#yeah girl it was causal 😭😭
yaralulu ¡ 16 days
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yall are some deeply unserious people istg 😭😭.
106 notes ¡ View notes
ang3lofdivinity ¡ 2 months
Haiiiii!! I have no clue if youre taking requests or not, but I was wondering if you could do general relationship hcs for Riley (if you’re comfortable ofc!)
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“ 𝖨𝖽𝗒𝗅𝗅𝗂𝖼 ”
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Relationship(s): Riley Andersen + GN!Reader (both platonic and romantic)
Format: Headcanons + small stories
Genre: Fluff + A decent amount of angst
Warnings: Mentions of bullying, Inside out 1-2 movie spoilers, emetophobia, panic attacks, little oc insert other than that- none!
Author’s notes: IVE BEEN WAITING FOR ONE OF THESE. AAAAAAAAAAHAHEHJEHAJAHSH. Guys, I love inside out 2, I’m seeing it tomorrow again. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I made you a bit of a recluse in this, so i’m.. very sorry - Playlist recommendation (not mine):
Side note: Idyllic - extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque.
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Definitely one of your best friends.
She’s so sweet 😭
I wanna say you met her shortly after she was introduced into your class, when she was 12. You probably moved to San Francisco as well, but probably from at a younger age- like 5 years old.
You learned earlier on to understand the environment and adjust to it (even with how different and altering it was to you). You’re used to the same routine everyday, the same things everyday, and many things haven’t changed since then. You’ve definitely had trouble with friends even after being here for so long, though, it doesn’t matter- you were weird, at least to everyone around you. They never liked the fact you were.. primarily reserved. You were teased about it, nothing too severe, until it turned to bullying.
It’s…hard. The idea of being alone for the rest of your years here in middle school and then being alone in high school as well because they remember the recluse you were—
Well, until the new student arrived.
Riley Andersen, a girl who moved here from Minnesota with parents.
..If I’m being honest, it hurt to hear the pain within her voice after talking about her life in Minnesota, how she would play hockey from such a young age with her parents.
Though, it definitely took you much longer to actually talk to her, and go up to her. You’d definitely give her longing glances, seeing how lonely she seemed. And you understand, you’re in that very same position.
When you did introduce yourself however, she seemed a bit aloof about the whole situation. And you were patient.
“..Is this seat taken?” The nervousness in your voice was obvious, even with how much you tried to mask it. Tried to control the shakiness of it as you stood next to the dull, wooden picnic table. The blonde, with her head in her hand slightly looked up at you, surveying you for a moment before resting her head once more.
“..No.” She quietly replied.
“Did you.. wanna sit here?-“
“YES!— ..Yes, if that’s okay with you, of course!”
“Make yourself comfortable.” You could definitely hear that she was at least attempting to be optimistic in her tone, which you silently appreciated.
Quickly sitting down, you placed your tray in front of you and attempted to find the most comfortable position to sit in.
“..So, you moved here- from Minnesota, right?”
..Dry reply. But- that’s okay! You understand why.
“It’s nice to know someone else who’s similar to you. I moved here myself as well, though it was.. a few years ago now. I’m sure you’ll at the very least like it here.”
“Oh- shoot, sorry um.. I’m (___). Riley, right?”
“..Yeah. Riley Andersen.”
You didn’t miss the small smile she gave you.
Well- of course after some causal conversation about interests, hobbies, etc.
The two of you exchanged socials so you could keep in touch, and the two of you started talking more often during school and out of school, planning stuff for future hangouts and such.
It was genuinely nice to talk with her and get to know each other’s interests, and your bullies at school seemed bewildered at the fact that you’d actually grown more confident to go out and make friends. Even if it was some new girl like Riley.
Though when she started distancing herself, giving dry responses such as: “K.”, “wtv”, “lol”, “bye.” The repetitiveness of this had gotten you worried to the point you couldn’t even think of anything else but possibly losing your new friend. You just met her!
And this dryness eventually turned into ignorance on her end.
Of course you were going to be a bit of a worrywart over your friend, you had no idea what was going on in her head— you just wanted to help her in any way possible, and the nagging feeling that was gnawing at you due to this was impossible to ignore any longer.
So, you texted Riley when you noticed she was online one day: “Hi Riri! I’m sorry for the sudden message, but I’ve taken note that you’ve been leaving my messages on read for a bit now, and as much as I can understand wanting space from social platforms, but I would at least like to know if you’re okay. So, I wanted to request a video call or a meetup, so we can talk about everything going on, and you can speak your mind. I just want to talk to you, please.”
Apart of you wanted to wait for a message, but the other part of you wanted to close your laptop and hide in the corner of your room.
Though, you couldn’t pick fast enough given the fact Riley had already started typing her reply- given the fact you could see that she was.
“Call, ig. Whenever.”
..You instantly called the moment you got the chance.
“..Riley?” You quietly spoke up shortly after your friend had picked up the call, the laptop resting in your lap as you stared at Riley through the screen.
Riley seemed more despondent than you had seen her before, as she avoided any eye contact with you. The way your heart felt like it was sinking to your stomach-
“I’m fine, (___). That’s what this call is about, right?” She spoke so bluntly- you probably would’ve thought you were talking to someone entirely different if you didn’t see Riley’s face, or recognize her voice you’d grown accustomed to.
“Riri- no, well- yes.. but that’s not the only thing! I want to know if anything’s bothering you. You know you can always tell me anything going on.” You interjected, shocked of the situation which was unfolding before you.
“Oh yeah, right.” …She rolled her eyes.
“I’m serious!”
“I can tell you’re lying to me!” The way she yelled at you, looking at the screen- the way her eyes were filled with such hateful vitriol made you physically recoil, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. Did you do something to deserve this? Did you say something weird?? Maybe she’s just going through something and is so pent up because of it! But- with the way of how this conversation is unravelling, you really don’t think this is how this is gonna go.
With furrowed eyebrows, you frowned and surveyed her expression once more.
“You don’t understand what’s going on. You could never! And it’s not that you would even care anyways.” Riley continued, looking away from the screen once more before she tossed down her laptop onto her bed.
You really had no idea where any of these ideas were coming from.
Have you just not been a good friend? You’ve tried. You’ve tried so hard to be kind and courteous with your friend, you’ve tried so hard to genuinely help her, but it seems like all of your efforts are going to waste. Perhaps you didn’t try as hard as you thought in order to be a good enough friend who was worth hanging around with, worthy of love and being able to not beg for attention or seem needy.
Maybe they were right.
That you’re better off without any friends, that nobody would want to be your friend anyway.
You felt the tears welling up in your eyes.
“Riley- wait-“
She closed her laptop, ending the call.
…what do you do now.
There’s no way to describe the next few hours during those moments.
You were up in your room, pacing, feeling a growing headache starting to blossom like a poisonous flower of sorts.
Nothing yet everything was going through your head at the same time, did she hate you? Was she going to drop you? What if you never see her again?? Would she hate your guts and actually try to humiliate you the next time you see her during school, or any other time?
