#yandere soul evans
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animeyanderelover ¡ 9 months ago
Hi can I request yandere soul eater squad hcs please separate
if that’s to many requests then yandere black star , Tsubaki , Kid and Soul , Maka is fine please💕
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive relationship, obsession, clinginess, delusional behavior, stalking, manipulation, blackmailing, isolation, abduction, death
C-Group Hc’s Maka Albarn
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💚​From all the people surrounding her, Maka is by far the most mature one which allows her to appear fairly normal within the context of her own developing obsession. As a person who is fairly in tune with her own emotions, she catches on pretty early on her developing feelings and feels the guilt almost immediately. Maka is very self-aware and after having grown up realising just how depraved her own father is whenever he is around other women, she has sworn herself to be like her mother. It is this oath that she made to herself all those years ago that heightens the shame tenfold as she feels like she has failed and become just as low as her father is with her only solace being that at least she seems to only have space for you in her thoughts. Overwhelmed and unsure how to handle her growing feelings, Maka avoids you as good as she can. There's a constant strain on her eyes as she does her best to not will herself to glance towards your direction, her feet instantly moving the opposite direction as soon as she spots you. Even if the two of you were close before and her sudden frigid behavior may hurt you, she deems it to be for the best.
💚​Behind the curtains she still keeps her eyes out for you though in case you should bring yourself in danger. Another attribute of hers is after all her overprotective instinct and that is subconsciously fueled now that her obsession starts to kick in. Whilst she is conscious of her thought process, it is hard for her to stop her silent need to prove herself, especially since she sometimes feels that only Soul is contributing and she brings nothing to the table. The gnawing feeling of uselessness is a terrible feeling that she is unable to push down as her insecurities catch up to her all because her obsession has made her more susceptible to all sorts of emotions. She wants to be seen as capable, especially by you, but that does lead to her at times as coming over as too demanding and strict with you. She has always prefered studying over playing outside and that preference of hers definitely translates to her obsession. Those study sessions of her are not solely done out of malicious intent though as she instead strives to work on her own self-control and to gain more control over her emotions.
💚​Maka handles jealousy better than most of her friends would yet even then she feels like she can do better. Her unwillingness to turn into a depraved individual that is only dictated by desire pushes her to work even harder on her own patience and self-control. Whilst she isn't a person who will be jealous to the point of being irrational, she has a somewhat short temper and tends to snap easily if anything prods her the wrong way. Any spark she notices inside of her and any twitch of her eyebrows is a sign for her that she has still work to do and that she can still do better. The situation would change if the both of you are in an established relationship as she will be fairly confident then. Maybe there is a chance that she at times is slightly paranoid and fears that you may be like her dad, though that fear remains as something that is never proven yet still ingrained in her subconsciousness.
💚​As highly skilled as she is, Maka is not one who craves for brawls as much as people like Black Star would. One can't deny that she is willing to help you and save you in whatever way she can when she realises that there is something that you struggle with yet she is also just as capable to reason with opponents unless she arrives at the conclusion that they won't listen to her. It is likely that at times she may end up being a bit too eager to the point where she is being reckless all because she has that hidden desire to prove herself. In desperate situations it may happen that she subconsciously activates Black Blood's Madness which always exposes a different side of hers. She is much more erratic and violent, downright aggressive as she tries to slice her opponents into half all whilst her mind can only focus on the fact that if they are gone, she will have done her job of protecting you. Outside of this maddening state, she puts more emphasis and focus in helping you and keeping you above all safe.
💚​Maka actually recognises that moving in with someone is in general a very big decision to make and so an abduction is an immediate no-go for her for multiple reasons. She might as well give up on all of her principles if she were to ever abduct you as she would see herself as something even lower than her own father and his pathetic womanizing behavior. An emotion inside her which is unlike most other people with obsession is that she actually hesitates to move in with you. It is a very big step and at the same time it is also a very daunting step. Her hesitation does lie in her subconscious paranoia that you may at one point end up betraying her or hurting her somehow and she'd never get over the exposure of being the fool who fell in love with someone who isn't committed because differently from her mother she knows that she won't be able to stay strong. No, she instead fears being degraded to the desperate fool who stay and hopes that everything will end up fine which is why she would grow siginifcantly more strict the moment the two of you would ever move in. She isn't necessarily overbearing but it is noticable enough for even you to recognise.
💚​Her subconscious paranoia is rather fascinating as it essentially leads her to study you intensely all to figure out if you are someone who wouldn't end up ditching her or who would end up cheating on her and as long as she hasn't finished her research, she won't allow herself to get closer to you. It is only after you have proven yourself to her that she finally allows herself to open up towards you. She isn't one to boast about the relationship though as she values privacy and secrecy which comes to bite her back when her friends eventually find out and some of them, like Soul and Black Star, start complaining that Maka didn't tell them sooner. Due to her preference for privacy and staying at home, her prefered dates with you are always in the safety of four walls. She needs her time with you alone because let's be honest, whenever the two of you hang out with her friends you are always stolen away by them all with the sole intention to get her to to act jealous which always is something they rather on come to regret as Maka will be very direct about what she thinks about that.
Soul Evans
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🤍​Soul's attitude is one that is normally always rather aloof and nonchalant which is a great way for him to hide his growing feelings for you. It takes him a good while to even recognise those stirring emotions he feels inside his chest whenever you are around but at the same time he refuses to show them as he thinks that it wouldn't be very cool of him if he were to reveal it. It's about impossible for him to completely conceal it though as he finds his eyes glancing to your form whenever you are within sight and especially if you do something he considers to be sexy he would have a hard time hiding his burning cheeks. It's important to point out that Soul will be oblivious to a certain degree at the beginning, he is absolutely not delusional and that is largely because of the Black Blood and the Little Demon inside of him which you can quite literally describe as the devil on his shoulder, the personification of the darker side of his feelings and thoughts that urges him on to give in. It's precisely because of this that Soul will also work on his own self-control as soon as the Little Demon has exposed to him his feelings, terrified to end up doing what the devil has ominously foreboded him.
🤍​Reluctant to let anyone on about his internal struggles and too ashamed to admit just how uncool he is being, Soul lets it all simmer beneath the surface. His desire and obsession only grow so much worse as he initially attempts to completely avoid you yet the Little Demon haunts him and encourages him to give in to what he truly wants. Eventually it all threatens to become unbearable which is why he finds himself frequently stalking you. What he initially planned to only do one or twice a week has led him down to an activity that is a daily need even if he is normally someone who is on a more lazy side. He feels slightly motivated and that is the scariest thing that could happen to him. He's rather protective of you which is his prefered reason to somehow convince himself that stalking you is at least for your own good but deep down he knows the truth. There's more to it then just wanting to protect you and he dreads the sparks of possessive desires that seem to awaken within him.
🤍​He is a laid-back dude. He knows that and he won't be put down to transform into a jealous mess but it is because he doesn't make any moves on you that he is also aware that technically anyone could try to take you which is why he stalks on you and the people you hang out with. Safe to say though is that he absolutely isn't immune to jealousy either and it is this emotion that brings out the most immature side of his when it grows too much for him to handle and he reasons that it'd be better to step in now before things get out of control. He just comes waltzing in, still trying to play it cool, as he gives a lazy yet arrogant grin though that grin can quickly disappear if the situation escalates and he gets further provoked in which case he won't back down as he's too argumentative and stubborn to give in. Eventually he will be dragged down to act all immature, a scowl on his face as he bickers with the other person. He'd never admit later on though that he was feeling rather jealous.
🤍​The Little Demon loves to inform him about everything going on with his feelings. The dark thoughts and feelings are definitely there and as aware as he is, Soul has found out that being lucid about stuff isn't always the best thing. No, instead he finds himself sometimes almost overthinking whenever he watches you starting to hang out with someone new and starts to wonder if he should somehow interfere before things might escalate into something that is sure to rip his walls apart. Being an overthinker doesn't fit him at all and he knows he's being extremely uncool because of it. As he is infected by Black Blood, risk is that he can fall victim to Madness and in such a state he may end up completely giving in and going after everyone who ever agitated him in the slightest. Normally he is regarded as a slacker yet his obsession does motivate him, for the better or worse, which is why he is so protective of you in the first place and works to become better and stronger to protect you from other dangers as well as his own dark longing.
🤍​Unless Madness takes hold, I don't see Soul being capable of kidnapping you. He likes to think that taking care of someone would be too much of a hassle to begin with though truth be told, he probably would put in the work if the two of you were to live together and he merely tells himself that so that he never even considers the thought. He finds himself often hanging around you though he insists on it all being a coincidence whenever you point that out to him, unwilling to admit his feelings. If a situation should end up getting dangerously risky though, Soul won't hesitate to knock you out and lock you away somewhere for a certain amount of time until everything has de-escalated and he takes the full swing of your anger always afterwards, torn apart between acting as if he doesn't care or actually apologising since he feels genuinely sorry for what he has done. He just wanted you to be safe, that is all. In a mutual relationship he wouldn't bring up the topic of living together until you do but he'd vow to do his best to make you happy even if he can be rather lazy still.
🤍​Despite his feelings Soul still ends up avoiding to admit to you that he loves you. He's too ashamed and insecure and the Little Demon installs fear inside of him that if he were to ever give in to his feelings, he would do terrible things. You probably wouldn't even know just how long he has silently been harboring such feelings for you as you have always gotten the impression that he doesn't really like you due to his aloof behavior around you. It's likely that he admits it by accident when both of you get into an argument, most likely because he was concerned about your safety and went too far, and spills it out in the heat of the moment. He'd be quite stiff and awkward with PDA for a while as it kind of ruins the cool image he tries to build as he tends to get easily flustered whenever you abruptly grab his hand or kiss him but he learns to tolerate it. Secretly he enjoys it as well. He still expects people to know that you're taken though and will give everyone a glare who tries to flirt with you even if there are no serious intentions behind it.
Black Star
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⭐​Black Star sure as hell is a unique assassin if you've ever seen one. There are no concepts such as stealth and silence with him as he strives to always be in the spotlight. Perhaps it is because of this rather loud trait of his that you always know about him yet for some reason Black Star still manages to be surprised when you effortlessly locate him within your surroundings. On the other hand it really isn't like he is making any effort to be categorised as a stalker. No, he wants to be in the spotlight and wants all the attention from you that he can get which is the reason why he does his best to squeeze himself into as many aspects of your life as he can. He's so clingy and always insists on following you wherever you go. You never know when shit might get down after all and he has somehow proclaimed himself to be your personal hero which is why he sees it as his duty to ensure that nothing happens to you. Tsubaki really is the only one who can manage to hold him back a bit when she senses that you are feeling overwhelmed, something that flies more than once over his head.
⭐​Soul and Black Star are both noted to be immature in a couple of aspects yet it is only Black Star who would be the delusional one between the two of them. He remains completely unaware of the visible discomfort he can cause you due to his wild and clingy personaliry as he doesn't believe that you would ever feel uncomfortable in his presence. After all he is your hero who will protect you and who you admire. This misplaced belief of his has made him quite possessive to make it even worse as he thinks of himself as the only one worthy enough to claim such a title in your life and for that naturally deserves to be your lover the most. One thing you have to give him though. He takes his role very serious, though this is something you find yourself usually despairing over more than anything as his overzealous attitude often results in misplaced readings of situations from his side. He's way too much in his attempts to protect you and prove to you why he is the best.
⭐​Under normal circumstances he is already someone who wants all of the attention so you can probably already imagine just how much worse this attitude will get if we throw an obsession into the mix. If jealousy would be a person, it would be Black Star. The very moment he notices that your eyes are not on him he is already getting riled up to the point where even objects can become the center of his short jealousy though at least an object can be swiftly thrown away. It's a bit more complicated if it is another person stealing your attention away from him and it'll always end with the other person and you both highly uncomfortable as Black Star isn't even trying to act mature about his jealousy. For someone who is delusional Black Star is shockingly aware of his surroundings though which is why he notices if someone's eyes are lingering on you for longer than one second which is yet another thing that instantly sets him off as he immediately assumes that they're planning to steal you away from him. Really, you can't take him anywhere without him causing a scene.
