#yes I know this is from twisters let me be in my bubble
sunlightmurdock · 1 month
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Like this Forever Jake got his full body shot posted !!!
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dirt-cup-draco · 3 years
In His Touch- Fili x Reader
Prompt: Casually reaching out to play with someone’s hair
The sting in your eyes from the abrasive smoke was nearly as permanent as the ache in your bones but you couldn’t find yourself bothered with either as you sat on the dewy grass, a bowl of Bombur’s stew in hand. The fire before you was raging, casting violent shadows against everyone’s otherwise gentle features. Thorin’s hard expression was made further sinister by the flickering of the light and your heart panged in sympathy for the leader you had come to respect so fiercely. 
The dwarves and hobbit around you laughed, hollered, and hooted. Each of them speaking over each other and sending their voices bouncing off of the tall trees above you. Tonight the weather was mild and there was no danger present or near, so much so that Fili and Kili were not stopped even as they shouted and fought playfully. You sighed happily as you leaned against the felled tree stump at your back. It was nearly as wide around as the horizontal span of your arms and made for as good of a backrest as anything. 
Your contentment could not only be attributed to your, nearly, carefree friends and the fine weather. Nor could it only be Bombur’s stew which was often enough to lift your spirits on even the worst of days, especially when the company’s resources became low and rations had to be cut short. Tonight, your joy was brought upon by the beacon of light who was not quite two yards from you, sweat glistening on his brow as he grappled with his brother. 
Fili’s smirk was sharp at the corner but his eyes were bright with mirth and you longed to see that joy directed at you, because of you. It was no secret to many in the company where your heart was being kept. Thankfully, the dwarf himself wasn’t aware of how twisted around his finger you were. You’d spent many of your nights on this perilous journey frightened that you wouldn’t see the next morning and that Fili would never know of your dedication to him, yet when you found yourself with the words on the tip of your tongue the fear of losing him to rejection became more terrifying. 
You could survive anything so long as you could keep Fili in your life, no matter in what capacity it would be. 
Unaware that you had drifted off into a dreamy state, eyes glued to your loved one, you startled easily when Bombur sat beside you, bumping your shoulder with his. 
“If ye stare much longer, I fear your eyes won’t be able to see anything but him,” Bombur chuckled lowly, keeping his voice subdued so the others around you would not hear. You were grateful for it, even on the off chance any of them tuned into your now private conversation.
A warmth crept into your cheeks and it had nothing to do with the fire that was now quite a bit shorter than the last time you’d taken notice, the crackling of the wood now a pleasant instrument in the night’s symphony. 
“I hadn’t even realized I’d been looking,” You admitted truthfully. You were certainly the dedicated moth, but Fili could never be the flame. There was not a single bone in his body that could ever cause harm to someone he cared for and you were gratefully someone he called “friend”. To be more accurate, he was the sun and the moon. You were dependent on his warmth and his light and without him you were certain you couldn’t go on. 
“I think it’s time to tell him, lass,” Bombur spoke gently but firmly, velvet laid over steel. It was one of your favorite traits of your best friend. He was unmovable in many things but he was also tentative and caring. You were grateful that he hadn’t pushed you more on this subject but you could tell he was growing wary of your pining. 
“Now is not the time,” Your voice sounded weak in your ears, the argument flimsy in the face of Death, whom you met with nearly daily. 
“Let us hope nothing keeps you from the future you wish for,” Bombur sighed, lips curled up in loving melancholy. You knew he didn’t mean for the words to bite at your skin and pierce your heart but you also knew he was not wrong in voicing it. 
You lived an uncertain life and “now” was the only certainty you had. 
Fili and Kili had tired themselves out by the light of the moon, their playfighting dying down into insults wrapped in brotherly love and the repetitive bump of a shoulder and now the two had come to sit at the end of the very trunk you found yourself leaning against. Bombur had left you with your thoughts for the better part of an hour and now the very topic of your worries and hopes and feelings was seated a foot away and you were surprised to find his eyes already on you.
“Gehyith, what is it that has you frowning so?” Fili asked, his mustache twitching at the ends as he smiled gleefully, “Could it be Kili’s stench? I told him we’d all die from the severity of it if he does not find a lake soon,” 
You couldn’t help the laugh the bubbled up from deep in your stomach, your head thrown back with the force of your amusement- especially once Kili let out a dignified and offended gasp, shoving his brother off of the stump before he took his leave with only an eye roll. Fili couldn’t help his own chuckle, knowing Kili wasn’t bothered by his comment. 
Kili’s absence brought you relief and a swirling anxiety all in the same breath. Alone time with Fili seemed a precious gift, yet you feared every second with him would lead you closer to your end. Now, you were certain tonight- this stunning, perfect, night- would be your last. For Fili had taken it upon himself to slide closer to you, even going so far as to slide off the stump and sit beside you, his thigh and shoulder warm against yours. Not sure what to do with your hands, you folded them lamely in your lap. 
“How was-” 
You were cut short, a pitiful whimper falling from your lips when Fili’s fingertips drifted delicately against your cheekbone, a strand of your hair pushed behind your ear. His skin was well-worn leather and your stomach was in knots. 
“Come again?” Fili asked innocently, his brow quirked up towards his hairline. His fingers trailed down your neck, his nails making a shiver break out down your spine despite the balmy air. 
“J-just was wondering how you are fairing today,” You mumbled when his path continued to the ends of your hair, his fingers tangling easily there as he played with the loose and wild strands. 
Those rosy lips of his were upturned, his eyes molten gold. “I think it has been one of the best days I’ve experienced yet,” 
Growing comfortable in his affection, you were able to contain yourself enough to jest. “You are ancient, so that must be quite the feat,” 
Your love’s boisterous laugh was your most favorite noise and you felt your smile grow painfully wider. “Y/N, you are so cruel to me,” Fili teased, pulling the ends of your hair and then returning his hand to your scalp to lightly massage your aching head- another permanent sensation you had grown used to on this adventure. His strong and determined hands eased the dull throb for a short while and the relief was so wonderful you let yourself lean against his open hand. 
It was not strange for you and Fili to be close, he was a dwarf who cared deeply for his friends and he was not above pulling each and every one of them close to share hugs, shed tears, and celebrate. You felt some pride, however, recognizing that you had never seen him play with anyone’s hair but yours. It was a treat for you alone and even though it nearly rendered you speechless every time, you were glad for his continued practice of turning you to mush. 
“You know I love you,” You spoke honestly, but the words themselves were innocent enough to Fili’s ears as you had told him this sentiment time and time again without revealing to which depth you loved him. 
“Aye, I know it, gehyith,” He hummed, head leaned back and eyes closed. The low firelight flickered against his throat and you wondered what he would taste like if you placed your lips there. 
“One day I will get Bombur to tell me what insult you have chosen as my nickname,” You giggled, giddy off of his presence. It surely was no help to you when he brought his arm around your shoulder, only to keep his fingers twister in your hair- his hand now cradling your head. 
“One day I will tell you myself,” Fili said with suddenly certainty, his eyes capturing yours with an intensity that made you feel as if you had missed something. 
“One day,” You mimed back, your gaze only parting from his quickly enough to peak at the inviting curve of his mouth. 
It was a promise to yourself, and him, that one day in the future you would tell him that your chest had been empty for months now, your heart having stole away to find a home in the palm of his hand. 
For now, you could not jeopardize the slice of heaven you found yourself in. 
Your future was not promised, yet in his touch, the present seemed to be a gift worth holding onto. 
Gehyith = Little Dove My guide to Khuzdul found----> here
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maybe-your-left · 3 years
I was wondering if you could do a request thing for Dr.Ren where the reader tells him that she’s pregnant with odin? If not, understandable! Love your work!❤️
god yes… i want that so bad.
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TW/CW: yeah it's Dr. Ren you know what you asked for you little slut... what better way to spend your Sunday than by reading smut with our favorite physician? NSFW, Pregnancy smut (unknown by one party), pregnancy reveal Dr. Ren's style, he's not great with feelings we all know this, puking, morning sickness, sex scene at first reader is not into it because she's a little preoccupied, AGE GAP REMEMBER, DR. REN IS 14 YEARS OLDER (I made character my age and Ren AD real age which is the same for all Dr. Ren oneshots) that means that yes, we are still in college (older), angst but into fluff.
remember, PSA don't fuck your doctor I'm like 99% sure it's illegal but don't quote me on it, baby.
also have safe sex okay-with whoever or whatever your partner of choice is.
Here is the link to my Dr. Ren M.D. Masterlist and his multi-chaptered fic that I haven't updated bc I'm terrible! :) Enjoy!
this is pretty linear with the Dr. Ren storyline I have on my blog, but with some smaller changes to make it a little more what I want rn which is angst. Also-i've never been pregnant or anything like that so I'm sorry if my pregnancy sex isn't canon to what your experiences are/were. i just know if I were pregnant with a mans child who was significantly older than me, I'd freak out like reader here.
"Leg up."
You whined, trying to move your right leg up the way Ren desired. Still lodged balls deep inside you, uncomfortably rigid given the pounding you were just taking when he suddenly decided to freeze and play Twister with your limbs.
Ren smacked the side of your thigh, "Come on-up, you're being oddly stiff tonight."
"Because I'm not a fucking blow-up doll," you swore under your breath. Finally, able to bend your leg how he wanted, Ren's hands found your hips once more. Gripping a little too tight, was it always like this?
The pressure of his cock filling you over and over again used to feel good, but given your current state of address. It felt like he was trying to pop a bubble, with the very tip of his penis.
Ren grunted behind you, changing angles once more before admitting defeat. You weren't really in the mood anyway, you'd spent the entire day in the bathroom trying to fight off your motion sickness.
Barely able to scramble yourself together to look somewhat presentable when Ren burst through the door to your shared bedroom. Peppering your sweaty face with kisses, mumbling into your hair how long his day was, how boring his patients were, how he couldn't get the image of you curled up in the comforters out of his head all day.
He had to have you.
So, like his good girl, you rolled on your tummy. Careful to avoid the sore spot beginning to grow-much to your dismay. Ren thought you were extra sensitive, playfully asking if you were fucking yourself while he was away.
Your cunt was so tight, he couldn't believe it!
Ren rolled onto his back, hands still clasped to your waist. You couldn't ask him to move them, even though the tips of his fingers were digging into the exact spot of pillowing skin you wanted him to avoid. You winced a little when he planted his feet into the mattress, lifting you effortlessly in the air.
Your hands scrambled to find purchase on his knees. Digging in and holding onto dear life as he pounded into you. Letting out high-pitched yelps in pain and pleasure as he fucked you, you stared straight forward.
Locking eyes with your blurry reflection in the TV screen, black and mounted on the far wall above the dresser. You could make out Ren's face behind you. Pinched in frustration, you had yet to cum on his cock, even though he had commanded you to do it earlier and you tried your best to fake it.
You rocked your hips backward, trying to meet his demanding thrusts. Pulling a deep moan from his chest at your enthusiasm, "So good, such a good girl."
His head fell back into the pillows, probably admiring the back of your head. A ratty bun concealing your hair from your sweating nape that he lavished earlier, you screwed your eyes shut.
Conjuring images of anything but the problem you were faced with.
When reality would come crashing down on you when Ren found out you were pregnant. Obviously, it was his, but you weren't ready. There were already so many other things happening in your life and you were still young! What if he didn't want a baby? Should you just keep it to yourself?
Maybe you would contact one of your friends, game out a list of pros and cons before involving the sweating beast behind you.
He already had a kid, past that time of his life where he probably wanted more children to take care of. You were practically a child compared to him, with your mood-swings and episodes and demands for food and other things he provided you without question.
What if he said you weren't mature enough for him?
You audibly scoffed, halting Ren's assault that you had apparently blacked out for the duration of.
"What the hell was that?"
He pitched your forward, chest to the remainder of the bedding while your hips were still locked. Bent at an uncomfortable angle that made you want to puke all over again. Ren's hands smacked your sides as he sat up, leaning to your right so you would see him.
"You're being awfully quiet," he studied you, despite the sweat on his brown and black hair in every direction. His eyes were narrowed in suspicion, you wouldn't be able to tell he had spent the better half of an hour trying to fuck your brains out. "It's not like you to be this way, is something wrong?"
You shook your head, pushing yourself up with a silent hiss in pain. Back hitting the hard plains of his chest, knocking the head of his cock to collide with your cervix. The hiss turning into a scream before you launched off his lap into the bathroom.
Slamming the door shut before greeting the porcelain throne once more, vomiting your guts out.
Ren had avoided you like the plague for the rest of the evening, only knocking on the bathroom door once and asking if you needed assistance.
To which you adamantly denied that sent you into another round of tears and puking. It got to the point where all you could do was crawl to the closet and curl up on the floor before falling asleep.
Dreaming of better days, trying to ignore the swimming headache that was threatening to wake up at every toss and turn on the scratchy flooring.
You woke to the feeling of a finger jamming into the hollow of your cheek. Followed by low humming noises that made you feel sick, “Come on, let’s get up.”
“No,” you croaked, attempting to roll away from the probing finger. Only to knock into the back wall of the closet. Whimpering pathetically while you heard footsteps coming and going before a pair of shoes creased behind you.
Opening one eye revealed Rens dimly lit face, only illuminated by the bathroom lights in the distance. He was studying you, mouth pulled in a frown and elbows on his bent knees.
“It’s almost 9, love,” his voice softer than normal, “I made us an appointment with one of my colleagues. But you can’t go covered in sweat and tears.”
“Why,” you took a wet breath, “Why do we have an appointment?”
“Because you’re acting like a child that’s sick, and as a medical professional I can’t let you lay in our closet all day before you choke on your own spit up.”
You sighed, letting out another round of whimpers when Rens hand came to rub your back. Soft circles at the base of your neck, all the way around to the back of your right ear. Rubbing hard with his middle and pointer fingers, releasing a purr of satisfaction.
“Let not be late.”
You stayed quiet throughout the drive, denying Rens offer for coffee. Your stomach was in knots, you weren’t sure where he was taking you but the clock was ticking down before you’d have to confess your pregnancy.
Rens hand stayed in your lap the whole time, until he parked. Confused, you were at the hospital, in his specialized parking space. He rounded the car and took your hand once more, letting you wince from standing up and blinded by the sunlight.
Tugging you along, other practitioners waved and said good morning to him but he was laser focused on wherever you were headed. Keeping you close to his side until the two of you stepped into an office.
The lobby was half empty, a few couples scattered around looking at pamphlets or their phones. Ren ordered you to sit and stay, shoving a water bottle in your hands before he went to the receptionist.
You smacked your lips a few times, taking small sips as you looked around the office. A few of those weird posters about ‘hanging in there’ and ‘planning ahead is the best medicine’.
Ren came back over, taking a seat in an uncomfortably small chair. He had to angle his hips a little to not get stuck, tossing a leaflet in your lap before scribbling away at the check in papers.
You cleared your throat, “Isn’t the appointment for me? Shouldn’t I be filling that out?”
“Well,” he shot you a look, “Not to brag or anything, but I’ve seen your medical records so I do know the answers to these questions. And second, no. This is for both of us.”
“How can it-“
“What are you, like a month-maybe 2 months along?” Ren mumbled to himself, “Your tummy has gotten a little bigger but that could be from other circumstances,” his hand shot out, immediately cupping your lower stomach.
Pressing his fingers a few times while you stared dumbfounded, “What the fuck?”
“Plus, your morning sickness started about a week ago so… Im assuming two months is correct.”
“Kylo,” you started, only for the far door to swing open and a nurse to come out.
“Ren family? We are ready for you.”
You followed along after Rens shadow, tunnel vision closing in as the nurse led the two of you along. This is a joke right? There’s no way-you knew he was a smart man but there’s no way the same man who fucked up with making a grilled cheese one time knew you were pregnant.
You’d been very sneaky about it.
He ushered you into the room, typical doctor style, completely disregarding the nurse trying to do her job. Answering all the questions while you stayed mute on the crinkly paper coating the table.
Rens hand was in your lap, trying to trap your nervous fingers as they played with the fabric of your leggings.
“Miss?” the nurse turned to you.
You blinked slowly, “Yes-sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“She’s been struggling the past week with bouts of sickness,” Ren quickly blurted, earning a glare from both you and the nurse. He cleared his throat, “Love, she asked if you knew how far along you were?”
“Uh,” you smacked your lips, truthfully. You’d taken a test a few days ago. Letting it stew while you wrestled with the obvious symptoms your body was giving off. Just waiting it out to see if it was a false positive.
“That’s alright-we can get you all dressed down and see how far along you are if you’re comfortable with that.”
You nodded, watching as she left after trying to instruct you on the gowns before Ren waved her off.
She was out of her league, Ren was probably two steps away from doing the exam himself. He stood swiftly, wedging his hips between your knees and cupping your face in his hands.
“Are you alright?”
You blinked, staring ahead at his chest.
He huffed, moving his thumb to rub against your bottom lip a few times before he spoke. “It’s going to be okay, whatever you want to do I’m okay with. I just can’t have you being sick all day without talking to me.”
“How long have you known?”
Ren chuckled a little, “Love, you left pregnancy test sticks in the garage garbage can. I saw them the other evening when I was… not smoking.”
“Why are you smoking out there again?”
“I don’t want to give our baby secondhand smoke!”
You glared, “What do you want to do?”
“Well,” he pressed a kiss to your temple, “First, I’d like to help you get undressed so I can kiss your belly a few times. Then, once we leave we can look at new houses that have enough rooms for our baby and Belle. And finally,” Ren pulled your face up so you were eye to eye. A small smile gracing his ever full lips before he whispered against yours,
“I’m going to take you home, and fuck you nice and soft until you’re even more full of my cum.”
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads​​​ @onlykyloscenes​​​ @candycanes19​​​ @historyandfandoms50​​​ @caelum-phyriina-vermillon​​​ @ghoulian13​​​ @mrs-kylo-ren​​​ @millenialcatlady​​​​ @relationshipwithmybed​​ @dancingmicrobes​​​ @wayward-rose​​​ @contesa-lui-alucard​​​ @daydreamsofren​​​ @insufferablelust​​​ @ohdamnadamm​​​ @mariesackler​​​ @caillea​​ @safarigirlsp @jalexunderthestars​​​ @shesakillerkween​​​ ​​ @zimmermansbrat​​ @not-the-teen-witch​​ @jynzandtonic​ @roanniom​ @celestiasin @glassbxttless @cornmousequeen @driversmutbucket @fathersonandhouseofgucci @reyloaddict55 @emeritusemeritus us @livi-s @eagerforhoney @xxgarden
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vizowrites · 3 years
My BlitzStrike Twins: Headcanons and Shenanigans~ [probably with a bit of my M&M kids thrown in just for fun]
So today I got a couple of fantastic asks about Blitz and Striker as parents, and since there seemed to be a pretty positive response to them--and because @helluva-simp​ is amazing and encouraged me to be brave enough to write this up--I thought I’d go ahead and make a full post of my headcanons for these two little devils.  I really do love the hell out of them and hope you guys enjoy hearing about them too!!  <3 <3
Twist’s and Ty’s full names are Twister and Typhoon but literally nobody calls them by their full names ever so they like to make the joke of “the ‘-er’ and the ‘-phoon’ are silent”
Ty is actually the older of the two [though not by much] but everyone thinks that Twist is because his name is always called first.  It’s always “Twist and Ty” [or just collectively “Twist-Ty”] instead of “Ty and Twist”.  Ty honestly doesn’t mind that much as far as following after his brother goes, just don’t make the mistake of trying to label him as the younger of the two.  There are a lot of things Ty’s perfectly content to let Twist take the lead in, but having the title of “the older twin” is just going too far.
