#i also drew the same sword in the blackjack thing.
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7cfc00 ¡ 1 year ago
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home is where the heart is (and yours is gone)
#happy holidays#dndads#dndads fanart#dungeons and daddies#dndaddies#dndads s1#glenn close dndads#dndads season 2#dndads odyssey#dndads glenn close#im so sick and fever rn so forgive me for any mistakes in this drawing or in my following explanation#background is covered in crosses for the bad day book. the chains represent his time in meth bay prison#the three swords are a reference to the three of swords tarot card which means like heartbreak or smth#also can be taken literally because his heart exploded#the swords themselves are modelled after the sword of justice to bring in themes of justice and punishment as well as referencing the trial#i also drew the same sword in the blackjack thing.#bottom left is his funeral pyre (referencing his death) and nick jr (representing his son's “death”)#the door is the door to his apartment its number 48 because ep 48 is carry on my wayward son#christmas decor cus of course hed had them up all year round#the plant is a peace lily representing death and funeral s again#headstone is morgan's the crysanthemum represents her death. this is because its also featured in the “remember death” thing i drew once#also i just associate flowers w the close family because it very easily represents both mortality and love#anyway. fuckin. his heart (loved ones + literal heart) are gone and its like. can he ever return home#idk smth about not being able to go back to the way things were smth about having the comfort of a home anymore. leaving all that shit behi#d. i feel so tired#sorry for the long explanation i think i may have went a little too hard on the symbolism but i didn t know how else to#express the feelings of glenn's conversation w darryl in that one episode
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forabeatofadrum ¡ 2 years ago
An imperfect symphony
Summary: Tempest comes to visit Percy in New York. Unfortunately, he has bad news.
Notes: Alright folks, here’s the deal. I am reading the entirety of the Camp Half-Blood Chronicles for the first time so I am totally new to this series! I finished the Burning Maze and I read the first few chapters of the Tyrant’s Tomb and all I could think of was “what will Percy, Annabeth and Nico think?”. The others of the Seven and Reyna know about Jason by know. I assume Nico felt it. That leaves Percy and Annabeth.
Here’s my take on how Percy finds out. Again, I haven’t even finished this series yet so I do not know how Percy will eventually find out (no spoilers please!) (I assume he does), but this idea just got stuck in my head.
Title is from a quote about horses, because yes, I Googled “quotes about horses”: A horse in the wind – a perfect symphony.
As I said, I am new (hello!) so I can’t remember right now if Percy’s horse powers also apply to Godly horses. I’m pretty sure this doesn’t work in canon since Tempest isn’t really a horse, but a storm spirit, but as they say, it’s my fic and I decide the reality of the situation! Enjoy!
Horses aren’t supposed to materialise in the living room of a New York apartment, but horses also aren’t supposed to be made of clouds and thunder.
My mom called me. I was in my bedroom, studying for upcoming tests, when she yelled my name. The tone in her voice startled me and I drew Riptide before running towards the living room.
Tempest was standing on Paul’s newly bought rug. I lowered my sword in shock. I haven’t see Tempest in a while and I definitely didn’t expect him to be here in my apartment.
My sword turns back into a pen and I tell mom and Paul that everything is alright.
“Heya, buddy,” I say and I walk towards Tempest. He lowers his head and I scratch him. “Where’s Jason?”
Percy Jackson, his voice echoes in my head. I know my mom and Paul must hear neighing, but as usual, I can perfectly understand him.
“Yeah. That’s me.”
To my surprise, Tempest’s front legs buckle and he falls to the ground. I try to catch him, which is stupid since he is literally a horse, but it’s an instinct. Once he’s on the ground, I crouch in front of him.
I come to bring bad news, he says solemnly.
Bad news. Well. I am used to that. I’ve had enough bad news to last a lifetime and I am still in high school.
“What happened?” my mind is reeling. What could he be referring to? I haven’t heard anything yet, but again, all demigod communication is off. If Tempest is the first to reach me, then what does that even mean.
Where did Tempest even go?
Really, why isn’t Jason with him? Jason is basically his human the same way I am Blackjack’s human and Hazel is Arion’s.
My stomach falls.
In that moment, I know, but I don’t want to believe it.
“Tempest, where’s Jason?” I ask again, sounding desperate, and the dread only grows.
Have you ever heard a horse cry? I have, actually. A lot of horses died in the wars, but nothing could prepare me for the wail that Tempest lets out.
He is dead, Tempest tells me, Jason Grace is dead.
Around me, glasses of water shatter. My mom yelps and Paul also has to jump away from an incoming shard. As for me... for a few second I feel absolutely nothing.
Jason Grace cannot be dead.
I stare at Tempest, as if I am waiting for him to tell me that he got it wrong, but that doesn’t happen. A sob escapes from my throat and I lean my head against Tempest. A small electric shock runs through me, but I don’t care. The next thing I know, I am full on sobbing and my mom puts her arm around me.
She doesn’t ask me what happened. I am not sure if I have the words to say it.
Tempest sadly tells me about a boat and a spear. He tells me that Piper was there too, together with two people he didn’t recognise. A teenage boy with a bow and quiver and a little girl with a bright green dress and glasses.
I recognise them as Apollo and Meg.
