#years are based on their physical publication date if available
taomubiji · 11 months
List of DMBJ Comics (Manhuas)
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1. Daomu Biji Comic: CAH Series (2009-2012)
4 books, not available online. Loosely based on Volume 1. Similar story to Daomu.
2. Grave Robbery Note Comic Series (2011-2017)
10 books. Based on Volume 1. Translated to English online by Bilibili Comics under the title Grave Robbers' Chronicles.
3. Daomu Biji: Private Picture Book (2011)
2 books, not available online. Loosely based on Volume 1. Similar story to Daomu.
4. Daomu (2011, 2015)
1 book, not available online. Loosely based on Volume 1. Originally published in English first in 2011 and then again in 2015. Also published in French under the title Daomu - Pilleurs de tombes
5. Grave Robbers' Chronicles Seven Dreams (2015)
Based on the characters from DMBJ. Translated to English online by Bilibili Comics under the same title.
6. Sand Sea Comic (2015)
2 books, available online. Based on the novel Daomu Biji Youth: Sand Sea.
7. Tibetan Sea Flower Comic Series (2015-2017)
6 books. Based on Tibetan Sea Flower. Translated to English online by Bilibili Comics under the title The Secret of Metok.
8. The South Bureau (2018)
Available online. Based on The Southern Archives.
9. Daomu Biji Restart (2018)
Available online. Based on Restart.
10. Daomu Biji Restart: Daily Life (2019)
Available online. Based on the characters from DMBJ.
11. Qinling Sacred Tree (2022-2024)
3 books, available online. Based on Volume 2 and the animation Buried Tree Devil.
The Lost Tomb Comic Series was removed since it's another version of the novels with some pictures in it. (11-23)
Updated the CAH Series and the private picture book to confirm that they're all based on the same story. (1-24)
Added earlier pub. and french version to Daomu. Added the new third book to Qinling Sacred Tree. (2-29)
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Billie Eilish's latest comments about body-shaming haven't gone down well, especially after a 2019 interview resurfaced
Billie Eilish has received backlash for suggesting men don't get criticized for their appearances. Many commenters called her out for overlooking male body-shaming.
The 21-year-old singer was interviewed as part of Variety's "Power of Women" issue. Eilish reflected on the media attention and scrutiny she received after wearing a tank top in public aged 16, and went on to describe how she felt men were viewed in contrast.
"Nobody ever says a thing about men's bodies," Eilish told Variety. "If you're muscular, cool. If you're not, cool. If you're rail thin, cool. If you have a dad bod, cool. If you're pudgy, love it! Everybody's happy with it. You know why? Because girls are nice. They don't give a fuck because we see people for who they are!"
On November 13, entertainment news account Pop Base shared Eilish's remarks in a post to X, formerly Twitter, which received 36 million views and over 9,100 comments. While some people came out in support of the singer and seemed to agree with her stance, many hit back at her comments.
One user called Eilish's comments "a little tone deaf" as they felt both men and women could be judged, while others commented that women were more likely to receive criticism, but it was still false to suggest that men didn't receive any.
Some pointed to the physical traits they felt men were particularly judged on, including their height, body shape, and general appearance, although also expressed the view that scrutiny of female bodies is typically more intense and widespread.
Multiple X users referenced a community note they said had been added to Pop Base's post, although no such note is currently visible. Community notes are an X feature that allows users to add context to a post which will be shown publicly if enough contributors rate it as helpful.
Various users shared screenshots of what appears to be a community note on the post saying, "Billie Eilish has publicly criticized women dating 'ugly men' and has said that ugly men deserve nothing on recorded promotional interviews," followed by a YouTube link.
This is likely a reference to a 2019 interview with Eilish available on Pitchfork's YouTube channel.
"Why is every pretty girl with a horrible-looking man, I don't understand," she said during the interview.
"Listen, I'm not shaming people for their looks, but I am though. You give an ugly guy a chance, he thinks he rules the world," she said. "I swear to god, because they got a hot girl, they can be horrible? Like, you're still ugly though."
She went on to reference the size of men's genitals, suggesting it's something they would have to "make up for."
Many comments under the video posted over the four years it's been uploaded called Eilish out for negatively commenting on other people's looks, especially as she has been so public about those who criticized her appearance.
On X, many also mentioned the long history of objectification of Eilish, going back to her teenage years, suggesting her perception is understandable as a result.
Eilish has encouraged people to normalize "real bodies" in the past. She spoke out on this topic earlier this year and said it still hurt to see comments about her own body online, Insider previously reported.
Representatives for Billie Eilish did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.
First of all, it's blatantly untrue to think that men never receive criticism about their bodies. In a previous post of mine, I mentioned how some people reacted to seeing a picture of Jonathan Taylor Thomas for the first time in 2 years. Some people were of the opinion that he really let himself go.
There was an article about Keanu Reeves, I believe earlier this year. He was shown to be topless and people thought he was chubby.
I could go on.
If she truly thinks a man's body is just loved and accepted without a second thought, she is mistaken. Whether he's famous or he's not, somebody will have something to say. Maybe some people have never dealt with it, but that can't be said for men as a whole.
And then for her to say that girls won't care is wrong too. I'd bet anyone that's been body shamed by a girl would disagree.
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ladyhoneydee · 8 months
this peppermint winter, this marshmallow world
Zelink | College AU | 5.8k
At the end of the second swallow, she finally opened her eyes—and caught Link in the midst of a sip of his own. Watching her. Why did the warmth in his eyes look so…different? Had he ever looked at her that way before, in all their years of friendship? Maybe it was just the glow of the streetlamp they stood beneath, transforming the snow into glittering fairy dust and the ambiance into spun gold. If they left this place, if they took their walk as planned, perhaps the clear blue moon would return them to the same light they’d always been cast in. Why did the thought of that make her chest so tight?
Written for @pastelsandpining as part of the Hateno Hideout Secret Santa! If you like the best-friends-to-lovers trope, nonverbal trans guy Link who is acting veeeery oddly all of a sudden, and confused, investigative Zelda, this one is for you.
Read it on AO3, FFN, or under the cut!
Zelda knew something was wrong with Link from a mile off. 
It didn’t matter that she was stuck behind the front desk, explaining to a frazzled-looking first year that no, they did not have any private study rooms available at this very minute, and they would have to wait twenty minutes or so until something opened up. From the moment her best friend strode into Castleton University’s Gaebora Library, his snow-dusted green beanie pulled down tight and chin tucked in low, she could tell that his mind was running a mile a minute on some topic or another. He always tended to crunch in physically when he was mentally distressed, after all. 
As the student surrendered with a grimace and set off towards the staircase—no doubt heading for one of the public sitting areas on the quiet upper floors—Link lifted his chin, and Zelda met his eyes. The whites widened, the pupils expanded. Then his gaze promptly dropped back to the laminate tiles underfoot.
Zelda’s suspicion rocketed through the ceiling, the five floors of the library over her head, and the snow-laden roof shingles high above. With the exception of particularly awkward or emotional conversations, Link had never struggled to hold eye contact with her before. Heck, they had practically lived off of staring contests back in high school. Even now, five semesters into university, new friends invariably asked if she and Link were dating based solely on how annoying about eye contact and making goofy faces at each other they were.
Still, there was no way he could actually avoid her, even if he wanted to. Not when she was on front desk duty, and the only student worker on shift who knew Hyrulean Standard Sign Language. After all, Link never came to the library to study, only to pick up books. Nonverbal as he was, it was easier to focus in a private place than somewhere people who couldn’t understand HSSL might try to talk to him. 
His fingers stuttered through her name-sign for a moment before smoothing through the rest of his words. “I have an interlibrary loan to pick up? A Walk in the Lost Woods by K.-I.-A. H-E-R-M-O-S?” His finger-spelling of the name was quick, but she’d been signing since elementary school and reading Link’s words and letters off his hands for nearly as long; it was nearly impossible to trip her up at this point. 
“Sure, I’ll just need to grab it!” Zelda’s voice brimmed with enthusiasm to cover up her suspicion. “For your Environmental Philosophy course, I’m guessing?”
“Yeah. Got an essay due next week.” 
Well, at least he was making conversation.
“Tonight is such a mess,” she complained. “I swear I’ve had five different students try to get me to find their books for them instead of just following my directions. It’s like everyone’s brain cells died over winter break.” 
A smile cracked through Link’s slight frown and downturned brows. “So now they’re killing yours in retribution, huh?”
“Mm-hm! Which is exactly why you should get us coffees from Piper’s and meet me on the quad for a walk when you’re finished studying and I’m done with my shift!” She beamed at him.
Just like that, alarm swept his face clean of the soft warmth it had held only a moment prior, and his gaze darted away from her once again. He rubbed his hands on his pants before replying, as if wiping off sweat—which was weird, given that he’d just come in from the cold, and hadn’t been wearing gloves. 
“Oh, I don’t know…”
“Come on, please?” she wheedled. “I’ll need something to resuscitate my poor, dying brain cells. And you’re my chosen hero of the hour.” She smiled in the winning, bossy way she’d learned from a childhood cultivated by a single dad who was not only a hardass entrepreneur, but also had moonlit as the president of the PTA at every public school she had attended. 
She’d learned other things from Daphnes, too. Like how to pursue a lead when something seems fishy—and how to throw someone off the scent of your true intentions until the opportune moment. 
The trick was to pick a reason that was still genuine, just not the whole truth. 
Link sighed, his gestures slowing and taking on weight to emphasize his put-upon tone. “If you insist. But— I’m bringing hot chocolate, not coffee.” Her pout was met with a stern, wolf-eyed stare. “I don’t care if you live off of caffeine. It’ll be after ten before we’re both done for the night, and I’m not dropping money on your addiction when I’ve got perfectly good cocoa mix in my dorm.”
Zelda let out a ponderous sigh of her own. “Fiiiine.” She placed her hands on her hips. “You’re no fun, you know that?”
“They say that the chosen heroes rarely were,” Link shot back, his gestures short and snippy, but punctuated with enough flair that she knew it was from sass rather than actual upset. “I’m just living up to your expectations.”
“Sure, hero.” She smirked. “Let me grab that book.”
As she swiveled her rolly chair around to scan the loan shelf for his book—Nayru’s love, did none of the other student workers this semester realize they were supposed to label the books with the requester’s name to make things easier?—Zelda mused over Link’s odd behavior. He’d brightened up, sure, but for him to hesitate over spending time together…
Well, the last time that had happened, it was right before he came out to her as trans the year they turned thirteen, and he was terrified she was going to hate him forever. 
When she spun back around, Link was fervently tapping his fingers against the wood of the front desk, expressions dancing over his features so quickly that she couldn’t make them out. He remained wordless and reticent while she checked out the green-bound hardback and passed it over, before throwing her a tight smile, waving awkwardly with his free hand, and walking out the door at an even brisker pace than usual. 
He hadn’t even paused to tuck the book away in his backpack.
…It was fine. It was. He’d been wrong back then—she could never hate him, but especially not for that —and no matter what secret feelings he was keeping close to his chest right now, he’d be wrong this time, too. She loved him too much for any other option to stick. Like snow falling on a manhole cover, any trouble between them would melt away before it had the chance to build up. 
She would make sure of it.
One of the downsides of working at Gaepora Library was that even at the end of the long, grueling evening shift, Zelda couldn’t leave until she’d scrubbed the floor. 
The reasoning was understandable enough, she supposed—given the building’s late hours, the CasU custodial staff were all done for the day by the time the library closed, and the slush and salt dragged into the lobby would damage the library’s century-old hardwood floor if it sat on them overnight—but that didn’t make her job any more enjoyable. The snow outside was pretty and all, and she couldn’t wait to go out in it with Link later, but did every student need to track slush in on their boots? They had a mat in front of the door for a reason!