⭐​Frankly spoken, he is getting in many brawls due to his short temper and highly fueled jealousy. He belongs to the category of people who will challenge others for a fight on sight the moment he catches them staring at you or deems them to be people who may be a threat to you, even if it is for the petty reason that you just hold a nice and long conversation with them. Then there is obviously his self-proclaimed title as your hero which he inspires to live up to. That includes the small things where you really don't need his help which may even end up making everything worse but it also includes doing the smallest part required for being an assassin which is unaliving people. He's gotten into some serious arguments with Tsubaki because of this as she knows that he goes after people for unjustified reasons and refuses to assist him and transform for him. He's far too impulsive so in some instances he doesn't even consider what he is doing and just goes for it without a coherent strategy.
⭐​You have some sort of guarantee with his delusional thoughts that he won't kidnap you though that doesn't have to mean anything in the long run. There is still a major downside to this all though which is his previously mentioned clinginess. Long story in short, he just breaks into your house on multiple occasions. A day without you is something unimaginable for Black Star and if he would have it his way, he wouldn't even let the both of you be separated for more than an hour. He has to protect you after all, enemies could strike you whilst he is absent. In one way or another you are basically living together with Black Star and he, in fact, refers to the situation the two of you have been going on as just that. The both of you live together according to his thoughts and he gets visibly confused whenever you correct him sharply or shut him up before he can say such nonsense to someone else. In fact he even locks you up in your own house if something happens, though in his mind it is of course a house the two of you share.
⭐​There are some small revelations he tends to have at times when he immerses himself into the philosophy of the 'Path of the Warrior' that he wants to master as this requires a great level of self-awareness and the denial of following dark emotions yet those are eventually subdued one way or another by his delusions once again. Black Star wants to be praised by you all of the time and he will start showing off frequently as a way to silently let you know that he wants to hear you singing compliments about him. He tends to get very touchy, especially when he is feeling possessive or jealous and wants to let other people know that you belong to him. For some reason he loves when you let him piggyback you as he gets stupidly excited and starts running around, leaving you to cling to him tight or else you may fall off. Tsubaki is the only one who manages to keep you sane between Black Star's terrible antics as she tries her best to keep him on some sort of leash.
Nakatsukasa Tsubaki
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◼️​Tsubaki is together with Maka one of the most mature people from this group, is in fact much more patient and forgiving than even Maka. She has no worries nor doubts as she manages to approach you the best without being overly cautious nor too pushy like her partner would be. Behind that kind smile is a deeply obsessed person though whose feelings can take on some concerning form if nothing is done. Tsubaki has a huge problem to deny her darling of anything nor can she bring herself to disagree with you or voice her opinion when it involves the hobbies and the things she likes. Instead of telling you how she honestly feels, most of the time she takes the path of adapting to everything you like or dislike until she completely absorbs your hobbies and deludes herself into thinking that she likes them too. It's very concering that she is willing to give up bits of her personality in order to please you but the truth is that she just loves you a bit too much and is willing to sacrifice parts of herself to maximise your happiness in the relationship.
◼️​That isn't to confirm that she is completely delusional though. Tsubaki is aware of what she is doing and she is able to understand that she should not mold herself to fit better to your side. Surely this isn't a normal nor healthy love with the way she is actively changing herself to fit you better yet there is a strange sense of happiness that arises whenever she manages to make you feel happy because she feigns interest in the stuff she usually wouldn't enjoy as much if it wouldn't be for you. If it's for you she thinks that it'll be fine and that it'll be worth it. After all you don't need to know that she goes against her own feelings in order to please you and to see you smile. Her willingness to help can be at times very unwarranted though, especially when she starts mothering you as her overprotective tendencies born out of kindness are subconsciously very strong. She instantly apologises when you voice your displeasure about it though, a habit you learn that she has.
◼️​Out of all of her friends she is the one who handles jealousy the best. Her very patient demeanor enables you to freely interact with people around you without having to worry about her reaction. In fact Tsubaki carries the mindset that she would like to befriend the people you spend a lot of time with and all of that without any malicious intent or hidden motives. Jealousy is a silent agony to her, one that she endures with pursed lips for as long as she can. Her heart is always aching but at the same time knowing that you are happy tickles her like warm rays of sunshine. Those conflicting sensations make her uneasy and slightly fidgety as she is unable to stay still whilst watching the scene unfold. It is in most cases after you and the other person have gone separate ways that she finds herself all over you all of a sudden and asking you question about everything that just happened. It is very likely that if she realises that you are very fond of the other person she will start picking up their hobbies and interests as well so that you can act just as happy around her as you did around them.
◼️​She is really the other side of the moon in comparison to her partner. Tsubaki does not possess such a hot-blooded temper like Black Star does even if her maternal instincts can be sometimes a bit too much for you. When you are around and upset, she always pours all of her attention in you. She fetches you little gifts to distract you from your feelings or cooks something for you all in hopes of cheering you up. Her intentions are mostly open-minded when she approaches someone but she always ends up giving them an unintentional heart attack because she underestimates her own stealth. In the perception of the other person she sometimes just quite literally pops up with a mellow expression on her face all whilst she wants to play the mediator and help to solve the conflict. There's no occasion I could think of where she would murder someone unless it is an emergency as she always prioritises staying by your side, especially after fights to ensure that your injuries are taken care of and that you get enough rest.
◼️​In the relationship the two of you have going on, Tsubaki is someone revolving around you as she actively shapes herself to be someone you will be happy and satisfied around. That means that you are one way or another the one in charge of everything whilst she goes along with it all. Her own wants are put aside as she puts your desires and wishes over her own. You'd never know if she would ever have the wish to move in with you until you are the one who starts asking her how she would feel about the thought of living together. Everything would be catered to your own ideas and images whilst she will go along with it all. She will let you choose the shape, size, location and colour of the house as well as the entire interior and furniture and only nod her head if you ask her what she thinks about it. Domestic life would be quite uncomplicated with her because she avoids all possible arguments by adjusting herself accordingly and doing everything possible to appease you.
◼️​Most of the time she would assume the role of the submissive part in this relationship as she does her best to always focus on your needs and your happiness. There are moments where she puts her foot down firmly and takes on a stubbornness that rivals the one of Black Star but only in dire situations and afterwards she is always rather flustered with her assertive behavior. She is easily embarrassed, especially if you are someone who is physically very affectionate but in reality she also really likes it when you touch her. Truth be told, Tsubaki is more lewd than she often lets on and even though she would be too flustered to admit that, you eventually find out about that other side of hers. She doesn't mind when you look at her naked body nor does she react quite as flustered when she walks in on you changing and being partially nude and she even suggests bathing together without bashing an eyelash which shocks you all the more as you did not expect her to have such a different side to her.
Death the Kid
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​🔘​Kid is a finicky perfectionist who tends to get too caught up about the tiny details and this becomes quite apparent in his obsession. I wouldn't blame you for assuming that he would be quite overbearing to you due to his perfectionistic nature but it is actually the completely other way around. Kid builds incredibly high expectations for himself and he spends weeks plotting how to confess to you perfectly. Elizabeth and Patricia try to encourage him to just go for it but he reacts outrageous, ranting for minutes to both of them that someone as unique and special as you deserves nothing short of perfection from him. It is rather strange even to him though as he knows about his uptight behavior about the symmetry in life yet seems to not mind it as much when it comes to you. Sure, he has tons of ideas how to optimise your outfits and your looks to fit more into his aesthetic and can definitely become pushy with his advises very fast but he is not in literal agony even when you wear something that goes against all of his values.
​🔘​As tidy and balanced as he is, he definitely unleashes his obsession by keeping notebooks about you and he spends literal hours writing everything painstakingly down, mainly because he expects his own writing to look perfect and orderly and has a short meltdown when he spells something wrong or a letter doesn't fit in with the rest of what he has written. He reads those notebooks daily and memorises everything written down and if he should accidentally forget a detail about you, he'd spend a solid minute lamenting how ignorant and worthless he is to forget something about you. It is easy to forget that the Shinigami is still one who harbors a possessive nature as he thinks of his darling as a literal muse and refuses to let ugly people close to them, especially if they are ugly and asymmetrical in his eyes. You deserve so much better than that and whilst he is not as arrogant as to think that he has reached his desired level of perfection just yet, he does think that he admires and worships you more than anyone else.
​🔘​He has once proclaimed that he is far too mature to ever fall victim to a petty emotion such as jealousy and Elizabeth and Patricia could only exchange silent glances, already doubting his words. Kid is technically speaking a calmer person if you put him next to someone like Black Star yet it is the fact that he is low-key a worshipper for you that has him entering a disgusted indignation as soon as he spots someone asymmetrical daring to talk to the unpolished muse that is you. The longer he stares the worse it becomes as he notices all the imperfections on their face and clothes which only makes him want to pull at his hair. How dare they even step close to you without even properly checking their appearance?! He comes quite literally storming over, yellow eyes observing the other person outraged as his mask pulls into a disgusted grimace. There are two ways this can go. Either he starts ranting about how the other person could even dare to talk to you with such an unruly appearance or he quickly grabs your hands and drags you away whilst brooding and muttering under his breath about everything wrong with their look. He'll be afterwards vehement to deny his obvious jealousy though.
​🔘​Kid's fixation on balance and orderliness can also be found in his own morales. Every person has some evil within them, that even includes him and his own obsession which he is partially aware of, and order must always prevail and move forward. There is no pleasure that he takes in murdering others but if the evilness in someone's heart and the things that they have done to you overweight anything else, he shows no hesitation to execute someone. It's not always easy, especially if someone shows remorse but there are things he can't forgive even if the other person regrets it as death is sometimes the only way to repent. He is not above others though even if he is the son of the God of Death as he is suspectible to emotions such as anger and wrath and won't be able to always control them properly, leading in some cases to an outburst of rage that accidentally leads him to destroy things in his surroundings due to his recklessness.
​🔘​He has most likely a detailed plan of his routine and the life he plans to lead in the future and now that he has you, you are made part of that plan as well. Without a doubt would he plan to share a house with you later on but he wouldn't abduct you until all of his expectations are fulfilled which means until he feels like everything is completely perfect. He spends months designing everything, buying all the furniture and arranging everything only to re-arrange it over and over again until he finally feels like everything is perfect like he wants it to be and that is when he finally starts planning to invite you to live together with him which will also take him some time until he has cited every word perfectly in front of his mirror. He'd be devastated if you would turn him down though, desperate to find out what he did wrong and how he can redeem himself. He'd blackmail you if you deny him for too long as he would just snap eventually and use his position as a True Reaper to force you to live with him.
🔘​He's begging you to allow him to choose clothes for you as he believes that he could choose outfits for you that would suit you much better and draw out all of your beauty. Kid gets ridiculously offended the moment someone tries to downplay you as he sings praises about you every time the conversation shifts to you, going as far as threatening them to take those egregious words back and apologise. Oh, why does no one perceive you for the unique beauty that you are?? Asymmetry is something Kid only really tolerates with you but even then he busily finds himself begging you to let him help you with it all. He offers to cut your hair, to pluck your eyebrows and even to cut and manicure your nails and hands so that everything is balanced and symmetrical. Everything should be to your liking so he's on the ground if you even mention that something isn't quite to your preference, writhing on the floor as he starts exclaiming that he is ashamed of having disappointed you and it takes you a while to comfort him in his theatrical sorrow.
Elizabeth Thompson
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🔶​Between the two sisters, Elizabeth is the one who would be the one partially in on everything concerning her obsession. It's quite safe to say that her inner turmoil spoils her mood quite a lot. She doesn't know how she should handle her feelings for you and doesn't want to risk other people finding out about it, especially not you. This results in her being quite moody and gruff as soon as merely your name is brought up in a conversation as she essentially tries to sell the tough girl attitude by acting like she doesn't really care about you. Unfortunately she fails quite often, especially if you look at her or get too close to her. Her heart starts pounding against her ribcage, her hands start to get sweaty and she starts stuttering as words fail her. All the embarrassment from those things only makes everything more intense and before you know it she's storming away whilst yelling incoherent words all whilst her burning face is buried in her hands. Do not even bring it up to her later on unless you want to risk irritating her.
