#yeah. most of the music was not very age appropriate
musicalsiphonophore · 2 months
abattoir blues / the lyre of orpheus is an album that makes me all nostalgic for being like 3. which is odd since, well, it's abattoir blues / the lyre of orpheus.
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loriache · 6 months
Thistle & Senshi: Missed Connections
continuing my thistleposting... here is my manifesto for thistle and senshi: friends. In another life 😥
For one thing, they've been unknowing cohabitants for most of senshi's life. thistle doesn't think much of the non-golden kingdom residents of the dungeon, of course - he considers them trespassers and thieves! but there is a difference between trespassers and thieves who mind their own business, and even help keep other adventurers out (he obviously knew about and tolerated the orcs), and trespassers and thieves who make a mess of his dungeon (hateful, to be killed).
which I can't blame him for!
Based on what it looks like when marcille became the dungeon lord, we could assume that creating a dungeon is super easy - just rely on the winged lion for everything! But we see in thistle's flashbacks, that isn't how he did it.
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Thistle did a lot of the work of building the dungeon manually. Perhaps because he was trying to build a sustainable dungeon, that could support a large population of living people - who he was invested in surviving themselves, not being replaced by puppets by the demon. They need a functioning ecosystem!
Of course, this is all pragmatic. After working on it for so long, I am sure Thistle is attached to the dungeon and its ecosystem, but more as a means to an end than for its own sake. As we see from the way that Laois defeats him, Thistle isn't really interested in monsters, and doesn't really understand the value of food...
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Though I think he once did, and the fact he doesn't anymore is more down to the lion's interference than anything.
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Senshi is attached to the dungeon's ecosystem. It's his home, even though he lost his family there, and he's come to care about it in its own right.
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There are aspects of it he finds distasteful or dislikes, such as the immortality spell. But overall, if he had a chance to talk to Thistle about his hard work building up and maintaining the dungeon, he'd be greatly appreciative of it - this is his home, and it's a place that Thistle made to be a home.
In fact, Senshi (and the orcs) have been willingly living in the dungeon. Whereas the people that Thistle created the dungeon for have to be kept there by force. I doubt it's something he'd be easily appreciative of, but it's something, isn't it?
I also think it's incredibly cute that they both keep diaries.
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Senshi's diaries have drawing, Thistle's have poems... they're both artists! Thistle with his music & Senshi with his cooking, they both have arts that they share with others to make them happy, and art that they keep to themselves.
Based on the diaries, including the ones in the complete Adventurers Bible..... it doesn't seem like Senshi ever learned Thistle's name! This makes sense since they really don't have much interaction - mostly Thistle talks to Laios or Marcille.
I don't think it should have gone any other way, since they're the protagonists and foils, but I do think in a more chilled out setting, Senshi and Thistle could get on.
Like Izutsumi, Thistle's a bit of a brat.
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(I love him)
He probably had good table manners once upon a time, but I reckon he is very out of practice.
And we see he isn't in the habit of sharing:
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Senshi would disapprove!
Senshi's desire to get everyone living well can be a bit overbearing. He already cleaned Thistle's kitchen for him!
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But like Izutsumi, Thistle is another character that Senshi's habit of assuming non-dwarves to be children would be appropriate for. He's much older than Senshi, yeah, but his maturity levels seem to have stagnated along with his physical form in some ways. I doubt that anyone has treated him like a kid since way before he became a dungeon lord. The humans around him didn't understand his age, we can see that from the responsibility Delgal puts on him!
I think it would be good for him to have a person in his life who treats him like a kid, after he's had to be an adult so early and have so much responsibility for so long. And I'd like him to sit down and eat a delicious meal.
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Sometimes that does happen! But Senshi would have done better </3
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Thistle's ending is sad, but it's cathartic and makes sense. After being consumed by the winged lion, I doubt he'd be able to persist for a little longer, like Yaad - why would he even want to?
But I do think it would be nice if he could have met new people, formed new desires outside of his codependency with Delgal, and eaten a meal together with new people. Senshi could have helped him with that, if he had had the opportunity.
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louisisalarrie · 4 months
Hello love. I like sending you asks because you’re always great at responding. This one is a bit sensitive. Don’t post if not appropriate.
Louis and alcohol. You’ve worked with him and seen him a little more closely than most. Is he a massive drinker (like, every day) or is his alcohol consumption a little exaggerated? I’ve seen other posts referring to him as having a problem, which seems a cruel assumption when people don’t know the guy.
It looks to me like there’s a ton of boozing on tour (lots of stories from other artists who’ve worked with him confirm they all drink a lot when they’re all together) but L never looks as though he goes on stage p*ssed. He tends to have beer on stage with him but never drinks the whole thing (I kind of feel like it’s a bit of a nervous habit, to have a drink there he can grab but not to be necessarily knocking it back show). I mean he definitely looks like he drinks a lot post show but we never hear of him turning up to meet fans drunk or smelling of booze (and there dont seem to be any major boozy stories about him doing something bad because he was drunk - oh apart from breaking his arm!) so I’m on the fence about whether or not he does have unhealthy drinking habits or not. He seems pretty controlled and put together with the occasional post show drunken/stoned selfie!
What are your thoughts?
I guess I just want a healthy Louis.
Hello anon! Apologies for the hold up on this, I wanted to do a good and thorough job at responding because it is a sensitive topic, for sure. I’m not sure how much you dabble in substances, your age, or your experiences with said substances, so what I say may feel like it’s still too much, but yeah, I hope I can provide you with some reassurance. So, lovely anon, welcome to the show!
TW for alcohol and drug use
Drinking and drug use is heavily glorified, over indulged in, and used as a crutch in the entertainment industry, but often times you only hear the worst of it. You’ve got the stories of overdoses, media analysing stars because they look drunk performing on stage, and artists having a bad/shocking image because they partake in alcohol/drugs depending on who their demographic is (zouis weed video, for example).
It’s often used as a coping mechanism, to just take a bit of the edge off. This doesn’t mean that all artists use it to an extreme extent to where they can’t perform/can’t live without it (like it’s portrayed in A Star is Born), and don’t get me wrong, some do, but from what I’ve seen and my pals and colleagues in the music industry have seen, Louis doesn’t overindulge.
I mean, they’d have a drink (or multiple) for the same reasons as we do, to just… chill out the nervous system, or carry on the energy. Dissipate some anxiety before going on stage and while on stage, calming down your body and mind from the adrenaline afterwards, partying and carrying on a bit more heavily if you’re celebrating. I’ve toured, not to the same extent as L or H, but it becomes quite normalised within people from the artist’s direct team, their direct touring crew, to the promoters, to the artist’s personal friends. It’s SO much work putting on these shows and travelling and when everything goes well, it’s a huge relief and time for a beverage or a joint. It’s just kinda… very normalised, which is also really bad, but Louis, from what I’ve seen and heard, is smart with it.
You’re correct in saying he isn’t drunk on stage, he doesn’t smell like substances (only cigarettes but that’s a whole other story), and only has 1 beer on stage.
His rider is pretty standard too. Artists over order so they don’t need runners to go get them stuff causing a delay. And then they take whatever they don’t finish to the hotel with them or whatever. If you were famous you’d wanna milk the free stuff 100%, so yeah, if that is a cause of concern for some fans seeing the leaked LATAM rider, I can assure you that it doesn’t go that far between the amount of people in his band and crew. It’s just… very normalised, but doesn’t happen every night.
Louis also just loves to dabble in the devils lettuce (im super annoyed that I have a story about this that I can’t share but he’s fucking hilarious) and loves a drink. Alcohol is also super normalised and encouraged in the UK, and here in Australia too. So I see a lot of it and it’s just kind of a thing you… do. It’s more so if you don’t drink, people are like ????? Hahaha.
So growing up in a country where it’s very normal to drink a beer or get pissed, it’s kind of engrained, and then being in an industry where it’s also normalised, it’s 100% natural to lean into it. When I drink on tour, it’s certainly less often than artists, but it’s just a social celebration thing and it’s kind of expected to a degree. In my opinion, and from what I’ve seen of him going on tour, he doesn’t have a problem nor loses any professionalism on or off the stage. He’s very serious about making these shows good and proving himself.
