If you wake her, I’m gonna kill you. I know I don’t look like I can, but I will.”
“Oh, thank God. I didn’t mean for this to escalate.”
“Yeah, well, it did. You have to deal with the consequences now.”
“Thank you,” Clint said. “We appreciate your help.”
“Since I’m the only one with common sense, I don’t have a choice.” Foggy took a look around. “Where’s Matt?”
“He said he’s outside if we need him,” Sam told him. “Grabbed his helmet and gloves, so maybe he’s out being Daredevil or whatever. Getting rid of his anger issues.”
“Yeah, he can’t get rid of that. Excuse me, I’m gonna check the roof. Feel free to eat or drink anything you need to, as long as you don’t wake the dragon.”
He jogged up the stairs, through the door. For a second, he considered staying to check on Eliza like a baby monitor, but he figured she would come if she needed him or anyone else. She was exhausted, she would certainly stay asleep for a couple of hours. 
The night air slapped him across the face. Shuffling his sleeves back down over his arms, he crossed them. As expected, Matt stood on the ledge, still in his Daredevil suit minus the mask and the gloves, which lay beside him on the bricks. He turned his head slightly, recognizing his footsteps, heartbeat, and breathing. 
“What do you want?” he asked. 
Foggy scoffed, “You’re an idiot.”
“Beg your pardon?” 
“Eliza. You’re an idiot.”
“How am I the idiot? She’s the one who pushed me away.”
“Yeah, because you sprung the truth on her like it meant absolutely nothing,” he said. “You don’t just randomly blurt out I love you and then hope the other person says it back.”
“How do you think I should have handled it, Foggy? If you’re so much smarter than me.”
“I would have waited until this whole shitshow was over. Eliza has other things to worry about than your feelings for her. If you had waited, maybe she would have said it back.”
“She told me she can’t. I don’t think if I had waited a couple more weeks her answer would have been different. At least I know now that she doesn’t feel that way,” he said. 
“Oh, my God,” Foggy threw his hands up, “Of course she does! She loves you, she just can’t sort out the feeling. She struggles with emotions, which is ironic, really, but she does. She struggles because she’s never experienced this before. She’s never been so emotionally involved with a person as she is with you and that scares her. Just give her time, Matt. That’s all she needs.”
He scoffed, “When have you become the Eliza-whisperer?”
“Since I’m the only friend she can count on right now. I’m the only unbiased one and that’s what she needs. A shoulder to cry on. She feels betrayed and alone and while I know this isn’t your fault, you’re playing a huge part in the guilt she’s feeling, and that makes her angry, so she says things she doesn’t mean. Just try to see this from her perspective, please. Just once.”
“I can’t see shit,” he retorted. 
“You know I meant that in a metaphorical sense.”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Can you come back inside now or do you want to keep sulking on the roof?”
“I like sulking on the roof.”
“You just like sulking, period. It’s not a good look on you.”
Foggy turned on his heels, making his way back to the door. 
“Foggy,” Matt called out, “Why do you always have to try and fix everything?”
He shrugged. “Because usually, I can.”
That made Matt chuckle, another small victory for him. He could be surrounded by a million soldiers - when it came to being a normal person who took care of his friends, he would always be better than them. 
Matt returned to his apartment only a couple of minutes later. “You’re back,” Natasha stated. 
“Congratulations,” he retorted, “You have functioning eyes.”
“That’s not something you can relate to, can you?”
“There’s something seriously wrong with you.”
Every time he opened his mouth, she liked him a little less. 
Steve, the good soul he was, tried not to let the bad mood drag him down. “Hey man,” he walked up to matt as he spoke, “I just want to say I appreciate you doing this for us. Open your doors, let us stay here. It means a lot. And even though they can’t show it,” he said, motioning to the rest of his team, “They’re grateful too.”
Matt scoffed, which sounded more like a broken chuckle. “Natasha doesn’t seem to think that way,” he said. 
“Natasha is a complicated character. She loves Eliza. She’s like a sister to her. When she cares so deeply for someone, she gets suspicious. And she’s been getting into a lot of trouble with you by her side. Natasha doesn’t see the difference between Eliza being Eliza and getting in trouble, and you fighting with Eliza while she’s getting in trouble. The past couple of weeks have been hard, so you gotta cut her some slack.”
“I’m not the one insulting her, Steve.”
“I know, just… give her some time.”
“They’re very much alike,” he realized. “Aren’t they?”
“More than you think,” Steve agreed. 
“Alright, I guess I can stand down. You’re welcome, for letting you stay, by the way. And thank you for coming here and, you know, helping her. She needed some hope.”
He patted his shoulder. “Family doesn’t let each other down.”
“Yeah, I can tell.”
Clint rummaged through the fridge, ignoring all the deep talks and instead checking for sustenance in Matt’s kitchen. He was majorly disappointed. “Don’t you have anything to eat around here?” he asked. “I’m starving.”
Sam poked the Braille printer he had seated on his desk in the corner. His fingers brushed over the documents next to it, the legal files imprinted with the Braille that came out of the printer. “How does this work, exactly?” he questioned. 
Matt wasn’t sure what question to answer first. The Avengers were the nosiest bunch of people he had ever met. 
“Is this your bathroom?” Natasha toyed with the handle of what was, in fact, his bathroom. She opened it without waiting for his permission, taking in the small space, the shower, and the bathtub. “Hm, looks better than the outside.”
“Guys,” Steve warned. 
“It’s okay,” Matt assured him. “They’re just curious.” He hated that they were infiltrating his personal space, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. Eliza trusted them, so he did too. 
“I have a Braille typewriter, but I also have a program on my laptop that makes it possible for me to print all of my files,” he told Sam. 
The Falcon nodded. “Cool. Can I print something?”
“Please don’t.”
“Okay.” He removed his finger. “How long did it take you to learn how to read?”
“I haven’t been blind since birth. I was nine when it happened,” he said. “I went to a school for blind people, took me a while but it’s not as hard as it seems. I read a lot as a kid, which helped improve my skills. There was not much more to do at the orphanage.”
“You’re a very interesting person. An interesting person with obvious trauma. I like you.”
“Thanks. About the food,” Matt continued and turned to Clint, “I don’t keep much around since I don’t spend much time at home, let alone cooking. There is a Thai place around the corner though, you can get takeout from there.”
“Or we could just order pizza,” he suggested. 
“And call Hydra straight to our doorstep?” Captain America interjected. 
“Yeah,” Clint decided, “That’s not gonna work.”
“If you’re starving, I’m sure Foggy can get us some food,” Matt said. 
Foggy sighed, “I suppose I can.”
“Natasha,” Matt called out to her. “Yes, that is the bathroom. Yes, you can use it. And no, I do not know what it looks like.”
She raised her arms. “Alright, I was just checking.”
“Oh!” Clint’s happy cheer got him the attention he needed. “I found bread,” he smirked triumphantly. 
“Yeah, that’s moldy.”
“How did you-”
Matt shrugged. “I can smell it.”
“Great, now we don’t even have bread. I think Matt’s right. The team needs fuel, Foggy can get it for us.”
“Why me?” Foggy asked. 
“‘Cause you’re the only one of us Hydra or the law doesn’t want,” he said. “No offense.”
“None taken. Okay, make me a list, I’ll see what I can do.”
“Spring rolls and fried rice,” Natasha stated. “That’s what Eliza likes.”
Matt said it at the same time she did, “That’s what Eliza likes.”
They exchanged a look. The fire in her stomach burned even brighter. Perhaps it was stupid, thinking she had some territorial claim over her, but Eliza was like a sister to her and Matt was going to hurt her, she just knew it.
“Okay, wow,” Foggy sighed, exasperated. 
Clint stood beside him, voicing what he thought. “They’re gonna kill each other before Hydra can,” he said. 
“You said it, not me.”
“Oh, and for the food, I want whatever has the most spice.” He bumped his shoulder. “Thanks, bud.”
“Sure, unload everything on me. I’m your personal delivery guy. It’s not like I have a job or anything.”
“What’d you say?” Sam asked. 
He waved him off. “Oh, nothing. I’d be glad to take your orders.”
“Great, so as a starter I want…”
This group of unlikely allies was going to be the death of him, literally. 
She had blood on her hands. 
Her ledger was dripping; wiping out this much red was a near impossibility. The nightmares were the worst part. Not her constant doubts, they didn’t matter. The person she saw in the mirror was nothing compared to what she saw when she closed her eyes. 
Perhaps she’d had it coming. Blood was resistant. Even with bleach, she couldn’t clean it off her hands. She scrubbed them every night until her knuckles started bleeding. Her skin was dry, tearing apart. The blood was still there—the Devil in disguise. 
Eliza stared at her bloody hands. The blood was dark red, fresh, dripping from her fingers. She found herself in a dark room with white tiles, the neon lights above her head merely flickering. 
Blood painted the walls. She stood in it. 
Her hands shook. She followed the trail, she had to. The lifeless frame of the body had its back turned to her. She could only make out the red suit, and a head full of brown hair. The blood didn’t stop. A whole river pooled at her feet. 
“No,” she whispered. 
She rolled the unconscious man over. His brown eyes were empty, glossy, and staring straight at her. Blood came out of his eyes and nose, his chest ripped apart and the dagger embedded deep in his chest. 
She choked. “Oh, God!” 
Matt lay there, eyes dead, body swimming in his blood. Her weapons littered his torso. Her hands were full of blood. Eliza didn’t have to be conscious to put one and two together. 
“No, Matt,” she choked out. “Hey, wake up. You’re okay.” She shook him. He didn’t wake up. “Please, wake up!” She cradled his head in her lap. “I can’t do this without you.”
What exactly was it? Her bloodied hands grabbed at his torso desperately.
“I didn’t do this,” she denied, but she knew better. Her daggers, his body, the blood on her hands – she wasn’t a genius, but she didn’t have to be. 
“I didn’t do this!” she said, loud and clear. Her voice jumped off the walls. “I would never hurt you. I couldn’t. You can’t be dead. You can’t, please. Don’t die, you hear me? Don’t!”
His already opened eyes shot wide awake. He grabbed her by the throat. It seemed like he could see her eyes. He stared at her, blankly ahead, and his white lips parted. 
She couldn’t breathe.
“Why would you do this to me?” he asked. “Why would you kill me?”
“I didn’t,” she said. “You said you loved me, remember? You know I would never do something like this. I would never hurt you. Never.”
“I could never love a killer. You kill everything around you and refuse to take responsibility. It’s your hand on the knife, Eliza. I could never love a person like you. You deserve nothing. You don’t deserve to be loved, and you don’t deserve to live. I wish they finally killed you.”
His eyes fell shut. 
She shot up in bed. Sweat coated her forehead and every last inch of skin. The clothes she wore stuck clad to her body. The silk sheets were stained wet. She threw the blanket off her body, suddenly too hot to be wrapped up in it. Eliza hugged her knees to her chest, head hung between them, catching her breath. She swayed back and forth. It was just a dream, she kept telling herself. It wasn’t real. 
“You okay?”
She gasped loudly, scooting back against the headboard. When she saw the familiar face staring back at her from the closet, she lowered her defensive arms. “Jesus!” she cursed. “You can’t just sneak up on me like that.”
“Okay one, I live here, and two, I was just getting dressed,” Matt said cooly, pointing at the clothes in his hand. “You said my name. What were you dreaming about?”
“Don’t act as if you care.”
“I do.” He sat down on the edge of the bed. “Nightmare again?”
She eyed him, trying to ignore the burning desire in her chest to check if he was alive, but the second his fingers brushed her bare thigh, she was done for. 
Eliza grabbed his face forcefully, pressing her lips to his. He kissed her back almost instantly. She swung her leg over his lap and he pulled her closer with a bruising grip around her waist. They were both desperate. Their lips moved together in a fiery dance for dominance, sloppy in the way they moved against each other. Her hands tangled in his hair, pulling and tearing at the strands, not sure whether to pull him closer or push him away. He struggled with the same issue. He wanted to keep her like this, in his lap, but being close to her hurt. She turned the tables and now the connection was hurting him more than her. He hated that he felt that way, and how good that pain felt because he wanted to be angry at her, but he couldn’t. He wanted to stay away from her for his own sake, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t spend a second without her. It hurt even more than being close to her. 
They forgot the world in each other’s arms. His hands slipped under her shirt, pulling it over her head. She sighed into his mouth. Her hips ground down on his, eliciting a delicious groan from him. He wasn’t wearing a shirt due to his plans to get dressed, but he had his pants still on. Pyjama pants. He must have slept on the couch. At least one promise he kept. The “We are done!” from before was completely forgotten the second she kissed him. 
He opened the clasp of her bra with two skilled fingers. It fell to the floor. They didn’t share any words, only hot and heavy breaths and sounds that got swallowed by lips and skin. He tightened his hold on her, flipping them around so she was on her back and he could tower over her.
His hand landed over her mouth when a lewd moan built up in the back of her throat. He muffled the sound, though to his ears it was still incredibly loud, and the sound of her ruined voice shot straight to his groin. 
He smashed his lips against hers again. He forced his tongue into her mouth, exploring the land as if he had never been there before. One hand slipped beyond the waistband of her pants, right into her panties. He cupped her desperate cunt, using two fingers to expertly part her folds. She threw her head back on the pillows, yet his lips didn’t stop assaulting hers. He kept them both quiet with the magic of his very skilled tongue. 
“This doesn’t mean anything,” he panted. 
She nodded feverishly. “Of course not.”
He dipped one finger in first, testing the waters. She was desperate and wet, just how he liked it. He didn’t waste any time sliding in another. The palm of his hand rubbed against her clit with every thrust of his digits, and her pussy squelched each time her walls clenched around him. She moaned into his mouth, hooking one arm around his neck as if that would get him any closer. 
Just when her muscles started contracting harder around him, he pulled out. She didn’t have time to protest before he pulled down her pants completely, lowering his just enough to pull out his cock. He used her wetness on his hand to give himself a few good pumps, enough to get his cock completely hard.
“Don’t make a single fucking sound.” With that warning, he lined himself up with her entrance and buried his cock deep inside of her with a forceful thrust. He clammed his hand over her mouth to muffle the scream.
He wasn’t a complete heathen though. He gave her time to adjust to his size, which took only a few seconds this time before her nails dug into his back and he pulled out and bottomed out again only moments later. He continued with the same brutal pace that almost had the bed shaking. This wasn’t about her, she realized. He was desperately chasing his orgasm. He hooked one of her legs around his waist to get deeper. 
Eliza pushed his hand away from her mouth, replacing it with his lips. “I dreamt you died,” she breathed into the kiss. “I dreamt you died and it was my fault.”
His cock hit her g-spot. “What?” he choked out. She was so tight, clenching around him like a vice.
“I couldn’t- fuck!” her teeth sunk into her bottom lip when he reached for her clit, rubbing it with the same intensity and speed as his cock kept penetrating her walls. “I couldn’t save you,” she cried out. “I couldn’t save you and it was my fault.”
Tears shot into his eyes. “Stop talking, please.”
“Please, Matty. Don’t leave me again.”
