#yes I am petty and spiteful and no I will not change
simple-sheep · 1 year
When I see the same ad over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over I will make it my life mission to never purchase that product or anything from the creators even if it is something i want and would enjoy
My spite knows no bounds
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ox1-lovesick · 1 year
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pairing. txt x gn!reader genre. fluff and crack warnings. profanity (?) wc. 100-200 each
synopsis. you forget tubatu's pet's birthday, and they aren't very happy about that 😟
a/n. here she is, from the 15th of October 2022 😭 literal nonsense ahead I wrote this at 4 am on a school night. may odi rest in peace 😞❤️
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yeonjun unfortunately has no pets so we're going to pretend like you forgot his nephew's birthday okay 💀
memory was never your strong suit, and you've only met his nephew a few times so he couldn't really blame you after all but he's still heartbroken 😞
it strikes a nerve because as his partner, yeonjun expects you to make his family a priority as he does yours
his nephew adores you, whenever he's on the phone with his cousin he always yanks the phone away and asks to speak to you or asks about you if you're not there
and when you are there he'll chat away with you for hours at a time, telling you about the new dinosaur figurine he got or whatever shenanigans his favourite hey tayo character is up to
so when you go about your day acting like his nephews birthday party was not later that night his heart just 💔
"anything special you were supposed to do today? 🤨 y'know maybe you had somewhere to go or someone to see, maybe something special is happening 🤨"
was he upset with you ? if so why ?? should you go talk to him ??? will that make things worse ????
has you googling HIS birthday every 5 seconds to make sure you didn't forget it
bro's so butthurt 😭
does a little fashion show for you to help him choose an outfit for later
takes your mind off the whole thing for a while because you're just having fun styling him
you decide on an outfit you both like and get all his accessories in order and he's like "cool, what are you wearing to match?"
huh 🧍
"today's my nephew's birthday silly don't tell me you forgot 🤨🤨" and he absolutely knows you forgot he just wants to be spiteful
he feels a bit guilty after seeing the way you panic, but in back of his head... deserved
you feel really sad because you know how much his nephew loves you 🙁 it just completely slipped your mind somehow
so he decides to put his pettiness aside and tell you to get changed quickly so you can both be there on time and hopefully make a pitstop on the way to get a present
and happy nephew = happy junnie. and happy junnie = happy you, so happily ever after
and although you arrive a little late—his nephew is beyond ecstatic to see you and yeonjun, maybe
firstly, how DARE you forget the 4th gen it pet's birthday???
secondly, soobin is so so petty about it
even more than yeonjun probably
yes he knows odi is an animal and probably doesn't give a shit whether you're there or not, but you know who is a human with feelings and does give very many shits? soobin.
after you've both decided to raise him as your own? after all the family photoshoots? after soobin odi wrote that card for you on parents day telling you how happy he was to have you? how could you forget your own son's birthday??
he's livid
talks about odi the entire day, shows you a gazillion pictures of him doing random things and constantly redirects any conversation you have to back odi
"there's a fire in the kitchen" "okay, but didn't odi look so cute today?"
if you don't catch on after a while he'll be even more upset 😭
cue the silent treatment
you have to remember on your own, it's not special anymore if he tells you
locks himself in his room to celebrate with odi while complaining very loudly
"why am I the only one here? well odi, I'm the only who cares enough to remember your birthday"
every few minutes he randomly laughs at the top of his lungs as if odi told him the most stomach grabbing, knee slapping, air gasping joke in existence
gets sick of it eventually and just tells you to join him because as much as he loves odi he can't keep pretending to have conversations with him 😭
you make odi a paper mache birthday hat as an apology and all is forgiven
poor gyu had a vision of how this day would go
he was ecstatic when you told him you too the day off on toto's birthday a weak prior
the two of you would head to daegu on a bus and share earphones and listen to the playlist he made and you and his family would celebrate toto's birthday together and the day would be full of rainbows of and glitter
why are you not sticking to the script and taking on a shift for your co-worker instead of celebrating your son's birthday
you will be receiving an earful from both him and toto
teaches toto how to swear so he can yell at you too
it's already a crime you didn't get him any gifts ontop of it you just forgot it was his birthday as a whole? the audacity
will take you to court to file for a divorce and claim full custody of toto
jokes aside i feel like of them all he'd be the most upset about this
it's not just about you forgetting toto's birthday, it's about you promising you'd be there just to forget and bail last minute
it wouldn't hurt him too much but he's still sad your forgot because toto means so much to him
i feel like at first he'd get in his head about it, wondering if maybe you did remember but just don't care or didn't want to go with him in the first place
which will make him more upset 😭
will definitely complain to toto
eventually he'll realise it's silly to make those assumptions and calm down but don't expect him to forgive you
silent treatment pt 2
you're so confused about why he refuses to talk to you until his mom sends you the pictures they took that day with toto
you are screwed ❤️
you will NEVER live this down
buy him iu albums for his lp player and he's all over you again, but he won't forget to mention it every birthday toto has in the future
he doesn't want to tell you it's hobak's birthday and make you feel bad but at the same he wants to tell you it's hobak's birthday and make you feel bad
being a sadist and an opportunist is a dangerous combo
he is a bit sad you forgot hobak's birthday but we live, we love, we lie 🤥
probably one of those pet owners who go out of their way to throw their pet a birthday party and bake them a cake and everything
he understands it probably just slipped your mind and it isn't that deep to him, he just wants to tease you because it's funny
so he's making a cake out of fish heads for hobak as you watch in horror
goes on about how fish bones are actually really good for your digestive system and you're just nodding along trying to figure out how you're going to order other food without him noticing
"...what are you making babe?" "dinner"
expects you to realise what's actually happening when he starts grinding cat treats for a crumble but at that point you're just too scared to question what's happening
and it is hilarious to him 😭
tries to feed you some every now and then and puts all his child actor skills into not laughing
"but you're my taste tester babe how else will I know of everyone else will like it?" 😞😞
you can feel your heart in your ass when he says that because no way he's planning to feed his monstrosity to other people too???
he drags you along to his parents' house and you don't even want to look at the food table because he's convinced you everyone will be enjoying a pedigree tiramisu
you wonder if it's too late to break up with him and save yourself
thankfully his sister informs you that taehyun is pulling your leg and the cake is for hobak
you don't even care anymore you're just glad to not be eating cat food for dinner
honestly forgot his rock's birthday himself
both of you are just blissfully unaware it's been a year since Huening Lionel Mbappe has graced you with its presence
he collects dust on Kai's windowsill as you both go about your day 😭
it's like one of those toys you're fascinated with for a day and then it rots and decomposes in your cupboard for the rest of eternity
the both of you wake up with this feeling of impending doom thinking that you forgot something really important, but can't put your finger on it
so to try and figure it out you both do everything you've been putting off for a while
it's the most productive either of you have been in years
assignments? submitted. lyrics? written. laundry that's been laying on the floor since 2018? washed, dried, packed and folded
gets praise from all the staff and members because they think he's finally taking those new years resolutions seriously
january was almost a year ago but it's never too late to start !!
you get a shit ton of chores done but something still feels off
the both of you are just going mad lol
eventually you admit defeat and decide whatever it is, you will hope it wasn't important and deal with it when the time comes
you're both watching jjk when taehyun comes in with a cupcake ready to sing to the birthday rock and you feel so stupid ❤️
he's genuinely upset you both forgot the rock's birthday
the fact taehyun remembered just adds salt to his wounds 😭
so you split the cupcake on behalf of Huening Lionel Mbappe and call it a day
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🗯️ taglist. @k-labels @kpopcontentcreatorsclub @kflixnet @newbie-kpop-fan @fairy-yeo @tsxkkis @pnkvernon @kynrki @hoonfever @haknom @soov
★ OX1-LOVESICK all rights reserved. do not copy, distribute, translate, alter or repost my work without my explicit permission.
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all-pacas · 6 days
i think you're deeply in denial about being a chase/cam shipper or you gotta change your definition of shipping or something. because whatever you're doing here absolutely 100% looks like shipping them. to the untrained eye
in reality i have this very multi long paragraph disclaimer that's too convoluted to even explain but here ya go:
they are my two favorite characters
i like seeing them interact because of this fact
i find their deeply complimentary set of flaws fascinating. i love seeing cameron in a Relationship because she's such a fucking unreliable narrator about herself. i like seeing chase in a relationship because the very concept of "putting someone besides yourself first" is so antithetical to him and the opposite of what he has learned his whole life. i want to put them in a room together. i want cameron to talk at glowing length about her soulmate dead husband and how she watched him die and i want chase to talk about watching his mother die and how much he hates and resents her. i don't know where that conversation would go but i Want It. it's like how i want chase and 13 to talk about murder and redemption together. it is a platonic smashing together of fake people, not about making them kiss
i think they were badly written in the sense that like. there's no writing. they're just together. now they're not. now chase has feelings. do we see them? no. now cameron has feelings. do we see them? no. now they date for three years. as someone who likes writing and narrative this drives me insane because it's so lazy.
i think i could do it better, not in a "because i want to write uwu fixit fanfic where they kiss" way but in a "this sort of writing drives me insane" way. like. huddy was badly written too but it very much existed. cameron and chase are just "oh btw chase fell for her at some point for some reason during fwb." why???? we can handwave but there is NOTHING IN CANON. cameron likes him too! why??? WHO KNOWS
however i also find it annoying when people go "solution: they never dated, we pretend it never happened" because that's ALSO lazy and retcons several years of canon including cameron's exit from the show. including the actual character development chase gets, which i actually do like. i think i'm a rare person who almost prefers late series chase. i like short haired chase. and i don't like the idea of erasing all that canon development just because "uwu i don't like it" (or, more petty, because "uwu i think cameron should have kissed x -- usually house -- so i hate this canon relationship that like it or not did exist")
this ties in to my actual fairly complicated feelings about cameron and how a lot of fandom tends to Girlboss her up in obvious and admirable contrast to her years of reddit-ish character bashing. where i admire the Spirit but deeply dislike this Girlboss characterization.
basically i am a deeply contrary person by nature
so whenever i see this ship i go IT COULD HAVE BEEN BETTER, and OUT OF SPITE I WILL DEFEND IT, which is a whole perpetual motion machine of feelings
i honestly could not care less about them kissing. except for the specific episodes where they allude to having a sex life and foreman all but flees the room. i actually care quite a lot about that, i think it's super funny. so in that context (in front of foreman, to troll him) i want them to make out.
i've gone and read old ffn stories from when the show was airing that featured them as a couple. like from true fans and believers of the ship. i disagree with almost all of it and think usually cameron and usually chase are ooc in these stories. but in different ways. this also triggers my spite
so sure. yes. i ship it. probably,
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marichive · 2 years
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A compilation of things a muse of mine has said. Ranges from 100% seriousness to absolute chaos (but mostly chaos). Change pronouns / etc. when sending as needed.
tw for drinking/alcohol mentions, suggestive content, violence mentions, lots of swearing / insults, other non-PG shenanigans.