When I was backstage with him at one of these shows, he was in a green room that wasn’t too far from my office. He is so LOUD and hearing his giggle and talking shit was so wild hahaha. I could smell cigarettes, and heard him and his band/crew do a shot before the show, but apart from that I think maybe they had one or two beers in the late arvo together. I don’t clean/service green rooms so I can’t tell you 100% how much they drank, but it was pretty lowkey. I also don’t think he gets stoned before going on stage (I would’ve smelt it). I think it’s purely an after show fun time which also helps him sleep from jet lag/adrenaline etc. like I mentioned earlier.
He eats well, and while not as healthy as H, still filling food and has an appetite (im talking during the day, not the wild amount of munchies he orders post show), so he’s not letting alcohol/nicotine curb his appetite to that point. He did have bottle service at his hotel on a couple of those nights, too. But again, the bigger indulgence seems to be post show. He’s overall still healthy.
From what we’ve seen, it would be very easy to spot if he was going too far. He’s 100% in control and uses it as a small crutch like a lot of us do due to the intense stress of our jobs. Tbh he also just likes a drink and a joint or two and there’s no reason to worry. Hell, I like a drink or a joint or two and im good at my job, know when to stop, and uphold my professionalism to a high standard. There’s truly no reason to worry, he’s just louder about it than the other boys (I’ve heard that Niall gets on it just as much, but we don’t see it).
Now, it may seem like im making excuses for the industry or for Louis or whatever, but truly, it kinda is what it is. There has been a small but significant shift in the industry around drinking and drug use though, and how it affects mental health, which is great. In Australia, we have a resource called “Support Act” which is an organisation that now has a 24/7 wellbeing hotline for artists, industry folks, and crew, and while it has been around since 1997, it is obviously far bigger and more accessible now due to technology etc., and has great resources. The UK similarly has “Music Minds Matter”, and there are multiple around the US. So there is definitely a larger awareness on the toll touring and an industry career can take on you, and I have no doubt that Louis is aware of his limits and has supportive and wonderful people around him.
Wow okay this turned into a whole other thing. Sorry!!! Hahaha. Look, in short, he drinks nowhere near as much as other artists I’ve worked with (8 bottles of top shelf whiskey in one night thanks) and unless we see any cause for concern, im sure he’s okay, 100% in control, and just living his best life as a 32 yr old successful rockstar. Try not to worry!
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toomuchracket · 9 months
someone sent me the loveliest ask about bday party matty following girly around after tour ends that i accidentally deleted because i saved to drafts and couldn't edit on mobile SO i shall discuss it here. yes, you're right, he is without question in groupie mode (well, more so than usual lol) - after some, um, morning bedroom activities, he'll hover over you and kiss your nose like "so, my sweet girl, what's on your agenda today?", and when you tell him you've got an interview or a radio appearance or a signing he's like "that sounds fun. can i tag along, darling? i'll hold your handbag for you" lol bless him. and he's determined that everything is about you; he makes it so clear to the interviewers or presenters that "i'm only here in bf mode! it's my girl's moment! please don't mention me", but he caves a little when you pout and say "but i want to talk about you. half of these essays are about you", gives you a little nose kiss and says "well, alright, if you insist lol", which in turn makes you roll your eyes and say "bloody narcissist. but i love you!" lmao it's all very cute and fun. throughout the interview, he looks at you like you hung the moon, his eyes never leaving your face and his smile never leaving his - an audio clip from your radio interview goes viral because the host says "no wonder you're writing all these wonderful essays about being in love and being loved - the way your other half (matty tears up at this btw lol) looks at you, and has done the whole time we've been talking, i don't think anyone has ever been so loved as you are by him", and you get all blushy and bashful and giggly before you say "well, he has, by me", and the world seems to really love this little insight moment. and when you get home at the end of the day, matty's insistent on being the one to make dinner because "you've been working, darling, relax"; you sit in the kitchen while he cooks, mayhem at your feet and a glass of wine in your hand, and nothing has ever been so domestic and perfect. speaking of domesticity, actually - on your days off, the two of you have been rearranging the house somewhat. partially in prep for christmas decorations, but also partially because even though you moved in ages and ages ago you haven't really had the time to find the right places for all your things. matty had the kinda cute, kinda egotistical (thus, extremely him) idea of putting all your awards and most cherished writing bits in the same room as his music equivalents, so you've had to source appropriately nice bookcases for that to happen; the room looks so cool once it's finished, books interspersed with music scores and brits surrounding the booker nomination, and matty's like "you know, this is really fitting, given that we inspire each other so much. and it's also cool as fuck. like we really are the coolest couple on the planet" lol. he puts a desk in there under the guise of that being the best room to do video interviews from, but really it's so he has something to bend you over; of course thinking about the two of you being so hot and cool and accomplished gets him going, it's matty we're talking about lmfao. but really, at his core, he's a sweetheart completely in love with you - once you both got the christmas tree up and decorated, you tugged him into the kitchen like "ok, it's time. you said we were having chicken for dinner, yeah?", and matty nods in confusion and then gasps when he sees the potatoes and the baking tray and your seasoning mix on the counter like "wait, is this what i think it is? you're-" and you nod like "teaching you the roast potato recipe. this is it, healy, you're stuck with me forever now". and matty - crying, obv - just grabs your face and kisses you deeply, murmuring "can't fucking wait for that. i love you". cute as hell <3
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thestarstoasun · 7 months
A short drabble of Will & the Apollo kids + a sprinkle of angst
PROMPT: Michael,Lee and the other apollo campers realizing the new tiny blonde kid in the hermes cabin is the son of the Naomi Solace and freaking out.
(A/N: I very loosely followed the prompt in the end)
It wasn’t surprising when the new camper, a small blonde boy with blue eyes, named Will Solace ended up in the infirmary. The first time Lee had treated Will he had been walked in by Maron, a satyr Lee knew brought back tons of demigods, covered in marks from where Stymphalian birds had attacked him. At the time, Will hadn’t said much to him, or anyone else, but he listened well. “It’s nothing too bad. Here,” Lee placed a small piece of ambrosia in Will’s hand with a gentle smile, “this will help you feel better. Just eat that and you’ll be feeling as good as new in no time.” Lee ruffled Will’s hair and walked over to check on a nasty cut that Sherman Yang of the Ares Cabin had gotten during training.
That had been two weeks ago. Will remained unclaimed by his godly parent, while it was disappointing (but unsurprising), several campers including Michael Yew did their best to cheer him up. Hermes and Apollo were at archery together, a new concept that Chiron had suggested. While two different cabins were put together for activities, all of the campers knew the real hope was that the Gods would find promise in one of their unclaimed children during an activity and claim them.
As it turned out, Will was better than other campers with a bow and arrow, though just barely above bar by Apollo standards. Michael found himself drifting over to the boy to help him more and more throughout the session. “You're stance is good, but you need to work on focusing your aim at your target. Why don't you try setting the bow down and throwing the arrow to see if that helps?” He suggested.
Will let out a huff of air and kicked at the ground beneath his feet. “What if I'm just really bad? I'm not even good at holding a sword!” His voice wavered with emotion as his eyes welled with tears. Michael couldn't help but feel bad for him. Unlike most campers, he had been claimed his first day after shooting an apple off of Luke Castellan's head. (If asked, he would swear it was an accident, but some other campers seemed to disagree.)
“Look, Will, I can't say what you'll be good at and what you won't, as your godly parent hasn't claimed you.” The younger boy sniffled and focused his attention on the ground. “But what I can say is that not every demigod is good at the same stuff. I can barely heal to save my life. Yeah, I can give someone nectar and ambrosia, watch over them, give them mortal medicine, all that jazz, but I don't have Lee or my big sister, Juliet's, skill in medicine.” This made Will's eyes widen in shock, because all of the Apollo children were so gifted. (Luke told him it was because their father was the God of a bunch of stuff.)
“My Mama says that everyone has their own skills.” Will spoke up after a few minutes of twisting the hem of his shirt in his fists.
“Your mama sounds very wise.” Michael smiled and picked up the bow Will had been using.
“She is! She's a musician!” Michael noticed how Will's blue eyes seemed to move like the sky when he mentioned his mom. He figured just because he didn't have the best relationship with his own at a young age, the same didn't have to be for all demigods.
“Oh? What's her name? Maybe I know of her.”
“Naomi Solace.” Michael almost choked at the proud tone, not that it wasn't completely appropriate. Naomi Solace was an absolute icon in the music industry. Their head counselor, Sam - a warm, ivory guy who stood at 5 '11, who would be leaving after this summer, had brought a ton of her records and CD's from home to keep in the cabin.
