#yeah guys im his mom trust
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veryasianfailure · 2 months ago
I love my son
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straycalamities · 11 months ago
now i'm curious about swagtre begin parents, like adopting a kid, taking care of them, raising them, idk i think that's cute
uhhh i don't really have more thoughts on it tbh O_O sorryyy
9 notes · View notes
rubyreduji · 1 year ago
The Christmas Boyfriend — yjh
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summary: when you tell your mom the little white lie that you have a boyfriend, you don’t expect it to evolve into bringing your friend with benefits home for christmas. what can go wrong?
tags: fluff, smut (minors dni), fwb, fake dating, college!au warnings: ok the smut is likes less than 2k words of this fic tbh, conversations about birth control, mention of unsafe sex, explicit sex, oral, fingering, praise, cum eating, creampies wc: 12.7k an: guys im not used to writing jeonghan so if his characterization is off im so sorry fdsak anyways writing this made me want to go ice skating :((
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“Sweetie! I’m so excited for you to come home for Christmas!” Your mom calls over the phone.
“Yeah Mom, me too,” you say with half sincerity.
“Oh and make sure you bring that cute boyfriend with you too! I want to meet him, you’ve told me almost nothing about him!”
You pause. Boyfriend? Boyfriend.
Oh shit.
“Hey Mom?” It was the end of summer and you were about to go back to university.
“Yes sweetie?” Your mom was bustling around the kitchen getting ready for dinner.
“Do you think that I could go on birth control?” These worlds made your mother stop.
“Birth control? Why do you need to go on birth control? I know your cycle is normal, so who are you having sex with? Oh please don’t tell me you’re sleeping around,” your mom huffed exasperatedly.
“I’m not!” Technically you weren’t sleeping around. You were sleeping with one person, repeatedly. “I have a boyfriend Mom, and we use protection, but it would be nice to have an extra layer of protection.” It was…somewhat the truth. You tried to use protection but every once in a while you…didn’t. You’d taken a lot of Plan B lately.
“A boyfriend! Why didn’t you tell me? Tell me all about him!” The problem is…you didn’t have a boyfriend. You had a Jeonghan who periodically fucked you during the school year. You hadn’t seen him all summer but you knew that as soon as the school year started again you guys would start right back up.
“His name is Jeonghan, he’s studying business. We’ve been dating since the beginning of the year.”
“Oh tell me more! I want to know, please. I have to meet him immediately.”
And that’s how you spent the rest of the day making up half-lies about Jeonghan and convincing your mother to let you on birth control.
You honestly forgot you told your mom that lie, and now it’s coming back to bite you in the butt. You hadn’t brought him up to your mom since and now you either have to tell her you guys broke up or you have to convince Jeonghan to spend part of winter break with your family pretending to be your boyfriend. Knowing your mom, the latter will be easier.
“You told your mom WHAT?” You decide to tell Jeonghan after you guys finish having sex.
“I told her…that we’re dating.”
“You came inside me two minutes ago, you really wanna ask why? She would be so upset if she knew I was in a friends with benefits situation but if I tell her I have a boyfriend that I trust and care for, she’ll let me go on birth control.”
“Why did you have to ask her to go on birth control?” Jeonghan asks as you start to get dressed.
“I’m a college student Jeonghan, birth control isn’t free and if I ask my mom I can put it on her insurance. C’mon can you do this one thing for me? My mom is a great cook and it only has to be for a little bit, only one day really!”
“This really means that much to you?”
“Yes.” You’re practically making puppy dog eyes at him now.
“Well, you know, I just so happen to need somewhere to stay during winter break. So…I guess I’ll be staying with you and putting on the best show for your mom. You’re lucky I think you’re cute.”
You just grin at him.
“Sweetie! You’re home! Honey come here, our daughter is home!” Your mom runs out of the house to greet you, scooping you up into a hug. “Oh, oh, is this him?” She glances over your shoulder excitedly to where Jeonghan is standing behind you by the car.
“Mom, this is Jeonghan…my boyfriend.” You have to force the last bit out. 
“Oh he’s so handsome! It’s nice to finally meet you Jeonghan, I’m so happy you’re joining us for the holidays.”
“Thank you for allowing me to stay with you.” Jeonghan accepts your mom’s hug.
“Of course! You’ve been dating my daughter for almost a year now, anything you need we’ll be here.”
“Is that them?” A booming voice comes from the house. You look over to see your dad and brother standing on the porch.
“Honey, come meet Jeonghan! Look how handsome he is!”
You sigh, it’s already going to be a long four weeks.
“I’m…sorry about them,” you tell Jeonghan when you’re finally alone in your room, where your mother insisted Jeonghan stay with you. For someone who disapproves of casual sex, she sure does support ‘healthy love making between couples’. You don’t even want to think about her and your dad.
“I can’t say you didn’t warn me,” Jeonghan chuckles. “They all seem really nice though.”
“They’re…something,” you mutter. “I hope you don’t mind sharing a bed. Once again I’m really sorry about my mom.”
“It’s fine, I’m serious, stop stressing out. It’s not like we haven’t shared a bed before,” he jokes. 
You roll your eyes. “That reminds me. We have to lay down some ground rules.”
“Ground rules?” Jeonghan cocks an eyebrow curiously, and a bit skeptical. 
“Yes. I know it sounds silly and cliche, but really, we need to talk about it.”
“I don’t know what the big deal is. We just have to pretend to be a couple, that’s not hard. Hugging, kissing, all that gooey stuff.”
“What if my parents ask about our relationship? Are you sure you’re okay being coupley with me all the time? I-”
“Babe,” Jeonghan starts, “stop worrying. You make it seem like you have zero faith in me. Trust me, I can be the best fake-boyfriend you’ll ever need.” You scrunch your nose up at him calling you ‘babe’ in a non-sexual setting, but you guess you’ll have to get used to it.
“Still…if you even want to back out, just tell me and we can make up some excuse for you having to leave or-”
Jeonghan cuts you off once more, “Stop worrying. It’s the holiday season, let’s have fun! If your parents ask about our relationship just leave it to me.”
You stare at Jeonghan unsure, all too familiar with his antics. You can tell Jeonghan is about to counter your look when all of a sudden your door is flung open.
“Mom said dinner is ready!” Your brother announces.
You admit defeat on having this conversation with Jeonghan, leading him downstairs to where everyone is taking their place around the dinner table. The table feels just slightly cramped with the addition of the chair added for Jeonghan squeezed in next to yours. The top of dinner is quiet besides a few “could you pass the salt” or “this tastes great Mom” thrown in. It isn’t until your dad is going in for seconds when your mom speaks up.
“So, Jeonghan, tell me about yourself. Pumpkin has barely told us anything about you.” 
You internally groan at the childhood nickname your family still insists on using for you, and you hope it goes unnoticed by Jeonghan. Unfortunately, not much slips past him.
“A terrible nickname from when I was little,” you explain, slightly glaring at your mother.
“I think it’s cute.” You so desperately want to smack the smug look off Jeonghan’s face.
“It is cute,” your mom interjects. “It’s based on these adorable photos we took during her first fall. We did a photoshoot and put her in a pumpkin, it was just darling. Remind me later and I’ll pull out the photobooks.” Your mom winks at Jeonghan and you’re starting to realize just how big of a mistake this was. “Now, back to what I was saying. Tell me about yourself, Jeonghan.”
“Well there’s not much to say. I’m a business major, I enjoy sports and spending time with my friends.”
“He’s an amazing singer,” you jut in. You’re not sure why. Maybe it’s because Jeonghan is selling himself short. “He’s a part of the University’s choir. And he models for the fashion students.” You can see Jeonghan blush under your praise.
“Aw, that’s nice. And how did you two meet?”
“We met through a mutual friend, and then ended up having a class together the following semester. First time we met I thought she was the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I’m just lucky she gave me the time of day.” Jeonghan makes a show of grabbing your hand in his, clasping them together on the table. Even though you know it’s for show, the display makes your stomach flip a bit.
You do take note that his story is true for the most part. At least the part about you two meeting and then sharing a class. You’re pretty sure the part about you being “the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen” is just fluff to appease your mom. It does the trick though, as your mom coos at Jeonghan’s words.
She continues to ask Jeonghan questions about himself and your relationship, and Jeonghan keeps delivering. He tells her stories about him attempting to flirt with you and you being too oblivious to realize. You roll your eyes the whole time, knowing what he’s actually talking about. The three weeks he spent continuously trying to hit on you before you finally agreed to go on a date with him. 
Speaking of the date, Jeonghan also tells that story. In real life what happened with Jeonghan invited you over to watch a movie, you both got a little tipsy, and ended up fucking right on his couch. Neither of you asked for a second date, but did start to booty call each other, so that’s something. The way Jeonghan tells it to your mom is a lot more…wholesome.
“We went out to see a movie, her choice of course.” Lie, Jeonghan forced you to watch The Notebook. “Then afterwards I didn’t want the date to end so we got dessert and went back to my apartment. We spent the whole night talking before she eventually fell asleep on my couch. It was adorable.”
“Oh stop,” you mutter, trying your best to sound playful.
“It’s true. The way your nose twitches when you’re dreaming and the little huffs you let out. How can I find that as anything but the cutest thing ever?” Jeonghan then leans in and presses a quick kiss to your warm cheeks.
You’re aware you do those things in your sleep, it’s something you’ve done ever since you were little, but you weren’t aware that Jeonghan knew about them. Everytime you sleep over at Jeonghan’s, or he spends the night at yours, he always complains in the morning about how you elbowed him in your sleep all night. 
“Oh you two are just so cute!” Your mom exclaims. She then turns to you, “How dare you keep him away from us for so long.”
Your brother is obviously doesn't care for the topic of conversation and excuses himself from the table. Your mom realizes that dinner is now officially over and she and your father start to clean up the table.
“Don’t go far, Jeonghan. I need to show you those baby pictures!”
“Noooo.” You tug on Jeonghan’s sleeve, like it might somehow convince him to go back upstairs with you, but of course not. Of course Jeonghan wants to see all of your baby photos.
You know this shouldn’t really bother you this much. Everyone has baby photos. The issue is you were an extremely unphotogenic baby. Your brother has maybe some of the cutest baby photos you’ve ever seen. Not you. You look like a gremlin, to the point your baby photos became a meme between you and your friends in high school.
Your mom makes a pot of coffee for all of you before she’s shuffling into the living room and pulling out the large fifty page photo album of you from newborn to age four. Jeonghan follows suit and you reluctantly take your place next to him on the couch. 
The first few pages aren’t bad. They’re all photos of you still in the hospital when you were first being held by your mom and dad, swaddled in a cute little pink blanket that you know your mom has stored somewhere up in the attic. 
The first bad photo doesn’t show up until a few pages in, after you were brought home. It’s a photo of you crying, your face all scrunched up in an ugly expression. You think it’s hideous but it’s one of your dad’s favorite baby photos of you. Jeonghan chuckles slightly and you shove him lightly.
Shortly after that the infamous pumpkin photo shows up. It’s you sitting in a pumpkin, a stupid, blank look on your face as you chew on the pumpkin. There’s a little orange beanie on your head that’s just a little too big for your head.
“Aww, look at that little pumpkin,” Jeonghan giggles.
“Shut up,” you grumble, glaring down at the picture.
Unfortunately for you, it only gets worse from there. There’s the photos from when you were two years old and constantly had messy hair and a stupid expression on your face. And then the photos of you at three when all you would do was pout at the camera. Then the photos from when you were four and somehow every photo was taken at just the wrong second.
Your mother and Jeonghan have a great time, cooing at each photo, your mother giving an anecdote every once in a while. It isn’t until near the end that Jeonghan finally looks over at you, on his other side. He smiles at the slight pout on your face.
“C’mon babe, stop pouting.” Jeonghan scoots closer to you, sliding his arm around your waist and pulling you into him. Even if it’s just for show, you can’t help but admit it is slightly comforting. Jeonghan then leans in and whispers to you. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about. You really are the cutest little baby. I mean that’s not a surprise, you’re still cute, aren’t you baby?”
Your face heats up at his words. You’re not sure why he’s laying it on so thick when you’re sure your mom can’t even hear him. You suddenly stand, trying to subtly get distance between you and your fake boyfriend.
“Well, it’s getting late and I’m tired after all of that traveling today. We’ll see you in the morning Mom.”
Jeonghan finally allows you to pull him back upstairs and into your room. You let out a deep sigh as soon as the door is closed and you move to start getting ready for bed.
“Are you okay?” Jeonghan asks you as he changes into his pajamas as well. “I didn’t make you uncomfortable or cross any boundaries did I?”
“No, no, you’re fine,” you assure him. “You’re just doing what any boyfriend would, so keep it up, actually.”
“Okay…” Jeonghan says, the skepticism in his voice. You don’t say anything else though and Jeonghan drops it, thankfully.
You both crawl into bed and you try not to think about how you can feel his body so close to yours. As you close your eyes you can’t help but think you’re not sure how you’re going to make it through the rest of the break.
“We’re going Christmas tree shopping today!” Your mom announces cheerfully when you and Jeonghan make your way downstairs for breakfast. 
“You guys haven’t gotten a tree yet?” You ask.
“We were waiting for you,” your mom explains. “So we could go as a family and then decorate it together.”
After breakfast your whole family piles into your dad’s car and you take off to the Christmas tree lot. There’s Christmas music playing on the radio as you drive and you can hear Jeonghan softly sing along.
You’ve always liked Jeonghan’s voice. You find his high, light voice angelic and you could listen to him sing all the time. You tune out the chatter of your parents in favor of listening to Jeonghan the whole ride there. A part of you is glad that only you can hear him, taking this as a moment for yourself. 
As soon as the car parks and you all climb out of the car, Jeonghan reaches over and grabs your hand in his. You look over at him to see him smiling at you and you smile back. There’s a bite in the air as you two walk through the trees and you appreciate the warmth of Jeonghan’s hand in yours.
“Oh, what a darling couple,” you hear an old couple whisper as they walk past you two. 
“Hear that? We look darling together, darling” Jeonghan jokes after they’re out of earshot. You roll your eyes but there’s a smile on your face as you playfully knock your elbow into Jeonghan’s side.
You and Jeonghan continue to walk around, looking at trees, until your father finds you two to tell you that your bother found the perfect tree. Your brother is bouncing around when you three make your way to the tree and he looks at you and Jeonghan proudly.
“Good choice, little man,” you tell him.
“Yeah, looks like a great tree,” Jeonghan agrees, which makes your brother smile even more.
Your family is standing in line to pay for the tree when your mom gasps. You look over at her to see her giddy face as she points up. You glance up to see the sprig of mistletoe places directly over you and Jeonghan’s heads.
“Well look at that,” Jeonghan says amused. “It looks like we have to kiss. By the laws of Christmas of course.”
“By the laws of Christmas?”
“Of course. I don’t want to end up on Santa’s naughty list,” Jeonghan teases you. You shake your head, smiling.
“If you say so.” You lean in and press a kiss to Jeonghan’s lips.
You’ve never actually kissed him outside of having sex, but it comes surprisingly natural to you. Jeonghan wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in closer for just a moment, before pulling away. The tip of his nose and ears are pink and there’s a slight twinkle in his eye and he grins at you.
“You have cooties now,” your little brother announces from beside you and you and Jeonghan both burst out laughing. 
On the ride back home, your whole family sings along to the radio, and your mother compliments Jeonghan’s voice, which makes him flustered.
After you get back home, your dad and Jeonghan struggle to get the tree to fit through the door as you and your mom snicker at them. After they finally get it into the living room, you, Jeonghan, and your brother get to work decorating it. When your brother asks why your parents aren’t helping, your dad says he did all the work by paying for it.
The three of you (mostly you and Jeonghan) spend way too much time untangling lights before you string them up, finally allowing you to get to the good part. Your family’s ornaments are stored in a large plastic tub and you get to work digging through them. You’re not sure how many your family owns, but you’re sure it’s enough to cover three trees in whole. The tub isn’t organized in any way and you do your best to pick and choose which ones you think will make the best decorations.
Jeonghan kneels down beside you and starts to look through the tub as well.
“These ornaments are cute,” Jeonghan comments as he picks up a small stuffed animal snowman with a loop attached to it. He reaches over to place it on the tree.
“Yeah, it’s a part of my grandparents’ gift to us every year. An ornament for both of us.” You pick up a decoration with a family picture on it and you hang it up.
“You were so small in that one,” Jeonghan says, referencing the picture you just added to the tree.
You glance over the photo. You’re maybe five or six, way before your brother was born. You’re squished between your parents on a bench with Christmas lights behind you. You’re bundled up in a puffy winter jacket and a hat is squashed into your head. It’s a sweet photo.
“You know, this is all quite unfair,” you tell him. “You’re going to have to show me your childhood photos at some point now.”
“Now I don’t know if that was part of the deal.”
“Well we might just have to make it so. I’d love to see tiny little Hannie.”
“Maybe I could strike up a deal…”
You’re about to make a comment on Jeonghan’s sneaky ways, when you feel a tap on your leg. You look down to see your brother standing next to you with a sled shaped ornament in his hand.
“I need help putting this on the tree.”
“I got you buddy.” Jeonghan moves over to pick your brother up, lifting him up so your brother can place the ornament on the tree.
The moment is oddly sweet and when Jeonghan lets him down, he gives your brother a high five after. Jeonghan walks back over to the tub before picking up an ornament. After closer inspection you realize that it’s the ornament shaped like a little bunny with a fluffy cotton tail and a pink scarf. You quickly lunge forward and snatch it out of his hands.
“Sorry!” You exclaim, holding onto the ornament. “But you can’t place this on the tree.”
“Why not?”
“Because…,” you hesitate, suddenly embarrassed. 
“That’s her favorite, she has to place it on the tree every year. In its special spot,” you mom answers as she walks into the room, carrying a tray of cookies. 
Jeonghan just chuckles before leaning in to wrap his arms around your waist and kissing your cheek. You flush, trying not to think too much of it. It’s just because your mom is standing in the room. “That’s so cute. In its ‘special spot’?”
“Yes,” you mumble. You move out of Jeonghan’s grip to lift the ornament and place it at the top of the tree, right under where the star sits. The idea is more embarrassing now that Jeonghan is staring at you, the smug little grin on his face, but you can’t ignore tradition just because you know he’s going to make fun of you later.
“Are there any more special ornaments I should know about, darling?” Jeonghan asks and you smack him lightly, both for the comment and the teasing nickname he’s picked up.
“No. Decorate at your free will.”
Your brother is now more interested in the cookies your mom brought in, leaving you and Jeonghan to finish the tree off. It’s weighted down by all of the ornaments you’ve hung on it by the end. You reach down into the box to grab the tree topper.
“All that’s left is the star,” you announce.
“Jeonghan should put it on,” your mom suggests and you hold it out to him.
“Oh no, I couldn’t.”
“We insist,” your mom tells him. 
“C’mon Han, just do it, make her happy.” You nudge him a bit and Jeonghan finally takes it before reaching up on his tiptoes to place the star on top. You and your mom cheer and you can see the small smile on Jeonghan’s face.
With the finishing touch on the tree, you’re able to step back and look at your masterpiece.
“I think we did a pretty good job,” you say.
“I think we did the best job, and I should know. I’m a tree decorating veteran.” Jeonghan wraps an arm around your waist. You glance up at him, only to be surprised by him pecking you on the lips. You don’t even have time to react, the kiss smooth like you two do it all the time.
Jeonghan doesn’t bat an eye, turning back to stare at the tree. You feel your stomach flutter.
So here’s the thing. It’s not like you wouldn’t date Jeonghan, he’s a great guy, a close friend, but you two just never evolved into that part of your relationship. The issue when you’re hooking up with someone is that it’s intimate. You’ve spent the night at each other’s apartments, you share the same friends, you have strangely deep pillow talk with one another. It’s all under the same impression that you’re just friends with benefits, but now you’re here, in your childhood home, pretending to be a couple. The circumstances are completely different and now you don’t know how to feel.
All you know is that Jeonghan keeps kissing you with no sexual undertones under it, and maybe you like it a little too much.
When you wake up the next morning, Jeonghan is already awake on his phone. He looks over at you and snickers before turning his phone towards you. On his screen is a photo of you asleep, your mouth wide open and a bit of drool running down your cheek.
“Delete that!” You shout, suddenly wide awake. Jeonghan giggles as he stands up and runs out of the room. You chase after him, yelling at him, until you two make it to the kitchen.
“Well! You two are lively this morning,” your mom comments. She’s standing at the stove cooking breakfast with a fond grin on her face.
“Good morning!” Jeonghan says, a smug smile on his face as he slips his phone into his pocket. “That smells great. Do you need any help?” Jeonghan gestures to the plates sitting on the counter, waiting to be put out.