Dimly, she noticed the clomping of winter boots approaching the front doors. Zelda glared down at the dirty rag in her hand and scrubbed even more vigorously. Surely the late visitor would notice the “CLOSED” sign she’d propped up in the front window, or the fact that nearly all the lobby lights were off, or her scrubbing the floor, and correctly assume that they should come back in the morning.
The door before her swung open. 
Zelda reared back from the sudden blast of cold. Wrath simmered in her veins, and she snapped her head up, ready to give this person a piece of her mind. 
“Excuse me, but the library is actually closed for the eve—”
His nose was red from the chill, and his shoulders shook with mirth. Immediately, all of the frustration that had been coiling like smoke in Zelda’s lungs throughout her shift whooshed out of her with a deep sigh.
“Nice floor,” he signed. “Very clean.”
“If you step on it, I might have to kill you.” 
He laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
He’d obviously stopped by his dorm since the last time she’d seen him. His rugged leather-and-canvas backpack was nowhere to be seen, and he’d swapped out his slate-blue quilted jacket for a snowquill-stuffed puffy coat. This time, he was actually wearing gloves, and his omnipresent green beanie was pulled as far over his ears as it could manage.
She smiled fondly. Some things never changed. They might be twenty and sleep-deprived from annotated bibliographies and slideshow presentations instead of ten and sleep-deprived from playing video games under the covers all night, but Link would always get cold faster than she did.
Link, unaware of the nostalgic origins of her affectionate stare, gave her a hesitant smile in return. “I left the hot chocolates outside. No food and drinks in the library, and all.” 
“Aw, you’re such a good boy,” she cooed. “You rule follower, you.”
To her surprise, he flushed redder than the ruby studs in his ears. Gloved fingers twitched wildly in the air for a moment in a clear nonvocal stutter before he pressed the tips together so hard that she almost thought she could see them quiver from the strain. 
The pause in the conversation was disjointed, alien. Like they were metronomes running on two different beats per minute, instead of the unison they’d always shared. 
“Are–are you ready to go?” he asked eventually, and Zelda’s brows shot up. Was he just not going to address his reaction? What was going on? 
At her lack of reply, his eyes darted around the lobby, and he filled the void himself. “They’re gonna get cold if you take much longer. Slowpoke.” Even the teasing insult was added on belatedly, as though he was reading off a script of their usual interactions and had nearly forgotten the last part of his line. 
Well, if he wasn’t going to be normal, she would just have to pick up his slack. 
“Oh, I’ve been ready! In all ways except the physical.” She waved the damp rag in her hand pointedly. “Give me just a minute.”
The nod Link gave her was heavy with relief, and she realized he was grateful she hadn’t called him out on his weird behavior. Well, he was going to be in for a rude awakening once they started their walk and the interrogation began. 
One rag rinsed and squeezed out, one desktop computer logged out and turned off, and one book-stuffed messenger back hauled onto her shoulder later, they were out the door. 
Zelda was grateful for the hot chocolate before she even took a sip. The lightweight knit gloves she kept in the pocket of her winter coat were not cutting it against the chilly wind and swirling snow. Central Hyrule wasn’t particularly known for being a cold region of Hyrule—not with places like the Mt. Nayru region of Lanayru and the entirety of Hebra as competition—but when winter settled in over the wide grasslands, it truly did settle. So when she plucked one of Link’s ceramic travel mugs off the bench, the heat that sunk into her fingers was entirely welcome. 
“They’re dark chocolate with peppermint and marshmallows,” Link signed. His gestures were harder to decipher when made one-handed, as the other was occupied with his own mug; still, after a lifetime of communicating with Link in all kinds of one- and two- and even no-handed situations, she could parse them rather well. “I made them both the same so that you wouldn’t have to make any decisions. Or complain if I made the decision.”
“Aw, you’re so kind. The great hero, saving me from my own agency.” She sent him a sly look.
“Hey, how many times have you texted me just to ask me to pick something for you out of decision fatigue at the end of a long day?”
“Too many to count.” She nudged him in the side gently. “I am grateful for that, truly.”
“Oh, I know.” His elbow bumped her in return. “Now drink your hot chocolate, you mooch.”
“ Yeah, your mooch,” she shot back, and took a sip. 
If she’d been looking at Link at that instant, she might have seen how his lips parted and trembled at her words. But Zelda’s eyelashes had fluttered closed from pleasure the moment the sweet, minty richness hit her tastebuds, and the moment passed, unseen.
“Mmmmm, that’s the stuff.” Unconsciously, she poked her tongue out to collect the scant remaining droplets of chocolate from her lips, before going back in for another greedy gulp. The warmth, the velvety texture of half-melted marshmallows slipping into her mouth, the cool echo of mint that lingered even after the sip was gone—it was like a green firework going off in her mouth, cascading sparks of comfort all the way down to her stomach.
At the end of the second swallow, she finally opened her eyes—and caught Link in the midst of a sip of his own. Watching her. 
Why did the warmth in his eyes look so…different? Had he ever looked at her that way before, in all their years of friendship? 
Maybe it was just the glow of the streetlamp they stood beneath, transforming the snow into glittering fairy dust and the ambiance into spun gold. If they left this place, if they took their walk as planned, perhaps the clear blue moon would return them to the same light they’d always been cast in.
Why did the thought of that make her chest so tight?
“How are the brain cells?” Link signed.
“Huh?” She blinked, owl-eyed. 
He laughed. “Okay, so they’re obviously not—” His hands fluttered in the air for a moment. “Oh, what was the word you used before…”
“Resuscitated.” She narrowed her eyes.
He ignored it. “That’s it! Resuscitated. Obviously your brain cells haven’t been resuscitated yet.”
“I think your presence might be killing them off, actually.”
“Well, I can always leave if that’s what you’d prefer…” His words were lighthearted, but something glittered in his eyes. Something that turned her stomach and reminded her what, exactly, they were there for.
“No!” She flinched back at her own outburst and thought fast. “I mean, no, obviously I don’t want you to leave. What I want is to go on a walk with you through the Green.”
“The Green?” If she hadn’t been watching him so closely, she might have missed him nervously biting his lower lip. “I thought you said the quad. And I don’t know if it’s a good idea to go all the way out there. I mean, it’s going to get pretty cold tonight.”
“The cold front isn’t supposed to blow in until midnight, actually. I checked the weather earlier. It’ll be totally fine—no more snow or cold than we’re already getting.”
Link looked up, but the sky was inscrutable. It was impossible to tell if the clouds above were thick and heavy with snow or light and mobile; if they were on their way out or if more lurked on the horizon. His brow furrowed.
“Besides, I can always keep you warm myself,” Zelda joked. It was a quip long-familiar for them—their friendship had always been one of touchy-feely affection—but instead of the habitual glomping hug or taking of her hand, Link only gave her that same frightened rabbit stare.
“Or not.” She laughed awkwardly. “Again, the weather shouldn’t be a problem anyhow. Even for you.”
“Ha, ha,” he signed sarcastically, and she could have collapsed with relief. “Make fun of me for having a normal response to abnormal temperatures.”
“It’s my solemn duty as your best friend to make fun of you,” she said through a cheeky grin.  “So? Are you in?”
Link sighed, and it was like she was seeing the action in double: the put-upon, overdramatic performance, and the actual release of trepidation it concealed. “...Yeah. Yeah, of course I’m in. Always.”
Always, even if the whole evening had been strange and discombobulated so far. Zelda took a deep breath and let it out. They would get through this, no matter what was churning inside his head and spilling out like steam over a hot spring. It was him and her. Zelda and Link. Always.
“Perfect.” She smiled at him, softer than the gently falling snowflakes. “Shall we?”
“Yeah,” he said, and the smallness and lightness of his motions let Zelda know her feelings were reciprocated. “Let’s take a walk.”
The Green was the closest thing CasU had to a nature reserve. It must have had some sort of official name, but Zelda hadn’t looked at a map of campus in years, and every student she’d ever heard talking about the place just called it the Green. Even the professors and administration did, as if they realized that no one would know what they were referring to unless they adopted the students’ language. 
But regardless of what one called the hundreds of acres of green space that hugged the entire western border of campus, a walk on one of the well-trodden footpaths along the river, through the woods, or across the meadows was always an enjoyable way to spend a few hours. Between Link’s Outdoor Education major, Zelda’s multitude of Biology internships, and the hours the pair had spent avidly mapping every trail themselves during their first semester, they both practically had the land memorized. 
Still, it was only practically, never wholly, because there was always something new to see. 
Even with three years at CasU under her belt, the Green’s beauty in winter never failed to strike her. Although it might have benefitted from a temporary renaming, given how everything besides the tall, old conifers sprinkled amongst the leafless oaks, maples, and aspens was blanketed in pure white snow. The branches criss-crossing over their heads were completely coated, as if the goddesses had dipped them in marshmallow fluff for a wintry treat. 
“It looks completely different,” Link signed. He took a sip of his hot chocolate. 
Zelda had to agree. The last time they’d hiked through the Green—nearly a month ago now, between finals, winter break, and the hectic first week back—a chaotic mess of decaying leaves had carpeted the forest floor, and they’d had to watch their step or risk tripping over a well-camouflaged root. The soil had been wet and slick beneath their feet from rain, and sprinkled through the tussocks of browning grass crumbled huge, frost-blackened mushrooms. Now, the whole world glittered beneath the silver rays of the half-moon, illuminating dozens of squirrel, rabbit, bird, and deer tracks that ran beneath the tree trunks—tracks that could only have been laid since the snow began falling, less than an hour ago. 
How strange, that the season of death felt more lively than the long, damp months that preceded it. 
“It’s beautiful,” she whispered. She wasn’t sure why. The hush just felt right. 
When Link looked over at her, eyes soft and wide with wonder, and nodded, she knew he felt it too. 
They reached a split in the path, a familiar crossroad. Left would take them further into the woods; right would take them to the meadows on the northeastern edge of the Green, before curving back in the direction of campus proper. 
She turned to Link once again. “What do you think? Right?”
“Wrong,” Link joked. “Nah, totally, let’s go to the meadows. It’ll be easier to get back to our dorms from there anyway.”
“It’ll be nice to see how they look, too, with the snow. By morning all the skiers will be out, and it won’t be nearly as pretty.” Zelda grinned good-naturedly. ‘All the skiers’ often included Link and Zelda in their numbers, after all. 
They swung off to the right, pointing out how the makeup of the forest changed as they got closer and closer to the meadows. When they both finished their final swigs of cocoa, marshmallows glazing pillowy sweetness down their throats, Zelda offered to stow their travel mugs away in her backpack. After all, Link had made them himself in his ceramics studio last year; it wouldn’t do for them to break! 
Still, even when the heat from the mug in her hands was gone, Zelda felt warm down to her core.
Books always said that winter was quiet, but Zelda couldn’t help but feel that was exactly wrong. It always felt, to her, like more. Brighter, with the snow reflecting the moonlight back up to dazzle their retinas and aid their journey. Freer, with the song of the wind more obvious as the fresh powder muffled any of the typical forest sounds. Sweeter, with the clean crispness of snowfall settling on the tongue. The beautiful more ness of it all filled her up, until she felt just shy of bursting with contentment.  
And then they crossed into the open air with its swirling snow and stars, and something in her chest, something brilliant and winged and joyful, rose and broke free of its tether.
Her head tipped back and her mouth opened wide and she drank in the moonlight, the starlight, the north wind. Arms flung wide to embrace the night. She twirled, twirled, twirled, basking in the coldbright good until it blurred into streaks and her dancing feet stumbled their way into a deep, clinging snowbank and she tripped—
Arms around her. Warm but not warm; body heat covered up by a wind-chilled shield. Soft but not soft; sturdy compactness muffled by puffy down. Her body was motionless, but her vision spun like the orbit of some wild planet. Its sun: the green beanie. 