“Seriously? You're Naomi Solace's son!?” The other Apollo kids turned their heads in excitement and began to crowd around them. Will just nodded his head nervously, afraid he had said something wrong.
“That's fucking awesome! We all love her!” Catherine, an umber toned Apollo girl with heterochromia, spoke up.
“Will is still a child, watch your tongue, Cathy.” Sam scolded with a fond, exasperated expression. Will found himself bursting out into a fit of giggles. He had heard much worse while on the road with his mother, but he appreciated the sentiment nonetheless.
“You have totally got to introduce us one day, little buddy.” Another Apollo child, who Will had forgotten the name of, spoke up. The children of the sun God had never been anything but welcoming, so after pretending to think about it for a minute Will grinned widely. “Alright, just remember your manners.”
The rest of the day, the Apollo cabin borrowed, or rather stole, Will so he could join them in their activities. While the boy enjoyed the company of the Hermes kids, he felt a sense of belonging that he couldn't place when he was laughing alongside the talented Apollo children. That night at dinner, instead of offering his food to Hermes, he sent an offering to the God of the Sun.
Please, I don't know if I am your son or not, but I really hope I am. I know I may not be as great as Michael or Catherine, but I feel connected to them. They feel like home….like mama…like sunshine.
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etherealeddie · 2 years
Woodstock ‘99 - Part 1
Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Reader
Story Summary: A hopeless romantic hippie meets a roughed up metalhead at what is supposed to be beautiful, peaceful, music-filled weekend. But even amongst all of the chaos, there may be some peace. 
Part Summary: You chase love all the way to Woodstock ‘99, hoping to find what your parents did in 1969, but you find yourself stuck in hellish crowds and reaching for any hands to pull you out. 
CW: Use of weed, maybe some alcohol, rough crowd, but I think that’s everything. Let me know if I missed any!
Authors Note: This was originally going to just be a one shot but I got a bit too into it and decided maybe a short series was better!
Word Count: 1.2k
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You grew up with two very interesting parents, to say the least. From a young age you were taught kindness, peace, and love, and learned quickly in school that most people were not raised with these same values. 
It’s like you came out of the womb with a flower crown on, singing Imagine by John Lennon. None of that was really surprising though, you’d been the love child of two hippies who met at Woodstock and lived in a van.
It wasn’t until you were a toddler that they decided settling down in a house was a more stable environment for a kid. They chose a small trailer, in a small town, in the big state of Arizona, and you loved it. You loved having a room and space, and you loved being able to spend time with your parents without motion sickness and seatbelts. 
By the time you were 10, you could recite your parents' love story word for word as your mom told it, and you told everyone. 
“My mom had just broken up with her boyfriend and hitched a ride to Woodstock in ‘69 just looking for new friends and community. My dad says he was friends with someone who was friends with Janis Joplin, but I think he was just there to sell weed!” You’d say, giggling to your 5th grade teacher. She would smile along, knowing she should have a talk with them about what is and isn’t appropriate for kids your age.
You’d been so obsessed with their meet-cute that you’d only dreamed of having your own. So when Woodstock ‘99 was announced, how could you not get a ticket? You weren't going to pass up the opportunity to experience the kind of love and community your parents always talked about, and maybe find some more like-minded friends. 
Sure, the bands this year weren't the kind of bands you’d really associate with Woodstock in your head, but they couldn’t be that different from ‘69. Maybe you’d be a part of a new kind of movement, something to better the world. That’s what you wanted most. 
So July 19th of 1999, you piled into your parents' old van-home with a few of your friends, ready to be enlightened and experience what your parents once had. The 35 hour drive was long and grueling but you and your friends didn’t seem the least bit distressed. It would be a long journey, switching drivers every few hours, talking about the excitement ahead, and what you all expected out of the weekend.
Once in the venue, you realize it’s an old air force base. There are no flowers, little to no healthy grass, and a LOT of people. You try not to let that bother you too much, it’s just the venue. It doesn’t mean the people and experience are going to be any less fulfilling.
You and your friends quickly find a spot to pitch the small tents you brought and begin to walk around to get a feel for the weekend ahead.
Navigating between people, with your best friend Avery in toe, hunt for the bathrooms and vendor area so you would be able to find them quickly later.
“I can’t believe we're actually here. Like really here.” She says, smiling wider than you’ve ever seen her smile before.
“Me either, honestly. I know he’s not until the last day, but I am so excited for Willie Nelson, it’s going to be so good!” You reply, trying to politely push your way through the throngs of people ahead of you.
“Yeah, but Korn is tonight. That’s going to be absolutely killer.” Avery says, silently thanking you as you reach your hand back to hold hers so you don’t lose each other.
Avery didn’t grow up like you did. She was a lot more “city”. She was more into rock music and was most excited for Korn and Metallica, and although you shared the same values in humanity, you showed it a bit differently. 
She liked loud and proud activism. You liked peaceful yet impactful activism. But at the end of the day, as long as you were fighting for the same thing, did any of it really matter? As long as positive change was made, who cares if you hugged it out or screamed into the faces of oppressors. 
You and your friends smoke a joint or two and sit on the outskirts of the large crowd for most of the concerts throughout the first day. Avery is hellbent on pushing herself as much to the front as she can for Korn, and she's taking you with her.
The set change is about 20 minutes, and the crowd separates a bit, making it easier to move forward, but it's still a pretty tight squeeze. Avery holds your hand so tight you think she may break your wrist. 
You manage to get pretty close to the front, maybe 10 or 15 people ahead of you by the time you see Jonathan Davis enter the stage. Avery freezes, wide eyes on him, she screams. 
You quickly put your hand in hers, knowing keeping track of your friend is your only goal for the entire set. You didn’t know much of Korn’s music anyway, just a few songs she’d played for you over the course of your friendship. 
The show goes on, and the crowd is getting rowdy. Mosh pits opening in every corner, people screaming and throwing things, and it’s not necessarily bad, you just aren’t ready for it. 
A small pit opens right next to you and you see Avery get excited, she smirks, and before you have a second to say anything, she runs into the pit. For the few minutes she’s moshing, you see her body multiple grown men and you breathe a sigh of relief. You know she can handle herself, but these people are far more aggressive than you had expected. 
As the set comes to a close, you can feel the energy and buzz of the audience. It’s much more abrasive and driven than you can handle, but there's no way to get out of this crowd easily, so you and Avery stay put, arms intertwined to keep together.
The next band is newer. They’ve been around for a few years but had just signed onto a label, and this is probably the biggest show they’ve ever played. You’ve heard of them from Avery before, she had seen them once before in a much smaller venue, maybe 50 people, and she said they were “pretty okay”. 
An announcer comes out onto the stage, grabbing a microphone and yelling.
“How incredible was THAT, you guys?” He yells, earning cheers and excitement from everyone around you.
“Hope you all saved some energy for this next group. They're new on the scene and ready to rock. Everybody, this is Corroded Coffin!” He yells again as the 4 members come out and you’re frozen as the lead singer hits centerstage. 
If he’s nervous, you can’t tell. You take in his appearance completely. From his ripped jeans and battle vest, to his long curly hair. 
Eddie Munson, although you don’t know his name yet, is the prettiest man you’ve ever seen.
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readythefanons · 9 days
2.5 minutes of kim being a hater about magic and teleportation
Kim voice lines + music
Duration: 2:28
Kim voice lines from GrandFrance on YouTube (link)
Music: “Future” by Ilya Myagkov from Pixabay
Put together in Audacity
More funky audios with DE voice lines + audio like this please!
comments and transcript below the jump
(screm) This one is just… It exists solely to make me smile. I think it is very funny. Kim being an absolute hater about magic and the supernatural and teleportation… (chef’s kiss) I hadn’t appreciated how many lines he has about the supernatural he had before this. GOD.
Obviously, this piece was composed with the “you just climbed the ladder!” line in mind. Everything else got pulled into make that possible. This is also a piece where I swapped out the music halfway through.
Fun fact: the teleportation sound is actually two sound effects layered over each other, to give it that slow, dramatic build and then the sudden arrival. Kim’s SFX is just one singular effect, though.
I actually love this one so much that I’ve shared it with another human person—I played it for my partner one time because I was so pleased.
My only negative association with this piece is that I thought Kim said, “You just climbed it like a normal person.” I’m sad he doesn’t use those exact words because in my heart, Harry’s reply is “Ah-ha, you said I’m normal.”
We should continue our search, perhaps even get a little desperate.
So, how do we get in there?
