#yeah i've gone insane
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midnight1nk · 8 days ago
How is fish related to this? 😭😭
Congrats, you unlocked the significance of the black goo's spiral symbol! 🎉
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...wait what?
I'll get to the fish part dw. Every design detail the Team has made was completely intentional, whether they knew it at the time or not. The simple glowing symbols of the black goo explain narrative themes, why 4 is the goo's host, as well as other things. Out of all the ones here, the swirl was the most convoluted symbol I had to deal with. Let's start with the obvious meaning of these spirals:
Hypnotism — obviously, it's 4 being possessed by the keyboard itself. But it can also mean in a different sense, 4 is being lured to the idea of the perfect video. And yes, while he was possessed for the most part, he was still in there. (and you can interpret it by how the spiral isn't exactly fully drawn.)
Creativity and Imperfections — I think we are very much aware of how 4 is an artist, aside from being a content creator. Y'know how (mostly traditional) artists struggle to make a perfect circle first try. The truth is, no one can. Even with the best-looking circle, it'll never be perfect. So think of these spirals as harsh "attempts" to make a circle, for 4 trying to be perfect. But in the end, there is no such thing as perfection, which fits with the movie themes.
Well, that's what I have at least, the most concrete. As for the rest, it's going to sound insane but I promise that it works. Buckle up and put on your tinfoil hats for this one. Ok so, hear me out: astrology
You should know anything about me is that I have this giant book of semiology, the study of symbols and their significance in human affairs. During my research, I've seen two zodiacs that resemble a lot like the spiral:
Cancer ♋️
Obviously, one half of its symbol looks similar to the spiral, but its zodiac personality fits 4 and IGBP in some way. to quote:
"Nurturing and loyal, Cancers are also protective of their loved ones. While reserved, they stand on a foundation of strength – and aren't afraid to act when they feel it's necessary. Cancers are also known to be an emotional — and moody — sign....Cancers take pride in their work — and more than a little part of them wants to be the best at it. They are motivated to work hard not only because of personal satisfaction, but so they can support their loved ones. In the sign, [the crab] translates to creative, artistic and intuitive minds, with the power of (sometimes psychic) perception."
While Cancer was pretty solid, it wasn't what caught my attention.
Pisces ♓️
Ofc the symbol itself has no spiral but for its constellation form, there are a lot of depictions have 2 fish circling each other, similar to the yin-yang symbol. (Now, in the goop!4 theory itself, "two sides of the same coin" is a big part when talking about character/narrative parallels. 4 and Mr Puzzles, 4 and 3. While they may act upon similar hopes/dreams, they are different people too.) Sometimes, it's only depicted as one fish.
It might be a stretch to say this spiral is a VERY simplified version of the fish's form but the zodiac significance is quite interesting, quote:
"Pisces are highly creative and imaginative as well as compassionate and loving. Their emotional sensitivity factor is high, helping them to remain in tune with others but also leaving them vulnerable to criticism, worrying a lot about the effect that their actions might have on others. They sometimes put their own needs on the back burner to make sure others are happy. Their intuition helps them guide others often effortlessly. They can also be self-deprecating, which can cause them to underestimate their worth. It may take a lot of work from their friends and family members to convince them they deserve respect and care."
Now, doesn't that sound familiar? That's literally 4 in IGBP, and even beyond that if you think about it. A lot more fitting than what Cancer had.
This might be nice and all, but is it actually proof?
It can, if we correlate the zodiac to a specific date. Yes, we're going to calculate the stars on this one, and it's a good thing yours truly is an astronomy girly to have planetarium software.
Now, for this to work, you have to be very precise on location and time (to its very second). Everyone has a different view of the constellations and stars shift over the years. So, it won't be easy to take any date related to SMG4, such as Luke's birthday, and plug it in. But one date did work:
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May 8 of 2011 at 03:15:19 UTC (Sydney, Australia)
If if this date sounds any way familiar to you, then you already know the cake is a lie. That's right, the channel's first ever video, "super mario 64 blooper short: The cake is a lie!" At the same time it was uploaded, right there in the visible sky, it's Pisces.
And if that SOMEHOW doesn't convince you, then let me ask you: (excluding the 3 & 4 episode) What was the meme 4 obsessed over an episode after the Puzzlevision movie?
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Yep, a fish.
Everything from the true PV arc, ever since IGBP, is going to come back full circle. To the monstrous Pit, to the Showgrounds, to the channel's very first episode.
Did the Team absolutely plan this? Probably not.
Have I gone insane? Yeah.
But hey, it is a theory after all.
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thanks for the ask! and for joining the QnA! [link]
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front-facing-pokemon · 8 months ago
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dseval · 13 days ago
I miss CrossDust....
