#this is kinda cute tho hshs
cherrycat-blossom · 1 year
I'm being honest ah your hyena triplets arts is so beautiful I'm got weak and jatuh from katil shhshssg but since you pukau me to sleep I'm gonna ask u something before i go offline ok sooooooooooooooooooooo can i know theirs type😍😍 kinda want it to be specific buuutt take your time tho :3 (go sleep now smh)
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WAVHAAH THANKS CHI CHI 😭, I'm glad you love the drawing because I've been practicing to improve smh 😔
BUT YEAH SURE, I prepared the types because I knew this question will come 🫂🫂
Houzou nagayou
- appearance wise, he wants a girl who has long fluffy hair so he can play and lay down on, messy or not as long as they are fluffy he loves them. A girl who is shorter than him and has big eyes because he loves void eyes, he found them very cute. If personality is maybe someone who is kind and cheerful but at the same time can match his chaotic energy, for example would impulsively agree with him if he suddenly said let's go steal money from a random castle smh 😔
Koubai nagayou
- she honestly doesn't really care about appearances because she really wants a guy who would love her no matter her condition. She probably be the type to look like she won't care about someone but is actually very overprotective over them, sometimes can be possessive but not to a harmful degree so someone who is patience works. Someone who is a good listener cause trust me, she likes to ramble random stuff. Maybe a guy who is opposite of her ( feminine guy x masculine girl 🔛🔝 ) she probably will be the type to get her partner stuffs that reminded her of them so expect her to pull up to your front door with gems at night cause her excuse is, they reminded her of your eyes 🏄‍♀️🏄‍♀️
Tokudai nagayou
- Cute girl, short girl- basically a menace cutie patootie girl who somehow likes to cause public property damage. To be honest he doesn't particularly have a specific type cause anything works but he does want someone who can reassure him during his low moments and can give him motivations, a cheerful girl cause he likes to see his partner happy and probably someone who wouldn't judge the burnt mark he has on his face. Has straight hair cause why not 🐎🐎
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etherealyoungk · 3 years
hiii ! can i request vocal line’s reactions to their jealous s/o if u havent done it yet? >< thank u !!
hi! this is such a cute concept hehe.
seventeen (vocal unit) reaction to their s/o being jealous:
➸ he'd be super amused at you being jealous and tease you hshs. maybe you noticed how the waitress was flirting with him and ONLY talking to him, which made you annoyed at first. but when you noticed that she had slipped in her number to him on a tiny piece of paper along with the bill, you were so mad. you glared at her as you left the café, practically dragging jeonghan out. "baby wait up, you're going to tear my arm off", he says lightly. your turn around and pout crossing your arms over your chest. "can't believe she had the audacity to flirt with you right in front of me", you say, irritated. "was she blind, can't she see we're together". "aw is my baby jealous?", he asks with an amused smirk. "WHAT NO", you defend quickly. "you totally are". "i am not", you say, huffing and walking ahead. "y/n, wait up, or should i call this number instead? it was somewhere here", he teases, searching his pockets. you immediately turn around and glare at him, making him chuckle. "you're cute when you're jealous", he says, walking up to you and taking your hand, before giving you a small kiss on the cheek.
➸ maybe you were jealous because you say a pretty girl whom you didn't know talking to joshua and they were laughing and talking, looking like they were having a good time. you felt jealous built in you and you knew it was stupid but you couldn't help it. but when you saw her hug him you're jaw almost dropped to the floor. when shua comes back and sees you sitting and reading a book, he sits down next to you, oblivious to your jealousy. "hey what you reading?", he asks sweety. "a book", you can't help but reply to him a bit coldly. he seems to pick up on this and gets a little worried. "are you okay baby, did something happen?", he asks, wrapping arm around your waist, pulling you closer. "who was that girl you hugged", you say. "is my girl jealous", he asks, and when you don't say anything he chuckles lightly, pulling you closer and looking at you so sweetly, you don't think you can be jealous or annoyed anymore. "you know you're the only one right", he says, kissing you, making all your jealously melt away.