🔶​Whilst she may still fumble around with her self-control and a total grasp of the situation, there is one thing Liz knows from a quite early stage on. That she doesn't really like the thought of you ending up with someone else. Keep in mind that there was a time before her and Patricia became the weapons of kid where she and her sister were essentially thugs stealing from others. A part of that mindset still exists somewhere within her and that selfishness and mentality to steal what she wants turns into possessive urges that won't allow her to rest easy and just watch back whilst every other damn jerk could try to get to you. As previously mentioned, she knows that what she is doing is wrong and she really hates herself sometimes for the way she behaves because of her feelings but she has no control over it at times. Liz is fully committed to team up with her sister and scare and frighten people who get on your nerves though or who threaten you in another way. No one's going to mess with you if she can put a stop to it.
🔶​Her patience is tested in new ways she never thought would be possible even despite all the antics Kid showcases. She really wants to act like she is more cool-headed than that but she just can't bite her tongue and lash out a bit when it becomes too much for her. Whether she makes some cynical comments or assumes a facade she would have showed in the past on the streets when someone starts getting too confident with you, she refuses to elaborate on her behavior later on. No,she was not jealous back then. You're just imagining things right now. Her younger sister Patty probably thinks she is doing her a favor by spying on you because she knows of her sister's interest in you and always telling her when there is someone else who seems to be rather fond of you or the other way around but it really only serves to make things harder to hide for Liz. She can never tell if Patty has perhaps read the situation wrong or not but she is ultimately too paranoid to ignore it and always ends up checking the situation out herself. Most of the time she realises that there is nothing going on but it is the chance that her sister might be right the next time that keeps her on edge.
🔶​She fully reverts to the life of a thug whenever she has to scare someone. As much awareness as Liz may have about her current predicament, for some reason she has never had much problems threatening and intimidating other people. Perhaps that is because most of the time she goes after people who have done something shitty which affected you. Patty always insists on tagging along and even if Liz tells her to stay out of it, her sister ends up following her nine out of ten times anyways and helps Liz to tell with any asshole that thought that they could mess with you and get away with it. She just starts bullying the other person, sneering at the person and insulting them whilst cornering somewhere together with Patty who joins Liz. She starts working on her hand-to-hand combat as well because she knows that there are times where she won't be able to fight with Patty and whilst she is skilled enough to beat up ordinary people, she needs to get stronger by herself. It isn't like she fights fair though, she's grown up on the streets after all. Think smart, not hard.
🔶​As new as everything is for her and as much as she dislikes her own behavior at times, at least she is quite laid-back when it comes to the topic of living together. She isn't as desperate as someone like Kid would be and she doesn't obsess about it like he would do either. This is a step she is willing to take at a slow tempo because as long as she can spend enough time with you, she isn't going to be clingy. Partially she doesn't want you two to move in too soon is also because she is so messy. She didn't grow up in a normal household after all and she has no sense of order differently from Kid. She can't even properly cook and clean and is far too embarrassed to admit that to you. She should at least be decent enough to learn the basics before considering the idea. She knows she wouldn't have the best capabilities to care for someone for a long period of time. Her moody behavior does lead her to be irrational at times in which case it isn't unlikely that she uses sleeping powder on you or knocks you out to drag you somewhere to lock you away, mostly when she thinks that it's too dangerous for you but you're too stubborn to listen.
🔶​Liz lays down her pride and eventually asks Tsubaki if she could teach her how to cook because she knows that you enjoy the woman's cooking and she feels low-key jealous about it. Liz is the one with the obsession here yet at times she finds herself more concerned with Patty's behavior because her younger sister complies with everything she does far too easily without stopping to question it. Patty has always been her partner in crime and it isn't any different even now as she always assists and helps Liz with everything, even ganging up with her to scare people who thought that they could make you cry. Normally she would like to be seen as a cool and mature woman by you but all of that shatters the moment the topic of paranormal things gets brought up in which case she abandons her tough mask entirely and is clutching onto you for dear life. Couple outfits are going to be a thing the moment the two of you are in a relationship and though she still tries to act mature, secretly she cares a lot about it.
Patricia Thompson
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🔸​Patricia could not be more different from her sister as she acts a lot like a child and always keeps a cheerful and happy demeanor on her. This childish mindset of her does not allow her to even comprehend her own feelings for a good while whilst still acting on them nevertheless. Patty knows that she feels always happy when she is around you and for that she constantly seeks you out. The girl is extremely clingy and gets upset and mad when she can't find you to the point of throwing a tantrum, though her mood instantly brightens when she finally finds you. Due to her inabilities to even fully understand her own emotions she is definitely delusional. She doesn't give the attachment she feels for you too much thoughts and often tells you cheerfully to do the same. You think too much and enjoy too little. Just do it like her and enjoy life and you'll be just as jolly as she is always when she has you with her...
🔸​Just like Liz she is also quite possessive because she is not unfamiliar to the concept of stealing from other people. Though there is no need for her anymore to steal from others to ensure her and her sister's survival, those possessive feelings fully resurface now that you are in her life. She sees it all in a quite uncomplicated manner though as she essentially already calls you "hers" as she assumes that with the amount of time she spends with you, she has already claimed you as hers. Very visibly confused when you hastily explain to her that this doesn't work as simply as you are not an object that belongs to whoever possesses it before she starts pouting and asks you what she would have to do so that you would be officially hers. If you give her a detailed answer she would probably just kiss you and ask you if you now belong to her. She has no shame and whether that is because she doesn't concern herself with thinking too much or if she just thinks that because the two of you are a couple she doesn't have to be ashamed aside, her attitude will be a real problem for you and the people around you.
🔸Very much like a child would get jealous and upset if someone would take their most valued thing away from them, Patty would react in a similar way. You're unable to ignore her for more than a few seconds as she will do her everything to make you aware of her again. She prods your cheeks, tugs at your clothes or shoves herself in front of you and calls your name repeatedly so that you turn your attention to her again. She is being a nuisance but you know at one point that trying to lose her won't end well. For someone with such a simple-minded personality, Patty can get scary very quickly, especially if it is the other person telling her that she is being noisy and annoying. The violent threats which leave her lips so effortlessly when she turns around with that same jolly grin on her face are concerning and disturbing, especially once she gives them an almost condescending glare and tells them that they are the one in the way because you are already her person.
🔸​Between Liz and her, Patty is much more prone to violence. She is low-key a bit unhinged and doesn't shy away from threatening others. Whether someone has made you cry or because she doesn't like how they have been stealing you away from her for too long, every word will be spoken with the same childish grin which only makes her more terrifying in such situations. She doesn't even lie about it either as she admits openly that she is the reason why someone is suddenly too scared to get closer to you, though in her opinion threatening others isn't anything that should be of concern as it was a daily occurence in her past. That nefarious grin is still preferable to the insane anger that can possess her when she fully loses her temper and truly returns into a violent criminal that won't even bat her eyelashes whilst casually shooting someone or breaking their bones. Ironically enough she would be one of the most dangerous people for others as she doesn't consider the true horror of her actions that much.
🔸​The two of you will stay together for the rest of your lives and that is final. She doesn't care about what you have to say about that as in most cases rejections enter her ear before leaving through her other. Anyone else who tries to explain to her that she is in the wrong and that she should respect your decision is getting that truly frightening grin from her as they don't have any business to tell her what to do and what not to do. I wouldn't put it above her that she may have tried to break into your own house in the past. She knows where you live because she so frequently follows you and once she knows where your house is located, she constantly pops up and knocks on your door whilst telling you cheerfully to let her inside. You feel like the protagonist of a horror movie whenever her knocks turn more persistent and violent all whilst her happy voice rings through the air with the same request to open the door and let her inside because she wants to see you. Luckily Liz has often retrieved her and apologised to you through the door.
🔸​She literally acts like you are the incarnation of Einstein whenever you tell her something she didn't know before. You have to consider that her and her sister were abandoned on the streets and for that never received a proper education so to her you are extremely intelligent as you know so much more than she does. Patty has insisted for you to teach her the most basic stuff at times and you had no choice but to agree as rejections are always useless with her though she can barely concentrate on what you tell her as soon as the two of you sit down. She can't sit still nor can she remain silent for a long time as she is far too fidgety and always wants to do something with you. She can be incredibly insensitive to your own emotions at times due to not being able to read the situation properly and even if she tries to help you in her own ways, she makes it all worse for you but won't leave you alone anyways.
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silvernightabyss ¡ 5 months ago
“Who says the protagonist's life has to be happy?” - Chapter 1
Yandere Hero x gn!Reader
Isekai, who among us hasn't dreamed of it? Well, get it signed. Try not to throw yourself into the arms of the protagonist as soon as you see him. Remember, you may know everything about him, but he's seeing you for the first time. The thoughts of the protagonist come as a gift.
How many references do you want? Yes.
word count: 2.9k Prologue/Chapter 1
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It's been two weeks since you've been in the fantasy world of the novel. Adapting has been difficult, even though you've inherited fragmentary memories of the original owner of the body. The unfamiliar people, surroundings, etiquette, and architecture were very disconcerting. To your shame, you spent your first night sobbing quietly in your room in the temple. The only thing you were probably lucky about was that you weren't a member of the church, just a hired sewist. Given the fact that the high priest was the one who raped Evan, you had no desire to see the man, whose name was Donavan. Make sure you memorize that shithead's name and if you ever summon a demon, sell his soul.
In fact, you hadn't seen him or Evan since you'd been in this world. And while the first pleased you, the second disappointed you. As you learned by asking the servants, Evan and his team were on a quest to destroy one of the demon lords living in a poisonous swamp. This happened at the beginning of the first volume, as you may recall. And what the author thought to add the location of the poison swamp, in all games it was always the most annoying part. Probably because the author was an insufferable evil bastard who drew inspiration from the most annoying things created by human hands. A sudden wave of anger almost ripped the thin fabric in your hands in half. Then you stroked it quickly, as if to comfort it, removing the creases that had formed.
Poor Evan was going to get poisoned by some nasty animal and come back to the temple with a fever for a week. Sad, of course, but nothing that with your level of power you could change. The day after the isekai, you tried a little magic. Find some chakra, mana core, nen or something. But no. All you got was to feel like an idiot for half an hour, huffing and puffing like a pissed-off hedgehog. No transmigrator buffs. No annoying system or divine companion. Nothing. That made you completely powerless to help Evan. It was frustrating, angry, and made you want to bang your head against the wall. Your modern upbringing couldn't allow you to ignore someone else's misfortune. If you worked in the kitchen, you would surely spit in the soups and drinks that are made especially for the High Priest. Unfortunately, those are the only petty thoughts of revenge you could afford.
Part of you just wanted to leave, good thing sewing skills were embedded in your subcortex, and you could find work somewhere else, not in a place where you knew one hero suffered every day. You wince. Thinking about it like that made you feel bad about yourself. It was vile to think of leaving. As the only person with knowledge of the situation, you had to stay and try to help in any way you could. Even if your attempts would be fruitless in the end.
You spent the next two hours diligently embroidering new robes and fixing old ones where the fabric was too worn. Unpleasant thoughts of varying degrees of intrusiveness kept popping into your head, but you studiously ignored them. Their content was something like “To be or not to be”, only your option was “To stay or not to stay”.
After you finished your work, you picked up a pile of robes and went to turn them in to the storekeeper. The temple was beautiful, even to your unassuming eye. The entire continent worshiped the Creator who made the world and the gods they created to help look after the people. In fact, you remembered from the book that the mythology of Evan's world was very interesting. Incredibly written and detailed lore describing events from ancient times to the present day. Some of the knowledge you had already forgotten, but for example you remembered that the Irin continent, where the main story took place, was named after the god's favorite angel.
The central temple of the capital was dedicated to the Creator. Numerous frescoes on the ceiling depicted the creation of the world and the races that inhabited it. For the first week, you walked with your head up, and more than once you were on the verge of falling. The tall, graceful steles also drew attention to the care with which the flowers and leaves were molded, as if they were real and the spell had just turned them to stone a moment ago. The garden wasn't to be forgotten, you'd only been there once, but it was already completely engraved in your heart. Score one for staying. Overall to summarize the temple was beautiful, the priests friendly. So why the hell is this place of paradise run by this goddamn pervert! The Creator's eyes are blown out of their heads to let a man like that in charge of their temple? Unbearable.