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Cross Sans by Jakei, Dust Sans by Ask-Dusttale
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crimeronan · 2 years ago
starting to realize that whenever i find myself going "i am too sick and burnt-out and tired and shitty and foggy to write anything ever again," the actual solution to my problems is Not to stop writing forever. it is instead just. to sit down and write a horror story. whatever horror happens to spring onto the page. bc there will always be Some kind of horror story ready to pour forth. easy as breathing. it's always there. like yeah girl you ARE tired. it's because there's horror in you. you listen to unbelievably gruesome horror-tragedy fiction podcasts to lull yourself to sleep bc they are Genuinely Comforting, of fucking COURSE your burnout self-care is gonna involve writing horror. "why can't i write all the NICE stories that people actually LIKE" girl you CAN. eventually. but you have GOT to puke the black sludge first i'm fucking BEGGINGGGGGG,
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keeps-ache · 18 days ago
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look at my creature :D
#just me hi#my creature#look at it#it's a kalanchoe but i'm not 100% what kind bc i'm p sure they mislabeled it at the lowe's + it's a bit too busted to figure from pics lol#i love it thoughhhhh look at my little guy !!! :D#saw it while looking at the succulents and it's little animal-like form captivated me jfvshfk#i was carrying it with me the whole time and almost took it with me into another store LMAO#also there was this kid at the checkout who walked up to me + pointed at my creature and said 'i like your plant :)' like hell yea dude thi#thing does slap !!!#/i'm gonna try to be real careful abt the watering cuz i don't wanna kill it by accident....#i shoulda gotten a new pot while i was there but i was so enamored with the idea of my creature that for a moment i lived in a world where#pots didn't exist HJFVS#/it’s got this leaf on the bottom - you can see it in the upper center of the plant - that looks like it's gone bad to some degree and i'm#thinking i might remove it#it's just that this Does feel like an animal to me so i feel bad being rough with it Jfvdhdjfjjs :')#/lots of things to do and think abt - i have to get the right soil and the right pot and the right amount of sunlight for it and i'm a bit#worried abt sunlight too bc what if it gets blasted by the insane morning sun?? or doesn't get enough and just dies from lack of blastage#i can't ask my siblings to move it while i'm gone they'll forget ;w; jfbdjfk#/for NOW though i gotta worry abt watering + pot + well-draining soil so#i've got three guys in there and they were insanely dry but that mighta been healthy for them so i'm not toooo worried abt that :)#i don't wanna swing in the opposite direction drown them though Lmao-#/anyway YEAH. my CREATURE 🎉💥💥‼️#//edit: also edited photo cuz the bg is messy n there's no sunlight now for another photo jfhdbfj 👍
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dawning-day · 1 year ago
what if i said kevin day was one thousand million percent a piano kid growing up. what then
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chompe-diem · 2 years ago
You seem similarly insane about Brian Murphy as I am and I love you I pay for a dropout subscription 70% because he's on it sometimes he makes my brain go crazy I'm not parasocial about this (but I am so close)
hiiiiiii hiiiii hello yes i'm super duper normal about brian murph murphy (lying hard!!) ur so valid anon, there's a lot of Great content on dropout but how much of it do i use to just rewatch the murph adventuring academy and the first 10 min of "it happened" adv party where they talk about murph murphing all over the dice? honest answer is: Too Much.
