#yeah yeah sometimes i consider it a normal drawing
neylapie · 2 years
⬇️Rules and prizes down below!⬇️
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GUYS!!!!!!! 😻✋🏻🌸💕 A 100% surreal yet adorkable DTiYS is here to celebrate 400 on Twitter! 📷🐦
Thank you for your support on these platforms, but I bet hosting it here on Tumblr would work too so hehe 😉🙏🏻🌐💻
It's been a long time since I haven't posted a DTiYS, so I'm now back at doing them! 😉✨💞 This time it's Ben 10 (though anyone outside the Ben 10 fandom can also join) 👽😎
I thought of an idea of Albedo having Necrofriggian children too, what a nasty copycat he is XD
I also have a page full of references and colors if you didn't understand my art properly (;^ω^)
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Everyone is welcome :) 🫰🏻
Do not trace or steal this art or anyone's entry, it must be YOUR OWN style. But you are allowed to copy the official Ben 10 artstyle(s)
Use the tag #NeyLaDTIYSAlBen and @ me when you're about to post
You can make Ben and Albedo either a ship or a fight or sinply neutral towards them but go crazy and unleash your creativity XD
Feel free to change poses, expressions, backgrounds, colors, etc. and you can also add more than one Necrofriggian baby but it must be related to Ben + Albedo + Necrofriggian Offspring
Ben and Albedo must be drawn in UAF clothes
Ultimate Baby Chills are allowed
All mediums and artstyles are welcome! You can make this on digital or traditional and etc.
There is no deadline or prizes so this is just for fun
Thank you again for the support! Take your time working on your entry if you want. I'll then reblog some of the best entries 😊😁💅🏻🌸
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reinabeestudio · 3 months
you stop shaving as a woman and people just dont know what to call you anymore huh
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#you ever get so annoyed that you draw ur irl self instead of your epic swag yass slay pretty sona#i didnt stop shaving for any statement btw it just drains me to do it & i havent been in the mood for months LMAO#i think i'm so used to the comfort of being surrounded by ppl presenting however they want and calling themselves whatever#sometimes i forget how. binary everything still is where i live#note that aint trans btw. i was afab & i dont fully identify as that currently but i have no problem being called a girl#and due to Health Reasons(tm) i get hairier than one would consider 'normal' for a woman (among other things)#(listen we all know gender is a nuanced spectrum but im not in the mood to talk about it in the tags of my own blog lol)#that + short + fat + voice breaks sometimes + mostly wears 'gender neutral' clothing. been mistaken for a prebuscent guy sometimes#(i say 'gender neutral' but its just regular ass baggy shirts and pants/jeans. 💥)#and if y'know me personally youre prolly reading this like 'what'. and yeah thats my reality sometimes LMAO#and im spanish so things are Extra gendered >8'D#i dont even bother explainin my gender to family its just not worth it so i take the she/her and move on#usually i dont talk about these irl things bc whatever but it's starting to irritate me lol#like. do i have to fuckin shave just to not be misgendered. fuckin christ dude#i need to get my yearly haircut btw. i dont like long hair on myself. its getting warm & it makes me sweat i hate it 🧍‍♂️
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sistertotheknowitall · 5 months
“But to the BatFam? That is just Some Guy. A random dude - if you will.”
“Don’t worry about it, I’m missing my spleen.”
“Oh cool, yeah, missing organs suck. I’m missing a kidney and part of my liver. Oh! And my gallbladder but that was more of a necessary evil, it was like, poisoning me or something.” Danny was so focused on applying pressure to his wound (and maybe being a bit too light headed) that he didn’t notice how silent his friend had gotten. Like-wise the comms had gone equally quiet as Gotham’s vigilante family realized that they knew very little about this kid.
It was concerning how quickly they all started to see him as a friend considering it was them as vigilantes he interacted with the most. Tim was the only one who saw him frequently when out of the suit because he was a regular at Danny’s day job. (He worked as a barista in the coffee shop Tim favored.) The others saw him occasionally but more often than not it was just in passing. Steph, Duke, and Dick had to stop themselves from approaching him on the street.
It was odd, one day he had just moved to Gotham, seeming to appear out of nowhere, and then the next he was a constant presence in their lives. Usually armed and ready with a concerning or odd quip, it had started with him being another victim of the city’s petty criminals and had snowballed from there.
Now it wasn’t like the bats saw Danny everyday, but it was expected that he would cross paths with at least three of them before the end of the week. They ran into him more often than any other Gothamite, including the criminals and rouges they fought.
At first the constant meetings by “coincidence” was suspicious. If he wasn’t the one being saved from a mugging, kidnapping, or city wide villain assault, then he was near by and trying to help.
(“Trying to help” usually meant drawing attention to himself so the original victim could escape. Once it had meant Danny armed with a baseball bat against four grown men. Bruce and Dick have tried to talk to him about putting himself in harms way but the kid is surprisingly elusive when he wants to be. Yet, even when avoiding Batman and his eldest, Danny could be found on the patrol route of another family member.)
But honestly? The guy seemed just as exhausted as they were of seeing each other. By the twelfth time in a month, Danny had accused them of stalking him.
The background check Bruce and Tim had run came back clean and he never seemed to be involved in the various criminal activities. He was just there, a weirdly unlucky bystander. So as far as Dick and the others could see, Danny was a completely normal dude. He just said strange things and wasn’t intimidated by them, he actually made it a point to be unhelpful sometimes. When trying to learn his name he gave them the run around for two months. (“I know about stranger danger. I don’t care how often you say you’re the ‘good guys.’ I’m not falling for it.”)
On one memorable occasion Danny had disappeared for a week and a half. When they started to assume the worse, he popped back up behind the counter at work. Tim had relaxed significantly when he entered the shop to Danny organizing pastries in the display case. Once he’d placed his order, the young CEO asked Danny if he’d been on vacation. To which Danny had just sighed and told Tim “I wish, but no I was called to court to handle some affairs I couldn’t get out of.” (After a check to see if Danny had gotten charged with something and coming back empty, Tim had concluded that it was an odd way to say he had had jury duty.)
Thinking about it now, outside a stray comment or two, Danny didn’t talk about himself or his life. They knew he didn’t have a good relationship with his parents, “they were much more goal oriented than that joke of a kidnapper, but I think drugs do that to a person.” (It was still unclear if he meant his parents were kidnappers themselves or on drugs.) They knew he had an older sister who would “kill me again if she finds out I was in another bank robbery.” They also knew he was, possibly, depressed after last week’s comment of “is it considered murder if you’re already dead but, like, still alive?” (Damian had saved him from a drug ring but after another “baby ninja” comment the young Robin had threatened to give Danny back to his would-be murderers.)
Dick knew Danny was a weird guy who never wanted to elaborate on the things he said. (Jason was still confused on what he meant by “rotted milk soul.”) That didn’t mean the comments themselves didn’t say a lot about him. And tonight’s comment, accompanied by the prominent and jagged autopsy scars, said more than Danny was probably willing to share.
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voxisdaddy · 3 months
Hello~! I hope you are having a wonderful day and I would like to humbly request a part 2 of the Velvette x reader break up seeing how reader is holding up.
Are they watching Hella Novelas as well? Do they regret the whole thing? I love Velvette and really want to see how this would be affecting both sides
-🎨 anon
Ice Cream
Pt 2
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Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing: Velvette x Reader
C/TW: cussing
Type: Headcanons + Drabble
In which we see from readers perspective on how they’re dealing with the break up.
