#yeah some of us are with you on that Tama!
ezralva · 1 year
If you understand all of these...
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Lookit Handa's expression when Hiro refused to join the group hugging 'him'
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...then chances are you're in Tama's squad.
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It's funny to think that Tama's delusions are the fundamentals of almost (prolly) 95% Barakamon fanfics out there since 2014 😂
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Pt 1
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shamachan · 1 month
step 3 mc not taking care of themself, what do qiu and tama do?
Tamarack & Qiu x gn!MC not taking care of themself headcanons.
step 3.
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Qiu Lin.
— It’s immediately clear that Qiu will be so worried. So worried about you that every day they will ask how you are doing and just smile sadly, looking at all the mess on your head.
— They are unlikely to try to know why are you so uncaring about yourself because they don’t want to violate your personal boundaries.
— But, nevertheless, Qiu came to the conclusion that then they will take care of you as best they can, if you can't do it yourself.
— Depending on why you don't take care of yourself, they may compliment you frequently, support you, or do some things instead of you. Or maybe even all together. They just want you to feel better about it.
— They will carry snacks in their pockets that you might like, just in case you are hungry and offering them when there is a sign that you want to eat. If you refuse a snack then it's alright, but they'll still carry it with them.
— If they ever come over to your place for a sleepover several times, these nights Autumn will try to do something with your hair if you let them. They will comb it carefully, distracting you with conversations.
— They will also make sure you ate well and that you were hydrated, but they do not force you in any way. And despite all the fun you had there, Qiu will also make sure you go sleep first before falling asleep too.
— They'll make extra sure that if anything happens, you know that at any moment you can come to them and ask for help or support. Qiu will always be here, looking out for you.
— In general, they will do everything they can while trying not to cross your comfort in hope that your inattention to yourself will soon end. And not because they will get tired of caring, but because the best care is caring for yourself...
— ...and their dear neighbor deserves only the best.
Tamarack Baumann.
— From my impressions, she won’t be as sad about it as Qiu does, it's just that still you and your trait. But she will be worried too about your attitude towards yourself.
— Tama won't think for long, she will immediately move on to small, but caring actions.
— Tamarack will gently dust your clothes with her hand if you have any, while you are not looking, will also treat you to food, and probably not only snacks (I think she will be an excellent cook, I don't know why).
— And Tammy will simply be a shoulder on which you can fall asleep or which you can confide in.
— If you ever go with her to the forest and maybe even have a picnic there, Tama will definitely take everything that might be useful - more food, drinks, the softest and warmest blanket she has and even possibly small pillows, if any of you want to lie down comfortably. Because... Why not? But be prepared to walk with her a lot at first!
— After such a day with Tamarack you probably will be the most rested from all the hustle and bustle, or at least she will try to make it so! These walks will also repeat often, as she invites you anytime she can.
— Also based on my headcanon that Tamarack cooks greatly, I think that she will often pass ready-made meals to you, and not necessarily when you are at home. She will definitely try to make this food your favourite! So yeah, you'll be the most well-fed person thanks to the chef Tama.
— I can say that she will be so caring as the one who truly accepts you. She won't try to change you, because she believes that everything will come in its own time. As well as self-love and care for yourself.
— Tama will live through this with you. You are her favourite neighbor after all, so it's not difficult for her at all.
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a/n: as someone who faces kinda the same problem thank u for a request! it was comforting to write.
also I'm sorry that it took such a time :(
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redriotinggg · 9 months
I need anyone who genuinely dislikes Usopp to take a long look in the mirror because yeah, he can be a bit annoying at times but he is honestly a good and interesting character!!
He is just as loyal as any other member of the crew and fights the strongest when he’s fighting on someone else’s behalf. (See: him fighting for Sanji in Skypeia, fighting for Robin at Eneis Lobby, fighting for Luffy in Dressrosa, fighting for Tama and Nami in Wano.) He is a major player in so many of the battles in the series that it baffles me that people can think of him as an unimportant member of the crew.
And Usopp is a fucking genius??? Hello???? He’s able to make weapons powerful enough to create storms and tornadoes. He is canonically a jack-of-all trades that supports the crew in their daily lives and in battle. The Going Merry only lasted as long as she did because Usopp was around to care for her. He was the only one to see her Klabauterman!! Usopp is not only creative and fun but is able to bring those creations to life, whether it be his drawings or his gadgets, and I think that’s so beautiful. I miss pre-TS because of all his inventions we got to see.
Let’s not forget that Usopp is so, so kind!! He made friends with the kids in his village and told stories to Kaya to help her feel better when she was ill. He fought to protect her and Syrup Village from Kuro. Personally, I will never get over filler ep on Fireworks Island (ep. 134) where he cheered up Kodoma and encouraged her to continue her pyrotechnics, assuring that her parents were proud of her. Knowing he also lost his parents at a young age makes the scene hit that much harder. (And again, he showed his genius by figuring out a way to launch the firework that killed Kodoma’s parents!!) It may not be canon to the manga but but I think that episode is super accurate to his character.
What I think makes him the most interesting is that we see his flaws and mistakes more than any of the other Straw Hats. We see his insecurities in Water 7 and his fear in Dressrosa. But we also see him growing and learning and being encouraged by his crewmates. Aside from Robin, I think Usopp has changed and grown the most out of the Straw Hats. With his goal to become a brave warrior of the sea he has so much potential for even more growth!!
Like I said earlier, some people think Usopp is annoying which he can be sometimes, but that’s also because he’s literally comic relief. And he does so well at it bc he’s actually so damn funny?? He makes me laugh out loud all the time. One Piece wouldn’t be even half as funny without Usopp.
I also appreciate that as an individual he has so many moments with the other Straw Hats. There are a lot of relationships that don’t get explored as much as we’d like, but I think we get to see Usopp’s friendships with the crew pretty often. He fights for Luffy, plays around with Chopper, teases Zoro, is teased by Robin, gossips with Nami, hangs around Sanji, and his whole relationship with Franky has so many layers to it.
Aaahh, I have so many hopes for Usopp in the series that I pray will be fulfilled!! I want him to have a badass arc in Elbaf full of character growth. I want to see him develop and continue to use his Haki (which he gained when trying to save Luffy are you KIDDING me). I want his reunion with Yasopp to be emotional and bittersweet. If he could personally beat Yasopp in a fight I would ascend to the heavens.
Usopp is such an important, complex, and interesting character and I absolutely hate to see him reduced to being a gag character or the weakest member of the Straw Hats. He may not be a monster but he is amazing and I love him.
TLDR; if you disrespect Usopp I wish you a very Die.
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torahoes · 4 months
(IDOLiSH7) Torao Mido - RabbiTube mini Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator. If you come across any mistakes, feel free to let me know and I will make the necessary corrections.
Momo: Yamato, Torao, good work~! The RabbiMini project was fun, wasn't it? 🥺
Torao Mido: It sure was. I even gained valuable insights into portraying a delinquent from both of you.
Yamato Nikaido: Good work today. That makes it sound like we’re the perfect examples of delinquents or something lol
Torao Mido: Are you not?
Yamato Nikaido: Of course we're not! We're the dazzling idols of the moment, right?
Momo: It's funny when Yamato says it lolol
Momo: Oh, right! I got some info from Haruka. He said Utsugi-san did the dance from our RabbiMini video!!
Momo: Is this true?! 🕺🎶
Torao Mido: Yeah.
Torao Mido: I was watching the video with Touma in the green room when out of nowhere Utsugi-san said, "I can dance too," and that's how it all unfolded.
Momo: No way!! I want to see that so bad 😆🔥 What was it like!?
Torao Mido: For some reason, his moves were surprisingly sharp, and he was pretty skilled. Haruka and Minami came back to the green room while he was still dancing
Torao Mido: They were like, "This is kind of gross." I felt a bit sorry for him...
Yamato Nikaido: Isn't his playful side a bit too strong for someone with such a cool appearance?
Torao Mido: He seemed quite satisfied when he went, "It seems the body always remembers."
Momo: Could he be an experienced dancer??
Torao Mido: No, apparently when he was younger, he was often forced to dance at drinking parties by his superiors.
Torao Mido: He said it helps in building favorable human relations, so he learned it earnestly.
Yamato Nikaido: Ah... Well, I guess being able to liven up a drinking party would make you popular with the old geezers...
Momo: So he acquired his dancing skills through such circumstances...
Momo: I can't help but feel an affinity... towards Utsugi-san...
Torao Mido: Affinity?
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Momo: Oh, also!!! The IDOLiSH7 members really enjoyed our RabbiMini too!!! (*'ω'*) ✨
Momo: Mitsuki sent me a video~!
Yamato Nikaido: Ah, the glaring game! The one where I competed against Nagi
Torao Mido: What on earth? What kind of game is that...?
Yamato Nikaido: It's a game where you stare each other down and the first one to look away loses!
Yamato Nikaido: Since I was up against Nagi, it felt like it would never end lol
Momo: Nagi does seem really strong lololol
Yamato Nikaido: It went on for so long that it probably looked like we were having an actual fight, so Tama got fed up.
Yamato Nikaido: He suddenly wedged himself between us, we burst out laughing, and were forced to end it there
Momo: Awww!! Cute!! So pure!! Momo-chan's gonna protect him from all evil~~ 💪😭
Torao Mido: Does Sougo participate in this glaring down stuff too...?
Yamato Nikaido: Sou did it while jutting his jaw out, I think. His portrayal of an outlaw was outdated lol
Torao Mido: Sougo.....
Torao Mido: You guys really have him doing some crazy stuff, huh, IDOLiSH7...
Torao Mido: If you get stared down by the Osaka family, you won't survive in this industry, you know. I could never play such a terrifying game.
Momo: Wait, was Torao always this cute...?
Yamato Nikaido: If Mido had that attribute added to him on top of everything else, nobody would stand a chance...
Torao Mido: I don't know what you're talking about but dial it back a bit.
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Momo: Should I try playing this game with Yuki? (〃ノдノ)
Yamato Nikaido: Momo-san, can you even handle being stared at by Yuki-san?
Momo: Yeah, not a chance.
Momo: I wouldn't even last a second.
Torao Mido: The way this person suddenly regained his composure...
Momo: Torao, you should try playing against someone too! Are you alone right now?
Torao Mido: No, I'm with Haruka in the green room. He's eating some kind of sweet bread while looking at his phone.
Yamato Nikaido: Oh, why don't you try it with him then? It might actually be fun.
Torao Mido: Compete with Haruka?
Torao Mido: I'm not interested in challenging him to a game where the outcome is already obvious
Torao Mido: I can't afford to make Haruka cry before the recording
Yamato Nikaido: Mido, you didn't even know how to move like a delinquent at first; you were at the level where you were moving both arms and legs at the same time, but now you're so confident!
Momo: You were just waddling away like a penguin +.(≧∀≦)゚+.゚ Yuki liked that scene too!!
Torao Mido: Oi
Torao Mido: You showed it to him?!
Torao Mido: It's absolutely horrifying to think that video is saved inside Re:vale's Momo-san’s phone. Delete it
Yamato Nikaido: Wow, I just learnt some great news!! Maybe Yuki-san has taken a liking to you!? Man, I'm glad!!!!
Torao Mido: What are you so happy for?
Torao Mido: Also, what's with the "strutting with your shoulders raised high" thing? Isn't it hard to walk like that?
Yamato Nikaido: It's not too bad. All things considered, you actually managed to pull it off in the end!
Torao Mido: Of course I did. Who do you think I am?
Momo: Now why don't you try showing Haruka the fruits of your labor? 😍
Torao Mido: Fine. I'll take the bait
Torao Mido: Wait here.
Yamato Nikaido:
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Yamato Nikaido: Who do you think will win?
Momo: Hmmmmmm..... Like Yuki, Torao is quite gentle, even if they're both gentle in different ways
Momo: So maybe I'll go with Haruka? 🥺
Yamato Nikaido: You may be right. He did turn out to be a pretty sincere guy after getting to know him
Torao Mido: Sorry to keep you waiting.
Momo: Welcome back!
Yamato Nikaido: How did it go?
Torao Mido: He gave me eye drops and that was it.
Torao Mido: He said, "If your eyes are dry, just say so with your mouth instead of silently pleading with your eyes."
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Yamato Nikaido: Eye-... eye drops... lol
Momo: How is this even possible?! Isn't Haruka way too cute!?