Your breath hitches at the thought and you move yourself back up against a wall. Your parents weren’t home, they’re out probably galavanting around. It felt like blood was pounding through your ears, the feeling of a heart became unbearable and uncomfortable from the fact it was beating so fast, thudding against your chest. Your back slid against the wall as you curled up into a ball, hands shaking- entire body trembling. It just continued to get worse, whatever this was, as your vision became disfigured and distorted, as if you were looking through a fish-eye lens. You swear you felt your chest feel tighten, coupled with the fact it felt like bile was coming up your throat.
It felt disgusting.
All of it, you felt so sweaty, you felt filthy.
This is pathetic. (You don’t understand what’s happening.)
But you can’t move your body. It feels so stiff. The feeling of cotton in your mouth making you unable to speak, the heavy sensation of your limbs, the way the lights are too bright for your eyes now- it feels like the room os starting to spin, with the walls closing in, and the ceiling pressing down. You can't breathe anymore. You can't even scream as much as you wanted to at this moment.
The scariest thing about whatever’s happening still stands:
You have absolutely no clue what to do.
It makes you feel powerless. Weak. Pathetic and worthless.
Just like it does with the events that just unfolded with Riley.
And it makes you too tired.
Too tired to keep yourself awake.
Desperately, you find yourself trying to find some source of comforting within the rising heat of your own body, even with what’s happening. The tiredness begins to wash over, even with all of these feelings still present, and it genuinely makes you feel worse than it should. Everything about this feels wrong. You should be able to handle this- not freak out over it.
But you can’t help it.
You don’t know what else to do.
. . .
You don’t know how long you were passed out for.
But you realized that you’re on your bed right away. You found yourself turning on your lamp, before hastily starting to look around for a moment, around for your laptop. The moment you found it, you opened it, the time was the first thing you saw on the screen.
1 am.
You passed out for 2 hours.
Your parents must’ve come home and put you in your bed. Theres still lingering effects from whatever happened earlier, like a throbbing headache- and your eyes are incredibly dry, along with your throat.
It takes you a while before you slowly close your laptop, and shakily arise from your spot on your bed, finding yourself going downstairs to get a snack and a drink. Everything felt.. fuzzy, in a way you can’t describe. Derealization is a better way to describe it.
In languid movements, you grabbed a cold water bottle from the fridge, and decided to make yourself some simple microwaveable ramen.
Sitting there at the dinner table was awkward.
It felt lonely.
Depressing, even.
You attempt to distract yourself by drinking your water and focusing your attention on the outside sky, and the time on microwave.
You made sure you stopped it before the alarm went off.
Slowly eating, just.. wanted to not think about everything going wrong.
But you couldn’t stop it. You couldn’t do anything. You only made things worse, no?
Nothing else eventful happened during your time downstairs, and you finished up your food rather quickly, before cleaning up after yourself. You took your plastic water bottle with you, back to your room. Closing the door behind you, you placed the water bottle down on your nightstand before getting back into bed, the dim lighting allowing you to focus on your computer screen better.
A new message alert popped up on the screen.
It didn’t say who it was from, as you were just about to put in the password. The message left as fast as it appeared, and you barely saw it.
You quickly typed in your password, the screen resuming back to your chat logs with Riley. Where the new message was. You scrolled down, and saw the lengthy message in its entirety.
“(__), I know you’re probably asleep right now, but I know you’ll get this message when you wake up and I can’t get rid the guilt off of my consciousness because I’ve been thinking all about it ever since the call, but I’m so sorry about earlier. I didn’t mean to be so rude, or accuse you of anything. That wasn’t right of me. I have not been going through an easy time, and I don’t wanna divulge that all to you right now, but perhaps in the future when I’m not so tired and emotional? But, I understand that you’re going to be upset with me over the situation, and may no longer want to be friends with me. If you do, I won’t hold it against you. I just hope you can forgive me eventually.”
You could feel more tears well up in your eyes.
Riley was currently offline, though. She probably went to sleep.
But you wouldn’t just not leave her without a response. So, you got to typing quickly.
“Hey, it’s okay, Riri! I understand. There’s absolutely no way I would leave you as a friend, you mean so much to me that I don’t think I can believe a future without you being there as my first friend. Of course we can always talk about it later, but don’t feel pressured to do so. I’ll let you know again that I won’t pry information out of you, I’ll only be there to comfort you in anyway I can! You’re my best friend, Riri. I care so much about you, okay? Never be scared to tell me anything. (Sorry for the fact this is really short, I am so tired and have a headache- lol.)”
You two eventually talked about the whole ordeal eventually.
Overall, you two are inseparable!
Now, if we’re going to time-skip a bit to now where you’re also friends with Bree and Grace, you’re all still inseparable.
Maybe you play hockey- maybe you don’t, and play a different ice sport (ie: Ice Skating).
Nevertheless, you’re all incredibly good friends. You schedule hangouts as often as you can, understand each other, open up to each other, learn interests and hobbies you’re all interested. You enjoy each other’s company.
Bree is a great listener, and she actually sometimes will partake in some of your hobbies with you while you’re also doing them, even if she has no idea what it is. Like, if you’re drawing, she’d grab her own sketchbook and start drawing herself! (Though, neither of your drawings may not be good, you appreciate it). If you do actually play in a different sport, such as Ice Skating, you’d probably try and teach her some different moves- though she’d fail miserably. She’s at least trying, and that’s what you appreciate! Silent time with her is something you also enjoy having with her, because she’s one of the most comfortable people to be with (no offense to the others).
Grace is probably one of the funniest people in the group (not that the other two aren’t funny, its just that she’s so out of pocket at random points that it’s so perplexing yet, hilarious). You all could be silent for a moment while eating something, and then she says one of the most BEWILDERING things ever in human history. It shocks all of you to the CORE. (Don’t lie, we all have this one friend). If you tried showing her some moves in Ice Skating, she’d probably get some right. Though ultimately, she’d be decently stiff and fail in the end. But failure is a learning stone, not something to look down upon! She’s your favorite person to be around if you wanna get your hair braided or laugh so hard you can’t breathe.
Now, back to Riley. Even with Grace and Bree, you two still hold the closest relationship, given your guy’s background, you two talk the most to each other. You’ll blabber something about one of your interests, and she’ll add onto it, and then it’ll be a back and forth of questions from her and answers along with fun facts from you. You even got her into doing some of your hobbies from time to time! If you were to show her some moves in Ice Skating, she’d just admire. SHE WOULD NEVER DO IT. She would be too anxious, and freak out before even doing anything, so she just gives you a thumbs up. Though, if you implored a bit, she’d definitely give in and absolutely FAIL. (None of these girls know how to Ice Skate). Nevertheless, she’s one of your favorite people overall, and you care about her tons.
Now if we fast forward even more towards the end of the Inside out 2 movie, to where Val and her friends come into play..
Val is a gentle, yet firm person. Even with the age gap, you both are stille good friends and care for each other. She’s more like a mother figure to you, but still. You two managed to find a few hobbies the both of you enjoy that you both partake in whenever you can/are available, to which you both take great delight and joy in. Both because you enjoy each others company, but because you can relax and don’t have to worry about conversation, because if you/her want it to be silent- it’s comforting, but if you/her wish to engage in lighthearted banter about anything in general, it feels natural and genuine. Not forced, like you two have to keep talking, but that if you want to, you can! If you tried to show her any Ice-Skating moves, she’d definitely be the best at accuracy and skill. What can I say, she’s a woman of many talents! (She still fails). The best person if you need someone to go talk to. #ibelieveintherapistfriendvalortiz.