“Oh honey, no, no, you go sit. You’re a guest.” 
“Are you sure?” Jeonghan asks and your mom nods.
“Of course. Pumpkin, you can help me.”
Jeonghan moves to the dining table while your mom moves closer to you, a giddy look on her face, as she hands you the plates. 
“Pumpkin, you’ve really found yourself a keeper,” she whispers to you. “Jeonghan is such a sweet young man.”
“Uh, yeah mom, thanks,” you mutter.
It’s not like you don’t know Jeonghan’s a great guy, but the truth is you two aren’t dating. It’s not like you can tell your mom that, but you don’t know how long you’ll be able to keep up the lie after you two leave after break. It was easy when he was just a random name you threw out, but now your mom has actually met him, and he’s doing a little too well at charming her.
And maybe you too. It’s only been two days of pretending to fake date Jeonghan and somehow you’re already questioning your whole relationship with him. You don’t know if your heart will take fake dating him for any longer than you have to.
You and your mom head towards the table where Jeonghan sits next to your brother, looking invested in whatever your brother is talking about. You take your seat on the other side of Jeonghan as your mother sits across from you.
“So, any plans you two have for today?”
“Uhm, not at the moment,” you reply.
“You two should go ice skating! A new place opened downtown. I’m sure all the cute young couples are going there.”
You perk up at the idea. Ice skating has always been a fun winter tradition for you and now you have a reason to go. Right as the sun is starting to set, you and Jeonghan take off downtown. The city is dressed up in lights and it excites the child inside of you.
“Isn’t it pretty?” You ask Jeonghan as you walk down the street.
“Isn't what pretty?”
“The lights. Look at them. It really gets me in the Christmas mood,” you say. 
“Oh, yeah. They do look nice. Oh, there’s the skating rink.”
The rink is large and already filled with several people from other couples to families to people just skating solo. There are lights surrounding the rink and you can hear Christmas music playing out of speakers nearby.
You and Jeonghan go and rent your skates before putting them on and heading towards the ice. You slide onto the rink first and then wait for Jeonghan to follow. You watch as he steps out on the ice and moves to push himself forward, only to fall directly on his ass.
You stifle a laugh before reaching down to help him up. As soon as he’s back up Jeonghan moves over to hold onto the wall.
“Is this a bad time to tell you that I’m not very good at ice skating.”
You actually allow yourself to laugh out loud this time. “Why did you agree to come?”
“I don’t know, your mom seemed so excited about it and so did you.”
You smile before skating up to Jeonghan’s side. “That’s sweet of you Han, but we don’t have to continue if you don’t want to. We can just walk around downtown and look at the lights.”
“No, I want to do this,” Jeonghan states, determined.
“Okay, okay. At least let me help you out.” You move your hand to grasp Jeonghan’s and you start to move. Jeonghan gently lets go of the wall to follow you, his grip on your hand tight.
You skate effortlessly, trying not to giggle as Jeonghan does his best not to fall and pull you down with him. You’re skating much slower than you’re used to as Jeonghan clings to your arm.
“How are you so good at this,” Jeonghan whines as you two stop to take a break.
“Ice skating is a family tradition for me. Don’t worry, you look cute.” You reach up to straighten the fluffy hat on his head.
The moment feels oddly intimate, which is an interesting feeling considering you two have seen each other naked. It almost feels like you two are an actual couple, out on a cute Christmas-y date.
If you’re being honest, Christmas has always been your favorite holiday. You love the whole season and the feeling of family and joy and love. When you were little you always dreamed of having a great Christmas romance, and now you have it, it’s just…fake.
You look at Jeonghan to see the soft pink dusting his face and ears and you wonder if it’s because of the cold or if he’s thinking the same thing you are.
“Aww, you two are so cute.” The moment is broken and you look to the side to see an older couple skating up to you two. “Would you like us to take your photo?”
“Oh, um, sure!” You reply, pulling your phone out to hand to them. Your mom did tell you to take lots of photos.
You skate back over to Jeonghan and position yourself next to him, wrapping your arms around his waist as he wraps an arm around your shoulders. You two lean into each other, smiling at the camera. After that photo is taken you lean in to press a kiss to Jeonghan’s cheek.
The couple then returns your phone and bids you a goodbye. You flip through the photos and Jeonghan peeks over your shoulder at them.
“You should send those to me.”
You look at him curiously. In all the time you’ve known Jeonghan, you’ve never known him to care much about having photos of you two together, even as just friends, but you shoot them over to his number anyway. You then grab his hand again and continue to skate.
Even with Jeonghan’s poor skating skills, you two still have fun. The Christmas music sets the mood as you two skate around the rink and you can hear Jeonghan humming along as you skate. The moment is nice.
You two skate for about an hour before Jeonghan’s feet start to hurt and you two decide to put the skates up and pop into a nearby cafe to grab some hot chocolate before exploring downtown more. There is a tree put in the center of the plaza and you and Jeonghan take a few more photos to show your mom.
In the midst of hooking up with Jeonghan, sometimes it’s hard to remember you two are friends as well. You’re a bit glad for this whole fake dating thing, because it gives you a chance to hang out with Jeonghan in a non-sexual manner. It reminds you of how much you like Jeonghan as just a person and how you enjoy spending time with him. It’s really nice.
It’s late into the night when you two finally head back to your house. The lights are already all off and you and Jeonghan creep up to your room quietly, as to not wake up anyone else. You two quietly change into your pajamas before crawling into your bed.
There’s a slight chill in the room and you slide over to Jeonghan to try and get warmer. He accepts you into his arms and you two lay there in silence for a moment before he begins to speak.
“You know, I wasn’t sure about this at first, but I’ve been having a lot of fun. Your family’s great.”
“Yeah…they are. Thanks for doing this for me by the way.”
“I mean, it benefits me too, right,” Jeonghan chuckles.
Right. The reason you’re doing this in the first place: the birth control.
It’s weird to think about now that you’re here. Jeonghan has seemed to blend into your family so well, you nearly forgot the reason this started to begin with.
“Hey, are you okay?” Jeonghan asks.
“What? Oh yeah. I’m just…tired. I think I should try to sleep.”
“Yeah, okay…goodnight.”
When you wake up, Jeonghan is still asleep next to you, and you glance at the clock to see it’s strangely early. It’s then that you hear the tapping on your door and you stand up to crack it open. Your mom is standing on the other side of the door with a paper in her hand.
“Sweetie, sorry to wake you up, but I need you to do me a favor today.”
“What is it Mom? Is everything okay?”
“Oh yes, nothing wrong, but I need you to go out and buy these things for me.” She passes you the list and you scan over it before shooting your mom a look.
“You haven’t gotten the presents yet?” You hiss. “Christmas is in like four days!”
“I know! Me and your father haven’t had time to go with your brother around. Please? Here’s my card.” She passes you her credit card. “You can pick up some gifts for yourself as well. Bring Jeonghan along, get lunch, make a day out of it. Please, Pumpkin?”
“Yeah, sure, Mom. I’ll get it all.”
“Thank you!” Your mom hugs you quickly before leaving. You sigh, staring down at the list. There’s quite a few things on it. The closer you look at it you realize there’s also gifts for your extended family and your father on it. You huff, you have your work cut out for you. At least your mom has marked what store you can find each item.
You walk over to the bed and shake Jeonghan until he wakes up.
“Come up, get up. We have a long day of shopping ahead of us and I want to beat the crowds.”
Jeonghan grumbles a bit more but rolls out of bed. You two get dressed before climbing into your car and heading towards the store. You stop at a coffee shop to get both of you take out cups and head to the first store.
Your brother’s Christmas list is mainly toys, which you guess you can expect from a five year old. The toy store is already bustling with people and you grab a cart and Jeonghan’s hand so you don’t lose each other. You make your way through the aisles, doing your best to find everything on the list.
“What about this one?” Jeonghan asks, holding up a green race car. You frown.
“No. He doesn’t like that shade of green, and he already owns three green cars. He wants a purple one…aha! Here it is.” You grab the one on the back of the rack before throwing it into the cart. “Okay. I think there’s toy dinosaurs a few aisles down, and then we should have everything here.”
You two continue through the store before you find the aisle full of different dinosaur themed toys. You pick up a book for you to gift your little brother yourself and then look over the toys.
“He already owns a t-rex, a stegosaurus, and a triceratops,” you mutter more to yourself than Jeonghan. You glance through the toys before landing on a dinosaur with a long neck. “Brachiosaurus, perfect.”
You place this in the cart as well and then turn to Jeonghan, who is smiling at you. “You’re a good big sister, you know that?”
“I’m just doing what my mom asked me,” you tell him as you push the cart towards the check out.
“No I mean, you pay attention to him. You know what toys he already owns and what colors he likes. It’s sweet.”
You brush Jeonghan off again, but the words cause a warm feeling to bloom in your stomach. You two stand in the check out line for what feels like forever before you’re able to leave. As you two are walking to the car you look over at Jeonghan and realize he deserves something for Christmas as well. He’s spending the whole break with you and your family, it’s the least you can do.
“Oh shit, I forgot something. Here, take the car keys, I’ll be back in a flash, I promise.” You hand him the keys before running back into the store before Jeonghan can protest.
You weave through the people before making it to the Lego aisle. You’ve seen all of the models inside his apartment, and you figure this will be a good gift for him. You search through the different kits to find the best one, before settling on the electric guitar set. You’ve seen him play the bass a couple of times, and you hope Jeonghan will still appreciate the thought.
The line is a bit shorter this time and you make sure the box is well hidden in the bag before making your way back to the car. You store the bag in the back before slipping into the driver’s seat.
“You got everything you need?” Jeonghan asks and you smile and nod.
“Yep! On to the next place.” 
The next store is less exciting than being in a toy store and it seems to be even busier. You and Jeonghan hold hands once more as you walk through the store. His humming to the Christmas music on the speakers calms you a bit, and you allow yourself to enjoy the Christmas spirit more.
You and Jeonghan make it through the store, and another one before you decide it’s time for a lunch break. You two find a cute Italian place to sit down and rest your feet. You’re waiting for your food to arrive when your phone dings and you see an Instagram notification. You open your phone to see Jeonghan has tagged you in a post.
The first photo is the two of you at the skating rink, your arms wrapped around each other. There are a few more photos. A photo of you holding your hot chocolate while looking at the lights. The selfie you two took in front of the tree in the plaza. The final photo is a photo of you putting an ornament on your own tree at home. The post is captioned Christmas 🎄🎁☕.
“Our friends are going to think we’re crazy,” you tell Jeonghan. In theory, your friends know you and Jeonghan are sleeping together, but you’ve never explicitly said it, and they most definitely don’t know that Jeonghan is spending Christmas at your house.
“So? Let them. Those are cute photos.” You can’t argue with that and you drop a like and repost it to your story.
When you finish up lunch there’s one more store you two have to hit. There are only a few odd and end items left and you can’t wait to get home. You and Jeonghan are looking at sweaters when you feel someone bump into you and you lurch forward a bit.
“Watch it,” the man growls.
“Hey!” Jeonghan shouts, wrapping an arm around your waist to steady you.
“What?” The man turns back around.
“You bumped into my girlfriend.” Despite this not being the moment to get flustered, hearing Jeonghan call you his girlfriend even without your family around sends butterflies into your tummy.
The man and Jeonghan have a stare down for a moment before the man huffs out a pathetic “sorry” before walking off. 
“Thanks Han,” you say before you place a soft kiss on his cheek.
“Well, some people just belong on the naughty-list,” he says, which makes you chuckle.
By late afternoon you two finally finish shopping and you get a text from your mom that tells you she’s taken your little brother to the grocery store so you and Jeonghan have time to get the gifts in the house without him seeing. You and Jeonghan quickly bring everything to your room before closing the door. You make sure to slip the present for Jeonghan under your bed before he notices and you then turn to him.
“Want to help me wrap these presents?”
“Of course.”
You and Jeonghan sit on the floor of your room, where Jeonghan soon finds out you’re awful at wrapping gifts.
“It’s so easy. It’s just folds and tape,” Jeonghan says as he places a piece of tape on the most perfectly wrapped present you’ve ever seen.
“Oh shush. I usually use gift bags okay? And now I have you, so you can wrap all of the presents from Santa, and I can do the rest,” you declare as you scribble a To: Mom onto the present you finished wrapping.
“Fine, but only because you’re the worst gift wrapping elf I’ve ever seen.”
Though you know it’s meant as an insult, you can’t help but smile at the cuteness of his sentence. You’re also just happy you don’t have to wrap more gifts than necessary.
It’s late when you wake up the next morning, due to the fact you went to bed late last night. You and Jeonghan stayed up to finish wrapping presents and then you two got onto talking about family Christmas tradition and before you knew it, it was two am. 
The bed is chilly and when you sit up to look, the other side of the bed is empty. You wrap a blanket around you and head downstairs to see Jeonghan and your mom sitting at the table talking. When you look out the window it’s a world of white and you start to feel giddy.
“It snowed!” You exclaim. “Hannie, we have to go play in it!”
You know it’s childish, but you can’t help it. You quickly get dressed and put on your winter coat and gloves before heading outside. A few minutes later, Jeonghan exits the house as well, your brother in tow. You search through your garage before you find your sleds and the three of you take a short walk to the park down the street. There’s a big hill next to it and you all take turns riding down it.
“C’mon, ride down together with me.” Jeonghan pats the space in between his legs on the sled and you climb on.
Jeonghan pushes off and then wraps his arms around your waist as you two go speeding down the hill. You can feel the snow fly back into your face and your sled goes tilting before you and Jeonghan are completely thrown off. You two land in a heap together and you both start giggling. You roll over in the snow and start to make a snow angel and Jeonghan does the same.
When you stand up and assess your work, you pull out your phone to snap a photo of the two angels next to each other. You’re just putting your phone away when you feel something cold and hard pelt you in the leg. You look over to see Jeonghan with a mischievous grin on his face, already aiming his next snow ball.
You quickly bend down to grab snow and form your own ammo, while also trying to dodge the onslaught of Jeonghan’s. You two go back and forth, throwing snow at each other, before Jeonghan finally ambushes you and grabs you by the waist and tackles you down into the snow.
You two are breathing heavily as Jeonghan hovers over you. There’s a twinkle in his eye and snow in his hair and you think that this might be the prettiest you’ve ever seen Jeonghan. You’re not sure what comes over you, but you reach up and grab him by the collar of his jacket, pulling him down to connect your lips to his.
Jeonghan melts into you, kissing you back. You two lay there in the snow, kissing, until you hear commotion next to you.
“Ewww.” You both pull apart to see your little brother standing over you two. You and Jeonghan both blush and Jeonghan climbs off of you before helping you up. “I’m getting cold, can we go back home now?”
Neither you nor Jeonghan make eye contact as you grab the sleds. Jeonghan gives your brother a piggyback on the way home when you get inside your brother pulls Jeonghan off to go play video games together. You’re grateful for the break, still a bit flustered from your intense kiss earlier.
You’re luckily able to ignore the boy for the most part for the rest of the day, until it’s time to go to bed. You and Jeonghan shuffle around each other awkwardly until you decide to finally bite the bullet.
“Hey, about the kiss earlier, I’m sorry. I-”
“No, it’s okay!” Jeonghan cuts you off. “Don’t worry I uh…I liked it.”
“O-oh, okay,” you mumble.
Neither of you say anything else as you two climb into bed. You’re not sure if you should move closer to Jeonghan until he reaches over to tug you towards him. You slot yourself into his arms, and you hope he can’t feel your heart beating a million beats per second.
You’re glad you didn’t make anything weird with Jeonghan, but now you’re afraid you may have made things a lot more complicated for yourself.
“You two are on cookie duty,” your mom tells you and Jeonghan as she bustles around the kitchen. She’s been stressed since you two woke up. You suppose that’s fair when it’s Christmas Eve, and it gives you a good reason to not think about you and Jeonghan.
“Can I help? I want to make cookies for Santa!” Your little brother exclaims.
“If you want to, buddy,” you tell him.
“There’s a recipe book in the cupboard, and I should have picked up all of the ingredients the other day,” your mother continues.
“We’ve got it Mom, no stressing, okay?”
“Okay. Thank you Pumpkin.” Your mom kisses your cheek before running off to finish errands.
You clap your hands together. “Let’s get to baking.”
There’s several cookies your mom has requested you to make and you get to work on the dough for the chocolate chip cookies, while Jeonghan works on the sugar cookies. The chocolate chip cookies are fairly easy and you’re able to pop them into the oven while Jeonghan and your brother are cutting out shapes into the sugar cookies.
“This one is shaped as a snowflake,” your brother explains to Jeonghan as he stamps the dough.
“Ah, I see,” Jeonghan says and you grin. You work around them as you grab the flour to start making gingerbread.
Right as you’re walking past Jeonghan, he spins around, running into you and getting a cloud of flour all over both of you. You can hear your little brother giggling as Jeonghan huffs a laugh.
“You know, darling, this is pretty cliche,” Jeonghan says, still grinning.
“It would only be cliche if I smear frosting on the tip of your nose,” you tell him, continuing to walk past. “But, don’t count that out yet.” 
By the afternoon the house is warm and filled with the sweet scent of baked goods. The cookies are cooled and all three of you have already sneaked one or two for yourselves as you sit down to decorate. Your brother has been given the task of frosting the sugar cookies for Santa, while you and Jeonghan get to work building a gingerbread house.
“Look, not to brag, but I’ve come in second place every year for my family’s gingerbread house contest.”
“Second place? Why not first?” You snicker.
“Because my cousin is an architect, okay. It’s called an unfair advantage.”
You giggle once more. “If you say so, Hannie. Here, you can make the shingles with these.”
The two of you work in harmony, decorating the little house with all of the candy. When the house is finished you two move onto making the little gingerbread man.
“Look at little Hannie,” Jeonghan says, holding up the gingerbread man he just made. It’s decorated to look like Jeonghan, even done with his signature smirk.
“Very cute,” you tell him. “But your hair isn’t that long anymore.” You reach over and swipe some of the icing used to make his hair off of the cookie before reaching up to smear it on Jeonghan’s nose.
“Oh I see,” Jeonghan hums, doing his best to keep the grin off his face.
“I told you, don’t count it out yet.”
Before you can even stop him, Jeonghan is dipping into the bowl of frosting and swiping a streak over your cheek. You squeal as Jeonghan grins proudly. 
“There, now we’re even.” You fake pout at Jeonghan slightly and he playfully rolls his eyes before leaning in and kissing your cheek, right over the icing. When he pulls away, he’s licking his lips. “I’m sorry, but revenge just tastes so sweet, darling.”
It’s your turn to playfully roll your eyes now, not at all upset with Jeonghan’s antics.
You finish up your gingerbread self as well and place it next to Jeonghan’s in front of the house. Jeonghan pushes his towards yours even more, so their hands touch. “Look, they’re now holding hands.” 
“You’re so stupid,” you tell him, but you’re smiling.
“You like that I’m stupid,” Jeonghan teases.
“Maybe…but only a little bit,” you say, but it’s enough to make Jeonghan grin from ear to ear.
It's a Christmas tradition in your house to spend Christmas Eve watching everyone’s favorite Christmas movies, and this year your brother is actually able to make a suggestion. 
“Jeonghan, sweetie, you get to suggest a movie as well,” your mother tells him as she readies the hot chocolate.
“Really? I wouldn’t want to impose?”
“You should know by now you’re not imposing, and if anything, it’s Christmas Eve, you deserve to have some cheer as well. It will be nice to have something new in the lineup of movies.”
Your mom starts to pour the hot chocolate into mugs before sliding the reindeer shaped mug towards your brother. It’s his favorite cup to use, even when it’s not the Christmas season, though it was originally gifted to you.
“No Mom, let Jeonghan have it.” Your brother declares as he pushes the mug towards Jeonghan.
“For me? Thank you!”
You lean in towards Jeonghan. “He must really like you. He doesn’t even let me use that mug, and it belongs to me.”
After the hot chocolate and cookies have been passed out to everyone (and your brother has set some out for Santa), you all move into the living room. Your parents sit in their chairs and your little brother places himself on the floor right in front of the TV. You and Jeonghan move over to the couch where you naturally slot yourself into his arms, you two cuddling up together as you throw a blanket over your laps.
The first movie of the night is your brother’s choice, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. It’s a classic and you can’t be mad at the choice. The whole time Jeonghan keeps making jokes only loud enough for you to hear and you keep giggling, causing your brother to glare at you, causing you to elbow Jeonghan in his side.
“You better not distract me when we’re watching my movie,” you warn Jeonghan.
Jeonghan throws his hands up in fake surrender. “Oh darling I wouldn’t dare.”