Tempest says that Jason’s last words were instructions. Tempest needed to save the others, which he did. And once they were safe, Piper demanded that Tempest went back for Jason, but it was already too late. Tempest carried Jason’s body to shore. When a mortal appeared, he turned around and left.
And then I came here, Tempest finishes his story.
I don’t know how long I am sat on the floor, sobbing in my mom’s arm, holding Tempest’s face. I don’t want to believe this, but Jason sacrifising himself is definitely something he’d do, because he is such a good person. Not is. Was.
He was sixteen. Like me, he was trying to find his way into this new post-war world. I feel sick. I didn’t go along with Apollo and Meg because I needed to study. Should I have gotten along and prevent this? But could I have prevented it?
I feel like I didn’t get to know Jason well enough. We were friends, but I thought I’d have time to get to know him even more. Once Annabeth and I would go to college in New Rome, Jason would be there too, busy with his plans to rebuild Temple Hill. We’d stroll around New Rome together. We’d have friendly sparring matches. We’d travel between the camps with others by our side... but that time is lost.
Tempest and I cry. I’ve seen a lot of death. Being a demigod means that there’s a high chance you die early. I’ve lived through two wars. Still, it never gets easier and Jason was one of my friends.
My friends.
“The others. Do they know? Demigod communication is a mess...”
I do not know, Tempest answers, Piper knows. She will make sure Jason will go to Camp Jupiter.
“But someone needs to tell Camp Half-Blood.”
Jason was part of both camps. Nico is still at camp, so maybe they already know, but even if they do, I have to go to camp. I have to be there.
I wipe away my tears, to no avail, and I try to stand up. My mom helps me. I am still a wreck and grief is overtaking me, but I have a mission. I need to get to camp. I need to tell the others. Camp Half-Blood also needs to remember Jason.
“Can you take me there?” I ask Tempest, but to my surprise, he says no.
Jason was the last person who ever rode on my back, Tempest explains, I’d like to keep it that way.
I nod. I understand
I will send help. Someone else can take you to camp, Tempest says. He gets up as well.
“Where will you go?” I ask.
Anywhere, Tempest answers shortly. That’s fine. He’s a free storm spirit and he can go where he pleases. I was always so grateful for Tempest help.
“I will not forget you,” I pet him again. It’s a goodbye. “We will not forget you.”
Don’t forget Jason, Tempest says in return.
“I won’t.”
And just like that, his body dissolves into the air. A string of dark storm clouds dematerialises, leaving a lightning scorch mark on the rug. For a while, it is silent apart from my sobs. My mom is holding me again and she says nothing. She doesn’t even know what just happened, so I try to tell them, but every time I try to say Jason’s name, a new round of tears hit me.
But eventually I manage to croak out the three words.
“Jason is dead.”
“Oh. Oh honey,” my mom seems lost for words too.
“I need- I need to go. I need to tell the others.”
“Of course,” my mom sounds strained. The idea of me going away after hearing someone we know has been killed must be terrifying, but she understands that I need to go to camp.
“I will be back,” I tell her.
“Be safe,” she says in return.
She tightens her hug.
“Uh, guys...” Paul trails off. He’s staring at the window and my mom and I follow our gaze.
Blackjack is flying outside of the window. My mom lets go of me so that I can walk towards him. I open the window and the cold airs hits my face. The tear tracks feel cold.
Hi boss, Blackjack sounds sad, Tempest told me you have to go to camp.
I’ve never dreaded going to camp this much. I turn around to tell my mom and Paul goodbye for now, and then I leap out of the window and land on Blackjack’s back. Together we fly to Long Island.
Notes: Thanks for reading. If you want some more pain, the fic for even when i’m far away, i’ll always be in your heart by Rehearsal_Dweller is a great one about Nico finding out.
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jolienjoyswriting ¡ 6 years ago
Mortem In Contumeliam FFVI, Ch. XIII
Chapter 13 of "Mortem In Contumeliam Final Fantasy VI," a Final Fantasy VI fan fiction story.
Tako-tako-tako, spo-i-ler~ (Don't tease the readers, kids~)
Also, if this chapter seems a little… "compressed?"  There's a good reason for it… I was getting tired of writing so many chapters!  Weh!  This is handily and easily the longest single story I have ever written!! (At least, if you don't count Essence of Ragnarok as one very long story.) … but, if it does seem like things got rushed, I apologize. I think the pacing is okay… but, I wrote it, so…
Word count: 5,582 – Character count: 32,443 Originally written: July 28th, 2019 Partially rewritten: Same day
There's panic in the air as the Blackjack finds unwanted company high above the world!
Final Fantasy VI, Wedge, Biggs, and related characters, scenarios, and properties created by Square Soft, Inc. and Š Square Enix Co, Ltd.
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    A gigantic cloak of darkness fell over the airship, Blackjack, and its crew.  High above them was something that not one of them had ever seen before… an entire continent of land, held aloft through unknown means – though, one beholder had their theories.
