#yes aus plural
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hows-my-handwriting · 1 year ago
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fae hobie was literally just that, everything is normal except hobie is a fucking woodland sprite and about the size of a piece of beef jerky. my main inspiration was these things:
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from spiderwick chronicles cuz I MEAN LOOK AT THEIR HAIR??? head?? things????
my unbelievably unoriginal ass was like HMMMMM HOBIE'S HAIR. IN PETALS. . . HMMMM. and then it slowly devolved into tiny hobie au.
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the kids carry him around in pockets or on their shoulder and he speaks the fae equivalent of british which makes him three times harder to understand.
its so funny trust.
and jazz au was a crackhead idea of suppressed music talent miles finding his band in the other spiderkids and this oddly ambitious plot about gwen and hobie drifting away to pursue rock but always coming back to jam with the boys because punk rock and even metal pulls a lot of inspiration from jazz and the jazz movement.
miles would be a singer or a trumpet player and i cant decide which so HA.
wriggles around in my padded room.
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ghost-bxrd · 8 months ago
Medieval Dragon Rider Au!
Jason is presumed dead after an assassination attempt on the king goes awry, leaving the young prince’s chambers a burnt a ruin.
The only thing that survives the fire is the prince’s dragon egg, passed on to the king’s newest charge, Tim Drake, after a mourning period. To the surprise of everyone, the egg hatches shortly after. “A sign of the dead prince’s approval”, it is declared.
But when Jason returns to attack Tim in revenge for taking his place, it’s on the back of one of the largest dragons the realm has ever seen.
And Tim’s dragon has only just become big enough to saddle a rider two months ago.
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the-axylotl · 3 months ago
☆ What is tumblr secret santa? - basically, I, (santa) will give everyone who wants to join the url of someone else who wants to! On the 12 days leading up to christmas, every day, you send an anon ask to the person youve been given... Youll be their secret santa!! On the 25th of DECEMBER, everyone goes off anon and gives the person they've been sending asks to a gift! This can be art, a fanfic, a picture or song they might like... it can be anything!
☆ whats the point? - the point is to hopefully make some new friends, and spread positivity, community and platonic love during the christmas season! I'll try to match everyone with someone they dont know well or interact with, who matches their interests, and their age range! (Minors with minors, adults with adults)!
☆ What are the rules? - Not many rules, I'd just say no nsfw or hateful messages on anon (especially if youve been assigned a minor! If you start sending nsfw to minors you WILL be reported!!!) And its important to send a message every day! If your secret santa stops sending you messages, or starts making you uncomfortable, let me know and I'll replace them! One last rule, you need anon asks on to join! This wont work if your secret santa cant be secret!!
☆ How to join? - just like reblog or interact with this post! If enough people dont join, I might not be able to arange this! You can also DM me or @a-literal-frog if you dont wanna make it public just yet! The deadline to join is the 11th of December, the day before it starts, but if you see this after, DM me anyway, and you can be a backup if a secret santa breaks the rules!
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I hope you guys join, and enjoy spreading community and making friends this season! Merry Christmas (or happy holidays) everyone!!! :D
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scattered-dreamers · 3 months ago
I have questions about the NotThem and the Web Table.
What happens to the people who are NotThemed? Canonically they’re dead.
But…they can’t just vanish. They don’t just *poof!*
NotThem are Stranger aligned. What else is Stranger aligned? The Anglerfish.
What did the Anglerfish do to its victims? Take their skin.
Is it safe to say that the NotThem not only take their victim’s appearance but also give them to the Stranger?
Follow me on this.
What if all the “wax statues” (horribly done. Horrible) are victims of the NotThem? What if the NotThem offers their victims to the Stranger and the Stranger puts them where they need to be.
What if Sasha was in the Wax Museum when it blew up? One of the unrecognizable wax statues.
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rt-closetcryptic · 6 months ago
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Silly work doodle! Might color this, but I'm unsure.