Pt.1 Pt.3
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𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Opening up sinstagram, you scrolled past numerous posts on the discovery page. It seemed every other post was about your relationship with Velvette—hells most prominent fashionista and social media influencer. You huffed upon seeing another video of speculation on the status of your relationship.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ You had deactivated your account long ago, a few hours after getting rid of all the remembrances of your previous relationship with the overlord. The memories were too much, and people speculating all the time was getting unbearable. You knew deactivation of your whole account might’ve been a bit too far, it most certainly had people talking, but you’ve seen this shit happen before;
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ High profile couple break up, people speculate, lots of talk and gossip, even months and years after it’s ended people will still talk, they’ll compare their new partners to their old partners, insist it’s a “right person, wrong time” type bullshit and just ugghhhh
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ “Do people have nothing better to do with their lives?” You’d ask yourself, liking a random post using your new account—a new and more anonymous account. You had made sure to keep it as less “HEY IM Y/N” as possible as to avoid any suspicions. Normally, that wouldn’t be a problem to any other normal person. Though of course, your previous partner was no normal person and her associates were no normal folk either.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ it made you slightly paranoid at the thought that Vox could be aware of your new account—which was set to private—but considering he’s basically the king of tech, it wouldn’t surprise you that much if he had his ways. But it brought you some peace of mind that he probably doesn’t give a shit so he’d just leave you alone. Unless Velvette made him: then that’s an actual issue.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ You frowned when thinking of Velvette—getting slightly upset with yourself for thinking about her.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ It was hard not too though. You don’t just forget about someone who meant so much to you for so long, so quickly. Sometimes you wondered if you made the right choice. Did you regret it? Hmm…some days you did.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Some days you’d wake up and turn to the side to see a face you grew familiar to seeing every morning—she wouldn’t be there. Oh yeah. Of course she wouldn’t.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Some nights you slept just fine, not missing a familiar presence next to you or wishing she was there at all.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ It was very strange. It’s still strange. It didn’t help that considering she’s fucking Velvette—she’s everywhere. Every app you open; oh Velvette or the Vee’s are top of trending? Shocker! Leave your place for a little while to do some shopping? Oh look on the billboards—it’s fucking Velvette. Dating a celebrity as big of a deal as Velvette you were aware would have some draw backs but at the time you never considered what the end of the relationship would be like. Cuz I mean like, who would think about the ending of a relationship with someone you really liked to even get into said relationship with anyways?
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Somedays you opened your closet and yours eyes would drift to the clothing that Velvette had gifted you. Designed, hand made, complete with a spritz of her signature perfume to mark her scent on it—her own way of claiming you. You quirked an eyebrow at the clothing. It’s been… several weeks. Months maybe? Who knows but…
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ “Can’t keep hanging onto this forever…” You mumbled, thumb circling on a corner of a shirt she made you. It be nearly impossible to move on if you kept onto these sorts of things. I mean, you suppose by now she’d probably move on…right? Velvette doesn’t get attached to most things so…she has to be over it now. Right?
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The walk to the nearest thrift store was anything but simple.
Meaning you had to take the long and more dangerous way around, through random alleyways and parkouring your way about. Their was VoxTek cameras everywhere in Pentagram city so you tried to avoid those as much as possible since dumping Velvette. Out of… slight fear, if you’re being honest.
No one disrespects and humiliates the Vee’s, evident from the Vox and Alastor fiasco, so you were slightly paranoid what Velvette or her fellow Vee’s would do to you since you are the one who ended things. You’re the one who deleted evidence of your relationship with the overlord on your very public account—which you then deactivated which of course only got people talking even more. Fucking great!
“I’m a real genius getting everyone’s attention on us Vel, whoopy.” You muttered quietly to yourself, dodging a stray bullet in the process.
The thrift store was in sight now, and in a quick jogging distance. You stopped from your corner, looking around for any VoxTek camera. Surely Vox isn’t always watching, right? He’s the ceo of his stupid empire for fucks sake, he should be way too busy to be sitting around looking at a bunch of random ass citizens in Pride. You spotted several cameras, making you tense.
“Just act natural. Don’t fuck up.” You whispered to yourself, completely missing the quirked eyebrows of a couple of sinners next to you that you apparently didn’t notice.
Pacing your steps correctly, you tried to make it seem like you weren’t just obviously trynna avoid said cameras. Just gotta blend in with the crowd.
Unbeknownst to you however, three overlords sat in Vox’s office, all the monitors displaying all the nearby streets to this thrift store.
Vox scrolled on his phone as he sipped his coffee, giving the occasional “uh huh” or “that bitch” whenever he felt necessary as he was forced to listen to Velvette’s rant. He was doing his usual work until Velvette and Valentino walked in, well more so Valentino dragging Velvette in. Apparently Velvette went on another tangent about ex’s and how she’s soooooo over you now. Valentino was too high too care but found it amusing nonetheless so he dragged the young overlord and himself to Vox so Vox could deal with keeping up with her tangent while the pimp just sits there and watches in amusement.
Velvette’s rant comes to a sudden stop when her eyes catches a glimpse of the monitors.
“Vox, teleport me there, now!”
With a quick grin to a staff member, you placed the group of neatly pressed clothes in the big donation bin.
The feelings of parting with the clothes was difficult for you to describe. Peace that you could more easily move on? Anxiousness that you’re letting your past relationship go? Self doubt began to flood your soul again.
In an almost desperate attempt to cling onto something, you took one article of clothing and sniffed it—wait is that her scent? You sniffed it again more confused this time. Wha—but you washed it! You washed all of these before donating them, why is that scent lingering around? Another sniff before you realized it wasn’t the clothing that had the scent.
“You’re kind of a freak for sniffing clothes, you know that?”
You turn on your heal, nearly jumping back in shock at how close the other was to you,
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I’ve had this in my drafts for so long and I had no idea how to end it I’m so sorry. I really wanted to finish at least one request though bc I have so many that’s just sitting there half done 😭
Thank you for the request! I wasn’t expecting anyone to want a part 2 of sorts but I had fun and I hope it isn’t terrible lol
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the-s1lly-corner · 28 days
CRP characters crushing on the reader 2/2
Placeholder opening here, check part 1 for the other characters! i dont usually write for zalgo because my take on him is... so... yeah... and hard to write for him, but the idea of this intangible godlike entity that can warp realities falling for someone is horrifying
Characters: Jane, Jeff, Ticci Toby, Nina, Bloody Painter, Zalgo
Notes: reader is GN but post mainly focuses on the canon characters, admin uses any pronouns for nina so if you see the pronouns swapping that's why!, heavy hcs for Zalgo and his part isnt really open for "it gets better and you guys get together" no his part is just... horrifying
CWs: zalgo is zalgo; ie non human entity does not follow human morals and is kind of... toxic and horrifying
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I need you guys to bare with me because this blog has always been hc/au heavy with how I write characters but between all the main crps, Jane is probably the most likely to just.. be a normal person 90% of the time, so the chances of you and her meeting during a normal day is pretty high. She's closed off so you don't even notice that there's feelings developing on her end. If there is a difference it's just her being slightly more affectionate and open to you. She becomes even more protective of you, can you blame her? You've heard of the rumors about her family... She doesn't deny her feelings if you ask her, though, so it's a clean confession when the time comes instead of it just being spilled or forced out.
He's so full of himself that he approaches you without thinking anything through because he's so confident that you're going to just fall for him. Makes a lot of jokes with you, some darker than others. Flirts with you up front because once more, he's so confident that you're into him that he doesn't take a moment to consider that you would reject him. Probably takes rejection the worst, at least out of the characters on this list. And that's on being on the run since your mid teen years, he didn't interact with many people because of that. "Oh you dig me" as you slap his arm because he said something dumb.
Very similar to the other proxies, watches you from afar but he decides to interact with you sooner than the other two. He's wary, because he doesn't want to humiliate himself or screw anything up but he's so so so desperate to meet someone new who's in his age range so he's doing his best to appeal to you. Sometimes slips up because he's trying too hard. He can pester you and get on your nerves, but he doesn't mean anything wrong by it... usually.. You outright ask him if he has a crush on you and you can see him internally scrambling for something to say. It's actually a little sweet. Probably the most normal out of them all asides Jane, at least by Creepypasta standards.
Oh she is so upfront about her feelings for you! Makes you small trinkets and keepsakes with random stuff she finds. Very quick to approach you as well and make a friendship. Very chill if you don't end up returning their feelings, and more than happy to keep up a friendship with you if you want that. A yapper, too, so they have a habit of keeping you by keeping a conversation up and alive longer than others would. Custom kandi for you as well, with your favorite colors and some stuff they know you like! As an aside, Nina is a "cringe fandom enjoyer", so you guys can get into the same things and be cringe and free together! Not related to this post but have it as a bonus!
He finds himself drawing you more than he draws his other subjects, and honestly its a little frustrating. You start finding some of his papers laying around. He approaches you so he can try to get even more accurate with his art, having the real thing as a reference is much better than relying off of memories of you wandering around town. Once the initial tenseness dies down, you might be able to get a few words out of him while he's drawing. "Muse of an artist" trope, a lot of the things he makes are dedicated to you in one way or another. His art is the only real tip that there's something going on, because otherwise he's good about swallowing and hiding his emotions.
Bonus character, Zalgo would literally alter the universe if he could to ensure that you're there and his. He can manipulate media, and create creatures.. I mean in my au he's literally the reason half the creepypastas exist... I WAS going to make a joke that he makes a stand in to act for him, but he's so into you that he can't stand the idea of someone else being with you... doesnt matter if he was living vicariously through it. Genuine psychological horror elements here with him warping the world around you in an attempt to get your attention and to get you to come to him. Technical cosmic / otherworldly horror (?) because he's something that transcends just about everything in universe. Simultaneously everywhere at anytime all the time, there is no real way to get away from him. Horrifying stuff.