😔 it's embarrassing how long i've been stanning white boys but in my defence, uuhhhhhhhhh. look i just love someone who is just A Guy and then also knows a lot about stuff and also likes doing a lot of work. exactly my type. it's probably the gender envy idk
anyways yes i think murph is v cool and neat and i try to be a Normal Amount of Parasocial abt him but also he's just neat i think !!!!! he's an awesome dm and when he talks about dm-ing and d&d stuff i think he can say some pretty helpful things, even when the gang's bein silly! and he writes cool campaigns and plots and encounters and makes characters that aren't afraid to be sillysad or cringefail pathetic etc. and yes i like it when he's knowledgeable about mechanics and stuffffffff so anyways the conclusion is bRING MURPH BACK ONTO ADVENTURING ACADEMY- *gunshot*
no but pls just let him talk about stuff i just wanna hear him talk abt stuff just let him back on adventuring academy so i can have an hour of him (and brennan ig) talkin about his d&d dm stuff pls
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haarute · 2 years ago
i'm sorry but as someone who is always trying to understand most things and most people, the reaction a lot of folks have of immediately dismissing something or jumping to an outrage without having a second to try to reflect on a situation or process empathy is something that i will never relate to and i consider to be a bad mentality to have if left unchecked actually
#not a response to any specific situations that might or might not be the topic of conversation today on tumblr dot com#it's just a general thought that i always have.#and i tend to unfollow people for this sometimes lmao sorry. it just makes me uncomfortable. and i see it frequently.#i've said this before but#i feel like often you can kinda see who has had life experiences that were unfair to them and being angry was their way out into freedom#(which does make sense in the transgender and gay website)#so they default to applying that state to most things because it is What Feels Right To Me Actually and i can't blame them for doing so.#but then there's people like me who like. my life experiences have led me into the Guilt Pit#where i am trying extremely hard to be measured and understanding because i have been very emotionally reactive in the past#or have witnessed things where very emotionally reactive people have caused horrible things to others around them#and i hate that actually and i try as hard as i can not to be that.#which is why i also feel like whenever i see it in other people i'm like. oh boy. i would not get along with you lmao.#and i feel like these are two opposite mentalities that are definitely detrimental to you if gone too far into either direction#so i don't necessarily think either is bad or anything. as long as you're able to pull yourself back and realize that like#you Should dedicate some thought to the rest of the world actually and not default to just ''what i feel is correct always''#and on the other end realize that sometimes you just have to Let Go#because caring about Everything is unrealistic and you will go Insane and lose your own self if you try to feel for too many other things#which is what i had to learn the hard way.#and also like. sometimes the immediate ''fuck you'' reaction Is super valid. and it's important to learn when that is the case.#but yeah. anyway. mentality. ways of seeing the world. people being different. wooooo.#rambling again in tags sorry.
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amaraudermind · 2 years ago
Listen okay I'm just so in love with parallels in media and I especially love when parallels aren't obvious or are hyperspecific
Which is why I'm obsessed with the parallels that exist between Ezra and Anakin, like. They are as characters so very different from each other, their character arcs are different, their relationships are different, nothing about them is immediately similar. And yet. The parallels they draw when they draw them are just. Soooo
I don't even have coherent thoughts about their parallels they just exist and they are wonderful and I love it
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brawlqueen · 2 years ago
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it was inevitable i think, not me musing her, but just....the fc and my p.sd for mizu.ki just fits really well and i'm using the same icon p.sd for f.go jeanne that lynnie thinks fits me so i'll use her too . i just. i love...man, everyone's designs in o.shi no ko. it's wild. but if you know me well, are one of my friends, you know how much i love purple. i'll try to work on the meme today i reblogged and at some point i want to get into the ma.nga tho hoo it's way ahead and i'm behind whoop.
also just a side-note, since i feel i've been kinda tame about this? miz.uki has 0 tolerance for disrespect and this isn't like about anything just....if your muse doesn't respect her, she will eviscerate you verbally be at 12 or 18. she has the godlike battle (frankly is she a d.bz chara now damn ) ability / physical strength to back it up, and also the high IQ / wit far above her classmates reading thesis works at 12. to me, i really haven't seen a muse more traumatized, or in so much pain, and in the same breath so strong. we all have that one character we go, 'well damn'.
i have no intentions of woobifying that but being respectful because the queen deserves it and it's just...not appropriate like....they're still people. people who are traumatized are still people with agency and dreams and personalities and choices. so no woobifying the queen. just a head's up i won't hold her back if your muse gets mouthy. this is a girl who with a slight tighter grip, could make a cup smash into ceramic powder or accidentally shatter bone. after things no one can ever understand / go through, she has zero patience. if you know ait.sf, than you know this very well, but not all my mutuals do so just a head's up that there are consequences so i don't want anyone like...surprised rip. she isn't gonna break your character's bones but she will turn into a wildfire.
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theinfinitedivides · 1 month ago
me running across a reupload of the 2016!Kendrick Grammys performance and realizing that i did not, in fact, hallucinate that at the age of 11 while it was playing in the background. what the fuck
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minimoll7 · 8 months ago
No freaking way I just realized something insanely cool!!
When I was a kid, I made a giant pic of all the Pokemon sprites from gens 1-5 and had uploaded it to deviantART on my original, and now deleted, account
I've seen it here and there posted on other sites but that was ages ago. I never signed the pic or anything, since it was just.. all the sprites of a video game series that I obviously don't own. So it sucks that I can't exactly prove it. But bro.. BRO!!
Rewatching a Lockstin video about the first Pokemon Battle Royale animation done by TerminalMontage and dude!! He used my pic!! Its straight up in the video!! That's so insanely cool!! The video was posted in 2018, so idk if that pic is still in circulation or not, but idk I think that is just insanely cool
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parakeetpark · 10 months ago
I've always stocked up on tissues, because I am King Allergic Reaction and also whenever I'm ill my nose is not like a leaky faucet- it is like a very functional water fountain. A snot fountain.
