#yeah this was almost 1k words
latibvles · 9 months
First off, happy one year! 🥳 How exciting! And a classic Poe ask game for the occasion? You know I'll be bothering you with both the girlies 🤭
Though you already know her, we're re-introducing Zenie McGlamery, a young, mixed-race Indigenous woman from the rural south who disguises herself as a man to join the paratroopers. Though Zenie herself is rather shy and reserved, her alter ego, Thomas Driver, allows her to become herself in more ways than she thought possible. Loyal until the end, Zenie is determined to make it through the war without losing anyone else that she cares about - and she just might find something more along the way. You can read about her in Like A Girl (Like A Man) on tumblr and AO3!
Thank you in advance beloved! ❤️
okay, I know we have made so many jokes about Daisy and Zenie being girlfriends however, they would be friends and no one can change my mind. Daisy knows a thing or two about keeping secrets (for better or for worse) and it's the sense of camaraderie and friendship that fuels their later actions. The foundations are there. That being said, you can all find Like A Girl (Like A Man) here on Tumblr and here on AO3! It's a great read. Now here's Zenie getting a certain combat nurse in her corner as well.
Shocked was Daisy’s immediate feeling, and then shortly thereafter, impressed.
It’d been one of her and Gene’s murmured secrets, the situation that “Tommy Driver” found himself in — like the ones she and Joe were more often likely to share within their foxholes. Although, this wasn’t a matter of late-night trysts and a lack thereof; rather the basis of someone’s identity. She grabbed extra tampons and health sponges at the hospital and said nothing of it when Ginny gave her a confused look and asked casually about heavy flow.
Sure, let’s go with that, is what she wants to say, but since this isn’t exactly the time for sarcastic quips, she just nods and pretends to look miserable about the whole affair.
Second Platoon’s outpost is easy to find, even if every bombed out building in Haguenau looks exactly the same. Scurrying along quickly to ensure she isn’t bombed to hell is her first priority, so when she reaches the door she slips inside without a second thought. Sitting in foxholes in the frigid cold waiting for another round of artillery to hail down upon them was hardly the environment for “shooting the shit” — so to see them sat in rickety old chairs with cigarettes and candy bars was a pleasant change of pace.
“Sergeant Driver?” Her voice has a few different gazes shifting to her, to which she waits, expectantly. As usual, Joe’s the first to be spurred into action, calling up the stairs with a ‘Tommy, you’ve got a visitor!’ that practically shakes the house.
It takes a few moments, but he, or rather, she, comes down the stairs, shaggy dark hair peeking through his cap, helmet discarded somewhere. She gives him a smile and a wave.
“Gene wanted to do a follow-up just to see how your stitches are holding up.” A safe enough lie, Gene told her that the rest of the guys thought Tommy was just “shy”, and wholly committed to not stripping in front of the men
That was definitely a way of looking at it. But Tommy looks at her, and then nods all the same, confusion only flashing across her face for a millisecond. Daisy gives her what she hopes is an easy smile.
“Shouldn’t be too long. You boys just move around way too damn much.” She’s turning on her heel, knowing he’ll follow, and walking briskly to a building only a few doors down which she knew to be empty.
Tommy keeps step with her, and they’re quick to enter the next building, its windows caked with dirt and dust, cracks spider-webbing across concrete walls and paint peeling. Daisy waits for the door to shut before taking in a measured breath, turning on her heel. Expectantly, Tommy’s looking around for Gene.
“Okay, there’s really no way to put it delicately so I’m uh… I’m just gonna say it.” Rummaging through her bag, eyes fixed on it, it’s something to do with her hands. “Gene told me about your… your thing,” Finding the bundle of toiletries, she holds them out. Tommy looks up at her, conflicted.
“He did?”  An echo, probably trying to scramble for words, an explanation probably. “I know it’s—”
“Brave,” Daisy finishes quickly, giving what she hopes is a supportive smile. “I mean it would’ve been nice to know earlier, of course. I probably would've done more. But it’s brave,” She presses the products into the other girl’s chest unceremoniously. “I also managed to snatch these from the field hospital. I don’t know how yours are fitting but they might be a little more comfortable.” The standard issue underwear that they gave to the combat nurses, which was probably a better fit.
Tommy takes those too, holding them in her hands and then lets out a sigh of relief.
“Thanks, Lieutenant Clarke,” Something about her seems to shrink, and Daisy just smiles.
“Don’t you go getting shy on me now. It was Daisy all those days in the woods, none of that has to change.” She insists. Tommy lets out a small chuckle, like she’s loosening up again, which is a pleasant sight to bear witness to. He may not have been as loud about it as Bill or Joe — but she knew Tommy was there and keeping an eye on her like everybody else.
“Zena McGlamery. Or Zenie,” she says after a moment, when they lapse into an easier silence. “That’s my actual name.” And to that, Daisy smiles — a piece of her being given over voluntarily. Daisy mutters the name under her breath once, to commit it to memory, then nods before reaching to muss up some of Zenie’s hair.
“We’ll stick with Tommy ‘till it’s just us again.” And Zenie rolls her eyes, trying to duck out of Daisy’s hand. “Pretty name though.”
When Zenie smiles at the compliment, Daisy isn’t sure how she could’ve missed something like this before. But the more she dwells on it, she concludes that it doesn’t really matter — Tommy and Zenie were evidently, one in the same, and that’s all that really mattered to her.