    “The origin of magic… the Three Warring Gods…”     All eyes were on Stragos, an old mage from Samasa Village.  He wore a look of shock and dismay, seemingly talking to himself… or, perhaps, no one at all.     “They found them… the three, sealed in stone…”     “The Empire?” Lock loudly asked as he ran over to the old man.  “They found the Warring Triad?!”     “They sealed themselves… canceled out each other’s powers and brought balance back to the world they’d helped destroy…”     All-at-once, he spun around, grabbing the treasure hunter by the collar.     “If– if those fools do anything to the triad… even turn one statue away from another by just a fraction…!     “W… what would happen?” Tina asked, choosing to stay by Wedge for the time.     “The balance would crumble…!  And… and, their power would…”     He trailed off as Lock pulled himself free.  Despite leaving his thought unfinished… it didn’t take much guessing to figure out where he was going with it.
    “Well?  I think it’s pretty obvious what we need to do, kupo!”     Wedge gave a blink before joining the others in looking toward the steering wheel.  Standing there was a small creature, covered in white fur, with an angler-like bauble on his head and tiny, purple wings on his back.  He had his arms crossed and unless the former soldier missed his guess… seemed to be speaking the same language as everyone else!     “We need to go up there and kick some butt, kupo!” the creature told the group.     “Do… moogles normally talk like people…?” the soldier asked Tina.     “No, but I made Old Man Rumah teach me the language, kupo!” the moogle replied with a chittering chuckle.  “You’d know that if you were here when this lot rescued me, kupo!”     “It’s a weird story involving a thieving wolf,” Lock added.  “We’ll explain later.  For now, Mog’s right!”     “‘Mog…?’”  Wedge chuckled to himself, much to Mog’s irritation.     “Setzer!”     “Yes?” the ship’s owner answered.     “Think this baby can catch up to that flyin’ island?”     “I’d bet my life on it!” was his confident reply.     “That may well be the case…”     Stragos suddenly whispered as Setzer ran to the controls, shooing the other man way as he made adjustments.     “If we don’t stop the Empire…”     “We will, gran’pa!” his granddaughter told him.     He shakily looked over… only to brighten up as she gave him a comforting smile.     “Bless you for–”     “‘My mom’s spirit,’ yeah-yeah,” she interrupted.  “Get us up there, Fancy-Pants!”     Setzer blinked and paused before giving a nod.  Then, they were off!
    The ship’s engines groaned and the machinery whirled, causing the ship to move faster than anyone else dared to fly it.  Not long after, the airship pushed through the clouds and followed the continent as it reached a stable altitude.  A look overboard would have told any of those onboard that the ground was a long… long… way below them, but everyone’s focus was on boarding that continent and stopping the Empire from doing any more damage!
    “Um…  I don’t want to alarm anyone, but…”  Setzer paused before announcing, “We’ve got company!”     “What?  No, that’s impossible!” Edgar shouted as he ran to the side of the ship and looked over.  But, sure enough…     “Machines!  Heading right for us!!”     A legion of what looked like flying Magitek Powered Armor was chasing them, propellers whirling from their sides and mechanical arms reaching up with metal claws.
    “You!”     Wedge gave another blink… before finding himself shaken by his chest plate.     “Gyaah!!  Lock, what the he–”     “Why didn’t you warn us about these flying things?!” the angry man interrupted.     “Would you believe me if I said ‘I didn’t know?’”     The ex-soldier offered a little grin… but, Lock just scoffed and let him go.     “You’re absolutely useless, you know that?” he said as he walked over to the pilot.     “Love you, too…”  Wedge adjusted his armor with a sneer.  “Jerk.”
    “Setzer, what’re our options?”     “Well, that depends…”  The nobleman grinned as he asked, “How many of you own bows and arrows?  Because… this ship is entirely without weaponry!”     “Edgar has an auto-crossbow…” Macías helpfully suggested, drawing a dirty look from his brother.     “Actually…”  Lock turned to the king and asked, “Hey, Edgar, what else ya got?”     “Uh… I have a couple of Noiseblasters…” he said as he checked his pockets and cape, “a Chainsaw, a Drill… this broken camera we weaponized…”     “Those Noiseblasters and that camera of yours.  Are they easy to use?”     “Fairly easy.”  The king hummed… then, he gave a smile.  “I think I see where this is going…  Good thinking, Lock!”
    “Right!  Kaien, Wedge, Mog, grab a tool!”     The trio did as they were instructed, Wedge and Mog grabbing the Noiseblasters while Kaien picked the broken camera, giving it an utterly baffled look…     “Everyone else?  Magic up and form a perimeter!”
    Wedge tilted his head as everyone ran to one side of the ship or the other, the group making an uneven circle around the railing.  Four of them – including himself – were holding devices while Lock pulled out what looked like a boomerang and a sharp-looking metal disc.  Almost everyone else had brought their hands up, channeling energy and preparing to use whatever magic they had at their disposal.  Two, however, didn’t quite seem combat-ready.