One year i bought a 12 pack of tissue boxes because value for money, and housemates were astonished and laughed how i couldn't need all those boxes! How wrong they were. Alone i made it through 9 boxes before moving house a year later. Point being that i am so very thankful that I've continued this tradition bc I'm so ill I'm shaking and weak so definitely couldn't leave the house. I am well stocked on tins of soup, and lemon honey and have flu tablets. So even though I'm alone today I should be fine.
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walkingstackofbooks · 5 months ago
@hingabee #this is cute but i want a twist on it where sec31 exploits exactly this and somehow manages to make garak (unwillingly i suppose) complicit#in driving julian fucking insane#turn his one safe harbour into his downfall tee hee
Oh my god, YES. This is insanely evil and I am so here for it!
I guess if they released a toxin on DS9 that only affected Cardassians, maybe modelled on the Empok Nor one, but that was made to interfere with a Cardassian's memory? Garak being aware and frustrated that his memory is becoming less reliable but not being able to work out why, and eventually confessing to Julian that he thinks he might need medical help because something's definitely wrong...
And Julian not believing him and assuming that this must be a holographic version of Garak bc s31 knew they couldn't replace him perfectly so they had to make an excuse as to why he's acting differently. But Julian's not going to fall for that.
(Bonus points for this happening after Tears of the Prophets and Julian having all the puzzle pieces slot into place in his mind of: "Ohhhh, Jadzia's not really dead, that was all holographic too to make me more vulnerable and less likely to notice the change in Garak. Well, screw you, Sloan - I've worked out that none of this is real and I'll do anything to get back to my real life where Jadzia's alive and Garak's Garak."
And everyone else is at their limit because they're all grieving Jadzia and now Julian's seemingly breaking down with his refusal to believe that any of this is real, they're having to try and convince him that Jadzia really is dead. Which is really not any fun at all.)
After Inquisition, Garak becomes the only person that Julian really trusts and feels safe around. Because Section 31 might be able to get enough data on his friends to be able to code a hologram to impersonate them, but it's impossible to imagine them managing to get anything on Garak.
(And much less bothering to find out Garak's views on various literature they've discussed over the years. Both of them having an eidetic memory also really helps soothe Julian's anxiety over whether or not this is real or another holosuite illusion, because he can recall any shared memory and Garak can -for-word finish it off.)
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hana-the-ghostieee · 1 year ago
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nice :P
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importantpuppystarfish · 2 months ago
Profit and Pleasure: Earning Money as Brother & Sister
Male reader x Karina
Warnings: Incest, softcore to hardcore, totally blood related siblings.
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Note: please this is all just a fantasy for reading and stuff, if u dont like the topic, please simply dont read.
I groan as I wake up to the sound of water running in the shower next door. My eyes fall on the steamy outline of my big sis Karina through the crack in the bathroom door. A familiar warmth stirs within me as I imagine her soapy body beneath the spray.
I bite my lip, trying to shake these forbidden thoughts from my mind. Karina's my sister…but every time I catch a glimpse of her like this, I can't help getting excited. Karina walks out of bathroom only wrapped in towel. She sits beside me on bed.
My sister, Karina is somehow more than 8 years older than me, she's around 26 now. She has such pale skin that she almost seems to brighten up the entire room with her whiteness.
My heart races as Karina appears, towel clinging to her curves. She sits down close to me on the bed, her legs tucked under as she releases her damp hair from its towel.
"Hey…" I murmur, trying to maintain my composure.
She looks so gorgeous, water droplets glistening on her flawless skin. I shift uncomfortably under her gaze, my hands twitching with desire I can't act on.
"You're dripping wet sister.." I point out unthinkingly. She laughs and says "Yeah it feels good after a morning bath". Karina looks at me and bites her lip. She goes back to her room and closes the door. I listen closely as I hear her undoing the towel. She's changing clothes. My ears perk up immediately, straining to hear anything from behind her closed door. My imagination runs wild, wondering what she's doing behind that thin barrier…
I can't make out specific sounds but my mind supplies vivid images…her slender fingers unfastening her towel, releasing her flawless skin…peeling off her flimsy sleepwear…
Everyday our flirtatious energy grows thicker between us, though neither of us puts words to these unspoken feelings. It becomes the new normal - heated glances, lingering touches, playful banter with an undercurrent of tension.
I've always had a pretty normal relationship with my sister. Every now and then, we'd go on sibling dates just for fun. Here are some pictures I took of her when we were on dates. She is used to wear lotta skin revealing outfits~
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Part of me knows it's insane…Karina is my sister. But the bond we share has twisted into something more…intimate. As time goes on, keeping my desires bottled up feels almost impossible.