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poisonedfate · 1 month
curious. what do you think would have *happened* if gaius actually died in 4x07 ^^
woof. now that's a question.
i really had to sit down and think about this question because there's both so much and so little that i can see his death affecting.
first of all, i want to say that the show is notoriously 'bad' at dealing with deaths. if gaius were to die in 04x07, i'm sure that the implications i'm about to discuss wouldn't actually be addressed - especially because i can't see them killing off gaius for any other reason than the actor wanting to leave the show. his death would be unnecessary, an emotion-pulling sacrifice at best. they would probably do one of two things: use his death as a way to bring more danger/betrayal into the show (something similar to 'a remedy to cure all ills') or simply replace one with another, essentially giving merlin someone similar to gaius. i'm personally more inclined to lean towards option one, though merlin would still need someone who knows his secret and that someone would need to have some sort of knowledge that could be helpful to merlin, as well as a similar quality to gaius - a way to question merlin's decisions. i think it would be…too on the nose to simply replace gaius and this being set at the second half of s4, i think merlin could be more than capable of doing most things he usually does without a physician on his side.
that sounds harsh, but know that i'm currently referring to the technicalities and not the emotional side of things. i think he'd be fine sneaking in and out and using his magic to heal if necessary etc etc. i also want to add that i cannot see merlin becoming the court physician either. i don't think it would really cross arthur's mind, and even if it did, i don't see merlin wanting that position. kid's got enough going on as it is. overall, there are quite a few different options as to how the show would deal with it, but it's neither here nor there. so let's move on to the actual implications of his death. the first thing to point out here is that merlin would absolutely blame himself. it could, potentially, drive a wedge between him and arthur, but at the end of the day, he would know gaius was only in that position due to morgana wanting to find emrys, and thus would have no real reason to blame arthur. however, this is where one of the bigger issues comes in - agravaine. at the end of 04x07, merlin and gaius have the little exchange about agravaine, merlin wanting to tell arthur, despite arthur having ignored his attempts earlier in the episode. not only would that exchange not happen, but merlin's emotions would be about 10 times more intense if he had lost gaius. now, that could drive a wedge between arthur and merlin, however, again, arthur has enough mind to understand the loss of a parental figure, and although he might dislike the accusation, i don't think any real harm would come from it. i also can't imagine merlin going after agravaine. admittedly, s4, especially the second half, shows merlin as a darker character, so the potential for some genuine rage is there, but i want to believe he'd act as his own voice of reason in that moment - all is not yet lost, and the memory of gaius would not be easily overshadowed.
again, as far as the show goes, i don't think the emotional aftermath would be as pronounced, but as i see it, merlin would, of course, struggle with it greatly. gaius was his one ally, his parental figure, someone who he protected and cared for immensely. and, just to highlight it once more, gaius was the voice of reason. he wasn't always right, but he often made merlin see the other side of things. so i think the simple answer here is that merlin's arc of becoming a 'darker' character would simply come to reach its climax much sooner. a loss such as this is about as heavy as they come.
another point i want to make is that merlin and arthur's relationship would change eventually. arthur does eventually find out agravaine was the one who betrayed him and would then know gaius wasn't the traitor. again, this is playing on the point that i don't actually think merlin would continue pressing the agravaine issue, despite gaius being labelled a traitor (although, this also depends on when in the episode gaius dies). arthur would feel powerful guilt, both for gaius himself and for merlin.
overall, i think gaius dying would, mostly, have an impact on the emotional side of things and not so much the actual main sequence of events. he's an important character in merlin's story, but he isn't a key person in the storyline itself. i want to believe merlin would find someone else to put his trust into (and i can't see it being arthur), even if it would only bring a fraction of that same back and forth him and gaius had. if not, again, he would perhaps make worse judgements, but he was never one to listen to gaius very often, especially later in the series. he'd put himself in more danger, and he'd have to battle a lot that he shared with gaius alone instead. merlin would run himself dry quicker than you could count to ten, and it would reflect in his character. he would no longer have the helping hand and that anchor to ground him. the very fundamentality of merlin would suffer greatly.