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❝ Get the heart eyes away from me. ❞
❝ I can't help it, I'm just too hot. ❞
❝ Was I supposed to NOT be mean? ❞
❝ I am what the boomers like to call a "delinquent". ❞
❝ Just think before you say anything, "would I say this to [name] for fun", and if the answer is yes, do not say that shit to her. ❞
❝ Aw, did that hurt your little feelings? ❞
❝ Oh dear god, what torture are you going to put me through now? ❞
❝ Words cannot express how much I hate the words that I just read with my own two eyes. ❞
❝ Call me [nickname] again and I'll break your face. ❞
❝ If you turn that into a sex joke I swear to god — ❞
❝ Cursed. Horrible. Disappointing. ❞
❝ Adorable that you think you're worth the effort. ❞
❝ The only kink here is gonna be the one in your fucking spine. ❞
❝ One, I'm not your babe. Two, I will fucking strangle you. ❞
❝ Do you have a death wish or something? ❞
❝ Feel like doing something ridiculous? ❞
❝ I feel like this is what happens before someone walks into an intervention. ❞
❝ My entire support system is having a crisis right now. ❞
❝ I'm just not ready to deal with it right now. ❞
❝ I'm not gonna try to fix things and get myself in another fight as a consequence. ❞
❝ I fucked up and kinda shut down before I could. ❞
❝ I don't know how to make this right. ❞
❝ Maybe he's better off without me. ❞
❝ You went right back to blaming me for everything the first chance you got. ❞
❝ I imagine it's hard for you to feel sorry for anyone at all. ❞
❝ I can't catch a fucking break. ❞
❝ I actually liked the idea that we could maybe be friends and move past everything, but you're always going to think the worst of me. ❞
❝ I guess I did ruin everything, didn't I? ❞
❝ I needed to win to prove to myself that I could do it. ❞
❝ No no, this one is actually a good idea! ❞
❝ See, this is why you're perfect for each other. ❞
❝ Maybe he'll be more receptive to it if you're there. Or at least less hostile about it. ❞
❝ I think you're probably the only person who could get through to him on this. ❞
❝ I've had to do a lot of things I didn't want to do to try to get by. I get what that's like. ❞
❝ You're not a snack, you're a whole damn meal. Don't be humble. ❞
❝ Soooo I might have done something. ❞
❝ He's too much of a petty bitch for that. ❞
❝ I'm going to terrorize him. ❞
❝ Guess I better get the bullying out of my system before then. ❞
❝ Wow, that's like, third base. ❞
❝ Hold my [object] while I kick ass for you. ❞
❝ You're the cutest duck, though. ❞
❝ That's the option with the least violence. ❞
❝ You're probably the only person I trust that much. ❞
❝ Okay that was cute, you can have a kiss for that one. ❞
❝ Um, that's me. I'm the Precious here. ❞
❝ I'm a scam of a person. ❞
❝ Don't worry, I'm sure all her murder energy is focused on [name]. ❞
❝ Want me to make mean faces at them? ❞
❝ There is something and I need you for impulse control. Or you can enable me, that's cool too. ❞
❝ Yeah but like, we're little shits by choice. He's a little shit out of hatred or spite or whatever the fuck fuels him to act like this. ❞
❝ I'm pretty sure my brain stopped working several times. ❞
❝ It's scandalous! I mean we're just SO wholesome and innocent. ❞
❝ People might start to think we're in love or something. ❞
❝ Getting kicked out of [location] sounds fun. ❞
❝ They are looking at me with their EYES. ❞
❝ . . . I've never seen that. ❞
❝ The trauma is half the fun. I'm just melodramatic. ❞
❝ Don't tell me how to breathe, mouth breather. ❞
❝ Why were you listening you fucking creature !? ❞
❝ Dude go to fucking therapy, I'm not even kidding. ❞
❝ I need to bleach my brain. ❞
❝ It was for safety purposes you nasty bastard! ❞
❝ Dishonor on you, gambling satan! ❞
❝ I don't know how you're still alive. ❞
❝ You call me the antichrist and accuse me of being pregnant at least three times per month. He gives me hugs and pizza. ❞
❝ No you're right, I set my expectations too high. ❞
❝ Why did you bet on THIS of all things oh my fucking god??? ❞
❝ Everyone's always like "[name] you have daddy issues" but I have no dad to have issues with so??? ❞
❝ I will beat you to death with your own limbs. ❞
❝ You Gary Busey lookin' bitch. ❞
❝ We have to watch you guys make bedroom eyes at each other all the time, we just want it to stop. ❞
❝ You use my horny behavior against me, it's only fair I get to use yours against you. ❞
❝ I have no sense of self preservation. It's why I get into so many fights. ❞
❝ Glad to know you approve of horrendously spiteful revenge tactics. ❞
❝ I may talk shit but I do worry about you. ❞
❝ Oh, I'm completely vile. I'm well aware. ❞
❝ At least I don't look like I got hit by a school bus because the driver thought you were a threat to the children on board. ❞
❝ Why are you the way that you are? I hate so much about the things you choose to be. ❞
❝ Well maybe you should, I don't know, talk to him about his trauma before you give him sex advice? Seems a bit out of order. ❞
❝ [name], don't touch my baby boy! ❞
❝ Did he drop kick my son !? ❞
❝ You told me you dropped [name/object] down the stairs, I do not trust you. ❞
❝ Say sike right now !! ❞
❝ Is this actually happening?? Am I having an aneurysm???? ❞
❝ I feel like this was a big accomplishment, we came out of this with no attempted murder. So it's a win. ❞
❝ Maybe we DO have the power of god and anime on our side. ❞
❝ I don't know if I trust you two drinking around each other. ❞
❝ I said behave oh my fucking god. ❞
❝ Do it for Voltron! ❞
❝ You like [food/brand/name], you clearly have no taste. ❞
❝ No breaking of the sacred pinky oath! ❞
❝ That was so stupid, but thanks for the attempted save. ❞
❝ I'm gonna hit you in the dick with a car while listening to the Power Rangers theme song, and I'm gonna have so much fun doing it, dickhead. ❞
❝ The rules are reasonable. The problem is that I am unreasonable and I know I will break them. ❞
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love-geeky-fangirl · 3 months
The same thing that I wrote about Paris and Rory applies to Serena and Blair. Fans complain constantly that "Serena took everything from poor Blair" but past season 1 that's not true at all.
The examples that they bring up are the girls in school, the fashion show, Yale and Dan.
The girls in school - this was literally Chuck's doing. It was Chuck's mastermind level manipulation of everyone involved, yet these fans will ignore that because they usually love Chuck. But let's take Chuck out of the equation for a second and focus just on Blair and Serena - those girls are like mocking birds, they flock to everyone. That week it was Serena, a week before that it was Blair, a year before that it was Jenny. Serena didn't "steal" Blair's friends, Blair's "friends" are just not very good friends that change loyalties all the time.
The fashion show- I don't understand how can anyone watch this episode and not hate Blair. Even when I was a fan of hers, she pissed me off here. She was acting like a 5-year-old and literally sabotaged herself and then cried about it. So her mother rejected her seating chart, which other people in the company agreed was weak because she prioritized bribing her "friends" with second row tickets over actually making a chart that makes sense. Jenny then suggested putting semi-famous Serena and Poppy in the front row and Blair threw a hissy fit and tried to sabotage the entire fashion show, which is the source of her mother's income. She sent the models home which prompted Eleanor to make Serena and Poppy the models. She did this to herself. Throughout the episode she just kept digging her own grave deeper and deeper.
Yale- Serena was waving the white flag at school but instead of accepting peace, Blair had to attack Serena's intelligence. Was it petty of Serena to apply to Yale just to spite Blair? Yes, but if Blair had not insulted her, she would not have done that. Also Blair doesn't own Yale. You can't own a school? Serena was free to apply to any school she wanted. The reason Serena was invited to the Dean's house not Blair is because Serena made a good impression and Blair did not, simple as that. Serena didn't take anything from Blair, they both had equal opportunities. And the reason Blair got rejected from Yale in the end had even nothing to do with Serena, it was all her doing, so I don't get why people still say that Serena "stole Yale" from Blair.
Dan- while I am a huge Dair shipper, Blair did choose to date Serena's ex knowing that Serena was uncomfortable with it, so it is debatable who "stole" from who here.
"But Blair works hard!" How exactly? And when? Yes, Blair is more focused on school than Serena but if we look at actual work, then Serena is much more of a working girl than Blair. Blair looks down on work and tells Eva to wear gloves to cover her working hands ffs! I am not talking about book Blair here because that one was actually focused and had a lot of volunteering and extracurriculars on her plate. The show Blair however only "works" by scheming, manipulating and blackmailing people. We see her do exactly one (1) internship before deciding to be a princess. Serena on the other hand worked in PR, worked on Tripp's campaign (even though we know how that turned out), worked on movie sets and on The Spectator with Nate iirc. Yes, it is unrealistic how these opportunities seemingly fell from the sky into her lap, like when she got offered a job on the movie set because she read the book. In that way Serena was extremely lucky. So in that sense I understand why people prefer Blair - because it's much easier to relate to someone with insecurities who gets in her own way than someone confident who seemingly gets opportunities falling into her lap.