“I can’t do this,” he breathed back. “Not when you don’t feel the same way. It hurts. It hurts to love you.” He bit down on her shoulder to hide the guttural moan of pain and pleasure that spilled from his lips. 
“I’m sorry,” she whimpered. 
“I know, baby. I know.” 
He grabbed onto the headboard, his thrusts faltering. She gasped quietly, his fingers rubbing harder, knowing she was close to coming undone around him. He wouldn’t be able to last much longer and he didn’t want to be the first. No matter how upset he was, he would never come first. 
“I wish I could-”
He shushed her, kissing her lovingly. He lingered just a little bit longer, just a little bit more. “You don’t have to say anything,” he said. “All you need to do right now is cum so I can fill you up.”
“Oh, God!”
Her legs locked around his waist, walls clenching as she came all over his cock. He felt every last drop of her wetness coating him, her muscles contract, and her skin burn under his mere touch. He grunted into the crook of her neck, almost breaking the headboard with his grip.
He came right after her, spurting his cum into her cunt. Every time he finished inside of her, he marked her. He marked her to be his, to show he owned her inside and out. Though this time felt different. This time, filling her up with his seed made him sad in a way he had never been before. 
Eliza bit her lip. She knew he was crying. His tears pearled off her skin. The hold he had on her was inhuman. He didn’t want her to leave. He held onto her as if she was his world, which apparently, she was, and it made her chest contract with pure agony. She reached for his head, wanting to hold him and make him stop crying, but the second she touched him, he pulled out and fell on the mattress next to her. 
She clenched her thighs together as if that would change anything, as if that would get him back to stay inside of her and the clock to turn back to zero just so they could start again. She wanted the world to end and build itself up again for them to get a second chance.
But second chances don’t come to everyone. They come to hardly anyone. Hoping for a second chance only hurts you more than accepting that there might never be a second chance in this one life you have.
Eliza learned a good few life lessons over the time she knew Matt, some of those pleasant, the others the most painful things she ever had to experience.
“Matt,” she called for him softly. 
He wiped his cheeks. “Don’t apologize, not again. I can’t hear it anymore.”
“But I am sorry.” She reached out for him, stroking his bicep. He flinched under her touch. This was the first time he did. She squeezed her eyes shut, letting him go, and he slipped away into the void. “I wish I could tell you anything different,” she whispered, “but I can’t. I know sorry doesn’t even cut it close, but I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me.”
“This is not something you need to ask forgiveness for, Eliza.” He pulled the covers up and over their naked bodies. He didn’t call her sweetheart, not anymore. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me. I get it. You don’t feel the same way and that’s okay. I have to accept that. And I’m sorry for walking away like that, I… I was angry, not at you, but also at you, I just… I don’t know. I’m sorry for making you feel smaller than you are.”
“But you still want us to be over,” Eliza said. The words he was too afraid to say. “We’re not gonna try, we’re just over. That’s what you want?”
Matt nodded, once again wiping his cheeks to get rid of the annoying tears escaping his eyes. “Yeah, I think it’s the best choice.” One of the tears ran down his chest. “For the both of us, I think it’s better if we stop. So neither of us get hurt any more than we already are. I think that would be wise.”
She shivered. Her own tears weren’t so far away. “You’re right,” she admitted quietly. “That’s a wise choice to make.”
“So this is it?”
“We’re over?”
“Yeah, I guess we are.”
“Okay.” She stared up at the ceiling the same way he did, trying to fight the tears of heartbreak. “Okay.”
He picked up on the slide of the door too late. “Do you guys want eggs or ba-aaaah, oh my God!” Foggy immediately turned around once he saw the tangled bodies on the bed. “Nope, nuh-uh. I didn’t see anything. I’m leaving. Okay. Never walking into your bedroom ever again. Got it!”
Matt scrambled to get his clothes back on, as did Eliza. The conversation between them died down, and it probably would never come back to life. Standing across from each other, she looked at him and he listened to her. This hurt. He didn’t want it to hurt. Neither did she, but they knew this was inevitable. They had to stop or it would only hurt more in the end. 
He reached out for her hand but stopped himself mid-way. Her breath shuddered. Still, before he turned to leave, he leaned forward to press an almost too gentle kiss to her heated forehead.
“I’m sorry,” he breathed.
She nodded. “Me too.”
He slid the door open enough for him to fit through. No one else had to see her like this. He wished he could just bury himself in sand and die, but he knew there was no time for that. She knew that, too. They had to put on a show, live through this hurt with the reminder of what happened more than present each fleeting second, and they would have to do so until Hydra was gone and their lives could return back to normal.
The sound of the wood falling back in place broke the dam. The tears flowed freely down her cheeks and her body. Eliza didn’t sob, she just quietly cried into her hands. 
Well done, Eliza. Breaking everything you touch since the day you were born. 
When she looked up next, her eyes were empty. She stared at the wall, wiping her tears, and then she stared some more because, for the first time since she escaped Hydra, she shut her emotions off completely. She knew as soon as she did that, there was no going back. She would feel nothing until she would feel everything, but when that time came, she would already be dead. 
Now that she had nothing left to live for, she could focus on dismembering Hydra and not care about what happened to her. The promise she made was worthless without Matt by her side. If it meant she had to die, as Robert Pfeiffer said, she would do so in a heartbeat. 
Because that’s what heroes do. 
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Okay so at 4.4k words I'm done.
The fic is with established mammon × mc + an unnamed male oc
• New OC info
* I made the oc cis male because that's what I initially reached for and I'll post that fic today after the original poll finishes.
* But to make it inclusive do you want me to add this to a series and post an alternate version of the fic as well with an afab second person pov MC?
* Tagging this as various versions of "mammon x reader" even though I know technically it's not so that anyone who's into that maybe interested in the ^ second poll.
• Do you want to name the new sad male oc who was created purely to get dicked down?
* Send me name suggestions (asks and anon open) and I'll make a third poll for it.
* Read the fic first though please? so you can think of a name to match his ✨️vibe✨️
• Do you want to see this sad wet man (or a possible afab 2nd pov version) get dicked down with your kinks?
* Asks and anon are again open.
• Is it hot?
* ....I have no fucking clue. I have never written straight up smut before and turns out that like when I write fics that are supposed to be funny and am unable to tell if it's actually funny, I can't tell if this is actually hot.....
* Please lemme know...
• Will this eventually lead up to mammon × unnamed gn! mc smut?
* Duh. This is me testing the waters in my smut writing skills. So....feedback pls?
• When will the fic be posted?
* When the original poll finishes. So in a couple hours. Super embarrassing though if after all of this the majority of y'all told me to go to sleep in that
• MC used for this fic
* I tried writing it without giving MC a name but turns out when your threesome has two unnamed characters outta the three it's.....actually stupidly hard to write. Specially because there are times where I refer to Mammon & MC as an unit with the plural "they/them" and the only way I could differentiate the plural from MC's singular "they/them" use was by using a name for MC.
* I used my own MC for the fic because they're genuinely just gen OM! MC with a name & look and I wanted to keep their personality as close to canon as possible (yes, I use my own MC as a template in my unnamed MC fics as well so that I have something to compare against to know I have a consistent characterisation)
Here's the closest I could get to their appearance using a picrew and some additional information if y'all want:
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Eliza Ramskin (they/them || 26yrs || 5'10")
Scar over eyebrow from peanut butter accident and top surgery scars. Freckles everywhere. Eyes a shade more honey-brown.
Have fun ig I'm gonna go study for that looming exam I just spent the whole day ignoring🥲
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bittersweet--chaos · 3 years
I'm up so I'm giving you some incorrect qoutes with my Freelancer OC
(Denise is my Freelancer and Amiah is her little sister)
*Denise and Gavin walking through the air port to try and find Amiah*
Denise: *screaming" ANGELICA
Amiah: *responding from half way across the air port* ELIZA
*attracting people as they both scream*
Gavin walking behind Denise: Yep this is the love of my life
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
POLY VERSION ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Denise, running out of the car to go to the air port
Damien, in the passenger seat: FREELANCER YOU CAN'T LEAVE THE CAR!
Huxely: She left without her coat
Gavin: And it's below 40
Lasko: And she's in a crop top
*Cue Gavin, Lasko, Huxely, and Damien getting out the car running after Denise with her coat*
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Amiah: What's an Incubus?
Gavin: It's a sex demon. I feed off of sexual energy.
Amiah: oh...*realizes he said sex* Oh...*realizes that Denise is fucking this man* OOOOOH!
Denise: Don't you say shit-
Denise: I'M NOT A WHORE! It's not like I'm throwing myself at hot incubi to get fucked! Its just Gavin, and even then I didn't throw myself at him. He rifted into my apartment!
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Denise, nervous about the games: I'm gonna puke!
Huxely: Ok dude, just calm down and breath
Lasko, also nervous about the games: I'm gonna puke!
Damien: Wait why? You're not even competing
Lasko: I don't know. Empathy nerves?
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Damien: Freelancer, I-
Denise: I can't talk right now. I'm doing hot girl shit.
Damien: Wait, wha-
Denise: *Hangs up while watching Gavin attempt to put out a fire he caused while cooking*
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
The D.A.M.N squad playing DND
Lasko: Ok, but canonically my character would be able to do that.
Denise: And canonically I don't give a fuck
*12 minutes later*
Lasko: See. You died
Denise: I said what I said
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Gavin: Deviant, I think your cat hates me
Denise: What are you talking about? Balefire loves you.
Balefire: *hissing at Gavin whenever he's around*
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
*Playing horror games*
Damien: And we should definitely-
Huxley: Dude...where's Lasko?
Denise: Lasko where'd the hell you go?
Lasko: *lost and running from the killer* I DONT KNOW JUST COME SAVE ME!
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Denise: My sister's coming to Daliha so you know what that mean?!?
Gavin: No?
Denise: *showing Gavin the karaoke machine she bought* HAMILTON NIGHT
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Gavin: I would like your attention, but Balefire has it.
Denise: Just come sit with us then
Gavin: *looking at the snarling cat on her lap* Absolutely not
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Denise: What? What is it? Are you hurt?
Caelum; Gavin drank my last juice box
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Caelum: If I were a D-E-M-O-N demon you wouldn't tickle me. Actually you probably would, cause your kinda crazy.
17 year old Denise: AY! RUDE!
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Denise: Haha, guess who I just pissed off today!
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Denise: Balefire as been talking to the cat neck door for a month now
Gavin: So?
Denise: So I went to go talk to the neighbors who owned the cat Bale was talking to
Gavin: And?
Denise: Turns out, their cat ran away a month ago
Gavin: . . . The who is Bale talking to
Denise: *Holding up the missing cat* The cat
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Damien: Apples and oranges you can't compare the two.
Denise: Yes I can. Oranges are delicious, and depending on the apple, are nasty as shit
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
*My pirate au*
Damien: Hux, could you hand me the garlic powder
Huxely: *hands gun powder*
Damien: Why does this smell like gun powder?
Huxely: Did you not want that?
Huxely: Oh! Sorry dude!
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Huxely: *Having to hold back Denise from punching Kody* Dude! Chill out! Its not worth it right now!.
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Denise: *Having to hold Caelum down* WHO GAVE THE CHILD SUGAR AT 10 PM????
Gavin: *hiding the candy behind his back* I have no idea Deviant
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Gavin: Oh Deviant. You cant possibly think you can fluster me can you? I'm think king of making people blush.
Denise: Damn it!
*Later on*
Denise: Gavin, love of my life, could you hand me a juice box please?
Gavin: *face red and is processing what she just said*
Denise: Gav? Baby are you good?
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Damien: I ban Denise from ever touching another tool box again
Lasko; Why?
Damien: Cause she keeps using magic to bed them into jewelry
Denise: Whatever you say hun. I'm making a shit ton of money
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Damien: You can't fight Kody
Denise: Says who?
Damien: Says the rules
Denise: Fuck the rules! I'm doing it!
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Damien: Gavin, come get your girlfriend
Gavin: Why? What happened?
Damien: We went to the zoo and I think Caelum is with her. So they claimed into the elephant pen trying to befriend it
Lasko: F-freelancer! Get out of there!
Denise: I'm fine! Isn't that right Maple?
*The elephant, just trying to get some food*
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Denise: I think I'm a capable enough adult
Amiah: Didn't you set a table on fire? Without using magic?
Denise: We don't talk about that!
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Lasko: You know, sometimes you're scary
Denise: What? No. I'm not scary
Amiah: What about that one time you scared a kid so bad he shit his pants?
Denise: With in good reason!
Amiah: Which was?
Denise: I don't know.
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Denise: I feel like being a menace today so I'm gonna go bully Kody
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Denise: *completely drunk* Who are you?
Gavin: I'm your boyfriend Deviant
Denise: I have a boyfriend?!?!?!!?!
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Denise: I have a fairly good handle on- SHIT! *falls while trying to roller skate with Lasko*
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Denise: I've got a daily routine I gotta follow
Gavin: And that is?
Denise: Love you, take care of Caelum, take care of Lasko, force my affection onto Damien, have hugging competitions with Huxely, and bully Kody.
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Denise: *Holding Caelum* This is my baby. If you hurt him, I hurt you.
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Denise: *picking up Lasko*
Lasko: W-what are you doing?
Denise: Taking you to the store. We're buying you self-confidence
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
*While at Walmart at 3 am*
Denise: Mom! Can I have Swedish fish Oreos?
Damien; What? No! And don't call me mom!
Huxely: But why? Your the mom of the group
Denise: Exactly....I'm putting these in the basket
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Denise: *riding in a shopping cart in a parking lot* WEEEEEEEEE- AH SHIT! *runs into a curb and tips over*
Huxely, who was pushing her but let go: SORRY DUDE!
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aliceb6 · 2 years
Wizard TV Show I Don’t Know The Name Of
Hello, can anyone help me find this show?
This took place in colonial times I believe, a lot of the characters had powdered wigs. It was all live action, and British I believe. At the very least it was supposed to be set in Britain. It might’ve been on BBC or PBS, or Masterpiece.
There were these two wizards: one was old and worked for the British government I think, the other was young and had a wife and wanted magic to be widespread.
The young one wrote a book on magic and in one scene the old one made all of the books disappear with a spell. I’m going to call them Old Wiz and Wiz Jr. respectively, I’ll be giving everyone nicknames so it doesn’t get confusing.
Scenes and plot points I remember, in poor chronological order:
Old Wiz made a fake galleon out of water to trick the French.
Evil Fairy Man who dressed in Rococo fashion (I think) had the hots for this girl-whom I’ll call Eliza. Asshole Fairy Man (AFM) took her away by night to dance with him in a ballroom, and by day returned her. Eliza was unwilling to participate and unable to speak about her experiences. She was called mad and was confined to her bed via leather straps.
There was this African English butler (I’ll call him Butler) to the aging King, Butler was considering killing the King to become the King himself.
AFM tries to make Butler kill the king. He goes on about how Butler has no name and Butler’s like “yes I do it’s Butler!” And AFM shows him a memory of his birth, where he is getting separated from his mother as a newborn, Fairy is like “here’s the part where she says your name,” and the mother is crying and thus doesn’t say his name. Butler is like “damn.”