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gale-in-space · 2 months
I’m trying to write the Bloodweave suit fic and I’m so *afraid* to write the actual sensory parts and idk why 😭 why is it so hard to be self-indulgent
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sunshades · 6 months
How do longfic writers like. Do it. Like this shit is NOT a longfic and it's already driving me insane. How do some people churn out 100ks on the reg
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itoshi-s · 1 year
ever since the dialogue discourse dropped i've been in the biggest creativity block EVER like.. miss girl you're doin it 4 urself in the first place.. and yeah i still like it in the end when i reread,, but its just the second thoughts that make me want to tear my hair out 😭
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https-hunter · 1 year
OHOHO I just got hit with a bunch of motivation for my bob's burgers fic
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Keeping my bra on while i write to make me feel more professional
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astrxealis · 2 years
hi i’m writing so much here again and it is so funny. i talk a lot within the span of a few minutes and then disappear for hours. BUT THAT ISNT WHAT I WAS GOING TO SAY... anyways wow i should dedicate my keyboard to what i should do for school instead tbh
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anothermonikan · 7 months
'In 33 hours this will all be over, whether you do it good or not you wont have to worry about it anymore, cmon Andy, you got this! You got this!' <<< trying to do their last assignment
#I have not been able to focus today. I'm half way through the writing but itsa presentation video thing#so I gotta film it! I would just take the easy way out with a presentation but....#it's a 1k word limit. and the video has to be. 12 - 15 minutes long. no ones getting a 12 minute video off 1k words alone#and it's gonna be easier to get to that 12 minute minimum limit if I can like insert clips and stuff.#so I'm doing like an ACTUAL video. so I gotta edit it as well#I hope I reach that 12 minutes because IDK what I'm gonna do if I write this all and put all the clips in and what-not and it's under#make my title cards longer IG??#asdshsddsds#Ugh. I'm not like tired or anything but I know I'm gonna be later because I made plans....#so idk whether to bite the bullet finish this paragraph. sleep for a bit more. and then go back to work after#but considering idk how long I'm gonna be out for.....I'm gonna guesstimate like 3 hours#That leaves me with. 20 something hours after I go out if I pull an all nighter which I will almost definitely have to do#if I can add on a lil bit to the 4 hour nap I took earlier maybe I'll feel a lil better#also my brains like bugging me because I really want to spend time with bby aha#is 20 hours enough time for me to finish a script. film a video. find all the clips and materials I need for it. edit it all together.#Space out my transcript correctly. and hope there's no issues with the upload process#I'm dual uploading onto two platforms in case one of them fails but how long does a 12 minute video take to upload...#wahhhh#I think I should sleep a lil more maybe#yeah I'm starting to get tired again oops#one last thing and then I'll take another nap#Android.txt
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calsvoid · 8 months
one scene done (technically two, but whatever) for my fic. i got like four more
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jamminvroomvroom · 3 months
hi babe i’m here from the dms but. speaking of brain rot, thinking abt fwb lando again where u stay the night after and wake up in the morning expecting him to be gone already for smth work related or what not but he’s still in bed absolutely clinging to u. and then more soft sleepy morning sex 🫠🫠
play pretend.
ln x fem!reader
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in which it’s time to stop pretending…
just a little blurb to say…. HAPPY BIRTHDAY @lavenderlando !! sorry i made you wait like 6 months for this lmfao i love u girl, u mean the world to me and i hope this hits the spot 💖💖 lemme know what y’all think, more 4k requests will be worked on asap (it’s exam szn ew)
songs to set the mood: denial by james marriott, real love baby by father john misty, can i call you rose? by thee sacred souls
warnings: 18+!! minors go away! smut, morning sex, friends to lovers, best friend!reader, friends with benefits type relationship, fluff, unprotected sex (don’t be silly…)
1k words
cool air casts goosebumps over your bare skin, the open window letting in the morning breeze. you tug at the grey bedsheets, dragging them higher over your frame where you lay. you eyes are cracked open, hazily taking in the sight before you.
he’s still here.
you often expect lando to be gone when you wake up. sometimes it’s because of work, sometimes it’s because you’d promised not to do this again but alcohol had then rendered the both of you irresistible to the other, and it was too awkward to have yet another jarring conversation about how you’re such good friends.
but he’s there. and he’s looking at you.
“hi.” he croaks, soft and low. you revel in his morning voice on the rare occasions you get to hear it.
“hey.” you mumble, leaning in closer to him.
he pushes the duvet up and away, inviting you into his arms, and you wriggle towards him. he’s a human heater, and you’re cold, that’s the only reason you snuggle up, tucked between his arms.
“you’re still here.” you whisper into his chest, purposefully quiet, almost as if you don’t actually want him to hear you.
“couldn’t leave you.” he mutters quietly.
you crane your head to look up at him, eyes blown wide at the admission.
“i hate leaving after.”
the ‘after’ hangs heavy in the air between you for a second. he’s eyeing up your lips and you’re returning the gesture, sleepy eyes flitting between his and his plush lips.
this never happens. usually, the night starts with too many drinks too quickly, progresses to his hands dropping dangerously low on your waist, leads to the pair of you mentally scarring an innocent taxi driver, and ends with you underneath him. or, on top of him. and then, he’s gone.
“for the record, i hate it when you go.” you reply, and the space between you dissipates. there are so many unsaid words being traded between you, an intense charge of energy. you’re anxiously sliding your hands up his sides, itching to feel impossibly closer.
“maybe i should stop going then, hm?” two of lando’s fingers grasp your chin, tilting it up to bump his.
“yeah.” you breathe.
it’s like he’s tugged an invisible string, and you’re melting into him, his lips slotting immaculately over yours, as if they were sculpted by god to rest against yours. he tastes familiar, it’s rare you get to kiss him sober and in the light of day. you bask in it, finding the messy, loose curls tickling the back of his neck, threading your fingers through the thick, brown strands. he groans, parting his mouth just enough for you to slide your tongue over his.
“want you. now.” you gasp urgently into the space where your lips part, your body rolling hungrily against his.
“i always want you, drives me crazy.” lando grunts, grabbing a handful of your ass and pulling you even closer.
lando slots his thigh between your legs, and you search for friction, rutting against him. you’re both naked from the blurry night before so you can feel everything, each part of him so ready for you. you’re slick for him already, can feel the way it’s painting your inner thighs. you hate how easy it is to lose yourself in him.
“take me then.” you whine, your forehead collapsing against his shoulder.
lando smirks, flipping you over so that your back is to his chest, like you’re nothing. he hooks your top leg over his, sliding himself closer to where you’re aching for him.