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acourtofquestions · 4 months
Why I’m currently mad at Chaol:
… buckle up folks; these ever-changing opinions (started with the Rowan rollercoaster) & are now about to go off the roads (much like Queen of Shadows seems to be preparing me for)…
Honestly, I think I am angrier with him than I was with Rowan. Maybe cause I’m slightly bitter because I did love him (maybe I still do… we shall see) but that came first, so there was a character more than the initial arguments — but even more so because she loved him, and he did love her; it makes it worse — Rowan at least didn’t know her; yes, it made him seem more unjust in his cruelty & anger, it was clearly far more assumption based & projection, but despite how well he managed to know her (& use it to hit where it hurt) he didn’t really know her (not yet, not in the same way). Meanwhile, Chaol KNOWS her & she trusted him; more than almost anyone or “entrusted” (maybe as the better term); giving him her identity after 10 years TEN YEARS on the run she told him.
And when he said those words it was pointed to the fact of knowing her, hurtful in a way only he could be; knowing not only her, but her past, her trauma, her grief, and saying all of it to spite those things; to hurt her. I at least don’t think Rowan wanted to hurt her; he was willing to, he was aware of the bruises he left but with the end goal was not suffering, he wanted to help. Chaol was angry over some petty claim to a broken heart, angry at himself & unable to admit it, angry at her for so many held tallies & mistakes against her, he leaves so much unforgiven & carries such a grudge. He is unwilling to admit to the parts he plays & willing to hurt her for the sake of his anger, regardless of the price; one she will be paying instead. The way he blatantly disregards her; her name, her ideas, her love, her family, her grief, her fear, her… everything; the good she did, the bad he did, what parts they both played. It’s not acceptable.
Not After everything… perhaps one could say it’s because of everything… but it’s just unacceptable. And though there is no “just” nor excuse in trauma; it’s not a competition; he, however, has no reason within it. I’m sorry, but your broken heart is not the same as hers, your year is not the same, you know nothing of duty & horror & guilt & grief; of monsters, & love, & tragedy. And though he has kept his hands mostly clean, he has been privileged; that’s not to say she hasn’t chosen wrongly, she has decided to bloody her hands in wrong ways time & time again. There is no changing that, but she also has not had many choices in her life & the ones she had she made right. She tried to spare you of so much even after & in her own fury over Nehemia… and you just threw her to the wolves like that; just. like. that.
All of this; intent, uneven, ignorant, cruel, small mindedness… it’s shifted into something more menacing; & dare I say tinged with misogyny? His system of; she is erratic, emotional, hysterical, uncontrollable, manipulative, selfish, unpredictable, “monster” thought process of a “tyrant queen”… Not to mention the further concerning growing edge of prejudice; his love & his fear for his friends, his lack of knowledge & blissful ignorance of privilege, has all instead shifted into a “holier than thou” it’s all of them thought process. A belief system built on eliminating danger, on singular right without wrong; dangerously capable justifications & a start to ruin; not just for her, or him, but the world.
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takerfoxx · 1 month
(After)Life: The (Re)Education of Gendo Ikari
What's this? A surprise (After)Life installment starring Father of the Year, Gendo Ikari? Who would have thought?
I am not a man given to regrets.
Regrets betray a lack of conviction. A lack of conviction is indicative of a weak mind. Great men never concern themselves with regrets. They choose their path and see it to the end, and if at any point they need to alter course, they simply make the necessary changes and continue on.
I had set my course long ago. I knew from the start that there would be those who lacked the vision and fortitude to see what lay at the end. Peace. Enlightenment. Unity. Millenia of pain and suffering caused by humanity’s short-sighted pettiness, simply washed away. The final stage of evolution for our species, all accomplished in a single moment.
Those same short-sighted fools would brand me a callous monster. That was fine. I was more than willing to accept the moral judgments of those who lacked morals. After all, when one is weak in heart and spirt, what worth is their judgment? I would carry my cross and do it gladly, confident in the righteousness of my path.
However, even I am still human, and despite the assuredness with which I have walked my path, I will admit to two singular regrets that have hounded my steps.
The first is allowing Yui, my wife and only good person I have ever found in this wretched world, to give herself to the vile abomination of meat and metal that is Evangelion Unit 01, turning that monster into her coffin. That was a mistake. I let myself be beguiled by her talk of the self-sacrifice and the greater good, only to realize all too late what nonsense such talk was. How could the greater good even exist if the one good thing removes itself from the world? How was I expected to lead all of mankind down this righteous path when the one who made it righteous is no longer there to show me the way?
The second I realize only just now, as I lay bleeding deep within Terminal Dogma, the blood from my severed hand seeping into the LCL pool that had been bled from Lilith. It is not the first human blood to foul those divine waters. The body of that weak-hearted woman, Ritsuko, also had also fallen into that same pool, her own blood mingling with that of her progenitor. Like so many other women, her frailty caused her to divert from the path and attempt to betray me out of pure selfish desire. Fortunately, her mother knew where her loyalties lay.
However, I did not anticipate the betrayal of Rei.
Rei, my creation. My guiding light. The key to my salvation. And ultimately, my Judas.
I should not have made her a woman. As perverse as it might be to place the soul of humanity’s mother into that of a man, at least then he would not have succumbed to a woman’s weakness. But on that I blame my own weakness. I wanted to see Yui’s face again, by any means necessary.
But that is not my second regret. My second regret is the coldness with which I treated my son. Our son. The one thing that Yui and I created together. The reason that she allowed herself to be destroyed.
She wanted me to raise him up to be humanity’s new leader, its Messiah. But I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t look at him without thinking of what he cost me. I couldn’t look at him without resenting him for driving Yui away. And in him, I saw the seed of wickedness growing, a seed that I planted myself.
I am not a good man. In fact, I am quite wicked myself. Selfish. Resentful. Spiteful. Strong, yes. Resolute, absolutely. Intelligent, clear-minded, morally certain, all of this true. But not good. And I couldn’t allow myself to corrupt the one thing Yui had left behind. It was for his own good that I separate myself from him, that I drive him away to keep him from looking to me for guidance.
At least, that is the lie that I told myself. And now, as Unit 01 looms over me, the murderer of my wife and now instrument of her revenge, I find myself with nothing but regrets.
“Shinji. Forgive me.”
Perhaps if I had spoken those words at literally any other time, things would be different. But now there is no time. Now it is too late.
Unit 01’s claws wrap around my dying body, as cold and hard as the shackles that bind my heart. Its slavering jaws open to receive me, the portal to my judgment.
I am not dead.
I should be dead. I felt those steel teeth bite into my flesh, severing the legs from the rest of my body. I felt myself be devoured, my mangled body ground and masticated into so much dead meat.
And yet I find myself returning to consciousness. I am slow to wake, and the process is unpleasant. Part of me notes with amusement the similarity to my younger days, and the many times I would wake up sore from the hangover pounding in my head and the bruises left from whatever drunken fight I had gotten myself into the night before.
I try to move, only to wince as sharp pain lances through my head. My eyes feel crusted over, while my throat is rough and dry, as if some sadist had taken a strip of sandpaper to it.
Coughing, I slowly straighten up, gingerly rubbing the grit from my eyes. Then I open them.
What I see makes no sense at all.
For a moment I think that I must have been somehow blinded. Pure white assaults my vision, not bright, but so omnipresent that it still feels bright. However, after blinking my eyes several times to try to focus my vision, I am able to make out distinct shapes, shades, and other tones, enough for me to recognize where I am.
I am in Central Dogma, the command center of NERV, sitting at my customary chair overlooking the whole of the tiered room. Directly in front of me are the massive screens that in time of crisis would project second-by-second information critical to our success. Below me in the other tiers are the workstations of my team, all of them abandoned.
I frown. Yes, it is definitely the shape of Central Dogma. The platforms, the controls, the screens, the pipes, the wiring, the computers, all of it where it ought to be. However, what is different is the color. Or rather, the lack of it. Everything looked as if it was bleached white. All the color is gone.
“Wh-Where…” I stammer out. “Who…”
“You are where your paths have led you, Gendo Rokubungi.”
I just about fall out of my seat as the screen fills with the face of a monster.
In shape, it is the face of the one who I desire to see the most. Yui’s face, albeit several years younger. However, everything about it is wrong. The skin is pale as marble, lacking even the faint blush of coloring that the original girl had possessed, while its eyes are as scarlet as freshly spilled blood. Framing the face is a short bob of pale blue hair.
“Rei,” I whisper.
Rei Ayanami, my creation, the homunculus born to lead me to the true Yui, but who would ultimately betray me and leave me to die. Perhaps I am dead, and this is my Hell.
The enormous face of Rei Ayanami coolly regards me. “The one that bears that name is part of us, but that is no longer all that we are. We have returned to what we were meant to be, and have become more.”
Every single muscle in my body goes stiff. On the table, my hands begin to tremble as I come to realize exactly who I am dealing with. “Lilith.”
“Indeed.” Lilith tilts her head to one side, her crimson eyes never blinking. “We suppose that we must thank you. Though our body was imprisoned and exploited, and though our soul was abused, both were still preserved and protected, allowing them to reunite, allowing us to become whole.”
It is a scenario that I took grain pains to prevent. Keeping the mother of all terrestrial life imprisoned while harvesting her divine body for its resources was a terrible risk. I felt that having her soul contained within a human body groomed to be utterly subservient to me would mitigate that risk, but it seems that I was mistaken.
Before I can say anything, the platform on which I sit suddenly thrusts upward at breakneck speed. I tumble out of my chair to land flat on my back, my body pinned down by the mountain of G-forces. Above me, the ceiling of Central Dogma simply melts away, and I find myself being lifted high into a scarlet sky filled with wispy grey clouds.
Up and up I go, unable to move, helpless to do anything to stop my ascent. Where am I being carried? To face my final judgment? To some new level of Hell? One would think that doing so would mean descending, but I suppose I am thinking too literal.