Torao Mido: And when I said it wasn't because my eyes were dry, he thought I wanted some of his bread next.
Torao Mido: He said, "I can give you a piece if you really want some." Do I really seem like someone who would snatch food away from Haruka while he's happily enjoying it?
Momo: Maybe your gaze seemed like you were longing for his bread? lolol
Yamato Nikaido: ŹOOĻ's potential... honestly, I underestimated it.
Torao Mido: This wasn't the plan at all
Momo: Even though your glare was so intense in our RabbiMini 😎💥
Yamato Nikaido: But I guess you can't help but go easy against your members
Torao Mido: It seems it was too early for me to act like a delinquent. Show me how it's done again, you two.
Torao Mido: Nikaido's intimidating "You wanna go!?" line, and
Torao Mido: Momo-san's "What did you just say, bastard?" line, accompanied by his piercing gaze — you guys were more menacing than any guys I've seen around.
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Torao Mido:
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Yamato Nikaido: No, no, seriously, I was panicking deep down because I wasn't used to acting like this! Not to mention, Mido is huge, and Momo-san is older than me.
Momo: What are you saying!
Momo: Momo-chan has never spoken in such a harsh tone before, so I was nervous!
Torao Mido: Really now? Well, I'll just leave it at that
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Yamato Nikaido: We tried to tease Mido, but it ended up backfiring
Momo: Gosh, now we have no choice but to go out for drinks to clear up this misunderstanding! We haven't had our wrap-up party yet either!! 🍻
Yamato Nikaido: I agree. We should, especially so I can show you that I'm the kind of human who can't even kill a mosquito.
Torao Mido: Sure, I'll keep my schedule open. Having drinks with you two doesn't sound so bad.
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Yamato Nikaido:
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Torao Mido:
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The End.
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xinfinityl0ve17 · 9 days
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Friend & Friend
— You went to the beach, right? On the MALICE MIZER boat, right? — Tama
Tama: And then we stayed at some weird kind of pension.
kami: Yeah, it was like a strange pension-type place.
— Has it been a long time since you last saw Tama?
kami: It's been a while. We used to meet up often.
Tama: Yeah, it’s not like we planned it, but we used to run into each other a lot.
kami: We used to do nothing but bad things (laughs).
Tama: Right? (laughs)
— What kind of bad things?
kami: I can't say (laughs).
Tama: Can't say (laughs).
— It’s fine, the statute of limitations is up by now (laughs)!
Tama: We smoked incense (laughs).
kami: Yeah, we smoked incense (laughs).
— Incense!?
Tama: There was some kind of incense from India or somewhere...
— Real incense?
Tama: Yeah. We were like, "If we smoke this, we can trip, right?!" and we all smoked it (laughs).
kami: Yeah, yeah (laughs).
Tama: But all it did was make our throats hurt, we couldn’t trip at all (laughs).
— That’s obvious (laughs)!
Tama: And then we went to the beach, right?
kami: We did!
— Who did you go with?
kami: With Tama-chan, közi, me, and Kou...
Tama: Back then, we had a friend named Kou.
— Did you suddenly decide to go after drinking?
kami: No, Tama-chan arranged everything for us.
Tama: Yeah, we went on the MALICE MIZER boat.
kami: And we stayed at some weird pension-type place.
Tama: It was more like a lodge than a pension, though (laughs). But the dinner was delicious, right?
kami: It was great!
Tama: We ate until we were stuffed. And back then, I still had long hair, so I coolly jumped into the ocean and played beach volleyball with some gals.
kami: Yeah, you did! And then Kou, that friend of ours, was doing this thing called the “Kou-bar Head Kick!” It was hilarious (laughs).
Tama: I don’t think the people around us thought it was funny at all (laughs). But it was a good memory. At one point, when everyone was partying and making noise at night, I went outside and disappeared for about two hours.
— What were you doing?
Tama: What was I doing? I was probably staring at the sea. It was around the time I had just left my previous band, so I was probably caught up in self-loathing, thinking, “What am I doing with my life?” But since my hair was long, I kept getting hit on by all kinds of people (laughs).
kami: We should go again!
Tama: We were saying, "Let’s go again next year!" and making plans.
— Let’s make it happen this summer! Vicious can cover the cost (laughs).
(Vicious: Sure! By Vicious)
kami: Oh yeah, remember we drank at Shinjuku West Gate Park? It was me, the members of CASCADE, and közi.
Tama: Oh yeah, we did!
— Why were you drinking in the park?
Tama: Back when CASCADE still didn’t have much of an audience, kami and közi came to one of our shows, and we had the afterparty in Shinjuku West Gate Park. That’s when I handed over our demo tape.
kami: And that's when I learned the song "KILL ME STOP."
Tama: That song's pretty good, right?
kami: Yeah. I thought it was really interesting.
— Did you have a feeling back then that "this band is going to make it"?
kami: There were two songs on the demo tape, and while it was different from Tama-chan's previous band, I definitely had a feeling about it.
Tama: Come on (laughs)!
kami: It’s true! I was happy when I saw you doing well on "Ebisu Onsen" (a music show that served as a stepping stone for new bands; CASCADE made their debut thanks to it).
— Hold on! The conversation is starting to get serious (laughs)!
kami: What’s wrong with that?
— This isn't that kind of corner (laughs). So, how are things with the ladies lately?
kami: Ahahahaha (laughs).
Tama: Kami is pretty proactive, isn’t he?
kami: You think so?
Tama: More like animalistic than proactive (laughs). But that’s what I like about you (laughs).
— That’s not what you said during your previous interview with SHUSE (laughs)!
kami: Well, going major made me a bit more negative.
Tama: So you’ve been thinking negatively about a lot of things?
kami: Yeah, recently.
Tama: When you debut as a major artist, you tend to become mentally unstable. I went through that too.
kami: It’s not so much instability. When you're indie, the band feels like home, but when it turns into a job, it becomes something different.
— I see.
kami: I started thinking, "Where is my home now?"
— Well, it’s obviously in a girl's chest (laughs)!
Tama: Speaking of that, how's your relationship with your high school girlfriend?
— We broke up! And two days before Valentine’s Day, no less!
Tama: That’s because you were cheating all the time (laughs)!
— Shut up (laughs)! Tama-chan, are you the type who gets dumped?
Tama: I haven’t been dumped much.
— So are you the one who does the dumping?
Tama: Not really that either. It’s more like things just naturally fizzle out.
kami: Same here!
Tama: It sounds terrible to say you’re just waiting for the right time, but you can kind of tell, right?
— You both start feeling like, "It’s probably about time"?
Tama: Yeah, you wait for that moment.
— That’s awful (laughs)!
Tama: Yeah, I guess I’m awful (laughs)! But in my school days, I used to get dumped all the time.
— Were you always going after girls who were out of your league?
Tama: Not at all, I’ve always had a really wide strike zone.
kami: Ahahahaha (laughs)!
Tama: My first experience was with someone quite a bit older.
kami: Really?
Tama: Really.
— How old were you?
Tama: I was 17.
— And the other person?
Tama: She was quite a bit older.
— In a way, that’s kind of enviable!
Tama: When was your first time, kami?
kami: I was 17 too. But mine was with a girl a year younger than me.
— I was also 17, and she was a year younger than me.
kami: We’re the same then!
— Want to hear about it?
kami: What is it?
— I used to commute by train, and one day, this girl suddenly gave me a love letter.
kami: That’s great!
Tama: Was she cute?
— She was super cute!
kami: That’s really great!
— So we started dating, and I gave her my virginity. But after a while, she suddenly said, “I’m getting married,” and when I told her, “I’m not ready for that yet,” she said, “It’s not you. I’ve been seeing someone else too.” I was like, "Gah!"
kami: Oh no!
— Turns out she had been dating a 23-year-old guy, and about a week later, she quit school and really got married.
kami: Oh no!
— I want my virginity back!
kami: Ahahahaha (laughs)!
Tama: That must’ve been a shock, right?
— It was a huge shock!
Tama: The first girl I dated also cheated on me. Her name was Miki. You can write that down!
kami: Ahahahaha (laughs)!
Tama: Miki cheated on me. We started dating when I was in the second year of middle school, and she was my first kiss, but she’d also been dating this guy since the fourth grade. His name was Tanabe!
kami: Ahahahaha (laughs)!
Tama: You know how, in middle school, when you start dating someone, rumors spread fast? So my friends started saying, “Hey, I heard she has a boyfriend. They’ve been dating since the fourth grade!” So I asked her directly.
— You asked Miki (laughs)?
Tama: Yeah, I asked her, “Miki, do you like me?” “I do.” “Do you like Tanabe?” “I do.” “So, who do you like more, me or Tanabe?” “Tanabe.” (laughs).
kami: Gya-hahaha (laughs)!
Tama: Right after that, we went on a school trip, but for me, it was a heartbroken trip.
kami: Gya-hahaha (laughs)!
— When was your first kiss, kami?
kami: I was really focused on my band until my first year of high school. I didn’t even look at girls; I was just drumming all the time. But in my second year, I started paying attention to the opposite sex and ended up dating someone.
— What was her name?
kami: Maki (laughs).
Tama: Was she cute?
kami: Yeah, she was cute. But, to be honest, she was kind of a delinquent. She had a lot of guy friends, and I couldn’t trust her, so we broke up.
Tama: You seem to like delinquent girls, right? The ones with brown hair and a bit rebellious?
kami: I like Nanase Aikawa (laughs). I once dated a full-on delinquent girl. A friend of mine brought her to one of our live shows, and I guess she liked me because she called me up and asked, “Would you go out with me?” I couldn’t say no, so I said, “Sure!” (laughs). Then I went to her house, and there were all these gang flags and tons of pictures of motorcycles. I thought, “Nope, this isn’t for me!” and broke up with her right away (laughs).
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jstarr86 · 4 months
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I sat watching my son as he played. He was the spitting image of his father, the man he didn’t know and it wasn’t for lack of interest his dad didn’t know he existed. I’d gotten pregnant and ran off leaving my whole world behind and moving. My son was the product of a half drunk night of passion between me and one of my closest friends. I found out 8 weeks later I was pregnant and left in the middle of the night back to America. His dad I’d fallen for my best friend and it scared me cause I figured he wouldn’t look at me the same I was always one of the boys. The First Lady of Bullet Club they’d always tell me. I’d kept with him we’d been friends for years since I started at New Japan. They’d blown me up when I first left and I changed the number I freaked I didn’t wanna ruin his life he had the world ahead of him but I followed his success I was proud of him. Sometimes I wondered what it had been like if I hadn’t ran away, if I didn’t bail. How he would have reacted would he had been mad, happy I know he’d been shocked what would he had done if I told him how I felt. I had no doubts regardless he’d had stepped up and been a amazing father. Sometimes I’d think about telling him but I couldn’t especially not after leaving he’d think I was full of shit and I was scared of how much he’d hate me. But there was no denying him that was his twin. I looked up as I saw movement ending my daydreaming he’d taken off as I ran after him
“Stop!” I sighed “Alipate Tevita Leone!” I yelled I saw someone grab him and ran pushing them “get the hell-“ I stopped looking into the eyes of one of my friends and gasped
“You got a kid!”
“Where the fuck have you been!”
“I- I gotta go.” I grabbed my son and went to leave from the three brothers my eyes having never left Tamas. Who immediately stood in my way blocking me.
“Nah you ain’t leaving you been running you ran away 5 years ago and no one could find you and now you got a kid.”
“He has my fucking name Natasha.”
“Oh shit.”
“Woah little man stop running off.” T picked him up as he reached for him and I saw him and their younger brother look between my son and their brother in shock. They looked just alike and now that they were near each other it was even more obvious.
“Is- he’s mine.”
“Can we not do this in a fucking public park.”
“Fine we can go to your house.”
“Come here baby.”
“No.” I closed my eyes sighing as he leaned his head on T “me stay.”
“I’ll carry him, if it’s cool.”
“Fine, stubborn.”
“I’m not ubburn.”
“Stubbon.” They chuckled as we walked me I was having a mental fucking breakdown. Tama was pissed I could see it all over his face but i understood he literally just ran into his child he never knew about a 4 year old spitting image of him. T strapped him in the car seat and shut the door.
“Here’s my address.” I handed them.
“Oh hell naw I’m riding with your ass before you pull some more shit.”