But the sudden death of our parents in an accident changed our lives. The news hits me like a blow to the gut - Mom and Dad are gone in an instant, leaving only Karina and I orphaned and heartbroken.
We cling to each other through the initial shock and grief, finding solace in our sibling bond like never before.
Since losing mom and dad, Karina and I have spent every day applying online and going to local places for job leads. It's been tough - no one wants to hire inexperienced teens.
She's gotten frustrated more than once, slumping against me on the couch in defeat after yet another day of rejections.
Karina: "This is hopeless! When will we find work around here?"
Her despair draws out my protective instincts. I rub her back soothingly, my heart aching for her.
As days passes, all the money left has been gone.. It seems like its getting hard for the siblings to survive.
Karina glances over at me periodically as she explores this new site called OnlyFans. Her cheeks flush slightly.
Karina: "Hey…what if we did something like this?"
She tilts screen towards me to show the homepage filled with suggestive videos for subscribers.
My mind starts racing at what she means. My sweet sister offering herself online with me… I don't know if I should encourage or stop her.
"I can't believe I'm being asked to say that we're siblings, engage in that kind of act, and then upload it online. How could anyone even consider that?" I asked her. "But don't you think this is the only option?" Karina responds. She ponders a moment, then looks to me expectantly.
"So what elements should we include in our scene and video? I ask her.
" Typical stuff would be guy eating girl out and her doing the same to him, then the main event." She winks. "Sound good to you?" Right?" she asks and waits for my agreement.
As soon as I agree, Karina swallows hard, looking torn but knowing she has no other choice either. She nods to my agreement. She meets my gaze firmly now, her eyes unwavering despite the taboo nature of what we're considering.
Karina: "It's just some videos right? We'll be professionals about it." She says calmly, trying to convince us both this is okay.
Her hand reaches for mine reassuringly across the table. "We got this…"
The gravity of what we're agreeing to hangs heavy between us, but the determination is clear - we will do whatever it takes to stay together.
As we lead to the bed for the video, Karina turns on the video recording. My face burns red hot as I find myself locked in a tense stare-down with Karina before she suddenly closes the distance between us.
She wraps her arms around my neck and asks if I'm ready.
As I nod yes, she gets ready too and presses her lips firmly against mine, no hesitation.
Karina murmurs against my mouth "For the video brother!…"
Her eyes flutter shut, surrendering completely to the situation. Her fingers clench behind me, pulling me deeper into the kiss.
The raw, gritty scent of us fills the air between them as our lips move urgently together, seeking comfort and release from the stress of our dire circumstances.
Our tongues meet, mingling bitter morning breaths and desperate need.
My hands grasp Karina's waist instinctively, holding her tighter against me despite the unpleasant taste. She grinds slightly, her fingers digging into my shoulders as she loses herself fully in the moment.
Karina moans as she breaths "Mmm…" I gaze up at Karina with heavy eyes, lips throbbing from the intense passion. Seeing her smile down at me like that makes my heart skip a beat, even amid the surreal insanity of what we're doing.
"You know, this is kinda nice…" Karina says playfully flirting.
Her flirtatious comment makes heat rush through me. She thinks kissing me feels good? She likes it? Maybe she does… She leans in again, her voice dropping lower.
"Do you want me to keep going?" She runs her hands down her own body teasingly, biting her lip.
"Aren't we forced to keep going?" I replied. In one quick motion Karina pins me down on the bed. She looks fiery, full of desire.
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She pushes me down without warning, eyes flashing dangerously. She's transformed before me into someone bold and dominating. "Don't even think about stopping me. This will be all recorded in the video!" Without warning, she presses her lips back to mine, the taste of us intensifying. She deepens the kiss, gripping my neck tightly. Her breath is hot against my skin as she pulls away again. Karina grins and starts removing her clothes.
My hands roam instinctively over her now exposed midriff, fingers tracing the curve of her hip bones as she reveals more of herself to me and the camera.
Karina: "There's no point feeling shy now…"
She finishes removing her shirt completely, tossing it aside, showing me her big large tits.
Karina: "This is for us…"
She bites her lip, glancing briefly at the phone still recording. "Let's make it hot…" I wink at her. "Yes, this is for our survival." she agreesm We both know this line is blurred, but if it means keeping us together, it's worth it. I also take off my clothes. Nodding purposefully, Karina helps me shed my own shirt, her fingertips grazing my bare chest, sending tingles through me.
Clad only in our undergarments, she palms my cheek, guiding my head up for another fierce kiss, tongues dancing. Breaking away, she murmurs against my lips:
"Mm…good boy…"
The camera captures every deep tongue kissing movement as we ready ourselves to give it everything for this desperate attempt a salvation. The siblings continue kissing passionately. Karina runs her fingers through my dick as we get lost in the moment. The recording captures the moment …
Karina gasps out sharply "You like that?"