“Nice catch,” she said breathlessly. “Have you considered sports?”
One hand lingered on her still-swaying waist, holding her steady. The other lifted to her cheek, its touch tender. His woolen glove itched as it traced letter-signs against her cold skin.
With a deliberately hard blink, her vision finally stopped spinning. Link’s face was before her: nose and cheeks ruddy from the cold, bemused smirk on his lips. It was strange to be staring up at him for once. She hadn’t done that since they were eleven, when she shot up like a beanpole and didn’t stop growing until halfway through high school. 
Noticing the change in her gaze, Link retracted his hand from her cheek, instead hovering it between them where she could make out his signs. “You know, spinning around like you did when we were little is a lot more dangerous now than it was then. Kids have way stronger bones.”
“I drink my milk, thanks. Lon Lon Ranch is coming in clutch for my bones.”
He gave her a deadpan look. “Sure you do. Because I’ve definitely seen you get milk at the cafeteria even once in the last two and a half years.”
“Well…there was milk in the hot chocolate, right?” She raised a brow at him.
“Nope. Box mix and water.” His stare was positively gloating.
“You’re awful.”
“ Yeah, your awful,” he said, and then, as if the terrible, adorable pun had flipped a switch in his brain, his jaw went slack and his eyes bugged. Zelda had about one second to get her feet beneath her before he dropped his arms and stepped back so abruptly that she would’ve fallen again, had she not felt the tension seize his every muscle. 
As it was, she still stumbled. Her jaw clenched, but she forcibly relaxed it before meeting Link’s gaze again. 
In the time it took her to recover, he’d taken two steps back, a distance that yawned between them like an abyss between their feet. His arms were wrapped tightly around his stomach, as if he was about to be sick—or protecting his soft, squishy bits from a nearby threat.
“I think it’s time to tell me what’s going on,” Zelda said, voice soft but clear.
Link was already shaking his head. She waited for his hands to rise into place, for him to uncurl his hedgehog self and speak, even if it was a no, but they didn’t.
“Link, it’s obvious that something is wrong. You’ve been acting wei—” She cut herself off; reconsidered. “... different all night. I’m not judging you, I’m worried. You’re my best friend. I want to help you, if it’s something I can help with.”
The head-shaking slowed, then gradually ceased. He peeled his arms free from his torso. When his gaze met hers, her heart twinged at how ashamed he looked, with his shiny eyes and the redness of his face that she knew surpassed what the cold alone could do to his skin. 
“Do you promise you won’t judge me? Or get mad?”
“I promise,” she vowed. “And Link,” she smiled at him gently, “if you think I would judge you for anything, you’re ignoring thirteen years of experience.”
He let out a juddering sigh. “Yeah, you’re right. Okay. Okay. So the thing is…” His gestures trailed off. He tried again. “The thing is…it’s…I…”
“You can plan what you want to say first,” Zelda murmured. “No hurry, as long as I do get to know it eventually.”
He nodded jerkily, gaze settling on the churned-up snow between them. When his hands began twitching in loose, tiny gestures, Zelda turned her own gaze to the sky to give him privacy. 
The snow had begun falling faster since they’d begun their walk through the Green. She could hardly see the constellations between the shadows of the clouds above. The Ocarina, the Hero of Winds, the Chosen Lovers—all her favorites were out of sight. She could barely make out the three stars that formed the belt of the Princess of Light. 
A tap on her shoulder. She looked over at Link, whose face looked a little more settled, a little less panicked. 
“I’m ready now,” he signed. The motions were steadier, and she felt the tension in her unknot the tiniest bit. They were Link and Zelda. They’d be okay. 
She nodded encouragingly. 
“You’re right that there’s something wrong,” he started. “Wrong with—with me. At least I think it’s with me, because there’s nothing you’ve done wrong that would have done this, at least I don’t think so, I can’t think of anything, but—” 
He cut himself off, dropping his hands fully back to his sides before raising them again. 
“There is something wrong with me. When I’m with you. It started…” His gaze left hers and focused on the stars above, remembering. “I think it started during finals week. That night we pulled the all-nighter. I thought it was just because of how tired I was…but then it happened over winter break, at the solstice bonfire. And it’s only gotten worse since then.”
Zelda’s heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. Nothing wrong with her, yet it only happened when he was in her company? A gust of wind rocked them both, and for a split second, she wished it would carry her away.
“I just feel so…so weird,” he burst out, hands flying into bigger shapes than they had all night. “Whenever we’re together. My heart beats so hard, and I feel it everywhere. And my knees get all shaky, and my hands get all shaky—which really sucks when you need your hands to communicate, by the way—and my brain gets all fuzzy, and my stomach churns.”
Oh. Oh, he was…
“And it makes me feel awful, because you don’t deserve me acting so weird with you, but sometimes you get close, or you say things that just make–make it stronger, and I just can’t help it!” He shook his head wildly. “I think I must be sick or something!”
Her heart thrummed in her chest at the same time as she had to bite back a laugh. She’d been worried all this time, and all along, he’d—
“Link,” Zelda said carefully. “I don’t think you’re sick.”
“Yeah?” He looked hopeful. “What do you think it is?”
“Well…” How to phrase this delicately? “Do you remember Malon? From high school?”
“Of course! I mean, she was my first girlfriend, how could I forget her?”
“And do you remember how you felt when you two first got together?”
“Yeah, being with her always made my heart…flutter…” He broke off, and Zelda could see the gears start turning in his head, spinning faster than even the snowflakes falling thickly around them.
No turning back now.
“Link…have you ever considered that you might…love me romantically?”
The denial was immediate, words flying from his fingers. “I can’t like you! We said we’d never date back in, like, middle school!”
Her chest swelled with fond amusement at the silliness of the rebuke.
“Link, that was almost a decade ago. We’re completely different people now. Way smarter, emotionally competent, physically attractive people. ” She grinned teasingly. “You had that terrible haircut that made you look like a coconut back then, of course I wouldn’t date you.”
“A coconut,” he repeated, gestures spiky with his derision. “Like yours was much better! You had that little pageboy cut for years.”
“Yeah, and as my best friend, it’s really your fault that I looked so bad for so long. You really should’ve warned me.” 
“My fault! You—” He broke off. After a couple of moments, he continued, gestures smaller. “You mentioned my hair, but…isn’t it also, you know, because of your sexuality?”
Zelda laughed. “I wasn’t even fourteen yet when we made that pact. I don’t think I even knew what a sexuality was.”
“No, I mean…” He scuffed his foot into the snow. “Now. You wouldn’t be into me now, because, you know.”
Zelda’s brows furrowed. “No, I really don’t. Can you be a little more clear?”
“Because…you’re straight?”
She blinked. That was not what she had expected him to say. “Link, that means I like men. You are a man. Of course I could be into you.” 
Link blinked at her as if she had just delivered an entire lecture on the precise chemical makeup of the secretions of tireless frogs and their utilization in the pharmaceutical industry. “I…yeah. Yeah, you’re right.” A smile spread over his face, slow and steady, until he was positively beaming. “You’re right! You could be into me!” He froze. “Wait, but are you into me? You already know how I feel, so…”
“‘Know?’ I practically figured it out for you,” she teased, then took a deep breath. “To be honest, I haven’t thought about it before, because I’ve been so happy to be your best friend. I’d have been happy to be that for you forever, as long as I was by your side. But you…seriously, Link, if you’d want to give us a shot romantically, I’d be so down for that.”
“Really?” he asked, starry-eyed.
“Yes,” she answered simply. “It’s another way to get to know you, to be close to you. To be happy with you.” She shuffled her feet. “I love you, Link, and I’d love to love you even more. Why wouldn’t I want to take that chance?”
The smile he gave her warmed her right down to her frosty toes. The two paces that had separated them for the entirety of their conversation disappeared in a flash, as he clumsily crossed the snow between them. 
“I could be your best friend forever, too,” he told her, “but I’d also like to be able to make out with you.” 
One hand reached up to cup her face, and Zelda tilted her chin down until their cold-reddened noses brushed. 
Nayru’s love, if Link’s heart had been hammering like this every time they’d touched for the last month, he was even more of an oblivious dummy than she thought.
But he was her oblivious dummy. Platonically, romantically. Eternally.
“We should get a start on that, then,” she murmured, watching his eyelashes flutter at the feeling of her breath on his face. “Time’s a-ticking. Snow’s a-blowing.”
Link let out a wordless groan, shifting the hand that cupped her cheek to instead twine demandingly through the hair at her nape, and signed rapidly with his free hand. “Gods, I love that smart mouth of yours.”
She wasn’t sure which one of them moved first, if it was Link’s hungry mouth or her own that bridged the gap. Whoever it was, it led to an intoxicating, insistent push-and-pull; the sharp press of Link’s teeth against her bottom lip; the sensation of the smooth muscle of his mouth as she traced her tongue along his own. 
He tasted of chocolate, peppermint, and marshmallow. Sweet and warm and familiar, just like him. 
Her best friend.
When they pulled apart, gasping for breaths that stung their lungs with the chill, she could feel that same fluttery something from earlier whirling in her chest, ablaze with joy. 
“That was…” she breathed. 
“Yeah,” Link agreed. His eyes were half-lidded, heavy with desire, as they traced over her face. “It was.”
“We should do it again, as soon as possible.” Zelda pressed a kiss to the lobe of his ear, tugging the ruby stud there softly with her teeth and luxuriating in his ragged gasp. How glad she was that Link had never chosen to let the holes close over; that he could look in the mirror and see how they suited the him he was now, rather than who he’d been when they were first done. 
“I think I’d rather—” he signed, and the shapes were fuzzy with the shaking of his hands, “—do it again somewhere warm.”
It was so unexpected, Zelda couldn’t help but release his ear in a full-body laugh. There was her Link, her precious, lovely, cold-hating Link. 
He’d continued despite her fit of giggles, although a smile had curved the corners of his mouth as well. “Seriously, you said the cold front wasn’t coming in yet, so what’s this?” He gestured at the snow whirling around them, which admittedly was coming down rather hard. And maybe the wind blowing in from the north was a little strong. 
“I never claimed to be a meteorologist,” Zelda sniffed. “And…didn’t I say I’d keep you warm?”
“Not warm enough!” Link dodged as she attempted to brush her icy nose into his warm neck. “Hey! Keep that thing to yourself!” 
As she chased him down the path that would take them back to campus, laughing wildly and stumbling where the drifts were too deep, Zelda couldn’t help but grin. The magic spell hadn’t broken when they left the streetlamp after all: they had kindled it all by themselves. It didn’t matter where they were. At his side, every flurry could be fairy dust.
It was him and her. Zelda and Link. 
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 7 months
About Meghan not being sporty vs Kate being sporty. 
I was very surprised to find that Meghan isn’t sporty at all considering she attended private school. 
In the UK, private schools practically force their their pupils to participate in sporting activities which means that Kate was always going to have some level of sporting skills or interest and the fact that she turned out to be so good at sports AND has an interest in it is a bonus.
Ditto interest in Art, Music and a whole host of activities that are not available to state educated pupils.
I suppose I don’t understand the American private system or the entire education system because in UK you can always tell someone who is privately educated because they’ll have rudimentary knowledge and or skill at all these things that are treated as exceptional in Kate. 
Our state schools are hit and miss. The good ones try to ape private school education and the bad ones are just holding cells for children who will more than likely be failed by the school and spit them out uneducated in anything. 