“Shit.” I rolled my eyes looking at him “shit, shit.”
“Tevita.” I sternly said looking at him
“Orry.” He mumbled
“You named him after us.”
“I yeah I- can we talk about this in 10 minutes please.”
“Yeah go bro we’ll meet you.” Getting in the car Tama got in slamming my door
“I understand your upset but don’t break my car.” He glared at me as I started the car I glanced at him seeing the anger in his body language.
“How old is he?”
“He turns 5 in a week his um his birthday is the same day as T.” 10 long minutes later I pulled in my drive. Ali was asleep and I lifted him in my arms as I carried him and his backpack and grabbed my keys which Tama jerked from my hand opening the door. I walked to his room and placed him on top of his blankets I turned jumping as Tama stood silently arms crossed in the doorway as he looked around. I knew he liked it he liked xman and comics and I saw him eye the nightcrawler poster a copy of the same I’d bought him once for his birthday. There was also a image of their mask in a picture the face paint they always wore. I walked out going into the living room “Don’t guys want a drink?”
“Fuck the drink when the fuck we’re you gonna tell me I have a fucking kid! Were you even gonna fucking tell me!”
“Lower your fucking voice.”
“I think I’ve earned the right to raise my voice.”
“I’m not saying you haven’t I’m saying lower your voice because he’s asleep dammit.”
“Don’t start.”
“Both of you stop.” T said “you both need to sit down and talk calmly.”
“Talk Natasha.”
“I.” I sighed “you remember that night?”
“The night we fucked yeah I do.”
“Well I found out I was pregnant.”
“So you ran away is that why you up and dipped.”
“How could you keep that from me what the fuck.”
“I didn’t know how to tell you I was scared ok, I didn’t want to ruin our friendship more and I didn’t want to fuck up your career.”
“I didn’t want you to be obligated and stuck because of our friendship and I fell for you and I was scared Pate ok. I know it wasn’t right and I know sorry don’t fix it.”
“So instead of talking to me like any sane person you just decided for yourself this life changing decision. You robbed OUR child of a parent and me of being one.”
“I know and I’m sorry I know sorry doesn’t fix it but I didn’t want to ruin you.”
“It wouldn’t have ruined me dumbass.” He was so mad his tan face red. “You know I loved you.”
“As a friend as a sister-“
“No I fucking feel in love with you. I never got to tell you cause you disappeared”
“Bullshit you had 8 weeks before I left to tell me I was 8 weeks when I found out.”
“I was scared it was already a bit weird between us after we fucked I didn’t wanna ruin it more telling you I fell in love with your ass.”
“I didn’t know.”
“Cause you ran away you should have told me we could have did this together instead you robbed him and me, I’ve missed everything your pregnancy his birth his first words his first steps his first day of school you took that all from me and I don’t think I’ll ever forgive you for that, that was a bitch move Natasha.”
“I know and his first word was dada.”
“I hate you.”
“I deserve that.”
“When was he born you named him after us.” T said much calmer than his brother.
“On your birthday.”
“What?” He said looking at me
“His birthday is May 7th he was born at 4:20 in the morning. He was 8 pounds 7 ounces and 23 inches long with a head full of hair and is his twin. He loves comics and wrestling he loves climbing trees. His favorite food is pizza and mangoes ”
“Well Pate can’t deny him shit he looks just like him.”
“I know. And I named him after you guys because it was a way for him to have a piece of you guys-“
“He should have had his father and his family in his fucking life is what he should have had.”
“I know that ok I fucked up.”
“Yeah you think.”
“You two need to stop fighting.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.” We both said to Taula. We looked at each other as we spoke simultaneously.
“That hasn’t changed.” He said looking between us
“I looked everywhere for you I’ve been looking.”
“If you say sorry one more time I’m having my sister beat your ass for me.”
“I deserve it.”
“Yeah you really do. Why would you do this to me, especially if you loved me? Does he even know about me?”
“He knows he has a dad I told him your a superhero your a good bad guy and beat up other bad guys with his uncles.”
“That’s what you told him?”
“It was the easiest explanation I could give him without breaking his heart every time he asked where you were.”
“You should have brought him to me.”
“How and say oh hey you got a kid, after how I left, be real would you have believed me or thought I was full of shit springing a kid on you.”
“I- he looks just like me not much I could deny.” He sighed angrily “you had no right to make that decision without me he’s half of me I had a right to know and instead you bitched out and ran like a kid instead of being a woman he’s almost 5 Natasha 5 and I missed all of that there isn’t a way to get it back for me or him not only did you keep him from me all this time you kept him from his father who he asked about. That’s selfish as fuck that ain’t you.”
“I’m sorry ok I thought at the time I was making the right choice and when I realized it wasn’t it was too late.”
“It was never too late I’d been pissed shit I’m pissed now and to know I’d never had found out hurts because if it wasn’t for him running and going past us you’d never had told me.” I couldn’t argue I don’t know if I ever would have seeked him out. I turned my head as he stormed out back and I started crying. T walked up hugging me.
“He’s just pissed Nat it’s a lot to take in.”
“He hates me T.”
“No he don’t he never has he’s just confused hurt and upset. He still loves you.”
“Bullshit even if he did he fucking hates me now. I fucked up.”
“You did it was really dumb and not fair to anyone he had a right to know and to have a say but everyone fucks up-“
“Not like this.”
“You were scared I get it and you felt in the moment you’d made the right choice, but he’s right he would have been there for you career or not and it wouldn’t have ruined anything.”
“He’s never gonna forgive me.”
“He will it’ll just take awhile. My brother still cares for you.”
“Do you guys want dinner?”
“Sure but let’s order something you two need to talk.”
“I need to let him cool off.” I grabbed a beer handing them each one before I grabbed a third. I walked outside seeing his head in his hands I sat the beer next to him as he looked at me and I saw tears in his eyes. All the years I’d known him he’d never cried. I walked off when he grabbed my hand.
“I’m mad at you.”
“I know you hate me.”
“I don’t hate you I’m just really fucking pissed we gotta kid that you hid. I you went through that shit alone Nat.”
“I should have told you if I could change it I would I’ve lived with that guilt for years and I didn’t know how to tell you.”
“Well we gotta figure this out cause I’m not leaving him Natasha that’s my kid I’ve already missed enough.”
“I wouldn’t make you.”
“But you’d keep him a secret for 5 years.”
“Pate.” I said blinking as tears feel down my face my guilt eating me
“Mommy.” I looked up hearing his soft voice as he looked between us. “You cry.”
“I’m fine baby.”
“Meanie you make mommy cry.”
“Baby it ain’t his fault mommy was mean to him, can come here sweetheart.” He walked up looking between us “hi are you mommy’s friend.”
“I- yeah little man.”
“What’s your name?”
“Pate.” I silently cried watching the two
“That’s my name Alipate. Mommy said I’m named after daddy and uncle they beats up bad guys.”
“Yeah they do. My names Alipate too.” Our son stopped looking at him and looking at me
“Mommy why are you crying.” He wiped my face
“I just am baby. I’ll be ok.”
“Do you- are you my daddy?” Tama slowly nodded at him as I heard our sons soft gasp and he turned to me “mommy it’s daddy! Daddy!” He jumped into his arms and I watched Tama hold him to his chest as he cried I was a horrible human I’d kept these two apart. Tama looked at me
“I’m so sorry I’m sorry.” I mouthed and he nodded closing his eyes. Our son soon pulled back a bit
“Why you cry daddy.”
“I missed you bud.”
“I missed you too. I knew you’d come back mommy always says you love me and missed me and I always said you’d come home are you done fighting bad guys.”
“I always fight bad guys buddy but I’m here ok, and I’m not leaving like that again I’ll still have beat up the bad guys but I’ll be home.”
It took awhile but we’d gotten on better terms and after a year we admitted we still loved each other. We admitted it after living together a bit we’d moved in together during Covid when the world shut down. He was home stuck and he’d decided with a lock down he wasn’t leaving our son and we ended up getting back together during it.
“Daddy Ali being mean.” Our 2 years old said looking at her dad as he picked her up. He went to say something to him he was 10 and was getting annoyed she always wanted him so he’d occasionally be mean to her. Amelika Samena Leone was born October 31st my water had broken while we were trick or treating I almost had to get a C-section with her Pate said she was his late birthday present. 8 months after her birth we got married, on the beach in Florida his parents watching the kids while he took me to Tonga for our honeymoon. I grabbed the box I’d hidden and took it to Pate we were having a cookout for Father’s Day.
“Hey you got one more gift.”
“Forreal what.” I handed him the box watching as he opened it the heart slightly moved and he removed it seeing what it said and the picture in the box as his eyes shot to mine and then my stomach. “You shittin me?” I shook my head as a huge smile broke on his face as he jumped up lifting me into his arms.
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“What she get him.”
“Oh shit!” Taula said as he’d picked it up seeing what it was
“”We having a baby!” He yelled kissing me. “I love you girl.”
“I love you too handsome.”
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heyybaejjk · 6 months
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pairings; teen!miguel o'hara x fem samoan oc
summary; jealousy, jealousy.
warnings/notes; before some people give me shit because of Gabriel, I haven't read any of the comics, all the characters are straight up OOC 😓Miguel's mother's name is Conchata 😝 proofread? nope!
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A loving hand had rubbed Miguel's shoulder, easing away his worries. His mind raced with thoughts that had kept him awake the night before.
"You okay, mijo?"
"Yeah, just excited I guess, mama," Miguel gave his mother a tight smile.
Conchata and her son had waited for the text from the new addition to their house to pick them up. Overloaded with excitement, Miguel's mother had cleaned and left everything spotless.
Miguel loved his room. An isolated space for himself only where he barricaded himself with books, notes, and a laptop screen that was brighter than the eye bags he had gained from late-night studying. With a new body moving into the room next to his, the strong bass of songs that held the meaning of violence was going to be blasting through the walls. That was something Miguel was going to have to get used to.
The O'Hara household is always quiet, or just not loud enough for neighbors to hear anything else, other than the occasional bursts of music every few weekends when Conchata wanted to deep clean every single layer of their house. Miguel liked it either way, but Miguel also knew his brother. They were two opposites. One wanted sound, the other wanted silence. And he knew he was going to dread every moment with Gabriel.
There's a knock at the door and Conchata is the first one to speed run to the door with a bounce in her steps, opening up the door and squealing at the sight of her second born son, "Baby! You said you were going to call us to pick you up from the station!"
The soft laughter of the older woman fills the doorway just as Miguel makes his way there. Leaned up against a wall with his arms crossed against his hard chest.
He internally sighs when he sees his mother nodding her head towards his younger brother, signaling him to speak.
Miguel finally sees Gabriel after what feels like years. 6 years to be exact unless you want to count the number of video calls Conchata would have every few days and the only one family reunion that was held 2 years ago.
Gabriel stood at an impressive 6'3, Miguel could only guess. His disheveled hair hinted at exhaustion from the long train journey home. Like Miguel, his hair had a slight curl, but his eyes were a warm honey brown, in contrast to Miguel's dark red ones. He had his significant goggles and scarf that enhanced his sharp features.
Miguel walks forward, his form towering over Gabriel.
"You've gotten.. taller," the older boy shrugs, scratching the back of his head.
Gabriel, who gave Miguel a tight-lipped smile while looking him up and down had raised his eyebrows in acknowledgement. "Uh, yeah. How you been?"
Conchata looks back and forth between her two sons, smiling happily at them at least trying to talk.
"Great," Miguel says dryly. He doesn't bother to ask how his brother is back.
"..Okay," Conchata intervenes. "Well! It's time to come inside, mi príncipe!" [my prince] she sings. Grabbing Gabriel by the hand, she led him into the house, leaving Miguel to bring in the suitcase his brother had brought. There were multiple heavy suitcases.
After a long afternoon of continuously explaining the rules of the most boring board games that Miguel had bought for his mother (which she surprisingly found amusing), and a few more hours of smoke filling every corner of the kitchen due to Miguel's poor baking skills, the three of them were left hungry. The forced proximity between the two teenagers was excruciating to say the least. They lasted until night had come, now all they had to do was last until one of them moved out after high school.
A squeal echoed throughout the house as Conchata rushed here and there in her kitchen in desperation to make her kids dinner, "Oh, I am so happy to see my boys together!"