Perhaps you can climb them. We're not climbing anything. I'm 43 years old -- and I plan to live to see 70.
Good, good, yes. Cold spells.
Of course. Black magic. The most potent type of magic.
Which school do you subscribe to? Mambo or jambo?
Hangovers do give officers superpowers. Many drink only to receive… the gift.
I didn’t know that was even possible. It must be a great burden.
All the detectives from all the Precincts who experience extrasensory perception go to the Remote Viewers Division. Their work is invaluable to the force.
No. Because they don’t exist. There is no “gift.”
Teleportation is not a thing.
We are dealing with basic physics here. This really has nothing to do with adventure.
Okay, let's say teleportation is a thing. Wouldn't you need some kind of... scientific apparatus to create a teleportation field? You can't just do it without apparatus.
Wow, a real intellectual, it sounds like.
No, detective. The only reading I’ve been doing is right here.
That ladder is not climbable.
Oh, yes, it could hurt a lot.
Honestly? I prefer non-acrobatic solution to this. But… what else can we do?
What do you mean, “Feel?”
Yeah, that doesn’t look good at all.
Please, don’t try to climb the building. There has got to be another, more age-appropriate way in.
Enough of that now, officer.
What the hell are you doing?
Zoom! Bam!
You know, for the record, you didn't teleport there! You just climbed the ladder with your eyes closed. You just climbed it, like a regular person.
Ah… fuck it.
No need to be melodramatic.
Who knows, detective? it’s a… mystery.
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danceworshipper · 2 months
@hphm-ship-week Prompt 7: Ball
Years ago I was assigned the Celestial Ball for a quest rewrite event started by @carewyncromwell and completely didn't do it. Here's a scene from what I would have written
Ship: Quinn/Jae 🧚🏼‍♀️🤷🏻‍♂️
Date: April 22nd, 1989 (fifth year)
Content warning: A lot of swearing (Quinn's a sailor mouth) and a reference to underage drinking (doesn't actually occur)
Quinn toyed with a ruffle on her dress - magically altered, of course, because she was not going to wear a child's ball gown and nothing age appropriate was her size - and huffed another sigh. She should never have let her friends convince her to come tonight. The only parties Quinn went to were the ones hosted before every Quidditch match, where it was easy enough to make a quick appearance before fleeing with the excuse of needing to center herself.
Plus, at the Quidditch parties she could hide behind Skye's much louder personality. She sighed. Quinn hated that her whole team was older than here. None of them were here. Tonks was supposed to be staying with her, but had been dragged away by Tulip for some stupid prank that Tulip promised wouldn't ruin everyone's night. Quinn had her doubts about that. Her night was already ruined, because she was here and she was alone.
Shitty fucking best friend, abandoning her.
Most of the fifth years were on the dance floor. She had to admit that the planning committee had picked good music, but she didn't feel like humiliating herself by trying to dance. No, the snack table was where she'd be all night. Maybe Rowan and Ben's offer to 'not go' together was still available? Watching them play chess in the library or something had to be better than standing here sweating her ass off.
Quinn grabbed a cup of punch, telling herself that if Tonks wasn't back in ten minutes, she was gone. And she was taking the plate of chocolate pretzels with her.
"Want me to spike that?"
Punch went down the wrong pipe when Quinn jumped. Jae smacked her back as she coughed, laughing out an apology. Oh fuck, that was so embarrassing; that was not cute at all and now he probably thought she was even weirder.
Jae leaned against the wall next to her after she caught her breath. "You seem tense," he observed.
"Y-yeah," Quinn said, checking that she didn't cough any punch onto her dress.
"Not a party fan?"
"Yeah, me either," Jae said. "I'm mostly here for the snacks. I was serious, by the way. If you want something to take the edge off, I've got a little firewhiskey. Free of charge. Looks like you need it more than me."
She really did consider it, but Quinn shook her head. "Too many professors. Not worth the risk."
Jae smirked. "Ah, yeah, I forgot: Slytherins are cowards."
"Excuse me?" Quinn demanded. "Who's the one who's closed three damn Cursed Vaults? 'Cause it wasn't a fucking Gryffindor."
He nudged her arm, smug. "There ya go."
Quinn frowned. "Huh?"
"Not nervous anymore, are ya?" Jae clarified, and Quinn felt her face heat up.
"You did that on purpose," she accused.
Jae snatched a handful of Bertie's off of the snack table and carelessly tossed a handful in his mouth before saying, "Guilty."
Quinn hated that not only had she fallen for it, it had worked. She still didn't want to be here, but he'd distracted her enough that her nerves were much less erratic. It was only a matter of time before she said something stupid or did something stupid and Jae walked away to never talk to her again, though, and the night would be back to being a bunch of bullshit.
She toyed with a ruffle again, staring at her own nails against the fabric. They'd never been painted before because she was worried it would make her fingers look stumpier, but the shiny black polish actually looked nice with her skin tone just like Skye had said. Skye had been very invested in getting Quinn to the ball once it had been announced. It was one of those experiences, she'd said. Quinn had to go. Well, here she was, and this experience wasn't feeling worth it.
Jae passed her a plate full of chocolate pretzels.
"Those are your favorite, right?"
Shocked, Quinn just blinked at him.
"Tonks made sure to tell me," he said. "She was insistent I come check on you."
Bitch, she thought. Meddling fucking bitch.
"Nice dress," Jae continued. "I don't think I've ever seen you in pink before. Suits you."
Nerves were back.
Quinn gulped. "Thanks. Skye picked it out. I like your robes."
"Thanks. Tonks practically made me buy these, for some reason. She insisted they'd look good on me."
Jae really did look good. He must have gotten the robes customized; they fit him perfectly despite the fact that he shared her unfortunate height situation. Being short had never seemed to bother him, though. She wondered if he truly didn't care or if he was just good at hiding it.
Her eyes narrowed. His robes had pink accents that matched her dress.
Oh, those conniving fucking bitches. Skye and Tonks were trying to set her up - and Tulip was probably in on it too, getting Tonks away from Quinn so that she was alone when Jae came over. Fucking hell.
Jae's eyes narrowed, gears turning in his brain as he reached a similar conclusion.
"Clever," he said.
Quinn huffed. "Not what I'd call them."
He laughed, nudging her arm again. Despite the terrible betrayal, Quinn found herself starting to smile too. Jae's laugh was contagious.
"Hey, you want to dance?" he asked. "I think it'd make them lose their minds."
Bad idea. Very bad idea: she didn't know how to dance. But you know what? Fuck it. Jae probably didn't know how to dance either, and it would absolutely make Tonks freak out.
She smirked. "Yeah, sure."
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drdemonprince · 1 year
I love the name Devon! Howd you choose it
Before my name change, my middle name was Dawn. In my Midwestern accent, that name is indistinguishable from Don, and I got a real thrill out of people being surprised that I had a "man's name" for my middle name throughout my childhood. That probably led me to gravitate toward names that started with the letter D.
I was also besotted by a female cellist in my high school orchestra with the name of Devon; she was quiet and self-serious and incredibly talented in an unshowy way, and I just thought it was so damn cool that she had an androgynous, male-leaning name. I'd always found it so cool when girls had names like Ryan or Max as well.
Later, in college, I'd become close friends with a sarcastic, witty environmental studies major named Devon; we talked a lot about Sufjan Stevens music and got drunk together before a falling out between my boyfriend and his roommate kinda drove us apart. As an adult another Devin, this time with an "I" instead of an "o" became my friend through the Chicago Live Lit scene. He's a gay ex-evangelical and comic book nerd with a sweet disposition, encyclopedic knowledge of graphic novels, and a winningly boisterous laugh. So the name had only positive associations.
Around the time my transgender egg was getting cracked, I was on the tabletop role playing podcast @wheelandway. My character in the first season was a hillbilly wizard named Dale. I tried that name on for size because I liked the letter D, and I thought it suited my Appalachian background. Eventually I decided it didn't quite fit, it didn't have enough of an edge for me, but I was headed in the right direction.
I considered other, loosely similar names like Damon (yeah like Albarn, sorry), but Devon seemed the most appealing to me. It was English and kind of classy sounding to my American but British-and-Scottish-ancestried ear, and I liked that it meant "shield" and nicely matched my chosen last name, Price. I liked that it was androgynous but leaning masculine, with the majority of babies named Devon today still being male -- usually once a name becomes androgynous, it breaks in a more female direction, in terms of enduring naming trends. Devon is one of the few names to remain solidly neutral and something people will still willingly name their boy babies as well as girls.