Twist and Ty are mirror twins, meaning that they’re mostly identical except for a few key things: 1. Twist is left handed and Ty is right handed, 2. they both have heterochromia but Twist’s eyes are Left: Red | Right: Green-Gold whereas Ty’s eyes are Left: Green-Gold | Right: Red, 3. Twist has a birthmark on his right hand and Ty has his birthmark on his left hand--and yes when you put the two marks together, they form a design not unlike the heart shaped one on Blitz’s forehead :) 
Both of the twins are incredibly agile, but Twist is faster and Ty is more flexible
Striker affectionately calls Twist “Whirlwind” because of said fastness
Blitz affectionately calls Ty “Noodle” because of said flexibility
.....Though it should be noted that it’s not all fun and games because Twist is CONSTANTLY crashing into things or tripping over his own two feet from going too fast, and Ty is so flexible that he’s able to contort himself into positions that honestly make both of his parents throw up a little in their mouths with the split-second panic of “OH GOD OUR BABY WAS BORN WITHOUT BONES!!”  DX DX  They’re both usually just fine tho!!  :D
As noted in an earlier post--but I want to say it here too--Twist’s first word was “Bang!” and Ty’s first word was “Fuck!”  Twist was the first one to talk, though, and it made Striker and Blitz second guess the context of his first word by the time Ty said his. XD
Another thing that was noted in another post but I want to put it here too is that Twist and Ty have incredibly high self esteem and both Striker and Blitz wouldn’t have it any other way
Twist is dyslexic and so gets easily frustrated when he has to read a book, but he love love LOVES the hell out of stories.....and so Ty is almost constantly making up random stories to tell him
This actually also works out well in Ty’s favor because Ty’s attention span is about as short as Blitz’s patience and he has a lot more fun telling stories than he does sitting still long enough to read the ones that other people made up unless it’s a book about something he’s reeeeeeally interested in
It’s also made Ty hella good at bullshitting on the fly, which I think most of the older/adult members of his family wish he was a lot less convincing at
Twist knows how to lie and is a natural at acting, but his flair for the over-dramatics tends to give him a way a lot easier than his twin
They both have what I’m calling a “hierarchy of obedience” within their family which really translates into a range of “eh I can think about maybe listening to this person sometimes” to “oh SHIT I need to listen to this person 5 fucking minutes ago”.  For Twist, his hierarchy of obedience is: Millie --> Blitz --> Striker --> Loona --> Moxxie.  For Ty, his hierarchy of obedience is: Loona --> Millie --> Blitz --> Striker.....and Moxxie doesn’t even make the list for him because honestly I’m pretty sure Ty just naturally tunes him out most of the time and not even fully on purpose.  As he puts it: “You just have one of those voices”. XD
Ty can sleep literally anywhere and on anything.  I’m pretty sure there have been mornings where Blitz and Striker have to play the game of 'Where the hell is my kid??' because they THOUGHT that he went to sleep in his bed like their other child did but NOPE they go into their room in the morning to get them out of bed and are just like, “.....Twist where the hell is your brother??” and Twist just gives an innocent shrug and says, “I don’t know--probably on the roof or something.” u3u and goes out into the kitchen to make himself breakfast--and then two seconds later Blitz and Striker hear him calling out “NEVER MIND!  HE’S IN THE OVEN!!” and that starts off a whole new kind of panic because they know damn well that Twist’s favorite thing to have for breakfast is cinnamon rolls XD
Twist’s laughter is infectious--this really cute witch-like cackling that just bubbles out of him in the most adorably genuine way when he’s that delighted about someting
Ty does this adorable thing where--when he sticks his tongue out at someone--he flicks it in a very snake-like fashion and even gives the tiniest of hisses in lieu of a raspberry when he does it
Ty also manages to twist himself into the most uncomfortable-looking positions when he sleeps but rest assured, he’s never been more comfy
Twist’s tail never stays still.  It is constaintly flicking to and fro, back and forth, swishing and swirling like a cat’s tail, and he loves flicking it in front of people’s faces to get their attention
Twist in general doesn’t really stay still very often but the one time he did was when Ty broke his arm--and then he spent almost every moment of the day and night plastered to his side because he knew it was driving Ty crazy not being as mobile as he usually is while having to wear a cast
The twins really don’t ever go that far apart from each other.  If you look and only see the one, you can rest assured that the other one is around somewhere nearby and it’s probably not a good sign for you if you can only see the one.
Ty is much more of a biter when it comes to self-defense and Twist always goes straight to using his claws
Twist is the outwardly more protective twin and is vicious with his words when defending his brother.  He will force every last ounce of moisture out of your body from how hard he makes you cry.
Ty, on the other hand, will fuck you up hard physically if you try to hurt his twin--and Lucifer himself would not be able to save you if you actually do hurt his twin
As they get older, and their sexualities and gender develop and grow, Twist would discover that he’s a nonbinary he/they homosexual panromantic and Ty would discover that he’s a genderfluid he/she pansexual homoromantic
The above being said, both Twist and Ty wholeheartedly say “fuck you and your gender norms” from a very young age and well into their teenage and adult years, with Twist enjoying painting his nails and Ty carrying all of his stuff around in a purse--and they both have a preference for wearing high heeled shoes [Ty because he just likes being tall in general and Twist because he likes being specifically taller than his parents because it drives them crazy XD]
Twist and Ty’s best friend is “Missi” [Moxxie and Millie’s eldest daughter, Missile] and she’s honestly an absolute hero for putting up with as many of their shenanigans as she does
Whenever they go out on family outings, Twist is that kid who just NEVER wants to leave--and so Blitz usually, after spending ten minutes of trying to get him in the damn van and Striker even using his Dad Tone (TM) and that not working, will just be like, “Alright kiddo, I tried playing nice.  You asked for this.”  And he puts his fingers to his mouth and whistles with a, “Loona Sweetie?  Fetch.” >3 And Loona gets the BIGGEST grin on her face and Twist gets the biggest “oh shit I’m so fucking screwed” look on his face and Ty--who’s honestly probably very awkwardly coiled up in Striker’s arms because after a long day of family fun he’s tired af and decided that he doesn’t want to use his limbs anymore--just kind of looks over at his twin and says, “I believe in you, but also maybe try to run faster than last time” u3u
I think that they would both love their Auntie Barbie a lot and she would have soooooooo much fun teaching them different circus tricks--especially how to yeet each other back and forth on the trapeze XD
I also think that their Auntie Barbie would really love just how close they are.....and probably inspire her to make up for lost time in her relationship with her own twin too
For some reason I can’t shake the thought of the twins being great at acapella and I have no idea why but I’m also ttly here for it XD
In school, I feel like Twist’s favorite class would be Art [he loves to paint and happily makes all kinds of messes with his “expressing creativity”] and Ty’s favorite class would be P.E./Gym [because he loves testing the limits of his physical body]
Family game nights are always fun in their household because usually what happens is Twist and Ty team up against Blitz and Striker, and while they’re in the middle of duking it out, Loona ends up getting a monopoly on every street and is just like, “Pay up fuckers.” u3u
Moxxie and Millie both love and hate babysitting for the twins because on the one hand, they love them to pieces and love seeing how well they get along with their three kids, but on the other hand.....the twins keep finding Millie’s strap on and putting it on their middle child [Mark]’s head and calling him a “cockicorn” XD
Ty’s favorite food is ramen noodles and Twist spent three weeks [and probably set their kitchen on fire at least twice] learning how to make them with JUST the right flavor profile that he knows his brother likes the best
While I think both of the twins know that they can talk to their dads about anything, I think that they still keep their most personal thoughts reserved only to themselves and each other
Twist’s favorite type of weaponry tends to be more of the flashy ‘sharp and pointy’ kind whereas Ty’s favorite type of weaponry tends to be more of the aggressive ‘point and shoot’ kind.  However I honestly kind of think that in terms of what they’d use themselves in the field, Twist’s primary weapon of choice would be a whip [though he would definitely have some throwing knives and handheld revolvers in his back pocket too] and Ty’s primary weapon of choice is honestly poisons.  Assume that everything this kid has that he throws at you--be it a knife or a bullet or even a fucking cannonball--is poisoned somehow.
They both definitely play wrestle like Blitz and Barbie did as kids.....and just like Blitz and Barbie, they also get their horns tangled together more than once and need to have someone come rescue them.  There’s almost always a photo taken that gets posted to Voxtigram first tho. XD  
There are plenty more headcanons where this came from but I feel like this is already waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too fucking long so I’m going to go ahead and stop here for tonight!!  If you guys are interested in hearing more about these two, please please please feel free to let me know and I’d be happy to write up a Part 2 to this, or just overall write up a quick little oneshot with them in it, or if you want to send me specific questions about them that I can answer, feel free to do so!!  Thanks so much again and I hope you guys have as much fun reading these as I did writing them up!! <3 <3
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anothersadsimp · 4 years
Dan Torrance x Reader
Words: 1398
Note: This is probably one of the fluffiest things I’ve ever written
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It's no secret that you were a bit ditsy and misplaced things constantly. Everyone who has gotten to know you found that out one way or another. Whether you misplaced your keys in your bag, or if you left your glasses at home. You were always missing something, even if you didn’t know it yet.
When you first met Dan Torrance he could immediately feel the slight chaotic energy you gave off. It was a surprise to him that you were good friends with Billy, especially since Billy seemed so put together. You were all working in Teeny Town when you went to grab something from your bag. You groaned loudly, not able to find what you were looking for.
“What's wrong?” asked Billy.
“I can’t find my chapstick.” You sighed, still rummaging around your bag.
“Check the little pocket on the left.” Dan offers.
You’re brows furrow, “I never put it there, why?”
“Just a feeling.” He answers.
You turn your bag to check the pocket, and sure enough your chapstick is in there. You look back up at Dan, surprise written across your face.
You look up at him, eyebrows furrowed “H-how?”
“Just a lucky guess.” He nervously chuckles.
You wave it off, still confused but continue to do what you were first doing.
A few months into your friendship you find out about his “abilities”. You were able to connect the dots with some past experiences with him after finding out. You were able to help him cope with a lot of what he was, and has gone through with the shining. He in turn was not only a good friend, but the ultimate finder of lost things.
He didn’t realize how much of a clutz you are with your things until you started dating. You would always be missing one little thing or another. He found it endearing whenever you would go up to him asking if he knew where it was. He was the first person you would go to when something was wrong, big or small. He loved that; he loved feeling needed.
He found it cute when you lost your glasses. You would squint at the slight change of your vision, frustrated at yourself for not putting them where they usually go. He loved seeing your face scrunch as you look around, smiling in adoration. He gets up and walks to the bathroom and opens the drawer to find your glasses in there. He grabs them and makes his way over towards you.
“Honey.” He catches his attention.
You turn towards him looking at his hazy figure. He opens up your glasses and slides them onto your face, kissing your nose in the process. Your eyes close at the intimate contact, and when you open them you see him smiling at you.
“You’re adorable.”
“Stop.” You shy away from him.
He chases you lips and kisses you one more time. You smile into it, holding the back of his neck to keep him close.
The next time you lose your sweater that Dan had gifted you for your birthday one year. Dan had come to pick you up for an evening out. When he opened the door he saw how you looked almost hectic.
“What’s wrong?” He asks as he walks in.
“Remember that sweater you gave me?” You question while looking under couch cushions, and under furniture.
“Of course what about it?”
“I can’t find it. I wanted to wear it and I can’t find it.” You explain.
He chuckles at how sad you are over a sweater. “Love,” he tries to get your attention but fails. He goes to grab your arms and turn you towards him. “Love, you left it at my place. I meant to bring it but I forgot.” He chuckles.
You look up at him, eyes a little glossy from the panic you felt. “I did?”
“Yes, it was hidden under the chair cushion. Love, it’s just a sweater no need to get upset about it.” He goes to hug you, and you bury your head into his chest.
“I know, but you gave it to me. It’s the thing I snuggle into, it’s special” You mumble into him.
He chuckles a little more before pressing a kiss to the top of your head, and sways you. You ended up ordering delivery that night, as he let you snuggle into him.
Danny had a surprise for you. He had told you to get dressed to accompany him on a stroll in the little town garden full of blossoming flowers. You got picked out a little sundress with your favorite type of flower printed onto it like polka dots. When you opened the door his breath was stolen for a moment. He looked at you and how the dress cut off at your soft thighs, and how the neckline was just low enough to tease him.
“Y-you look beautiful.” He stutters.
You smile bashfully, a blush forming on your cheeks as you look down. “Thanks, I see you dressed for the occasion as well.”
You reach up on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek; His smile is wide, and as bright as the sun. He grabs your hand and pulls you out of your apartment, swinging your joined hands. You quickly lock the door and continue walking with a big smile plastered on your face.
The air is warm outside, the sun making everything glow with life. There was a gentle breeze blowing, making it a perfect day. Birds were singing, and some children were laughing while running around in Teeny Town. You and Dan walked side by side, hands swinging as you talked about anything and everything. The smiles on your faces never ceased and It brought a whole new feeling of warmth.
When you reach the small town garden, flowers in all types of shapes and colors swayed in the breeze. They filled the air with a sweet, earthy aroma. Dan couldn't keep his eyes off of you as you walked around, talking about whatever was on your mind. You had stopped at one of the biggest flower beds, and turned to him noticing he was quiet.
“Dan, are you ok?” You ask sweetly.
His smile widdens, “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just, you left this at my place the other night.”
You look at him, brows furrowed as he reaches in his front pocket. He pulls out a dainty ring with a small diamond on it. He’s staring at your face, a hint of a smile as he presents it.
“Danny, thats not- thats not mine.” You try to tell him, anxiety bubbling in you.
He chuckles breathily and starts to kneel down on one knee, still holding your hand lightly. Your eyes start to feel watery and your hands fly to your mouth in disbelief, hiding your shock.
“(Y/n) you, you have been one of the best things that's happened to me. My biggest supporter, my best friend and I- I wish I could do more to show you how much you mean to me. I don’t know what happened in life that led me to you, but I’m damn grateful for whatever it was. Could you? Will you marry me?”
You let out a small sob into your hand at his words, feeling unbelievably loved. You start nodding your head not trusting your voice yet.
“Yes?” He breathily asks, a smile wide on his face.
The second he hears you say it he stands and pulls you close into a tight hug. You hold onto him as if you're about to be blown away by a twister, and bury your head into him. He pulls back before pressing a bruising kiss to your lips. He can’t help but smile into the kiss, making you follow suit.
He pulls back again to take your left hand to slide the ring onto your finger. Your right hand covers your mouth again as you watch him slide the band on. Once it was on he looked back at your face, eyes brimming with tears. He pulls your face up and leans down to press a soft, loving kiss to your lips.
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girlofmanyfandoms · 4 years
keefex, romantic or platonic
I have no idea if this was what you were looking for, but:
Ok, so it really begins when one day, Fitz is busy studying for midterms
And Keefe has photographic memory, so he’s like “Yeah, pass”
So obviously Soph is busy studying as well, and those are his two go-to’s
So he decides to check on Dex, since they haven’t chatted in a while
He gets very excited at this idea, but he doesn’t know w h y
And his father wouldn’t approve of him having to go through Mysterium, so that’s a plus
So he knocks on the door and finds that it’s open
And it’s just utter chaos
There’s the sound of flames, bubbling, and then a mini explosion
Kesler and Dex emerge from the back room covered in some bubbling purple substance
With eye protection ofc, but their hair and clothes are a mess
Bex slides down the swirly railing squealing, Lex and Rex running after her
They knock down a vase, and Juline sighs as she sweeps up the remains
She looks up to see Keefe and flushes with embarrassment
*cue her scolding Kesler and Dex and telling them to clean themselves up*
They laugh at this, but oblige
Juline then asks if he came there for elixirs
He says no, that he wanted to hang out with Dex and maybe study for midterms
She tells him to wait in Dex’s room so he can clean up, then offers to makes snacks, which he accepts
(She then runs after the triplets to distract them with snow people, but we don’t talk about that)
So Keefe is chilling in Dex’s room when something shiny catches his eye
It’s a gold box, resting on a shelf
And your boy’s impulsivity kicks in, he H A S to know what’s up with this box
So he gets up to look at it, and that’s when he finally takes a moment to see just how many inventions Dex had created
There’s a few crates on the floor below the shelves of just blueprints and sketches for different prototypes
He starts sifting through them when Dex comes into the room
“What are you doing?”
*panics* “What are YOU doing?”
Keefe then realizes part of Dex’s hair is dyed purple from whatever substance exploded
“hA, you’re a grape”
*eye rolling* “Hilarious”
Keefe tells him that he should approach the Council with some of his inventions, or at the very least, Lady Iskra
Dex winces, and reminds him of how the ability restrictor went
“This is different,” Keefe insists. “The least you can do is tell your Technopathy mentor.”
Dex says some stuff that reveals his self-doubt, feelings of not having a purpose, shame, loneliness, etc.
And Keefe is like ??? Not a vibe
So he hugs Dex tightly and tells him how much he means to him
Dex squeaks and blushes a bit
He then has a moment of “why am I blushing, this is just my friend being supportive. Right?”
Keefe realizes he’s been holding onto him for a while and slowly pulls away
To change the subject, he makes Dex show him each and every blueprint and machine he’s made
This easily goes into the evening, and Keefe decides he’ll sleep over
He helps Dex narrow it down to 10 inventions that he’ll show Lady Iskra next class
Dex then asks if he wants to study for midterms
To which Keefe responds with “No studying, we die like warriors!”
And Dex is already pretty much set, so he suggests they play a human game, any game that Sophie got for him
Keefe searches through the box of games and his eyes land on Twister
He skims the description and is dead set on playing it
He shoves it in Dex’s face
And Dex, having the knowledge of the types of tension that can arise refuses profusely, turning very red
“Are you a tomato or a grape? You have to choose.”
Dex blushes even more, and pushes the game away
“No,” Dex repeats.
“C’mon Dexinator. Please?”
Dex chances a glance at his friend, who is making puppy eyes, and his heart melts
The only thing going through his head is ‘Why is he so cute?’
Dex shakes his head violently, he’s not supposed to think like that. This is his FRIEND. Nothing more
But Keefe has moved closer, bringing his pleas and pouts with him
Dex realizes how close they are and time kinda slows
His brain feels like mush and he gets butterflies in his stomach
He has this moment where he realizes “this is the same thing I thought I felt for Sophie”
And so he gets really confused with his labels. Was he gay, but misplacing his feelings? Was he bi? Was he pan?
Keefe gave no time for him to think about this, and using his height to his advantage, draped himself over Dex
“Come oooonnnn, let’s play Twisterrrrrr”
Dex shoves him off playfully. If this is how he feels, he might as well spare his poor heart another panic attack from their proximity
“Fine, one round.”
“YES! Point for the Keefester!”
So they set up the mat in the room and take turns spinning the wheel
Keefe always takes the spot farthest from him, just to create a challenge
5 minutes in and Keefe is in a bridge position
A few moves later and Dex is in a push-up position directly over him
Keefe is now experiencing peak *gay panic*
So to attempt to break the tension, he says, “Gonna give me twenty?”
“Twenty kisses”
Dex did NOT mean to say that out loud and internally curses himself
“Well, I guess we better start right away”
Dex hesitates, but moves closer
And then there’s a knock on the door
Keefe scrambles out from under him, kicks the Twister mat under the bed, and rests against the wall casually in time for Juline to enter
“I made rifflepuffs!”
“Thanks, mom, can you leave them on the nightstand?”
She does, and once she leaves, Dex makes sure to lock the door
He facepalms before dropping face first onto his bed and letting out a scream into his pillow
Keefe gets up and sits next to him, rubbing his back
“I can sleep on the couch downstairs if you want.”
“No, you can sleep with me”
Realizing what that implied, Dex leaped up and corrected himself
“I meant in the same bed! Like next to each other, sleeping!”
Keefe assures him that he knew what he meant, laughing
“How does Saturday at 6 work for you? The bakery in Atlantis?”
Dex is confused. Keefe actually likes him, too?
“It’s a date”
They continue to hang out, but they recline on each other more casually, trying to see what the other person was comfortable with
Soon enough, it’s dark out, and they pull the covers over themselves
“You know about those twenty kisses...”
Imma do the platonic ones in a bit, my creativity returns from vacation soon
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malfoysdarkprincess · 4 years
Power of the Darkness ⇝ i.