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cripplecharacters · 28 days
Hi, this is probably a stupid question but would it make sense/be accurate for an autistic character to have, like,,,,, normal facial expressions, at the correct time (like when they're happy or sad) like a neurotypical person? Without having to mask and intentionally force themselves to make those faces?
I'm autistic but I don't think I do this. I don't talk to people unless I absolutely have to and my memory is dogshit so I can't recall any times when people have commented on my facial expressions, and I definitely do make expressions sometimes, just maybe not in the right contexts or not very often.
I'm making a comic and one of the characters is autistic and very based on my own symptoms (she's the main character so since she gets a lot of screen time, I figured it would be easiest if I already knew how to represent her).
My reasoning behind wanting her expressive is:
There are already two other characters with autism who are pretty blank and expressionless.
It's a comic and I want to draw a lot of fun expressions, I want her to be able to smile softly and snarl and look baffled and make all kinds of faces, without her having to mask and constantly be miserable.
But my problem is that I want her to actually have autism. And when I look up posts online from other people, I'm really not seeing a whole lot of "Oh yeah I can emote and make facial expressions exactly like a normal person, in the correct contexts, automatically without masking."
So I'm not sure at this point if this is something we can even do? I've seen quite a few autistic people say that our brains literally do not work this way.
Maybe, would it be possible that she has the opposite problem most autistic people do? Most of us are sort of blank and expressionless and have to mask and make ourselves look happy/surprised/angry.
I thought that instead, she could be TOO expressive, so she would have the correct expressions at the correct times (looking angry when she's angry) but she wouldn't notice this, and would make the wrong expression at a bad time?
For example, if she was at a funeral and found something funny, she would unintentionally smile/scrunch her face up and everyone would get pissed because "Omg girl their grandma got killed by a dragon and you're laughing?"
So most autistics = masking to create expressions
But her = masking to remove expressions
I hope this makes sense It's midnight and I need to sleep lmao
Hi asker!
I just wanted to say that it is, in fact, possible for autistic people to be naturally expressive. A flat or flatter affect might be more common, and many autistic people mask to create expressions. But that doesn't mean all!
Me, personally, I'm autistic. I've been called expressive pretty often. I generally smile when I'm happy, frown when I'm pissed off, widen my eyes when I'm surprised – expressions you'd consider normal. This happens less often the more tired I am, and in my diagnosis debrief I was told that what I do that isn't normal is that I don't direct expressions to people: basically, that I don't use expressions to communicate with others, they just sort of happen. Which surprised me, because I saw communication as kind of a side effect of expressions as opposed to the main purpose, if that makes sense?
One of my adult family members is autistic as well. They are also very expressive, in fact kind of too expressive like you mention your character could be. They can't really hide the facial expressions they do (that generally correspond to typical expressions) and so can't really hide what they're feeling, even when it would be better to hide it. Their version of masking would be working to remove these expressions, which they don't actually do, but that would be the case.
That's two examples of people with autism that are pretty typically expressive, yet still show social/communication difficulties even in that. So: what you're describing is definitely possible.
As a side note:
Autism is two-fold: social/communication difficulties, and restrictive/repetitive behavior. Everyone who has autism experiences those two aspects. However, autism is also very varied in how these things present, so be wary of anything or anyone that says something (other than those two things) applies to either absolutely all or absolutely no autistic people. Sure, some presentations are more common – like a flat affect, or lack of eye contact, or how hand-flapping is a common stim. But no single presentation is universal. And on top of that, 'difficulties with social communication' doesn't have to mean 'difficulties with every single aspect of this.' It can! But it doesn't always.
Also, wow, I have typed the word "expression" so much that it barely seems like a real word right now!
– mod sparrow
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fromagony · 1 month
okay so i overslept today sad story ik ik but anyway i was thinking about ur james (i love him) how do u think he would spend his morning before and after regulus came to his life?
damnn this such a nice question chris im kissing ur brain
BEFORE REGULUS im avoiding to give any spoilers but james had a dull life, he has depression and ocd (like me) and lemme remind u he also has ADHD so if he isn’t hyperfixating on smth considers himself as a walking zombie. some days he doesn’t even consider leaving the bed, or sometimes he goes on walks and observes the city and the ppl. he sometimes draws, doing little sketches but that’s all. he smokes out of boredom and it became a habit really soon but yeah he had a boring life before regulus that’s for sure. he didn’t have any ambition
AFTER REGULUS james stars waking up early and gets his coffee bcuz now he has a trouble sleeping. his ocd is triggered bcuz of regulus and he can’t function like a normal person. his every thought is related to regulus and he can’t spend a second without thinking him and that’s why he wants to see regulus all the time bcuz if he can’t that means his obsessive thoughts becomes overbearing but regulus also gave him a purpose to live. now he wants to follow his every step and he needs to make sure he is not in danger. he stalks him all day until he suddenly pass outs cuz of lack of sleep but when he wakes up he tries to find regulus again so he checks every corner that regulus at least passed one time until he finds him and then he can start breathing again
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ariseur · 3 months
Cloud strife x reader parent edition? (Denzel is the kid y'all have.)
Also love your work omfg
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you couldn’t remember the last time you had seen denzel smile this wide.
an empty lot in the center of edge now adorned a small playground littered with kids. although some of the equipment was made from the debris of midgar, the kids seemed to love it nonetheless. after marlene had begged you to take her, you had finally given in to her pleas and decided to check the place out with her.
various giggles erupted from a group of kids playing tag while you watched marlene run away from denzel, holding out a beckoning hand as she pitter-pattered away. a soft smile of your own etched itself on your face as you put a hand on denzel’s shoulder while he fiddled with his hands, unsure of whether to follow or not.
he looked up at you, eyes blue like the midday skies. you’d always remind him how nice his eyes were, how it looked like there were stars in them with all the lightly colored flecks in the irises, to which he’d look away and cross his arms in embarrassment.
you looked back in marlene’s direction, nodding your head towards where she now sat on the seesaw and waved denzel over. “go on,” you said, “it’s alright.”
he looked around for a moment, and you didn’t blame him considering he was an orphan and had known nothing else than being on the streets from such a young age. your smile turned bittersweet as denzel observed his surroundings carefully before giving marlene a soft smile and running to the other end of the seesaw, the colorful metal sticking out against the dull atmosphere of the city.
you hugged your arms for at least some warmth as you watched denzel finally laugh in what felt like forever. it was like a breath of fresh air hearing the children’s laughter and squeals as a some of them played tag, others sat on the stone curbs drawing figures and shapes into the sandbox.
“he looks happy.” you hear a monotone voice appear from next to you, one that you know could only belong to cloud strife.
you flashed him a soft grin, “yeah, he needs this.” you responded sweetly. cloud never understood how you were so good with kids. he never understood how you were so good with people— in general. mako-infused eyes followed denzel’s movements, his curls bobbing up and down with him while he played with marlene on the seesaw, squeals erupting from both of them as sometimes they’d get too close to falling off.
arms tightening around yourself, you tried to stay warm. “he’s been through a lot.” you finally say, feeling cloud’s eyes on you. he had an intense stare with the way his eyebrows furrowed and lips press together in a pout.
“haven’t we all.” cloud mumbled, frown tugging at his lips as he looked back out to all the kids playing.
you put a hand on his shoulder cautiously, giving him enough time to pull away if he needed to. your hand was feather light against his bare shoulder, only slightly covered with his sleeveless turtleneck. “he really looks up to you, though.” you smiled at him. why was he feeling warm? is this normal? “so, i think we’ve done a pretty good job.”
cloud hums quietly as a form of acknowledgment before resting a hand on his hip, eyes still trained on denzel. maybe it was just due to how unsafe these streets used to be. maybe it’s because he’s so used to the despair that clouded the streets after the geostigma grew stronger, it’s such a contrast seeing joy for what feels like the first time in forever.
you leaned closer to cloud as you slowly rested your head on his shoulder, your hand drifting down to his bicep. you felt him stiffen, making a small noise of surprise as he fixed his posture.
“is this okay?”
cloud carefully looked down at you before looking back up at the kids. denzel was now on the slide, marlene urging him to come down from the bottom. cloud huffed as he crossed his arms, still letting you lay on him. he knew you wouldn’t let go anytime soon, he knew you’d save him from the grief that withered away at him. that mission to nibbelheim was traumatic enough, his memory never let him forget the horrors that went on in his home village. he never admitted it, but he enjoyed your presence even if you both were doing nothing.