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Yk this girl is so anxious.
I feel like her love language is acts of service. Ngl.
Taking everything from the platonic area as a prequel to this, she definitely knew she had a crush on you the moment she actually started seeing so many things about you that she hadn’t noticed before or really taken attention to: Your smile seemed much more genuine, your eyes had this small shone to them she originally didn’t see, the way you were by her side when she asked to console her- rubbing her back in circular motions, hugging her firmly yet softly.
Amia is behind the console, and accidentally made her so confused with this sudden romantic attraction. (IM SORRY, I WANTED TO HAVE AN EXCUSE TO BRING HER UP).
She definitely starts trying to get closer to you as possible, scheduling more private hangouts for just the two of you- such as picnics, hangouts at her house. And she would use the fact that Grace and Bree wouldn’t be able to make it to her house at the time to her advantage/as an excuse.
Though, the downside is the fact she’s too anxious to even speak to you half of the time. Too anxious to genuinely do anything- even get closer like she originally intending.
..She eventually asked her parents for some advice. Which, may or may have not been a good idea.
Even with that, they still did help in their own way.
So the next time you went to leave your house for whatever, you’d discover a letter at your doorstep. The next day after that, flowers and chocolates. Though they weren’t expensive gifts, they were something.
You noticed that Riley actually started doing things for you before you even asked. You were about to ask her for a glass of water whole the two of you were relaxing at either her or your house, and she’s already handing the glass. You were about to ask her to pass her one of the ingredients you needed while cooking, and she’s already placed it into your hand. Trying to open the door? She already opened it for you, about to leave? She’s got your bag for you before you leave, full of everything you could needed. It’s gotten to the point where you’re actually a bit scared of her intuition.
Perhaps you may have had a crush on her too? Who knows. You decide, after all.
It’s.. hard to pinpoint when this whole ordeal started unraveling, but nevertheless- you felt very… odd at first. Why was she doing all of this for you? A part of you wanted to say that it was all just her being extra friendly on accident and that it meant nothing- but another part of you thought differently.
But the idea of someone having a crush on you felt absolutely and utterly absurd, ridiculous, and incredulous!
You two are just friends! (Just friends.. okay, right/sarc).
She would.. never think of you in romantic sense, there’s just no possible way. (De Nile is a river in Egypt🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️/ref).
Nevertheless, you just.. cannot accept it as true. It’s just some actions, it’s nothing that serious! You’re over-analyzing and overthinking it! Stop thinking like that!
..But it doesn’t go away. The itching sensation in the back of your brain never leaves. You’ve started to think about it 24/7, and as much as you try to push it down and say you’re overreacting, it’s still there- even diminutively. It’s. Always. There.
With the more time you spend trying to rid of the suspicion and feeling, you’ve started noticing little things about Riley yourself: The way she looks at you just a little longer than anyone else with a look in her eyes that is indescribable, the way she waits for you at the door as you pick up your phone and holds it open for you, the way she leans closer to you whenever watching any movie- and perhaps in a too intimate way. Like, she gets too close and rests her head on your shoulder, nuzzling herself into your neck ever so subtly.
..I think it’s safe to say you’re getting attracted to her.
Yeah, yeah you are.
You’re blushing so hard at the realization of what the hell is happening right now. And you’re way too nervous to tell her anything. You even found out she was the one who left those small gifts at your doorstep. How?
“I’ll go get us some snacks from downstairs, ’ll be right back!” Riley’s voice sounded out, and you looked up from her sketchbook you’d been using with her permission!with a small smile on your face as you nodded in understanding, before she rather quickly shuffled out of the door and downstairs. You went back to doodling on the sketchbook.
You were just going to pay attention to what you were going to draw next, you saw a small piece of paper sticking out on another page.
..you should not be prying- but, perhaps she drew something!
The excitement filled you as you flipped to the page, where you were meet with no drawing of any kind. But instead, there was a note which was ripped. It was written rather quickly, and the confusion of what you were seeing quickly filled you. But looking at the first few lines had you shocked and blushing like crazy.
‘I had given them a few gifts to leave on their doorstep like my parents..’
Instantly, you closed the sketchbook all together, head racing with so many thoughts at the same time.
She was the one who left those gifts?…
You couldn’t believe it, at all.
Perhaps it was for a different person? (But it was too similar).
What the hell were you supposed to do now????
Wait for some sort of date from her?
Or ask her out yourself?
Both would be.. nerve wracking, but you knew you had to make a move soon, or you probably would never have another chances. You felt scared, more nervous than you had ever before in your life, but you seriously thought that there was going to be no other option.
You had to do it sooner rather than later, in fear of what would happen.
Especially with the possibility of ruining your relationship, you’d take the risk. For the both of you. This way, you could learn if she was truly being more friendly to you for some reason or for none at all and she simply felt like it.
But then another problem came up:
You had absolutely zero idea on how to ask someone out.
..what do you do now.
Well, you at the very least- knew it had to be romantic. Something genuine. None of that faux stuff!
So, you decided on a rather fancy picnic, that appeared to be more of a tea party instead of a small picnic with the fact that you wanted it to be much more different…
There was a large glass table with an umbrella stuck in the middle and unfolded as to keep those safe from the bright sunlight, delicately covered with an embroidered lace cloth.
Upon the table, there are an array of delectable snacks and drinks, carefully arranged. Elegant porcelain teapots, each filled with a different fragrant tea, sat alongside dainty teacups with gold-rimmed edges. Platters of finger sandwiches, scones with clotted cream and jam.
(You don’t remember how long this took, given you used old antiques and cleaned them so many times- just in case, and made all of these foods yourself. You borrowed the fancy table from your garage and cleaned it down, given it hadn’t been used in years, and brought some simple- yet fancy looking chairs from your house as well).
And you spent quite a bit making sure the letter you sent to Riley was perfect.
You were sat in one of the chairs, dressed in one of your most fancy outfits. You didn’t want to look foolish during this, after all- you made it all look this fancy for a reason!
It was a nice day out today, given that it wasn’t very cold or too warm to be uncomfortable. The sun was on the horizon, and the moon was rising as the stars started shining within the soft colors of pink and orange in the sky. Honestly, it felt more like a dream that this was happening.
And the way you’re genuinely panicking internally-
“(___)?” You heard someone speak up, and you turned your head to look at..
Riley, who was in her fanciest dress, you noted., Though you know she’s not one to dress so formal unless it’s an important event. The dress was white, right above her ankles with a floral design embroidered into it. Even on the slightly puffy sleeves. Though, she was still wearing her converse, with plain white socks to match. Her hair was styled into topsy tail ponytail from what you could see, and a flower clip in her hair.
“Why, don’t look rather ravishing!” You immediately said without another thought, and she blushed at the remark.
“Thank you- you look great yourself!” She nervously laughed while smiling, blush growing on her cheeks. A moment of silence passed between you two, before you spoke again.
“Well don’t just stand there, come sit with me.” Riley instantly became stiff, before nodding and scampering on over to the empty seat in front of you. You gave a lighthearted laugh before subconsciously wiping your hands down the sides of your outer garments.