    “Gau, Gau!” the green-haired wild child shouted from beside Wedge.     “Aren’t you gonna… uh… ‘magic up?’” he asked as he tried to figure out how to work the strange-looking hearing horn that was attached to a metal box.     “Gau fight how Gau know!” was the child’s reply.  “Gau be bad guy!”     The former soldier had no idea what he meant by that… until the boy stood back and drew a sword from seemingly nowhere.  A second later…     “This is the end of the line!” he shouted, sounding nothing like himself.  “Everyone, hold your positions!  We’re in for a decisive battle!”     “Gau…?  Are you feeling–”     “Back off, Imperial scum!” the boy yelled, jerking away from Wedge and giving him a steely glare.  “You’re lucky we’re shorthanded, otherwise I’d throw you overboard, myself!”     The ex-soldier… was understandably confused by the uncharacteristic display of leadership and borderline-antagonistic behavior he was given.  When he took a look around… no one else seemed bothered.  Not even Stragos and Lilum, the newest additions to the Returners.  Though, that may have been because they were busy arguing…
    “Lilum can help, gran’pa!!” Lilum told him.     “You don’t know how to use magic!” was her grandfather’s reply as he readied his own.     “Lilum knows, but Lilum can paint ‘em up!  They just… need to stay still for Lilum!” she explained as one aircraft went whizzing by, below.     “Go down to the lower deck and wait for me to tell you it’s safe.”     “But–”     “Lilum!”  The old man spun around and scowled.  “For the sake of your departed mother, just–”     “Look out!!”     Before Stragos could turn back around, an orange-red suit of powered armor came up from the side of the main ship.  A panel opened and it began charging energy, when…     “Hold that pose!!”     Lilum pushed her grandfather aside, pulled out her paintbrush, and waved it around.  Wedge almost couldn’t believe his eyes as, right next to the powered armor… another appeared only to crash into the original, propellers-first, then vanished as the panicked, distant screams of one very perplexed soldier filled the air before fading away.
    “We make a great team, gran’pa!” she chipperly said as her grandfather caught his breath.  “Gran’pa Stragos ‘n The Great Lilum, Heroes for Justice!!  Sounds cool, huh?”     “Y– yes… very ‘cool,’” Stragos panted.  A second later, he gave a begrudging smile and told her, “Stay close and keep your eyes peeled, granddaughter!  We’ll lick these soldiers, yet!”     “Yaaaaay!!  Er, Lilum means…” Lilum corrected as she took on a more moderate attitude, “You got it, gran’pa!”     With that, the two redoubled their focus as a team, ready for the next attack.
    “Here they cooome…!”
    That was the war-cry that Setzer gave from the controls of the Blackjack, keeping the ship steady as the Imperial Air Force closed in.  Wave-after-wave of their flying units darted and weaved in, some shooting lasers, some firing missiles, and some drawing close enough to slash at the support beams keeping the giant, metal air-pouch and its passenger car attached.  But, just like the one that tried to attack Stragos and Lilum… each-and-every-one of them failed.     Some of the air units were knocked out of the sky with a well-placed electrical attack.  Some of them were popped like balloons and made to explode by either a flurry of arrows from Edgar or a curious, violent wind that seemed to come from Gau.  Others found themselves out-of-control due to pilot error, sometimes by a deafening roar from one of two Noiseblasters, or by an absolutely blinding flash of light coming from Kaien’s camera… usually, by accident.
    Eventually, what few units remained decided to break off and fly away, causing those on board to cheer!  But, that cheering would be shortlived…     “Hey, do you guys see that…?”     Something weird was floating toward them.     “That can’t possibly be…”     Something shiny!  Something slimy…  Something that wriggled and writhed.     “Gran’pa, look!  It’s that octopus from before!”     Something… that almost everyone on board recognized as…     “Orthros!!”
    A giant, purple, jellyfish-like creature with eight, wiggling limbs and a row of razor-sharp teeth had flown in from nowhere and landed at the head of the ship, squirming and grinning as best as he could.     “You remembered!” he called.  “I’m touched!  Really!”     “What the hell is that thing?!” Wedge called out.     “That, soldier, is a giant octopus!” Gau told him before clearing his throat and hunching down to growl.  “Octo-man bad!  Try hurt fight lady!”     “Alas, that was not one of my finer moments!” Orthros sighed, bringing one tentacle up to his forehead, closing his eyes.  “It’s against my very nature to harm a lady!”     He paused, peeking out with one eye.     “Especially one that’s dynamite in a virgin-white dress!  Woo-woo!”     “You… be qu-quiet!” Celes spat, looking both flustered at and furious with him.     “Ah, and I see the cute girl with the long legs is here, too!”     Two tendrils waved toward the sky as he made some strange, squishing noises.     “Did’ja miss me, baby?”     For the first time that Wedge could recall… he actually saw Tina blush.  She wasn’t saying anything, but her shy, uncomfortable body language said certainly more than words could…     “What did you do to–?!”     “Aaand… beret-girl is here, too!  Wonderful!”     He squirmed forward, reaching toward the distant Lilum.     “Come give Uncle Orthy a hug, cutie-pie!”     “Lilum would rather paint your picture, again!” the young girl smartly said, causing the octopus to recoil.
    “Anyhoo,” he said after taking a moment to recover, “I heard you guys were gonna save the world!  Great!  I’m all for it!  In fact, that’s why I came!  Let me join up and lend a hand… or, a bunch’a hands!  Just imagine what all these gorgeous hands could do for you!  Ladies.”     When he gave a wink, Tina finally hid behind Wedge and Lilum pulled her beret over her face, seeming more bothered than embarrassed.  Celes, on the other hand…     “Why don’t you drop dead, you lech?!” she shouted as she drew a new sword – a red sword with a spiked blade that looked like fire.  Wedge recognized it as a Flametongue.     “Now, hang on, Celes…”     Lock raised a hand to the former general as he walked over to the then-crying Orthros.