“can’t keep pretending.” lando whispers against the shell of your ear.
he slides deep, then, filling you to the hilt. it knocks the air out of you, your back arching at the sensation of him hitting every single spot that mattered.
“then let’s not pretend anymore.” you choke out, your head rolling back against his shoulder.
“yeah, baby? wanna be all mine?” he teases, thrusting deep and slow, the slide of him shooting pleasure over your body like the slow, satisfying drip of warm honey.
“already am, all yours.” you sigh, totally and utterly content as your nerve endings pulsed with pleasure.
“good girl.” lando praises, his voice fucked out and lovestruck.
as if he’s rewarding you for your admission, the pad of his finger slips down your navel, finding your clit. you’re soaked for him, wet and warm, and he traces circles into the bundle of nerves, each touch sending you keening back into him.
“so close.” you sound like you’re begging, pleading for him to let you finish all over him.
“gotta say please.” he nips the skin of your shoulder and you squirm, toes curling.
“please, lando.” you writhe, canting your hips back against him.
“sound so pretty for me.” he coos, peppering kisses down your neck.
his fingers speed up against your folds, working you perfectly to a sweet release. everything is still blurred by sleep, your body overly sensitive from the cool air pouring in through the window and the slumber still lodged in your bones.
“cum with me.” you slur, your eyes squeezing shut. you almost turn into him, convulsing in his arms to the point where you’d be staring into his stormy eyes if you could manage to pry yours open.
“let me see those eyes.” he commands, your entire body shuddering. you blink, staring up at him, and you both fold, meeting your ends. he looks fierce, starved, completely enamoured with every single way your face moves.
your jaw hangs agape, a choked cry stifled in the back of your throat. it’s all too much, and just about enough, huge, calloused hands roaming your body as your shake, spilling all over him.
“god.” you breathe, flopping limply against him. he stays buried inside of you, his face lost to the damp skin of the crook of your neck.
“i never would of left all those mornings if i knew this is the good morning i’d get.” lando laughs, the sound deep and wholesome. you cosy yourself up even closer to him.
“not letting you leave from now on.” you murmur, smiling to yourself when you feel his lips press against the back of your head.
“you couldn’t get rid of me if you tried.”
sorry this is soooo bad lmao i felt the urge to write something short n sweet xoxo
@boysthatgovroomvroom @welld0nebaku @thegirlinthefandoms @mcmuppet @japanesekel @vinvantae @ggaslyp1 @dr3lover @smiithys  @rachstash @infinitebells @fizzpopsnap101 @gaily19 @icecoldtires @mysticalnightenthusiast @thatchickwiththecamera @oyesmendes @disneydaydreameralways @canyouseethesainz @ferrarifwendvale @fcbformulaeri @tony-stank3 @maih23 @soleilgrec @carolineworld @anthonykatebridgerton @allywthsr @iamasimpingh0e @ophcelia @lovelynikol16 @coffeehurricanes @jennx03 @blueflorals @lqvesoph @sidcrosbyspuck @better-dead-than-smeg @buendiabebeta @pjofics @kovalcin @wintergilmore3 @for-writing-shit @youdontknowmeshh @im-an-overthinker @jule239 @darleneslane @jazzy722 @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @therealone4r @pleasecallmeunhinged @theonlyadrienne @spideylovin @formulaal
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dauntlessallure · 4 months
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〝 ⠀ ݁⠀𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨 , 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐨 , 𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢 , & 𝐭𝐨𝐣𝐢 ❜ ⠀݁
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【 SYNOPSIS 】— giving the jjk!men a show.
【 CONTENTS 】— stripper!reader , implied smut , fem-bodied reader , dryhumping , degradation, groping , grinding , dirty talk , consensual non consent ( for context reasons lol ) , semi established relationship + sugar daddy ( w/ nanami ) , reader is a bit of a s l u t aren’t we all though ? , kissing , daddy kink ( in toji & nanami’s ) , spanking , MDNI + any other missing tags .ᐟ
【 PAIRING 】— jjk!men x stripper!reader
【 WORD COUNT 】— 1k
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⠀ ̽ ⠀ ᝰ✍︎ ﹐⠀/⠀ ❝ ⠀ 𝔄𝗗𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗜𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝔑𝗢𝗧𝗘 . . .
im STILL working on boxer!toji but for now , imma let y’all EAT. :) i had this plot bunny in my brain for a while so i went ahead and finished it up. reblogs are appreciated <3. comment to join the tag list. this work is not yet proof read.
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gojo is well . . gojo , if the man has an excuse to go to the local stripclub ? best believe that man is going to be there in a heartbeat. he just wants to see if you’re working tonight, satoru was your favorite client after all. he was never stingy with his money but better yet , there was something about him that just made you want to bend the rules of your own contract just a little. maybe it was all the pretty little names he’d call you everytime you’d give him a dance, or maybe it’s the way your slowly grinding your hips down onto his growing erection. fuck — you were driving him crazy. “ shiiiiiit princess , you’re making me hard and you’ve just bearly started. “ gojo wanted to just grab you & pin you to the wall of the private room you two were in. “ mmhm , i can feel it. but remember ~ “ you’d begin to move your hips in slow - rhythmic circles against his lap, the feeling of the restricted fabric pressing itself up into your barely clothed cunt was really testing your own patience. “ no touching satoru, you’ll have to pay extra for that. “ satoru whined softly, lightly pressing his hips up against your ass as he reached for his wallet. “ fuck all that , you can drain my bank account fucking dry for all i care. “ the white haired man basically threw all the cash in his wallet which was a lot to the small table to his left before digging his fingertips into the flesh of your hips , pulling you back onto his lap in one swift motion making your head spin. “ think you can handle all of me baby ? hm ? tell me. “ satoru purred against the skin of your neck. you were definitely in for it tonight.