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Summary: Before the galactic domination of the First Order, we follow a young Y/N and Ben Solo through their creation as the new found Lord and Lady of the Galactic Empire under the reign of Supreme Leader Snoke. Both are Jedi’s gone dark, making you both extremely powerful and feared by every civilization in the galaxy. Will the first order come out on top or will the new found hero Rey and the resistance destroy and last remainder of the dark side? Pairing: Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x Reader Word Count: 1.6k A/n: Hey guys! I’ve been working on this for a week now and i finally decided today that i would share it with you all and drop some peeks at the new fic. I’m also gonna make Y/N, Kylo, Rey, Finn etc. close in age, it will still all flow and make sense :) Anyway, enjoy and if you lie it Like and Re post so I know that this series is worth continuing <3
I don’t remember much of my parents. I was always told they sold me to Maz Kanata to help out in Takodana but I knew it was something more than that. Either way, I always resented them for leaving me there. As I got older, it became clear I was a force-sensitive and was increasingly getting stronger. Maz had sent me away to train with Master Luke Skywalker and several other children as well. That’s where I met him, Ben Solo.
“Benjamin, I swear to the stars, if you don’t get up right now to train- I will suffocate you with your own pillow,” Y/N had threatened the young boy with Raven Hair. She received a grunt in response from him which caused to frown. She picked up the pillow that was on the floor and nearly hit him in the head with it but, he caught her wrist and pinned her on the bed.
“You are easily, the most annoying person I know,” his groggy voice filled her ears. She sent a big, toothy grin his way. He dipped his head, their lips catching on one another’s. Y/N started to giggle, and Ben looked at her with an eyebrow raised.
“Morning Breath,” Y/N stuck her tongue out, eyes scrunched close. Ben grabbed the pillow that Y/N let go of and thumped her right in the face.
They were too in sync. They knew each other’s moves, even before they were to do them. Luke Skywalker had been watching them, he knew they were connected in ways more than one. He knew of their secret relationship; he knew the force connected them as one. It was a power that frightened him because he sensed the bubbling darkness in both his pupils.
“If I say anything, I might cause bigger problems than what we already have R2,” Luke quietly explained to the droid. R2D2 began to whir back and shake slightly. Luke sighed and continued to stare at his pupils, “You’re right, I need to talk to Leia.”
The two pupils continued to fight, oblivious to their master’s gaze. They stopped sparring and practiced moves together. Y/N could not get the sand twister which resulting in Ben nicking her arms every time. The pain was searing, but she knew the pain was a reminder that she was failing. Ben apologized every time he got her, and Y/N would just shake her head.
She finally got it after being burnt at least twenty times, her arm already began to swelter with blisters. “Maybe if you were better you wouldn’t have been burnt that many times,” Ben joked, stuffing his saber into this holder.
“Maybe if you weren’t such an asshole you could’ve missed my arm instead of getting it” Y/N retorted, kicking the dirt as she spoke. “I’m going to go to the infirmary, my arm kinda-”
“I’ll come with you Y/-”
“-It’s okay Ben, you go clean up, I’ll meet you at your hut after, I promise,” Y/N had smiled at him and whiskfully spun on her heel and headed toward the infirmary. She felt Ben stare at her up until the doors shut behind her in one of the temples. Her head suddenly began to hurt, as if something was prying her mind apart. That’s when she heard the voice.
Hello Child.
She froze, no one was in sight and it was a voice unfamiliar to her. Her confusion was amusing to the mysterious voice.
Oh child, I am no where in sight for you. I sense your strong power. Power that shouldn’t abide to such harsh laws that the Jedi Order enforces.
“Who are you? What do you want?” she whispered, her voice shaking as she spoke. The voice didn’t respond straight away but when it did, it sent shivers down her spine.
You will know soon enough. You’ll make the right decision.
She froze. Her breathing picked up the pace. Who the hell was that?
Ben laid in his hut shirtless as he cleaned his saber of dirt and grime. He was in a conflict, Supreme Leader Snoke of the first order has been enticing him of large promises within the first order. He promised great power to Ben, but he knew that would not suffice to lure him to the dark side. Snoke wanted Y/N too but he wouldn’t tell Ben why, all he would say is they both hold great power. Of course, Snoke seduced him with that thought that Ben and Y/N would be fine to openly love another if they joined the first order. Ben didn’t know what to do.
Thump. Ben jumped at the noise and heard a groan of pain. He went over to his hut door and opened it to reveal Y/N holding her head and her right arm covered in bandages. “Sorry love, my door was locked” he informed.
“Really? Didn’t realise,” Y/N grunted and pushed past him. Something was up with her and he could tell. She sat down on his bed and took in the site of the shirtless boy. He caught her staring and she only just winked back; heat creeped its way up to his cheeks. “My cuts are fine by the way. Nurse Meera just said I need to clean them, and they’ll heal fine. You only got me 12 times though,” She smiled. Ben notice her fingers fidgeting.
“What’s wrong? You’re fidgeting...” Ben trailed off, his eyes watching her every move. She went to open her mouth to say something, but they heard Master Luke announce outside the huts than supper was served. Y/N hopped off the bed and opened that door.
“Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine Ben,” and she walked out heading toward the hall. Ben stood still then chose to catch up with her. “I really am fine. I think I’m just tired and hungry.” Ben hummed in acknowledgment. He knew something was up but he wouldn’t push it out of her. Dinner went by in a blur, Y/N and Ben kept to themselves and didn’t like most of the kids there as majority of them came form wealthy upbringings. Once dinner was done, nightly training would commence. Luke would pair the training jedi’s up to see their improvements and how the adapt to a different fighter each time.
Y/N was picked to fight against Yasmina and as they battled, the voice reappeared.
Yes. You possess a great technique which renders you merely impossible to beat. Yet, you fight like a Jedi. Fight how your blood wants to fight
Y/N shook her head and was almost sliced on the leg. Yasmina smirked and spun and went to slice, but Y/N smacked her saber that hard it flew out of Yasmina’s hand and into her own. Y/N than began to attack Yasmina has she was defenseless.
Yes, my child, destroy her. Complete the Blazing Supernova.
Y/N’s mind didn’t understand what the voice meant but her body did. She felt her body twist and the sabers began to swirl. She almost sliced Yasmina up, but Master Luke had jumped in and had turned off the sabers whilst using the force and pulled them out of her hands and straight into his own. Y/N blinked a few times, slowly realizing what she just did.
You have done well my child.
“What the hell were you thinking. That wasn’t how a Jedi fights you almost killed a fellow pupil doing that. What was that Y/N,” Master Luke had bellowed at her, but in his eyes wasn’t anger… it was fear? Y/N stood still and tried to speak but she couldn’t find the words. “You have lost you supper privileges for two days. You are restricted to your hut, now go!” he continued to bellow. All eyes were on her, all were stifling laughs at her embarrassment from Master Luke, but Ben stared at her in sorrow.
“Who are you… please just tell me who you are” Y/N whimpered her head was being split into two.
I am Supreme Leader Snoke of the First Order. You have proven yourself worthy girl.
Her eyebrows furrowed. The first order? What could they want from a nobody like me?
You aren’t a nobody. Close your eyes and I’ll let your Master Luke Skywalker show you.
Luke was there, talking to Leia through a holographic communication device. They were both worried and fearful. Y/N was confused she was right next to Luke, but no one noticed her.
Focus and Listen.
And that’s what Y/N did.
“Luke, I think you’re overthinking this. She might not have been thinking. She always trains with Ben and we both know they’re the best you’re training. Maybe she thought-”
“No Leia, we both know Snoke has seduced them. They both are losing sight of the light within the force and are spiralling towards the dark side.”
“Luke, they’re only teenagers. We can’t make assumptions on what they’ve done and who they are”
Y/N’s ears perked. Who they are? Her heart hammered in her chest as Luke began to speak.
“Leia, he has Skywalker blood. The same blood that flowed through you, me and our father. He is powerful and he knows it. So does Snoke.”
Y/N realised that the reason why Ben had begun to lock his door was the same reason as she nearly killed Yasmina. Snoke had been talking to him too.
Yes, my girl, Ben has already made up his mind. I will promise you both great power and the freedom to love one another. No time to be restricted to the Jedi Code.
Leia sighed, yet Luke continued, “And its clear as to why Snoke would now want Y/N”.
Y/N was confused. Then Luke said it and her blood ran cold.
“He would only want her because she’s a Palpatine.”
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pmiller1 · 3 years
What If Neku Sakuraba Was In Smash
I have been watching BrawlFan1, Whom made video of what he (and other) if some character was in Super Smash Brother. Talking about Move Set what they would use in Smash. And wild they there some character may not be in Smash or less likly, it is fun to come up with what they move and skill would be in Smash. And for me, being Inspired by his work. I will give my own idea for Neku Sakuraba.
A anti social teenage who have got himself into a Game known as the Reaper Game, take to clear the mission in set of team they would face eraser. And with that he have the power of psychs come from each set of pins he have been given by him and the help of his partners who is the only mean to help him clear the mission and get out of this Reaper.
Neku is a well written Character who was able to open up and become a batter person in the ends, no thank to his Partners who beside one became part of his new friends. Now he facing into another Game known as Super Smash Brother. Using his psychs to make a good match for any enemy and helping his allie.
Neku would be a Light wirght class with Two Jump and Wall Jump (thank to flowmotion in KHDDD).
The A Attack.
Let get right of the bat, Neku move are all from his Pins. And in the game he can only up to Six Pins. It wouldn’t really be fair to have Neku only have Six Pins for any attack, so he will have more then Six Pins.
And starting with his Jab, witch will be 1st ever posited element attack, Shockwave, He will slase with one hand, then slace with his other hand then he down slase with his 1st hand with Stellar Flurry pin, that rapidly stab.
His Dash Attack will be using a Velocity Attack Pins, Making a Velocity speed, crashing his body in a blear.
His Side Tilt. He be using his Lance Lunge pin, dealing lance like attack with a high knockback
His Up Tilt will be using his Vulcan Uppercut pin, that as the name said, deal a uppercut attack, this will also give a higher jump in the end, but will end in a freefall.
His Down Tilt will be using one of the Earthquake Pin, facing Neku will have a small shockwave that deal little damage, but will trip opponent.
As for Side Smash, Neku will be using a Massive Hit pin, where he charged up, as Neku to jump slightly forward and swing a large blade.
His Up Smash, Will be using a Piercing Pillar pin, the slash one, Where he a ice pillar shot up wear from Neku, deal ice damage, freezing opponent on contact.
His Down Smash, It will be from his Street Jam pin. As two speaker appear when charged beside Neku facing away from him that deal a sound blasé, deal damage and could knockback opponent,
His Neutral Aerial, He using one of his Pin that use Discharge, As Neku deal electric damage, stunting opponent.
Forward Aerial, He will be using on of starter pin that he get in his 2nd day, Force Rounds, As Neku will fire a Projectiles of Force Rounds, on the angel of where it was tilt, being upper side or down wear side just to the side of him.
His Back Aerial, He will one of Apport Pin, where Neku would have a rock throw behind him that would spick opponent if they was hit bellowed the rock.
His Up Aerial, He'll use a Twister pin, that make a whirlwinds on top of Neku, that deal small multi hit damage that also push opponent up wear.
His Down Aerial will be one from Grave Marker pin, where he does inter fall damage to any that come into contact and a small shockwave when he landed.
The Grabs.
Grabs have long range grab thank to his Pyrokinesis pin, witch he use to keep opponent on hold with his Pyrokinesis.
The Pummel, he will use one of the Holy Light pin, where he deal a small light damage.
His Forward Throw, will push the opponent, knocking back, as if he use Slash version of Pyrokinesis .
His Back Throw, will use the Drag version of Pyrokinesis. where he Drag the opponent, throwing them behind him.
His Up Throw, He use one of the Explosion pin, As it deal explosion damage under the opponent sending them up wear.
And his Down Throw, he will use the Touch version of Pyrokinesis. Sending in the air and throwing them down to the ground that deal damage, if this was on the edge, it will make then go down until of land on a ground or the blasé zone.
The B Attacks.
His Neutral Special, he will use the very 1st pin he have use, Pyrokinesis, with this he will make a trial of fire that you can move with a cursor, the fire will fleam up that deal fire damage. However this leave Neku vulnerable and last for 3s and can't use it for 5s. If Neku in the Air in this Attack. He will use Splash Core instead, That make a Bubble of Water in fount of him that deal damage of a opponent made contact it, that bust it.
His Side Special, well it will be a charge attack as he use Thunderbolt when Uncharged, fire a thunder, locking to a opponent close to him, any opponent beside them will also be locked on, deal a chain attack with each chain deal less damage then he main one. If you release the move when charging, he will use one of Lightning Arrester pin. That make a Neku fire a Lightning bolt direction to wear witch direction of the left anglog with a small arrow slowing where he will fire at. He deal multi hit electric damage. But full charged, he will use Lightning Bolt pin. Where a longing bolt of lightning from blasé zone, pass Neku by the direction of the left anglog again. Like with Lightning Arrester it will deal multi hit electric damage.
His Up Special. He'll use one of the Teleport pin. Witch he Teleport. Yeah. I think you know how that work.
His Down Special... Well here the thing, Neku wouldn't be able to use anything of his pins, if he haven't partnered up with another Player, forming a Pack that bond him and his partnered, he be helpless alone, in fact, he need to Partnered to Survived the Reaper Game, it why he become a better person, he had his partnered, having no other option to work with there partnered, needing to trust his partnered to win the games. And sure, he in Smash for this, not the Reaper Game, He can play his Solo. But really, if he gonna win Smash, He gonna need his Partnered.
The Gimmicks.
That right, he wouldn't be alone, as Shiki, Joshua and Beat will also be joining Smash too. And really, if Neku gonna be in Smash, his Partners have to join too, Being then own fighter in there right. That the point of the game, is having that partnership, Neku became a better person thank to them. Truth you Partners and will take that partnership to the fullest.
For this, His Down Special, He will use a Smash Remix of the Partner Pins. As using will summon Shiki, his 1st partner along with with his stuff pig... I mean cat adding her with Neku, she'll and the rest of Neku's Partners will be a semi-controlled player, like with 2nd Ice Climbers. When Neku attack, she will attack, if Neku use a Special, she will use her own, she move with him.
Down Special, will switch with his Next Partner, Joshua, then Beat and back to Shiki. However, they will have a cooldown when you switch out and would be able to resummons them for a 10s.
However, they is a flaw, as whatever deal damage to his partner, Neku will take that damage, if they hit the blasé zone, Neku will lose a shock and will respawn with the partner. As in the DS game, Neku and Partner share one HP bar. But they will have they own HP bar they own, that also act as they time to being used, one that bar empty out, they will disband will have a longer cooldown, 30s.
You can select who your starting Partners will be by press Y, like with PT, the Echo fighter and The Aegis Girls.
You can also select Neku to go Solo having no Partners. In watch Neku will use Pin given by Rhyme, Beat 1st partner, Cure Drink. This will heal Neku down 30% of his damage, who 1/5 in Stamina. However you can only use four time and it will not cooldown, making Neku Down Special useless until he got KO. As it will refill the number.
And for the sake of it, Neku will only be Solo if the match is a 5-8 player. As having all those Partners, Will be hell for Match.
He will have have another Gimmicks, one that only effect in team battle, the Puck. Every time Neku deal damage, a orb of light move toward one of his teammate, the player with the orb deal more damage, passing the puck to another team or back to Neku, Getting more stronger for each time it passed, but will died out of no damage have been dealt for some time. As Neku need to deal again to restaring the Puck. This encouraged the team to being team combo and teamwork as part of the point of the game, teamwork and trusting your Partner. After all, you and Neku have toward together.
For Neku's FINAL SMASH, It will be a cinematic Final Smash. As Neku will from a Black Hold from the Black Hole pin itself, pull all opponents up to three into the black hold. If at least one been suck in, it teleported them into Shibuya with the 104 building visible. As whichever Partners is out, they will there Level 3 Fusion Attacks. Shiki's will have Mew being as tall as the build as it fire laser into the trap opponents, deal a lot of damage as She and Neku stand on his shoulder, Joshua's having the Moon fall toward them as Neku and Joshua flow in Space, And Beat will have city been flood as the him and Neku surfing on the tidal wave. And if there no partners or playing Solo, Neku will instead use the Final Fusion, In watch Neku and his Partners join to bring a powerful light that well deal even higher damage. Each of those Fusion will KO when opponents is over 100%.
I will also say that Neku's Partners as they own Smash Fighter will have the same Final Smash with there repasted Level 3 Fusion Attacks.
The Other Stuff.
Neku will started out with his deflated outfit that we seen in The World Ends with You. I should note that I will not go over his Partners outfit in this, just know there be a theme around them. Yes outfit, As the game take place in Shibuya, faction is a thing and you gotter look fabulous, even in the Reaper Game.
His 2nd outfit that I call Favourite brand: He be wearing Dharma, Inazuma, Gekirin and Wadatsumi. It may seem like the are same as Neku own outfit, but this will be light blue. All of this are from Jupiter of the Monkey.
His 3rd outfit, The Punk: He'll be wearing Red Mohawk Set, Tiger Biker Vest, Bondage Half-pants and Purple Sneaks. All from Tigre Punks. His hair will be Red to match the Monark.
His 4th outfit, The Hip: He'll be wearing Dandy Hat, North Wind Concerto, Youth's March and Young American. All from Hip Snake.
His 5th outfit, The Top-class: He'll be wearing Regal Presence and Liberty Duke. Both from Pegaso, His hair will be brown, as he undyed his hair.
His 6th outfit, The Gothic: He'll be wearing Double-breasted Suit, Ribbon Mini-hat and Platform Shoes. All from Lapin Angelique.
His 7th outfit, The School: He'll be wearing a Boys' Uniform with Blazer.
His 8th outfit, The Gamemaster: He'll be wearing Pi-Face's Bandanna, Cap, Coat, and Jeans. All from his 2nd weak Gamemater, Sho Minamimoto, his hair will be gray as Sho. This will also have most of his attack have a black effect on them as if he using Six of Darklit Planets pins.
Enter will have him come out of a Beam of Light like with Mageman.
His Up Taunts will have him hand close to his headphone saying "Open up your Senses" His Side Taunts will said "You're good as gone!" wild posting like his angry Emoticon Sprite. And his Down Taunts will have him in his battle-ready post. Saying "Any last words?!"
Neku will have 9 victory, 6 of them with his Partners and 2 when he going Solo (and in team victory.) And one Up victory no matter if he solo or have any partners.
In fact is Up victory, will have Shiki, Joshua and Beat teleported in and then Neku will teleported in fount and all of those there pose in Cover Art in The World Ends with You. He will say "That's how it's done."
Neku Left victory with have and his certain Partners move join hand and then does the pose as they Level 3 Fusion attack. Wild Solo, he adjusted his headphone and those the same pose as he would over all. He will say "So, who's next?"
And his Right victory for his solo, he removed his headphone and those behind him wild looking away from the camera. With Shiki, he will be camera faceing back of Neku with a hand light thought him as he turn with the camera toward Shiki, who smashing holding Mr Mew, as the two give a fight five. Like with Ending with when Neku and Shiki met in the RG. With Joshua, Neku will listen to some music, only for Joshua to flow down beside Neku, making him jump, with Joshua gigging beside him, as Nkeu looking annoyed at him. With Beat, Neku and Rhyme will be talking, as Best jump in give the two a big hugged as the trying to keep they smile.
And that is What If Neku Sakuraba Was In Smash, Really, I just want to do this myself, I like Neku as a Character and wild he have little changed to be in Smash, I still want to go along with this. And really, wild they could having Neku be in Smash alone, but would defeated the purpose of what the story all about, that Neku have to be in a Team, to open up with another person, he need his partner in order to even use his Pins.
But still, What do you think what Neku moveset would be? Do you like my ideal moveset for him?
And really, go watch BrawlFan1 on youtube, have made some character with really and ideal moveset for other character, some of witch fit with the theme of there games. He could even have Neku as a latter character his own, and really, I like to see what BrawlFan1 will have for Neku’s moveset himself. Over all, I hope you enjoyed this and thank for reading.
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written-adventures · 4 years
Party Time!: Last Light Pt. 41
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Yuri shook his head fondly at the bright pink and purple decorations that now completely covered the dining room. 
“It’s so gaudy,” he laughed. “But I think you’re right, he’ll like it. It certainly has… sparkle.” He made a vague gesture at the rhinestone-encrusted decorations. 
P.K. cheered. “I knew it! I’m excited to show Arro, but a little more excited to see Lance’s face.” 