    “Look.  Orthros.  No offense, but… you aren’t the most trustworthy cephalopod we’ve ever met.  Why the sudden interest in saving the world?”     “Are you kiddin’ me?!” the octopus exclaimed.  “Why wouldn’t I wanna save the world?!  Could you imagine how rich and famous I’d be…?  ‘Sexy octopus saves world from weird island!’  Oh, the babes would be breaking down my door to get a piece’a this!”     His cheeks turned a rosy pink as he fell into a self-made fantasy.     “Ladies, please!  I only have eight tentacles!  Wait your turn and I promise… I’ll send you all to sticky, wriggly heaven one-by-one!  Mwah, mwah, mwah!!”     “You’re disgusting,” Edgar – of all people – told him.  “Go home.”     “Oh, I see how it is!”  Orthros crossed two tentacles in front of him.  “You guys wanna save the world so you get all the fame and glory!  Well, then…”     The octopus’ head curled upward, causing his teeth to bend in a weird… yet, somewhat-threatening way.     “I’m just gonna have to beat you all up and steal your ride!  En garde!”
    Edgar, Celes, and Lock stepped up as the octopus affixed itself to the deck with four arms, the other four wriggling erratically as he shimmied in-place.  All three of them drew their weapons, ready for a fight!     “This is our last battle!” their opponent called in a lighthearted way.  “It’s true, it’s true!”     “You’ve got that right…” Celes coldly told him.  “Fira!!”     Orthros screamed like a frightened little girl as a sharp curtain of flame swept across the deck and hit its mark, bathing the octopus in a powerful wall of flames!  He twitched, scorched and red, before sliding off the ship’s head and out-of-sight.  It seemed like the battle was over before it even started!  But, just as the trio put their weapons back…     “Ugh…  Losing, again…!”     Everyone heard that creepy, unnerving voice call from below.  Shortly after, everyone stared as the octopus slowly floated back into view.
    “I knew this’d happen…” he hissed at the men and women of the Blackjack, “so that’s why, today, I’ve got a strooooong ally!  Folks, lemme introduce you to…”
    The whole group went wide-eyed as Orthros continued to float up.  It wasn’t long before they realized, however… that he wasn’t floating.  He was sitting on something.  Something pink and cloud-like… something huge… something with piercing, yellow eyes, strong arms with sharp claws, and something with a gaping maw full of horrible, jagged teeth.
    “Grand Master Typhon!!” Orthros announced as he flopped back onto the ship and enthusiastically waved a pair of paper fans he’d retrieved from… somewhere.  “Say ‘allo, GMT!”     Everyone had to cover their ears and brace themselves as a massive blast of wind rushed over the deck, accompanied by a teeth-rattling “Gruhk– phuuuuuhhhn!!”     “Articulate, ain’ ‘e?”
    The octopus waved his fans and cheered as his “master” took swings and swipes at the group of adventurers, his claws crashing against Celes’ fiery blade and Edgar’s lance while his other arm blocked the tossed projectiles from Lock.     “Yeah,” he said, “he may not have my natural good looks or my silver tongue… but, his strength’ll blow you away!!”     Typhon pounded the deck, causing the airship to physically dip enough for some people to lose their footing.  Setzer stabilized the vehicle and everyone got back to their feet, then.     “The master’s scaaary if you get him maaad!” Orthros warned, wriggling his arms as Typhon inhaled…  “Seriously, he’s teeerrifying!  You guys might get eeeaten…!”     The octopus paused as his companion spewed fireballs at everyone within range.  Setzer was quick to shout orders to douse the flames while the trio fighting him continued their attack… seemingly, with little effectiveness.     “Why… just the other day, I was dozing off and I got my head gnawed on!”  Orthros laughed.  “Guess GMT was bored or hungry or somethin’…  Man, do his teeth hurt!”     “Tph.  Tph tph,” the frightening, pink creature huffed, covering his face as blades and blunt objects came his way.  He didn’t seem like he was into the fight as much as his friend…
    “So, you guys give up?” Orthros eventually asked.  “You gonna let me join up, now?”     “In your dreams, ink-breath!” Celes shouted, still visibly angry from before.     He closed the fans then flipped them open, waving them toward the big, pink thing.     “Master Tyyyphon.”     “Grnk?”     “Give ‘em the good stuff, pal!”     Typhon paused.  And, then…     “Hyah!!”     Celes leaped up and heel-kicked Orthros right in the face!!
    “Cuuurse yooou and your sexy leeeeegs…!!”     The octopus sadly cried out as he fell off the ship for a second time.  Once he was out of earshot, the three at the bow, as well as everyone else, turned their attention to Typhon…
    Lock leaned over to Edgar and whispered, “Why isn’t he moving?” noticing Typhon’s sudden disinterest in fighting.  The creature hadn’t done much since Orthros’ departure.     “I… don’t know.”  The king of Figaro pondered before suggesting, “Maybe, he’s bored?”     “Could be…”  The treasure hunter stared at the giant beast…  “Should we do something?”     “Blizzara!!”     Both men jolted as a female voice broke the unwelcome silence.  When they looked, they noticed that Celes had made another move, angrily pointing a finger at Typhon… who had a huge chunk of ice attached to his face.