today was suguru’s birthday, and what better way to celebrate than being pulled to a strip club by his closest friends. geto had never been , though he’s heard all about it from gojo’s loud mouth. all of the other dancers were beautiful , geto wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep his composer until his eyes landed on you. you were relatively new to being an exotic dancer but you’d have no problem grabbing almost anyone’s attention when they stumbled into your sight. “ don’t be a wuss man , go ask her for a dance. “ gojo pushed on suguru’s shoulder which made geto shoot satoru a glare. but before geto could do anything , you’d be the one who makes a move first. grabbing onto his hand, geto’s gaze shoots down at you almost in shock. “ sorry to interrupt you , but a special someone has told me it’s your birthday. looks like you’ll be getting a private dance from me tonight. “ suguru’s expression was priceless. he looked back at gojo , gojo shrugged. “ wasn’t me man. “ that’s when shoko popped her head out from behind satoru. “ oh ! yeah , have fun geto. “ shoko did this ??!! suguru expected this type of thing from satoru but from shoko ?! , geto blinked at shoko before being pulled away by you. five minutes into the private session and suguru was hard as a rock which you couldn’t help but to chuckle at. he was attractive , long hair that you just wanted to sink your fingers into. “ someone’s getting excited. “ you chuckle out as you placed both hands onto his thighs, your tits on full display for geto to stare at. geto felt like he was gonna lose it, he couldn’t possibly take it. “ f— . . fuck me. “ was the only thing suguru could mutter out as he continued to watch you dance.
unlike both suguru and the headache that is gojo , nanami doesn’t need stripclubs. even though yours and nanami’s sensual relationship did spark from a local gentlemen’s club , you’ve left that lifestyle behind long ago. you’ve established a very strong connection with nanami since then, even making more money now working for nanami privately. he’s vowed to keep you happy by spoiling you beyond oblivion. you were so grateful for kento , grateful enough to be standing in front of him wearing the brand new lingerie set he had custom made just for you. nanami kept a hard gaze on your figure as he raised his finger up and twirling it in a circular motion, signaling for you to spin for him. you slowly spun around allowing kento to get a good look, the color of the lingerie made your complexion pop while the lacy material hugged the curves of both your ass and your tits to perfection. nanami’s never seen a sight so beautiful. “ do you like it ? “ he questioned , patting his thigh. you’d nod quickly, getting a good look at yourself in the full body mirror to your left. “ i love it , thank you daddy. “ kento smiled. “ c’mere , i wanna see my perfect baby up close. “ you waltzed your way over to nanami , turning around to place yourself onto nanami’s lap , grinding yourself on his thighs. he immediately groaned followed by a small chuckle, placing a few chaste kisses along your shoulder while his large hands began to rub over the skin of your tummy “ hm , daddy thinks you look gorgeous but i’d rather see you uncovered for now. is that okay ? “ you nodded. RIIIIIIP. he’s done tore the fabric off of your body. “ nanami ! “ , “ don’t worry , i’ll get you more. “
let’s be honest , this man spends every pretty penny he’s got at the stripclub. it’s the toji thing to do. especially spending everything he’s got just to get a private dance from you. toji quickly became one of your regular clients as he pretty much came in weekly to see you. over the course of a couple of months, you & toji began to take your private sessions up to the next level. you two just couldn’t get enough of each other, you dancing around and shaking your ass for him just wasn’t enough. toji now has you on his lap , his tongue lodging itself into your warm mouth. you were squirming under his touch , your now soaked underwear was making a wet spot on his pants while you ground on him. toji pulled back from the kiss only to laugh at how wet you’ve gotten, only making him harder. “ look at cha , makin’ a mess on me & i haven’t even got ya naked yet. “ his voice alone could make you gush all over him even more, toji let his hand smack across the plush of your ass. “ let me guess , you want more huh ? i should’ve known you were a dirty fuckin’ slut. “ you gasped as toji wrapped his arms around the small of your waist and pressed your weight down onto his throbbing length through his pants, “ t-toji ! “ a small whimper leaving your lips as more of your arousal seeped through the rough fabric. “ aht , aht , that’s not my name. . tell me whatcha want baby. “ how humiliating, but you loved everything about it. “ d—daddy .ᐟ i wanna feel you inside. “ toji chuckled before releasing his grip from around your waist, tapping your thigh as a sign for you to stand up. “ atta girl , now the panties . . lose em. “
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ׂ⠀〝⠀⠀.. ⠀ ©dauntlessallure 24’ — please do not steal , publish , or post my work elsewhere or credit as your own .ᐟ
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luvlystarr · 21 days
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Prompt: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley and the sweetheart next door
Content: Pure fluff
I just want to say thank you so much for the support on my Ghost Grumpy x Sunshine fanfic!! I didn’t expect it to reach 1k notes and I’m so grateful that you guys enjoyed it!🤍
Simon kept shuffling around his bed over and over again, unable to sleep.