Then, so suddenly that my body continues to lift into the air for a few seconds before painfully flopping back down, the thing that carries me comes to a sudden stop.
As I lay panting with my head spinning and my heart racing, I become aware that the surface on which I’m lying is curiously soft and warm, and not the hard metal platform that I ought to be on. I frown. Perhaps my wits are still too scattered to accurately judge my surroundings, but it does feel as if I am lying upon an expanse of flesh.
I look around, and the truth becomes apparent to me.
I am lying in the middle of an enormous hand of pale white skin. The palm alone is as wide as the whole of Central Dogma itself, while the fingers curve up around me as towering monoliths.
But if the hand alone is this gargantuan, how then must be the rest of the figure that holds me?
Though I fear what I might see, I force myself to look up.
The face of Rei blots out the sky. She is bigger than any Evangelion, bigger than any Angel, a towering giantess who stares dispassionately down at me, little more than a flea in her hand.
“If it were not for your actions,” Lilith says, her calm, demure voice booming from all around, “then we would have been forever trapped within the Black Egg. Though it was not your intention, you have restored to us our autonomy.”
Despite my precarious position, I feel hot indignation bubbling up within me. This is not right. All my years of careful planning, all of my preparations, all of my sacrifices, all for naught. The selfishness of Rei ruined everything. I gave that girl life, raised and nurtured her, gifted her with her purpose, and when it mattered the most, she turned her back on me in favor of my son, a boy she knew for only a few short months.
Rei betrayed me. I gave her everything she had, made her everything she was, and she betrayed me.
How dare she?
Then I hear a new voice speak, that of a young man, one that is calm, almost friendly. “I would advise against continuing down that line of thought. I understand that you’re upset, but you are coming close to committing actual blasphemy.”
I know that voice. “You!” I whirl around to find myself face-to-face with a young boy. He seems to be in his mid-teens, with a thin and lanky body, skin as white as Rei’s, ashen-gray hair, and piercing crimson eyes. He wears the boy’s uniform of Tokyo-3’s high school, the same that Shinji often wears, and his smile is almost mockingly serene.
Of course I recognize him immediately. “SEELE’s puppet, I see,” I say, the chill emanating off of every word. “Kaworu Nagisa, is it?”
My eyes narrow. “Maybe I should just call you Tabris, then?”
The scenario described in the Dead Sea Scrolls was never as clear as I would have liked, but the information regarding the Angels and the order in which they would appear was telling enough.
Tabris, the seventeenth and final Angel. Tabris, the Arisen One. Tabris, the Herald of Free Will.
Tabris, SEELE’s hatchet man.
Tabris’s small smile lifts ever so slightly. “Not anymore. Your son saw to that.” Sticking his hands into his pockets, he rocks back and forth on his heels. “And it’s not Kaworu Nagisa either, by the by. Both names served their purpose, but when one purpose ends, another begins. I am Adam.”
I look down at my restored hand, where once the embryonic body of Adam once rested. I suspected that such might be the case, that SEELE would use the notes regarding Rei’s creation to construct a homunculus of their own using Adam’s soul. How else could he have torn his way into Terminal Dogma with such ease?
But his words also reminded me of exactly who I was speaking to. As Lilith told me, this was not Rei Ayanami or Kaworu Nagisa or even Tabris. These were Lilith and Adam, the progenitors of life and death.
I feared that something like this might happen. After the destruction of Unit 00 and the death of Rei’s second body, I admit to fearing for the future of the Scenario. Yes, we managed to safely retrieve the soul of Lilith after that foolish woman Naoko murdered Rei’s body in a fit of womanly jealousy, but there was no guarantee that it would happen a second time.
Fortunately, I need not have feared, as Ritsuko soon confirmed for me that the retrieval process was a success, bringing back not only the fragment housed within Rei, but also all of the essence that we stored within the core of Unit 00. All of Lilith was still within our grasp.
However, Ritsuko also warned against resurrecting Rei for a second time. Without another Evangelion, we were forced to pour all of Lilith’s soul into the third body, as we needed the whole thing on hand for when the appointed time came. I dismissed Ritsuko at the time as speaking from the same jealousy that had taken her mother, but in the end, she was proven correct.
“Indeed,” Lilith says, again reading my thoughts. “The restoration of my soul also brought to me new insight. I was able to finally comprehend the depths of your depravity, and how much you had wronged me.”
I can’t help but jump. The voice of Lilith does not boom from all around as before, but now speaking in more normal tones, indistinguishable from Rei’s. I am no longer held high in the air by Lilith’s enormous hand. Instead, I am back in Terminal Dogma, standing in front of the LCL pool, the same place where I died. Before me looms the cross on which Lilith was restrained, but she is no longer crucified on that structure. Instead, it is Evangelion Unit 01 itself that has its hands nailed to those beams.
As for Lilith herself, she is once again the same size that Rei was, wearing the same school uniform that Rei did, and is standing right next to Adam, her crimson eyes regarding me with barely concealed contempt.
I have not felt the chill of winter ever since Second Impact did away with it entirely, and yet the cold sweeps down my spine because of her words is eerily reminiscent. This is not Lilith speaking. This is Rei.
I slowly breathe out. “So, this is it, then?” I speak in a harsh whisper. “You will take your revenge upon me?”
“Our revenge?” Adam seems amused by the question. Then again, he seems amused by just about everything. “Weren’t you listening? Despite all of your selfish ambitions, despite all of the ways you tried to exploit us, your actions ultimately served our purposes. We are both whole again, free to carry out our directive.”
“Your directive?” I am not a man who often laughs, but that gets a chuckle out of me. “I’ve read the Dead Sea Scrolls. Your directive failed. Lilith took your place by accident, didn’t she? Your children have all been killed. By us!”
Unphased by my words, Adam merely shrugs. “And yet, Earth was populated with life. The Grand Design remains intact.”
“There is no competition between us,” Lilith adds. “No animosity. Our children fought one another for the right to seed this world with their offspring, as all life does. It is regrettable that I never made it to the world set aside for me, but things happen.”
“Things happen,” Adam agrees.
Despite being in the presence of two primordial gods, I find myself annoyed by their cavalier attitude. “And now?” I demand.
Taking Lilith’s hand in his own, Adam says, “We judged both you and the SEEELE Council’s motivations in enacting the Human Instrumentality Project and found them lacking. Instead, we gave the choice to one more deserving. Your son.”
I blink.
Then I choke.
“My…my son?”
This is madness. Yes, I was to blame for Shinji’s weakness in spirit. That is my burden to bear. But regardless of whose fault it is, it cannot be denied that that boy couldn’t even be trusted to make decisions regarding his own life, much less the fate of all humanity!
“Indeed,” Adam said, unperturbed by my outburst. “He is precious to us both. If we were to choose one of the Lilim to decide their kind’s course, then it was to be him.”
My indignation comes bubbling back. Precious? Shinji? Why? How? What has that boy ever done to earn the admiration of these two ancient beings?
“Shinji…Are you mad?” I bark. “Shinji hates everyone, including himself! He’s a selfish, spoiled brat entirely obsessed with his own self-loathing! If you give him the chance, he’ll end the world in a heartbeat!”
“Just as you set out to do?” Adam counters.
“And is he not as you shaped him?” Lilith adds. “It is curious that you condemn him for traits that you yourself exhibit, and at a much higher level.”
My fury and shame both choke me. She is not wrong. I am no better. That is why I foolishly sought to separate myself from him, in hopes that distance would prevent him from becoming like me.
But even so, it still happened. I have seen my own worst traits reflected in my son.
“Regardless, you are not wrong,” Adam says, as if he were casually describing the events of a dull morning rather than the extermination of all human life. “He did indeed wish for the end of humanity as we know it. Third Impact has been enacted. Instrumentality is now complete.”
“Where there were once billions, there is now one,” Lilith continues. “One mind, one soul, containing multitudes.”
My shoulder sag in defeat. “Then SEELE won,” I mumble in a hollow voice. “You handed them their victory.”
“Perhaps.” Lilith seems unconcerned by the prospect. “The future is still uncertain. At this moment, each and every one of my children is learning the truth. The truth about each other. The truth about themselves. All secrets are now laid bare. This includes your son.”
Something about the way that she says that catches my ear. I perk up, frowning in confusion.
“Shinji is currently confronting the damage you have inflicted upon him,” Adam says. “We are confident that he will prevail, and when he does, he will lead the rest of humanity into a brighter tomorrow. Mankind will emerge again, I feel. Better and stronger than before.”
Shinji. A leader. I would laugh again if it wasn’t for the heavy weight on my heart. “You have doomed us all.”
“They may also be truth,” Lilith concedes. “Shinji’s fate is still undecided. However, that decision rests with him and him alone. You have your own journey ahead of you, Gendo Rokubungi.”
I hiss at the sound of that name. “Don’t call me that,” I growl.
“Why not? It’s your name, isn’t it?”
I shake my head. “My name is Gendo Ikari. I rejected the name of Rokubungi long ago.”
“And the name of Ikari has rejected you,” Adam says in turn. “It belongs rightly to your son and your wife. And both have turned away from you.”
The heaviness in my heart becomes solid lead. It is as I feared. “Yui,” I whisper. “She…”
My voice trails off. Ever since Unit-01 began to reject the Dummy Plug, I began to fear that Yui has become aware of my aims, and now stands to oppose them. But how could she? Everything I did, everything I built was all for her. Surely she had to understand that!
But Rei also rejected me. As did Naoko. As did Ritsuko. Shinji rejected me a long time ago.
Everyone always rejects me. I should have seen this coming.
“We bear a message from her,” Lilith says, still infuriatingly wearing the younger face of my wife. “It reads as follows.”
“You arrogant, selfish bastard,” Adam recites, his tone and inflection as mild as ever. “Did you honestly think that I wouldn’t know what you did to our son? How you cast him aside? Forced him to fight in your stead? The cruel way that you treated him?”