There was this old guy with a long beard that was kind of a dick. On his body was tattooed a bunch of prophecies.
AFM convinces Butler to hang prophecy guy. AFM says roughly “look there, it says your gonna be king.” I don’t think it did say that.
Old Wiz is called in by Eliza’s parents to “cure her madness”, she is not happy about this and yells roughly “I don’t have any freedom when I’m asleep, can I not have it when I’m awake?”
Wiz Jr’s wife (I’ll just call her Beth) gets stolen by AFM. Unlike Eliza she does not get returned during the day. Beth is also hypnotized, which does not happen to Eliza for some reason?
Since Eliza cannot share her experiences she makes a tapestry. Wiz Jr comes over, wondering where Beth is and then he sees the tapestry and realizes everything. AFM’s existence, Eliza and Beth dancing with him, not being able to talk about it. It was one of the most satisfying scenes of the show.
In the ballroom AFM asks which of the gals wants to dance with him (thereby being trapped forever probably), hypnotized Beth is about to say yes when Eliza steps in and takes her place. What a Chad. Wiz Jr finds the ballroom and manages to dance with Beth who does not recognize him. This makes AFM very mad.
Before Old Wiz and Wiz Jr. confront AFM they fight a bit. Wiz Jr. asks Old Wiz to whip out his most powerful spell, Old Wiz conjures a tiny rain cloud which rains on his head while Wiz Jr. laughs.
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kj-1130 · 4 years
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@youngjusticeimaginesus​ here is your request!
Main Masterlist
     You had been adopted by the Danvers family when you were quite young; barely a year old. They had been there for you basically since the beginning and you did consider them your family, regardless that you weren’t blood related. 
     While Kara and Alex had been living it up in National City, you were still stuck in boring Midvale. You were still in high school so you couldn’t exactly move with them. They visited every now and then, but you wished you could see them more. They made life so much better. 
     Midvale wasn’t the most exciting place to you. There wasn’t much for you to do--or much that Eliza allowed you to do-- and honestly, the people sucked. A lot of them were close-minded assholes who couldn’t care less about anybody. The students at the school you attended were somewhat bearable, but there was always that handful that thought they were better than everyone and ruled the school. 
     Unfortunately for you, your mouth had put you in the situation you were in now. Some guy--that you were pretty sure had been in eleventh grade for the past three years--had you pushed against the locker, your collar in his hand. 
     Apparently, you were in the wrong when you corrected his grammar and took the last apple all the same day and you guessed it pissed him off. 
     “Got nothing to say now, huh?” 
     You simply scrunched your nose and reached into your pocket to grab something. You held out your hand and in it was a mint. 
     “Your breath stinks. Do you want it?” 
     ‘Ooh’s’ rang out as he punched you in your jaw. Probably shouldn’t have said that. 
     The boy(?) chuckled darkly and shook his head at you.
     “That ain’t nothing. I suggest you learn to keep your mouth closed unless you want some more?”
     You didn’t keep your mouth shut. 
     You were currently limping home while holding your jaw that still ached. Your backpack hung loosely on your left shoulder, your right one still sore from when he slammed you into the lockers. Your stomach hurt and you were pretty sure it was bruised black and blue. 
    You stayed the rest of the school day after the fight happened because you knew Eliza would have your ass if you were home early regardless of the situation. And it’s not like the school would call her. They turned a blind eye to every incident, fight, just about everything really. You thought they just didn’t want to do the paperwork. You didn’t blame them for that though; paperwork sucks. 
     So you just sat through it. You tried to make it straight home, but you were tired and in pain and you just wanted to rest, so you stopped at a bench that was on the sidewalk to take a breather. 
     You really could’ve handed his ass to him if you tried. Every now and then, Alex would teach you some self defense moves, but you knew fighting him would give him another reason for him and his buddies to target you. Also, the school system sucks and you would most likely be at fault for ‘agitating the student first’. And for some reason, the dude was a golden student at the school despite being like, three years younger than the youngest of the staff.
    “That’s probably why he gets away with it; bribes ‘em with sex. He’s probably not even that good. Shrimp dick,” you muttered while getting up from your spot. 
     Eventually, you made your way up to the driveway and got the key out to open the door. 
     “Stupid motherfucker. Stanky ass breath. Oompa loompa, noodle head looking ass. Got me fucked up.”
     You were so busy muttering insults, you didn’t notice your sisters sitting in the living room with your mom. You simply stomped--well the best you could--your way upstairs still mumbling any rude remarks that popped up in your head, most of it just angry gibberish at this point. 
     Both sisters looked at each other, then their mother with questioning looks on their faces. They all jumped when the door slammed closed. Alex decided to go check on you and Kara followed. She knocked and waited for you to answer.
     “Mom, for the last time; I don’t want to go to your weekly book club meetings. Who willingly reads Fahrenheit 451 anyway? That book gave me a migraine.”
     Your siblings both chuckled at your comments and opened the door. 
     “Not mom.”
     You pulled your head up to look at your sisters and furrowed your eyebrows.
     “You’re here?”
     Kara nodded her head and took a seat at the end of your bed and Alex watched as your face contorted in pain as you turned to look at them. 
     “Yes. You were probably too busy mumbling and stomping to notice.”
     Alex nodded in agreement and gained your attention.
     “Speaking of which, why were you mumbling and stomping? What’s going on?”
     “And don’t say nothing because I can see you cringe every time you move.”
     You sighed and realized there was literally no point in lying because they could tell if you were.
     “So there’s this dude in eleventh grade; I’m pretty sure he’s like 20 though. My question is how fucking dumb are you where you fail like three times? What type of sense does that make? Okay, maybe once is understandable; the school system sucks major ass and the material is absolutely useless anyway. Like why are we not learning how to start loans or do taxes. What is the point of school anyway? I’m not going to need to know the area or perimeter of the building I work in. The history is all bullshit too. Like I’m supposed to believe Christopher Columbus discovered America. ‘Discover’ my ass. That cracker wasn’t nothing but a racist and rapist. And I’m really supposed to believe Pocahontas willingly married that man? If they don’t go on somewhere with all of these lies. They always said lying is wrong in kindergarten. Why the fuck tell us that when all they do is lie? History is all a lie. All they do is-”
     “Right! Sorry. Anyway. So he said something and I legitimately almost had a stroke trying to process it, so I corrected him and tried to make sense of what he was saying. Also I think I was in front of him in the lunch line one day and I got the last apple. I’m pretty sure he was like ‘leave it there or else,’ but I wasn’t worried ‘bout him. A bitch was hungry and I wasn’t about to starve at his expense. So like today he pinned me against the lockers. Lowkey thought he was about to eat my face off cause he was real close. I guess he was still hungry, but whatever. And he was like, ‘got nothing to say?’ And I was like ‘your breath stinks.’ And I handed him a mint. And then he punched me. In the jaw. And then he was like, ‘I can do a lot worse if you don’t shut up.’ I didn’t shut up. He punched me in my guts. I threw up in my mouth a little. Not gonna lie I wish he had hit me a bit harder so I could’ve thrown up on his new shoes. I’m pretty sure my shoulders are bruised too. He’s probably a kinky motherfucker in bed. He was like, an inch away from choking me now that I think about it.”
     You shrugged your shoulders and went back to reading your Dork Diaries book. 
     Alex and Kara both slowly blinked, trying to process your fast rambling. 
     “Hold on. You got beat up?”
     “You didn’t tell the teachers?”
     “So you sat in pain. All day.”
     “Yeah, pretty much.”
     Kara looked at you concerned. 
     “What about those self-defense moves Alex has been teaching you?”
     You put your book down and gave them your full attention. 
     ‘Well, when I thought about it, I was like ‘schools think my shoulders are too sexy and can be a distraction, so I can’t wear tank tops.’ I can’t blame them though. My shoulders are beautiful and apparently they give guys boners. Anyway, I was thinking, ‘if they’re so sexist when it comes to clothing, how far are they willing to take that?’ And the more I thought about it, I was like, ‘wait, that dude is like only 3 years younger than the youngest staff member. So what if he’s like paying them with sex or something?’ And then I thought about it some more, and started thinking of all the times he was late to class and his clothes and hair were messy. And that time when I caught him and the calculus teacher sneaking out of the bathroom. I could probably catch them in the act. That’d be great blackmail…”
     You trailed off, starting to make a plan in your head.
     “What was the point in telling us that?”
     “Oh! I’m saying it’s hard for him to get in trouble. Like I’m pretty sure he’d convince some teacher that he’s innocent and that teacher would convince the principal he’s innocent and boom! I get suspended for no reason.”
     Kara and Alex looked at each other, already knowing they had the same idea about this whole situation. 
     “Well, let’s just get you patched up and talk to mom about switching schools. I don’t know about you, Kara, but I don’t feel comfortable with you going back there.”
     That same night, a special someone got a visit from Director Danvers and Supergirl. That same special someone also got their shoes burned to a crisp.
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peeterparkr · 4 years
perennial;tom holland|eleven.
chapter eleven: snapdragons & sunflowers (Vol. 1) 
↳ flower meaning: snapdragons: deception. sunflowers: unconditional love.
chapter summary: to ask for a kiss. 
pairing: tom holland x y/n
warnings: fluff, angst, comedy, all in one, mentions or allusion to sex but not smut :), you’ll see, alcohol. 
You’ll hate me. 
word count: 11.2K
masterlist & profiles  
ten (Instagram): in which they share set pictures
ten (tweets & texts:in which the groupchats are…loud
previous chapter next chapter   perennial masterlist.
perfidy  ( series masterlist)
wanna be tagged?
So, please help me out I think tags aren’t working. So yes, hope you enjoy this :)
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Y/N was made of the people she loved or once loved. Everyone is, really, but y/n probably made sure it showed.
 Like her habit for photography had come from her very own best friend, of the way she started watching cooking videos because of her other best friend and always read the ingredients on any of the food she ate. Her clothing style had come from her very own first boyfriend who had introduced her to the magnificent world of the 80’s.
Her love for 80’s movies had come from Louis introducing her every night to a different one, a new story, a new song, and honestly it was good he showed her to it, y/n found her one true love. Louis, really, had shown y/n a lot of things, like how to lie to see him at indecent hours, and how  And how Louis taught her that love doesn’t have to last and that sometimes people aren’t what we expect.  
How she loved pancakes because that’s what her mother used to make them every Sunday, and how she’d learned from her father that sometimes sitting outside in the grass on a sunny day could bring back happiness to us. 
How her grandma had taught her how to have a perfect poker face, and how her grandfather had shown her how to peel an orange in a ‘correct way’. 
 How she had started to drink her tea with lemon and honey because James had once given her one like that and it brought nice memories. And how James had told her that it’s okay to love, even when people tell you not to, you have to fight for your love, you shall never be afraid of who you love. And James teaching her that she should love for herself, for her own, and not having to share her feelings if she didn’t want to. 
How y/n had started to watch subtitled films because Timmy had shown her some hidden gems. Or how she had learned from Tim to enjoy little moments, like the sunrise if she ever had to wake up early, or how she opened the windows to listen to the rain splattering. Tim had taught her too much about life, like enjoying wasting time. 
Y/N was made, the most, of the people she loved the most. Like how she made pasta the way James had taught her to once when their parents had gone out and James was left in charge. 
Or how when she was sad she’d watch that movie her childhood friend had introduced her to, and how they didn’t talk now. How y/n had learned that music was a way of healing because of that same friend. 
Or how to make a story sound great with Harry, and how Harry had shown her songs that probably were her favorite ones. How Harry and her knew that they didn’t like tequila because of that one time, and how they had learned that mixing cranberry, and grape juice and vodka tasted great thanks to Sam’s idea. 
The way that Emma had taught her to use certain hair products, and how Emma had taught her that sometimes we have to sing out our feelings, and scream and shout. How Emma had taught her the importance of a friendship and having someone’s shoulder to cry on. That she didn’t have to be lonely. 
How when she kissed she usually liked to place her hands behind their neck because she’d done that on her very first kiss with Tom, or how she usually ate some of the chocolate chips when she baked cookies because Tom and her used to do that. She had learned how to wrestle from a very young age and beat Tom, and she had learned how to play with his hair in a way to make him smile. She had learned the meaning of a rose, when all her life she had never understood about it, Tom had shown her how to approach a dog, and Tom had taught her how to cuff her jeans in a cool way. Or the habit she’d picked from him of undressing the beer bottle when they were talking or how he opened it with the table. How Tom had taught her how to kiss, from their very first one to the last one, different kisses each time, how he’d taught her each and every kiss is a journey, a mystery. How she’d learned how to deal with heartbreaks and to fall in love all over again. And how she had learned that he’d come back to her. But really, how a heartbreak feels when it’s real. 
That’s who y/n was. All the beautiful things of the people she loved. 
But she was also the bad ones, unfortunately, because people shape us. Y/N was also made of the ugly parts, very ugly parts. 
One that stood out the most, she’d learned from Tom, from James, from her family, was to avoid talking. 
Everybody wanted to talk, everybody except y/n. She knew she was being immature, but she’d learned that from everyone around her, not to care if you don’t have to. But she was too overwhelmed, everyone had something to say about, except her. How could she talk if she didn’t know what she wanted? 
Tom, Harry, Emma, Tim, James, Sam, Cherry, Aunt Eliza, even Josh and Clark.  
Everybody wanted to talk. She didn’t. 
She had caught on to what Tom was doing. She'd go along with it, he was the only one she wanted to talk to, honestly. 
And Emma, because she knew Emma didn’t judge her, Emma understood y/n, and Emma had been the only one who really didn’t tell her she was wrong. Even if Tim was her best friend, Ema understood that y/n’s heart belonged to Tom. 
“Clark is great, I may have fallen in love with him,” Emma had stated. 
Y/N nodded. “He’s great, I—“
“Why didn’t you know?” Emma asked. 
“I did know. But I didn’t—James was—you know how I’ve only dated three guys?” Y/n asked, she was putting on makeup, she had a date. 
“James is exactly the opposite, he’s dated like half the gay population his age in London,” y/n scrunched her nose, as she was choosing between lipsticks.. “So I just—Never paid attention to any guy he dated because I never thought it was serious.” 
“Are you talking to him now?”
“I did today, only because of Clark,” y/n admitted, giving up on the lipsticks and instead choosing to work on her hair. “James is still angry I am in love.” 
“Not angry at that, you know that,” Emma pointed out. 
“Is it that wrong I am so in love with Tom?” Y/n left the brush on the table as she turned to look at Emma. 
“It’s completely bollocks y/n, but then again,” Emma sighed, “I wish I could be more like you and just love—I mean and I also wish Harry wasn’t so scared okay? He’s just so bloody scared, I wish he’d just say hey, Emma, d’ya fancy to go for a stroll? But no, we are both so… Gosh, I wish we were more like you and Tom, throwing everything down the drain.” 
“We are-” 
“You are, y/n,” Emma rolled her eyes. “He blows your mind and you basically want to yell it to the world, and he gets you all stupid, and you’re happy again, that’s alright, though-” 
Emma was laying down on y/n’s bed, her feet up against the wall, as she was nibbling on a popsicle. 