Your favorite Christmas movie is A Charlie Brown Christmas and you make your family watch it every year. For you, it never gets old, and you watch it with what can only be described as stars in your eyes. You know Jeonghan finds it amusing, but you can’t help your love for all things Peanuts and something about that silly little Christmas tree brings you joy.
Instead of your parents choosing a movie, Jeonghan gets to choose this year, and you’re thankful you don’t have to watch your dad’s choice, A Christmas Story. Instead Jeonghan chooses the Jim Carey version of The Grinch, which makes you grin wide.
“That’s my second favorite Christmas movie. Did you know that?”
“Nope, I guess we just have great taste, darling.”
“Of course we do. I mean, we’re dating each other,” you flirt and you watch Jeonghan duck his head in embarrassment.
Jeonghan shifts his position so you’re sitting in between his legs, leaning back against him. His arms wrap around your waist as he rests his head on your shoulder. It’s cozy and your heart feels full at the moment.
You know none of it is real, that it’s all fake for something as trivial as birth control, but right now, you so desperately want it to be real. Enough that you’ll let yourself believe it is, even if it’s just for a moment.
It’s late when the movie is finished and your brother is doing his best to keep his eyes open.
“Hey little man, if you don’t go to bed soon, Santa won’t come,” you tell him as you pick him up in your arms.
“B-but Santa has to come,” he mutters in a sleepy voice.
“Well then let us put you to bed.” You carry your brother to his bedroom, Jeonghan following you behind.
“What if I can’t sleep? Is Santa still going to come?”
“I’m sure you’ll be able to sleep, buddy. Do you want us to read you a story?”
“Hey Han, there’s a copy of The Night Before Christmas in my room, could you go grab it?” You ask Jeonghan and he nods. He comes back a few minutes later, holding the book. He settles next to you on the bed and you hold the book open for your little brother to see.
You and Jeonghan take turns narrating the book until your little brother’s eyes droop down and he’s fast asleep. You and Jeonghan quietly sneak out of the room and slip into yours. Due to the presents being hidden in your room, it’s your turn to play Santa.
You and Jeonghan carry the presents to the living room before placing them under the tree. It looks picture perfect when you two are done. You and Jeonghan move over to the plate of cookies set out before both grabbing one and tapping them together.
“Cheers,” Jeonghan says.
“Cheers, to our success at playing Santa.” You both bite into your cookies, making sure to leave crumbs on the plate for your brother to see in the morning. You split the glass of milk, leaving a few drops at the bottom.
“Look.” Jeonghan points up and you catch sight of the spring of mistletoe. Your family has never been ones to do mistletoe and you wonder if your mom put it up this year just because she knew Jeonghan was going to be with you.
You’re surprised you didn’t see it earlier, but to be fair you haven’t been home much the past few days, and even when you have you haven’t been near the fireplace. 
Right then the clock in your house strikes midnight, and you lean in to kiss Jeonghan. He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into him, as you cup his face. You two kiss for what you’re sure is much longer than it needs to be before pulling away.
“Merry Christmas, Jeonghan.”
“Merry Christmas, darling.” 
“Santa! Santa, Santa, Santa! Santa was here!” You wake up to screaming and you barely have time to process what is happening when your bedroom door is flung open and there’s a tiny body attacking you and Jeonghan.
“Yeah, buddy, we know,” you mumble as Jeonghan yawns loudly. “We’ll be there in a second.”
“You better be.” With that your brother leaves and you and Jeonghan decide it’ll be best if you two make your way into the living room.
Your parents are both already in the living room, both of them looking tired as well. Your brother is eagerly sitting in front of the tree, inspecting each present as he waits for you and Jeonghan to shuffle over to the couch. Jeonghan sits down and you practically sit on his lap with how close you get to him, cuddling into his side, wishing you were still asleep.
“Merry Christmas! Say hi to the camera,” your dad says as he holds his phone up to record your little brother.
“Hi!” He says while waving enthusiastically. “Merry Christmas! Can I open my presents now?”
Your mom chuckles before telling him to do so.
You watch with half interest as your brother opens his presents, doing your best to wake up. Jeonghan is warm against you, though, and it makes you more sleepy. It isn’t until your brother is almost done opening his presents from Santa that you’re awake.
As soon as your dad has picked up all of the wrapping paper, you move towards the tree to open your own presents. It’s nothing much, as you really only asked for clothes and a few other things for your apartment. The life of a college student.
When you’ve thanked your parents for your presents you hand them their presents from you. You’re satisfied at the giddy your little brother has for the dinosaur book you got him and he gives you a giant hug.
“Pumpkin, what’s that present left under the tree?” Your mom points at the final present under the tree.
“It’s my present for Jeonghan,” you say as you pick it up and hand it to the boy.
“You got me something?” Jeonghan asks you, a bit of awe in his face.
“Of course.” You sit down next to him and press a kiss to his cheek. “I hope you like it.”
Jeonghan rips the wrapping paper off to reveal the Lego set underneath, and Jeonghan gasps. There’s an excited grin on his face as he looks between the box and you.
“You got me this?”
“Yeah, I noticed the sets in your room and thought you’d like this. I know you play the bass but-”
Jeonghan cuts you off by lunging forward and kissing you. You melt into him, reciprocating the kiss. When you pull back, there’s a twinkle in his eye. “Thank you, it’s perfect.”
“Oh, let me take a photo!” Your mom exclaims. “Go stand in front of the tree.”
You know there’s not fighting your mom and you pull Jeonghan over. You press your sides together, smiling at the camera. Your brother wants on as well so you two pick him up and hold him between you two.
“Aww, my babies, you guys look so cute! Okay, now who wants breakfast?”
You’re standing on your back porch, watching the snow fall, when you hear steps approaching. When you turn around you’re not surprised to see Jeonghan approaching you.
“You know, you didn’t have to get me anything for Christmas. Let alone a Lego set.”
You shrug. “I wanted to. You’re doing this for me, and I wanted to give you something to show my appreciation.”
“Well thank you. It means a lot to me.” Jeonghan moves closer to you and wraps his arms around you. You accept his hug, snuggling into his arms. “I’m sorry I didn’t have anything for you.”
“It’s okay. I didn’t expect you to. You just being here is enough.”
Jeonghan pulls away from you slightly, so he can look you in the eyes. You can see him struggling to say what he wants to, before he eventually just spits it out. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
You furrow your eyebrows. “Is everything okay?”
“I…I’ve really enjoyed the past week, and it’s made me realize I need to be honest with you. I really like you, and I have since we first met. We had that first date which ended in us having sex, and when you never brought up a second date I kind of figured you just wanted to keep it on a physical level. I didn’t mind, but I guess I always kind of wanted it to be more,” Jeonghan admits. “And being here, and spending all this time together and not having sex, it kind of made me realize just how much I like you.” 
You can feel your heart beating in your chest as Jeonghan speaks. He likes you. Yoon Jeonghan likes you, and has had a crush on you since you first met. The notion makes your stomach erupt in butterflies.
You stare at him, his cheeks slightly pink from the cold and white snowflakes dotting his black hair. He looks like an angel.
“I understand if you don’t like me back, but I needed to tell you that. I’m not sure what this means for us but-”
It’s now your turn to cut Jeonghan off with a kiss. Your hold on him tightens as you pull him into you and Jeonghan eagerly accepts. He moves his hands to cup the back of your neck, holding you gently as he deepens the kiss. You’re both a little breathless when you pull apart and Jeonghan has a giant smile on his face.
“I like you too. A lot. And being here made me realize I want this to be real, if you do too.”
“Yes. I would love that.”
“Well then, I hate to inform you that I don’t think we can be fake dating anymore, as I have a very real boyfriend.”
“Is that so?”
“Oh yes. And he’s very handsome and talented and a very good kisser.”
“Well it’s a good thing I also have a very real girlfriend, who is also a very good kisser.” Jeonghan’s face gets closer to yours as he talks before he leans in fully at the end, kissing you once more.
“Your father and I are going to go look at Christmas lights with your brother. Would you two like to join?” You mom pokes her head into your bedroom where you and Jeonghan are cuddled up on your bed, watching a movie.
You've been spending the day just enjoying each other's presence. You've also been answering sporadic texts from your friends, asking about you and Jeonghan after your Instagram post earlier.
You posted the photo of you kissing his cheek in the ice rink, the photos your mom took this morning, and a photo of your gingerbread men holding hands, captioned My favorite present this year ♡. Your friends have been hounding you about it since.
You glance at Jeonghan and down at your laptop before turning to your mom.
“I think we’ll just stay here,” you tell her.
She just smiles at you two. “Okay, have fun. We’ll probably be gone for a few hours.” Neither you nor Jeonghan miss the wink she sends you two.
You can hear the garage door open and close as your family leaves and you and Jeonghan both glance at each other. You’re not quite sure what the rules are on how long you should wait to have sex after becoming a couple, but then again, it’s not like you and Jeonghan haven’t fucked before.
“Do you want to-”
“You know just because we-”
You both stop talking when you realize the other one is. You gesture for Jeonghan to continue.
“Just because we’re now officially dating, doesn’t mean we can’t still have sex,” Jeonghan says. “Unless you want to wait.”
“No, I actually was going to ask if you uh, wanted to have sex.” You almost feel awkward, talking about it, like you two haven’t been hooking up on the regular for over a year.
You’re relieved of the uncomfortableness as soon as Jeonghan turns to kiss you. After a week of kissing for show, it’s nice to finally kiss him for yourself. As strange as it might be, it feels nice to kiss Jeonghan like this. Though you’re excited to see where dating Jeonghan takes you, hooking up is how you know him best.
Jeonghan moves your laptop off your laps and climbs on top of you, pressing you into the bed. Though you’re used to sleeping with Jeonghan, there’s still a new air to this. You don’t think you’ve ever seen Jeonghan so eager to fuck you, but you can’t say you’re complaining at all. 
Your lips slide together, deepening the kiss, as Jeonghan’s hand ghosts your waist. You can feel his tongue swipe against your lips right as he starts to push his hand up under your shirt. You gasp when you feel his hand grope your tits and Jeonghan takes that moment to slip his tongue into your mouth.
You whimper as you feel his hand slide under your bra as well, his fingers playing with your nipples. His tongue explores the inside of your mouth and you suck on it slightly before pulling away all together. As you take a moment to catch your breath, Jeonghan moves down to suck at your neck.
“F-fuck, Hannie,” you whine.
“So pretty, darling,” Jeonghan mutters.
You push Jeonghan off of you slightly, so you can remove both your shirt and bra. With your chest now bare, Jeonghan takes the liberty of wrapping his lips around your nipple. He flicks the bud with his tongue, while his hand shows the other one some love. Your body arches up into his touch as you feel your cunt clench down around nothing, desperate to have him inside of you.
Jeonghan must realize this as well, and he pops his mouth off of you. “Want me to touch you, pretty girl?”
“Please,” you beg. You wiggle your hips a bit and Jeonghan chuckles as he hooks his fingers into your waistband and slides both your pajama pants and underwear off in one go. Like he’s on autopilot, Jeonghan reaches down and starts to rub at your clit with two fingers. 
“Fuck, you’re so wet already. Do you want my fingers or my mouth?”
“D-don’t care,” you mutter, already enjoying the pleasure of his fingers pressed against you. “Pick one. Both. Whatever. Just please, don’t stop touching me.”
You gasp a bit when Jeonghan pushes your legs apart even further, allowing himself to slip in between them. He leans down and starts to kiss your thighs, leaving small nips every once in a while. When it’s clear you’re too impatient for this, Jeonghan closes the gap between his mouth and your pussy, pressing a kiss to your entrance. From there, it only gets messier as Jeonghan darts his tongue out to lap at your arousal. He licks a thick strip along your slit, stopping at your clit so he can wrap his lips around it. You moan as you feel him suck on the bud.
His hands are holding on tight to your thighs, keeping them apart. His tongue swirls around your clit and you buck your hips up as your hands fly to grip onto the sheets. You’re sure you look pathetic, but you don’t care if it means you can get head this good.
His mouth switches between sucking your clit and licking at your entrance. You’re dripping slick now, even as Jeonghan licks it up. He buries his face between your thighs deeper, and you’re sure his face is a mess now. He drags his teeth against your sensitive clit and you whine loudly.
Jeonghan seems to be happy with his affect on you and he finally gives attention to how empty you feel. His finger rubs your slit for a second before he pushes it inside of you. You’re completely drenched and his finger glides in with ease, allowing him to slide a second one in not long after. 
His mouth is still working at your clit as he fucks a third finger into you. He thrusts them deeper each time, curling them back to hit the soft spot of your walls. It pays off to have someone know your body so well, and you can already feel your brain going fuzzy as Jeonghan knows all the right places to hit.
Your abs tighten as you can feel yourself approaching your orgasm. Your thighs clamp down around Jeonghan’s head as a warning, and then you’re shaking as you reach your high. You moan freely, your hands grasping at the sheets, as Jeonghan continues to work you through it.
When your body has calmed down, you sink into the bed, allowing yourself to rest for a moment. Jeonghan has finally come up for air, his whole face shiny with your arousal. You grab him a tissue and he wipes off his mouth and fingers.
“You’re turn,” you whisper as you push Jeonghan down onto the bed. He’s still completely dressed you and push his shirt up to kiss down his stomach before pulling down his pants and underwear like he did to you. 
His cock springs free, fully hard and leaking. You slot yourself between his legs and waist no time taking the tip in between your lips. You suck gently before working your way down his length. After doing this many times, you’ve had practice taking him, and you can completely get his whole cock down your throat.
Though Jeonghan isn’t very blessed in the girth department, his cock is the longest you’ve ever been with, being able to reach deep inside you and down your throat. You bob your head up and down, letting his tip hit the back of your throat, before you pop off his cock, wrapping your lips around the shaft as your hand fondles his balls.
Your tongue darts out so you can run it against his cock, swirling it around the rim of his tip. You can hear the stuttered breathing of Jeonghan above you, as you back to sucking at the head of his cock. His pre-cum coats your tongue, and you have to admit, the salty taste brings you joy.
“G-gonna cum,” Jeonghan mumbles before he’s spilling his load right into your mouth. You do your best to catch it all, but some still slips out and drips down your chin, which you think makes Jeonghan cum even harder. “Fuck, your mouth is so good.”
You pull your mouth off of Jeonghan, swallowing the rest of the cum in your mouth, and Jeonghan groans. You crawl back up to Jeonghan’s face, kissing him. If the fact you just had his dick in your mouth bothers Jeonghan, he doesn’t show it.
“Need you in me, Hannie,�� you tell him.
“Okay baby,” Jeonghan responds. He flips you over, so you’re laying on your back. He removes his shirt, so you’re both completely naked, before leaning down to kiss you again.
You’re not sure how his cock is still hard, despite just cumming, but you can’t complain when you feel him rubbing his tip against your slit. His kiss deepens as he pushes inside of you, your walls clenching down to mold against his cock.
You try to relax, but he feels so good sliding into you. After a moment he’s fully inside of you, his tip pressed snug up against your cervix. Jeonghan slowly slides out of you before slamming back in. Your pussy is soaking wet and you’re sure Jeonghan’s cock is drenched, if the wet squelch was any indicator.
Jeonghan starts to slowly thrust in and out of you, building up his pace as he goes. Your thighs hug his hips as you wrap your legs around him and your fingers dig into his back. You can feel his mouth suck at your collarbone as he slams into you harder.
His cock reaches deep in you, the drag of his cock against your walls causing your brain to go even more incoherent. All you can think about is Jeonghan and his body against yours and his cock fucking you so good. There’s a reason you’ve let him hit with no strings attached for so long, it’s just even better now that you can fully call him yours.
“You feel so good around me,” Jeonghan mumbles into your neck. “Perfect fucking pussy.”
“Love your cock,” you mumble back. “So deep inside.”
“Fuck, need you to ride me.”
You and Jeonghan take a moment to reposition and then you’re bouncing in his lap. Your grip onto his shoulders tight for leverage as you fuck yourself on his cock. His cock hits as a new angle in this position and all you can do is moan like a bitch in heat. 
Jeonghan reaches down and grabs onto your ass, guiding you up and down his cock as he squeezes the flesh. Your tits are bouncing wildly in Jeonghan’s face and he leans forward, sucking one into his mouth. You throw your head back as your eyes flutter close, lost in your pleasure. 
Your thighs get tired at some point and you start to just grind against him, his cock curving up into you at just the right angle. Jeonghan can sense your neglected clit and he reaches down to start rubbing circles into it. Your cunt clenches down, and both you and Jeonghan can tell you’re about to cum soon.
“Need your cum, Hannie,” you tell him, your words slurring together. “Fill me up.”
“Anything for you, darling,” Jeonghan says, half delirious himself.
It only takes one final jerk of your clit to have you trembling around him. Your pussy walls fluttering against his cock as you fall forward against Jeonghan, your body twitching as you cum. You can feel Jeonghan’s cock throbbing inside of you as he cums as well, filling you full of his seed.
You both lay like that for a while, with Jeonghan still inside of you as you exchange soft kisses. When it’s clear you need to get up, you slowly lift yourself off of Jeonghan’s cock, and you can feel his cum slide out of you. 
“Fuck, we need to wash my sheets,” you mumble.
“Okay, but let’s cuddle for just a bit longer.” And well, you can’t say no to that.
“Oh, we hate to see you two go,” you mom says as Jeonghan finishes putting your things into your car. “Visit soon, okay? And bring Jeonghan as well.”
“Yes Mom, I will.” You lean in to hug her.
“Thank you for allowing me to stay with you guys over break,” Jeonghan tells your mom and she pulls him into a hug as well.
“Thank you for being such a good guest. And for being such a good boyfriend to our Pumpkin. Visit soon, okay sweetheart?”
“Of course.” Jeonghan smiles at your mom.
“Bye-bye!” Your little brother says as he hugs your leg. You reach down and pick him up so you and Jeonghan can hug him in between you two. You press a kiss to his cheek.
“Bye, buddy. I’ll see you soon, okay?”
“Seen you soon!” You let him down and he runs off.
“Text me as soon as you get to your apartment.”
“I will. Okay, we really have to go.”
“I love you,” your mom says as she kisses your cheek.
“I love you too.” 
“Okay bye Pumpkin, bye Jeonghan.” You both wave before climbing into the car.
As you take off you reach over and grab Jeonghan’s hand. 
“Well it seems this was a successful trip,” Jeonghan says.
“Very,” you agree.
You not only got a boyfriend, but now you don’t ever have to tell your mom you lied to her to get on birth control. It’s really a win-win situation in your eyes.
You glance over at Jeonghan to see him already staring back at you. Yeah, it truly is a win.
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taglist: @ckline35 @toruro @jeanjacketjesus @namjoonbaby @n4mj00nvq @lovelyhan @ovai @scorpiobitch88 @im-gemmy @lllucere @tulipgarland4 @embrace-themagic @sulkygyu @leejihoonownsmyheart @synthetickitsune @yeosayang @miraclewoozi @d0nghyck @soonhoonietrash @violetvoo @yongi-lee @spilled-coffee-cup @morklee02 @17kwans @candidupped @ressonancee @m1nghaos @1-800-jeonwonwoo @anothershorthuman @chwecardcaptor @dinoissupreme @speaknowlwt @hyneyedfiz @aaniag @shamayyyy @moonwalker-witchgrrrl @nidda13 @walkingtravesty97 @jwnghyuns @flwrshwa @valentxi @heavenly-mobo @pandorashbox @enhacolor @starlight-night0 @todorokiskitten @miriamxsworld @just-here-to-read-01 @sunnyteume @seuomo @tinkerbell460
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hoaxriot · 10 days ago
𐙚 how rafe cameron and assistant!reader interacted when rafe takes over when ward left.
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the office was quiet on the day ward had left, well for you at least. usually ward had you doing a lot of work and without him you can go on your own pace. he had called you once he landed and talked to you about his plan, you hummed as you wrote his words down. letting out a sigh as you put your phone down after hanging up, allowing yourself to relax in your seat as you stared at the computer screen. you knew you should probably be working but this was the first time ward left, trusting you to take care of things while he was gone. after taking a minute, you began working.
from your office, you heard the door next to yours open and close. you froze knowing it was wards office, you put your pen down grabbing you taser from your top drawer quietly walking out of your office, it was hard with your heels but you did. opening the door, you let out a breath seeing rafe cameron sitting in your bosses chair. he looked up, his eyes roaming your body stopping on what’s in your hand.
“a taser?” he chuckled leaning back into the chair, you laughed putting it behind your back as you approached the desk. “yeah, what’re you doing here?” you asked setting the taser down.
he gestured the the papers laying in front of him, you furrowed your eyebrows. “my dad asked me to fill in while he was gone,” he looked up at you. “he didn’t tell you?” you shook your head looking at the papers scattered across the desk, he let out a ‘hmph’ noise as he leaned forward.