It was 12 PM and he had just came back from deployment. For three week straight his body was surviving off of coffee and adrenaline. He desperately wanted to sleep but unfortunately his new neighbor was moving in.
Through the thin walls he could hear the constant movement of their feet and the dropping of multiple boxes. Simon groaned into his pillow before finally trudging towards the noises. His neighbor hasn't even fully moved in and he's fed up already. He swung his door open, glaring at the door across his, but he instantly felt regret when he saw your helpless figure trying to hold multiple boxes all at once. Beads of sweat formed on your face and your chest was heaving rapidly, it looked like you were gonna faint any minute.
You saw Simon from the corner of your eyes and gave him an apologetic smile.
“Good afternoon! I hope I’m not disturbing you or anything,” you chuckled embarrassingly.
Simon couldn’t help but adore your pretty smile and your sweet voice. All of the negative thoughts in his head flew out the window in an instant.
“It’s alright, just keep it down, yeah?”
Before you could respond, one of the boxes slipped past your hands and dropped to the floor.
A small curse left your lips as you tried picking it up and, without even thinking, Simon rushed to grab it for you.
“Oh, thank you!” You beamed at his kind gesture.
Simon felt his heart melt at the sight of your pure joy.
“No problem, I could help you with the rest if you want.”
You tried insisting that he shouldn’t bother and you got everything in control. But Simon wouldn’t let you exhaust yourself. Besides, he would do anything to see that beautiful smile of yours once more.
After half an hour all the boxes were finally inside the empty apartment. It would’ve originally taken you another hour without Simon’s help. Now all you had to do was unpack, which was less work.
You were glad that your work for the day was done but Simon wasn’t. It meant that he would have to go back and say goodbye.
“I’ll see you around, Simon!” You say before you shut the door.
Your voice echoed throughout Simon’s mind, over and over again. He stood there for a moment, almost like he was in a trance.
He snapped back to reality. His hand wiped across his face at the unusual thoughts he was having. Who would’ve thought you would have such an effect on him?
The following day Simon was greeted by a knock on the door.
He opened it and there you were, the same gorgeous smile on your face while you held a container.
“Good morning! I just wanted to give you something before I leave for work.”
You open the container and reveal a dozen heart shaped cookies.
“I made you some cookies as a thank you gift!” You beamed.
At that point Simon’s heart was completely melted because of you. He couldn’t stop the stupid grin that crept across his face.
“Thanks,” he says as he takes the container.
After he took it, you stood there for a minute, fiddling with your fingers. You looked nervous about something.
“So, um.. I was thinking if you’d like to have dinner with me tonight. I don’t have friends in the city and I really want to treat you for helping me out— as long as you’re free and okay with it of course!” You stammered. Your cheeks were a rosy hue.
Simon’s mind went completely blank.
“Yeah, I don’t mind,” he quickly replied.
Hearing his words made your smile grow even wider. Your eyes were quite literally glittering with happiness.
“It’s a date then!” You giggle in a joking manner.
If only you knew how much your words caused heart rate to spike up the roof.
・゜・。. .・。.・゜・゜・。.
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sturnioz · 26 days
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pairing. matthew sturniolo x fem!reader genre. smut
word count. 1k
❝keep going, don’t stop—fuck—please don’t stop.❞
content warnings. explicit content, porn without plot, sub!matt, jerking off, slight dirty talking, the petname 'baby boy' is used once maybe twice,
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“Shit, that feels good…” Matt exhales deeply as he buries his head into his pillow, feeling you press up behind him as your chin rests on his shoulder, your hand dipping beneath the waistband of his underwear.
Your fingertips graze the head of his cock and Matt twitches at the contact, pushing his hips into the palm of your hand with a soft whine leaving his lips as your fingers wrap around his length, and your belly swirls with excitement as you feel the thickness of his cock lay heavy in your hand, all big and ready for you to please.
With slow and lazy tugs, Matt’s already losing himself to your touch, his breathing uneven with light, airy moans slipping through his lips. He tries to conceal his noises by shoving his head further into his pillow, teeth biting at the material.
You’re smirking against his shoulder, your ego soaring high at the reaction he’s giving, and it’s all because of you.
“You’ve been working so hard,” You whisper quietly in his ear, your lips brushing against his lobe which elicits a shiver from him, goosebumps rising over his neck and down his bare back. You press a gentle kiss to his shoulder blade. “You deserve a break.”
“Fuck—yeah…” Matt hums as he shifts around on the bed when you manage to free him from the condiments of his boxers, your thumb pressing down on the tip of his cock that leaks uncontrollably with precum. He gets lost in his own excitement as your languid strokes leave him breathless. “Please…”
“There’s no rush, baby boy,” You grin at his eagerness, squeezing your hand around him gently. “Just relax for me, okay?”
Matt nods his head sluggishly, and his jaw drops as you squeeze your hand around him once more, swiping your thumb over the tip as you litter soft kisses over his skin. Matt presses himself further back against you which helps you get a better grip and you almost coo at him, finding his desperation too cute and adorable to handle. 
He’s pathetically bucking his hips to match the pace of your hand, unable to keep himself still and you happily allow him to do as he pleases despite telling him to relax a few moments prior, finding this sight all too mesmerising for you to repeat your last words.
