#year-round planting
sakurafarron · 1 year
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Craftsman Landscape - Front Yard
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7cfc00 · 6 months
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home is where the heart is (and yours is gone)
#happy holidays#dndads#dndads fanart#dungeons and daddies#dndaddies#dndads s1#glenn close dndads#dndads season 2#dndads odyssey#dndads glenn close#im so sick and fever rn so forgive me for any mistakes in this drawing or in my following explanation#background is covered in crosses for the bad day book. the chains represent his time in meth bay prison#the three swords are a reference to the three of swords tarot card which means like heartbreak or smth#also can be taken literally because his heart exploded#the swords themselves are modelled after the sword of justice to bring in themes of justice and punishment as well as referencing the trial#i also drew the same sword in the blackjack thing.#bottom left is his funeral pyre (referencing his death) and nick jr (representing his son's “death”)#the door is the door to his apartment its number 48 because ep 48 is carry on my wayward son#christmas decor cus of course hed had them up all year round#the plant is a peace lily representing death and funeral s again#headstone is morgan's the crysanthemum represents her death. this is because its also featured in the “remember death” thing i drew once#also i just associate flowers w the close family because it very easily represents both mortality and love#anyway. fuckin. his heart (loved ones + literal heart) are gone and its like. can he ever return home#idk smth about not being able to go back to the way things were smth about having the comfort of a home anymore. leaving all that shit behi#d. i feel so tired#sorry for the long explanation i think i may have went a little too hard on the symbolism but i didn t know how else to#express the feelings of glenn's conversation w darryl in that one episode
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writeouswriter · 2 years
Had a great time playing Sims today (spent 3 and a half hours searching for and downloading custom content and never once turned on the game)
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have-you-been-here · 4 months
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Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest
Park Falls, Wisconsin, United States
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oreoambitions · 10 months
housemate: we should make zucchini bread me: should we... grow some zucchini housemate: ... buying it from the store *does* feel a little like cheating now, yeah
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clannfearrunt · 1 year
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Father has posted a little guard dog by the blueberry this year. “It came with the rocks,” he explained, unhelpfully.
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
The hipsters are truly descending on Leith. I thought this flavour of waxed moustache striped shirt pocket watch and sunglasses Coolest Kids At The Warehouse Rave Mr B fucker died out in like 2012 but no they're everywhere. moustaches waxed up to the heavens tweed in 26° spring weather.
my going theory now is that this style of hipster is just an inevitable symptom of gentrification at any point in history. assume when Londinium was first becoming a metropolis it was beset by moustachioed men in pinstripe toga with pocket sundials. twats.
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paskariu · 9 months
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Girls' spa day for the orchids with some warm water and fertilizer :D
Gonna need to get some more soil for the right and middle orchids to ground the air roots but they should be fine for now.
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sanguith · 10 months
i'm glad i decided to try out a ketosis diet again (aka changing my metabolism to basically only use ketone bodies made from fatty acids for energy by reducing carb intake to max 20g/day) for a few weeks because it was a neat experiment but i'm also glad I decided to stop because now i get to enjoy life's greatest fucking simplest yet finest delicacy: mashed potatoes/sweet potatoes with melted butter and salt. i cannot understand how i could live without that. just. vegetables. keto has opened my eyes to new ways to cook foods and experiment with ingredients but i don't think i can live without carbs. i doubt that the majority of people could. also have you any idea how much good simple near-zero effort food there is out there like holy gosh darn in heaven. i don't have to spend hours cooking something to have a nice meal
#food mention#diets#actually anything carb with butter and salt. how can it be so good. call me a lazy goob but i once just microwaved corn and butter#added salt. and it was the most delicious fuckin thing ive ever eaten#i've done low-carb in the past and tried keto a few times and always it felt so great after the keto flu disappeared after a few days#but this time the keto flu did not go away. i felt so weak and awful but at the same time i had less brain fog. and never felt hungry.#but it was werid. i think it might have been because i've been kinda high carb for the last few years and the change was so strong & sudden#also electrolyte imbalances can happen on keto if you're not careful. it's complex.#anyway it got me to eat a bit healthier like (almost) completely avoiding processed foods and unnaturally high sugary stuff#which i just want to generally avoid for personal health reasons which is a whole can of worms but i just dont want to overindulge#sure i can eat an entire bag of candies or chips in an evening if i feel like it but I *feel* my body just being like “nooo” and sure enoug#the next morning i do feel a little bit extra like shit#and another thing: i think i benefit from abrupt diet changes now and then. it feels natural in a way. ye olde scavenger hunter genetics#ya know. our nomadic ancestors would probably have to do that a lot when things weren't year-round available#sometimes only meat for months on end in cold seasons/areas#sometimes basically only plants and nuts roots and seeds and stuff#it's actually remarkable how human metabolism can adapt so much depending on what's available to eat#sometimes fasting for days when food was just nowhere to be found.