“yeah.” he mumbled, “i guess i’m okay with it.”
you smiled, “losing that hard edge now, are you?”
“alright now, shut up.”
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ this request was actually so cute tho, baby denzel didn’t deserve all that he was only seven ☹️☹️
kiss kiss 💋
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bananaman-mp3 · 2 months
yo im aware that theres some absolutely wild nonsense going in the top/bottom narusasu discourse side of tumblr so im here to make my contribution considering the funniest case scenario i can think of:
theyre both bottoms. i dont have like. solid canonical proof of that (because no one does its all subjective) but... if i hd to make a serious case id say that theyre both kinda needy for the other.
on one hand youve got the obvious "i chased and pined for you till the end of the world" naruto.
on the other youve got "i can never be truly completely alone and detached from this world until i kill you" sasuke. in this case its kind of the opposite in a more "i dont show it but you make me care so much so deeply" rather than "i need you so bad"
but thats kinda stereotypical right. whatever. sasuke is very heroine coded i mean have you seen the fanservice-y way they draw him sometimes. tits out. again this is stereotypical but i find it compelling
naruto is good at swallowing things. remember the frog and the raven? yeah me too. i remember. i wonder if can fit thing things inside his a-
anyway canon evidence is not even the reason i made this post i did it because of the way i think they accidentally became bottoms.
i think after vote2 and all that pining was over and they seriously started contemplating their relationship as potentially romantic and sexual they both individually considered if it would be awkward to have sex as theyre both men.
im thinking sasuke was wholy okay with the idea of bottoming from the start because he thinks to himself that naruto is probably too much of a pussy to agree to do it, so hed be fine w it.
meanwhile naruto has several emotional crises of masculinity after considering that sasuke may want to be the top and instead of concluding that they can just switch, like a normal person, he overcomes gender stereotype stigma all by himself thinking that it doenst make him any less of a man and that he would really like it because its sasuke. he wouldn't disliked being topped if the top in question is sasuke.
this is all ends in them finally starting a relationship and hilariously waiting for the other to make a move for about an awkward minute. and then
"are you gonna-"
"you want to-"
and vaguely gesturing about the other coming to do the topping, followed by a split second horrifying realization that they both assumed they were going to be the bottom to make the other feel more comfortable and having a crisis over it.
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selfindulgentpixies · 10 months
The hands that hold you
Part 7 of my SatoSugu x Gn!reader series is here! And yes it finally has an official name!
I'll put together a masterpost with links to all the parts and the title soon and have it linked in my pinned post. This is another soft chapter. There was more I was considering including but I really wanted to get this update out here. There's also art to go with it that will be at the end that you'll also be able to find on my art blog when I post it. For now enjoy a really fluffy chapter before things get rough again. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
CW: Reader is referred to with they/them pronouns, chan is sometimes attached to reader's name. Polyamory though that's part of why you're here i'm sure
It’s been roughly two weeks since the failed mission when you find yourself called into Yaga’s office. When you make your way in and sit in front of him he places a new ID in the middle of the desk and pushes it toward you. You blink at him in confusion before taking it. It’s just like your curren’t ID until you notice a key change. “Wait… I’m being promoted to second grade sorcerer?” You look at him, surprise pushing your eyebrows toward your hairline. 
Yaga sighs but then smiles. “After that last mission, despite it ending how it did, Suguru and Satoru recommended you for promotion. Apparently you managed to impress them which is uncommon for the two of them” 
You turn the ID in your hand before slipping into your pocket. “I suppose it is.” 
Your hand is in your pocket thumbing over your new ID as you walk. In theory you should be happy about the promotion but you wanted to be sure you actually deserved it. You weren't sure you did honestly. You wonder if you should text either of your boyfriends about it. Your boyfriends… you feel your face heat up and you stop walking and lean against the hallway wall. You were not used to being able to think of them that way yet. It was so new. It was also the source of your current worry of whether or not you actually deserve the promotion. It felt a little too much like nepotism that the two of them endorsed your rise in grade.
Suddenly someone’s arm is resting on your shoulder and you and you don’t even need to look to see who it is. “Goodmorning, Haibara-kun.” You smile. 
He leans forward with a grin. “Good morning! It’s good to finally see you up and out of bed.”Nanami and I were starting to wonder when you’d be joining us again. “
“You know how Yaga is about me. He honestly made me stay on bed rest longer than I needed to be. At least I think so.” You push off from the wall and from under Haibara’s arm. 
“It’s good he cares so much though. It’s better to be safe than sorry by going out into the field before you’re ready,” He reasons. 
“I suppose… but it was painfully boring. Especially when everyone else was busy. I hate staying still for so long. Even if it was kinda nice to catch up on playing games…” 
“You were playing harvest moon or drawing most of the time when Nanami and I would come in and visit.” 
“Speaking of.. Where is Nanami? Normally the two of you are like a set,” you prod despite knowing its potential to backfire. 
Hairbara hums. “I’m actually about to go meet him. There’s a new bakery opening up he wants to go to. Wait, I know! How about you go with me. He’ll want to see that you’re up and moving around too.” And oh no he’s looking at you with those excited puppy dog eyes and you can’t find it in you to say no. Besides, you'd missed hanging out with your friends. 
“Yeah okay, I’ll go with. As long as you don’t think Nanami will mind.” 
Haibara gives a lil cheer and gives you a thumbs up. “Like I said, he’ll be glad to see you up and on your feet again.” 
Which is how you found yourself in a cozy little bakery, decorated in warm and earthy tones. The smell of all sorts of baked goods floating through the air. “You know you didn’t have to pay for me, Nanami.” 
He gives a small huff, his bangs coming loose and falling in his face so he has to push them back. “It’s fine. Think of it as a ‘glad you’re doing better’ gift.. Or something.” 
Haibara pipes in. “See I told you he would be glad to see you.” 
“That you did,” you say with a small laugh.  
“Annnd now that you’re fully recovered, on the note of I told you so’s…” Haibara’s grin threatened to split his face.
“Oh no..” You feel your face heating already knowing what he’s going to say. 
“So you’re really dating both Geto-senpai and Gojo-senpai now? I knew they liked you!” 
You groan. “Yeah yeah, you were right and I was oblivious.” You pointedly take a bite of your sandwich to try and spare yourself from saying more on the topic. 
Nanami makes a small sound before speaking up. “I mean I get Geto-senpai but I’m surprised you like Gojo-senpai too. Is it just because they’re a package deal or-” You cut him off, a small flare of irritation sparking in your chest as well as another emotion you can’t quite place in the moment. 
You swallow your bite a lil too soon so you can interject. “I like them both.” 
It must be something in your tone or the look on your face, you’re not entirely sure, but Nanami rubs the back of his neck glancing away, suddenly looking abashed. “Sorry.” 
“It’s-” you sigh “It’s fine. Just.. Don’t insinuate that I shouldn’t like Satoru just as much as I like Suguru okay?” Your shoulders sag slightly.
Nanami nods and Haibara looks between the two of you with a bit of confusion.”Am I missing something?” 
You shake your head. “No everything is fine.” You pause. “Actually can I get your guy’s opinion on something?” 
Both of them look at you. “Of course!” “Sure…” 
You take your new ID out of your pocket and place it in the middle of the table. “I uh.. Got promoted. Apparently Suguru and Satoru made the recommendation. But it just feels kinda off since I’m dating them now. I’m not sure I actually deserve it-”
Nanami shakes his head. “I doubt that. Why would they recommend you for something that would put you in more danger if they didn’t think you could handle it?” 
You blink. You hadn’t thought of it that way. “I suppose that makes sense...” 
Nanami folds his hands on the table next to his half eaten lunch. “Think about it. Being a second grade means that you’ll not only take on harder missions but will also be sent on some solo. If I cared about someone I wouldn’t recommend them to do dangerous things they couldn't handle for what.. A pay raise? Clout? If they recommended you be promoted that means they think you deserve it and more importantly can handle it.” Haibara is nodding along enthusiastically as Nanami talks. 
You nod, your doubts about the situation lifting. “Yeah that.. Thanks, Nanami.” 
He shrugs. “Just telling you what makes the most sense.” 
“We should go do something to celebrate your promotion!”
“I mean we’re already out to eat…” You feel a bit bashful at the idea. “And Nanami-kun already paid for lunch for me because of my recovery.” 
“Well then I can like.. Pay for ice cream ooor… we could go to an arcade! We should do something before you start getting sent out more.”  Haibara suggests while giving you his best puppy dog eyes. 
