#yemen strike
munib4444 · 2 months
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sayruq · 5 months
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As always
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jujusjunk · 5 months
If the USA stopped Israel from committing a genocide, no one would be dead. This wouldn’t have happened if the US didn’t write blank checks to Israel. This wouldn’t have happened if the US didn’t treat Israel like its spoiled child. Iran targeted military bases, not children, not civilians, military bases.
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Tel Aviv last night
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Following the devastating news of the murder of 6 hostages, us Israelis are striking and protesting for a deal.
Saying we don’t want a ceasefire deal is just wrong. There are protests nationwide, school and most businesses are closed in protest.
We want a ceasefire / hostages deal . Bring them home now❤️🎗️
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sarcasticsweetlara · 7 months
Of course Zionists are saying that the Genocide in Gaza is nowhere near similar to the Holocaust.
But even if it's in other country and with a different ethnic group it's still a massacre of people who are picked just because they belong to a certain group, in this case Palestinians, that is genocide.
And similarly to the Jews when the WWII was happening, the Palestinian Genocide will only be acknowledged once it is over.
We're supposed to learn from our mistakes from the past, so let's not let them happen again.
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totallynotcensorship · 8 months
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tags update: free palestine, palestine, gaza, free gaza, yemen, lebanon, middle east, human rights, united nationsm and jerusalem are trending
edit: yemen, lebanon, human rights, middle east, and united nations stopped trending? they are still in the "featured tags" on trending tho-
edit2: they are back to trending
with free palestine at 1st place on the page
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orionsces · 8 months
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free 🇵🇸 🍉 Free Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Yemen, Tigray, Syria, Haiti, Hawai’i, Puerto Rico, Tibet. I've made a list for some donation and free resources for those who need them. Donation Pages and other resources you can help support (Donation Page for Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and other refugee camps) (The Palestine Children's Relief Fund) (Donations go towards Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan) (Purchasing eSims allows people within Gaza to connect to the outside to communicate with their families and also to show what’s happening within Gaza) (A donation site which provides urgently needed humanitarian aid in moments of crisis and conflict in 70 different countries.) (A donation page for Sudan Relief) (A donation page to send water, food and aid to those who are living in Yemen.) Other ways you're able to help for free, contact your local senators, boycott, inform yourself and others! Anything you are able to do is able to help. Inform yourself about Sudan, South Sudan, Palestine, Somalia, Uyghurs, Congo, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria and Morocco Inform yourself about Haiti, Hawai'i, Puerto Rico, Tigray, Tibet, Uighurs, West Papau: (A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine.) (A free daily button you can click to help the people of Palestine and other areas of crisis.) (A comprehensive list of brands to boycott and reasons why.) (Another list of brands to boycott.) (Contact your local US senator.) (Contact your local Canadian parliament) (Contact your local UK parliament)
You can use this call script if you call your local US government.
Call Script: My name is {Your Name}. I am a constituent of {Representative's Name}. I am calling to ask that the Representative add their name to the Ceasefire Now resolution led by Representatives Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib, regarding the unfolding crisis in Gaza. It is absolutely urgent that the Representative demand a ceasefire, and that they call on Israel to allow humanitarian assistance into Gaza. The only way forward is addressing the root causes of violence: Israeli military occupation and apartheid, and ending U.S. complicity in this oppression.
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kairukitsuneo · 8 months
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Optimus says human rights to be FREE 🕊🤲💕
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intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
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If you aren't already following her, please do!! This is such an extensive list with resources for many countries. They are an educational-based page, and they share so many donation links for many world issues ongoing -and also amplify Palestinian voices, art, creators, and culture. I love their work/page so much.
They also posted this recently about Palestinian embroidery. I have shared their content here previously, but I wanted to let folks know once again:
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worstloki · 7 months
Yemen in every single announcement: and we continue to stand in solidarity with the oppressed people of Gaza
the US: the black men attack international shipping routes in order to threaten our noble democracy which they baselessly hate
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thescaredsapphic · 7 months
Resource list for countries in need
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troythecatfish · 6 months
1st April - global strike for Palestine. Block the roads, block the embassies. Block the weapons. Block the businesses supporting Israel....
No more life as normal, while genocide is happening
If there is to be an end to this horror, it's on us to stop it. Let's do this ✊🇵🇸
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sayruq · 5 months
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Lmao they did! No scorch marks and all the dirt flew in one direction and arranged itself into a neat pile apparently
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jloisse · 2 months
🔹Forces armées yéménites :
« Nos opérations ne s'arrêteront pas tant que l'agression ne cessera pas et que le siège imposé au peuple palestinien dans la Bande de Gaza ne sera pas levé. »
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My Israeli Jewish ass when I log in here
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princeoftrashy · 10 months
Tiktok shadowbanned me for this and all my reposts, haha. I don’t make a lot of political pieces, but when NO mainstream news are even trying to report the truth about a genocide, it’s my duty as a artist to use whatever platform I have to redirect people’s attention. I’ve already managed to educate a few people via my YouTube post, so I’m doing something right.
And I don’t really care if companies like Tiktok or Meta are going to kill my reach for it. I’m not about to shut up because some algorithm tells me too. And guess what? I’m submitting my recent paintings to a local gallery show. You want my art to not be seen, come burn it.
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