“well, let me know if you need anything.” you said beginning to turn around, “actually,” he called out making you stop and raise your eyebrows as you looked at him. he gestured for you to sit in the chair on the opposite side of him and you did.
he cleared his throat, “i, um, really don’t know how to do this. he never taught me.” rafe sounded somewhat vulnerable and he avoided eye contact, you frowned a little. you knew the cameron family dynamic, ward was a good guy from your point of view until you entered more into the family. you saw how he favored sarah out of the three, how rafe tried to be the best and ward only pointed out what he was doing wrong.
you smiled tightly as you sat up, “what do you need help with?” you asked, rafe smirked before he began explaining. the two of you stayed in the office for hours, ordering take out as you helped him understand the business.
“how’d you get the assistant job?” rafe asked as the two of you ate dinner, “dad doesn’t trust easily.” he pointed his fork at you squinting his eyes.
you shrugged putting your feet on the table, “don’t know. i had just got stepped up at my last assistant job, ward called and offered me a lot. a job, an apartment, enough to live on my own, and teaching.”
rafe froze.
“my dad got you an apartment?” you froze too, you weren’t supposed to tell anyone that, even though you had already told your mom but she couldn’t say anything.
“fuck,” you took your feet off the table sitting up. “no, just, um.”
rafe laughed, “nah, it’s fine. just surprised,” he shook his head, you sucked in a breath. “that’s not a boss type of thing,” his voice was accusing making you furrow your eyebrows, he tilted his head as he looked at you.
“are you and him having an affair?”
you choked on your own spit, did he really just ask you that? you looked at him with wide eyes. “jesus christ, no. what the fuck?” you spluttered out as you stood up, him following as he rounded the table.
“sorry, jesus.” his hand rubbed across his face. “it’s just, he’s never home and the one time he comes home on time— he brings you. next thing i know,” his hands find your arms. “you’re always there, your around every fucking corner i turn.” rafe licks his lips, his eyes looking at yours for a split second. you physically flinched at his words.
“i’m sorry if i’m intruding on your family, rafe but im not fucking my boss!” you shook yourself out of his grasp letting out a laugh, he shook his head with a chuckle. “you’re taking it the wrong way.”
you shook your head as you grabbed your papers and shoes that you had taken off as you got comfortable earlier, rafe stopped your movements. “shit, i’m sorry, okay?” rafe shook his head as he motioned for you to sit down, you did.
“look, i get it,” you smiled tightly, “your dad isn’t the best dad and now all of the sudden he’s taking care of a stranger more than he has ever taken care of you—“
rafe chuckled bitterly, “kay, i get it.”
you shrunk realizing you were too blunt, “fuck,” you covered your mouth. “sorry.”
he shrugged it off because he knew you were right, he tilted his head as he looked you over. you felt the gaze burn holes through your body making you move in your seat.
“my dad knew ward when they were our age, best friends. when my dad passed away, ward swore to him he would take care of me,” you smiled, “and he has and i’m sorry for that.”
“it’s okay, i get it.” he smiled sympathetically, “the whole family loves you so,” he shrugged.
you laughed, “you too, huh?” causing the cameron boy to laugh as he rubbed his cheek.
“yeah, yeah whatever. help me finish this so i can tell him i did it.”
𐙚 masterlist
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haedalkoo · 2 months ago
Hey! I thought of a question for you. What in your opinion was the most revealing moment of jikook's relationship, from a korean language standpoint? I know it might be very hard to answer since there are so many moments, but pick your favorite 💜 thank you! 🫂
OMG this is such an interesting question, and so hard to pick. I think most of the jikook moments that scream in whispers that they might be something more than friends are not just through the language, but everything that surrounds the familiarity and comfort and trust that surrounds the way they speak to each other.
I can point out Jimin's phone call to JK during his birthday live, the quiet words and the satoori slipping and that sweet "can i put you on speaker?" followed by JK refering to him as his "small and precious hyung."
I can talk endlessly about JK choosing the words pretty and cute to describe Jimin every. single. time. because his admiration for Jimin runs a little differently than it does with other members-- yes, they all love each other and he finds his hyungs smart, sexy, strong, incredibly cool and fascinating-- but his way of describing Jimin just pulls my heartstrings. Because he respects him as an artist so much, and their work ethics are copy-paste (that's why it's always these two staying for longer rehearsals, why they ride the same car on and off work, etc.) but he also finds him sexy, charming, pretty, cute, cute cute- even his toes are cute! The adjectives he uses for him are just slightly different, idk. it's so crazy
There's also this one moment from that Run BTS ep where they're both blonde and JK's mom tells JM she loves him (ALSO THAT!) where JK's saying "oh we're cooked all the other teams have smart members" and JM goes ??? YAH YOU HAVE ME? and he specifically says "넌 나를 가졌어?" which I think I already wrote a post about but basically, the verb he used was a little weird in the context they were in since it indicates a stronger sense of posession? that's why it's typically used to describe that someone is dating this or that person. Jimin was like I'm yours??? Isn't that enough for you??? (obv joking) AND IT'S JUST SO. UGHH. CAN YOU GUYS CHILL.
ALSO. god im going on and on about this but remember The NJ vlive? That's what did it for me. Jimin caressing his chest and then his chin, telling JK 'I love you' bc he was a little upset, a little pouty, and then whispering "I made my apology so may I go now?" to what Jungkook replied IN THE SOFTEST AND SWEETEST WHISPER "yeah you may" with a shy smile... I'm sorry but why is your hyung asking you for permission. Why is he suddenly talking formally and being all obedient.
Which btw, those switches to overly formal speech are so common with jikook when they're messing around, and it happened during his birthday call as well. it's always that little roleplay where JM loses his hyung privileges (only to take them back at the end lol).
Sorry, they drive me crazy.
I'm not sure this totally answered your question, but I'd say it's bc they are very catious with their speech and they just don't let certain things slip, or if they do, it's always under the pretense of a joke, so u can't really pinpoint one specific moment that tells-all. The complexity behind Jikook and their dynamic is what makes their bond so special and beautiful. 💗💗
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leilaniluvss · 2 months ago
𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤! 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐱 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Btw this is my first time writing and everything so sorry of this sucks btw
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𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝘀 𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿, you always been treated wrong by sasuke ever since pre-school it all started over a stupid joke. “Forehead girl, Forehead girl!” The class then starts to laugh at sasuke towards you causing you to run out the class. You even heard the teacher snicker. But you never thought it could get worse from there. Your books would start missing, Notes would be ripped, Certain school supplies would be gone. Small things started to turn into big things. You’ll never forget how 3rd grade you had your first friend but he was a male.
The little boy name was Micheal. “Why are you sitting by yourself?” You turn to him and simply respond shrugging your shoulders “Don’t nobody wanna be friend cause they make fun of my forehead and laugh at me.” Micheal then lift up his hand putting it on your forehead. “I think it’s pretty” He said looking up smiling at me. I then just sit there looking at him. “Wanna be best friends?” I then just nod my head deciding to trust him. From that day on bonds were made. He was always there for you, He stood up to Sasuke when no once couldn’t, He helped you throughout times your struggle. Until one faithful day a person caused your bonds to break. Running into the lunchroom you hear people enchanting the word “FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!” Ruining into the crowd your jaw drops seeing Micheal snd Sasuke fighting. And oh boy did Micheal got the shit beaten out of him. Sasuke then gets up his punches still connecting to Micheal face his nose was bloody, mouth bleeding, he then proceeds to start kicking him in the gut. I then stand there horrified at the scene until security guards break up the fight. You go immediately visit Micheal at the hospital but wasn’t welcomed. “Im sorry Y/n but I-i can’t be befriends with you anymore not after what happened.” Meanwhile hearing the argument between you and Micheal Sasuke stands next to the door smirking to yourself. Without your Best friend by your side you were left alone AGAIN. When you took it up with the principal at the parents teacher conference nothing really got resolved his family seemed to have their ways causing the bullying to continue on.
But the last final straw was when your mom had passed away after that Y/n was never seen from again. Until she goes to a new high school called Konoha high school, but this school is expensive to be in so the only way Y/n had get in was because the principal felt guilty and was able to convince the rich school as to why you could go. And without having to pay for anything you was able to get in. When you took a tour around the school you could see why it was popular and expensive it had dorms, sports, trips and many more.
This could be a new start you thought yourself. "I've already made a new friends started classes yet!" Sakura laughed.
"Really??" You asked. If Sakura was making friends this quickly, maybe it would be okay for you. “Yeah you’ll eventually meet them to like Ino, tenten, Hinata,Temari, They’re really helpful and on the cheer team!”
“Cheer team?” I asked curiously. “Could I try out?” Sakura nods her head. “It’s a long list and hard try outs but I’ll add you, you could probably be co captain if you do well, so just meet me after school for the tryouts.” She then goes on snd starts talking about other boys
"Yeah! And there's sooo many cute guys here! Like Sasuke, Naruto,Shikamaru, Choji, although Sai is straight up fugly."
"Wait wait wait- did you just say sasuke?” Your thoughts ran in circle thinking about him of seeing him after all these years. “He’s so handsome but IVE never date him tho HES just a red flag.” Sakura said getting back to the point. “Anyway do you know him or something?” She asked curiously. I then take a deep breathe explaining what happend between me and him when we was little. “Oh Im sorry that happend to you he could really be a big ass jerk sometimes.” She said comforting me.
“I did what?” A deep slant voice said. Your stomach dropped hearing the voice after many years. As you turned around to look at him he grown more better. His hair strands was more black and longer, He had muscles and broad shoulders, and he was much more taller than you. He looked at you in a moment before scanning and after his eyes widen seeing me. He then smirks, “Yo long time no see Y/n.” You chuckled nervously looking at him. “Yeah long time no see to you to sasuke.” With the tension in the between YALL 3 he apologizes for what happened and offer for me to hang with him at lunch and sakura I was hesitant at first but then agreed.
At lunch Sakura leaded you to there table as you sat down with your tray of food. You at there nervously until Sakura came with you just by looking at you she could tell your nervousness and was there to comfort you. As you sat down People at the table started laughing at you. Sakura whipped her head at them snapping at them. “What’s so funny?” They then pointed to your seat and when you got up it was a big red spot on your skirt. You gasp horribly getting up out of your seat running off. Sasuke snickered. “Always running off like a pussycat.” Sakura then runs after me. “Hey hey it’s ok calm down” other girls then came in running after me. “Oh and by the way Thats tenten with the two buns, Temari is with the blonde pigtails and ini is with the blonde ponytail and and Hinata is with the purple hair.
“By the way did you sign up to have dorms cause if you did they said for the schedule you have it with us” Temari speaks. “Yeah I signed up but I don’t know where the dorms are actually.” They then grab me showing me to dorms basically welcoming me into their friend group. Now to explain the side of these dorms we have boys and girls. We then walk into the big dorms while we look on the other side we see that the boy sides is well very dirty. Ten ten chuckles nervously. “DONT mind that side Thats where sasuke, Naruto, shikamaru, and chino stay at.” They then grab me introducing me to my dorm room. “So who will be my dorm mate?” Sakura then squeals “I’ll be your roommate!” She then shows me our dorms. “Sorry if you don’t like it I think I kinda over decorated it.”
“No no it’s fine.” I said looking at the room. But because it’s after school Sakura decided to take me out to cheer tryouts. Of course Hinata and the rest of them are on the cheer team.
Sasuke Uchiha.
Even from across the gym, you could feel his piercing onyx eyes on you, as if he’d already recognized you despite the years that had passed. His expression was unreadable, but you could practically sense the simmering arrogance radiating from him.
The memories hit you like a wave. Sasuke had made your life hell when you were kids, teasing you relentlessly. He’d mocked everything about you—your clothes, your voice, even your dreams. It wasn’t just childish teasing; his words had cut deep. You thought you’d left all of that behind when you moved, but here he was, as smug and intimidating as ever.
“Earth to Y/n,” Sakura’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. She followed your gaze to the basketball team, where Sasuke was now laughing with Naruto, Shikamaru, and Choji. “Oh. Yeah, he’s still as much of a jerk as ever. Don’t let him get to you.”
You nodded, shaking off the uneasy feeling and focusing on the tryouts. You were determined to nail this.
The basketball team was mid-practice when Sasuke finally looked over at the cheer tryouts. He recognized you immediately, even though it had been years. You looked… different now. More confident. Stronger. He couldn’t explain why seeing you here irked him so much.
“Yo, Sasuke,” Naruto called, tossing him the ball. “You good?”
“Hn,” Sasuke grunted, brushing it off. But his eyes flicked back to you, watching as you executed a perfect tumbling pass, your hair catching the light.
Naruto followed his gaze and grinned. “Oh, is that [Name]? Sakura’s friend? She just transferred here, right? She’s cute.”
Sasuke scowled, gripping the ball tighter. “Tch. She’s nothing special.”
Shikamaru raised an eyebrow. “You don’t sound convinced.”
“Drop it,” Sasuke snapped, shoving past them to make a layup. But even as he practiced, his mind kept drifting back to you.
By the time tryouts were over, you were exhausted but exhilarated. You’d made it onto the squad, and your friends were cheering you on.
“Congrats!” Temari said, slinging an arm around your shoulders. “We’re gonna dominate this season.”
As you all walked out of the gym, you felt a presence behind you. Turning around, you found Sasuke leaning casually against the wall, his dark eyes fixed on you.
“Didn’t think I’d see you here pussycat,” he said, his voice smooth but laced with something you couldn’t quite place.
Your heart sank. “Sasuke.”
He smirked, that same infuriating smirk you remembered from years ago. “Still as annoying as ever, huh? Thought you’d finally crawl back to whatever hole you came from.”
Your hands clenched into fists, but Sakura stepped in before you could say anything. “Back off, Sasuke,” she said sharply. “She doesn’t have time for your crap.”
“Relax, I was just saying hi,” Sasuke said, his smirk widening as he pushed off the wall and walked away.
You watched him go, your chest tightening with frustration. It was clear that Sasuke hadn’t changed one bit.
But this time, you weren’t a scared kid anymore. If he thought he could walk all over you like before, he was in for a rude awakening.
As Sasuke walked away, he felt the corner of his mouth twitch into a smirk, though his mind was anything but calm. You. Of all people, you were back in his life. And, worse, you weren’t the meek, easily-flustered little girl he used to toy with for fun. No, this new version of you—confident, beautiful, and unapologetically fiery—was different.
It pissed him off.
What makes her think she can waltz in here like she owns the place? he thought, his fists tightening in his pockets. He could still hear Sakura’s sharp tone defending you, and it made his blood boil. You didn’t need her protection. If anything, you needed to be reminded of your place.
When Sasuke reached the locker room, his teammates were already there, laughing and joking, but their chatter blurred into white noise. He leaned against the cool metal of the lockers, his head tipped back, eyes closing as frustration gnawed at him. But beneath the irritation, there was something darker—a sense of possession he couldn’t shake.
She thinks she’s untouchable now, doesn’t she? The thought made his lips curl into a sneer.
Images of you flashed in his mind, unbidden and vivid. That cheer uniform hugging your curves, the determined glint in your eyes as you performed—too confident for your own good. You weren’t the girl he used to knock down with a few harsh words. No, you’d grown up into someone more… challenging.
And he hated how much he wanted to break that confidence.
What would it take to see her crack? The idea gripped him, spiraling into something darker. Maybe he’d pull you aside after practice, just the two of you, his words sharp and biting until you finally dropped that fiery attitude. He’d corner you in the empty halls, his presence looming until you couldn’t look him in the eye, and then—then you’d realize you hadn’t outgrown him, not really.
He imagined the way your breath would hitch if he leaned too close, his voice low and taunting as he whispered things only he could say to you. The way you’d look at him, defiant at first, but eventually… You’d understand you were his to torment. His to claim.
His jaw clenched, and he slammed a fist into the locker, the metallic clang silencing the room.
“Damn, Sasuke, what’s your problem?” Naruto asked, eyeing him warily from across the room.
“Nothing,” Sasuke snapped, his voice cold.
“Yeah, right. You’ve been acting weird since [Name] showed up,” Naruto continued, undeterred. “What, still holding a grudge? Or…” His grin widened. “You’re into her, aren’t you?”
Sasuke’s glare could’ve frozen fire. “Shut up, idiot.”
Naruto laughed, but Shikamaru raised an eyebrow from his spot on the bench. “You know, if you’re this worked up, maybe she’s the one getting under your skin this time.”
That comment earned a snarl. Sasuke shoved past them, heading straight for the showers, the cold spray doing little to cool the heat coursing through him.
I’ll remind her who I am, he thought darkly, his lips curving into a cruel smirk as water dripped down his face. She might think she’s untouchable now, but I’ll fix that.
The game was far from over. And Sasuke always won.
The weekend rolled in with bright skies and an air of excitement. You were out on the campus lawn with your friend group, laughing and chatting as you enjoyed the rare break from classes and cheer practice. Sakura, Temari, TenTen, and Hinata surrounded you, their energy infectious as they talked about their upcoming plans.
But what made the day even better was your boyfriend, Kaito. He was sweet, charming, and attentive in a way that made you feel cherished—a stark contrast to certain people you’d rather not think about. Kaito had been quick to approach you when you transferred, drawn to your wit and personality. It didn’t take long for the two of you to hit it off. Now, here you were, sitting next to him with his arm draped casually over your shoulder, his easy smile making your cheeks warm.
“You’re lucky,” Temari teased with a smirk, nudging your side. “Kaito’s got half the school crushing on him, and he’s here doting on you.”
You laughed, leaning into his warmth. “Well, what can I say? Guess I’m just lucky.”
Across the campus, Sasuke stood with his own group, his sharp eyes locked on you. Naruto was busy teasing Hinata, who had wandered over to join him, while Shikamaru had his arm slung lazily around Temari. Choji was munching on chips as usual, and TenTen was laughing about something with Neji.
But Sasuke? His mood was dark.
“Damn,” Naruto said, elbowing Sasuke. “You’ve been staring at her all afternoon. You’re gonna burn a hole through her or something.”
“Shut up, Naruto,” Sasuke growled, but his glare didn’t waver. The sight of Kaito sitting so close to you, his hand on your shoulder like he had any right to touch you—it made his blood boil.
Shikamaru, leaning against a tree, raised an eyebrow. “You’re sulking because she’s got a boyfriend, huh? Thought you didn’t care about her.”
“I don’t,” Sasuke snapped. His fist clenched, though, betraying his calm tone. “But she’s making a fool of herself with that guy. He’s not good enough for her.”
Shikamaru smirked, clearly amused. “And who is? You?”
“Tch.” Sasuke turned away, his jaw tightening. “Forget it.”
Later that afternoon, you excused yourself from the group to grab a water bottle from the vending machines near the gym. The hallways were quiet, the distant echoes of basketball practice barely audible. You were about to turn the corner when a hand grabbed your wrist and yanked you into an empty hallway.
“Hey—what the hell?” you yelped, your heart racing until you saw who it was.
His dark eyes bore into yours, his grip firm but not painful. The air between you felt heavy, his towering presence pinning you in place.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked, his voice low and sharp.
You yanked your arm free, glaring up at him. “What are you talking about?”
“That guy.” His words were practically spat out. “Kaito. You think he actually cares about you?”
You scoffed, crossing your arms. “And what would you know about it, Sasuke? You don’t know him, and you sure as hell don’t know me anymore.”
His smirk was anything but friendly. “Oh, I know you, [Name]. Better than he does. Better than he ever will.”
“Get over yourself,” you snapped, stepping back. But he followed, his presence overwhelming.
“You’re playing a dangerous game,” he murmured, his tone dark and possessive. “You think Kaito’s gonna protect you? Keep you safe?”
“I don’t need anyone to protect me,” you shot back. “Least of all you.”
His smirk faltered, replaced by something colder. “Just remember this, [Name]. If he screws up, I’ll be there. And don’t think for a second I’ll let you forget who you belong to.”
You felt your blood boil. “I don’t belong to anyone, least of all you, Sasuke. So stay out of my life.”
You shoved past him, your heart pounding as you hurried down the hall. Sasuke returned to the court, his mood even darker than before. Naruto was the first to notice.
“What’s with you now?” he asked, dribbling the ball lazily.
Sasuke leaned against the wall, his eyes narrowing. “She’s wasting her time with that idiot. I don’t get what she sees in him.”
“You’re jealous,” Shikamaru said simply, his tone bored but amused.
“I’m not jealous,” Sasuke bit out.
“Yeah, sure,” Naruto said with a grin. “That’s why you’re acting like someone stole your favorite toy.”
Sasuke glared at him, but Shikamaru only smirked. “If you’re so bothered by it, why don’t you just tell her how you feel?”
