#yea fun fact.
stiffyck · 8 days
Have we considered Scar being like really ticklish but not in a fun way in like a "it hurts when someone tickles me and I WILL cry if someone tickles me" way
It's not fun being so ticklish and so sensitive. It literally hurts no matter how "lightly" someone is trying to tickle you.
It's also horrifying. You're in pain. You're laughing. You can't stop. You literally cannot control your movements and you cannot stop laughing. And when you tell someone to stop it sounds like you're being playful and like you don't meant it but you can't force your tone to be more serious because you're still laughing.
You can't breathe from how hard you're laughing and you want nothing more then to stop laughing and cry and cry and do nothing and you want the person to just STOP TOUCHING YOU because it's too much and you cannot control ANYTHING.
So then you do everything in your power to stop the person- you kick them, you punch them- and they get offended and mad.
Why wouldn't they? You just hurt them.
Doesn't matter they were hurting you in the first place.
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meamiiikiii · 13 days
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silly comic based on a time i struggled to read live on stream :thumbsup:
context clip compilation below ASDASDFASA
(cw for brief mention of hospitals/strokes)
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dovewingkinnie · 3 months
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redesigned some old ocs!! for a story called candy contagia ^-^ (name might change) will b posting the other characters too cause i like them the story is basically about a cat man who owns a candy factory that turns out to have the worst working conditions, but its ok keep paying attention to mr whiskers hes so silly hes so funny Buy his products theres a lot more to the story than this and as usual there are The Horrors but thats the basic gist
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miiukkaa · 1 year
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turtles vibing at the subway lair !!LESGO!!
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honkowo · 2 months
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OK SO ive FINALLY finished the 5 main colour variations (& overall morphology) for angels!!! posting these separate from the culture post cos i still have fuckall idea for that(plus theres already a fair few images in this post if i tried combining the 2 i would have..... a long ass post lol) ANYWAY:
SALT DESERT: least populous of the 5. theyre essentially tundra angels but w thicker skin & MUCH paler. built to handle extreme temperature variation as well as VERY STRONG air currents & high altitudes. body type is typically tall & skinny, with long wings & sail. theyre 3rd best in terms of long-distance flight.
TUNDRA: most populous of the 5. theyre the goldilocks in terms of preffered climate, in that they stick to the tundras & savannas of homeworld(not too hot/cold, average wind speed, etc). body types vary, but theyre usually on the leaner side for aerodynamics, with long wings & sail. 2nd best at long-distance flight.
CENTRAL CLIFFS: 2nd most populous of the 5 & are built to survive the warmer temperatures of the equator throughout the year. body types are typically on the heavier side to help with burrowing & to accommodate for the much higher likelihood of getting domed by flying debris, as well as broad-but-short wings & sail. theyre 2nd worst at long-distance flight, as theyre more suited for climbing & gliding than powered flight.
NORTH/SOUTH COAST: 3rd most populous of the 5. coastal angels are the largest of the angel types, and are built to survive & navigate the seas & frozen coastlines of homeworld with ease. theyre the best at long-distance flight, as they often take regular journeys from the north to the south to ferry resources between both the coastal spheres as well as other spheres that might be up to trade. body types are usually TALL & WELL BUILT, with a long sail & wings.
TROPICS: 2nd least populous of the 5 as well as the shortest. theyre an offshoot of coastal angels who preffered to burrow amongst the more varied plantlife of angel homeworld. theyre the worst at flying, often only able to glide & fly in short bursts(similar to earth chickens) as theyre almost entirely suited to burrowing. the average body type for tropic angels is short & stocky, with short wings.
like usual, gif stills r under the readmore :)
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(was gonna send the stills but i hit the image limit LOL so youll have 2 have the merged map sorry)
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canisalbus · 5 months
I remember getting nosebleeds every so often last year and it always freaked people out and the only thing I could do was laugh it off while I put a bunch of napkins of some ice cream place to my nose so I absolutely relate Machete in that nosebleed comic
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poomphuripan · 26 days
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Ladies of My Stand-In (2024) dir. Pepzi Banchorn Vorasataree
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giselles-dumping-hat · 7 months
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soooo,, i may have failed to mention a certain something regarding the pmd AU I made :]
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Meet Noel's true/demon form!!! Little Guy
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juuria · 1 month
first break at my minimum wage job guys!!!
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rosielav · 29 days
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Do you like fun?? Do you like whimsy??? How about mice???
Boy, do I have two games for you!! Both hacks of the Lasers + Feelings system, each game is one page, rp heavy, and can be played by small and large groups alike!
16 Mice in a Mech features the Mousey Mech Brigade and their many adventures! Create your perfect mousey crew, customize your mech, and pick from multiple customizable mission objectives!
16 Mice Make Soup (AKA MouSoup) is the culmination of two decades of watching cooking shows and wishing they weren't always so mean to each other. In this collaborative competition, you and your fellow MouChefs work together to create unique and unforgettable dishes using their customized Special Ingredient, but don't forget, at least one round MUST feature soup!!
I'm currently sitting at 247 + 189 sales respectively, and would absolutely love to hit 250 + 200 this month!! Since it is free+, I don't expect to make much/any $$, I just would love to share my silly little mouse games with as many people as possible 🐁
Thank you for your time! Keep Calm and Mouse On!!
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reallilystuff · 8 months
back on my drawing bullshit or whatecer....yeag
*haves ur lock @naffeclipse* your oc. her. eel(?) looking lady. havelocked. she is. so so cool looking
pov ur about to become fish food. sleeping with the fishies tonight. uhhh what other fish related prey jokes can i make. uuuuuummm
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oh yheh drawing pile task #1 out of 23568 done yippeee!!!! now i go back into my cave for the next four years
little version without the murky lighting below readmore for funsies
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ɢᴜʜ ʙᴜʜ? ᴡʜᴜʜ? ʜᴜʜ ᴡʜᴜʜ? ʏᴜʜ?
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meamiiikiii · 2 months
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siffrin deals with the woes of a frozen computer.
guest starring (hah) loop!
loop can just input text box dialogue onto tech within the reverse entry au for funsies, dont worry about it!
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siffrin: what do you do when i'm not here
loop: my life doesn't revolve around you! i do loads of things while you're gone
siffrin: like jork it?
loop: i look at the SKY
siffrin: and jork it?
loop: i take a nap sometimes
siffrin: after jorking it????
loop: i dream about things.......
siffrin: LIKE JORKING IT?????
this didd not spawn from my mind i am not funny enough for that have a stream contexst clip with extra jorking lines instead ASFDASASA
(warning, a bit loud since we were laughing a lot LMAO)
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goku-nba · 10 months
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its dinner time for Tails nation
Edit: putting Newgrounds link here instead
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wolfietheangel · 3 months
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super geara galaxy... pt 2!!! 🌠
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milkbreadtoast · 6 months
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belated xmas drawing🥺 baby jungs...!!! (i imagine theyre around 5, 14, 17 here...) 🎄❤️💚✨
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