    “Celes…!!” Lock squeaked as he ran over to the woman.  “What did you do?!”     “I took the initiative and disabled my opponent,” she calmly explained, holding her sword with both hands after her spell.     “Okay, but…”     Lock frowned, glancing at the creature who was frantically scratching at the magical ice.     “He wasn’t doing anything, anymore…”     “He attacked, first!” she countered.  “Now, are you going to stand there and judge me, or are you going to–”     “Graaaaahhh…!!”     The three of them were thrown backward as Typhon broke free of the ice, his booming voice sending splinters everywhere.
    “Just get rid of him, already!” Setzer called from the ship’s console, looking genuinely worried about the additional holes to the top deck.  “He’s hurting my baby…!”     “We’re working on it!” Celes shouted back.  “Thundara!!”     The giant beast groaned as a crackling line of electricity ran from her hand to his body, zapping him.  A second later, he retaliated with another flurry of fireballs, causing Setzer to shout about the ship even more.
    “This is getting us nowhere!” Edgar called as he shot the beast with his Auto-Crossbow.  “I’m not even sure we’re hurting it!”     “Gotta say… I think you’re right,” Lock agreed as his bladed disc bounced off Typhon’s head.  “This thing is just too strong for–”     “Fira!!”
    Both men leaped out of the way as a tongue of flame violently slashed the pink giant right across the face.  When he stopped moving and brought both gnarled hands up…     “I… think you got his attention, Celes…”     Lock smirked.  It didn’t seem like Typhon was in a fighting mood, anymore.  Actually, he seemed to be breathing pretty heavily, for some reason…
    “Are you ready to concede?” the former general asked, standing at-the-ready, just in case he decided he’d rather keep fighting.     “Hruuh… hruuh…” he panted, keeping his face covered.     “The lady asked you a question,” Lock said in a scathing tone.  “You give up, Pinky?”     “Hruuh… hraah…!”     “Wait a second…!!”     All eyes were back on Stragos.  He’s shouted and looked like he’d just seen a ghost!
    “I just remembered something!  I know what this creature is!” he called.     “Okay?  Good?”  Lock crossed his arms.  “Do you know how to beat it?”     “No, but…”     “Hraah… hraaaaah…!!”     “Gods above!  Everyone, get down!!”
    He’d tried…  He really had.  But, Stragos was too late to warn them…     “Hraaah-pheeeeew…!!”     That Typhon had some seriously strong nasal passages!
    The people closest to the beast found themselves blown overboard, all three of them hanging on to the rails in a half-panic.  The people to the sides were knocked to their feet or tossed up against the guardrails, thrown for a loop.  As for the people straight ahead…     “Look out…!!”     Wedge stood in front of Tina, guarding her with his body as a huge, semi-invisible projectile warped the air and headed right toward them.  As it made contact with the former soldier, he expected it to hurt.  However…     “Whaaa-hoo-hoowaaah…!!”     It, instead, sent him flying… right off the deck and, unfortunately… much farther than even the people closest to Typhon.  He had absolutely no chance of grabbing onto anything and wound up in a freefall some distance away from the Blackjack!
    For several moments, he flailed his limbs and screamed in a complete panic!  As the realization that he was going to become a really big mess on the ground far-far below set in… he stopped screaming and put his hands over his face, deciding not to watch.     “So, this is how it ends?” he asked himself.  “With an over-the-top sneeze and a looooong plummet with a very sudden stop at the end!  Can’t say I ever imagined that one…”     He sighed, moving his hands and crossing his arms.     “Ya know… I don’t think the Imperial Army ever planned for anything like this…  Or, maybe, they did?  I didn’t even know we had air machines, ‘til now, so…”     He gave another sigh, closing his eyes and going silent for a while.     “Guess there’s nothing left to do but–”     “Weeedge!”     The ex-soldier gave a blink.  He could swear he’d heard a female voice scream his name.     “Great, now I’m hearing things…”     “Weeeeedge…!”     “Go away, female-voice-in-my-head!  I’m already freaking out enough without you–”     “Weeeeedge…!!”     “Okay, fine, what?”     “Grab on…!!”
    Wedge gave a hard blink.  Grab onto what? he thought.  A second later…     “Please…!!  Take my hand…!!”     That same, somewhat-distorted voice called to him from his left.  He finally convinced himself to look… only to see a vaguely-familiar, glowing form in a dive right next to him.     “T… T-Tina…?”     She was desperately reaching for him with one purple-pinkish, clawed hand, her angular face full of worry and fright.     “Grab on…!!” she called, again.  Not a second later, he did just that before being pulled into her arms to hang on for dear life!