That said, when I first heard that Meghan was dating Harold, and learnt that she was friends with establishment people in Canada, I assumed that she’d acquired these skills because why would a person go to such great lengths to enter a world very different from yourself, and remain determinedly ignorant about it especially the ways that would make you comfortable in that world. 
I honestly thought her private school education would be a great help in helping her assimilate into that world. 
So how education generally works here in the US is that we have core classes in math, history/social studies, English/literature, and science. The rest is all elective - art, drama, music, choir, band, computer class, physical education*, foreign languages. The number of electives vary per age/school year. They also depend on what your state/school district’s curriculum requirements are.
Most schools will have some kind of mandatory elective, usually PE and a foreign langauge. Others might require more, others less. 
This is the same curriculum between state/public schools, private schools, and homeschooling. Usually the difference between the type of schooling is in what electives are on offer or the material that’s within each subject or how much itme is spent on each subject. For instance, a religious private school (such as Immaculate Heart, which Meghan attended) might require a class on religion or have a daily chapel. And in my school district, my school schedule was seven classes on an A/B schedule but my cousins in another state had school schedules of 8 class periods every day.
Now PE. A few things about PE that might surprise non-Americans:
PE does not focus on one single sport or physical activity. Its primary focus is to teach physical fitness to children with a goal of helping them find a recreational activity that they like.
PE is also not just PE. For many schools, it’s where we get instruction on driver’s ed and health and nutrition. In my school district, PE was also where we were taught “family life” (aka sex ed and puberty. Yes, it was as weird as you think.)
Depending on your state or district requirements, PE can become an optional elective. In my school district, PE was mandatory through tenth grade/age 15. For eleventh and twelfth grades (ages 16-17), it was optional.
Up until about 2010ish, PE was based on military fitness requirements. There was a presidential mandate, called the Presidential Fitness Test, that basically groomed schoolchildren to perform to military fitness standards so we could be recruited for the military. 
Now most schools do have sports programs and sports teams, but they’re extracurriculars, and predominantly after-school. It’s not mandatory and school sports typically begin around seventh grade/age 12. Until then, most kids are playing sports in recreation or youth leagues, which has caused school teams to be “professional”-like in that the only way to make it onto the school team is to have several years’ experience in rec league. If you’re new to the sport, just playing to have fun, or playing to learn it, you’re not going to make the team. That’s what rec league is for.
Which sounds different from how you’ve described what sports/athletics are like in the UK. It sounds like your schools not only give time for students to learn and practice sports, they also make some kind of specific athletics mandatory. Of course it makes sense that Kate would have some level of sport skill. 
Whereas here in the US, we have a more generalized approach to education, including athletics and fitness. So to me, it makes perfect sense for Meghan to not have any athletic ability or any interest/skill in sport - she did the basic PE that a lot of us did and filled up her extracurriculars with theater. It’s pretty normal for us.
(Like I played softball, but I wasn’t good enough to be on the school team so after aging out of the rec league at age 14, I did band, a book club, and peer tutoring for extracurriculars.)
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satoshi-mochida · 8 months
From Gematsu
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Forensics investigation simulation game TOKYO PSYCHODEMIC will launch for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam on May 30, Gravity Game Arise announced. A demo is currently available for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC.
In Japan, the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Switch versions of TOKYO PSYCHODEMIC will be available both physically and digitally for 5,400 yen. First-print copies of the physical edition include a copy of the original soundtrack, which features music from the game including the ending theme song “Yell (feat. sleep cat & Lil Chill).”
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
Five percent of murder cases in the world go unsolved. Re-verify those unsolved cases. Cooperate with colleagues who have specialized skills such as obtaining physical evidence, and solve cases by using analytical tools and your own investigation skills.
Human ESP experimentation. “The Incident of the Abnormal Cult.” Just as even rumors spread in secret of the existence of this “case , a new threat of an unknown virus with a fatality rate of 80 percent spread through Tokyo. The “virus” spread quickly, reaching the center of the nation and even the major bureaucrats and the prime minister were never to return home. And then… “The Tokyo Lockdown” Starting with the capital of Japan, the “virus” was on the verge of engulfing the world. But it did not… After the declaration of a state of emergency, the younger generation of politicians struggled to deal with the situation. Although the provisional government was inexperienced, it was competent and successfully overcame the worst of the situation. Four years have since passed. Using the pandemic as a cover, Abnormal Cults, who had faded from people’s memories, continue to hide from the public eye and continue to work in the dark, leaving traces of their existence as unexplained incidents. The protagonist, who has a history of being captured and experimented on, turns his attention to a case that the police have been unable to solve, in order to break the ties and the ambitions of the “Abnormal Cult Order. In the traces of the tragedies, there must be clues that connect the dots leading to the secluded psychics…. Yes… in the unsolved cases…
Based on information of unsolved cases that arrive at the detective agency, you will investigate the various circumstances that may be involved, such as the victim’s personal information, activity history from security cameras, etc. Collect and confirm the information on the evidence board and seek out to the truth.
The investigation of a crime will be based on images of evidence from crime scenes, surveillance cameras, etc. Confirm the items, people, and points of interest involved in the case. Especially from security cameras, it is possible to confirm the behavior of the victims and others. From the moment of the incident, including before and after, every piece of information will allow you to infer the reason why an incident occurred. Use the evidence board to deduce how the evidence gathered relates to the case.
Watch a new trailer below.
Release Date Trailer
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princessmisery666 · 2 years
PM666Reads - Fic Recs - December 2022
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This is my 4th attempt at posting this!! Sorry for the delay!!
Summary and warning’s as per written by the author (if available).
To the authors - thank you for putting in the work 💕no one gets enough recognition so thank you for taking the time to write and being brave enough to share it with us 💟
📖Steve Rogers
Steve's Greetings - Steve Rogers - @girl-next-door-writes
Driving Home for Christmas - @cockslutpadalecki - You’ve been avoiding spending any special occasion with your father ever since Steve became part of the family, but after many years of excuses, you find yourself back at home, and very much the subject of Steve’s affections.Warnings: stepcest, step-sibling relationship, explicit sexual content, female masturbation, hate masturbation :), semi-public sexual acts, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), 18+. MINORS DNI.
Chef's Kiss - @cockslutpadalecki - Warnings: non-con/dub-con, mean!Steve, explicit sexual content, non-con sexual contact, makeshift gag, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), 18+. MINORS DNI.
📖Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia
The Nap Date - @writercole - You and Mickey have been missing each other for a week and arrange to have a special kind of inside date. Warnings: Fluff. Innuendo. Fluff.
It's A Date - @writercole - After the doppelganger debate, the squad goes out to The Hard Deck. Warnings: Fluff. That’s about it. Oh, and Penny is the best.
📖Robert 'Bob' Floyd
Bob x reader in the base library - @lorecraft
Decorating Cookies - @wildbornsiren - You and Bob spend an afternoon decorating cookies. Warnings: Use of terms of endearment. Fluff. 
Spit Roasting - @wildbornsiren - Hangman and Bob have a proposition. Warnings: Threesome, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, oral sex (male receiving) oral sex (female receiving), swallowing, creampie. 
📖Rhett Abbott
Ice Skating - @rhettabbotts
📖Dean Winchester
On The Outside - @justagirlinafandomworld - To get Dean to say yes to Michael, they sent him to the Endverse. And when that didn’t work, they turned to you. Warnings: Time travel, time jumps, ANGST. Language. Endverse!Dean.
Mess - @justagirlinafandomworld - You learn the side effects of sex pollen first hand. Bucky doesn’t know what to do. But Dean does. Warnings: 18+ ONLY. Language.Sex pollen. Oral Sex (Female Receiving). First time writing for: Established polyamory & DD/LG relationship.
Thoughts Of Her - @kittenofdoomage -  Dean Winchester fantasizing about reader. Warnings: daydreaming, pillow humping, accidental voyeurism
The Girlfriend Who Remade Christmas - @deanwinchesterswitch - Dean’s holiday spirit is nowhere to be found. Fed up with his Grinch-like behavior, Nicole is determined to open his heart again to the wonders of the world around them and help him find joy in the Christmas season. Warnings: FLUFF, a tiny bit of angst, implied smut, slight canon divergence
Auto Correct - @justagirlinafandomworld - You’re in a debate with Dean over text message. And auto correct happens. Warnings: Second hand embarrassment maybe. Otherwise, none.
If We Make It Through December - @minefield-of-a-ninja - Donna is horrified to learn that the boys have never had a proper Christmas, so she invites them to her house for the holiday. Warnings/tags: explicit (eventually), fluff (? Idk), angst (? light), domestic (can’t get much more domestic)
Snow Globe - @waywardnerd67 - Headed back from a hunt, Dean pulls over when it starts snowing. Warnings: Fluff
Breaking - @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior - Y/N and Dean play some pool; who's the winner? Warnings/Explicit 18+: Smut - this is just all smut. Very little plot to the porn here. Rough, intense sex, unprotected p in v, oral (f receiving) dirty talk, it's all Yvette's fault.
📖Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
The Best Benefits - @writercole - Jake found her. Now what’s he going to do? Warnings: Physical assault, confession of feelings, lying
All For You - @cockslutpadalecki - You’ll never be able to tell Jake just how broken you truly are without him. Just how much you still love him. And the constant cycle of pushing him away before begging for his touch at 2am will never end until you can. Warnings: heavy angst, smangst, lots of sexual tension, explicit sexual content, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), 18+. MINORS DNI.
Gather 'Round - @t-nd-rfoot - Jake is a fire man! Oh no, sorry, not that kind of fireman…
📖Sam Winchester
Cleaning House - @kittenofdoomage - waiting for the bunker’s washing machine to be done. Warnings: smut, fluff
Tattered series - @stusbunker - Warnings, etc: True mates, still in varying first person POVs, Bobby’s not putting up with their bullshit, angst, heat sex, multiple claims means the boys need to learn to share. Bodily fluids, anal play, anal sex, vaginal sex, knotting, fucking someone while your brother’s fucking them, so both awkward and maybe a little competitive? This is my first brother threeway, you’re welcome.
📖Jensen Ackles
Surrender - @b3autyfuldisast3r - Reader is a PA on the set of Big Sky and falls in love with Jensen - who is married. Will she give in to her feelings and destroy a relationship or hide them and risk destroying herself? Warnings: 🔞, Angst, SMUT, Language, Kissing, Hair pulling, Choking, Fingering, Oral (F receiving), Degradation, Unprotected sex (slap a rubber on that shit), Cream pie. DO NOT READ IF YOU'RE UNDER 18. This was LONG, whew!
Sweetness - @katymacsupernatural - Readers love of candy canes drives Jensen to distraction
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Thoughts on Chiho Saito's VS Lupin
So back in 2019, I found this series while I was browsing for Lupin things, as one does, and proceeded to buy the whole set, because it’s Lupin, drawn as a sparkling shoujo-manga pretty boy.
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What is this series? 
VS Lupin (Original Title: VSルパン) is a currently ongoing series serialized by Shokugakan in the magazine Zoukan Flowers, based off of the original Lupin stories by Leblanc. It is written and drawn by Chiho Saito (さいとう ちほ), a shoujo and josei mangaka, who is best known for being a creator of the Revolutionary Girl Utena series. 
By the way, while I’ll be mainly using shoujo when describing the series in this post, VS Lupin is officially listed as a josei manga. The labels shoujo and josei for the most part are used as an age-rating to specify the intended audience. As a genre they have a lot of overlap in the style and tropes… I’m just using the terms interchangeably. If you’re a Manga Expert™ pretend you didn’t see this.
As of writing this, VS Lupin has a total of six volumes completed in the original Japanese, covering a handful of stories and novels including: The Countess of Cagliostro, The Crystal Stopper and The Damsel With Green Eyes. Volume 7 is currently in progress and is said to be based off of Eight Strokes of the Clock.