"Mama," Miguel comes up from behind his mother, a hand on her shoulder to slow her down, "You can sit down, I'll cook instead."
"No! No! Go hang out with your brother!" She stubbornly says, looking around everywhere on her kitchen counter while waving a newspaper around to fan out the remaining smoke in the part of the house.
"Plus, your baking shows how much you can't cook, bebito."
Miguel chuckles softly.
"Oh, actually, can you drive down to the store? I forgot a few things.." hands behind her back as she gives her son a nervous smile.
Miguel doesn't hesitate to take the keys that were on the counter before heading towards the door, but his mother calls out, "And take your brother! Show him around while you're at it!"
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Not only did Miguel have to drive around in a car illegally, with no license and all; but he also had to endure the time that was going painfully slow for him, in a car with an unbearably big idiot.
"So, mum just lets you drive like you've got your paper on you?" Gabriel had asked, a smirk wasn't seen by Miguel, but with the tone in his voice, he knows.
Gabriel sat in the passenger seat, legs spread as far as they could with himself leaning back comfortably.
"Yeah," he says, saying nothing else that would lead to a full conversation between the two.
Finally finding a parking spot, he turns his head to reverse, his hand holding onto Gabriel's headrest as Gabriel looks out his window to ignore how physically close Miguel was to him.
He raises a brow at a figure making their way to the automatic opening doors of the mall.
Gabriel grins as his eyes travel down the backside of the figure, "Pretty girl, fat ass," he turns to Miguel, "She go to our school?"
Our. Miguel is reminded of the reality he was settled in, the thought of being under the same roof with Gabriel was already mortifying. He couldn't imagine what school would be like. He rolls his eyes internally at the remembrance. "Can you go one day without sexualizing another girl?" he looks out of his window to see who Gabriel was gesturing to (mainly to shut him up) before the figure could make their way inside the shopping center.
Fuck, he missed them.
He watches as the figure makes their way inside the mall, wearing a long pair of pants with a thick, tied-up bun on their head. It was fucking boiling outside despite it being the darkest time of the night, and the figure wore everything long. Long grey pants and a black long-sleeved shirt.
"Damn.." he hears Gabriel whisper.
Miguel waves his hand, "Hey, hey, eyes off," his jaw clenches as he exits the car.
He makes his way across the road and to the sliding doors, turning around to see Gabriel making his way as well.
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Aisle after aisle, Miguel rubbed the back of his neck while biting back a yawn. The list of things his mother had sent him halfway through the drive to the mall was supposed to be the smallest thing ever. The boy had seemed to forget how slow she can often be.
"Gabriel, grab the milk," he says loud enough for the boy behind him to hear. "And whatever else you want to snack on in your room."
Upon not hearing a small okay, Miguel stops pushing his trolley and turns around to see his brother nowhere to be found.
"For fuck's sake," he groans.
He finds himself walking through every single aisle, yet every single aisle was empty. No brown-haired boy to be sighted.
Miguel pushes his trolley begrudgingly through the frozen aisle, now stopping as he sees Gabriel's back. The black singlet he wore showed off exactly what he intended to show off. Arms flexing so subtly to whoever he was showing off to. His hand propping himself against a freezer door, head bowed down as it's slightly tilted, his height did just the trick. Gabriel's low chuckle can be heard.
Dismissing his trolley a few meters behind Gabriel, he walks up to the adolescent and taps his shoulder.
Miguel feels a migraine at his brother's dismissive behavior when he ignores his signals, a hand waving him off discreetly.
He finally tugs on his shoulder, pulling him back harshly. Gabriel is taken aback, "Ay, Miguel, I'm talking to someone," he shoots a glare to the taller boy. His eyes don't miss the way Miguel looks behind to the individual he was conversing with.
Miguel's eyebrows furrow, "Manaia?"
The mentioned girl peeks her head out from behind the younger O'Hara, "Miguel?"
Realization settles in and she waves at him, "Oh, it is you! Hi!" Soft, plump lips form into a gentle smile, the ball of her vertical lip piercing shining brighter than the gloss on her lips.
The two still hadn't spoken. Well, properly. Manaia was always the first to say hi to Miguel, despite him wanting to engage more with her like they did before.
Her fatigued state had seemed to die down every once in a while when Miguel walked pass her. She held the same smile he adorned from afar, the eyebags she thought that burdened her beauty were finally gone. But Miguel thought she looked beautiful as always.
Miguel is pulled back to reality when Gabriel lets out a feigned cough.
"You two know each other?" Miguel asks, arms crossed against his chest.
Manaia is caught gawking at the sight in front of her, rather the one who stood taller with a stern look on his face. Her palms grow sweaty, "Well, I'm guessing this is the younger brother you told me about, Miguel," Manaia says.
"Gabriel here just came over and helped me grab something from one of the shelves, and then he introduced himself," she continues with a shy smile on her face. "I knew he looked familiar! I asked if he was your brother and he said yes."
Gabriel sends Miguel a wink knowing Manaia couldn't see.
"Right, well... It was nice seeing you, Manaia, but my brother and I have to get going," Miguel grumbled, not wanting Manaia to further see his distress.
He walks off, expecting Gabriel to follow behind. "Gabriel, let's go," he commands.
Gabriel is seen bending slightly down to Manaia's height before making his way over to him, he sees Manaia's flustered state and his jaw clenches.
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Miguel had finally gotten home, his muscular arms flexed as he held onto all four bags, "Open the fucking door already, Gabriel," he hissed at the Gabriel, who fiddled with the keys in his hands. A secret smirk on his face, "Haven't been back at this house in years, I seemed to forget which key it is."
Miguel grunted, "Probably the key with the spider looking logo on it, maybe? Hurry the fuck up-"
The door swings open and Conchata is seen holding up a pan high above her head, "Who the hell! Oh-" she gives a nervous smile, "My babies, you took so long, come in, come in."
Dropping all the grocery bags onto the kitchen counter, Miguel storms off to his room. Not wanting to upset his mother, he closes his bedroom door softly before flipping off everything that existed in his room.
"Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!" he whisper-shouted to himself. He had spent less than 24 hours with Gabriel and he resented his presence already. Flopping onto his bed, he calmed himself down before pulling out his phone.
mahi_sniffer: i miss my ex
aluaigioukae: go sleep cunt omg
mahi_sniffer: suck my dick u dog
aluaigioukae: tell that to ur girlf
aluaigioukae: oh wait...
bololicker: HAHAHAHA
mahi_sniffer: im not gonna let myself be laughed at my someone named David.
bololicker: ur such a dry cunt
mahi_sniffer: so is ur mum
mahi_sniffer: i miss miguellllllllllllllllllllllllll
mahi_sniffer: @M.Ohara_99 where are u tetti
M.Ohara_099: Good evening, I was busy today. I apologise for not being as active as I wished to be
mahi_sniffer: aw mate where u been
aluaigioukae: hey miggs
bololicker: hi miguelllllllllllll
mahi_sniffer: guys naia asked to be added in the gc
aluaigioukae: SHE GOT HER SOCIALS BACK???
mahi_sniffer: hmm well if she asked
mahi_sniffer: do you think she did??
aluaigioukae: fuck u
mahi_sniffer: im only for miguel g
M.Ohara_99: She will be able to see the previous chats?
bololicker: nah nah she won't
mahi_sniffer: idek why we never added her before
[ mahi_sniffer has added manaiafepuleai to pussy eatersssss ! ]
manaiafepuleai: how come i'm only added now 😞 yall be talkin abt me??
mahi_sniffer: yeah mad shit
aluaigioukae: hey naiaaa
manaiafepuleai: hi kiuga 😊
Miguel finds himself imagining how'd Manaia would say it within real time. Grinning at the thought of her giving everyone a small smile as she greets herself. He then pauses.
manaiafepuleai: hi miguel, it was nice to say hi to you before :DD
bololicker: when was this??
manaiafepuleai: i saw him at the shops an hour ago :) i was the first to meet his brother 🤭
M.Ohara_99: yeah
mahi_sniffer: interesting interesting
mahi_sniffer: @aluaigioukae @bololicker an opportunity is what i see right here boys.
M.Ohara_99: what?
manaiafepuleai: what?
aluaigioukae: oh i get you sione 😉
bololicker: huh
mahi_sniffer: omg david fucking read the room rn cunt
bololicker: oh
bololicker: ohhhhh
bololicker: HA yeah yeah
mahi_sniffer: yeah he doesnt get it ☠️
aluaigioukae: dumb cunt
manaiafepuleai: miguel and i wanna know whats up too 😞 cmonnnn
mahi_sniffer: wdym?
mahi_sniffer: nothings goin on here mateee
aluaigioukae: sooo
aluaigoukae: you met miggs brother?
manaiafepuleai: i did yesss
M.Ohara_99: Kiuga.
aluaigioukae: shh
aluaigioukae: @manaiafepuleai so whatd you think of him?? he cute ??
manaiafepuleai: i mean he was cuter than i anticipated from before, but hes very talkative and engaging! he came up to me and helped me get something from one of the shelves
mahi_sniffer: right..
mahi_sniffer: and how does that make you feel miguel?? 😄😄
Sione and David wait for their mutual friend's response, unknowingly they both snicker behind their screens as Miguel's typing bubble appears on and off.
M.Ohara_99: I don't know, glad you're befriending my brother
M.Ohara_99: Have his profile while you're at it. @gabrielohara1 I'm sure he'll be happy to follow you back. I'm off to sleep.
mahi_sniffer: what in the fail
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The school library was free to any student who wished to come earlier than classes would start. But the one and only librarian was close to making exceptions for a few others.
"Wow, thank you so fucking much, Sione, really."
"If I tell you to run, then you RUN, stupid Tongan."
"Guys, people are looking, put your voices down."
The shouts of four Polynesians echoed throughout the library. It was way too early for anyone else to be dealing with their nonsense in the morning.
"Sione, this is why I hate playing Roblox with you," Kiuga rubbed his face, head thrown back as he complained for the fifth time that morning.
"It wasn't even my fault. Manaia was in my way!" Sione retorted.
Manaia gasped at the accusation, "It's just a game!"
"We lost to a big-headed Shrek chasing us because of you!" David added to Kiuga's yelling.
Manaia let out a chuckle before she packed up her school laptop when she saw the time ticking closer to the bell ringing. Sione looked over at the library door, his mouth agape, and he elbowed Kiuga, who was busy retrying the same round he had died in. "Oi, look," he whispered.
This caught the attention of all three teenagers. David was the first to look over to where Sione signaled.
Walking towards the group of four, Miguel had his hands in his pockets before stopping right in front of everyone. "Good morning, everyone," he nodded his head backward. "This is my brother, Gabriel. He was supposed to start next week, but I don't know everything, I guess."
There, behind Miguel, stood Gabriel O'Hara, the only person Sione found himself gawking at. And maybe David. As well as Kiuga.
Manaia was the first to stand up, fixing her skirt and giving Miguel a smile before making her way over to Gabriel, who gave her a wink.
His bag hung on one shoulder, his other arm free. The uniform sat comfortably tight on his skin. He wore a scarf around his neck, rightfully so as it was freezing outside. He noticed goosebumps along Manaia's neck. He unwrapped his scarf and gestured the warm fluff in his hand to her.
"Hi, Gabriel," Manaia said, taking the scarf from him and wrapping it around her neck.
Manaia looked effortlessly beautiful, just like always.
"Hey, Naia. Thanks for texting me last night; I wouldn't have been as prepared for my first day if it weren't for you," Gabriel taunted loud enough for another to hear.
He grinned when he saw dark red eyes piercing his honey brown ones.
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ediyoonoh · 2 years
Henry 6th
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GreenSchool!NaJaemin x GreenSchoolfem!reader; 1.4k words, taglish fic
WARNING: this short fic contains smut (pwp, oral sex, and protected sex) and the use of foul language!
GENRE: smut
SUMMARY: what happens when you decided to stay at your campus library?
A/N: omg this is my first ever work 🥹. This fic may contain typo and grammatical errors. Anw, I hope you enjoy reading and lemme know your thoughts! 🫶
DISCLAIMER: all names, characters, and settings in this work are fictious. Any resemblance are entirely coincidental.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Ilang oras ka ng walang tulog.
Buong gabi ka nag-aral para sa Accounting exam mo at ‘di ka pa nakakabawi ng tulog dahil katatapos lang din ng 3-hour lecture mo.