    “Look, not that I’m not grateful that I have someone I love escorting me to the great beyond… but, Tina!”  He squeezed her.  “I’m gonna kill you if you didn’t get sneezed off, too!”     “I followed you!” she shouted over the whipping air.  “I couldn’t let you die…!!”     “You idiot…  I’m gonna kill you.”     Wedge smiled, giving her a loving hug.     “You seriously leaped after me?  I… uh… hang– hang on.  Something’s not right.”     He looked around.  Were they falling… slower?     “Tina…  Um, tell me something.”     “Yes?” she called in a softer, calmer tone.     “Your Eidolon half…  Uh, can it, by chance… fly?”     “Yes,” was her simple answer as she slowed, stopped, then started flying back up, carefully carrying the former soldier in her arms.  “You didn’t know?”     Wedge blushed… then, he sighed.     “Just… get me back on the airship, please.”
    The fall down had taken about three minutes, but the flight back up took twice as long.  He watched Tina, feeling relieved that she didn’t seem to be struggling with him… but, felt extremely embarrassed that he didn’t know she could fly… not that he’d have any reason to think otherwise, of course.  He’d only seen that form twice, counting his current situation, and the first time was a less-pleasant experience, for him.  Still… he was glad that she’d come to his aid.  And, as he looked her over… he couldn’t help but notice how pretty her Eidolon form was.  He made a note to ask her to pose and turn for him in that form, later.
    “This is as far as I can go…”
    Tina landed somewhere before collapsing onto her knees.  Wedge was quick to kneel beside her, ready to help her to her feet.  When they both stood, he looked around… only to scowl and furrow his brow.     “Tina…?”     “Y-yes…?” she panted.     “Either this isn’t the airship… or, Typhon really did a number on the flight deck.”
    They both looked around at their surroundings.  Just as Wedge had noted, they weren't standing on the deck of an airship… but, rather, a large chunk of rock and dirt which, not unlike the airship, was hanging in the air and flying free.  Unlike the airship, though, the mass of land seemed twisted and torn, and seemed to stretch on for quite some distance.
    “Weee’re… on that flying continent, aren’t we…?”     “I… I couldn’t make it,” she told him, leaning on his frame.  “I don’t have the stamina… haa… to stay in that form… for very long.  I’m sorry…”     “Hey, hey, it’s alright…”     Wedge smiled, gently nudging her head up.     “You saved my life.  Which is funny… ‘cause, it’s usually the guy who saves the girl!”     “I can… relate to that…”     He gave a blink… then, he smiled, more.  She was grinning at him.
    “So, we’re stuck on this island ‘til your friends head this way, huh?”     “I guess so…”     Tina slowly parted from her friend… only to wobble and fall to her knees, again.     “T-Tina!”  He was quick to kneel behind her.  “Are you okay?”     “N-not really…” she admitted.     “Still worn out from the trip back up?”     “Yes, but… there’s something else.”     Slowly, she raised a gloved hand, pointing into the distance.  Biggs had to adjust his goggles before he noticed…     “Are those…?”     “The Warring Triad…”
    He couldn’t see it very well… but, situated at the approximate center of the island, stood upon some sort of plateau, were a trio of gray figures.  While he couldn’t make out any of their features, he could seem the radical power emanating from them.  Considering that he wasn’t the slightest bit magically-inclined… it was enough to send shivers up his spine.
    “This entire island,” Tina told him as they both stood back up, “is being held in the sky by those three.  This place also feels… familiar.”     The girl looked at him with sad eyes.     “I think… this may be what became of my home…”     “Wait… are you trying to tell me that this island, itself, is the Eidolon’s World…?”     “Wh-what’s left of it, anyway…”  She shivered.  “My home…  My dad’s friends…  It’s all… it’s all…!”     “Tina, no… please, don’t cry…”     But, she couldn’t help it.  The realization that they were standing on what little remained of her home… that the Empire had, more-than-likely, utterly eradicated all of the Eidolons… hit her like a ton of bricks.  It was emotionally overwhelming for the poor, half-Eidolon girl.
    “W… W-Wedge…?”     “Y– yeah, Tina?”     She looked up from hiding her face against his chest.  Despite her wet eyes… she looked angry.  Angry… and, determined.     “We have to stop the Empire.  Even if it means… if it means…”     She looked away, sounding like she didn’t want to finish that thought.     “Yeah… yeah, I guess we– hey, wait, Tina!  Where are you going…?”     “I’m sorry, Wedge…”  She’d pushed him aside, then took a few steps away before telling him, “I have to do this.  For my family.  For my friends.  For my kind…”     Wedge hesitated… then, he started to give chase.  “Y-you don’t have to do this alone!”     “H-he’s right, you know… ehn…”     Both figures stopped in their tracks.  A somewhat-familiar, gravelly voice had spoken up.  When they turned to see who had spoken…     “S-Shadow!!”     Tina called with a start, covering her mouth with one hand.  There, shambling toward them, was a beat-up man completely covered in black cloth… which had been stained red, in places.  It could be none other than the self-made mercenary, Shadow.
    “Damn the Empire – present company excluded…”     He coughed, giving a nod to Wedge as Tina started magically healing him.     “Once they were done with me, they tried to kill me…”     “They didn’t do a very good job,” the former soldier nervously joked.     “What’s worse?  I never got paid for the Triangle Island job.  Heh.”