➸ i feel like he'd just immediately know something is up or you were jealous if you were more touchy and affectionate with him than usual. maybe you'd hold his hand a little more tightly and he noticed how you tone was pretty cold when talking to this other girl and he gets the message. "are you being jealous right now", he asks, once you've come away from the crowd a bit. you just give him a sour look. "she's been eyeing you all night it's so weird, can't she get the hint", you say snarkily. he lets out a small smile. "aish alright, don't get so worked up hm", he reassures, kissing your cheek.
➸ i feel like he'd just be so clueless if you were jealous 😭like you guys went for an outing with a few friends, and your friend got along a new girl to introduce to you but you didn't like her at all - mostly because of the way she just kept looking at dokyeom and how she causally flirted with him made your blood boil. all the while dokyeom was clueless and just nodding along and listening to her. so you start moving your chair closer to his little by little, hoping she gets the message as if you weren't death staring and glaring at her enough. if this continued you were ready to give her a piece of your mind too. dokyeom notices how you've been inching closer to him and he gets worried, thinking something is wrong. "baby are you okay? you good?", he asks turning to you. "yeah", you say quickly. so when dokyeom gets up and walks around to talk to a few people you follow him, sticking to him like glue and you're holding your hand the entire time. it's after he finishes talking to one of the members he finally turns to you again. "are you really okay y/n? do you want to go home? we can leave if you're uncomfortable", he asks, thinking you're sticking to him because you didn't feel good. "i'm fine really just..." "just what?" "that girl over there been trying to flirt with you all night and i just know she's going to try and make a move on you so i tried to give her the message that you're taken but she didn't seem to want to listen so i was just making sure she doesn't get any other ideas", you explain, talking in a hushed fast tone. "wait wait so you're jealous", he asks, realization hitting and he lets out the cutest small chuckle. "umm yeah i'm supposed to sit still while someone flirts with my man, nope", you say. "you're so cute when you're jealous, clingy too", he adds with a fond smile. "i am not clingy okay", you counter but he gives you that 'really' look. "fine...maybe...whatever", you mumble and he takes your hand too and places a small kiss on it.
➸ seungkwan told you to meet him at the café around the corner. when you reached you saw how he was talking to a girl and you don't like the way she looked at him and the way she kept giggling and laughing with him. and the way she batted her eyelashes at him, it was enough tp make you storm over and sit next to seungkwan taking his hand and presses a small kiss on his cheek. "hi baby, did i keep you waiting too long?", you ask, glaring at the girl before giving a small smile to him. he seems a little flustered at your sudden affection. "no you're just in time", he says with a small smile. "sorry but we have to go, we're going to be late for the movie otherwise", you say, getting up and walking out, seungkwan confused. "we're going for a movie?", he asks. you shrug and keep walking with him walking behind you until you're not near the cafe anymore. "then why did you-", he starts before he realizes. "are you jealous? is that what this is?", he asks and you just look at him with your arms crossed across you chest. "noo...why would i be jealous", you reply, not wanting to admit it. "i left my book there, let me go get it", he says. "NO", you practically shout. "i'll get it", you add and he chuckles. "you are so jealous, i didn't leave anything", he says and you give him a sour expression for tricking and teasing you.