“Yes, I know, we have to talk,” she sighed. 
“Who says it has to be right now?” Emma had said. “Right now you barely have time to think, and I see you all happy and giggling, and besides, talking doesn’t have to be dramatic.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“It’s just… I don’t get it why James wants it to be dramatic, it’s just hey, you guys love each other, what else is there to know?” 
Y/N nodded, turning back to the lipsticks. 
“You do have to tell him you know about Cherry, though, which-” 
“Yeah, n, no, but I get it,” y/n sighed.
“Which, I love you’re ignoring, just pretending like she doesn’t exist, ” Emma laughed. “She just arrived yesterday, didn’t she?” 
“She did,” Y/N sighed. “Ugh, I don’t want to see her and she wants to talk, what does she want to talk about? We’ve never cared about each other before, met her like three times growing up because my mum and hers didn’t get along, which by the way, I’m scared James and I are headed in that same direction.” 
“You won’t,” Emma said. “James loves you too much to ever leave you.” 
“You never know,” y/n said. “Besides that’s not my point, my point is why does she want to talk? We have nothing in common!” 
“Dunno, you’re blood related and you both rode the same dick, seems like you’ve got a lot in common.” 
Y/n closed her eyes as she forced a laugh, “Emma!” 
“I’m just saying, y/n, that’s why you and I became close, we’ve both kissed the same two guys.”
“It’s different,” Y/N scoffed. “I—just don’t want to see her okay? Because I know I’ll be reminded of every single insecurity I have,” she admitted. “Because I know that the moment I see her I’ll get just so anxious, you know? She’s so pretty, and she’s so perfect and from what-” 
“From what I’ve gathered from Eliza, she’s also a mess,” Emma added. 
“That’s an issue, that’s Tom’s type, just look at me,” y/n laughed as she stared at a bright red lipstick. 
Emma scoffed. “Oh, hadn’t thought about that, Tom’s into messy girls with your genes.” 
“It’s so fucked up, though,” y/n said, as she looked up at the wall, she needed to change the flowers, they were drying out. She hadn’t changed them in a while. 
Emma shrugged, “considering how small his brain is, he probably thought it would feel the same way if he closed his eyes.” 
“As if it would,” y/n replied cockily, finally choosing a light pink, changing it up a bit, she’d always used bright red lipsticks with Tom,  “I’ve known him his whole life, and now I’ve—“she cleared her throat. “ I know exactly how to work him up.” 
Emma let out a loud and long laugh. “I can tell, Jesus, what did you do to him to have him oh, so mesmerized? Are you a sex goddess or why are those two men so bloody entranced by you?”
Y/N blushed and shook her head laughing. “You’re an idiot.” 
“How do you really feel?” Emma wondered, getting the conversation back as serious as it was supposed to be. 
“I don’t know,” Y/N admitted, she was still on some pair of pjs. “I… I’ve been talking with Tom, or…” She rolled her eyes. “He’s found a way to talk, and I think it’s worked out for both of us.” 
“Oh, what is it?” Emma sighed. 
Y/n walked over to her closet, it felt so weird to choose something to wear, Tom had warned her to be casual, something her style, something very her. 
“We use the script so we can… I guess we’re projecting it all, and well, I think he’s been understanding about it, and I think I’m starting to understand his point of view, about Tim at least.” 
“Please, I don’t need to listen to him to know why he feels that way,” Emma pointed out. 
“Really?” Y/n turned back to Emma as she was choosing between them. 
“I like the red one,” Emma suggested. “But please, y/n,” Emma scoffed. “Timmy was the one who stole his chance, Timmy was the one who got the girl when he had fucked up and everyone around Tom said it, we’ve all said it at some point, Tim is perfect for you.” 
“and besides, Timmy was the one-” 
“The one who opened the door when Tom came to apologize,” y/n finished Emma’s sentence as she sat down hugging the red dress Emma had suggested. 
Emma frowned. “What?” 
“Guess Timmy had secrets, too,” y/n said.
Emma seemed confused. 
“He never told me about it, how Tom had come a second time, and…” She sighed. “I mean I guess I’m thankful he didn’t but I’m… I’m only wondering—“
“Oh, back when you first started dating,” Emma recalled. “He did tell me about it, and I.. was the one to advise him not to  tell you.” 
Y/N gulped. 
“Would you have run back to Tom?” Emma wondered, embarrassed. “Honestly I told him not to because—Well, I had asked Harry about it, you know? Harry had said you hated each other and that you had been avoiding Tom for a while now. That you were enemies.” 
“We were.” 
“And I mean—Back then, you really hated him.”
Y/n nodded. “Yeah, I did.” 
“So I told Tim not to tell you about it, because I thought—I didn’t know the background but I thought Tom was going to—hurt you, you know? And I guess, we all did, and we all kept that mentality even when he wasn’t trying to.”
“Wow, I’ve never thought about that,” Emma nodded. “Even when I knew you were dating back in New York, we were just waiting for it, for Tom to—“
“Yeah, for Tom to pull a Tom,” y/n ended the sentence. “And I mean—He kind of did, but it was my fault.” 
“Tom really sabotages himself, it seems.” 
Y/N reached out to hug her frog, she was thankful James had brought it, “he does, but because he’s expected to, you know? Maybe that’s why— I haven’t brought it up because I’m not—I’m not expecting the heartbreak this time, and I know bringing up the whole Cherry thing is looking for it,” y/n explained. “I trust him this time, and he really wants to make it work out.” 
“Would you have gone back to him? Had Tim told you he had showed up?” Emma questioned. 
Y/N breathed in heavily. “Dunno,” she said. “I was so heartbroken back then, I thought— and I had promised myself back then I would never fall back for him, and… I mean, I had even thought I would never love again because that’s how dramatic it was, I really didn’t want to see him, that heartbreak is what led to all this mess, you know?” She explained. “Now Tom knows that, I think he really understands it, and he feels guilty and I mean, I was angry when Tom told me about it, because… Tim, well he didn’t know back then, he just was too sure that Tom loved me but—After learning all of this? Tim should’ve told me, because just now, learning it, I guess it changed a lot of things, not that it erased anything, but I lived all this time thinking he hadn’t… He really hadn’t cared, and it took him a lot of time, still, but he had tried to apologize again, and Tim keeping it to himself knowing that what broke me the most was that Tom had never shown up? Tim keeping it to himself is just—so selfish.” 
Emma bit her lip. “He’s still in love with you.” 
Y/N remained quiet. 
“I mean, you can’t blame him,” Emma said. “You guys were… I mean before Tom, you really seemed to be hitting it off, I thought you’d end up dating again.” 
“I did, too, at some point,” y/n admitted. “But-” 
“But you love Tom, I know,” Emma shrugged. “No but… Y/N you also, have to acknowledge it, you can’t keep playing with Tim which-before you say anything, I mean it’s also on him, he knew it, but then again, I… I believed it at some point y/n, that you were going to get back together with him because… The way you looked at him just… and it was just—” 
“I know, I know and I thought… I don’t know, okay?” y/n admitted as she sat up. “I… It’s cause I never… I had closure with Tim, alright? I gave him the ring back because I thought, I know it, I want Tom, okay? It’s Tom, yes, it’s Tom.”
Y/n sighed, “Timmy—alright as I said before, I had said I would never love again after the whole Rome thing,” she cleared up. “And then Tim came along and just showed me this beautiful life and taught me how to love again, and I—He became a very special part of me.” 
“Yeah, and? That doesn’t explain your flirting.” 
“I didn’t—flirt.” 
“Well you answered to his flirting,” Emma pointed out. 
“We were—“
“You guys were flirting y/n!” Emma replied quickly, slightly stressed. “You guys don’t flirt like everyone else! Your flirting style with each other was by showing each other songs and him watering your plants, y/n! You were basically having sex with each other,” Emma rolled her eyes. 
Y/N stayed quiet. 
“But I know, Tom, Tom—“
Y/n gulped. “Yeah, Tom.” 
Emma watched y/n, confused. “Why are you acting like it’s the last time?” 
“Like it’s your last chance with Tom.” 
“I...don’t know, because what if it is, you know? It’s… stupid, we’ve had plenty of chances and… Last time, I just… Had I known it would lead to that. I know it’s my fault, and like we’ve both blown it up so it’s—“
“Neither one of you will fuck up.” 
“I know—But Tom… We are trying and I’m happy but I feel-” 
“Y/N you are pretending, I know, you won’t be happy until you talk about it with him.” 
She sighed. “I know, and we’ve been talking and I…” She coughed. “I really want to try it out.” 
“Am I allowed to forgive something like that? Am I even allowed to get angry about Cherry?”
Emma sat up as well. “Y/N, had he slept with anyone else I wouldn’t be so sure but that’s your cousin, that’s fucked up and-” 
“What if he finds out about Tim?” 
Y/N grabbed the pillow that had once been under her head and proceeded to get it in her face and scream into it. 
“Wait, I’m… I’m gonna try that,” Emma laughed, doing the same. 
Both of them were screaming into the pillows, pitying their sorrows and problems. 
Timmy had walked in. 
“What the hell?” He asked. 
Emma was the only one to peak her head out of it. “It’s therapeutic.” 
Timothee had only chuckled. “I bet.” 
Y/N had stopped screaming but kept the pillow over her face. She didn’t know how she felt about Tim, there was no point in being angry at something from the past, but it did change a lot of the way she saw him, maybe he had forgotten. But Tim was never one to forget, he was observant and he was quiet, and he was all about the stories. 
“Um, y/n?” Tim said. 
Emma watched Tim, and the small object he had in his hand. She shot him a warning glare, scared of the inside. 
“Yeah?” y/n answered from her pillow which now had a nice stain of makeup on it. 
“Can I talk to you?” He asked. 
Another person wanting to talk, what was it with everybody wanting to say words and listening and whatever? Y/N thought to herself. 
Though Timmy hadn’t asked for it yet, she knew it, but he hadn’t really said it, not the whole y/n we should talk. 
She wanted to say no, but she knew that she couldn’t keep doing that. Counting the days until it finally had to blow up, and then end up with bruises, no, she didn’t have to do that. 
She finally let the pillow down, “Yeah, sure,” she said before walking out of her room. 
“Sure, leave Emma behind,” Emma pointed out. 
“I… well,” Y/N looked at Tim. 
“It’ll be quick, darling, Emma dear,” Tim assured her. 
Emma rolled her eyes. “It never is with you both.” 
Tim rolled his eyes before leading the way outside of the apartment, y/n frowned, asking him to wait up so she could put on her sneakers, still wearing her pj’s. 
“So your birthday is tomorrow,” Tim had said as they had walked out, he had sat on the stairs. 
She chuckled as she sat beside him. “Yeah.” 
“You look really pretty,” Tim had said. 
“These pj’s really accentuate my features huh,” y/n joked. 
“Your makeup looks pretty and hair, idiot,” Tim chuckled. 
She only gave him a sad smile. 
“So, what are your plans?” He asked. 
“For… tonight? I’ve got a date,” she explained.
“No, tomorrow.” 
She shrugged. “Tom’s got some plans, apparently, he hasn’t told me anything about it, honestly I don’t… I don’t want to…” 
“Do anything you know? I will be too tired after filming, and I… I just feel like… Dunno, James and Clark will be there and I don’t want to talk to James still, and apparently Cherry invited herself, too so… And you’ll be there, and Harry and Emma… and Josh, and I just... ” She chuckled. “I’ve got a bad feeling.” 
“Dunno, seems like a perfect combination for disaster.” 
“I met Cherry today,” he admitted. “Well, we’d met before but-Yeah, I thought you’d be at the flower shop. “And she was there, instead.” 
Y/N scrunched her nose. “Yeah I know she’s there, that’s why I haven’t gone there,” she explained chuckling shyly. 
“Because then I’ll start feeling insignificant, because let’s face it and don’t you dare say no, but she’s really… Pretty, like she’s everything a girl would want to be and I’m jealous of her,” she admitted, truthfully. “I’ve never been the jealous kind but with her, I feel like—Of course anyone would choose her over me, and don’t—Say anything okay? I just feel that way. And if I see her I’ll be reminded of the elephant in the room waiting to be addressed, and I… If the conversation about you went wrong I don’t want to know how that-” 
“About me?” 
“Yeah,” she looked down. “Dunno.” 
Tim bit his lip. 
“How did he-?” 
“I don’t want to talk about that, Tim,” she quickly answered. “I can’t blame him for feeling the way he feels and that’s on me, too, I mean… I… really.” 
She looked down. “I— well, I don’t…know alright? If I feel anxious about Cherry I can only imagine how he feels about you, no, I can’t even imagine it, and look Tim, I—you know you’re very important to me but I’m… I’m dating… Or whatever is going on now, but It’s Tom right now, alright? And I know it’ll be for a long time.” 
“I know.” 
She looked at him, confused by his statement because it really didn’t feel like he knew it.. “And I don’t… want you to think there is an open door or-” 
“Y/N, I know,” he said. “Yeah, I know it’s Tom, now.” 
“But it’s not just—“
“I know,” Tim looked away. “I know.” 
She looked down. “I’m sorry.” 
“Just….” He took a deep breath. “I know it’s him, but that doesn’t… I mean, we’ve been friends, and I—I just ask you not to push me away, alright? I don’t know how I’d live without y/n in my world, and if having you around means having you with him, then I just have to deal with it, move on you know? And I know we are friends, so this is… This comes from your friend, Timmy.” 
She smiled, just slightly, very timidly. It hurt, hurting him but of course, keeping him around meant jeopardizing her relationship with Tom, and she really didn’t want to give it more excuses. 
“Timmy,” she sighed. 
He smiled. “I’m serious, it’s alright, no… no resentment, alright? We both know we… I don’t…you know it, I’ll always love you, but we—I mean you—you love someone else and it’s be stupid of me not letting you love him, that is just pathetically selfish. And don’t get me wrong, it hurts like a bitch…. Yeah, I know it, but… I don’t want to lose you, I am not stupid… but I also… I know that if I give this to you tomorrow, Tom will lose it and I… don’t want that, so I’m giving you this, today.” 
He pulled out a film canister. And it felt like one of those times when life likes to punch you with reality. She felt a fear deep inside her stomach. Last time he’d given her one of those an engagement ring was hidden in it. 
“It’s… It’s not what you think,” Tim rolled his eyes. “Oh, you really thought I’d propose again?” 
She let out a soft chuckle. “No--I… I mean,” I’m-I didn’t think you would-” 
“Your face,” He chuckled softly. “Yeah, no, I… I’m…” 
“Yeah, just last time you gave me one of those-” 
“Yeah, and look where it led us, I’m not… I wouldn’t… No,” Timmy laughed. “No, it’s not… and—do you really think I’m the type of guy to propose on a bad time—-Actually don’t answer that,” he chuckled. “Okay, open it.” 
She grinned, and took the film canister from him. “Man I hope it’s an iPad,” she joked, warning a laugh from Tim. “No, you—you shouldn’t have.” 
She shook it just slightly, listening to no sound coming out from it, before finally opening, carefully. “A…there’s nothing?” She asked. 