The two of you stayed in somewhat awkward silence before striking up conversation with one another, talking about the things you did- not including anything.. personal (fangirling over one another) But, instead things you weren’t together for, like actives you did with family, or games/practice you had. Riley even commented on how well made and delicious the food tasted, which made you blush HARD. You were so giddy, yet so anxious at the same time- you felt the need to throw up.
“Thanks again for inviting me.” Riley spoke again before taking another bite of her macaroon, as you simply nodded. You’d found yourself going quiet as you continued to eat your food and sip upon your favorite drink the fancy, porcelain tea cup.
..how were you going to confess your feelings to her after she finds the little note stored in one of the macaroon? How will she react? Will you be able to speak fast enough? Will she accept this, or hate you for the rest of your time together as friends???
Your body was tense as you thought of all the horrible ways this conversation could go after she-
“Oh! Cool, some of them have little fortunes- like fortune cookies!” CURSES.
Riley’s face changed from one of joy, to one of perplexity as she read the small piece of paper, before looking up at you with the same look.
She could definitely see how pink your cheeks were.
“Riley Andersen, will you be my girlfriend!!?” You slapped your hands over your mouth the moment you said that. The words spill from your mouth like word vomit so quickly you had no time to react while you were saying it, only afterwards did you truly realize what you did.
Her mouth went agape, blinking a few times as she simply stared at you in shock, before her expression changed to a softer one and smiling wide.
“Of course.”
Now, isn’t that banal?
But it’s the way that it happened.
(Side note: you’ll never get to know what the slip of paper said 🫶😋)
Nah it was just some rhyming, and cringey poem that would continue with you saying aloud ‘Riley Andersen, will you be my girlfriend?’
You two are both very awkward to show each other any sort of affection in public, or in private at first. But; it started with Riley slowly- trying (and, failing) to be subtle, holding your hand in public.
Grace and Bree are the first two people you three told about your relationship after you got together the other day. Val being the third.
The more comfortable you get, the more you tell other people, like Riley’s Parents.
They definitely would take you to those Pride parades to show their support, ik it. Prove me wrong rn.
Nevertheless, all of them are incredibly supporting of your relationship!
The more comfortable you two get in the relationship, the emotional and touchy you get (not in that way 🤨).
Like, more hugs (back-hugs, random hugs, etc) between you two, more cheek/forehead kisses, cuddling for the first time, first time kiss, etc. The whole spiel.
Now… on the topic of the first kiss..
It happened at her house while it was just the two of you. Her parents were off at their jobs, and it was summer break. How it happened is.. decently embarrassing. She was leaning in to give you a cheek kiss, until you turned your head in her direction, purely for the reason you were going to ask her a question. It wasn’t until your lips were both connected did you realize what was going on.
Safe to say that both of you were blushing messes.
Grace and Bree tease you often about your relationship, not in a rude way- ofc, but in a friendly way. Val, gives small remarks from time to time, but they don’t mean anything rude by it!
Your relationship overall is pretty healthy, even with some small arguments here and there, and might even struggle with some miscommunication.
Your guy’s relationship though has its ups and downs, like any other, but you’ll always try your best.
For Riley.
Your wonderful girlfriend <3.
. . .
“All we’ve been able to think about is (___) this entire week!” Disgust exclaimed, not necessarily in a bad way, but moreover in a.. realization kind of way. Looking down at the console, which was a deep pink color.
“Isn’t it wonderful!? (___) is so lovely… WE COULD THINK ABOUT THEM EVERYDAY from now on! They’re so kind, sweet, beautiful, and so much more!!” Amia beamed happily while clasping her hands together.
“Says the Love Emotion..” Fear remarked quietly to himself, before sipping his tea. That quickly earned a glare from her, which had him running off in a hurry.
“It’s good though! It proves we’re a genuine partner, and that we’re truly smitten with them!” Joy added, ruffling Amia’s hair as the smaller emotion giggled.
“..They can never be boring, you know?” Ennui, leisurely laid on the couch, said. Laughing a bit.
“BUT, What if they think we’re being too much of an overbearing partner though!?” Anxiety yelped aloud, jumping out of her ‘special’ chair to run up to the console, as if looking for tanything that could be a sign or anything possibly wrong. That only lasted for a moment before she backed away, flapping her hands and pacing around.
Joy stared for a second, smile dropping before sighing, shaking her head in disapproval and a softer expression taking over.
“They could never! They love us, Anxiety. They’re being genuine. Just look at Riley and (___) together right now.” The emotion’s hands rested upon Anxiety’s shoulders, gently leading them towards the console to stare at what was happening with Riley at this very moment.
Riley and (___) were happy with their current circumstance. Genuinely contempt. They were currently star gazing in a nearby park, the moonlight’s soft rays of light hitting the couple’s faces, as if it were a true person- caressing their faces ever so gently. Their hands intertwined, and focused on each other, along with the stars to witness their own date. They really could stay like this forever, leisurely sitting in the lush grass near the jagged rocks of the lake to which the light was reflecting off of against the moving waves.
(___) rested their head upon Riley’s shoulder, eyes slowly closing from the tiredness that’d accumulated over the day. And hesitantly, she leaned her head atop of yours.
They were really here. It wasn’t just some wild and crazy dream that dream productions crafted, but instead it was reality, the meticulous reality that now Riley and (___) live with.
It really was idyllic.
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This took so long… i can confirm because my phone is lagging so much while typing all of this + my Acheron!reader.
Enjoy my blood, sweat, and tears(PLEASE. PHONE IS LAGGING SO BAD)
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justkennadi ¡ 10 months
Armin if he was 🖤Goth🖤
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Notes: Got this cool idea in my head abt a grown up version of asot armin 🤔 (it’s really cause i saw these pictures on pinterest tho) if u don’t know what asot is it stands for A slap on titan which is parody type series on youtube. 👍🏾👍🏾 but sorry if this isn’t quite accurate to what being goth is like i’m honestly still in my baby’s bat phase so i don’t know much 😭😭
Context: Modern Asot!Armin x Fem Goth!reader
Warnings: mention of ritual attempts but that’s it
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- You first saw him in middle school on the first day of 8th grade. This new blond kid just transferred in and everyone was excited to meet him!
- Well that didn’t last long.
- While you weren’t present but apparently he started spewing crazy things and started talking to himself (or a cat, everyones stories was different) and while he did good in class teachers didn’t appreciate his out bursts.
- People were QUICKLY frightened and bothered by him. He had no friends.
- You were dipping your toes into the whole gothic subculture yourself at the time but you weren’t too interested. However it seemed this new kid was in love with the whole thing. He wore all black all the time, sometimes a bit of eyeliner. He had the whole vibe to him.
- So something about him interested you.
- However, before you got the chance to go up to him, he ended up getting expelled and put in a mental hospital for attempting to perform a ritual on a 6th grader? Yikes.
- He made the news and that’s when you learned his name. Armin…
- As the years went by you slowly forgot about him. But how could you fully? He was your craziest story to tell to friends. A funny and wacky memory to reflect on.
- Now you are in your 2nd year of college. You have decided while you aren’t fully goth(at least you thought) you liked the idea and did get into some of the music and fashion but you stuck to causal clothes most days. And you never got into the heavy makeup you see most goths wear. You learned it’s more about the music anyways which helped.
- You had a slight fascination with darker things and had to constantly tell people you aren’t depressed even if you looked the part.