“Finally, natapos din ang accounting exam at lecture natin” bulong sayo ng best friend mo habang nag-uunat ng buto. “Oo nga eh, pero honestly I think bagsak pa rin ako sa quiz na ‘to” halata ang lungkot sa boses mo habang inaayos ang gamit para umalis na ng classroom. “Hayaan mo na bestie, bawi na lng tayo sa susunod”.
Totoo naman kasi, sobrang demanding ng Accountancy program sa school na pinasukan mo. Fast paced kasi ang curriculum dito at may retention grade pa. Favorite lang ata ni Lord ang makakapasa sa gantong systema ng Green School eh!
“Okay lang ba na mauna na ako umuwi sa’yo? Gusto ko ng bumawi ng tulog eh” tanong ng kaibigan mo habang naglalakad kayo palabas ng Yuchengco building. “Sure no worries sis! I’ll just go to Henry to finish some minor requirements and maybe take some sleep“ sabi mo before walking away to kill some time before your next class.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Nandito ka ngayon sa 6th floor ng Henry Sy Sr. Building also known as The Learning Commons upang tapusin ang iyong requirements ng magulat ka ng may kumausap sa’yo.
“Hi excuse me, is this seat taken?” the stranger asked you in which you shook your head as a response. “Oh if ganon, is it okay if I share a table with you? There are no vacant tables left kasi” he explained to you.
Napaisip ka naman kung bakit hindi na lang siya umakyat sa upper floors pero pagtingin mo sa kaniya, ay puta ang pogi pala ng kausap mo! “Uh….yeah sure” sabi mo ng may halong hiya at kilig.
It is around 30 minutes after your interaction that you finished your requirements and decided to take a nap kasi may oras ka pa naman before your next class.
Tangina, ‘di ako makatulog ng maayos dito ah. Hindi rin naman maiwasan tingnan ka ng lalaki dahil sa sobrang likot mo ‘til he noticed that you’re uncomfortable with your position .
“Can’t sleep?” he initiated. “Yeah, I can’t seem to find a comfortable position in this chair” you chuckled with an irritated tone.
“You can sleep in my condo if you want” napabangon ka naman sa sinabi niya at hindi napigilan ang paglaki ng mata mo. Gago, please tell me what I’m thinking is wrong. “Are you out of your mind? We just met and you’re offering your condo to me?”
“Well it looks like you really need some sleep and if you don’t trust me because we don’t know each other then let me tell a few things about myself. I’m Jaemin, ID 120 taking Hum-Bio. There, now, what about yours?” Jaemin answered with a small smile in his face.
Shit, ang cute niya ngumiti. “uh… I’m y/n ID 121 taking Accountancy” returning his smile.
“Nice to meet you y/n! So… what do you say?”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Ang usapan makiktulog ka sa condo niya pero bakit nakikipag-laplapan ka na kay Jaemin?
“Fuck, Jaemin” you moaned while straddling him. Sabi na nga ba eh tama yung iniisip ko kanina. “You have big tits, y/n” he groaned while groping your breasts. ‘Di mo rin namalayan na that you’re grinding him sa sobrang sarap nang maramdaman mo ang kaniyang ari sa puke mo. Oh I bet riding him is such a dream.
“M-may condom ka ba Jaem?” tanong mo habang hinihingal pa sa momol session niyo. “Yeah I do, but are you sure you want this?” he asked as he carressed your face. Malamang sino ba naman ako para ‘di magpatira sa poging lalaki na’to diba?
“Please fuck me Jaemin” you begged.
Napatili ka nang binuhat ka ng binata at inihiga ka sa kama niya. “I suppose you deserve to be fucked, baby. Someone to fuck your stress away, hm?” Accounting major pa nga. If you are not wet a while ago, then you are definitely wet right now. Unti-unti na ring tinatanggal ng lalaki ang mga damit niyo ng naging dahilan ng pag-tigas ng nipples mo sa lamig ng kwarto. “Please… Jaem”
“Please what baby?” he teases you. “Touch me please … touch me anywhere” mahina mong sagot sa kaniya. Ilang buwan ka na ring hindi nadiligan kaya talagang touched deprived ka na. Sinunod naman ni Jaemin ang sinabi kaya ‘di mo napigilan ang umungol ng malakas ng maramdaman mong pinasok ng nakakatanda ang dalawang daliri niya sa pussy mo. “Tangina ang sikip mo, paano na lang kaya pag tite ko na ipapasok ko sa’yo?”.
You were all over the place. Patuloy na ang mga ungol at pagtulo ng luha mula sa mata mo sa sobrang sarap. Maya-maya nararamdaman mo ng lalabasan ka na kaya napahigpit na ang hawak mo sa braso ng lalaki. “Jaem I’m gonna c-cum” which caused him to finger you faster.
“Fuck!” mura mo habang linalabasan ka. “That’s it baby, that’s it” he scattered kisses to your face. While recovering from your orgasm, you felt a weight shift on the bed and saw Jaemin holding a condom wrapper in his hand. “Ano baby kaya pa?” he jerked himself off before wearing the condom. Lord, maraming salamat po sa blessing na ‘to.
Pareho kayong napa-ungol sa sarap. “Fuck, why are you still so tight? I fingered you na ah” he moved carefully inside you. Shit, di pa niya napapasok lahat pero you feel so full already. “Jaem fuck wait, you’re so big” mangiyak-iyak mong sabi sa kaniya.
“Just tell me baby when to move” he patiently waited for you to be comfortable pero bakas na sa mukha niya ang sarap. “You can move now, Jaem” he slowly moved at first still helping you to adjust to his size. He also started rubbing circles on your hips to ease the pain. Nako Jaem, ‘wag mong gagawin ‘yan kikiligin ako.
Hinahalikan na rin ng lalaki ang leeg mo habang bumubulong sa tenga mo ng, “That’s it baby, that’s it”. “Fuck Jaem, ang sarap…bilisan mo pa” you whimpered, kaya naman he thrusted faster into you that caused you to moan at his name loudly, not caring about the neigbors. “Yeah baby, you like that? You like getting fucked like this?”
Ang galing niya mag dirty talk putangina, at dahil diyan you can already feel another climax creeping in. “Puta, mas sumisikip ka pa lalo. Lalabasan ka na ba uli, baby?” tumango ka sa kaniyang tanong at muli ka na namang nagulat when he manhandled you into all fours. Now he’s fucking you with hard and even faster pace, “’Wag mo ng pigilan, y/n. Cum for me”. utos niya sayo.
Putangina ang sarap. You felt your second orgasm washing all over your body, and you can tell this has been the best orgasm you ever experienced. “f-fuck Jaem I’m getting sensitive” ‘di na naririnig ng binata ang mahina mong bulong at ipinipagpatuloy ang pag-kantot sa’yo hanggang sa labasan na rin siya sa condom.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Here a glass of water for you” Jaemin offered you while helping you sit comfortably on the bed. Damn, he also knows how to do aftercare? “Was I too rough, y/n?” kitang-kita sa leeg mo ang mga hickeys at namumuong pasa sa balakang mo. “No Jaem, you’re not. In fact you’re perfect, exactly what I need”.
Tahimik na sinuot mo ang mga damit mo at nakigamit ka na rin ng banyo para mag-hilamos ng mukha. Paglabas, nagulat ka naman kung bakit naka-hoodie at may suot na slides ang lalaki. “Ihahatid na kita palabas, y/n”. Napatingin ka sa relos mo at guess what? Late ka na sa next class mo!
“Stop making fun of me” naririnig mong tumatawa si Jaemin habang pasakay kayo ng elevator kasi sabi niya mukha ka raw penguin maglakad. Sino kaya may kasalanan kung bakit ganito ako maglakad? “Uh…Jaem? Thank you for this” nahihiya mong sabi sa kaniya pagdating niyo sa lobby. “Anytime babe. You know where to find me if you need to let off some steam again” he winked at you.
Yeah, sa Henry 6th.
ediyoonoh '23
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
Any wrestler with face paint, painting the reader face like their for a match like Darby Allin and his skull face paint?
Pairing(s): Darby Allin x Fem!Reader, Jeff Hardy x Fem!Reader, Finn Balor x Fem!Reader, Tama Tonga x Fem!Reader, Ricky Starks x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 817
Supreme Speaks: i had fun writing this cause jeffery is back and my heart is full (i hope he is healthy and everything is going great in his life). thank you to @hookerforhook for being so patient and allowing me to write your request. Also I hope everyone is doing well and please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: slightly proofread, gifs are not mine, i repeat gifs ARE NOT MINE
Taglist (if you wanna be a part of it, lemme know):  @hookerforhook  @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom @wwenhlimagines @triscillal
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Typically with him, he would allow you to pick out the colors
“I like those colors too darling” (I will always love this man)
Will dedicate some looks to you and your favorite color
When you said you wanted to start painting your face, Jeff immediately bought the supplies and gave you tips
“Okay this brand is the best with brushes, but if you want to use your fingers use this brand” (again I love this man)
Will coordinate looks with you
As you do your first look, he will look at you with love and admiration (he feels honored that you wanted to start wearing faceprint)
Believes that faceprint shouldn’t have structure, just do what you want aka abstract
Jeff will ensure that your faceprint looks good, even if you don’t think so
Will only fix it up if you want him to, not a second before
“Of course sweetheart, I’ll help you” (I can just hear that beautiful country accent in my head)
Will post your face paints on his instagram/twitter
Darby Allin:
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This man would be excited internally, but would not allow you to see it
On the outside: Oh cool, yeah I’ll help you
Will show you how to achieve the iconic look
After failing a couple of times, you just asked Darby to paint your face
Like you wouldn’t even feel his fingertips that’s how gentle he is (again pause)
Darby would talk you through what he’s doing 
“Okay I’m going to apply the stitches around your mouth…stop moving…no you’re not ticklish, you’re just childish”
I feel like for him he would use brushes especially around your ear
Will give you the proper tools to take off the remaining faceprint, even though most of it will be in the ring after your match
Darby would be the one to take aesthetic photos with you
And would constantly reference your face paint as his “most perfect look ever”
Finn Balor:
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Definitely would ask you to do something comic book inspired
Venom, Spiderman, Carnage, Spawn, etc.
Would giggle as he puts on your face and bodypaint on (or as the makeup artist does)
Like Jeff, he would definitely give you recommendations for brands of paints
Has many makeup wipes on standby incase you don’t like any of the looks
Definitely would do a throwback look to his Demon era
Tbh, I think Finn would also give you the arm decorations that he uses as well
Expects you to have an alter ego as well
Wants to do a couple look if you guys can or in a match
Everyone lost their shit when you and Finn stood across the ring from Edge and Beth Phoenix 
Tama Tonga:
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Although he doesn’t do faceprint anymore, I had to include my husband
He kept his face paint simple tbh
When you asked for inspiration or advice he simply said
“Do what your heart desires”
“Who are you? Bob Ross?”
“A Tongan Bob Ross….yes”
Would definitely do his past face paints on you
Doesn’t want you to talk as it breaks his concentration and makes him giggle
Tama would definitely reminiscence with his brother about the days they use to put on the faceprint
He would bring back his face paint just to match with you for one match/night
Everyone would lose their shit on twitter and take it as a sign of the old G.O.D coming back
“Nah I’m just supporting my girl”
Bonus** Ricky Starks: (cause of that one time he painted his face to mimic Darby)*
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Long story short, you wanted to poke fun at your opponent who wears faceprint (Abadon, Rosemary)
This man would grab the nearest makeup artist and ask them to do an “inspired” look
“I don’t know you would make this look good…it looks like they got dressed in the dark”
Would post progress photos to his story
Gives you tips on how to mock your opponent
When your look was finished, man STRAIGHT UP CACKLED
“I’m surprised that you actually look very cute yet scary”
Would definitely pinch your cheeks to tease you
But then gets upset that the paint ended up on his fingers
….would definitely take credit for the work….