“Yeah,” Tim laughed. “I know.” 
She frowned, confused but then chuckled. “I love it… I hope I… can get to wear it soon,” she joked. 
“It couldn’t fit there, but I—Well, you know, we had that tradition, ,” he said before finally giving her the box that sat beside him. 
She took the box and smiled, opening it, an old vintage Polaroid camera stood there. 
“I know you’ve—I think it works, it’s—It’s an original, I've noticed you haven't really taken any Polaroids, and I know you love them,” he coughed. “So, yeah, happy birthday.” 
Y/N had only looked up, giving him a true smile. 
“Thank you, I love it!” 
But of course, the timing could not have gone any worse. Tom had arrived. Y/N had momentarily  forgotten she had agreed to spend the night with him, nothing too serious but Tom had insisted because he had a surprise for early in the morning and he’d come pick her up for dinner and then she’d stay with him. 
Maybe she should’ve seen the trouble coming. 
Tom cleared his throat loudly, “hello,” he said, standing with sunflowers. Yellow flowers with pretty meaning, y/n thought. 
Y/n looked up, calmly, knowing that if he saw any hint of her freaking out it would blow it up because his mind would go places.
“Oh hi!” She grinned. “sorry—I’m not—“
Tom clenched his jaw at Tim, but then turned to y/n and chuckled, “Darling,  when I said casual—I didn’t—“
She chuckled nervously standing up. “Sorry, I—“she squeezed her eyes shut. “I was discussing with Tim something about some pictures he’s planning on—yeah,” she lied, as she hid the film canister and box behind her back. 
“Yeah,” Tim said, clearing his throat, standing up as well. “Hello, Thomas.” 
“Tim.” Tom was nervous already, y/n could tell. 
“Are those for me?” Y/n questioned staring at the flowers  before they could say another word to each other. 
Tom chuckled between his teeth, “yeah, they’re most certainly not for Tim.” 
“Oh,” Tim said, “and here I was getting excited about them.” 
Tom faked a very quiet laugh and then turned to y/n. “So? Don’t get me wrong, you literally look so beautiful—but—“ He smiled looking down at her clothing. 
“Yeah—right!” She excused herself, not forgetting to kiss his cheek, before running back to her room, where Emma was waiting with the red dress and had pulled out some heels for her. 
Emma  walked out of the room, “hello, Tom, long time no see,” she said with sarcasm. 
“I know, these couple hours have been long,” Tom joked back, as he had walked in. 
Tim had followed after. It felt so tense, Emma could swear she could cut the tension with a knife. 
Emma hummed a fake laugh. “There are flower vases over there, you can guess which ones are y/n’s now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna steal Tim from you just a bit, I hope you don’t miss him as much.”
Emma had dragged Tim to her own room. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Emma snapped. 
“A lot of things,” Tim answered. “But let’s not go there, please.” 
“Oh don’t play that with me, I know exactly what you’re doing, and Tim—“
“I’m not—“
“Don’t fucking pull the whole I’m not doing anything bullshit with me,” she rolled her eyes. “I know exactly what you’re doing, and I’m sure you gave her the Polaroid today, really? Exactly when you know she’ll go on a date with Tom? And you take her to the stairs? So he can see it right?
Tim clenched his jaw. “I—Well.” 
“Sabotaging her relationship is not the way to go, Tim,” Emma warned him. “And I—I just told you—Best thing you could try is...move on, alright? I know you love her and that she was—She seemed perfect for you, and I still think you guys worked so well together but… She is so in love with him, and by doing this you’re only hurting her more—Besides, really Tim, you know her better than this,” she pushed. “I—“ Emma sighed. “I'm telling you this because I love you, I don’t want to sound harsh but—“She closed her eyes. “I know she is confused, and making her even more confused won’t help you, let her settle it, let her have it right now.” 
Tim didn’t say anything and just walked out of the room. He had gone to his room and unfortunately had left his door open to see y/n walking out on a red dress to run over excitedly to Tom, who had pulled her close to him to kiss her cheek and smell her perfume. 
Timmy knew Emma was right, y/n was in love with him. So, very deeply in love. And it hurt, seeing her. And Timmy asked for more patience, or for more time, or strength to move on. 
It felt weird, Tim felt lonely and broken hearted, and he just missed her, and it was stupidly incredible that she lived right there in the same apartment. He knew she loved Tom, that was it but it…. It still didn’t make any sense. Honestly, it felt like they were completely strangers. 
Especially y/n, she really felt like a stranger, even to Tom it seemed. She seemed too… distant to everyone.
Tom felt it, too. He felt that y/n was just off, even if she was happy or tried to be and even if she was kissing his cheek, she was being… different. And Tom only wanted to get over with it, the awkwardness. 
And he wondered if she wanted to get over with it, too. 
They went out for dinner, not in the place where she’d imagine Tom would take her, it was a nice dinner place with lightbulbs hanging around, a flower in a glass bottle, candles around, very… cozy, and romantic, and they were talking about barely anything, and maybe for a bit it felt like they were each other again. 
Y/N knew this, she felt weird with herself, as if even when she seemed to be saying what she wanted to say, she really wasn’t saying what her heart wanted, but as if her own heart was keeping secrets. It felt like Tom didn’t know her, though. And it had never felt that way before, but it felt like they were both trying to get to know each other again. Because neither of them were being themselves, not entirely. 
“So, you were clearly not talking about pictures with Tim,” Tom had mentioned. 
y/n looked at him and nodded. “Yeah, I wasn’t….”
“So?” Tom seemed anxious about it. 
“He gave me a birthday present, a…he gave me a polaroid,” she cleared up. “A vintage, original one.” 
“Oh, that’s cool,” Tom nodded, and gulped. “As long as he doesn’t give you a ring.” 
She rolled her eyes. “Tom.” 
Tom shrugged. 
“I… told him,” she cleared her throat. “That well… it’s you.” 
“It’s me?” Tom wondered, and a smile came to his face. “What am I?” 
She rolled her eyes, chuckling softly. “An idiot, that’s what you are.” 
Tom chuckled. “Uh-huh, I am, and what else?” 
She blushed. “Nothing.” 
Tom hadn’t pushed it any further. Their conversation kept flowing. Talking about them. What made them so… them. 
“I remember that everyone was in love with this one guy, ugh, what’s his name? The one that bullied you,” Y/N tried to recall. 
“Edward,” Tom remembered. “He was so big.” 
“Well, everyone had a crush except me, because well, I was the idiot, you know?” 
“You loved that scrawny guy who-” 
“Adorable guy,” she added. 
“Scrawny guy,” he continued. “Who did ballet and everyone crushed on Edward, who-” 
“I actually was… dating Louis back then,” she recalled. “But…” She chuckled. “But my point is… I was the one who… hid a rat in his car.” 
“No way!” Tom’s eyes popped as he leaned over. “You’re kidding.” 
“I… Look, nobody could be an asshole to you unless it was me, that was-” She was nervous. “I was so angry at everything he said at you, I…” She rolled her eyes. “And I… genuinely don’t know.” 
“Where in this bloody world did you get a rat from?” He wondered. “I mean thank you but I didn’t think you’d-” 
“Please I had experience from pranks for you so of course…” She gulped, hiding a laugh. “I...Well, there was a rat in Louis' house, and well they trapped it and instead of… you know killing it I… well told Louis to break into Ed’s car and I hid the rat there.” 
Tom was shocked. “And that was because of me?” 
“No, I hated Ed,” she looked away. “He was the biggest asshole.” 
Tom grinned. “Are you sure? Because I remember that rat incident being right after he had hit me in the hall.” 
“Really?” y/n coughed. “I wouldn’t remember,” she blushed looking away. 
“Which actually brought attention to me, they said it had been me!” He recalled. “I got into detention.”
Y/N grinned. “Yeah, killed two birds in one shot,” she smirked. 
“I’m serious did you-?” 
“Yeah, maybe I did it for you, okay? Whatever, yes, I had feelings for you and I was angry someone else was taking away my job, let’s remember we were enemies back then, alright?” She was nervous. 
Tom smirked. “You had a crush on me.” 
“Shut up,” she chuckled. “You had a crush on me, too.” 
Tom shrugged, smiling. “Yeah, I did. I’m not trying to hide it.
Y/N avoided his gaze, not believing he was actually making her feel butterflies, even after all this time, she was still nervous. In a good way. She wasn’t always nervous, most of the time, she didn’t, she felt so calm around him, but on the edge, as if she didn’t need to worry about being herself but expectant of each other’s attitude. 
Tom watched her, “Why do I always feel like there’s always something on your mind?” 
“Because there is,” she laughed. “Don’t you?” 
“No, I’m dumb, remember? I can actually blank up my mind,” he smirked. “Or well, not at all. There is a constant on my mind,” he had reached for her hand. 
“Oh?” her eyes had brightened up, a timid smile on her face. 
“Yeah, Spiderman,” he joked, earning a glare from y/n. 
It was so stupid. But they were… back being them. Probably because they were alone. As if someone was brushing y/n’s dream, and she couldn’t get enough of him, his laugh was her everything. She couldn’t help but sigh and run out of breath, and never stop blushing, there was no doubt about it. And she had once thought about it, ‘the day that Tom loves me, the world will party’. She had been wrong, the world wasn’t partying, and there were no flowers blooming and no fireworks. The world instead, stopped, as if it was them and only them. The stars were probably jealous of them seeing them shining even more brightly than them. 
“You know, from the moment we met,” he had said. 
“When we were kids, you mean?” She chuckled . 
“Truly met,” Tom gulped. “Rome, I mean.” 
She blinked. “Yeah.” 
“I… Why didn’t you kiss me?” He asked. 
“Hm? When?” 
“That one night, you know the one, lovely evening, I remember I asked for a kiss,” he recalled. “And… you said and I quote: ‘No, Thomas, don’t ask for a kiss’.” 
She looked away, remembering. “Because I didn’t want you to ask for it.” 
He frowned. 
“It’s silly but that’s the way I am, I didn’t want you to ask for it, I was clearly begging for one,” she explained. “I wanted you to… do it. One should never ask for a kiss, or not… verbally.” 
“How so?”
“I mean certain contexts,” y/n said. “But that night? I thought I had hinted it enough 
“So you did want me to kiss you,” He grinned. 
“Of course!” She beamed. “I—it’s not secret by now that I—“she cleared her throat. “Well, enjoy when our lips come together.” 
“Oh, so you enjoy that?” He mocked. 
“Very much so,” she answered shyly. “And—it had been the perfect evening! It would’ve cost you nothing,” she smiled. 
“Cost me nothing,” he laughed. 
“I think you’ll find that kissing me is quite cheap,” she pointed out.
He scrunched his nose. “That’s a lie.” 
“No, no, I was the one who could lose there,” she sighed.
 “No, y/n. Because kissing you costs a lifetime.” 
She scoffed. “How so?” 
“I kissed you once when I was 13 and never stopped thinking about it,” he said. “And after that evening.” 
“Would I have been so bad?” She questioned, “if we had realized it back then.”
“Think we did,” he said, “but you didn’t kiss me either.” 
“No, but—because you had asked for it.” 
“You’re right… I should’ve, but there’s a lot of things I should’ve done...still can’t believe it, how stupid I was,” he said. 
“It didn’t click you know,” she nodded. “When you broke my heart,” she continued. “I mean, the excuses you gave me… They didn’t make any sense.” 
Tom looked down. 
“And…” She sighed. 
“Would you’ve forgiven me? If I had come earlier?” He asked. 
She stared at him. “Maybe,” she admitted. “Probably, if I’m honest… I did wait for you to come again with yellow flowers, and I’d have my hand right in my heart, and I would wait for you to come and apologize and I would see it, you know, wait for you to stand up in the rain and said you didn’t mean it, and I… I was angry, alright? It was stupid letting my life pass by waiting for it besides the whole scenario...but then again, it wa shot and it’s still you and I’m—it’s silly.” 
“It’s not silly,” Tom said. “It’s you,” he took a deep breath, “and I knew you’d like that… kind of stuff, but when I finally realized it, it was too late.” 
“But it’s not late now,” she admitted. “We’re finally on time. And I’m glad I’ve always been so stubborn when it comes to you because otherwise we wouldn’t be here.” 
The evening had continued to flow, as both of them had become quieter, in a way that they didn’t need to talk to communicate, between whispers and giggles and hand brushing, it was all they needed. 
The ticking had stopped, y/n had noticed. It’d come, she knew but… God, when she was with him, she didn’t have to worry about anything. Because it seemed that it was made for them, all her doubts disappeared because he was the answer she needed. It was them against the world. 
They hadn’t talked about Valerie and William, not that night. It was Tom and y/n,.
They hadn’t kissed. Tom had ceased the kissing when James had arrived, which y/n hated, she missed his lips so much her own were begging for them. She wouldn’t ask for it. Never ask for a kiss, not out loud. 
She was wearing his jacket back on their way, he had said: ‘I wasn’t cold but I knew you’d be so that’s why I brought it’. Her hand was on his hair as he drove, listening to music, windows down as they hummed the lyrics, and as y/n stared down at the lights the city was giving her, her hair flying. 
She was sad, though, Tom hadn’t even tried to lean over and kiss her, not even seeing a hint of him trying to do so. 
They had walked in, the guys seemed to be all too invested in a video game, all except for Clark who was rather interested in playing with James’ hair as y/n’s brother yelled at the screen. He looked up when seeing them walk in, he smiled at the sight of y/n’s shoulders being covered by Tom’s jacket. 
“Hello, you two,” Clark had greeted them. 
Tom peeked to see the screen, not letting go of y/n’s hand. 
“Hi,” y/n said, knowing she’d most likely lose Tom’s attention to the screen. 
“How did it go?” Clark asked.
“Bloody hell, Samuel!” James yelled. 
“Piss off,” Harry yelled, too. 
y/n chuckled. “It went well,” she said. 
“Well?” Tom lost focus of the screen, as he turned to her. “Well?” 
She ignored him and kept staring at Clark. “Can you believe the evening has gone by so splendidly but he still hasn’t kissed me?” 
Tom immediately blushed. 
“Good,” said James. “Kissing is gross.” 
“Is it?” Clark asked before kissing his cheek. 
James coughed. “Straight kissing is gross,” he corrected himself. 
Harry laughed. 
Sam scrunched his nose. “Why haven’t you kissed her? you usually bloody eat each other’s faces.” 
Harry scoffed. 
“Don’t you dare eat my sister’s face,” James warned. “Or anything for that matter.” 
“James,” y/n closed her eyes. 
Tom laughed. “We’re gonna…” 
“No, why don’t you guys stay? We were about to play Mario Kart” Offered James. “So why don’t you both play with all of us, you know you can sit over there with your brother and y/n can sit over here, everyone’s happy.” 
“Jamey, love, don’t be a dick,” warned Clark. 
Y/N chuckled. “Fine, I want to play,” she admitted. 
“Great, mario kart is the real deal breaker between couples.” 
Of course, they hadn’t followed James’ instruction for their sitting arrangement, y/n had sat on the couch, and Tom had sat on the floor, resting his back against her. Y/N was still bothered by the fact she hadn’t yet been kissed that night, but she soon forgot it as it felt like one of those nights when they were younger, all of them playing and yelling at each other. 