“Oh, Lance is going to hate it. But Lance is a stick in the mud most of the time so he gets no say,” Yuri said and nudged P.K.. “It’s nice having you around more. We can make fun of Lance together.”
“You know I’m always up for shit-talking Lance.” P.K. rearranged the candles on the birthday cake. “There. I think it’s ready.” 
“What present did you get?” Yuri asked, plopping into a chair. “I got him a Boston hoodie.” 
“From me, it’s a stuffed unicorn toy,” P.K. replied. “And from Lance, it’s…” He glanced suspiciously at the pristinely wrapped gift. “I have no idea, but he looked pretty smug when he put it on the table.”
Yuri looked around at the decorations again. “I can’t believe I haven’t asked yet but, is there a reason for the unicorn stuff?” 
“Arro said that there’s an animal in Apura that looks like a unicorn,” P.K. explained. “What did he call it… Kirin? I think that’s what they’re called.” 
“Ah, so you played into the nostalgia theme. Hope it doesn’t make him homesick.” Yuri sat straight up as he heard the door open. 
“SURPRISE!” P.K. yelled.
Arro leaped back at the pop with a shriek and held a bottle of wine like a club. “What’s happening!?” Arro screamed. His eyes darted around the decorated apartment. “What’s… all this?”
“Happy birthday!” P.K. beamed. “We threw you a party!” 
Arro blinked in confusion, then a huge smile spread across his face. “Oh! I’ve seen this on the internet!” he gasped. “And it’s unicorns! I like unicorns!” 
He shoved the wine into Yuri’s arms and rushed to get a closer look at the cake. “It looks delicious!” 
P.K. grinned proudly at Lance. “It was all Lance’s idea.” 
Arro raised an eyebrow. “Really?” 
Lance rolled his eyes. “No. It was P.K.’s.” 
“That sounds more like it. You’re not the flashy type.” Arro nodded with a smile that made Lance’s heart flutter. 
“Sorry I wanted to give you more credit.” P.K. grumbled. “Anyway! I sent Lance to get drinks so we could set up and surprise you!”
Arro couldn’t stop smiling as he looked at his friends. “Thank you. This… thank you.” 
“Hey, don’t get all teary on us,” Lance patted his arm. “Let’s get some bubbly and open presents.” 
Lance opened the sparkling wine with a loud pop, at the same exact time, P.K. aimed at his brother and set off the glitter cannon. Arro cheered as the pink glitter burst through the air. If looks could kill, the look Lance gave P.K. at that moment would have left him dead and buried. 
Before his brother could say anything P.K. spun around and set a small box in front of Arro “This is from me.”
“You use boxes? We use colorful bags for gifts back home.” Arro gleefully ripped the paper off, sending torn pieces fluttering to the floor. “Though there is something fun in ripping into a gift!” He laughed as he pulled out a stuffed unicorn toy. 
“How cute!” Arro pet the soft fluff of the unicorn’s coat. “This is very sweet. Thank you.” 
Lance handed the birthday boy a glass. “Champagne is a traditional celebration drink. I for one hate the bubbly, but I think you’ll love it.” 
Arro hummed appreciatively as he tasted the drink. “I do like this. Thank you, Lance. Can we try the pink wine next?” 
“Mine next!” Yuri plopped a squishy package on Arro’s lap.
“A hoodie? Oh, this one’s really soft! Thank you, Yuri.” 
“Why did you get him a touristy gift?” Lance laughed. 
“Because he’s the king of tourists,” Yuri replied. “He’s literally from a different world. Beat that, weirdos from Florida!”
Arro stood and bowed to P.K. and Yuri. “Thank you for your kindness,” he smiled. “After gift-giving, the recipient makes quite a show of gratitude.” He giggled at a memory. “Sometimes it goes overboard with wealthy people. My grandmother would throw parties to thank her guests for inviting her to a previous party, then the guests would throw another party to thank the Spouse of the Monarch and so on.” 
P.K. wrinkled his nose. “Rich people are the same no matter where they’re from, I guess.” 
“This one is from me.” Lance set a strangely heavy box in Arro’s arms. 
Arro hummed in thought as he pulled the paper back from the box. “It’s rattling like…” His eyes went wide. “bones!” 
P.K. and Yuri shared a look as Arro pulled a skull from the box. 
“Lance! It’s perfect!” Arro gently turned the skull over, studying the lines and teeth. “It’s such a beautiful specimen!” He smiled brilliantly at Lance. “Thank you.” 
Lance blushed but managed a smile in return. “I’m glad you like it.” 
“Where did you get-” Yuri started to ask but Lance quickly cut him off.
“You guys want to play Twister?!” 
“Yes! I’ll call!” P.K. grabbed the box and explained the rules to Arro as he set up the mat. Yuri gave Lance a look that said this conversation wasn’t over.
“This was a very good party.” Arro tucked a blanket around P.K. The teen had fallen asleep on the couch, curled tight around a throw pillow. Yuri had already slipped out to his waiting rideshare. “Very different from what I’m used to but I am very happy. You’re very good friends.”
“You’re one of us.” Lance stared at his brother for a moment, then seemed satisfied P.K. was asleep. “Let’s get to bed, too.” 
Arro set the unicorn plush on the dresser and smiled. “It doesn’t exactly look like a kirin but it’s close.” 
Lance closed the bedroom door and knelt in front of Arro. 
“What are you doing?” Arro asked, tilting his head. “Did you drop something?” 
“No, it’s fine.” Lance held up a silver ring with a bashful smile. 
Arro looked at the ring, then back at Lance, his jaw falling open. The memories of his love confession came rushing back. Lance mentioned a ring. 
“Prince Arro, will you marry me?” 
Arro laughed and dropped to his knees. “My answer hasn’t changed.” he held out his hand for Lance. “I accept.” 
Lance laughed quietly, slipping the ring onto Arro’s finger. He opened his mouth to speak but Arro quickly pulled him in for a passionate kiss. 
“My soul is yours, Amayvi.” 
“I don’t know about souls, but you certainly have my heart.”
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georgesdarkhorse · 5 years
Fever- Part 2
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Sorry sorry sorry this took forever to update! I had it all written, got busy with life, and then forgot to post lol Here it is! All parts are pretty much written except for the ending, so I’ll probably update again with Part 3/4 on Monday!
Part One
Part Two
Soft jazz played from the speaker as Edie paced in front of her front windows. She kept glancing at the clock. It seemed that every time she told herself not to look, she would compulsively do so, and each time she would do so she would tell herself not to again. Her eyes scanned over the room for what felt like the millionth time, looking for anything that might be out of place. The afghan was still laid along the back of the couch without a wrinkle or folded corner to be seen. Every spare shoe and mug had been tucked away back where they belonged. It was tidy, there was nothing more to do than wait for the boys to arrive.
After their last show at the Majestic, Paul and George had stuck around in the dressing room and sent the word that they wanted to say goodbye to Edie before heading out into the night.  
Graciously, they offered her a night on the town, including a stop at one of their Cavern shows. The stars must have been aligned that night because Edie’s schedule was clear for the next Sunday. 
Now,  as she waited for them to pick her up, Edie couldn’t sit still. It had been a while since she had even been out with a boy, friends or otherwise, and to be seen in town with two of the cutest musicians around? It was almost too good to be true. She was hoping that England would give her a bit of a fresh start, a new beginning, but she never thought it would be this sweet. 
A knock sounded at the door. A curse fell from her lips as she fumbled over the ottoman while crossing to the window. Below she spotted two overgrown haircuts wearing waistcoats standing outside her door. 
She turned from the window, knocking into the ottoman again on her way to the hall mirror. Edie checked herself over for the millionth time that evening before clamoring down the stairs. 
“Hello!” George greeted brightly. The boys were dressed sharply, with thin black ties striping their white button downs. It was a stark contrast to their typical leather jacket and T-shirt combo she usually saw them in. 
Edie quirked an eyebrow, “When did you start dressing nice for shows?”
The boys shared a chuckle, looking down at their attire. Edie noticed a slight blush rise on George’s face. 
“Our manager Brian is having us wear this now,” Paul explained. 
“Oh, is that so? Well come on up, have a drink.”
“If I’m honest I’m not quite keen on them, I’d rather have me jeans back,” George said, following Edie. 
“You know, I agree with Brian, I think these make us look like real professionals,” Paul rebutted. 
“Well if it’s any consolation, I think you both clean up nice,” Edie offered. 
They surfaced to the top and Edie led the boys to the living room where she kept a few bottles of liquor in a cabinet. 
“Feel free to take your pick, glasses are right there and I’ve got ice in the freezer.” The boys didn’t need to be asked twice. Edie left them to make their selection as she stepped into the kitchen to fill up the ice bucket and grab a bottle of cranberry juice. 
As she came back into the room, Paul pulled out the bottle of whiskey. He surveyed the label before spinning off its top. “Say, you live here by yourself?”
“Yeah, my uncle owns the cafe downstairs. When I’m not at the Majestic I’m working there.” 
She set the ice bucket down, moving closer to the boys. George was still making his choice, running his long fingers across the bottles, spinning them around and checking out their labels. Edie couldn’t tell if he was carefully considering his drink or was unsure of what to choose. She slid her arm in front of him, reaching for vodka bottle on the far side of the shelf. They locked eyes as her hand reached the glass.
George’s face held a myriad of juxtapositions. His eyebrows were strong and dark, yet his eyes were soft and kind. Sharp and defined, his cheek and jaw bones chiseled his face, only to be met with large round ears peeking out from his overgrown haircut. Depending on his expression, his toothy smile was either playful and endearing or coy and dangerous. He displayed a constant push and pull, with a pinch of obliviousness. Edie doubted he was aware of his outward presence.
His gaze dropped slightly downward before flicking back to her eyes. Edie inhaled sharply. A wonderful mix of cigarette smoke and a rich, woodsy aftershave overtook her. She could feel the heat of his breath. Her chest felt full and her throat was tight.
Edie pulled the bottle slowly towards herself. “Pardon my reach.”
Stepping away from him was like breaking through the water’s surface, gasping for air. Everything came back into focus. Paul had begun to pour his drink. A car horn sounded from the street. Each click of the clock was amplified. 
“What’re you having George?” Paul asked, seemingly unaware of the moment that was just shared. 
His eyes moved away from Edie. “I’ll have what you’re havin’ I guess.”
While they sipped, they chatted. Curious about America, the boys asked Edie plenty of silly questions like “Do they really have prom” and “Do people really spend that much time at the beach?” 
Edie of course had plenty of questions to throw back at them, mainly about the band. She was impressed to find that they were full time musicians now who routinely tour the country along with playing shows in Germany. She was also shocked to find that they had recently replaced their drummer. 
“Is he better than your old one?” Edie asked. 
“He’s the best around,” George boasted. 
“Plus he’s more reliable,” Paul added. 
Their glasses were close to being emptied. Paul glanced at his watch, straightening up. 
“I bet The Twisters have probably just taken the stage. We should probably going.”
Edie went to reapply her lipstick and grab her purse before the three of them thundered down the stairs and out into the street. Dusk had settled on the town by now. 
Summer was much cooler and damper here in Liverpool than it was back home. A soft, cool breeze rolled off of the bay and flowed through the city streets. Edie was glad for the long sleeve T-shirt dress she chose to wear tonight. 
The boys both lit a cigarette, giving it a few leisurely puffs as they strolled down the pavement.
“Who’s playing before us?” George asked Paul. His cheek bones popped as he took another drag. Edie had trouble pulling her eyes away from his profile and missed Paul’s response. 
She wasn’t sure what had come over her. All of the boys were attractive, but she hadn’t felt this moved by one, nevertheless George. Since that shared moment in front of the liquor cabinet, he had been at the forefront of her mind. Every move was pure intoxication. 
They heard the club before they saw it. Garbled music mixed with the passing cars as it floated through the street. The boys lead Edie past the alley where the main entrance, along with a long line, was located. 
A few shrieks were heard as the boys walked by, Edie picked up a distinct “Paul!!” being screamed by a young girl. 
“You get that a lot?” Edie asked, as they rounded the block, ducking into a narrow walkway. The music became muffled as they moved away from the source. 
“Heh, yeah, usually before our shows,” Paul replied, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“It always seems to be you they yell at Paul. Couldn’t have scorned that many women yet, could ye?” George chuckled.
A dim light, circled by bugs, sat atop a door labeled “STAFF”. Paul pulled it open revealing a dimly lit staircase, leading down to a dingy hallway. The music bubbled out, a doo-wap tune, and by the time they hit the bottom of the stairs any audible conversation between the three had been lost. To Edie’s right the hall lead to a crowded room where she presumed the band was playing. The boys went to the left, walking down the door lined hallway to the one ajar at the end. 
A cloud of smoke wafted out as they walked into the band room. The group inside all let out a cheer, welcoming the boys. There had to be about 15 people in there. Edie only recognized John, who sat in a folding chair with a blonde on his lap. Bottles and ashtrays covered nearly every surface and conversation was barely possible, as the door didn’t do much to stop the band from leaking in. 
“What are you doing here?” John yelled across the room.
Edie weaved her way over to him, careful not to disrupt the card game happening. “I was invited.”
John turned to the woman on his lap, “She’s the one who works at the Majestic. The American girl.”
A look of realization washed over her face and she extended her hand, “I’m Cynthia, John’s girlfriend.”
Edie shook her hand, introducing herself in a state of shock. Never in a million years would she thought John had a girlfriend, and certainly not one who seemed so put together. She couldn’t help but wonder how Cynthia tolerated him.
They chatted politely. Edie explained for the millionth time that summer why she was in Liverpool, Cynthia asked where she got her dress from, with John insisting that Edie withheld that information, for Cyn had enough clothes as it was. 
Within a few moments George had sided up next to her. “I’m going to get a drink at the bar, want to come?”
Edie agreed and exchanged a few pleasantries with John and Cynthia before heading back into the hall. The venue was packed, every table and chair was taken. They walked from room to room, weaving through the crowd. After a few minutes of maneuvering, with George occasionally stopping to greet people hello, they made it to the packed bar. As George wiggled himself in Edie let her eyes wander, it would be a while before they were waited upon anyway. It appeared that the space was sectioned off by walls lined with a series of small archways. Edie wondered what the original building was used for, as this was an unusual location for a concert hall. 
Feeling a tap on her shoulder she turned, only to find George offering her a glass of what appeared to be vodka and cranberry. 
She smiled, surprised that he remembered her drink from earlier. “That was quick.”
He leaned in and she could feel his breath against her cheek, “The talent always gets special treatment.”
She let out a hearty laugh as he smiled before taking a sip of his beer. George nodded his head back towards the dressing rooms and Edie smiled over the rim of her glass in agreement. She turned and felt his hand rest on the small of her back, guiding her through the crowd. Edie almost dropped her drink. With a steady breath she brushed it off as being nothing more than a polite gesture.
As they crossed the stage Edie paused to watch the band perform. They were a five piece, crammed onto a tiny stage, all wearing matching baby blue suits. She felt George press into her back as his breath reached her ear again.
“I would quit tomorrow if Brian ever made us wear that nonsense.”
Another laugh bubbled from her chest. She felt his face pull back but the rest of him stayed in place, probably because of how crowded the room was. 
The group finished their song and was met with an appreciative applause. It didn’t seem the audience was that into their set, most were caught in conversations among themselves. Edie assumed they were waiting for The Beatles and other closing bands to take the stage. 
George leaned forward again as they moved into their next number. “I’m going back with the lads, you staying here?”
Edie nodded, wanting to watch the rest of their set. A moment later George stepped away, weaving his way back to the band room. The moment his presence disappeared, Edie wished that she had asked him to stay, or at least gone with him. She became aware of her own temporary loneliness, standing in a foreign country surrounded by no one she knew. But as she sipped her drink, she became to find comfort in the anonymity.
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Down the Rabbit Hole to the Emerald City - Chapter 03
Another chapter for this story that is coming into it’s own - in a fun way, too!
Summary: Dorothy Gale was twelve-years-old when a twister flew her away to a magical land that she realized too late had become a home to her. She was fourteen when she was sent off to spend the summer with her cousin who she had never heard of. Dorothy had expected a summer of boredom and longing, but instead she may have found her way back home.
Alice Liddell was seven-years-old when she had a very curious dream that showed her a world she’s been craving since. She was fourteen when she was finally allowed back home from her “hospital” and allowed to spend the summer with an unknown cousin. She expected the need to hide and put on a fake smile, but instead she may have found the one person to believe her.
There are countless stories of little girls who find their way into magical worlds before wandering back out as if they had never been there before, but this is a story of how two young women found their way back.
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                                               Chapter Three
“I’m not sure if I trust it,” Dorothy spoke, voice uneven as she broke the bubble of silence that had formed around the group of four; her, Cousin Alice, Toto, and Altair. “You said you came across this book when you first found this room, didn’t you? What if it’s a trap meant to lead you to a world that isn’t ours- A world that isn’t good.”
There was a moment of silence and Dorothy, after having seen in Alice’s eyes the desperate longing to go home, expected a fight or for the other to shut her out entirely. Instead, however, Alice smiled, and Dorothy felt tension she hadn’t even known was there leave her body. “Actually,” Alice said slowly, as if admitting something she didn’t quite wish to. “I’ve had the same thought myself about whether this book was really trustworthy or not.” 
“It seems just a little too perfect,” Dorothy murmured, remembering how perfect things often came in very nasty packages. The Emerald City had seemed perfect, but then Dorothy had discovered it had been a world of secrets and lies before she had set things right. “Too…”
“Convenient?” Alice’s smile was wry and tired and, not for the first time, Dorothy realized how old Alice looked some days. “I… I won’t say we can trust words we’ve never heard ourselves, but…” The words that went unsaid were easy enough to hear. They were running out of options and they were both reaching the end of their patience. “It’s the best chance we have, Dorothy.”
Settling back in her chair, Dorothy looked down to Toto who was safely tucked under her chair, ears twitching at every clash of thunder that echoed from the storm that still surrounded them. It was to be a long, stormy day, Dorothy mused, but perhaps that was for the best. Secrets and plans like these, she figured, were best for stormy weather. 
“Alright.” Dorothy nodded, looking to Alice and then to Altair, who had yet to leave his place on Alice’s headband. “Alright. We should get started, then. There’s an awful lot to do to get ready when one is to leave, I’ve found, but first… I would like a way back.”
“A way back?” Alice blinked, as if the thought genuinely had never occurred to her. Perhaps to her it hadn’t. “Whatever for? We’ll be going home.” Even just hearing Alice say those four simple words filled Dorothy with the strength to say what she needed to, though. 
“Yes. We will, but all the same, I want- I want to know that I would one day be able to come back and visit Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. They’re family, too, and they’ve done an awful lot for me. I want…” Dorothy let her explanation trail off, unsure of how to finish before she saw Alice’s smile. It was small, but it was understanding.
“I rather suppose Mother and Lorna would throw an awful fit if I were to leave without ever coming back to visit here and… there…” Alice trailed off and Dorothy watched as realization began to fill her eyes before she was quickly flipping through the leather-bound journal that had been responsible for their growing hope for the last few hours.
Dorothy watched her, leaning over to get a better look at the book as Alice continued to flip and search, finally stopping on a spread of pages before she was speaking in a rush, words tumbling over each other. “There was a section the author wrote about being able to visit different worlds over and over again as long as they always had a piece of it with them.”
“Oh! Yes, I remember. But… why are you looking that up now?” When they had first read the passage, they had worried endlessly before they both realized they had things from home, Dorothy with her silver shoes safely tucked away under her bed and Alice with Altair never straying far from her sight. “We both have things to use in which to return home.”
“Yes, but that means we also have things to return here,” Dorothy pointed out, finger jumping and skimming along the words before stopping. “Here! It says it has to be something of value and cared for deeply.” Which is why they knew that the shoes and Altair would work, but something of value that they cared for deeply that was from their lives here, Dorothy thought to herself, might be harder to find. “And, if you’ll believe it, I have just the thing!”
Dorothy watched as Alice planted her feet on the ground and pushed backwards, chair sliding against aged wooden floors that had long since been smoothed by time. As soon as Alice was satisfied with the distance, she was on the edge of her seat and unthreading something from around her waist - a silk ribbon, if Dorothy wasn’t mistaken. It was a soft, sky blue and blended in with Alice’s blue and white dress perfectly, to the point Dorothy hadn’t even known it wasn’t part of the dress itself. 