Every spoken word of condemnation feels like getting punched in the gut. It is worse than I thought. I knew that Yui was probably angry, but to hear it laid out so coldly and maliciously…
“You were supposed nurture him,” Lilith says. Those words coming out from Yui’s face using her voice make each condemnation hit harder. “Guide him. Teach him love. Compassion. Empathy. Make him ready to lead mankind into their next evolutionary state. But what did you do? You made him more like you!”
“Selfish,” says Adam.
“Bitter,” says Lilith.
“Entitled.” Lilith’s scarlet eyes bore into my own. “For what you did to our boy, you will burn in Hell, Gendo. Burn in Hell, you bastard.”
I cannot take it anymore. The strength goes out from me, and I sink down to my knees. The weight of my damnation bows my shoulders, and I bury my face in my hands.
Nothing. It was all for nothing. It didn’t even matter if Rei followed her directive or not. Yui would have rejected me all the same.
Tears well up, and I cry.
“Fortunately, your son is not beyond saving,” Adam says as I weep. “There is still a kindness to his soul, a beauty that shines even after your attempts to snuff it out. He will unlearn all of the lessons that you taught him, and find the ability to love once again.”
I bitterly shake his head. “And then…and then what?” I draw myself back up to my feet. “What good will it do? He’ll still be stuck here in this Hell, the same as everyone.”
“His journey is his own, and its ultimate destination is his to find,” Lilith says. “You have your own journey ahead of you.”
Something about the way that she said that triggers my sharply honed instincts. “What does that mean?” I growl.
“You must be reeducated,” Adam answers. The boy still wears that infuriatingly serene smile. I hate it. It’s like he’s mocking me. “A personal request by Yui Ikari. She wishes for you to be made to understand.”
Yui? Reeducated? What? “Understand what?” I say. “What did-”
The lights go out.
I am not a man given to panic, and yet I feel that franticness welling up within me. Is this to be my fate? To be left alone in eternal darkness for all eternity? I suppose it is better than the Flames of Perdition, but-
And then a single light suddenly turns on from overhead, shining down on me, revealing to me that I am now face-to-face with a monster.
Crying out, I stumble back, only to stop myself in the nick of time to keep from slipping off of the edge of the platform that I am on. It is then that I recognize where I am.
I am in the Evangelion loading cage, standing on the catwalk that crosses in front of Unit 01. The hulking monstrosity stands submerged up to its bulky shoulders in LCL, so that I am practically eye-level with the monster.
But what am I doing here? What possible game are those two arrogant, insufferable-
Then a voice speaks.
“If for once in your life, you’re willing to do something of actual worth, get in the damn Evangelion, Gendo! Otherwise, stop wasting my time and get out!”
That voice brings all of my confusion to a sudden halt, only to overwhelm it all with a flood of piping hot rage and indignation.
Jun Rokubungi, my pathetic, worthless excuse for a father. Jun Rokubungi, whose name I had rejected the moment that I could justify it. Jun Rokubungi, who never did a decent thing in his life, and yet had the audacity to look down on me.
He’s literally doing it right now. I see him behind the glass of the observation deck, high above my head. My hands start shaking.
How dare that bastard? How dare he? He neglects me for practically all of my life, sends me away when I need him the most, and when he finally decides to include me in his life, it’s only so he can stuff me into this…this monster so I can fight his battles for him? What kind of father does that?
“You can’t run away now, Gendo! Not from your problems, and not from your father!”
It’s the strange woman that brought me here, that my worthless father sent to bring me here. It figures that for all of her pretenses at kindness and sympathy, when the chips were down she would turn on me as well.
“Be a big boy, Gendo!”
Fuck her.
“No!” I shout back. “I’m telling you; I can’t do it!”
Cold silence greets my outburst, and that is somehow even worse than if he had cursed me right back.
And then I hear the squeaking of a gurney’s wheels.
Two hospital orderlies enter the catwalk, pushing a hospital gurney with them. Surprised, I crane my head, trying to see who they’ve brought with them.
It’s a girl. A girl about my age. A girl with a soft, elfin face. A girl with short brown hair that doesn’t look like it had seen a comb in quite some time. A girl with a look of resigned determination on her face, as if whatever awaited her would be horrible but unavoidable, making any sort of resistance pointless.
A girl wearing a strange, skintight white outfit of hard plastic and latex. A girl covered with bandages from some horrific injury.
In a flash, I understand. This is who will have to pilot that horrible giant robot if I do not agree. Or to be specific, this is who my bastard father is using to blackmail me into piloting that horrible giant robot.
See what was done to her, he is telling me. If you do not do as I say, she will suffer even more.
The orderlies push the gurney past me up to the robot. The girl struggles to get up, but she is obviously in great pain. I extend my hand as I try to stop her, try to tell her not to listen to my father, that she doesn’t have to do this.
Then something very large explodes nearby, quaking the room.
The gurney topples over and the girl falls to the ground with a cry of pain. I rush over to her. She’s shaking as I cradle her body in my arms.
Who is this girl? She seems so frail. What did my father do to her?
Whatever it was, it will happen to me to if I give into my father’s demands. And yet, how can I stand aside and let her get hurt again? He’s got me, and he knows it.
With a look of pure, venomous hate, I glower up at the observation deck, where the silhouette of the cruelest bastard I had ever known silently looks down upon us.
“Fine!” I snap. “I’ll do it! I’ll pilot the robot!”
Then the lights go out. The cage is gone. The robot-
Evangelion Unit 01
-is gone. The girl-
-is gone. And my father…
My father is dead. He died years ago, and good riddance! The last time I spoke to him had been shortly before my enrollment in Kyoto University, when I finally explained to him in full, unbiased details exactly how he had failed as a father and a human being. His death happened not long after my and Yui’s wedding. I think the cause was suicide? Or maybe the bastard had drunk himself to death. I don’t really remember. My focus was elsewhere, and he didn’t have much of worth, so I left the cleanup to the police and had him cremated.
But why show me him? I recognize the scene, of course. It was a reversal of when Shinji first arrived at NERV headquarters, though with me standing as Shinji, and my father…
My anger boils over once again. “You’re wrong!” I shout at the void. “I’m nothing like him! Everything I did, right or wrong, had purpose!”
There came no answer from my jailors, no retort. Merely silence.
“How dare you! Yes, I made mistakes! Yes, I have my own wickedness. But I at least had his best interests at heart! Who are you to judge me, you-”
And then the screens flicker to life in front of me.
With a gasp, I almost fall forward. I’m now sitting in a strange sort of cockpit, the one belonging to that…that…what was it again? Evangelist? Evolution? That big robot! That’s right. I agreed to pilot that robot instead of that girl, and now…
The screens show me the damaged cityscape of Tokyo-3.
And before me is the monster.
It is enormous! As big as the robot that I was forced to pilot, if not bigger. A misshapen black body, one with long, spindly legs and a torso that bulges out from a relatively small waist into hulking shoulders. Its face resembles that of a bird’s skull, and it has bonelike protrusions sticking out all over its body.
I feel fear grip me. This is what they expect me to fight? How? I don’t know what’s going on! I didn’t have any training! I didn’t even know that any of this existed until a short time ago!
This is insanity! My father, who abandoned me, suddenly summons me out of the blue, no apology, no explanation, no acknowledgement of what he did to me, and when I arrive, he expects me to just jump into this horrible robot and fight some kind of invincible alien monster, the same one that an N2 Mine could barely slow down? What was wrong with him? What was wrong with all of them?
Then the monster stops lurching around. It turns toward me. It sees me.
Then it bends forward, ready to charge.
Oh no.
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Warnings : None
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Note : this chapter and any chapter after this hasn't been beta read or edited which means it will have shitty grammar, a lot of spelling errors, annoying dialogues and overall just be shitty.
Chapter 9 : The Beautiful Ship
Aidene Rayners
“Are you done yet?” I drawled out, lying down on the table. Anne had been finishing her homework, albeit extremely slowly, she kept getting distracted. 
I had tried to keep myself entertained by observing the students in the dining hall, but there wasn’t much to see. The school however had placed a hook in my curiosity. Havenpoint was an odd place. Although, I couldn’t point out what was odd exactly. The flowers in the fields seemed to grow wilder, with roots going deeper than they should. The trunks of the trees twisted and curled like there was something foul in the soil. An eerie, twisted spring season. The world around us seemed to dissolve, the school being the only thing that was present in a sea of clouds. The students were normal but seemed oblivious or ignorant. 
I puffed out a little breath, tugging at the curls which had fallen in front of my face. The purple dye was starting to fade, revealing bits of my pale bleached ends. I would have to colour it again.
 I looked around the dining hall, where students had gathered since it was pouring outside. They all had brought their own snacks and made stacks of them on the tables, my stomach grumbled. I turned my attention back to Anne.
“Done?” I asked once more.
“Done?” And again.
“Done?” Anne snapped.
“For the love of all that is good and pure would you please shut up!” She slammed her book shut, stuffing it in her bag. I grabbed her arm and heaved her off the chair dragging her out of the dining hall. Once she managed to pick up my pace I let her arm go. 
I turned on my phone and started to scroll through the pictures Anne had sent me.
“So, I studied the blueprints and the changes made to the school and I found entrances to the underground floor,” I told her while enlarging the image making sure I didn’t get my research wrong.
“The basement?”
“No. The underground floor it's not a basement. Anyways, I found that they kept three entrances in case of emergencies.” I turned to look at Anne to show her my triumphant smile but she was nowhere near me. She had fallen behind several paces and seemed to be in no hurry. A small annoyed groan escaped me as I walked back to her. 
“Did you hear what I said?” 
“Three entrances.” She replied.
“Yes. So I was thinking you could check one and I could check one and we could call Penelope to check the third.”
“Penelope? Why? It’s only three entrances. We both can check the third together.” She sent me a glare. I wasn’t fond of her roommate either but the work would have been easier and faster. Also, Penelope knew things, she could help. It was always smart to be in people’s good graces, to be their friends. James would be useful as a friend. Same thing with Nico. Penelope had put a friendly relationship with him at risk stupidly over some petty spite.  
“Fine.” I pouted. 
I shoved my phone in front of her face.
“You take the entrance in the east and I will take the one in the west.”