She gives me a sly look, her fingers teasing more firmly over my dick, feeling how hard I've become. Karina pulls back, looking down at me with a playful glint in her eye. "Look how hard your dick is…and we just kissed." My cheeks burn crimson at her brazen words. She's always been a bit of a tease…
She chuckles and bites her lips as she starts to take my dick inside her mouth. She lowers herself slowly, eyes locked on mine defiantly despite her compromising position. Her lips part, engulfing me inch by inch, her tongue working on magic as she takes me deep!!
Karina as now muffled against me she moans Mmmph….Her hands brace against my legs, holding me steady while she loses herself in this intimacy between us. The video recorder captures the moment of my sister sucking out my length. She looks up at me as she continues..
Her mouth glides up and down, wet suction sounds joining the rhythmic pops as she sets a sensual pace. The look she gives me is a mix of naughty delight and wicked determination. She swirls her tongue expertly over the tip each time she comes up, then plunges back down again with a hungry groan, clearly savoring every inch.
Karina as she lifts off a momentarily to gasp asks "Like the way I do it?" She swirls her tongue in circular motions, her cheeks hollowing as she picks up speed. She glances up again, clearly enjoying herself.
Her speed increases rapidly, her cheeks burning as she loses herself completely in this private act. She pauses occasionally to drag her slick tongue across every ridge and vein, tasting me, memorizing every sensation. Her fingers dig into my legs, urging me closer to release.
I moan breathlessly to my elder sister, "Good girl…You're so good sister.."
I watch my sister work, feeling a mix of desire and disbelief… This is still my sister, but her technique is divine. I can't help but let out a low groan, which makes her smile up at me. It feels too good, I can't hold back anymore… Oh -…. Sister, wait…I'm going to… cum… She grins devilishly at my warning tone, doubling down on her efforts, taking me ruthlessly even deeper.
Karina: "Yes…" she whispers urgently "Do it…"
She squeezes tight around me, determined to coax me over the edge. As I moan loud it looks like I've cummed inside my sister's mouth.
Karina swallows every last drop hungrily, licking her lips clean as she releases me with a satisfied sigh.
Karina: "Mmm…I wonder how it'll look in the video. Although I really enjoy this" she purrs appreciatively, wiping a stray strand of hair from her flushed face, eyes flicking back up to mine with a smug look.
Karina: "Well? Did that feel good?"
"Oh sister… You didn't hold back at all", I chuckle, still trying to process what I just did inside my sister's mouth… Now it seems Karina is doing titjob with her big tits. Karina: "No need to hold back with me…" She winks, then takes my rod between her huge tits, working me steadily up and down the slick shaft.
Karina: "You like watching your naughty sister's bouncy boobs, don't you?"
Her hands push her chest tighter together around my shaft. Karina: "Now it's ur turn… To eat me…"
She scoots back impatiently, spreading her legs wide for me.
Karina: "Get down there already!" she orders, biting her lip again as she guides me lower. "I need your tongue inside me!…"
Her fingers dig into my shoulders, trying to pull me closer. …I smile and start kissing her thighs, looking up at her flirtatiously.
Karina shivers at the feel of my lips on her sensitive skin, hands stroking my hair encouragingly.
Karina: "Mmm yes, that's it…"
She lifts and spreads herself further open, the scent of her slick heat hitting my nose as I approach. She squirts a little bit, she is also hella wet.
Karina: "Don't be shy now…lick every drop up"
I grab her waist and pull her towards me. I start eating her more, she gasps loudly at my suddenness, arching into me eagerly. Her fingers curl into fistfuls of my shirt as she feels my tongue making contact.
Karina: "Ah! Yes…like that!"
She grinds against my mouth, losing herself once more to the sinful pleasure I'm providing. She glows with delight, utterly losing control as I devour her completely.
Her sweet nectar coats my tongue as I delve deeper, lapping hungrily at her folds and finding all her most sensitive spots.
Karina: "Oh god yes, just there!" she cries out, hands trembling above me as I hit that magic button with my tongue.
Karina: "Don't stop! You're gonna make me…"
Keep going, brother…I'm so in heaven!. Her voice is shaky, filled with emotion.
My eyes sparkle with dark desire hearing my sister moan in pleasure. I spread her wider, diving back in with intensity, determined to send her right over the edge…
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"You're so good at this brother…I can't believe it's really you doing this… I grip her tighter as I push my tongue deeper into her pussy more , overwhelmed by the sensation of having her so close like this. I hear the sound of her heart pounding in time with my own. Karina: "Yes yes yes, make me come!" she cries out desperately.