You sigh and smile. Really how can you say no to those big brown eyes and that pout. Nobody had bigger golden retriever energy than your friend. “Yeah okay, we can go to an arcade and maybe get a treat after.” 
Haibara cheers and pumps a fist into the air. It draws the attention of other patrons and Nanami lowers his head looking a bit embarrassed but still has the slightest smile curling his lips. 
The arcade is all lights and chimes of game music, the chatter of teenagers filling the space. The three of you lose several hours there with even Nanami being full of his share of smiles and laughter. How often do the three of you get to just be young like this? Not often enough surely. Never enough.  The three of you are contemplating where to go for icecream when you spot the claw machine. It was a nicer one, charged a bit more than the others. That’s not what caught your attention about it though. 
You wander over to the machine and almost like they were meant for you to see there’s a white cat plush with a blue ribbon and a bunny that’s such a dark shade of purple it’s nearly black with a gold ribbon opposite it across the machine. You’re taking out your money without even thinking about it. 
Nanami cuts into your thoughts. “You know it’s probably rigged right? In some of these machines the claw only properly grips things after so many attempts before it resets.” 
You turn toward him with a pout. “I wanna try anyway.” 
The blonde boy lets out a sigh. He knows that look on your face. You’ve already decided to throw your money away at this machine to get whatever it was you were fixated on. “What are you gonna try to win anyway?” He raises a brow when you suddenly look away from him bashfully and focus on putting in your money. “Well?”
“It’s two things actually” Oh so they were probably gonna be here for it a bit. And then you point at the white cat with blue eyes and bow then towards a similar dark purple rabbit with a gold bow. 
He blinks slowly, gears turning in his brain leading him to a conclusion that Haibara voices. “They kinda remind me of Gojo and Geto-senpai!” 
The silence is deafening between the three of you as you duck your head and send the claw toward the cat, the machine making a low buzz with the movement. The claw lowers and grips the cat by the bow, it raises, the machine buzzes lowly as it’s brought toward the chute and dropped in. You quietly lean down and take it out, and you hide your face in it. 
“That’s exactly why you want them, isn’t it?” Haibara nudges your shoulder with a smile. At your slight nod he speaks again. “Well I think that’s super sweet of you.” 
You glance at him for a moment, he doesn’t seem like he’s making fun of you, though being Haibara he’s never made fun of you in a way that would actually hurt. Just light teasing. His smile is earnest and you decide he means it. You hold the cat plush out to him. “Can you hold this while I win the other one?” 
“Of course!” He takes the plush. He can understand why you wouldn’t want to set it down anywhere in here. It’s a pristine white. 
The rabbit is harder to get unfortunately. You manage to pick it up several times but the claw always loses its grip or your aim is just slightly off. It’s been a half hour of attempts and you’re low on change and the energy around you is getting increasingly gloomy. Nanami hates being right sometimes. Which is why he gently nudges you aside. 
“Here let me try for it.” He doesn’t look at you as he says this but he still catches how your face lights up out of the corner of his eye and can’t help but smile a little. 
When he gets the plush on the first try and successfully drops it down the chute he is not expecting you to jump up and hug him. His cheeks go pink and he stands rigid. “H-hey-” 
“Thank you thank thank you!” You chant as you hug him tight before letting go and dropping back down to retrieve the rabbit. Haibara is laughing at your antics and Nanami gives him a half hearted glare. Truly it was nice for them both to see you so excited after everything that had happened recently. You bounce on the balls of your feet and retrieve the cat plush from Haibara. “Sooo icecream?” 
The sky is painted in brilliant hues of oranges and pinks as you and the other two first years finish ascending the steps to jujutsu tech, the summer heat having only broken somewhat by the time the three of you had to make the climb. You and Haibara collapse shoulder to shoulder on the ground. Nanami looks at the two of you as if to say ‘really?’ even though his bangs are clinging to his face with sweat and his face is flushed. “I really hate these stupid stairs.” You say this and there’s multiple reasons why that’s the case but at the moment it’s because of how much worse they make the heat seem.
The three of you rest in silence for several minutes before you speak up. “Thanks a lot for today you guys.. I had a lot of fun.” You stand and brush yourself off. 
“Of course! We’ve all been so busy lately and you were stuck in bed so long we needed to get out and do something fun.” Haibara says as he hops to his feet. “Hopefully we’ll get a chance to do it again soon.” 
“Preferably without you throwing your money at a rigged machine next time.” Nanami prods but you can tell from his voice he’s only teasing you. You stick your tongue out at him and shortly after you part ways from them.
It’s only after you’ve showered and placed a gift each in Satoru’s and Suguru’s rooms that you finally flop into your bed dramatically. You were exhausted. Today was the most active you’d been able to be in two weeks. You wished that even one of your boyfriend’s were on campus so you could curl up with one of them but they’d both been being sent on back to back missions after those first couple days of your recovery. Summer really was a terrible time for sorcerers. It didn’t seem fair that the two of them were tossed right back into the field. 
You pout and roll onto your stomach. You only got to see either of them in passing when they’d stop in to check with you between missions so you could physically see they were both alright. Otherwise you’d just been texting or calling when they had the chance. 
You perk up slightly when you hear a knock at the door, and now that you’re looking for it you feel Satoru’s energy. “You can come in ‘toru.” you’ve hardly finished speaking before your door slides open and Satoru enters your mostly dark room. He closes your door as an afterthought before making his way to you. Before you say anything else he’s flopping all of his lanky weight on top of you. “Satoru, you're too big for this! Ahh! Did you just get out of the shower?!” You try very hard to squirm away from him.
He ignores your protests and squishes you against the bed, his hair dripping water onto your face and pillow as he kisses your cheek obnoxiously and laughs when you try to shove his face away. “Stooop at least go dry your hair off first!” 
“I don’t think I will~” he sing songs though there’s a slight tiredness to it. He squishes his cheek against yours, his wet hair rests against your face and pillow. 
“Satoruuuuuu” You draw out his name in a whine. 
He hums and props himself up on an elbow, just looking down at you with bright eyes. Even in the moonlight you can see he’s tired though. He sets something on your chest you hadn’t noticed him bring in before given how he’d immediately smothered you in his affection. “Found the gift you left for me.” 
You feel your cheeks heat slightly as you scoot to sit up, catching the plush cat before it can tumble off your chest. “Do you like it?” You worry that the gifts you got for Satoru and Suguru would be seen as too childish despite your earlier determination and enthusiasm to get the plush toys. 
Satoru begins to tangle his legs with yours and curl around you. “Of course. It means my sweet ___-chan is thinking of me while I’m gone.” He takes the plush cat and places it on the bed next to you as he drags you down. “It’s cute. Also liked the box of sweets you left with it.” 
“..Did you eat the sweets already, Satoru?’ 
“I was hungry when I got back…” 
You sigh heavily but smile a little. “Well, I’m glad you liked what I got for you.” you bask in his presence before you speak again. “Two things though, you’re going to make us both sick by laying in my bed with soaking wet hair, and two my bed really isn’t big enough for both of us. You’re going to fall over the edge and drag me with you.” 
“What a romantic way to go then. Falling to our doom tangled together,” His tone is dramatic but there’s a boyish grin splitting his features, teeth bright in the moonlight.  You swat him on the chest drawing an “Oof!” from him as well as a laugh. It makes warmth bloom in your chest. 
“I mean it. We should either go to your room or to Suguru’s room so we’re there when he gets back. Also let me dry your hair if you’re too tired to do it.” Because honestly you’re pretty sure that's why he hasn’t done it yet.
He hums, seemingly considering your suggestions. “I suppose.. “ He pecks your lips before disentangling himself from you. Really he’d never turn down a chance to have you take care of him, and you do take care of him. You direct him to your blow dryer and you spend the next stretch of time drying his hair into a cloud of fluff, gently running your fingers through the strands and massaging his scalp. When his weight settles heavy against your legs from his place sitting with crossed legs on the floor you wonder if he managed to doze off. You click off the dryer and set it aside, continuing to card your fingers through his hair. 
“You still with me?” Your voice is soft and filled with affection. 
He nods and then yawns. “Yeah I’m awake.” He tips his head back to smile at you tiredly. “You sure we can’t just sleep in here?” 
“My bed is way too small for you even if you were alone let alone with us both on it. So pick, your room or Suguru’s? I’m sure he’ll be glad to see us waiting for him even if he shoves us over to get in bed.”
Satoru huffs. “You mean shoves me. He’d never push you out of the way and you know it.” 