“This, Dorothy, is a very important ribbon,” Alice said softly, letting it tumble down to the floor to show it was of decent length, easily able to wrap around Alice’s waist twice over if she so chose. “It’s a ribbon that was made here on earth with earthly things and bought in a marketplace that was seventeen miles away from this very spot.” 
Alice looked up to Dorothy with solemn eyes, but her smile was soft - fond. “It was bought by a curious young girl’s father who loved her very much. It has seen seven years of sunlight and star filled nights in this world.” Alice bit her lip, that solemn look shifting so easily to a look that was hesitant, but hopeful. “That’s good enough, don’t you think?”
“I think that’s more than good enough,” Dorothy near whispered, feeling as if everything was finally about to go right. She was about to ask what they should plan next when Alice stepped forward and began to wrap one end of the ribbon around Dorothy’s palm. “Alice? What are you doing?”
“There was a story I once heard, a very long time ago,” Alice said, wrapping the other end of the ribbon around her own hand until there were only a few inches of fabric between them. “It said that it was good luck to make a vow before setting off on any journey.
“A vow…” Dorothy looked down to their hands, looking at the fabric that bound them together as her mind turned to silver shoes and mysterious smiles. “Those are hard things to break.” For them, especially. For two girls who knew of worlds beyond their own? Dorothy didn’t need to know the rules of magic to feel it. “Are you certain?”
“With everything I am,” Alice said, tone deathly serious as the world around them went quiet and still, as if it were only them and their trusted companions. “I vow that, for as long as it is in my power, I will not leave your side until we manage to find your home, even if we are to find mine first. We will both be successful or neither of us will be.”
Dorothy blinked, staring at Alice as the air vibrated with Something. Dorothy, words locked tight in her throat for a single moment at the sheer love she felt for her cousin, took a breath before meeting Alice’s eyes. “Alice… I vow that, for as long as it is in my power, I will not leave your side until we manage to find your home, even if we are to find mine first. We will both be successful or neither of us will be.” 
As one they unraveled the ribbon in perfect harmony; a harmony that, Dorothy had found, was always present in promises spoken in utter truth. Letting Alice take it back for a moment, Dorothy watched as she managed to find a weak spot, tearing it cleanly in half in a way that had Dorothy thinking that the ribbon knew it was simply time to become two instead of one. 
“Now we’ll always have an item to lead us back home,” Alice said cheerfully, replacing her headband with a length of her own ribbon. Dorothy, after a few moments’ thought, chose to wind it around her wrist so she would always see it and would feel the moment it was lost if it were to ever fall off. “What do you boys think?”
Toto gave a single bark, running around in a quick circle before jumping into Dorothy’s lap and giving her a soft kiss on the cheek that brought out laughter from her and Alice both. Altair, Dorothy had seen, had fluttered around Alice’s head twice, brushed a wing against her cheek, and then rested on the new ribbon as he had on her headband. 
“I have to agree. They are rather lovely,” Dorothy giggled before standing up, smile widening at Alice’s curious gaze. “Well, since we need to pack and we’re already adding to our wardrobes… Aunt Em once told me that it is always best to start an important day, or mark an important decision, by dressing in a way that reflects it; that reminds you of what you’re doing.” 
Biting her lip for a moment, Dorothy felt her own smile start to spread as Alice lit up and jumped up at once, grabbing the journal and heading towards the stairs with a quick wave. “Come on, then, you’re more than right. It’d be awfully rude to not dress for the occasion!” The unspoken words were as loud as her spoken ones. It would be awfully rude to their dear ones to not show up dressed for home. 
                                                      εїз  εїз  εїз
It started with bright silver shoes, Alice figured. As they searched for bits and pieces of promises to make it home, Dorothy found a pair of silver shoes in her size before slipping them on and clicking the heels together three times for three seconds. It had only taken half a second for the words to start tumbling out about Glinda the Good Witch. 
“The memories of my time there are so blurred, now, and I don’t even remember how it all happened, but I still remember Glinda always pushing me to do better and follow the path of the greater good. I don’t think she was cruel intentionally, but her kindness was. Her kindness was the cruelest thing I saw in that world.” 
For Alice, the stories had tumbled out when she found a dress that was patterned with reds and blacks and reminded one of a deck of sleek playing cards when twirled in just the right way. She had thought back to her games with the Red Queen and her own tales had come slipping through. 
“I thought it was just a bit of fun. I was young, and bored, and curious; a combination that has always served to get a little girl into trouble. She was kind, in a way, at first. She thought me amusing and I thought her fun. The danger wasn’t real to me until it was too late, until after I thought I was different and would be okay.” 
They kept searching and digging and Alice watched as Dorothy found a pair of bright golden earrings, unable to shine in the still cloudy day as the rain softened around their stories. It was a good rain to hear about the people Dorothy had come to love in her world as she held earrings that were carved to look like lions. 
“They all called him the Cowardly Lion, but he was really quite brave at heart, or perhaps it’s more accurate to say he made me feel brave. The Wizard of Oz gave him his wish, in the end, but I hope by now he’s realized that bravery was all his own - he was really quite nice to take a nap with, too. All that soft fur!” 
Alice pranced around barefoot from room to room in her massive home, Dorothy and Toto and Altair trailing after her in her wake until she found shoes that she knew would carry her home. They were soft as rabbit’s fur and, when buckled just so, they made her feel just as quick. It was easy to whisper one of the secrets she held close. 
“I thought I was dreaming well and truly when I saw the White Rabbit. How could a white rabbit standing upright with a pocket watch ever be real, after all? My time in Wonderland made others see me as fearless and reckless, but really it was just the assumption that if things became too terrifying, I could simply wake up and forget. It wasn’t until I shook Rabbit’s paw that I thought I might not be dreaming. How could a dream manage to create something that felt so real, after all?”
Toto was the one to find the bracelets hidden under a guest bed that had not looked to have seen company in what was far too long. They both heard him snuffle and sneeze before he came out from under the bed with two silver bracelets that, to Alice’s eye, looked tarnished with age. Dorothy told her they looked like tin and another story had filled the air. 
“He always said, over and over, that he was heartless, but I think he only ever managed to convince himself of that. His name was only ever the Tin Man, but he was sweet as honey could be, always asking if I was alright or if I needed to take time to rest, or if we should find a safe place for the night for me to sleep. How can one so kind truly believe he has no heart?”
For Alice another story had slipped out after she had almost gotten lost in a closet only to have the most perfect coat fall onto her head. It was a coat that was made for a ship captain, but made of soft, sky blue material and trimmed with white lace. Embroidered threads showed a pattern of moths that fluttered along the edges. 
“He was a very bright blue caterpillar when I first met him, and he was always smoking from a hookah. His words were always confusing and cluttered, and it was impossible to understand a single bit of information he gave out - which I think suited him just fine then and now. It wasn’t until the end I realized how much he had been trying to protect and help me.” 
It was right, Alice thought, that this time they spoke of the bad just as much as they spoke of the good they had found in their worlds, outfits piecing themselves together with secrets and tears and words that had never truly been spoken. 
Dorothy’s stories came as she found a soft blue dress and a pair of black leggings among words of how she had desperately missed her Aunt and Uncle, a long and tattered scarf that she herself had kept hidden away in her suitcase with a story about one named Scarecrow who she had seen as a father and did his best to protect her and had even given her his scarf to keep her warm, and a pair of perfectly round sunglasses with emerald colored glass that revealed the awe Dorothy had possessed when first seeing the Emerald City. 
Alice had shared her secrets with her own stolen pieces of home, a sleek belt that shimmered purple in just the right light and came with the tale of the Cheshire cat, a pair of white stockings that held the imprint of teacups and saucers and had Alice craving a cup of tea as she told Dorothy of the Mad Hatter and the March Hair, and a beautiful pocket watch that made her admit she had been afraid to ever go back to Wonderland until the desire had finally outweighed the fear. 
The rain and their fun of dressing up had finally ended as the two drifted towards their rooms as night crept in through the windows and across the halls, Alice knowing with everything in her that Dorothy had settled into her desk to write a letter to her Aunt and Uncle in case she were to never manage a way back, worried and stressed for what they were about to do. 
“Do you think we’re doing the right thing?” Alice asked softly, Altair’s wings giving a single, slow flap from where he rested on her hand, the two tucked away against the window bench that had always held the loveliest view of the gardens. “It’s been so long… what if I’m not welcome back?”
Alice could hear the soft whisper of foolish girl as loud as if the words were being spoken to her by a disapproving loved one. The words made her frown as much as they did smile, the smile only growing at the soft argument of who wouldn’t be welcome in their own home? 
“I suppose so,” Alice said softly, pressing a kiss to Altair’s wings before standing up and adjusting her new coat, deep breath filling her lungs and calming her worries for just a moment. She didn’t waste the breath of fresh air, instead making sure her letters to her mother and sister were easily visible on her desk before she was marching to her bed, slinging her bag on, and then marching to open the door. 
She couldn’t help but to hesitate, however, as she looked back at her childhood room, messy in that lived-in way that showed it was well loved and well cared for, filled with soft beams of moonlight that would have made it very simple to crawl into bed, close one’s eyes, and drift off back to sleep. 
Taking another breath, this one slow and deep, Alice closed the door softly, leaning against it with her entire weight for a few long moments. “Goodbye, my room.” If she listened and strained her hearing just so, she could hear the rough notes of her father singing her to sleep. 
The temptation to go back in, to call off this foolish quest that might end horribly, was overwhelming, but then she felt Altair settle on her head and Alice was gritting her teeth and taking off down the hall. 
If she had been alone it might have been different. If she had been alone, she knew, with everything in her, that she would have wasted away forever dreaming of Wonderland, except… 
Alice wasn’t alone and she had decided the moment she and Dorothy had shared bright, terrified smiles. 
They were going to find their way home no matter the cost. 
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Jernigan Central [x] [SUBSCRIBE | 2.4m]
Peter: “--gonna ask you a few questions about each other, okay? And you’ve gotta answer honestly for the camera.”
Yasmin: “Sure, Dad!”
Heart: *timidly* “Mm-hm.”
Peter: “Okay, l- oh, let’s thank Clover Vlogs for tagging us in this first. Can you say--”
Heart, Yasmin: “Thank you, Clover Vlogs.”
Peter: “That’s my good girls!”
1. Which one of you two is the older sibling?
Heart: “Uh, I am. By about a year and a half, I think?”
Yasmin: “W-wait, I thought it was two years?” 
Heart: “No, a year and a - you were born right before Momma--”
Yasmin: *loudly* “Yeah, but you were still a toddler a year and a half ‘fore that. So it’s gotta be two years.”
Heart: “Hang on, I’m eight now, so - ” *counts on fingers* “If I was little in 2015, and now I’m eight, that’s four...” *falters* “W-wha’?”
Peter: “Don’t think too hard about it, sweetie. Heart’s the older sister, that’s all we need to know.”
Heart: *relieved* “Okee.”
2. What do you like about your sibling? 
Yasmin: “I like Heart because she’s... she’sssss got a really nice name - I wish I had a name like Heart. And she’s got a big one, too. A heart. She likes taking care of me and helping with keeping my room clean, and she’s a great, good big sister.”
Heart: “Aww! I, uh, I like that Yasmin’s really into things. She tries everything and she gets really happy when she does it - it’s infectious!”
3. What annoys you about your sibling?
Heart: “Well, sh- she gets really sad as well. And when she gets sad, she can be a bit of a crybaby.”
Yasmin: *tearing up* “I’m not a crybaby! You’re the crybaby.” 
Heart: “Only cus you cry!”
Yasmin: *crosses arms* “Hmph. Nothing wrong with crying anyway... Dad, can I make that my answer?”
Peter: “Make what your answer?”
Yasmin: “I don’t like when Heart talks about being sad or crying like it’s a bad thing. She says I’m meant to be brave and brave people don’t cry, but that’s not true - brave people cry all the time, right, Dad?” 
Peter: “Y- yes, that’s right, Yasmin. They do.”
Heart: *grouses* “Not s’posed to.” 
4. Describe your sibling(s) with three adjectives.
Heart: “Yas--”
Yasmin: “Me first! Heart, uh, Heart is shy, and - she’s family, and... really pretty!”
Heart: *shakes head* 
Yasmin: “You are!” 
Heart: “If you say so. Um... Yasmin’s talkative, and smart, and... what else? ... for-really pretty.”
Yasmin: “Thanks!”
5. What is your sibling’s/siblings’ biggest talent(s)?
Yasmin: “Heart likes going to gymnastics classes. They don’t let you guys in there, but she’s really good at doing stuff and wearing the leotard. I bet you’d say so if you saw ‘er.”
Heart: “Y- sure. And Yasmin’s better at numbers than me - I don’t need to help her with her maths homework at all. I think she’s gonna be a calculator when she grows up!”
6. What is your sibling(s) really bad at?
Heart, Yasmin: “Walking the dog.” 
Heart: “Hey!!”
Yasmin: “Well, you keep forgetting! I don’t forget!”
Heart: “I know you don’t forget, but you can’t hold on to her leash! She keeps running off to sniff trees and poop and you let go of it.”
Yasmin: “It says keep off the grass! If I go on the grass, I’m part of the problem!” 
Peter: “Girls, girls, this really isn’t a big deal. I’m the one who takes Sinnamon most of the time, anyway.” 
Yasmin: “Still, we wanna help.”
7. Do you have nicknames for each other?
Heart: “Yasmin calls me Harp. When she was little she couldn’t say Heart very well, so she said Harp instead, and it - it sorta stuck.”
Yasmin: *turning red* “I was tongue-tied. Weren’t m’ fault.” 
Heart: “No, I know!”
Yasmin: “Uh, Hear- Heart calls me Yas sometimes. Sometimes Minnie. Sometimes little twerp if I borrow her stuff.”
Heart: “It’s not borrowing if you don’t ask!”
8. What’s one thing you can do that your sibling(s) can’t?
Yasmin: *too quickly* “I can borrow Heart’s stuff--”
Heart: “Noooo!!”
Yasmin: *ducks head* “Okay, okay, um! I can - I can do math, and... I can chase away the monsters when it gets dark. And... and style my hair in lots of ways!”
Heart: “Yeah, I don’t like things touching my hair, that’s why I don’t wear hats no more. But Yasmin can’t do cartwheels and handstands, and I can! So I’ve got- Oh, and I can do tongue twisters. ‘Denise sees the fleece, Denise sees the fleas, at least Denise could sneeze and fees an- FEED and freeze the fleas.’ See?”
Peter: “Very good!”
9. Did you get along when you were younger?
Heart: “What, when Yasmin was just a baby?”
Peter: “Yeah, I - I suppose. Or a toddler.”
Yasmin: “I remember wanting to play with you and hug you every time you were in the room, so I guess we did?” 
Heart: “I remember that too. Daddy did a great job of telling me you were coming and what they’d have to do when you got here, so I didn’t get all jealous of you like Angelina Ballerina.”
Peter: “Hm, we read that book a lot together, huh?”
Heart: “I liked it when M... when we put on the silly voices.”
10. What is your funniest childhood memory of your sibling?
Heart: “I thiiink it was when Yasmin was just learning how to walk and talk. She was taking a lot of steps on her own and called out to Daddy, but he was in the kitchen with supper so he had to run over, and by that time Yasmin’d fell down. And, and then she said “Daaaaaaaddy”, in that kind of voice like - that kind of - in that kind of way like ‘Daaad, you missed it’, and it just made me laugh and I couldn’t stop.”
Yasmin: “I don’t remember that?”
Heart: “Yeah, this was when you were still little, so you wouldn’t.”
Yasmin: “Guess...”
Peter: “What about Heart, Yasmin? What funny things do you remember?”
Yasmin: “I dunno. Heart’s not really a funny sister. She’s a look-after sister.”
11. Are you closer now or when you were younger?
Peter: “I bet you’re gonna say now, for sure.”
Yasmin: “Yep! We’re closer now.”
Heart: “Because we can actually talk to and understand each other!”
Peter: “That’s a plus.”
12. Did you compete with each other?
Heart: “...um... not really?”
Yasmin: “Nah.”
13. Which one of you is more likely to turn out like your… dad?
Yasmin: *tears up* “Or mom?”
Peter: “W- well - I didn’t want to--”
Yasmin: *starts crying*
Peter: “--oh dear...”
Heart: *pats Yasmin’s back* “I- it’s okay, Yas, I’ll take this one. Um...” *quietly* “I think Yasmin’s a lot like Momma was already. She’s more blonde like she was, and, uh, and she’s got that same face when she sees something surprising - the, like, the gasp.”
Peter: *quietly* “The gasp? You still remember that?”
Heart: “Yeah. She’d be all,” *exaggerated gasp* “You know? And Yasmin does that.”
Yasmin, giggling despite crying: “I d- do not.”
Heart: “Sure you do! Now, Yas - do you think I’m more like Daddy, or you are?”
Yasmin: *wipes eyes* “I...” *sniffs* “Iiiiii, maybe you are. Cus you’ve g- you’ve got these dark eyebrows, and - your hair’s more Mom’s than mine, but you’ve still got the black, uh, roots? Is it roots?”
Peter: “Yeah, it’s roots.” 
14. Which one is most likely to have a big family?
Heart: “Don’t we have a big family now? We’ve got two grandmas and two grandpas and second-cousins and a dog and--” 
Peter: “I think it means have a big family when you grow up.”
Yasmin: “Well, we’ll still have all those grandmas and grandpas and cousins when we grow up, won’t we? So it’ll still be big.”
Peter: “R- right.”
15. What is one thing about your sibling(s) that has changed as you’ve gotten older?
Yasmin: “Our age!”
Peter: *snorts* “Y- Apart from that, Yasmin.”
Heart: “Um, if I can - Yasmin’s gotten more into owls. She used to really hate owls, cus they screeched a lot, but she’s not so bad with it now.”
Yasmin: “And Heart’s gotten, uh... sadder. For - cus she - she’s just gotten sadder, you know?”
Heart: “Sorry...”
16. Who’s better at maths?
Yasmin: “I am!”
Heart: “She’s right, she is. I try a lot, but the numbers keep going away and being all weird, cus I’ve got dys- dys- dysfunctional.”
Yasmin: *nudges Heart* “Nooo, Heart, it’s dyslexia!”
Peter: “Dyscalculia, actually.” 
Heart: “Yeah, that!”
Peter: “Dyslexia’s for letters.”
Heart: “Yeah.”
Yasmin: “Oh. ... Do I have dyslexia, Dad?”
Peter: “No, honey, you just got a little confused, and that’s okay. They’re big words for someone your age.” 
Yasmin: “Okay, good.”
17. Who is more pessimistic and who is more optimistic?
Peter: *wryly* “Speaking of big words...”
Heart: “What’s a pessimist again?”
Peter: “Someone who’s sad most of the time. And an optimist’s someone who’s happy!” 
Yasmin: “Oh, that’s why Grandma Lydia’s so happy! She’s gotta go to the optimist sometimes.”
Heart, before Peter can reply: “If that’s what it means, uh, I think i’m the pessimist. I get sad all the time even though I’m not supposed to.”
Peter: “Heart, we keep telling you, it’s okay to be sad--”
Heart: “But I’m not supposed to! Cus we’re meant to be brave girls. Right?”
Peter: “W- we can talk about this later, Heart.” 
Heart: *quietly* “Told you.” 
18. Is there anything you don’t like doing together?
Heart: “...”
Yasmin: “Taking baths, I guess. Our bath can fit both of us, but I like bubbles and Heart doesn’t so we don’t like doing it together cus we hav- have ‘different skin care needs’.”
19. Which one of you do you think will get married first?
Yasmin: “No.”
Peter: *chuckling* “No?”
Heart: “Nope. We’re not getting married at all.”
Yasmin: “Gettin’ married’s nothing but trouble. You gotta get the dress and be the bride... no thanks.”
Peter: “Not even in a registry? You don’t have to--”
Yasmin: “Nope, not in a register neither.” 
Heart: “We can just live together with Sinnamon when we grow up!”
Peter: *with a wide smile* “Fair enough.”
20. Lastly, how often do you argue?
Heart: “We don’t!” Yasmin: *simultaneously* “All the time!” 