All in all, it felt right, seemed like a name that both suited me and on that was appropriate for me to claim, it looked and sounded good with my last name, and it only evoked positive memories of other people for me. I'm so fortunate that I didn't google the name Devon Price before choosing it, because if I had, I wouldn't have become close friends with another social psychologist nearly my exact same age who has the same name and occupation as me.
I've had many names in the past and I don't view any of them as dead names or anything I feel any need to conceal from people. Part of me does experience regret over trying to distance myself from my dad and my hillbilly family by getting rid of their surname in favor of Price. At the time that I made that choice, when I was eighteen, some of it was motivated by a desire for respectability and a shame over my family's class background and how I might be perceived within academia. My current public-facing name is very friendly to being an academic and a noted public thinker, and I think it's kinda wack that I've profitted off of that. Sometimes I think if I ever attain enough notoriety that it becomes a real problem I'll switch back to my old last name to disappear into obscurity and reclaim the sides of myself that I used to run from, and the family that has largely died out.
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actress4him · 2 years
For bthb, could you do Keith with seizures? The cause could be something to with him being half Galra? Maybe it happens in the atlas (season 8?) completely optional suggestion I’d love it if you only do the first part (first time suggesting something so sorry if this is worded weirdly)
It’s been ages, and whoever you are, dear anon, I have no idea whether you’ll ever actually see this, but I hope you do and I hope you enjoy.
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Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Prompt: Seizures
Contains: dude whump, sensory overload, self-deprecating thoughts, seizure, references to past questionable foster care
Voltron had saved another planet. That meant yet another celebration to thank them, something that the team always had mixed feelings about. Lance and Allura and Coran loved them, always ready for a chance to mingle and socialize (and in Lance’s case, flirt), while Pidge and Keith were less than thrilled, both of them preferring to stay away from social situations whenever possible. Shiro and Hunk seemed to fall somewhere in the middle, only really complaining if they were especially tired, but enjoying themselves most of the time once they were there. 
He didn’t know about the others, but Keith also struggled with seeing the necessity of these events. Sure, he knew that the planet’s people were thankful for their help, but did it really require a party every time? Didn’t they have better things they could be doing, like, you know, saving more planets? This was a war. Allura was always preaching the importance of diplomacy, but he had a hard time believing that it should take precedence over battles.
Plus, they never really knew what they were getting themselves into when landing on an alien planet. Of all the members of Voltron, Keith really should have been the best at getting thrown into new, unknown situations. After all, that’s how he’d spent his entire childhood. But those families had all been human, at least, and therefore mostly predictable. Alien planets were anything but.
For instance, on most planets the celebrations had been rather formal affairs, some even with dancing like a ball straight out of a movie. Others had been more casual, and many focused on food (those were Hunk’s favorites, of course). 
On this particular planet, though, as soon as the president announced that the festivities would begin, the ballroom-like space turned instantly into a club. The main lights switched off, but were replaced by multi-colored beams that spun wildly around the room. Speakers hidden somewhere in the ceiling and walls began blasting what apparently passed as music on this planet, complete with a drumbeat that vibrated the floor.
Keith, taken completely off guard, couldn’t stop his violent flinch. He did, however, just barely catch himself before his hands clapped over his ears. Sucking in a deep breath, he forced his arms back down by his sides. Loud sounds had always been miserable for him. He’d had to learn a long time ago that it wasn’t always appropriate to indulge himself and try to block them out, though. Some people didn’t take very kindly to that, and the last thing he wanted was to insult anyone here. Allura would have his head. 
The lights were awful, too, and he blinked several times in a row before settling on just squinting at everything. Every time one flashed directly across his face he winced, trying not to squeeze his eyes shut and leave them that way. Not that it mattered much if he did, he could still see the colors behind his eyelids.
“Woo!” Lance yelled, immediately getting into the spirit and waving his arms over his head. “Heck yeah, this is what I call a party!” And he was off, sliding and bopping through the crowd, getting everyone around him excited and dancing.
Why can’t you be more like him? that ugly voice in Keith’s head sneered. Everybody loves Lance, no matter where we go. Really, why can’t you be more like any of them?
The rest of the team were all looking far more comfortable in this environment than he ever could. Some were dancing, others eating and chatting. Even Pidge had found someone to talk technology or math with, judging by the passion in her expression. Meanwhile, he just stood there awkwardly, fighting against the strong urge in every inch of his body to flee the room and find somewhere dark and quiet to hide. 
Pretty recently he’d finally realized that his sensitive eyes and ears probably came from his Galra side, thanks to getting to know the Blades and his mom and finding out more about their physiology. That didn’t make him feel any better about it. Sure, he was getting more and more used to the whole half-Galra thing, and getting closer to actually, fully accepting it. But this was just another case of being Galra making him different. More accurately, weird. Another reason why he’d never fit in anywhere he went.
And that’s why I can’t be like them. Because I’m not like them, and I never will be. 
Weaving slowly through the crowd of aliens, Keith made his way toward the wall closest to the entrance. He tried his best not to bump into anyone, despite the fact that half of them were in the middle of flailing - ahem, dancing. Still, hands and sleeves brushed against his arms and shoulders. Somehow they felt like pins pricking his skin, even through his jacket. He hurried past, wrapping his arms around himself tightly and tucking himself up against the wall. But the wall was vibrating, like the floor. It shot up his spine into his head, making him clench his teeth even harder, and he quickly stood up straight again. 
He thought he was going to be sick. Which was stupid, it was just lights and music. But it was crawling underneath his skin, pounding into his temples, clogging up his throat.
He wanted to go home.
“Hey, man! You okay over here?” Hunk appeared next to him, shouting to be heard over the chaos of music and conversations. “You look kinda pale.”
The added noise stabbed through Keith’s skull, and he tried his hardest not to show it. “‘m fine.”
Finishing chewing whatever he’d just popped into his mouth, Hunk frowned and stepped a little closer. “You sure? I mean, I know you don’t like parties, but…this seems a bit worse than normal.”
Keith looked over at him. He seemed entirely genuine, as Hunk usually was. “The lights and music are just…” This time he failed to keep from flinching when one of the beams crossed his face. “A lot. It’s no big deal, though.”
“Ohhh.” Hunk’s expression morphed from concern to something that was probably pity, which is not what he was hoping for. “Yeah, Shiro said at some point that you have like, sensitive eyes and stuff, right? I’m sorry, man. You could go back to the Castle, you know. You don’t have to stay if you’re miserable.” 
He shook his head. “No, it’s…it’s fine.” He wasn’t going to disappear and risk it causing any number of problems - alien presidents getting offended, Allura deciding she needed them all to line up and have some sort of ceremony, some kind of further attack occurring. Call him paranoid, but all of the above had happened before. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be okay.” 
He really needed this conversation to end now, though. Having to talk and focus on what Hunk was saying, and also smelling the food he was holding on top of the smell of a bunch of alien sweat and perfumes was making things even worse. It felt like his head was going to explode with all of the sensations it was trying to process. 
In fact, maybe it was already exploding. Maybe it was slowly frying, at least, because there were stars appearing around him that he was pretty sure weren’t part of the party’s special effects. Hunk was saying something else next to him, but Keith couldn’t process it, staring up at the blinking stars. Everything in the room seemed to be moving in slow motion all of a sudden. Then there was an especially bright burst of light, and he vaguely felt himself falling.
“I’ll be okay,” he said. “Don’t worry,” he said. But then Hunk was watching Keith stare off into space at nothing before starting to shake and dropping abruptly to the floor. 
“Whoa! Keith!” He dove onto his knees, torn between watching Keith’s whole body twitch and jerk uncontrollably and looking around frantically for someone to help him. Everyone’s attention was on the festivities, though, not down on the floor, and the music was way too loud to call out to anyone. Hunk was the only one who knew something was wrong.
And he was…not really equipped to handle something like this. He’d had some first aid classes, though, so he could…he could do this, right? It wasn’t like there was another choice. Keith needed him. 
This was definitely a seizure. And it was horrifying. But he had to ignore that and focus on what he could do. He knew he wasn’t supposed to hold onto him, couldn’t stop the terrible shaking that had taken over his body, but he was pretty sure it was a good idea to try and cushion his head. So he scooted over, reaching out tentatively and very, very carefully lifting Keith’s head with both hands until he could set it into his lap. 