Volumes 1-4 from that have been translated into Chinese (which are the ones I have). 
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Just look at how pretty the covers are! From left to right, we have Lupin, Joséphine Balsamo, Clarisse d'Etigues and Lupin again. I'm not entirely sure when the original VS Lupin actually started serialization in Zoukan Flowers, the closest to a date I have is the publication year of the first volume (2014) printed inside the Chinese-edition.
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I actually went back and checked to see if the original listing I bought these from was still available but uh, no. Seeing how there hasn't been news for a translation of vol 5-6, I fear this series may be falling into the same fate as Aventurier Lupin (niche and cursed to cease physical publications forever). The original Japanese editions are still available for purchase, as well as ebook versions of the Chinese-translations… which are better than nothing, but I really would love to have the full series so here’s to hoping they continue the publication at some point.
General thoughts:  
As it is probably obvious from the art style and creator, VS Lupin is a retelling of the Arsène Lupin stories in a shoujo/josei-esque style. Visually, the art-style is heavily reminiscent of many classic shoujo series of the late 80s and 90s. 
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VS Lupin, Ch 7 Illustration / Volume 1 Afterword
The illustrations are carefully drawn with very thin lines, giving everything a delicate and elegant appearance. It is especially noticeable in the details of the backgrounds and objects, such as the fancy frills and jewels. 
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VS Lupin, Ch 1 "The Princess's Wedding" / Ch 3 "The Queen's Necklace"
It’s a weirdly fitting look for Arsène Lupin, as it really encapsulates the vibe of a past time period. Plus the whole heroic-gentleman-sweeping-away-young-girl-in-distress trope that Lupin has in common with the shoujo-genre.  
Also, just. Tuxedo Mask. 
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Top: Sailor Moon, Act 47 / Bottom: VS Lupin, Ch 8 "The Wedding Ring"
And early Kaitou Kid, who was also originally created in the 80s and actually precedes Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask.
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Magic Kaito, Ch 2, "The Police Are Everywhere"
Look at them sparkly-cape-hat-glove-boys go. There's probably something to be said here about the influence of the original Arsène Lupin as a trope in the genre, but it's not something I'm well-versed in so let's just leave it there.
Plot & Story:
Much like the art, the story and characters are also written through a more romanticised lens. The series is not a one-to-one adaptation of the original Leblanc canon, telling a more chronological story with slight but noticeable changes to the timeline. 
Volume 1 of VS Lupin starts off in a more episodic manner, with the three short stories of “Lupin’s Marriage” (Confessions of Arsène Lupin), “The Black Pearl” and “The Queen’s Necklace” (Arsène Lupin, Gentleman Thief). 
The first major change occurs in “The Queen’s Necklace,” where Raoul is shown meeting Clarisse d'Etigues for the very first time. The introduction of Raoul’s backstory with the Queen’s Necklace leads into vol 2-3, which covers the entirety of The Countess of Cagliostro and Raoul’s evolution into Lupin. Clarisse, unlike the original Leblanc canon, is given a much larger role and presence in the story as Lupin’s first wife. 
In the afterword of vol 3, Saito-sensei explains the reason she decided to change so much of the story:
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「 Clarisse 」 "In Japan, perhaps it is because of the strong impression Lupin III’s anime (Castle of Cagliostro) left on people, the name ’Clarisse’ is the most well-known of all of Lupin’s heroines. "
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But, but, as Lupin’s first wife, she only briefly appeared in the original story, I was very surprised. The original story of The Countess of Cagliostro itself was a work written very late (in Leblanc’s career), which was why there was no other way.  And so, I heavily rewritten chapter 8, ‘The Wedding Ring’ and chapter 9 ‘The Birth of Lupin’ from the original.  I’m sorry! Leblanc-sensei and fans of the original Lupin stories! – Chiho Saito in VS Lupin, Volume 3 "Afterword"
Honestly, for me personally, the changes and the original chapter “The Birth of Lupin,” were a big positive. It was well-written and tied Clarisse into Lupin’s life in a satisfying way, it also fills in a blank with how Lupin originally found the Hollow Needle, something that was not there in the Leblanc canon. 
Also, we get Clarisse coming in on a horse to save Raoul’s sorry ass. I see this as an absolute win.
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VS Lupin, Ch 7 "The Countess of Cagliostro 4"
The last volume of the series I have, vol 4, covers The Crystal Stopper. 
Compared to The Countess of Cagliostro, the pacing of the story in this is noticeably more rushed. The Countess of Cagliostro had two volumes and a little more leading up to it, plus the original chapter, “The Birth of Lupin” rounding off the ending. While The Crystal Stopper had only less than one volume of time to cover the original novel in its entirety, having to share the page count with “The Silk Red Scarf.” (Confessions of Arsène Lupin)
As expected, much more was cut from the story. Especially noticeable were the scenes where Lupin in the original canon acted more… unflattering. I guess we can’t have our heroic pretty-boy doing cartwheels all over the villain’s lifeless body, it’s not very marketable for a male-lead in a shoujo story. I jest. 
Amongst the scenes that were cut, there were also Lupin baby-talking to “Hercules,” Lupin and Clarisse Mergy torturing Daubrecq then popping his eye out, and most regrettably, the little epilogue at the very end between Lupin and the Narrator. There were probably more, but it’s been awhile since I’ve read The Crystal Stopper and those were the main ones I can recall. 
On the positive side, here’s Gilbert being taller than Lupin. 
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VS Lupin, Ch 10 "The Crystal Stopper (Part 1)"
And this fruity, very edible-looking blond Lupin harassing Ganimard. 
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VS Lupin, Ch 12 "The Silk Red Scarf"
Bonus, the afterword from VS Lupin's Crystal Stopper:
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「 The Crystal Stopper 」 The biggest impressions of Lupin this time are, "the weakest," "always losing." Or rather, the antagonist he was up against was the strongest! No matter if it was in the appearance, or rotten personality, (Daubrecq) excelled in it all! "At the start, I got scared of the graphic descriptions in the original story, however after getting used to drawing (him), M. Daubrecq made me feel very happy."
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Not only that, Lupin, with the beautiful young man who believed in him without a doubt, then trying and falling in love with that certain mother, (his) feelings once again becoming messy amidst it all. And Lupin, out of his love for them, absolutely would not give up! "So good! In other words, when talking about 'cool' Lupin moments, people will no doubt think of these!" – Chiho Saito in VS Lupin, Volume 4 "Afterword"
Thoughts on the characters: 
In VS Lupin, Chiho’s Lupin is noticeably sanitized. The story smoothes out some of Leblanc Lupin’s more asshole-y behaviour and makes him more appealing for a shoujo/josei manga audience. I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s a complete negative, as it gives the story a more fluffy shoujo, romantic atmosphere. Good if you just want something light-hearted and a bunch of fluff. But compared to Leblanc!Lupin it’s definitely a bit lacking, and slightly takes away from some of the complexity Lupin has as a character. 
The female characters on the other hand, are more of a mixed bag. 
For Clarisse d’Etigues, she was definitely a big winner here. She was given more focus and screen time, plus a slight increase in her agency as a character, such as letting her save Raoul twice. She definitely reminds me of some of those magical girl protagonists in that aspect, able to be a heroine who saves people and while also being unapologetically girlish and feminine. 
I really do love how Chiho’s Joséphine Balsamo was drawn, probably my favourite character in the series design-wise. It really perfectly captures her more adult-ish allure with her thick, dark curls in contrast with Clarisse’s thinner, lighter hair and girlish grit. 
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VS Lupin, Ch 7 "The Countess of Cagliostro 4"
Writing-wise, the narrative in VS Lupin noticeably leans more in favour of Raoul than Joséphine than the Leblanc canon, which makes sense as a decision for the series overall. Joséphine is shown more treating Raoul in a belittling manner, referring to him as a “youngster,” and from Raoul’s inner-thoughts, feeling as if he was treated like a dog. There was definitely an effort to make her more unlikable… After all, in VS Lupin, we are supposed to be rooting for him to get back to Clarisse. 
Clarisse Mergy on the other hand… I felt that she was, unfortunately, slightly scuffed on. She was framed as more of a classic damsel-in-distress role, while in the original stories, she was more aggressive in her desperation. I think the main problem here was just how much had to be cut from The Crystal Stopper, such as the scene where Clarisse Mergy tortures Daubrecq. 
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VS Lupin, Ch 11 "The Crystal Stopper (Part 2)"
The one positive Chiho!Mergy got was the scene showing her directly rejecting Lupin’s confession at the end of the story. Compared to canon, where we were only shown Leblanc!Lupin complaining to the Narrator about how she refused him even after he saved her sons, which is… bad Lupin, bad. *bonk*
I enjoyed this series a lot! The art is, again, absolutely gorgeous. The writing is pretty well-done overall, and paired with the lovely visuals, it’s very much worth a read for those who can. 
Here is Chiho Saito’s twitter, here are the Japanese versions of the series from the official Shogakukan site, and lastly, the Chinese-editions of volumes 1-4.
Please, publication gods let me have volumes 5-7 orz
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sarkarijobsvacancy · 4 days
Latest Govt Jobs Notifications 2024
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The pursuit of a government job in India continues to be a top priority for millions of job seekers, offering stability, growth opportunities, and an attractive pay scale.
To help you stay informed and ready, here is a roundup of the latest government job notifications across various sectors in 2024.
1. Banking Jobs
Banking jobs are one of the most sought-after government positions, offering a secure career and numerous benefits.
Recently, major banks like SBI, IBPS, and RBI have opened up vacancies for positions such as Probationary Officers, Clerks, and Specialist Officers.
Last Date to Apply: Varies by exam
Eligibility: Graduates in any discipline
Application Process: Online through the official websites of the banks
Selection Process: Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, and Interview
2. Railway Jobs
The Indian Railways is another massive employer, releasing recruitment notifications regularly. The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has announced vacancies for Assistant Loco Pilots (ALPs), Technicians, Group D, and Junior Engineers.
Last Date to Apply: Check regional RRB websites
Eligibility: 10th pass or diploma/degree holders, depending on the post
Application Process: Online application on respective RRB portals
Selection Process: Written Exam, Skill Test, Physical Efficiency Test (for certain posts)
3. Defense Jobs
Joining the Indian Armed Forces is a matter of great pride. Latest notifications are available for Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force aspirants through various entries like NDA, CDS, AFCAT, and recruitment rallies.
Last Date to Apply: As per official notification
Eligibility: 12th pass or graduates (specific to entry)
Application Process: Online on the respective forces’ websites
Selection Process: Written Exam, Physical Fitness Test, SSB Interview
4. Teaching Jobs
Teaching positions in government schools and colleges are highly regarded. The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) and Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) have announced teaching and non-teaching vacancies. Additionally, states are releasing TET notifications for recruiting teachers.
Last Date to Apply: Varies by state and institution
Eligibility: B.Ed., TET qualification
Application Process: Online application on official websites
Selection Process: Written Test, Interview
5. Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)
PSUs such as BHEL, ONGC, GAIL, NTPC, and IOCL regularly hire engineers, management graduates, and diploma holders for technical and administrative roles.
Last Date to Apply: Based on individual PSU notification
Eligibility: Engineering degree or diploma, MBA, etc.
Application Process: Online through PSU career portals
Selection Process: GATE score or written exam followed by an interview
6. SSC Jobs
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has ongoing recruitment for various posts like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, and SSC MTS. These exams provide a gateway to secure jobs in central government ministries and departments.