“Oh my go—shit!” Matt gasps as you flick your wrist, and his own hand comes down to grip your thigh to pull it over his hip, his blunt nails pinching into your skin. You can barely see his face due to the dark lighting of his bedroom, but the warmth of his cheek pressing against yours and the quiet sniffles proves that he’s feeling a little overwhelmed.
You dare to ask, “Am I making you feel good?”
“Mhm—yeah, ‘s good—fuck…” Matt pants uncontrollably, rutting his hips into your touch. “Ah—keep going, don’t stop—fuck—please don’t stop.”
Your hand works a little faster around him, adding more pressure to the tap that elicits a loud whine from him, and he pulls his face away from the pillow to try and regulate his erratic breathing, his nails digging deeper into your skin but you pay no mind to the slight sting it causes, not when you have Matt so submissive in your hold.
Matt’s legs begin to tremble which is a clear sign to let you know he’s close to cumming, and you continue stroking at his cock at a reasonable place. His free hand grips the sheets below his body as his head begins to spiral, unable to control the movements of his hips as he matches his thrusts with your jerking motions.
“I’m gonna cu—shiiiit, ‘m gonna cum. Babe, I’m gonna cum—you’re gonna make me cum—fuck, feels so fucking good. I love you so much—jesus, fuck!” Matt struggles to hold back his babbling, his eyes squeezing shut as he tilts his head back, his chest heaving. “Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop.”
“I’m not going to stop, baby boy,” You tell him with a gentle smile, craning your neck to kiss the corner of his lips. You fight the urge to giggle when he tries to follow you for more, his lips puckered and ready. “You deserve it to cum. Are you going to cum for me? Are you going to make a mess of my hand and your sheets? Show how much you can cum for me, Matt.”
“Oh fuuuuck me…” Matt whimpers at your words, and his movements turn frantic as he chases his release before his body suddenly stills, hunching in on himself as a long drawn on moan leaves his lips and cum spurts out of his cock with a cry of your name.
You’re laughing as you continue to jerk him off to help work him through his high, feeling his cum drip down your hand and to the bed sheets below. Matt’s uncontrollably making sounds; a mixture of high pitched moans, grunts, and pretty little cries that leaves you pressing your thigh around his hip, your pussy aching with your own arousal but you push it to the side to focus on Matt. 
His body shakes in your embrace, his cock pulsing with last spurts of cum before he slumps against the bed with a heavy exhale, exhaustion completely taking over him. You finally loosen your hand around him when he whines your name, not wanting you to overstimulate him tonight which you respected.
“I’m fucking sticky,” You hear Matt grumble with a sigh, feeling the bed dip slightly as he rolls over onto his back to look at you fully. His bangs stick to his sweaty forehead, hazy, light-blue eyes peeking at you through the strands. “You made me cum hard.”
Your eyebrow raises with amusement, “That was the plan. You did so good for me.”
Matt hums as you press your lips to his in a soft, gentle kiss, and his hand comes around to rest at the nape of your neck to pull you in deeper, his tongue slipping into your mouth. 
But before you could crawl onto his lap to fix your own little problem, Matt suddenly rips away from you with a noise of disgust, face twisting into a grimace as he arches his back away from the bed.
You frown immediately at that, “What’s wrong?”
“I just realised I’m laying in my own cum,” Matt grumbles, his eyebrows knitting together. “That’s kinda gross.”
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© sturnioz
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m0thmonster · 1 year
i used to look at and want a tumblr so bad when i was a kid and then i realized years later the reason i never was active once i made one was because this site is for people who have someone to be and i dont know who i am
#like you have people who do things and ur like#yeah thats that one. that does the thing#but i dont do things#and i realized putting me in a room and go “and do stuff in there!” is like a death sentence#i miss the community in deviantart and the togetherness of a bunch of people#like yeah deviantart was shit dont get me wrong i may get sexy women following me but its nowhere near the level of guy asking me at 14 if#i knew what a cuck was and then proceeding to get me to draw pregnancy furry kink art#idk u couldve posted anything on da and get people being interested (even if not super invested deep) and you go :3#but now its just. algorithim this and tags that and you HAVE to curate and you HAVE to avoid these 10 buzzwords or you get put into#the dubious shadowrealm#idk i jsut. didnt have to try and be someone i could just exist and that would be enough#like i have been on da since 2013 and seeing it go so far down to the point its unusable ?? is still painful for me#i miss jsut. talkign to people because they gave me a llama and we exchange niceties and then my week is brighter#like there was a FLOW on deviantart. now its just post. wait an hour. theres its peak. its gone now#maybe it was also how fast my side of deviantart crashed- i went from almost 8k (only abt 1k of them being active) followers#steady commissions. to being scared and tossed onto twitter where you cant even SAY THE WORD COMMISSION.#maybe im just a sad inactive jaded adult now trying to live.#instead of being a happy chronically online kid who could draw emo dogs all day and socialize and have friends#i left 2 posts up on deviantart#like .. my bases. because i want to revive them at some point elsewhere#and they STILL get attention despite me not being active#having only two posts up#and said posts are 5 years old. i dont get tweets i posted a WEEK ago getting anything#i wasnt even an iconic base maker. that was the first one. and that was well after deviantarts base/adoptable peak.#m0thrambles#idk i think im just. being babyrage over it but its so hard not to be#so many young artists jobs and livelihoods were taken away and there is no alternative to deviantart.#there is no non-live feed based places that dont support ai (or like children)#there is no fun things like llamas.#now being relatable and “with the userbase” is just capitalism.