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narwalbby · 4 years
👉👈 headcanons of your favorite assclass boys as your boyfriends🥺pweasee
You just love seeing people self Ship, I get it =.=
Nah I‘m messing with you, I love you for this Lizzie shshshhs ✨💞
Just hope nobody thinks I‘m annoying for this nghhh
Self Ship Alert 🚨
We probably break up 5 times a day and get back together because we’re clowns 🤡
Many arguments, he screams a lot and I‘m always crying then
Karma isn’t really affectionate in public, but he can be possessive sometimes
Tbh I‘d just hold his hand all of the time
I kinda feel bad for him because I‘m so fucking insecure he‘d think it’s annoying
I just... wanna lay my head on his lap and talk to him about anything we can think of
Sending each other memes at 2AM? Hell yeah
Our galleries are full of ugly ass pics of each other I can tell you that
I‘d say I‘m a good listener so I‘d listen to all his problems
It’s hard for him to open up but eventually he does
How his parents neglected him, how the teachers only disappointed him
He‘d tell me everything
And I‘d listen
We cry a lot okay (At least I do🤡)
He loves it when I play with his hair
And I love his fangs (THEYRE SO CUTE I ABSOSNELWME I‘m Simping)
My parents hate him (jk they don’t, they‘d just be traumatized)
I always carry bandaids for mah boy, in case he fights again
Also I make sure this bitch stays hydrated bc I care about other people‘s health okay 😡😡
He teased me a lot about being taller than him
But I started crying and he never did it again
(I hate my height and I hate people making jokes about me being tall so yeah HAHSH)
I‘m hurt easily, but Karma reassures me that he‘s just kidding and kisses my forehead to calm me down
Useless when I have panic attacks but that’s fine, I still love him
Movie dates 🥺✨
Even tho I‘m taller I‘m still gonna steal his clothes, watch me hoes 💀🖕🏼
Kissing his cheek results in him blushing softly and It’s so adorable I can tell you
Makes fun of me bc I suck at math but it’s fair HSHS
I don’t even know HOW this would work
I‘d start shit with his Dad and nobody can stop me >:(
Listen, I‘m a very dumb person, he‘d probably hate me so IDK how this would work HAHSHSH
Okay but he gives me turtoring lessons and they‘re kinda cute
I‘m very affectionate and if I love someone, I SIMP
I‘ll hold this mans Hand while solving math problems like a Champ 😤
Helping him with Issues like I always do
He‘s probably never seen anybody as crazy as me
Calls me brain dead on a daily basis
He often sleeps at my house to get away from his dad
And I can tell you, If I told my parents what his Dad did they‘d ruin this mans whole career 💀
I give him kisses on the nose
Because he looks cute when I do it
My parents love him because 1. My grades get better and 2. He‘s polite as hell
Teaches me how to dance and play guitar because that‘s what I always wanted to learn
Best self-defense Teacher I can tell
Very emotional around each other
He says I don’t need anything to be insecure about and I cry
His friends are cool, I‘d get along with them if I weren’t so dumb-
(I‘ll stop saying how dumb I am now)
He is touch starved so bad
He loves hugs and kisses but he‘d never admit it. Don’t let yourself be fooled by his attitude 👀
All in all 9/10
I‘d have to show him memes and Vines and stuff, but he ends up thinking these things are hilarious
Vine lover now, and he owns a meme account against his Father
Always texts me to go to sleep if I‘m awake for too long
Cares about my health but I don’t care about mine so 🤡
Idk how this would work either
Like, I‘m not even the 'prettiest girl' in his eyes
He likes big tiddy girls and I don’t have shit on my chest I can tell you that
And I‘m ??? Lowkey Ugly ??? But also a Queen hhh
My Dad owns a Drone too, so the both of them would have bonding time while flying their Drones
Very Touch starved
He loves head pats
And he also loves sitting on my lap while hugging me but he‘d never admit that
Squishing his cheeks is a must
Itona doesn’t really have a home I think, so my Parents allow him to stay at my house for as long as he wants to
He sleeps in my room
That wasn’t a good Idea because we‘re staying up until 3AM watching YouTube or gaming together
We play Animal Crossing hehe~
I hate to fall asleep after him so he alway forces himself to stay awake until I fall asleep
Doesn’t understand my obsession for Narwal but that’s okay, he tries to support it shsh
Not a Fan of my Earring collection
The Terasaka squad decided to protect me
And I don’t mind tbh 👀
Kirara always sends me embarrassing pics of Itona and the Squad and it’s the funniest shit ever
He doesn’t like my music taste :((
Hates sharing Candy, but if he feels good he‘ll give me some
Whenever he‘s building a new robot or something I‘m just beside him, making earrings and keychains
Crafty couple 🥺
He let me help him once but I always break things and he was kinda scared, but it ended up not breaking
I get that he‘s in puberty, but I‘d still tell him to stop looking at his classmates boobs and stuff, because it makes them feel uncomfortable