*the girls shoot a glare at each other* 
Heart: “We do NOT!”
Yasmin: “Do too! We--”
Peter: “Okay, and I think that’s enough for today, girls! Thanks, once again, Clover Vlogs for tagging us in this; don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the little bell; and, uh... can you say bye to the viewers?” 
Heart: *shrinks back, as if suddenly hyper aware this is going out for broadcast* “Um...”
Yasmin: “Bye, friends! Thanks for watching!”
Heart: “Y-yeah!”
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The man in my dreams
This is a story of dreams, of heartbreak, and soulmates. Some fluff, some angst, a little bit of blood, a little bit language...
I worked hard on this, so please let me know what you think. I also have a tag list; so let me know if you want on it. Or if you want off it, I guess. There’s a few people I can’t tag anymore. Let me know if you’ve changed your url or something, yeah?
Edit: I don’t know what the weird symbols are, but they disappear when you click the read more. Also: yes there is a read more - but for some reason it doesn’t show up on mobile. Sorry.
Word count: 7107
He grips my foot tighter as he bandages the wound. It is just a small nick, but he seems uneasy, and I don’t want to upset him further, so I don’t move. “Tell me,” he says, and there’s an emotion I can’t interpret laced in his voice.
“Your story. Tell me.” He waves his free hand, indicating for me to get on with it. “From the beginning.”
“Uh…” I clear my throat, and try to ignore the burn from the screaming. “M-my first memory is…” This is harder than I thought it would be. I’ve always had dreams and aspirations, but it’s not to die by the hands of some nutter who gets off on people’s sob stories. Of course I’m not my usual top self.
Growling, he gathers a fistful of my hair and yanks, pulling my head backwards. The pain brings tears to my eyes. “Now!”
I let out a long breath, and a plan of sorts forms in my head. Maybe I can distract him long enough to work my hands free of the rope. And then? Let’s worry about that later. “Y-yeah… hhhhso. First mem-memory. Uhhh… I remember waking up, screaming from a nightmare where I was covered in flames. If I close my eyes I can still feel the heat on my face… I screamed so hard my throat ripped and I could taste blood on my tongue, and… and Dad spent hours trying to calm me down. Heh… it wasn’t until he started humming along to the soft rock radio station I finally closed my eyes and drifted off into an uneasy sleep. I guess I must have been around three or something.”
He nods, and his apparent calm encourages me to continue. I brace myself and bring forth the story I intend to tell him.
“I had a very happy childhood. I did. My parents loved me, and I never wanted for anything. Yet I always felt something was missing. Like I wasn’t whole. I tried not to think about it too much, because like everyone else, I just wanted to be normal and accepted.
But sometimes this longing crept out; when I was sleeping and had no control over myself. When I turned five the dreams became more frequent, and I started to recognise a pattern.” There’s always a pattern, if you know where to look, and it didn’t take me long to see it.
“’Momma! Momma!’ My cries were followed by frantic footsteps on the soft carpet. I think there was a sharp crack, then a low curse being thrown into the room, but I’m not entirely sure. I was too scared to care that Mom had trodden on one of my favourite Barbies.
‘What is it, pumpkin? Another nightmare?’ Mom’s voice was like a soothing blanket over my frayed nerves as she picked me up and held me close. Yes, it was another nightmare, but it wasn’t an ordinary nightmare. My six-year-old brain recognised that much.
Wiping my nose on Mom’s shirt, I sniffed and blinked away the tears that stuck to my eyelashes. ‘Uh-huh. The same… A dark, um, monster was coming in through the window, and he was so scared, and… and then someone was shooting…’ The flash of flames from the gun was what woke me up. To this day, I’m still terrified of… of fire.”
I sigh, and try not to think about my current predicament. Right now a little fire almost seem like a good thing. “Anyway. So Mom stroked my hair and smiled softly. ‘Oh,’ she said, as if she was holding back. ‘You were dreaming about, about S… Sander? again?’ She always struggled to remember the dreams I’d told her about before, and for some reason that annoyed me exceedingly.
But I didn’t know how to tell her that, of course. I was only six, so I banged my fist weakly against her chest. ‘Sam, Momma. His name is Sam.’
Mom gave me a sad smile, and kissed the top of my head. ‘Sorry, honey. It was just a dream. There’s no such thing as monsters –“ I’m interrupted by a low chuckle, and I frown at my captor, who has seated himself at the bottom of my chair, with his feet crossed, and his head in his hands as if I’m reading him a fairytale.
“Nothing,” he smirks, and nods for me to continue again.
“Uh-huh. Well, Mom told me to go back to sleep. She said that nothing could hurt me in my bed. Then she tucked my blanket tight, but there was something about her face that made me suspicious. Like she wasn’t telling me the truth. But then again, Mom always said I wasn’t a very trusting child, so I archived the feeling in the back of my mind where all the other weird ideas I had would eventually end up; like ghosts were real and that werewolves really looked like ordinary people. Oh, the look on Mom and Dad’s faces when I told them. Of course they knew better. There’s no such thing as ghosts – the only monsters out there are…” You, I want to say, but I’m not sure how he’ll react to that, so I sniff, and cough.
“May I please have a glass of water?” I ask, my mouth so dry it hurts to smack my tongue.
“No,” he simply replies, and straightens his back.
Right. My story. Pri one, obviously. “Some dreams are vague like feelings or memories of colours swirling over a blank canvas, or emotions etched into my mind for forever, but without context or a story.
Others, uh, others I remember as if… as if they happened just minutes ago, like those piercing, yellow eyes. So cold, so… evil. I never really saw who they belonged to, but they frightened me so much Mom and Dad thought about sending me to a professional. I wonder what would’ve happened if they did. Those eyes still haunt me sometimes. Sometimes I even feel I can see them when I’m awake… But in the middle of them all stands Sam, like a pulsing beacon of light and safety. Even though his face is blank in my dreams, I always knew it was him, you know?”
He fidgets and shifts on the floor, looking uneasy, but he quickly hides his emotions behind a stern façade. “Tell me about the dreams about Sam.”
“Hum, okay. In those dreams he was there, sometimes almost as we were the same person, or sometimes we would meet and do stuff together. It never, uh, never struck me as weird when I was little, that I never saw his face. It felt natural, and those times I saw others, it was like watching them through a filter, or maybe through his eyes even.
Dean appeared often. His brother. Sometimes like a knight or a caped hero,” I smile from the memory of the tough looking kid in a Batman cowl and the cape flowing behind him as he ran through the streets. “He… uh, would swoop in to save us when we’d gotten lost. Flowers sprouted and blossomed where he walked, and wherever he went darkness cowered. I always liked Dean. He made Sam happy.
Sometimes older people appeared too. At least when I was younger. A man named Dad felt strong and safe, but sometimes he felt distant and sad. Those dreams always made me cry with the heartache Sam tried to hide away.
There was another man too. A gruff, but kind looking old man. Sam called him Uncle Bobby.” There comes a low growl from the floor, but I ignore it. “His hugs scratched my chin, but they were bigger and better than I’d ever known before. Sometimes Uncle Bobby was Uncle Dad. Those were not happy dreams. Well, the dreams were. Usually filled with fun stuff like soccer or baseball and ice cream, but they were almost always immediately followed by a pang of inexplicable guilt and embarrassment before I was rudely ejected from the dream.
Those nights I used to gather all my stuffed toys in my bed with me and place them meticulously around me so they’d know I loved them all equally. That wasn’t entirely true, though. My stuffed gorilla, Hannibal, was my favourite, but I would never admit it out loud so my toys could hear it. But Hannibal always slept in my arms. He knew all my secrets. Like when Dad left with another man when I was seven, and uh…” I let out an uncertain laugh. I hadn’t meant to tell him that. But it’s like I can’t stop myself from it.
“Anyway. When I was nine, I remember the dream so vividly… I was in this, this meadow, I think. So unfamiliar, I’d never been there before, but at the same time I knew exactly where I was, and that there was something important there. Everything was so distracting. The colours were so vibrant I was pretty sure I could touch them if I tried; the air buzzed with excitement, and all around me birds chirped and danced over the tree tops.
Next to me flowed a small brook, and the bubbling reminded me of laughing babies. I followed it. Nothing bad could happen if I just followed the brook, right? Just as I skipped over a rock to cross the water, a shadow flitted across the corner of my eyes, but when I turned, all I could see was a bright green fern stretching to lick the sun.
The water ran upstream, it seemed, but I didn’t think much of it. It was as it should. Eventually I got to a waterfall that flowed upwards, but I was too preoccupied with the table laid out with every candy I could possibly imagine – and quite a bit more, I believe. Sam was there too, and another man I couldn’t really see. They were laughing. I’d never seen him that happy before.
When I approached, Sam got up and hugged me. I was so surprised I totally lost the ability to speak. He introduced me to his friend, I-I’ve forgotten his name, but he was so proud of Sam, and he told me that I was good for looking out for him. Then we gorged ourselves on candy and marshmallows and junk food, and watched cartoons and played Twister.
When I told Mom about the dream, she ruffled my hair and smiled, but under her breath she muttered: ‘That poor boy. He must be feverish –‘ But to me she said: ‘It was only a dream, honey.’
You know… I nodded, pretending I hadn’t heard her, but that’s when I understood: she believed me, even though she didn’t tell me the whole truth. I decided to ask the wisest person I knew the next day: my best friend at school, Lou. He was a year older than me, and he knew everything there was to know about everything worth knowing.” I exhale through my nose and shake my head. The picture of Lou in the schoolyard is almost absurd. And it was so long ago. How young we were.
“Lou folded his hands in his lap and looked at me with the air of a benevolent ruler who’s just about to educate his favourite subject on a very serious matter.
‘You have a soulmate,’ he said matter-of-factly. Several of the onlookers gasped. Some sniggered.
‘Nuh-huh!’ Tilly from science protested. ‘My Mom says there’s no such thing.’ We could practically hear her roll her eyes.
‘Then your Mom is wrong,’ Lou countered, and I huffed in agreement. He’d clearly won the point, even though I didn’t really know what he was talking about. ‘Just because she hasn’t got one, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!’
‘You know those are just stories, right?’ Maggie chimed in. She was in Lou’s year, and pretty much ruled the school. She cocked an eyebrow and crossed her arms.
“Yeah, no, I’m telling you it’s real.” I was desperate for Lou to be right; I never liked Maggie, and besides nothing would ever convince me that my dreams were just dreams.
“Well, my mom says that it’s just a fairy-tale Nana used to tell to make us go to bed without arguing.”
Lou got to his feet and crossed his arms too. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Maggie shrank back a bit, because he was like a head taller than her, and probably weighed twice as much, but it only took a second or two for her to bounce back, with Tilly in tow.
I don’t remember what Tilly said, but I do remember throwing a few punches. It’s a miracle we didn’t all get suspended. Got detention, though. And it felt so unfair. Because Tilly deserved everything she got. She was a despicable… Anyway. I went home and asked Mom. Mostly because I was sure the teacher was going to tell her what the fight was about anyway, so I figured I’d beat her to it.
The answer I got wasn’t what I expected. I think I thought she was going to deny it and tell me my mind was running away with me again, and that Lou shouldn’t have lied like that. But she sat me down and ran a hand through her hair. ‘It’s a controversial topic,’ she began, ‘and many believe it’s untrue, or that it’s a threat to free will. It’s a rare condition. That’s why we don’t talk about it. But wouldn’t it be wonderful to know someone out there is made for you?’
‘Like you and Dad?’ I asked, rubbing the bruise on my forehead.
She looked at me with tears in her eyes. ‘Honey, I… your father and I kept it quiet because… well, you see, your father and I weren’t – I never had the dreams, though he did. We worked hard to make it… work, and we never thought that… because we, uh, sorta thought it would… uh, that it would…’ She obviously struggled to speak about it. In hindsight I realise that it hurt her greatly, but back then I was just a stubborn brat with insensitive questions.
Trying her best to swallow the lump in her throat so that I didn’t see, she coughed, and moved the cushion half an inch to the right, then back again. ‘It seems silly now,’ she continued after a while. ‘Thinking his soulmate would appear just from us talking about it… As if we could keep him away just by keeping quiet,’ she added with a huff, more to herself than me. “Anyway… those dreams… yes. Sam’s your soulmate, but I can’t tell you when – if – you’ll meet him. Nature is, I wouldn’t exactly call it evil, maybe more tricky. And there hasn’t been much research on the subject, since it’s pretty rare to begin with, and… well, since it’s about love and all. But I think I read somewhere that it’s most likely hereditary. There was a research paper published, I think about twenty years ago, that claimed that only males carry the gene, but I’m not sure. I don’t know.’ Her voice was soft and airy, more vulnerable than I expected a Mother to be.
Mom always did that when she was sad: spoke to me like I was a grown-up, and I always nodded and practised my “understanding” face, but truth be told I didn’t understand half of what she said.
What I did understand, though, was that Sam, the boy I’d been dreaming about my whole life was real, and that one day I might meet him. That thought made me giddy and warm inside, and I couldn’t wait for us to play together. I was only nine, mind you. Uh… May I please have a glass of water?” My voice crack, and he slowly gets to his feet. I use the few seconds alone to wiggle the rope a little further.
When he gets back he watches me with… almost fearful eyes, and he gently helps me to drink. The water is cold and refreshing, and I gulp it down greedily. He wipes my chin, and then sits back down. “Now continue.”
“Right.” I want to ask him why, but I don’t think it’ll do me any good. “The years passed, and I no longer wanted to play with Sam. Somewhere deep in my brain the seed that had been planted when I was born began to grow and bloom.
Mom never mentioned anything about soulmates again, and I quickly learned not to bring it up at school unless I wanted to be ridiculed and laughed at. But the dreams continued.
When I was thirteen, and just starting to figure out my feelings and getting confused with more of them, I had this dream that really stuck with me for a long time. I think it was in September, and I remember I struggled with school a bit at that time. Anyway. In this dream, Sam and me, we were at a museum.
I wasn’t entirely sure how we got there, nor did I know exactly where we were, but I also did know that we were in San Francisco, and this was the gigantic Prehistory Museum that obviously had to be there, since that was where we were. Which is funny, because I’ve never been to San Francisco. Incidentally this was when I learned how to pronounce pterodactyl, heh…”
He gives me a dark look, and I hurry to continue my story.
“This museum, it was, I don’t know, round-ish… the huge cylindrical core was made up of glass, the hundreds of windows gave us glimpses of the exhibitions inside, and we strolled down along the walkway that wound itself around it like a giant vine. It felt like walking through a rainforest – everything was so green and lush.
Each floor was home to a new exhibition, and even though quite a few of them looked interesting – I never really got over my dinosaur phase – we didn’t feel like leaving our jungle path. The rooms were too crowded, or too loud, or both, and we just wanted to be together.
Once we stopped by a souvenir cart, and Sam bought me a miniature model of an ichthyosaur skeleton, and I bought him a lollipop in all the colours of the rainbow, because that was what he wanted more than anything.
We didn’t say much, for what felt like forever. Occasionally Sam would stop and point at something new or unusual, and sometimes we’d get distracted by a sound or the sight of traffic outside, but it only took seconds and then we were back together again on the neverending carpeted spiral.
At one point, Sam’s hand brushed mine, and we both jumped. He coughed and hummed, I blushed like I’d never touched another human being before, and then we both looked away. It was the best feeling in the world: my heart hammered, I was on the verge of throwing up, yet I was floating just a couple of inches above the ground, because I knew what was coming.
A wave of courage hit me, and I reached for Sam’s hand just as he reached for mine. The moment we touched the world went darker, as if the sun suddenly went down, but then thousands of tiny lights blinked all around us. One of the lights landed on my nose, and I squinted to look at the firefly. When I looked up again, Sam was closer than he was before. I’m pretty sure there were fireworks too. Wind lifted my hair, and I closed my eyes and leaned in – only to be interrupted by a loud screech from the velociraptor exhibit. We turned our backs to it, but the sound continued, so I opened my eyes and cursed loudly. I was back in my bed, the alarm clock shrieked at me, and I had two hours of history and maths waiting for me.
I think that dream lingers because most of the others were so dark and scary. I can’t tell whose dream is who’s anymore, but I remember dreaming a lot about those yellow eyes. Especially in combination with black smoke and a smell that stung my nose. And sometimes I would comfort Sam, or he would comfort me, and I would wake up with tears in my eyes. I guess it was because our minds were getting used to each other. I dunno.
There were a lot of monsters. But sometimes, sometimes… I recognise the dream as fully mine.” I close my eyes and dip further into the memory. “I don’t know why I was crying. Maybe it was just that time of the month, maybe something horrible had happened that I couldn’t remember, or maybe I was just exhausted from Mom’s constant talk about college. The applications were written, but I didn’t know where I wanted to go – or even what I wanted to do. At any rate the tears wouldn’t stop falling, and soon I sat in a big puddle of water that rose higher with every plop. Kinda like Alice in Wonderland. Heh… that was one of my favourite books when I was little.” I open my eyes and sigh. I feel like crying now. But I guess it won’t do me any good.
With another sigh, I continue; “Suddenly an arm snaked around my shoulder, and Sam’s head leaned against mine. ‘I’m here.’ No questions, no fussing. He knew what I needed: company and silence. I didn’t even have to say thank you, but I tried anyway.
My voice was too raw, no sound would come, but Sam nodded and pulled me closer. ‘Any time,’ he said, and that was it.
We sat for a while, watching the world scuttle past. Piles of baked goods appeared and disappeared again. A small monkey walked on ropes between two dumpsters. In the shadows I’m pretty sure I saw Ross Geller hunt for rats, but I didn’t say anything because it looked like he didn’t want to be disturbed.
Breathing out, I noticed my cheeks were dry: all that was left of my tears was a dull aching in my temples.
The clouds shifted, and we sat inside a rainbow, floating high above the grassy fields I recognised from that school trip in fourth grade when André and Lionel scared half the class by finding a huge slug and running after all the girls with the poor creature dangling from their hands.
‘It’s a nice memory,’ Sam said after a while.
‘Yes. It is,’ I replied, not knowing what else to say. I turned towards him to ask about his school trips, but he was gone. His warmth and scent lingered, but the place he’d been sitting in was empty. I missed him.
That was the last time I saw him for a long while. I guess I was busy with school, and I don’t remember dreaming much at all. Got a boyfriend, though it didn’t last long, because he found out about Sam. Read it in my diary, I guess. Wasn’t too upset to see him leave. He wasn’t too interesting anyway.
But when I was… around twenty, I had another dream. As I drifted off to sleep I felt the fabric of reality stretch around me, and I let it, knowing it would soon settle again. I wasn’t afraid.” Not like now, I almost add, but I bite my tongue. I don’t want to show that… that creep… that I’m scared of him.
“The darkness faded and revealed a rolling meadow filled with all the flowers I’d ever heard of. And probably a few I hadn’t. I immediately recognised the place: it was my safe space. My Ghibli meadow. I’d watched “Spirited Away” with a reverence bordering a religious experience not long before. Nothing could hurt me here.
The sound of the summer breeze harmonised with the birds as the familiar sounds and smells brought me home. Finally I could breathe.
Soon it became clear to me that I wasn’t alone as I expected, and I looked around with my heart pounding in my chest. The colours paled and the shadows lengthened – and then I spotted him: standing a little way away, looking curious and almost shy for intruding.
My heart slowed as I realised who it was, and I smiled and beckoned him over. ‘Hey, Sam,’ I whispered as he came closer, knowing he could hear me. Around us the colours grew stronger again, and warmer, and the sun rose higher in the sky.
Now, I didn’t know much about Sam, I still don’t, but I knew he had a troubled soul. It wasn’t hard to see. Hell, I didn’t even know his face, but I knew he was tall, and I knew that he was beautiful, both inside and out. Even here I had to bend my neck back to look up at him.
‘Hey,’ he said, giving me chills from the big grin in his voice.
‘Haven’t seen you around in a while,’ I replied, hoping he’d detect the longing in my voice.
He looked away into the distance. ‘I know. Things have been… busy. So this is… this is you, huh?’ I thought I could detect guilt in his voice, but I was never good with people, so I didn’t say anything. Instead I focused on the curiosity in his mind, and how warm it made me feel. The flowers around us rustled proudly.