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everythingwasnormalhere · 10 months ago
rating cartman's brain sillies (by @richierambles)
Anne: 8/10 she's great :D
Finn: 6/10 kinda lame idk
Artemis: 10/10 he's so silly<3
Sam: 6/10 needs a psychiatrist
Collins: 9/10 he's so gay dude
Irick: 7/10 silly old man 😔🫶
Grim: 8/10 fucking furry
Adrian: 9/10 he's gay idk
Theodore: 3/10 lame ass guy
Sunny: 10/10 heart's crazy<3
Eight: 1/10 burn him in a fire
Jenni: 7/10 love-hate relationship
Mitch: 6/10 mild idk
Mae: 2/10 burn her too while you're at it
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sea-owl · 2 years ago
Bridgerton Romeos and Juliets
You may not have heard dear gentle reader, though only an oblivious fool would miss the signs, but there is a feud going on in Mayfair.
The Dowager ladies Violet Bridgerton and Portia Featherington have been feuding for as long as anyone can remember, but even my sources can not learn the reason as to why. Some say even the two ladies in question do not remember.
A spectacle is almost guaranteed to break out should the two ladies or members of their families or staff come across one another in public. This feud goes so deep, my gentle reader that our two ladies have managed to split Mayfair itself. Each host deciding who they would like to invite to their balls, and only the brave, such as Lady Danbury risking an outbreak by inviting both families.
For Viscouness Bridgerton, she has managed to claim the Duke of Hastings, the Sharma family, and the Stirlings of Kilmartin. Lady Featherington has aquaired allies among her old husband's business partners, such as the Gunningworths of Pennwood, the Cranes, and the Abernathys.
This author does not hold this feud in high regard and holds the opinion that it is a ridiculous thing. But perhaps this season will be the one that brings these two feuding ladies together. Perhaps they will find a way to in some sense, love one another.
One can only hope dear reader.
Yours truly,
Lady Whistledow
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ratcandy · 11 months ago
2am nobody knows about the fwct aus I’ve already made in my head.
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sonicaspeed123 · 1 year ago
We all know the Super Sonic Is The Sun vibe but I just gotta aaUUghahHHA
Radiant powerful SILENT glorious and untouchable but at risk of burning itself (and sonic) away truly un-fuck-withable
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poisoned-sugar11 · 2 years ago
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Yeah I have normal conversations I think /s
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cemeterysquids · 3 months ago
if no one else has made an au where alice & mario escape but are stuck together permanently and have to learn to live with each other then i will
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adreamfromnevermore · 1 year ago
Love the slight AUs where Bruce as Batman has been a member of the league for ages, but he's somehow managed to keep his assortment of children under the radar.
Because it sets up the wildest misunderstandings within the league. He routinely talks about his babies, his children who are all so sweet and kind and occasionally assholes yes but only because they are young (and traumatized) hell I don't think the league would even be aware that they're adopted. So they're all thinking literal children
Barry: Bats really loves his kids.
Hal: I mean they're babies, wait till they hit the angsty teens and I'm sure we'll be hearing the opposite
Which means the day they finally meet Nightwing they don't know wtf to think. For one thing, how old would he have been when he had this kid???? Should they be worried about that???? And for the other, that is not a baby, that is not a precious little thing.
He could break someone in half. Like a twig.
He won't, but he could. And they can see that. (He's bat trained, they have seen what the bat can do they are not fools)
And they're like, okay. Okay maybe he isn't the baby (he is). He's got younger kids right? He's never said how many, they have 0 clues. They've been expecting 1 child, maybe 2 because he'd said kid in the plural exactly once when comforting an older woman while they were searching for her children in the aftermath of a rough battle.
And then a week later they run into Red Hood. In his leather, with his guns. And he drapes himself across Batmans back with all the self confidence in the world and starts whining about the "Brat" breaking into his safe house.
To steal his dog.
And yet again. He is not baby. He is bigger than Batman. He could probably break Batman in half given the bat didn't put up a fight. But Batman looks at him with probably the softest expression they've ever seen on that mans face and tells him very earnestly that the kid just wants to spend time with his older brother, next time they should try a walk. Maybe go to the zoo.
But probably not one of the babies. They're kind, and gentle, and at least one just loves reading and Bats has been trying to encourage that!!!
And then a day later he mentions his "babies" going for a walk in the park and they all instantaneously lose their minds at the confirmation.
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mask131 · 10 months ago
So... Wicked is coming back in style. And as such I need to make a little informative post.