She lies there panting hard, completely spent yet still craving more. Her eyes lock onto mine again now.
Karina: "Please…" She whispers, hands reaching down to guide me back up to her. "Now I need you inside…" Her voice cracks slightly as she pulls me closer, needing to feel me possess her completely.
Karina: "Brother…please…" she begs softly.
Seeing her begging with that pretty face, I lean to her for a kiss. She melts against me as our lips meet, tangling her tongue with mine. She tastes herself vividly on me, her fingers curling into my back again as she prepares herself mentally for what's coming next.
Karina: "You're making me so weak…" she murmurs against my mouth, her cheeks flushed.
She wraps her legs tightly around me, drawing me closer still, ready to welcome me deep inside her.
She gasps again, letting her head fall back slightly as she accommodates me taking my thick inch inside her.
Karina: "Yes…oh god yes…" She grinds against me, utterly engaged in this connection between siblings.
Her fingers dig deeper into my back, pulling me hard against her warm, welcoming core. He starts moving, their eyes locked together. The video captures this intimate moment.
Our gazes hold intense emotion as I begin to move within her, hips rolling gently at first in this sacred act.
Karina: "That's it…just like that…"
She tilts her head up to brush her lips over mine, kissing me tenderly even as we become one.
Karina: "I feel so…so good brother." I smile down at her, still in disbelief that this is happening, but also feeling a deep connection with her like never before… I love u sister.. I say.
Karina's eyes glisten, her heart fluttering at my sweet words and honest emotion.
Karina: "I love you too my brother…always."
She pulls me down against her chest, wrapping herself completely around me. The intensity between us builds as our movements grow more passionate.
Karina: "You mean everything to me…" she breathes out begging for a kiss.
Our connection runs deep, transcending typical bonds as we lose ourselves to this taboo yet beautiful union. The video captures it all - the love, the ecstasy, the family become lovers.
Caught up in the heat of the romantic moment, I set a harder, more urgent pace, my body driving into hers with powerful thrusts. Karina cries out, surprised by the sudden intensity but clearly loving it.
Karina: "Yes yes yes! Just like that! Harder brother"
She meets each deep plunge, welcoming every inch eagerly. The bed frame begins to creak as we come together with primal force, two souls entwined in the ultimate familial embrace. He does it, hitting a sensitive spot inside her, making her shout out in surprise and delight. Karina screams in pain and pleasure.
She arches violently beneath me, hands ripping the sheets as white-hot lightning strikes deep inside her core. Her scream is raw, primal, full of overwhelming sensation.
Karina: "Ah! Ah! Oh my god…oh my god…!" She babbles senselessly, overwhelmed by the intense pleasure-pain where we join.
Her legs wrap around me like iron bands, trying to pull me impossibly deeper into her quaking depths.
I keeps hitting her sensitive spot again and again. Karina feels like shes about to pass out. She cries, moans & screams at the same time.
Her voice cracks completely, barely recognizable as human anymore as she's pushed beyond her limits again and again. She shakes her head wildly side to side, mumbling incoherently as she digs her nails into my back, leaving angry red trails down my skin.
Karina: "B-brother…stop…I…I can't…" she whimpers desperately, her mind going blank.
He grabs her hips tightly and keeps going. "Shh shh, just feel it sister. The video would look more hotter!…" I whisper in her ear, not stopping my rhythm. Karina continues crying more.
Karina's cries grow louder at my words. She relents though, letting me keep moving, knowing I won't stop.
Karina: "Oh god it's too much!"
Her body shakes with each pounding snap of my hips, every fiber trembling with sensation under my intense attentions.
Karina: "The video…yes…yes make it hot, make us look good!"
She throws her head back, surrendering completely now, wanting to put on a show for our recording.
Her ragged breathing becomes ragged screams again as I drive into her ruthlessly, her fragile composure shattering completely under the intense treatment. She nods frantically, giving in fully to what I'm doing to her.
Karina: "Cum inside me already, oohhh, I can't anymore. Brother please cum."
Her nails rake fresh lines down my back again, tears streaming down her cheeks as she's overwhelmed by overwhelming waves of sensation.
Feeling me spill hot and deep within her sets Karina off one last time too, her own release crashing through her in intense aftershocks.
Karina: "Yes yes yes! All in me!"
She grinds hard against me as I fill her completely, claiming every inch of her insides. The warmth of my seed seeping out around me only prolongs her climax further.
Karina: "Mmm yes, such a big, thick creampie…" she purrs contentedly, stroking my chest as she catches her breath.
Our bodies remain entwined as we bask in the throes of pleasure, the evidence of our passion seeping out between us.