The Red Paladin’s eyes were open, but only white was showing. Hunk’s heart was in his throat watching him. Vaguely he thought he remembered something about counting when someone was having a seizure, but he had no idea why or how much time had passed already so he didn’t try to start. All he could do at that point was watch and wait and hope that it would be over soon.
And eventually, after what seemed like a lifetime, it was. Keith’s body relaxed as quickly as it had begun seizing, going limp on the floor. He looked…dead. Which completely freaked Hunk out for a moment, almost more than the seizure had to start with, until he saw his chest rise and fall once, then twice. Okay. Okay, so he wasn’t dead. He was…not okay, but he wasn’t seizing and he wasn’t dead. Now he just needed to get someone’s attention, and since the shaking was past he was able to scoop him up in his arms and stand. 
It didn’t take long after that for someone to notice them then. One paladin draped across another’s arms was kind of concerning, apparently, and pretty soon they had a swarm of aliens and the other paladins around them, ready to help.
After the stars and the falling, Keith didn’t remember much besides a buzzing sensation, like electricity had taken over his limbs. The next thing he was fully aware of was opening his eyes to blissful darkness and quiet. The only sound was a whispered conversation in an unseen corner of the room, which quickly came to a halt when he shifted. 
“Keith? You with us, bud?”
“Y-yeah.” He stretched out his legs, trying to figure out what he was lying on and why it felt like someone had beaten him with a stick. Every single muscle in his body was sore, even ones he didn’t realize he had. “What, uh…what happened?”
Hunk scooted out to the edge of the chair across from him, catching his attention. “You, um…had a seizure. It was super scary, man. I’d be really okay if that never happened again, but I mean of course I don’t like, blame you for it, I highly doubt you did it on purpose.”
“I wasn’t actually there for the seizure part, but seeing you passed out wasn’t exactly reassuring, either,” Lance piped in, appearing to perch on the arm of Hunk’s chair. “I just thought you were pale before, that was like, ghost quality.”
Keith was still trying to wrap his mind around the concept of having a seizure, but he was surprised to see them both there, especially Lance. “You should still be at the party, not worrying over me. I didn’t mean to interrupt everything.”
“You think I was gonna keep dancing with the ladies while my teammate was in here dying?” Lance scoffed, sounding offended. “The ladies will just have to do without me for a little while.”
“The ladies are probably all waiting to thank Keith for distracting you for a few minutes,” Pidge quipped drily. She draped herself over the back of the couch that Keith was apparently lying on. “And he’s not dying, anyway. He’s fine.” Her eyes cut over to Keith’s face, and he could see concern trying not to show itself. “Right?”
“Um. Yeah. I…think.” He started to push himself up, grimacing a little at the pull on his muscles, but Pidge placed the heel of her hand on his forehead and shoved him back down.
“Cool it, cowboy, you need to rest.”
“I’m fine, really. I don’t know what happened, but…I’m okay now.” He was pretty sure, anyway. He felt relatively normal, other than the soreness, but not knowing what had brought on the seizure and whether or not it would happen again was a bit concerning, to say the least. “It isn’t the first time I’ve had one, anyway. Happened once when I was a kid, too. And I was fine then,” he added quickly.
“Was there a lot of sensory input happening then, too?” Shiro crossed the room, tucking a datapad into his pocket. “Hunk said you were complaining about the lights and music.”
Keith thought back to the first incident, at a foster brother’s birthday party in an arcade. “Yeah. There was.” The foster parents had sent him away after that, claiming they were unprepared to deal with major medical issues. Never mind that it hadn’t happened again for almost a decade, and not until he was all the way in outer space.
Shiro nodded. “I was just talking to the Blade’s medic. Apparently it isn’t a common thing for Galra to experience, but he has seen it before in mixed species. The Galra sensory issues combined with…something that certain other races have, it was a bit over my head. But he’d like to run some tests next time he sees you, just to be sure.”
Keith groaned and shook his head. Just what he needed, more tests by the Blade trying to figure out how exactly his body worked. 
“I appreciate you guys, um…being there for me. Helping me out. Especially, um, you, Hunk. I hate that I caused a scene, though. You all should get back before you’re missed too much.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Hunk waved a hand dismissively. “Allura and Coran are still holding down the fort out there, though we should definitely let them know soon that you’re awake and okay. They were worried about you.”
“We’d all much rather be in here making sure you’re okay, Mullet.”
It never failed to surprise him, hearing the rest of the team express any kind of care and concern for him. A warm feeling invaded his chest and eased some of the tension in his body.
“And Keith? If this ever happens again, will you please let us know so we can help before your body freaks out?” Pidge poked him in the stomach to emphasize her words.
“Uh…yeah. Yeah, I can do that, I guess.” Part of him still wanted to protest about diplomacy and not angering aliens and such, but he knew he’d just get shut down. Instead he glanced around at the team and smiled a little. “Thanks.”
Bingo requests are open, but only for my OCs at this time, and with no guarantee of how long it will take me to fulfill them!
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theroamingtrashcan · 8 months
Which Percy Jackson adaptation is best? (tw opinions)
I am going to rate them all based on several things, casting, dialogue, entertainment value, how accurate it is to the source material (story, characterization of the characters, etc) and finally, does it capture the spirit and nostalgia of the og series.
The Movies
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Casting - By far the worst of the three. These are supposed to the 12 year olds? Why are they like 20?
Dialogue - Not the worst here. You can tell they were written by someone who understands how story’s play out on a screen vs a script.
Entertainment Value - Also not the worst here. These two movies are actually pretty fun and funny, if you can look past the inaccuracies.
How accurate is it to the source material? - This is what kills it. These two movies couldn’t be further if they tried. It actually upsets me how they butchered the story. WHY THE HELL DID THEY FIGHT CRONOS IN THE SEA OF MONSTERS?!? WHY EVEN CALL IT THAT IF YOU WERE JUST GONNA RUIN THE ENTIRE PLOTLINE OF THE FRANCHISE?!? As for the characters, where did Grover’s insecurities go? Where is Annabeth’s… literal entire personality? Ig they did Percy alright, could’ve been more angry (when it counts) and sarcastic.
Does it capture the spirit of the og series? - In the most minute way possible, kinda. It has some funny moments, some attempts at heart felt ones, kinda.
Final rating - A solid 4/10, actually entertaining, butchered the plot and most of the characters, kinda feels Percy Jackson ish.
The Musical
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Casting - This one is tricky. This, unlike the others, is a stage musical, so you cannot be too picky on the casting, nor can you easily cast children. However, this musical was written with the intention of being an age appropriate musical for youth theater programs, because of that I will say the casting is well done.
Dialogue - Again tricky but I’ll just interpret dialogue as the songs and well dialogue that happens in between. This has the best dialogue in the list, it’s goofy, funny, but also hits those emotional beats very well.
Entertainment Value - This one really depends on the person, because a lot of people don’t like musicals. For me personally, it’s fantastic. The music bops and the story is interesting.
How accurate is it to the source material? - Best on the list. Considering the options they have, as a stage musical, and what they were able to achieve, easily the best here. It has the monster battles, the pen, an actual sizable Bianca and Nico mention, best on the list. The characters are so well done, each of the og three having their own struggles and challenges that they overcome in the span of the play. Best on the list.
Does it capture the spirit of the og series? - 100% It’s funny. It’s heartfelt. It connects to the issues faced by neurodivergent kids, as well as kids who grew up missing a parent.
Final Rating - 8/10, entertaining, follows the books, only reason I give it an 8 is because a lot of people don’t like musicals.
The Show
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Casting - Best on the list. Actual preteens? They all act very well? Crazy. But yeah easily the best here, I mean that right there is Percy, Annabeth, and Grover, no argument. I will say however, this is unfortunately the only thing the show wins at here.
Dialogue - Listen, Rick, you’re a book writer. Not a script writer. And it painfully shows. It’s bland, there are a lot of useless lines (as in characters are often saying things rather than ever showing them). Not to even mention how horrendously rushed the entire thing is. I thought it would slow down as it went on, so the big story moments could have the time they deserved, but no. If I am being completely honest it makes the entire show feel cheap.
Entertainment Value - Worst on the list. It is actually boring. The fights they took out, the fact that you never see riptide transform, the whole thing just feels so so cheap.
How accurate is it to the source material? - It’s… weird? It is but with some changes I just don’t understand, it’s a lot like the dialogue, kinda small yet useless changes that I believe make the show suffer a bit. The characters are, kinda accurate? Why does Percy know so much? Grover is… off. Much like the movies, but in a different way. He doesn’t have most of his insecurities and honestly he doesn’t have much of a personality. Same with Annabeth. The both of them were never really given time to have one.