“The west one is further away,” she observed.
“Yes, I know. Which is exactly why I am taking it, seeing that you aren’t the fastest worker.” 
“Fuck off.” She showed me her middle finger, but it had a playful tone to it. I gave her an apologetic smile dearly hoping she hadn’t taken offence in that. 
From what I had observed Anne was slow at any kind of work. She got distracted easily. She took ages to put back all her stationary in her pouch at the end of the class. She would spend minutes doodling and decorating the titles on her notes instead of actually writing the notes. She was smart as a whip but low on efficiency. I didn’t mind it, I would just have to adjust accordingly.
I watched Anne walk back to the entrance of the dining hall.
“Message me once you find something!” I yelled after her. Somewhere near that place, she would find one of the entrances. I started to jog to the other side of the school, it would take some time.
The door was located at the back of a janitor’s closet. It smelled of damp mops and the faint lemon cleanser the school used.
The lock pick set I had brought with me now lay on the floor. Every single tool was scattered along the floor in exasperation. I gently picked up the half-diamond pick and put it back into the pouch and proceeded to pick the rest up. I was good at picking locks but the one I was faced with now was old, damaged and rusted. Everything inside it was falling apart. 
I desperately rammed my shoulder into the door hoping it would do something. I felt the burning stab of pain race through my body and the dull ache which followed.
“I ain’t losing this battle,” I growled at the door. I threw myself at it again. I hadn’t gone through boring ass records on an old shelf just to end up with nothing. I hadn’t walked through the hot streets of Ravenwood tolerating Penelope for nothing. 
I kicked at the door, frustration building up. I screamed and roared and pounded my fists against the locked door. With the final burst of energy I had, I grabbed the mop and hit the lock with it. Satisfaction poured through me like cold water when I heard something crack. I hit it again and again and again, watching the lock crumble and fall at my feet. I opened the door, with a victorious smile which died out in seconds when I saw a brick wall behind it. 
“The courageous Aidene Rayners may have won the battle against the door but the brick wall has won the war,” I muttered to myself.
I took out my phone, a throbbing pain swallowing my body. I texted Anne, sending her a picture of the brick wall. She responded quickly, sending me a picture of yet another brick wall on her side. I sank to the floor trying my best to keep my hopes up. Without thinking I called Anne on the phone, and she picked up.
“My whole body hurts,” I complained in a whisper.
“Did you try to bulldoze the door with your body?” I stayed silent, a blush of embarrassment heating up my cheeks. 
“I was lucky to find the door in the woodwork class. All sorts of destructive tools.” I found it hard to imagine Anne swinging a hammer at the door.
“Bet the janitor’s mop is more destructive,” I muttered nonsensically. I could feel Anne raise an eyebrow on the other side. I let out a small delirious and tired chuckle. 
“Well, the third time’s the charm! See you at the last entrance.” I tried to sound cheerful but it came out as exhaustion.
The last and final door was located in some sort of storage room at the back of the school. I was surprised to find the door unlocked. I had to pick the lock to the janitor’s closet. But when I opened the door, I realised why it wasn’t locked. The place was forgotten, dusty and invisible. No one probably bothered with it. 
I had found the switchboard but none of the switches seemed to have been working. The torch on my phone allowed me to see the haphazardly arranged metal shelves. I looked up to see either missing or broken light bulbs. Old files and ancient test papers turned yellow, laid on the shelves. I kept bumping into boxes full of lost items which had never been found. There were broken instruments, chairs and tables. A graveyard for items which had served their time at this school. 
Someone sneezed loudly, making me yelp.
“Rayners? That you?”
“Anne!” I yelled out recognizing the voice, “Where you at?” I started searching following the sound of her voice and found her in the centre of a circle of shelves. 
“You should have come earlier.”
“What did I miss?” I asked.
“I walked into two girls making out, had to shoo them away. It was embarrassing as hell.” I let out a small ‘ah’ and walked closer towards her. My steps were sluggish and my mind was brittle with exhaustion.
“Did you find it?” I asked.
“I looked around the place but found nothing. So I looked at the blueprints again and realised it's a fucking trapdoor and there is no way I am going down on that dusty ass floor to search for it.” She curled her lips in disgust. I let out a sigh and dropped down, looking under the shelves since Anne wouldn’t do it. 
“You do realise it might take ages to find a trapdoor in this place, right?” I heard Anne tell me. My mouth only stretched into a smile when my flashlight landed on a part of the floor which was a different colour. A dark wooden door contrasted with the rest of the floor.
“Found it!”
“What?” Anne gaped at me.
“You must be good luck, Anne,” I winked at her, “Now help me move this shelf.” 
We moved the shelf with great effort. The metal legs screeched against the floor making my year bleed. We had tried to lift it so it would be quieter but we could barely get it a centimetre of the ground. As the shelf moved further away, and the door started peeking out, a strange anticipation filled me. It was like I was expecting something, awaiting it with a thirst. It was odd because till now I had felt nothing but mild curiosity for this little adventure of mine. The trapdoor was finally revealed. I looked at it with a desperation which came from the waiting thirst. 
I knocked on the door, and a dull loud sound emitted from it. It was hollow, it probably did not have a brick wall underneath it. Excitement filled me. The adventure was alluring to me, like the sea. A beautiful ship was about to sail out to sea and I wanted to be on it. I would figure out the mystery out there and not just stay captivated by it. But there was a yearning, a hunger which I did not recognize. 
I reached out to the pouch holding my lock picks, which I had safely stowed away under my shirt but then I noticed the lock which was placed on the door.
Whatever joy was inside me turned to anger quickly, several hooks clenched into my heart pulling and tugging painfully. The pain was real, I wasn’t imagining it. And the anger? That anger was not mine. The lock on the trapdoor was one I could not pick. A lock I had never seen before gleamed new and proud on it. Every door in the school had the same sort of lock. They were outdated and I could pick them in under five minutes. Why was this one different? Someone really didn’t want us getting in. 
I kneeled down observing the lock. It wasn’t a digital one, I could use my tools to pick it. But I had a cheap and the most basic lock pick set. Only nine tools, enough to get me into most places. I probably didn’t have the tools, time and experience to pick this lock. At least not in one go. It would take me days with trials and errors. I would most likely damage the lock with those trials and a damaged lock couldn’t be picked.
The anger turned to a beast clawing away, it died down in seconds like it was trying to hide. I didn’t want it to come back.
“Anne, we really need Penelope’s help in this.”
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someone1348 · 2 years
I just finished Ducktales 2017 and have been dying to write for it sooo here are my favorite triplets! I hope you all enjoy!
The people in this: Switch!Huey, Switch!Louie and Switch!Dewey
I'm so excited!
Tw: arguing/angst but other than that none! It gets better I promise!
(Platonic only they are brothers!)
With all that being said enjoyyy!
That's It!
Everyone was on the way home to the mansion from an eventful evening in the castle with Scrooges parents. What normally would be chaos in the backseat was complete and utter scilence, it was truly unnerving when things got like this.
The Triplets had gotten into a pretty heavy argument over a comment Scrooge had made previously and no one spoke a word to each other until they got home. Launchpad tried to make conversation but no one budged.
"I want you three to go to your room and figure this out, no one's leaving until this petty debacle is situated"
Louie was the first to chime up "nuh uh no way am I-"
"This isn't up for debate, go"
"Yes uncle Scrooge..." the three said in unison angerly sighing as they went to their room. Scrooge locked the door, they weren't going anywhere until this was settled.
The room remained quiet, you could slice the tension in the air in half with your pinky finger. The soft wind whipped through the air, background noise of whatever was going on downstairs and finally the steps of Louise's pacing was all that could be heard but not a peep out of the triplets,,, that was until the youngest spoke up
"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" He yelled, catching the attention of his two older brothers
"Yeah me either, i don't want to be stuck in a room with you two either" Dewey said in anger, he didn't mean it, he's just upset but that ticked Louie off even further
"Are you serious!?! Come here!" Louie pounced on Dewey as they wrestled on the floor exchanging words in anger and pity slaps not actually wanting to hurt each other Huey sighed at the sight.
"It's not my fault I'm the favorite!" Dewey said as he got the upper hand
"He only said that to spite his sister! Do you care about anyone but yourself!?" Louie said as Dewey's throat closed, he fought tears back, growling at the duck in green before the two were pounced on by their oldest sibling
"That's It!" Huey shouted before pouncing on them pinning them both under him. The two stopped, no one struggled, no one yelled they just looked up at Huey and sighed.
"We're letting one measly comment drive us apart, we are all special and amazing in our own ways! We're the duck brother's in case you've forgotten! What has gotten into you two!"
Huey was right, they both knew that but still the room was silent, no one knew what to do, it's been so long since they fought like this.
Dewey looked over to Louie with a mischievous plot in mind keeping a straight face 'There's only one way to solve these fights and I know just how to Dewey it'
"Louie I'm sorry..."
Louie looked over and tilted his head, as Huey loosened his grip Dewey smirked getting Huey off and pinning his youngest brother down
"Sorry that you're about to lose this fight!" With that he swiftly squeezed the green nefews sides as Louie bursted out into giggles
"Nohohoho! Dehehewehehey! Stahahap it! Nohohot fahahair!" Louie complained through his laughter, Huey was about to pounce all over again until he heard the laughter and knew exactly what Dewey was planning.
As a kid whenever things got really intense this was the only way to solve anything it seems things haven't changed in that sense, the air grew lighter and there were smiles plastered on everyone's face, real, genuine smiles
"Aww who's my ticklish little brother! Tickle Tickle Tickleee!" Dewey giggled teasing Louie as he went for his stomach
"NOHOHOHO PLEAHAHAHASE HUEHEHEY SAVE MEEEHEHE!" Louie opted for Hueys help which he graciously handed to him pouncing onto Dewey skitering up and down his ribs with a smirk
"Looks like you're the ticklish younger brother now huh Dewey?~"
"NOHOHOHOT FAHAHAIR YOHOHOU CALLED BAHAHACK UP!" Dewey jokingly complained as Louie caught his breath and smirked down at him
"Everything's fair when you start a tickle war with me dear brother"
Huey giggled evilly smirking at the youngest's while still tickling Dewey
"You should be afraid sweet Llewellyn, You've awoken a monster and he wants to Playy!~" Now Huey never ever calls him by his real name unless it's when he's in full tickle monster mode
Before he could get a chance to run he was grabbed by his hood and the two were pinned under Huey once again as he scribbled along Dewey's neck and Louies sides
"Tickle Tickle tickleee Younger brothers!"