‘This is me.’ I let out my arms and spun around on the spot, almost stumbling over an overgrown bush of berries.
Sam smiled. I could feel it in the sunshine. ‘This is…’ He paused. ‘Nice. It’s nice.’
It was so good to see him again, to be with him. We walked for a while, talking about nothing and everything. He picked a flower and placed it behind my ear, and I blushed furiously.
I desperately wanted to kiss him, but he held back on me. I didn’t understand why, because I saw the same connection we’d always had, but I figured he had his reasons, so…
Well, after we passed the small cabin where I used to go to sort my thoughts, another woman joined us. Um, not joined as such. She wasn’t really there, more of a fleeting ghost or projection of a thought. I’d never seen her before, but her name was clear in Sam’s mind. Jessica. He called her Jess.  And she called to him, and… Sam just… he faded. I…” The memory still stings in my chest. I don’t know if it’ll ever go away. I swallow and blink to stop my tears. He dabs my eyes with the sleeve of his sweater, and stretches. He yawns, and then his stomach growls.
“Go on,” he murmurs. “I wanna hear the rest of it, before…” he trails off, leaving me confused. What has he planned?
“I hated that woman for ages. She appeared in almost every dream we shared. She stole my Sam. But… I knew she made him happy, so somewhere, deep inside – I would never have admitted it then – I was grateful. Dean had… Dean had all but disappeared from Sam’s dreams, and when he did pop up it was usually to argue. At least Jess kept him company. And his dreams were… nice. No monsters, no darkness. But my dreams changed too. They lost their colours. They felt colder too. Once, Sam asked me about it. He said he’d noticed, but I turned away and didn’t answer him.
For a while I dreaded going to sleep. I didn’t want to see her again. Didn’t want to carry that feeling of, of betrayal. I wasn’t… angry… at Sam. I was disappointed, sure, but I didn’t own him. No, I was pissed at the universe for punching me in the gut like that.
Then suddenly, the dark dreams returned. The fire too. It was stronger, burned hotter. I could see the outline of a woman in the flames. Her face was contorted in pain, and her blood trickled down the walls.” I shudder. It had dawned on me one morning, after watching her maimed, burning body, that the woman was Jessica, and that she probably was dead in a fire. My heart had bled for Sam that day. Still does.
“I can barely talk about this. Please. I gotta… I gotta…” I lean back and rest my head on the back of the chair. “It was bad, okay? I don’t know what happened to Sam. He was so happy, and then almost nothing but demons and blood and monsters under the bed. And the torture. Oh god, the torture. I could almost feel how Sam’s limbs were ripped apart and put together again. They plucked out his eyeballs over and over. Cut him, bled him dry… I feel like throwing up just by thinking about it. The images are seared into my brain, and I wish to god they weren’t!
In the beginning, I tried to reach out to him, and occasionally he’d welcome my light, as he put it. He said I made the suffering bearable, but as time went on, he stopped responding to me. And then… nothing. Nothing at all, for a whole year!” My voice breaks and my heart with it.
“It was nothing like before when I didn’t dream about him. Then I’d sorta sense him; know he was there, doing his thing, you know? But now? It was as if he didn’t exist. That was the longest year of my life. What if something happened to him? What if he died?”
He laughs as if the thought amuses him, and I suppress the urge to spit in his face. Yeah, there’s no such thing as monsters, but he’s one alright! Twisted and vile. And there’s no one here to stop him. And if I get my hands free? What can I hope to do?
“My heart longed for Sam, but after so long without anything, I started thinking I’d made it all up. Yeah. I’m an idiot. I should’ve -- But I… I started to come to terms with the thought that maybe he was… The whole romance thing, the idea of soulmates – what kind of nonsense… I mean, not everybody has one, right? But I started questioning it: like what made a soulmate a soulmate and not just two people that were so very in love?
Sure, you have the dream thing, but they say we only dream about people we already know or have seen, so it might as well be a dream about that plumber you saw that one time you went with your mom to work. But then there were the thing with the faces… yeah… I didn’t really believe my own doubts, but I worked so hard on pretending I did, that I forgot. So when the dreams returned, I almost spooked myself awake.
Yeah, the dreams came back. Just as suddenly as they’d stopped. And it was worse than any horror film. They hurt, physically and mentally. Like someone pressed a hot nail into my brain. There was light flashing in front of my eyes, and sometimes it was pitch black, and we could hear something scuttling past just outside our reach.
I remember squeezing Sam’s hand once, and he yelped as if it hurt him. It was all dark around us, and there was not a sound except for the soft pitter-patter of rain on the lawn – no, that wasn’t it.  That was the sound of footsteps. Naked feet slapping silently against concrete floors. I grabbed Sam’s other hand. He was totally calm, but he squeezed my hand in a quiet gesture of safety.  Whatever this creature was, he wasn’t afraid of it. But Something was coming, and Something was going to bring Sam to his knees. I just knew it.
And when it came… oh jeez… ‘You’re a freak, Sammy. A monster. You should’ve died!’ Just the voice was enough to make Sam crumple to the ground. Dean appeared in a haze, his face distorted, but I could see the disappointment still. But it wasn’t him. I knew Dean. He loved his brother – deeply. He would never. NEVER. Say something to hurt him. But Sam never saw this false image. He cowered on the floor, his face buried in his knees and his arms around his head. He was… was rocking back and forth, and I know he was crying. I could feel it. And every word from Dean cut him open.
There wasn’t much I could do. He wouldn’t acknowledge me anymore, but I stroked his hair and told him he was perfect, and he flinched away from me. I told him to not listen to the creature that had taken his brother’s face, but I think he closed his mind to me.
I felt him crumble. I stumbled over his frail form in the darkness, terrified and frozen.
I kinda didn’t recognise him. Sure, he had the same silhouette, and the same homely smell surrounded us, but it was as if he didn’t see me. No: he ignored me on purpose, flinching away when I got too close.
‘Sam,’ I said, trying to keep desperation from my voice. ‘It’s me.’
The only response I got was a low hum, and him leaning away slowly.
‘Hey,’ I tried, softer this time. ‘You don’t have to be afraid of me. I won’t hurt you.’ Why he would be scared of me was a mystery, but the claustrophobic weight of panic descended on us. I could hardly breathe.
‘You’re not real,’ he whispered hoarsely, and I wondered if he’d been screaming. Maybe he was hurt – or ill. He did rub his hand as if it was painful.
‘Are you hurt?’ I asked, reaching for his hand, but he snatched it out of my reach.
‘Not real.’
‘I am real,’ I countered. ‘But this is a dream, so…’ I cut myself off. I wasn’t making it any better. Suddenly Sam started to fade from me. I caught a glimpse of what looked like charred wings before I was engulfed in freezing flames. I woke up panting hard and still feeling the cold spreading over my skin. My heart was dancing in my chest, and high-pitched ringing filled my ears.
It’s hard to separate one dream from another. They continued for a long time. Nothing but fear and confusion, and sometimes cold fury. He was hunkered down in a corner, trying to hide from something. Despair and anger radiated from the shivering pile, but it was so dark I couldn’t see him properly. Still, I knew it was him. The familiar feeling of a tether drew me to him. ‘Sam?’ I asked, as quietly and gently as I could, just as I always did.
His head snapped up, confused by the new presence, but he recognised me too. I think. ‘Who are you?’
Once again he broke my heart. ‘It’s me; Y/N.’ We’d been through this a thousand times, and I didn’t understand how I hadn’t just given up yet. But the bond between us was so strong I don’t think I could have, even if I tried.
‘You’re not real,’ he replied. ‘You’re created to make me… to punish me for…’ He was suddenly on his feet, and I could see he was falling apart. His clothes were torn, and the rags were swaying in a wind that wasn’t there. He had burn marks on his arms, and his face was gaunt and grey.
‘Get away from me!’ There was so much pain in his voice I almost started crying. His words punched me in the stomach, and for a second it was so, so hard to breathe. I felt ill. Frost rose from his mouth, and darkness swirled around us again. Howling winds brought a cold that froze our bones, and I just couldn’t seem to warm up despite the fact that there was a fire burning in front of us.
‘Sammy, Sammy, Sammy,’ a mocking voice sneered. ‘She’s just as real as I am.’
Sam fell to his knees again and started muttering. ‘Go away, go away, go away…’
So yeah… that was a fun time. But I think he got better. He doesn’t avoid me any more. The monsters are still there, but Sam’s stronger now. Still sad, still haunted, but he’s almost back to his normal self. Back to his kind, caring self. I… I have this dog I dream about sometimes, and when they meet, Dog really lights up, and Sam can spend hours playing with him. But I’m…” I look away. The past is hard, yeah, but it’s the past.  Knowing what comes next is… I’m getting desperate. “I’ve tried to ask him where he is. If we can meet, but I never remember his answer when I wake up. And.. I-I think I might never meet him in reality, you know? So when I saw that bar in his dream, and I actually remembered and knew where it was, I…” I give him a flat look. “Yeah. I’m starting to think that was a mistake.”
He’s not gonna let me go. I can see it in his eyes. And now that my story is finished, well… I might not take him out, but at least I can leave a few scratches on his face: I’ve almost managed to work my hands free. Just a few more minutes…
It’s difficult to decipher the look on his face. Fear? Nah, that can’t be it. Pity, maybe. “Aw,” he says after a short pause. “That’s a nice story. I’ll make sure to tell him if I ever run into Sammy-boy. Hell, it almost made me feel for you. But,” he continues with a creepy smile that doesn’t reach his eyes at all, “I’m still gonna eat’cha!”
What??? His statement takes a moment to reach my brain, I mean, really reach my brain, and in that short time a second, pointy, set of teeth has descended over his normal ones, except that is impossible and I definitely need to get my head checked.
I blink, and he’s moved to my throat – what the hell? Does this dude think he’s a vampire or something? Ow! That really hurts! I think I’m bleeding, and… Suddenly he flinches, and he looks up at me with hungry eyes and a wicked grin. “Don’t go anywhere,” he says and there’s blood dribbling down from the corner of his mouth. I giggle. He’s a messy eater – I think I’m gonna throw up, or faint, or… yeah, fainting sounds good right now, and I can sorta feel the floor crash into my head as I topple off the chair, but I really don’t care. I just wanna rest. This has been a crazy day!
When I come to, I’m lying on my back and there’s someone standing over me, pressing something to my neck. I don’t think it’s the same guy.
“Hey, hey… there you go. Wake up. Can you do that for me? Open your eyes?”
His voice is pleasant and feels kinda familiar, but I can’t place it, and I’m too tired to ask. But I do as he tells me, because I want to make him happy; blink a couple of times and shake my head – ow, that hurts!
“Careful. You’ve lost a bit of blood, and you hit your head pretty hard. But you were lucky. That sonofabitch didn’t have time to make a proper incision, so he only drank a little…”
What the hell is he talking about? Oh. Yeah. Crazyboy. The one I thought were going to show me a good time, but instead tried to… eat me. Excellent. I groan and scoot up so the pain in my back goes away.
The skin is raw where the rope cut into me, and I rub it gently, whining from the pain. Nimble hands put a bandage over the cut on my neck, and I try to stretch a bit.
“Sit still, please. I gotta see your hands too.” His fingers brush gently over the bruises, and he wraps a strip of fabric around my wrist. To protect me from infection, I guess, but I get a sudden flash of being tied down, and throw my hands up. I don’t know, maybe I hope to punch him in the nose or something.
He backs away and holds up his own hands. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I won’t hurt you. I promise.”
Looking up at my saviour through shielding hands, I see kindness in his eyes. He is oddly familiar, and though I think I’m supposed to be terrified, and I am, I feel unusually calm and collected.
Then I spot the other guy over his shoulder and the world grounds to a halt. Looking from one to another, back and forth, my mind spins so fast I get dizzy. Could this be real? I know I’m not dreaming... but… Standing in the doorway with a goddamn machete swung nonchalantly over his shoulder, is Dean. Dean from my dreams. Brother of…
“Sam?” I whisper, scared that he’ll disappear once I’ve said his name out loud.
He looks at me, the confusion evident in his face – that face I’ve never seen before this moment, but that I’ve loved with all of my heart. His brows knit together, and his lips part slightly – my god, those lips… and he kneels beside me. The cogs in his brain turn furiously. I can see it. Then he lights up. “Y/N?”
“What, Y/N? Like Y/N?” Dean drops the machete and hurries over.
Unable to keep a smile from my face, I nod and roll onto my knees. Before I can stack my feet under me, Sam takes my hand and pulls me up.
“Y/N…” he repeats almost inaudibly. “I half thought you didn’t exist at all.”
Sam smiles at me and my heart soar. It’s like coming home after a long and gruelling hike in the woods. I can relax. And breathe.
I lean closer and Sam follows suit. The moment our foreheads touch, I swear angels sing – even if it sounds tacky!
“This is so weird,” Sam whispers, sending shivers through my whole body. “We just met, but I’ve known you since… always…”
Just as I’m about to answer with something really cheesy, Dean appears in the corner of my eye. “Oooh! Are you gonna kiss now?”
Sam’s face contorts into an expression only ever seen on fed-up little brothers, but I grin widely and reply: “Bitch, we might.”
My lovely tag crew:
@awesomeahwu @brynleewolfe @funwithfanfics @babeinthebowtie @savingapplepie-eatingthings @winchesterprincessbride @savvythedork @littlegreenplasticsoldier @youtubehelpsmesurvive @blackcherrywhiskey @mrswhozeewhatsis @schwarzwaelder-kirschtorte @aiaranradnay @fandomismyspiritanimal @barneybrigade  @mogaruke @wstrumpel @whovianextrodinare @hennessy0274-blog @sushi-senpai-chan @tardis-is-mine @badasssweetsrebel @jensensjaredsandmishaslover @megasimpleplan4ever @wh1sp3r1ng-impala  @iamreadinginsecret
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kuroandtheguys · 6 years
QUOTES (as in things i’ve said, not necessarily original things but things ive said.) FROM MUN HIKARY,HER DAD AND CLASSMATES AS RP STARTERS:
"get your fuck boy out of my house"
"Listen here you fuck nugget"
"don't touch me you bafoon"
"leave the soul alone"
"i got some shoes from my drug dealer, i dont know what he laced them with but i've been tripping all day...."
"Sure thing Chew-Brocka"
"the beatings will continue until morale improves."
"looking to protect yourself or deal some damage?"
"The egg-salts?"
"much cheese cake"
"baby,princess, dear,dearest. Do me a favorite and get your head out of my ass"
"Whats up gays!"
"Its 1 get the fuck up you lil shit"
"its a porch...not a deck....."
"when one plays the earth game twister one finds out more about the other's than they wanted"
"pain is your reward for being near me."
"oh it's the nasty crime boi"
"follow the yellow-dick road"
"these jokes arent the only thing that suck"
"stupid controls! I said walk to the side not jump off the cliff"
"Zarkon unhand my space father"
"sadness is merely a part of life."
"they're gonna play Mario cart"
"that's how friendship dies"
"Space Dad jokes are out of this world"
"space dad part of a balanced breakfast"
" i wonder whats over here, oh its plot"
"not all wood resists magic damage"
"destroy us all!"
"i could pee in a bucket and tell him it's beer."
"i would fuck lance because who wouldn't"
"Fite me!"
"fuck Shiro because, just look at him. Who wouldn’t?"
"I am tumblr senpai"
"Why is he grinding?!"
"They bonded by beating the shit out of eachother."
"ah ah put those grabby hands away." (wow without context that sounds really dirty)
"if I have social anxiety and YOU have social anxiety then who's going to order the food?"
"now if they made space dad shaped mac and cheese i wouldnt mind so much"
"it could be 1 of 2 things metal leg or morning wood"
"i like chicks not dicks"
"why cant you just say vagina?"
"Ok so if you ever need a break from your mech with a watersport kink let me know."
"I love you" "dude thats gay..." "we are litterly having sex"
"watch your mouth you little shit"
"yes daddy dearest"
"Let me hug you space child"
"i must adopt this lost space child"
"soft and warm space dad"
"omg your so extra"
"hgn those claws he could just rip me apart"
"we can go inside"
"i wouldn't want to expose you"
"he's see more of your girlfriend than you have"
"we had a bonding moment i punched you in the face!"
"I ate my school"
"this limp noodle"
"You wanna ride my huge dragon"
"and i don't know....somethin' bout friendship..."
"Tid be a pitty if i killed him off"
"you've been shanked" "..with a ruler..."
"did you just giggle your boobs at me?"
"It was an earth shattering shit"
"I am the pumpkin gardian"
"Hold my beer and watch this mother fucker
"Careful nuts make you swell, just ask your sister"
"My dad the crack dealer"
"balls deep in an au"
"Don't fuck on my expensive leather couch you cunts"
"He's a perceptive hoe"
"blubbering balls of teenage awkwardness"
"What can I say except~ FUCK OFF"
"I am the alpha dad"
"thats a kick in the danger clam"
"your gonna get your weiner stuck in the baby gate"
"I'm taking you back to the pound"
"I'm so sorry the princess had his feelings hurt"
“Hey demons, it’s ya boi, Satan. Give me the homie back”
"my name is stan, im satan"
"I Came Here For A Good Time And All I Got Was Porn"
"it went from warm to freezing because snow miser is shitting on us"
"Near death can be fixed with ducktap"
"I don't remember what I did with my pants"
"It smells" "You smell" "Your face smells" "You almost got punched I'm the face"
"Bueno bear"
“Gently bullied him into submission”
*Holds up fishing pole and bubbles* hookers and blow.
"To hard, to thick. I'd get hair stuck in my teeth" "...don't ever say that in public."
"Even lesbians like babies"
"My dad is like a fun vampire"
You are a steampunk blood warrior with a plan"
"You are a steampunk blood warrior with a flan"
"You've been hit by you've been struck by a smooth lesbian"
"You just made the inquisitior gay" "Yes" 5 minutes later "So what else us on the table" "The inquisitior"
"Did...did you just call the Cat a butt plug?"
"not like that you kinky fuck"
"kinky princess Matthew holt and his fluffy sidekick Mr whiskers."
"I'm gay and I'm ready to party"
"You founded a country on cocaine and prostitution?"
"You know what looks delicious" "What" "Your tight ass" "Your a hoe, like ben" "_ lemme smash"
"Human Sacrifice is always an option if you aren't a weak little bitch."
"Last time you had an imaginary friend I'm pretty sure it was a demon"
" I don't want to be propositioned by you in private!"
"Don't vore the dogs"
"Surely not everyone was kung-fu fighting" "They were" "..we're they fast as lightning?" "No they were slow, Tai Chi mother fucker"
"There’s a train of thought but it’s been de railed and Billy the kid robbed it."
"Shes just where burgers go to die"
"Im a priest to our lady of sin and this is my seeing eye dragon"
"Hello nightmares my old freind"
"they took some scaly lizard dick"
"I would go to Satan jazz club"
"Gandalf the off white"
"Stop kicking my puppy"
"You sleep darted that man in the dick"
"i didn't hit puberty...i just kinda shook it's hand"
"Tall, dark, warm and edgy. The perfect dad"
"Cerberus thinks he's a lap dog"
"thank god for incredible upper body strength"
"No ship wars. I multi ship like an adult" "Am I an adult I poly ship?" "Yes"
" my flaccid dagger"
"He's running around like a squirrel on crack"
"Could you please acidenly flex somewhere else your distracting me"
"It is the first day of Christmas fucker"
"Don't make me beat ypu with egg nog"
"Why did it suddenly become British?"
"Slav tellaported from another dimension to punch you in the arm"
"Floating kingdom of dabalon"
"I like my nightshade pomegranate flavored"
"dont dab on my boobs"
"The first vampire ran into the sun"
"I need a pocket sendak"
"Four score and 7 years ago our founding pirates"
"Been fueling up on....."
"Life is a highway?"
"the lyrics are coke and whiskey dumb ass"
"all i want for Christmas is the dreamiest daddy."
"patience yields fucking"
"Gray haired man on a house coming through" "I tottally thought you said gay haired man"
"Oh... mood"
"You wrap presents like a blind t rex"
"i take a look at me enormous-"
"white privilege."