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mrsbarnesblog · 3 months
masterlist ko-fi ao3
Summary: pregnant sex with Rafe in his office
Word count: 1k
Warnings: +18 ‼️ smut, pregnant sex, unprotected sex, kinda public sex?, sweet Rafe, dirty talk
A/N: requests are open <3
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When you decided to take a walk outside and visit your husband in his office, you expected to spend some time with him or possibly have lunch together. But definitely not to be placed on his table with your summer dress only slightly covering your pregnant belly while Rafe was going in and out of you at a steady pace. 
Rafe was still wearing his white, perfectly ironed shirt; his pants were just unbuckled and slightly pushed down. Your eyes tried to focus on one thing but you couldn’t decide what in him looked more attractive to you. His was big, slightly hovering over you, with that familiar smirk on his lips and mischievous glimpse in his eyes. Yeah, your hormones were crazy because of your pregnancy, but having the sexiest man alive look at you like you were the best thing ever definitely added something to it. 
Rafe actually had a planned meeting in that exact room in twenty minutes but it was one of his latest concerns. Not when his beautiful, glowing, very pregnant, and very sensitive wife was spread in front of him. 
“Rafe—people can probably hear us.” You half whispered and half moaned as he gently lifted your leg onto his shoulder, allowing his cock to sink deeper into your greedy cunt. 
“Don’t care, sweets. Let ‘em hear how good you feel.” He grumbled, moving one hand to your heavy breasts and pinching your overly sensitive nipple. “Shit, your tits look so perfect right now, princess. You know I can't resist you when you’re all round and with my baby growing inside. So fuckin’ hot, and look at that… your pussy ‘s just sucking me right back in.”
Your eyes rolled back both because of his words and the way his cock was perfectly hitting that spot inside of you. You grabbed his hand that was currently playing with your tits, too desperate to have Rafe closer, to feel his skin on yours, but you couldn’t do much because of the belly that was already way too big. 
“I need you closer, please.” You almost cried, tears gathering at your waterline, while you tried to stay quieter and not be too obvious for people outside the office.
“Sh-h, baby. You know I can’t lay on you, yeah? Gotta protect both of my girls right here.” His hand slipped lower, gently caressing your bump. “Let me fuck you nice and slow, and then we’ll snuggle the whole evening after I get home.” 
You nodded a few times, eyes locked with your husband’s as his hips gently slapped against your skin. Rafe turned his head to the side, kissing your leg that was still thrown over his shoulder. His lips curled into a smirk, noticing how hungrily you looked at him, barely able to stay focused because of his thrusts. 
“Please don’t stop, Rafe—oh god, I’m gonna cum!” You squealed, arching your back from the wooden table beneath you. One hand was wrapped around Rafe’s wrist, digging your nails into his skin, and the other one was placed over your mouth to muffle your moans.
“Mhm, that’s right, cum for me, princess.” His low moan filled the office, along with the sound of skin slapping against skin and the creak of the table. “Your sweet pussy squeezes the shit out of me. Fuck, gonna make me come too. Want me to do it inside of ya, huh?” 
“Yes-yes, please! I need it!” With the first touch of Rafe’s fingers on your clit, you had finally reached your climax. He wasn’t far behind you, spilling his load inside, while your pussy was pulsating around him and almost not letting him move even for an inch.
“That’s right, take everything.” Rafe moaned, slowly sliding inside with eyes locked on the place where you two were connected. He swore that he could’ve come again just seeing your mixed cum glistering on his cock. “I would’ve fucked a baby right into you right now if you weren’t already pregnant. Shit, you look so hot, you can’t even imagine.”
“Stop!” You smiled through the post-orgasmic fog in your head, keeping your eyes closed. He just gave you another smirk before gently placing your leg down and lowering to kiss your stomach. 
You almost jumped from your place when you heard a quiet knock on the door. Rafe immediately reached behind your back to make you sit upright so that way he could cover your almost naked body from whoever was behind the door. 
“Um— Sir? I’m really sorry to disturb you, but your meeting is in two minutes and people are already waiting here.” Rafe rolled his eyes at the voice of his assistant, who luckily had enough brains to not walk inside. 
“Oh my god, Rafe. It’s— they heard us. They know what we were doing here!” Your eyes were rounded in embarrassment, looking at your almost unbothered husband. 
“You’re pregnant with my baby, princess. I’m sure everyone has already figured out that we have sex.” Rafe smirked at you again. “Give me five minutes!” He said to his assistant before focusing back on you. He helped you get your dress back on properly, put himself away, zipped up his trousers and then sank in front of you on his knees to put your panties in their place. “Are you both feeling alright?” 
“Mhm, but I’m so tired now.” You yawned and lowered your head on Rafe’s shoulder, as he stood up and brought you closer to his chest; your eyes became too heavy to keep them open.   
“I know, baby. C'mon, my driver will get you home, and I will be there as soon as possible, okay? I love you both so much.” He gently touched your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb, then placing a kiss on your forehead, nose and, finally, on your puffy lips. 
“We love you too.” You smiled into the kiss before Rafe helped you get off the table and walked you out of his office. You were trying not to die from embarrassment from all the knowing looks thrown in your direction while your husband proudly placed his hand on your lower back, not even batting an eye at others. 
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