Tom had left the room without any explanation at some point, but she was too busy trying to beat her brother at rainbow road to even notice. 
Time went by, and before she knew it, the lights had gone off, and they all had turned with a smirk as Tom had walked in with a cake with candles. 
‘Happy Birthday’ they all sang as she stared at the cake, pretty cake, sunflowers again. Tom kissing her cheek. 
It felt… like years ago, the Holland’s, James, and now Clark, too, of course it was Tom holding the cake now, not Harry, and now she didn’t have a wish, usually she’d plan ahead her birthday wishes, because that’s something James had taught her to. Instead, she wished for everything to keep flowing as easy as it could with Tom. Funny, how many birthday wishes had not involved him already. 
They had sat and ate cake like old times, y/n smearing some frosting to Tom’s cheek and then kissing it off, making the boy blush and getting James to glare at her. Laughing at each other, telling old jokes as y/n was laying against Tom, his arms around her and his lips brushing against her head. 
How many years had they not wasted by being enemies. 
Eventually, they had all gone to bed knowing the next day would expect them, except for Clark and James who had stayed in the kitchen. 
Tom and y/n had stayed on the couch. 
“So, I’m gonna be honest,” Tom had said as he had sat with her, he had left yet again to get something 
She only stared into his eyes, begging her with her sight to kiss her already. She should’ve probably wished for that, instead. 
“I—this wasn’t going to be your birthday present.” 
“You didn’t need to get me anything,” she said. 
He had sat up and pulled out a small box, he seemed nervous, but excited. The box… gave her shivers. But it couldn’t be. 
Y/n only smiled watching him, resenting her head against her palm. 
“I—back when,” he gulped, “back when I was still in London debating whether or not to direct dos-a-dos,” he continued. “I—well.” 
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you because—Well,” he grinned. “I am so stupidly in love with you.” 
She only blushed. 
“So—one day,” he gulped. “I went—Well, you know, to the mall and whatsoever, and—I saw this shop.” 
“And so I bought a pair of boots for me,” he said, leaning against the couch, trying to recall. “They were very—nice, you know?” 
“Uh—huh,” she rolled her eyes. “And did you bring those boots to LA?”
“No, I didn’t,” he side eyed her, “should’ve, you would have loved them.” 
Y/n rolled her eyes giggling. “I bet.” 
“But anyway, after I bought the boots—I passed by that shop you like.” 
Y/n blinked. “Care to be more specific?” 
“The one with the vinyls, and vintage stuff,” he reminded her, but she looked down at the tiny box he was holding, it definitely wasn’t anything from that shop. 
“Oh, yeah, love that place,” she smiled. 
“Yeah, and I—went in,” he admitted. “And I couldn’t stop thinking about you, everything they had… so I—“
She just waited for him to continue. 
“I bought a fee vinyls for me, too,” he nodded seriously.
 Y/n bit her lip, holding back a laugh, “amazing, which ones did you buy?” 
“I bought a Beatles one… uh, Queen.” 
“Great choices,” she grinned. “I’m proud.” 
“And of course Rolling Stones, because I thought of you,” he said. 
Y/n scooted closer to him to gently run her hands through his hair, he couldn’t hide his smile. 
“And then—One day, I went out again,” he grinned. 
He coughed, “yeah, and I walked again to that one other shop you like, the one with the clothes.” 
“With the clothes,” she laughed. 
“Yeah, you know the one,” he chuckled, avoiding her gaze. 
“And did you get in?” She asked. 
“No,” he grinned. “I went for an ice cream, you know, I was really craving one.” 
She stared at him, so mesmerized by him, even when he was being the silliest. “God, I love you,” she blurted out, without really thinking of it. That’s how it should be, realy. Nothing wrong with that. 
He finally locked his eyes with her and smiled, he took her hand in his and kissed it. “Yeah, so—“he grinned, “none of that has to do with your birthday present.” 
Y/n chuckled. “Really? I thought the birthday present would be seeing you with those boots and dancing with you to the music on those vinyls and eating ice cream.” 
“Ah, that would’ve been great huh,” he grinned staring into her eyes. 
“Would’ve loved that.”
“I actually did bring the vinyls,” he admitted. 
She kissed his temple. “Great, let’s play them—“
“Yeah, but—I haven’t finished,” he admitted. “I… Well, I've had a lot of time, you know? To reflect on—on the script, on us. But especially the script.” 
Y/n stared at the features on his face, fixating on the freckles on his nose as he kept talking. 
“So, I kept avoiding the script, even if I wanted to direct it because—Well, it was your dream, I remember and I think I’ll never forget how in Rome you told me your biggest dream was making a film of a ballerina,” he said. “I—well, and I wanted to read it, but I couldn’t because I thought—well, dunno, having something yet to read was something I still had to look forward to, you know? And so I kept listening to the vinyls because they reminded me of you, and I kept—trying to find you everywhere, alright?” He confessed. “On every single face and—The days just went by and I—eventually read it.” 
Y/n silently watched him. 
“And I fell in love with it, because—it’s you. The script is so—you, it was like reading an open book about you, and I don’t mean it in the way that it’s our story, like I genuinely—you really poured heart and soul in it, the songs you put in, the setting—and, well, it was really you, you know? I know you’ve always loved 80’s movies because they seem so ridiculous but so magical.“
Y/n chuckled nervously. “Where are you going with this?”
“I know it’s your biggest dream,” he sentenced. “And well—I’m sorry I didn’t get you a pair of boots like mine.” 
She laughed rolling her eyes. 
“And I didn’t get a vinyl.” 
“Tommy,” she nudged him. 
He only handed it to her, the small box. A very stupid and scary suspicion in her head had completely been erased as she picked the small box.
As she opened it, it revealed a necklace with a small pendant of a ballerina hanging from it. The brightest beam had appeared on y/n’s face. 
“I know you’ve—never liked the idea of someone giving you jewelry, especially bracelets or necklace because they don’t hold any meaning, but—I think—I know you’re not a dancer but, I think Valerie is your own special project, and—“Tom grinned. “I was saving it to give it to you on the premier but—“
“I love it, I...No, really this… This is perfect,” she whispered looking at it. Tom had once taught her that roses weren’t always basic. And Tom had now proven to her that this didn’t have to be either, because it was them, and it held such a special meaning to her. 
She leaned over to kiss his cheek, and he only smiled. 
“I was gonna give you a T—“
“As in Troy?” She mocked. 
“That’s exactly why I didn’t.”
She laughed. “I love it.” 
He looked deep into her eyes and she just waited for it… But he didn’t kiss her. 
“Yeah, so, let’s go to sleep,” he quickly stood up, letting her fall flat on the couch. 
“Thomas,” she hissed playfully. He had already left, and she could feel his smirk from afar, so she followed after him. 
“So, you can have my bed, I’m gonna leave to sleep on the couch because that was my agreement with James,” he explained, picking up his stuff as soon as she got to the room. 
She frowned. “No?” 
“Yes,” he replied cockily. 
“I’m not letting you leave until you bloody kiss me,” she replied. 
He paused and then turned with a proud smug smirk, “Then that gives me even more reasons not to kiss you.” 
She opened her mouth to complain, but really she was in such a state of shock that not a single word came out. 
“Goodnight love,” he grinned as he headed to the door. 
“Why are you like this?” She rolled her eyes, giggling. 
Tom took a deep breath before staring her down. 
“For the love of god, kiss me.” 
“Why not?” 
“One shall never ask for a kiss,” he replied smugly. 
“Are you kidding me?” She closed her eyes, not believing it. 
“No, you said it yourself,” he grinned. “Not verbally.” 
“Just shut up and come here, idiot,” she laughed before pulling him close to her, finally placing her lips on him. It felt like just the very first time, Tom and her had that magic, of making each and every kiss feel like they’ve never kissed before, so unique and so perfectly synchronized with each other. 
“Don’t you guys fucking dare to do anything,” James was just walking by with a glass of water. “People need to sleep.” 
Clark had mouthed an apology before following after. 
Y/n had pulled away and then smirked. “Want to prank him?” 
Tom had only given her a weird face. 
Y/N knew James was staying right on the next room, and that she definitely was not going to be able to do anything without him hearing, that of course, meant she could piss him off, to get back at him for being a dick. 
Y/N explained her idea to Tom, and he immediately accepted, with the sole condition to leave the door open so his life could actually be spared. 
Both Tom and y/n had settled in their places, sitting right on top of the bed, right against the headboard which was conveniently against James’ wall. 
And so they started.
Both of them repeatedly, and in perfect sync started, Tom hitting his elbows against the headboard, making sure the noise it made was perfectly identifiable as something else as y/n was jumping on the bed. 
A faint “no, no, no, no, fucking hell, no,”  had been yelled from the other room. 
Tom and y/n tried to hide in their laughter, but proceeded to make it even worse, adding dramatic moans and “oh yes!” “Y/n!” “Right there!” “Tommy!” In between. 
“NO FUCKING WAY!” Now it had been louder. 
“Jamey, love—“ 
Tom and y/n smirked and went in even louder, “yes!” “So tight!” “Harder!” “Yes, yes, yes, yes!” 
“No! No! No! No! Bloody hell y/n I’m in the bloody next room!” James yelled. “I’m gonna kill you, Thomas!” 
And then they heard the loud and quick stumping as James’ door was open as he ran to knock on y/n’s and Tom’s door, but instead, the door was wide open and he could see what actually was happening, Tom and y/n, fully clothed and not even an inch close. 
That’s when both y/n and Tom lost it, bursting into laughter. 
“YOU GUYS FUCKING SUCK!” James yelled at them before joining in their laughter, red from embarrassment. 
Clark had followed right after, laughing with them. “So that—“
Y/n couldn’t stop her laughter, even tears had come down her cheek as she stared at her brother so embarrassed, watching them. 
“I can’t believe you fell for that!” Y/N had laughed. 
Clark couldn’t stop giggling either. 
“And by the way, thanks Clark,” Tom laughed, “you’re a real one.” 
“I fucking hate you all,” James rolled his eyes. 
“Now let’s go for the real one,” Tom had joked, probably with a death wish, but he quickly regretted it, “no, no, no, I’m joking! I’m joking!” 
“You bet your ass you’re joking,” James warned before laughing again, defeated, “I hate you both.” 
He had left with Clark laughing behind him, leaving y/n and Tom still laughing at their prank. 
Laughing and laughing until they ran out of breath and laughed again. 
“Shit, I love you so much,” Tom had said with one last breath after laughing. 
“I love you, too,” she had said, “that was the best fake sex I’ve had in my life.” 
“Hm, I’m pretty sure I’ve given you the best non fake one, too,” he had said cockily. 
“Non fake,” she scoffed. 
But then they’ve gone back to laughing, eventually somehow it transformed into kissing, and they had spent the night kissing, and giggling and nothing more, probably because they were aware that it was a very risky situation having James right beside and honestly, they were decent but mostly because they didn’t need more. Just the two of them laying down, and merging their lips together, becoming one with the other, was all they needed. 
The next day was rather perfect, filming had gone as smoothly as it could go, and though they kept their distance because they were professionals, y/n could tell there was something different about her and Tom. Not sure what but it felt like things could work out. A ray of hope, if one must say. 
There had been more cake, more people congratulating her for her birthday and just—Flowers. Sunflowers here and there, Along with blue hydrangeas. Pretty combination. Tom had made sure to fill up the place. She did love the sunflowers. Her mother calling her, auntie Eliza sending her pink carnations, it was—good. Especially after they told everyone about their prank, that made it even better. 
“You do have that fake sex aftermath glow,” Emma had joked. 
Perfect day, a perfect day until the sun was yawning down, she had put on her best clothes, and she was nervous. Not sure why though.
Tom had invited the cast as well. Nothing could go wrong, and it definitely wasn’t going to, right? Y/N had thought maybe it was a good day after all. 
The place had been packed and the first song playing had been Ironic by Alanis Morissette, James had been the first one to point it out, he really liked that song. And though the combination of friends seemed like the perfect recipe for disaster, y/n thought it had gone calmly. At least at the beginning. 
The club seemed to be picked out of y/n’s dreams, an 80’s and 70’s paradise playing the songs she loved to sing along to. There was a karaoke, too, in the background, separate from the dance floor. Honestly, the place was perfect. Fun. 
And y/n had ignored Cherry’s presence as long as she could, she hadn’t been rude, but of course she’d been avoiding her, because the moment she saw her, y/n did feel insecure. She had shown up with a tight dress that gave nothing to the imagination, and her hair perfectly falling down her shoulders, her whole body shimmered. She was beautiful, beyond compare, perfect. 
“Y/N!” She had greeted her. “I’m so glad I see you, I love your dress, hun, happy birthday!” 
Her high pitched tone had only made y/n even more insecure. And y/n had seen her dancing, she’d caught Josh’s attention, it had seemed. Even Asa’s and Gregg’s attention. Because of course she would, the girl was perfect. 
“Is Tim your boyfriend?” Cherry had asked y/n. 
“What?” Y/N didn’t know if she’d heard right. “No… No, he’s not.” 
“Oh, I thought he was!” 
“Happy birthday!” Someone had yelled as they popped off a bottle. 
Y/N could take care of Cherry later, who was actually picking out mostly everyone’s attention. 
“Who is she?” Josh had asked her. “If it weren’t for Emma, I’d say she’s the prettiest girl in the world.” 
There was a lot to unpack from Josh’ statement. 
“That’s my cousin,” she explained. “She’s single, so why don’t you give it a go?” Y/N had suggested, knowing perfectly that if he did, she’d take away another problem. Because she’d seen Harry anxious the moment Josh had showed up.  
Y/N didn’t know why she felt like Harry did know about Josh, she wasn’t sure but the same face Harry was giving Josh was the face Y/N gave to Cherry. 
Initially, she had seen Cherry approach Tom, she had whispered  something in his ear, and he had only gulped before walking off to one of his brothers. It made y/n anxious. 
“You know what? You should go and sing Jolene,” Emma suggested, y/n could tell that Emma probably was slightly dizzy, as she had dragged her, Clark and Auli’i to the dance floor, a...very strange combination. Y/N was just a bit bothered by this, since she wanted to be with Tom, or rather, she wanted to pull him away from where Cherry was. 
“Jolene?” Auli’i laughed. Felt rather weird for y/n hanging out with celebrities. Tom didn’t count… Not in that way, at least. 
“Yes, Jolene,” Emma said. “I’m begging you please don’t take my man!” 
“Your man?” Auli’i had asked. “As in Tom?” 
Y/N chuckled. “Uh...Well….er.” 
“Please, you’re dating, right?” She laughed. 
Y/N didn’t answer. 
“Please, it’s kind of obvious,” Auli’i explained. “You guys have tried to be subtle but we all know it.” 
Well, there goes their attempt at trying to be professional. It didn’t matter, honestly. But it did bother her knowing that Cherry was the only girl in there, but thankfully, her own brother had kept Cherry occupied, thank god.  