He‘d stare at me and tell me that he stopped doing stuff like this when we got together
I just stood there like
[surprised Pikachu face]
We make fun of Shiro and talk sooooo Bad of him it’s kinda funny
Yk, like Little gossip sessions
Kayano sometimes joins
And Korosensei as well-
Dates are at Muramatsu‘s Ramen Shop bc my boy is Broke, but I don’t mind honestly
He‘s a very cute boyfriend although he has no idea how relationships work
I hope nobody hates on me for self shipping, but actually I don’t really care JAKSJALS
I hope you’re happy Lizzie, all these boys and I wouldn’t actually work, but it’s fine, I still Simp 😔💞
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babybirdgyeom · 6 years
got7 as college boyfriends
– just smth short and light – also quite a lot of crack hshs i’m sorry – much fun ♥
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𝑀𝒶𝓇𝓀 𝒯𝓊𝒶𝓃
– in your first year of college you always sat beside mark in this one class you had but you didn’t even know his name – you always thought he was cute as shit though and told your friends about him – every now and then the two of you talked but only ever about college stuff – exchanging notes and asking for pens and so on – but after the first year you realized that your current major just wasn’t for you so you changed it, never seeing mark again – until one year later your friend convinced (if not almost forced) you to get tinder – isn’t that always how it starts.... – you weren’t even interested in dating but she was like just get some dick at least – so you agreed but only to make her shut up, not thinking you’d actually use it – until this one guy swiped you right and your heart skipped a beat – so you finally found out his name was mark, how cute, it fitted – having a crisis you immediately showed him to her – “this is the cute guy i used to sit next to!” – she laughs at you because you were so overwhelmed, not knowing what to do – “you know you could just.. match him?” – so you did and not even five minutes later he send you a message – ‘omg how funny to meet you here. did you stop studying physics?” – not in a hundred years would you have thought that this was how you’d meet your boyfriend – your friend still teases you about it because you were so against using tinder – mark also teases you about it tbh – anyways he immediately asked you for your number and you started writing 24/7 – somehow you never manage to find time for each other though because damn college gets stressful around that time of the year – one time you talked to him for seven hours at night on the phone – also he always calls you late at night when you have to walk home alone just to be sure – but after you completely failed your one class and wrote him about how frustrated you were he was like – “ok you know what fuck this presentation i have to prepare i’m coming over and will distract you a bit” – when he wrote that you weren’t aware that distracting you a bit meant heavily making out after not even twenty minutes into this random ass movie you watched on netflix – since that day you and mark were a couple and what a happy one you were – shyly admits that he immediately deleted tinder after getting your number – what! a! softie! – all of his got7 friends constantly tease him about being in a relationship – but secretly are so happy for the two of you – jackson acting over the top whenever you two just look at each other is a thing – “so cute i’m dying”, jackson at some point – mark knows he should force you to study but... – always makes you chill with him instead and feels bad about it hshsh – “i don’t want you to fail your classes but.. we should get mcdonalds right now you know” – knows your schedule better than you do – constantly rants to you about how stupid his profs are – sometimes doesn’t take you serious when you’re stressed or mad – but loves you so much actually
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𝐼𝓂 𝒥𝒶𝑒𝒷𝓊𝓂
– you were more than shocked to see jaebum in college again suddenly – the two of you went to the same middle school – you never really were close but damn – that boy still looked fine and now he was an adult  – and you both were single now – so when you two saw each other you immediately were like – maybe we should grab a coffee to catch up sometime? – and you did... even at the same evening – jaebum was so handsome you wanted to die – plus y’all were getting along so good that you didn’t even want to go home – but you did because you just met this guy – as you said goodbye he was a nervous wreck – because he definitely did enjoy this evening and would like to see you again – so the next morning he came over with breakfast – in sweatpants and a big hoodie, hair all over the place – suddenly you understood what this uwu term meant – this breakfast date was the softest, y’all watched spongebob and discussed old tv shows – after he left because he had to go to class you genuinely felt butterflies in your stomach and you hated