Your boots thudded loudly and angrily on the marble floor, and you continued on your way. The servants and priests you encountered preferred to avoid you in a wide arc, sensing in their gut the dark and heavy aura you gave off. With the power you put into opening the door, you could shred a mountain to pieces with a single blow. Yeah, like that bald guy, that's how powerful you were at that moment. The storekeeper didn't even lift his head from the paper he was looking at. Inwardly, you marveled a little at his restraint; you yourself would have jumped on the spot if you had been rushed in with such a bang. More calmly you approached the not-young man whose most prominent feature was his giant-hooked nose.
“I brought the robes, where should I put them?” Your voice rumbles through the room.
The man nodded vaguely toward a neighboring room filled with baskets full of robes. The servants had to wash and dry the robes before handing them back to the priests. Why the freshly sewn robes had to be washed was a big question, but not of your mind. You were about to leave when you were stopped by the storekeeper.
“Go to the infirmary and get the medicine for the hero. His chambers are in the east wing of the temple on the third floor.”
During your entire stay in the room, the storekeeper didn't even look at you, and after he gave you the order, he started acting as if you weren't even here. Well, the main thing is that he didn't yell. You shrugged your shoulders and left the room.
The stone-face test was successfully passed, the die rolled on a twenty! In fact, your heart was racing, and your palms were unpleasantly sweaty. Did all this mean you would be able to see Evan? You didn't even know he'd returned. With an effort of will, you suppressed the joyful scream that burst from your mouth. You're going to see the protagonist of this damn novel. Almost dancing, you hurried toward the infirmary.
The nurse, whose name was Ellen, gave you your medication as soon as she heard that you had come from the storekeeper. The girl explained that because of the upcoming festival dedicated to the Creator, all the servants were busy preparing for the sacred rituals. Mentally, you tsked. That no servant could spare time for the precious hero of the Church? Nonsense, of course, but nonsense that plays right into your hands. Having memorized what to give and in what dosage, you headed for the eastern wing.
The corridors became more and more empty with every turn, as if you were entering a forbidden zone. The atmosphere was oppressive and growing colder with each step. A creak sounded very close to you, made you jump on the spot and freeze. It was scary to turn around. You didn't want to see the ghost behind you. On bending legs, you turned around and ….Mmm No, that's just your overactive imagination working for the bread. There was nothing behind you. Nothing in the front, either. Cussing under your breath, you continued walking. Isekai had definitely taken a toll on your nerves. Shame they hadn't invented valerian here yet.
The doors to Evan's chambers were carved, decorated with ornaments of flowers. You knocked hesitantly, and when there was no answer, you knocked again, but louder. Maybe he was asleep? What was to be done? The nurse had said the medication had to be timed to avoid making him feel worse. The doorknob in your hand felt like a ticket to heaven or hell. Praying in your mind to who you didn't know, you pushed it down. With a quiet click, the door opened. Like a mouse about to steal cheese, you quietly slipped through the gap and closed the door behind you. You hoped Evan wasn't a cat that would eat you for entering without permission.
The main hero's chambers were green, very green, not because the walls and furniture were that color, but because of the dozens or even hundreds of pots with various plants. As a half-elf, Evan had the ability to understand and talk to plants. For a long time in the novel, they were his only friends, listening to all his sorrows. Sighing sadly, you headed for the door behind, which was presumably the bedroom.
Evan lay on the bed, resting peacefully, deep in sleep. The blanket lay in a bunched pile at the half elf's feet. His complexion was very pale with blue veins clearly visible, there were deep bruises under his eyes, and his breathing was intermittent and heavy. Despite this, he was still more handsome than the sleeping beauty herself. If you thought the comparison was inappropriate, just never mind. On tiptoe, you moved closer and leaned over the sleeping hero. Handsome. You especially liked the way his leafy green hair curled around his pointy ears. You wanted to catch one strand between your fingers and then watch it curl back. You weren't weird. Not at all.
You put the tray of medicine on the bedside table with a little more clatter than you'd like, but Evan didn't wake up, thankfully. The half elf's forehead was scalding hot, and you jerked your hand away quickly. Looking around, you spotted a basin of water on the other side of the room and quickly soaked the rag you'd grabbed from the tray before placing it on Evan's forehead. That's better. Satisfied, you smiled to yourself.
The question of how to medicate the unconscious hero was still open. You frankly didn't want to wake him up. You remembered from the book that Evan's condition was extremely serious, and he didn't come to his senses at all. Rest is the best medicine. It's better if you quietly do your business and leave, and he won't even know you're in his chambers. Shit, that sounded like some kind of thief.
Pass the cure with a kiss? You shook your head frantically as soon as the thought crossed your mind. God, you'd read too many romance novels. Conscience and morality would never allow you to violate Evan's personal boundaries like that, considering how they'd already been violated by the high priest. Besides, it would be despicable to do that to any person.
But then what were you supposed to do? You'd just have to pour the drugs into Evan's mouth and hope he didn't choke. That's about what you did, luckily without becoming a hero killer. Now comes the most difficult and embarrassing part. Ellen gave you an ointment to rub into the half elf's chest. The medical reasons behind this you almost completely missed, and you only had to take on faith the necessity of this action. Evan wouldn't like it if someone he didn't know undressed him and started performing medical procedures on him. Right? So something had to be done about it.
One of the scraps of fabric Ellen put on the tray caught your eye. It's perfect. You'll pretend to be a butler, covering your eyes with a strip of fabric so as not to embarrass your mistress. Master. You mean Evan. Quickly and tightly tying the band, you found yourself in darkness. With suddenly trembling hands you fumbled for the collar of the half elf's shirt and from it, you easily reached the buttons. Normally you would have easily done it in less than a minute, but now deprived of sight and incredibly embarrassed; each of your actions was stretched to the point of impossibility. After an eternity according to your internal clock, you finally managed this undeniably difficult task.
So it was time for the ointment, which was as green as you remembered and smelled like bumps or something else freshly herbal. Incredibly embarrassed by your own actions, you rubbed the ointment in as fast as you could without lingering on any part of Evan's skin. What's a stupid trail? A relieved exhale escaped you when this torture finally stopped. Ellen had said the ointment should absorb very quickly, literally in less than a minute, and in your head you drummed your fingers on your thigh, ticking off the seconds. When the time was up, you hoped for it towards the end you began to speed up the count, with all care you covered Evan with the blanket. The nurse had said the fever would go down very quickly, which meant the half elf could get cold.
And so it was done! Now you could leave with a clear conscience. You pulled the bandage off your eyes, blinked in the light, and hurriedly picked up the tray, leaving the room. Before you passed through the doorway, you took one last look at Evan, still sleeping peacefully. Handsome even when he's sick. Nodding affirmatively at that thought, you headed back to the infirmary to return the medication to the nurse.
Evan woke up when someone started undoing the buttons of his sleeping shirt. His first thought was that it was Donavan, so the only thing he could do was lie there and not fight back. Was he sick of his powerlessness? So sick that he wanted to open his chest with his hands and rip out his damn heart, which sometimes allowed itself to hope for the best. The half elf left his eyes closed, not wanting to look at the high priest's ugly face, twisted with desire. He could still visualize it all too well, anyway. A convulsion shot through his arm and he clawed his fingers into the sheets, his nails almost tearing the fabric.
Halfway through the unbuttoning, Evan suddenly realized that the fingers that sometimes grazed his skin were different from Donovan's skinny, knotted fingers, the pads of which were covered with calluses. In addition, a strange chill spread from his forehead down his body. Was it the damp cloth? It was only because of the two factors above that he actually opened his eyes and saw you. The snort that almost came out of his mouth, he held back with an incredible effort of will. A blindfold? It was ridiculous, even more ridiculous than the mix of slime deer and owl he'd met in the swamp. Ridiculous but oddly cute. The mere thought that he might be uncomfortable being stared at half-naked had never occurred to anyone. With already great interest and friendliness, he began to consider your appearance.
When you reached for the green jar, he recognized it as an antipyretic. A spark of realization lit him up, and Evan bit his lip. He was ready for the feeling of a thousand little insects crawling under his skin, but your touch didn't disgust him. Evan blinked perplexedly when he realized this. Short and medically detached, your touch was devoid of any lust. Noticing your fingers trembling, Evan concluded that at the very least you were awkward. Later his guess was confirmed by your tapping on your thigh, too uneven and often out of rhythm to be a sign of boredom or impatience. The blanket you covered him with forced him to smile slightly. A display of simple human caring that he had always been deprived of. The thought made him feel unpleasantly empty inside.
When your fingers reached for the bandage, Evan closed his eyes as quickly as possible, not even knowing why. He didn't have an answer to that question. Listening to the quiet rustling of the fabric of your clothes and the tinkling of the medicine on the tray made his heart feel lighter for some reason. It was as if you were not a randomly sent servant, but someone close to him who genuinely cared about him.
The creak of the door alerted him to your departure, but with his keen hearing, he could still hear your footsteps outside his chambers. As soon as they were gone, Evan sat up on the bed, causing the cloth on his forehead to fall down. Silently, he twirled it in his hands. His head felt strangely empty. Perhaps the only question that bothered him now was; who are you? Meeting you had irrevocably changed something in him, as if he had been a broken clock just now starting to run.
Evan rolled back over, sinking into the soft mattress, and returned the cloth to his forehead. The next time you two meet, once he's recovered enough to walk, he'll be sure to ask your name. With that thought, his exhausted mind took to its realm of Morpheus.
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Reblogs, comments, are always greatly appreciated! ヽ(o^ ^o)ノ
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destinationsorrows ¡ 1 year ago
Masterlist+Request info+About me
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I don't have anything written just yet
Request Information;
When requesting, request a scenario or something of the sort. I am severely uncreative (lie)
No NSFW: 🌑
NSFW allowed: 🌕
Same Gender only: 🌈
Platonic Only: 🫧
Fandoms/Characters I write for,
Omori, 🫧
Sunny, 🌑
Aubrey, 🌑
Kel, 🌑
Hero, 🌑
Mari, 🌑
Sweetheart, 🌕
Space boyfriend, 🌕
Omoriboy, 🌕
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun:
Amane Yugi/Hanako, 🌑
Tsukasa Yugi, 🌑
Nene Yashiro, 🌑
Kou Minamoto, 🌑
Teru Minamoto, 🌕
Aoi Akane, 🌑
Akane Aoi, 🌑
Sakura Nanamine, 🌕
Natsuhiko Hyūga, 🌑
Mitsuba Sousuke, 🌑
Tsuchigomori, 🌕
Sally Face:
Sal Fisher, (🌕 Aged up only)
Ashley Campbell, (🌕 Aged up only)
Larry Johnson, (🌕 Aged up only)
Todd Morrison, 🌈(🌕 Aged up only)
Travis Phelps, 🌈 (🌕 Aged up only)
Ghost Eyes (Webtoon):
Tobias Schneien, 🌑
Mattias Schneien, 🌑
Rudolph Richardson, 🌑
Emilio Murkmere, 🌑
Carmelo DeMonte, 🌑🌈
Will write any other characters if requested, I love you Ghost Eyes fandom
Creepypasta/Marble hornets/Other:
Ben Drowned, 🌑🫧
Jeff the killer, 🌑
Jane the killer, 🌕
Ticci Toby, 🌕 (Hes 19)
Tim Wright/Masky, 🌕
Brian Thomas/Hoodie, 🌕
Eyeless Jack, 🌕
Slenderman, 🌕
Nina the Killer, 🌑
Bloody Painter, 🌕
And tons more, too many to put down just request and I'll write it
Bungo Stray Dogs:
Osamu Dazai, 🌕
Chūya Nakahara, 🌕
Atsushi Nakajima, 🌕
Akiko Yosano, 🌕
Doppo Kunikida, 🌕
Jun'ichirō Tanazaki, 🌕
Kenji Miyazawa, 🌑
Kyōka Izumi, 🌑
Ranpo Edogawa,🌕
Naomi Tanazaki,🌑
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa,🌑
Ichyō Higuchi, 🌕
Gin Akutagawa, 🌑
Kyūsaku Yumeno, 🌑🫧
Motojirō Kajii, 🌕
Sakunosuke Oda, 🌕
Ango Sakaguchi, 🌕
Edgar Allan Poe, 🌕
Lucy Montgomery, 🌕
Fyodor Dostoevsky, 🌕
Bram Stoker, 🌕
Nikolai Gogol, 🌕
Sigma, 🌕?