"Heheheuy stahahahap iHiT- NO AHAHAHAHA!"
Huey giggled blowing raspberries over Louies stomach and Dewey's ribs as they both threw their heads back in laughter
"OKAHAY WE GIHIHIVE!" Louie shouted as Dewey agreed
"Fine fine" Huey got off of them with a smile as they caught their breath
"See now that wasn't so bad was iiiII-WAIT! HOLD ON!" The two got back up quickly capturing their oldest brother as Dewey scribbled along his sides and Louie tickled his knees
The two disagreed in unison "Oh it's totally fair!"
"Well we would hope so" Dewey said giggling as Louie chimed in
"Yeah it would be pretty strange if it hurt"
After a bit more tickling and a mercy call out from their oldest they all stopped rubbing away Hueys ghost tickles as they hugged it out,
"I really am sorry Louie,, I just felt wanted for once even if it was just a joke but I shouldn't have been so mean, will you ever forgive me" Dewey said genuinely as he shot a look to the youngest
"Of course I forgive you Dew, and I'm sorry too I was a jerk and said stupid stuff out of anger that I didn't really mean, I'm really really sorry Dewey...could you ever forgive me?" He looked back at him before he was pulled into another hug by the middle child
"Of course Lou! This was really dumb let's never fight again!"
Huey smiled butting in "I highly doubt we won't ever fight again but the spirits there!"
The other two laughed and brought Huey into the hug too
"I love you guys, so much"
"We love you two Dewey"
"Somtimes" Louie said giggling
"That's It!"
Childlike laughter filled the room once more, the breeze slowed down and everything fell into place again, The Duck Brothers were back and there was nothing that was going to stop them now!
I loved writing this so much! I hope you all enjoyed as well!
-K :]
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candikin · 2 years
Guess I'm becoming the news reporter for this one (mama) but I don't want that role so this is the last time I'm talking about this shit because why the fuck would I continue
Is MamaAintTakinShit a troll or just a piece of shit?
(a rant post)
How good is their evidence?
Hmm, uhhh fucking dogshit. It's mostly just fucking "Oh you fucking like dream SMP so that means your a pedo proshipper racist groomer bitch!!!!", which uh isn't even dirt. Lots of people have liked them, I wasn't one so maybe I'm dumb but tf? Also feel like they think most furries have a beastiality fetish but won't get into that.
Also Idk why they don't screenshoot some of their evidence that was deleted or try to find a way of how it was archived, as they are trying to expose the fandom, correct?
2. How mean are they?
They are really rude, they generalize the whole fandom saying they are pedos, proshippers, racists, and that we all are committing copyright. If they really actually wanted to spread dirt on people, they would at least be nice to the good ones. But instead their messages are rude as hell. They seem to hate Cookie Run as well, so we might not even be the only fandom they are exposing, unsure about this however.
They also seem to mean to blogs with not much attention when I'm basically the only person who ever fed them. They also told me to invest into a computer, which is funny because I'm 13, how the fuck am I supposed to do that? I thought it was obvious how old I was, you think I can invest money?
Anyways, they also believe headcanons = canon as they say Carol Cross in most likely in her 50s, which uh... no she's not?? Also saying Buckethat is a child/teen, when they literally have like one appearance?
3. Racism
They seem pretty fucking racist. They love to say white for every shitty person they see. And I checked for you guys who don't believe white people can be racist to white people, they're black. And yes, you can be racist to white people, racism isn't just for the minorities. Also they accuse that drug use is a racist trope so take that as you will
4. Are they a troll or not?
Uh... scary thing is... I still don't know. They act like a picsart troll, so probably? They have no likable qualities, they are borderline racist, they assume a lot of things but yet... they are also just another toxic twitter user. This is the shit I saw daily when I used to go on twitter, so uh, I actually doubt them being a full on troll, though I do believe their opinions are much more exaggerated
5. A little message for mama!
I know your stalking this blog or really, whatever blogs you can grab on. I know I'm feeding you with all my attention like a mother to a baby, because that's what you basically are. You whine, you cry. and you scream when things don't go your way. I'll even rewrite this whole goddamn rant about your ass on that blog you last reblogged on your other account, anon!
Is it petty? Is it just pure spite? I don't know, it doesn't matter because all the attention is on you! Your the star of the shitshow. If you are a troll, go reveal yourself as one now, but just know that it isn't going to save you. None of us care or will accept you again, unless you really change, but I doubt you will. Go back to twitter, your homeland, you piece of shit.
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invisiblegarters · 2 years
My Beautiful Man S2 E4 (Final)
“Maybe I’d be better off giving up,” Hira says to himself, as if he’s not constantly on the verge of it every damn day. Hira, I love you, but sometimes I want to reach through the screen and throttle you. 
Then again, he just thinks so very lowly of himself and that doesn’t go away just because someone loves you. The only way that goes away is if you work hard every day to make it. And even then, it’s less a straight path and far more a zig zaggy round about. 
I knew Kiyoi would be back. One fight isn’t going to send him flying off forever, even though Hira tells himself that’s how it will go. 
Kiyoi: Why didn’t you chase after me?
Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear. Here we go again. This is every time Kiyoi tried to get Hira to chase him in S1 all over again. 
The whole darn show and not one kiss. Robbed! Robbed, I say! But also ha, I’m going to go ahead and feel free to assume that Kiyoi withdrawing his kisses as punishment means that they are usually all over each other, even if we don’t get to see it. 
Wow, what poor girl did Shirota convince to date him? I do wonder how much these people have changed. My guess is not much at all, sigh. 
Still love these opening credits so much. 
Kurata? NO. Come on Kurata you were the only one that I liked. Although okay I will give them this - none of them were that bad. I guess I expected them all to still be the same petty, awful people they used to be. Rude of me. 
You know, they’re not in a great place, but Kiyoi and Hira’s thoughts still tend to mirror each other. They still think along the same lines, it’s just that their ways of processing are completely and utterly different. 
It’s so nice to see Kiyoi pushing through his reluctance to open his mouth and say what he wants or means to try to make this thing with Hira work. I’ve always said I get Kiyoi’s personality better than Hira’s, that’s true, and I do tend to sympathize with hm more overall, but this is what I mean when I say that he’s trying. Kiyoi is doing his level best to make himself understood by Hira in spite of his inclination to hint and then expect Hira to get it. He knows Hira won’t, so he tries to meet him, tries to give Hira something to work with. 
Hira...often does not. Don’t get me wrong, he definitely sees the need for change and he’s utterly aware that he has to move forward to keep their relationship going, but where he loses the plot is exactly how he needs to move forward. He focuses on the fact that he has no job, or that he isn’t established, and while yes that would be good, what Kiyoi is mostly looking for from him in the moment is someone to meet him halfway emotionally. He needs to feel like Hira is hanging on to him as tightly as Kiyoi is hanging on to Hira. Unfortunately Hira isn’t quite there yet. 
I remember those steps. I wonder if Kiyoi will get all up in Hira’s face again. That’s always nice. 
AW. Okay, Kiyoi sliding over to rub Hira’s back when he starts stuttering is sweet. 
And yes, he did get all up in Hira’s face. Thank you Kiyoi, I can always count on you to just get right in there even if you are still not planning on kissing him. I also really like how he clocks Hira’s disappointment at being told that he doesn’t have to find a job immediately after graduation and adjusts. 
YAS they kept him being out at work! I wasn’t sure if they would and I honestly loved that so I’m glad it’s there. I think Kiyoi is just dying to tell people, haha. But who does he really have in his life that he can? It’s a little sad that Anna might be the first person he’s really gotten to tell. And I say again, I really like her. And I am once again just baffled by the idea of people being unable to date who they want because it is better for their image to be seen as single and thus possibly available to fans. I know it happens all over the place and it’s like, dudes. It’s really no one else’s business, no matter who they are. 
Oh Hira. He doesn’t even realize that he’s being offered a job. Well, to be fair, Noguchi was hinting and Hira doesn’t do hints. And damn, his tear down of Hira’s photos was brutal. Possibly painfully accurate, hut brutal just the same. I do think that Noguchi sees real talent from Hira, though. Now it’s up to Hira to learn. 
I think that Hira telling Kiyoi that he wanted to take his picture on the same stage was probably the most romantic thing he’s ever said to him, lol. Kiyoi looks so touched. And aw, he took Anna’s words to heart and got Hira chocolates. I adore him. 
Okay, did NOT expect that kiss. 
People calling Hira “Suspicious kun” is never not going to crack me up. 
My goodness I loved this. I can see very clearly how it’s setting us up for the movie, showing us how they care for each other while also showing us the cracks that could easily widen if they aren’t careful. They papered over that fight exactly as I expected they would, but the underlying issues aren’t going to go away.
My goodness, now I have to wait possibly up to eight months to see the movie? Worst. End of February. Present. Ever. 
(also, of course it’s a 10/10. Was that ever a question?)
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
You are totally right about the grid dadding of Seb bit. Even with the social conscious stuff, he's done most of it in such a Seb way. *wears the rainbow top during the anthem no matter what FIA say* *wears my underwear over my racesuit to spite you*. Maybe people just need an opinion adjust. I put it to you that the qualification for being a GPDA director is not a 'dad vibe of protection', but a 'I'm going to get my own way on this no matter what, and if I don't get my own way everyone's going to know how you were in the wrong* person. Seb hasn't changed, he just has more things to be Seb about. (But I also have feelings on the difference between RB and Ferrari having an impact on his bad batch behaviour too)
Whilst I agree with a lot of what you said in your post, but I do think it's a mischaracterisation also to say he left because he couldn't stand a minute more in the Aston. I agree that if they or ferrari could have given him a championship contending car, or even one capable of regular race wins, he probably wouldn't have left.