Last Date to Apply: Check the official SSC calendar
Eligibility: 12th pass for CHSL, Graduate for CGL
Application Process: Online on SSC official website
Selection Process: Tier-based written exams followed by document verification
7. State Government Jobs
State governments frequently release job notifications for various positions, including clerks, police constables, teachers, and more. Stay tuned to your state’s public service commission website for details.
Last Date to Apply: Varies by state
Eligibility: Varies from 10th pass to graduate level
Application Process: Online on respective state PSC portals
Selection Process: Written Exam, Interview, and Physical Test (for certain posts)
8. UPSC Jobs
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is the dream destination for those aiming for prestigious positions like IAS, IPS, IRS, and more. UPSC conducts exams such as Civil Services, Engineering Services, Indian Forest Services, and Combined Medical Services every year.
Last Date to Apply: As per UPSC calendar
Eligibility: Graduate in any discipline
Application Process: Online on the UPSC website
Selection Process: Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, Interview
How to Stay Updated on Government Job Notifications?
Official Websites: Regularly check government portals like SSC, UPSC, and respective state and central recruitment boards.
Job Portals: Websites like Sarkari Rasta provide timely updates on the latest government jobs, exam dates, results, and more.
Employment News: Subscribe to the weekly Employment News or e-editions for the latest government job vacancies.
Telegram Channels: Join Telegram channels dedicated to government job alerts for instant notifications.
Tips for Success
Prepare in Advance: Government exams are highly competitive, so start preparing early with the right study materials.
Stay Updated on Exam Patterns: Understand the syllabus and exam patterns for your chosen exam.
Time Management: Manage your time effectively during preparation and while taking the exams.
Mock Tests: Practice mock tests regularly to improve speed and accuracy.
Government jobs continue to be a rewarding career path for many in India.
Stay vigilant and regularly check for the latest notifications to not miss out on your chance.
Whether you are a fresher or experienced, government positions offer a bright future with long-term security.
Stay tuned to Sarkari Rasta for continuous updates on Latest Govt Jobs Notifica tions and tips to crack your dream job!
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morgbin · 12 days
before the day I'm supposed to leave for Resto, I know this much: 
I'm supposed to arrive on Sunday, September 15th, and I'm currently approved to stay through October 2nd 
I'll be working as a volunteer. some, (I suspect most) of the rest of the crew working those dates is getting paid $15 an hour. I'm not sure why I'm not getting paid; I suspect it's because I first applied to only work one week, or maybe because I applied relatively late. 
I'm part of the second & final phase of Resto. abandoned bikes, large debris, and the like will have been picked up already. The trash fence is removed. 
What I've read in the JRS over the years. that most of the job is staring at the ground and picking up trash. What it means to "walk the line". how the BLM inspection works. 
that I'll be given a place to stay, and meals will be provided 
I've made a bunch of assumptions so I can pack and plan, but I don't feel remotely prepared. 
on the day I'm supposed to leave, however, I get an email that answers most of my questions. I learn: 
I'll be living in shared housing in Gerlach, not on playa. I should bring twin sheets and a blanket. I should pack light because space is cramped. 
The shared housing has a kitchen, common room,  and even a washer & dryer.
our planned working hours are 8:30 to 4:30, Monday through Saturday. but that can vary based on whether and playa conditions. 
we have to be on the bus in Gerlach by 8:00 a.m. to ride to the playa
I need to arrive in Gerlach Saturday the 14th or Sunday the 15th, between 8am - 6pm, the hours that the burning Man office is open
there's an "annual pool tournament" and a "notorious talent show"
The commissary is in the back of Bruno's and serves breakfast from 6 - 8 am and dinner from 6 - 8 pm. lunch is self-prepared sandwiches  that we make at the commissary and bring with us. 
The Black Rock saloon is the Resto team hang out headquarters. there's internet and some computers available. The bar is open from after work till midnight every (ish) night
There's some sort of public transit system between Gerlach, fly ranch, and shoreline, that runs hourly in the evenings 
some common sense packing tips: bring a backpack, a water container, layers for cold mornings and hot afternoons
that apparently burners need to be told to be respectful to the gerlock residence keep all our bits covered while in town. (this one seems obvious to me, but it was in the email so I guess it's been a problem in the past)
before arriving, this is what I expect: 
-The drive down alone from Seattle to Gerlach will suck , but there wasn't any other way to get to Gerlach, and it will be useful to have a car while I'm there.
The work will suck a little bit. staring at the ground will be tough on my eyes. My neck will hurt from looking down. My back and knees will get tired of stooping down to pick things up. The work will be repetitive and boring. 
despite this, I'll really enjoy it. I expect there to be good camaraderie within the crew. inside jokes, goofing off, work songs, the days will be mostly fun. Even the not fun bits will be enjoyable to me. I usually find moop sweeps to be relaxing and meditative
I'll be physically uncomfortable most of the work day- sunburnt, too hot, dusty, dry skin, cracking cuticles. 
but this won't be nearly as bad as it is during burning Man, because I have access to a shower daily and get to sleep in an actual bed 
My worries: 
If I share a room with someone else, my gender might be a problem for them 
There might be a division between volunteers and paid staff, and I'll end up on the volunteer side despite being part of the crew that stays the whole time 
I might be lonely. people might be unfriendly or standoffish or I might be on the outside of already established group dynamics. if that's the case I might get bored as well. I didn't bring much in the way of entertainment except for my phone. 
My hopes: 
The schedule that I adapt to here - being ready to go and on the bus between 7:30 and 8:00 - will stick after I get home, and propel the rest of my leave of absence 
I'll meet a lot of interesting people with a lot of varied life experience. talking to them will be interesting. talking to them will give me inspiration for my next career move.
I will have time to sketch and to make other art, by myself or with others 
I'll find some really interesting moop that I can do stuff with later 
that I'll follow through on my plan to spend some of the time organizing my phone. turning off notifications, deleting apps that are distracting, setting appropriate time limits, etc. use it as a digital detox but also plan for how to be intentional with my phone usage once I returned to Seattle 
The tension and anxiety that I built up over the past year or two will subside a little. The go with the flow, chill Morgan, unbothered, happy version of me will emerge a little 
I'll do some writing. I'll keep up with this blog. lots of people expressed interest in what Resto is like for me, so I want to share that experience.
that I develop a connection with a girl and we spend some amount of time together, and have sex 
If that doesn't happen, I find another bi guy and we hook up 
I develop a familiarity with the org, or DPW, and learn from someone about what it's like to work DPW. I find a way to get more involved with the org in a way that suits me and is different from any of the ways the rest of Sunrise Diner folks have been involved in the past
I get along with people. that I'm proud of the way that I show up. that I'm kind and generous and fun and chill 
I learn some interesting or juicy org gossip. I learn more about how the event runs behind the scenes 
it doesn't rain too much 
everyone treats me like a guy without making a thing out of it at all
That I'm able to look back on the experience positively in the future 
That on the last day that I'm in Gerlach, my feelings are closer to "sad it's ending" than "relieved it's finally over"
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donpk92 · 1 month
Punjab Medical Faculty (PMF) Merit List 2024: Download and Check Online
The Punjab Medical Faculty (PMF) Merit List for 2024 is set to be released in August. This list includes details for all paramedical courses such as Public Health Technician, Medical Laboratory Technician, Operating Theater Technician, Radiography and Managing Technician, Dental Technician, Physical Therapy Technician, Dialysis Technician, Endoscopy Technician, Assistant Anesthesia Technician, Dispenser, and Central Sterile Supply Technician. You can download the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and final merit lists for these two-year courses directly from this page.
Download PMF Merit List 2024 PDF
The PMF Merit List for 2024 will be available later this month. The Punjab Medical Faculty Lahore has published the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and final merit lists for the 2024 admissions online. If you applied for any paramedical course for the 2024-2026 academic session, you can access and download the relevant merit lists here. Admissions for PMF-affiliated courses will be based strictly on merit.
PMF Merit List 2024 Overview:
Title: Punjab Medical Faculty (PMF) Merit List
Release Date: August 2024
Format: Downloadable PDF
Posted By: Donpk.com
How to Download the PMF Merit List 2024:
To download the merit list in PDF format, you can search using your CNIC and name. The PMF is responsible for developing curricula for diploma-level courses and managing examinations for these programs.
Merit Lists Available:
1st Merit List: [Download Here]
2nd Merit List: [Download Here]
3rd Merit List: [Download Here]
Final Merit List: [Download Here]
Technician Courses: [Download Here]
Morning and Evening Programs: [Download Here]
Hafiz-e-Quran List: [Download Here]
Disabled Persons Quota: [Download Here]
Checking the PMF Merit List 2024:
Visit the Punjab Medical Faculty website.
Navigate to the “Merit List” section.
Select the relevant list (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or final).
Search for your name or roll number.
The Punjab Medical Faculty aims to enhance the professional skills of allied health practitioners and ensure their education aligns with current standards and scientific advancements.
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jelidium-gellyfish · 2 months
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VTuber スタイル (Style) - 2024 July Issue
⚜️Itsuki Natsume Interview - EN Fan TL!
This is your first feature in this magazine. First of all, would you like to introduce yourself?
A singer from the real and virtual world, I’m Itsuki Natsume. I normally upload cover songs as well as original music, all on Youtube. Previously, I had irl activities, where I hid my face, but now I use my virtual self for my activities online. I love “songs with stories”, so I am creating an album based on my own novel.
From all of the songs you have released up until now, which ones do you feel “I really want you to listen to this!” for people who have never heard your music?
Struggle of Egos: The title track for my 2nd concert held at the beginning of this year. Considering the mood and the lyrics, the song is like my own calling card.
Son joyeux: Pronounced as /sʌn/ /ʒwa.jø/. Based on a 100 000 word novel I wrote, the song captures the feeling of the last scene. I think this song best describes the “songs with stories” that I was referring to.
Hyakkaryoran (en. Lit translation: A Profusion of A Hundred songs): The latest [t/n: as of magazine publication] song I have released. “Enjoy this moment!” is the direct meaning this song conveys, and to maintain the vibe of the song, I incorporated old Japanese expressions into the lyrics, which I think made the ending interesting.
Your band's tour concert - “Natsume Itsuki 1st Live Tour ‘Travel 2 U’” starts in August. Did you have any particular feelings when it was decided, and what you are anticipating as it is your first tour?
Well, my first thought was “I can go to Hokkaido!!!” as I’ve actually never been there before. I’ve always wanted to go, and do sightseeing while I am there. Since it’s a tour this time, I want to do my best with this feeling of “going to meet everyone”. I’m usually quite passive while interacting with people, so with the tour, I hope to not be passive and engage with everyone. Also, I hope to meet my fans who live far away and feel “I can’t go to Tokyo, but this place is accessible to me!”
While pursuing your singing, is there anything you would like to do in the future, or any new challenges you would like to attempt?
This year, I would like to create a physical paperback book as one of my merchandise. As I like “songs with stories”, last year in Autumn I published a 100 000 word novel as part of a CD bonus, but it was only available in electronic form. I adore having paperback books, so I hope to be able to get it in print this year. Including but not limited to, I think I would like to challenge that theme of “songs with stories” more intensely. As there are limits to what I can express on my own, I would like to invite guests to do a “story-based live performance” as well.
Finally, a message to your fans and readers of VTuber Style!
My fans who follow me on my free-spirited activities and for those learning about me for the first time, thank you for reading until the end. I’ll do my best during my tour, so please feel free to come and have fun! 
Itsuki's tour starts tomorrow (August 3rd 2024) with Osaka! Tickets are still available for some other dates (Hokkaido and Fukuoka) so if you can be sure to go~
* If there are any issues please dm or email (in profile) me!