You smile. “I know.” You lean down and rest your chin on top of Satoru’s head. “So what’s the verdict?” 
“Suguru’s room is closer than mine,” he states sleepiness lacing his words. 
You nod before sitting up straight and giving him a nudge to get up. You don’t point out how the difference in distance isn’t that much. Satoru stands and turns toward you with a long and languid stretch, his t-shirt riding up to expose his stomach. You poke his stomach making his muscles jump. When he glances down at you with narrowed eyes you blink up at him innocently.
You know what he’s about to do so you quickly swipe the cat plush before darting around him to the door. Unfortunately for you in the time it takes you to open the door he’s got you and the two of you tumble into the hall with him viciously attacking your sides with tickles. You squeal and kick trying to escape. 
“And what are the two of you doing?” A tired voice yet still amused voice drifts over the two of you. 
You’re still wheezing with giggles when both you and Satoru look up to see Suguru standing in the hall with a towel and a set of clean clothes over his arm. One can only assume he was on his way to the showers. His hair is half free of its bun and on the side where his hair is falling loose his face is smeared with grime. 
“Suguru!” You cheer, or are you pleading for assistance? 
“They’re being punished for the most grievous of crimes.” Satoru says all too seriously as he lets his face fall to your soft stomach drawing a grunt out of you. 
“I poked his stomach while he was stretching.”
This makes the dark haired boy snort. “Guess you get to deal with the consequences then.” He says with a smile as he steps around the two of you. 
“Noooo Suguru! Save me-” You’re cut off by another fit of laughter as Satoru resumes his assault. 
Suguru throws you a wave over his shoulder, leaving you at Satoru’s mercy. Chuckling when after he turns a corner he hears Satoru yelp indignantly. “You bit me!” 
“I-I” you gasp and giggle. “-I couldn’t breathe!” is the last thing he hears before he’s out of earshot. 
When Suguru returns from his shower it’s to Satoru sprawled half on top of you across his bed while you sit up playing on your phone while propped up against his head board. Apparently Satoru had forgiven you for biting him if the way his face was pressed into your stomach was any indication. 
You stop what you’re doing to greet him. “Feeling any better after your shower?” You were glad to see there was only minimal irritation on his face where the grime had been.
Suguru makes a noise that you interpret as confirmation. His hair is half wrapped in a towel as he makes his way into the room. He’s going for his blow dryer. At least he intended to dry his hair before bed unlike someone. 
“Do you want me to do it?” You ask, you’re tired yourself but for fun reasons unlike either of your boyfriends. 
Satoru whines, surprisingly awake. “Nooo then you have to move if you do that.” 
“Or I can just sit on you,” Suguru says dryly. 
“You wouldn't.” 
“Oh I wouldn’t just like __-chan wouldn’t bite you.” 
Satoru turns his head and narrows his gaze at Suguru for a moment before making a grumpy sound and rolling off you so he’s no longer sprawled across you and the bed, allowing you to shuffle to the edge. You repeat a similar process to what you had with Satoru, though Suguru’s hair takes more time since it’s longer and because you work some product into his hair. You lean down and kiss the top of his head once you’re done. “All set.” 
Suguru turns on the floor and wraps his arms around your middle before pressing a kiss to your sternum. “Thank you,” the words are murmured gently against your sleep shirt and you card your finger through his hair. The soft moment is only somewhat broken by Satoru snoringloudly on the other side of the bed. Suguru rolls his eyes and then stands. He urges you toward the middle of the bed so he can flop in, slinging an arm across your middle. “You didn’t have to wait up for me, you know?”
“But I wanted to,” you half cut off at the end in a yawn. 
You think Suguru sighs before he presses a kiss to your hair. “You’re too sweet, you know that?” 
You hum sleepily, not confirming nor denying. “Did you see your gift when you got back?” 
“I did, it’s cute.” He smiles against your hair. 
“Not too kiddish of a gift?” you ask shyly. 
Suguru squeezes you with the arm he slung across you earlier. “Not at all. Definitely helps prove my point that you’re too sweet. Saw the stuffed cat too when you and Satoru were flailing around in the hall. So you got us matching gifts. Did you get yourself one?” 
You shake your head. “No, just for the two of you. I gave the machine enough money as it was.” 
“Ah, I uh won them from a claw machine game today while I was out with Nanami and Haibara. I got the cat pretty easy but you can ask Haibara and Nanami how well getting the rabbit went. Nanami felt so bad for me after a half hour of failed attempts that he actually won it…” you trail of embarrassed. You’re not sure why you admitted that. 
“Went to all that trouble to make sure I got a gift too.” He kisses your forehead and gives you a moment to react and close your eyes before kissing your eyelids, then gently kissing your lips which you reciprocate, smiling into the kiss.
“Of course, you deserve it.” You glance away from him and he feels warmth swell in his chest. He gives you another gentle kiss before shuffling down the bed slightly so he can lay his head on your chest above your heart, listening to how it beats rabbit quick at his actions. He falls asleep like that, not even caring that it leaves his feet partially hanging off the bed. You absently card your fingers through his soft hair as you lay there, waiting for sleep to take you as well.
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Art by me of the stuffed animals reader won. My art account is @rossithepixie
And here it is! I hope you guys enjoyed this one. It was getting pretty long and I really wanted to get out the next chapter since it's been a couple weeks because I got too sick to write very much. I've already started on chapter 8 so hopefully as long as my health holds there won't be as much of a delay.
Tag list: @strawberrystepmom @nanamikentoseyebags @gojoest @icy-spicy @sleezzsister @moonsua1 @yuuuumii @yokaimoon @chibiizzy @porridgesblog @suhmie @defacatestenderly
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sorry if u been asked this b4 but how did u come up with able's markings in Ur desigm?? gq
very intricate n cool(?) lookiing.. n do u have more arts of her
i dont normally respond to asks because im an anxious bastard sometimes but this ones simple enough not to fuck over iiiii think
anyways, her markings r based on (bridal) mehndi! little side by side
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its definitely more obvious here, but yeah! i just wanted it to look more decorative than tribal.
i had a moose design w mehndi too which was the catalyst for this i think? idk i just figured I didn't want her skin to be so bare considering how much of it is exposed,
and errr sorry to disappoint but i dont draw much of her outside of the stuff i sell but here's pirate au cain n able as kids that counts right
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!!!! transgender siblings !!!!!!
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ughgoaway · 3 months
need to see how teacher!reader met ross and hann
Omg yeah, I can't believe I haven't discussed this at length yet??
Hann’s story is very boring (sorry, bro), baby Hann goes to Annie’s school, and you once worked as a teaching assistant in his class! It was whilst you were still training, so you were just a helper, but you sometimes did hand off at the end of the day, so you spoke to Carly and Adam regularly. As well as being there on parents' evenings and things, so they just know you through school.
Ross is a little more interesting story though…
You met Ross a few months into your intense crush on Matty. You knew who he was after some intense stalking of Matty’s social media and some googling. But Ross had no idea what you looked like.
He knew Matty was falling in love with his daughter's teacher, and he told him over and over again that it was a bad idea. So he did no research into you, not wanting to encourage Matty into a relationship that didn't sound so sensible.
You blink heavily a few times, trying to process whether this man in front of you is actually the man you thought he was. But when you saw a flash of his phone background and saw a picture of all the boys and Annie at the zoo, you knew he was indeed the very same Ross you'd seen in many late-night stalking sessions.
So when he saw a pretty girl in a club, he didn't think twice before going up to her and offering to buy a drink. “Hi, bit of a boring pickup line, but I saw you from across the bar and thought you were beautiful. Can I buy you a drink?”
Ross decided to go simple that night after having spent too long chatting up a girl just for her to slink off with another guy at the end of the night (usually Matty…)
Whilst you were processing, however, you were silent. Which isn't exactly encouraging when it comes to picking girls up at bars. Ross starts to nervously move around, pulling at his shirt and fiddling with his hair. You can feel the nervousness radiating off of him, and you don't quite know what to do.
Part of you wants to be honest right away, tell him your Annie's teacher and you recognise him from her many drawings, all of which you now know are quite accurate as you stare up at Ross. But also, you know that as soon as you mention Matty, you'll get that stupid lovesick look on your face, and you can't risk Ross telling Matty that. You could try and hide it, but your face said everything your words didn't.
Ross can sense your hesitation and starts talking again before you can respond, “Let me guess, pretty girl like you has a boyfriend already, huh?” he laughs. You can tell he isn't putting too much pressure on this conversation, so you feel okay lying to him, just this once.