Saigiku Jūno, 🌕
Tetchō Suehiro, 🌕
Scott Pilgrim (Movie, Comics, and Show):
Wallace Wells, 🌕🌈
Scott Pilgrim, 🌕
Ramona Flowers,🌕
Knives Chau,🌑
Envy Adams,🌕
Kim Pines,🌕
Matthew Patel,🌕
Gideon Graves,🌕
Young Neil!!,🌕
Stephan Stills,🌕
Soul Eater:
Black☆Star, 🌑
Maka Albarn,🌑
Franken Stein ,🌕
Death The Kid,🌑
Crona Gorgon,🌑
Soul Eater Evans,🌑
Tsubaki Nakatsukasa,🌑
What I will write,
Angst, Fluff, NSFW (Includes Gøre), Yandere, Comfort, AUs, anything that isnt in Wont Write.
What I won't write,
Inc3st, p3døphilia, basically anything weird and gross, anything sexual for characters under 18 (If i have to age them up then dont request it unless its Sfw)
About Me!!
Hi my name is Mercy! My birthday is April 1st and I'm currently 15 years old.
I enjoy alot of different fandoms and I really love art and music. If you want to be friends just ask, dms are open to anyone and everyone!!! And don't be shy to request anything, i don't bite! :3
Art Instagram is Mewre44, if you want me to draw anything just dm it's free since my art kinda sucks currently.
Thats it!! Feel free to dm or request!!!! Bye!
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yandereunsolved ¡ 1 year ago
I am kind of obsessed with the idea of Evan Peter's characters with a magic system like Steven Universe. If you aren't familiar, the most bare-bones way to explain this is that certain characters are able to fuse with each other because of their bond. Their mind, body, and soul become one and create an entirely new being. If their fuse is unstable, then they will defuse. If they take a lot of damage, they will defuse. They can also stably defuse and return to their separate forms. If you want to know more about what I am talking about, go to the Steven Universe Wiki under Fusion Gems.
Now imagine Evan's characters fusing to create new characters. Tehe. Especially in a yandere setting.
Your toxic boyfriend Kai Anderson takes you to the Cortez to spend the night because every other place is booked. You both meet James Patrick March. Kai and James click together like puzzle pieces. One is an aspiring cult leader and the other is a mass murderer. They both have grown to be madly obsessed with you. Kai is only willing to share because James is even better of a manipulator than he is. They fuse and create a new being— their obsession and individual abilities multiply tenfold.
Giggling and kicking my feet in the air rn.
Quicksilver and Tate? Peter moves into the Murder House and you're their neighbor. Peter acts like Tate is his brother. Tate is totally a normal human boy. Nothing to see here. They both are all lovey dovey with you... so they fuse by accident once because Peter runs through Tate. Then, they decide to show you their fusion.
The yandere Evans forcing you into an unstable fusion??? Uh, oh. :( Darling, you don't understand. You are precious to them. This is the only way you can be with them in mind, body, and soul. They need this. They need to be one with you.
The wholesome babies being Kit and FrankenKyle. Kit doesn't really understand the entire undead thing but he helps Kyle become more human. You are the witch/warlock/[insert other magical thing] that is currently taking care of Kyle. Kit just adores how sweet and loving you are with him. They both fuse over their mutual attraction to you. The fusion is a bit unstable because Kyle is undead— so his scars show up on the fusion. Imagine those eyes??? Kits look and Kyle's innocent baby expression??? You have an oddly charming, himbo boyfriend now. Sometimes he struggles to speak and maintain eye contact.
Austin Sommers and Mr. Gallant. More giggling. It would be such an odd pair but it'd work. It'd work. You totally know that it would.
Luke Cooper & Colin Zabel. Shh... Lordy, lordy. Give Luke some credit. He never intended to fuse with anyone. He thought the idea was fucking stupid and useless to begin with. Ugh, a detective— so how did they fuse? You work for Michael Scott and therefore with Luke. Someone broke into the office after hours (Michael bribed you into helping teach Luke office skills. It was coming along horribly and Luke just kept flirting with you.) and that person tried to kill both of you. A masked gunperson. Colin comes in to help solve the case. Both Luke and Colin... end up fusing when Luke shows he gives a shit about something. Which is you and your safety.
This is already so long. Anygays, do you want me to expand on this idea:? Genuinely curious. Cause I would love to see what people come up with... and what if there was just an au of Evans fused characters??? (Even non-ahs related— I write a lot of ahs. that is why I am saying this.)
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wedreamedlove ¡ 1 year ago
If you mind me asking but when the writers describe Jesse as obsessive ,does it reach like yandere level?
And also how would you rank from least obsessive to most in LN male leads ?
nah, at its core, light and night is still a mainstream chinese otome game, meaning the men have to be good role models. but why i keep praising their writers is that they have a very good grasp on human nature and so all of the men display the same human traits in their own ways, leading them to overcome traumas, negative thinking, and destructive thoughts. this makes them really relatable for us players.
honestly, i'd like to stress this about otome games, which are visual novels at their core, that the goal isn't just to self-insert into the heroine, it's also to see yourself reflected in the men.
going back to your particular question though, would it surprise you if i said that all of the men have shown yandere-esque thoughts? heehee, the ranking would go:
Sariel's the least obsessive since his philosophy is all about letting things take their natural course. that being said though, this immortal fox does reveal that, at one point in time, he considered building a cabin in the woods and just rotting there with the jade pendant you gave him in the past. like, that's some obsessive thinking there. (he lost the pendant at one point and went on this crazy journey to get it back, pretty sure he got scammed by like 90% of the people that he asked.)
Osborn is a complicated case because, technically, he's less obsessive than Sariel. but i'm counting the other half of his soul, even if their experiencese sort of made them two different people. his other half locked up the heroine, was willing to replace Osborn as his shadow, and also offered to let himself get hurt if it will keep the heroine tied to him through guilt and heartache.
Evan showed how monstrously possessive he can be after he's determined to fight for something now. he would rather the heroine hate him and have them be entangled in a web of love-hate until the end than be strangers.
Charlie is another complicated case because, technically, he understands the longing for freedom more than anyone else and so he and the heroine get along well because of this (two sides of the same coin). however, he's got his dad's blood in him, that's for sure. he has an entire collection room of things related to the heroine and preserves like everything. he's also talked about letting himself get consumed by the heroine so he can be with her even through death. what can i say, vore is love because love is a consumption—
Jesse is still the most "yandere" out of all the men, in my opinion, because he stalked the heroine and everyone calls him out on his "obsession" towards her and how half the time his world is so small it only contains the heroine.
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madmanwonder ¡ 7 days ago
My Current Mood
AU(S): Childhood Friend AU, Domestic AU, Horror AU: Slasher AU/Ghost AU, Crossover Fusion/AU Fusion AU, Law and Crime AU: Crime AU: Stalker AU, Fantasy World AU: Overlord AU, Spy AU, Star Wars AU: Sith AU, Yandere AU, Married AU, Parents AU
General Moods: Odd Friendship, Odd Romance, Slice of Life, Action, Horror Comedy
Main Muses: Cartoon Network, Arc System Works, Goddess of Victory: Nikke, Marvel Comics, Star Wars, Blue Archive, Soul Eater, Harry Potter, Mass Effect Series, Camp Half-Blood Chronicles, Overwatch
Male Muses: Maugaloa "Mauga" Malosi, Johnny Bravo, Clint Barton/Hawkeye, Male!Chrona, Male!Viper (Nikke) Frank Zhang, Male!Takanashi Hoshino, Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus, Neville Longbottom, Kaidan Alenko, Goldlewis Dickinson
Female Muses: Odessa "Dez" Stone/Junker Queen, Velma Dinkley, Crow (Nikke), Lily Evans, Galacta, Piper McLean, Medusa Gorgon, Yuzuriha, Asajj Ventress, Kosaka Wakamo, Ashley Williams
Meme: Mortal Kombat Intro: MK1 Intro, Crossover Crack Ship: OTP, Love Calculator, Age of the Barbarian AU Prompts, Switched Attributes,💍/Timed Wedding Ring, Cheerleader Outfit Meme, Chest Stare Meme, Bubble Tea Challenge, Relationship Status, Funny Bad Flirt, This is Not Madness? THIS! IS! LOVE!, This is Mine Now, Trashed Baby
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gamblersdoll ¡ 1 year ago
requests are open. here are my rules. updated 5/15/24
characters i can write for:
BERSERK….. Guts, Guts and Casca, maybe SkullKnight.
JJK… Sukuna, Toji, Hakari, Todo, Nanami
SOULEATER…. Soul evans
any girl on girl action is fine. poly is also alright
maybe i can write for:
BNHA… send me a dm or ask to see what character. i have no desire to be “cancelled” by 11-15 year olds for making a story about a character ive been simping for since i was 15.
ATTACK ON TITAN… i havent watched the series at all, so its a hard maybe.
what i wont write:
anything incest, hard kinks (piss, scat, knife or gun play, hardcore yandere).
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ofallthingsnasty ¡ 9 months ago
Oh depressed darlings…I love the dynamic of a yandere being both the source of your suffering and your comfort at the same time
Or a yandere giving you an outlet (whether willingly or not) to let out your feelings
Hmm, delicious.... You get it 🤤 I especially love the thought of you being beaten down so hard that you don't have it in you to fight anymore - and the yandere being either so smitten with lifeless you or so delusional that they think they're truly helping you with all of their efforts to peel you out of your depression nest...
You know, I rarely talk about my own OCs but I think my boy Evan from capture kill would be all over a heavily depressed darling. You could live in the most rancid mess of an apartment with just tiny little pathways to walk to and fro in between all the trash and he'd be frothing at the mouth like '... they need me SO BAD'. And once he has you - and you're just lethargic, barely able to get out of the bed, he'll just tend to you. You can't brush your teeth? Oh, he'll do that for you. You can't get up to go for a little walk? A ride in his car to the next fast food chain at 2AM is good enough, no? He never grows tired/gets annoyed by your behavior (read: your illness and it worsening because of your... circumstances), no, he eats it up. He feels like you can't live without him - and that is balm for the soul to a man who feels like drowning when he thinks about not being with you.
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armyofthedeadmen ¡ 11 days ago
A WIP list!
- Avatar (ATLA + ALOK)
- Black Butler
- Kakegurui
- Soul Eater
Adventure Time
Dead End: Paranormal Park
Gravity Falls
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
The Owl House
Scooby Doo: Mystery Inc.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Doki Doki Literature Club
Five Nights at Freddy's (basically every game)
Minecraft (the base game and various SMPs and Roleplays, list below this but ask for others!)
- Hermitcraft
- Origins Crew Roleplays
- Yandere Highschool
- Dream SMP
Pokemon (mostly the creatures as we are not as familiar with the mainline games)
Undertale (along with mostly every AU, list under but ask for others!)
- Underswap
- Underfell
- Flowerfell
Live Action
American Horror Story (BASICALLY every season)
AP Bio
Gilmore Girls
The Good Place
Heartbreak High
The Hunger Games (All books, the first four movies)
The Imperfects
My Name is Earl
NCIS + NCIS Origins
New Girl
The Politician
School Spirits (PLEASE no spoilers for Season Two)
Sex Education
Shondaland (MOSTLY Greys Anatomy and How to Get Away With Murder)
The Umbrella Academy
Be More Chill
Dear Evan Hansen
Ride the Cyclone
Spares Types of Source
Hell's Belles
Dungeons and Dragons Campaigns (Mostly Dungeons and Daddies, ask for others!)