#i'm not saying “stress your metabolic system it's good for you'” (it probably isnt) just idk. mixing it up a bit at least works for me#btw disclaimer i HATE the whole thing about diet-pressuring and some people claiming that certain diets will solve everything#it doesn't solve all health problems magically. ”"”superfoods“”“ are not a 100% faultless scientifically proven thing.#shit like ''the paleo diet is the number one key to optimal health without medications!!'' no. shut.#on the other hand i do believe diets can help a bit like a nudge. it's just one factor out of many that affects how we feel#ANYWAY conclusion: eat what you want. do what feels right for you. find your own ways to make the food you eat help your health a bit#or don't! be yourself! love yourself!#the chosen method is gonna be different for everybody#but from now on im gonna try and eat as close to natural unprocessed foods as I can in this day and age. it feels right for me somehow.#i think *my* preferred method/diet whatever is to mainly eat natural unprocessed foods and to mix it up a bit now and then with change#for that sweet ''METABOLIC ADAPTATION'' perk that feels good for me#(why did this post become so long. nobody cares. anyway i don't care if nobody cares. i care. *I* care!!! wooopp)
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the-busy-ghost · 1 year
We may not have the most exciting or blooming garden in the world but we do have:
Ladybirds living on the holly (eating aphids)
Blackbirds regularly hopping about, eating the few slugs that ever actually appear, and picking up leaves from the lawn for their nests
Finches, sparrows, and tits (haha) chattering to each other in crowds on the one small tree
Many different kinds of visiting bee and wasp
And this is relatively normal for a Scottish garden so it's not just us and even if we could do better by our wildlife, it still makes me happy to know they're there
#Also woodlice but they're everwhere round here#When we lived in England we even had a toad that lived at the bottom of the garden#We do try to make a hospitable environment for the species that come along but we're not very good at it#So we can't really take credit for this except in what we don't do or refuse to do#I think the key is to keep things somewhat tidy but not too much#Every other garden on our street- even the ones that are supposed to be wildlife friendly- are so TIDY#There's no fallen branches for insects to hide under and no worms and slugs in the lawn because of overcutting#Thus no food for birds and no places for them to hide either#We also have a hedgerow which helps#We also have a hedgerow of hawthorn and beech and holly instead of a fence so I think that helps#And for a long time we had an elderly dog who couldn't chase anything herself but it kept the cats away#(I love cats but they shouldn't be allowed to just roam around threatening wildlife and shitting in the flowers)#We could do much better#We need more early food for bees so I will try to remember to plant some muscarii or something this autumn#And we do need to do some tidying soon but on the whole I am happy with it#It's nice to think that the ordinary British garden can be adequate for wildlife without any work really#Obviously we could make it a haven if we put the work in#But it's as much about what we're NOT doing (excessive use of weedkiller and insecticides; overtidying)#As what we are doing (planting pollinator friendly plants)#Especially this year it's been a year of birds#There are SO many of them because they have lots of places to hide and it has a great result#Because the few slugs and things we have tend to get picked off by them before they do serious damae#And the slugs that don't I tend to spot and put in the compost heap where they can be useful#By contrast our small back garden is an awful example#Astroturf and paving stones and no shelter and no plants/food- even the weeds aren't flowering ones like dandelions#I'm gradually trying to improve it as we get a lot of sun and there are fences so less wind#It will be good for growing fruit and veg but there's no point in even putting birdseed or flowers back there#No birds or bees will go near it until we make substantial improvements#Even if I fill it with plants it will have no other wildlife except insects as there is nowhere for them to perch and hide#It will just be pots and paving stones
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batslime · 2 years
*buys a houseplant to tide myself over until spring* *buys a houseplant to tide myself over until spring* *buys a houseplant to tide myself over until spring* *buys a houseplant t
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thethingything · 1 year
y'know what though, as much as we've been stressed to all fuck and complained about that a lot on here, we have been doing better at like, finding things to enjoy and trying to acknowledge when good things happen. it's just that we have a tendency to just write out vent posts while we're really stressed but then forget to post anything about the good things but like, we are acknowledging them in our brain at least
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arcane-ally · 1 year
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foreveranevilregal · 2 years
If we already have to have this shit ass season, it should be just for sleeping. You know, like nature intended.
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greatspacedustbin · 2 years
Two weeks ago I got some new houseplants, and since then I've had a stuffy nose every. single. evening, not during the day when I was at work, and it's only clicked now that I might be allergic to one of them (but hey what's new. I should have known, with my allergy track record and all that)
Peace lilies are supposedly good for people with allergies, with their ~air purification~ quality and whatnot, but I guess that goes out of the window when that plant is exactly the thing you're allergic to 😂
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agayconcept · 2 years
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