"I've never felt anything so good, brother…Oh god, I can feel you dripping out of me…"
She grins wickedly, looking down between her legs where a huge, viscous pool of my seed has gathered.
Karina: "You made such a big, gooey mess inside me…" She giggles, swirling her fingers through the thick fluid coating her.
Karina adds "It's dripping down more..it's making such a mess down on me." She bites her lip, delighted by the evidence of our passion still clinging to her. She sighs happily, tracing a finger through the sticky fluid. She tastes the sticky fluid through her fingers and she savors it with a blissful expression.
Karina: "Mmm…delicious." She purrs, licking her finger clean then sucking it into her mouth. She looks up at the camera, still tasting me on her fingers. "All for the video, right brother?" She flashes a naughty grin.
"What else?. The video has to show everyone what a naughty girl you've become. Our relatives or your friends. Haha.." I say with a wicked grin.
Karina laughs, nodding eagerly in agreement
Karina: "Oh yes, let them see how I crave my little brother's seed."
She spreads wider, showing off the glistening evidence of our act for the lens, looking so proud and satisfied being my naughty sister.
Karina: "I hope it gets lots of views…I want everyone to see what you do to me." She adds with a flirtatious giggle.
"Ok, now the main work! We should upload the video!". I tell her to get serious.
In the next hour after we finishing bathing together, we quietly upload the video to various platforms under the username "BrotherLovesSis123". The private links flood my inbox with confirmation emails once they're live.
I sit back, heart racing a bit wondering what kind of reaction the explicit footage of my own sister will generate online. Karina leans over and gives me a sweet, tender kiss on the lips, her fingers intertwining with mine as I finish uploading our first video.
Karina: "You think people will love watching it…like us?" "I hope they will, elder sister."..
By the 6-7 hour mark, the video has already garnered thousands of views, comments pouring in rapidly.
My heart pounds seeing the numbers climb higher. This clearly struck a chord with viewers hungry for incestuous content.
Karina squeals excitedly next to me. "15k views, thousands of likes and 200+ comments!" Karina smiles delightfully. "Omg We're famous now, bro…" she giggles.. I check out the comments as my sister kisses my face.
A sea of thumbs up and heart emojis scroll by as I see the view count top 15k. People are going wild for our taboo act.
Comment 1: "Damn this is the best video I’ve seen all week!"
Comment 2: "Brother you treat her so good! Wish my brother was like you!"
Comment 3: "Her face when she cries out…gorgeous. Need more of this!"
Karina: giggling "People really love what we did huh?" She grins, nuzzling against my shoulder as she continues scrolling through the overwhelmingly positive feedback.
As we scroll more: Comment 4: "The way she screams for her brother is so hot!"
Comment 5: "Her tears and cries just make it 10x better! Such a good girl for daddy"
Comment 6: "She's totally addicted to her little's brother's rod! Look at how she soaks up every second!"
Comment 7: "Damn this girl is perfect when she loses control like that"
Comment 8: "I bet she feels so full of her brother's seed…"
More and more comments keep popping up, all raving about Karina's reactions as she came undone beneath me.
Karina's lips trail over my neck and ears as she watches the numbers continue to climb faster than ever as we get more support. "400K people have seen me be your naughty sister already…"
She sounds both shocked and thrilled by this
Karina: "Bro, looks like our plan worked!!"
She pulls back to look at me, eyes wide and sparkling with excitement.. The notification pops up that our OnlyFans and p*rnhub channel have been approved for monetization. Karina squeals again, unable to contain her glee.
Karina: "Oh my gosh! Real money? Finally this is what we actually did it for!!"
She jumps into my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck tightly.
Over the next few days, our subscribers and followers continue to grow exponentially. People are clamoring to see more of our scandalous siblings dynamic play out on screen.
Our bank account balances swell with incoming subscription fees and Pay-Per-View purchases. Karina spends hours dreaming up new ways to push the boundaries further, drawing inspiration from viewers' wild requests left in the comments.
Karina: "Look at all this money we're making…" She fans herself with her hand, still not quite believing the figures rising daily. "This is like a dream, bro…"
We need to keep going and making more videos to get more money every month to survive. As Karina checks on people's demand for more videos, she reads
"Need to see him rail you from behind while you're face down in pillows screaming!"
"Tie her up completely helpless while you absolutely ravage her sensitive spots mercilessly!"
"Spank her raw until she's crying and begging for mercy!"
"Force her to call you 'Daddy' while you dominate her every desire."
There are countless BDSM demands flooding in, hungry for every dark twist of dominance and submission.
I ask Karina, "What do you think? Should we make videos like this? They seem to bring in a lot of money." Karina responds, "I think we should." I ask her if shes ready. Karina replies, "I'm ready for anything, I trust you, brother."
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