Does it capture the spirit of the og series? - Not really. The funny moments don’t land and the serious ones are too rushed. It never really felt like Percy Jackson.
Final Rating - 5/10, the only reason it’s 5 is because I feel like the internet would crucify me if I rated it the same as the movies.
Final Conclusion
Listen to the musical if you haven’t already! The movies aren’t good but are entertaining. The show is a disappointment. Before you come at me saying how Rick was there blah blah blah, I don’t care. Rick being there doesn’t make it good.
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quietbluejay · 30 days
Betrayer 12
Necromancy (several old and middle aged ladies have the worst day of their lives), and Lorgar conducts an orchestra
back to Kharn and it's time for more cringing!
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you know it's too bad this isn't a comic or animated or something so we can't do a funny montage of "it took a lot to make Kharn cringe" and then show every single cringing incident
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lol Erebus has 17 slaves chained up in his rooms who are all chanting
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they're both such a mess
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man you know I've thought this before but their friendship is pretty weird
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it just seems like they're constantly going after each other's morality and I'm kind of going "do you two do anything but argue?"
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and then neither of them ever do anything but just go back to their respective atrocities every time it gets serious they sort of just…break it up
the thing where you have no one else you can talk to so you spend your time with someone you don't particularly agree with or even sometimes like that much, because you do get along sometimes, and it's better than being alone and you think that's friendship
it fits very much with them being basically overgrown teenagers i think they do care about each other but they don't actually like each other that much
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that really does distill down Argel Tal's contradictions, doesn't it it's because he considers living by objective truth to be the highest good that supersedes anything else, and makes the things that would otherwise be evil into good i mean you could say it's Chaos twisting him but it's the sort of thing that can happen normally too oh lovely we get a detailed description of Cyrene's mostly decayed body it's pretty gross kharn: oh no i just know it he's going to start wearing that disgusting burial shroud as a cape if this doesn't work out kharn:…or even if it does and then things start to get spooky
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and then the next guy beats himself to death by- actually the details aren't super relevant
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Cyrene is about to have the worst wakeup ever oh actually this really is interesting okay so remember how ages ago I talked about how there's this metaphorical glass wall between us and the ugliness of combat, the actual flesh and blood well the wall has been gone for this entire scene
we've been getting extremely detailed descriptions of blood and flesh and bone the smell and the feel it's kind of appropriate that the most otherworldly scene is the one most grounded in reality
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as an example
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hey welcome back Cyrene! and she even gets a welcoming committee
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we get a short summary of her backstory
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so she's actually in her 50s but
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i remember seeing elsewhere this was done largely for propaganda purposes
Cyrene is horrified by Argel Tal's daemonic features (the wings) she's also freaked out by the crowd
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lmao kharn Cyrene asks who he is
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Kharn is actuallly a bit worried he's going to be overcome by the crowd and he gives into the nails man they're really rolling out the red carpet for Cyrene
you see why I thought this would be a good self-insert point
and we're back to Lorgar listening to and trying to conduct the cursed music of the evil spheres
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:) Lorgar doesn't trust Erebus' visions
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oh yeah ADB had a little fun with this bit
also lorgar just casually musing on the ultimate problem of the imperium
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if he was grinning before he sure was chortling when he wrote this bit man what writer doesn't love writing dramatic irony
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oh he's got an actual choir it wasn't a metaphor
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not sure if they're seeing the future or the present might be the past too oh time for Angron to show up
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lmao oh they're Lotara's astropathic choir which Lorgar is "borrowing" Angron's bodyguards are also with him Lorgar feels a bit bad for them, Angron doesn't like them
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well Angron if you keep losing your head im sorry i had to go for t he low-hanging fruit so we get an answer about the choir
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angron: dude that's dark
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freeuselandonorris · 10 months
18 & 19!
hi! thank you for asking 🫶
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
you know what, this is SO weird as i’ve written them very extensively in the past, but revisiting daniel and max after five years away was really difficult! i wrote you know how sticky it gets as a way of exploring daniel’s decision to return to the ‘red bull family’ (bleeagh i hate that phrase) and just generally poking at how he must feel as someone approaching his mid-thirties in a sport full of 20-year-olds snapping at his heels.
all that came to me pretty easily (mainly because i am the same age as dan so it was basically my own midlife crisis lightly repackaged) but i really struggled with my characterisation of max. when i’ve written him in the past, it was as a 19/20 year old hot-head, pre-championships, when he was still very much fighting for dominance. now he’s this strange mix of arrogant/self-assured and yet still quite childlike, especially around dan, and i found it very difficult to get the balance right of not making him seem like a complete arsehole and also not just being too sweet or docile.
i also don’t like making either him or daniel too self-reflective, because it frankly jars with how they act in real life, so it was tricky to get the sense of momentum in their characters because i didn’t want them to learn too much, if that makes sense?
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
galex!! but i feel SO intimidated by it because there are so many incredible writers in that tag already and i don’t know what i could bring to the table other than unhinged kink that hasn’t already been done by others, better.
having said that, i did just take a lunchtime shower (wfh life) and came up with the loose plot to a chaturbate sex worker AU borne of the realisation that alex is by far the most comfortable with talking about/alluding to filth on the grid (cf. the ted kravitz foot fetish inchident, giving lando a breast pump) (none of the previous sentence is in the bible, huh) and would do absolute numbers on PPV.
sample below i just hammered out in five minutes:
Can I message you 1-2-1? George types into the chat window.
On-screen, Alex’s eyes flick from side to side as he scans the incoming messages, bopping his head absently to the music playing quietly in the background.
“Nope, sorry,” Alex says, eyes darting up momentarily to the camera. “You’ll have to subscribe to my OF if you want to private message me. I’m available for sexting most evenings, if I don’t have anything better to do. Can I interest you in controlling my Lovense instead? Fiver for 30 seconds and you get to control the intensity. Bargain.”
George scowls, stares at his hands poised over the laptop keyboard. The sound of cash registers plays over and over, little hearts climbing up the side of the screen. Alex laughs. “Well, someone wants to, that’s for sure.”
He raises a black butt plug to the camera, apparently showing it off. Laughs at something in the chat. “Yeah,” he says. “Or someone better to do, exactly.”
In a rush, George types: You’re quite rude, aren’t you? Thought the deal was we pay you money and you do what we ask.
He hits send and instantly regrets it. Alex’s eyes scan the screen, a small crease appearing on his forehead, between his brows. “Ah,” he says, making direct eye contact with the camera. George shrinks back in his chair. “Nope! Common misconception, this. How it works is, you pay me money for the privilege of getting to see me come without touching my dick, and I don’t report your IP for harassment. Got it?”
The back of George’s neck is hot and clammy. He’s shaking slightly. What constitutes an appropriate tip? He clicks the screen, sends £30. Do you want to leave a message with your tip, the screen prompts. Sorry, he writes.
AO3 wrapped: writer’s edition
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purplesurveys · 2 months
What’s the most worthwhile thing you’ve done in the last year? Mm I would say our trip to Vietnam. The last year has been pretty quiet and lowkey for me (in other words, mega uneventful), but I'm glad that trip happened.
What foods make you want to gag? Pickles and fruits.
Do you consider yourself to be organized? Mostly at work, but generally yeah.
Have you ever made out with someone? Sure.
What time do you get sleepy? Anywhere between 12-2 AM.
What music do you listen to? I like K-pop and K-R&B these days. Every now and then I'd listen to alternative pop and folk.
How old were you when you started to walk? I was told that it first happened a little after I turned 1. Checks out, because the recording from my 1st birthday party showed that I was still unable to hold myself up and walk.
Which member of your family do you get along with the best? My eldest cousin from my mom's side, and my sister.
What cheers you up when you’re sad? My dogs.
What do you sleep in? Just my usual loungewear, which is usually a t-shirt and shorts.
Have you ever tanned topless? I have not.
Wear jewelry? I don't.
What’s something you’ve been told you’re good at? Writing.
How much can you eat? Not a lot tbh. I tend to eat small portions throughout the day rather than having three appropriate-sized meals.
What’s the furthest away you’ve ever traveled? Jeju and Fukuoka.
Are you a cat or dog person? Dog!
Have you ever done drugs? Once and just weed.