yourself for how cliche that was – immediately wrote you after his class – “wyd tonight?” – so that’s the story of the first time you stayed over at jaebum’s – a few kisses were shared but nothing more – but a week later you were already calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend   – amazing sex especially after college partys – he’s so in love with you it confuses him – will wait for you in the coffee shop next to your classroom every time – sometimes he’s a pain in the ass though – is ready to fight you whenever he gets jealous – but always apologizes later – you two have very different majors and always tell each other about the amazing things you learned while the other one has seriously no idea what’s going on – but it didn’t matter, you still enjoyed seeing him being so passionate about what he was doing – “you know (y/n) i’m really happy we met again”  – everyone on campus knows the two of you belong together – lots of girls lowkey want jb bc look at him but you luckily didn’t have to worry about that – literally doesn’t give a fuck about any other girls – whenever you’re at parties he’s the biggest flirt – will make out with you in the bathroom as if y’all haven’t been dating for an eternity – tbh it’ll never get boring with jaebum
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𝒫𝒶𝓇𝓀 𝒥𝒾𝓃𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓃𝑔
– basically he’s your dormmate which is good and great – y’all get along just fine – no fights or drama – he even helps you with your essays every now and then – regular netflix nights are a must – makes sure you eat, even cooks for you when you come home late for work – your friends are pretty sure y’all are dating – but jinyoung and you just roll your eyes at that – even his friends, mostly mark and jackson won’t stop teasing him – you guess that’s what you get for moving in with a guy  – but you literally never were flirting which each other or anything – the two of you just seemed to become very close friends – so long story short living with jinyoung was nice – except for this one thing that bugs you so goddamn much – the girls he brings home every weekend – not only are most of them dumb as fuck – and you don’t say this to be mean, it was true – even jinyoung said so – but also they were sooo damn loud – like jinyoung must know what he’s doing according to their screams – ugh you hated it so much – you constantly fight jinyoung about it but he just laughs it off – “(y/n), you have to get laid” – “thanks jinyoung, i’m aware of that” – one time when you were discussing his loudness he massaged your shoulders and told you that you need to relax more and the moment his hands touched you it sent shivers down your spine – but suddenly you noticed that jinyoung stopped bringing girls home – and you were like ??? what’s going on – so on this one saturday night you were sitting on the couch with him, binge watching house of cards – as you finally confronted him about it – “you know i just want smth more serious but idk how to get that” – “have you tried asking a girl on a date?” – “i thought i’m on a date right now”, he said as if it was nothing – so basically that is how y’all started to go out every now and then – netflix dates soon became bigger and more romantic – cinema, then restaurant, one time you went to an amusement park – no one ever asked the other one officially out – but one time jinyoung introduced you as his girlfriend and everyone around you including you went ??? – he constantly forces you to study  – will pick you up from your 9 pm classes just to be there in case – he’s aware of how douchey guys were but not with his girlfriend – teases you all the time but you got used to it and played along – the two of you always laugh so much but mostly about each other – it was nice that you could just make fun about the other one without someone being offended – thousand of inside jokes only you two understand – secretly the biggest softie though – tells you how much he loves you during sex – also tells you how goddamn beautiful you look under him – one time you wanted to get a tutor but jinyoung found out he was male and he didn’t like that at all – “but (y/n) that’s how all the love stories in the movies start i can’t let that happen” – besides his lil jealous side the best bf you could ask for – hypes you up no matter what even if he knows you have no idea what’s going on – tbh everyone on campus knows and likes him – has had some girls before you and he always gets embarrassed when someone talks about them in front of you – doesn’t want you to be reminded of his fuckboy past – it’s strange for him to be vocal about you and him – not bc he doesn’t love you just bc he never was in a serious relationship – will literally do everything for you tho tbh – he’s like – “yeah i wanna become more mature for her” and all that shit – he hates himself for how cringe it sounds but he just wants you to feel appreciated and safe around him