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kikyan ¡ 4 years ago
Yandere Soul Eater Headcanons
These are my interpretations of his persona and none of these are 100% accurate. I don't condone any of these actions in real life and all of this is purely fictional. 
Yandere Server 
Black Star 
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I probably am gonna butcher all three but here we go! I’ve only seen the anime so I’ll be going off of that instead of the manga. When we meet Black Star we see a loud boy, a VERY loud person with a ‘radiant’ personality. He holds himself to a high degree and is a very funny person with an outgoing personality. Tsubaki is someone who can match with his soul wavelength because she is a very understanding and patient girl. Off the bat I think that his yandere type would be possessive, clingy, and manipulative. 
Let me start at the beginning. It was revealed that his parents were assassins, he never met them but somehow their reputation followed him. People judged him a lot despite him not being like his parents, wrongfully judged but he tries hard not to show it. I think that his personality ties in with that, he wants to alert attention to himself to show that he is his own person. 
Clingy. He is a very clingy person because his personality is in a sense, seeking attention. The first person he would seek attention from would be his S/O. He would always direct himself when he completed an accomplishment. Turn to his S/O and ask for their praise, when he gets it he simply turns to say “Well I’m Black Star after all!” He will constantly want his S/O’s attention in anything and everything he does. He’s about to fight someone? You’re coming to watch. He wants to show up whenever he wants. He’ll leave his own home and show up at his S/O’s home through the window because he’s built differently. 
Possessive. His S/O is his. Simple as that. He wants their attention 25/8 on him only, if his S/O is talking to someone else. No they aren’t. They aren’t. They simply can’t. Would call out to his S/O and grab them, hold them, put his arm around them, just assert dominance on them because that’s HIS S/O. It would get to the point where he would be over their house or would suggest them moving in with them. 
Manipulative. He would be manipulative. If his S/O would be upset about anything he will hype them up. He wouldn’t put them down, but he would question them. “ Well I guess you don’t want Black Star as your boyfriend.” Something like that. He wouldn’t be the biggest with manipulation, but he would drop subtle hints or maybe stop going over making their S/O question what is going on. Make it seem as if it’s their fault he is acting this way, their fault that this happened, etc. 
I don’t really see him as a dangerous yandere, but there is a slight chance that he may say some things that don’t sound the nicest at times. He could unintentionally say things he doesn’t mean, his S/O feels upset and then he may not apologize because he doesn’t understand what he said was wrong. It would take Tsubaki and the others to point out what he said was wrong, which would lead to him apologizing and feeling bad. Offering out to do something for his S/O because he is Black Star, he always makes up for mistakes. 
Soul “Eater” Evans
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When I first started Soul Eater, I immediately looked at this man and said "He cute asf <3" and I still stand by that. Throughout the series you can see him two sides of him you can see a very laid back individual or a sacrificial individual who needs to do everything himself (let me explain) 
During the entire show he holds the 'cool' title and wants to be a laid back character who's morals aren't as laid back so he will step in when things aren't 'cool'. It doesn't take much to make him fall in love with his S/O just with enough interaction. With this relationship it's the most normal set up, you're a chill person and we've been friends, wanna go out? As a yandere? This is a tough one because it depends on the side that we're looking at. He, as himself, will do everything to make a normal relationship because I naturally see him as a little possessive guy. If we talk about after the black blood and dark thoughts, along with the little devil corrupting him, he would be a bit more cruel and sadistic in his ways to ensure his S/O will stay with him. With that I think of these, Possessive and Overprotective. Under the black blood's influence? Manipulative, Clingy, Sadistic. 
Possessive. I see him being like this naturally, it's just you're his S/O and he wants to make sure people know that. Will walk close to you and if people get too close, he'll get closer till they get the idea. It's just something simple, has an arm around you constantly. Someone is talking to you? He is about to slide in there and wrap around you, inviting himself into the conversation. Sometimes it can get a little too overbearing but crack a joke here and there and it's all good. 
Overprotective. He has Maka as his meister, but the cool thing about Soul is that he can turn his arm into a blade so he doesn't need Maka in some cases. No matter what you are, he'll always feel the need to protect you and take care of you. You could be dealing with things on your own but here comes Soul ready to help you. I see him either letting you deal with it while commenting, “Yeah, my S/O is a badass” or the one who thinks “ A cool boyfriend always helps out.” Towards the end of it, it seems a lot more overbearing. With the whole Kishin incident happening, he would be very overprotective to the point where he would request to be in the same group as you when you go scouting or after the Kishin. After the Kishin incident, he can’t help but fear something similar happening and wanting to be more overprotective. 
After getting the black blood, you can see that he wants to do the most he can to take care of Maka and ensure nothing bad happens to her. Slowly going insane with the suggestions that the demon gives him. I remember that one episode in the anime where Stein placed them in a room with a scent that makes them reveal their true feelings. Soul wants to protect Maka and Maka wants to protect Soul. Soul wants to be the weapon that he is and protect Maka, even prepared to lay down his life for her whereas Maka wants to protect Soul and avoid him getting hurt. He gets the black blood and the demon starts to exploit his wish by trying to let him lower his guard and taking over him. With everything going on, I can see his S/O siding with Maka and wanting to protect Soul. If he is like this with Maka, imagine him with his S/O. Wanting to protect his S/O is his number one priority, but to what extent?
Manipulative. He would be manipulative with his S/O. He would guilt trip them in some cases if they chose to deny hanging out with him or being a little busy. I think he would gaslight them into thinking that they need him to protect them. They need him, because without him they would be in trouble or maybe even lose their life. If I’m being honest, all he wants is a normal relationship with his S/O but he is very protective over them and will do everything he can to take care of them. 
Sadistic, but not by choice. This is a bit of a stretch, but I think he can. Of course under the influence of the Black Blood he would consider hurting his S/O to ensure that they are safe and sound. Breaking a limb or knocking them out to ensure that they can’t move. They need him and if they can’t see that, he needs to show them. 
I know that these are confusing and probably won’t make sense, but I think that after everything that happened in that show, he would be horrified if he couldn’t protect his S/O and live up to the ideology that he is a cool person. He would not only break down and lose it, doing what he can to make his S/O trust, believe, love, and depend on him. He would be clingy and if these ever got to be too much, he would turn to them for help. He tries so hard to be the ‘cool’ guy that sometimes he neglects his own feelings. Overall, he would be a dangerous yandere. If I could give a rating, I would say a 4 or a 5/10. He would slowly lose his sanity for his S/O. 
Death The Kid
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Kid. I would say that he is a complex character but at the same time, not really. When it comes to Kid, I think he would be lowkey kinda scared for a romantic relationship because those require patience which a lot of people lose when it comes to him. Instead of laid back he is those people who go all out in relationships because they want everything to be perfect. With that in mind, I think he would be obsessive, lowkey possessive, and manipulative. 
Obsessive. He wants everything to be perfect but it can only be perfect if he knows how to properly plan things without thinking of the what ifs. One way to avoid that is to know everything about your S/O. He would stop to memorize your entire schedule, what you enjoy eating, how much you eat, how much you sleep, your favorite sleeping position, do you sleep with a plushie, etc. Man is OBSESSED with his S/O. Honestly, it’s those thoughts that consume him in the worst ways and worst times. Fighting a Kishin? ‘ What if they don’t like the way that I wrote my name on the group project sheet?’ Like no, you plague his mind 25/8. It would get to the point where he starts to get so obsessed with their life that he might ‘suggest’ or even take it upon himself to ‘help’ you do something in a particular style. Maybe a bit overcontrolling. 
Possessive. For starters, his S/O is someone who took patience with him. Liked his antics and understood his way of being. Never shamed him because in all honesty, I’m going to get real for a second. Kid has OCD, with symmetry and while some people find his antics funny and cute because they are portrayed that way, in a realistic setting this is the harsh reality. People with major OCD can’t do things they want to do without it taking an extreme, I don’t think I have OCD but I’ll give examples from what I’ve learned. People who don’t feel clean enough will often wash their hands, shower, or groom themselves very often. We know that while hygiene is very good, it’s very bad for the skin when it’s excessive. People would wash their hands frequently to the point their skin is raw from scrubbing or dry from the lack of moisture being trapped in the skin. Where something they did doesn’t feel right to the point they do it over and over again until it does. It’s something that can take time away from people, so while it’s portrayed to be funny in Soul Eater, it would be a real thing for Kid. His S/O would not judge him, would understand him, be patient with him, and genuinely care for him. People like that are very hard to find in the most extreme cases, of course I’m not shaming people who don’t want to be by someone's side like that because at the end of the day, you have no obligation to be there, but for Kid? His S/O would be there for him. Again, his S/O means the world to Kid because it’s someone who wants him for himself and for everything. He would not hesitate to dirty someone’s reputation or his own hands to ensure that his S/O stays with him. He isn’t playing games, he would proudly show them off because he loves them very much. 
Manipulative. Kid is very smart and while knowing everything about his S/O, he can direct his or his S/O’s  act to go into his favor. With this in mind, he can do a lot of damage. He would be in pain constantly but he wouldn’t be above making his S/O feel bad or doubt themselves if he has to. He would see that his S/O would feel bad when Kid goes into his mood where he feels like trash. He sees that makes his S/O lean more to him. If he wants their attention or time with them, he would pull that card to get his S/O with him. 
Kid isn’t a dangerous yandere who means physical harm, but mentally yeah. He can be dangerous, he is literally the Grim Reapers son, he has so much power but he can be so vulnerable. Physically? He can deal a lot of damage, but mentally? He can deal more. Think of it like this, it’s the fear that this man can inflict pain. It’s the fact that this man who is strong, is being vulnerable in front of you, to you. It’s the fact that he knows certain things about, it’s that fact that his man makes it seem like you’re responsible and that he needs you. It’s the fact that this man could do something and it would be all your fault, doesn’t matter if you know, it’s the fact that everyone will believe that you’re the cause of whatever Kid did. He is the son of the Grim Reaper, he was raised and taught well but you? No, you weren’t. 
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bluemoondust ¡ 4 years ago
Hello, Could You Make A Headcanon Of Soul Evans, Hajime Hinata, Sun And Qrow If S/O It Was An Innocent Cinnamon Roll That Doesn't See His Obsession For Her? Thank You (^-^)💕
✧Sweet and Oblivious Darling✧
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✧Soul Evans✧
To him, being a possessive and overprotective yandere, this is in some ways complicated with him. Yes, he's generally frustrated for the fact that you're so blind to the fact that he's infatuated with you. Maybe he wasn't too obvious? Probably, because Soul does tend to keep his tendencies to a minimum if he can do so. It does sting a bit that you haven't noticed, since he's a cool guy and all. He just needs to be a bit more direct with his hints to get the message through. Though he does wonder how you're able to not figure it out.
Now, Soul does not always see a need to use violence against others if it doesn't call for it. But damn is it extremely difficult to hold himself back from punching someone in the jaw for trying to mess with you. He pretty aware that your personality can attract the wrong set of people and that he cannot let slide. You don't deserve that sort of treatment at all; you haven't done anything wrong to have this happen. Don't worry though, Soul will be able to take care of the trash. Anyone who even thinks of using your kindness against you will have to face him.
✧Hinata Hajime✧
His approach to your obliviousness is rather... Passive aggressive. Hajime knows that it's not technically your own fault for being so blind to his interest in you, mostly because he desperately keeps that part to himself. Though, he would be lying if he said that it didn't annoy him that you could be naive to his feelings if he were more direct or obvious. It makes it seem like you're just brushing things off. Though, that's just his negative thoughts talking. Hajime is the type of yandere who comes off as a bit mean towards his darling, but nothing too bad. He's just rather distant and snarky. Due to your wholesome nature, he always ends up feeling so guilty everytime the two of you interact; even more so when you just come back despite his attitude.
But when it comes to others, Hajime is more aggressive. Especially if they have ill intentions towards you. It pisses him off that they would even think of approaching you with their disgusting behavior. He'll make sure to let it be known that you have someone to get through before they could even get to you. Those people don't deserve to be around you. However, you yourself won't be aware of this. This is mostly because Hajime wants to keep this overprotective behavior a secret from you so he doesn't have to face you head on. Going from there, he's always treats you decently and would never think of hurting you; emotionally or physically. You're someone he wants to protect at all times. The scariest part being that it's unknown if there's a limit to how far he'll go for you.