Sasuke scoffed, running a hand through his hair.
“None of your business,” Sasuke muttered.
“You’re acting like a psycho,” Shikamaru said, not bothering to sugarcoat it. “You want her? Fine. But this whole ‘bully her until she comes running’ thing isn’t gonna work.”
Sasuke’s smirk was sharp, dangerous. “She’ll come around.”
“And if she doesn’t?” Naruto pressed, genuinely curious.
Sasuke’s eyes darkened, his voice low and venomous. “Then I’ll make her.”
The room fell silent, his words lingering like a threat. Sasuke leaned back, arms crossed as his teammates exchanged wary glances. No one dared to challenge him, not when his mind was set.
Because when Sasuke Uchiha wanted something, he always got it.
The energy in the gymnasium reached a fever pitch as students from both schools filled the bleachers for homecoming. The court gleamed under the bright lights, the cheers of the crowd blending into an electrifying roar. It was basketball players against basketball players, cheerleaders against cheerleaders, and everyone was here to win.
The home team’s basketball lineup was stacked: Sasuke, Naruto, Shikamaru, Choji, Neji, and Kiba. Each of them wore determined expressions as they warmed up on the court, the pride of their school riding on their shoulders.
The cheer squad, led by you, was just as ready. Alongside you were Sakura, Temari, Hinata, TenTen, Ino, and Karin, all dressed in matching uniforms that sparkled in the gym lights. The six of you had been practicing nonstop for weeks, and now it was time to show off your hard work. The first half of the basketball game was intense. Sasuke led the charge with sharp precision, his movements fluid and calculated as he dominated the court. Naruto’s energy was infectious, his quick passes and layups keeping the crowd on their feet. Shikamaru’s strategic plays, Kiba’s aggressive defense, Neji’s perfect aim, and Choji’s sheer power kept the opposing team on their toes.
Every time one of them scored, you and the cheer squad erupted into choreographed chants and routines, pumping up the crowd with your high-flying stunts and sharp moves.
The rival cheer squad was just as fierce, matching your energy with routines of their own. But the moment came for the halftime cheer battle, and the gym fell silent with anticipation.
The rival squad went first, nailing a routine filled with flips, basket tosses, and tight formations that left the crowd roaring.
But when it was your turn, you and your squad brought the fire. From the moment the music started, you hit every move with precision. Temari and Sakura nailed their tumbling passes, Hinata’s flyer stunts were flawless, and TenTen’s powerful jumps drew cheers from the crowd. You and Ino closed the routine with a jaw-dropping stunt, hitting the perfect scorpion pose at the peak of a basket toss.
When your routine ended, the crowd erupted into deafening cheers, and it was clear your squad had stolen the show.
“Hell yeah!” Naruto yelled from the bench, pumping his fist in the air.
“Of course, we crushed them,” Temari said confidently, high-fiving you as you returned to the sidelines.
Everything was perfect. Or so you thought. As you grabbed a water bottle, laughing with your friends about your routine, your eyes scanned the gym for your boyfriend, Kaito. But what you saw made your stomach drop.
Kaito was standing near the bleachers with one of the rival team’s cheerleaders, a girl in a red and black uniform. They were laughing together, her hand resting on his chest in a way that made your skin crawl.
And then he kissed her.
Your bottle slipped from your hand, clattering to the floor. The noise drew the attention of your friends, who followed your gaze.
“No way,” Ino whispered, her jaw dropping.
“That bastard,” Temari hissed, her eyes narrowing.
Sakura’s hand flew to her mouth. “I can’t believe him.”
Even Hinata, usually so kind and quiet, frowned deeply. “How could he do that to you?”
On the court, Sasuke had seen the whole thing. His dark eyes narrowed as he tracked the scene, his grip on the basketball tightening.
“Looks like Kaito’s showing his true colors,” Shikamaru said lazily, though his sharp gaze lingered on you.
Naruto’s brows furrowed. “What the hell? That’s messed up. Poor [Name].”
Kiba growled under his breath. “She doesn’t deserve that.”
Sasuke said nothing, but the dark look in his eyes spoke volumes. He wasn’t angry for you—no, it was more selfish than that. He was furious that Kaito had dared to think he could have you in the first place. Despite the betrayal, the halftime performance couldn’t wait. You wiped your eyes quickly, forcing yourself to focus as the music started. Your movements were sharp, your smile forced but unshaken as you executed the routine perfectly.
Sakura placed a hand on your shoulder as you transitioned to the next formation, her eyes full of silent support. Temari took the lead on a tumbling pass, her fierce energy spurring the crowd into cheers. Ino and Hinata executed their stunts flawlessly, while TenTen added a powerful jump combination that brought the house down.
You finished the routine with a show-stopping pyramid, standing tall at the top despite the ache in your chest.
The crowd erupted into applause, and as you climbed down, Temari whispered, “You’re stronger than this, [Name]. Don’t let him see you break.”
You nodded, your resolve hardening. The boys returned to the court, their energy even fiercer than before. Sasuke played like a man possessed, his movements sharp and unforgiving as he dominated the court. Every time he scored, his dark eyes flicked to you, as if silently daring you to look away.
Naruto matched his energy, his usual playful demeanor replaced by a fiery determination. Kiba and Neji locked down the rival team’s offense, while Choji and Shikamaru coordinated flawless plays.
The game ended with an overwhelming victory for your team, and the gym erupted into cheers.
As you packed up with your friends, you felt a dark presence behind you. Turning, you saw Sasuke, his smirk sharp and his gaze heavy.
“Kaito’s a waste of time,” he said, his voice low so only you could hear. “You know that now, don’t you?”
You glared at him, your voice steady despite the storm inside you. “It’s none of your business, Sasuke.”
He stepped closer, his smirk deepening. “You’ll see, princess. You’ll forget about him soon enough.”
And with that, he walked away, leaving you with more questions than answers.
The weekend had finally arrived, and for once, the group chat was blowing up with excitement. After the chaos of homecoming—the cheer battle, the drama with Kaito, and the aftermath of the game—you and your friends decided it was time for a girls’ day. No boys, no distractions, just you, Sakura, Temari, Ino, Hinata, Karin, and TenTen enjoying each other’s company.
The plan was simple: brunch, shopping, and an all-night movie marathon back at the dorms. The café was warm and cozy, the scent of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods filling the air as you all gathered around a large corner table.
“I’m still pissed about Kaito,” Temari said bluntly, stabbing her fork into a stack of pancakes. “Seriously, what kind of idiot cheats during homecoming? In front of half the school, no less.”
You sighed, swirling your straw in your iced coffee. “I’d rather not talk about him, honestly. I’m over it.”
“Good,” Ino said with a flip of her hair. “Because he’s not worth your time. If you ask me, he was holding you back anyway.”
“I agree,” Hinata said softly, offering you a kind smile. “You deserve someone who respects you.”
“Or no one at all!” Karin added with a smirk. “Who needs guys, anyway? They’re all trouble.”
“Speak for yourself,” Sakura teased, leaning back in her chair. “Some of us have boyfriends who aren’t jerks.”
“Yeah, how’s Mr. Random these days?” Temari asked with a raised eyebrow.
Sakura laughed. “He’s fine, thanks for asking. But let’s not make this about me. What’s our shopping plan?” The mall was buzzing with life, and the seven of you wasted no time diving into your favorite stores.
“Try this on!” Ino exclaimed, holding up a sparkly dress in your direction.
“Absolutely not,” you said, laughing as she shoved it into your arms anyway.
Temari and TenTen were busy sorting through racks of jackets, debating the merits of leather versus denim, while Karin inspected a display of sunglasses.
Hinata, ever the quiet one, was browsing through a rack of cozy sweaters, her cheeks pink from all the attention she kept drawing.
“Sasuke’s going to lose his mind when he sees you in this,” Sakura whispered to you with a sly grin as you held up a fitted outfit in the mirror.
You rolled your eyes. “I’m not dressing for him.”
“Uh-huh, sure you’re not,” Ino teased, nudging you.
“Leave her alone,” Hinata said gently, though her smile was teasing. “Let her have fun without thinking about him for once.”
You appreciated the support, even if the thought of Sasuke had been lingering in the back of your mind. He’d been acting stranger than usual lately, and the tension between you two was undeniable. By the time you returned to the dorms, your arms were full of shopping bags, and everyone was buzzing with excitement for the movie marathon.
Temari and TenTen set up snacks, a mix of popcorn, chips, and candy spread across the coffee table. Karin queued up the movies, while Hinata and Ino fussed over blankets and pillows, making the space as comfortable as possible.
“Alright,” Sakura said, plopping onto the couch with a tub of ice cream. “What are we watching first?”
“Something scary,” Temari suggested, her grin mischievous.
“No way!” Hinata protested, clutching a pillow to her chest.
“How about a rom-com?” Ino suggested, earning groans from half the group.
In the end, you settled on an action-packed blockbuster, complete with explosions and dramatic one-liners. The room was filled with laughter and playful banter as you all got comfortable, the stress of the past week melting away. Somewhere between the second and third movie, the conversation shifted.
“Do you ever think about what life would’ve been like if we weren’t all so… competitive?” Sakura asked, her voice soft.
Temari snorted. “Boring, that’s for sure.”
“I like the way things are now,” TenTen said, stretching. “We might argue sometimes, but we’ve got each other’s backs.”
Karin nodded. “Yeah. Even when things suck—like [Name] dealing with Kaito—we stick together.”
You smiled, warmth blooming in your chest. “I couldn’t ask for better friends.”
Hinata reached over to squeeze your hand. “And we’ll always be here for you.”
As the night wore on, you felt lighter than you had in weeks. The drama with Kaito, the tension with Sasuke—it all seemed so far away when you were surrounded by your friends.
Whatever challenges lay ahead, you knew you wouldn’t face them alone. The next day you actually decide to go with Sakura idea with changing yourself
Sakura, Ino, and Temari had practically dragged you into their rooms earlier, determined to give you a “makeover.”
“Okay, this is perfect,” Temari said, holding up a black halter crop top and a pair of low-rise jeans with a statement belt.
“Add these,” Ino said, handing over a pair of silver hoop earrings, a Dior necklace, and sleek sunglasses.
“And don’t forget the Prada bag!” Sakura chimed in, holding up a chic black purse.
“You have to wear these heels too,” Hinata said shyly, placing strappy black stilettos at your feet.
You stared at the collection of clothes and accessories, feeling both nervous and excited. “Are you sure about this?”
“Stop doubting yourself!” Ino said, practically shoving you toward the bathroom. “Trust us—you’ll look incredible.”
When you finally stepped out of the bathroom, the girls’ reactions were instantaneous.
“Holy crap,” Temari said, giving an impressed whistle.
“Shut up, you look like a celebrity,” Sakura said, her eyes wide with approval.
“Seriously, [Name],” Ino added, a grin spreading across her face. “You’re going to make jaws drop.”
You turned to the mirror, and your breath hitched. The sleek black halter top paired perfectly with the low-rise jeans, accentuating your curves without overdoing it. The accessories tied everything together, giving the outfit a polished, glamorous look, and the strappy heels added just the right amount of height.
For the first time in a while, you felt bold, confident—unstoppable.
“Okay,” you said with a shy smile, “you win. I love it.” Walking into school that day felt like something out of a dream. The moment you stepped into the main building, the atmosphere shifted. Heads turned, conversations paused, and a ripple of whispers followed your every step.
“Is that [Name]?” someone murmured.
“Damn, she looks so good,” another voice said.
You kept your head high, the confidence from your new look radiating with every step. It wasn’t about the attention—it was about how you felt. And for the first time in a long while, you felt completely in control.
When you met up with your cheer squad in the courtyard, their reactions were just as enthusiastic.
“You actually did it!” Sakura exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. “I told you you’d look amazing.”
“You’re killing it,” Karin said, adjusting her own sunglasses.
“Everyone’s talking about you,” Temari said with a smirk.
Hinata blushed, offering you a soft smile. “You look… stunning.”
TenTen nodded in agreement. “This is a total power move. I’m here for it.”
As the girls hyped you up, you couldn’t help but smile. For the first time, you felt like you were exactly where you belonged—confident, carefree, and surrounded by the best friends you could ever ask for. new outfit, it was like the air shifted. Every hallway you entered became unnervingly quiet as heads turned and eyes followed your every step. You were oblivious to it all, smiling and waving at familiar faces as you made your way to class, but the boys? They weren’t subtle.
“Yo, [Name]!” Kiba’s voice rang out behind you as you reached for your locker. You turned, surprised to see him practically jogging toward you with a cocky grin on his face.
“You look… different today,” he said, his eyes roaming your outfit unapologetically. “I like it. Maybe you’d let me take you out sometime?” The day had started like any other: tense, unpredictable, and exhausting. Ever since you had transferred to Konoha High, it had been like living in a nightmare, and the devil running it all was Sasuke Uchiha. He wasn’t just the school’s star athlete or the handsome boy every girl fawned over—he was untouchable. The heir to the Uchiha family, the wealthiest and most dangerous mafia in the region, Sasuke owned the school. Literally.
It started small—your textbooks disappearing, your locker being tampered with. Then it escalated. Falsely being accused of cheating on a major test, only for the principal to call you into his office, pretending to be “concerned” while Sasuke stood smugly behind him.
“I saw her,” Sasuke had said, his tone calm but full of venom. “She had notes hidden in her lap. I figured someone like her wouldn’t be smart enough to pass on her own.”
Your protests had fallen on deaf ears, and while you weren’t formally punished, the damage to your reputation was done. Sasuke always made sure of it.
You blinked at him, confused. “Take me out? Like, to lunch?”
Kiba chuckled, stepping closer, his tone dropping to something lower. “Sure, lunch… or whatever else you’d like.”
“Oh! Um, thanks, but I think I’m okay,” you replied, smiling politely but completely missing his insinuation.
Before Kiba could press further, Sai appeared, sliding in smoothly with his usual unreadable smirk. “Kiba, you’re coming on too strong,” Sai said, his voice calm but condescending.
“Mind your business,” Kiba snapped, glaring at him.
Sai ignored him, his sharp gaze fixed on you. “Don’t let him bother you, [Name]. You look stunning today. Really… captivating.” His words made your stomach twist, though you couldn’t place why.
“Oh, um, thank you, Sai,” you mumbled, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Why don’t I walk you to class?” Sai offered, taking a step closer.
“I was talking to her first!” Kiba cut in, stepping between you and Sai.
The two boys squared off, each sizing the other up like you were some kind of prize to be won. You took a step back, unsure how to handle the sudden tension. Now, you were standing in one of the school’s storage closets, the faint scent of cleaning supplies and dust filling your nose. The problem? You hadn’t willingly walked in here.
It had been another one of Sasuke’s “games.” He’d cornered you during lunch, his dark eyes gleaming with malicious amusement.
“What do you want?” you’d demanded, clutching your tray tightly.
“To talk,” he had said smoothly before leaning closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. “In private.”
You had tried to refuse, but it didn’t matter. Within moments, he’d dragged you down an empty hallway, ignoring your protests and shoving you into the closet. The sound of the lock clicking into place sent a wave of panic through you.
“Sasuke!” you yelled, pounding on the door. “Let me out!”
On the other side, you could hear his deep chuckle, full of mockery.
“Not until you say ‘please,’” he taunted.
“I’m serious! This isn’t funny!”
“Oh, but it is,” he replied, his voice dripping with condescension. “You’ve been walking around like you own the place lately, acting like you’re untouchable. I think you need a reminder of who’s really in charge here.”
Your hands balled into fists, tears of frustration prickling at your eyes. “What is wrong with you? Why do you keep doing this to me?”
There was a brief pause before he spoke again, his tone colder this time. “Because I can. And because you need to learn that no one crosses an Uchiha.”
You slumped against the door, the weight of his words sinking in. There was no point in fighting him. No matter how much you wanted to report him, no one would believe you. The teachers, the principal—even the other students—they were all under his family’s thumb. Eventually, he opened the door, his smirk as sharp as a knife. You tried to shove past him, but he grabbed your arm, pulling you back into the room.
“Not so fast,” he said, his voice low and threatening. “You think you can just walk away?”
“Let me go,” you snapped, trying to wrench your arm free, but his grip was ironclad.
He stepped closer, his dark eyes boring into yours. “You’re so naive, you know that? Always acting like you’re better than me. Like you don’t notice the way people look at you.”
You froze as his free hand brushed against your waist, his touch lingering for far too long.
“Stop it,” you said, your voice trembling.
“Why?” he asked, leaning in so his breath tickled your ear. “You don’t seem to mind when other guys look at you. Or is it just me you have a problem with?”
Your stomach twisted in disgust as his hand moved up to your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze. “You’re pathetic,” he said, though his tone was almost… possessive. “Thinking you can escape me. Thinking you can avoid me.”
He finally released you, but not before brushing his fingers along your jaw. “Get used to it, [Name]. No one’s going to save you from me.” By the time you escaped his grip, you were trembling, anger and humiliation boiling inside you. But as you made your way to class, it was obvious nothing would change.
When you told Sakura and the others what had happened, they listened with concern but eventually fell silent, exchanging nervous glances.
“What?” you asked, your voice breaking.
“It’s not that we don’t believe you,” Sakura said carefully, her eyes flickering to the side. “It’s just… it’s Sasuke. He gets away with everything.”
“Why doesn’t anyone do anything about it?”
“Because they’re scared,” Hinata whispered, her voice barely audible. “His family… they have too much power. Even the police don’t interfere with them.”
You wanted to scream, to cry, but you didn’t. Instead, you steeled yourself, determined not to let him break you.
But Sasuke wasn’t done. He never was. It wasn’t just the bullying. It was the way he always seemed to be watching you, his dark gaze following your every move. The way he’d corner you in empty hallways, his hands brushing against you as he whispered cruel taunts in your ear.
“You’re too soft,” he’d say, his tone mocking. “You’ll never survive here without me.”
You hated him. But more than that, you hated how powerless you felt.
Because in this school, Sasuke Uchiha wasn’t just a bully. He was a king. And no one defied him without paying the price.
The venue was breathtaking—an opulent mansion owned by the family of one of Sasuke’s basketball teammates. It wasn’t just any house; it was the kind of place you’d only see in movies. Ornate chandeliers lit the massive hallways, and floor-to-ceiling windows gave a view of the sprawling backyard, complete with a pool glowing under string lights. Music pulsed through the walls, heavy bass vibrating in the air, blending with the hum of laughter and conversation.
You arrived with your group of friends, feeling both excited and a little nervous. Parties like this weren’t your usual scene, but after much begging and coaxing from Sakura and Temari, you’d finally agreed.
“C’mon, you deserve to have fun!” Sakura had said earlier, practically dragging you out of your dorm room. “It’ll be good for you to let loose for once!”
And so, here you were, standing just inside the mansion’s grand entrance, your outfit—chosen with the help of your friends—turning heads as soon as you walked in. The black romper hugged your figure in all the right places, and the strappy heels accentuated your legs. Your long hair fell in loose waves down your back, catching the light every time you moved.
“You look so hot tonight,” Temari whispered, leaning in with a grin as she linked her arm with yours. “Every guy here is going to be all over you.”
You laughed nervously. “Let’s hope not.”
But even as you said it, you could feel eyes on you—lingering stares from guys scattered throughout the room. You tried to focus on your friends instead. The night started off lighthearted. Drinks were poured, laughter filled the air, and everyone seemed to be in good spirits. Sakura found her boyfriend almost immediately, pulling him into a kiss before disappearing into the crowd with him. Temari and Hinata were quick to drag you toward the bar, where a line of colorful cocktails was set up.
“You have to try this one,” Temari said, handing you a drink with a mischievous smile. “It’s sweet, but it’ll hit you later if you’re not careful.”
“Should I be worried?” you asked, eyeing the drink suspiciously.
“Only if you’re a lightweight,” she teased.
The first sip was surprisingly good, and before you knew it, you were halfway through your second glass. The alcohol loosened your nerves, making it easier to join in the fun. The girls dragged you onto the dance floor, where the music thumped loudly, and the energy was contagious.
Tenten twirled you around, laughing as you stumbled slightly in your heels. “You’re getting the hang of this!” she said.
“Barely,” you replied, giggling.
The group danced together, your movements syncing with the rhythm of the music. You felt free, the worries of the week melting away as you lost yourself in the moment.
But across the room, someone else was watching.
Sasuke stood with his group near the bar, a drink in hand. His dark eyes followed your every move, narrowing slightly when he noticed the way other guys were starting to notice you too. He didn’t say anything, but his grip on his glass tightened.
Naruto nudged him. “You okay, man? You’ve been staring over there for a while.”