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Reminders on the Process to Promote the Unity and Stability of Families
On June 18, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced actions to promote family unity in the immigration process. This announcement is consistent with the Biden-Harris administration’s commitment to keep families together. DHS is establishing a process to consider, on a case-by-case basis, requests for parole in place from certain noncitizen spouses of U.S. citizens who have been in the U.S. for at least a decade. If parole is granted, noncitizens who are eligible to apply for lawful permanent residence based on their marriage to a U.S. citizen will be able to do so without having to leave the United States.
USCIS is not currently accepting applications under this process. We will begin accepting applications on Aug. 19. If you apply before Aug. 19, we will reject your application. More information about eligibility and the application process will be published in a forthcoming Federal Register notice.
To be considered for a discretionary grant of parole, on a case-by-case basis, under this process, you must:
Be present in the United States without admission or parole;
Have been continuously present in the United States for at least 10 years as of June 17, 2024;
Have a legally valid marriage to a U.S. citizen as of June 17, 2024;
Not have any disqualifying criminal history or otherwise constitute a threat to national security or public safety; and
Otherwise merit a favorable exercise of discretion.
More information about these eligibility criteria will be available in the forthcoming Federal Register notice.
We may also consider certain noncitizen children of requestors under this process if, as of June 17, 2024, they were physically present in the United States without admission or parole, and have a qualifying stepchild relationship to a U.S. citizen.
You cannot apply for this process yet. We will publish a Federal Register notice that will further explain eligibility and the application process, including the form to use, and the associated filing fees. If you apply before the implementation date in the Federal Register notice, we will reject your application.
We will provide additional information on the Process to Promote the Unity and Stability of Families webpage as it becomes available.
What You Can Do Now
Although we are not currently accepting applications, you can begin to prepare to file a parole application by gathering evidence of your eligibility, such as:
Evidence of a legally valid marriage to a U.S. citizen as of June 17, 2024, such as a marriage certificate;
Documentation of proof of identity, including expired documents, may include:
Valid state or country driver’s license or identification;
Birth certificate with photo identification;
Valid passport; or
Any government issued document bearing the requestor’s name, date of birth, and photo.
Evidence of your spouse’s U.S. citizenship, such as a passport, birth certificate or Certificate of Naturalization;
Documentation to establish your continued presence in the United States for at least 10 years, as of June 17, 2024. While more information will be made available in the forthcoming Federal Register Notice and subsequent FAQs, examples of documentation could include copies of:
Rent receipts or utility bills;
School records (letters, report cards, etc.);
Hospital or medical records;
Attestations to your residence by religious entities, unions, or other organizations, identifying you by name;
Official records from a religious entity confirming participation in a religious ceremony;
Money order receipts for money sent into or out of the United States;
Birth certificates of children born in the United States;
Dated bank transactions;
Automobile license receipts, title, or registration;
Deeds, mortgages, or rental agreement contracts;
Insurance policies; or
Tax returns or tax receipts.
For noncitizen children of requestors, evidence of eligibility could include:
Evidence of the child’s relationship to the noncitizen parent, such as a birth certificate or adoption decree;
Evidence of the noncitizen parent’s legally valid marriage to a U.S. citizen as of June 17, 2024, such as a marriage certificate; and
Evidence of the child’s presence in the United States as of June 17, 2024.
If you are interested in this process, you should consider creating or updating your myUSCIS account at my.uscis.gov.
Beware of Scams
We want to remind you that immigration scams are pervasive.
Remember, you cannot apply for this process yet. If you see someone selling their services to file an application before we publish the Federal Register notice or open the process, please see our Report Immigration Scams webpage.
Remember that in the United States, a notario público is not authorized to provide you with any legal services related to immigration. Only an attorney licensed to practice law in the United States or an accredited representative working for a Department of Justice-recognized organization can give you legal advice.
If you seek legal counsel, beware of individuals who pose as immigration attorneys (such as unlicensed individuals or disbarred attorneys). The signs of an unethical practitioner may include:
Promising guaranteed outcomes or money-back guarantees;
Using predatory or threatening pricing structures;
Asking you to sign a blank paper or not allowing you to review a paper you have signed; and
Asking to keep your signature on file.
To protect yourself from potential scams, remember:
Do not pay for government application forms – forms are free, and you can download them at uscis.gov/forms;
Ask for a written agreement that describes the services to be provided and is signed by the provider. Read the agreement before signing it, and keep the signed copy for your records;
Get copies of documents prepared for you; and
Ask for a written receipt that includes the name and address of the provider.
USCIS officials will never reach out to you directly through social media platforms. We will only contact you through official government channels. This may include a secure private message to your myUSCIS account. Report questionable users on social media platforms and see our Report Immigration Scams webpage.
USCIS is committed to protecting the integrity of the immigration system. Individuals committing immigration fraud, including the development and submission of fictitious or altered documents in support of any immigration benefit request, may be found ineligible for this and future benefits and punishable by law. The public may report immigration fraud and abuse through our online tip form.
Visit our Avoid Scams page for more information on how to help safeguard your information and avoid becoming a victim.
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shekhawatlaw · 4 months
Navigating the Patent Application Process in India
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In today’s rapidly evolving world, innovation is key to staying ahead of the competition. For inventors and businesses in India, securing patent protection for their inventions is crucial for safeguarding their intellectual property rights and reaping the rewards of their innovative efforts. 
However, navigating the patent application process can be daunting, especially for first-time applicants. 
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of patent application in India, covering everything from eligibility criteria and documentation requirements to the steps involved in the application process.
Understanding Patents: A Brief Overview
Before diving into the specifics of patent applications in India, let’s start with a brief overview of patents and their significance. A patent is a legal right granted by the government to the inventor of a novel and non-obvious invention, giving them the exclusive right to exploit their invention for a specified period, typically 20 years from the date of filing. 
In India, patents are governed by the Patents Act, of 1970, and administered by the Indian Patent Office (IPO), under the purview of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trademarks.
Eligibility Criteria for Patent Protection in India
Not all inventions are eligible for patent protection. To qualify for a patent in India, an invention must meet the following criteria:
Novelty: The invention must be new and not disclosed or made available to the public before the date of filing the patent application.
Inventive Step: The invention must involve an inventive step that is not obvious to a person skilled in the relevant field of technology.
Industrial Applicability: The invention must be capable of being made or used in an industry.
Types of Patent Applications in India
In India, several types of patent applications can be filed, depending on the nature of the invention and the applicant’s requirements. The main types of patent applications include:
Non-Provisional Patent Application: Also known as a complete specification, this is the standard patent application that provides a detailed description of the invention, along with claims defining the scope of protection sought.
Provisional Patent Application: A provisional application is a preliminary application that establishes a priority date for the invention without requiring a detailed description or claims. It allows the inventor to secure an early filing date while providing additional time to prepare and file a complete specification.
Convention Patent Application: This type of application is filed to claim priority based on a previously filed application in a convention country. It allows the applicant to benefit from the priority date of the earlier application when filing in India.
Patent of Addition: A patent of addition is filed to protect improvements or modifications made to an existing invention that is already the subject of a pending or granted patent application.
Steps Involved in the Patent Application Process
The patent application process in India typically involves the following steps:
Preparation of Patent Specification: The first step in filing a patent application is to prepare a patent specification, which includes a detailed description of the invention, along with claims defining the scope of protection sought. The specification must comply with the requirements outlined in the Patents Act and Patent Rules.
Filing of Application: Once the patent specification is prepared, the next step is to file the patent application with the Indian Patent Office. The application can be filed electronically or in physical form, along with the prescribed fees.
Examination of Application: After filing, the patent application undergoes substantive examination by the Patent Office to assess its novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability. The applicant may be required to respond to objections raised by the examiner during the examination process.
Publication of Application: Once the application is found to meet the patentability criteria, it is published in the Official Journal of the Indian Patent Office. The publication allows third parties to oppose the grant of the patent within a specified period.
Grant of Patent: If no opposition is filed or successfully overcome, the Patent Office grants the patent, and the patent certificate is issued to the applicant. The patent rights come into effect from the date of applying.
Renewal and Maintenance: To maintain the validity of the patent, the applicant must pay renewal fees periodically throughout the patent term. Failure to pay the renewal fees may result in the patent lapsing.
Navigating the patent application process in India requires careful planning, preparation, and adherence to legal requirements. By understanding the eligibility criteria, types of patent applications, and steps involved in the application process, inventors and businesses can maximize their chances of securing valuable patent protection for their innovations. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or a newcomer to the world of patents, seeking guidance from a qualified patent attorney or agent can help simplify the process and ensure a successful outcome.
About Shekhawat Law
Shekhawat Law is a leading provider of patent services, offering comprehensive assistance to inventors and businesses seeking to protect their intellectual property in India and beyond. With a team of experienced patent attorneys and agents, www.shekhawatlaw.com provides personalized guidance and support at every stage of the patent application process. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you secure patent protection for your innovations.
+91-11-41018569, +91-11-41616194
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cattutorialsblogs · 4 months
The Best Time to Start CAT Preparation 2024
The Common Admission Test (CAT) is one of the maximum aggressive entrance checks for control programs in India. Conducted by way of the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), CAT requires rigorous practise time to ace it. We’ll delve into techniques and hints to make the most from your CAT education time. You can make your preparation to crack CAT with the best CAT Exam Online Coaching.
Things To Remember While Preparing For CAT
Understanding the Time Frame:
CAT practise time usually spans several months, with the exam typically held inside the remaining week of November. The ideal CAT guidance time can vary depending on man or woman instances, consisting of modern-day talent within the examined topics, availability of observe time, and personal commitments. However, the encouraged CAT training time is normally around 6-365 days.
Setting Realistic Goals:
Before diving into instruction, it’s important to set practical goals primarily based in your strengths to determine the CAT instruction time, weaknesses, and goal B-Schools. Assess your modern-day aptitude degree through mock tests to gauge where you stand. Establish a target percentile score and pick out the regions you need to recognition at the maximum. Setting workable quick-time period and long-time period desires will assist you stay influenced and tune your development efficiently.
Comprehensive Study Plan:
A properly-based study plan is essential for green CAT practise. For this ruin down the syllabus into plausible sections and allocate specific time slots for every topic. Consider your day by day habitual, work or observe commitments, and different responsibilities whilst designing the plan. Balance your look at schedule to cover all sections of the CAT examination, which include Quantitative Ability (QA), Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), and Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR). Divide your CAT preparation time strategically in order that each segment receives sufficient attention.
Utilizing Resources:
Make use of available assets for CAT education, which include textbooks, online publications, education materials, and mock checks. Choose dependable take a look at materials consisting of iQuanta’s comprehensive CAT course that align with the trendy CAT syllabus and examination pattern. IQuanta’s online platforms provide interactive study modules, video lectures, and practice quizzes to decorate your knowledge of concepts and enhance trouble-solving capabilities.
Practice, Practice, Practice:
Practice is the key to mastering CAT. Dedicate a sizeable portion of your CAT guidance time to fixing practice questions and ridicule assessments. Regular exercise now not best facilitates in expertise ideas however additionally improves your pace and accuracy in fixing problems. Focus on fixing a various range of questions, ranging from basic to advanced ranges, to expand a strong basis in each subject area.
Managing Stress:
CAT instruction time may be excessive, leading to pressure and tension. It’s essential to keep a healthy stability between look at and relaxation to keep away from burnout. Incorporate regular breaks, physical workout, and entertainment activities into your ordinary to rejuvenate your thoughts and frame. Practice mindfulness strategies including deep breathing or meditation to relieve pressure and live targeted throughout take a look at classes.
As the exam date strategies, it’s really helpful to shift your awareness toward revision and refinement of standards instead of studying new subjects. Review your notes, formulae, and critical concepts often to boost your knowledge. Solve previous years’ question papers and take extra mock exams to simulate examination situations and improve time control skills.