✧Sun Wukong✧
He's bummed to say the least when you're clueless on his intense infatuation that is directed to you. However, that does not stop him from trying again until you finally realize. Unfortunately, it might be too late when you reach that realization. Till then, Sun keeps himself close to you as much as possible, always reminding you that he'll be there whenever you're in need of a shoulder to lean on. Or much more. Sun is a rather clingy and maybe a bit delusional yandere, so it will be a difficult task to keep away from him for too long.
Regarding your personality, he finds it so adorable and will dote on/lightly tease you from time to time. Sun is very away that you are in possibility of running into trouble with people who could use you for their personal gain. You have such a big heart, and he loves that about you, but it does worry him. So much so, that he doesn't stay quiet in expressing his concerns about certain people if they look suspicious. Sun does not like putting stuff in your head, but this is for your safety, so it's definitely okay. That guy who asked to hang out with you? He looks pretty shifty... Better steer clear and so on.
✧Qrow Branwen✧
He's actually pretty okay with this. Qrow definitely feels like he doesn't deserve you in the slightest due to his background and danger inducing semblance. He would just make your life hell if he were to stick around too long. However, there is a burning desire to protect you from those who could take advantage of your innocent nature. He's seen the kindest be snuffed out before his eyes, and he'll be damned to let history repeat with you.
Again, he's alright with you not being aware of his obsession towards you; it probably makes his job protecting you easier for him. Although he tries to diminish the thought of getting closer, it still slips into mind every once in a while. It's nagging. It would soon consume all his thinking until he can't take it anymore. Adding to that, the fear of losing you, would just make it worse as well. Qrow has a lot of patience and stability, but everyone has a breaking point.  One where he'll just have to take matters into his own hands in order to put his mind at ease.
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yandere-romanticaa ¡ 6 years ago
Alright-....How would the Soul Eater Boys (Death the Kid,Blackstar and Soul) react to their S/O being flirted with in front of them by their childhood friend
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♡ Death the Kid ♡
Out of this entire trio, Kid is the one who will most likely remain cool throught the entire situation. He is aware that his s/o is an absolute beauty and that anyone is willing to try anything to woo them. That doesn't mean that he won't get angry though. Far from it really! He is absolutely pissed but he doesn't want other people to see that. No, instead he will calmly put an arm around s/o waist, while staring down his rival with a comfident smirk.
Everyone knows who he is. He is the son of Death himself, and he really could mess this guy up if he wanted to. There is a good chance that the guy will just back off because Kid is a well known and strong fighter. Once the idiot is gone, the smile on Kid's face will be replaced with a stern and cold expression.
"Ah, I really should be more careful with you. Who knows who might try to steal you next..."
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♡ Black☆Star ♡
This... This is outrageous! This is unforgivable! The mighty Black Star will not let this just casually slide by!! Out of the entire trio, Black Star is the one who will definitely cause a huuuuge scene. The second he sees someone else hitting on his s/o, he will get up in his face and he is ready to fight!!!
"So, you think you are better then me, huh?! Let's see how good you are with your fists you damn coward!!!"
"No one can go anywhere near my Godess!"
"She is MINE!!"
If someone does not stop him, this boy will go all out. Who knows, if the poor fool is lucky the only thing Black Star will break is an arm... But, it is safe to say that after this incident, no one dares to come anywhere near his s/o.
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♡ Soul "Eater" Evans ♡
Soul can see that some random guy is checking you out, so him being, well, him, he decides to first ignore him. Why should he waste his time on a dude like that? He continues on with his day, with s/o by his side. Everything is perfect, right?
Yeah, that sadly is not the case. Soul was gone for five minutes, five fricking minutes! And when he returns, he sees this asshole trying to flirt with his s/o! His first reaction is:
"Ha, jelaousy is so not cool..."
Soul is so angry, so furious at this dude. He will try to hide his jelaousy, but it's painfuly obvious. He will do anything to just make the guy shut up. He isn't above threatening him either. He just wants this asshole to back off. He will pull his s/o in for a kiss, and if the dude does not get the memo he will just completely lose his cool. Suddenly, the guy will have a scythe pressed against his neck as Soul looks him dead in the eyes.
"If I were you, I would never do that again. Capisce?"
A/N Is this any good? Are they ooc, lol??
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anxiousnerdwritings ¡ 2 years ago
Request; Good! Are the orders open? If they are open I would like a Headcanon de Yandere Sirius Black. In an alternate universe where he is not imprisoned in Azkaban. He stays with Reader to raise Harry as his son together. What would his Yandere behavior be like in his youth and later in his adulthood.
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Sirius always had his eye on you, ever since starting Hogwarts. And to think he gave James hell for his liking for Evans when Sirius himself was no better.
He was whipped before he even had the chance to introduce himself. But he wouldn’t have it any other way, you were the only one for him. The two of you were made for each other after all. That much was clear as day.
Sirius was like a lost puppy when it came to you. He followed at your heels, not wanting to be too far from you. Honestly, he couldn’t keep himself away even if he tried. He liked being near you. The closeness was everything to him. He never wanted to go without it, without you.
His biggest feat was trying to convince you to give him a chance, to believe that what he felt for you was truly real and genuine cause it was. In the very beginning he had thought about getting with someone else in the hopes of making his darling jealous but he couldn’t bring himself to. He knew he had a reputation but ever since he laid eyes on you he only thought about you, he only dreamed about being with you. He only wanted tou, no one else could possibly compare. Sirius felt guilty enough from just thinking about being with someone other than you, even if it was to get your attention. It didn’t sit right with him being with anyone anymore if they weren’t you.
Attention was very much something Sirius couldn’t live without and that meant he strived for his darling’s attention in particular. Positive or negative it didn’t matter to him he thrived off of it all. So long as your eyes were on him he was happy. Merlin, how he loved your eyes. The color, the way they glistened in the sun, all the emotion swimming in them; Sirius absolutely adored looking into them. Whenever he interacted with you or rather whenever he was persistently annoying you, Sirius always looked you in the eye, staring far too long for comfort but he didn’t care how uneasy it made you or anyone else. He just couldn’t help himself. Hell, he’d bother his darling for a staring contest just to be able to look as long as possible into the windows to their soul.
Determined was an understatement, Sirius was completely dedicated to earning your heart and affections. He wasn’t one to give up easily and when it came to you giving up wasn’t an option. He would put in as much effort as he could muster to become part of your life, to be your future. He’d even go as far as to change himself to whatever you preferred if it meant finally getting you. And Sirius would devote himself to whatever facade he had to play just to have a conversation with you. But if things aren’t moving nearly as far along as he wants then Sirius would get to a point where he needed a quicker fix. There are certain spells and potions that make these types of things a lot easier after all.
Eventually, Sirius finally gets you where he wants you, with him. It took a lot of work and some coercing here and there but he finally did it. He had you and he couldn’t have been happier. Now that he had his darling, Sirius would only become increasingly more intense regarding his behavior and overall antics. Especially while still attending Hogwarts.
Once in a relationship with his darling, Sirius would be very similar to a rabid dog. He had already been pretty passionate when concerning his darling but now that he had them he was on a whole other level. Anyone who so much as looked at his darling cross eyed was in for one hell of a rude awakening. Whether it came in the form of Sirius beating the shit out of them the muggle way, the poor soul becoming the Marauders new target for their antics, or them just so happening to be viciously attacked but a crazed black dog who seemingly came out of nowhere.
He wasn’t very forgiving of those who interfered when it came to you. It didn’t matter whether they had the ill intentions that Sirius swears they did or not, he wasn’t letting anyone try and steal you away from him. Hell, even his own friends were on thin ice but he could usually play it off with them as sarcasm and harmless fun, although they could read between the lines. When Sirius did get like this it was really up to only his darling to calm him down and reign him in. If it were them telling to stop then he would without a second thought but anyone else wouldn’t have that kind of power over him. Not even Mcgonagall or Dumbledore.
After Hogwarts, Sirius would want to immediately begin the rest of his life with his darling. He had already been planning the wedding before graduation but now he just couldn’t help himself. He didn’t want to wait any longer then necessary. He was being impatient, he knew that, but he wanted to be bound to the love of his life right away. So much so that Sirius wasn’t bothered too much about the idea of not having a ceremony. At least not having one yet. As long as it was you and him, he was more than content.
Given how caught up in his own wants Sirius was, he hadn’t really taken in or even asked what his darling wanted to do. Whether you wanted to wait on marriage or even take a break from the relationship in general. Sirius wasn’t really giving you a choice cause he already decided for you before the idea was even openly brought up. No matter how much his darling tried to get a word in and put their foot down for their own wants and needs, he didn’t listen. Whether that was because he was actually too caught up in his own mind or because he chose to just ignore you who knew.
If his darling was insistent on stalling and taking their time both with the relationship and their plans for the future, Sirius would feel inclined to get what he wants another way. Now that may mean that he forges his darling’s name on a marriage certificate without their knowledge or he may just go ahead and use the imperious curse on them. Not like he hasn’t had to use it on them before.
Once he and his darling are married, Sirius would be even more on cloud nine then he ever had been before. You’re all his, now and forever. You have his last name now and he couldn’t love it anymore than he already does. ‘Y/n Black’, it couldn’t suit you better. And to think he had been so hung up on whether you should take his name or he should take yours. In the end he made the right decision.
When it comes to the Wizarding War and the Order of the Phoenix, Sirius wants his darling to have no part in either whatsoever. He would not risk your life for anything. He doesn’t care how much you want to help, how powerful you are, or how useful you could be; it’s not happening. Sirius won’t allow it. He’s not going to lose one of the only good things in his life. Never. If he has to he’ll take any precautions necessary to keep you from trying.
Even if he has to incapacitate you to ensure you don’t leave the safety of wherever he’s keeping you. No matter how much you fight, yell, scream and curse at him, Sirius isn’t going to change his mind. Even if his darling hates him, he knows it’s for the best that he keeps them safe first. You are his top priority after all. Besides, when he comes back to you he can always use a memory charm if need be.
When Sirius hears word of James and Lily’s fate, he’s a mess. He breaks down and crumbles into pieces with his darling being the only one who can keep him from falling apart completely. He’s utterly devastated and he knows it’s his fault for his friends’ deaths. He can’t help but blame himself but he’s also plagued with the thought of that having been you. You could have been dead. He could have lost you at any point even though he took all the measures to keep that from happening. It takes everything in him and you clutching onto him for Sirius not to go after Peter. As much as he wants to he’s reminded that he has you to think about first and you further remind him that Harry needs him as well now. Harry needs the both of you. And that’s more than enough to make him stay.
The fight you two had to put up to keep Harry from going to his Aunt and Uncle was a feat in itself. Dumbledore seemed so adamant about him growing up with the muggles but Sirius especially didn’t want that to happen. Not when he was Harry’s godfather and right there to happily accept him. Besides, it wasn’t what James or Lily would have wanted for him, not when Sirius and his darling were more than willing to take him in and raise him as their own. Sirius had been so passionate and emotional in his argument to have Harry come home with the two of you that Dumbledore couldn’t help but to allow it.
Watching his darling interact with baby Harry was something Sirius adored more than anything. This was his little family. And he’d do anything for them. It had always been in Sirius’ plans that the two of you would have a family of your own. Although he had originally wanted to start making that family immediately after leaving Hogwarts but more important things overshadowed that desperate want. Now that he had a snippet of what it would be like, Sirius could feel that want coming back with a feverish vengeance. He would wait a while though and give Harry the time and attention he needed and deserved right now. But that didn’t mean you and he couldn’t start trying.
Overall, Sirius would become much more intense throughout the years regarding his darling in general. His overprotective and possessiveness had always been there even in his younger days but once he had you all to himself did things hit a whole other level. He’s so completely and utterly filled with love and devotion for his darling and he doesn’t care whether the severity of it is labeled healthy or not. He’s got you and now he’s got his very own little family, Sirius couldn’t be happier. But Merlin help whoever tries to intervene in his happy little world, he won’t hesitate to use the killing curse on whoever tries to mess with his family.