Sasuke didn’t respond immediately. Instead, he downed the rest of his drink and set the glass on the counter with more force than necessary. “I’ll be fine,” he muttered, though his gaze never left you. As the night wore on, your friends began to leave one by one. Temari and Hinata left first, with Naruto and Shikamaru escorting them out. Tenten left with Neji shortly after, and Sakura had long since disappeared with her boyfriend.
“I’ll be fine,” you assured them when they asked if you wanted to leave too.
But now, as the crowd thinned and the music softened, you realized you were alone.
Or so you thought.
Sasuke appeared beside you, his presence suffocating as he leaned in close. “Looks like it’s just us now.”
His words sent a chill dowon your spine, and you suddenly felt very aware of how vulnerable you were.
“Get off me sasuke!” With your friends now gone from the party you were now vulnerable to sasuke and he took this time to make his full move on you. Getting tired of you fighting agasint him he smacks so hard that your head whipped back to two sides you then look at him with teary eyes terrified of him. That was moment he realized how much control he had of you. And how innocent you were.
“Just wait until we get into in my dorm Im gonna ruin you.” He says darkly chuckling to himself.
You are now currently in sasuke dorm His hands are on your waist, pressing you agasint the wall with no way out. You try to protest but kisses you immediately with tongue causing tension to rise he presses you into the wall further after he finishes kissing you salvia breaks apart with your heaving breathing. God he just wants to ruin. He then grabs the back of your hair gripping it tightly. “Im going to lift you up on my shoulders and if you try anything it won’t end well for you. “
You whimper in response not knowing what to say he took that as you responding and lift your legs up on his shoulders. He takes off your red lace panties tucking them in his pockets. “We’re gonna fall!-“ he then uses he left arm grabbing my mother closing my mouth shut. He then presses his mouth up to your cunt his tongue wrapping around clit you immediately let out a small moan and whimper. You never touched yourself so this new feeling felt intense.
Letting he left hand go off your mouth he starts kneading both of your breasts adding more pleasure. He continues to suck and lick at your clit skillfully. Your breath catches in your throat swallowing a lump in your throat, your head starts to fall back into the wall gripping on sasuke’s hair. It feels so good. Way too good. Tears start to well up in your eyes. “Sasuke T-to much-“ Your voice is weak as you protest. “Well Thats just to bad.” He then uses his finger against your hole, twisting it until it pushes your velvet walls. He then hums lapping at your clit, sloppily pressing his tongue on your clit dragging upwards before moving his tongue side to side across your bud. Sasuke then starts sloppily using his finger in your hole pressing against your g spot.
You start to let out incoherent moans and cries. “P-please it’s to much!” Sasuke then looks up at you for a second. “Can’t even speak correctly I must be eating you out to good.” He then stoops eating you out using his fingers for your hole. His fingers then start pounding into your hole relentlessly the heel of his hand slapping against your clit. You then feel something way intense. Too intense. You then feel you a knot coming into your stomach and your toes curling. “It hurts sasuke.” He then looks up at you again. “Your to tight just calm down.” He then uses his fingers to rub at your clit. And your mouth forms into an O shape letting out loud moans.
Your pleasure then builds up stacks of build unfold by itself. You cum hard. Nasty wet squelches could be heard around the room. Your now letting out broken moans and cries. Without stopping he then puts his mouth back on your clit still fingering hard he then curls his fingers into your g-spot. You sob, his pace being non persistent and mean, bullying you past your organisms. And you start to tremble heavily. “P/please Sasuke Im sorry just stop please-!” You cry desperately as his fingers curl into you harder his tongue slurping on your clit. You feel something deep inside you snap. You then let out a scream. You then feel something warm. You then look down on sasuke face in horror.
You squirted. Sasuke then speaks and laughs at your pathetic state did you just squirt? (Name).” Too out breath to say nothing you just stare at him with swelling eyes. He then drops you off his shoulders with your legs so wobbly he then pushes you on the bed harshly back hitting the bed. He then grabs one of your legs putting it on his shoulders “W-wait! I’ve never done this before.” He then takes off his clothes revealing his toned body. He pumps himself a few times. You then look at with tear filled eyes. “I-it won’t fit” You whimper. Sasuke just grins down and laugh at you.
“Then I’ll make it fit.” Beige surging his hips forward. He then bottoms you out in one go, his groan drowned out by your louder whines. Your previous orgasms let him slip right in, but damnit your walls hugged and squeezed him so tight, too much for him not to snap his hips forward. Your mouth gapes at his harsh rhythm creating a sloppy and nasty sound in the room that just drives him to fuck you harder and faster. Your insides felt so full that you could burst. His cock is doing nothing but spitting you apart in a way it got your brain melting into a putty. With your eyes getting watery as it is. Beautiful noises coming out of so loudly that sasuke had to bend down and shut you up himself squeezed your cheeks so hard your cheeks started looking like a red tomato. He then lets go kissing you sloppily a mess of salvia from both tongues disconnecting Sasuke then grabs a bouncing tit squeezes hard while he still kept you face upturned to his, calling you degrading words while his hand was rubbing on your clit again. “You don’t want this but you’re being a crybaby creaming around me.” He said looking at your teary eyes.
He can feel himself bump into your cervix, He then looks back up to look at your face to see that yiur eyes had permanently rolled back of your head, your tongue out and drooling. God he wanna stay in this moment forever. Sasuke then engrave the image of you in the back of his mind immediately throwing his head back with a loud moan, the rough rutting of his hips having your hand to try and push him off weakly when your insides throbbed, incoherent babbles then come out of your mouth about a organism. “Yeah? Gonna cum again crybaby?” He rasps out, gathers your wrists tight in one hand as he fucked you hard and rough with everything he had, delirious in his own upcoming high. “Cmon crybaby cum all over my cock. Fuuuckkk-“
You couldn’t even form words, you just came seconds after with your back curling off thr bed, dumb squeals and cries muffled by sasuke hand. The bed creaking and headboard hitting the wall so aggressively. His hand pushing you roughly on the in the pillow, a spew of curses leaving his lips out of pure bliss HES feeling right now. He panted out like a a dog, still cumming lazily rocking shallow thrusts into you, blobs of white overflowing around the edges and dribbling in a puddle under your ass. He finally pulls out. He then lets out a laugh at your fucked out expression. He leaned then licking your neck and kissing it. You then let out a whimper.
You tried to get up but he pushes you back down. “Lay back down you’re not going anywhere looking like that.” With no energy left you just do as he says. Immediately falling asleep in his arms.
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lunaviee · 10 months ago
ushijima headcanons bc bro needs more appreciation 🤗🤗💗💗💗💗 (and bc im rewatching haikyuu and im actually going INSANE.)
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i feel like he kinda gained a habit of reaching for your hand a lot. idk why but he’ll stare at it for a minute and then just grab it wordlessly
1000% the kind of guy to get you “just because” flowers. i think he’ll see them at a local market and then make it his life’s mission to make you a pretty bouquet
he’s actually really good at cooking. he enjoys it, especially when he sees the glow in your eyes when you try his food
enjoys taking the scenic route when you guys take a drive somewhere. not only does he find the landscape beautiful, but it gives him more time to talk or even just be in your presence
speaking of driving, he definitely does that move where he puts his hand on your headrest when he’s backing out🤗🙏
i feel like he can read you really well. like if you’re uncomfortable somewhere or maybe just not feeling well, he tries to get you out of that situation
actually kinda going back to the hand thing, he rlly likes your touch. it’s so warm against his skin and he feels so at ease with you around
i feel like he’s very academically smart, his grades are impeccable and he’s always helping you in your classes. but social/street smarts? yeah umm not so much. it takes a little while to adjust at the beginning of your relationship but you soon find how well of a match you are for each other
back to the “reads you well” part, he also remembers everything about you. your order at your local coffee shop, why you don’t like certain foods, and will never forget a special date
he also likes spending money on you, insisting you buy that new shade of lip tint even if it looks just like the one at home, because with him around, you shouldn’t have to worry about a single penny
this one’s kinda silly but i just KNOW he’s the type of mf to bring in all the groceries in one trip
always sends you “good morning” and “goodnight” texts. but since it’s ushijima, it’s kinda like “goodnight, sleep well❤️” a little basic but trust me, he’s much better at showing his love in person
speaking of, his love language is definitely acts of service and probably quality time. whatever he can do to make your day a little better, he’ll do it
he takes such good candid pictures of you it’s actually insane. you genuinely don’t know how he even takes these without you noticing but somehow they’re always amazing
also, he doesn’t like deleting pictures of you. something about it doesn’t feel right to him so he’ll have a handful of pics that have your face all blurry or cropped out, but it’s still you so why should he delete it??
pls i just know his embrace is so secure and warm….. like you’ll ask for a hug and even if he doesn’t always understand how of why his physical touch makes you feel so special but he never declines
i know this is cliche, but he’s obviously strong af so picking you up is no problem and he’ll often do it if you get tired of walking. he also insists you sit on his back while he does pushups. his words not mine🤞🤞
cat lover. like one day you two went to a pet store to buy some treats for moms dog and he makes eye contact with a gray cat.
you guys forgot about the treats and ended up buying a bunch of cat stuff
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✮ — haikyuu might bring back my motivation to write….
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fr4nkoce4n · 5 months ago
JUST FRIENDS! | matt rempe
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in which charlotte hughes works for the ny rangers and goes matching with her brothers enemy.
warnings: fluff, mean brothers a little, allusions to be naked.
note: should i made this a series??
song- just friends, hayden james
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liked by, jackhughes, quinnhughes, lukehughes, and 127,00 more.
caption: @/mattrempe & @/charliehughes 🤠🤠🤠
load comments….
user777: oh I just know the Hughes brothers are gonna be rioting tonight…
ellenhughes: so cute ❤️
mattrempeismyhubby: I’m crying wtf
useriiyo: there is no way they are dating, they have to be just friends.
userjdhydy: they just broke the internet and they don’t even realised it😀😀
hughes family group chat ❤️❤️
jack stop swearing
what is going on
have you not seen her and matt rempe matching costumes??
I think they are cute❤️
are they dating? char?
you guys are ridiculous, me and matt are not dating. we are JUST FRIENDS. trust me, now goodnight Im going to get drunk with my friends.
have fun sweet girl be safe xx
she’s lying
stfu and leave her be
“you okay?” matt asked as he saw charlotte slump into her chair.
“yeah just my brothers being ridiculous.” she sighed putting her phone into her back pocket.
matt took the seat next to her and handed her a vodka infused drink, she took it immediately and downed almost half of it.
“woah slow down there cowgirl, we have work tomorrow.” he took the glass from her hands and placed it on the bench in front of them.
“it’s just my brothers are so up in my business it’s so fucking annoying.” charlie groaned rubbing her face with her hands.
“sorry that’s my fault, it was my idea to go matching..” matt shrugged shyly.
she let out a chuckle and grabbed his hand and placed in her lap, lacing their fingers together. “trust me im so happy we went matching, we look so cute!”
that bought a slight blush to matt’s cheeks and it honestly made the butterflies in his stomach stir.
from the moment charlie started working at the rangers, matt had a crush on her. but she always knew that she was off limits considering her brothers played for the enemy team.
charlie was the most flirtatious person ever, so that didn’t really help matt’s problem. but he couldn’t tell if she was really flirting with him or that’s just how she was.
their hands still intertwined she pulled him into the dance floor where quick and his wife danced in their matching costumes.
matt hesitantly put his hands up above her waist but she grabbed his hands dragging them down to he waist. a blush broke out on charlies face, she was so glad it was dark on the dance floor so he couldn’t see her.
charlie would never admit she did have a crush on matt, because it would never work. she couldn’t date someone who played on the team she worked for.
work was for strictly work, not messing around with a 6’9 giant who was gorgeous.
charlie leaned into his figure her hands now wrapped his waist too.
many people were definitely staring, but they couldn’t care.
by the end of the night charlie was a little bit more then tipsy but not drunk. it was 1am and matt was talking with jacob, all char wanted right now was for matt to take her home, in a non sexual way.
she sat in a seat scrolling through her phone and pulled up her moms contact.
mamma ❤️❤️
hi mummy are u awake
yes char
you okay baby girl?
yes, i just think I like matt
aww Im happy, you two look good together
no mom this is bad! we work together and I think the boys would all kill me, especially jack he would honestly hate me
they could never hate you charlie
at the end of the day it comes down to you and what your heart wants sweetie, no one else has a say in what you feel. and if your brothers are the ones that have something to say, I will knock some sense into them.
thank you mummy, im going to go home now, love you goodnight💝
goodnight charlie bear be safe, i love you too ❤️❤️
“hey you ready to go?” matt asked as charlie quickly hid her phone. he let out a chuckle, “what was that?”
“what was what? nothing…. nothing. come on let’s go!” she grabbed his hand and they walked outside.
he started walking and she stood their confused, turning around her spoke, “what?”
“did you order an Uber?” she questioned pulling her brows together.
“no silly, i didn’t drink. my car is down the road.” he laughed and signalled for her to follow.
charlie quickly followed him and caught up.
once the two made it to the car, charlie immediately leaned back into the seat and let her eyes close.
alcohol always made her tired, no matter what.
matt stared at the girl who was now dead asleep as he pulled up to a red light.
he drove to charlies apartment without even thinking about, he pulled up out the front and she woke up instantly as they stopped.
“oh yay home.” she slurred, obviously the nap did not help sober her up.
he laughed and got out the car to help her upstairs. once they made it into her apartment he poured her a glass of water and grabbed her some pain killers while she got changed.
matt walked into her room to see charlie in a oversized devils shirt and she definitely just had underwear on underneath.
he placed the two things on the side table and tucked her into bed. “night charlie.”
“matt…” she whispered, with her eyes closed.
“can you stay please?” she pouted now opening her eyes.
a smile broke out on his face. “i don’t know if i can if your wearing that top…” he laughed.
“i’ll take it off!” she almost screamed and begin to pull up her top but he pulled it down before it could go any further.
“im just joking char of course i’ll stay.” he laughed. he looked down at his clothing, “is it okay if i sleep in my boxers?” he asked cautiously.
“im in a g string matt, yes.” she laughed.
he pulled off his clothes and jumped into bed next to her, she immediately pulled him close to her and laid her head upon his chest.
charlotte hughes was going to be the death of matthew rempe.
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moonlit-imagines · 3 months ago
Headcanons for being Miles Morales’ sibling (Earth-42)
Earth-42!Miles Morales x sibling!reader
prompt: anonymous: “Miles42 as y/n’s older brother???”
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miles and you were pretty close growing up
you two did everything together
art was your passion and you guys used to love pretending tp be critics
“this needs more color” -you, age 6
“you have no idea what you’re talking about!” -miles, also age 6ish
you’d trade pictures and “help” each other, which really helped you guys find your styles
and all was well and good for a long time. you guys had love from your parents and your uncle and they guided you well through life
uncle aaron helped you guys grow your creativity
your mom taught you compassion and empathy
your dad taught you responsibility and bravery
and after some time, miles and aaron started getting closer, more secretive
“are you hiding something from me?” -you
“no.” -miles
“yes you are”
“no im not”
“so then why am i not invited to aarons anymore? we aren’t making music or murals or whatever else, that’s weird. it’s abrupt”
“yeah, aaron’s busy”
“so then where are you going without me?”
“i can go out without you, y/n”
“you just aren’t yourself anymore”
and soon after that, your dad was killed in action and you weren’t acting yourself either
“hey, maybe its time we bring your sibling into this” -aaron
“trust me, they aren’t ready” -miles
for some time, miles had begun acting as the prowler, using his anger and grief of jefferson’s death to fuel his antics
“miles, y/n needs you. we pulled away, we have to help them” -aaron
“they should stay with mom, we have work to do” -miles
you guys began to shut each other out, you supported your mom since she lost her husband, and you two lived in blissful ignorance of what miles and aaron were working on
“hey kid, brought you some supplies” -aaron
“oh—well, uh, thanks unc” -you
“anytime” -aaron
“i’m glad miles is spending time with aaron, mijo/a. its good for him. for both of them” -rio
“just be nice if they ever spent time with me” -you
“give it time, love. everything will be alright” -rio
you grew more frustrated that miles shut you out and decided to take a look for yourself what they were doing without you
“what the hell?!” -you, walking into aarons apartment and seeing the prowler setup
“get out! no one told you to come here!” -miles
“miles, chill out. that’s your sibling. we wanted to tell you about this. we just wanted to wait until you were ready” -aaron
“ready? you two are sneaking around behind my back, doing god knows what? does mami know?!” -you
“don’t you dare tell her!” -miles
“miles, this is your chance to fix your problems with y/n. lower your voice, talk to them” -aaron
miles and you talked for hours over this, and you were heartbroken that he didn’t tell you sooner and thought he couldn’t
but you suspected he may not have wanted to because he wanted to try this alone
you really did want to be included though, it looked like an incredibly exciting gig
and who knows what kind of trouble you guys could get into together?
it was hard to keep it a secret from rio, but everyone was working out their grief in their own ways
and miles was still in one piece so far, so no harm done?
and one day you got a call from aaron to come to his place. immediately
so imagine your surprise when you saw miles strung up to the punching bag
“what are you doing?! let him down! why did you take out his braids?!” -you
“we didn’t” -miles
you looked SO confused
“who the hell is this?” -you
“that’s what we’re trying to figure out” -aaron
“hey..im miles…” -miles, from another universe
taglist: @summersimmerus // @milkiane // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @deanzboyfriend // @mr-mxyzptlk-1940 //
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tatoda · 2 years ago
Mine || conrad fisher x fem!reader
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summary: attending the same college as your best friend has its highs and lows, but conrad sees you flirting with another dude he finally does something about his feelings
pairing: conrad fisher x fem!reader
warning: slight angst, male receive, jealous conrad CHARACTERS ARE 18
wc: 1.1k
im a little rusty on my smut writing I apologize I'm trying to get back into it still. edited but I may have missed stuff
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You and conrad grew up together as the oldest siblings, you to your brother and sister, steven and belly, and conrad to his brother jeremiah. Your birthdays was just a day apart from conrad’s. To say that your mothers were so excited to have babies around the same time was an understatement. They were best friends and it was their dream to have kids at the same time. Also as mothers, they knew you were both meant for each other. To be the first two little kids to run around the beach house, to attending your dream college together.
At the end of the summer before college started in the fall is when conrad broke your heart. It was the 4th of july and Jeremiah dragged everyone out of the house to go to nicole’s party. You hung out with Belly most of the night not trusting the drunk guys around her. With your mind occupied with her most of the night, you never got to talk to conrad. You wanted to watch the fireworks with him and not come to this lame party, you wanted to kiss him and tell him how you felt about him after all these years. Belly took off with nicole letting you have your fun. Who knew that fun could be ruined in 2.5 seconds? You walked into the living room looking for the brown-haired boy only spotting him with a girl on his lap and her eating his face out with him doing the same thing.
You ended up leaving the party and cousins that night. Telling your mom that you needed to finish a ton of college stuff before moving in at the end of the month. She didn’t push to ask you what happened and let you leave knowing you would call if it was anything serious. When everyone arrived back home that night conrad looked for you. He wanted to talk to you about your midnight plans to go watch the fireworks, but everywhere he looked you were gone. He looked in your bedroom seeing the nicely made bed and your bags gone. He sat on the edge of the mattress looking around softly.
“she left.” laurel walked into the room slowly
“where did she go? everything was fine before the party.” he stood up walking around your room and to the picture of you and him as babies. laurel walked behind him placing her hands on each side of his arms
“two peas in a pod, you two are inseparable.” laurel paused “she went home to finish college stuff.”
“and she didn’t ask me to go with her?” he brought a hand to rub over his face and sighed in defeat.
You didn’t talk to conrad the rest of the summer. He texted you, but you decided you better not get your heart broken again.
It was a few weeks into the school year. Your roommate dragged you out to another party that you didn’t want to attend, only because conrad would be there and almost every time he didn’t see you but you saw him. And you saw the girls he would leave with. And it just broke your heart more. So here you were trying to distract yourself with Josh— a boy from your math class— as he talked to you about his frat. You acted as if you cared only trying to hook up with him in the end.
“yeah my dad wanted me to follow him in his footsteps so he decided to pay for my school year.” he bragged taking a sip of his drink
“wow.” you acted interested
“if you want, one day i can take you for a ride on my boat back home?” he leaned towards you as if it was a secret
“i’d love that, yeah.” you put a hand on his arm rubbing it a little before a shadow crept over the both of you, it was conrad.