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𝒥𝒶𝒸𝓀𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝒲𝒶𝓃𝑔
– jackson lived in the dorm next to yours – your girl dorm and his boy dorm became good friends over time – your best friend even started dating yugyeom, his roommate – you saw him almost every day and he was always so polite and nice – sometimes y’all were just drinking in one of the dorms and having fun – one time he brought you tea when he heard that you’re sick – basically jackson was the sweetest guy around and everyone knew – but you soon found out he was maybe a bit too nice – everyone knew about his kinda manipulating gf – and everyone also was very relieved when he finally broke up with her – she always created drama at your partys – and always accused him of shit he didn’t do – but still he was the kindest soul – so when you found him one day outside the dorm, a bottle of wine in his hand you asked him what’s wrong – long story short his ex gf was crying and drunk in his room – and he allowed her to stay but he would sleep somewhere else – so his plans right now were to sleep outside of the dorm.. – you told him he was too nice but your heart was bleeding – there was not a way you could let this poor guy sleep outside just because his ex girlfriend decided to be dramatic one more time – “so uhm-- do you maybe- just if you want of course- sleep in my dorm?” – suddenly he looked up at you and you realized – you might like him that much bc you are actually attracted to him – finding out about your crush in the worst moment since now you were sharing a bed with jackson wang and a still full wine bottle – the two of you were talking until three in the morning – until something else happened and suddenly jackson was on top of you, making you feel more amazing than anyone else ever did – it was a bit awkward the next morning when he stepped out of your dorm and met his ex gf outside but looking back at it now it didn’t matter – everyone found out within the next 24 hours somehow so there was no way back – but you didn’t care, you wanted this – sweetest boyfriend tbh – loves you to death and supports you a lot – will get annoyed though when you don’t have time for him a lot – he understands that you have this one project going on but he just wants attention and kisses – always tells you to teach him everything you have to learn so you will remember better in exams – picks you up from class as often as possible – so much pda like every guy needs to see you’re off the market – will hold hands with you in lectures  – just literally the best thing that could have happened to you
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𝒞𝒽𝑜𝒾 𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓃𝑔𝒿𝒶𝑒
– when you looked for a tutor you would have never thought that he would become your boyfriend  – like you genuinely just didn’t want to fail the class – and youngjae was the biggest help, explaining everything to you over and over again – until one day you found yourself writing him about other things than this literature class – and he asked you if you’d just come over and maybe watch a movie with him after your tutoring session – so slowly you realized that tutoring became an excuse for both of you to spend time with each other – until the exam you were studying for with him was done and you got 96% on it – and you and youngjae found yourself still looking for excuses to hang out – one day y’all just stopped and started to see each other just bc you wanted to – he always invited you over, ordering food for the two of you – you tested out every single delivery service around the campus and made a list with ratings – it kind of became your thing and that’s how you found yourself on his couch at least twice a week – and as time went by your relationship developed into something more serious – you met his friends and also introduced him to your friends – whenever one of his friends celebrated their birthday or something similiar he took you with him – and you both were very well aware which direction this was going – so one night you found yourself in the bathroom of jackson’s dorm, his mouth exploring your neck downwards as you were leaning against the wall – you swear you could hear him mumble a small ‘finally’ under his breath as you two were getting it on – anyways that was not the last time you and youngjae were making out obviously – the next day he officially asked you to be his girlfriend  – by now that felt like a lifetime ago – you loved when the tutor in him came out again whenever you had exams coming up – it made you smile so much reminding you off the beginning – you basically live at his place by now – you’re always together – knows exactky where to find you on the campus – he legit plans to marry you as soon as you graduate like he’s deffo in it for the long run