Because since as early as my arrival onto the Internet, in the distant years of the late 2000s, a lot of people have been treating Wicked as some sort of "official" part of the Oz series. As part of the Oz canon or as THE "original" work everything else derives from (literaly, some people, probably kids, but did believe the MGM movie was made BASED on Wicked...) And as an Oz fan, that bothers me.
[Damn, ever since I watched Coco Peru's videos her voice echoes in my brain each time I say this line.]
So here's a few FACTS for you facts lovers.
The Wicked movie that is coming out right now (I was sold this as a series, turns out it is a movie duology?) is a cinematic adaptation of the stage musical Wicked created by Schwartz and Holzman, the Broadway classic and success of the 2000s (it was created in 2003).
Now, the Wicked musical everybody knows is itself an adaptation - and this fact is not as notorios, somehow? The Wicked musical is the adaptation of a novel released in 1995 by Gregory Maguire, called Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. A very loose and condensed adaptation to say the least - as the Wicked musical is basically a lighter and simplified take on a much darker, brooding and mature tale. Basically fans of the novel have accused the musical of being some sort of honeyed, sugary-sweet, highschool-romance-fanfic-AU, while those who enjoyed the musical and went to see the novel are often shocked at discovering their favorite musical is based on what is basically a "dark and edgy - let's shock them all" take on the Oz lore. (Some do like both however, apparently? But I rarely met them.)
A side-fact which will be relevant later, is that this novel was but the first of a full series of novel Oz wrote about a dark-and-adult fantasy reimagining of the land of Oz - there's Son of a Witch, A Lion Among Men, Out of Oz, and more.
However the real fact I want to point out is that Maguire's novel, from which the musical itself derives, is a "grimmification" (to take back TV Tropes terminology) of the 1939 MGM movie The Wizard of Oz. The movie everybody knows when it comes to Oz, but that everybody forgets is itself the adaptation of a book - the same way people forget the Wicked musical is adapted from a novel. The MGM movie is adapted from L. Frank Baum's famous 1900 classic for children The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - and a quite loose adaptation that reimagines a lot of elements and details.
Now, a lot of people present Maguire's novel as being based/inspired/a revisionist take on Baum's novel... And that's false. Maguire's Wicked novel is clearly dominated by and mainly influenced by the MGM movie, with only a few book elements and details sprinkled on top. Mind you, the sequels Maguire wrote do take more elements, characters and plot points from the various Oz books of Baum... But they stay mostly Maguire's personal fantasy world. Yes, Oz "books" in plural - because that's a fact people tend to not know either... L. Frank Baum didn't just write one book about the Land of Oz. He wrote FOURTEEN of them, an entire series, because it was his most popular sales, and his audience like his editor pressured him to produce more (in fact he got sick of Oz and tried to write other books, but since they failed he was forced to continue Oz novels to survive). Everybody forgot about the Oz series due to the massive success of the starter novel - but it has a lot of very famous sequels, such as The Marvelous Land of Oz or Ozma of Oz (the later was loosely adapted by Disney as the famous 80s nostalgic-cursed movie Return to Oz).
So... To return to my original point. The current Wicked movies are not directly linked in any way to Baum's novel. The Wicked musical was already as "canon" and as "linked" to the MGM movie as 2013's Oz The Great and Powerful by Disney was. As for Maguire's novel, due to its dark, mature, brooding and more complex worldbuilding nature, I can only compare it to the recent attempt at making a "Game of Thrones Oz" through the television series Emerald City.
The Wicked movies coming out are separated from Baum's novel at the fourth degree. Because they are the movie adaptation of a musical adaptation of a novel reinventing a movie adaptation of the original children book.
And I could go even FURTHER if you dare me to and claim the Wicked movies are at the 5TH DEGREE! Because a little-known-fact is that the MGM movie was not a direct adaptation of Baum's novel... But rather took a lot of cues and influence from the massively famous stage-extravaganza of 1902 The Wizard of Oz... A musical adaptation of Baum's novel, created and written by Baum himself, and that was actually more popular than the novel in the pre-World War II America. It was from this enormous Broadway success (my my, how the snake bites its tail - the 1902 Wizard of Oz was the musical Wicked of its time) that, for example, the movie took the idea of the Good Witch of the North killing the sleeping-poppies with snow.
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ahyesthesufferingoftvteens · 2 months ago
Ooooh yeah I forgot to reblog this. Welp. Yeah. Here this is on my main blog.