“sorry to bother, i need to talk to her,” he grumbled in josh’s face
“can it wait? i’m talking to her?” he tried to protest and you didn’t look at conrad, it would only make you fall and say you’re sorry for everything
“no it can’t.” he grabbed your hand off the dudes arm and walked you to an empty room before shutting the door “what the hell are you thinking!” he moved around you and away from the door
“i don’t know.” you shrugged slowly lifting your gaze to him, he was wearing a white shirt, plaid pullover, and jeans, you had never seen the boys other than in the summer and it was nice to see conrad dressed in jeans
“he was practically fucking you with his eyes!” he stood in front of you now
“grow up conrad, we’re in college now.” you scoffed. putting your drink down on a nearby dresser
“yeah, and it’s my job you don’t get an std from a frat boy like him.”
“oh and you’re any different?” it slipped out of your mouth
“what’s that supposed to mean?” he was taken back by your comment
“i’ve seen the girls you take back to your dorm. how do you know they aren’t carrying anything harmful when you stick your dick inside of them!”
“y/n what the fuck are you talking about?” his eyebrows furrowed
“the girls.”
“what girls! not one has stepped into my dorm other than our damn family when we moved in!”
“b-but you take girls home.” you tried to make yourself believe it
“i walk them back to their dorm. they are a drunk mess and my mom raised me that way, you should know.” his voice softly said
“i’ve only had my eyes set on you since we were kids.” he blurted
“yeah but i wanted to give you space to figure out your college life, but not get dicked down by a frat boy at one party.” he smiled to himself
“i’m sorry, okay? i’m sorry i didn’t see it earlier.”
“i tried for years, for you to see how i feel.”
“i felt the same way, i was going to tell you at cousin’s, but then i saw you with this girl at nicole’s party and she was all over you so i just left.”
“the party? is that why you left cousins early?” you nodded looking back down at the floor
“i was heartbroken con. you were making out with her what was i supposed to feel?”
“i don’t know you should have talked to me.”
“i talked to jere and he said that it wasn’t worth it, so i just left to get a head start to move in.”
“that’s why you were so distant when college started? we were so excited to be going to the same place, my mom was excited!”
“i felt heartbroken and i didn’t know what to do you’re the only boy i’ve ever loved, i didn’t know how to work around it!”
“i kissed the girl at nicole’s party because jeremiah told me you went on a date,” he whispered
“i-i hung out with a dude at the arcade for 10 minutes trying to help in figuring out a game. jeremiah was there!” you tan your fingers through your hair
“well, how was i supposed to know!”
“it seems like jere is just against us.” conrad laughed softly
“he’s always had something for you, you know.” you nodded knowing how the other fisher boy liked you, but you only had eyes for conrad
“he doesn’t matter. i’ve only seen him as a friend.” conrad let out a soft breath
“come here.” he gestured at you and you walked towards him as he opened his arms for you. the comfort of his arms secured you leaned against his chest hearing the raging of his heartbeat
“your heart is going crazy.” you twisted your head to look up at him with your chin on his chest and conrad looking down at you
“because of you.” he brought a hand to the side of your face and leaned in to kiss you, for the first time. conrad fisher was kissing you, it felt like a dream
He held your face so softy. He didn’t wanna break you, not again. His arms tightened around you pulling him closer to you. The kiss became deeper and stronger than you have ever had before with anyone. That’s when you felt the effect you had on him, he was hard, from you. You didn’t know you could do that to anyone ever but it felt amazing and an accomplishment.
“sorry.” he smiled against your lips as you both slowly separated lips turning red
“don’t be.” bringing one of your hands to his hair moving a few pieces away from his eyes the other hand you had slowly descended towards his pants
“y/n” a warning tone came out of his mouth
“hm?” you looked at him innocence in your eyes as if your hand wasn’t messing with the button of his jeans before moving to the zipper
“no one’s ever-“ his breath hitched as your hand cupped his erection “no one ever touched me down there.” you looked at him confused
“you’ve had sex though?” he nodded
“that doesn’t mean foreplay was involved, they just skip to the sex.” you kissed his lips
“don’t worry, just sit down and relax.” you pushed him to sit on the bed
Dragging down his jeans he lifted your hips to help get the fabrics down to his calf’s. He looked scared and nervous. You were touching him, the girl he’s been in love with forever, finally seeing the effect she has on him. You slowly swiped to get some pre cum off of the head and conrad shuttered under your touch.
“like that?”
“fuck, you have no idea.”
You coated the sides of his dick before slowly moving up and down at the right movement. He looked down at you breathing hard and deadly to your touch. A loud clatter came from outside the room and his eyes turned to worry.
“y/n, i don’t think this is such a good place to do thi-“ you cut him off licking the side of his shaft shutting him up immediately and the sounds from outside passed “fuck” he brought a hand to your head holding it as you bobbed up and down on him “keep going.” you didn’t plan on stopping, you hollowed your cheeks taking him in deeper and his groans filled the room
The way you moved made him jealous of the guys who have seen this image before. You on your knees sucking him off like no tomorrow. But the thought disappeared as soon as it came because he realized that this will be his view for the rest of his life. You looked up at him making eye contact and he felt the warm build but he didn’t wanna release just yet.
“just a few more, yeah.” he started to take control by moving your head with his hips as they came up off of the bed making you gag “just-“ he moved faster feeling the edge start. he pumped all the way into your mouth and let his release into your mouth as he groaned into the air
“fuck.” you pulled off of him and swallows the salty taste “did you just-“ he couldn’t believe you were real
“is that bad?”
“no, no, god no.” he moved your hair from your face. “all i know is no man is ever touching you again, you’re mine.”
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overtail · 1 year ago
hii can i request you weite zuko x chubby/plus sized reader? specifically just general dating headcanons (and possibly some smut hcs if you feel like writing that). id prefer a gender neutral reader but im not very picky about that type of thing. i love ur writing btw!!
ONG TY FOR THAT! Exposing myself here but I'm actually a chubby person (lore drop im not a girl) so this is very heartwarming for me :33
Zuko Headcannons - Dating a Chubby/Plus-Sized Reader
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this is not meant to romanticize eating disorders
meeting you ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
-when you walked into the tea shop, he thought you were the most beautiful person hes ever seen
-'hey uncle, i can serve them'
-immediately wanted to talk to you
-he was extremely nervous, acting like a lost turtleduck
-'what? jas..jasmine tea! oh yeah.'
-gave you an extra cookie
-always waves to you when you come in
-was excited when iroh told him that you asked where Zuko was when he was sick at home
-you're his favorite customer
-'Lee. My name's Lee.'
knowing you ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
-after a while, Iroh hired you at the Jasmine Dragon when he got the shop
-you and zuko became very close
-you two had sleepovers at his and iroh's shared apartment
-iroh would make you guys sleep in the livingroom
-loved the way your waiter uniform hugged your curves
-would make you food all the time, even when you insisted you werent hungry
-protective whenever you served boys your age
-you came with him and iroh to serve tea at the palace to the king
-'zuko? you're the prince of the fire nation?'
-you werent as angry as he thought you would be
-you were locked up with him and katara in the catacombs
-came with him when he chose to fight alongside azula
dating him (royalty) ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
-when zuko started living in the palace again, he immediately offered for you to live with him
-a week later, he confessed
-he told you how you were the most gorgeous person he's ever seen
-how you looked like a painting from the renaissance
-held you close at night when you two slept
-assigned a special place in the palace for your special interests
-noticed when you stopped eating much
-tried to offer you as much food as possible
-was confused when he saw you throwing up after dinner
-'(y/n)? did you get food poisoning?'
-consoled you when you started crying about your body
-'it's the one i imagined in my dreams.'
-🔞kissed your arms, your neck, your stomach and your thighs
-he loved seeing your stretch marks
-🔞seeing you naked for the first time was a dream come true
dating him (redemption) ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
-you refused to let him go work with the avatar without you
-was there when he told ozai about wanting to be better
-comforted him when he learned the truth about his mom
-helped him create his introduction to the gaang
-'hello, zuko here!' *you laugh*
-fully defended him when nobody trusted him
-got angry when katara called you a traitor too
-cooked you lots of food while camping out
-always worshipping your body whenever alone
dating him (firelord) ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
-immediately proposed to you after his coronation
-🔞got busy as soon as you guys got in your room on your wedding night
-loved getting clothes that hugged your body
-you were always there with him
-'what do mean they shouldn't be in this meeting?
-did anything to make you happy
-got you an extra cookie whenever you wanted a meal to remind you of when you guys first met
-very possesive of you
-beat the shit out of a soldier that made a rude comment about your body
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gh0stsp1d3r · 10 months ago
ℳ𝒶𝓎𝒷𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 𝓈𝒾𝓈𝓉ℯ𝓇
Part 3 chapter 2- can I kiss you?
Series masterlist
Warnings: bullets, mentions of blood + getting shot, mentions of abuse
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“Who are you calling fifty times?” Rafe asked Topper, who set his phone down on the bar. Topper turned to Rafe. “Huh? Who’s not answering?”
“I don’t know, Rafe, uh… does your sister ever do what she says she’s gonna do?”
“Not really, no.”
“Ah! How’d she screw you this time?” He asked topper, handing him a glass of whiskey.
“So I did your sister a favor, right? Got reamed by my mom, I mean, it’s a shit show, man. So I do this favor, she’s like ‘oh I’ll hit you tonight.’ It’s tonight. Haven’t heard a thing, been calling her. Nothing. She’s just ignoring me. So, I don’t know, man.” He rambled.
“Listen, listen. Let’s sit.” Rafe patted his back, Topper sat down.
“Uh, she’s playing you like a fiddle, bro.”
“She’s been playing you since day one.”
“It’s a lot different now.”
“You know why she can’t hit you up right now? It’s cause she’s with John B.”
“Listen, Rafe. She is not with John B.”
“Oh, okay.”
“She wouldn’t do that.”
“Well, she thinks she’s a pogue now. As soon as they think that, they’re gone, bro. Speaking from experience.” He shrugged.
“Can’t trust a pogue, not that you could trust her anyways. And now she’s with John B and you’re looking at me like I’m the bad guy? She’s gonna keep doing this, again and again and again..” he continued.
Topper stood up, downing the rest of his drink.
“Just playing you like a fiddle.”
“I’ll catch you later, Rafe.”
“All right, Top.” He raised his glass, smirk on his face. He was right, and Topper knew it. “Was good to see you.”
Everyone sat down in the Chateau, John B had taken himself to his room, Kiara strummed her ukulele, and you and Sarah played a game of “who’s dad sucked more?”
“My dad faked his death. Like… twice.” Sarah shrugged, taking a sip.
“My dad once made me drink a bottle of beer to calm me down when I was 6 because I threw a temper tantrum when he hit me.” You narrowed your eyes at the girl.
“My dad tried to kill all of my friends, more than once.”
“My dad stole 670 bucks from me on my 15th birthday so he could buy more heroin.”
“I think y/n already wins, by default.” Pope pointed at you, making you smile.
“Yeah, I thought so.” Sarah shook her head with a smile, getting up and going into John B’s room with two bottles.
“I never thought my trauma would ever make me win. This is great. Anyone else wanna play?” You asked.
“Think you beat everyone here.” Cleo said with a laugh, watching you chug the beer can you had and tossing it in the trash.
“I should go play for the nba.” You mumbled to yourself, JJ laughing.
“So, what type of plane is it?” Cleo asked, her and Pope playing mancala on the table.
“Well, it’s wards so im guessing something fancy.”
“That’s what I’m talking ‘bout, flying private, baby!”
JJ sat next to Kiara, her movements pausing and her putting her instrument down.
“Hey, kie. You know, that whole entire money clip and dad situation?”
“Well, um, that wasn’t that cool, and im kinda beating around the bush a little bit, but, um, I’m…” he looked up, you heard a crackling noise and looked up as well.
“What the fuck?” You mumbled to yourself, standing up and rushing over to the window.
“What is that?” Kiara asked.
“That’s a fire.”
“Everybody get the fuck out!” You shouted at JJ and Kie.
Everyone dispersed, telling the others that were in the rooms.
“There’s a fire!”
“Get outta here, everyone get the fuck out!” You shouted at the teenagers, but before they could, it had reached the door.
You grabbed Sarah hand, getting her away from the door when she went over.
You watched some one pull away from the Chateau amongst the fire, a Range Rover you noted in your head. But you couldn’t worry about that right now. You had to figure out how to get out.
The entire of the Chateau had been burnt to the ground. You all sat on a tree, feeling defeated.
“Could’ve been a faulty electrical wire.”
“Place was all wood.”
“It wasn’t an accident.” You mumbled.
“What?” They turned to you now.
“I.. saw a car pull away from the Chateau when I pulled Sarah away from the door. A Range Rover. It had to be some kook.” You told them.
“And you’re just now telling us this?!” Kiara asked.
“I was the one who got us all out of there alive, so don’t.. give me that bullshit. I was waiting until we were all out, and safe. Fuck.” You hit your head against the tree.
“Verdicts in, bro. Whoever’s up there does not like you.” JJ said, patting John B’s shoulder. “Sorry.”
You sighed, grabbing a glass bottle and throwing it towards the burnt house.
“Sarah, when did you say the pilot was getting in?”
“Probably like an hour? I mean, once he’s here, my dad says we can leave whenever we want.”
“Okay, well, as much as I would love to ghost my parents again, I can’t.”
“Pope, we’re talking El dorado here. Can you just like slip out the back maybe?” JJ asked.
“Great advice.” Kie shook her head.
“It always worked for me. How to avoid unpleasant circumstances 101. If there’s a problem and you don’t wanna face it-“
“Turn that face and keister around, and walk the other way.” You rolled your eyes, finishing his sentence, remembering that you had always told him that. Although that never stopped him from getting into his fights.
“I’m not doing that, okay?” Pope told him.
“I just want you to be there, dawg.” JJ sighed.
“I’m gonna be there. I’ll meet you guys in the airstrip in an hour?”
“Yeah, we’ll see you there.”
“One hour, pope. Not a second later.”
“Shit, any of you guys gotta phone I could use? I gotta call in sick, I guess.” You remembered.
“Is that really important right now?” John B asked you.
“Yeah, it is. You know how damn hard it is to get a job recently?”
“There’s probably one up at that gas station across the street.” Sarah nodded in the direction.
“Okay. I’ll be right back, swear.”
“You want me to come with?” JJ asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m good. It’s not that far.” You began to walk off the dock, and towards the gas station.
You rummaged through your pockets for some change, glad that they still had a pay phone outside. “Fuck.” You mumbled, realizing you hadn’t had enough.
You looked around, and you spotted a familiar vehicle parked at one of the pumps.
“Oh my God.” You muttered. This would only happen to you.
Rafe walked out the gas station. You turned around, trying your best to hide yourself. But you heard him chuckle and say something.
“Funny seeing you here, y/n.”
“Rafeeee…” you drawled out, giving him a small smile. “Just the person I wanted to see.” You said sarcastically.
“What are you uh… doing out here..? Awfully far out, aren’t you?”
“Well, actually, my cousin works here and he asked me to bring him something since he’s doing an overnight.”
“Huh. Where’s your car then?”
“That’s none of your damn business, is it?” You snapped.
He held his hands up in defense. “Sorry. Sorry. I’ll get out your hair, but it was nice seeing you.”
“W-wait, Rafe.” You mentally faceplamed at yourself.
“I’m sorry. Can I use your phone? I really, really, need to call someone.”
He hesitated, before grabbing his phone out his pocket and unlocking it before handing it to you.
“Thank you..”
You typed in your jobs number, telling both of them you’d be out sick probably for a while, out with a virus.
“A virus, huh?” Rafe asked when you handed it to him again.
You shook your head. “I got shit to do, and I’m not trying to get fired in the process.”
“Makes sense.” He shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets and leaning against a wall.
It was silent between the both of you before he spoke up again.
“Hey, I’m- I’m sorry if I uh… overstepped last time we talked. I was… drunk, and I… I dunno, I just feel bad about it… if that makes sense.”
Him apologizing was not what you expected. You stared at him, your mouth agape. You looked into his eyes and he seemed sincere.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, and he got off the wall, slowly walking towards you. His hands tangled into your hair, and made their way to the back of your head.
He leaned down, until his lips ghosted over yours. Your heart pounded and your eyes searched his.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked you quietly. Your nod was all he needed to move closer, your lips moving against each other.
But this kiss was different than the one in his bedroom, it was gentle, more loving. Your hands were on his chest, and oh god how you missed this.
Once he leaned away from the kiss, he cradled your face in his hands.
“I miss you. And I know I fucked up on the boat, and before that, but I want you to know I’m trying to change.” His thumb stroked your cheek.
“I… I miss you too. But, Rafe… I… I don’t know if it’s the best idea right now.”
“Is this about your brother still?”
“I- Rafe, it’s about everything. I got a lot going on right now.”
His hand fell from your face. “I get it.”
“I do, I get it. But all I want is for another chance to make things right. That's all I'm askin’ for.”
You sighed. “I… I have to go somewhere for a while, but when I come back, we can talk, alright?”
He nodded. “I’ll see you around, yeah?” He gave you a small smile.
“Yeah. I’ll see you.” You nodded back. He went close to you again, giving you another quick kiss before pulling away.
You leaned against the wall, sighing in relief when he walked away. You waited until he left the gas station to run back to the dock.
“Shit, sorry.” You panted as you ran up to them all.
“What took you so long?” JJ questioned with a quirked eyebrow.
“I had to ask people for their phones, and not a lotta people are nice I guess.”
“Whatever, I’ll see you guys on the tarmac!” JJ told them, you waving bye to them.
Kiara followed behind, “Hey, Jayj, wait. Hey. Um…”
You looked at them both, you standing there awkwardly. Kiara stared at you expectantly.
“I’m just gonna… yeah.” You snapped your fingers, turning back around and beginning to walk.
Rafe’s head swam in his thoughts. His unexpected visit with you resolved one of his problems, but he still had another major one. His dad.
“There’s no going back.”
Rafe paced the room, nervously biting his hands, his leg bouncing when he sat down.
He knew what he had to do. He drove over to where his dad was laying low, going over to his dad, fishing and drinking beer at the river.
“I need you to leave.” He told Ward.
“Oh, yeah? We talked about this already, Rafe.”
“I need you to go live your life in Guadeloupe. And you can let me live mine here.”
“I’m not gonna do that, okay?” Ward turned around, looking out into the water again.
“You realize… hey, you realize what could happen if you stay?”
“What could happen, Rafe?”
“What could happen? The police could find you here. Easy. And then, it’s… it’s done, you’re gone forever. Or something much worse.”
At his son’s words, Ward snapped his head around, standing and looking at him now.
“Much worse.”
“What have you done, son?”
Rafe walked towards him. “It’s not gonna be good if you stay.”
You and JJ walked through the house, you looking at the reminders of your dad while JJ shoved his clothes in a bag.
“You good?” He asked you, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.” You looked at him, shaking your head and going back into your old room.
You grabbed everything you possibly could, looking around the room. Your whole life, packed into it. It would be gone when you came back.
You came back out, looking at JJ grab things as well. You grabbed your camera, a flashlight and maybe a couple bottles of beer as well.
A car engine outside made both of your heads snap to the window. He looked at you and you looked at him.
“What the hell?” You mumbled, telling him to get away. You looked out the window.
“Oh shit. It’s Mike.” You looked at him.
“Shit. Shit.” JJ mumbled, both of you getting down and hiding.
“JJ! Y/n! It’s your ol’ buddy, Mike. You lost my load. Time to pay up!” He shouted from outside. “All right, we’re gonna do this your way. Hmm?” He grabbed his gun, cocking it.
“I’m coming in, y/n! Yeah, I know you’re in there.” You both leaned against the wall, you motioning for him to go the other way.
Mike opened the door, both of you panicking now.
“We’re gonna do this your way.” He repeated.
JJ ran out the door, grabbing his backpack. You glanced around, where the fuck was yours?
JJ was outside, and he looked around. You were still inside.
It took you a minute to find it, but you grabbed your backpack.
“It’s gonna be a lot easier if you do it now.”
He was getting closer, if you ran out, you risked JJ getting found. And if you didn’t, you risked getting shot.
You didn’t know what to do. Your heart pounded and tears threatened to fall.
A memory flashed in your mind for a second.
“Jayj!” You cried out, watching him get repeatedly punched by another boy on the playground. You didn’t know what to do.
“JJ!” You gasped when the boy was finally pulled off and Jj was left laying on the ground. You cried, tears hitting his body.
JJ had taken those hits for you after he had caught some boy making fun of you.
He had taken those hits for you then, so you would take this one for him. You stood there, just trying to give him enough time to run. You held your breath, as silent as you could possibly be.
Mike found you before you even realize it, and started to fire upon seeing you. You ran outside, hoping to God JJ was already far away.
“Y/n.” He whispered, watching you run into the woods, Mike already had lost you both.
You panted and fell behind a tree, JJ ran over and grabbed your arm, asking what was wrong.
Mike glanced around, shouting as he looked around outside
You and JJ hid behind a tree, he glanced at your leg, blood seeping through your pants as you set your bag down. “Oh… my god.”