“Ah, thank you for the offer, but I do indeed have a boyfriend, I'm afraid. I would normally take the free drink, but you seem like a nice guy, so I'll let spend your money on a single girl, yeah?” You giggle at Ross and shoot him a wink, and you can't help but brighten even more when you see a blush come across his cheeks.
Luckily, Ross doesn't take it too hard and thanks you for your honesty before moving back across the bar. You don't pay too much attention to him for the rest of the night, dancing with your friends and trying to drink your feelings for Matty away (it doesn't work, and you start stalking his Instagram at 3 am until your friend forcibly removes your phone.)
But just before you leave the club you flick your eyes around the room looking for Ross, and you couldn't be happier than when you see a redheaded girl practically on his lap in the corner of the room. 
But the second his eyes meet yours, they widen and you can see all the memories flooding back. You consider pretending to meet all over again to avoid the awkwardness, but you can't lie to Matty like that so you decide to just be upfront with it.
You don't cross paths again until after you and Matty are finally together! After breaking the news to the boys and diffusing the small bit of tension, you re-meet them all.
No part of your brain thinks Ross remembers you, you assume he's tried to pick up many girls at many clubs over the years, and you remember Matty saying he's been in a relationship for a few months now so there's no way he knows your face.
“Nice to see you again Ross, heard you finally found a pretty single girl, huh?” You tease, and you can see his muscles relax when you make a joke of it, every bit of nervousness in him melting away.
“Yup, found her the same night I met you actually, guess you having a boyfriend worked out quite well in the end,” he smiles softly as he speaks about his girlfriend, and you assume the redhead you saw with her tongue down his throat that night is the very same one that you see flash up as his phone background.
Before you can respond, Matty is jumping in with questions, “Do you two know each other already? And what do you mean, boyfriend? I thought you hadn't had one in years before you met me?” Matty's face is doing that scrunchy thing he does when he feels confused and left out at the same time, and whilst it is cute, you put him out of his misery pretty quick.
“I didn't. Ross and I met at a club months ago. He tried to buy me a drink, and I was so hung up on you that I lied and said I had a boyfriend. Worked out well in the end, though, didn't it?” You slide into Matty’s side as you speak, placing your hand on his chest gently.
“Wait, so did you already know who I was that night?” Ross asks before Matty can cut in and ask 100 more questions.
“Mate, no need to get all alpha male on me. Never even bought her a drink, used that fiver to buy one for Hazel instead. She literally said no to me because she was in love with you, don't think I had much of a chance. You always ended up with the girls I went for first anyway.” Ross jokes.
“Oh I absolutely did, I must have seen about 100 photos of you across all of Matty’s socials.” You laughed as you spoke and hoped the mention of your late-night stalking would distract Matty from everything, but it didn't.
You could see he was feeling weird about it. He felt jealous but was not quite sure why? You had turned Ross down that night because you liked him, but he's still annoyed at the idea of anyone hitting on you, especially one of his best friends.
This makes Matty move on quickly, and soon enough you're grilling all the boys about Matty’s supposed “slut era” and getting all the juicy details of all those girls in the back of his van.
You and Ross make jokes about it from time to time, whenever you're at a bar as a group he asks if you have a boyfriend when he buys a round, and you ask if he's single when you buy them too.
Matty rolls his eyes every time, but he always fights a smile when you press a kiss to his cheek to confirm you do, in fact, have a boyfriend. And he smiles even bigger when it turns from a peck on the cheek to a kiss on the mouth and the wiggle of a wedding ring, telling Ross that you don't have a boyfriend, but you do have a husband.
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pray4saint · 1 year
You should do headcanons for dteam and Chuckle sammy for what kind of hugs they give </3 thats such a good idea
types of hugs the dteam & chuckle sammy boys give their partners
dteam masterlist & chuckle sammy masterlist & descrip. pg. 13+. gn!reader. fluff.
a/n. thank you for indulging me anon
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number one hug type with this man, full embraces. / arms completely holding each other, heads linked around the other's neck
unironic bro hugs, i fully believe this guy will walk up to you and bro hug you out of nowhere
all for hugs like this; his hands on your hips, your hands on his shoulders, foreheads and chests pressed together, whispering sweet nothings to each other
”you know, you're really beautiful from this angle.” you laugh a little bit, looking into his eyes while. ”babe,” you smile at your boyfriend. ”you look a zero point five.” he makes a kind of silly face at you, ”i was thinking more of a fish eye.”
also hugs where you scratch his head >>> / he absolutely lives for it, pressing kisses to your hand when you try to pull it away from his hair
straddle hugs with this man, i guarantee it happens / regardless of who's on top, he likes being so close to you, especially if there's people around, it shows off who he belongs who and who you belong to
i also think sap is big on reverse hugs, where he comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you, kissing into your neck and along your shoulders, especially if you're in the middle of something
equally as much if you come up behind him, snuggling your head into his shoulder blades before spinning him around to properly hold you
also when he travels, hugs after he's been gone for awhile, he loves them, how you try to get yourself impossibly closer to him
”i missed you so much.” your arms squeeze harder around his neck, drawing him closer if at all possible. ”i know darlin',” he squeezes your middle, rubbing your lower back. ”i missed you too doll.”
in public, george really only does side hugs with you, it's not that he doesn't love you, he just gets nervous in public, but he will hold your hand the rest of the time
i think george though likes hugs where you kind of baby him, with your arms around his middle and his arms rest around your neck, tucking his head snuggly into the crook of your neck
”are you alright hon?” you ask him, lifting a hand from his waist to his hair, gently scratching at his head. ”yeah. i just missed you.”
i also think he kind of avoids group hugs if you're in them, he really prefers having you in his arms alone, with nobody to bother you
also being wrapped up in each other's arms on the sofas in his or your living rooms, with your head lying against his shoulder or his stomach while you draw shapes into his arms or his chest and his hand runs through your hair and along your back, talking about random things
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ted + quick hugs, i think he likes to hug you hello and goodbye with every interaction, he just loves being so close to you
definitely big on what we'd consider 'normal hugs', because sometimes he just wants the hug to take in how you smell, to remind him that you're real
ted takes a deep breath in, holding you close to him. you settle in his arms, putting your arms around him to reciprocate the hug. ”you alright babe?” ”i am now.”
eye-to-eye hugs with ted are regular, whether it be standing to sitting down, the eye contact is special when combined with the hold you have on each other
slow dance hugs in the kitchen >>>> / while you wait for the food to heat up, you slow dance around the kitchen with ted, keeping your hug intact
bear hugs, i absolutely believe he squeezes tight when he hugs you, savouring every intimate second of it
”ch– charlie,” you tap his shoulder, ”can barely breathe.” ”just another second, please.” he kissed your neck before releasing his tight hold. ”thank you baby.” ”no, thank you for putting up with me, i know i can be a bit much sometimes.”
THE PICKPOCKET HUG THE PICKPOCKET HUG GUYS / keeping your hand in his back pocket while his hand rests in your back pocket, especially in public?? he loves it
hugs lying in bed with you completely on top of him, his arms around you while you rest your head against his chest, it's intimate and mostly takes place in the morning after you wake up, right before you go to bed or just after certain activities
i also think dance hugs happen a lot, sometimes it's slow dance but other times you're just dancing around while holding each other
the type to fully envelop you in his arms, keeping your head tucked into his chest with your hands against his chest
other hugs include side hugs with his arm draped over your shoulders, hand interlinked with yours
OH schlatt and lifted hugs, where you jump up and wrap your legs around him for a hug, he loves that
also schlatt seems like the type to paw at your arm when he wants a hug in public, sending you looks that aren't easily discernible until you finally turn around and run your hands up and down his arms before wrapping yourself around his middle
”y'know if you wanted a hug big guy, you could've just asked,” you looked up at him, he scoffed with a smile. ”yeah i know.” he wraps his arms around you.
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pray4saint© do not copy, translate or repost my work without my express permission.
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lawlietscaramels · 6 months
The person that asked about L with a reader with motor tics made me want to ask about headcanons for Mello and Near being close with someone who has both verbal and motor tics?
Reader with Tics ╾ Mello and Near
I was going to put verbal and motor in the title but it was so long... M & N (m'n'm haha) separately let's go!
the main canon thing I know about Mello is he's a bit of a dick. so I hate to say it but he's probably going to poke fun at you. until he realises he's genuinely upsetting you, at which point he mumbles something and stops.
you might find a box of chocolates outside your door as a wordless apology.
there will still be the occasional jab
but he's going to go "secretly a sweetheart" mode
because if he's close with you, he's close with you for a reason and that reason is that he cares about you. (even if he kind of hates himself for it)
So, like L, he'll start asking questions, some insensitive, but he's trying to learn so he is no longer such a dick. unlike L he won't do any research at all lmao so the most obvious things will leave him with a shocked Pikachu face...