Also a fun fact: In the Kai&Co system every alter gets assigned a Sanrio character (if they're not already a fictive or fictionkin one).
Coco, Koda, and Blaze love Chococat. They prefer the ones with blue, purple, and red collars respectively.
Alter Adam was assigned Badtz-Maru. The only reason he wears the necklace is because he can't say no to a Kai-aligned alter.
Kitty OBVIOUSLY loves Hello Kitty herself. Her entire outfit is lowkey themed after her. She has a red ribbon purse and Hello Kitty tights, even some Hello Kitty themed mary janes.
Alter Reeve was assigned Pochacco. Actually thinks the little dog is cute and doesn't mind wearing the occasional themed accessory (the earrings).
Kai Part 2 was assigned Keroppi. He has a Keroppi bracelet that's not shown here.
Cinnamon is literally Cinnamoroll.
The Hollow: Backrooms
The Kai&Co System
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This has been something that has been casually mentioned in the past, but Backrooms!Kai becomes a System and splits and forms a few alters!
I (@ahyesthesufferingoftvteens) may talk about some of these goobers in the future. Some basic things to note: Blaze, Coco, Alter Adam, and Kitty form in The Backrooms. Alter Reeve forms right before Kai&Co escape The Backrooms, and Kai (Part 2) and Cinnamon form after The Backrooms. All of the special designs for these headmates are how they dress a year or two after The Backrooms story.
Slightly more detailed information about each of the members of the Kai&Co system are listed under the cut:
Blaze: One of the alters that split from Kai. A host of the system. Bi Aboy, He/They. Trauma Holder; Anger, Fear, and Depression holder; BPD holder; and Emotional Protector. Formed as a persecutor; used to be extremely explosive and had really destructive mental breakdowns. Heals with therapy. Likes to set things on fire and shop at Hot Topic. Is the reason the body is taking Abilify.
Coco: The other alter that split from Kai. A host of the system. Pan Nyan-binary Boy, He/They. Inner Child and Trauma Holder; Age-slides. Had really bad Stockholm Syndrome; found it very difficult to make decisions for themselves due to conditioning. Heals with Therapy. Loves Chococat so much that they kin the character and sometimes assumes Chococat’s form in headspace.
Koda: Kai rejoined after a year of being split apart. Now goes by a different name. Eventually, Coco and Blaze permanently fuse into Koda. A host of the system. Omni Demiboy, He/They. Trauma Holder. A bit more cheeky and dark-humored than he used to be, but it’s still the Kai you know and love. Shops at Spencers. Manic pixie dream boy energy. Can’t stop dating the emotionally unavailable and volitile Latinos in his area (He has nine exes). FINALLY found a good boyfriend (He’s a Wolf Therian, his name is Cillas).
Adam: The first alter to form after the “big split”. An introject of Adam. Gay Man, He/Him. Physical Protector. Formed as a persecutor; used to enforce the paranoid thinking patterns and distrust that the original Adam instilled. Heals with therapy. Likes to go fishing and thrives in a Bass Pro Shop.
Kitty: The second alter to form after the “big split”. An introject of Kitty, an entity from The Backrooms. Demi-Aroace Kenogirl, She/It. Caretaker, Soother, and System Overseer. Nonverbal: texts using emojis. The only way she can best communicate is with cards and drawings. Doesn’t front much; she’s more of a background alter. When she does front though the entire day is usually dedicated to her for her hard work. Loves Hello Kitty and dressing up in frilly dresses.
Reeve: Formed right before the system escaped The Backrooms. An introject of Reeve. Gay Trans Man, He/Him. Physical and Emotional Protector, and a Caretaker. Formed to do Adam’s job but better. Really happy about being in a body that was born male (his euphoria is through the roof). The only alter in the system that is religious.
Kai (Act 2): Formed after the system escaped The Backrooms. A host of the system. Bi Man, He/Him. Social Protector. Is exactly like Kai before the split, and is very detached from the memories of the Backrooms. The “Singlet-sona”. He identifies with the body’s known identity and fronts to interact with family members and pre-Backrooms friends, and when talking to strangers. He also primarily fronts while live-streaming video game play-throughs, but other alters pitch in as well.