Y/N was also bothered by the fact Tom wasn’t by her side,  just slightly bothered. She guessed, however, that he was having fun with his brothers. She wondered where Timmy was, because all she could see was the guys, and Cherry, at the table getting their asses drunk. 
Especially Timmy. 
Emma had dragged them back to the place, y/n had  tried to get close to Tom, who had also tried to pull her close to him, but somehow she had been dragged away again. It was annoying, and the night kept going like that. She hadn’t had one single minute with Tom, and it was bothering her. Tom, too, it seemed. 
Tom was very bothered by the fact that y/n kept being pulled by her friends, not that they were doing it to specifically bother him, but it was… annoying. Also, having Cherry around, was not a perfect situation, especially because she was insisting on talking to him. What in this world was she trying to do? 
He didn’t want to deal with that, he only wanted to have fun. Besides, a club with loud music was definitely not the place to talk. Not on his… girlfriend’s? Birthday celebration. 
The night was getting blurry, to him, to everyone. Half past twelve, it was getting darker, and the drinks had come and gone, drink after drink.  Everyone seemed to be having a very good time, and he wasn’t sure but the lights on the club had probably lowered, flashes green and yellow were blinding him. The group was constantly divided, and he had had only a small chance to dance with y/n. The music was buzzing too loud, as he escaped through the crowds, trying to find y/n, and he saw her, dancing with everyone and then, Timmy had dragged her close to him, she didn’t even notice as she danced and sang along to the… 70’s, yeah 70’s song playing. Tom feared it, because it’s not difficult to know when someone wants to kiss the person you’re in love with. Tim was drunk, Tom knew this, and the look in his eyes was saying everything. And though he didn’t see that look on y/n, he feared it. 
Tom quickly had pulled her by the hand and finally wrapped his arms around her so they could dance. 
Tim had only rolled his eyes but kept dancing with Emma. 
“Hi!” y/n had cheered as soon as she saw Tom. 
“Where have you been?” She asked, leaning to his ear.  
“Here and there,” he admitted, she only giggled to lean over to kiss him. 
Everything was going too quickly, the lights and music were not helping. They had barely danced before Emma had dragged y/n. 
“I’m sorry, Tom, but it’s y/n’s and I turn to go to the karaoke!” Emma had said before getting her away. 
“You were getting too comfortable,” Tom had barked at Tim. 
“Pff,” Tim had scoffed. “You’re scared it’ll happen again?” 
“What?” Tom frowned. “I’m-- she’s with me.” 
“Yet she slept with me just before you arrived,” Tim had blurted. 
Tom had felt the music getting louder, and louder, just as Tim had left and Tom was sunk into the dancing crowd. 
He didn’t have to believe him… right? 
In the state of shock, he only tried to follow after where Emma and y/n were heading.The karaoke music was playing, Emma had chosen ‘Gimme, Gimme, Gimme (A Man after midnight!)’ for her and y/n to sing, and they had started, happily singing as she was so unaware of what Tom was feeling right now. Not sure if it was anger, disappointment, jealousy, or all at once. 
The group had followed after them, too, as they were expectant to see the birthday girl, first receiving a very flattering shot of… Tom thought it was probably vodka as soon as she got to the stage. Emma and her sang and yelled, and the group danced and danced. Emma being such a crowd pleaser, yelling and making them cheer. 
Tom couldn't. 
Is there a man out there? Someone to hear my prayers…
There was no sight of Tim, that was alright, he guessed. But then it… Tom’s mind went to every single time he’d seen her around Tim. It was so fucking obvious, of course they had slept together, and y/n probably still had feelings for him. 
Tom was the only one who wasn’t dancing. 
Emma had jumped off the stage to land on Josh, and then without even thinking about it, she had kissed him, right in front of Harry. 
Sam and Clark had joined y/n on the stage, everyone was just too bloody drunk, and the song seemed to be never ending. Or maybe Tom hadn’t noticed when it had changed, it sounded like another ABBA song. And it was… ‘Voulez-Vous’. Now it was Y/N, Sam and Clark. 
Tom didn’t even realize when Cherry was around him, and it probably was the alcohol working out but he danced with her. Not sure why. 
Y/N saw it, right from the stage, but luckily Clark had been kind enough to dance with her as someone else had hopped to the stage to sing with them, now that y/n was definitely not able to sing. 
And just as the song was ending, and as the next group of girls had popped on the stage,  she saw it, perfectly happening, Cherry’s lips were on Tom’s. 
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farfromstrange · 2 years
Foreigner’s God | m.m PREVIEW
chapter sixteen is gonna serve more cunt, you’re welcome! [18+ content under the gif, MINORS DNI]
(the things this man is doing to me…)
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He felt the pattern of the leather, then attempted to look at her. He couldn’t ask her that. They slept together once. Sure, she was kinky, extremely so, and he was so glad to finally have found someone who was more than ready to entertain what he liked, but this was something not made for the second time.
Still, he licked his lips and he wondered what it might be like to tie her hands behind her back while burying his cock to the hilt inside of her from behind, ass bouncing as he kept thrusting to fill her up with his cum, breeding her, marking her.  
And he was instantly hard again. 
She pulled him closer, but he stopped her before she could kiss him again. He hoisted her up in his arms, legs wrapped around him as he made his way into the kitchen, a higher surface than the table only a few steps away. The marble of the kitchen counter was cold against her bare backside once he set her down, and he easily slipped between her thighs, repositioning her so she was as close to the edge as possible without falling. 
Eliza tried to open the button and the zipper at the same time. "Oh, fuck me," she grumbled. His slacks, more expensive than anything else he had in his possession, had a mind of their own. They didn't seem to want this as much as she did and it was frustrating. if someone had told her before that she would get angry at a piece of clothing simply because she was desperate for some dick she probably would have laughed.
"Don't ruin my pants," he said. The amusement was clear in his eyes.
"Don't tell me what to do," she bit back. Finally, the button budged and she managed to slide the zipper down. She shoved the last barrier between them below his ass, just enough to help his cock out of it. She didn't need much more.
His erection poked her stomach. She sighed, almost proud of herself for getting him this far. “Is this okay?” he asked between kisses. 
She nodded. “Yes.”
He hooked her leg around his waist. “Tell me, what do you need?”
“I need you, Matt.”
“And what do you need me to do?”
“Fuck me,” she said with an almost frustrated groan. “Just fuck me, please.”
Her desperation made him smile. “Breathe,” it was the only warning he gave before he thrust into her with one smooth move of his hips. 
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sarah-cam · 4 years
bob, eliza, & bellarke...
so i want to start this by saying that this has been pretty hard and confusing for me as someone who is not only a fan of beliza, but as someone who has been helped greatly by bob and his openness about his struggles with mental health. to invalidate anybody’s emotions right now by saying things like “you don’t even know them” etc. is extremely disrespectful to those who’ve felt inspired and helped by them and their actions. while stan culture can be extremely toxic, like it or not, celebrities are seen as inspirational and impactful figures to a lot of people in the same way characters can be, especially considering whatever they’ve been through or overcome is real.
to everyone out there immediately ‘canceling’ beliza, hating them, saying awful things, or even sending hate online -- please take a step back and breathe.
we do not know bob. we do not know eliza. we do not know arryn. we do not truly know anything about their relationships. we do not know what happened in relationships that we are not involved in or witness to.
do i support victims? YES.
however, do i support toxic cancel culture? NO.
when it comes to cases of sexual abuse/violence, less than 2% (if that) of all reported allegations are proven false. while arryn has not alleged any sexual abuse (that i know of), abuse accusations in general most likely have similar statistics.
i believe it is important to believe survivors, but i also believe in withholding final judgment until more evidence/facts/statements/etc. have been provided. as of right now, neither bob nor eliza have spoken out and until that happens, IF that happens, i will not ‘cancel’ them -- but i also will not be actively supporting them.
regardless of what happens, regardless of the truth behind arryn’s allegations, i sincerely hope she receives the help and support she needs to move forward with her life.
if this is proven to be false, i hope bob and eliza are okay. if this is proven to be true, i hope the both of them get the help they clearly need and learn from their mistakes, and i hope they do not continue to receive praise and support from fans. 
no matter what, though, NO ONE deserves to be harassed online.
as for bellamy blake, clarke griffin, and bellarke? i am mature enough to recognize that actors are not their characters. i will continue to be a fan of these amazing characters and this amazing relationship, and i’m not sorry about that. the show is almost over and I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts, and as all of this continues to fall out, i’ll have to reevaluate if i can support any of bob or eliza’s future projects.
edit: because some of y’all clearly can’t comprehend complex thoughts, let me spell it out for you.
i also am open to hearing further information before ‘canceling’ beliza, but no longer support them.
it’s possible to believe victims while also avoiding toxic cancel culture like a mature damn adult capable of rational and complex thoughts, so can some of y’all hop off my dick now? k thanks.
edit: eliza has officially posted on instagram what appears to be a denial of arryn’s accusations. she has completely laid out the timeline of her relationship with bob, denying the cheating accusations — which lets you assume she’s also denying the gaslighting, manipulating, etc. surrounding the alleged affair.
take with that what you will, but no matter what, online bullying and harassment is NEVER okay, especially targeting beliza’s friends and family.
y’all should be ashamed of yourselves.
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myvividreams · 4 years
[Maribat] Hamilton the Musical AU
When @fsketchart​ started screaming about a Hamilton AU in the discord server, I screamed back with a Hamilton the Musical AU and now it’s a thing. Feel free to scream back to me about it!
First of all, yes, this is Jasonette
At the start of this AU, Jason is two years older than Mari, recovering from Pit Madness, reconciling with the Batfam, attending therapy with the rest of the fam, and recently declared legally alive.
When Jason’s therapist tells him he has to find more hobbies outside of hero-ing, some genii in the batfam decided to ‘help’ by arranging the entire production of a play since, you know, Jason in this AU is very much a thespian in addition to being a literature nerd. Alfred is very proud
Said play is Hamilton the Musical. It’s a charity production funded by the Martha Wayne Foundation, and all proceeds will go towards fixing up and providing aid to the residents of Park Row (which is half of what sold Jason on the plan).
Mari, having just finished her second year of college, is brought in by Tim as MDC to design and create the stage costumes.
On her way to the theater for her first meeting with the cast and crew of the play, Mari is caught in a villain attack---a minor one, as far as Gotham is concerned---that is resolved without needing any sort of intervention from her. It’s Red Robin and Red Hood who resolve it (since Tim and Jason were nearby and on their way to the same meeting as Mari).
Mari negotiated for a workroom in the theater so that she doesn’t have to keep lugging costume parts and cloth around. One night, she stays in a little late and Jason catches her singing to the Hamilton soundtrack while working. He asks her if she’d help him practice. She agrees.
It’s dark out though, and Mari still has to head home. Jason offers to walk her home bc Gotham is dangerous. She agrees. Which is a good thing because they’re held up by some thugs. When they attack, Jason takes down most of them only to turn and find that Mari is a BAMF who took down two of them herself. He’s impressed.
One of the batkids catch them practicing and snitch on them to Alfred who tells Jason to invite Mari over for dinner.
Mari helps Jason practice for a bit and then ropes the other batkids into helping him. Dick has video evidence of Jasonette practicing which he accidentally on purpose posts online. Social media goes wild.
Who is this girl with the second Wayne son?? They’re so cute??
By the way, the Justice League isn’t a thing yet in this AU. For a future JL meets the Batfam trope! (Plus Mari)
A few weeks into rehearsals, Eliza’s actress calls in sick after an encounter with Scarecrow, and Mari is roped into playing Eliza’s part for the day. Mari’s good at it, to the cast’s surprise, and the chemistry between Mari and Jason is great. Mari ends up being cast as Eliza’s understudy.
Meanwhile, Damian is forced into being the Burr understudy after he and Titus repeatedly disrupted rehearsals and destroyed stage props they were still making. Bruce (aka Alfred) hopes it will teach him to appreciate the work the cast and crew are doing.
Damian needs a lot of help. So Mari pitches in and then ropes Jason in, and then they both rope in the rest of the batfam one by one. Soon Mari is visiting the manor regularly to help them practice.
It starts with Steph. She volunteers to play Philip for the chance to play dead and dying again.
They’re singing Stay Alive (reprise) when Bruce walks in wondering what’s happening. Is someone hurt?? Was there an attack he doesn’t know about?? He spies them in the middle of the living room with Stephon the coffee table while Mari and Jason are sobbing over her dramatically.  He walks out. He’s done.
At some point, they convince Bruce to do Washington’s parts and are blown away. Washington’s lines resonate a little too well with the batfam, and it makes things awkward for a while. These emotionally constipated bois
Dick is King George. He relishes the opportunity to trash talk Bruce. Jason is annoyed he can’t join him and breaks character one time to gang up on Bruce
Imagine Dick singing da-dadada-DADAAA while swinging on the chandeliers
Tim sings/raps Jefferson’s parts. What Did I Miss and the Cabinet Battles are amazing to watch. Except Jason and Tim are uber competitive, and they make additional (historically accurate!) rap lines to keep the cabinet battles going.
Cass is still mostly non-verbal, so she helps out by handing the others props or figuring out a way to add special effects (like using a flashlight as a spotlight). She also signals if the acting of the Actual Actors in the batfam is accurate/passable or not.
...Cass is also The Bullet. It’s a very respectable role, what are you talking about!
The family therapist starts wondering why the batfam’s progress suddenly jumped. It’s because they’re working through their issues vicariously through the characters in Hamilton
Dick, Steph, and Tim post videos of the fam and Mari practicing on social media. They start trending.
They also coo over Jasonette singing It’s Quiet Uptown while walking through the manor gardens, dancing on the dining table, and basically serenading each other with broadway songs all around the house. And Gotham.
They have video evidence.
(The production crew create a blooper reel of all their cast and crew’s shenanigans which they later sell on DVDs as part of the charity. Batfam and Mari take up 80% of all the bloopers on the DVD)
After social media realizes that most of the batfam aren’t in fact part of the charity show cast, people start a petition for a show with all the Waynes acting in it.
They cut it too close to the dates of the charity show for it to be possible, but their therapist mentioned to Alfred once that having the family work on a fun (non-violent) project/activity together would be good for them.
So, Alfred convinced Bruce and mentioned it to Mari who convinced Jason who helped convince the rest of the fam, and they agree to hold a concert ala the 25th Anniversary Les Mis concert in place of the final show they had initially planned. Tickets sold out in the first hour.
Damian, seeing the petition’s success, creates his own petition---for Alfred the Cat to be part of the production. Everyone votes for it.
The director tries to talk him out of it but Damian is a stubborn brat. The director finally puts his foot down and says he’ll allow it but only for the concert with the rest of the batfam. Damian agrees.
The director approaches Mari for help in mitigating the “damage” by making the cat a costume. Just in case.
(She does, and it works for about half the song before someone notices that baby Theodosia is strangely mobile. Then the baby meows, Damian coos at it during the instrumental, and the audience slowly catches onto the fact that baby Theodosia is actually a cat.)
(Alfred the Cat goes viral.)