    “Are you going to be alright?” Tina asked as she finished.  She was trying to wipe his darkly-clad face with a white linen cloth, but he just kept ducking away.     “I’m fine, stop fussing over me,” he eventually told her, gently grabbing her wrist.  “We have bigger concerns, right now.”     “O-okay…”     She offered a slight smile as he let her go, then tucked her cloth into her dress pocket.     “Where are your friends?” was the man’s next question.  “We could use their help.”     “They’re… up there, I think?  And– oh!!”     She had pointed to the sky, but when she and the others actually looked… they were shocked to find that the Blackjack was being attacked by some massive construct!  By the look of it… the airborne vehicle was full of nasty weaponry, too.
    “No…!” she gasped, covering her mouth, again.  “We have to do something…!”     “I mean… if you think you can fly up there, let’s go,” Wedge commented, “but…”     “I can’t–” the girl quickly answered before looking away in sudden silence.     “Then,” Shadow began, “I guess we have no choice but to go forward.”     Both Tina and Wedge gave a blink as Shadow stepped over to a rocky formation.  When he kicked it, they were both genuinely surprised as part of it collapsed into a pathway.
    “It’s kind of a shame.”  He crossed his arms, leaning against the rocks as he told them, “I’m sure at least one of your other friends has a score to settle with the Empire.”     “More like, all of them…” Wedge added with a grin.     “We could just wait for them.  But…”     Shadow looked up and the other two followed suit.  That huge air vehicle was still focused on the Blackjack, bright flashes of magic and explosions firing off near both.     “They could be a while.”     “Hey, uh…”     They both turned to Wedge as he spoke up.     “As much as I’d love to go punch Kefka and Gestahl in the face, right now?”  He skittishly squirmed.  “I’m pretty sure they’d tear me apart.  I mean, hell, I left my sword… uh…”     He’d paused.  Tina was curiously looking at him with her hands folded over her lap.     “I left my sword… somewhere,” he half-lied, “so, I’m a bit under-dressed for combat.”     “You can use my sword, if you want!  I never use it, really…”     The former soldier gave a blink.  Tina had unhooked her scabbard from her sash and handed it and its blade over with absolutely no hesitation… and, a smile.     “Well… shi– oot.  Shoot,” he corrected himself.  “I guess I’m… ready to go, then?”     “Okay!”  Her smile brightened.  “Lead the way?  I’ll make sure no one sneaks up on us!”     “Who would possibly–”     A deafening roar from somewhere on the island stopped him from finishing that thought.  Somewhere… something was waiting for them and, from the sound of it… it was angry.
    “You know… I think we should wait for the others!” Wedge suddenly exclaimed.  “Just in case there’s, uh… something really ugly up ahead!”     “Wedge…”     He gave a blink.  Tina had nudged up to him with a soft, sweet smile.     “It’s okay if you’re scared,” she told him in that innocent way she spoke.  “I’m scared, too.  But, we’re not alone.  We have Shadow, and he’s a super-cool ninja!”     Wedge wasn’t sure… but, he thought he heard said ninja chuckle.     “Plus…  We have each other…”     He blushed a little, then.  Tina held his hand in hers before looking right into his eyes.     “It’s okay if you’re scared…” she repeated in a softer voice.  “Just, don’t let that fear eat you up.  We’ll make it through and stop the bad-guys.  I promise.”     A moment later, she had to tilt her head.  One hand reached up, brushing his cheek.     “Wedge?” she asked, her face filling with concern.  “Are you crying?”     “You are such an innocent, sweet little cinnamon bun, Tina…”     “Thank y– oh– mm!!”
    Shadow turned his head away, hiding his face behind one hand.  Without any warning, Wedge had grabbed the girl by her other hand and pulled her around to pull her closer.  A second later, he had done something he’d been wanting to do since the failed mission in Narshe.
    He kissed her.
    “I… um… I… o-oh…”     Those were all the words Tina could find as she stood there, her face red with embarrassment and her hands fumbling over each other.  She had never been kissed like that… or, kissed at all, actually!  It was completely new to her, and… she wasn’t sure how to react!
    “Listen…” Wedge said, causing her to jerk upright.  “I know this isn’t the time or place for that, but… Tina?”     He took a deep breath.     “I couldn’t live with myself… if I died before I let you know how I feel.”     “This really isn’t the time or place for this…” Shadow commented.     The former soldier grinned at the mercenary… who just shrugged and turned away, again.
    “So… yeah.  Ever since that time in Narshe where I abused the Slave Crown–”     “Oh, come on!!” Shadow shouted.  A certain kind of picture had entered his mind.     “– I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.  I know you have a million other things on your mind… and, I know you have a whole company of cute guys you trust with your life… but, Tina?  I… I love you.  And, well… if we… no, if the world survives today?”     He inhaled, then exhaled as he told her…     “I’d… really like to take you out that date I promised.  I-if you still wanna, I mean!”     “I… I’d like that…” she shyly told him as she brushed some hair away from her face.     They shared a smile, then Wedge spun around, looking at Shadow.     “Sorry,” he told the mercenary.  “We’re set, now.  Let’s go kick Kefka’s ass!!”     “Finally…” the man in black sighed.  “Take the lead, ‘ex-soldier.’”     And, that’s exactly what he did as the extremely-unlikely trio navigated the island.
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