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irlcats-bracket · 1 year
Bracket 6 Round 1 Poll 15
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Tama (and Nitama and Sun-tama-tama and Yontama) vs Nebberz vs Nala
image for nala is from getdrawing i failed to draw with the left hand and im still trying not to use my injured one so yeah
check their descriptions and catpaganda for the station cats under the cut
pictured: tama, the one who started it all
Tama was a station master (promoted to honorary president of the rail line) at Kishi station. She was so good at her job the passengers increased 17% just the month after she was hired!! Tama is a prime example of nekonomics which basically means that you will increase in profit if you have a cat mascot. Unfortunately i only found some news articles in english but apparently professor Katsuhiro Miyamoto of Kansai university talks abt nekonomics. i could not find his words exactly (only in those news articles) but i also just don't know japanese
There is even a train with small tamas drawn on it
at the age of 16 tama died of heart failure and was enshrined as Tama Daimyōjin
She had an apprentice and eventual successor Nitama. You can easily recognize her as she has longer fur than Tama or Yontama.
Sun-tama-tama was another potential successor to Tama however she went training to okayama and ppl straight up refused to give her back. so yeah she works there now
Yontama is Nitama's apprentice!!
you can also learn more about them from this post
also known as nebchamp or paul
Little ginger baby who's so sweetness and niceys. His tail gets all puffy when he's happy and submitter calls it his poog poof. And he'll hurt you for no reason and run everywhere.
A 7 week old siamese kitten with black ears, black paws, and a black tail. She's the size of a russet potato.
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tama with nitama
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I woke up to Violetchi on my Pix Party, I hate that you gotta neglect your tama got get her, but I wanted her, and so I put my 2nd generation through the wringer. I didn't think much of this design when I first saw it, just another Sanrio wanna be I thought, but I think it grew on me a lot, especially after that episode of Let's Go Tamagotchi. All the more reason I wish the full anime was subbed, so I can better appreciate the cast of characters. Kinda like how the pokemon and digimon anime did the same for the source material of those as well.
And just now, Gyaoppi II evolved again, it's some kind of Cerapoda dinosaur. Not sure what I did differently, if anything, Again, i'm sensing there's a bit of randomness to the pet, But I do think i've kept up on it enough that it's not dying at least. So it's really redeemed itself, though it's still fragile. It gets sick a lot, but it makes a noise every time to let you know, so as long as it's near you, and paused when it's not, it should be fine.
Last update, Mametchi on the Tamagotchi Oiriginal is at 23 years old, and the Tamagotchi Wiki lists it's maximum lifespan as being 22 years, so i'm over here like:
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Yeah I knew tehre'd be no way to keep it alive for insanely long like a Digimon 20th or a Gigapet but still, I love my boy, and I worked hard to get him. Will his life start draining away fast next time I get in the shower or go downstairs to eat? I did make liberal use of the pause trick while I was at work and before I went to sleep every night, so he could still have a few more days left in him. But ah, i'm not ready to say goodbye.
On the Digimon front... Tlilocmon is fine. I have no major updates, though I spent some time making more beaded charm straps for my other digimon v-pets. Wish I had more to say on this front but Digimon seem to have a lot less going on than Tamagotchi despite seeming to have more depth.
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harukamitsuki · 4 months
i really resonate with your opinions about lance and the fandom surrounding him, but you really kill it any time you say some shit like "i wonder if people would treat him the same if he was white"
they 100% would. this is tumblr, bro. most blorbos are white. just look at the previous main three shows, superwholock. lance being cuban has nothing to do with him being treated the way fandom treats him. he is just, like you said, an everyday man who's easy to project on.
another critique i personally have of voltron is that while everyone's skin tone and background is varied, they all have always felt white to me. they have no cultural identity in the show. was hunk's samoan background ever even named or did we just get that from a book or a tweet? i feel like viewers shouldn't have to use outside material to complete the story in front of them.
the fact that we never got that in the actual writing of the show really pissed me off. and this is as someone who's latino. lance has always felt incredibly white to me because the writers spent no fucking time adding any cultural elements into is character. even if he was a no sabo kid incredibly distant from his culture due to growing up at a boarding school, that would still be something. idk if we ever got anything about him being cuban in the show.
part of the writer's inability to write complex characters is also their inability to write poc.
i think this is also why lance works as an everyday man.
my point is that lance would still be very loved if he was white. he's not getting any extra love bc he's cuban. honestly, i feel like his cuban identity just means fanfic writers get to use google translate for shitty spanish lines that make no sense for the story and to occasionally fetishize him. they put no actual effort into understanding his cuban background. and why would they? the writers of voltron never bothered to.
Yeah, no, I get that. Lance is very white, but because his skin isn't and he's canonically Cuban, people tend to forget that? Luz from the Owl House is 100% latina and it feels like she is. Because she speaks spanish and her mother speaks spanish to her. It doesn't have to be in-your-face, but it would have been nice to hear the POC characters mumble their home language under their breaths, or to speak idioms the other don't know because it's not a universal thing.
For example, everyone knows 'don't bite off more than you can chew', but it's 'the one that embrace a lot, cannot keep it together'. They mean the same thing, but it would have been nice for Lance to just come out with that and everyone is confused until he explains.
Or Hunk calling his parents 'tina' and 'tama', meaning mom and dad respectively. It would have been nice if he made dishes inspired by Samoan culture, such as koko alaisa, or something.
If there was just one scene where one of them struggled to find a word in English, I would have been a lot more convinced that they're POC. Just one scene where someone is all 'oh, what was the word. you know? that thing! the thing, you know!'. Just one short scene.
Or, like, a culture clash? As in, they compare something on an alien planet with something common in their homeland and the others are just like 'what? That isn't normal.' And it just delves into a conversation about what is normal in the US but weird in their home countries.
There's just so much that Voltron could have done, but it doesn't which is a massive shame.
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lovelymessybubbly · 1 year
kyaaaah tamadachi i am so excited and grateful because the ever-wonderful @thornoisdono commissioned me a gift written by the incredibly talented @theatregaymer !!! ( ´͈ ॢꇴ  `͈)੭ु this is a fic featuring nagisa shoto from assassination classroom as the lee, and our devious tama-chan as the ler !! ufufu, i was totally over the moon reading it, theatre captured tama’s overall character perfectly and is a master at writing teasing ! and reading of nagisa getting worked over this way…. uwaaaah it is just the best !!
thank you so much, both of you ! i have gotten permission to post this, so i am sharing it with my tamadachi !!
pleased be advised, this is a DUBCON fic !! so it may be a bit more intense than what some may prefer. just be aware when reading !
You are cordially invited to an event honoring service to the greater community. To honor and commemorate your years of support, the MFL has provided a gift in the form of a familar lee to suit your tastes. We do hope you will join us at the disclosed location to avoid the public eye during this celebration. We look forward to your response and wish you a pleasant day. Warm regards, The President, Management of Lees Department.
Tama's eyes browsed over the contents of the letter once again, an eyebrow raising up as the contents continued. P.S tools will be provided as well as the proper restraints to ensure the comfort and longevity of your lee. Of course upon seeing the enclosed photograph of this familiar lee they described. Nagisa Shiota was indeed someone she was familiar with, a walking tickle spot who always had great reactions. The thought of getting her hands on him again in this kind of setting was just too good to pass up, so of course she accepted with the most humble of responses. Hell yeah.
The location was not somewhere close by though, so it was a bummer that she had to travel to get there. But reminding herself of the treat at the end of the rainbow was more than enough motivation to keep her going. She wondered if perhaps he would remember her, or if his sensitive tickle spots would remember her touch at the very least. Regardless, upon arrival her face could barely hide her interest, a slight sadistic smile showing itself as she entered the rather posh looking offiice building to be greeted by an oddly enthusiastic receptionist. "Ah miss Tama! We've been expecting you. Welcome! Please come this way, refreshments are available if you like. Your commemorative lee has already been brought in and is waiting whenever you're ready." This guy seemed way too happy for some reason, though she could at least admit...he seemed kinda cute. Probably why he landed the job as receptionist. The briefest interest in his own potential as a future lee quickly became overshadowed though, the blond's mind shifting right back to why she was there after hearing Nagisa was already ready and waiting. This was gonna be fun.
For Nagisa however, he was yet again wondering how the hell he got himself into situations like this one. He had been minding his own business as usual of course, but after having some morning tea at a cafe, he had a lapse in his memories, likely due to something in the tea. He was familiar with the people who took him of course, marveling each time at just how estensive their network was and how many people were either secretly agents of the MFL or at least accepted contracts from them. Why was there even a group like this at all!? He groaned, teasing his bonds as his wrists were both tied high above his head, keeping them secured as he was seated in a completely grey cushioned chair, the room he was in boasting what was most likely a one-way mirror, soft colors on a few wall paintings as well as a large chest on a rolling cart complete with a rolling chair much like he could find in a doctor's office. Another unfortunate sight was his shoes neatly set aside under the mirror, his own socked feet sticking out of the other side of a stockade with his knees slightly bent. The way the chair was not only made that possible, but also sported extra cushioning at his mid back to keep his body stretched, ribs exposed beneath his thin, sky blue tee shirt. Some tan shorts completed this basic outfit he had gone with to relax, not planning on finding any assassin work today and taking it easy...so much for that idea.
Of course he knew tickling was going to be inevitable, but nothing really seemed as bad as he thought it could be until a certain familiar face came through the door to his left...
"Weheeeell look who I get to see again!" That familiar, taunting tone in her voice, that unmistakable pastel tone of yellow from both her hair and clothing making her not seem out of place at some cutesy tea party...but the young assassin knew she was not someone to judge based on appearance alone, his body instantly wanting to curl up as a few flashes of memories played in his mind of the last time they'd met. "N-no...not you!" Tama just giggled openly, closing the door behind her, having already been told of the only limitations being three hours, for his safety, or until he passed out. "Yup, it's meeeee....you're still such a cutie arencha? Still no state alchemist buuuut, we'll have fun all the same." She approached with a small skip in her step, looking around the room, an eyebrow raising again as she looked at the mirror, knowing that there would be two people present for viewing. One was assigned as Nagisa's handler today, keeping him healthy and in charge of taking him home. The other was to take notes on how things went, how the tools worked out, possibly to watch her own technique to garner new ideas for their own use in the future...welp, let em watch.
She plopped down in the rolling chair, taking a second to spin before rolling over to open the square chest to look at some of the fun little toys she was given. "Mmm standard stuff, you guys should get more creative." She complained aloud, her cute demeanor taking a break to really drive home how much she'd expected them to make some kind of strides in tickle research and tool development or something. For now though she relented, picking up a finely curated feather as well as a metal back scratcher with plastic coated tines to keep them dull. The entire time she was listening to the somewhat scared whimpers and pleas from her tickle toy, Nagisa softly begging for mercy...he really couldn't take tickles. "Hehehe sorry lil killer, we have plenty of time together and I wanna hear you make some noise~" She stated bluntly before rolling up close to his upper body.
It started off light, a soft, fluttery and teasing touch gliding around Nagisa's cheeks and neck, the boy attmpting to scrunch his shoulders to little effect, his arms still locked above him. "Pfthehe...mmnghhmhhheihihheheh." Try as he might, Nagisa knew there was really no getting around it now, he was just too ticklish to really hold it in very well with someone who knew what they were doing. Of course, it didn't mean he had to give in completely right away, the assassin still doing his best to hold back as he used subtle movements to try and figure out any possible way he could escape, but nothing seemed to give him anything beyond more giggles, especially as Tama angled her other tool, sliding it right into the short sleeve of his left arm to use the tines against his unprotected armpit. "AH! Naha nohOHHHEHAHahahah naha stahahaphihihit!" And just like that, his tormentor's face donned a signiature smirk to go along with this torturous act.
"Uh ooooh, oh nooo someone's breaking down already! Does it tickle? Hmmmm? It sounds like it! Someone's gonna make a lot more noises before we're done!" She taunted her toy as the tools continued to tease along his body, his torso twisting slightly as he tried his best to shift away from the other's instruments, his trembling shoulders following the pattern of his laughter. "AHah ahah ah ahah pah plehehehEHEHEHhashehehahah AHAHa I cahahan't hthehehehah teehehahahakehehaha take it AHAHaOUT!" Nagisa begged, unable to focus on any sort of intimidation tactics while the tickles were driving him wild, so his tone was completely submissive. What really didn't help was when the golden haired girl chose to stuff the feather down his opposite sleeve, giving him not only tickles in both pits but different sensations in each as well. "KYEHEHEHEHEHAHahahaHAHahah aah AAHAha nahaha!" While he was pretty sensitive all over, Tama definitely remembered Nagisa's pits being one of the best spots to get him squealing like this. Nothing did quite compare to getting a cute guy squealing at her fingertips however, so soon enough she stepped up her game.