The charity shows go live on the weekend of Jason’s birthday. Opening night is Aug 14, then they have two shows each day on the weekend. The main actor for Burr and Eliza step down on Aug 16, Jason’s birthday, to give Mari and Dami the chance to perform---and so that Jasonette can act together.
They get a standing ovation.
Unlike the full production of the original charity shows, (Mari and) the batfam’s concert was entirely meme worthy.
It had all the wackiness of the blooper reels but cranked up to eleven
Damian’s rendition of Dear Theodosia becomes a meme. Someone was able to get a hold of a video of him singing it with and without Alfred the Cat as baby Theodosia. The difference is like night and day.
Bruce half regrets that he allowed it to be immortalized on film/DVD and sold with the bloopers.
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catmaid-john · 3 years
Have some soulmate gretchella content courtesy of me (elliott) and em 👀 there was a lot of projecting as far as *ahem* character traits go, hope y’all enjoy!!!!
Summary: Gretchen has grown up with a less than ideal mindset about soulmates. How will they react when they meet their own?
Characters: Gretchen, Pamella, Marion, John, Jessique (mentioned), Vesna (mentioned), Eliza (mentioned)
Pairing(s): queer platonic gretchella
Warnings: subtle(?) homophobia and internalised homophobia, and that may be it but do read with caution as it’s pretty heavy. Let me know if I missed anything!!
Word count: 1,705
Gretchen was six when they asked about the red string on their finger.
“Daddy, what’s this?” they asked, holding up their pinky.
John sighed, closing his book he’d been reading in the study. “It’s a sign that you have a soulmate.”
“What’s a soulmate?”
“Someone meant for you. Like Vesna and I. We were soulmates, but didn’t let that define us.”
Gretchen tilted their head to the side. “What’chu mean?”
“Don’t let the world fool you. Everyone says soulmates are the most important part of life. They’re all wrong. You should focus on things like work and school, not some frivolous nonsense such as one person in all the world meant to be with you. Do you understand?”
Gretchen crossed their arms. “Okay, Daddy. Can we go fly kites today?”
“No, not right now. I have work to do. Maybe later.”
John hadn’t been doing work when Gretchen walked in.
They were ten the first time they saw a pair of soulmates first meet.
They were both boys. The red string that held them together turned white and they hugged.
Could Gretchen’s soulmate be a girl?
“Daddy?” they began as John drove them home from school that day. “I saw two boy soulmates today.”
John’s grip on the steering wheel tightened a bit. “I see.”
“Could my soulmate be a girl?”
“I’m not sure. I should hope not.”
Gretchen furrowed their brows. “How come?”
“Same sex soulmates have a higher mortality rate due to disapproval and lack of acceptance from peers. Not to mention they’re prone to… well, frankly, divorce.”
“But you and Mommy divorced.”
John’s grip tightened further, and Gretchen could see the marking on his pinky finger where his string once was.
“Yes, straight soulmates do divorce sometimes, but it’s higher in same sex soulmates.”
“Why? And what's morality?”
“Mortality. What I meant is that same sex soulmates more often die young and are even murdered. I don’t want that for you.”
Gretchen was suddenly scared. “What if my soulmate is a girl?”
“Don’t worry about that for now. It doesn’t matter.”
The conversation dissipated from there.
Gretchen was thirteen when they decided they didn’t want a soulmate anymore.
The odds of their soulmate being a girl were far too high. They didn’t want to end up like the dead soulmates their dad was talking about.
They took a pair of scissors and tried cutting their string. The scissors broke and clattered to the ground.
What? This had worked for John when he didn’t want a soulmate anymore. Were they doing it wrong?
They took a knife from the kitchen and sawed it across the string. The knife became ground down and dull.
They tried to untie the string but couldn’t find the knot. This soon became a game of finding the most slippery substance to help them slip out of the string.
Nothing worked. It was hopeless.
There was a chance that Gretchen was doomed to die young and there was nothing they could do about it.
Please let my soulmate be a boy, they thought. I wanna live.
They were seventeen when they stopped caring about what their father thought.
They also started using they/them pronouns alongside their step-sibling, Marion. John had married a woman named Eliza, who he claimed he met at a “gathering” for people who abandoned the soulmate life. Her kids were Marion and Jessique, who Gretchen liked much more than Eliza. Their dad had bad taste.
Gretchen was walking home from school when they felt a tug from their string. They usually felt an occasional pull from it but this was much stronger than that. It just about knocked them off their feet.
Before they could question it further, they were being pulled into the middle of the road. Luckily no one was driving, but Gretchen was still not having any of this today.
“Let me go!” they called uselessly.
It hurt to pull against the string but they really didn’t know what else to do. It was a little while before they suddenly collided with someone and was finally able to stop. Unfortunately the two of them crashed to the ground.
“I’m so sorry!” the stranger yelped.
Gretchen put a hand to their forehead, which had bumped into the stranger’s. “No, it’s all good. No harm done.”
“I should have paid more attention but my string was pulling me away and I—”
Gretchen finally took a look at the stranger in question. Bright orange hair overtook every feature and it was radiant as the morning sun. Eyes like drops of chocolate, enticingly sweet. She was too perfect.
Gretchen looked down at their string. It was white.
“Hi,” the stranger murmured. “I’m Pamella. I guess we’re—”
Gretchen got up and ran.
They were in tears when they came to terms with what happened.
They stood in the bathroom sobbing in front of the mirror. John’s voice echoed in their head.
Same sex soulmates have a higher mortality rate due to disapproval and lack of acceptance from peers.
They shook their head to rid themself of their thoughts. They didn’t care what their dad thought. They didn’t.
Same sex soulmates more often die and are even murdered. I don’t want that for you.
No. It was all stigma. It was all lies. Shut up.
You should focus on things like work and school, not some frivolous nonsense such as one person in all the world meant to be with you.
Shut up!
Gretchen was on the verge of screaming but kept as quiet as possible. They didn’t want to worry their siblings.
They didn’t care what their dad thought. They didn’t.
Even still they couldn’t accept what they have faced.
Gretchen was eighteen when they met their soulmate for a second time.
Perhaps not entirely true, given that they had spotted Pamella at school a few times since their run-in. This, however, was their first proper encounter since Gretchen ran.
“Uh, excuse me!” Pamella’s voice called out, catching Gretchen’s attention. They realised who it was and tried to walk away faster.
Go away, go away, go away—
“Hey!” Pamella caught up with them, standing in front of them with a shy smile. “So… I, uh… wanted to give you time to process everything, but I’ve seen you avoiding me like crazy. I just… wanted to know why? At first I thought maybe you were upset about me knocking you over, but I don’t know. Man, I feel like an asshole.” She chuckled awkwardly.
Gretchen blinked. “Sorry,” they said on instinct. “Uh… it’s not you, it’s me, I gotta go.”
They walked away without another word.
Gretchen was home alone with Marion when they confessed to what had been going on.
“Wow,” Marion murmured. “I mean, obviously I knew you’d met your soulmate, I just thought… well, I don’t know. Why’d you run?”
Gretchen buried their face in their hands. “It’s complicated.”
“C’mon, talk to me, bestie.”
Gretchen sighed and sat up. “My dad scared me as a kid telling me I was gonna die if my soulmate was a girl.”
Marion paused, their expression never changing. “The fuck?”
“He was talking about, like, mortality rates of gay soulmates and divorce and shit, so… ten year old me took it to heart for some reason.”
“Huh. So when you realised your soulmate is a girl… aw, Gretch.”
“I know, it’s stupid.”
“No it’s not. I promise you, it’s not stupid. Your dad is a piece of shit.”
Gretchen snorted. “Yup, sounds right.”
“Don’t let him ruin your experience with your soulmate. I promise you, if you let your parent try to run your life, it’ll just hurt. Trust me.”
Gretchen glanced over at Marion. They couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks, Mari.”
“You gonna go after your soulmate?”
“I might have to.”
The next day at school, Gretchen was the one to approach Pamella.
“Hi,” they murmured shyly.
“Hey,” Pamella replied with hesitation.
“I, uh… I know I’ve been a dick… but… I wanna… try this whole thing again. You deserve better from your… soulmate.”
Pamella was clearly shocked, and Gretchen gave her time to process what they had said. She took a deep breath and finally spoke.
“Hi. I’m Pamella. He/him pronouns.”
Gretchen blinked. That was unexpected.
“Oh. Uh, Gretchen. They/them pronouns.”
Pamella smiled. “Nice to meet you, Gretchen. I’m sure you’re a bit surprised that I’m… ya know, trans. I’m not out to my parents, so that makes it a bit hard to transition, not to mention I’m scared to get my hair cut.”
“I mean, you don’t need a haircut to be trans, though. Being trans makes you trans. I mean, I’m still feminine and nonbinary as fuck, they’re not mutually exclusive.”
Pamella blushed. “Thanks. I’m glad you get it.”
Gretchen grinned. Maybe having a soulmate wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Gretchen and Pam were twenty when they decided to label themselves as platonic soulmates.
They weren’t romantically involved and they were okay with that. Gretchen was aromantic and Pam didn’t care about relationships. He really just wanted to be with Gretchen in a platonic way. They were all he needed.
They had tried to make it work as romantic soulmates, which didn’t last long.
The one thing they continued to do in their platonic relationship was cuddle.
Gretchen laid on top of Pam, who laid on his back and ran his hand up and down their back. Gretchen was having a difficult day and all they needed was cuddles on the couch with a movie on the TV.
Gretchen looked up at Pam, his new haircut still ravishing in their eyes. Gretchen had been tempted to shave their head but decided against it since they liked how they dyed it. Black on one side, their natural brown on the other.
“Pam?” they murmured.
Pam glanced down at them. “Yeah?”
“Do you think we’re soulmates because we just understand each other so much?”
Pam smiled. “I think we’re soulmates because we complete each other in a way no one else gets.”
Gretchen smiled back. They laid their head back down and closed their eyes, Pam running a hand through their hair.
“I’m glad we crashed into each other.”
Pam chuckled. “Me too, love.”
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First of all, I wanted to thank everyone for their warm encouragements ashskwnskdenks my heart is melting uwu.
Part 1 • Part 2 • Here.
So without further ado, here's the Part 3 of my kind of Daminette fanfic.
The first thing Adrien heard from Marinette after discussing their Life in Paris is: "Adrien please tell me I'm a jerk."
Adrien chuckled and said: "You're a jerk. But why do you want me to tell you you're a jerk."
"I slapped Damian." Marinette said, facepalming. And so she explained her conversation with her soon-to-be adopted brother and her defense of Adrien to him.
Meanwhile, on the other side of City, or specifically, Gotham Academy, Jon noticed a very disgruntled Damian. After endless prodding from the scowling boy, Damian admitted that he and Marinette had a fight.
By the end of both conversations, Damian/Marinette resolved to apologize to Marinette/Damian.
Damian planned to apologize to Marinette and promised to try to treat Adrien better.
Marinette planned to apologize and explain her out-of-character reaction.
But just as dinner was about to end, an alert came that an unknown new villain attacked Gotham.
Worse, its a meta.
The Batfam excused themselves and two teens nodded sagely (they already admitted they know everything, lol. minus being superhero themselves back in Paris)
And while hard on Marinette's part, she decided to use this time to take back the ring from Adrien. As a Guardian.
A broadcast changed her mind, though.
Because in the news, as clear as the day, is the power of Miraculous. Horrified, she quickly dashed in her room to check if all Miraculous are accounted for. She breathed out a sigh of relief when she saw that— yes, they are all there.
Calling Wayzz just as Adrien get to her room, Marinette listened as the kwami explained about that the Miracle Box she has in her possession and there used to be a lot of them.
With one quick look, Marinette managed to convey everything she wants to say to Adrien.
On the scene of the attack, the Batfam is struggling to subdue the villain despite having years of experience fighting crimes.
Batman is just about to call for assistance when they heard a swooshing sound overheard.
One thud followed by another is heard from their back.
Turning around, Batfam saw the two teens Marinette had told them about: Ladybug and Chat Noir.
Only this time, both their costumes had been slightly changed.
Ladybug quickly assured that she and Chat Noir isn't there to stay but to only collect the Miraculi from this villain.
And so the two teens fight.
Batman watched the two heroes fight the villain with a pensieve look on his face.
Jayson groaned at the look his adopted father is giving the two teens, especially Ladybug.
He exclaimed how they aren't even finished with adopting Nettie yet and Bruce is already considering adopting another one.
When will he ever stop?
Meanwhile, Red Robin is slightly astonished at the murderous glare Robin is giving Chat Noir.
Anyway, the two teens had managed to end the fight quicker than expected and Ladybug retrieved the Miraculous from the man using them. Nightwing had bind the criminal while the others watched in amazement as the Ladybug Cure swept throught the City and fixed all the damaged from the fight.
Chat Noir squealed at seeing the Batman being the adorable geek that he is.
Batman thanked Ladybug and offered her an invite to a dinner (Marinette had a sudden deja vu from that remembering Bruce Wayne's invitation)
Ladybug politely declined.
For some reason, back at the Manor, Tim can't track where the two heroes came from. Its like they suddenly appeared out of thin air.
Robin remained silent and kept his thought to himself, remembering how flawlessly and in sync Ladybug and Chat Noir is.
But he had a half mind to make his talk with Marinette sooner than later.
In her room, Marinette is contemplating one thing but is hesitant how to bring it up with Adrien.
Will he even want that?
Adrien sees Marinette's face and think that Marinette wants to take back his miraculous now.
It was here that Marinette explained what she had planned earlier but that all changed now. She had another plan, instead, to collect all the Miraculous. Marinette felt it is her duty as a guardian. But knows she can't do it alone.
And as much as Adrien wanted to help, Adrien very much wanted to take a break from fighting full-time once again. And live normally for a while. But he promised to join Marinette after he got himself sorted.
Marinette, understanding the whole Hawkmoth-is-my-father -and-I-am-Chat-Noir, assured Adrien its not a big deal.
But she also explained how time is against her and she resolves to complete all the Miraculous as soon as possible, plans to hunt and collect them now.
Damian heard this conversation and butted in.
Adrien jumped like a scaredy cat.
And offered to help Marinette in her quest.
The next day, Bruce found a letter in his study from Marinette saying in uncertain terms that she is Ladybug and she realized after yesterday that it is her duty as Guardian to protect and collect all the Miraculous.
As for Damian, he only got a quick note from his son that he'll be back.
Adrien is nowhere to be found.
Bruce smiled with Alfred at his side even as Dick, Jason and Tim frantically searched for Marinette and Damian.
And there it is! That's it. That's the end. I left everything up to you. Will Marinette eventually fall for Damian? Or will her feelings to Adrien rekindle when he inevitably re-joins them? Lol. Am I evil for doing this? Yes. Definitely, yes.
@loysydark @eliza-bich @ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat @iwritelikeimrunningoutoftime @goblinwhoships @amayakans
@pawsitivelymiraculous @i-am-ironic @emilytopaz @thornalchemist23 @toodaloo-kangaroo @fusser90 @dreamykitty25 @biscuitbirdpeach @queen-in-a-flower-crown @lostinaday @unabashedbookworm @mystery-5-5
Edit: I forgot to add the tags. Lol. And added the links for Part 1 and 2.
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