- One day, while in the library looking for an Edgar Allen Poe book for your book report you accidentally bumped into a slightly taller boy.
- “Sorry! My bad-“
- You realized as you looked at his face…well, did you realize? Is this him?
- “It’s fine.” The boy quietly replied.
- Oh.
- He had blond hair…blue eyes… this could be any white boy honestly. Plus his hair was shorter? And he looked more….put together? He wore a plain brown suit get up with polished brown loafers.
- “Is something the matter?” He asked looking at you.
-“Sorry…i’m sorry you just look.. familiar?” You say squinting your eyes slightly but you realized you might be acting weird so you start to go around him after apologizing again.
- However, before you can…
- “Let me guess. You remembered the crazy, sadistic boy from your childhood and i look like him.” He says stopping you.
- You slowly nod.
- “Yeah, well, it was me.” He looked away for a second. Possibly embarrassed?
- “Armin? Well, you clean up..nice…” You say taking in his appearance once again.
- “Well, a few years of a mental hospital and therapy can do that….” He chuckled. “I see you’re looking for an Edgar allen book too?”
- “Yeah…we get to choose and author and analyze their writing style for my English 2020 class….” You say looking at the shelf.
- “Mhm…I did that last year.”
- “Can i ask what happened to you?” You say abruptly.
- “Y’know…I’d rather talk about that over some coffee.” Armin says laughing once again. “If you don’t mind?”
- This Armin was a now refined gentleman. He leads you to a small coffee shop on campus after helping you pick a book. He even holds the door open for you. From what you remember he used to spit at girls, asking them bizarre personal questions, now he’s holding open doors and pulling your chair out.
- After you two get coffee he tells you everything.
-“So after the therapy and being in a crazy house for years they finally broke me. I started talking about my feelings and whatever and how my when my parents died i lost it and my grandpa wasn’t paying attention to me and blah blah blah. And i guess it was just a phase…well not fully.”
- “How so?” You say sipping on the coffee you got.
- “Well, i may not look it, but i consider my self to be a bit…how do you say..gothic?” He smirks.
- “Yeah i never would’ve guessed. You look more dark academia like.”
- “I don’t dress in all black all the time, you know it’s more about- “
- “The music?” You interrupt.
- Armin smiles. “Yes. Exactly. How did you know? Unless…”
- You smile a bit while nodding your head. Well here’s finally someone you can be yourself around! Everyone else either thought you were weird or a poser. Most just ignored you.
- After that day you and Armin start hanging out. He shows you his room which had many gothic band posters on them like Sisters of mercy posters and Siouxsie and the banshees posters and other plain ones with just bats on them. His room was a bit dark also being mostly black and gray and brown.
- You two loves making goth like inside jokes or thrifting for new accessories or even weird things.
- Armin liked to collect really weird things like taxidermies bugs and mini skulls or halloween themed things.
- He was also a night owl but he had to be awake in the day too so he did end up having slight eyebags and a constant yawn.
- He was really serious about looking presentable though. So as a result he normally just drink a dark coffee everyday. You tried it once and immediately spit it out. “This is so BITTER!?” You say in disgust.
- “Like pure caffeine.” He says taking his cup back and smiling.
- Sometimes you’d two match outfits or at least tried to coordinate them.
- People started to think you two were dating at one point. You never thought of Armin like that but the idea didn’t hurt…
- Sometimes armin tells stories from his past. Explaining how he thought he was a “crimson king” for a while or how he’d sacrifice animals like squirrels. He seems horrified with his old self but not horrified to the point where he can’t laugh about it.
- He was your favorite gothic person now honestly🖤🖤
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inkstainedhandswithrings ¡ 7 months
TBB S3 Ep 5 Thoughts!!
Love Omega’s new outfit
Batcher hanging out with Cross then, I see
Cross is like the dad who continuesly goes “NO PET” and then when you do get a pet they’re suddenly besties
“ITS ECHO” “perfect”
Ah, the duality of man
Love how there’s no end to this dynamic
“What? No hug for me?” “That depends how good your intel is.”
LOVE Echo matching Cross’s causal sass
These two are gonna push against each other a lot huh?
Yanno, given all the promo material, I was kinda expecting Rex to be with Echo when he arrived (hoping phi, the word is hoping.) (she’s delulu.)
“Especially without Tech” 😭😭😭😭
No surprise reactions from Cross through. Means he already knows.
But also, Cross coming in with the solve <3
Is Hunter,,,, JEALOUS??? of the fact that Omega is spending so much time with Cross? Like that SIDEYE when they walked past each other on the platform
Like, God forbid Omega spent time with the member of the squad who everybody is always suspicious of and spends the most time alone
“Don’t hold it against him. His only worried about you.” CROSS YOU BIG ‘OL SOFTY!!!
“I’m older than you are, little brother.”
oooohhh the girls are fighting
“Hey, kill each other later.” SIR THE WAY I CACKLED BYE ✋🏻
“He started it.” Sir, are you 5?
Echo not wanting Omega to see the straight up Bitch fight between Hunter and Cross
Jesus Christ, fucking finally
I wrote a post at some point about Cross becoming the mirror held up to Hunter in which he can view his own shortcomings because of his adamant refusal to change AND ITS HAPPENING
“I risked everything to send you that message and you ignored it.” THIS
Hunter’s mistrust in Cross played a big part in Omega getting captured, but also ofc Cross thinks the message was fully ignored, because no one came to save him either
Also Cross just not hiding anymore that he’s always cared for Omega too I LOVE
Love how quick they put that plan together
Batch is Batching :) (almost) (Tech, my love, come back)
“We’ll try to dig through.” “You’ll try?” “Glad you heard me properly.” I AM WHEEZING
Cross patting Batcher
Say did Hunter abandon the bandana for a god damn leather strap
Cross and Hunter walking back to base side by side, when the last time Cross was walking back to this base was with Mayday dying in his arms🥺
Wrecker hugging them both
“See? They always work it out. And I don’t even see any blood this time.”
i am worried.
Was typical??
Jesus Christ
Don’t know how much I appreciate Hunter getting on a high horse and giving Cross advice
Bird flying away from Cross After always being with him on that base, like the shadows of his past leaving his life, now that this period of his life is over (also sun setting, signifying the day is over)
Good symbolism yes
Okokok good episode! Tbh I thought “The Return” would be Echo’s permanent return to the Batch, but narratively that wouldn’t’ve made sense for him anyway. And I am LOVING the fact that it is actually Crosshair’s return to the turning point in his life, followed by his full return to the batch. Like yeah, last ep they re-met, but he hadn’t fully arrived until the end of this episode and GAAAAHHH I love it!
Also the dialogue is just totally A1 chefs kiss mwah this season (or maybe I just appreciate sarcasm)
Loved this one!! Would love to tag Saturn and Steph because I wanna see their thoughts of Echo being back but idk if they’ve seen the ep already and I don’t wanna spoil them so,,, idk guys if you see this hmu lol
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nyx22-blogs ¡ 1 year
Imagine Being Engaged To Riley Poole And Being Caught Practicing Your Signature
A/N: I COULD NOT HELP MYSELF UGHHHH, I'm posting this so I don't feel bad 😭
You were currently in your room, pen and paper in hand, doing something you'd never let your now fiance see. Since you two were getting married soon and you were taking his last name you figured it would be a funny idea to practice your new signature.