"Ngh ah aha wah wait what are youHUHUHHHAAHAHA!" Tama, sick of just teasing for now, dropped both tools to the floor before both hands began giving rapid scribbles to the lad's underarms now. Sure it was over his clothing, but he'd been the one to choose a soft cotton shirt today so it was his fault it wasn't at all protective against tickling. Her hands began dancing lower, starting to drag around and dig between his ribcage. "Tickle tickle tickle! PFt you're like a fish outta water ain'tcha? Pft that's it heh dance for me pretty boy!" She taunted, his body writhing continuously as he tried throwing off her rhythym as best he could. Sensitive as he was, it was no surprise that soon enough tears were starting to caress his cheeks as he looked around frantically as if trying to peer for an escape, a source of solace, anything to aid him. His eyes landed across from him at the mirror, picturing the other people that could be watching, earning a fiercer blush than ever before as he closed his eyes in embarrassment while Tama's fingers moved ever closer to his tender tummy.
"We can't forget this tum-tum of yours can we? Oh noooo, we wouldn't want that! Ohohooo so ticklish ohoho yeees!" Tama's tone was much more airy than it was when speaking to the staff beyond the mirror, her cutesy talk reserved for good little ticklish guys like Nagisa. Not that it made him feel any better that this was her version of special treatment, not with her hands using a claw technique right at his tender flanks, hands alternating occasionally with kneading motions at his sensitive abdominals. He wasn't super fit of course, still retaining some natural give due to his age, but his assassin training had long since begun to mold his body into definitive fighting shape, giving plenty of fun little divots for her fingers to fit nicely into. "NAHA NO NO NOHOHOhohahahah haha nahaht my bellyhyhyHEHAHA AHAHA IHIh'll DAHAIEHEHehaha!" Of course his pleas continued to be ignored, even laughed at as Tama continued, rolling away briefly to retrieve an electric toothbrush from the chest before returning, one hand starting to spider at his ribcage and sides again. "PAHAHa plehease, you aren't gonna die silly. Though you might want to when I get to those cute little tootsies of yours." She taunted, earning a squeal and ten curled toes as a reply.
The electric toothbrush of course, buzzed to life soon enough, being waved in front of him as one eye opened in desperation to find the source before Nagisa watched with horror as the device was lowered until it dipped under the end of his shirt, pressing around his waistline before being used to polish his tender navel. A fresh scream was torn from his throat of course, music to his tickler's ears as he sang like a bird, signature squeaks showing that he had indeed gotten a little hiccupy with his laughter going on like this. The wicked device swiveled and buzzed all around his belly button, his hips shaking like no tomorrow as he shook like he was trying to learn some new dance he saw on the internet. "Ohooo someone likes to dance a lot! You tryin the tickly tango lil assassin?" Tama continued to taunt him, her fingers finally finding a perch on another killer spot for the boy, his lithe hips.
"PLeheheasehhaa aha ah ahaha I KEEHEhah *hic* AHAHIEHEH Canahahah caahahn't!" He cried out, his cheeks a rosy red hue before a dull beep sounded over an intercom. Looking up in annoyance, Tama knew what this meant as she looked up behind Nagisa with a huff. "Just getting good, ah well. Time for a lil breakie!" She said sweetly, moving the toys away from him as she pulled out a bottle with a bendy straw potruding from the top. "Here giggles, drink up."
Nagisa took the briefest of reprieves to think about countless things at once. He'd seen her look at the wall behind him, denoting there was some kind of clock on the wall behind him, or some other form of signal to show time had passed. That or it was somehow linked to his own pulse, showing the need for a break if he got too close to passing out too quickly.
Another worry was that this water she was offering was also going to be laced with some kind of drug to knock him out. That thought however drifted away since she had mentioned having more ticklish plans for him, and he wouldn't be as responsive under the effects of something like that...and she so did love when he was energetic. So, with less hesitation than he initially had, he took several long sips from the water, Tama smiling with an obviously wicked intent as she watched him regain his strength, his eyes blinking back to life slightly as he attempted to turn his head and wipe some tears on the sleeve of his shirt. Nagisa wanted to immediately use this time to demand answers, why he was targeted for this insane sort of thing, why she liked this so much. However, he knew he should save his breath and focus on preparing himself for the soon to be second portion of this little session of theirs.
Sure enough after roughly five to ten minutes, he couldn't focus on counting, the tone rang in the room once more, his eyes jumping right to Tama's fingers instantly wiggling in the air and moving ever closer. Damn, she still knew how to get him riled up even just from the sight of something like those hands getting closer to his hips, his shirt somewhat ridden up in all his struggling earlier. "Ngh h-hahang on now eh plehehehase hehe...y-you dohohn't need to go right back to wohohork on my hihips no no please ihiht tickles so bahaha-AAAHAHAhahD!" It was like she didn't hear him at all, those skilled hands each grabbing those hips, thumbs swiveling quickly into the dips as she kneaded them like working on bread dough. "EEHEHEe HEHEAHHA AHAH AH AH AHAHAH!" His legs trembled, torso bucking like some kind of wild animal trying to escape it's bonds.
It was obvious to anyone that Nagisa was the kind of lee that was hard to pin down, his training making him nimble and fast like a snake. It took a trap planned out over three days to pinpoint and acquire a prized lee of this quality and Tama understood that very well, not intending to waste any time as she felt like she was digging into a ticklish feast after being famished for too long. "Ohohoho yeah laugh for me lil cutie! Come ooon you can get loudeeeer!" Her volume just about matched his own, the boy squealing and squawking like some kind of trapped animal, small flicks of saliva and tears on his face as he thrashed around from her viscious onslaught.
Thankfully, though he didn't know it, the MFL adhered to strict policy of at least sixty days rest for any lee on their register who was not willingly employed by them. So he would at least get some time away from this sort of thing, but that wouldn't have given him any solace in the moment. His hips finally made a dull thud as they dropped back onto the chair, the blue haired young man not even realizing he had been so desperately arching off the chair while Tama had helped herself to his now blushy hips. Of course she knew just how much force to use, not wanting to damage such a delicate flower. Still, it wasn't in the cards to give him too much reprieve, occasional squeezes making the boy jump as his tired form tried to recover as much as he could. Even in this state he could tell, her attentions were moving lower...from his thighs and knees to his calves before reaching the stocks at the end.
"N...n-no ah plehehease..hah *hic* enoohough already..." His voice sounded tired, but still had signs of strength left. Besides, there was still plenty of time remaining in round two and this ler wanted to savor it.Giggles and whimpers began a steady climb up from his core as he felt manicured nails gently dragging up his socked soles. "N-nooOooOOHohohoho oh oh hoho no pleheashehehesHSHSHhehehehahaha hahave mercy on mahay feet!" He begged, having completely surrendered to the fact that he had no power here, he was only there to be a ticklish toy for her enjoyment.
"Shhhh sh shhh it's okaaay...I've got you, you're aaaaall miiiine. I'll take good care of these ticklish little tootsies down here." Tama's ticklish subject could be seen shaking his head drastically, too giggly to form the words to further plead his case as she seemed determined to pick apart every bit of sanity he could spare. Like his armpits and his waist, the boy's feet seemed particularly tender if their flailing was anything to go by. But Tama was skilled, a bit of wriggling was no match for her nimble hands as they followed every attempt at escape, picking up the pace and teasing his cotton covered beauties. "Oohohoho can't get awaaaay hehehe I saw something we're gonna have fun with so leeeet's get these socks off hmmm?" More ticklish protests followed, rapid and repeated words falling on deaf ears as his socks were pinched and pulled, the fabric sliding inch by inch along his creamy smooth skin until both of them popped free of his ten toes, the digits curling right away.
With her subject too tired from laughter to put up much verbal repetoire, Tama took it upon herself to go ahead with the next step, dropping the socks and rolling back to the chest of goodies. She returned only a moment later, two scrubing hand brushes with her as well as some oil and some thin rope. He could only blush and whimper as the pads of her fingers began to glide smoothly along his revealed skin, as if mapping out his nerves and making his toes twitch to life once again. "Ohooo so soooft. Hehehe there we gooo let's get these puppies polished hmm?" Just those words alone had Nagisa giving a renewed effort to free his hands and feet, Tama taking a single hand and holding the right foot firmly as she looped some of the thin rope around his large toe, pulling it taut and tying it to the stockade. It was kind of a pain to have to do this herself and use up time better spent making him sing, but it would be worth it.
Once she had repeated the method on the opposing foot, a little bit of extra rope was threaded between his digits, now unable to curl down for protection. "Uh oooh...Uh ooooh!" She sang with perfect timing, accompanied by the melodious sounds of Nagisa crying out as the textured rope flossed in between his tender toes, back and forth, changing which area it was in constantly. "GAHAHAAHa AHahaAHA NAHAHt AHAHa Nahaht my toesEHEHSHAHah NAHAHAOHOH!" Tama laughed along with her toy, loving how he bounced in his seat like he was riding some kind of roller coaster and had lost his safety belt. The only brief escape he got was the precious few minutes she spent drizzling and spreading the oil along his pale soles. She of course made sure to get some of the slick substance to work between and around his toes as well, not wanting to miss a single section of the sensitive real estate.
Once the prep work was finished, his twitching feet looking freshly shined with oil, Tama decided to be a bit cruel, pulling out her phone and posing with a peace sign right next to those flushed and ticklish beauties. Embarrassed as all hell, Nagisa looked away as best he could with a fierce blush on his face before she resumed her previous seat in the rolling chair and donned the hand brushes. Leaning close to get his attention, she blew some air against his toes to make him squeak. "Hahaha there we goo...ready? Heeeere we goooo! EEhehehe ooohohooh yes tiiickle tickle tickle!" Of course her words, enjoyable as they were to say, went mostly unheard by anyone outside of the ler and lee themselves. Nagisa's screeches of unbridled laughter even blocked them out for those in the observation room!
"NAHAAAHAHAa NAHAHA NO NOHOHOH NO BRUSHESHEHSHHAHSHAHAHA HOHOH SHIHIIHTHEHEHH IHIHIHAHAHA'M GONNA DAHAHAHAIE!" He proclaimed, Nagisa's feet now unable to curl down or twist about to lessen the sensations even a little as Tama's brushes, soft as the ends were, wrought ticklish insanity, sending unending sensations shooting up his legs and making the poor assassin flail and writhe around with all his might. "Tsk now now, heh watch your damn language cutie, else you're gonna get that toothbrush between the toes!" She warned, figuring she might do that anyways. Of course as things were starting to flow oh so well, that familiar tone rang through the room again, Nagisa praying this meant she was done. His vision was blurry, either from exhaustion or just tears he couldn't tell. His lips took the offer of water again however, not hearing any fresh taunts and figuring he was safe.
But nothing was going to be that easy, as he jumped with the feeling of oil being rubbed into his pits, his body naturally twisting to try and move away. "Wah ah ahah ack wah wahahit ah what thehe?" He shook the tiredness from his head, wiping his face again before looking and seeing Tama still in the room, rummaging again in that chest. "Wait wha...we're not done!?" He asked, figuring once she got all his spots that would be it. "Hmm?" She replied, turning her head to look at him before smiling. "Psh no way my lil cutie! We still have a whole hour! You got to enjoy the appetizer and the entree...now it's time for dessert!" She said, holding up that dastardly electric toothbrush again as well as a second one. His heartbeat jumped into his ears, eyes honing in on those vibrating brushes as they sprang to life just as the signal for their final hour began. "No...nohohoh...NAAAAAHAHAHAH!"
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aforrestofstuff · 1 year
Green and Red
small batarou ficlet. I figure i'd post it to tumblr since it's so short, but you can also read it here on ao3 instead if that's what you prefer. Rated G, warning for language, no other warnings apply.
“The fuck…” The pink contents of the dryer are spooled out on the floor like the innards of some animal. Tama walks in, curls up in the middle of it. “What the fuck, what the fuck…” and Badd is muttering to himself, pulling out fistfuls of his once white shirts, socks and boxers until he finds a bright red sweater at the bottom of the drum. He bends to get it until he’s nearly hip-deep in and rises back out. It was Garou’s job to do the laundry last.
“Garou!” Badd calls. He shuts the dryer, steps carefully over Tama. “Garou!”