"I swear to all of the gods I'm going to climb you like a fucking vine"
"The pellar, he uh.... loves his goat"
"whispers goat fuckerrrr"
"sleeping with slytherins" "dont you mean sirens?" "same fucking thing"
"No one told you life was gonna be this-" "Gay?"
"I am truly the hobo on top of the polar express" "No your the homo ontop of the polar express" "Can't she be a homo hobo?"
"Kinkshame me harder"
“Kinkshame me harder spicy papa”
"Male griffin returns and is like what the fuck did you do to my wife"
"Drug cloud please disperse"
"Just cause I'm gay dosent mean the cake needs to be"
"Just cause I'm gay dosent mean the cake needs to be"
"Right in the paw patroler"
"Stuffed em up Mr patato head's butt"
"feed me"
"i swear if you start singing-"
"must be blood"
"here she gose again"
"must be fresh"
"i dont wanna hear this"
"Get on the fucking dragon or I will leave you in this tower"
"Vivia le roi" "LONG LIVE THE REVALUATION" "No.... long live the king"
"I'm a senior my vote counts more"
"I am gentle snek"
"The boner wizzard is a girl" "That's a dragon" "Girl dragon"
"my father the actual 5 year old" "thats right 5 times a whole bunch"
"why..... is your icon a crotch buldge?"
"Layers" "Like an oinion" "Yes and their all gonna make you cry"
"You blushing" "I'm pasty and I burn in the sun anytime I go out." "So your burned..?" "Yes fucker"
 "You should be careful dancing around with those daggers when I'm throwing fire" "It won't hurt me. It's friendly fire"
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sasshole-for-rent · 6 years
The Stone Of Happiness and Truth
@ladylike-foxes asked:
Prompt: The Lovers for Rune & Asra BUT ~Plot Twist~ ALSO mixing in The Emperor!! (Since you’ve already been working on this mentally, I can’t just make it easy for you, can I? 😘❤)
Asra and Rune || Post-Strength || Fluff with dangerous amounts of Angst
the lovers: love, harmony, mutual attraction; “I love you so much.” possible AUs/settings/ideas: fluff, soulmate au, confessions, mutual pining
Also, since Foxy wants to suffer... 
the emperor: authority, discipline, stubbornness; “You will do as I say.” possible AUs/settings/ideas: kingdom au, argument, enemies to lovers
The songs I listened to were Khai Dreams’s Ultimately and Lost In You, Glass Animals’s Gooey and Pools.
Summary: Asra and Rune are going through memory exercises and other exercises, and Rune remembers. Only to find out that somethings are better left in the dark.
If this moment was a candle, Rune would never light it, because she would want to smell it forever. The feeling of his lips on her neck. The taste of plums and the tea steam of his breath.
Citrus. Smoke. Asra.
Nectar was welling up inside her.
They seldom had moments like this. Moments that weren’t really moments, but lifetimes in a frame of slow minutes. The ticking of a clock and the beating of two hearts in tandem with one another. Euclase points dappled their makeshift bed on the floor in the vivid teal of a faraway ocean. The stone of happiness and truth.
Those lips moved to her neck, tasting the caramel of her skin. His tongue flicked out to the blue flecks of refracted light as if they’d taste different. As if he was tracing hidden messages on her skin that she could hear later with a brush of her fingertips. The movements were lackadaisical and unhurried like a cat stretching before it takes a nap. She balled her fists into the fabric of his shirt, arching her back and pressing against him.
“Asra…”  Rune whispered. Her fingertips tangling themselves in the wisps of his plumose hair. His hair was softer than a summer cloud or a kitten’s belly, she couldn’t decide. She couldn’t think as his hand dove under her blouse, up her side with a ghost’s gentleness. His knuckles brushing the underside of her breast. She bit her lip, humming her approval. “Mmm.”
The was a series of five knocks on the shop door.
“Please tell me you accidentally left the lantern burning, and that you don’t have to get it.” Rune groaned, hesitant to release him. “Don’t go.” She tugged at his hem.
He chuckled gently removing her grabby hands. “I believe the lantern is your responsibility.” Asra countered. Rune fell back on the blankets, groaning more, and reached for her forgotten cup of tea.  
“Quit being so erinaceous.” Asra got up from the pile of blankets they had been canoodling on. He left Rune there, holding her not-so-hot, chipped cup of tea between heavily ringed fingers.
“Call me a hedgehog again and you’ll see just how prickly I can be.” Rune threatened halfheartedly. He gave her a sly smile that promised he would definitely enjoy her prickliness. She rolled her eyes.
He knocked back two more times.
Rune willed tiny flames onto the tips of her fingers, warming the cooled amber inside. After she saw a hint of steam, she sipped at her tea, careful not to burn her tongue. The flavor was smoky with splashes of lip-puckering citrus, and an aftertaste of petals. Her strawberry cream brows rose a degree curious as to who was at the door.
“Ah! The delivery I’ve been waiting for.” Asra chirped as he opened the door a sliver. Rune could make out a dark skinned woman with curls of frosted lilac, before he shut it. Interesting.
“Delivery? You never told me about a delivery.” Rune tested over the rim of her cup. Steam wafted before her face casting it in a sunset glaze. The caramel tones in her skin more prominent in the light of the dying sun. The euclase  catching it perfectly and giving Rune a halo of aqua. The picture of innocence.
The smoky honey of his breath was still hot on her neck, even more delicious then the tea he had brewed for her. Those kisses that made her toes curl and her mind go fuzzy. Her heart a newborn owlet testing its wings against her ribs. Her affection for him was still fledgling.
She prodded the white flower that had bloomed within her cup with her spoon. “Who was that?”
“A friend.” Asra answered. “I didn’t tell you about the delivery, because I wanted it to be a surprise.” He set the suede pouch before her, an owl was stitched into its mauve hide. She pulled on its strings, and sniffed the contents. Periwinkle, sage, and rosemary.
“I was thinking about what you said before…” Asra began. His demeanor had shifted. Rigid despite his calmness. Fear.
“And?” Rune spurred gently.
“I agree, you do deserve to know.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “but I’m afraid of might happen.”
“I know you’re afraid. So, am I, but we can’t let that hold us back.”
“Yes, but…”
“No more second guessing, Asra.” Rune smiled, a dimple kissing her cheek. “The worse has already happened before, and I’m still here. You’re still here. I’m stronger now. I can take whatever it is that comes. I promise. I can remember. I will be alright.”
Asra smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“I will be okay, Asra.” She said with more zeal.
“Okay.” He conceded, finally.
“Chew those and I’ll help you through it.” He refused to look her in the eyes. “Through a mediation I mean.”
“Think back to your earliest memory.” As  Let that memory wash over you. This is a safe place. If you feel endangered when we progress further. You can snap yourself back to this memory. Feel it around you.” His hands were on her bare shoulder. “Know that you are safe here. That I’m with you.”
The world disappeared beneath her and she was plummeting into the darkness of the very depths of her soul.
The sky had darkened and Asra could smell magic on the rising wind. His pendant of glowing azure levitated off his chest in a gust of salted warmth. The thrill of magic ruffled his hair as if he was in a twister, it was familiar, but it was not his own. It was Rune’s magic. It tasted like truth too long kept secret. It was all Rune.
Faust came winding down the stairs like a comet. “Storm!” she exclaimed in her tiny voice. “Storm! Asra!” Dagaz came flying in like a bat out of hell through the window, funnily enough because he was a bat, and clung to one of the lanterns. Though, Asra wasn’t laughing. He was sobbing. “No! No, no, no…Roo!” He was holding onto her, his fingers running through her hair as his tears fell like the rain outside.
The lantern swung back and forth, flickering eerily, until the first slash of lightning hit outside.
“Roo?” asked Faust. “Roo! Roo!” She slithered around in circles. Then, turned around and slithered widdershins. All the while chanting “Roo! Roo?” in varying states of alarm.
The lantern burst flooding the shop in darkness, showering them in a sharp downpour of glass. Dagaz shrieked at Asra upon seeing Rune in her catatonic state before the light busted. Her eyes rolled back into her head.
Asra paid no heed to the storm brewing outside or Dagaz’s shrieks or Faust’s broken chants, he only cared about Rune and bringing her safely back to him.
She didn’t answer. Faust coiled around Asra’s arm, offering him comfort. He shook her shoulders careful not to be too rough.
“Can you hear me?”
She could not hear him.
Rune was oblivious to her reality because she was not present in her body. She was present in the onslaught of memories. Her body was catatonic. Her memories too long stoppered just beyond her will. Sudden like rust colored sand through her fingers. Asra was there. Solemn, serious, not Asra.
“Don’t go down this path.”
She didn’t. She went left. He went right. The sand paled. Orange as a sunburst. Desert. Prickly like needles into fabric. She went with that thread, stitched into a new memory. Humming softly, candlelight. Mother. Where will you go my sweet one? Who will you meet before the day is done? She was bored. There was thunder in the distance. She ignored it. She was running barefoot through her family’s arbor gardens. Dirt between her toes, squishy. Childhood whimsy. Wisteria and foxgloves dancing in the warm static like warning bells. She hummed, believed they were fairies. Chimes screaming. Beware little one sung the petal scented wind. Magic. Hers. Her name was called. Mother. The storm hit. Purple slashed the sky and a torrent of rain blinded her. Mama! Strawberry hair. Muddy toes. She was terrified. Tears dissipate a reflection in a puddle. A fountain.
The braid of willow tree branches. Twisted tongues. Tongues that wove pretty things, things that weren’t truths. She touched the euclase at her clavicle, it glowed. Warm. Truth. A name hewn into the bark.
“Who am I to you?”
Snowy hair and wistful smiles. Stars falling just to perch on his lashes. Lips itching to confess. Asra. Yet not. He had buried his love in dreams he had only lived with her in his deepest fantasies. No more. Now, she knew.
“That’s why it's so hard...”
Everything went bubble gum pink. The dawning of a new day. Newborn baby toes. The pink of pillowy lips, so familiar yet not, as they touched her forehead. The memory went blank.
“To make you forget.”
A new one surfaced like the back of a whale through a choppy sea. Peaceful. Sanctuary. The sound of splashing water, kisses, and the ocean at hide tide. It was like trying to stop the current of the river while your toes curled into the mud. The current flowed around her. Wet. The images blurred. Too fast. The voices warbled. Too slow.
“Go faster, Asra.”
Hot breath against her ear in the form of her name, made the world reappear.
“Oh no, Rune!”
It was Asra. He was frantic and searching her eyes, as if it wasn’t her who came back or that she was still not seeing him. She blinked, and she visibly saw his whole body shutter. “Please.” He tilted his head heavenward. “Please, come back to me…”
She grabbed him by the face. He hiccuped out a sob. Relief. Love. “You came back to me.”
It wasn’t a question, but she answer anyway. “I will always come back to you.”
He kissed her right then and there. It was coming alive. “You remembered.” he whispered against her lips. It was nostalgia. She kissed the tears off his cheeks. He laughed with blissful abandon and she was alive. Whole. It was heartbreak and redamancy folded together like paper cranes.
Love wasn’t falling.
Love was drowning.
Love was not always a pleasant thing, nor was it entirely unpleasant. To some people their only peace. To others their only chaos. Whatever it was, you were reborn as a person.
Whether you came out scorned and bitter or devoted and kind, you were different before you drowned in love.
She had drowned long ago.
Rune knew one thing: she was completely and irrevocably in love with Asra.
They laid together that night in the bed they shared, naked bodies dancing in the throes of love. They laughed. They kissed. They were drunk on each other’s tastes. The scent of sweat and passion heady over the incense swirling around them. 
Rune had confessed her love for Asra. Her lips pressed to his damp shoulder. she had confessed it again and again until it morphed into his name. A steady chant that weakened over time. Her voice was rough and barely there when the night was through. Asra spent and dosing by her side. 
The euclase around her neck glowed and revealed to her another truth.
She had murdered Count Lucio.
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ohstardust · 7 years
Stay This Little
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REQUEST: from @wardley10 Hey love. I've a prompt that before Harry goes off on his solo world tour, Fionn and he are babysitting a toddler that the reader and Jack have together. You all met when you worked together on Dunkirk. Jack gives the guys instructions before he leaves for work and he also makes phone calls to the lads during the day (with banter but also being a protective Dad) to make sure his daughter's okay. A trip to the park, ice creams and feeding ducks ensue. Hope this makes sense. Thx xxx A/N: I didn’t know how much I needed this in my life until I started writing it. Thanks love! Title: Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift
“Mate, stop stressing, everything will be fine. You asked me because I’ve done this before, yeah?” Jack nodded and sighed, scrubbing his hand over his face. He’d rehashed his instructions for the fourth time, as well as handing Fionn a written copy and Harry was ready to throw Jack out of the house on his arse. “We get that you’re nervous leaving her with someone else, but she’ll be fine. She already loves us, mate and we’ve got your’s and Y/N’s numbers if there’s any problems-“ Jack looked at Fionn in alarm, cutting the younger man off.
“-which there won’t be because she’ll be fine,” Harry threw a glare in the same direction causing Fionn to raise his hands in defence. “Just leave before you’re late for the meeting.” Jack hated the thought of leaving Georgia, despite the fact she was two years old, he was so protective of his little girl and nine times out of ten, if he wasn’t there to look after her, Y/N would be. But as luck would have it, they were both required to work that day and they’d both stressed over who was going to babysit. Harry had kindly offered to step in, more like jumped at the opportunity to spend time with the little one, and without his knowledge, his wife had already asked Fionn due to being Georgia’s favouritest person ever mummy. His mind was somewhat eased knowing that there would be two sets of eyes on her and not just one. The little lady had already jumped on Fionn the moment he stepped through the door, poor Harry barely got a look in and Jack was all but forgotten, Daddy had been pushed to the bottom of her list of priorities. Jack grabbed his keys off the sideboard and lifted his daughter off the sofa from between the other two men, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tight. After a dozen kisses she started wriggling, “Daddy, g’off,” and she pushed his face away pouting. Jack’s eye crinkled with amusement at the child, he kissed her temple and squeezed her tight. “Be good for uncle Fionn and uncle H, yeah?” he stroked her hair as she ducked her head and nodded, eyes more focused on the small toy in her hands. He set her back down on the couch, watching her crawl onto Fionn’s lap and grinning at how comfortable she had become with his friends. It warmed his heart. “Right, Daddy’s off now Baby G, love ye’.” “Bye bye Daddy,” she squealed, kicking Harry away as he tickled her to distract her from Jack’s departure. “Ring me for anything, lads.” “Yeah yeah, bugger off.” A tiny gasp could be heard from Georgia as she smacked her hands to her mouth and looked over at Jack, “Uncle H said a naughty word!” “Sorry Gi-Gi,” he held his hand out for her, ready for her to give him a small tap for his behaviour. “Right, well she’s clearly in good hands, so I’ll see you three later.” Fionn raised his hand in acknowledgment and went back to watching Harry being reprimanded by the small child. Jack quietly let himself out of their home and rushed into the car to avoid being any later than he probably was already.
“No Gi-Gi! You have to rip bits of bread up love, don’t throw the whole loaf in, you’ll hurt the duckies,” Harry managed to grab the bag of bread off the child as her arms was raised ready to throw the lot into the lake. Her bottom lip trembled at the thought of hurting the animals, she hastily let go of the bag and clutched onto Fionn’s leg. The younger boy reached down and stroked her hair, he crouched down beside her so he was eye level with her and pulled her close for a hug, “Don’t be sad monkey, watch me yeah? Just do what I do.” Fionn reached out for a piece of bread from Harry and started to tear it into small pieces, throwing it into the water. Georgia’s eyes were wide with excitement when she saw the ducks all swimming forward to claim the food and began clapping wildly. Fionn handed the remains of his piece to the child and she shredded the bread, flinging it forth and beaming as she did so. Harry stood to the side watching the pair in amusement and snapped a picture to send to Y/N & Jack. She loves feeding the ducks, at least she does now we’ve stopped her killing them. Ps, think Fionn wants you to adopt him. Before he could even begin joining Fionn and Georgia, his phone had buzzed, alerting him of Jack’s reply; Tell Fionn that one child is enough, I’m not being responsible for a twenty-year-old, no matter how much my baby loves him. DON’T LET HER FALL IN THE LAKE Harry snorted at the second message but glanced up just to be on the safe side, making sure she was still safe and not ready to pull the younger boy in for a swim. Alright Papa Smurf. Fuck. Off. He grinned once again and pocketed his phone to join the other two who were rapidly making their way through the bread.
Georgia had all but dragged both men by their hands as soon as she’d heard the ice cream van music, giggling with delight as they shuffled after her. She stood beside the van clenching and unclenching her little fists, desperate for a treat. She knew damn well the boys wouldn’t be able to resist her cute little pouty face, something she’d definitely inherited from her parents, and that they’d give into just about anything she asked. Harry lifted her off the ground to show her the choices whilst Fionn pointed to different ones, which either had her scrunching her face up in disgust or nodding frantically with want. “Tha’ one,” she pointed out the Twister ice lolly and licked her lips, the sight a vision of hilarity for Fionn. “What do you say Gi-Gi?” “Peeeeeeeeeeas.” “Good girl.” Within two minutes of content eating, Georgia winced and cried out, “Owie, my teeeef.” “Careful monkey, don’t use your teeth, eat it like a lollipop, yeah?” “Uncle Fi, I have some of yours,” rolling his eyes in mock annoyance, he knelt beside her to give her some of his ice cream, completely unaware that the little lady had plans of her own. She took a lick of his before pushing it up into his nose, turning it white and sticky. Harry couldn’t stop the bubbling laughter in his chest, knowing they should be scolding her for that, but instead took out his phone again and snapped a picture. “Nice work Gi.” “No monkey, Uncle H means that was naughty, you little terror.” Despite his reprimand, he lightly put the ice cream to her nose in retaliation, laughing as she giggled. “I’s cold!” As Harry knelt beside them, Fionn quickly turned and did the same to Harry, including him in the mini ice cream debacle which would no doubt turn very messy, very quick. It took no more than three minutes for everyone’s faces to be covered, and the boys to chase Georgia after she’d grabbed the remainders of their cones. Her little legs weren’t about to stop any time soon.
Fionn collapsed back onto the grass, chest heavily rising and falling as he tried to steady his heartrate that had increased from chasing Georgia around the outside of the mini golf course. “That kid’s gonna be the death of me, I’m telling you,” Fionn wheezed, squinting at Harry and shielding his face from the sun. “Watch out mate,” seconds later Georgia launched herself on his chest, giggling with the excitement of their trip and no doubt from terrorising the young actor. He couldn’t help but laugh despite wincing due her weight dropping onto him with force. “Ouch Gi-Gi, be careful, you’ll hurt uncle Fionn,” Harry carefully warned her. She pouted and leant down to kiss his cheek in apology, “sorry uncle Fi.” “It’s okay monkey, I’ll let you off,” she lay herself down and rested her head by his neck, her eyes closing as she rested and Fionn rubbed her back to calm her. Georgia’s little hand stuck out in the direction of Harry for him to hold. He dropped down on the grass beside his friend and reached out to take hold of it, his other hand stroking her hair. After a few minutes, Harry caught sight of a couple passing them, smiling in their direction and muttering to each other, “what a lovely family you have,” the lady complimented. The older man lay confused for a minute before realising her implications. “No, we’re not – we’re the babysitters,” he stuttered out, gladder that she’d jumped to that conclusion rather than recognising who they both were. “Oh I’m terribly sorry, I didn’t mean to overstep. You all just looked very sweet.” “No worries, but thank you,” Harry smiled over at Fionn and Georgia resting their eyes, noticing the other lads mouth twitching. Bloody bastard. “Would you mind taking a picture of us for her parents?” “Of course not,” he handed his phone over to the woman and pinched Fionn’s side to alert him that he absolutely had to be involved with this. The Southern boy whined at the gesture but flicked open his eyes and smiled in the direction of the camera. When his phone was back in hand, and the couple had left, he opened his group conversation with Jack & Y/N. Best uncles ever. Sleepy baby got us mistaken for her dad’s. You owe us. We gave you our baby for the day, don’t pretend this was a favour on your part. Came the response from Y/N and Harry fondly rolled his eyes in response, knowing full well how true her words were. This was no chore, he loved kids and Georgia may be his favourite one yet.
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