You thought of this idea a couple of hours ago and you were still trying out new ones.
You felt like a middle school girl with a stupid crush on a boy, doing something as stupid as practicing your signature with his last name to see if it would look good. All of your friends always told you that if it did look good that meant he was the one.
Which was absurd obviously.. but it did look good. Your name next to his looked great. Just like you looked great next to him. A 'handsome couple' as they'd call it.
"Hmm.. this one looks nice." You said to yourself as you circled one of the signatures you made. It was an odd mix of causal handwriting and script. But your name with his looked nice that way.
"Uh honey have you seen my laptop? Also what's that paper in your hand?" Riley said as he walked into your shared room with him.
You started at him blankly for a few seconds before registering his question and then remembering what you had in your hand.
"Oh- uhm this? It's just something.. uh your laptop.. I'm not sure where it is. You were using it at the coffee table last." You said quickly and tucked the paper under the blanket. The last thing this man needed was to see what you were doing and inflate his ego.
"What's the paper?" He said furrowing his eyebrows and grinning.
"Nothing. Maybe we should go look for your laptop? Yeah let's do that now." You said and tried to rush out the room.
"Uh- no. First of all you hate helping me look for my laptop. Second of all since when do you stutter?" He said as he walked over to the bed and went for the paper under the blanket.
"I-Riley! Wait!" You shrieked and ran over to grab the paper first.
Unfortunately you were too slow and he got it first.
"Uh uh princess- I got it first." He smiled and held it above his head. You tried to grab it but he was too tall.
"Riley Poole!"
"Yes my love?" He laughed and held it above him causing you to tackle him onto the bed.
He fell down on his back and you were on top of him trying to reach the paper. He tickled your side with one arm and got on top of you instead. He opened up the paper and had a big dopey grin on his face.
"So this is what you do when I'm gone." He said trying not to laugh.
"Oh shut up." You pouted.
He snickered, scooped you up and played you down on the bed next to him to cuddle.
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bisluthq ¡ 3 months
I’d imagine he’d try to avoid any girl with too strong an opinion on or interest in Taylor lol whether positive or negative. Like the chances are his future gfs like some of her songs but a full blown swiftie would be WILD like asking him if he really did this or that from songs, wanting to see if he really lived up to his *reputation* in bed, like so much she knew about him prior would be based on his ex gfs perspective of him 😭😭😭.
Like casual fans, casual Taylor haters are quite common, it’s a concerning amount of women who have at one point called Taylor swift a slut on Twitter or some shit. Though hater is strong those are often also causal fans but like that specific controversy has happened numerous times with the gfs of guys around her or whoever, and it’s quite a common sentiment to call her a slut or she has “too many boyfriends” etc especially at certain points in time.
But he would very likely avoid dating either a hardcore swiftie, or someone who hates her with a burning passion, as yea both would make the relationship about his ex lol. If he dated a widow would that would be hilarious tho ngl.
yeah I’d guess they’re either casual fans (like most women) or very casual antis but like any sorts of strong opinions on her would probably be a huge 🚩 for him.
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My (positive only) thoughts on the rwrb movie
I’d be down’ and ‘actually I’d argue that-‘ is so on brand for Alex I love him already
The lil intro thing is jokes
It’s giving MAJOR early 2000s romcom vibes and I’m LOVING it
Shaan taking none of Alex’s shit what an icon
We love Henry being a lil history neek
His mum outranks my mum HENRY STOP I LOVE YOU
‘Means you’ve got good taste Alex’ is so crushing Henry coded
‘And why do you dislike me?’ He sounds like a bratty three year old I’m howling
‘I need to get out of here’ BECAUSE HE WAS CRUSHING I CANNOT
I’m sorry what the actual fuck was Henry talking to that kid about? Cause I heard ‘it’s so sticky as well’
Wait is Miguel Liam? Also bestie Alex why are you admitting this was a cover up so easily my guy you are in PUBLIC
Oh yeah no it is those two have definitely hooked up
What an entrance to his dms Henry truly (also what is that bitmoji bestie 😭)
No because this is such a cute way of showing the text messages?? Like Alex and Nora hanging out and Henry just ranting cause he’s all Alex can think about is adorable
‘Bellend’ please he’s so British
That entire convo was gold
Okay so then making Nora June with pez confirmed?
Henry’s awkard dancing I actually adore him he’s so me
Oh ok so Alex and Nora aren’t gonna kiss it’s just random girls
Are Alex and Nora exes in this or no?
I’m half an hour into this and it’s taken me an hour cause I keep freaking out
‘Made me understand the difference between rugby and football’ Alex bestie what the hell are you going on about?
‘I can wrap my head around being low level into guys’ ‘I’ve been with two guys’ ALEX
wait so is Liam like a different person still? The guy from high school and Miguel is just another guy?
FUCK OFF ok so we might not of have got Henry singing the national anthem but we got ruining the names of a bunch of British landmarks so yay! Ig?
I love how in the book he’s early and in the film he’s late? Like what?
So they’re just gonna casually mention Henry ‘fancying’ Alex since the beginning (is that what we’re calling it these days?)
As gay as maypole, ok so we’re not getting that line later then
This is not very causal friends with benefits of you I’ve gotta say, it’s giving major love of my life deep convos
Bestie this is really not very casual of you
Slay politics talk! (I have no idea what any of this means I’m way to English for this shit)
Omg Alex being a politics nerd! Also why does he know his mum better than she knows herself 😭
Don’t he’s so happy to be back in Texas I’m gonna cry when he gets fired
Ok wait not he’s not it’s fine
Bloody love zahra
His mothers book?
There’s a distinct lack of Bea in this movie
Alex while Henry is singing is the DEFINITION of ‘Alex is so in love he could die’
Ok so they just changed Oscar to senator of Texas rather than California
Honestly props to Nicholas cause you can see him rethinking all his life choices that led him to that moment
He fr went peace and jumped and I love him for that
also did he just like leave pez there or what?
Please for the love of god put Bea in a leather jacket I beg
Slay prince Henry bbg
Okay so they’re going straight to the v&a? Slay ig
Literal tears in my eyes over that MINUSCULE Arthur fox mention
They changed your song 😭
Okay I actually like this though
HISTORY HUH BET WE COULD MAKE SOME YES THIS IS PERFECT (but also does this mean no one’s gonna know about that line?)
If I had a nickel for every-time one of the guys in a queer couple said I love you in a hug….
Nah this is gonna be it isn’t it
Shit shit no I’m not prepared for this, not from Henry’s pov fuck off im already nearly crying and I’ve got it paused
is this how people know about history huh?
Also I’m sorry but Reddit? Really?
Okay yep I cried
I fucking love zahra
‘Mooing over the prince like a cow in labour’
Alex is gobsmacked
Them playing the national anthem together was not on my bingo card
Also the subtitles say it has an actual name?? I legit just thought it was called god save the king/queen respectively
‘My affection comes with strings’
Also we love to see firstprince gossip
Okay that shot of Henry going to twist his ring only to pan over to Alex twisting the ring means SO MUCH TO ME ITS UNREAL
Minor slay to the king for putting Philip in his place (never thought I’d say that)
The way Henry slouches before he asks that question makes my day
‘Homosexual’ im sorry that prononciation has added years to my life can we all say it like that now please?