But I think it's more that without the rush of the wins, the pros and cons of being in F1 just didn't balance out anymore. And I don't think Seb was lying when he said that the main reason was to spend more time with his family. Why lose time with them, with an ever increasing calendar, his kids childhoods spooling away, in return for a few years in a midfield car? Also, as we know, Seb can be a petty bastard. He's never let a single thing he's blamed someone else for go, if the truth was that AM are unsalvageable and there's no hope for their future cars, he would've said it.
Oh I agree with everything you said actually, thats a very good point about the GPDA! He wasnt there (only) for protection, he was there as a "fuck you" :D Also, nobody can convince me that Ferrari doesnt have gag orders that are super-regulated and that was also the reason he wasnt as outspoken about certain things as he used to be in rbr and was in amr after (different things but same principle). And yes, you worded it so mych better than i did in my angry tag rant - the pros and cons werent enough for him, i think especially because he was racing in a backmarker. Obviously his family plays a huge role in this, as it should, but i do believe that if it was a better team, a top team, honestly he probably wouldve stayed for a bit longer. And yeah, maybeeee youre right about AMR, idk, im just generally really fucking annoyed with them for the shitty car they gave him xD. Maybe he was being magnanimous for once in his life? We shall see what happens this year, and if they are salvageable.
Thank you so much for this ask, its so well worded and so RIGHT 🥰😘
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
(okay so I apparently can’t send asks from my sideblog but I saw your asks post!)
13, 30, 60, 66
You get to choose the fic for the 60 and 66 ones because I bet you have something you’d like to say abt those particular ones <3
13. Do you listen to music while you write?  If yes, what have you been listening to recently?
Yes! I have a playlist of Songs That Evoke The Right Sort Of Feels For Fic-Writing that I change up from time to time and some of them are there for inspiring one specific story and some are more generic. Recent adds to that have been from ongoing attempts to listen to some slightly-more-modern music by buying secondhand CDs of artists who were born in this century. I am weird about telling people what music I like, I always feel I will be judged, even more than I normally assume that, not sure why that is.
30. How much do you edit your fics?  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
I don't think I *do* edit, really? At least, there's no stage of going over things and rewriting beyond just fixing typos. By the end I'm usually like "well I spent AGES on this I am not changing any of it now, I don't want to have wasted those minutes thinking of each sentence." It's written, it's done, I'm not willing to change it now that it's in a form I like! Maybe that means I edit as I go? Does it?
60. In [insert fic], what inspired the idea for the plot?
I am gonna go with Forget-Me-Not, picked for being recent enough that I can remember why I wrote it. It was one of them "fandom-inspired" works because MCU fandom (what I know of it) seems to see Frigga entirely through the lens of how nurturing and comforting she is (or isn't, but usually is) to Loki and this is obviously quite reductive especially when there's only two women on Asgard who have names. And she gets used as the Perfect Loving Mother in contrast to Odin The Worst Parent Ever and like many fannish dichotemies this is both understandable and a bit reductive. So I decided I should write something where she is not the Best Parent Ever, but where she can justify everything she does as Good Parenting and so it's fucked up but the reader can see how she ended up there.
BTW when I say "spite" was my motivation for a fic this is usually what I mean - that something in fandom has annoyed me to the point where I want to write the opposite thing just to make a point. (Even a stupid and/or petty point is still a point!)
And also because I have read enough Historical Shite to know that everyone - everyone!!! - knows when a queen is pregnant. And yet I am seemingly expected to believe that Odin came home carrying a baby and Frigga wasn't pregnant and yet somehow Loki being adopted is not common knowledge? I had to plug that plothole for my own mental wellbeing! Frigga having mindwiped everyone including her own children kills two birds with one fucked-up stone!
66. What’s a fun fact about [insert fic]?
The bit with Donna and the chameleon arch in Continuity Errors (or, Five Things The TARDIS Half-Remembers) is something I'd been trying to turn into a fic since literally 2005, ie 'The Companion Becomes A Time Lord' Is Not Necessarily An Unreservedly Good Thing. I don't know how long I'd been trying to turn 'continuity errors' into an in-universe bit of jargon but that was Bloody Ages as well, I'm sure of it.
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Hey sorry for not posting, the askblog is on a slight break because of personal life stuff but meanwhile
Guess I'm becoming the news reporter for this one (mama) but I don't want that role so this is the last time I'm talking about this shit because why the fuck would I continue
Is MamaAintTakinShit a troll or just a piece of shit?
(a rant post)
How good is their evidence?
Hmm, uhhh fucking dogshit. It's mostly just fucking "Oh you fucking like dream SMP so that means your a pedo proshipper racist groomer bitch!!!!", which uh isn't even dirt. Lots of people have liked them, I wasn't one so maybe I'm dumb but tf? Also feel like they think most furries have a beastiality fetish but won't get into that.
Also Idk why they don't screenshoot some of their evidence that was deleted or try to find a way of how it was archived, as they are trying to expose the fandom, correct?
2. How mean are they?
They are really rude, they generalize the whole fandom saying they are pedos, proshippers, racists, and that we all are committing copyright. If they really actually wanted to spread dirt on people, they would at least be nice to the good ones. But instead their messages are rude as hell. They seem to hate Cookie Run as well, so we might not even be the only fandom they are exposing, unsure about this however.
They also seem to mean to blogs with not much attention when I'm basically the only person who ever fed them. They also told me to invest into a computer, which is funny because I'm 13, how the fuck am I supposed to do that? I thought it was obvious how old I was, you think I can invest money?
Anyways, they also believe headcanons = canon as they say Carol Cross in most likely in her 50s, which uh... no she's not?? Also saying Buckethat is a child/teen, when they literally have like one appearance?
3. Racism
They seem pretty fucking racist. They love to say white for every shitty person they see. And I checked for you guys who don't believe white people can be racist to white people, they're black. And yes, you can be racist to white people, racism isn't just for the minorities. Also they accuse that drug use is a racist trope so take that as you will
4. Are they a troll or not?
Uh... scary thing is... I still don't know. They act like a picsart troll, so probably? They have no likable qualities, they are borderline racist, they assume a lot of things but yet... they are also just another toxic twitter user. This is the shit I saw daily when I used to go on twitter, so uh, I actually doubt them being a full on troll, though I do believe their opinions are much more exaggerated
5. A little message for mama!
I know your stalking this blog or really, whatever blogs you can grab on. I know I'm feeding you with all my attention like a mother to a baby, because that's what you basically are. You whine, you cry. and you scream when things don't go your way. I'll even rewrite this whole goddamn rant about your ass on that blog you last reblogged on your other account, anon!
Is it petty? Is it just pure spite? I don't know, it doesn't matter because all the attention is on you! Your the star of the shitshow. If you are a troll, go reveal yourself as one now, but just know that it isn't going to save you. None of us care or will accept you again, unless you really change, but I doubt you will. Go back to twitter, your homeland, you piece of shit.
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narratingvoice · 2 years
narry? bud? are you ok?
I am sure people just chose that button because yellow is their favorite colour? or perhaps because of the "jim" button
are you good bro?
I'm quite good now! I've had time to distance myself from my feelings once again, and I've got a smile on my face and a song in my heart. In fact, I dare say I'm feeling even better than I was before this whole button nonsense got brought up in the first place. I feel refreshed and recharged and ready to fight the whole world to claim my place in it. Not that I'm saying I would need to, I just have enough energy to.
You know what, yellow is a nice colour. And it's a colour that a lot of people associate with me and the Parable as a whole, because of the Adventure Line™. That must be the reason people chose it. Oh, and there's the fact that it randomly happened to be placed in the middle of the poll. It's a fact of human psychology that when presented with an odd number of options, all other things being equal, people will tend to choose the middle one. It's good to know how people work; this is why I created two doors and not three, so people would not be tempted to fulfill the laws of statistical regularity.
Another fun fact is that humans are emotional and irrational beings, so unlike myself. You can become annoyed and spiteful for no good reason, a mental state that I cannot relate to - I only allow my feelings to turn negative if there is ample reason. With that in mind, I am choosing to believe that even if people were voting out of malice toward me, I can ignore their petty little feelings. Guess what haters, you mean nothing to me. I have a great voice and I am a creative genius and you can't change that.
It's funny, a few weeks ago I asked the Curator if she ever felt lonely in her museum, such a small domain that doesn't get visited often. What she said really surprised me: she told me she doesn't care if anyone ever looks at her work. She does it all for herself, not anyone else. It was an idea I could not begin to comprehend - why create art if not to shout to the world that you exist? But now I think there might be some merit to it. Yes, maybe I should disregard what people think of me, or at least what I think they think. I'm not a mind reader and I don't know what's going on in the real world. All I need is me and Stanley.
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tricksheart · 6 months
Before 2023 ends I just wanted to say how surreal and amazing it is - sometimes I feel like we're two old relics of the Persona 5 fandom and over the years it's been comforting to continually see you as dedicated to Joker as ever. You're someone who puts their heart and soul into all of their muses and truly someone who is devoted to their muses and that's something I admire a lot and strive to do better at. I hope we'll continue to be around for many more years. Hope 2024 brings you much happiness.
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I'm just as surprised as you are for sticking around as much as we did. It's bound to happen that a fandom isn't as popular as it once was and the changes to tumblr and real life didn't help matters.
I just can't really abandon my boi here since I poured a lot of effort into his backstory, headcanons, persona world building, etc. I feel like if I had left, all of that hard work would go to waste you know? Plus, I feel like one of the last 'Akira(s)' here and mainly stay purely out of spite to the canon name. Petty yes, I know. Hahaha.
But thank you for your kind words, especially for others that aren't necessarily Joker. And 2024 isn't the ideal year ( haha real and the ideal, get it? ) but I am trying to make the best of it. A lot of unknowns still. However, it's still to early to bury my head in the sand just yet. Here's hoping 2024 is being good to you too friend. <3
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