If you are a working professional, you can't Join offline classes, take a support of Best Coaching for CAT Online.
Average Preparation Time
For Students
Given the CAT’s exam structure, it’s vital for both college students and running experts to renowned the necessity of revisiting essential concepts from 10th wellknown. This, coupled with traumatic schedules, and component-time jobs of college students may be overwhelming. So it is essential to notice that the CAT coaching time for college kids ought to be calculated keeping in thoughts many factors. So it's far vital for college students to begin among January and April so one can be in an area where they are able to perform higher in November, whilst the examination is certainly held.
For Working Professionals
As operating experts, they've lesser time in comparison to students. Their time is often fed on by work strain and family obligations. It’s sensible to allocate short time frames every day and plan out the obligations properly earlier. This proactive technique lets in for better management of the commitments and ensures green utilization of the CAT preparation time. So for running professionals, they have to start proper away at any factor in time, and increase the CAT preparation time as they near the examination in November.
Effective CAT instruction requires strategic planning, devoted effort, and constant practice over an extended duration. By utilising your CAT preparation time wisely and following a based technique, you could maximize your chances of success inside the examination. Stay targeted, live stimulated, and agree with to your potential to gain your goal percentile score. Remember, diligent instruction coupled with dedication can open doors to a rewarding profession in control. Also Read:
Mistakes to keep away from during CAT Exam education Why should you not waste it slow at the CAT examination?
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abroadstudy635 · 4 months
Considering Our Lady of Fatima University Valenzuela for Your MBBS Degree? A Student's Guide
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The Philippines has become a popular destination for international students seeking to pursue a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree, also known as MBBS. One of the well-regarded institutions in this field is Our Lady of Fatima University Valenzuela, Philippines. This blog is designed specifically for students like you, considering OLFU for their MBBS journey abroad. We'll delve into key aspects like tuition fees, the university itself, and the MBBS program to help you make an informed decision.
About Our Lady of Fatima University
Established in 1967, Our Lady of Fatima University boasts a rich history of providing quality education in the Philippines. It offers a wide range of programs across various disciplines, including Basic Education, Senior High School, Bachelor's Degrees, Dentistry, Medicine, and Graduate Studies.
The university is known for its commitment to academic excellence, fostering a student-centered learning environment. Their MBBS program is particularly sought-after by international students due to its:
Focus on practical training: Students gain valuable hands-on experience through hospital rotations and clinical placements.
Globally recognized curriculum: The program follows international standards, preparing graduates for global medical careers.
Qualified faculty: Experienced and knowledgeable professors guide students throughout their medical education.
Affordable tuition fees: Compared to other countries, studying MBBS at OLFU is a cost-effective option.
Is MBBS at OLFU Right for You?
Here are some factors to consider when deciding if pursuing an MBBS degree at Our Lady of Fatima University aligns with your goals:
Academic qualifications: You'll need strong academic records in science subjects, typically Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, to meet the admission requirements.
English proficiency: As the medium of instruction is English, you'll need to demonstrate your ability to comprehend and communicate effectively in the language. Standardized tests like IELTS or TOEFL might be required.
Financial considerations: While tuition fees at OLFU are generally lower compared to other countries, factor in additional costs like living expenses, textbooks, and potential travel fees.
Adaptability: Studying abroad requires adjusting to a new culture and environment. Make sure you're comfortable with the idea of living in the Philippines for several years.
Our Lady of Fatima University Philippines Tuition Fee (MBBS Program)
The exact Our Lady of Fatima University Philippines tuition fee for the MBBS program can vary depending on currency exchange rates and might change slightly year-on-year. However, to give you a general idea, here's an estimated range based on information available online (be sure to check the university's official website for the most up-to-date figures):
USD Equivalent: $6,000 per year (approximately)
Indian Rupee Equivalent: ₹4,48,000 per year (approximately)
Additional Expenses to Consider
Remember, tuition fees are just one part of the financial equation. Here are some other expenses to factor in:
Accommodation: Costs will vary depending on your chosen living arrangements (dormitory, apartment, etc.)
Food: The Philippines offers a range of affordable and delicious food options.
Transportation: Public transportation in the Philippines is relatively inexpensive.
Books and study materials: Budget for textbooks and other learning resources.
Health insurance: Make sure you have adequate health insurance coverage throughout your studies.
Before You Apply
If you're seriously considering OLFU for your MBBS abroad degree, here are some steps to take:
Research the program thoroughly: Visit the university's website to understand the curriculum, admission requirements, and application process.
Contact the university: Don't hesitate to reach out to the admissions office for any specific questions you might have.
Prepare your application materials: Gather all the necessary documents, including transcripts, test scores, and recommendation letters.
Explore scholarship options: OLFU might offer scholarships or financial aid programs to help ease the financial burden.
Our Lady of Fatima University Valenzuela presents a compelling option for international students seeking a high-quality and affordable MBBS degree. By carefully considering the program details, tuition fees, and your personal circumstances, you can make an informed decision about whether this path aligns with your aspirations. Remember, studying abroad is a significant life choice. Weigh the pros and cons thoroughly, and don't hesitate to reach out to educational consultants or current students at OLFU for further insights.
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librarytiem · 6 months
An Evaluation Plan for Reference Services
Current State of the Reference Collection
The physical reference section at my school currently consists of: - Three different encyclopedia sets from within the last 25 years - Smaller sets of encyclopedia focused on animals, geography, and science and humanities - Several single volume reference books on music, art, geography, Canadian history, etc. - Several atlases - Some dictionaries and thesauruses.
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There is also a district-wide page of digital reference resources available online with a student or staff ID, which includes: - A variety of online encyclopedia aimed at various age levels or with different focuses (science, history, humanities) and in French and English - An Indigenous themed online magazine - Useful subscription-based resources in science, French, and history - Math games - NFB videos - News for kids - Tumble Books (ebook and audiobook site)
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Let’s judge the collection as a whole, including the digital side, by the evaluation criteria in Riedling and Houston (page 23). This is not the intended use of these criteria, which are intended for individual resources, but they can provide a set of priorities for next steps.
Content scope: The print collection does well here. I can see no egregious gaps in topic. It could perhaps do with more art themed resources (for an arts-based school), and more Indigenous materials. The digital collection is more spotty. It has encyclopedic resources, but largely sticks to general knowledge in science and history, without anything in depth, and with nothing on language arts or art.
Accuracy, authority, and bias: High marks here. All of these resources, physical and digital, are produced by established publishers with no obvious, unconventional biases.
Arrangement and presentation: I would argue that both types of reference are underused at the moment, in part because of how they are presented to users (teachers and students). More on this later.
Relation to similar works: There does seem to be some significant overlap in the digital collection, with a lot of very similar encyclopedia resources. I assume this is the result of sets of resources having been purchased together, so may be unavoidable.
Timeliness and permanence: The physical reference section is largely out of date. Riedling and Houston (page 18) suggest expiry dates on the order of five years for all but the history resources (which get 15), and Mardis (page 150) suggests similar dates. This section of the library has been gradually shrinking as books get weeded out, but there has been little new investment in it. The digital collection is of course up to date and updated regularly.
Accessibility/diversity: Having the digital collection accessible outside of school certainly helps here. The French language resources might not be a huge benefit to our school, but given that these resources are district-wide, they are vital to French immersion students.
Cost: Many of the limitations on the current state of the collection come down, I’m sure, on cost issues.
What Needs to Change
Budgetary limitations and the limits of what digital resources actually exist are probably always going to keep us from achieving even the “acceptable” standard of 7000 nonfiction or reference resources from Achieving Information Literacy for a school of our size (Page 28). But nevertheless, the physical reference section needs to continue to be weeded, and new resources need to be acquired to replace old ones so it doesn’t shrink forever. I’m told by the teacher librarian that the physical reference section doesn’t get a huge amount of use, so while there wouldn’t be circulation data either way on books that don’t leave the library, this indicates to me that usage patterns aren’t enough of a defence to keep the least up to date books from being removed and replaced. What most needs to go depends on checking the publication dates for each resource (which I can’t do at the moment since it’s spring break), and what needs to be acquired is likewise dependent on what goes. One thing that I think should rise to the top of the list, though, is encyclopedias. We don’t need as many encyclopedias as we’ve got when we also have so many digital encyclopedias. And for resources to acquire, I mentioned art resources (an encyclopedia of famous artists, for example, or something similar) and resources on Indigenous people. I think it might also be worth considering some bilingual dictionaries, French because intermediate students take French, and perhaps some other languages that fit with languages that have strong representation in our school like Korean, Punjabi, or Spanish. This would support diversity and accessibility, and there is no digital equivalent in the online collection.
The digital collection is district-wide, so making changes there is more challenging, but still a good idea. There are gaps that could be filled compared to the curriculum as a whole, in art, language arts, math, ADSL, and Indigenous topics. The main change I would like to see to the digital collection, though, is to make it more accessible to students. Based on casual conversations with other teachers, I suspect many don’t ever use this page or know what’s there. It is not well organized, nor is there an easy way to get to it. You can access it from home, but our students don’t generally know how. The resources in our digital collection don’t come cheap, I’m sure, and most would be an annual subscription. We are not getting our money’s worth if the resources languish on a hidden webpage.
A Plan of Action
Especially with the digital collection, other parties will need to be involved in order to change anything. My first step would be to talk to every teacher at my school to get a more factual understanding of how the current digital resources are being used. My initial impressions might well prove to be wrong, or there might be a need I hadn’t even considered. This might be a good time to bring out the Concerns-Based Adoption Model to chart the results. Armed with that survey data, I would then talk to other teacher librarians in the district. The digital resource collection is district-wide so I wouldn’t get very far without their support. This would also be an opportunity to find out more about how the existing collection was selected in the first place. If there is a procedural document on this topic, I haven’t been able to find it. Any changes I might propose could involve conversations with IT staff or district administrators, and I want to be able to talk to the right people.
At the very least, I think all of these steps are worth going through so that other teachers are aware of what resources we have and are thinking about them. If I can’t get other parties on board with looking for resources that can be added, then promoting what we have is my next best option. I could create a page of my own that has links from our collection as well as links to free online resources that seem useful, and make that page available to teachers and students at my school. But that’s a back-up plan. Broadening and redesigning the interface for our digital resources is the best possible outcome. Each step of the process, once progress is being made, can be shared with staff at staff meetings.
For the physical resources, the path forward is much clearer. That is, continue to weed out books on an annual basis, keep records of when I notice those resources being used throughout the year (since circulation data won’t be generated for them), and allocate some of the budget towards adding about as many new materials as I’m removing. There doesn’t need to be as much participation from other people in this process, but keeping staff and students aware of changes made to the collection is always a good idea. No one will ask for resources they don’t know are there.
It’s difficult to set a timeline for any of this. The goal, if I were teacher librarian tomorrow, would be to start as soon as possible so that changes might be possible by September. The main thing would be to start moving forward and then deal with obstacles as they come. At the end of a year at the most, it would be good to have concrete progress towards improving the reference collection.
Resources used:
Asselin, M., Branch, J.L., Berg, D. (2006) Achieving Information Literacy: Standards for School Library Programs in Canada. Canadian Association for School Libraries.
Loucks-Horsley, Susan. (1996). Professional Development for Science Education: A Critical and Immediate Challenge. National Standards and the Science Curriculum. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co.
Mardis, Marcia A. (2021) The Collection Program in Schools: Concepts and Practices (Seventh Edition). Libraries Unlimited.
Riedling, Ann Marlow; and Houston, Cynthia. (2019) Reference Skills for the School Librarian: Tools and Tips (Fourth Edition). Libraries Unlimited.
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