Cinnamon: Formed after the system escaped The Backrooms. Aroace Boygirl, They/Them. The only perma-little. A fictive of Cinnomoroll. Excitable and annoying in a little sibling sort of way. Really likes gifts and eating food. No one knows why they formed, they just showed up one day. They exist now.
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inktopuck · 3 months ago
juno | quinn hughes social media au (pt.9)
pt. 8
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Liked by elblue6, trevorzegras and others
yournamehughes happy birthday, you stunner. thank you for making me the happiest woman in the world and for being the best father to our children 🩵
trevorzegras i'll never forget you made me give him my mustard costume instead of matching with me!
yournamehughes well baby he was my bf by then, right
trevorzegras omg Y/N bros before hoes ALWAYS
l_hughes06 you didn't have to post the first one bro.
yournamehughes it's so cute!! he's taking a nap!
l_hughes06 don't try to gaslight me i know what you were doing before
bradytkachuk happy birthday qball!!! tea party at yours when?
_quinnhughes from all the pictures you could've chosen you went with me dancing on the table?
yournamehughes yes, coyote ugly queen
captainhughes childREN?????? plural???????
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Liked by l_hughes06, jackhughes and others
_quinnhughes another great one! so thankful!
jackhughes pack it up with the pda quinn please some of us are single
colecaufield you guys went to the pumpkin patch without me. i see how it is i take back my happy birthday wish.
_quinnhughes you're literally 3k miles away
_quinnhughes yes. get your own kid.
yournamehughes we need to know less about each other's lives
l_hughes06 you're cool sometimes. mostly not. but sometimes.
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Liked by _quinnhughes, elblue6 and others
yournamehughes oops we did it again
_quinnhughes ✌🏻❤️
elblue6 this is the best news ever! Jack and Luke you're falling behind!
trevorzegras quintin you dooooog
colecaufield omg quinn get off her
l_hughes06 another kid who will look up to me... we love to see it
jackhughes you're not winning this one over
l_hughes06 we'll see
jackhughes so if you really like the new kid can i get belly?
_quinnhughes no
bradytkachuk i say keep 'em coming!
elblue6 I said the same thing!
bboeser oh yeah! another hughes for the nhl
yournamehughes or pwhl!
bboeser of course!
eliaspettersson yessss time to bet on the gender again! last time i won some big bucks! thanks belly!
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Liked by yournamehughes, _quinnhughes and others
l_hughes06 first pic with the new baby
jackhughes you just HAD to didn't you
l_hughes06 yeah :)
lukeypookie what even is luke's feed
colecaufield Y/N get ready..... i'll be fist bumping that baby soon
_quinnhughes please don't punch my wife's stomach
curtislazar95 rusty you're always at the scene of the crime
dylanduke25 it wouldn't surprise me if luke walked around waiting for y/n to give birth so he could be the first one to hold the baby and not jack
yournamehughes what about the baby's father
dylanduke25 pushed aside immediately
pt. 10
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frownyalfred · 1 month ago
Sentient Suit/Pregnant Bruce AU idea: what if after seeing how much Clark and Bruce aren't listening to the very reasonable requests that the Fortress is making about not endangering Bruce, Bruce's kryptonian suit decides to take things into its own hands and just stop letting Bruce go into the cave. Any time the suit registers itself on Bruce heading to the cave it just locks up or straight up turns him around to go back up to his room.
Obviously Bruce and Clark simply don't know Bruce is pregnant and think the suit is malfunctioning and they keep trying to bring it to the cave to check up on it but they just can't quite make it there. Maybe they end up going to the Fortress to run tech diagnostics instead and the Fortress actually spells it out for them this time that "Yes, the suit is functioning as normal and it's correctly protecting it occupants" and Clark and Bruce just are astonished by the plurality of the word 'occupant' there because 'Bruce is the only one wearing the suit, there can't be more than once occupant, well unless Bruce is preg-' and then they realize.
Even better, it stops letting him go to Gotham. Imagine being Clark and having to deal with a pissed off Bat after that revelation. Bruce would take an axe to the Fortress, danger be damned. He and the Fortress quietly negotiate after that, and the embargo is lifted as long as Clark is with him. And wearing his own suit 24/7, yes even in bed. yes, even when they're trying to--
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