The morning sunbeams pass over his face in shapes as he stomps down the hall, past the bathroom, past their bedrooms, to the living room. Garou is there, reclined on the couch, and his heavy head is in his hands as if he just shot himself awake. “Mmn-yeah?” He says in the middle of a yawn, “Can I help you?”
Badd looks from him to the television, “Did you stay up all night watching Millionaire Matchmaker?”
“Mmmnnno?” Garou says, “…yeah, kinda.”
Badd’s shoulders slump. He sighs, holding up the sweater. “Look at this.”
Garou blinks. “A sweater.”
“A red sweater.”
Garou blinks again. “Okay.” Like he didn’t really believe Badd.
So Badd tilts his head, “This is red.”
“Sure.” The uncertainty is still there. 
Badd squints. Garou must be playing with him. It’s red, it’s as real as the sweater in his hands, and Garou’s sitting here debating like its existence was theoretical. Maybe it is. Maybe… no that can’t be it. He’s identified colors before.
Badd thinks of it some more. Okay, he hasn’t.
Garou waves his hand, “Hello?” A frown, “Can I go back to sleep, or are you gonna keep daydreaming over me?” 
Badd drops the sweater dramatically, stomps back down the hall. Then the hairs on the back of his neck stand up at the thought of leaving something on the floor, making the living room seem a mess. He walks back over, picks it up, and he’s back down the hall again. 
Zenko’s got a stack of magazines in her room that she takes apart when she wants to do collages. Badd got her a set of safety scrapbook scissors and everything, so there’s little bits of ribboned paper here and there when he barefoots over the carpet. He can already hear her little voice in his head now: don’t come in my room! You’re invalidating my privacy!
And he imagines himself arguing back while absentmindedly stirring something over the stove. Invading, Zenko.
I’m sick of your doubletalk! I have rights!
He thumbs the stack until he finds the one he wants, the face of the model on the cover already cut out in a sloppy oval. 
Down the hall again. He’s got the magazine pages wrapped back to shove a color blind test in Garou’s face. “What number is it.” He says.
Garou scrunches his nose, pushes aside Badd’s arm. “I’m not doing that.”
Badd throws it on his lap instead, finger pressing on the dotted circle in the middle of the page. “It’s easy, just say what number it is.”
“No.” Garou’s got his arms crossed. “Leave me alone or I’ll fuck you up.” 
Badd stands there for a moment, thinking about what to do. He’s colorblind. He’s so colorblind.
Badd grins. “It’s a six.” 
“Whatever, man!” He throws the magazine at Badd, standing up from his Lay-Z-Boy. “Those tests don't prove anything anyways.”  
As he walks by, Badd says, “Then why’d you get it wrong?”
Scowling, Garou’s got his head in the fridge (where it often is). “Because—!” And he slams the door, glass bottles rattling inside. “I dunno! Because it’s bullshit!” He snaps the metal cap off a bottle of Coke using the corner of the counter (which Badd had told him to stop doing). 
“It’s not a bad thing to be colorblind, dude.” The magazine is on the kitchen table, Badd takes a seat next to where Garou’s standing and using the mouth of the bottle to hide his pout.
“Well, I’m not.”
“Yeah, you are!”
Garou narrows his eyes. “Give me the test again.” 
“I already told you the answer—”
“Well, go to another one!”
Badd sighs, folds over the page to a fresh test. Garou comes up behind him and leans over the table, studying it. 
“It’s the letter A, Garou.”
Garou snatches the magazine. “How do you even—!” Turning it upside down, to the side, right-side up. “You’re playing with me!”
Badd has to put his head on the table to hide his laughter. His back is pelted with the magazine. “Garou—Garou. It’s okay—It’s fine.” Snorting and giggling. 
Garou’s cheeks are red and he’s downing the rest of the Coke, Adam's apple bobbing. “You are such a tool.”
“Okay–okay.” Badd collects himself, sits up. “You’re just—You’re just not gonna do laundry anymore, man.”
“I’m not colorblind!”
“Yes, you are.” Badd rakes his hand through his hair, catching a breath. “What is that—like, genetics? You said your mom also had white hair and stuff, maybe she also had this.”
Garou’s eyes widen marginally. He scoots out the chair across from Badd and sits. “She didn’t tell me anything and if you’re suggesting I call her—”
“I’m not.” Badd says, flipping to the next page of the magazine. There’s a cologne sample Zenko ripped out prior, but the page still smells citrusy. “Just a thought.” 
Garou wrinkles his nose at the smell. 
“You’ve lived your whole life like this, doesn’t make it any different now that you have a name for it.” Badd says, echoing something someone told him about his fighting spirit once. 
“I know that.” Garou whines quietly, head resting on the heel of his palm. “At least I don’t have to do laundry anymore.”
“Oh, right.”
Badd punches Garou on the arm.
“Ow! What the hell!”
“That was for ruining all the whites.”
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liviavanrouge · 5 months
The Princess
Ramon: *Looks around after he and his friends landed*
Cherise: Are you sure she's not gonna throw us into her royal dungeons?
Ivy: Be nice Cherise!
Ramon: *Shakes his head* Livia, wouldn't do that, she's nice and she's taking care of me and lots of other orphans
Cherise: To boost her popularity-
Ramon: That's not-
???: RAMON!!
Ramon: *Turns around and beams* LIVIA!
Livia: *Shoots down towards him at full speed, her wings tucked in*
Livia: *Flares her wings and lands, grabbing Ramon and throwing her wings around him as she pulled him into a tight hug*
Ivy: That's some intense love right there
Tama: Awww! You can tell she really cares!
Keya: *Nods in agreement, flicking his wings back looking envious* Yeah...
Livia: *Moves back looking worried* Where did you go!? Why did you leave the school!
Ramon: The sister of one of my friends is being held prisoner, did nobody tell you that?
Livia: *Glares at him* Yes, they did "Guess what your majesty, we deeply apologize but Ramon and a few other students have taken off to find a prisoner!" YES! VERY HELPFUL! I'M NOT WORRIED AT ALL
Ramon: *Perks up noticing Livia's hair was swirling shades of red, yellow, pale green, orange, light blue, dark green and brown* Sorry....I didn't mean to leave like that
Livia: *Sighs and tones down her hair making it turn back to black* It's fine...I know you're safe..
Ramon: Are you gonna make me go back?
Livia: *Shakes her head* You go ahead and finds your friends missing sibling
Ramon: R-Really!?
Livia: *Nods, smiling at him shades of indigo, lavender and light purple spreading across her hair* I know you can do it, Ramon, I've taught you well and I know you learned lots from the school
Ramon: *Nods and smiles at his friends* I have actually
Livia: *Chuckles* Go ahead, I shall inform all guards scattered across the land to aid you should you ask
Ramon: *Throws his arms around Livia* You're the best sister figure ever!
Livia: *Smiles, her hair turning a bright shade of pink* No problem, go ahead
Ramon: *Let's her go then quickly hurries away with his friends* I'll do my best!
Livia: I know! You always do!!
Ramon: *Lifts into the air on his broom, flying away*
Livia: *Smiles watching him go* You'll do just fine, Ramon
Tama: Hey Ramon, I wanted to ask!
Ramon: Huh?
Tama: Why did Princess Livia's hair change colors?
Ramon: Showcases her emotions, she has some control of it but sometimes she stamps it down when she sees others stare
Cherise: Really?
Ramon: Yeah
Ivy: What were the emotions going through her hair
Ramon: The first time when she scolded me the colors meant stressed out, distress, worried, frustrated, scared, and angry
Ivy: YIKES!!
Ramon: The second time the colors meant pride, proud and delighted
Ivy: *Flies up beside him giving him a friendly nudge* Aww, she really believes in you
Ramon: *Laughs* And the last one meant love!
Keya: You're lucky to have someone who loves you so much...
Ramon: You'll find someone Keya!
Keya: *Snorts in disbelief*
Ramon: Alright, let's find Cherise's sister!
@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiress @zexal-club @marrondrawsalot @abyssthing198
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hillbilly---man · 6 months
tell me all about your trip, what was your favorite thing you did, what's something neat you didn't expect, did you eat anything cool did you buy any souvenirs
Aaaaaaah thanks for asking! It's hard to answer so I've been thinking on it for a bit lol
My favorite thing I did:
Genuinely I don't know! I'm inclined to answer Ishinomaki/Tashirojima (Cat Island) though, mostly because of how off-the-beaten-path it was.
For some reference, most people who visit Japan for the first time (while technically it wasn't my first, it was my first as a tourist so I planned it like a first-timer) stick to a relatively small area: Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, etc, sometimes heading to Hiroshima.
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[not that I think you personally need a geography lesson Kas but just in case someone reading this might]
But this place was up in Tōhoku (inside the red heart on the map) so it didn't have that touristy feel.. which isn't a bad thing to have but I thought it was neat to get away from that for a bit.
But yeah! In addition to that incredible hotel I mentioned in my other post (Tama Hotel in Ishinomaki), the city was really chill and the island was gorgeous. It had this whole "old declining fishing village vibe" to it which was so interesting. Plus the views of the sea were incredible:
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Not to mention the cats! Which, despite the reputation of Japan's animal islands seemed to be in no worse health than your average stray cats I'd say. Several were also neutered. The island didn't feel overrun, it just seemed like a place with a whole bunch of them. And they were so friendly! We'd be walking down the street and a cat would see us and just start excitedly trotting towards us and beg for pets. My sister even got to hold a bunch of them! (You're not supposed to forcibly pick them up, so she wouldn't hold them if they showed even the first sign of wanting down)
A gif of them as a gift:
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Something neat I didn't expect:
I didn't expect people to be so delighted by us speaking extremely basic Japanese to them!
Well, I did kind of expect it a little bit I didn't think it would be SUCH A BIG DEAL.
I've been very casually learning Japanese for a while, but it's mostly Duolingo so it's not like I like, know the language or anything. I went there with some vocabulary and just enough confidence to use a word or two. But when I hit a cashier with a "daijoubu" (I'm fine) when they ask if I need a bag or even just an "arigatou gozaimasu" (thank you) at the end they seem to be so much happier about the interaction. I honestly wonder if they're used to white tourists being kind of difficult and stubborn.
By far the most unexpected bit of useful vocabulary I used was "douzo":
Exiting an elevator at the same time as someone else? Old lady gets on the bus and you want to give her your seat? Someone in a store reaches for the same product you were reaching for?
Just gesture to the thing you're offering, smile, and say "douzo" to let them know they can go ahead. Doing that got me so many smiles from people! One old couple was so happy about it that they talked to us for a little while (we didn't understand much of each other but I caught that they were in their 80s and they caught that we were going to the aquarium) and they even helped us find our next train!
Did I eat anything cool?
I felt like I didn't really get a chance to be very adventurous with food this time! My sister is very picky and refuses to eat pork (it's not a dietary restriction or anything, she just thinks it's gross), raw fish, or cold entrees. Also, we were both pretty sensitive to the smell of seafood during the trip. This meant we were really limited on things like ramen, bento, sushi, etc.
We relied a little too much on American chain restaurants I think. But we did get to eat some good Japanese food though!
We went to this one place called Yakiniku Like (it's a chain and I think it's kinda trendy on tiktok bc it's very tourist friendly). You get a small grill in your table and you order your meat on an iPad and cook it yourself. It was pretty good! Not very adventurous or interesting though.
Snack foods are good too! I finally got to try Japanese pudding (good!), coffee jelly (not my thing but I understand why that pink haired kid I'm always posting about likes it so much), convenience store fried chicken (heavenly), and those strawberry-whipped cream sandwiches they sell at 7-11 (why the hell don't they sell those here).
Also, so many green grape flavored candies! We should do that more
Did I buy any souvenirs?
A little bit!
I spent most of my money on food/transport/logistics so I kind of found myself hesitant to buy too much stuff. I did get a bunch of pins and magnets though!
My pins:
I'm not taking them off my bag but I've circled the new ones! I got a bunch of vintage Olympics pins at a flea market on our first day, and I also got some from the Ghibli Museum and Rabbit Island.
(also in looking at this, I just now realized that I have two Lake Placid 1980 pins on my bag....)
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And my magnets:
I collect refrigerator magnets when I travel even more consistently than probably anything else. Every time I travel somewhere I try to get at least one. I came back from Japan with several, lmfao
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OH! Also I won this ugly little guy in a UFO catcher and I love him
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