I actually think if your verbal tics are words as opposed to simply humming or clearing your throat etc, he'd start saying those words more often. just using them in general conversation no matter what they happened to be.
that's actually something that a lot of people do, did you know? we tend to use words more often if we're close with people who say them often
someone will have to tell him eventually that drawing attention to tics can make them worse, at which point he'll freeze up for half an hour and stare at the wall - probably in embarrassment, it's hard to tell. for a few days after that he'll be really awkward just because he's not used to not talking about things.
Mello is the kind of guy who completely blows past taboos, but knowing that focusing on your tics makes it harder for you means he won't want to bring it up anymore
but yeah after maybe a week or so things go back to normal
well as normal as things can ever be with Mello around...
Near, on the other hand, will seem not to notice you have tics at all no matter how disruptive they are to you or how often they show
but of course when you tell him he just quietly says "I know" and goes back to building a tower out of pipe cleaners. though he might invite you to join in considering you're already there
He's so much better about it than Mello lol
he just doesn't really care either way if you have tics or not...
you're still you.
I also hc that Near has some kind of motor disability that affects his legs so he probably is more understanding of potential discrimination or struggles you may have faced
if one of your tics led to you knocking down one of his buildings he'd get a little upset but definitely not as much as if anyone else did it.. he'd probably make you help him rebuild it... that or make you sit five feet away for a while
Like L, I think Near would probably get a little bit scared if your verbal tics were yelling out words. no, actually, he'd probably get a little shocked at any sudden movement or sound. he's not obvious about it though, his body just jolts a little and he goes still for a moment, then returns to normal
he doesn't really ask any questions because he probably already knows everything he wants to know, but he's happy to sit and listen while you talk about anything - tic-related or not - if you'd like that. he will probably not talk back though haha
I think if he heard anyone, particularly Mello, giving you trouble over your tics, he'd throw dice at them
... anyway
yeah he's just chill about it in general. Doesn't see it as anything that needs particular attention: he's more interested in your hobbies and whether you like solving puzzles than the fact that sometimes your body acts in ways you can't control.
bodies are pretty stupid, aren't they?
mmm, I think that's it. thanks for reading :)
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
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pekoeboo · 4 months
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another Ravenwood RP thing based on this concept I briefly touched on before. Antony ends up dead (again) as a result of this whole ordeal, as Melvin's undead form attacked him (it's kind of a long story but yeah. an undead/possessed Mel is the one they're fighting in all of this fdjkgdfg - he does get reverted back to normal eventually, don't worry).
kinda pushed myself out of my comfort zone a bit with this one, considering that like, "Mel" ended up going for Antony's throat and the idea is pretty gory in nature. but I'm quite squeamish so I couldn't really bring myself to draw much detail. still a super messed-up concept tho. ugh my poor boy;;;
this RP is always just really intense tbh, but I've been trying to get over my fear of sharing some of the more angsty or painful arts regarding the stories me and my friends come up with. these kinds of arts are usually the ones I put a lot of emotion into, so hopefully that comes through the most... even if I don't do a great job explaining things sometimes ><;;
please do not remove caption or repost. also on deviantart
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blade-that-was-broken · 3 months
HC for the soldier au, you know how kids in the US write those letters to soldiers overseas that the schools never like check before sending out so they say the most unhinged shit. Anyway a lot of the time they try to send those letters to squads of soldiers from the same state or area that the soldiers from the squad are from (this is not always the case but sometimes it is). Anyway basically one time one of branches letters made it to the front of a war that JD was fighting in and JD went feral trading and bribing people to get that letter cause branch actually signed that thing with his first and last name and it’s now one of jds prized possessions that he laminated and took with him everywhere.
Branch is touched but also super embarrassed when he finds this out because 3rd grader Branch was going through it and was a weird ass kinda emo 9 year old due to the family drama going down at the time so the letter says something like “thank you for being a soldier so smart kids like me don’t have to die in war” (this is a quote taken from a real unhinged soldier letter that a real soldier in Afghanistan actually received) with a crayon drawing of like a guy getting shot.
Headcanon no more! It's canon now. I love this so much
In the end, it was Dickory who got it.
John was pretty sure he stole it but he didn't care.
All of the guys - even that sheep's face, Chaz - knew about John's strange situation and the forced estrangement from the brothers he could not find. It was the one thing that John didn't really shut up about and most of them let it go, passing it off as sadness or grief or whatever, since he hadn't seen or heard from them in years. It was entirely possible he never would. And considering how John normally was - fairly quiet, kind of eerily still sometimes - they let it pass. Except for Chaz but well, no one cared what Chaz wanted.
Not every soldier in their platoon received a letter from a kid that day but a few did. And the moment John heard the name, he practically went feral.
Which, in hindsight, they all probably should have seen coming. He was practically raised in the woods. And if how John spoke about it was any indication, it was far in there.
"Yeah dude," someone said at another table. "Our squad got them too. Those kids are insane."
John, Dickory and Growly Pete were in a mess hall lunch room. Although John tended to avoid it, especially when Chaz was there, as fights were prone to break out for some reason, Dickory pretty much twisted his arm for it. Not that it was hard. JD and Dickory were pretty close, surprisingly so. It probably didn't help that John was a softie when it came to people he cared about. Which was most of his squad.
"What happened to normal names like Steve or Bethany? Parents are comin' up with crazy weird names these days!"
"I got a Dawn," another guy replied. "That's not too bad."
"Better than mine."
"What name was on yours?"
"Get this. Kid's name was Branch. Who does that?"
John went rigid within the moment and both Dickory and Pete noticed right away, glancing up from their food. "Nein," Dick grumbled with his nose wrinkling. "What is this? Why are you like this?"
He didn't respond, just stood up and whipped around to the other table. The others jumped, a little surprised at the sudden and slightly menacing presence. "Can we help you...?"
"Do you still have it?"
"Have what?"
"The letter."
"From the weirdo named kid?"
The other soldiers glanced at one another. "Nw. One of the other squad guys found it hilarious and wanted it."
"What is your problem?"
And that was how it started. John spent every spare minute tracking down that letter, which kept switching hands constantly. It was like John was chasing a butterfly in the wind. The squad quickly learned not to say anything about it or how John was acting. Of course Chaz decided not to listen.
He got pain for his troubles.
The rest of the platoon heard rumors and liked playing around. Suddenly it was kind of a game to keep it out of John's hands. It wasn't out of malice. If anyone knew who it was or what it meant, they wouldn't dare. Keeping a soldier from a loved one's communication was shameful and an unspoken rule.
Then one night Dickory hopped on John's bed, almost crushing his legs and shoved the paper in John's face. "Di-" John jumped and then sputtered. "What is this?"
"What do you think, you fool?" Dickory huffed. "I got it for you."
John stared at it. "Is this..."
"Ja," Dick nodded.
"Did you... dude, did you steal this?"
He shrugged. "Does it matter? You have it now and this foolish game can cease. I understand what it is even if these other idiots do not."
"Thanks man... this, this means..."
"A lot. I know. Are ya going to open it?"
John did so carefully and barked out a short laugh. "He's funny."
"Is it your brother?"
"Yeah," he sighed, wistfully. "He signed his full name. Do you want to read it?"
"I don't have to. I got it for you not for... what do they say? Giggles?"
John laughed lightly. "I think you'll like this."
"Dear Soldier,
Would you like to trade places with me? I think you could handle my stupid family better and I'd be okay with marching around and learning how to hold a gun.
My brothers are dumb, eat all the food in the house and always want to go out watching music. You listen to music, not watch it.
My teacher says I need to thank you so thanks for doing your marching and shooting so smart people like me don't have to. But really, if you want a break and like watching music - call me. I could use a break.
But I guess do the shooting. Don't get shot. I'm pretty sure that is your job anyway.
If there are any girls there marry her, get it over with before you get old and ugly when your done. Best to do it now. Unless you are already old and ugly well then sorry.
Have you ever fought a shark? Some soldiers are on boats so I thought maybe you have. Punch the nose. unless you are one of those in the woods. Don't run from a bear. It'll catch you. Good luck.
"Your brother is... random," Dickory noted, curiously. "Where did the wife and shark come in?"
"He's like, nine, Dick," John smiled. "He's just a kind."
"One day, John Dory, you're going to meet him again and I am entirely sure you will be best friends."
"One can only hope."
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