What does your room look like? I have a loft bed, and the stairs were furnished such that each step is also a shelf so that I can have more storage space. The space in the lower part is my main work station, but also doubles as my lounge area since I have a makeshift sofa set up as well, which faces my TV. Under my TV are a couple of racks where much of my K-pop merch is. All in all it's very convenient for me, but it could still feel much cozier; I just always put off buying other things that can make up a certain ambience or aesthetic as it's honestly not a priority.
Recommend a really amazing book. I don't know. I don't read much, so I haven't encountered a book that I loved so much and would immediately recommend.
Recommend a really amazing song. Wild Flower by RM.
Recommend a really amazing movie. 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Who’s your favorite actor/actress? Kate Winslet.
Have you ever run away from home? Nope.
Do you exercise ever? Nope.
Do you like your hair, the way it is and the color? It's not the best right now as the purple color's all faded, but I also don't intend on bleaching/dyeing it again; I think that phase is over hahaha. That said I'm just waiting for it to grow out so I can go back to black.
Do you have any friends named Baloo? Or is he just in the Junglebook? No.
Are you a Disney movie fan? Just selectively, lol. Some movies don't call to me like the others do.
Do you eat seafood? Of course.
When was the last time you cried? Last week.
Do you have good working habits? Sure.
So where the hell do you want to go in life? I want to be stable first, then once I've achieved that all I really want is to live a life of happiness and a feeling of fulfillment.
What are your boundaries? In my personal life, I like to keep my circle tight and closed. The idea of dealing with different social groups and having to shine different aspects of my personalities for them seems so exhausting lol. I've never had a problem being mostly alone.
In my work life, I'm closed off and I'm happy keeping it that way. Lots of people my age seem to want to find friendships in their work, but it's honestly not for me – I've tried, and I just end up feeling so sucked out of energy. I also do not care for gossip and report to my 9-6 just aiming to do my tasks and do my best in those tasks, so it can get frustrating when my name gets entangled in work conversations when I'm just doing my job – but that's Filipino gossip culture for ya.
All in all I really just don't give a fuck and have started focusing on my own peace and my own happiness. And life's turned out a lot sweeter that way.
What are some of the funniest things you can think of? Improv comedy can get stomach-achingly hilarious when the timing is all perfect.
What are two quirky little things about you? I peel off the chicken skin when eating fried chicken, because I save them for last + I can't take a full shot and always have to take them in smaller sips. I just fear taking a big chug of alcohol in one go lol.
Are you claustrophobic? Nope.
Do you like getting wasted? I like the social-tipsy phase the most, but not wasted.
List three things that you look for in a friend. Understanding, funny, loyal.
Do you prefer Angels and Airwaves or Rihanna? Rihanna, I guess.
What religion are you, if any? Born and raised Catholic but I've disengaged myself from religion since I was 10.
If your house was on fire (and your family escaped), what would you save? The dogs and cat + Kimi's and Miki's urns.
Do you have any sash belts? Nope.
What do you have on right now? Include everything, nail polish, makeup, etc. White turtleneck sweater, shorts, underwear, hair tie on my wrist.
Does caffeine make you hyper? Not hyper, but just more awake and focused.
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Little intro!
(Get it it's a pun I like puns)
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🌌 my name is squipy but if you wanna call me a more I guess normal name I go by morgen as well
👾 my big age is 21 and I guess I "regress" to around 3-6ish like the pre k and kindergarten age but sometimes also like a 5th grader age
🌌 I go by any pronouns and you're free to use any pet names for me (as long as there appropriate) but some of my favorites are any space related ones
👾 so I'm very new to the community and have never really regressed before but have allways been into and acted more child like due to my autism and just who I am as a person lol so I guess age dreaming would be the right term?? Idk lables are weird
🌌 this blog is mostly going to be me reblogging stuff and making moodboards and what not and idk showing off the games I'll probably play while in this state
👾 as stated I am very new to the agreg community I don't know everything so please please please don't be afraid to let me know of somthing thats common around here (or if I'm simply not welcome here because I'm not a real regressor) but just be kind about it I'm a bit emotional and hate conflict
🌌 I guess I would be considered a flip ( or like a cg/little???) But I am not open to getting a cg or becoming anyone's cg again very new around here and kinda scared so yeah
👾 if you wanna come and say hi my ask are open and uuuh besides that below you'll find my intrest,userboxes and dni! Thanks for reading
🌌 SFW INTERACTS ONLY counting as I'll be well a child please please no NSFW stuff cursing is fine but that's it
👾 ra/d quee/rs,pro ship/pers
🌌 just be nice that's all I ask also anti agreg obviously don't interact why are you here?
(Anything with a star is stuff I REALLY REALLY like)
Bluey ⭐️
My little pony
The upside down show ⭐️
Rubber dubbers
Magic school bus
I spy
Blues clues ⭐️
Fairly odd parents ⭐️
Phinese and Ferb⭐️
Wonder over younder
Wizards of Waverly place ⭐️
Hanna Montana ⭐️
Seseme street ⭐️
Elmos world ⭐️
Video games: ⭐️
Mario series (Mario galaxy is my fav)
Club penguin
Early 2000s flash games ( I love dress up games!!)
Wii games
YouTube: most of this is early 2010s
Cube smp s1 ⭐️
Graser10 ⭐️
Think noodles
Game theory
Space ⭐️
Music ⭐️
Arcades ⭐️
Music class
Elementary school stuff in general
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imjustabeanie · 7 months
Hello 🖤
I was hoping to get a Hazbin Hotel matchup please.
I'm bisexual and use she/pronouns so go wild lolol.
Personality wise I appear extremely reserved, but soon enough after a couple of conversations, I reveal my self to be quite boisterous. I'm always cracking (*almost* appropriate) jokes, and I am ALWAYS up for an adventure.
I like the buzz of cities, especially at night, and enjoy eating sushi and wearing perfume.
I am a big reader and particularly enjoy period novels (almost as much as I love rewatching the same 5 shows on repeat).
But my main passion...is musical theatre! I can act, sing and dance and I'm working hard in training to have a shot in the industry.
When it comes to dating, I don't really have a type I go for. It's more about the chemistry I have with someone and how easily we can bounce conversation back and forth.
I suppose then I like people with a bit of wit. Who have a sharpness that they know if and when to use.
I hope that's all the information you need. Thank you for reading my request 🖤
Hey hey hey! Here's your match!
Your hazbin hotel match is....Charlie Morningstar!
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Okay so for you it was rather tough cuz you’d get along with many characters as we could try different chemistries and it’d still work. But I finally settled down for good old Charlie Morningstar. You do have as runner ups Rosie (unfortunately, the show didn’t develop her well enough for me to analyse her more deeply cuz she’s in a near equal position to Charlie), Vaggie and (if we omit his sexuality) Angel Dust. The last one would totally be a bff in that world lol.
Charlie is a very passionate person. She believes that everyone deserves a second chance and has a very positive outlook on life in general. Your reserved exterior won’t bother her at all as she’ll actively try to befriend you! And once you reveal your more extraverted self she’ll consider it as a huge victory lol. I believe that Charlie would be the one to ask you out first, she will do it in a song trust me (and it won’t cosk 50k).
You two are a very adventurous couple cuz you encourage each other. She wants to go to the most dangerous parts of hell to promote her hotel? Sure! You want to go to a play taking place in another circle but you two have things to do the next day in early morning? Hop on baby there’s no time to waste. Vaggie is losing it with you two.
Charlie completely understands your jokes and let out a giggle every time you make one even if it’s really borderline to the shock of Angel Dust and Vaggie. She is also rather sharp, she just hides it. But if you hurt someone she loves then she’ll go all out.
Dates nights every night she can, she either takes you out to a restaurant, entertainment or just makes something at the hotel for both of you to unwind and gossip together. As we saw in the show, Charlie tells everything to her lover so it’s definitely the case here. Your opinion matters a lot to her. But she also values honesty a lot so if you take time to open up warn her so she won’t be hurt.
I also see her to be the type to hyperfixate on something for a while (which means also rewatching her favorite episodes and re reading her favorite chapters). Due to her age, Charlie definitely is a big reader, it’s just that she has less time with the hotel. If you start rambling about the books you’re reading you can almost see the hearts in her eyes.
Charlie is your number one cheerleader in your interest at dancing, singing and acting. You two always sing together and believe it or not she won’t hesitate to use her position to help boost you because she really believes in you. Yeah you two are such a sight to behold.
I hope you like it!
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