Not them swapping the motorbikes for bicycles 😭😭
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satocidal ¡ 1 year
You might be surprised but I also get the looking mean often. I think the biggest difference is that my culture doesn't entertain being fake nice as much as others (as someone who interacted with the brits, they're the epitome of it, I'm sorry)
Honestly, asian cultures oftenly get mingled when provided by people who didn't interact with said culture so all I know about India is basically the sari (I think that's how it's named? The colorful dresses are so pretty and the jewelry, omo) and most people practicing Hinduism or Buddhism (I'm still not sure of the difference, if any, between them? I know also there's a river in India that's like sacred and I know the cow is also quite a sacred animal?)
I think (again, not sure) Buddha's from there.
Honestly, when I think of India, as many not so cultured ppl, I do think of the Taj Mahal, elephants, River Ganje (?), Buddha and the many arms statue T-T
I also think of curry and spices (y'all got some delicious curry. And I say this bcs I actually ate indian food made by the right ppl lol)
I'm curious about traditions such as weddings, funerals and general holidays mostly
For example, my country (Romania) is Christian (ortodox) but got such a rich history and traditions that many of the traditions we have are quite more pagan than actually Christian (we were a pagan country a long ass time ago, after all)
So yeah, I'd say I'm a basic white girl (tho eastern europeans aren't exactly…well, basic in the european white history 😅 but not exactly the point. Tho we are not like brits and americans, that's for sure)
Your perception is so cute😭 but yes I assumed you might’ve gotten that comment lmao- like I just knew lolol
So, let me say that our traditional cloths does include saris and kurtas- but like as we get urbanised, people are lesssening the usage of them. Like mainly grandma’s (or like 35+) women wear it on a usual and even they, to keep it comfortable prefer kurtas as daily attire. Most of us though, like we just go with basic causal wear. So they’ve become more of a traditional-only-when-events-are-around type of a deal for most of us
And like there’s so much more than saris, there are lehengas and anarkalis and ghagharas and shararas- like a lot of beautiful stuff frfor. And there’s different sort of method of embroidery too
Hinduism is very different yet similar to it, both focus on attainment of nirvana but where Hinduism is very life-concerned, like focusing on the present—Buddhism, at its core works for giving up worldly pleasures (Hinduism, like ancient one at least, divided human life into 4 age ranges—the last which began at like 65+? Or 50? That range focused on the same stuff as Buddhism) and then Buddhism is a little stricter and not discussed on idol worship where in Hinduism is core worshipping
Elephants 💀? Not tigers? They are our national animal lmao- the Bengal white tiger<3 but well, that’s how india is portrayed usually so I don’t blame you. There are many more beautiful things than the Taj btw and the Ganga is very holy to us- belief leads to say that your sins get washed with every dip in her (I’m an agnostic so idk but we’re very respectful to the religions usually- even the atheists I’ve met, they also act good towards Hinduism)
If you read our mythology and scripts the many arms will make sense lmao but this ask is getting long so I won’t get into it rn lmao-and we have a plenty of festivals. Like a lot.
Also like apologies but tell me about Christianity here (I’m not a fan at all of conservative Christian’s and all) and I’ve like mostly onky judged Christian’s so yes💀
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mtm99 ¡ 2 years
i’m not saying i’m right they could be causal or actually dating 😭i just think maybe he wants a girl he can rely on & trusts to ‘have fun with’ whilst he’s away at camp. he did it during the euros. that’s my point, i could be wrong 😭
Yeah no! I get that!
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lcandothisallday ¡ 3 years
Jack being jealous when you hang out with his brother or urban more than him when you visit him on tour 😭man would be pouting and grumpy
Jack sat in the tour bus, his arms crossed and an adorable grumpy pout on his lips as he stared ahead at the tv.
You were huddled next to Clay and Urban, your phone out as you all hung around and laughed at stupid things while having random conversations. “You’ve never had Chick Fil-A?!” Urban exclaimed, his eyes wide at your confession.
You laughed and shook your head. “I’ve honestly never had it. They don’t have any near me where I live and grew up,” you shrug.
“We’re taking you to get some tomorrow then,” Clay said, popping a chip into his mouth. “There’s no way I’m gonna let you keep living without trying it.”
You snort at how dramatic the two of them are before you nod. “Alright, it’s a date then,” you say causally before you hear Jack scoff quietly in the background. His pouty expression never changed as he kept his focus on the show he was watching but he was definitely paying attention to your conversation with his brother and best friend.
You furrow your brows and leave the two men to make your way to where Jack is sitting, plopping down next to him and pressing a kiss to his cheek, but he kept his stoic expression. You glance at the tv and giggle. “You’re really watching Gossip Girl?”
Jack only shrugged. “You recommended it to me, didn’t you?”
“I mean yeah—but I didn’t think you’d take it seriously,” you joke. He kept watching which caused you to bite your lip and steal the remote to pause the show. “What’s up with you? You’ve been giving me an attitude all day.”
Jack clenched his jaw and tapped his foot on the ground a few times before he sighed. “I’m your boyfriend,” he randomly said, emphasizing the ‘I’m.’
You looked at him with confusion. “What? Do you think I have memory loss or something?”
Jack rolled his eyes. “Me okay? Not Urban—and not Clay,” he mumbled. At that moment, everything clicked and you felt terrible. “J...it’s not like that,” you said, your hand moving up and smoothing his beard.
“I don’t want to be the jealous type but ever since you got here, you’ve been hanging out with them more than me. And I love that you’re friends with them but...you’re my girlfriend,” he pointed out, looking at you intently.
You can’t help but bite your lip as a smile and soft giggle overtakes you. As guilty as you felt, you couldn’t deny that him confessing that and claiming you as his made butterflies erupt in your stomach.
Hearing your giggle made Jack groan and try to hide his face with his hands. “Now you probably think I’m some whack ass jealous boyfriend,” he whined. That caused you to giggle some more, Jack shaking his head as his cheeks began to heat up. “C’mon ma. It’s not funny—I was being serious you know?”
You hum and nod your head. “Yeah. I know,” you say, moving over to straddle his waist, his hands instinctively going to rest at your hips, his thumb massaging your thighs absentmindedly. You cupped his cheeks and pressed your lips softly to his. Jack happily accepted the gesture before you pulled away, your lips now ghosting over his. “I’m in love with you, J,” you mumble against his lips, the first time either of you confessing it.
Jack’s head snapped up and his eyes widened. “Yeah?” he asked, a grin making its way onto his lips.
“Yeah,” you confirm, nodding your head with exaggeration which caused him to shake his head at your playfulness before he kissed you again. You melted into it before he pulled back. “I really need to book a hotel room,” he muttered, glancing over at where Urban and Clay stood talking to each other.
You hum in agreement. “Yeah you do,” you say smiling softly at him as your fingers played with the curls at the nape of his neck. “So we can watch Gossip Girl without interruption,” you joke.
“Oh shut up,” he laughed, watching as you giggled too, his right hand coming up to tuck your hair behind your ear. “I love you too by the way,” he whispered.