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codergirlsblog ¡ 2 years ago
Fnaf revival au (part 12): so you guys know the springtrap and deliah comic dub and the dark ending to that where springtrap tries to kill deliah just so she could stay with him and love him forever, and where springtrap is just in full yandere mode and there’s no turning back. Take that and replace it with Michael trying to kill Evan and Elizabeth just so they can merge with his soul so they’ll never leave him(remember how I said that Michael is kind of a yandere in this au, well scratch that for this part because he’s now a full on yandere).
Ok, so in this event everything is the same as the dark ending for springtrap and deliah. Eli and Evan did try to find a hiding place in the attic because they were so scared. Evan was just getting so much ptsd from his birthday party(the day of the ‘bite’) and he was scared Michael was gonna do it again but on purpose. Elizabeth was looking for a weapon to defend herself and her brother, then she saw a window and had a perfect idea. Michael was just sing in the most deepest, most psychotic tone ever. He was going to the attic next but once he got up there, he saw that the attic window was open. Then the realization hit him: he thought his siblings were gone and were never coming back. And finally he gain consciousness and snapped back to reality and then fell to his knees and started crying and apologizing so much and then fell asleep in the attic. If your wondering what happened to Eli and Evan, they came back but closed the door to the attic very quietly and since Evan was to scared to go back to his room, Elizabeth let him sleep in her room. She has a bunch of locks on her door(please don’t ask why) and made sure to lock EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. She even quadruple checked.
When Evan and Eli got older and told Abby the Evans friends this, they were even more mad at Michael and now officially hate his guts.
After that incident, Michael did his very best for Evan to have the best Birthday party in the world(to repent for what he did in the past). Michael is also a little overbearing and doesn’t like Evan hang around with Abby and the other kids, it makes him think that Evan can do way better(he hides this feeling very well).
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navegandoaciegas ¡ 4 years ago
Maneater Writing Challenge
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(gif not mine, found of Pinterest)
Hello everyone! I hope you’re doing great!!
In honor of the upcoming Hot Girls Summer, and of me hitting 2.6k followers here on Tumblr, I wanted to host a smut writing challenge with the topic of “Maneaters”, aka fem doms.
FemDom is a large term that includes many different kind of dominant women. It originates in the BDSM community and it indicates activities and relationships where the female partner is in charge. There’s different type of femdoms, for example the gentle kind that combines sexual dominance with nurturing elements (example: mommy kink), or the more widely known dominatrix kind that enjoys dominating in a cruel, strict way.
Fem!Dom readers x Sub!Male character is a pretty rare trope in the Marvel fandom, but I hope that by hosting this challenge I will inspire more people to write this type of content.
Let’s go over the boring rules before we can get to the fun stuff:
You can write for any characters played by Sebastian Stan (ex. Bucky Barnes, Lee Bodecker...) or Chris Evans (Steve Rogers, Andy Barber). Any other Marvel character, like Sam Wilson, is also fine.
The story must be a reader insert (character x reader). So no OC’s and no character x character. Poly and multiple characters x reader is fine to me.
The closing date is September 9th, my birthday! No pressure if you can’t get it done by then.
You must be 18+ to participate.
No word limit, but please use ‘read more’ if your story is longer than 250 characters.
Due to the nature of the challenge, all stories must include smut. You can make it nsfw of any kind, as any genre is welcome: fluff, angst, dark (dub-con, non-con), hurt/comfort.
Any AU, trope and kink is welcome except: scat, snuff, gore, underage, bestiality.
Send me an ask or a dm with the prompts you’ve chosen. Choose at least one. You can pick as many as you want from all categories. No limits of # people per prompt.
I’m going to reblog and comment each story I get, and I will eventually create a masterlist with all the submissions I get.
If you have any doubts, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
I picked over 50 prompts in total, so I hope you’ll find at least one that will inspire your creativity.
The prompts are listed below the cut.
Lyrics (You can use the whole song or the lyrics I selected as inspo):
Maneater by Nelly Furtado: I wanna see you all on your knees, knees, you either wanna be with me or be me. Maneater, make you work hard, make you spend hard, make you want all of her love.
Bubblegum Bitch by Marina and the Diamonds: Candy bear, sweetie pie, wanna be adored, I'm the girl you'd die for. I'll chew you up and I'll spit you out, 'cause that's what young love is all about. So pull me closer and kiss me hard, I'm gonna pop your bubblegum heart.
How to be a Heartbreaker by Marina and the Diamonds: Rule number one, is that you gotta have fun, but baby when you're done, you gotta be the first to run. Rule number two, just don't get attached to somebody you could lose.
CryBaby by Megan Thee Stallion: Uh, his friends and his dad hate me (yeah), I broke his lil' heart, he a crybaby
Heart of Glass by Blondie: Once I had a love and it was divine, soon found out I was losing my mind. It seemed like the real thing but I was so blind. Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind.
Daisy by Ashnikko: Make your man call me daddy, he talk too much, he's too chatty.
Get on your knees by Nicki Minaj: You gotta beg for it, beg for it, I wanna see you lookin' up. Baby I'ma need you to beg, beg beg for it. Get on your knees, get on your knees, get on your knees.
Poker Face by Lady Gaga: Russian roulette is not the same without a gun. And baby, when it's love, if it's not rough, it isn't fun.
Mommy kink
Gagged and Bound
Anal Plugs
Chastity belts
Body Worship
Loss of Virginity (Virgin Character)
Innocence Kink
Corruption Kink
Men wearing panties and stockings
Revenge/Makeup sex
House Husband kink
Mistress kink
Lactation/Breastfeeding kink
Breeding kink
“How quick can you make me cum?”
“I’m not touching you unless you beg me to.”
“Bad boys don’t get to cum.”
“Take it.”
“Please, mommy.”
“You look so pretty on your knees.”
“I like men better when they shut the fuck up.”
“Did that hurt? (...) Good, because it was meant to.”
“Keep making those noises for me, baby.”
“You’re not coming unless I say so.”
“You’re in so much trouble, baby boy.”
“Should've thought about it before you decided to piss me off.”
“Jealousy looks great on you.”
“I’ll be so good to you.”
“I’m yours, all yours.”
“Please, gimme more.”
“So fucking tight.”
“You’re such a pathetic little slut.”
“Look at you, drooling all over yourself.”
Situations (You don’t have to use these, but I thought I could give you some extra inspiration):
Jealous reader shows character who he belongs to;
Reader pegs the ‘_’ (insert whatever annoying behavior you want) out of the character;
Reader cucks disobedient character;
Character surprises the reader with a maid costume;
Reader makes character wear a sex toy (anal plug, vibrating panties, chastity belt) in a public setting;
Seemingly innocent and sweet reader surprises character with a kinky side;
Seemingly kinky and experienced character reveals a soft, innocent interior;
Reader gets revenge on her cheating partner;
Reader verbally humiliates the character;
Character accidentally call the reader “mommy” in the middle of sex;
Yandere!Reader is obsessed with character;
Yandere!Reader thinks that the character is cheating on her with another woman.
Tagging some writers who may be interested. Please don’t feel pressured to join.
@buckycuddlebuddy @msmarvelwrites @sweeterthanthis @whateveriwant @imanuglywombat @nsfwsebbie @jtargaryen18 @jobean12-blog @world-of-aus @river-soul @buckyownsmylife @burnthematches @sherrybaby14 @sinner-as-saint @kleohoneyao3 @literate-lamb @candy-and-writing @cap-n-stuff @docharleythegeekqueen @darkficsyouneveraskedfor @honeyloverogers @honeygingergemini @fafulous @foxgloveprincess @giorno-plays-piano @gotnofucks @gogolucky13 @cherienymphe @mcudarklibrary @emilykjh @overr-written @teamcap4bucky @threeminutesoflife @iraot @sebbysbaby @propertyofpoeandbucky @hailmary-yramliah @cryptidcasanova @asadmarveltrashbag @angrythingstarlight
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luna-jaden-shadow ¡ 4 years ago
Requests and asks are open for any of these fandoms.
This is the general list of what I do and don't write
[feel free to suggest one that's not on the list and I'll let you know if I can]
Prompts lists :
Chrismas/Festive Prompts
[More will be added]
Key :
[S] Smut
[HC] Headcanons
[AL] Alphabet
[Type of reader] I'll do this if the reader is not a gender-neutral/"normal" civilian reader
Marvel Masterlist
Markiplier & Ego Masterlist
My Hero Academia Masterlist
The Walking Dead
Negan Smith Ambushed Defensive [S] [Fem!Reader] Moving On Pleading Innocent Under My Protection [Teen!Fem!Reader] Dandelion Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Freezing Storm
Daryl Dixon Hunter Down Panicked Love Reality Saved You First [Teen!Fem!Reader] Fitting In [Teen!Fem!Reader] My Way Or The Highway
Rick Grimes Unbelievable Yandere!Rick Grimes would include Hopelessly In Love
Glenn Rhee Jumped [Teen!Fem!Reader]
Aaron Trust Issues Friend On The Other Side
Dean Winchester Fall For You [Angel!Reader] Creep
Sam Winchester Paper Crown [Male!Reader]
Castiel Sleeping Grace
Gabriel I've Got You
DC Comics
Joker My Drug [Crazy!Reader]
Red Hood I Don't Know You Serious
Harley Quinn Harley Quinn being jealous would include
Jerome Valeska Jerome Valeska being jealous would include
Harvey Bullock Harvey Bullock being jealous would include Flirty Mood
Barbara Kean My Queen [Fem!Reader] One In A Million Always
Jonathan Crane Not Next [OC - Nova] Breath In, Breath Out [Villain!Reader]
Jim Gordon Run Away [Teen!Reader]
Edward Nygma Unhealthy Obsession
Oswald Cobblepot I Think I Broke Something
Criminal Minds
JJ Meant To Be
Spencer Reid My Life For Yours
Resident Evil
Karl Heisenberg Karl With Lycan!S/O Electric Love [Fem!Reader]
Attack On Titan
Mikasa Ackerman Sleepy Cuddles
Lucifer Sinnerman
Law And Order SVU
Amanda Rollins Gamble Your Heart Away
Dominick Carisi Buried In Work
The 100
Clarke Griffin I Promise You
Lexa Fight For You
John Murphy Bi Pride
Greys Anatomy
Meredith Grey Fluff Alphabet
Mark Sloan Date Me
Lexie Grey Friends With Benefits [Shepherd!Reader] School Girl Crush [Fem!Shepherd!Reader]
Derek Shepherd His Eyes A Little Bit Of Luck [Sloan!Reader]
Izzie Stevens Scream To The Heavens [Sloan!Reader] Love Bug
Arizona Robbins Love To [Field!Reader]
Lucy Fields Stand By You
Alex Karev They Look So Pretty When They Bleed
Jackson Avery Being With Jackson Avery Would Include...
Soul Eater
Soul Evans Drunk Words Sober Intent
Seven Deadly Sins
Ban For The Greater Good
Dead To Me
Judy Hale Cuddling With Judy
Team Osiris Cuddling With The Team
Olympia Vale Vale Making You Feel Better Perfect Week
Cortana Lazy Day [Human!Cortana]
Orange Is The New Black
Lorna Morello Love Doctors
Maritza Ramos Apple Pie Life Found Me
American Horror Story
James March Go Bite In The Night [S] [Vamp!Reader]
Mary Eunice Saying I Love You First
Nora Montgomery Jealousy Got The Best Of Me
Kit Walker So Strong
Misty Day My Light House
Jeffery Dean Morgan Missing You [S] Who Do You Belong To? [S]
Lauren Cohan Set Sex [S]
Jensen Ackles Could Just Eat You Up [S] [Male!Reader]
Until Dawn
Chris Heartley Session 3
Samantha Giddings Santa's List
Red Dead Redemption
Dutch Van Der Linde Don't Underestimate A Man In Love
Jade West Movie Night Run Along Confidence Good Looking Mess Do I Make You Nervous?
Elsa Under The Mistletoe Secret Santa
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