“Fuck.” You gasped, holding your leg. You cried out, JJ grabbed your backpack and helped you up, noticing Mike getting even closer.
He grabbed a stick, handing it to you. You put it in between your teeth as to muffle your pained cries. JJ put his arm around you, helping you walk.
“Shit, stay with me, alright?”
“Mmhmm.” You groaned out through the stick.
“You’re gonna be fine, shit, why didn’t you fuckin’ run?” He cried out, and that’s when you noticed he was crying as well.
You looked at him, he sat you down when you both were far enough. He rolled up your pants, you crying in pain as you looked at the wound.
“Shit.” He mumbled, and began to rummage through his bag, grabbing a shirt of his and putting pressure on the wound.
You screamed, stick still muffling your noise. You grabbed onto JJ as he tied the shirt around your leg, hiding your face in his shoulder.
“Fuck. Okay. Uhm… are you okay? Never mind, dumb question. I’m gonna take you to Ricky’s, or something, okay? I’m sure he’ll know what to do, and I’ll stay back with you-“
You took the stick out your mouth, panting heavily and cutting his sentence off.
“I’ll be fine.”
“What? You just got shot-“
“JJ, listen to me.” You grabbed his face in your hands. “We’re getting on that damn tarmac if it’s the last thing I fucking do. I am going to be fine, and I will find a doctor or something when we get there. I’m sure healthcare is much more affordable there than it is here.” You joked, he looked up at you.
He was so confused on how in the worst situations possible, you made it better.
You wiped your finger over his face, wiping his tears away. “You hear me?”
He nodded. He felt like he was a child again.
“Now help me get the fuck up, please?” You gave him a small smile, he stood up and wrapped the arms around him again. You wincing as you stood up.
On the tarmac, John B and Sarah stood. They saw you both come up.
“Why is he helping her walk?” Sarah asked.
“Was he.. crying?”
One thing about JJ, he never does that.
“What the fuck happened? Are you okay?” Sarah asked when JJ came up to them, she immediately helped you stand up, giving Jj a break as he breathed heavily.
“Mike fuckin’ came up, shot her right in the leg. She’s fine. But I swear to God, the second I see him it’s on sight.”
You gave them a thumbs up, smiling at Sarah.
“She can’t.. she can’t come, dude.” John B said. “We gotta take her to a hospital or something-“
“Dude, I said the same thing.” JJ told him.
“I’m fine. I told you I’m fine. All I need right now is some alcohol, and probably for it to be cleaned. I can do this.” You shrugged. “Can I have my bag?” You asked JJ, he handed it to Sarah.
“C’mon.” Sarah helped you up into the plane, and grabbed one of the first aid kits hidden in there.
“Thanks, Sar.”
“Of course.” She said, giving you a small smile. She stayed focused when cleaning your wound, apologizing every time you winced.
“I would just sit here for a little, okay? Don’t walk on it or anything for a while.”
“Yeah. Thank you, again.”
She nodded, heading back outside the plane. You smiled and leaned back, grabbing a beer bottle from your backpack.
It’s been a while, and they’re all still outside. You were asleep, comfortable on the seats and leaning up against the window.
“Y/n. Y/n.” JJs voice interrupted your lovely sleep. You grumbled and stirred, slowly opening your eyes.
“I gotta go get Kie, you gon’ be okay here?” He glanced down at your leg and back at you.
“What? What’s wrong with Kie?” You asked, concerned.
“She’s not here, we think her parents are keeping her home or something.”
“What? Let me come with.”
“Are you serious? You can’t even walk.”
“Actually, I can kinda walk. Plus, I think you forget how good I am at sneaking out.”
He raised an eyebrow, your leg saying otherwise.
“That was the only time I’ve gotten caught okay?” You rolled your eyes. “And I did it to save your ass.”
“I know, I know, but-“
“Jayj. Take me with you before I shoot you.”
“I ain’t falling for it this time.”
“Be careful, okay?” You sighed. He nodded.
“His loss.” You mumbled, watching as he left. You leaned back onto the window, stretching your legs and arms, before going back to sleep.
@cassie0sstuff @fals3-g0d @tiaamberxx @callsignwidow @saintnourah @calmoistorm @rafesgiirl
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behidethetrees · 2 years ago
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IN WHICH… having a job while dating a clingy rafe doesn’t exactly go hand in hand.
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Fem! Pogue!Reader
Contents: NON-CANON!Rafe, Reader fixes cars, clingy and possessive! Rafe, brief Pope mention, Your friends are the pogues, This is set in the 2000s!!
THIS IS A REUPLOAD!!! my old blog was deleted so i have to reupload all my fics :( Anways enjoy!
Prequel Part 1
Rafe hates that you work. 
You weren't meant to clean cars, You were meant to stay inside your Tannyhill house with Rafe, Always next to him, never out of his sight. 
He hated the assholes you complained about for being rude to you. Rafe always argued or sometimes fought people who even looked at you wrong. Once he heard some old dude yell at you to hurry up, Later that night Rafe smashed his car with his golf club. He was big on respect especially when it came to you. 
But there was nothing more that Rafe hated than the fact you worked with Guys alongside two other girls. It's not that he didn't trust you or thought you might cheat on him with them, He didn't trust them. You were beautiful, heaven sent in Rafe's eyes. Your guy friends were lucky to even be in your presence, Or they were even luckier Rafe didn't bash their heads open for being around you. 
Sometimes Rafe would show up to your job for a bit when he wasn't playing golf or he missed you extra. You knew Rafe was very, very clingy, always touching you in some way, But today was extreme. 
JULY, 2008. 
“Rafe I'm gonna be late!” You tried to get Rafe off your back but he kept hugging you tighter. 
“Do you have to have to go, why can't I come, why can't you just quit already?” Rafe whines. He'd never admit it out loud but he dreaded the times you went to work.
You start to waddle towards the front door. “If I let you come with me will you get off of me?” You question him.
Almost instantly Rafe steps away, looking at you surprised as you already walk outside, opening your car door. “Really? I can go?” He asks shocked.
“If you dont get in the car in 10 seconds I'm leaving you.” You stated, Not that you were going to leave him but you wanted him to hurry up. Rafe almost trips because of how fast he darted to your car. Rafe insisted he’d drive you, that wasnt up for discussion.
Rafe opens the car door for you when you two arrive at the Pogue bodyshop. He slips his arms around your waist as you walk, keeping you close to him, This was going to be a long day. 
When you popped open the hood of your client's car, Rafe hugged you from behind, Kissing your neck gently as you worked. At first you didn't mind but it started becoming a lot. Anywhere you walked, Rafe followed. When you went to talk to anybody Rafe slung his arm around your neck while giving whoever the death stare, making sure they know you're his. 
When you went on lunch break Rafe sat you in his lap, keeping you away from your friends. As you eat your sandwich, Occasionally letting Rafe have a bite, Your friend Pope comes up to you.
“Hey Y/N do you want my chips?” Pope offered, He always gave you his chips because he felt too guilty to tell his mom she wasnt getting the right kind. 
“Yeah sure thanks Pope” You smiled at him, as you extended your arm to grab them, You felt Rafe's strong arm pull yours back down. 
“Fuck off.” Rafe grits through his teeth, Staring at him tensely. Pope's expression fell and he quickly turned around to start speed walking to the other pogues.
“What the hell was that?” You flicked Rafe on the forehead. 
“I dont like him, He's no good like the rest of those pogues.” Rafe states as he rubs the part of his forehead you flicked him on. Rafe didn't like your friends for many reasons, stupid reasons. Mostly because they're pogues, like you, which confused you. 
“Im a pogue too Rafe.” You remind him as you cross your arms, You didn't understand the whole ‘Kooks vs. Pogues’ rivalry. You recall the first time you met JJ he went on a rant on how you should stay away from kooks and how they're the real trash. 
“Not like them, you're different baby.” Rafe tried to clarify but he had already messed up. You stood up in front of him, still crossing your arms. 
“Apologize to him or leave.” You tell him. “ You can't come to my work just to be mean to my friends and clients, And I can't work with you all up on me Rafe!” Rafe quickly stood up, He heard your tone and your voice slightly getting louder indicating you were getting annoyed with him. But luckily for Rafe, he knew how to get you to calm down. 
“Hey, hey I'm sorry okay? Really I am, dont make me leave.” Rafe grabbed your hands to take them into his own. All it took was Rafe's sweet words and his dazzling eyes for you to give in to him. Your face softens as you look at him. 
You sigh. “Please stop clinging to me when I'm working okay? I promise we can cuddle when we get home but I need to get this car done.” You tell him, He quickly nods. 
“And I'm serious Rafe, apologize to Pope!” You playfully push his shoulder.
“Whatever you want baby.” 
A/N: someone on my old blog wanted a prequel of how they met so i will do that soon <3.
Taglist: @nowitsmissing
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kirarisoul · 10 months ago
my ‘boyfriend’
quackity x reader
summary: you think your father will disapprove of your boyfriend, alex. so, he comes up with a plan.
i was thinking of 2019/18 alex while writing this! enjoy 😙
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE DOESN’T LIKE ME?!” is screamed through the phone by your boyfriend, making you pull it away from your ear, to prevent yourself from losing hearing.
“I don’t know.. he just.. isn’t.. fond of you?”
“but why? i’m so cute and handsome and sexy!”
“I think it’d be weirder if my dad thought you were sexy, babe.”
you hear him huff into the other side of the phone and know that’s your cue to comfort him.
“he’ll come around eventually, alex! he’s not gonna stop me from seeing you!”
“i know, i know, but.. how did he even form this horrible preconception of me?” he says, dramatically. you can practically see him with his hand over his heart in mock despair.
“well, i thought i’d ease him into it, and i put a stream of yours on the tv, it was that one, where you looked all cute with your little hat and thanos toy an-“
“yeah, yeah, i know what one you’re talking about.” you can hear the happy smile in his voice from your description of him.
“anyways, he didn’t have very good feelings towards you. he said you were loud and that streaming isn’t a proper job.. i didn’t even tell him i knew you yet.” you sigh into the phone.
“it is a job!? tell him i’m gonna go to law school as well!”
“i did tell him! he just.. couldn’t look past the streaming i guess. and he still doesn’t know we’re dating.”
“then tell him! you can’t hide me forever, baby.” he says smugly.
“yeah i will but.. he wants you to come for dinner. tonight. and if he sees it’s you i dunno what he’ll do! he has a temper, y’know.”
“hm.. wait.. i have an idea..” he says.
“so, you’re my daughters boyfriend?” your dad asks one of the two boys waiting outside the door of your house, looming over them.
“y-yes sir..” the boy next to alex says.
“and you are?” your dad turns to alex.
“his friend.” alex smiles.
“alright.. why are you here?”
“..moral support?” alex says, pulling on his sleeves nervously.
a pause.
“oh, come in, come in, boys!” your mom says from behind your father.
the silence at the dinner table is deafening. it’s your father at the head of the table, your mother on his left, and your ‘boyfriend’ on his right. next to your ‘boyfriend’ is alex, your boyfriend.
you lean in.
“this is your plan?” you whisper yell into alex’s ear.
“babe, trust me, it’ll work.”
“who the fuck is that?!”
“it’s my friend, lucas. he’s interning at a hospital, and he’s top of the class in every subject, your dad’ll love him.”
“okay, he’s not my boyfriend though! you are! he’s gonna find out soon enough.”
“just relax. i just wanna see how your dad really is before i show who i really am!”
“you’re gonna reveal yourself at this dinner? are you crazy? he’ll hate you even more!”
“it’s okay! it’ll go good, im charming, he’ll come around eventually.”
a kick from under the table shakes it, making the water in the jug ripple.
“ow!” alex whispers.
“you’re stupid. this is stupid.”
“hey i-!”
as everyone on the table watches silently at this whisper argument, your mom speaks up.
“let’s eat, shall we?” she says with a smile and your father uncrosses his arms and picks up his fork.
“so,” your father starts. “what’s your name?” he says to who he thinks is your boyfriend.
“lucas. sir. it’s lucas.”
“okay, lucas, do you have a job for the summer?”
“i-i have an internship. sir. in a hospital. the lab. in the hospital.” he says, in short sentences as if he’s trying to convince himself about the internship as well.
“okay.. and how are your grades?”
“good. sir.”
“alright. what are your future plans. how will you support my daughter? not that i expect this to last.”
“dad!” you slam your fork down.
“i-i wanna be a doctor. sir.” lucas says, his voice shaking.
“a doctor, that’s amazing!” your mom exclaims, sensing lucas’ nervousness.
lucas nods and smiles.
“you know, she was showing me this guy, around your age, that streams and makes videos online. i would never let my daughter date someone like that, with no future plans.” your dad laughs.
alex plays with his food.
you grip your fork.
dinner goes on in a tension so thick you could pick up your knife and cut a hole in it.
you speak up. “babe, can you pass me the salt?”
two hands reach for the salt shaker. lucas freezes and alex, oblivious, passes you the salt and goes back to eating. you father puts his glass down.
“what was that.” your father waves his hand around to gesture to the scene that just unfolded in front of him.
“dad i-“
alex looks up slowly as he realises his mistake.
“alex is my boyfriend!” you blurt out. “not lucas. the guy i showed you online is alex. he makes videos and streams but he’s really smart! and h-“
your dad laughs, “who-whose idea was that?!” he says in between breaths.
“why are you laughing dad?! this is serious!!” you yell.
then lucas laughs, then your mom laughs, and finally, alex starts laughing.
“why are you guys laughing? stop laughing!” you stand up and your chair screeches.
alex grabs your hand. “babe- babe! sit down!” he takes a breathe in between laughs. “it’s fine!”
you cross your arms as everyone laughs die down.
“honey, it’s okay. if you love him, i think that’s all that matters.” your mom says.
you look at your mom and nod, “dad?”
“if you love him and he loves you. i don’t see a problem.” you dad says, smiling at you and then looking at alex.
“so you’re the boyfriend?” your dad says to alex, and leans forward, ready to do his interrogations all over again.
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sturniolo04 · 2 months ago
WTF 1 c.s.
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Girldad!Chris x Girlmom!Reader
A/N: If you don't like the preadded name in my stories, you can either add your own name or not read it; it's up to you- Charli
Dividers: @issysh3ll
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For as long as you can remember Chris has always been protective of you but especially when you little bundle of joy, layla arrived. She was his pride and joy and God forbid she date just yet.
"who are you texting"
you ask your daughter seeing she was constantly smiling at her phone.
"just my friendd"
she drags out as chris enters the living room taking a seat on the couch next to you.
"does this friendd have a name"
you question mimicking her.
"um sam"
she states slowly a pink tint rising on her freckled cheeks.
"i hope thats short for samantha like a girls name"
chris huffs finally connecting the dots.
"its a boy dad"
layla huffs out.
"no no nope you arent dating are you"
chris questions raising an eyebrow.
"well no but he asked me to hocomeing and i said yes"
she shyly squeaks out.
"well thats good for you im happy for you lay lay right babe"
you states looking at chris as he shrugs his shoulders.
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After hocomeing things picked up with your daughter's highschool relationship which didnt neccessarily sit right with Chris being the protective dad he is.
"babe i just dont like that she is growing up so fast like ugh"
chris exclaims distraught out of his mind as he flops on your guys shared bed.
"its fine but arent you happy that she's happy she seem happy"
you reason with him sitting next to his laying figure on the bed.
"yeah i am happy that she is happy i trust her but not him"
chris huffs out as you giggle laying your head on his chest as he rest his hand on top of your hip.
"yeah well whats important is your babygirl is happy right?"
you states leaning your head upward to look up at him and he agrees locking eyes with you and then connecting your guys lips.
"okay lets go we have to go to Matt's house for dinner and see everyone"
chris huffs out as you groan rolling off the bed getting up and going to layla's room.
as you went to knock on the door to let her know you guys were getting ready to leave for dinner you paused hearing what sounded like heavy breathing or moaning of some sort.
"shh shh"
you whisper motion your pointer finger up seeing chris made his way over to where you were in front of your daughters door.
"what do you hear"
he asks you quietly.
"um i think i dont know maybe im crazy..-layla"
you dismiss the thought you had earlier as you begin to turn the knob being meet with well.
you scream immediately closing the door back looking at chris.
"was that sam were they-"
chris questions as layla finally opens the door peaking her head through.
she squeaks out.
"um hi so um we are leaving to go to dinner"
you state treading your words slowly.
"okay let me get dressed"
she huffs closing the door.
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"so we just walked in on our daughter"
you huff out as you and chris are sitting in the car waiting for layla
"gross i dont even ugh"
chris groans placing his hands on his face accepting his daughter pivotal decision. Layla finally hops in the car.
"dad im sorry"
layla pouts out feeling bad that her parents had to walk in on that.
"its okay lover as long as your happy thats all that matters"
chris maturely replies back.
"so how was you know-"
you slowly ask curious as chris begins to chuckle.
"mom gross but it hurt like a bi-"
layla huffs.
you exclaim as chris chuckles.
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"so wait how did you get caught again"
nicks asks layla as they are sitting waiting for dinner to be served.
"they walked on me and him"
layla groans placing her head in her hands.
"no fucking way"
nick chuckles.
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Taglist @mintsturniolo @wh0resstuff @stayingstromboli
@dirtylittleheart333 @ksturnz @chaoswithus @emely9274
@ivysturnss @sturniololuv08
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scream-by-coop · 4 months ago
Stu Macher - Rant #1
oh yeah spoiler warning - scream 1
this rant reveals who the ghost faces are so if you really want to watch the movie with a blank slate i suggest not reading this, but come back when you do to agree or debate me =]
ik no one asked for this, and I'm somewhat new to the fandom… but I've been seeing a lot of people saying stu was manipulated, he loved tatum, billy forced him into the situation and had no clue billy was gonna kill her. stu was not manipulated, you guys are all blind. he was a sociopath.
if you think stu didn't know billy was gonna kill tatum and that he felt bad… you have to think again. billy and stu had planned this out since they killed sidneys mom. they could have no ties back to the murders so obviously anyone in the group would have to go. this includes tatum and randy. i dont believe stu loved tatum, i think she was probably a coping mecanism from being dumped by casey. i dont think he was heartbroken by casey, i think he was offended. the reason i dont think stu cared for tatum is because after her death, while choking sidney he says "i've always had a thing for you" to her. even if he was joking, or trying to get on sidneys nerves, would he really get over the girl he 'loved' so easily after her death. stu and billy were not friends with tatum, randy or sidney. they needed a way to get to sidney. this is a very very common structure throughout all 6 of the movies. many people also headcannon stu as queer, even the actor who portrays him. and i believe this is very possible. you can see the way he looks at billy, and i dont think billy was using this to manipulate him. but this is just a headcannon so it shouldnt be taken very seriously. people also like to mention the "he killed my tatum" line. he was clearly trying to gain sidneys trust, he was a theater kid for sure. he knows how to act.
the idea of people victimizing stu is actually insane. you are telling me the man who murdered sidneys mother, claiming it was fun, making constant jokes and comments about it was not insane and was forced into that situation because of peer pressure. he is a psycopath. when sydney asks him for his motive and he says "peer pressure, im far to sensitive" he was JOKING / lying, he had not been peer pressured. this was his ALIBI as a COVER STORY. sideny even said "stu whats your motive, what are you gonna tell the cops" knowing he would lie. stu didnt seem to have a solid motive seemingly doing it just for fun, although it can be assumed due to his parents not being in the picture often that could create a great motive, billy had also said "total abandonment causes serious deviant behaviour." while pointing to stu. stu very clearly loved the attention he got from being a famous killer, just like in the movies he watched. he constantly made insensitive jokes about the people who got murdered.
in the third movie, it was suggested that billy just picked stu as a way out. someone to sell out if he got caught, people also claim billy was gonna kill him off after the fact but i just cant believe this, i personally think billy cared for stu. they were best friends, possibly lovers, and any of the ghost faces always killed off there partners before attempting to kill sidney to show they had no remorse. if billy really was gonna kill stu, he probably either wouldnt have gotten his help due to him being unstable and very very impulsive or he would have killed him infront of sidney. stu had added killing his ex girlfriend and her new boyfriend to the plan, would billy have allowed this if he didnt care for stu. i dont believe billy would do anything for stus gain, even if it solidified his loyalty to the plan.
thank you for taking the time to read my rant/debate. feel free to comment your argument points, i love debating so i find this real fun to see your opinions. this is just my personal opinion, even if i think its the right idea. you dont have to agree with me, i also have only recently joined the fandom and watched all the movies. stu is my favorite character, he is not a good person but i like his character design. i have watched the first movie twice now to try and see if there is anything i missed, so correct me if i got anything wrong =]
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