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etherealyoungk ¡ 3 years
hiii ! can i request vocal line’s reactions to their jealous s/o if u havent done it yet? >< thank u !!
hi! this is such a cute concept hehe.
seventeen (vocal unit) reaction to their s/o being jealous:
➸ he'd be super amused at you being jealous and tease you hshs. maybe you noticed how the waitress was flirting with him and ONLY talking to him, which made you annoyed at first. but when you noticed that she had slipped in her number to him on a tiny piece of paper along with the bill, you were so mad. you glared at her as you left the café, practically dragging jeonghan out. "baby wait up, you're going to tear my arm off", he says lightly. your turn around and pout crossing your arms over your chest. "can't believe she had the audacity to flirt with you right in front of me", you say, irritated. "was she blind, can't she see we're together". "aw is my baby jealous?", he asks with an amused smirk. "WHAT NO", you defend quickly. "you totally are". "i am not", you say, huffing and walking ahead. "y/n, wait up, or should i call this number instead? it was somewhere here", he teases, searching his pockets. you immediately turn around and glare at him, making him chuckle. "you're cute when you're jealous", he says, walking up to you and taking your hand, before giving you a small kiss on the cheek.
➸ maybe you were jealous because you say a pretty girl whom you didn't know talking to joshua and they were laughing and talking, looking like they were having a good time. you felt jealous built in you and you knew it was stupid but you couldn't help it. but when you saw her hug him you're jaw almost dropped to the floor. when shua comes back and sees you sitting and reading a book, he sits down next to you, oblivious to your jealousy. "hey what you reading?", he asks sweety. "a book", you can't help but reply to him a bit coldly. he seems to pick up on this and gets a little worried. "are you okay baby, did something happen?", he asks, wrapping arm around your waist, pulling you closer. "who was that girl you hugged", you say. "is my girl jealous", he asks, and when you don't say anything he chuckles lightly, pulling you closer and looking at you so sweetly, you don't think you can be jealous or annoyed anymore. "you know you're the only one right", he says, kissing you, making all your jealously melt away.
➸ i feel like he'd just immediately know something is up or you were jealous if you were more touchy and affectionate with him than usual. maybe you'd hold his hand a little more tightly and he noticed how you tone was pretty cold when talking to this other girl and he gets the message. "are you being jealous right now", he asks, once you've come away from the crowd a bit. you just give him a sour look. "she's been eyeing you all night it's so weird, can't she get the hint", you say snarkily. he lets out a small smile. "aish alright, don't get so worked up hm", he reassures, kissing your cheek.
➸ i feel like he'd just be so clueless if you were jealous 😭like you guys went for an outing with a few friends, and your friend got along a new girl to introduce to you but you didn't like her at all - mostly because of the way she just kept looking at dokyeom and how she causally flirted with him made your blood boil. all the while dokyeom was clueless and just nodding along and listening to her. so you start moving your chair closer to his little by little, hoping she gets the message as if you weren't death staring and glaring at her enough. if this continued you were ready to give her a piece of your mind too. dokyeom notices how you've been inching closer to him and he gets worried, thinking something is wrong. "baby are you okay? you good?", he asks turning to you. "yeah", you say quickly. so when dokyeom gets up and walks around to talk to a few people you follow him, sticking to him like glue and you're holding your hand the entire time. it's after he finishes talking to one of the members he finally turns to you again. "are you really okay y/n? do you want to go home? we can leave if you're uncomfortable", he asks, thinking you're sticking to him because you didn't feel good. "i'm fine really just..." "just what?" "that girl over there been trying to flirt with you all night and i just know she's going to try and make a move on you so i tried to give her the message that you're taken but she didn't seem to want to listen so i was just making sure she doesn't get any other ideas", you explain, talking in a hushed fast tone. "wait wait so you're jealous", he asks, realization hitting and he lets out the cutest small chuckle. "umm yeah i'm supposed to sit still while someone flirts with my man, nope", you say. "you're so cute when you're jealous, clingy too", he adds with a fond smile. "i am not clingy okay", you counter but he gives you that 'really' look. "fine...maybe...whatever", you mumble and he takes your hand too and places a small kiss on it.
➸ seungkwan told you to meet him at the café around the corner. when you reached you saw how he was talking to a girl and you don't like the way she looked at him and the way she kept giggling and laughing with him. and the way she batted her eyelashes at him, it was enough tp make you storm over and sit next to seungkwan taking his hand and presses a small kiss on his cheek. "hi baby, did i keep you waiting too long?", you ask, glaring at the girl before giving a small smile to him. he seems a little flustered at your sudden affection. "no you're just in time", he says with a small smile. "sorry but we have to go, we're going to be late for the movie otherwise", you say, getting up and walking out, seungkwan confused. "we're going for a movie?", he asks. you shrug and keep walking with him walking behind you until you're not near the cafe anymore. "then why did you-", he starts before he realizes. "are you jealous? is that what this is?", he asks and you just look at him with your arms crossed across you chest. "noo...why would i be jealous", you reply, not wanting to admit it. "i left my book there, let me go get it", he says. "NO", you practically shout. "i'll get it", you add and he chuckles. "you are so jealous, i didn't leave anything", he says and you give him a sour expression for tricking and teasing you.
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wannabevampire ¡ 3 years
Allie... You're my favourite degrader here I swear everytime I read something I melt 😭
I'm sorry if I'm adding stuff at your long list of ask (you don't need to answer or write dw!!!) but I really can't stop thinking about jealous! Druig <3 just how he would causally slip his hand around your waist while some men are talking to you... Grab your face and roughly kissing you while Keeping contact with some dude who was filtring with you :)
But also how he would mind control someone to watch while he fucks you to remind them who you belong to
- Cordelia 🪐
wait that is so sweet that you so much 🥺🥺
glad i’ve found my fellow degradees!! (is that a word?) because my irl friends simply don’t get it.
i’m so misunderstood 😔😔 /j
he’d be so possessive and literally jump at any opportunity to let people know you were his. like genuinely he would be such an exhibitionist??!?!!?!!
oh? you were checking out my girl? why don’t you watch me fuck her dumb to the point where all she can think about is me and all she the only words she can remember are ‘yes sir’ ‘druig’ and ‘please’. i want you to watch so you know that no matter what you do, she will always be mine.
he leaves you unattended at a bar for a few moments and some guy comes up and starts hitting on you. druig sees this and just smirks. of course he’s jealous that someone is looking at his girl, but he knows your his. forever. when he comes back over to you he wouldn’t even acknowledge the man. he’d just kiss you really passionately (maybe spit in your mouth?? widgeuwh i’m sorry its hot though!!) and then say:
“hello angel” in that FUCJING IRISH ACCENT.
and then turn to the guy and he like
“hey man, i’m druig. nice to meet you” 👋🙂 his eyes glow gold a little bit…he’s not mind controlling him or anything. just a little warning!
the guys like 😟😒
yeah i like this a lot.
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harryfeatgaga ¡ 2 years
You know what was also so funny at the concert yesterday, hearing girls say “I wonder what he’s gonna sing” “what time does he come on” and there’s me knowing full set list from the other shows, mitski start and end times, what time Harry comes on 😂 I forget some people are not so far up his ass like we are 😭 like not everyone is on social media and some fans are more like causal listeners, there’s nothing wrong with that obviously I just find it funny cause it makes me realise how obsessed I really am 😳
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