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– your friend and her boyfriend yugyeom told you they found the perfect guy for you – and you agreed to meeting him bc u know they wouldn’t leave you alone – so as you arrive at their dorm this one day you were more than shocked – and so was bambam – “(y/n)????” – so ofc yugyeom and your friend were curious about where you two know each other from – “do you remember that one guy i slept with on the first week of college?” – so a year later you met this one guy again – and you had to admit that your friends weren’t exaggerating  – he rlly seemed to be quite perfect for you – so after that you met again, all four of you going to the cinema – and one time you went clubbing with a bigger group – and then a few days later when you visited your friend he was there too – but he never actually asked you to meet up which frustrated you – so one time you asked your friend for his number and just wrote him like – hey bamban will you ever ask me out – not rlly expecting an answer but you at least wanted to try before giving up – and to your surprise he stood in front of your door four hours later – popcorn, nachos and gummies in his hand – “i didn’t know what you prefer” – so finally you and him were alone again and everything was going fine – and.... ofc the one night stand from last year was now not a one night stand anymore – and the two night stand soon became a serious relationship – bambam will always just make fun of you – “what do you mean you don’t understand this class? that’s easy” – you seriously want to kill him sometimes but he doesn’t care – he’ll just give you a fat smooch and says sorry and hope everythings fine then again – you two never are bored together – if you have class together it’ll literally be hilarious – you’ll do anything except for listening to the prof – if you don’t have class together you’re constantly writing – sending each other stupid memes and joke about people from campus – shameless tbh – never says it but he’s so goddamn happy to have you – loves the sex so much but loves you even more – one time he told yugyeom that he can see a future with you and then he cringed at himself but it was the truth hshs
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𝒦𝒾𝓂 𝒴𝓊𝑔𝓎𝑒𝑜𝓂
– you met him at Mark’s house party and the way he danced was no joke – attracted to him since day one tbh – the two of you sat on a sofa in a corner the whole evening – while everyone around you was dancing and making out – you talked and shared stories – wondering how you never met him before bc apparently – you both share a lot of the same friends – “What do you mean you know Bambam????” – “This guy from my class, his name is Jackson---”  – “JACKSON WANG?” – it clicked immediately – and you wanted to die whenever you looked at him for a bit too long – like he was crazy attractive – many cups of alcohol later you were making out in a bathroom oops – the softest make out ever tho tbh like  – he’s all over your neck and sensual and just ugh – making you feel really really good – even after that make out session you spend the rest of the evening together – mark and jinyoung saw you two coming out of the bathroom – the shock on their faces was no joke – “we didn’t even know you two know each other” – anyways after this night you didn’t hear from yugyeom for three days – and you felt so damn stupid for thinking there could’ve been more – until!!! – you suddenly got a text message from him – ‘uhmm hi here’s yugyeom, idk if you gave me your wrong number on purpose but i had to blackmail jaebum to give me your number for three days so if you didn’t want me to contact you just forget i even wrote you in the first place’ – you... gave him your wrong number – immediately texted him back that this was an accident – and from then on yugyeom and you texted all day – ‘you know i really enjoyed the evening with you so if you would like to how about you accompany me tonight to jinyoung’s party?’ – ‘i mean haha only if like’ – ‘no pressure haha’ – the most nervous guy but of course you went to the party with him – surprise - another one of those little bathroom session happened the same night – except for tonight he actually slept in your bed instead of his own – the next day the two of you were just chilling in your bed all day – talking about everything – somehow he takes college very serious which surprised you – so passionate about his major it’s the cutest – it took you and yugyeom some time to finally become a couple – he literally never understands a single thing you explain to him about your major but it’s cute how he tries – same goes for you though, you couldn’t even explain to your mum what exactly his major is about – will proudly take you with him to any party he’s invited to and show you off – the two of you sometimes walk around the campus at night and hold hands and it sounds lame but it’s literally your favorite thing to do – always fantasizing about the future – DAMN to think you almost didn’t go to that party where you met him would have been tragic – bc now you have someone by your side when college gets hard at least and you love him more than anything
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